#bouy beer
k00279452 · 2 years
Photographing plastics from the sea
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Today i worked with the trash i collect from beach combing.
Inspired by Mandy Barker , i assembled my findings in a similar fashion to hers, giving a sense of being caught in a current. I edited the contrast to make it seem under the sea. It didn't turn out as i would like , i think if i used a different back drop and other coloured light , it may give a better atmosphere, at the moment it looks pretty motionless.
I first set up my objects in Mark Dion style , almost like a catalogue display . Dion sets up his found objects as if it were an archeological find , so i tried to capture that essence. These objects are very interesting to me as at first glance i don't pay it much attention , but after a ponder, i recognize what the item is and how it got there.
Items (an educated guess)
~plastics from water bottle
~milk carton cap
~sea glass(beer bottle)
~toy car
~various rope and twine
~ monofilament fishing line
~bouy from a gill net - reinforced for depths
~ insulation foam (fridge)
~coffee filter
~detergent bottle
~toaster bottom?
~shrimp pot meshing
I plan to use these objects in different ways as i find them intriguing.
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Mark Dion , ‘cabinet of marine debris’
Digging the Thames with Mark Dion | Tate
Cabinet of Marine Debris by Mark Dion (arthurbruso.com)
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phlve · 1 year
ES(F) — Extraverted Sensation supported by Feeling
Imagine that your world is a body of water. There's all sorts of ways you can move through it. You can just wade in the water, experiencing it while never fully submerging yourself, you can float above the water and bouy yourself with your own weight. You can choose to move constantly or stay fairly static. You can alternate between all sorts of things, whatever makes your experience of the water most enjoyable. For the ES, it is like being submerged all the time, completely surrounded by the water and never needing to come up to breathe. You're constantly aware of how the water feels because it's constantly everywhere, always, in all your senses. Having all this water around you all the time obviously gives you a sense of ease within it, to the point where you find yourself confident in cutting through the water and moving yourself wherever you want to be. Your strength underwater also allows you to move others, whether to help them or help yourself. It's not that everyone else is poor at managing themselves per se, but that you're so accustomed to the water that's almost second instinct to control or assist where needed. You can hold complete autonomy over your choices in the water, because you know no one can do it like you can, but at the same time, your submergence can almost leave you feeling stuck if you aren't constantly moving, conquering new things. This type is a person of actions. "I am active, therefore I exist". "I do not need anyone to teach me, I know what I am supposed to do". Often this type will do things before thinking. Their hands move faster than their heads think: they are people of action who accept responsibility for the consequences. When retired, the type withers away, gets ill, he whines and feels miserable. They have to do something, anything. Most extraverted type, endowed with a great capacity for enjoying life and a zeal for experimentation, drinking, fighting, playing, bullying, doing, achieving. Able to absorb an immense number of facts, remembering everything; they are moved by their sense of realism. Always aware of all the details going around their situation, pays sharp attention to things. They merge with their own senses, the external stimuli is their purpose. If what they started to do is blocked, they do it another way. Deals with a situation as it arises, without any kind of plan or standard. People of this type are good at pulling conflicting factions together and making things run smoothly. Some manitestations of the type are over-competitive. some other manifestations, compulsive gamblers and beer enjovers, some manifestations are jus harmonizers with a deep and broad royal sense of appearance and beauty.
Their entire energy and appearance involves having a massive volitional sphere of power and indulgence. This type can often times appear as strongly sexual (and feminine). They value material possessions and take the time to acquire, care for, and enjoy them. Greatly values good food, good music, good art, animals and hugs. Oriented to over-working, physical exercise. sports all day, running and running. Characterized by ungovernablity, desires, instincts, uncontrollable impulses. Striving to discharge the physical more than moral (spiritual) properties. Impulsive reactions, gives freedom to irritability, openly speaks of his demands and claims, comes to contention, becomes rude. Tendency for physical labor, changes places of work. Shortness of temper. Not few chronic alcoholics among them. Impulsive in the sexual sphere, promiscuous sexual relations, often instability in relations with a chosen partner, may enter into prostitution. In youth may impulsively run away from home. Distinguished by affection, cares for his children, often willing to provide any assistance. This type does not like talking about health issues and usually uses simple treatment, a quick fix like aspirin. Until he drops dead he works hard and often the reason of his death is an unexpected sickness, because of his carelessness the sickness was neglected. Doesn't like being passive - he hates being touched, he wants to touch and hug, not be touched or hugged - wants to affirm its own existence and in order to do that, they enforce their desires and volition, their will and their intentions On everything and everyone. This type consistently attracts the attention and affection of people around it, usually making a big scene. a whole drama. an entire explosion of upbeat adrenaline Prefers honesty over politeness. Inclined to insult and bully. mocking and plaving with specific people. Danger and surprise do not cause rear or anxiety. Irustration, instea. aanger and surprise gives enthusiasm and excitement. Troublesome personalitv: some manifestations of this tpe may cry in public like babies and accuse their partners. they are possessive. jealous. easily envious and furious. Too carefree: never thinks about the consequences of their actions. Some versions always acts and speaks on its whims, other versions may be sadistic, manipulative and two-faced. Seeks or expects praises or love aggressively and persistently, never gives up. Thinks very highly of themselves (and maybe of their partners too). At times, this type seems to be a walking encyclopedia, because they accumulate knowledge and remember it precisely. Their mind is like a library where every single data gets registered. Their cognition is that of an "obsessive photography taker". Can be very tolerant, easily accepts and forgives others' imperfections and mistakes. They'll like or dislike someone or something based off their appearance and skills.
Some manifestations of the type can be stereotypical tsunderes, some versions are sadodere, others just megadere, and it goes on. If you are late for work and your boss is someone of this type, they may reprimand you harshly, even rudely. But in five minutes they will come to you as a matter of factly to discuss business as if nothing had happened. He just vented his anger, no big deal. This type often uses words "shame", "disaster", "I hate it", "I like it", "fantastic", "great". In a dialogue he is able to easily find rapport and talk about the opponent's problems. but he never forgets about his own goals. He produces an illusionary impression that he really cares about other people's problems. This type is loved despite of his boldness, people trust him, they vote for him hoping he will change things for the better. He prefers to keep people at a distance, he does not make friends in the office (command, platoon, etc.); there is a distance, a uniform, a business talk within the framework of the rules of rank. They at times sincerely do not realize how tactless they are. He approaches a talking couple and as a matter of factly interrupts and addresses the person he needs to talk to; - the thing is, approaches them without second thought, says something, disrupting the space of the dialogue, takes care of his business, while the other partner takes off. Usually, this type lacks basic abilities of analysis and awareness of how to use and produce, organize and systematize efforts effectively. Though some versions of the type are knowledgeable enough to never have problems. Some manifestations of the type can be even really knowledgeable and intellectual, but they never focus on those aspects of the world, being generally described as something else. They charisma and pleasure-seeking, leadership personality, are what matters most. Dedicated, this type would do anything in his power to make what he wants become true. Protective and caretaking of those he loves. Some manifestations are prone to emotional stress, strict coldness or furious and self-righteous anger, having a demanding and dominating nature. Yet, this type can manifest as innocent and empathetic. Supportive vs Vindictive is truly a polarity common for this type. Can be inventive, resourceful and interested in innovation. respects obligations. I alwavs think of this toe as someone to over-work until they get their work done verfectlv: If someone of this toe ever receives a task. they will impulsively solve it. They do not administer time or processes. they do everything as it comes. They solve all their obligations first and then return to their goals. Generally, this tvpe knows how to change someone's emotions and can detect if someone dislikes them, considers them a threat, a friend, etc.
