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queensy-asmodeus123x · 14 days ago
Finally after god knows how long, I FINALLY finished the design for DC-
Im still working on the plot and story of the au in case ur wondering 😔
BUTTT- here’s the design
Im not too proud of his design tho- 😭 (btw no he ain’t getting a face reveal yet 😇)
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queensy-asmodeus123x · 1 month ago
I’m making a crk au rn, specifically a dark cacao cookie au- I’m working on his design and I’m trying to fix up some part of his design that I don’t like, which is kinda why I haven’t posted in a few months, and plus, I’m still working on the au, and so far im liking his design (for now, might change later in the future) and spoiler alert, he’s supposed to look like mystic flour cookies son, except he ain’t, just imagine he’s almost an exact copy of her except he looks a bit different with a different personality and a different mindset, I’m still trying to make his design look as close to her as possible, while at the same time, trying not to COMPLETELY copy her-
Here’s a little small pic of his design- (or just a scratch of it-)
So far I’m trying not to show too much so this is the best ur gonna get-
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queensy-asmodeus123x · 2 months ago
Part 2 of the previous post!
Bruce went to school, it was awkward at first because of Damian, but eventually it wasn’t so bad, and they actually hang out pretty often, and then eventually Bruce met Damian’s friend Danielle (Danielle is pronounced Daniel btw, and he’s an OC not a canon character, he has ginger hair some freckles and has buck teeth, and also has large round glasses, he is also the same age as dami, and he will be Damian’s love interest-) and they get along well, one day during school, he meets a flying creature that calls itself “chiffon” and she starts telling him about how the world is in danger by a group called “labyrinth” and turns his phone into a transformation device (if you haven’t guessed, I made a Bruce Wayne x precure type of thing, Bruce is a kid that becomes a magical boy, and there are several other Au’s with him as a magical boy but he’s a pre-teen a teen and a kid in all of them, and pls note there is no romance between the girls and Bruce as they see each other as siblings, and for the sake of plot and friendship, the precure shows will take place in the same year, which is 2025) confused as heck, he asked what the labyrinth is, and she explained it was a group of powerful people who wants to take over the world, Bruce decides to trust her, Bruce transforms into a green magical boy, and fights off a bunch of monsters called Nakewameke’s and learned he had becomes something called a Precure, he is confused but since she’s helping him out, he decides to learn more about her, she tells Bruce he was chosen as a Precure to protect the people of earth and became cure kiwi and represents entertainment through the symbol of the question mark, the learns there’s a few other Precure’s and becomes curious and was teleported to there location, he meets cure peach and cure berry and cure pine, they were all pretty surpised to see a boy Cure, chiffon mentions that she’s using her magic to translate what each other are saying, to Bruce they are all speaking English but to the girls they are speaking Japanese, they become friends and starts to learn more about each other, they were surpised to find out he’s from America, and they start asking him questions about what it’s like they’re, he gets kinda overwhelmed and says it’s almost the same as living in Japan but America is way easier to live in if you know the rules and laws, they stopped asking questions and starts to learn more about each other, they were pretty surpised to find out he’s rich as heck, and in the end it was time to leave, they were disappointed by the fact they most likely won’t hang out often bc of how far away he lives, but he assures them he has tons of time to spend with them since he doesn’t have much to do in America except school and spend time at home, but he has tons of free time anyways so it probably won’t get in the way, plus his school has a 4 hour break at school (schools don’t have that much break time, I made the break time like that for the sake of the friendship and the plot) and a crap tons of privacy and his family mostly leaves him alone for an entire day if he ask them too, and won’t bother him unless he tells them he wants to spend time with them again, they trust he knows what he’s doing and also trust he can be safe independent mature and trusted alone, so their moods are lifted, he left and went back to America via teleportation, and doesn’t tells anyone a thing about what happened-
Welp, that’s part 2 of the post, there will most likely to be a part 3 but I’m not so sure, but since I don’t wanna disappoint people with unwanted cliffhangers, I will be adding a pole to see if you want a part 3!
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queensy-asmodeus123x · 2 months ago
HEYAA! I decided to post some Batman/bruce Wayne AU!
I called this Bruce Wayne: Game on!
(Ps: I made this thing called an Erregela, they are inspired by herrscher’s from Ggz and the honkai impact manga!)
