#both of them are not handling their problems well
bouquetface · 3 days
Navamsa/D9 Observations 3
Accuracy influenced by ENTIRE chart. Looking at one placement will only provide general information.
This is a general post - not taking into consideration any aspects, or signs, or or ruler placement.
Sun in First House
The person prioritizes superficial traits - their appearance/body, their career, their family status, etc. This isn’t a criticism. Often these people have reached a good amount of status themselves or/& take care of their body/appearance - they want someone to do the same.
They want a powerful spouse, however in marriage they can want authority over spouse. They don’t want the spouse to accidentally embrasas them as these people are often popular/well known later in life. A possible problem that could arise with this placement: Both partners desire authority, they refuse balance, they fight a lot.
You can develop a competitive nature after marriage and/or later in life. Due to this you will likely create a lot of enemies. You may find later in life, you are aware of many people who begin to oppose you.
After marriage and/or later in life, you can gain status and attention with this placement. This can manifest in different ways - ex: You start your own business so many people in the community know you.
Accuracy depends on entire chart. This does not take into consideration aspects, other signs, and other planets.
Jupiter in First House
This almost always guarantees the person will get married. I know many with this placement that did not believe in marriage in their younger years, but still got married.
This is a good placement for marriage too. Any issues that arise in marriage and life, these people will know how to handle the situation. They can see the bigger picture, they truly understand their spouse, they know what to do and say.
You will have enough of everything you need to have a nice + calm life.
The spouse and/or children will look to you for advice. You are seen as intelligent. You can be good at debate, having effective communication. Reasonable person.
Rahu in 4th House
This person can desire a big home with many features - pool, basketball court, garden, theatre room, etc.
These people can wish to live further away from the place they lived before marriage and/or birth city. However, this is not promised. They will desire it. If not, they will own foreign things in the home - ex: cooking foods from different places, owning furniture from a different country, etc. They will remain curious about foreign places and things.
These people can make up lack of fulfillment in other areas through the home. Buying many expensive things, buying an expensive home, throwing big parties in the home to show off wealth.
Rahu is never satisfied. In the 4th, there is always a desire for more reagrding home. You want to move, you want a new place, you want renovations, you want to change the decor or paint, etc.
There can be a paranoia too about the home. You can have a lot of security cameras inside and out.
Ketu in 10th House
You can become disinterested in society and reputation. This can make people view you as outcast. You may not even do something mean on purpose, however your lack of social etiquette can make people think you are mean/rude.
Accuracy depends on entire chart. It is important to look at sign and aspects, where 10th house ruler is.
Mercury in 5th House
If well placed, this can give children who become highly skilled. They can do very well in their careers. They may even be a prodigy.
However, if afflicted communication can be difficult with children and/or spouse.
You can enjoy travel with this placement. You are curious about new experiences.
You can make a lot of money through communication - written or speaking.
Ketu in 3rd House
When communicating with the spouse, you or them will interrupt and always want to push your opinions on the other. This doesn't mean the marriage will be bad. Simply, you can talk over each other at times when passionate about the conversation topic.
You may talk less or lose contact with siblings. This could be due to many reasons. You could go through a period later in life where you are fighting with one another. In this fight, past resentments may come to light.
The entire chart would have to be taken into consideration for accuracy. This is simply a general post - not taking into consideration any aspects, or signs, or or ruler placement.
Ketu in 8th House
This can go 2 ways depending on entire chart: One is close to their in-laws. You truly consider them family. This is more likely is Venus is well placed and if 8th H Ruler is well placed.
Or you are not close to them. This doesn't always indicate there are issues. One simply may not care enough to have gotten close with them. This is detachment is more likely is there is Mars, Saturn or Rahu in 4th House. In this case, it is likely you will live far from in-laws. However, you must take into consideration the entire chart - signs, aspects, ruling planets.
This is one indicator for having a child or being pregnant before marriage/wedding. If this is the case, you are likely to keep this secret from most people. This is not always the case, only one indicator.
The wedding will likely not be a big ceremony. This can be due to many reasons. One possible example is the spouse may have a small family. Or you may together decide not to spend too much on a wedding.
This is an indicator that you bring more money and assets into the marriage. You may have separate finances as well with this placement.
Accuracy is dependent on entire natal/langa and d9 chart. Reading for only one placement will only give general info.
Rahu in 11th House
You can make a lot of wealth with this placement. Your wealth will be connected to your ability to gain a huge social network, clients and possibly followers.
It is possible with this placement you can gain by manipulating/putting on a mask. However, it is just as likely someone or many will be fake to you. This is someone you will not realize are fake until after marriage and/or later in life.
You could be friends with many people who are different from you. They are of a different country, race, religion.
If placed in Leo, you can desire status and authority over your social network. You want them to have high status or treat you like a King or Queen.
For further insight, you should check the sign of 11th H, aspects and where 11th Ruler is located. This and the natal will influence accuracy.
Saturn in 8th House
I have seen this placement in so many charts. I feel this is the BIGGEST indicator of a strained relationship with the in-laws. There can be conflict that occurs after marriage and/or later in life. This conflict will limit your access to the spouse's resources and vice versa.
This isn't an indicator of a bad marriage as long as the person with this placement did not intend to use the spouse for their resources. Sometimes the manifestation isn't the spouse & you refusing to join assets. Instead, it can be the spouse family cutting them off or decreasing/limiting the resources. Other times I have seen it as the couple being unable to save money in their younger years together.
On the bright side, saturn is a slow and steady planet. If you put in the work and have patience, financial issues, in-law issues, any issues at all can be resolved. If saturn is well placed, it is more likely you will resolve any issues and accumulate good shared resources.
Another thing about this placement is the married couple will experience a bad reputation at some point. This doesn’t mean the marriage is bad - sometimes the couple is a target of bullying/hate. This can be due to many reasons - possible examples I have observed to give you an idea:
- One couple had a period of time where they struggled financially. The husband lost his job, the wife had to go back to work as a result everyone knew they were struggling. Some were sympathetic, others were being judgemental a-holes. It seems this brought them closer together. Their marriage did not suffer due to the judgement they received amongst family + friends + colleagues.
- Another example: The husband got very drunk at a wedding. This lead to many rumours that he was an alcoholic. This bothered the couple but there was nothing they could do to stop people from talking/believing what they want.