This type has to be in a positive mood to achieve results, if a boss of this type is in a good mood, he may sign the paper even without looking. Makes decisions easily, never being a perfectionist (he accepts all imperfections and mistakes in the world, most realistic type). but he has hard time changing his mood, a hard time thinking about the future, a hard time pondering about what he could have done better etc. This type's intuition is poorly differentiated. He has a hard time speaking about his premonitions and feelings, insights. He doesn't know what symbols might be there. He just has a 'gut feeling' about something and cannot explain anything. He doesn't talk in prophetic language, rather, communicates like things are a simple ghost story childish. Primitive, archaic. For someone of this type, circumstances that are completely known and clear do not give an opportunity to get excited, therefore he tries to create a bifurcation, a stress, a conflict, when it is necessary to make decision on which further succession of events depends, when there is nothing set and fixed and it is necessary to work in unknown circumstances. This type often acts intuitively, instinctively. The working principle is "create danger and conquer", "get used to danger, to new things". This type expects difference, he wants something new. something unusual. something he can't comprehend. He expects to receive new stimuli, new data. And this may be a vicious cycle. Addictions are common for this type, and I wonder if they tell ghost stories, random nightmares or dreams, love ilusions and similar things, when drunk. Something interesting to describe: This type can often hallucinate. The inferior intuition of this type can become so repressed and forgotten that it may get upset and invade the actual conscience; hallucinations are essentially intuitions, but those intuitions for some reason became transformed or merged with the sensations. This type's intuition may manifest as delusional stimuli and rose-colored glasses of love and fanatical seeking of new sensations. It can hallucinate and get pretty crazy. Of course, this is just a possible dynamic of the type's functions. I wouldn't really expect someone of this type to have schizophrenia. But considering the relations between functions and the cognition, it is possible.
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444names · 2 years
cambodian names BUT excluding "h"
Andr Antoun Arim Ariss Aromao Baem Baeng Banamporn Bandr Batta Beerring Beerry Beers Beng Born Boueng Bouer Bouk Boulav Boung Bour Bourn Bous Bouy Bung Buos Canary Candr Cannim Darey Daros Davon Denem Deng Ding Doma Doueng Doun Dukeoun Duongin Duongsey Duot Duoys Eakkley Ealun Eanna Earideng Eary Easok Ienary Iendr Ieun Ieung Ieur Ieurp Ievara Ingoung Ivon Jang Jankri Jann Jannat Jayan Jayasor Jeney Jeng Jingim Jung Kaidy Kain Kallisot Kalun Kalung Kana Kann Kanrom Keak Keann Keas Keng Keoun Kimol Kirajen Korng Kortes Kosam Koum Koun Kour Koys Kridy Kung Kuon Kuong Kuorn Kuorna Lain Lamoul Lang Lann Lavann Lavy Leamoeun Liem Lien Ling Lisna Listnak Liya Liyandray Liyanny Liyat Liyattim Loeun Loeurnak Lonikang Lorea Lorearn Makar Makklean Makrin Mampov Mandr Mang Manne Mannem Maok Marisen Maritim Maro Mary Meanna Meanneann Mearat Meav Menget Mlim Mling Mliv Mlivong Moeu Momia Mong Mouangoy Moun Moung Mout Mungov Mungset Munna Muon Muos Muosaly Naek Naen Nakk Nakri Namborn Namrom Nara Naroeu Narri Neakry Neat Neous Nerry Neryas Nettana Ngeari Ngimol Ngsem Ngvon Nika Nimoeun Nivoeun Noeun Nonguorn Nonim Nopo Norm Norn Norouk Noueng Noul Noulam Nounn Nouren Nous Nuong Nuongim Nuos Oeung Omampoy Omap Ongim Orny Otpeanda Oulaing Ourm Ovan Ovanat Pana Pann Pannarov Peam Peandra Peap Pear Ping Pisarat Pisnat Pistna Poem Poeun Poeung Porn Pouan Pouers Pouy Poys Prang Prataing Prattat Prea Prear Prem Pret Prey Prou Proueng Prov Prun Prung Prungim Prungov Rajeng Raka Rang Rattai Rattaulat Rean Reang Reann Reanna Reanrot Reap Rearay Reary Reavy Riam Ridara Ridarn Ridy Riendray Rieun Ringuon Risey Rison Roda Rodav Roeu Rouanniv Roub Roun Rounnakng Rour Rourn Rovay Rung Sakk Saly Sambang Sambat Samboun Samea Samey Samol Sampel Sampoeurm Samren Samrisey Samronim Sanly Sanna Sannaray Saok Sara Sari Sarisen Sarntry Saryna Sata Satain Satangsey Savara Seou Seous Seret Serrisok Serry Sida Sidy Siem Sieun Sieung Sievy Sila Silav Silay Silonim Silov Sisai Sisam Sisek Siseou Sivoem Sivoeun Sivon Sivong Sivor Soda Soeu Soeub Soeum Somary Songov Songoy Sonim Sopeav Sopen Sopeng Sopeoung Sortep Sotpei Sotpel Sotpen Sotpeng Soub Sous Sowat Sreakklea Sreamrian Sreap Sreara Srem Srendary Srendray Sret Srom Srongset Srum Srung Suket Sukva Sukvan Sukvann Sukvay Suorn Suoy Surem Surp Sury Svan Taidy Tain Tandr Tangvong Tann Teak Teakklek Teal Teang Teap Teas Teat Terea Tereap Terey Terrin Ters Terynary Tevay Tieun Tilong Tiloun Timom Tiya Toang Toann Topoem Toub Toum Toung Tour Trea Trisey Trit Tuong Tuos Tuot Ungsek Vana Vanda Vangoy Vannaeng Vannam Vannat Vanroeun Vara Varit Varna Vary Vean Veanda Veap Veat Veavy Vendary Ving Visamrey Visery Visim Visna Viss Voeung Voeury Vonim Voren Vorng Wing Yasna Yasnam Yeang Ying Yingear Yivoeun Yoeung Yoeury Yosam Youl Youn Young Yourn Yung
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999bottles · 3 years
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Fort George/Buoy Black Is Beautiful Imperial Stout
Astoria, Oregon
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kennyotto · 6 years
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Beverages n lunch with the lovelies! #storm #bouy #astoria #beer #beer #pnw #oregoncoast (at Buoy Beer Company) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bvh0YsEgAOh/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1u9xsbj9cqkn8
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shuuv · 6 years
Chapter 3: The Revolutionary King (?) Part 1/3
Hidaka Akira laid on the bed, covered in a blanket but yet he still broke in a cold sweat.