In this au, Bruce is 14 years old, and is pretending to be an adult, he used magic to make himself look older, while giving false memories to people that knows him to prevent them from realizing he’s a child, while also preventing them from getting suspicious, he still gets the robins, and also still have Damien, and is a glitch (like Vanellope from wreck it Ralph except he glitches when he’s having manic and psychotic episodes, having an anxiety or panic attack, emotional and mental breakdown) and as a glitch he can basically bend the laws of reality, he can also copy other people’s power (i’d like to think that as a glitch you have free will and can do whatever you want, and you can bend all laws and you can’t even go through with logic, including your own logic) and do other cool stuff, the Batfam does find out that Bruce is a kid, and they were hurt and mad that he didn’t tell them about the whole “I’m a kid pretending to be an adult” thing, Bruce started glitching out like crazy, but eventually they all calmed down enough for Bruce to explain the reason why he glitches and they all were pretty shocked, after a while a long moment of Bruce revealing some of his secrets to his used to be-kids, they did made up and eventually things were okay again, Bruce went to his room, and after a while Damien enters without knocking, and they have a father-son moment, and eventually Bruce took a nap, the next morning they discussed some things from the previous day, and eventually they send him to school because of the fact he basically skipped school and wasted his child hood on something that shouldn’t even concern him, Bruce also needed a new name and eventually went with the name Ai since it was his great great grandmas name, and the meaning fit Bruce’s a bunch, so they settled with the story that Ai/Bruce is Damien’s older brother, and Ai/Bruce mom lived in Japan, and they were always on the verge of getting kidnapped or killed, plus business been slow, so they went to Gotham to settle down and relax for a bit, and Ai/Bruce finally get to spend time with his brother-
Sorry this was completely rushed, it’s night time for me and I need to get some sleep, I’ll probably make the next part of this after I get sleep, but I don’t think it’ll be likely that I actually go through with this considering I’m not keeping a promise, but maybe I can try.
Also for the ninjago fans out there, I do NOT ship Morro x Kai, I found it weird after a while considering Lloyd is like a brother to Kai, and Morro is technically Lloyds cousin because Wu was the closest thing he had to a father, and Kai and morro would’ve also technically been cousins, so yea- I don’t ship them anymore.
Bye and see ya later!
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queensy-asmodeus123x · 3 months ago
Hello guys, I know I haven’t posted in a long while, and I’m sorry for that, I couldn’t find the motivation to post, and I didn’t have any good starscream au’s or Batman au’s or morro au to rant about, most of them needed to be modified bc it was too childish in my opinion, so I made them more serious, and fit for any audiences, I needed to work a lot on my transformers au considering lots of them were more onto the “mostly just for kids” side, I needed to work on them, and make them more mature for other audiences that aren’t kids, I know you aren’t here for an apology paragraph, and you are here for more starscream and Batman and morro content, but I just wanna let u know I’m sorry for not posting often, I made a tf war for cybertronion trilogy fan trilogy, and it takes place after the ending of tf trilogy ending, sorry if I worded my apology out badly, but this is the best apology paragraph I could think of :(
Tw: mentions of attempted su!c!de and de@th threats, I will add a red mushroom emoji to warn audiences about it, and add a brown mushroom to indicate that those parts are over
Transformers: war for cybertron trilogy - rescue
After the events of kingdom, the con’s and bot’s were finally at peace, some ex cons and ex bots still hated each other, but they still get along kinda well, but starscream still hear unicrons voices in his head constantly, he could hear his angry rants and constant yelling, he tried to ignore it, but he couldn’t considering it was just too loud.
unicron kept yelling and screaming at him to off himself and that he deserves and no one will miss him, but he tried to think over wise, starscream not being able to stand it anymore, actually listens but he had fallen into his trap, starscream off himself a with a blade, he sliced his throat off clean, ending his miserable existence, but unicron started to possess him, taking over his body, modifying it to something more fitting to his liking, making the body purple and black, and making more sharp features, and demon horns, and making himself more taller after a while the body became more demonic, now all he needed was a new name, a name more fitting to his appearance, but he’ll come up with one later, besides, he has all the time in the world to think of one.