- Third example: This woman has a feminine husband. This has led others to speculate that he is gay or bi. I am close friends with this woman, I know none of this true. However, that does not stop others from spreading false info/"jokes" about them.
- Fourth example: This woman’s mother would not stop gossiping about her spouse. She would criticize him unfairly. The mother’s side was believed by a lot on the woman’s side of the family. As a result, the entire family was mean & passive aggressive with the spouse. They never tried to get to know the spouse/see his side of things. It was disgusting, the family bonded over bullying her & her spouse.
This placement can indicate problems with your own family after marriage and/or later in life. You may have to distance yourself from your own family instead of the in-laws. This rarely means you will mever speak to either your own family or in-laws. It can be a one time situation the couple must deal with at some point. EX: At a dinner, your brother insults the spouse's job. You defend the spouse and leave the dinner early. A few weeks later all is forgiven and basically forgotten.
Accuracy will depend on entire d9 AND NATAL chart.
Sun in 5th
You are likely to be an educated & opinionated person later in life and/or after marriage. You may develop interest in politics & history. You can become fixed on your beliefs - refusing to be open minded to any other beliefs.
You can refuse to have a spouse who does not have similar beliefs. You can raise the children to be proud - ex: proud of their history/heritage, the family, or families beliefs/religion. You want confident children.
This placement is an indicator for having children late. It is an indicator of having less children - choosing to only have one child is a possibility. However, this is just one indicator. Sign, and aspects especially to Jupiter will change accuracy.
Ego can be a problem in the marriage. You or the spouse can have a tough time admitting you’re wrong. You or the spouse can desire authority & final say on decisions. This doesn’t mean the marriage will be miserable. You will just have to deal with a clashing of ego at some point in life. It can even be a small issue such as how the house will be decorated, public or private school for kids, where to go to eat, etc.
It’s also noticed with this placement, the person received recognition in career in their mid 40-50s. You can see promotions and rewards. You can retire well respected in your industry or company.
Mars in 8th
This is a malefic planet & it is mars nature to “cut”. This can be literal as in surgery or metaphorical. Often, I see this placement (unless positively placed) can cut ties with in-laws. This doesn’t always mean you will get into a fight and never speak. There may be a few years you go without speaking.
If positively placed by let’s say Jupiter, your spouse could have a big family. They argue and bicker but it is in fun and rarely serious arguments. If exalted in cap, the spouse’s family can be very hardworking & devoted to their family - which would include you after marriage.
The spouse and you are not the type to hold back their true feelings/thoughts in marriage. You can bicker over small things. This placement brings strong attraction to one another too. You can sometimes enjoy fighting as it builds passion. If well placed, this can be in a funny old couple teasing each other kind of way.
It is believed this placement holds a lot of karma. Your spouse will treat you how you treated a spouse in a past life. I know not everyone believes in past lives & I am not fully convinced myself but I think it’s an interesting belief to mention.
Later in life, you can be in conflict with a sibling especially a brother. Why will depend on entire chart.
Due to mars nature, these fights with your spouse, your family and/or in-laws occur quickly. EX: Everything can be fine for years & one day you or they have said something very insulting. Quickly, this causes conflict.
Depending on entire chart, (aspects, 8th H Ruler placement & signs) these fights can be resolved just as quick as they started.
For ex: Mars in sag - you will be angered very fast, express it but see the bigger picture & choose family.
Mars in Cancer or Libra - you will be angered, you could struggle to express it. You or they may be passive aggressive. This can lead to a lifetime of unacknowledged issues.
Mars in scorpio or taurus - you hold a grudge over what was said or done. Even if you decide to resolve issues, you can still hold resentment.
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novasintheroom · 1 day
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123. Desire
♡ Pairing - Vash x Reader
♡ Word count - 1.4k
♡ Warnings - none
♡ Description: Vash slowly realizes that he wants to be yours.
Part of the 150 Bullets drabble series on AO3 (will post there and add link once AO3 is back up)
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It comes up first one hot day in the town of Gargantan.
The bag of doughnuts crinkles in your grip as you weave through the morning bustle, heading toward the column of red at the end of the street. Vash knows he’s in trouble as soon as he smells it. You walk up to him, already giving a strange look. “What’s did you get?” You ask.
Vash laughs nervously. He keeps the two bags of doughnuts he already bought behind his back. “Just some bullets!”
You sniff the air. Lean forward and brush his cheeks with your fingertips. It comes away with powdered sugar. “Vash, did you get more doughnuts?”
He feels his stomach clench with guilt and hunger. Looking down, he gives a sheepish smile. “I just…wanted to try that other shop too.”
“Vash,” your mouth works, words forming and dissolving as you think of what to say. You’re fighting a smile. “We agreed we only had enough fun money for one bag of doughnuts.”
“I know.”
“We have three bags of doughnuts now, birdie.”
“I know,” he says again. He pouts, wondering what got into him. He’s usually much better about his money, but, lately, being with you…he feels…he doesn’t know. Like it’s okay to get food again. Even if it hurts the wallet a bit. “Hey, we don’t have to split a doughnut now, though! Look,” he pulls out a chocolate glazed doughnut, then another. “Two for one! BOGO!”
“You’re such a problem,” you groan.
He knows you’re joking. He knows. But something inside him shudders, and he wants to fix it. Make you feel better after his mistake. “Well, I’m your problem.” He says it as a joke. Tests the waters. See if there’s blood in them.
Your smile is genuine as you punch him in the shoulder, hitting the plating of his arm. “Yeah, you are. Heaven help me, but you are. Now give me a doughnut.”
The stirring of crickets in his stomach is the only warning he has of what’s to come. Your problem, he smiles, handing you a jelly-filled doughnut and eating his second with you. He likes the sound of that.
He toys with the idea. Handles it around and around in his head like a child with a very delicate antique, so clumsy with his hands but knowing how special it is.
It comes up again.
Nothing goes right all day, and by the end of it, you’re both tired and in a bad mood. Camping out in a buried, derelict ship is the last thing either of you want right now, but the ghost stories will keep the locals away. You set up your sleeping gear nearby. No fire tonight; there’s too many eyes searching for you two.