“Not again.”
He was one of the only few on the frontlines that could fight for his king. There was a shortage of manpower in Scepter 4 as such, everyday, he works nearly 24/7 before returning to the pitch dark dorm with no viable source of electricity.
The candle flickered in the darkness. It wasn’t the sound of a mouse or a cockroach. It was a shadow in the shape of a young girl. Retreating like a tortoise into its shell, he hid in his blanket. The cry of a girl could be heard yet again. Covering his ears with his hands, he felt someone touched his back. “Hey, do you hear me? Why don’t you care now that I’m back? Come’on, play with me!” In a last ditch attempt to get rid of the “ghost”, Hidaka chanted and recited phrases from the bible.
“It’s not real!” He told himself.
Every night, he constantly heard eerie and busy footsteps. A pungent smell filled the area and it was as though he was a protagonist in a horror flick. His room seemed to be a hotspot for paranormal activity. No matter what talisman, burning of incense or chanting he did, the “ghosts” didn’t disappear. With the “paranormal activity” going on around him and the disappearance of the other squad members, his stress piled up.
It was a sensitive topic in a sense and no one would believe him even if he talked about it. Just like a kid telling his parents about monsters in his closet or under his bed. He tried sleeping with other members in their rooms but the “paranormal activity” wouldn’t stop. As such he came to a conclusion.
He was being haunted.
The bed rocked at night and moaning of girls, boys, men and women of all ages could be heard.
At this moment, a knocking could be heard. As the door creaked open, a figure emerged.
“Scuse me?”
Turned out, it was his superior and the Captain of Scepter4, Munakata Reisi. He was donned in casual clothes with a helmet-light on his head and a backpack. Hidaka felt as though he had met an idol for the first time. Or as if an angel had appeared.
“Is this the correct lightbulb?”* “Ahhh... yea i think it is.”
With that, Captain Munakata was about to leave the room.
“Captain! Where are you going?!” “To fix all the problems. Just listen to the next set of instructions.”
As he left, Hidaka felt as though the burden had been lifted and the “paranormal activity” had disappeared. Seems like Captain Munakata’s presence was stronger than any “ghost” in the world. He could finally get a good night’s rest.
Daiki Fuse stood on a cliff, skipping rocks into the ocean. He shouted and screamed, feeling lost in the great ocean before him His phone was unusable and no matter how much he shouted, no one could hear him. He was stranded on an island. He knew that it was impossible to swim back to shore, even though they had went through relentless beach training by Lieutenant Awashima. With the distance and his stamina, he would never make it. Even with a life jacket or a bouy. His experience in fishing taught him that the ocean is dangerous and swimming in its tough currents could easily sweep him away. After what had seemed like a shipwreck, Fuse had found a chest. With it, every amenity that could keep him alive. Ranging from tents and sleeping bags to beer, wine and underwear.
Here’s the first few pages :,,) Ive had this book for about 2/3 years now and yes my lazy ass didn’t bother translating till now :,D its written in traditional chinese and i suck at basic chinese already but my aunt majored in chinese history or smth so ill probs be uploading snippets day by day then compiling everything eventually. pray for daily updates orz :,D
Page 114 - 125
At the side of no man’s island, there where temporary toilets and many sources of entertainment, such as movies and PS4s. There was also a box filled with PSPs and Gameboys and other handheld consoles. It seems that someone had known he was going to be there and had prepared the island just for him.
Fuse thought to himself, “Looks like I’m in a trap... Well if I have too, I’ll drink muddy water and eat raw fish just to get out of here!”
There was a sign in the corner that said
‘The best camp spot is right here.’ The sign said.
Fuse thought of this whole trap as insulting however, he wanted a real challenge, not a paradise.
As such, he made a tank and formed it into a round ball with a cooler compartment for food.* He looked into the horizon and examined the sea. Well prepared, he jumped into the ocean and swam. However, after what seemed like hours of strenuous swimming, there was no sign of shore.
Frustated, he shouted “GODAMNIT!!!”
He splashed the surface of the water around him. All of a sudden, a motor could be heard. Fuse cried for help. He thought that it was a fishing boat at first, however, as the boat got closer, a bespectacled man with a miner’s hat leaned over the boat.
It was Captain Munakata.
“I’ve come to get you.”
Fuse chuckled to himself,
“Don’t cha think you’re too late?”
Fuse got onto the boat and dried himself off with a towel. It was in fact, a squid fishing boat. It wasn’t a big fishing boat and in the captain’s cabin, the Captain Munakata was chewing gum.**
“Fuse, its not like you to have jumped into the ocean. Were you that desperate?”
“I wanted to lure who the guy spying on me was.”
“That’s not wrong.”
With this compliment from the captain, Fuse felt a sense of security. Fuse had the right instinct, and that made him feel comforted.
“That island had everything for me. I can’t believe it.” Fuse felt super offended. *
“They tried keeping you on that island, Daiki-kun. By monitoring you on that island with CCTV cameras and with actual people watching you, they kept an eye on you. That’s what you think right? That you wanted to lure them out yes?”
Fuse nodded.
“Both you and I have the same thinking... if there was someone actually watching you, you came up with the best plan and found a way out.”
Fuse felt embarrassed yet proud.
“I’m more than happy that you personally came to fetch me, Captain Munakata.”
“While you may feel very fatigued, I urgently require your help. We meed everyone in the Special Forces to restore order and name to Scepter 4. Would you assist me?”
Fuse didn’t reply. However, he stood in attention and saluted to Captain Munakata.
“Captain! You don’t need to ask for my help. I will gratefully follow you without hesitation!”
Yuujiro Benzai was in a quaint town by the seaside. 11pm at night, he sat at the police station drinking instant coffee. He had been in this town as he was chasing a thief-strain. This “thief-strain” was Takeshi Tamada, aged 26. He was not employed. Benzai was sure that Tamada was hiding nearby. Benzai had a car ready to catch him.
The town was rather sub-urban, it wasn’t modernized and was rather rural, filled with grass and small wooden buildings. It was possible that Tamada was hiding in an abandoned building or in a vehicle. The whole area Benzai had to cover was as big as Tōkyo, as such, he was exhausted. This town actually had a very low crime rate. Policemen at the station empathized Benzai.
