#both weird and normal blooded shadow are really good
sonic-adventure-3 · 2 years
I’m not actually that invested in green-blooded Shadow, however, wouldn’t it be fucked up if on the ARK the only blood Shadow has seen is his own.
Wouldn’t it be fucked up if after a normal day of being tested on, after lying down on a cold metal table being poked and prodded with needles and scalpels and machines that do who knows what once he gives the OK (because I do think if Shadow was tested on he had a choice. I think Gerald would always ask for Shadow’s consent before experimenting on him. I just think Shadow would never say no. This is for Maria, after all, and Shadow would always agree to something that’s for Maria), after seeing his neon green blood drain into bags above him for what feels like the millionth time, the raid happens.
The raid happens and now Shadow is made aware that blood is red. Humans bleed red.
He then has all the time it takes for an escape pod hurtling through space to reach earth to try and reconcile this fact.
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eddathegreat · 8 months
Worm and Ward and Familiarity
I saw a really great analysis of Worm working with tropes while Ward works against them by @greatwyrmgold, and it reminded me of a more general contrast that I noted:
Worm is coming from a very familiar place and being pulled out of that. The Undersiders have fairly relatable experiences (on average). Poverty, bullying, neglect and abuse by guardians. I'd argue that, as extreme as Alec's experience is, it would resonate with many who have dealt with indoctrination in their youth (like me). Brockton Bay is a city on economic decline, struggling to stay afloat, and afflicted with violent crime. There's superpowers thrown in, sure, but it's fundamentally very familiar human shittiness and problems that drive a lot of the story.
The powers are definitely weird and creative, but it's still unmistakably a superhero story. Bugs, darkness, flight and strength and durability, contact biokinesis. Superheroes and supervillains in costumes fighting each other, hijinks and blood loss.
Except that there's Endbringers, and Echidna, and Cauldron, and Scion. The culmination of the story is peeling back the mask of a familiar superhero setting to reveal a cosmic horror story.
Ward is set in the aftermath of that.
There's a massive megacity that still doesn't have a name. It's basically a country, but it's led by a mayor. Infrastructure is just barely there, lots of people are still living in tents, the internet is just barely running and not everywhere. People with superpowers are no longer just superheroes and supervillains, they're... what, exactly? So many threats that were once contained are now running free, the ratio of normal territory to gonzo hellscapes has been turned on its head. The skyline is torn apart by portals to other worlds, and it's fucking with the weather. There's a political movement against people with superpowers, and there are people affected by superpowers with their own identity, and both of those groups are very conspicuous in how hard it is to treat them as an analogy for any other groups. People are estranged from their own environment, and it's a brave, terrible new world in the shadow of a slain god.
The superpowers are less straightforward. Being unable to be pointed at, impregnation tentacles that fuck with the effectiveness of other powers, lots of cluster triggers and grab-bags, etc. The powers are more obviously reflective of the cosmic horror story people have had to wake up to, unfamiliar, weird, and deeply upsetting.
The characters are also pretty dang weird. Rain is a lot like Alec, and I think he might actually be the most normal of the bunch. Body dysphoria+, sharing a body with a sibling, attachment issues, living as a clone or as a sort-of clone. Not totally unrelatable, to be sure, there are parallels with real life experiences, but these are more their own thing, not so recognizable.
This makes Victoria kind of the perfect protagonist, matching the themes: she's estranged from who she was and her old connections; her home city is gone; she's gone through something absolutely mind-bendingly terrible that is among the worst that people can experience IRL and then some; her power has changed; she was raised into the weirdness of superheroics and is pioneering how it looks in this new world; she's knowledgeable about the weirdness surrounding powers, giving her a good eye for understanding the new world.
I think a decent fraction of Ward's relative unpopularity sadly comes from this: estrangement from the once familiar. The characters can't be related to as easily, the powers aren't so iconic, and the setting feels undefined. I don't think Ward is inherently worse for it, it's just a bit of a tougher sell.
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Wolves At The Door; Part Two
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Fandom: Resident Evil [Village]
Pairing: Eventual Karl Heisenberg/AFAB!Reader
Rating: Holy shit M.
Summary: "You don't gotta' lie to me, you know. Books don't get like this without love."
A/N: Welcome all, welcome to our second installment! Enjoy!
Tag List: @cookiethewriter @amneris21 @topgirl17 @vodkafolie @a-smol-witch @baby-lisuga @clockworkmidnight @calwitch @silver-quinn01 @velvet-paradox @hijackser @mrs-wolfwood @nonstop-haikyuu @mic-sunderland @somethingthatsaysbubbles @fullofmoonsandstars @stargazerofgoldenwords @imthegreenfairy86 @karlskitten @nitrogennightmare @chunnies
Part One
[!TRIGGER WARNING!: This installment contains mentions of blood, canon-typical violence, depictions of animal butchering, depictions of a burn/scalding and graphic depictions of mental and physical duress. Stay safe!]
Sleeping that night was…difficult. Heisenberg was restless and it definitely didn't help your mental state to have him skulking around the cabin in the half-light, maul in hand. You found yourself curling up on the couch, eyes unconsciously drawn to the dark windows even as you attempted to get some rest.
Karl, for his part, didn't seem better off than you. If anything he was worse, the man sweating visibly as he made his rounds. Whether from the exertion of the day or nerves you couldn't say, but you finally had enough.
"Sit down." You ordered, gesturing to the sagging chair that resided parallel to the couch. "You're making me dizzy with all your pacing."
He obeyed without a word, the maul resting across his knees after he settled into the chair. Karl's gaze landed on the floor after a moment and a deep frown etched a furrow between his brows. He seemed to be struggling with something, wrestling some deep conundrum in his mind, so you decided to simply stay quiet.
"I think I'm…like them." Heisenberg's voice grated a little when he broke the silence. "That wrongness, that…feeling, that Uncanny Valley shit, I hate it but I know it." His eyes darted to your own. "I don't think I'm a good person. Or I–dammit I don't know, I think bare minimum I've done some real bad things. Do you see it too? Or is it all in my head?"
You drew your knees up even tighter to your chest, resting your cheek on one of them. It was like you were studying him in the wan light of the candles on the wood stove. Those same candles threw enormous shadows on the walls, black forms twisting and writhing as the flames danced in the breeze from the open windows. 
Karl couldn't decide what he wanted you to say. Was he the man, cowering in his chair, fidgeting with a simple club, or the nightmare creature skulking in the dark, made all the more terrifying by fear and imagination?
Wolf in sheep's clothing.
Choose, damn it! he found himself thinking irritably when you continued to look at him.
Karl blinked, stunned at your response. "What?"
"The hell do you mean?"
"I mean, I guess we're all both." You shrugged. That shrug was really starting to get under his skin. You were a little too free and easy with this stuff, in Karl's humble opinion! "We're all kind of unsettling in our own ways. I wouldn't say you're like those things out in the woods, but you're probably not unlike them either. Maybe you've got something to do with them, maybe not. Obviously you're weird, you can move metal with your brain. That doesn't mean you're like-" you gestured vaguely at one of the windows. "-those critters."
"Seems more like them than a normal person." Heisenberg muttered. 
"Nobody's normal." You insisted, sounding almost annoyed. "Not even if they want to be. No matter how much you polish or clean things up, humans are weird. Sure, we can pretend for a little while, but we're all just a few wrong moves away from revealing how awkward we are." 
"Awkward?" Karl snorted in disbelief. "I should be so damn lucky to be considered awkward, sugar. Better that than the town freak." 
–pitchforks and torches, factory ablaze, iron-red scent in the air–
"What do you want me to say, huh?" was your retort, snapping Karl out of whatever memory that was. "I don't know you, but I'm trusting you on my property. The Duke vouched for you, which counts for something. Not much, but something." You leaned forward, one accusatory finger aimed at his chest. "I don't see any effing talismans around the property to ward you off. Do you?"
He couldn't meet your gaze. Heisenberg had no idea how to tell you that the mangled charm he had found tied to the fenceline made his hand feel like it was on fire when he tried to replace it on the post. I'm like them, I'm like them sat at the base of his throat, a lump of cold dread.
You sighed after a minute of his silence, apparently taking it as acceptance. "Of course you don't. So don't…don't worry about that stuff, okay? Worry about it when you have to. Don't make more trouble for yourself." One of your hands slipped along his jaw and Karl flinched before he could stop it, the instinctive motion obviously startling you because you quickly pulled away. "Oh sorry! Sorry, sorry." You apologized. "I shouldn't have…uh, that's on me."
"No it's--it's fine." Karl tried to wave you off, forcing a chuckle. "No harm done, right?"
His eyes had only met yours for a second, yet it felt like a lifetime. There was something there in his expression that had sent a shudder down your spine, compounded by the way he had flinched back. Karl laughed it off but his visage was guarded. Clearly whatever it was, he didn't feel like confronting it now. It may have even been something he didn't remember; some odd reaction to a thing he couldn't explain.
What is it like, you wondered with a flash of sympathy, to exist in a body that remembers what the mind doesn't? 
Heisenberg eventually stood back up, the maul hanging loosely from his fingertips while he carried on that circuitous roaming. The repetitive creaking of the floorboards slowly began to lull you into a doze, the stubby candles on the wood stove burning low as the time passed. 
The rustling of Heisenberg's tattered overcoat served to herald his rounds close to your resting place, and during your uneasy drowse you felt a hand tug up the light blanket that had slid off of your shoulder. 
The dawn came slowly. Neither of you got much rest, you were fairly sure. At some point Karl had settled down in front of the door, his coat draped over him like a makeshift quilt. The maul was tucked up alongside him, a loyal companion even in slumber. 
You had to admit, in the light of day you felt a bit foolish for being so scared the night before. But…Karl had been concerned too, right? Maybe he was just following your lead?
You scoffed at yourself, getting to your feet. You had survived the night and thus, there was the work of the day to be done. Breakfast first, then the chores you had neglected yesterday while you whipped yourself into a frenzy over (probably) nothing. 
You squinted out the window next to the sink as you quickly washed your hands, scrutinizing the edge of your property with tired eyes. Everything looked okay, but you knew you would walk the fenceline later. If only to make yourself feel better! Maybe you would find a bear trail, or something else to allay the fears that still gnawed at you.
The morning meal was simple. You were still working your way through the abundance of plums from last year's harvest so dried fruit and a piece of hard cheese from the pantry lined your stomach well enough for the moment, but you would have to add bread to your to-do list. Having Karl in your home was quickly tearing a hole in your food supply; you were so accustomed to stretching your stores that dealing with a guest was proving difficult to manage. 
Were you really so solitary that an unexpected visitor was enough to throw everything off? Granted, you did live alone in an off-the-grid cabin well past the outskirts of some old, abandoned village. You were pretty sure it was abandoned, anyway. The only map you'd ever seen it on was a moldering scrap of paper included with the equally-old deed to your current abode, and until the Duke had trundled up the rutted, overgrown road, you hadn't seen another person for quite a while. 
You were self-sufficient, that's all, and you valued your peace and quiet. Out here, nothing really bothered you. Aside from the occasional deer pilfering fallen apples during the autumn or a fat boar rooting its way through your lettuce and green beans in the summer, that is. 
You didn't mind being alone.
Karl mumbled a protest when you roused him from his spot in front of the door, and you quickly ushered him to relocate on the couch. It seemed like he was asleep before he was fully horizontal, much to your amusement. No time for that though, there was work to be done!
Karl groggily came to, realizing the noise he had heard in his dreams was the sound of the cabin door creaking open in the breeze. You were outside humming some tuneless, meandering thing, punctuated by occasional grunts of exertion. 
Heisenberg stared wearily up at the knotholes in the ceiling. Did you ever stop? In the brief time he had known you it seemed like you were always doing things, always occupied with some eternal, infernal task. Sisyphean, his brain reminded him helpfully. Clearly he enjoyed clinging to useless information.
He sat up with a groan, stretching his arms overhead and then rubbing absently at the scarring on his abdomen. It didn't really itch, not exactly. The Duke had left behind some sort of ointment for him that you had been dutifully applying every other day and it seemed to help expedite Karl's healing process, but the skin around the area always felt a little too tight.
At that moment you shouldered open the ajar door, your sleeves rolled up to the elbow and your hands covered in…
Karl lunged to his feet, groping for the maul and watching it come flying from beside the doorframe to his waiting grasp. "What happened?!" He all but shouted at you, bewildered when you met the inquiry with a breathless little laugh. Were you in shock? That was a lot of blood! 
Now you were waving your hands around, as if to distract him. "I'm sorry! I didn't want to wake you. Something got a deer at the back fenceline, I've been prepping it to dress." You explained, nudging open one of your cabinets with your elbow and scooping up a pile of stained towels. "Had to hoist it to drain, the usual."
"Oh." Karl wasn't sure how much of this his heart could take. The poor thing was currently hammering in his throat and he got the feeling it'd be that way for a while. "Wait, what do you mean something?" He latched onto your words, suspicion mounting as your expression shifted from puzzled to concerned.
"I thought…I thought it was wolves, maybe?" You reasoned. "They're pretty skittish, so if they'd heard something in the house moving they might have left the deer."
Karl followed you out of the cabin, still firing off questions while the two of you trekked across the yard. "How'd it die, did you see any weird marks on it?" I didn't hear shit, there's no way it was wolves.
"Usual stuff." You settled onto your haunches beside the strung-up deer, gesturing vaguely at the neck which had been ripped open. "Must have tired it out and then took it down."
Heisenberg crouched beside you, examining the primary wound and finding that his eyes seemed much too accustomed to the scene. It stirred odd half-recollections in his broken memory, ushering things to the surface that, frankly, he was getting a little nervous about.
--looking down at a body with his hands up to the forearm in the abdomen, his own cajoling, mocking voice echoing in some deep, dark hole–
The deer. The deer for fuck's sake keep it together Karl.
Karl forced himself to focus, tracing a half moon-shaped bite imprint with a sinking feeling in his stomach. "This isn't a wolf kill." He said finally. "That's from a human mouth, or at least one shaped like it, see?" 
