#both? both. Both is good
marsalta · 3 months
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podcast-city · 1 month
anthony starting an episode: alright shut the fuck up let’s pretend to be dumbass wizards or some shit
will starting an episode: now if it’s alright with you guys I’d like to start the part of the podcast where we all play a table top role playing game, and just so everyone is crystal clear, you are being recorded. okay. I love you.
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dbphantom · 11 months
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gotta love that (de)transformation
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cluelessbees · 1 year
@messrsbyler THIS IS FOR YOU
(Based on their ask
"dare you to write will finding out stonathan are a thing 🤲🏻"
I hope you like it ;--; (also established byler because I can)
Jonathan has been acting…strange recently.
Or, maybe strange wasn’t the best word to describe it. He wasn’t being weird just– different. Different might be a better description. There was something off– something new that was happening and Will couldn’t fully grasp what it was. He couldn’t figure out what it was. It wasn’t even anything you could realistically point to. It was more just a general..feeling. A feeling that is starting to get on Will’s nerves. Because he doesn’t get it. He doesn’t know what that feeling was. He has no idea what the fuck was happening.
But he knows for sure Steve Harrington has something to do with it.
It started a month ago when Steve began to offer to drive both Will and Jonathan to highschool. Which is weird. He doesn’t typically do that. In fact– he never did that before. This was new territory. Nothing would’ve prepared Will for hearing Steve willingly volunteer his free time to drive them. He knew Steve had a soft side, sure. But this wasn’t really part of the package. Heck-- even Jonathan looked a little shocked by the offer. He tried to refuse it, but Steve insisted. He insisted. Steve. Steve Harrington. Insisting on driving them to school. 
Will didn’t get it. 
And it wasn’t just that either. It wasn’t just that Steve began to drive them to school but he would also play a mixtape filled with Jonathan’s favourite band. He wasn’t just driving them to school but he was now offering to drive them back. He was staying for dinner. He was setting the table. He was conversing with Will's mom. He was engaging in Will’s stories about DnD campaigns. He was offering to help clean up. He was helping Jonathan with his photography. He was carrying extra rolls of film in case Jonathan needed more. He was helping Jonathan find a job. 
He was so…active in their lives now. And this new presence was accompanied by Jonathan’s mysterious change in behaviour too.
“Something’s going on,” Will stated, playing with a strand of Mike’s hair. 
“I mean…it’s not that weird is it?” Mike hums back, his head still laying on Will’s lap, as he looks up at his boyfriend. 
“It is for them. This wasn’t a thing until a month ago.”
“Maybe they’re just becoming really good friends.”
“But why now? And why so quickly? Isn’t that a bit strange to you?” Mike simply responds with a shrug as Will exhales, slowly reaching for Mike’s fingers to fiddle with. They sit there quietly for a bit before Will raises another point.
“It’s also a pretty intense friendship given everything.”
“Intense how?”
“They’re together all the time.”
“That’s a friend thing to do. Our party does that too.” Mike commented.
“Yeah but just them.”
“We were the same.” Will laughs at Mike's comment. Were. They’re no longer just friends. That’s still crazy to him. He paused, looking down at Mike to smile – he couldn’t help it. It’s Mike after all. He watched as Mike tilted his head, almost asking why he was smiling, but Willjust shrugged as he continued his rant. 
“It’s not just that though.”
“What else?” Mike responded attentively.
“Steve is so interested in everything Jonathan does---”
“He’s just being nice.”
“--He even has one of Jonathan’s photographs folded up in his wallet.”
“Well I did the same with all your drawings.”
“Yeah but you told me you did that because you were in love with…me.” Will paused. Mike sat up straight.
They stared at each other.
“No way–”
“Jonathan and Steve?!”
“No way.”
“For how long??”
“No fucking way.” Will exhaled as they continued to just stare at one another, their mouths agape. Well, that wasn’t the conclusion Will expected to be making. But, it did make the most sense out of all his previous theories. Which – made it all the more surreal because in what world is Steve “the Hair” Harrington dating Will’s brother?? 
“Holy shit. You have to ask Jonathan.”
“What? Now??” Will widened his eyes and raised his eyebrows. He can’t be serious. 
Mike nodded. 
“What am I supposed to say? Hey Jonathan. What’s up? How’s everything? Are you and Steve dating?”
“I wouldn’t phrase it like that but that’s sort of the gist of it--”
“You have to ask. Otherwise you won’t know, right?” 
Will crossed his arms as he thought about it, chewing the inside of his cheek. He had to admit, Mike was making a good point. There was only one way he would know for sure. And plus, he had been meaning to tell Jonathan about him and Mike for a while now. They’ve been talking about it for weeks. Will’s pretty sure he knows, but he wanted to officially tell him. It would be a step forward. A way of being more open. More themselves to the people around them. It might be a good opportunity to slip it in after coming out himself. 
“Okay…later tonight.”Mike knitted his brows together and squinted. He was clearly annoyed he had to wait. 
“Fine.” He finally said, exasperatedly. “But you better radio me right after.”
“Deal.” Will smiled, cupping Mike’s face before kissing him, which seemed to make him feel better. (Mike was easy to please).