Vash can feel the breeze blowing through the holes of the ship. Cool, cool air that will turn to ice once the suns fully set. He looks over at you and sees the goosebumps rising on your arms, eyes picking out each individual hair standing on end. Vash chews the inside of his cheek. “Wanna sleep closer?”
It takes a moment for you to register he’s talking. Blinking, you look up. “Hm? What?”
 “Do you want to sleep closer tonight? For warmth, I mean.”
Your eyes flit across his face. You’ve always been a fan of your personal space. Vash isn’t sure you’ll accept. Then, you shrug. “Sure. Why not.”
The day must have really taken it out of you for you to say ‘yes,’ but Vash isn’t complaining. You drag your stuff over to his and set up sluggishly. “I’m mad about what that mayor said to you on the way out,” you say, baring your feelings like you do, always an open book. “He shouldn’t have called you that. Especially after we saved his daughter.”
He doesn’t feel like talking about it, a fresh wound on his heart that will heal anyway. So he hums and lays down. “I’m just glad we got away before they pulled out the whips. That was…weird.”
You laugh and scoot over to his side, and Vash can feel your warmth. “You think they’re into the freaky stuff?”
He laughs with you and shakes his head. He’s about to respond when you curl up next to him and place your head on his shoulder. Mouth drying out, a strange feeling in the back of his throat forms. You press your side shyly closer into his.
“You don’t mind being my pillow for tonight, right?” You mumble it, and he can hear the embarrassment in your tone. This is hard for you.
He clears his throat and says, “Nah, it’s fine. I’m all yours.”
It goes quiet, and Vash wonders if he said the wrong thing. But then your breathing evens out, and he realizes you’re asleep. The day really took it out of you, then. Carefully, he brings his arm around your shoulders and pulls you closer. He doesn’t want you getting cold. “Yeah,” he mumbles, “all yours.”
What exactly is it that he wants?
You ask him this on the road. The suns are cresting some cliffs to the side, fall season turning the temperatures just a bit cooler – only just. And he says, “For love and peace to rule.” Typical.
“But what do you want? When love and peace is achieved and everyone’s happy?” You walk ahead of him, minding your steps, toeing an invisible line, kicking pebbles off to the side. “What do you want to be?”
He watches. Your figure curves as you bend over to pick up a white rock, throwing it up in the air and catching it again. You handle it, looking at the tiny crystals within that make it sparkle in the light. A habit of yours, he’s noticed – how you handle everything and everyone carefully, twisting them this way and that to find their hidden facets. You do it with him all the time. You’re doing it now, digging into his psyche, making him wonder about his own desires and wants. His eyes trace the shape of your lips as they purse.
Vash shakes out of his stupor when you glance at him, waiting for an answer. “I’ll probably be some kind of Plant engineer. Keep my sisters safe and healthy.” After all, what else is there for someone like him?
“Do you want to be an artist? An historian? You can’t just be an engineer all the time. What else do you want to be?”
His lips curve up. “I’ll still be with you, right? You’ve got the historian and artist bit down for the both of us.”
You groan and throw the rock away. The sands eat it up instantly, lost once again to the dunes of time. “Without leaning on me, Vash.” You look at him, eyes roving over his face for something he isn’t sure of. “When everything else is stripped away and accomplished, what do you want to be?”
Something in his chest erupts into butterflies. He knows the answer, cheesy as it is. Yours, yours, yours, his heart murmurs. I want to be yours.
It comes out in the quiet hours of the night, between dusk and midnight.
Your kisses are slow, sensual. He can’t get enough. The soft sand underneath, the cave overhead, the glow of worms in the distant sky through the mouth. You’re safe. He’s safe. His hands rove your sides, traveling under your shirt to massage the tender skin at your ribs. Your own hands travel from his neck to his stomach, back to his hair, feeling, feeling.
In a pause, a way to catch your breath, you look up at him in the blue gloom and grin. Your eyes are so full of love, twinkling like close stars. “Vash,” you murmur, petting your hand through his hair, tugging at the ends, his growing undercut. Your chests heave together, touching then retracting. Your nails scratch gently behind his ear, and goosebumps hike up his neck. “My Vash.”
It sends a shiver up and down his spine. Yes, this is what it is; this is what he has been searching for. And he should say something like ‘my mayfly,’ but what tumbles out of his kiss-swollen lips is, “Your Vash. Yours.”
Your laugh is deep and happy. He surges forward to catch it, feel it in his mouth as he kisses you again and again. “Yours,” he keeps murmuring, settling it in his own head, his own heart. “All yours. I’m yours.”
This is what he wants to be.
A place to belong. A place in your arms.
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writeriguess · 7 hours
Logan x M!Reader with hand tremors? And the fact that they increasingly get shakier when he’s excited about things, or anxious? How would Logan handle that?¿
The day started like any other. You and Logan were walking side by side through the woods, the crunch of leaves underfoot the only sound in the crisp air. It was peaceful, and you’d managed to keep your hands still for most of the morning—no easy feat these days. You felt the familiar twinge as your fingers twitched, but you shoved them into your jacket pockets before Logan noticed. He always noticed, though.
“What’s up with you today?” Logan’s voice broke through the quiet, rough but laced with concern. His sharp blue eyes flicked down to your hands, which you were hiding a little too well. “You’ve been doing that thing where you try not to let me see.”
You sighed, pulling your hands from your pockets. They were trembling now, a little more than usual, and you knew the second Logan saw it, he’d narrow in like he always did.
“It's nothing,” you muttered, but Logan wasn’t having it.
He stopped walking, turning to face you fully. His rugged face softened just a bit, a rare sight, but one that made you feel both reassured and on edge. “Bullshit,” he growled, reaching out for your hand.
You hesitated for a second, not wanting him to feel the shaking that had gotten worse over time, but there was no point in hiding. Logan took your hand anyway, holding it between his calloused palms, his touch warm and grounding.
“You think I haven’t noticed?” His voice was lower now, softer in a way only you got to hear. “Your hands have been shaking more lately. When you're excited, when you're anxious…” His thumb traced a circle over the back of your hand, and you couldn’t tell if the gesture was meant to comfort you or him.
The tremors worsened under his scrutiny, and you clenched your fist instinctively, trying to will the shaking to stop. It didn’t.