You gave him an incredulous look but obliged, your knee knocking into his as you shuffled over. After a moment, you wrinkled your nose. "Guess I shouldn't cure this, then. Be a bit of a waste to dry what might be contaminated meat." You sounded dejected, continuing, "I was hoping it was a lucky break. You like meat and I just…storing it is always an issue for me so I usually only take down small things in snares. Rabbits, pheasants." You sat back, grimacing at your bloody hands. "Give me a minute and I'll haul this away so we don't attract anything unsavory."
"I'll do it."
"You're still recovering! Splitting wood is one thing, dragging a dead body through the forest is-"
Something I'm intimately familiar with. Karl cut you off, shaking his head. "Just let me. I already feel like all this is happening because I'm here. If it's really got nothing to do with me, this is the biggest goddamn coincidence I've ever witnessed." He swore, then growled, "where the hell is that fat bastard when we need him?"
"He is a creature of convenience." You acquiesced, your smile rueful. "His own, specifically. Wonder how much lei I'll have to scare up for some fresh talismans?"
"If he charges you I'll kill him myself." Karl stated flatly, mentally reeling from the sudden animosity that flared up. "Fuck that prick and his two-timing bullshit." Two-timing? Where did that come from? 
True to his word and despite your protests, Karl shouldered the deer carcass and lumbered off into the woods. You pointed him towards the trail you had previously marked out with small blazes on the trees so he simply followed it to what you had dubbed your 'disposal site'. 
As he trudged, Karl noted in a somewhat distant way that the body he had slung over his shoulders didn't seem…all that heavy? Granted, it had lost a bit of blood, but you hadn't even gotten to gutting it yet. He also noticed that the blazes left on the trees were somewhat softened or overgrown, as though they had been there for years. The man's brow furrowed. 
Just how long had you been out here? Wherever here was, of course.
The disposal site was a small pile of refuse from your previous endeavors. Bones were scattered around, presumably by whatever scavengers had visited the area. Karl, not really paying attention and moving on autopilot, simply threw the deer to the side. He watched the body skid for a moment, then reality caught up with him. 
That deer should be heavy. It should be pretty heavy, bare minimum. He had heard the way you had struggled to lift it, even with the pulley system you used to hoist it up on a nearby tree branch to drain. But to him, it felt like nothing. Karl flexed his fingers nervously, sure he was missing something. Moving metal with his brain was all well and good, but if he was some kind of freak why couldn't it only be in one regard? What else was wrong with him?
--the giant hammer slamming down again, the eruption of blood and the sputtering roar of a turbine–
You grumbled as you scrubbed at your arms, annoyed with the current turn of events. You'd really thought you had caught a break, finding that deer! Instead, all you had gotten was disappointment. You shouldn't be surprised, knowing your luck, but still. Annoying. Disheartening.
You dashed a few tears away, frustrated with yourself for getting so wound up again. Maybe you could chalk it up to the poor sleep you'd gotten the previous night. You inhaled deeply, trying to rein everything in and force yourself to be rational. You'd just have to set some snares, that wasn't any big deal! You were making a mountain out of a molehill here. 
You scrubbed a little harder, huffing out a breath. 
There was a crashing in the undergrowth that heralded the return of Karl but you didn't turn to look at him, simply raising a hand to acknowledge his presence and then going back to tediously cleaning the grime from beneath your fingernails.
You yelped, dodging the spray it kicked up which caused Karl to chuckle. "What, afraid of getting wet?" He teased, grabbing the sleeve of the shirt and preparing to reel it in. 
Karl slouched down beside you on the riverbank, the shoulder of his worn shirt smeared with blood from the carcass. You realized belatedly that maybe you should have offered him one of your rags to keep the stains to a minimum, but he didn't seem overly concerned with appearances. He was silent for a moment, staring down at the running water. Then, without preamble, he undid a few buttons on his shirt and jerked it over his head, flinging it into the water. He nearly took his undershirt off along with it, but managed to wriggle loose at the last moment.
"No, no, you'd better not!" You exclaimed, scrambling to your feet. "Don't you d-" The wet shirt smacked your leg, sending a frigid jolt up your spine and making you unleash the most embarrassing squawk of dismay.
Heisenberg's smirk was positively devious, the man slapping the shirt back down into the water once more as you raced away. "You can't escape me that easily, sugar!" 
"I can try!" You yelled back, ducking through your fence and bolting into the woods. 
You could still hear him laughing as he pursued you and weirdly you found yourself giggling too. It was as if the tension had broken, the two of you sprinting through the trees without a care in the world. Eventually, breathless, you ended up back at the edge of your property waving off Heisenberg's quickly-advancing form. 
"Time out!" You gasped, flopping against a tree trunk. "I give up, okay? You got me." 
Instead of snapping the shirt at you like you had been expecting Karl crowded you back against the tree, cupping your face with the sopping fabric. You closed your eyes, luxuriating in the sudden coolness after your mad dash, and you heard Karl swallow hard. When you opened your eyes again Karl was looking at you with that odd expression, his own gaze troubled. 
He had never been this close to you and you realized, in an absent sort of way, that his green irises had an amber-yellow ring around the pupil. In this light, you mused internally, he's almost handsome. "What? Do I have something on my face?" You finally quipped, already missing the lighthearted mood of moments before.  
Karl opened his mouth, paused, and then simply stepped back, sweeping his hat off to offer you an elaborate bow in the direction of your home. "I'll let you off easy this once." His smile was sardonic. 
A strange sense of loss came over you as he sauntered away but you hurriedly shook it off, running to catch up with him instead as he laboriously began to rebutton the damp shirt over his threadbare undershirt. "If you want meat, I expect you to lend me a hand setting up the snares."
"More shit to do!" The man half-laughed, half-groaned at your demand, settling his hat further back on the crown of his head. "Don't you ever take a break?"
"No, not really," was your blunt response. 
"Well," Karl drew the word out, giving you a haughty look. "Maybe you ought to."
"The genius on display." You replied sarcastically, flicking the brim of his hat. "If I don't do shit, who will? You're not going to be here forever y'know, and I can't exactly rely on having an extra pair of hands."
"I think you could, though." Heisenberg's eyes were pointedly fixed ahead when you glanced at him. "For a little while, at least?" The only way you could tell it was a question was the barely-there uptick in his tone of voice at the end. You, for your part, were a bit stunned. You hadn't thought…
"W-Well that's up to you!" You stuttered out, feeling strangely flustered. "I'm not kicking you out, if that's what you're asking. You leave when you want to. But," you then paused, trying to infuse some gravity into the situation, "you will have to keep pitching in if you stay, so I'm not sure if the tradeoff is worth it to you." 
It was at least half a joke. 
Well, maybe a quarter. There was always work.
"Understood." You watched him withdraw a pair of leather gloves from his back pocket, then Karl tilted his head towards you with a grin. "Snares, huh? Think the rope is strong enough to snag a boar?" 
It was odd, the easy way Karl slotted into your day to day. You woke before him in the mornings and he went to bed well after you, the two of you still on different sleep schedules. You partitioned off a section of the living room so that he could have a bit of privacy, shoving the repaired camping cot into the corner behind the sheet. 
That was it. Simple. Painless.
He helped around the yard, pulling weeds in the garden or watering as the summer continued to march on. He held fences so you could mend them and the two of you did your best to not talk about the withered remains of the Duke's charms, now all but crumbled to dust. He checked the snares and you could tell whether the trap had been a success by listening for his distant crowing in delight. 
Karl's presence became normal. Mundane, even. 
Many's the morning he came stumbling out of the cabin door, still rubbing the sleep from his eyes as he passed you a cup of something to drink. Karl often urged you to take breaks, "even for a second or two," and you would usually oblige, if grudgingly. The extra set of hands was appreciated, but you didn't want to fully rely on him. That wasn't fair to either of you! He should be free to pick up his pieces should his memory return in full, and the last thing you wanted was him sticking around out of fear that you would be ineffective on your own after all of his help. 
A day then came where you felt like another shift occurred, a gray day where you were feeding more wood into your stove, intent on making an excess of quality charcoal for the rain barrel filter you knew needed refreshing soon. It was dull, smoky work and Heisenberg for his part was content to sit, the man leafing through one of your few dog-eared books with an increasingly-sour squint.
"Not your thing?" You finally asked, a little pricked by the stiffness of his face. Karl shook his head absently and you watched his eyes dart over the pages. You tried again, "I didn't bring much with me, so that's kind of a favorite." Kind of. The poor book's tattered state heralded a lifetime of reading; shoved into bags or pockets and bookmarked over and over. 
Karl looked up, that grim squint still holding firm. "You don't gotta' lie to me, you know. Books don't get like this without love." He closed the book, fanning the air with it. "I uh, I don't think your stove is drawing right. The smoke is burning my eyes a little."
To your dismay you realized that he was, in fact, correct. The stove was currently billowing smoke from the ajar door and you scrambled to adjust the crooked old chimney, but in your haste you forgot how hot the metal would be.
Heisenberg was on his feet before the pained noise left your mouth, the man yanking you back a step and then glaring at the leaning stovepipe, which snapped itself as straight as a poker. "Sugar," he chastised, examining your palms as you hissed in pain. "C'mon, let's get you to the river before that blisters."
In an uncharacteristic moment of vulnerability, instead of protesting you simply let yourself be led to the riverbank. The chill of the water worked quickly to soothe your scalded skin, reducing the pain to a small area on the heel of one of your palms. Karl kept your hands in his own, the man not meeting your eyes the entire time he ministered to you. When you flinched he muttered an apology, his voice gruff, and something about the tone had your stomach in knots.
"I think it'll be okay." You said softly after a few minutes. Karl started, like he had forgotten you were there, like he had forgotten your hands were cupped in his. His eyes locked with yours and you smiled, wanting to express your gratitude for his presence but having difficulty coming up with the words. You simply settled on, "thank you." 
In reply, Heisenberg huffed and snorted so much you were certain he was going to choke, the man just jamming his hat down around his ears and then sauntering off. "What are you waiting for?" he yelled over his shoulder. "You keep sitting around and the house is gonna' burn down!"
More likely to get blown over by a huffing, puffing wolf, you thought with a private little snicker as you rose.
Indebted was the only word he could think of, but it was…wrong somehow. Every time you smiled, it let Karl convince himself to stay a little while longer. 
Besides, it wasn't…so bad being indebted. If he could even call it that.
There came the day when you ran out of the salves the Duke had given you for Karl's wounds and it was pitiful, but Heisenberg almost missed the way you would tend to his fading scars. Almost. He told himself it wasn't that he missed the actual care, but it was easier for his body to mend if his brain was receiving constant affirmation about it. Without that, well, things might slow a bit. 
He felt like he couldn't afford to slow down, for whatever reason. The feeling in his stomach continued to yawn wider, the desire to move and cause harm with every step becoming more and more prevalent.
He'd had you there, beneath that tree, and that was what had shaken him to his core. The tunnel vision that took hold of him as he chased you was…something he didn't want to examine too closely.
Like them. Whatever they were.
He had pulled away. Had deflected. A cocksure attitude did a lot to hide certain reactions, certain expressions he wasn't the master of. The reality of knowing that it was a switch, some terrible thing inside of him that bayed for violence, kept Karl's sleep even more poor than it had been previously. And when he would forget, overstep, cozy up, Heisenberg would sternly remind himself of The Facts: he was clearly Bad and you were Good and the way the world worked was not kind to people like him.
Really, it wasn't so terrible. Sometimes you even thanked him, your hands in his own after you burned yourself, your face so close to his and your smile small but no less genuine for its size.
As the first apples began to ripen on your two trees (to Karl's combined horror and relief) an unfamiliar-familiar cart made its ponderous way up the now nearly-intraversable road. 
You were still inside washing dishes from lunch, so Karl called to you through the window to alert you and then acquired the maul from the woodpile. That gargantuan bastard had some things to answer for.
"It is good to see you so hearty once more, my Lord!" The Duke called once Karl was within earshot, his broad face split with a grotesque smile. "Your recovery was no guarantee, after all."
My Lord. My Lord. Lord Karl Heisenberg. My Lord.
Karl reached up as high as he could and seized a handful of the Duke's straining shirt collar, his voice a seething whisper when he demanded, "tell me what you know or I'm feeding you to the fucking wolves."
Part Three
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teeny-tiny-revenge · 1 year
So I'm having a real normal one here, not obsessing over the trailer at all. I shall demonstrate that by this presentation, where I tried to put some of the events from the trailer in chronological order based on Ed's looks and the injuries on his face. Like one does.
First we have Kraken Ed, freshly post breakup, with his depression makeup, wearing all leather and trying to look unaffected and cool by day, but ugly crying over his repainted cake toppers by night. No injuries, just tear streaks.
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Second we get dangly earring up-do Ed. He's had a rough night, but he got up and did his hair up all nice, showing off his earring and pearl necklace, and he replaced the Kraken makeup with some nice eyeliner. He's unwell, daydreaming and moping at the helm, but starting to take care of himself. Again, no ouchies (only heartbroken).
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Then Something Bad happens to him. Is this where he falls/jumps/is thrown overboard, perhaps? Does he get in a fight? Either way next Ed version is this, I think:
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Head bump scene Ed is a mess, and this time not emotionally. He's unconscious in the beginning of this clip, and even once he startles awake, he looks super out of it, and I don't think it's because of the head bonk. Poor dude is concussed. The entire right side of his face is bloodied (cut eyebrow), and not just a little. There's blood in his beard, from a nosebleed and a cut lip. There's a cut on his left cheek. Our boy really was put through the wringer. He doesn't even realise that's Stede there yet, I think. (Also, this might indeed be their first reunion?)
Then we get a couple of different scenes that are somewhat shortly after this. Like the awkward meeting of former shipmates, and Ed smoking the joint. In both you can clearly see the split lip, the cuts on his left cheek and right eyebrow, and the bruises on his right cheek/temple.