It was a quarter past eight when Mike had to bike home for the night. Normally, they would make up an excuse for him to sleep over – a school project was usually their go to. But sadly, Karen Wheeler had already told Mike he had to watch Holly for the night and help her complete her schoolwork. Will’s mom had headed out to her late shift. Jonathan was in his room. And Will was right outside his room ready to knock on the door.
Here goes nothing.
His hand hovered over the door before he noticed a light whisper sound. Huh, weird. He knocked a total of three times before hearing shuffling. Weirder.
“Jonathan?” He calls out, hearing even more shuffling and a whispered yet very clear “shit” coming from the other side of the door.
“Yeah?” He heard Jonathan yell hastily.
“I was wondering if we could talk about--” Will was cut off by a loud Thud! followed by someone wincing in pain. 
Instinctually, he rushes into the room only to find a bruised Steve Harrington midway through the window with Jonathan by his side, helping him up. Their heads slowly turn to Will. 
“Hey…Byers. I was just in the neighbourhood and thought I’d stop by– through the window.”
Will, trying his best not to burst out laughing, just smiles and nods before turning towards his room. Well…at least he doesn’t have to ask Jonathan anymore. 
“I thought you said you were like a ninja.”
I'm only semi-happy with it I lowkey wanna rewrite it into a long fanfic also I kinda got tired by the end bUT I HAD TO FINISH
Hope you enjoy ;---; im sorry if it sucked---
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greghatecrimes · 6 months
ppth -> Princeton Plainsboro auTistic Hospital
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ophanim-vesper · 2 years
I just realized the 'human guiding their alien/monster/nonhuman lover through the human world' trope is very neurodivergent-coded bc it's basically someone helping someone they love through basic, everyday tasks that they struggle with and being unconditionally loving and patient the entire time.
"oh you don't know how to laundry? Don't worry I'll teach you"
"need help using the stove? It's ok I'll help"
"unaware of common greetings, slang or other customs? It's alright I understand"
"don't know how to do common tasks that most people, including myself, know how to? It's ok I still love you regardless and I will help you every step of the way"
yeah so I guess that's why I love this trope so much.
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pinkflames · 2 years
Hermitblr: grian's experiencing skulk corruption :)
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thisperfectmonsoon · 2 months
Anal or 69
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ifeellikeameowster · 5 months
Trolls Crackship Idea!
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Clay from Trolls 3 x Gust Tumbleweed from Trollstopia!
They both have sad book clubs! And Gust is the Fun Sheriff while Clay is the Putt Putt Manager. They could bond over both their favorite books and how difficult it is to handle troublemaking trolls!
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“Varian’s werewolf coded!”
“But Vamparian’s the og!”
look, I agree, but if this nerd’s getting a monster design, he deserves at least two more arms
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uri59 · 2 years
Subscribed to Dracula Daily...
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Subscribed to Dangerous Liaisons Daily:
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fablegate · 2 years
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...it was only a matter of time
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Other trans mascs: masculine, handsome, sexy, bad ass, tall
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Me: feminine, skinny, lazy, afraid of doorbells, short
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crystalninjaphoenix · 11 months
Anyway, in fic-writing news, this week I am attempting to write two new fic chapters at once for the first time ever! If I succeed, there will be a new PNPT on Sunday as usual, but there will also be a new SepticHeroes on Monday or Saturday. If I fail, well, there will just be PNPT XD
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talentforlying · 10 months
⚠️ rumor has it he’s got a thing for big brown eyes and/or people who call him pretty boy.
so CONFIRMED you could find him listed for it in the yellow pages.
@asteritm / MUSE SHAMING
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ink-asunder · 2 years
Thoughts on the anime vs manga (Soul Eater)?
The more content, the more om nom nom.
I actually haven't read much of the manga (yet), so I can't give a fully formed Opinion on it, but in short:
I like that the manga has more characters, fleshes the characters out more, and we get to see more character development for the main 3. (Book of Eibon arc, DeathStar fight my beloved, new and awesome powers ily)
I like the anime because it's shorter; at 51 episodes, it's the perfect length for me. The development was definitely cut short, but the anime ATTEMPTED to tie up loose ends despite of that (which at times sounds like more than Ohkubo did in the manga). Crona’s not stuck on the moon, the Kishin isn't alive and also on the moon, and there isn't so much FUCKING FANSERVICE. When something has more potential, it just makes any wasted potential feel that much worse.
In terms of deeper elements like lore, morality, mental health, alegory, etc in the series, I can't really speak on it yet? Like I said, I haven't read most of the manga. (I think the way I read it in high school was I just read all scenes involving Death the Kid and skipped everything else. I get the gist, but I Did Not See most of the the deeper aspects in depth.)
I like both equally, despite and because they're so different. I actually really like having several versions of the same story. And if they're both canon? Two cakes, baby! I like how each of them give such different jumping off points for fan creators/etc. They're both flawed in their own ways, but at that point, I don't feel like it's a general anime vs. manga discussion. I am currently reading the manga for research for a fanfic I'm writing, so maybe I'll have a more interesting answer then, lol
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