“I can’t help it,” you admitted, voice tight. “It’s just been… happening.”
Logan frowned, but not in the way you expected. His grip on your hand tightened just a little, steadying the shake with his own strength. “Doesn’t matter,” he said gruffly. “I’ll handle it.”
That was just like him. Logan wasn’t the type to dwell on problems—he solved them or protected you from them. But this wasn’t something he could fix with his fists, no matter how much he wanted to.
“It’s not that simple,” you whispered, your eyes dropping to the ground. “I can’t control it, and it gets worse when I’m around you. When I feel too much.”
Logan's eyebrows shot up at that, and you could see the realization slowly dawn on him. He was part of the reason your hands trembled more, and it wasn’t because of fear or nerves. It was because of everything else he made you feel—excitement, tension, anticipation.
The silence between you was thick, but then Logan huffed, his lips twitching into a smirk. “So it’s my fault, huh?”
You couldn’t help but laugh a little. “Partially, yeah.”
Logan’s smirk grew wider, and he stepped closer, towering over you in that familiar, protective way. “Then let me make up for it.” He brought your hand up to his chest, holding it steady against the thrum of his heartbeat. “You feel that? I get worked up around you too, but I keep it steady. We’ll figure this out.”
The warmth from his chest seeped into your hand, and for a moment, the shaking lessened. It was still there, but with Logan’s hand on yours, it didn’t seem as overwhelming.
“I’m not going anywhere,” he said, voice firm, the usual gruffness tempered by something softer. “Whether your hands are still or shaking like hell. I got you.”
You let out a shaky breath, your chest lighter now that you’d let him in on the thing you’d been hiding. Logan wasn’t one for long-winded speeches, but when he said something, you knew he meant it.
“I know you do,” you replied, squeezing his hand back as steadily as you could.
Logan’s eyes glinted with that familiar intensity as he leaned in, pressing his forehead to yours, the weight of his presence calming the tremors for a moment longer.
Requests are open. Send as many as you like.
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liloskull343 · 3 days
I just hate the fact this screenshot acts like Stolizs is such a 'developed' 'amazing' ship with amazing writing!
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When it's not, stolizs legitimately is the bane of my existence, it's so poorly written and it's toxic as hell.
These two should NOT be in a relationship, they both are going through shit and it's clear that they aren't healthy for each other.
Stolas is well not mentally in the right headspace for Blitz, he's badly hanging onto the one childhood moment they had together. He's desperately holding onto a broken relationship that makes him miserable.
And Blitz well, if you've seen the show you know very well how most of his relationships are and about him pushing people away. It's clear he feels like an object to Stolas, he dealing with depression and is only with Stolas due to needing the book.
They both have problems and do not need to date each other, because if anything their relationship has made them way worse, as well as messed with their mental health.
Stolas needs to at least try handling his divorce problem in private and away from Octavia. If he can't date Stella, he needs to at least try finding a heather relationship and a healthier parent for Octavia's sake at least.
Blitz needs to try getting therapy, he shouldn't try getting into any relationship until he's fully sure he's mentally prepared for it.
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blackjackkent · 5 months
I can't find the link now, but there was a post going around at one point stating that Lae'zel has every right to have a category 5 meltdown after the creche. And I have been thinking a lot about that in the context of Rakha's playthrough specifically...
(EDIT for anyone reading this liveblog in order after the fact - I realized later that this drabble reads much more cleanly if placed chronologically after this post with Voss instead.)
Rakha sleeps, as always, restlessly. Her body aches from the recent revivification, and her mind is in its usual turmoil. With the return to the material plane from the Astral, the sense of peace has vanished, leaving her once again with the everpresent images of blood and blood and blood and blood...
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So she is awake and pacing the camp when she hears it - muffled sobs, quiet, almost too low to hear, coming from Lae'zel's tent.
Rakha hesitates. It is none of her concern, she thinks to herself bluntly. She can no longer trust or rely on Lae’zel, not when the creche proved to be nothing more than a trap. She does not care how Lae'zel feels about Vlaakith’s lies, or about the destruction of the monastery and those within.
She does not care.
She thinks this, and then she goes to the tent anyway and pushes open the flap. "Lae'zel," she says, her voice low.
Lae'zel is hunched in the corner of the tent. The pillow from her bedroll is stuffed in front of her face to muffle any sound, but her shoulders are shaking and she is trembling all over. She jerks, startled, at Rakha's voice; her head lifts involuntarily, revealing her gold cat-like eyes rimmed with red.
"Leave me, t'rac'shka," she snaps weakly. "I have no need of you."
Rakha doesn't move, just watches her silently.
"Go," Lae'zel repeats. Her fingers fist into the pillow and she tosses it aside with a sudden, spasmodic motion. "Go!" She leans forward, grabs Rakha by the collar. "Am I not shamed enough? Leave me!"
Rakha waits, expecting to be pushed backward out of the tent. But Lae'zel doesn't move, just kneels there with her hand on Rakha's collar, her shoulders hitching with strangled breaths. "You do not understand," she mutters hoarsely. "You cannot possibly. You know nothing, remember nothing. You cannot know what it is to lose the whole of one's meaning in an instant - you have never had any!"
Rakha's lips tighten. She can feel the beast urge wake in response to the tightness at her throat, and her anger resonates with it. "I understand enough," she snaps back. "I understand that you failed us."
"I have failed no one," Lae'zel snarls. "I followed the protocol as I was taught. I led you in safety to where I thought was best. I would have cleansed us all!"
"You told me you knew things for certain. I had no other light to follow!" Rakha is dimly surprised to feel her own voice lifting in volume and anger. Her own sense of betrayal and deep fear has been lurking under the surface all day and it rises now hearing its echo in Lae'zel. "I believed you!"
Lae'zel laughs, a harsh bitter sound without humor. "And I called you zhak vo'n'ash duj. We were both of us mistaken. But you will move on without a backward glance, and I must drown in my own shame alone. GO!"
She hurls Rakha suddenly backwards so she hits the ground on her rear outside the tent. "Go to Wyll. Go to Astarion. Go to Karlach and be cooked in your own juice for all I care. Go to who you please, and leave me be!"
