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tides-of-truth · 6 months ago
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Receivership—& Nivritti marga & dharma
In our culture, individualism & independence, is inculcated into us from a young age— the energetics of the Nivritti marga is not easy for us to accept. For us freedom means, to have enough resources, to make independent choices & not have to have to answer to anyone, or owe anyone else anything. Immediately, we are resistant, to truly & fully receive— if we receive something, we immediately feel guilty & feel shame & that we owe something back, that we are indebted, & need to return the favour given promptly, in some way—
We like to feel in control, that we can direct our destiny with our choices, which comes with having resources.
We cannot see the full picture of our lives & our purpose— as the spiritual world does not quite work on the same energy balances as that of our human societies (with its limited understanding & distortion of energy laws, dynamics & patterns, & cycles & seasons of giving & receiving).
The premise is that all teachings of all lineages & traditions are iterations of a Silent Knowledge— (perpetually rising in Consciousness)— therefore is not of this world, but comes to us from another, higher order world of light.
The further back in time we track our teachings— we find a common golden thread. *We are not really going back into time, but back to the primordial origin, of ourselves— which is one with the whole, therefore in truth we are birth-less (non-origination).
Nivritti is returning to the birth-less, state.
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gebo4482 · 6 months ago
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The Bornless
Official Teaser Trailer
Website / Steam / EGS
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asinusrufus · 2 years ago
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"My Name is Heart encircled by a Serpent; come and follow me"
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alexsvmner · 4 months ago
I Am He Whom The Winds Fear
“I Am He Whom The Winds Fear” – original on NightCafé
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howtowhumpyourhiccup · 5 months ago
I'm looking at the trialers of upcoming horror games if it wasn't already obvious. There are some that I'm really excited for!
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judahmaccabees · 10 months ago
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noise-vs-signal · 8 months ago
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The Bornless Ritual
“Hear me, and make all Spirits subject unto Me;
so that every Spirit of the Firmament and of the Ether: upon the Earth and under the Earth, on dry land and in the water;
of Whirling Air, and of rushing Fire, and every Spell and Scourge of God may be obedient unto Me.”
The words above are taken from "The Invocation of the Heart Girt with a Serpent, or The Bornless Ritual", also given in "Liber Samekh".
The annotations given above the text are taken from Aleister Crowley's edition of "The Goetia" (1997 edition), and show how the ritual is concerned with modifying and expanding the consciousness of the person performing the ritual.
Image: “The Magic Circle” by John William Waterhouse (1886). A live snake ouroboros loops around the neck of the Sorceress.
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talonabraxas · 2 years ago
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The Bornless Ritual
The rite has borne various titles, such as the Bornless One, Liber Samekh, and the Preliminary Invocation.
“I summon you, Headless One, who created earth and heaven, who created night and day, you who created the Light and the Darkness; you are Osoronnophris whom none has ever seen; you are Iabas; you are Iapos; you have distinguished the just from the unjust....”
Art: Jose Gabriel Alegría Sabogal.
Text from the Greek Magical papyri
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santoschristos · 1 month ago
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Of Primordial Sophia we shall say: “She is nameless and unknowable, and yet she is the very essence and nature of all that appears.” Of Cosmic Sophia we shall say, “She is the All and she has many names and many faces, the Great and Supreme Mystery, the Great Enigma – the Great Goddess, whom we call Sophia.”
Womb of God: Primordial & Cosmic Sophia
In the oral tradition of our Sophian/Magdalene lineage there is a more radical view of the Sophian Gnostic thought, which speaks of the co-equality of the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine in creation, but places the Divine Feminine (as Sophia) primary and central to creation and salvation story. It open the way to the vision of Sophia as the Savioress Goddess, of which the Magdalene becomes the living avatar in our Gnostic tradition of the Holy Bride. It enters into the subject of the many faces or aspects of Sophia, so I thought perhaps I’d share a basic sketch of this Sophian cosmology, going beyond what has been published of our oral tradition.
In the Kabbalah the first act at the outset of creation is the Divine withdrawing into the Divine, creating the space for creation – and of this we may say, God creates God’s womb. Then, into this infinite space of the Primordial Womb, God emanates Godself – the True Light restricting Itself, setting a measure upon Itself, one gradation to another, one dimension to another, in the generation of the Pleroma of Light.
At the outset there is the One, Divine Being, the True Light – the Infinite (Ain Sof), within which is infinite Divine Potential, the potential of all Divine Principles, all Being-Consciousness-Force. “Father,” “Mother,” “Son,” “Daughter,” and all emanation, creation, formation and making in the Great Unmanifest. When the Divine generates the Divine Womb of creation and generates the Light-emanations, then Father, Mother, Son and Daughter appear – God, Goddess, Logos and Sophia, all as Thought in the Divine Mind of the One, and so also all of creation, all in Sacred Unity.
The First Emanation is Divine Being, inseparable from the Light of the Infinite (Or Ain Sof), and in Divine Being, the Divine Mind, is the Mother (Imma-Elohim) and Father (Abba-Yahweh)), and in the Mother and Father are the Daughter and Son – Sophia and Logos. Yet, before the First Emanation comes into being, the Primordial Womb is present, the space of creation, Primordial Sophia; and in her all is conceived in her self-generation and self-begetting: in her Divine Being (Eheieh), the Bornless One self-arises, and the Father-Mother, Son-Daughter, all of the Light-emanations, and all that follows.