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I'm unsure if he also has those cuts in the weird blue light in the woods scene, where he fires the gun and tries to hit someone over the head, but those have a really unreal vibe to them, so might be concussed Ed hallucinating?
He does have the injuries in the bunny scene. It's a bit hard to see and I couldn't get a good still of it, sorry this one still sucks and is the best I could do, but the lip cut is there. You can see it in the trailer video if you look for it. The others are covered by his hair.
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The bruising and lip cut are still there, but fainter in the "I am your captain" scene, you can see the shadow of the bruising when Ed turns his head, and I did manage to capture the lip cut, while the eyebrow cut seems gone. So this is later than blunt smoking and awkward running into Stede.
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Then we have this pic, and Ed at Jackie's and at the beach. (There's also my mouse, oops.)
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The split lip has healed, the cut on the cheek is still very faintly visible if you know where to look. Some time has passed to allow him to start healing. I'd guess this is more towards the end of the season. Ed isn't only healing physically, he's also out of the Blackbeard leather get-up, trying something new, as he says to Jackie and Swede.
Okay, thanks for coming to my TED talk. Hope you're also feeling very sane and hinged!
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uh-oh-its-bird · 1 year
Hi there take some unsolicited starwars fic ideas that Im literally never going to fully write but am agressivley thinking about anyways
A ghost sits in the emperor's shadow. Teeth bared, eyes sharp, lying in wait.
Tldr; Fox is killed by Palpatine but at this point his soul has been fucked with by dark force shit(tm) so much that he's able to linger on as a half-there remnant
When Luke confronts Palpetine some more weird force shit(tm) happens and Fox is able to manifest in time to kill the bitch, and by eating his soul (???) he gains the power to manifest more fully as some sort of very much *not* human force,,, *thing*
Also Cody and Obi-Wan are still alive and also are sickeningly in love because fuck you that's why
I need you to imagine Sunshine Luke holding up Clearly Not Normal Fox like
"!!!!!! Look what I found!!!!!!"
"Luke he ate the emperor"
"Ok and?"
This also means Darth Vader is alive so he's just kind of Awkwardly standing there in the corner like
🧍‍♂️ "Commander Fox. I am." *heavy breathing.* "Pleased to see you survived."
"I didn't."
*More heavy breathing*
No clue how that'd go but it'd go SOMEWHERE
Maybe Fox wanted to eat him too but has some sort of weird pity for him after watching over the Emperor's shoulder for so many years. They're both Palpatine's fucked up little experiments, even if Fox can identity exactly what went wrong a LOT better than Anakin. Hell, they actually possibly interacted some before Fox got axed, maybe they were almost friends. Got that good old 'unspoken understanding' energy where they make eye contact once in a while and just kind of nod and look away.
Thinking also ab how the rebels are either, totally off put and don't trust him at all or *Oh wow well he killed the emperor for us!!! But he's also uhh. Kind of a freak. But he killed the emperor, so???* or just full throttle *He killed!!! The emperor!!! My favorite boy!!!! Look at him go!!!!! Eldrich who?? I don't care I am in LOVE!!!!*
Fox getting all this love and support from some VERY eager and thankful rebels. He's one of them now!! No take backs!!!!
Also Luke has absoloutley claimed him as his own. Cool powerful clone commander??? Sort of friends with his dad??? Killed the emperor??? Luke NEEDS them to be friends. Leia is a bit more hesitant at first but warms up quickly, and Han is Han so he probably makes some noise ab it but the second he hears anyone say shit he's ready to throw down.
I'm actually a personal fan of 'being half force means Anakin was a 'lill otherworldly and that otherness definatley passed down to his kids' so maybe Palpatine's experiments had to do with trying to shove some of that specific otherworldliness into Fox, and it kind of resonates with the twins. They see him and just go *!!!! Oh???? One of us???*
Han in the bg with his own weird force null thing and his close relationship with the twins just. Not really sensing anything wrong. He's grown even number to weird otherness and eldrich force vibes, Fox is a bit odd to him but he just can't see what the fuss is about. Everyone needs to calm the fuck down smh
And Fox ofc just standing there covered in blood as he's suddenly receiving all this positive attention and support like *I don't know how to feel about any of this.*
Part of him wants to just. Return to the shadows. He's done his part now. He wants to rest. Let the man SLEEP he's fucking earned it
Anyways this is definatley inspired more than a little by @wreathedinscales's Corrie Red AU, which you should absoloutley read if you like anything eldrich and anything Fox
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yutahoes · 1 year
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Inspired by the music video and some lyrics of Favorite by NCT 127.
characters: former rebel! student! Yuta Nakamoto x vampire! student! Y/N
summary: He didn't care about anything until his eyes caught her. Who is she and why is her eyes changing color?
chapter word count: 6.3k words
chapter genre: angst, fluff, suggestive
chapter warning: language, blood, incorrect descriptions of vampires, kissing, character death, a lot of biting, sucking, and licking
Yuta Nakamoto. 
Just the name makes all the high school students quiver. The worst of all the worst in school. The strongest fighter which makes the other fighters from other schools quiver. Everyone feared him, even students and teachers from nearby schools wouldn't dare cross paths with him. 
He was a huge bully, always in fights and seated at the back of the class with bruises or wounds on his face. His teachers were even lucky if he went to their class. And they would just let him. 
Until the twins transferred into their class, the affluent Jung twins who always excel in everything they do. He didn't bother about them at first. And he's too lazy to get their attention. Besides, what good can their attention bring to him? 
But as days went by, he noticed how the male twin became the center of everyone’s attention. He excelled in sports, even defeating Yuta in basketball which he’s really good at. He’s kind-hearted and even good at studying, and the teachers always favor him. Yuta would often hear the girls, even from other schools, gush at how handsome he is with his pale skin and chiseled face. He didn’t care at first. But something is weird about that Jung Jaehyun. How can he be agile all the time? How can he keep running without looking so tired? And why is his skin so pale?  
Noticing the other half of the twin, Yuta thought that it might run in the family. Maybe they were born to look like models on the catwalk. They were built to be perfect individuals which irked him. His gaze unconsciously fell on the girl looking out the window during Science class. She doesn’t have as much presence as her brother but she had charisma. Yes, she's hot but certainly not hot enough. 
He was startled when she turned her head to him, raising an eyebrow as if asking why. Instead of turning his head to look away, he squinted his eyes at her and she smirked. What the heck is wrong with this girl? 
It was normal for him to skip classes, especially Math time but it surprised him that someone in the same uniform is outside the school as him. "You should come with us, pretty girl." The guys with motorcycles claimed that made the said girl stop in her tracks. "You seemed rich." One guy said while signaling another guy to get her backpack. She revolted but someone was holding a pocket knife that made her freeze. 
Yuta shook his head, appearing himself from the shadows that made the boys startled. "That's foul," he said in a commanding tone. "Give back the bag." The girl stared at him for a while before she was held by that guy with the pocket knife. 
"This isn't your business, Yuta." The guy said. "Leave!" 
The mentioned guy cocked his head to both sides, flexing his fingers so that his knuckles created a crackling sound. Some guys looked scared that they scrammed away. He breathed on his fist and then landed a solid punch on a guy who charged at him. He kicked another guy to the stomach then took another's arm, holding him to the ground and twisting it. "She's my business," he said rather cockily. "Let her go." 
The guy with the knife pushed the girl and Yuta was quick to help her stand up. Everything was fast, he heard her shout then he felt something poke his side. The guys ran, with their things, leaving him on the ground with a bleeding side. Great! He might just die like this. "Hey, I have to take you to the hospital, do you have your phone?" The girl asked, hands trying to locate a phone in his pockets. 
"Are you just groping me?" He smirked. She rolled her eyes at that, surprised that he still has time for jokes like this. "My phone is inside my bag." 
"Fuck!" She cursed, surprising him. So she knew how to curse. The girl unbuttoned her blouse, revealing a tank top inside her uniform then tied the fabric to his wound. "I have to bring you to the hospital. This is just first aid." 
She stood up but he held her wrist, stopping her. "I'm alright dying here." He said with a smile. "I'm just happy to see a girl undress in front of me before I die." 
"What the fucking hell is wrong with you?" She exclaimed which startled him. She looks so pure and innocent. Now that he was staring, he noticed how her eyes were light brown in color. Is this her normal eye color? It looks lovely, like a galaxy can be seen in her eyes. "You can't die. I'll be filled with guilt." Yuta smirked. "Wait for me. I'll just call someone." 
He held her wrist, stopping her from going anywhere. "I'm fine. Just let me die."
"You won't, stay here." Then everything went black. 
Yuta could only see the blinding lights when he opened his eyes. A girl in white asked him how he was feeling and his first thought was that he might really be in heaven. But then, a person like him doesn't deserve to be in heaven. So where is he exactly? "I'll inform the doctor that you have woken up." Oh. A hospital. Why the hell is he here? 
He surveyed the area, it was huge. Are hospital rooms always this spacious? There were fruits on the side of the bed, a huge TV in front of his bed, and a huge window. He can get used to this. A man in a white robe entered the door, smiling warmly at him. Yuta’s first thought is that his smile is vaguely familiar and when he spoke, he realized what it was. “Thank you for saving my daughter.” Their family really might be really perfect. 
The older did some tests on him and advised that he should stay in the hospital for a few more days to make sure that nothing bad would happen to him. Yuta had to refuse calling his guardian and the older Jung just gave him a nurse to take care of him. He agreed, thinking it was a hot female nurse but a man in white came in and introduced himself as the person taking care of him. 
On the third day of staying in the hospital, the Jung twins came. The girl was holding a bouquet of flowers that made him grin. He can totally get used to this. His gaze fell on her eyes, dark orbs making him confused. “Your eyes are brown, isn’t it?” Both the girl’s father and brother stared at her and then at him as if he just said something wrong. 
“It might just be the light that time,” she said in a soft voice. She’s different from when they were on the backstreet at that time. Totally different. 
It must be because they were perfect that she had to always be the prim and proper little daughter in front of her family. That was the thought ringing in Yuta’s head while watching the female Jung during their class. He wasn’t even interested in getting into his classes, just wanting to observe the female and his weirdness. “Yuta,” the teacher called and he turned to the old man in front, “Do you want me to transfer your seat next to Y/N?” He lightly glanced at the mentioned girl who had her head hung low. 
Something has changed with this girl. 
There were a lot of rumors and whispers around about him liking Y/N but it’s not the case. It’s safer to say that he’s curious about her. Well, anyone can say that he’s interested in her. But not in the same way that people thought about it. He doesn’t like her to that extent. 
Yuta was on his way out of the school gates, ready to skip Math class when he noticed a familiar girl seated under the shade. She has her earphones in, reading a book. A normal image of her. He sat beside her, getting one of the earphones and putting it on his ear. Surprised that she was listening to rock music. “What are you doing?” she asked, moving back to stay away centimeters from him. 
Instead of answering her, Yuta took a peek at the book she was reading. Unlike the usual books he can notice she was reading, this has lots of pictures and they’re all about the sea. “Do you want to go to the sea?” He asked casually but the girl stared at him in regard. She lightly bit her lip as if considering his offer. “Come on, let’s go.” He held her hand but she quickly removed his hold on her, surprising him. “We can take a bus…”
“I can’t,” she claimed, then closed her book, rolling the earphones in her hand. Y/N stood up and then walked inside the building leaving Yuta staring at her form. 
How interesting. 
Yuta hated music class but today, he was sitting at the back of the class watching as his classmates showcased their talent for musical instruments. Jaehyun played the acoustic guitar making the girls in their class swoon. When the other Jung was called, she stood up and then played classical music on the piano.  
A smirk escaped his lips. How superficial. “Yuta, do you want to show us your instrument?” the teacher asked and everyone turned to him, including her. He took an electric guitar from one corner of the room and plugged it into the stereo that created an ear-piercing sound. He started creating notes, and loud guitar riffs that he heard from her earphones the other day. Almost everyone in the room was covering their ears, complaining about how loud the sound is but she remained staring as if studying what he was doing, not fazed at the loud sound he was creating. 
When he returned to his seat, Y/N was looking at him as if confused. Her black dark orbs looked like the night sky, her pale skin looked like moonlight and her lips looked as red as cherry. Yuta smiled and for the first time, looked away from her. She’s fucking beautiful. Why does it take too long for him to realize it? 
Their house is majestic. Truly suitable for a perfect family like theirs. He isn’t a stalker, at least he knows he’s not, but one time he followed Jaehyun home and saw where they live. He also isn’t obsessive but he noticed where Y/N’s room is when he passed by one time and saw her on the balcony, looking at the stars. A huge balcony near a tree that he can easily climb. 
Yuta was suddenly thankful for the strength training he got from fighting. Flawlessly, he climbed the tree and jumped on her balcony just as it opened and revealed a surprised Y/N. The guy was disappointed that she was wearing long-sleeved silk pajamas with matching long pants. “What are you doing here?” She asked but he only stepped backward, hand touching what seemed to be a flower. 
Immediately, Yuta plucked the red rose and handed it to her. “To give you this.” The girl, once again, had a confused look on her face. “And to ask you to go to the sea.” 
“I told you I can’t.” She whispered, taking the rose which lightly grazed on Yuta’s finger. A small cut can be seen as a drop of blood gushed on his finger. Almost in a snap, Yuta noticed how her eyes became lighter in color. From the color of the night sky to the color of the galaxy. “You have to go.” She pushed him lightly, panic can be seen in her expression. “Yuta, you have to leave.” 
The guy had to glance down from the balcony, “You can’t expect me to jump…” A knock on the door can be heard as Y/N quickly closed the door to the balcony and closed the curtains before a voice can be heard, asking what she was doing. 
He isn’t mistaken. Her eyes really do change colors. But why? How? 
She was avoiding him. Even if they belong to the same class, Y/N would always come out before he could approach her. Jaehyun would always find a way to block him or even stop him from approaching his sister. Why? Is it wrong to show interest in a girl? Why is her brother protecting her like this? 