“Cases like this take time, let us help you.”
Benzai actually worried alot. Firstly, Scepter 4 was in disarray. Secondly, Lieutenant Awashima had disappeared. Thirdly, his partner Akiyama was still under suspicion of molestation. Although there was no point worrying. He knew that Akiyama was innocent.  Akiyama already had the best lawyer to represent him, but Benzai still wanted to help.
Tamada was like a wild animal roaming about Hōkkaido. Tamada’s case file stated that he had already stolen tens of thousands of dollars. If Tamada had just turned himseld in, his punishment wouldn’t have been so bad, however, Tamada kept running away. As though he’d committed a grave crime.
Benzai thought for a moment. He was a high ranking officer in Scepter 4, why was he responsible of catching a theif. As he decided to leave the town, he stepped out of the police station and was greeted woth a flurry of lights. Strong winds blew at him. A helicopter that had belonged to Scepter 4 was above his head. He blinked for awhile, before making sure that the helicopter did belong to Scepter 4.
As the helicopter landed, wind gushed to Benzai’s face and used his hand to try and block it. As the helicopter door opened, Benzai generally felt surprised.
“Benzai-san! I got em! C’mon pack your stuff let’s go!”
This voice belonged to his squadmate, Fuse Daiki. Next to him stood Takeshi Tamada, in handcuffs and behind them stood Captain Munakata. Still in a state of surprise, Benzai hurriedly packed his luggage and left with the trio in the helicopter.
Arriving in a helicopter felt very... odd though.** Benzai was burning with questions.
“How did you manage to catch him?”
“I know what you’re feeling now, Benzai-san.”
“Benzai-kun, what do you think about this?”
Benzai was pnce again, in a state of bewilderment.
“Benzai-kun, you ran all over Japan just to catch Takeshi-kun. What do you think you’ve been doing all this while?” ^^^^^
Benzai had alot he wanted to ask Captain Munakata. But he began to recall what he’d been doing. Benzai wasn’t a genius, nor did he have an extraordinary IQ but he meticulously thought of every detail, even the small ones. When he was in the military, he accumulated a bunch of experience as a investigator.
“This whole situation is a mess, I don’t even have to point it out, do I?” The captain said.
“A strain activity hotspot has been happening is within a 100-kilometer radius.” Benzai reported.
Fuse nodded in agreement.
Munakata Reisi was a King, selected by the Slate. And Konomura Zenichi was after his role, and the role of Scepter 4.
“There are strains in this world, and they go against our “order”(1). That is why Scepter 4 exists. For our clan to work, a King must have clansmen. And we have to maintain order in out society. But everything with Konomura, is a special case.” In a sarcastic manner, Captain Munakata said
“All these strains committing crimes... they all have a variety of motives to escape. Though all of then are everywhere, not all of them are bad. Some strains have the sudden urge to steal or commit petty theft but its not always against the law. Some of them want to escape just because they want to pray to their dead relatives or hang out with their classmates.”
“Isn’t it strange for these to happen amongst strains? Didn’t they all commit crimes? Because of that Benzai-san has to travel all across Japan. Not everything that the strains say are true though.” Fuse interrupted.
“Some of these claims have a certain degree of truth. However, there are some strains starting rumors amongst others. Claiming that Scepter 4 is currently immobilized.” Munakata said.
Captain Munakata did not go into great detail about the mastermind, but both Fuse and Benzai knew who their captain was talking about. Konomura Zenichi.
“If it was not Konomura Zenichi, there would be no one else to attack Scepter 4 like that.”
“Firstly, how did Konomura Zenichi force minor strains like Takeshi Tamada to commit all these crimes and follow him? Tamada. Why did you decide to leave capital and run here? Who asked you to do it? Were you blackmailed?”
Tamada looked up at Benzai.
Tamada turned around. That was when Tamada has realised that Benzai had an anti-social aura around him.
“I just don’t want to be with the rebellious dogs!” Tamada pouted.
Even if its Konomura, it was unlikely that Tamada would listen to him. Would it be possible that Konomura had actually bribed Tamada?
Munakata closed his eyes, thought for a moment, and then smiled.
Fuse smiled as well. He didn’t know how much of help he could be to the Captain. Benzai was very anxious to know what method Munakata Reisi had used to catch Tamada.
“I figured out the problem. As such, Daiki-Kun and I came up with a plan.”
A jolt went down Tamada’s body(2). Captain Munakata made this statement very calmly, but yet it felt as though there was a very deep meaning behind. As he began to explain the situation, Benzai, Fuse and Tamada listented intensively.
As Munakata was in the midst of explaining Konomura’s strategy, another clansmen seemed to be very unhappy.
This unhappy clansmen was Dōmyoji Andy. As of now, there were 2 departments. The PR department and the Legal department. They were currently using the Legal department to talk about Akiyama’s case, where he had allegedly molested a high schooler. But the one in charge of the legal department was Andy. Everyday after talking with several lawyers and diplomats about Akiyama’s case, he had to collect data and information before compling a report to be handed in. However, he had absolutely despised having to write reports or doing paperwork. Because of his inital mistake, he felt that he was being punished by Captain Munakata.
Domyoji felt as though that paperwork was the most boring job ever. So he had a brilliant idea. He would take a break. As he was just going to leave, his Supervisor walked in. This supervisor was none other than Fushimi Saruhiko. Carrying a paper lantern with the Scepter 4 symbol, a slouched back and glasses, he looked like a ghost.
“Who? What? Where?” (English) Domyouji’s mind blanked out and flung his arms and he started doing weird body movements, just like performing a ritual.
“Speak Japanese, idiot. And stop dancing.”
“Ah, weren’t you in America?”
“I’ve returned.”
The impression Fushimi gave off was as though he had come back just because Domyouji could not be trusted. He looked at Domyouji and then turned to the table with documents.
“Hehe.”Domyouji shrugged and gave an awkward smile.
“Why am I unsurprised?” Fushimi approached the table. “I’ll help you.”
“What can we do? There’s so many things that have to be done. Work quicker.”
“I’m sorry Fushimi-san!” He clapped his arms and bent 90degrees. “I can’t take this anymore!” Afterwards, he made haste and ran as fast as he could. Fushimi would have never imagined that Domyoji had acutally ran away from his responsibilities. He was lost for words.
“That asshole...!”
Angrily, Fushimi hunted him down and chased him. It was simple. Domyouji could run but he couldn’t hide from Fushimi.
“If you analyze the situation, the situation is actually very simple.” Munakata said.
As Fushimi and Domyoji played cat and mouse, Munakata was still explaining the idea to Benzai, Fuse and Tamada.
“The first step. Find out the truth. You have to find where the strains are and how they live on a daily basis. Benzai, please recall. How did Konomura find out what we do daily?”