The words are pouring out of her now, an avalanche of emotion long repressed. She climbs from the tent and stands over Rakha's prostrate body with an air of inarticulate fury. Her fists clench and unclench at her sides.
"You say I failed you. Do you not understand how you have failed me?" she cries. There is no discretion now; Rakha is sure the whole camp can hear her. "I am hshar'lak because of you!"
"You made your own choices," Rakha rasps out. "I demanded nothing."
"You could have killed her!" Lae'zel snaps. "A blade through the 'guardian's' belly and the matter settled, and my ascension... my ascension..." Her voice falters.
"You would have died," Rakha says flatly. She pushes herself to a sitting position, then onto her feet, looking down now at Lae'zel from her greater height. "There is no ascension. She would have killed you. You know this."
"Easier to die than to be lost as I am!" Lae'zel's eyes narrow, and she suddenly hurls herself forward, both fists lifting to lash out towards Rakha's face.
Instinct takes over. Rakha catches Lae'zel's hands at the wrists and twists; using the smaller woman's momentum, she spins Lae'zel completely around and pulls her to the floor. With one arm she locks Lae'zel's body in place; the other shifts to hold her hand at Lae'zel's jaw.
Kill... roars the beast urge in her head. A flick of the wrist, a snap of the neck...
With an effort that makes her teeth ache, Rakha holds the instinct at bay and goes completely still, holding Lae'zel in her arms. "Is this what you want?" she mutters against Lae'zel's ear. "Do you want me to kill you?"
Lae'zel doesn't answer. For a long moment there is only the sound of her breathing, harsh and tight between her teeth.
"Answer me." Rakha's hand flexes, tugging at Lae'zel's neck.
"No," Lae'zel whispers. "I want them to pay. I want all of them to pay."
Rakha's lips curl in a slight, savage smile, and she releases her grip, letting Lae'zel fall to the stone floor. "They will."
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chaoticallyfluffy · 4 months
Ok consider:
A new hero emerges and the Justice League watches him for a while who make sure he’s not a threat. They see this giant clumsy man who moves like he’s not used to his body, smiles goofily every time he saves someone, and is clearly inexperienced with his powers and they’re all just like. Ah. This is a child.
Except they don’t think he’s a ten year old or however old Billy is at the time, no no. Clearly this hero came into existence shortly before his first appearance, just a few months ago. They don’t know how or why but It’s not the weirdest thing they’ve seen so it’s pretty easy to believe.
But they can’t just leave this toddler with the powers of a god to stumble around and potentially hurt someone by accident, nor go down the wrong path and become a villain. So of course they decide to ‘subtly’ guide him without alerting him to the fact they’re onto him.
They introduce themselves but instead of inviting him to the league they pop by every once in a while to ‘subtly’ teach him about responsibility and power, but also about love and humanity. They try to teach him to enjoy life and that he doesn’t have to act like an adult around them, instead encouraging him to enjoy his childhood even if it’s not an ordinary one.
(Too bad the Justice League suck at subtlety.)
Billy is certain they somehow found out he’s a kid before they even met him, probably because of Batman’s freaky know-it-all powers, but he isn’t very worried as they seem nice and don’t treat him like he’s dumb or fragile. They respect him as a hero despite his age so he lets himself act like a kid around them after a while.
When he gets comfortable enough to detransform Billy thinks that’s his identity reveal. The league thinks that he magicked himself a body that’s more of a representation of his true self and fits his developmental age better, possibly as a way to blend in with humans and experience what it’s like to be a normal child. Good for him!
Basically Billy gets a bunch of super powered parents and the Justice League get a newborn man that they think they’re raising from scratch lol
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skrunksthatwunk · 3 months
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this could be kuwameshi if you guys would like. take my hand and trust me
#yyh spoilers in tags#like major spoilers ok#which ig i dont usually tag but whatever#the if i had to choose between the world and you it's you thing happened. and it was KUWABARA like hhhhgghh#yusuke makes him forget his honor code sometimes and i need you guys to see that with me#bc it makes me wanna fling myself into the ocean over and over again#kuwabara literally is like you need to be alive bc otherwise im nothing idek who i am. please let me punch you#and he wails this multiple times#and yusuke would burn down the world himself if he thought it'd help his friends we all know that#and doomed by the narrative? mmm with the ever escalating world ending nature of being a spirit detective thats kinda there#throw in the sudden demon-human age gap post yusuke death 2 and you've got some narrative dooming in a way#but not enough for me to well and truly call them doomed by the narrative#yyh#yu yu hakusho#kuwameshi#kazuma kuwabara#yusuke urameshi#ofc i can handle you at your worst thats basically you all the time is Very kuwa to yusuke#and maybe we can figure out what the hell ur problem is over dinner sometime is Very yusuke to kuwa#actually i should draw that. or make it a textpost or something#but like turning up the protectiveness/possessiveness thats already there with them in line with the whole#'ive watched you die' trauma they Both have means that like. i think they would Need to have each other around for a period of time#in the wake of sensui's bs perhaps. and then yusuke cuts it all off and they start to get a bit healthier about it. hm#i think about them all the time it's like if typicsl shonen rival/bestie homo-ness was kind of scary and painful#like they love each other but the ways they hurt each other and hurt over each other drive me fucking insane
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camgoloud · 1 year
one small detail that stood out to me about this latest episode that i haven’t seen anyone else talking about yet is that when the commentators are calling colin “inspiring” and the “man of the match,” they are celebrating him not for actually scoring the goals himself, but for providing the crucial assists to make both of them happen. and i really love that because for me it’s the absolute perfect wrap to his character arc across all three seasons!
like, we know that colin’s job on this team has never been to score goals. in fact i’m pretty sure we’ve never heard about a single goal that he has scored. colin is and always has been a team player, not a star—and we’ve seen that crop up over and over. notably, we’ve seen the fact that he’s not entirely at peace with that crop up over and over: see the way he was affected by nate’s entire holidy-inn-painting monologue, being benched to make room for zava, etc.—like, this is the thing he’s sensitive about! this is where all of his insecurities come from!