But Yuta isn't someone easily fazed by these trivial matters. If she's avoiding him then it only makes him want to chase her more. And not that he's a stalker but someone from class informed him, after a lot of persuading - bullying, in that someone's perspective - told him about the girl's whereabouts after class. 
Music room. How superficial. 
Yuta had never been in this part of the school. He doesn't have any reason to go here in the first place. Who would have thought that a girl would make him explore this part of the school? He kept on glancing inside the rooms for any sign of her, some even looked scared at his presence while others just notified him that the person he was looking for can be seen in the farthest music room. When he peeked inside, she was seated in front of an old upright piano. 
The melody she was playing sounded so familiar. It was a lesson they had in Music Class. He also heard it from a movie before. And it reminded him of an ocean. Oh, wait. La Mer? The Sea?
What was her fascination with the sea if she kept refusing to go to one? 
Yuta clapped and she whipped her head to him, surprised that he was in the same room as her. Her eyes were black, shining. "What are you doing here?" 
"Why are you avoiding me?" He sat beside her on the stool, pressing the same keys she was playing earlier. "Let's go to the sea." She was just focused on his fingers and he was conscious of what key to press next. "I can ask permission from your dad…" 
"No, it's not my dad." She claimed, fingers playing along with him. "I just can't." 
"Then, can you just stop avoiding me?" 
She stopped playing, body turned to face him. "Yuta, why are you doing this?"
"Why can't I do this?" He also stopped playing, facing her. The dark eyes widened when Yuta inched closer to her. "I like you, Y/N." She looked surprised at the sudden confession. "You're interesting. I can't keep my mind off you." 
“Then stop it.” 
Yuta inched closer, eyes staring at her cherry-red lips. “What if I don’t want to stop?” His lips gently went to hers, soft warm lips that made his head hazy. She didn’t even move so Yuta took this as a chance to lick her lips while angling his head to the side to deepen the kiss. His mind was clouded at the idea that she was kissing him back.
Then his bottom lip hurt. A prickling pain followed by a confusing feeling that made him lightly push the girl. The part that hurt throbbed. Her eyes turned light brown, a little blood staining on her lip which she licked. A flash of pointy teeth is noticeable before she put a hand on her mouth, standing up to exit the room. 
Her movements were so fast that he didn’t register what happened. Yuta lightly grazed a thumb on the side of his lip, blood could be seen on his finger. Could it be? 
Yuta never believed in the supernatural. They are just faceless creatures created as stories to scare young kids. Yuta also never believed that he'll read a book in the school library yet here he is, silently skimming books for fictional creatures just to get the answer he was looking for. 
She is pale. She likes to be alone most of the time. She has this fascination with the sea. She was always under the shade. Her eyes change colors. Yuta recalled the times it happened and came up with the common thing in those scenarios. He was hurt. There was blood. 
Pale. Shade. Blood. The pointy teeth. 
Words associated with vampires. 
Y/N is a vampire. 
Then Jaehyun is also one. 
It's been days since Yuta had made the observation. Days passed without her attendance at school. He noticed how Jaehyun stood out among the crowd with his pale skin and tall stature. It all now makes sense how agile he plays basketball and why he doesn't seem to get tired even if he plays rounds and rounds of the sport. A supernatural. 
If Yuta was in his right state of mind, he would think that he was losing his mind.
But falling in love makes you crazy. 
A feeling that he was slowly experiencing with her absence from school. "Jung Jaehyun," he called. The other guy glared at him before excusing himself from his group of friends. "Where is Y/N?" 
"What do you want from her?"
"What happened to her?" 
"What do you want from my sister, Yuta?" His voice was louder and it was slowly attracting the attention of the other students. “Y/N is someone you shouldn’t mess with. Our family, specifically.” But Yuta didn’t have the intention to mess with her. In honesty, she was the one messing him up. “Whatever you did to my sister, undo it.” 
What exactly did he do to her? He kissed her. That was it. Did something happen to her because of that kiss? 
Yuta needed to find out. The risk-taker part of himself wanted to find out. He did it before and he’ll definitely do it now that he’s desperate to see her. 
The balcony of her room was open but he stopped when he saw a female figure seated by the bed. From the silhouette itself, he knew it wasn’t the girl he was looking for. “Honey, it’s been days. You have to drink.” Drink? “Honey please.” The woman begged in her soft voice, whispering to the person she was talking to but it was all clear on Yuta’s ears. “You’ll die if you continue this.” 
A heavy sigh can be heard followed by the words, “You should have erased his memory like what your dad said when he saved you back then.” Yuta exhaled heavily. It is about him. What exactly did he do to her? Is it reversible? Should he just run away from her? 
“I’m sorry, Mom.” Her voice was quiet, broken. A sound that shattered his heart into a million pieces. He cannot see her broken. He needed to keep his distance away to save her. 
Yuta stepped to the side and almost slipped if not for his quick reflex in holding onto the ledge of the balcony. It caused a small cut on his finger and a drop of blood appeared from the wound.
Blood. In a house of vampires. How great!
He heard the door of her room closed followed by her weak voice calling his name. How did she know that he was here? Is it the blood? Then, does the whole house know that he is here in her place? He had to come inside.
The sight of the girl looking as pale as moonlight while laying on her bed crushed him. What has he done to her? “How long have you been outside?” He hated that her voice was this hoarse, and hated that she looked so sick. “Yuta…” 
“Stop talking!” He shouted in a rather loud voice that made her visibly flinch. “Did I do this to you?” She was about to speak but Yuta had to glare. The girl weakly shook her head. Yuta sighed then sat on the side of her bed. Even he, himself, knew that it was all just a lie. “Is it because we kissed?” Again, a shake of her head. Why can’t she stop lying? “Can I do anything to make you better?” Yuta moved closer to her. “Can I do anything to save you?” 
The girl gently pushed him away, gulping hard as if stopping herself from doing something. “I’m dangerous. You should run away from me.” The desperation in her voice broke Yuta. He doesn’t want to run away from her. If anything, he wants to stay with her. “Staying with me is dangerous, Yuta.”
“I know,” He started. “But I love you and I want to hurt even more desperately in this destiny.”  
“You have no idea…” 
“You’re a vampire,” Yuta claimed, her warm brown eyes widening in surprise. “You’re pale, you always wanted to be alone, you’re always in the shade.” He listed down, “And your eyes change colors when there’s blood.” 
Her eyes were warm, an expression of fright seen on her face. “Dad was right. I should have erased your memory back then.” 
Yuta moved closer as his breath tickled her lips, “I still would have fallen in love with you.” He whispered before leaning in to kiss her lips. It was a gentle kiss, a soft kiss different from what they shared in the music room. Her breathing was heavy and Yuta had to break off the kiss to check on her. She looked paler than before. Is she allergic to kisses? Should he not kiss her? But it probably isn’t that. 
He remembered from the book he read that vampires don't necessarily take human blood to drink. That’s what rogue vampires do. And it was the answer in Yuta’s mind on how their father works in the hospital even if he was a vampire. But once they have the taste of a human’s blood, it will be like a drug to them. Y/N bit him when they kissed, she had a taste of his blood. 
He’s now a drug to Y/N. The reason why she refused to drink the blood given to her and was just sitting on her bedside table. And for her not to die, there’s one thing he should do. “Bite me.” The girl stared at him in surprise. Yuta cocked his head to the side, his neck in full access to her. “Just bite me, Y/N.” 
The inhibitions in her expression were gone. She flashed her pointy teeth before sinking it into Yuta’s neck. He grabbed the sheets to prevent himself from making a sound at the pain of what she did. A pain that was changed into a feeling of being light-headed real quick. A foreign feeling as if he was floating in clouds. His body felt cold, shivering in thrills.
And then everything went black. 
The room was dark when Yuta opened his eyes. His initial thought was a basement but a certain voice made him realize where he was. “Did you have an amazing sleep?” Jung Jaehyun’s room. The guy who owned the room clucked his tongue as he switched off the turntable. “It didn’t occur to me that you’ll be that serious of my sister.” 
Yuta sat up from his bed, eyeing the room. The curtains are closed and there’s only a faint light coming from a small night light by the bed. “I’ve heard a lot of things about you Yuta Nakamoto and being smart isn’t one of them.” He squinted his eyes at the remark. “Now that you know what our family is, I hope you won't put your life in danger.” Jaehyun left some fabric on top of the bed before fixing the tie of his uniform. “Hurry up, we’ll be late for school.” 
Jaehyun’s uniform was bigger on Yuta’s body but what makes the morning uncomfortable is being the only human in a house full of vampires. Yuta smiled when Y/N came down the stairs, in her uniform, looking livelier than when he saw her last night. She sat on the vacant seat beside Yuta, just in front of her brother. “Are you feeling better?” Yuta asked and she nodded, grinning at him. 
She looks well. That was a good sign. 
The father of the household went down and Yuta stood up to greet him. Y/N was the one who introduced Yuta and he just nodded while smiling, claiming that he already knew him from the hospital. "So, Mr. Nakamoto," he started. "Where are your parents?" 
Yuta shook his head. "They died when I was young." The twins looked at him in surprise as their mother gasped. "I lived in a foster house until I have enough to live on my own," Jaehyun whispered to the other girl if she knew about it and she just shook her head making Yuta laugh. "Don't worry. This is the first time I shared that fact with anyone." 
The older man had a serious look before putting both his hands on the table. "I'm sorry about that." He then pursed his lips. "But you do know that by pursuing my daughter, you're not just putting your life in danger but also our own kind of people." Yuta had to look at the steak on his plate. He didn't realize how huge this is. "When the time comes, our priority is our people." 
"I understand, Doctor Jung." The older girl lightly glanced at her daughter before Yuta continued, "But I'm serious about Y/N and you can trust me in keeping your identity a secret." His hand held Y/N's hand that was above the table, "If the time comes, I'm willing to die for Y/N." The girl beside him gasped at that statement and their mother smiled at him warmly. 
The older woman held her husband’s hand, mimicking the same way Yuta held her daughter’s hand. “Honey, let’s trust Yuta. I can say that he’s serious about our daughter.” The older man nodded, tapping the other’s hand. “Let’s spare Yuta his memories for now.” 
Y/N and Yuta were inseparable. Classmates would always note that Yuta had changed so much because of Y/N and it was the truth. A lot has changed because of her. Who would have thought that vampires do exist? And in this world full of humans? If he's going to tell anyone, they might think that he's crazy. 
He doesn't usually read but he always has books, made-up stories about vampires, that made him obsessed. Y/N would always laugh at him, claiming that they don't disintegrate in sunlight or die because of garlic or a cross. 
Since he's always at their house, he learned some things about her kind. That they have fantastic stamina, the reason why Jaehyun still looks like his model self even after PE class. That they drink pig's blood rather than human blood because it's morally right. And it was the answer to why her father can work in the hospital. 
Her parents are very fond of him. Even reaching to the point where they favor Yuta over his little silly arguments with Jaehyun, their own son. It was like their daughter’s boyfriend is a massive part of their family. 
So it wasn’t a surprise when he got invited to the annual party her family hosts. 
The night was filled with dances and formal wear. Her mom even bought Yuta his own tuxedo and he marveled at how gorgeous his girlfriend looked in her silver ball gown. They truly are a picture-perfect family, looking like models on the runway. And everyone invited probably thought of the same thing as they exclaimed in awe when the four members were on the mini-stage. Yuta wondered if they were all vampires. Is he the only human around here? He hoped not. Or it will be trouble.
“Hi,” she greeted with a wide smile on her face. Yuta mirrored the same expression before tucking a lost hair behind her ear. “Are you enjoying yourself?” 
The guy only smiled widely, “The food is amazing.” He complimented before grinning wider, “You look amazing.” Yuta noticed how a group of people stared at him and her, surprising him. He stepped forward and whispered, “Just a little curious, am I the only human here?” 
Y/N had to turn back to glance at the people he was looking at. "Dad has some co-workers as guests." She lightly chuckled, “Are you worried about that?” Yuta bit his lip. Should he be worried? “Dad put scent blockers on you so the vampires wouldn’t smell your blood.” He gave a breath of relief and she held his hand tight. “Come with me.” 
He stayed in his place that startled her, “We’re not doing something that your parents would disapprove of, right?” She giggled before shaking her head. Why is he suddenly disappointed?    
The garden looked lively with the lights her mother designed it with. The mini fountain lights up in different colors and the flowers bloom so colorful that everything looks like a  dream. Wait, is this even a dream? Even Y/N, who walks under the fairy lights, looked so lovely that he’s scared none of these were true. His hold on her was tight, not wanting to let her go even for a bit. “What is it?”
Yuta shook his head, a wide smile kept appearing on his lips. “Nothing.” He whispered before gently pulling her hand closer. “You are just so beautiful.” They stopped in the middle of the garden, just staring at each other. 
It was fast but he didn't complain. Yuta doesn’t know if he was the one who made the first move or her. Who kissed who first? Her lips were soft, tongue tasting like mint that it made him dizzy. His body felt so hot as if getting a fever. 
She let go of the kiss, breathing warmly against his jaw as she pressed butterfly kisses down his neck. “Yuta,” she called in a low voice, sending shivers down his spine. “You smell so good.” Her lips were warm against his neck. A pleasurable feeling. “I want you.” Yuta had to bite down a moan at how hot that sounded coming from her lips.
“Y/N,” a female voice called that snapped Yuta back to his senses. Standing in front of the two of them was a gorgeous female in her bright red dress, long black hair, and black stilettos. “I’m sorry if I ruined the moment.” A smirk played along her cherry-red lips. 
The girl beside Yuta stiffened. “Auntie,” she asked before pulling him behind her. Her aunt? But she looks so young. “I didn't know Dad invited you.” 
The pale woman smiled devilishly. “He didn’t. But I’m family, aren’t I?” The way she said those words are chillingly cold. Who is this? Why is Y/N looking scared? “Your boyfriend?”