Munakata took great humor in the photos that Konomura took of them(3).He shot us from fair and used underhanded methods to access CCTV footage. As such, Munakata took the information and data from electronic devices too.
“What program did he use to access this information? It was probably stolen from other sources. The whole city could have been affected.” Munakata said.
“In other words, not just Scepter 4 but every other civilian was under surveillance. Maybe I have said it before, but when Konomura sent the message to us, he could have access to the Yushiki system as well, and all the private data of each human is now accessible and defying the rights of the public. This is our weak point.”
Benzai was actually surprised. Fuse’s mouth gaped open too. Tamada examined Captain Munakata, questioning who he really was.
“I have no rights to reveal this information to you. But human rights must be protected. The only issue now is that we keep losing out to Konomura and he’s able to reach and stop them before Scepter4 can. We need to step back and reorganize ourselves and the system.”
Benzai and Fuse didn’t know how to reply. Only Tamada understood what the Captain had meant.
“Moreover, whatever method Konomura used could have been easily been applied all across Japan.”
Tamada slyly smirked at them. Konomura had carefully studied the behaviors and characters of the strain, in order to lure them to where he wanted them to be, just like moving pieces on a chess board.
T/Ns *it was unclear of what Munakata had gone to hidaka for. Something about asking for the correct hardware along those lines. also in the previous chapter he had a vintage lamp? Seems like he has a miners hat now LOL
^^at least i think he’s chewing gum, maybe a translation error.
^^^Fuse wanted a real challenge and because he was placed on an island with basic necessities he thought he was looked down upon, unlike his colleagues that was working day and night to fight Zenichi he was made to relax, or smth like that
^^^^the direct translation would be extravagant but Benzai felt more confused or compelled as to why Munakata and Fuse arrived in a helicopter
^^^^^The last statement was to prompt Benzai to think about what he was actually doing to try to catch Tamada, like what Munakata had asked Fuse earlier.
Also they kind of repeated an earlier part where Fuse and Munakata were talking about whatever was happening on that squid boat thing
(1)”Order” probs refers to their ways or laws. (2)A chill went down his spine (3)back in chapter 1/2 where eno was looking at porn or something
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megadavestewart · 3 years
WFS 205 - Fort George Brewery with Chris Nemlowill - Craft Brewing Series
Show Notes: https://wetflyswing.com/205
We hear the story of how Chris Nemlowill from Fort George Brewery created one of the best-selling craft microbrews in the NW with the Vortex IPA.  We find out how Fort George came to be after Chris walked on at Bill's Tavern and found the old Fort George building.
We find out why they started selling microbrews in cans and why the 16 oz can was there goto can for the flagship beer.  This is our first beer episode and you know I love a good IPA, so I hope you are not surprised.  I want to celebrate craft brews like we support local fly shops.
Fort George Brewery Show Notes with Chris Nemlowill
- Caldera Brewing has been a great brew for a long time as well.
- Let’s Brew is the place to get your home brewing supplies
- Jack Harris at Bill’s Tavern was the guy who helped put it together.
- Duck Dive Pale Ale from Bill's took gold medal at the beer games.
- I noted the Edgefield with Mcmenamins and the old building fix ups that are part of many craft brew location.
- We talk about the Vortex IPA and how it turned a 10 year business plan into 2 a two year plan as is a unicorn for craft beers.
- 1811 Lager
- Dales and Caldera were two of the first craft brews using a can for their beers.
- The Pelican, Bouy and others are in Astoria
- Craft Beer and Brewing Podcast and Good Beer Hunting Podcat
You can find Chris at FortGeorgeBrewery.com
Top Fort George Brews Vortex 1811 3 way IPA is different each year Suicide Squeeze is a collab with Seattle lab and the Snake changes color cavatica Stout is from Charlottes web Hazy Ips Duck Dive Pale Ale
Fort George Brewery Conclusion with Chris Nemlowill
We get the full Fort George Story from the founder of Fort George Brewery.  We find out how the town of Astoria was founded in 1811, the British government took it over as Fort George, and later Chris found the perfect spot in the car dealership.
Show Notes: https://wetflyswing.com/205
Check out this episode!
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gonzoneill · 4 years
Lockdown Blues
In many ways, it been great. No more FOMO, just lots and lots of JOMO. The opportunity to learn something new (my Spanish lessons aren’t going too well), pig out on old films, go for a few more bracing walks and ponder what next essential item to purchase on Amazon. But, and it’s a BIG BUT, bouy-o-bouy (sic) I miss standing in a pub, beer in hand, singing sea shanties with my mates. It’s got so…
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haventee · 4 years
BFF Beer Friends Forever Vintage Shirt
BFF Beer Friends Forever Vintage ShirtSo sorry for BFF Beer Friends Forever Vintage Shirt. But celebrating the way he lived his life. My late husband loved the ocean and pirates. On his birthday after he passed, my sons and I chartered a pirate ship in Key West(his favorite place) and had his ashes shot from a cannon! The rest of the ashes were set adrift halfway between the Gulf of Mexico bouy and the Atlantic Ocean bouy. He would have loved it!BFF Beer Friends Forever Vintage Shirt, Hoodie, Sweater, Ladie Tee, Vneck, Bellaflowy, Kids Shirt, Unisex and Tank Top, T-shirtBuy it Now: BFF Beer Friends Forever Vintage ShirtMore: BFF Beer Friends Forever Vintage ShirtHome page: JEANTEES,NEMTEE,TEECURVY,UNIQLOTEESTORY: HAVENTEES,T-SHIRTBROWN,RAYTEE,TEDENO,ZONTEEtags: #babyyoda #memes #cute #starwarsmemes #babyyodamemes #yodamemes #lukas #lukasfilms #disney #star #wars #movie #mandalorian #series #themandalorian #starwars#baby  #yoda  #coloring  #pagemandalorian  #baby  #yoda, #baby  #yoda, #mandalorian  #baby  #yoda5  #million #Teachers #PaeaceLovehttps://www.reddit.com/user/Haventeeuk12/submithttps://www.thehunt.com/huntshttps://www.deviantart.com/https://www.flickr.com/photos/185664772@N04/50021141451https://www.customink.com/fundraising/bff-beer-frieforever-vintage-shirthttps://linkhay.com/link/3730272/bff-beer-friends-forever-vintage-shirthttps://linkhay.com/link/3730272/bff-beer-friends-forever-vintage-shirthttps://www.gearbubble.com/7202195`
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melissaswimbikerun · 5 years
Breca Bay of Islands Swimrun
Trying something new! Battling the elements and nature in a swimrun event with Chris Birley at the Breca Bay of Islands race. 
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The swimrun event is something that has always intrigued me - mostly because it looks hard! What better reason to enter one when you’re living in New Zealand - home of the beautiful Bay of Islands course. 