Unicron in starscream’s body kept wrecking havoc, the autobot’s needed to make a comeback, and the con’s also bad to make a comeback, they didn’t know unicron was inside SS (short for starscream) they didn’t realize until it was too late, unicron’s new body became stronger, eventually overpowering Optimus prime Megatron and Primal, they did figures out that unicron took over SS until 2 days after they fought him, and they decided to help him, together ex-con’s and ex-bots united and eventually saved Starscream
This is basically it, I’m sorry that was short and again, I’m sorry for not posting for a long time, I have a lot of Batman Au to share tho, I hope they make up for the long wait :(
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queensy-asmodeus123x · 7 months ago
In this au he saw he parents die at 5 years old (and this even takes place 2004) and from then on he start training and fighting so no one could go through the same thing as him- he grew a lot and now looks like an average college student but he is literally just a child (just imagine Ben from Ben 10 ultimate alien force except black hair and blue eyes and a bit taller and more mature) and after a few years he joined the justice league at 9 (in the year 2008) and no one knows his real age except Alfred, he rarely show his childish side and he uses the same batsuit the kid uses in Batman: beyond bc he thought the old one was kinda lame, but he also made it a cape but it’s a bit smaller then his old one but he doesn’t care-
Unfortunately this is all I have- I’m sorry it couldn’t be long but I barely have any ideas for now- but I’m sure it’ll but longer- toodles
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queensy-asmodeus123x · 8 months ago
Also this is basically fun facts about morro in my au-
Morro was born in another realm but died there so his soul flew into the ninjago realm (sorry if I got that wrong I haven’t been watching ninjago for a long time and also don’t have Netflix and idk any good websites so I’ll have to call it ninjago realm for now until someone corrects me) and then he found his soul found a baby crying in an alleyway with the mother nearby who seems to have passed out and he noticed that the baby’s life force (I’m gonna have to pray you know what that) is slowly dimming so the soul possessed the baby, but the problem is he doesn’t remember his past life and now he just think he’s some random kid who can control wind-
He is deathly allergic to peanut-
He was 13 when he died but not in the canon way-
Wu looked a lot more younger (I hc that he used a spell to make himself look more like a teen bc he misses the old time where he and garmy would get along when they were younger so wu looks like his spinjitzu brother self now except taller but he’s still the same) and had told him about ninjas and he didn’t tell morro about the green ninja thing-
Morro was playing nearby a cave but he didn’t know it was where the realm crystal was- (nor will he ever know that it’s a thing-) a dude came by and told him he lost his belongings deep inside the cave while searching for his daughter who ran in there and requested morro to find it- and morro decided to accept the request and find in and yea- he died and the preeminent trapped morro inside the cursed realm thinking he went in there for the realm crystal-
In case you haven’t read my last post- morro has a ginger cat named windy who died
He has a strong sweet tooth- like you can cat a slice of cake and he’ll snatch it from you and run away (kinda like how tikki from miraculous ladybug literally almost destroyed the world with- um… idk what it’s called 😭) yes he’s that obsessed with it-
His fav food is chocolate chip cookies
This ain’t about morro that much but his dad is the most kindest and shyest thing known to man and he was a samurai who merged with the wind and is assumed dead-
Morro’s fav color is purple-
He’s kinda similar to Zane in a way- like he sees in a Zane’s pov- except it’s kinda green and the arrow thing legit looks like nahida’s skill thing-
He uses a chakram (that looks similar to ai chan from hi3)
He dances in the night when he knows everyone is asleep
He is super agile and flexible- he got that from his mom- and he is strong and has shit tons of stamina- he got that from his father and btw I forgot to mention that he got it from his past life mom and dad not the current one-
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queensy-asmodeus123x · 8 months ago
(Warning: this contains death, murder, and suicide please be cautious)
Pls note that I decided this will take place in the early 1980s which is before the events of the actual tfp show! Which is in the early 1999s
So 3 of stars clones manage to live and survive, the original star (I’ll call him star) collects them and takes them with him, but one of them (I’ll call them starry aka the 3rd starscream clone) didn’t really wanna live so they decided to end their own life by flying and crashing onto the ground, the other clone (I’ll call her starsie aka the 2nd clone) got murdered by a bunch of Eradicons, and the other clone (I’ll called it stars aka the 1st starscream clone) was chased by a bunch of M.E.C.H helicopters but ended crashing into a mountain and ended up severely damaged, the original starscream decided to just end himself and crashes himself onto the ground.