Before she could say something, a bass booming voice called for the other woman’s name. “There was a reason I didn’t send you an invite.” Y/N’s dad. “Leave before you cause trouble.” 
She gave a longing look at Yuta before disappearing. The younger guy had to blink twice to confirm what was happening. Y/N looked worried at her dad before asking her to go inside, leaving Yuta with her dad. “I can smell your blood rush from the inside,” he claimed once there were only the two of them. Yuta’s eyes widened in surprise. But he didn’t get hurt. “I’m not against you dating my daughter but please tone down the passion. She’s still my young girl.”  
They can smell his arousal? This is embarrassing. “Yes, sir. I’m sorry, sir.” The older tapped his shoulder, smiling. 
When Yuta went back inside the party, all eyes were on him. Why are they staring like that? Did they smell him like her dad? Then he might be in trouble. They’re all vampires. What if there’s a rogue one who wants his blood? 
Maybe he should just leave. 
Y/N was worried when he said goodbye but Yuta just reasoned out that he was getting a headache. Jaehyun even commented that he might have to take care of something other than his head. The thoughts were confirmed, they could really smell his arousal. This is so embarrassing—more reason to leave early. 
He promised to call Y/N once he was almost home. Her voice can be heard on the other line as he inputs the code for his room. “Do you want me to come and ask Dad to check on you?” She asked, making Yuta laugh. She’s too worried, it’s endearing. 
“I’m fine. I’ll just sleep this off.” He stopped in his tracks when he opened the door. A female figure was standing in the middle of his room. What is she doing here? Did she follow him? How did she get inside? He felt his body tense up, he cannot move. Is this some spell? “YN,” he called, breathing shallowly as his heart started beating fast. “I love you.”  
He didn’t hear her answer and just put down his phone. “I know why my niece is so obsessed with her human boyfriend.” The woman started, walking to where he is, holding his shoulder and dragging a finger on his neck. Her sharp fingernail created a small cut then dabbed her fingertip with his blood. Erotically, she licked her finger and then hummed. “You taste so good.” 
Yuta had to stop his breathing. He knew this was his death. How cliche is it to fall in love with a vampire yet get killed by her own kind? This is the danger of knowing about what they are. 
Blood rushed to his system but not in the same way as when Y/N did this to him. This bite feels painful, like a poison filling his veins. Every memory flashed in his mind: his parents, the orphanage, the adrenaline of fighting, his friends at school, and Y/N. This is definitely his death. 
His body felt cold, wet. In a daze, he can see water above him. He’s drowning. But why? How? He saw a pair of arms taking him out of the water before his vision turned black once again. “Is he still alive?” A female voice. Y/N. “Dad, please tell me Yuta is still alive.” She sounded so broken, so desperate. 
“Y/N, he’s sucked out of blood and Auntie drowned him. There’s no way he’s still alive.” The cries became louder with what Jaehyun claimed.   
Everything is quiet and Yuta can feel his body getting dragged somewhere deep. A booming voice can be heard before his consciousness failed him, “There is still something we can do.” 
Yuta woke up feeling light-headed. The curtains of his room were closed so he had to look at his phone to check what the time was. To his surprise, it was already late. He had to run at this rate. Hastily, he prepared for school and made sure that he had enough time to ride the bus. 
He was running from the bus stop to the school grounds, along some students who were already sweating through their uniforms. Once he arrived at his homeroom, his seatmate greeted him with a shake of his head. "Late again?" Yuta chuckled but the other shook his head. "I can't believe you ran from the bus stop. Why are you not sweating?" But Yuta just smiled, shrugging it off. 
His gaze fell on a certain desk by the window. Something should be there. Someone should be sitting there. Where is she? 
Instead of soccer practice, he found himself walking to the dark hallways of the music room. It's usually unoccupied but at the far end of the rooms, he could hear the fleeting music of the piano. La Mer. The Sea. 
Why is she so obsessed with the sea? 
Y/N turned around hearing Yuta clapping after finishing her piece. "Why aren't you in class?" he asked, sitting beside her. His fingers started playing the same notes she was playing earlier. "Do you want to go to the sea, Y/N?"
The girl giggled before pushing the music sheet in front of him. "Again?" Yuta smiled. "If my dad was normal, he would ground me for going home late last night." 
"Your dad loves me." She smiled, nodding. He did. His fingers skillfully played the notes of the classical piece, "But I love you more." 
Y/N raised an eyebrow. "Are you hungry?" 
Yuta grinned, shaking his head. "But that is tempting." The girl had to laugh at that. "I'm so sick of pig's blood. How can you keep drinking the same…?" He stopped seeing the girl bunch her hair on the side, the side of her neck in full access for him. 
The innate thirst for blood came to him like a shock. His mouth was so dry that he could easily feel the appearance of sharp fangs. From the reflection on the tinted window, he saw how his eyes turned from black to light brown. "You didn't get enough sleep again," Y/N scolded, "I told you to bite me before leaving last night." 
"I can't." 
"Yuta, it's normal for new vampires to feel that hunger." She held his cheek, urging him to not suppress his inner desires. "And it's my job, as your sire, to help you." 
The guy leaned his head on her shoulder, nose lingering on the side of her neck to smell her. "I don't want to always ask you for this," he whispered before licking the side of her neck. "But I badly want you." His teeth sank into her skin, a moan escaping her lips. 
Yuta felt the warmness traveling through his body. Her blood tasted so sweet that he was getting crazy. "Sorry," she whispered. "I made you one of us." His hand held hers, tongue licking the remaining blood from her neck. "I was so scared seeing you lifeless in the tub. When dad suggested letting you drink my blood…" 
He hushed her up, not wanting to hear the guilt in her voice once again. "This is the best thing that ever happened to me, Y/N." He smiled, white fangs tainted with blood in perfect view. "I didn't regret being a vampire if it meant being with you forever." Yuta leaned in, placing a soft kiss on her lips before leaning in once again to place butterfly kisses on her lips. "Let's get some food in you, you're getting colder." 
"Want to buy some pig's blood?" 
Yuta looked disgusted, "I had my fill." She chuckled. "Besides…" he started, linking their hands together. "If given a choice of blood," he continued, smiling warmly at her. "You're my favorite, my sire."  
"You'll always be my favorite." 
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twinkleomorashi · 17 days
Do you have any headcanons about your fic’s characters?
I actually have a whole document of these that has never seen the light of day. Until now. Some of these are canon bc that’s just how writing head canons about ur own characters works ig. Sorry this massively long!!!
I have both normal and omo/ nsfw ones of course!
Loves a fruity little drink. Any fruity little drink offered is a win in her books. Also loves diet coke. Hates drinking water.
Hates any sort of bug or animal you would call an exterminator for.
Takes obnoxiously long showers
Really terrible at not getting her way. Will have a tantrum
Youngest sibling if it wasn’t obvious.
Actually a really good cook, but nobody believes her
Possessive. It contributes to the biting / marking kink she has, but she hasn’t made that connection yet (everyone else has)
Favorite flavor of ice cream is cotton candy because Bethany Mota said it was hers in like 2014 so June forced herself to like it and is still convinced she does.
Loves gossip. Has never minded her business ever.
Kind of a klepto if we’re being honest but this is canon
TERRIBLE driver. Assigned passenger princess by others out of fear
extremely obvious blusher
sense of humor of a twelve year old boy despite trying to act more mature than she is
subconsciously collects rocks. Her pockets always have some in them that she found throughout the day. She sometimes forgets to take them and they fuck up the dryer.
Cries watching teen soap operas but nobody is allowed to know that
Terrible eyesight without her glasses
Fiddles with her glasses when she’s lying.
Scared of storms
Mommy issues so bad
Doesn’t like the taste of beer, but drinks it anyway because she thinks it makes her look more masc
honestly has terrible internanalized toxic masculinity
favorite band is The Killers
has kept a diary since she was 14
car smells like car air freshener desperately trying and failing to conceal the smell of weed
art major, makes a living drawing furry porn. Says it’s for the bit. It might not be.
Blood is probably at least 25% energy drink at this point
“Anything for the bit!” (Actively gets herself into Situations)
Terrible at budgeting
loves hot chip and charge her phone
favorite flavor of anything is green apple. Likes the light green monster because she thinks it’s green apple. It’s not.
Loves heights and climbing, is really good at it even though she’s short
sleeps in weird positions, very heavy sleeper
Exclusively wears really stupid graphic t shirts
Her one exception to her lesbianism is shadow the hedgehog and she’s dead serious about it
Massive praise kink.
Prefers coffee to tea. Has not had tea in two months because she thinks people expect her to drink tea and thus she refuses to.
Self proclaimed frigid bitch (is actually so sweet). Total defense mechanism.
Twirls her hair when she’s nervous.
Loves fruit and veg.
Avid reader, prefers non fiction. Likes to research psychology and human behavior.
High alcohol tolerance, but no where near as high as she thinks it is. “I’m completely sober right now” (is actively stumbling around and giggling)
Squeamish as hell. Can’t handle horror movies or even watch like… wrestling or something.
Psych major who has never once communicated her own feelings honestly ever so uh
Laughs really loud, is embarrassed by it
Struggles to make friends because she’s too self conscious to talk to people.
Was a horse girl as a child. Still is lowkey a horse girl but she’s embarrassed about it and refuses to discuss it.
Terrified of heights
porn specific lol both actual and piss
average sized bladder, though it’s on the weaker side
too stubborn to admit to others that she needs to pee until it becomes an emergency
Like won’t admit it until the VERY last second where she’s starting to panic about wetting herself
Squirmyyy, moves her hips a lot
Loves to give hickies. Huge marking kink. Goes along with her possessiveness.
Dominant for self-satisfying reasons. August immediately becomes more dominant if she sees June trying to be, but that’s what June wants from her anyway
Not super in-tune with her needs. Forgets to pee and ends up desperate later on as a consequence
Usually can stay pretty composed when desperate, but has her limits. Will admit it with little hesitation.
Instinctively grabs herself when desperate, though often catches and stops herself if people are around
Way more willing to pee in containers or outside than most people are
Has tried to pee standing up many times. It has never once worked. She has never told anyone this.
Loveeees to top. Puts others pleasure before her own in every situation. Has to be explicitly guided into putting her own first.
Veryy vocal most of the time, mostly unashamed
Diuretics effect her pretty bad, despite how many energy drinks she drinks
Bladder’s actually pretty big and strong under normal circumstances. She can hold it for a while if she puts her mind to it and doesn’t give into the temptation to “let some out”.
That being said, she’s not particularly strong-willed most of the time… Easily tempted by the thought of relief and that can override her logic about the consequences of giving in.
Weirdo perv. Massive praise kink. Very obedient and eager to please
Tops from the bottom.
Dangerously close to crossing too many wires in her brain about a certain something..
Embarrassed at the mere idea of someone knowing she has to pee
Will not say a goddamn word if she’s desperate
Will literally be pleading for help but doing in roundabout ways that very rarely directly mentions the problem at hand
Huge bladder, but it tends to be weak and sore for a few days if she loses control of it
Secretly a huge pervert, but will barely even admit that to herself
Once she gets the chance to be one though??? Lord..
Soft but firm domme
Bottoms from the top
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cactusnymph · 10 months
hugs 27 for anyone with karlach :3 she's my wife uwu
Karlach noticed that the Shadow Cursed Lands are especially hard on Astarion. Not because he minds never seeing the sun—that is something he loves to complain about but that doesn't actively bother him—but because he keeps going hungry. None of the wildlife here can sustain him and Karlach knows that he's too proud to ask for a meal every night.
Or at all, that is.
This, of course, leads to Astarion being weaker and slower in combat, his movements sluggish and his steps bordering on stumbles, almost as if he's drunk. It had to come bite them in the ass eventually and Karlach realizes too late that maybe tiptoeing around Astarion too much isn't the right strategy when it comes to feeding.
Giving him time is good. She knows that. She knows it's the right thing. But him going hungry for days on end and then almost dying because of it, that's simply not alright. Karlach will not allow it to happen again.
She's so relieved that Wyll and her are both there when push comes to shove while they're fighting that fucked up drider and his crew. Karlach isn't exactly scared of spiders, but she's also not terribly fond of them and this huge dude who looks like some sort of fucked up centaur is not doing it for her at all.
Especially not when she saw him trying to slash Astarion into tiny little, undead pieces.
After the fight she hoists him up to carry him, putting his arms around her neck while holding up his knees in a very limp piggyback style. He weighs way too little, that twig of a man.
She can feel his breath tickle the side of her neck and Karlach sighs into the shadows as she carries him, wondering when her stupid dick will finally get over the fact that she won't be getting any action any time soon. Astarion almost died and her skin is on fire just because he's breathing on her neck.
For fuck's sake, Cliffgate, get your priorities straight.
"Hey, Fangs", she mumbles, turning her head as far back as she can so she doesn't have to talk too loudly. Astarion mumbles something unintelligible and his lips move against her skin.
She's so normal about all of this.
"You can feed on me, if you'd like. Right now, I mean. Get some of that strength back."
Karlach knows that some people are really into the whole blood drinking thing and she won't kinkshame anyone, but for her it's just offering a sandwich to someone who's been starving for a long time and well. She doesn't mind any accompanying pain. She wonders if her blood tastes weird because it's not pumped through her body by an actual heart but by a machine.
"I'm fine", Astarion sniffs. Karlach snorts.
"Stop being so difficult about this. I know you're hungry as fuck. Just do it already."
There's a pause and then she can feel Astarion's arms tighten around her as he pulls himself up a little bit to get a better angle on her throat. Karlach cocks her head to the side a little to give him better access. Then his teeth find purchase and he starts sucking. Hard.
Karlach grits her teeth through the pain and the wooziness accompanying the process. Astarion drinks and drinks, his gulps getting greedier with each second and Karlach wonders if he'll stop on his own accord or if she'll have to stop him before she passes out in the middle of this cursed landscape.