The first challenge is finding someone equally crazy to be your partner (the event has to be done in teams of 2). Luckily I know a fair few equally crazy people! My friend Chris also has the bonus of having raced a swimrun before and was willing to travelling half way around the world to race this one with me! 
We had a very short discussion of whether we should do the sprint or the full course - which ended with us obviously entering the long course! 28km of running and 10km of swimming in total over 24 transitions. 
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Breca Bay of Islands course 
I had no idea how to train for a swimrun. I swam slightly further on my 3x/week swim sessions and ran to the swimming pool. Thinking that would be enough. I did a handful of specific sessions in my specially bought new swimrun wetsuit. More importantly I was unable to train with my swimrun partner (as recommended by every training plan I looked at), as he could not have been further away - in the UK. Therefore I did all my sessions solo. Back home Chris and I was about the same speed at swimming and Chris slightly faster on the trail - so I hoped that we would be okay on race day (with no team practice!!). The rules are that you have to stay within 5 meters of each other at all times.
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Solo training for the Swimrun (above at Blue lake, Rotorua and below at Hawkes Bay)
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Nathaniel and I traveled up to the Bay of Islands (a mere 10 hour drive) 2 days before the event. I met up with Chris the day before the race - were we did our one and only pairs swimrun practice to see if we could swim together using a bungee rope to stop us losing each other.
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Finally united with my swimrun partner the day before the event!
It was then time for registration and race briefing before setting our early morning alarm clocks for race day. 
Race Day
05:00h wake up. Excitedly nervous. Quick cereal for breakfast and get into race kit. 
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Ready (and overly excited) at the start line. 
06:30h Assemble at the Waitangi Treaty Ground for Pōwhiri - where we were welcomed into the race by the local Maori tribe as the sun rose over the Treaty Grounds - amazing! 
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07:00h - race start! 
Still not entirely sure what to expect we ran the 800m from the Treaty grounds and then onto a pier which we jumped off into the sea for the first swim. 2 meter leap of faith - luckily the water was deep and pleasantly warm. 
The first swim was chaotic, I hoped that Chris was on my feet. I saw someone swimming past wearing the same wetsuit as Chris, I panicked that I was being left behind and sped up to get on his feet. As I exited the water at the beach it was clear the man with the green armed wetsuit was NOT Chris. I waited and watched many pairs exit the water until I saw a solo man with green arms , Chris. I was tethered using a bungee rope to Chris for all remaining swims! Whoops. 
The remaining swims were more relaxed - with the open ocean to ourselves! A few pairs with paddles and fins would intermittently swim past - only for us to pick them off on the next run. 
Chris and I had no swim toys whereas other teams had paddles, pull bouys and fins. I regret not having fins and I spotted some amazing fins that fitted over shoes! (Next time I’ll get some).
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Rock hopping - so fun!
The race involved some technical rock hopping (not something that I had practiced) but I loved it! It felt so free to be making our own way across the beautiful landscape rather than on a man-made track and I knew 100% that I would no be there without the race taking me. 
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Soon we got to the long run and the teams by this point had began to separate out. Chris and I are stronger runners than swimmers so we began to pick off lots of teams ahead of us - I was loving it! There was a fair few hills to begin with and at the top we ran across a vineyard and was rewarded with stunning panoramic views. We got to enjoy the downhill and some flat until we reached Russell for an aid station and some cheers from the crown when running along the harbor.
Then it was the big 3km swim! Off we swam to an island we could hardly see across the pacific ocean. At half way I stopped and looked around - it was scary to see how far the nearest shore was. I wasn’t too phased and Chris and I carried on until we finally saw the red exit flag. It felt good to get to the beach! 
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If you look closely on this picture you can see me literally dragging Chris out into the ocean “Ready or not!”.
We ran up and over the island to be greeted by another swim - 1.8km. My arms were in bits but that was not the end. 24 transitions in total!
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Finally we reached the end of the last swim and nothing except a hilly 5km run was going to stop us reaching that finish line. The run was very enjoyable - picking off all the people in front. When I could hear the finish line Chris and I sprinted to the finish down a long hill. Unstoppable!! 
Bay of Islands Swimrun completed and a medal round my neck I had a well deserved beer. 
Had an absolutely amazing day and would recommend this event to anyone crazy enough to swim 10km and how loves adventure! 
Thank you again to Chris Birley for being my partner and making this possible:)
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rubicon3sailing · 6 years
A Happy little adventure on Starling.
After a late start including bacon sandwiches we all ventured ashore on Carriacou.... a variety of pass-times ensued over the next few hours, Paradise beach for some, Customs and Provisioning if you were Skipper Kieran or Mate Alex.
Once back on the boat and suitably restocked.... both David and Caitlin came back with a case of beer!!!! We were off, our beer duo being our navigators had the challenging task of sailing a course up wind, so tacking and discussions about when to tack kept us sailing well a.d aiming at the right island mostly.
Pulling into Union Island, Jonny made ready the mooring lines with Wendy on the helm, this soon changed to trying to anchor, as all the bouys were gone! The race against the dinghy was on to pack the boat away, sail covers lines and spray hood up, as Andy and Susie had eyes on the gorgeous Rum Shack Happy Island. Off the crew went for before dinner drinks leaving Libby and Alex looking after the boat.
An evening of Fun and Frolics continued upon return from the rum bar, where dinner was served to some very Happy crew.... the island had lived up to its name, even a game of guess the song made an appearance 70's and 80'swe'll was the music of choice, we'll see how sore heads are in the morning! 😂
A great day rounded off in the beautiful grenadines some sailing and some relaxing what more could you want..... (please don't say no rain!)
written by Alex Mate on Starling
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nwbeerguide · 7 years
"Friday Night Beer Tasting" with Buoy Beer at Homegrown Public House
Meet Bouy Beer Co. from Astoria Oregon, We have been loving their Pilsner & IPA for years, come see what else they have to offer!
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thebestintoronto · 6 years
50 things to do this winter in Toronto
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Things to do in Toronto this winter are here to help you combat the winter blues with light therapy, art, music, beer and a trip to the spa. There's no shortage of activities and events happening all over the city to get you excited and lift your spirits during those cold, grey days.
Here's some things worth bundling up and heading out for in Toronto this winter.
New This Year
Light Therapy
The winter blues are real and Swedish artist Apolonija Šušteršič is here to save us with her Light Therapy exhibit at the new MOCA on from now until February 10. The bright lights are meant to simulate natural light, boost moods and combat seasonal depression.
See Sting on the big stage
Post-Police, post-solo Sting is venturing into theatre with The Last Ship and bringing the production here from February 9 to March 24 where he'll appear in the opening show. The play tells the story of a small shipping town undergoing major change with original music by Sting.