but at the SAME TIME it’s also tied very intimately with all his struggles re: hiding his sexuality— “colin’s a chameleon,” etc. it’s fascinating because there’s SO much tension there between colin 1. feeling bad about the fact that he never stands out on the pitch the way some of his teammates do, because of who he is on the team, and 2. feeling like he CAN’T stand out, ever, because of Who He Is As A Person. etc. it’s like. he’s filling this role in the background. he’s afraid he’s not doing it well enough. he’s afraid that what and who he is isn’t good enough and isn’t worthy of recognition. he wishes he were someone different. trying to be someone different in the locker room is clearly making him so unhappy and stressed out. it is All Connected and my thoughts have been doing laps around it at an ever-increasing rate since i watched episode 2.07 ‘headspace’ if not before!
and all of this is why it’s so incredible to me that in the end, colin’s big moment comes from making assists and not goals! because on the one hand i understand the fandom desire for the colin post-coming out glowup that we all knew was coming—to see him, like, ~prove everybody wrong about him~ and inspire people by suddenly becoming a standout player and scoring goals left and right, even though that never used to be his role on the team before. and don’t get me wrong, i was 100% on board that train, and would have loved it for him if that was how it went down in the end, also. i think he should get to score here and there! as a treat! especially now that richmond are playing total football and there’s been so much emphasis placed on how it’s not just jamie/dani/occasionally sam who are making all the goals anymore!
but i don’t know! especially after the events of the last few episodes, there’s something very special to me about getting to see a colin who, rather than becoming someone entirely new in the moments right after coming out, just feels free to become, and be at peace with, the best version of the same self he’s always been. he’s still a team player first and foremost, but now that he’s not as weighed down by the need to chameleon/hide/pretend to be someone he’s not, he’s so much better at it. and everyone sees this! he gets to be celebrated for his contributions within the role he’s always played! he (and everybody else!) finally recognizes the value that he adds to the team just by being himself—fully himself! it resolves all the tension and insecurity that we’ve seen him struggling with this whole time, on every level. and so this moment was genuinely the perfect ending for his journey in my opinion—i’m so so happy that we were tall enough to join him on the ride here, and so excited to see what he does going forward these last few episodes now that some of that pressure is off him <3
#it's like. he doesn't want to be a spokesperson! he shouldn't have to End Homophobia by becoming zava 2.0! in fact it would not be possible#for him to do this even if he DID come out publicly and then became the best goal-scorer the league has ever seen because the people who are#the problem will ALWAYS manage to find something to attack him for no matter what he does#what's important to me and i think to him as well is that he has the confidence in himself that he needs to perform at his own personal best#and that his teammates recognize this and support him the same way he has always supported them both on and off the pitch#and while a part of me would have liked to see a public coming-out arc i completely get why they're not going there. it would be a lot to#tackle and this season is already getting justified criticism for spreading itself too thin#i think it would have been POSSIBLE to do and do well but. it would place a LOT of constraints on the entire rest of the plot#and i do recognize somewhere in the back of my brain that colin is not ACTUALLY the protagonist of this show for most people#so them choosing to take the character in the ‘i don’t want to be a spokesperson’ direction instead makes sense and was handled very well#anyway. one other reason i’m pleased about all of this is that while most of my recent tl fic is no longer canon-compliant as of this week.#i sure did NAIL the happy ending being an assist and not a scored goal. have been thinking these thoughts for WEEKS and i feel so vindicated#ted lasso#ted lasso spoilers#colin hughes
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tj-crochets · 2 months
Good news: after a lot of weeks, my air conditioner is fixed!! Also good news: I caught an error in the software at work that was impacting both contractor pay and customer invoicing! Bad news: going through large amounts of data loosely falls under the purview of the department I am now sort of in charge of, which meant my department (which is me and two other people) had to individually open every single order from [specific subset of customers] since the beginning of the year to manually check if either error had occurred. Hundreds of orders, even with a few different criteria we could use to narrow it down. It's done though! I mean the error is not fixed but previous instances of it causing problems are caught and now that we know it exists we can catch future problems before they are invoiced/paid out I have done zero crafting today and I honestly doubt I will get any done lol
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dairyfreenugget · 3 months
A little funfact
I headcanon PK as an introvert (I mean. Duh. Being a recluse is like one of the few things we know about him) and Flower as extrovert/ambivert with severe anxiety
🤝 socially awkward brothers in arms
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fitzrove · 5 months
Started watching a "problem with greek myth retellings" video and it began with a blurb montage like "Condemned by the misogynist guys of history, this is the true girlboss feminist story of [A WOMAN]" and like. brb writing one of those about crown prince rudolf. It's ok he's like a misunderstood girlboss to me<3
#NASJASKSDFKDSLFDGJDFJ#joking. since those retellings seem to be often bad#fun fact i do have ideas for like a black teen comedy series with mary as the protagonist where the ending is like a harrowing twist#like you think it won't go that far but it does and the point is that she had historical agency and her own problems and personal journey#but in the end it spiralled catastrophically due to both crown prince rudolf related events and others#unfortunately writing one would draw the ire of both misogynist rudolf conspiracy theorists (how dare you suggest women have agency) AND a#certain type of feminist media critiquer person: (1) how dare you cover a topic like that flippantly 2) how dare you make rudolf anything#but an inhuman monster of a r*pist murderer gr**mer or whatever in the story#like idk man.. other male characters portrayed as romantic interests in mainstream media are toxic r*pists all the time. like omg i hate ho#'the great' handles p*ter and catherine because i was rooting for them to remain toxic and for catherine to kill him or whatever but then#she starts falling in love with him in s2 and everyone in tumblr is like omg hot sexy toxic romance. like cant we have ONE series where#straight romance doesnt inevitably become the overbearing focus?? i had wlw ships for that show.. they never pulled through...#anyway um yeah. the way i would portray rudolf in that is that mary sees him as this romantic hero which is emphasised in the way its shot#but he's constantly acting in kinda offputting and strange ways and is occasionally pretty pathetic and weird ASHDJFJF#^^ that's never been a deterrent to anyone ever. most rudolf biographers want to [redacted] him this has been proven by the way they write.#the only ones that dont are me (well not a real biographer but a rudolf enjoyer nonetheless) and brigitte hamann /hj#(she actually doesnt salivate over his appearance like frederick morton does xD only quotes 2 contemporary women commenting on it)