Astarion's arms shift one of his hands comes to rest on her chest, right above her infernal engine. If Karlach had a heart, it would beat so fucking fast right now. This feels less like a necessary grip to hold onto her and more like a hug. Astarion isn't really the hugging type, though. So maybe this is all wishful thinking. After what feels like forever Astarion detaches from Karlach's neck and he's breathing hard when he does. Karlach wants to ask if he's alright, if he feels any better, when his tongue darts out to lick off any remaining blood drops off the side of her neck. She makes a sound at the back of her throat and the flames that always flicker over her skin flare for a second.
Yup. No big deal. She's so, so brave about all of this.
"Feeling any better?", she asks and her voice sounds as if she ate three pounds of chalk. Great. She'll have to go jerk off in the bathtub later. Again.
"Much better", he says, his voice also hoarse. Then, very quietly: "Thank you, darling."
"Don't mention it. And—uh. Just. Whenever you need it, yeah?"
His grip around her tightens some more.
"This is a gift", Astarion mumbles. "I won't forget it."
feel free to send me more of these<3
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vio-starzz · 1 year
Okay okay;
Linked Universe.
lets just start there…..
Basically, its a fuckin massacre.
Okay okay.
im, ougifjgjuggsjh….
First, starts with Time.
Shit goes down, like, he’s alone defensless and absolutely fucked, like he’s bleeding out, and lets say; Dink drops him into legends hyrule, but, specifically the dark world.
ight, so everyones fuckin, racing aginst the clock, or, whatever- because they found blood, and all of times stuff- but not time.
so twi in specific is losing his shit, like, hes losing his mind, and absolutely losing himself to maybe his beast side ir just, hes not doing to happy.
and basically, Wild- Legend- and Four fuckin make it to the dark world, and legends a bunny, idk abkht four, and something is incredibly just wrong about wild.
like, hes not doing to good. he wasnt transformed into anything (hush hush i cant explain 🫢☺️ lore shtuff) but he seems really sick and is super paranoid, keeps looking for his ‘shadow’ but thats not whaf hes saying. he keeps calling it somethin else
four is getting more worried, so is legend, but they eventually find their way to time, and hes about to be ritualistically sacrificed or somethin stupud, and dink is there!!!! but dink tries to flee through a dif portal then anyones seen, and nobody could pass theough it- except wild.
so now legend and four are all looking for wild, and he seems to be nowhere, but every hyrule seems to be fucked up and weird, and things keep getting weird, and then they all end up in in wilds world
but it’s completely void of life
and it just has souls wandering around and and and and
theyre normal souls and the souls of the dammed.
and like its super ass creepy and then and then,
all the hylia statues normally in wilds world have all been swapped with malice and gloom and its just creepy and they all have the feelings theyre being followed-
and then they meet up with wild again, idk how yet
but but, things are different with him, and all the hyrules go back to normal, and just, wild no linger had a shadow following him, and something aboht his magic seems dark
so both four(vio) and hyrule are rlly suspicious of him, and everyones playing it safe and shit and
they end up in skys world and wild is like, he wont get close to sun at all, and they seem really wary and and and
theh fet into an ambush in the next world
most of them, or at least half get rlly injured and wild is just a lil silly during the battle and does stuff and uses magic which confuses the others so before the fight ends, evem with all the minsters gone, they all turn on wild and the injured ppl are like
woah woah woag wat
and then when they try to attack something stops them a magic like wilds but darker and he gets teleported out by the being
and then after more adventure worlds
they end up in a halfway wirld, and find wild
passed oht, in a field of black flowers (nobodys seen them before) and thejr arm is like, black, with blue symbols, and one of their eyes is green, and some if their hair is white; but when wild wakes up, he doesnt rmber the past couple months, the last thing he remembers was finding finding time and then his memory went blank
and then he gets a lil better from his delirious state and his very out of it confusin and the stuff
and after a few weeks he has rlly bad nightmares
and one of them that the others cant calm him down so his friend shows up and calms him down, and then. then.
they all get along-ish and it ends with dink staring from the water across from them, angy thag his plan failed
and then it ends there.
thats all, thank u very much ☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️
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ladyravenjadethe2nd · 1 month
Spoilers for Part 5 of If Wishes were Kisses
Now we get Killua and we are having a heavy on the comfort Hurt/Comfort fic. Also a good bit of heart wrenching Romance in later chapters.
Poor Killua, this poor baby is going to have a gay panic, an 'Are we dating?' panic, 'Do best friends hold hands and watch sunsets together?' panic. He's gonna go through it.
I haven't written much for him because he is my favorite character and I'm pretty sure if I start I will get 20 chapters out for Part 5 while I'm still on Part 2.
My in general vibe though is this is going to be the sweetest fluffiest little found family thing ever. I'm going to have cute happy family moments with everyone.
Illumi's always going to be a bit weird, but I'm hoping I can get them okay with each other.
He will be pretty freaked out at first from being reborn, but he won't be their for 24 hours without being 'introduced' to Gon which will make everything better.
Luckily his parents are friends with Gon's parents and they all think that the only thing cuter then one baby is two babies!
I do think he will panic at first when he sees Illumi and it will be very obviously to him that Milluki is acting weird as fuck. Protective is certainly not a Zoldyck trait.
He'll be mostly bewildered, but no one is hurting him and he can see Gon often. Being a baby is embarrassing and he hates it, but outside of diaper changes and bottles it's not that bad.
He's very close in age to Alluka. I think he will be barely a year or maybe less then that when Momo gets pregnant with her.
Alluka's birth is going to be Killua's big test for his new family. If they are good to her he will accept them and if they aren't he will shun them and plan to leave with her as soon as he can.
Part six which has the prologue and epilogue will be mostly in Alluka's point of view and the reason that she gets that instead of a proper chapter starting from her birth is that Killua is going to be hyper focused on her every interaction with everyone as a toddler.
Alluka is a very interesting character and I figured out how to keep her trans without having anyone misgender her and how to handle Nanika.
You see Nanika is going to be a Nanika shaped Dark Shadow like quirk. Not everyone gets their parents quirks and who says that Nanika can't be born with Alluka? It's rare, but you can have quirks from birth.
Of course Tokoyami will be her godfather.
I'm not sure if I want a Doctor to misgender her and get eaten by Nanika, if I want Nanika to straight up be able to talk normally and tell them Alluka is a girl or if Nanika can only talk to Dark Shadow while she's a baby in secret Shadow language and Dark Shadow tells everyone, but either way super easy coming out.
Everyone uses the right pronouns for her from birth or gets eaten/squashed/deleted from the realm of the living. :)
I can see Momo already having researched the topic and pulling up a white board to explain in detail to the whole family what it means to be trans and making it very clear how Alluka will be addressed.
I think both her parents will be delighted to have a little girl, will treat Nanika as their second daughter after life advice from Dark Shadow and just be really great parents to them to both.
I'm not sure how blood thirsty I want Nanika to be, but I do want a scene where she righteously blinks someone out of existence maybe a villain and Momo and Shouto both treat this like something a firm scolding and a timeout will fix.
Now Killua knows that he can trust his new parents. I have a million ideas of him remembering past traumas and getting comfort from Momo and Shouto.
Killua gets a very powerful elemental quirk. Not sure if I just want to say a mutation to lighting or fire that moves so fast it's pretty much blue colored lighting. I'll need to research lighting. He gets it at the normal time of four years old.
Killua thinks superheroes are cool and as much as he hates the idea of his life being planned for him it's not as bad as being an assassin. These parents have been kind to not start his training yet and have encouraged him to have friends like Gon so he feels he owes them.
He goes to his father reluctantly, but willingly to start his hero training. He has the strongest quirk so of course it is his duty to be the heir.
Shouto doesn't handle this as badly as when Illumi tried it. We get a heartfelt scene of Shouto explaining his issues with his own father which would normally be way too much for a four old to understand, and telling Killua that his life is his own and if he wants to be a hero he would train him when he old enough to join a hero school, but not before.
Killua already cared about this family, but I think he fully lets go after that. Stops waiting for the other shoe to drop and for something horrible to happen. He finally gets to be taken care off and feel normal.
I think he will start trying to look after Kalluto more after that. He's born not too long after Alluka and as is cannon Killua had little interest in him until now, being far more concerned with Alluka.
He is selfishly happy that Gon doesn't have a quirk. Of course it doesn't mean they won't be heroes together. Nothing can stop Gon for a goal, but even if they are a hero due they won't be called in to world ending fights.
They can beat up goons that rob banks and help people find their lost cats and stuff like that. It will be something fun they can do together.
As much as he loves Alluka he shouldn't have had to be a parent to her. Having a family he can trust with her means he won't feel guilty having adventures with Gon instead of looking after her.
He and Gon do start training on their own way before Highschool. Hisoka might help. They might get a parent to agree to early training or get a different mentor. We will see.
I like the idea of Killua finding out that Gon could get his father's quirk and thinking that he took it. I could do a heart breaking scene of Killua begging Gon not to go fight. He would have to have enough self worth to be willing ask for something selfish and he would have to have enough faith in Gon to think it might work.
Of course Gon would tell him that he didn't take the quirk and that he will never leave Killua again. It would be a wonderful moment for a getting together kiss and might be a good ending for Killua's part.
I say 'I like the idea' and 'it would be' because I'm not 100% decided on how to end it yet.
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thelegocomic · 2 months
Ok so like I might not actually get around to working on the lego comic for a year or two. But I actually plan to give Rex a love interest at some stage and I kind of ship him with my OC Echo so I’m dumping random facts about my ship. No hate, please.
1 - Echo came from another dimension that is connected to Rex’s world. Like the shadow realm of his universe that strives off of destruction and breaking things instead of building and creating. Echo is the only one who seems to be passionate about building and creating which led him to being an outcast and even getting bullied. He is called a Damage Demon.
2 - Echo is inspired by Rex and often begs him to teach him new things he could build or create.
3 - They become roommates for a bit but Rex kept him a secret from everyone because they are at war against Echo’s kind. He keeps him locked up inside which eventually led to him being down about it. So he hides him in a cloak to try and hide that he is a Damage Demon. When they sneak out together and have fun that’s when Rex started to get some feelings for him. Echo started getting feelings much sooner but didn’t realise it was love at the time and thought it was just “respect for his kindness”. Echo is very unfamiliar with love and never saw anyone before Rex.
4 - Rex seems to get jealous easily when others get too close to Echo. He would wrap his arm around him and pull him to his side as if to say “He’s MINE!”.
5 - Rex gets nightmares easily and Echo would often hear him talk in his sleep so he wakes him. At first Rex lied about it being nothing but as the two got closer he finally spoke more about it. He had all these walls and Echo was able to break them down slowly.
6 - Echo is unfamiliar with a LOT of the basic normal things in Rex’s world. He has walked in on him while he showered a few times before, which led to blood curdling screaming as they were not yet dating.
7 - Echo is so fascinated by anything that functions! He flushed the toilet seven times and watched in amazement, Rex was just like “Dude, stop.”
8 - Echo has stood up for Rex much like he has for him, they are both losers in their worlds which is also what made them closer.
9 - Rex actually gets flustered easily. When Echo randomly hugs him his whole face turns red.
10 - they are both affectionate but it takes Rex a while to get comfortable to display such acts in public.
11 - Echo asks Rex like 1000 questions a day. He is very curious about his dimension.
12 - Echo often tries to build, cook or create things for others as special gifts! It is rare for him to just buy someone a birthday present.
13 - Echo tries to make things for Rex constantly because that’s part of his love language, gift giving. He often cooks or bakes for him now as well.
14 - If Echo gets so much as a paper cut Rex FREAKS out. He is very protective of him.
15 - Echo loves to collect EVERYTHING! Even trash as he seems to have a strong belief that everything has value. He even made a few things himself with recycled stuff!
16 - They are very good at comforting each other when sad. Very affectionate couple!
17 - Rex has tried to beat people up in the past who speak poorly of Echo.
18 - Rex used to jokingly say that he is like a weird stray cat he found because of his inquisitive nature.
19 - Echo is terrified of loud noises! He is also very sensitive to any sort of yelling or shouting so Rex has been trying to control his temper a bit better (not because he yells AT him but because he yells at other things that frustrate him and that tends to scare Echo a bit.)
20 - Echo loves to take naps, especially on top of Rex.
21 - They have a movie night almost every night! With popcorn and everything! Echo isn’t a big fan of horror though… Rex is secretly a fan of romance but won’t admit it. They usually watch classic action movies.
22 - The raptors seem to really love Echo! So much so that Rex did feel a bit jealous before the two started dating. “Guys, I’m your dad! This is such betrayal!”
23 - Rex loves to make Echo laugh, although it can be hard to do so with jokes as he is a bit blunt. Usually he makes him laugh when he is not even trying too.
24 - Rex loses his mind when he sees Echo wear his clothes!
25 - They work together on some missions but for a long while Rex wouldn’t let him come along in fear of him getting hurt. Echo has proved to be capable of adventure though. He even saved Rex more than once!
26 - Echo loves to watch Rex play video games! Echo struggles getting used to playing games himself though.
27 - Rex loves to randomly scoop Echo up and carry him around.
28 - Echo is the brains and Rex is the brawn.
29 - When the two have been together for a while Rex has become quite the flirt.
30 - They are super clingy with each other.
31 - Rex calls Echo nerd but in a loving sort of way.
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pencilxpaper · 2 years
Vampire Media: TV Series
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A review of various vampire focused series. More under the cut
Buffy The Vampire Slayer
I loved this series. It was on TV during a formative time in my life, and maybe it's why I like vampires. I don't know. If you hate Joss Weadon, that's completely understandable. There were hundreds of people involved in the making of this show, and they were good people, and they put their heart and soul into it, so I think it's worth watching despite Joss. There are some stellar episodes that might be worth watching the whole series for. Buffy is a great character. Spike (vampire villain turned good guy) is probably my favorite character of all time. I like the show's vampires. The episode where Dracula shows up is gold. This series did a mix of funny, terrifying, and serious, so prepare for your emotions to be played with. It's also a really satisfying watch.