Impressionism in the Age of Industry
Monet, Degas and Pissarro are just some of the masters whose works are arriving to the Art Gallery of Ontario from February 16 to May 5. The specially curated series explores how the artists responded to the changing industrial landscape in Europe.
Ai Weiwei at the Gardiner Museum
One of the world's most renowned and controversial artists is bringing his Unbroken exhibition to Toronto from February 28 to June 9. The exhibition centres on Weiwei's ceramic works that speak to human rights and includes a massive patchwork of handmade sunflower seeds.
Winter Favourites
Ice Breakers
Back again is this international design competition that places installations all along the downtown waterfront. Expect things like a giant ball of cables, wooden bouys and other interesting works beginning on January 19.
Winter Light Festival
In the gloom and doom of winter, there comes a light by way of the annual Toronto Light Festival in the Distillery District from January 28 to March 3. Tour through a maze of large-scale installations by local and international artists meant to warm the senses and raise the spirits.
A true celebration of the season, Icefest returns to Bloor-Yorkville Village for a weekend of ice-related festivities on from February 9 to 10 and over 70,000 pounds of ice up for the carving. There's also food and warm drinks, all in support of the Heart and Stroke Foundation
Winter Stations
Back again is this series of larger-than-life art installations peppered across the Beaches from February 18 to April 1. This year's theme is 'migration' and will include a cluster of butterflies, staircase to nowhere and other structures that speak to human movement.
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Marquee Events
Wildlife Photographer of the Year
On display from now until March 31, the ROM will be home to images of some of the most exotic creatures from nearly every continent. Lions, tigers and bears all are captured at their most majestic by photographers of all skill levels from all over the world.
What's in the Box
Five days of music is on at The Drake. While The Drake always has music, this mini-music festival includes local bands coming together to practice, Yes Yes Ya'll, The Warhol Kids and more for only $5 a pop or $20 for the whole week from December 26 to 30.
New Year's Eve at Nathan Phillips Square
Ring in the new year at this massive outdoor celebration outside on December 31. Thousands are gathering for performances and a big fireworks showcase—free of charge. There's tons of other places to countdown to midnight, as well.
Polar Bear Dip
Get ready to feel the cold like you never have before as the annual Polar Bear Dip returns to Sunnyside Beach on January 1 for a wintertime dip in the lake to welcome the new year. It's all for a good cause with proceeds going to the Boost Child & Youth Advocacy Centre.
Long Winter
Now in its 7th year, this annual music, art and performance series brings together the best of the city's underground and local scene for a monthly instalment at different spots around the city. The next one is January 4!
Class of 2019
Music always serves as good motivation to get out and about during winter and one way to do that is at this year's Class of 2019 concert series happening from January 4 to 26. New and up and coming musicians are playing at spots all over and in cities across the country.
Next Stage Festival
The future of theatre is unfolding from January 9 to 20 as Fringe hosts a collection of twelve new and independent productions at The Factory Theatre. Look forward to award-winning playwrights and performances centred on important stories this winter in Toronto.
No Pants Subway Ride
Take 'em off and hop on the TTC on January 13 as participants gather to ride the subway pantless. Part of Improv Everywhere's annual tradition, the Toronto event takes place alongside no pants subway rides all over the world.
Read more here
This post “50 things to do this winter in Toronto” was seen first on blogTO by Lisa Power
IV Vitamin Drip Therapy Toronto Clinic - The IV Lounge
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prosenkhans · 6 years
Your body is not a temple. It’s an amusement park. Enjoy the ride.
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It had to be the Salt Fish & Ackee. And the fried chicken. Of course the fuckin’ fried chicken.
Bourdain called Miss Ollie’s a taste of the “shiny, new Oakland”. You don’t see many tourists here, thank goodness, but the air of gentrification is present. Considered “Downtown Oakland”, you got the not-so-middle-class 20-30s something transplants messing about, bumping head long into 5th generation locals with A’s paraphernalia dangling from twin strollers. You’re just as likely to have a conversation with a person drinking craft IPA out of a laser etched glass to a person brown bagging a St. Ides 40 oz, chasing it with a Hennessy flat bottle they bury deep in their back pocket. It’s a normal thing here. The modern pressing against the traditional. “New money” and the “old school” of things. The social and economic divide that is prevalent so much here in the Bay Area. And still, the willingness by most to close that gap. The whole idea of “who’s town is this” will not be settled tonight. No. There is fish to be eaten. Chicken to be dunked in batter, fried golden, and devoured without utensils. People seem happy enough. Why not? The game is about to start.
It’s about 5:15 PM. The restaurant has yet to open for their dinner shift. And that is where I find myself, in an awkward situation as per usual, waiting in front of a door and peering into a kitchen staff hastily prepping for a Friday night. The idea was to order food and get the fuck home. I did not want to be around IF the Dubs won game 4 (they did). Not that I don’t enjoy a rowdy drunken crowd. Well I don’t actually. Not any more. Besides it wasn’t my victory, it wasn’t my team. Celebrating another’s victory just didn’t seem right, lighting fireworks and screaming in glee whilst turning over cars. Those aren’t my fireworks. I didn’t earn the drunken mob mentality to vandalize vehicles. I just didn’t want to be a buzz kill. No no. No, the only reason I stood there was because I wanted that damn salt fish and chicken! It had been a long day, made longer and mentally uncomfortable by learning that Bourdain had killed himself. No. Get the food, go home, take my pants off and sit on the couch and not so gently devour this stuff. Call it a half ass homage to the man whilst giving me some quiet time to really come to terms with all the thoughts running in my head. Oh and there was whiskey there. Pre-bought whiskey. Lots of it. Which undoubtedly has lead to this ranting essay.
When one writes shit like this it's impossible to avoid IT. The cliches, the flowery anecdotes, the over simplifications, and the glorifications of the recently passed individual. The stuff comes up because it's what we think about. However, I will say this. It a given family and friends are impacted most by a loss. Duh. Condolences, prayers up, what have you. It’s stating the obvious. What I think is escaping a lot of people is maybe we are never as close to someone we would like to think. We may love them. We may relate, appreciate, respect, and even be exceptionally close to them. But it’s becoming more and more evident to me that that UNDERSTANDING is a solo endeavor practiced by individuals specifically for their own self awareness.
We share only what we want people to see of us.
The word I most associate with Bourdain is “natural”. I know most people will go on and talk about his knowledge of the culinary world and his appreciation for amazing food. They’ll talk about his worldy travels and his willingness to immerse himself in the truest space of a city/country’s culture. People applaud and as well they should. Bourdain became the totem for all people with an ever growing sense of wanderlust. The question is why? There are plenty of who know food and culture and travel the world. Hell there are TONS of people on TV that do it and are dull as shit. So why Bourdain? Why is he, now that he is gone, ever so much more deified by those who wish to see our lives as 1/17th compelling as what he lived on screen? He was a natural. Or better yet, a “compelling natural asshole”. Yeah, that’s better.