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phantajam · 1 month
my hot take about descendants is that NONE of the core four were ready for a relationship until maybe like, the third movie (rant in tags)
#they were still adjusting to living life without struggling to survive#a girl should not be jumping into a relationship the same week she just tried her first piece of non-rotten food lol#thats not to say I don't like the canon ships#but mal married literally the FIRST man she met in auradon. at 18.#and even as far as in descendants 2 we see them still struggling to adjust in different ways (mainly mal)#in d3 they seem to have fully assimilated into life in Auradon (as much as a VK can anyway)#so it makes sense for them to THEN seek out relationships if that's what they want.#but disney ofc wanted to act like romantic love just automatically fixes a person's problems ig?? as if a relationship wouldn't just be#added stress given the position the VKs were in in d1#not to mention dating just like. wasnt a thing on the isle (mal even says this)#and I get that the kids are craving to be loved because their parents didn't gaf about them. But I wish the first movie focused more on the#finding that love in each other than romantically with outside people. a sort of “they had love in them all along” moment.#and then this fandom loves to argue about whether Jarlos/Janelos was 'rushed'. at least Carlos (and Jay +lonnie) waited a few months before#throwing themselves into the dating scene. Poor evie had her heart broken within like 3 days of being in Auradon. no wonder she was willing#to help steal the wand lol.#Anyway to wrap up this rant I didn't even mean to go on#I just think that kids who have spent the first 14-16 years of their lives fighting to survive and being put through continuous trauma on a#daily basis don't need dating right away. they need THERAPY.#if anyone here has seen stranger things its kinda an El and Mike situation were its like. the girl grew up in a lab and fell for the first#boy in regular society who was kinda nice to her lol. thats how I view Mal and Ben#same with doug and evie. he was nicer than chad but he still fell for her for her looks and she still fell for him because he was the first#guy in auradon to be genuinely interested in her. also evie had a whole “I dont need a prince” arc and ended up with a man anyway?#my problem with janelos was always that Carlos never quite worked out his mommy issues or his anxiety. I feel like he'd be afraid of hurtin#her even though that boy wouldn't hurt a fly. and we see Jane get pretty stressed out herself- have you ever been in a relationship where#both of you have anxiety? cause it either goes really well (you help keep each other calm) or REALLY terribly (you make each other spiral)#I actually really liked Lonnie and Jay (though I feel like it would've had a bigger payoff if she was in d3. not sure why she wasn't but I#wont dunk on that because it couldve been smth to do with her actress). I think Lonnie is someone who can 'handle' Jay well and match his#energy. And I like the idea of Jay finding someone he's loyal to after being commitment-phobic for 1 1/2 movies and the whole first book lo#and ofc I have to throw this in here: any auradon kid the VKs get with is never going to grasp even half of what they went through.#this doesnt mean they can't try to understand and be empathetic. but it will always cast a shadow on VK/AK relationships.
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mamawasatesttube · 1 year
kon is sitting next to tim looking at him adoringly while he talks about why nissans are better than mitsubishis and he looks across the cave to see greta glaring at him from the shadows until he moves three inches away
maybe if you got on kon's level and actively listened to tim infodumping about cars he'd also do it at you, greta :/
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trans-buckleyy · 3 days
both internal and external factors are what made Shannon and Eddie's marriage so dysfunctional, this should not be hard to understand
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dirtytransmasc · 1 year
Do you have any hcs for how Alicole would try and solve and argument with the kids? Like, their dynamic (especially Aegon with Alicole cause he’s the oldest) is just so interesting and I’ve always wondered how an argument/disagreement would play out with them
ooh, tasty concept.
with arguments amongst the children, they try and get them to take a step back. they'll each take a kid (or two if it involves all of them) and give them a hug or something of the like, easing the tensions, before helping them come to some sort of compromise or agreement.
when it comes to non petty arguments that every child has, the source of issues amongst the kids is the following;
with Aegon they have to settle his need to compensate for feeling as though he is lacking. he tends to pick on his siblings when he's feeling down on himself. so it's a lot of affirming words and hugs while also chiding his cruel behavior. he's definitely hard on himself about being cruel as well, he doesn't like being mean it just sorta comes out of him when he's not in good spirits about himself. he shoves his siblings away over little things when he's upset which only makes him feel worse in the long run. the whole situation makes it hard to parent, as it's not right how he treats his siblings at times, but it's also awful how he feels and how it presents itself. there's typically long talks after the fact. Aegon's usually in his dad's arms, more often than not, while he mom comforts him.
with Aemond it's cooling his temper and frustration, deep breaths and grounding. they remind him that he can't let every jab get a rise out of him, that he always had them to turn to when he needs help, that he's not alone to handle his anger. they try and learn more and more each time, what triggers his anger, what helps him calm down, what to avoid, etc. sometimes he needs to just be held other times he needs a moment alone to breathe. they also try and help him learn how to self regulate and also make his siblings aware that he's getting upset prior to him lashing out (they also talk to them about it).
with Helaena, arguments tend to be because she thinks so differently from her brothers. not only is she a girl in a house of boys, but also because she's autistic (I was the autistic 'sister' in a house of boys for most of my life, it definitely brewed some unique arguments, and I'm gonna project god damn it), their ways of thinking and doing are so different sometimes that she just loses it. so with her, they let her talk, they let her ramble and decompress until she can ground herself, then they have to try and explain the boys point of views, how they see may not be the right way, nor is hers, neither are, but they have to learn to agree. then it's hugs and kisses and talking it out, before they go back to hashing it out with the boys.