Star wakes up with a headache and groans as he gets up and immediately notices something wrong, first of all, he felt human skin, second of all his surroundings were unfortunately was glowing super brightly, third of all, he saw 3 mini humans in odd shapes staring at him, he screamed and immediately got to his peds (feets) and asked who they were, which they all replied that they are him, so he got confused and told them to tell the truth but they insisted they weren’t lying and they told him to turn around which he did and saw a mirror, they told him to look closely at it, and he saw a human female with orange eyes and green hair looking back at him shocked, he screamed and fell on his butt and looked at him hands to see human skin, he demanded an explanation and they told him that he along with all of them got sucked into a 2d fighting game called “project: fighters” and star is the games mascot called and is supposed to help and guide players, which confused him a lot but he ends up having no choice but to believe them since there isn’t a way out (or is there?)
A few years later in the early 1988s, the game was still being developed, he wanted to leave but knew there isn’t a way out, and the only comfort he has was the 3 smaller versions of him, they were very nice and he honestly saw them as his cousins (he heard it in somewhere) and he wouldn’t trade them all for the world.
A few weeks after that day, he was in one of the open world maps and saw a star, which hadn’t been there before so he assumed it was some sort of bug or a mistake so he tries to fix it, but when he touched it he got sucked into the star and then landed in some alleyway, he panicked but calmed down immediately, and decided to leave and then a girl bumped into him, she apologized politely for that but when she took a glance at him she begged him to work at her gaming cafe because she’s suffering from financial issues and needs an employee, so he agrees to work for her because he felt bad but later on he enjoyed working at her since the customers were super cool, but when night came, he saw the exact same star in a poster so he touched it and went back to the same map he’d been inside of, so then he realized the star is some sort of teleportation mechanic to the real world so he calls the game world “project world” and the real world “reality world” and got used to being able to teleport between the 2 worlds
Alright that’s it for today- my arm needs a break anyways here’s some virtual hugs!
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queensy-asmodeus123x · 9 months ago
(Obv focusing on morro)
So yea- this event takes 5 months after morro gets adopted by wu- during the night he snuck out and decided to go train somewhere in the forest and when he arrived he saw a cat so he fed it some food he stole from the cabinets and then they bonded and the cat becomes awfully clingy towards morro and he adopts it but he hides the fact from wu
As you know good things don’t last forever when he was playing with the cat a group of drunk adult men came and forced morro to watch them kill the cat and when they finally leave morro cries wishing he could’ve done something by now and he trains a lot more and eat less bc he mourns the death of his cat
(Btw the name of the cat is windy!)
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queensy-asmodeus123x · 10 months ago
Heya so I made this crk au called “seas and skies” it’s about abalone and custard cookie (clotted cream cookies father) I just did some uno reversing and now abalone is a good guy and so is custard cookie- and the gem mermaids are mentioned but they won’t show up in this au-
Today I’m talking about abalone cookies perspective!
(He is 5)
A long long time ago, there lived a young little cookie named abalone cookie, he lived in poverty and his parents were dead so he only had his older sister to take care of him, they survived the harsh and miserable life, begging on the streets and finding food and shelter for the night, until one day he went to find food on his own, only to return to his sister hanging herself on the ceiling, abalone was devastated and decided to work harder and make his family proud, although one raining night, he was at the beach and found a sea shell, so he it picked up and suddenly the sea shell started to glow, and suddenly beams of white light started attaching itself onto abalone which terrified him, so he dropped the shell but it still started to attach itself on him, and then he was finally covered in light, once the light stopped shining he was relieved to see nothing happened to him, until he looked at his hands that is, his dough was covered in white and had blue scales on it, he realized he turned into some sort of sea creature, and was petrified, knowing the townspeople would likely hunt him down, or sell him in the black market, he decides to hide in the ocean, where no cookie can find him.
(Welp he is now 15)
It’s been 10 years after the incident, he learned he was a shell siren, (shell sirens are similar to gem mermaids except the shell sirens are NOT friendly towards normal cookies, and also they are made of shells not gems, they can also remove their fish tail and have normal cookie legs and can also get their fish tail back) he knows shell sirens are normally violent but he was different, he was kind, caring, and would never hit a cookie or an animal unless for self defense, he made an entire kingdom of his own and so far he was the only one that actually lives there, he also changed his name to white shell siren cookie.