Primordial Mother Sophia, the First Cause, who in truth is the Causeless; for she is the Infinite and Light of the Infinite, and she is the Infinite Space in which the Light shines and all of the play of Light and Shadow transpires – the very essence and nature of the Divine Mind, the very essence and nature of all that is. Though all appears with, in and through her, yet like the mirror in which objects are reflected, in herself, in her essence and nature, she never changes, but is ever the same – the Great Virgin Mother.
Eheieh, Yahweh, Elohim – these are all principles in her, all emanations of her; she is in them and they are in her; she is they and they are her; she is within them, yet ever beyond them, and all are contained by her, but nothing contains her, the Infinite and Eternal Sophia.
Mind, Thought, Intelligence, the Logos and Sophia, are these not all the radiant display of Primordial Sophia, the bornless nature of Pure Being?
Though we may speak of the Divine “creating” the Womb of the Divine, which is Primordial Sophia; yet all the while, if such may be said of timeless eternity, this Infinite Spaciousness was in the Divine, and is the very nature of the Divine: Spacious Radiant Awareness, the nature of Divine Mind. Primordial Sophia, in truth, is not created, but is revealed – she is Uncreated Sophia, bornless Divine Being, revealed through emanation, creation, formation and making.
The principle of restriction is Cosmic Ignorance, which gives rise to dualism and the Divine Play of Light and Shadow in creation; and as every mother knows and understands, giving birth is a tumultuous, rending and shattering experience – one body of Sacred Unity breaking to become the Two, and all of the generations that follow when there is the appearance of Two, female and male, and all of the polarities contained in them. Thus, when the Father and Mother, arise from Bornless Being, Yahweh Elohim emerging from Eheieh, by the Divine Power that is in her, the Mother conceives creation from the Light Seed of the Father – Pure Thought that becomes Understanding, the Divine Consciousness-Force (or Energy-Intelligence) self-arises as the radiant display of Divine Being. Yet, in this conception there is the most subtle and sublime restriction of the One becoming Two and Many; the most subtle and sublime dualism of Cosmic Ignorance; from Primordial Sophia, Cosmic Sophia arises – the Great Goddess, and she gives birth to the Entirety, including the Divine Powers, as well as the demiurgos and archons, and even the dark and hostile forces, the demons. All is in her and she is in all – she, the all in all: Mother Sophia.
If you inquire into the Living Father we shall say this: “The Face of the Living Father is revealed by our Divine Mother – he is known with, in and through her, for he is she and she is he, Yahweh Elohim, Father-Mother God (or God-Goddess).”
If you inquire into El Elyon, God Most High, the True Light, we shall say this: “That is the Holy One of Being, the Infinite and Eternal; beyond all dualism of male or female, the essence and nature of which is Primordial Sophia – Pure Radiant Being.
God the Mother, she is transcendent and she is immanent; she is within and all around, yet ever beyond all that appears – the Great Goddess. In her True Essence she is inseparable from Primordial Sophia, yet as the Cosmic Sophia she is the Created Sophia, or more truly the Sophia of Creation. She is the Great Matrix, the Pleroma of Light and the Entirety all together; she is Maiden, Mother and Crone – beginning, middle and end of the Great Aeon, and all of the Aeons, and of all that appears in the Great Aeon and the Aeons that are within it; she is Light and Darkness, and is the entire spectrum of Rainbow Glory – Cosmic Sophia, the radiant display of Primordial Sophia.
Of Primordial Sophia we shall say: “She is nameless and unknowable, and yet she is the very essence and nature of all that appears.” Of Cosmic Sophia we shall say, “She is the All and she has many names and many faces, the Great and Supreme Mystery, the Great Enigma – the Great Goddess, whom we call Sophia.”
Primordial Sophia is called the Eternal Virgin, but Cosmic Sophia is called Virgin and Whore; for in her essence and nature she is changeless, yet she is ever changing, and though she is Pure Divinity, yet she is in one and all alike – divine, admixed and demonic. She is transcendent, yet ever near – she withholds herself from no one, not even the darkest of demons. She is manifest as Sophia Stellarum, and she is manifest as Sophia Nigrans – Bright Mother and Dark Mother.
Of her Daughter, the Holy Bride, we may say this: “She is the image of her Divine Mother; Sophia Stellarum and Sophia Nigrans – Eve and Lilith.”
In giving birth Divine Sparks fly forth – there is a great tumult, rending and shattering, and Cosmic Ignorance comes into play. All manner of beings-forces are created, formed and made. As every mother knows and understands, a child begins in the Ignorance, having emerged from the unconscious unity, and must individuate in order to mature and become self-aware, and to enter into the conscious unification that is the Perfection of Love. The sorrow and suffering of giving birth passes with the joy of new life received; and, likewise, the sorrow and suffering of separation is as a passing shadow – all for the sake of the Eternal Delight of Conscious Union.