Daeron's the most agreeable with the siblings, very adhd coded in my mind (so I'm going to project my brother onto him cause they're very copy pasted in my mind) so when he gets into an argument it's because he's going too fast, too passionate, and/or too much. so again, like most of their children, it's grounding first talking later. like Helaena, they have to explain that the way he is isn't bad or wrong, but that's sometimes we need to slow down, take a breath, cool off, and than continue.
with arguments they take their kids separately, normally separated into different rooms and they visit them together. depending on the exact situation they may just offer hugs and softness, or they'll play a slight game of good cop/bad cop, though they're careful with it. the goal is to solve the problem, not slap a bandaid on it. they tend to each kids needs before handling the actual issue at hand and then being them together to find a solution.
they can both be soft and stern in their own ways. Cole is typically softer on them, as he gets to their levels, takes them close while talking, but he has a stern voice and makes it clear he's willing to put a foot down if need be. while Alicent tends to be a bit more formal and stereotypically authoritative, sitting at the table with them, even if she holds their hands in hers and pulls their chairs close so she can stroke their cheeks.
normally the kids can make right up, or at least come to peaceful terms, but if it doesn't, cause kids can hold grudges like no one's business, Alicent and Cole are forced to remain wholly neutral which is much harder than one would think. most of their fights that lead to grudges are very childish so it's really just waiting for them to crack and realize it was a stupid argument. this is made easier when they don't get involved, so they just laugh amongst themselves where the kids can't see them, and try and keep face in front of them (they can smell weakness and betrayal. send help. a 4 kids household isn't easy). they definitely have moments where they wave the white flag cause one of the kids accused them of siding. the "get along" shirt is also an active and well worn member of the family (Aegon and Aemond share it often)
this video is very much Aegon and Daeron. they feud often. they're either acting like Aegon is a second dad to him, or they are actually going to war and have been sworn enemies for generations, fighting a battle to honor their forefathers (Alicent and Criston are so tired). speaking of Aegon being a second dad, he definitely oversees a lot of arguments between Daeron and his friends... does he understand little kid drama? no. is it entertaining as all hell? you fucking bet, he wants to hear all about what little James did at daycare.
when the kids are arguing with them, which with the way they run the house is pretty rare, but not impossible, they first take a step back for themselves. they will never show anger or cruelty towards their kids, so they make sure they're ok before they even think about talking to their kids.
talking will always be their goal, they never want to use threats or punishments to get what they want from their kids, and they have different ways about it. because their kids know how their household works, that things work on their time, and that just being open and honest, they really just need a day or two to themselves, if the reason for arguing isn't time sensitive, and then they can just take it out.
Aegon is sulky, he just closes himself in his room or flees to a friend's house (which they let happen so long as he leaves a note, leaves his location on his phone, and checks in every few hours) if its really bad. he'll drag himself back to the kitchen table in 48 hours tops, wanting nothing more than for his mom and dad to love him again (they never stopped).
Aemond is just frustrated past reason, so he'll go out and fence with his dummy or just something physical, then he's more willing to listen to reason.
Helaena normally had a boundary or nerve pushed, which was normally accidental, either cause she was already frustrated with something or something changed and it just put both parties in bad positions. space is all she needs.
Daeron is a bit of all the above. he's sensitive, though hard to cross, its often more about other things, something his parent did just broke the camels back, so a long run brings everything back to reason.
Alicent and Criston care so much about their kids, every argument they have with their kids, typically one-sided as they refuse to truly yell, breaks their heart whether or not they did anything or not. they never plan to punish their kids for arguing, they were kids once and they know that its good that they feel safe enough to stand up and fight for what they believe to be true, that they feel safe to shout and disagree with them. they would rather that over anything else, cause they know their kids trust them.
while they aren't permissive with their kids, their are rules and hard limits, they don't count arguing as something to be punished, and their kids don't tend to strand into punishable territories. so resolving a fight is a long talk at the kitchen table, no man's land so to speak, where all parties air their grievances. the problem is discussed, apologies are said on all sides, and sometimes it doesn't always end in a hug, but it does end in feelings being soothed and bridges mended. no one walks away with hard feelings.
they're not perfect, but they make it work, and because they've put so much time and effort into making their home safe and sane, the whole family in therapy, making active efforts to be nothing like their first "home" true arguments are far and few between, and when they happen they're equipped to handle it. Alicent and Cole are such good parents, their kids love and trust them, theirs so much space to talk and negotiate and handle issues early on that there typically isn't any reason to fight. I think that's what makes them such a good family, cause its so hard for me to picture them actually fighting outside of petty things.
#I genuinely cannot picture this family fighting#like petty things between the kids or teenage angst hurled at Alicent and Criston that they laugh about a few hours later most definitely#they wouldn't be a family otherwise#but I think that real arguments are rare and I love that for them#definitely strived to find the balance between gentle and authoritative parenting so their kids are well structured#handle all of their problems when they were little and now most issues are easy#cyclebreakers fr fr#they're also all mommy/daddy's girls and boys#all their fights are just big feelings that need to be rode out#Aegon yelling at Criston cause he's young and dumb and hurting cause he got his heart broken at school or cause he had to think about#dead dumb dad and his teenage heart is angry and he needs to put it somewhere? I think yes. I also think he cried in his arms a few hours#later and begged for his dad to love him again. cause they're hopeless#Helaena losing her mind at her parents cause she's just so stressed and everything'd out by the world and they just happened to breathe the#wrong way at dinner? again. I think yes. and she felt so bad afterward and goes on a whole vent about school and people and does some DPT#after letting them both hug her really tight so she could calm down#Aemond getting frustrated cause they're “babying” him over the loss of his eye and just ending up a sobbing screaming mess cause he's just#so mad at the world and he doesn't know what to do with himself#Daeron's head getting too loud so he gets super upset and disregulated and starts yelling in his room. not even at them directly until they#come in. he just loses his shit for a minute until he's tuckered out and then he's a mess in his parents arms#teenage angst is a bitch and the source of everyone's problems#alicole#alicent hightower#criston cole#aegon ii targaryen#aegon targaryen#aemond targaryen#helaena targaryen#daeron targaryen#pro team green#hotd
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casualavocados · 2 years
you guys dont understand the architecture gang are the charming supportive friends who handle problems in objectively terrible ways bc all of them are spitfire passive aggressive idiots at heart who have compulsive follow the leader disease (which when the leader is wai turns into terrible aggressive faceoffs), and the engineering gang are the chaotic loyal friends who handle problems in very good and gentle ways bc all of them are very sweet dumbasses at heart and have (enough) individuality among them to have opinions on their own. i'd kill for both groups.
*bolts upright* this is why safe and louis dont have any lines in ep9 until after wai passes the ball to pat during the rugby game and pran breaks the ice by talking first, while korn mo and chang all get a little individual focus. they're all written to be quite complex and interesting within the little we see of them if you're willing to look at it rather than immediately divide them into "good" friends and "bad" friends.
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