One day he went and traveled a few miles away from his kingdom but then got trapped in a net, by pirates he was scared and begged to be released but the greedy pirates would not budge and placed him in a big fish tank, ashite shell siren cookie cried endlessly until he was told to shut up, he obeyed not wanting to be sold off early, and then a small little cookie came to him, the little cookie told white shell siren his name was crème fraîche cookie, and he felt bad for having his mom trap him in a fish tank to be sold off so the little cookie freed him by tricking the other pirates into saying the shell siren escaped into the ocean, which gave crème fraîche cookie the opportunity to drag the fish tank (the fish tank had tiny wheels) and pushed it into the ocean, white siren cookie felt thankful and promised to return the favor, but crème fraîche cookie said that white siren cookie didn’t need to return any favors, and they bid farewell to each other.
(He is 16 now lol)
1 year later, white shell siren cookie saw an attractive cookie sitting on a cloud, and wanted to talk to him, but he couldn’t so he stayed down in the ocean, but then when he went back up to see the attractive cookie, he saw that attractive cookie wave at him, so he waved back, and so for months they’ve always interacted with each other by waving and smiling at each other, until one day white shell siren cookie decided to talk to that cookie face to face, so he flew up to the sky with the support of the ocean spiraling around him, but then he started to freeze, white shell siren cookie went faster and faster, but he was now fully frozen.
Gonna talk about the attractive cookies perspective soon!
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queensy-asmodeus123x · 10 months ago
Hey so I made a Ben 10 au back in 2021 but I decided to make it adoptable bc I didn’t really pay much attention to it-
So after the last episode of season 6, Ben decided to pay a visit to gwen but then ends up having a problem, he tells Gwen he will be visiting Gwen at her college but she said she didn’t want him to visit since she was occupied with tons of stuff already and don’t have time to hang out with him and also have friends to visit, so he gets annoyed but calms down after a while and goes out for a walk in his neighborhood but ends up finding a rather large book a weird pink wand and a bright pink pouch with buttons as eyes, he picks up the wand and it starts to glow which shocks Ben causing him to drop it, then a white Pegasus with pink hair flys out the wand and introduces itself as Penelope, and announces that he is the new emperor of the Elysian realm and he is now the new “wizard and conquerer of magic” he thought is was a dream but then realizes it’s real and was about the transform into an alien, but Penelope insisted it has no bad intention and is just trying to be friends with her new owner, he ends up believing her and picks up the book and pouch and walks back home.
Upon arriving home he runs into his room and decides to read (for once) the book but then he thought of what Gwen’s said and had an idea so he ask Penelope if he can transform into a different person and she says he can, so he ask how can he do it and she tells him exactly how, and he does exactly what he was told, and turns into a person for his imagination, now he has white hair pink eyes wears glasses (don’t ask) dark pink jacket, and a pair of jeans, and also learns to teleport-
He teleports to Gwen’s college and decides to explore since he hadn’t seen it in a while, and finds Gwen reading a book so he approaches her and introduces himself as “Caroline Benedict Sinclair” and says he new in the college and ask her to show him around and she (gladly) accept and shows him around but then a villain appears and attacks the campus carol (short for Caroline) runs inside a random classroom and transform into a magical boy and Gwen runs into the library and transform into lucky girl, she starts trying to defeat the villain but with no luck but then Ben appears and defeat the villain quickly and easily with spells she don’t even know or heard of- and she ask who he was and he introduces himself as phoebe and befriended Gwen and they bid goodbye to each other and Ben transforms back into carol and goes back into the class he transformed in and Gwen runs into their and sees him hiding under a table he hugs her and said he thought she died and then they start hanging out and now it was night time and they bid each other goodbye, and now it was time for Ben to go back home.