First and foremost Bourdain was an artist. All of his shows went WELL beyond the norm of his contemporaries. In hindsight, his OG shows and the times in which he filmed them, they were damn near revolutionary. As budgets increased and skills got better, it became less so of an educational eating/travel show but more so of a docu-series of a man living in various moments. A man given the opportunity to perform a “dream job” and knowing fully well how damn lucky he was. Secondly, he was a writer. A good one. People will try to quote him in eulogy these days, but I find it hard to really pare it down. His shows were written so well that it felt like a never ending fount of inspiration meme fodder. Just Google it, you’ll see. And last, he was “cool”. And in the non pretentious type way. We just seemed like what he said, what he wore, what music was playing, hell what type of pop-cultural factoids he would equally praise and lacerate came not from a “marketing analysis report”, but a genuine opinion from a man who seemed unconcerned about the camera in his face.
What I can say is the dude gave off a vibe that drew people in. Or at least thats what he wanted to put out in the world.
I had to wait 15 minutes before I could order. Fuck. Hungry. I was starving at that moment. So even though I was annoyed and rather irritable after such a long and mentally draining day, I made my normally anti-social self do something Bourdain may have approved of. I mingled with strangers. Oh and I bought a beer. And a sausage. Of course a sausage.
Rosamunde’s was getting more crowded as the start of the game grew closer. People in their blue and gold, some with NBA Champion 2018 hats already on, even though the game hadn’t even started yet. Weird. But I made my way up to the shop keep and got my tube of meet and glass of malted hops. Yum. So with 10 minutes to kill I engaged in polite conversation with 2 gents hugging the wall. They were cousins, one local and other from LA. Of course naturally the conversation lead to basketball and the probability that all the people in this restaurant would be drunk off victory and tequila by nights end. They would be. It was a consensus. I wont prattle on about the specifics of the conversation, but within that short 10 minutes I found myself bouyed by their energy. They knew the good times to come, and they were eager to get there. And in that moment, they seemed genuinely happy. As the clock drew closer to the half hour, I started to excuse myself from the conversation. “Just stay, man! We gunna win, and then we’re gunna celebrate!” But I couldn’t. So with one last “Salanche!” (I had to teach them that Irish word), I bid them good evening and their team good luck. It wasn’t my place. Not right now. Besides, fried chicken awaited!
As I stepped away, a smile on my face, a thought in my head. Its natural when someone you admire leaves, especially in such a manner. People will focus more the WHY than anything else. I’ve resigned myself to a simple truth. We DO NOT know what anyone else is thinking. To say we UNDERSTAND another individual so completely that we can approximate their feelings, intent, and mannerism is foolhardy. It's arrogant. If there is anything that I’ve learned from Bourdain is this simple truth.......You don’t know shit. So stop guessing. Try and actually gain knowledge of, well everything. It simple requires effort and openness. And sometimes the willingness to look foolish and fall on your face.
I place my order with the lovely lady. No menu required. I knows what I want. I order a Mauby for the wait. “It’ll be like 10 minutes. You’re the first to order,” she says with a smile. I’m pretty sure she thinks my fatass is ordering for 2. Ha, oh well. I drink my weird soda and wait. And try not to dwell on the WHY.
I’ll simply state that I appreciate what Bourdain CHOSE to show us. All of it. Watch an episode of any of his shows, there is something unique about it. In every episode, Bourdain will turn from cocky asshat, to worldly listener, to foody goofball, to hipster hating old man, to a poetic soul, to an appreciated world travel, to an unwilling celebrity. There will be a facet of all those personas in each show. Every. Single. One. Now I can say that what he CHOSE to show us was a 61 year old man, full of success within a career that any of us would envy. A father of an 11 year old girl who did seemed truly proud of her developing into a full fledged human. A man who found passion and love in this “late” phase of life. A man who has grown healthier and wiser. A man, while still driven, seemed content with it all. And it apparently wasn’t. At all. So people can keep asking WHY all they want. I choose to look at it in a much more cynical view. If Bourdain, the master of the world, chose to exit it in such a state, where does that leave us?
It’s a sad thought that unicorns don’t exist.
7 swigs into my cane sugar soda, all the tables are filled. The room is bustling and the noise level increases. Smiling faces, happy banter. There is an energy in the air. But even in this moment, surrounded by the humanity, I felt alone. Lost in my own thoughts.
Bourdain once said he was “addicted to celebrity”. He wouldn’t have been as successful as he was did he not have the drive and arrogance to achieve it. Still, one would think that being placed upon a pedestal as a cultural and generational icon would become waring. On top of the 250 days of travel, he was Anthony fuckin’ Bourdain all the damn time. People see you and may potentially be expecting a life altering moment, a chance to be inspired by a simple word or action. They think they know you. And that’s with the cameras off. Even when they were rolling there are times where it is evident Bourdain was uncomfortable in his own skin. That he was crossing the velvet rope where he knew he shouldn’t. Where he was torn between enjoying a meal given to him by custom and his reluctance to be so decadent when there are impoverished families just feet away. We see a misfit become potentially what he never saw himself being. A standard bearer, a bougee VIP. A man who inspired a legion, a world of people to open their minds and hearts to other cultures through food and drink, through conversation over a meal. To take the back alley, and skip the IHOP on Main St. Ask a stranger where to get a drink instead of a guide book. To eat something you can’t pronounce. To let go of forethought and allow yourself to take the moment in. By doing so he became accepted as the norm, as how a utopian world should be. And while I hope he is proud to some degree for showing the world a new way to think, a part of me questions that by becoming a living legend, he lost that “outsider rebel” aspect of himself, his persona. That misfit.
The bell rings. My order is ready. The young lady puts everything in a bag. 2 sets of utensils. “I knew it,” I mutter to myself. “Did you say something honey?” she asks. “No,” I chuckle slightly. She smiles and turns her head to give me the inquisitive side eye. “Are you happy with everything,” she asks whimsically. I look down, and smell the food. I smile. “Yeah. Right now I am.”
So as I sit at home writing this, the last of the Ackee scrambled across my plate, I do feel a sense of sadness, but certainly appreciation. To Mr. Anthony Bourdain. I can only say “thanks”. I truly doubt we will know his full impact on society until years, generations later. But in this moment, I thank you. I probably wouldn’t have eaten this fish and chicken without him. And that in itself is worth a toast. Solanche, mutha fucker.
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999bottles · 3 years
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Bouy Decapitator Barrel Aged Doppelbock
Astoria, Oregon
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kennyotto · 6 years
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Coffee with strangers #astoria #bouy #blackandwhite #bnw #monochrome #pier #strangers #streetphotography #pnw (at Buoy Beer Company) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtLUIr_Adnm/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=qb0ckvhtpck1
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