I never watched the companion series Angel because I couldn't stand Angel as a character, so I can't comment on it for myself. I have friends who absolutely loved it.
True Blood
Based on the Sookie Stackhouse Series of books. The first season is pure atmospheric vampire gold. The vampires are sexy and scary, and the main character is naive, and Bon Temps still lives in my brain as a place. I love the idea that vampire blood is somehow a drug that gets people high. Later seasons get progressively less good. Part of it is, I think they didn't know what to do with the book storyline. Still worth it for the first few seasons.
Vampire Knight (Anime)
Ah... So I loved this. Typical anime where it's a high school, and you have vampires attending as well as normal kids. You get a love triangle. In the end, there is a twist, and there's an incest subplot that just... got weird. Overall, a great watch except for the incest thing at the end.
First Kill (one season)
Netflix canceled the second season, but in my opinion, it's still a different take on vampires. It is eye candy, and as long as you know that going in and you don't expect too much else from it, it's fun.
Show based on the video game. It's a video game I never played, so I feel like a few things I wasn't prepared for. This show is dark. Prepare for gore, and innocent people dying, and some truly terrible people. Body horror like you wouldn't believe. That said, I kind of love Alucard. Some amazing animation.
Hellsing and Hellsing Ultimate (anime)
I love both of these series for different reasons. Both are based on the manga. I love Alucard in this. He's a very interesting vampire. I am nuts for the police girl that he turns, especially in the original Hellsing, which focuses a little more on her. Basically, Van Hellsing created an organization to fight vampires, but it turns out they actually have a vampire working for them who might be someone important. There's a will-they-won't-they thing going on with Alucard and the head of the organization that is really engaging. Alucard keeps going up against bigger and bigger foes, and each time he unlocks a new level of power, and I'm a nut for it every time.
What we do in the Shadows
Last but not least. This show is peak vampire humor. It makes fun of EVERYTHING. There are digs at Anne Rice. There are digs at literally all other vampire media. There's a scene where they get actors from various movies to come in and play their vampire selves, and it is really funny. The characters are perfect, and the storyline is funny. I laughed out loud at least once an episode and often more. There's a movie that happened before this that is also really funny.
@rinniiart I forgot, in the movies, to include Only Lovers Left Alive. If you haven't seen that one, I think you might really like it. I thought of it because What We Do in the Shadows had a joke with Tilda Swinton and it was from that movie, so you kind of have to watch Only Lovers Left Alive to get why she's there. Basically, Tom Hiddleston and Tilda Swinton are vampires facing obsolescence. Beautiful movie. Interesting concept. I also realized I forgot to talk about Blade and Blade 2, both excellent vampire movies. Maybe in a later post I'll talk about them.
Let me know if you've seen any of these and if you did what you thought of them. Thanks for the opportunity to info dump about a special interest of mine.
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canmom · 2 years
been ill, but today i’m less ill than yesterday so i could watch a bunch of Gundam Iron Blooded Orphans instead of just lying in bed feeling rubbish. here are some scattered comments on IBO.
this show is compelling! it feels like a post-Psycho Pass Gundam, but equally I could say it’s got a lot of Last Exile devices in it. the more I learn about UC gundam, the more I can see how it’s riffing on the devices of the main series - the privileged Earth class, the Char clone who appears starting in the second cour. at the time of writing this post i’ve watched up through s1e19.
I have this inclination to call it a grimdark spin that’s about the idea of realpolitik, but then that’s kind of just normal Gundam territory; however there is a special level of brutality to the way fights are portrayed, the ‘human debris’ concept is a very cool cynical spin on Newtypes, the general tone of the series is an atmosphere of thoroughly normalised violence. yet that’s not to say it’s just some kind of 40k style ‘no good guys, revel in the violence’ thing; much to the contrary the thrust of it (so far) is about sustaining some sort of revolutionary aspiration in a very hostile world, and a group of determined young people getting chewed up by the attempt to change things. I’m pretty invested in seeing how it turns out (probably not well, it’s Gundam after all).
the setting is well-realised; you have some classic sci-fi concepts like ‘earth as core and space colonies as periphery’, but equally some fun novel ones like space yakuza; and it does a convincing job of selling its wide suite of factions.
and, to compare with G-witch, since they’re both Gundams riffing on the imagery and concepts of UC Gundam. the GUND-ARM of G-Witch and the Alaya-Vijnana System of IBO are both presented as destructive surgical techniques which allow greater integration with the mecha at a severe physical cost to the pilot. functionally it’s a way of having a ‘special pilot who’s better at flying’ type of character like the Newtypes, but if the Newtypes represented a thwarted hope of a kind of 70s new age ideal recuperated by militarism, the Alaya-Vijnana and GUND-ARM represent a much more direct and ruthless kind of exploitation of children by adults.
as animation it’s... well, it’s complicated. it’s certainly full of ambitious layouts (characters floating around in zero-g at weird angles) and the designs are charming, and there’s a lot of nicely varied acting in how the different character interactions are portrayed: Orga’s slightly brittle coolness, Mikazuki’s emotionally disconnected obliviousness and almost mechanical violence, Kudelia’s naivete, Fumitan’s stoic caring, etc. etc.. but it definitely suffers in the composite. it’s got that kind of 2010s feeling of too much contrast, low resolution douga and noticeable digital textures. there’s also a handful of quite noticeable cuts where I can only assume the animation directors were too pressed for time properly oversee it and faces kind of melt.
as for the mecha animation... again, it’s a story of overall cool direction, but melting a bit in the details. Sunrise are rightly known as the last bastion of 2D mecha animation, but these are some ridiculously complex designs they’re handling, and it’s easy for the silhouette and overall pose to get a bit lost in all the high contrast shadows and small details. this is further confused by the use of a kind of clouds texture in the shadows, which I just don’t understand at all honestly! that said, a glance at Sakugabooru suggests there’s some really cool stuff to come.
one thing I notice framing through it like this is how often you get really drastic changes from frame to frame, that I’m surprised it wasn’t necessary to inbetween, but it looks decent in motion just by carrying it through in a consistent direction. ‘how much you can get away with’ is something that continually surprises me in animation. It’s too late and I don’t have the energy to do a detailed breakdown, but maybe worth looking into.
anyway, they seem to have improved on a lot on these fronts (compositing and colour direction especially) in G-witch. but I definitely need to watch more Gundam from the late 80s and 90s, since I really enjoyed the very grounded mech animation in War in the Pocket and 08th MS Team, and I really want to build up the context to find out what all the fuss is about with Char’s Counterattack haha...
that’s probably enough to say, I will save up more for when I’ve seen the entire arc of this.
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outcasting101 · 1 year
100 Mob Psycho x Jujutsu Kaisen
Im a big fan of both anime, I have an idea that I think make a good fanfic about Reigen Sensei isn't what he seem, a former of Jujutsu Sorcerer he carry that skill in world of Mob Psycho which explain his 'luck' surviving with his 'psychic', he may not have all the brain but he have the brawn. His not stupid, it just how he is, he long lost to care what other thinks
Reigen sensei isn't technically lying when he said he can't see ghost and ghoul. However he does have experince facing off a curse, same difference. He came from one a outcast clan - the moon of the three major Jujutsu Clan.
He came off a outcast ever since his birth, both of his parent were a star show for the family. A salvation in hope to be accepted back, but ever since his birth consider 'curse' itself, without hesitation both of his parent went away embracing the normally the best they could.
Reigen at least based on his childhood have always been trained, preparing for what he didnt know...til he was given a particular glases just to his liking. His first interaction was curse comes a shock he stumble falling on his butt, eye widened at the sight with fascination and weary. He never really sure his parent mission was real but here it is just through this glases.
He was ecstatic, who couldn't he can be a hero just like his admirable parent. Years after years training, he exceed every training - speed, agility, perception.
His childhood was estranged especially wearing the glasses despite his parent protest wanting their son to at least have childhood within ignorance of the horror surround humanity shadow. Being outcast was never as bad as he thought, sure kid was scared and times were called by their teacher due to his horrifying doodle. They misunderstood, Reigen did exactly what thye told how they individual see the world. Can't an artist draw?
Growing into his adolscent, the worst experince was seeing his father stumbling bloodied on his side of stomach, his mom in hand holding his shoulder rushing to get into the car to...hearing it right Jujutsu Kaisen.
Maybe it was adrenaline but his parent didnt protest, even look scared for him to be left alone. Reigen expeirnce with blood was natural but this was real - his father is dying. This enfueles his mission to become a Jujutsu Soccerer.
Sneaking off exploring, isolated meeting with a white heard dude, they could get along; and a blond hair who loves bread and money, Reigen can relate. He barge within principal office begged him to allow him enrolled in this amazing school. If he couldn't get within normal school, magic school, should be better, right?
Facing off that stupid green bear, he did it batter and bruises he still hold on...
"I get to see, something, something no one else can't see. Why should I unsee it, when it call seem to fun, so new"
"So your reason just to fill in your fantasy"
"I mean, is there any more reason I should know" Both hand on hips, with his eye serious toward the principle. His face scrowl slightly fire with determination.
"At least your honest" Sight the principle, standing up smiling proudly. "Welcome to Jujutsu Highschool, this isn't everyday to get person with no curse acceoted within this school. We can prepare you cursed weapon and glases-"
"No thanks, this is just fine" Clicking showed his steal thine glasses. Smiling proudly. "never go out without this"
"Your parent must raise you proudly of their heritage"
"haha you got it right Sensei, there is never a day without curse story on dinner plate. So where do I start"
"Heh, Welcome to hell kid, better get used to it". Voice have not change from his monotone introduction, weird way to joke.
"I was born ready"
He was successful, showing proudly of his steeled glasses up his eye, managing to the grumpy cat - Nanami butcher knife. Reigen chosen. He chosen knukle, both gold shine pride on the higest sun. Training was harsh but thanks to his parent, he was flying by the win.
That was until, a mission killed them, death was very common, every week, at least one...Reigen was fine, both side clunches but he was fine, he was completely.
87% before murder rave.
Reigen was smart, he knew protest and action was in vain. At least - at least he can at least see the autopsy of his parent and find whatever curse they were battling.
At night sky show the moon in blue express it deapest adolences more than anyone Reigen associated with. His friend was busy set off with month mission, he can;t blame them with thier curse they are sure to overthrow him. He wasn't jelous, he knew the limitation he have wihout curse technique, at least he have some good muscle.
Better muscle and magic he always say.
While sliding within the higher house listening intensly at the group of senior bickering and debating... His parent, a set up, they THEY!
The taste of death was vague, never he have thought he would have life within his finger tips. The were tough, more would come. Reigen
Working within the Cooler company was something else, as he suspected - booring. He really really rather die, and that saying something considering where is is form. Where the victim is better of straight to death door than whatever meticulous action curse are capable of interfering human natural life.
Starting og a medium with his carefree attitude he learn to facade. better to seem dumb to get issue off than stand out and be the target of everyone pressure. Well choosing this job was as not exactly fun, at least he got payed. it not like he's hurting everyone, no one wanted a explanation they wanted superticion. An ignorant mind cannot be open unless one's allow it so.
So why not play by their rule, that until he met Mob. A good kid, good for exploiting too. Can you blame him quick money mean quick treat for both of them. Reigen gotten quite the bond, could even say teen sitter.
He met claw, he beat the shit out of them. he wasn't stupid he can feel the power flow surround him, knwoing Mob power it didn't surprise him.
Evil again Evil, there he gamble his 'luck' and oblivious attitude to go within life until the day he die.
Plus, that red guy bought him a guy another cowoker to work with, with Mob he is sure adulthood woudl be one hell of a crisis. He rather to have Mob to have a smooth transistion.
Teen stage is hard going to adulthood is another problem to solve.
He was satisfied, satisfied with his profound business family. He was glad he could say be can die from it -
On the break he encounter Jujutsu messenger requesting him to enroll in hope his school, to exercise curse - a real curse. Why angrily, he shaken from anger and even fear.
Both his past brought up during his mission, ignoring the stranger and worry stare from his found family. he rather not have them within his conflicted life.
"Sensei, who was that man"
"Si-sir wouldn't you rather talk about it with us, you know...you can trust us"
"What are you hiding dimwhip"
Reigen staring at his desk, his head support both hardm intertwine on his forhead. He was sweating his eye in motion coping his overflowing anger. Focusing his head up with his busines smile, so welcoming, so fake - having them give him peace; a little bit nontheless.
"Ah nothing, have a breack you thre. Pay here consider this a bonus from your hard work"
The bucket head kid, eye shown hiddenw orry despite his monoton voice. "But sensei you told us, we have alot of clie-
"Ah Ah, not to worry. With my amazing psychic, you all will be only in my way. Pushing them three off. He there stand alone, sunken feeling surround a room that seem to stretch endlessly. Reigen was shaking no longer can hold it anymore, he rather have it all taken to those monster instead. Vision transition to the blood splatters, yells and anger surround him. Reigen thrown himself at the sit, sighing he should be preparing right now.
He was prepare to go to Tokyo, what else do you think he was investing all the money. He knew no matter how much he run...he can at least leave a final paycheck for them all to continue to inherit his buisiness. they can get of hang of it Reigen thought, smiling sadly, he leaves a note, he reather not have sobbing goodbye, or even nevermind.
Nothing woudl matter once he step into the other world. What he didnt take account is the ammount of care his messy family may or may not track him down determine to not let hims get away his life scot free without a proper explanation even adopt into the new world of the Jujutsu Kaisen.
Look like this useless Sensei would have his follower face the danger by his side. he can finnaly be derseving of standing them on the frontgate of humanity shadow.
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scorpiongrassfield · 1 year
You Watch the Memory Unfold
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Pat helps your body stand, half-carries it back to the car. 
“You know, this’ll hurt a lot less if we go to the hospital. They have like. Anesthetics and stuff,” Pat says. 
Your body shakes its head. It is very firm in its “No doctors” stance. 