Upon teleporting home Penelope, starts to ask how his day went and he said it was brilliant and he got to fight villains
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queensy-asmodeus123x · 11 months ago
I got this cool a idea a second ago and since this blog is for telling story ideas (and also posting art which sometimes can happen) I decided to post the idea here- anyways this is a power ranger x transformers crossover-
Starscream wakes up in a human body and freaks out a lot, he eventually calms down and think it’s a dream and just goes along with whatever things happens in his dreams, and so he decides to go outside and he sees a girl with blonde hair so he approaches her, he meets a girl who he figures out is named Chloe and they decide to go to a local park and they find Chloe’s Chinese boyfriend Nathan and Nathan’s Brazilian friend jimmy, and they decide to go to jimmy’s older cousins ice cream place, upon arriving they meet jimmy’s cousin named liana, they eat there and chatted for a bit and they go to a forest but then a crash was heard and they investigated (despite starscreams protest) and they find a girl in a strange blue suit and what seems to be a helmet matching the color of her suit but the strange part is that there is something that looks like a treasure chest so they open it and find these strange necklace and so they picked it up (and starscream got his least favorite color which is pink) they flew around and attached themselves onto there necks which shocks them and they try to get it out but they couldn’t come off but just then a purple dude with a helmet with a strange looking gun and he threaten to shoot them and they all backed away saying they didn’t do anything but when the dudes eye lands on the necklaces he said that they were chosen which confuses the group so he explains that they are chosen to be power rangers and there mission is fight evil and defend the earth, they thought he was crazy at first but they figured he was telling the truth and the guy made the group swore to never tell anyone their discoveries, they eventually decides to not tell anyone so they all went home, when starscream got home he decides to end his dream by taking a nap, after waking tho he finds himself still inside the dream, he again freaks out and realizes this isn’t a dream and upon further inspections he realized he is trapped in one of Knockouts favorite human show called “power rangers musical encore”
(Btw the power ranger show I mentioned is not real it’s made up)
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queensy-asmodeus123x · 11 months ago
Had this really cool idea of a human starscream au (kinda also involves spider man stuff in it)
So Stevenson zoeysha march (also known as zoey or Steven) was a 13 year old middle schooler who had just witnessed his older brothers and secret boyfriend die right in front of him when a group of robbers attacked said brothers and boyfriend in the middle of the night of course zoey ran away but then caught up to him in an alley and threatened to shoot him but then a white liquid grabbed onto zoeys leg and proceeded to transform zoey into something big and ate the robbers and Zoey tried getting it off but it wouldn’t come out so he tried doing it at home since he had no parents and his aunt (auntie march) was out watching a movie and was expected to come home at 12 am so he spend the night hour trying to get it off but just couldn’t just then he heard a car driving into the front yard so he grabbed a knife and sliced his arms (and also placed it back where it was) and somehow knocks himself out and when auntie march finds him she panics and calls the ambulance and then he soon recovered and (kind) lied saying some robbers broke into house and killed his brothers and his friend and of course she was devastated and soon auntie march was the only living relative he had
(Btw human starscream in this au is African)
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queensy-asmodeus123x · 11 months ago
The part 2 to the sentinel being a moth au (idk what to name it okay-) and btw
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Looks like the name mothalis has won!
(Ps: sentinel/mothalis fights with his legs and always has his hands together)
So after many years elita being a prime while optimus has his own team, sentinel hearing this was upset cuz he always dreamed of being a prime one day, so he gathered all the moths (that he views as his children, and they view as their god) and leave the hole and move into an isolated planet and they’ve been living their ever since.
Many month later Optimus team stumbled upon sentinel, sentinel attacked optimus and almost beat him until his team arrives and help him, bumblebee was shocked bc he never saw a techno-organic before, bulkhead was fascinated seeing a techno-organic up close, ratchet didn’t care about sentinel, prowl was eyeing sentinel and didn’t really care much and started to attack, they asked who he is and he replied that his name is mothalis and started to attack again, luckily they escaped the planet and when they got back to the base sari asked how there mission went and what they saw and told her everything.
To be continued (sorry guys that’s all I have 😭)
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queensy-asmodeus123x · 1 year ago
I have this really cool idea
Instead of elita (from the 2007 animated series) falling into the hole of spiders what if it was sentinel instead and instead of spiders what if it was a bunch of moth-and instead of sentinel being having a large chin and being bulky and strong he is small (smaller then elita) and had a normal sized chin and and is very weak when fighting but makes up for it by being stealthy quiet agile and flexible and he also looks like a femme but isn’t a femme at all and he also had a voice of a femme (elita is the oldest sentinel is the middle and Optimus is the youngest)
Sentinel Optimus and elita were fighting but then the ground beneath them collapsed and they fell into a hole, inside was a bunch of cocoons and moths flying around and they all spotted them and flew after the trio, they ran of course and luckily they found a cave with light not far away and when they finally reached there way out, the entrance collapsed and sentinel was stuck inside, he yelled and begged for help but nothing came, eventually the moths took him and he fought them off but he was out numbered and one of the moth bit his thigh, he screamed and started transforming he grew wings and fluff (whatever those are called) around his neck and his eyes turned black while the other is white, and he started turning black and white, he saw what he became and screamed "NO" repeatedly.