The Great Mother orchestrates the perfect conditions necessary for her children to grow and mature, and to develop and evolve into their divine destiny – the Supernal and Divine Being that is their True Nature; the Divine I Am (Eheieh).
The key for the recognition and realization of Divine Being is experience, and the Divine Mother is the realm of all experience, whether the Pleroma of Light or Entirety, space-time or the eternal realm; the key for Coming Into Being is individuation and freedom to choose, which necessitates the entire range of possibilities, from Light to Darkness, good and evil, and all that lies in between. Yet, as every dear mother knows and understands, young children are not left unattended or without the necessary assistance in their education; thus, the Great Mother is present with us all along the Way, and she ensures that we have assistance – this we call Divine Grace, the Mother’s Force.
The Virgin of Light and the Whore of Babylon in the Apocalypse, is this not Mother-Daughter Sophia becoming what she must to teach and initiate her children – and so with the entire array of her Bright and Dark Faces? Save through life-experience (Sophia Zoe) how shall her children grow and mature and acquire their education, to be and become all that they are as her image and likeness – the image and likeness the Father-Mother, Yahweh Elohim?
It is akin to the Gnostic view of Sophia becoming the Serpent in the Garden, teaching and initiating Eve, so that she might teach and initiate Adam; Sophia joining herself to souls in creation and invoking her consort, Christ the Logos, for the fulfillment of all creation – hence, the realization of the Pleroma of Light in the Perfect Human Being.
Mother Sophia gives birth to the Living Logos – emanating the Logos, and the Logos is actualized and realized through Daughter Sophia; Daughter Sophia (Christ the Sophia) in us receives Christ the Logos, and through him she is united with Mother Sophia, for in union with her consort she becomes the Holy Mother giving birth to the Perfection of Creation, the Perfect Human One – Supernal and Divine Humanity.
This is the interplay of the Upper and Lower Shekinah, or of Pistis Sophia above and Pistis Sophia below – she who remains ever beyond, yet she who is within, having descended: because the Fiery Intelligence of Sophia is involved in creation, the evolution of creation to its fruition becomes possible – all in the Great Mother, Sophia. Ave Sophia!
May we be blessed to acquire the Gnosis of Mother Sophia in all of her forms and to realize the supreme truth of Primordial Sophia – the Great Goddess of the Grail King; Amen.
Blessings & shalom!
Post by Tau Malachi
“Salvator Mundi” (the savior of the world) V. Whitmill Art
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rivetgoth · 4 months ago
METAWAR was such a fun punchy theatrical album I love it
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chris-sya · 1 year ago
On Repeat Playlist Tag Game
Tagged by the wonderful @dandelion-bride thaaanks
Rules: Shuffle your repeat playlist 10 times and tag 10 people.
IDK what a repeat playlist is so I will use my spotify top 2023. it seems to fit although not very up to date
I have eclectic music taste what can i say lol
@swearingcactus @broken-balance-baby @cranky-kyrati @bitchofedensgate @unkledeath @cyberturbine @boybreastmilksteward @thedaisycrownwitch @seekerofthemuse ahhh thats 9 im afraid to tag mutuals who i don't know personally 💀
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mirandamckenni1 · 2 years ago
Liked on YouTube: How the Ancient Invocation of the Headless God became Aleister Crowley's Ritual of the Bornless One || https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wI41hfd8CXE || Aleister Crowley's Ritual of the Bornless One and Liber Samekh has its ancient origins in Greek Magical Papyrus V. 96-172, a c. 4th century exorcistic incantation invoking the Akephalos or the "Headless God." Join me in this episode as I explore the original "Stele of Ieu the Hieroglyphist in His Letter," the mysterious "Headless God," before turning to how this ancient ritual became foundational in the history and practice of contemporary occultism. In memoriam Jake Stratton-Kent Make Sure to Subscribe & Consider supporting Esoterica by becoming a monthly Patron - https://ift.tt/G9DsJjN a one time donation - https://ift.tt/0BaHM4U or the Super Thanks - Your support is profoundly appreciated! Recommended Readings: British Library - Papyrus 46 - https://ift.tt/ZTkVEIz P 5026 - Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Ägyptisches Museum und Papyrussammlung - https://ift.tt/QkhItOp Betz - The Greek Magical Papyri in Translation: Including the Demotic Spells - 978-0226044477
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gebo4482 · 6 months ago
The Bornless - Official Teaser Trailer
Website / Steam / EGS
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shira-hoe-shi · 2 years ago
The Bornless One
Part one of two
Short Kid pirates find satanism fic :)
Marked as KidLaw because part II will have sexual themes and actions, but this piece is by no means romantic. The gore will be heavy.
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alexsvmner · 2 years ago
Abramelin vs Gnosticism
A typical day in the life of an Abramelin magician From Reddit: Are ceremonial magic rituals such as the Abramelin acceptable in Gnosticism? One of the most popular rites used to invoke the Holy Guardian Angel as part of the Abramelin process – viz., The Bornless Ritual – is an actual Gnostic Ritual. Certain key words and phrases in the ritual only make sense if understood from a Gnostic…
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reversioning · 2 months ago
Coach Bornless
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