“Alright. Suit yourself. Here,” Pat says. They open up the trunk and have your body sit down on the edge of it while they rummage around for their first aid kit. 
“So. You got a name, kid?” they ask as they start making preparations. 
Your body shakes its head again. 
“No name at all? It doesn’t have to be the one your parents gave you, but I gotta call you something.”
Your body looks thoughtful for a moment before speaking up. “My.” 
“My?” Pat asks. 
Your body shakes its head decisively. 
“Alright then, My. Let’s get you patched up.” 
The world shifts back, separating out like light through a prism. You are sitting in the passenger seat. Pat is driving. There’s a shadowy figure sitting in the back seat. 
“You spaced out again so I stopped talking. You good?” Pat asks. 
You aren’t sure. 
That was really unpleasant. You do not want to do that again. 
So you just shrug. 
“Alright. Eat your pastry though, it’s gonna get cold,” Pat chides. 
It’s already cold. And flavorless. But you don’t say as much as you take a bite of it. 
“You know. I was so sure that you were a ghost when I picked you up. Or that I was possessed. Or both,” they say with a smile. 
The sidelong look you give them just makes them grin wider. 
“Well I mean. Picking up strange nineteen year olds and giving them stitches in the backseat of my car is not normal behavior for me. I might be weird and crazy but usually it’s not that bad,” Pat explains. 
You frown. “Why did you think I was a ghost?” 
Pat gestures to you with one hand, the other still on the wheel. 
“You have no idea how bad you looked when I found you. You literally should not have been able to survive that. You lost more blood than I think a person can even have in them,” Pat explains. They’re keeping their tone light. 
“How am I here then?” you ask. 
“That’s a good question. I figured you were a ghost. Ghosts can’t die from blood loss. Or shock from getting stitched up by an inexperienced hand,” Pat shrugs. 
“But I’m not a ghost?” you ask. You feel sick just thinking about it. 
“Pretty sure you aren’t. I mean look,” Pat gestures to your half-eaten danish. “Ghosts can’t eat. And you can. If someone tells you to enough times.” 
That’s… good to know, you guess. You still feel kind of sick. 
The shadow is still in the back seat. It seems to be trying to exude a sense of comfort in your direction. Pat doesn’t seem to notice it at all. 
“So. That’s how we met.” you say, just to say Something. 
Pat nods. 
Silence settles in like fog. It clings to the insides of the car until Pat turns in a long gravel driveway. 
“You can still take a rain check if you’d rather get your head together before we interview Theo, you know,” Pat says. 
You shake your head. You would like to put some time between yourself and whenever unpleasantness the next flashback will bring. 
“Alright, if you’re sure,” they say, sounding thoroughly unconvinced. 
They pull the car to a stop behind another car in the driveway. You don’t pay it much attention because your eyes are glued to the structure behind it. 
Before you stands the cabin. Unburned and whole. And considerably less menacing. But it still fills you with unease. 
Should you tell Pat about the cabin?
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serotonincemetery · 2 years
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Dean Winchester x Reader
You and Sam have been following Dean's trail for so long. But now at the moment. You were on a detour. Someone had gotten the jump on both of you. Now both of you had gotten tied up and the guy was doing a normal monologue about how Dean had killed his father and let him live. Then at one point he called dean on Sam's phone. He told him htat you and Sam were here with him, and Dean told him that the guy had permission to put a bullet in both of your foreheads, that really hurt, just hearing that from Dean. You were bored with this guy's monologuing after he had ended the call with Dean. At some point he stopped and came towards you with some sort of hammer and placed it against your knee to aim and you braced yourself for the pain. The hammer smashed against your knee, it came in contact with your knee with a sickening crack. You screamed as tears immediately fell from your eyes. Your knee was definitely broken. He his your leg again but this time it was in the middle of the bone in your calve. You screamed again before the guy took a knife and cut part of your face.
After that he stopped and went to Sam and held onto him arms and twisted it with another sickening crack. He grunted with a muffled scream. You tried to keep a clear head, but besides how much pain you were in, and your blood from your forehead was mixing with your tears, you could feel the blood from the side of your neck run down your collarbone. You looked over at Sam. Cole, from what you learned, grabbed the same weird hammer that he had broken your leg with put it up against Sam's knee, Sam, at the same time was bracing himself. Cole was about to bring the weapon down when his phone rang. He took off the gloves and grabbed his phone and answered the call after dropping the weapon. He sauntered out of the warehouse and outside.
Sam looked at the small pocket knife with keys. He looked at you, who was still quietly crying. He knew he had to get both you and himself out of here so he reached for the keys with his foot and managed to grab them and cut himself loose before rushed over to you and cutting you loose and helping you up with his good arm. Both of you had gotten out and quickly left before he had came back.
Now you were in a cast and had to use crutches. You had one on your leg and were forced to have the crutches, Sam only had an arm sling after they had reset his arm. Both of you had gotten a lead on Dean, but you had found him but the window had shattered and a smoke bomb was on the floor, it started to release smoke and both you and Sam were coughing. Sam grabbed your arm and dragged you to the door and shoved both of you through. Besides being a bit woozy from the smoke, you had bumped your head on the ground and now everything was moving. You had seen a shadow walk towards you guys and couldn't see straight to know who it was. But once he spoke you knew it was Cole.
Dean had followed you guys out and had walked out as Cole had kicked you. After a bit more monologuing, Dean and Cole had ended up fighting. You saw as Cole attempted to try and attack Dean, and how he was failing to do so. Your vision had cleared a bit more so you decided to try and get up, Sam had done the same and he had quietly grabbed your crutches. Both of you had gone over and just as Dean was about to kill Cole. You pulled him back and held him as best as you could as Sam put the demon cuffs on him.
You and Sam had talked to Cas on the phone about one way to fix Dean. Purified blood. You and Sam had gotten to a blood donor office and started posing as doctors. There were a few people who came in right before you were gonna open up the sliders. They asked a few questions before leaving. You had grabbed a bunch of bags and stuffed them in the pockets of your jacket and Sam did the same along with putting some in a paper bag. Both of you then left the office and jumped, well Sam did, you hobbled in the car and went back to the bunker.
Both of you had walked into the bunker and grabbed some syringes and walked to the dungeon and set down everything you needed and started to fill the syringes. You took the first one and Sam stopped you. "Are you okay about this?"
You didn't respond for a moment before saying. "It needs to be done." After you said that you walked over to  Dean and readied the syringe.
"I know you won't do it, you wouldn't hurt poor Dean-o." He said as you moved they syringe towards him and his eyes flicked black and he let out a gnarly growl and tried to attack you, you immediate reaction was to jump back. He laughed and Sam walked over and grabbed the syringe from you gently and walked over to Dean and Dean did the same thing but Sam immediately hit him and injected the first syringe into his arm. You heard him growl then scream. That brought tears to your eyes. You wiped them quickly and Dean laughed. "What? can't handle me screaming, me getting hurt?" Dean teased brutally. "Maybe it's because you love me?"
You didn't respond. It was true, you did like him so much, and it pained you to hear him scream or just him in pain. You looked at him with a sorrowful look. "Sam, continue. I need to leave." You said as you turned and started to walk out.
"Just to let you know [Y/N], I will never love you the way you love me. I will never look at you with that spark you look at me with. I just want you to know I will never hold you in my arms, or wake up next to you. You mean nothing to me." He said before Sam put another injection in his arm. He screamed and you cried even more as you tried to leave the room as fast as you could with the crutches. You scuffled to your room and quickly tried to find one of the photos you guys had taken together, you had looked at them and kept trying to remind yourself he did love you, even if it wasn't a romantic type, maybe he only truly saw you as a sibling.
You kept trying to calm down when Sam walked in. "Are you okay [Y/N]?" He asked. You looked up at him with tears brimming your eyes. He looked sympathetically at you and walked over and hugged you. You cried and hugged him tightly. "Look, I'm going to go get something to eat. Just stay away from Dean." Sam said as you nodded.
Sam left the room and you could hear his footsteps go down the hallway. You sat on your bed and then heard footsteps, Sam couldn't be back so soon, literally, it had only been a few moments. You had gotten up and grabbed your gun and scrambled to your closet. You could hear Dean calling for Sam. "Sam! Don't you wanna spend time with your big brother?" You started panicking. But even more so once Dean had mentioned you. "[Y/N]! Where are you?" He sounded normal, you almost went and left the closet and your room but something in the back of your mind said no. You know? Common Sense?
You let out a breath you had been holding. As you exhaled the alarms in the bunker went off and started flashing red. All of your internal alarms had been going off besides the alarms in the bunker. Dean walked by your room. "[Y/N], are you in there?" His muffled voice asked. You heard the doorknob turn but he let go and started walking away. You had opened the closet door and shuffled out and over to your crutches behind the door, you grabbed them and quietly opened your door and scuffled across the hall and as you did you saw Dean turn the corner. He saw you.
You started to scurry away as fast as you could, but with the crutches you weren't getting very far. You heard something grinding against the walls, you took a glance back and Dean was walking calmly behind you with a hammer. Your eyes widened before you tried to go faster. and up a step, as you were getting up the two stairs, the rubber at the bottom of the crutch got caught at the overhang of the stair and you tumbled to the ground.
You saw Dean walk closer and you rubbed your arm that you landed on and shuffled up and scrambled to grab your crutches. You grabbed them and saw Dean walk closer. "you know, [Y/N], seeing you run in fear and try and get away makes this way more fun." Dean said as he was slowly catching up. You kept going until you felt a tug on the back of your collar on your button-up shirt. You were pulled back by Dean, and he shoved you into the wall beside him, you nearly slid to the floor but you used your arms to hold yourself up. He hit the hammer beside your head and you jolted.
You landed a hit on him and tried to kick him where the sun don't shine, he didn't flinch, on the punch nor the kick in the balls with your cast. It literally and metaphorically hurt you more than it hurt him.
You went in for another hit but he caught your fist and bent it back, you shrieked and he scoffed. Dean landed a few hits in your face before hitting your gut, you slid down the wall gripping your stomach and he kicked your hands and stomach, he kneeled and grabbed a handful of your shirt and pulled you up and drew his fist back and hit you. Tears were rolling down your bloodied face, you reached up and held his wrists to try and stop him but it didn't work. He kept hitting you in your face, leaving more and more bruises and blood in their wake.
You heard running down the hall and you spared a glance and it was Sam. Dean looked up from your weak form at Sam and immediately dropped the handful of your shirt and you hit the ground with a thud. Dean got up and chased Sam now, the lights had also came back on.
You don't know how long you had been waiting on the floor in pain while gripping your stomach, so far it must've been at least thirty to forty-five minutes. It was all pain, and at some point you had closed your eyes, you were still aware of everything else using your other senses. But it was mostly terrible because of the aching pain in your stomach and the throbbing pain in your cheek and jaw.
You were still on the ground when you heard a "[Y/N]!" It was Dean, you didn't want him near you. God you loved him but you didn't know he had overpowered Sam and came back to finish you off. You felt a hand touch your arm and by the scent you immediately knew it was Dean, you quickly tried to shuffle away from his touch as you tried to push him away. "Please, it's me, I'm not a demon, please let me help you." Dean pleaded. You calmed down a bit and eased up a bit and let him pick you up.
Once Dean had picked you up you turned to putty in his arms, even though you didn't want him anywhere near you, you still felt safe. You reached your arm up and gently grabbed a small handful of his shirt and slightly smiled. "You're back." You mumbled as he carried you quickly to the library and set you down on a chair and made sure you would be leaning back so you didn't fall forwards. "Sam! I found them!" He called and within seconds Sam came around the corner in a rush, he quickly walked over to you and hugged you. You gently hugged back. "Sam, get the medical kit" Dean said as he quickly left to go grab a wet cloth.
They both came back and tended to your wounds and gave you some Advil. You now didn't look as bad, but you really wanted a shower but that isn't happening any time soon. Dean had picked you up and brought you to your room and laid you down, only now under the dim lights of your room, you opened your eyes and looked at Dean as he was about to walk out. "I don't want this to be a chick flick moment as you call them, but can you stay, I wanna talk to you." You said quietly. Dean had stopped and turned to you.
Dean had walked back over after closing the door and went and sat on the end of your bed. You motioned for him to come over and he came closer and was now  sitting against the headboard of your bed. You reached over to touch his arm and he flinched away from you, as if he was scared he was going to hurt you again, he looked unsure and you reached over again and grabbed his wrist and intertwined your fingers with his and held his hand as you pulled him closer and brought his arm around you, he stiffened up and you poked his side with a smile. "Loosen up a bit" You smiled. Dean loosened up and was more relaxed.
Dean pulled you into a hug and mumbled "I'm sorry" into your hair. "For all the things I've done, and said." He said as he hugged you a bit tighter.
"It's okay, Dean." You reply as you hug him back. "I forgive you." You say.
"You shouldn't honestly, but the thing I'm most sorry for is saying that I don't love you." He admitted shamefully. "You mean everything to me."
"Dean, it's okay, and I do get it if you only see me as a sibling or something like that." You chuckled. "I'll get over it." You say as you look up at him with a grin, it was half faked, half genuine.
"I don't-" He paused. "No don't think like that, it's not like that, I do love you, and not the sibling kind, I've kind of looked up to you for your intelligence or whatever its called." He chuckled. "God this is a chick flick moment" He mumbled with a snicker, you laughed. "But I love love you, I don't know what I would've done without you all these years." He admitted.
Your eyes started to water as you hugged him tighter and nuzzled your face into his chest, he tensed a bit at the new feeling but soon kissed your forehead and laid down properly. "I love you too." You said as you looked at him with a now gentle smile after you had quickly calmed yourself down.
"We can talk more about this when we wake up, we both need sleep." He chuckled. "Now let's get some shut eye." He said with a smile.
You decided to pull a risky one and intertwined your legs with his and cuddled up to him and placed a gentle kiss to his jaw and relaxed. "Goodnight Dean." You said as you closed your eyes and fell asleep happily and loved.
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