i don't have a design for him but if you can make it please do so! (warning before you ask "whats the payment?" sorry i don't have money and i cant pay you i don't have a job and I'm legit broke and umm I hope you accept doing it for free 😭)
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queensy-asmodeus123x · 1 year ago
Created a new transformers au! (This au is unicron centric)
So before the war in unicron was a ruthless warlord and god who only cared for himself, but things changed when he saw this one particular bot, he started to have feelings for him but he knew that the bot didn’t want to date someone like him so he got an idea and transformed into a youngling/kid and went over to the bot and started to have a conversation, the first topic was where was his parents and where does he live but they ended up changing it to what’s his type and the bot turns out to be rip tide and his type is a bot that can turn into an ambulance boat and is very shy and kind and he likes their optics to be green and their paint to be white and pink and look like a femme but is actually a mech,soon unicron leaves making an excuse that his parents might be worried and after hearing this turns himself to a bot that rip tides really and soon he purposely walked past him and when rip tide saw unicron he walked up to him and said hi and started trying to flirt (which btw actually worked) and unicron introduces himself as nursery, soon they became good friends, and later nursery enrolled into an academy that teaches bots how to operate in surgeries, different kind of medicine and what they do, every kind of tools and they are used for (literally every doctor stuff idk) and soon he graduates and became the best nurse in a famous hospital and later rip tide and nursery became conjuxe endurae and had a sparkling and named him high tide and he grew up and turned into a young adult (15), but soon the war started and they had to protect their child so they send him to earth in a stasis pod where he was found by Optimus prime millions of years later (btw he landed in the artic but luckily the autobots found his signal and rescued him out somehow and they took the stasis pod where they find a young high tide), the story switches back to nursery (or unicron) in a space ship trying to find his child, but he got attacked by megatron and his vehicons in a space ship and they trap him in the decepticon base, but they soon learn that he is a nurse and knows a lot about performing surgeries and medicine so they forced him to be a medic, and he served under him for millions of years and luckily the autobots don’t know that nursery is a decepticon, and soon nursery escapes the decepticons in a decepticon space pod and lands in a forest where he stayed hidden but cliffjumper founds him and took him to the autobot base and everyone except bulkhead and Optimus where suspicious of him and suspected he might be a decepticon but he later on confesses was attacked in his ship during his search for his son and was forced to help heal every decepticon inside, they were shocked and nursery always blamed himself for not being able to protect himself and calls himself weak but all the autobots comforted him (except Optimus and bulkhead) were suspicious of him but they let him live inside the base. (There is a part 2)
If you don’t know what he looks like here’s an image (just replace the color of the flag with a hospital symbol inside a pink heart and pretend the red is pink and the blue symbol on the door is a pink heart with a hospital symbol inside and pretend the red on it is pink and also remove the letters off the boat that also includes the little small ones)
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queensy-asmodeus123x · 1 year ago
Hc of starscream from the “the love goddess” au
Status: alive
Gender: male
Age: 300k years old
Likes: drama, his family, his friends, his people, animals, earth movies, earth fanfics, humans, being mistaken or called a femme/girl, sparklings/babies (don’t take it the wrong way), human history, Cybertron history, his new name, sass, sarcasm
Dislikes: his old name, violence amongst friends, kinacons, megatron, being reminded of his mistakes and past, hurting people he loves or knows, war, being called insults, seeing his friends or family die, being injured or sick.
He is a cybertronion but is secretly a cupida and is hunted down by kinacons, he is extremely sassy and sarcastic, the vehicons and eradicons and other members are really respectful and starscream respect them back, he may not be loyal but can still be a trustworthy friend, his favorite bots are knockout breakdown Steve and soundwave and shockwave.
Fun fact: he is the descendant of the first love cupida which explains why he is way more powerful then megatron and predaking. (And btw he has the powers of the first cupida and he is a royal mech)
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