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songsofbloodandwater · 5 months ago
My Notes on Cleansing Bone Remains.
Let me first say that I am not a taxidermist, so the how(s) of safely handling a carcass and physically cleaning the bones are outside the scope of my work. Here I am just sharing one way to spiritually cleanse the remains so that no "traces" of the past contaminate your work, or to prepare the remains to be turned into a vessel for some other spirit, different from the Animal Spirit that originally dwelled in them.
First you must prepare a Purge Oil. This Oil will be made with a base of jojoba oil infused with pine resin, myrrh, frankincense, storax, cypress and cedar. Any combination of these cleansing and cthonic allies will do. Carefully grind the resins down to a powder and allow to infuse in a dark place for at least one whole lunar cycle.
To cleanse the remains spiritually, very gently rub small quantities of the Purge Oil onto the bone remains, while chanting:
Great Two Headed Vulture*, Carry with you what's left behind. Strip this carcass with your fire, all deeds and taints to you resigned, Set free the bone that bears no flesh, purge the past, to start afresh."
Allow yourself to enter a trance-like state with this chant, and envision fire slowly growing from the inside of whatever remains you're cleansing, and burning away any impurities. After you feel the bones have been "emptied" you may move on to your next step, be it to bless it for it's new purpose or call the Spirit that will now inhabit it.
*The Two Headed Vulture is a common motif in indigenous cultures, including my own, where it's two-headedness represents the Vulture's ability to carry souls from one world to the next and back. In my culture it is also associated with the element of Fire, the directions of East and West, and the spiritual cleansing ability of flames. You can adapt the prayer to mention some other psychopomp spirit of your own culture and it's qualities If you wish.
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experimental-occultist · 12 days ago
Listen to the Ακέφαλος ritual before/during sleep. Return to record results (dreams, visions, thoughts, sensations)
3/11/2025 02:10
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asinusrufus · 2 years ago
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"My Name is Heart encircled by a Serpent; come and follow me"
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alephskoteinos · 10 months ago
Did it again. This time I gathered my notes on the Acephalic Man (you know, Bataille's headless man?) and the Headless God (or Headless Daimon, Akephalos) to show what, if anything, they have in common.
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thetriplesnake · 2 years ago
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Charm The Water podcast appearances.
Aaron David has removed many of the older episodes of Charm The Water. Below is an archive of the episodes I was involved with. 
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alephskoteinos · 4 months ago
Osiris himself can be headless, in the form of the Graeco-Roman deity Akephalos, not simply as a result of his dismemberment at the hands of Set; this headless form of Osiris was a magically powerful, solar deity. In a Twenty-fifth Dynasty amuletic text, this deity is: He is the headless body, the mummy without face; he is the color-changing bull, the commander commanding eternal silence, the ṯkm of every day, the great Dawn This is the mighty eastern giant, his Osirian part as Akephalos, his solar part as the Buchis bull, the ṯkm-form of the sun at the horizon. But there was also a desire that the head be knitted onto the body in the Netherworld. In the final text to the Sixth Division of the Book of Caverns, Khepri is termed ṯs-tp, “attached of head.” Akephalos was not powerful without his head, but because of what his headlessness implied-his head was with the Sun, and was the Sun.
- John Coleman Darnell, The Enigmatic Netherworld Books of the Solar-Osirian Unity, Cryptographic Compositions in the Tombs of Tutankhamun, Ramesses VI and Ramesses IX.
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abwatt · 3 months ago
Sun in Capricorn I
Capricorn I, The Headless Body, is a place of either intense attention to the body and its needs for delicious sensations like food and drink — or a place of healing when we note how our health is tied in with food and drink. Are you feeding your soul?
Capricorn I — The Headless Body, according to Austin Coppock‘s system — begins on December 21 2024 at 4:20 am EST, and continues until 30 December 2024 at 11:51 pm EST, making nine days, nineteen hours and 31 minutes. In the Descending Chaldean order, this decan is ruled by sextile Saturn as the overall Capricorn ruler… but administered by Jupiter who is inconjunct in Gemini — resulting in a…
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punkitt-is-here · 2 years ago
I want an occult text illustrated in your style. I wanna see your take on AKEPHALOS the headless one.
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they big chillin'
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longdeadblonde · 2 years ago
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I think Dia, Cici, and Ake love each other, they just don't like each other. They definitely prefer each other to their other siblings, they'd sacrifice things for each other, cover for each other, and spend a lot of time together and are able to have a good time. Other than that, if they weren't siblings I don't think they'd want nothing to do with each other. They go out of their way to hurt each others' feelings and mock each other. Needless to say, their relationship isn't healthy but it their eyes, it beats the alternative.
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infirmux · 7 months ago
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songsofbloodandwater · 6 months ago
What is your favorite natural phenomenon?
I'm so late to answering this, sorry! life got in the way 😭
Do glaciations count? I'm obsessed with the glacial periods and Earth's cooling-warming cycles. Our planet has an amazing record of booming in diversity each time a change in the natural patterns begins to cause extinctions, and these cooling periods are no exception. We (as a species) came to be during these aswell and I'd love to be able to meet some of those early humans, who lived in completely different environments, surrounded by completely different animal and plant kin (including many other human species!). I just want to be able to hear their stories and perspectives. It's absolutely crazy to feel like I miss people and environments that I've never seen but I do, deeply. Just imagining how much we could learn from them always brings me to tears.
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cryptotheism · 5 months ago
trickor treat.....
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AKEPHALOS THE HEADLESS ONE from The Greek Magical Papyri.
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noellevanious · 10 months ago
Noelle can you do a shitty MSpaint drawing of Akephalos the headless one? I'll trade you for the occult knowledge of your choosing.
i couldnt find a solid Singular Design so i just went with the simplest ^-^ hope you enjoy!!
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alephskoteinos · 1 year ago
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More on Akephalos as a solar form of Osiris. To be honest it seems like the case for the solar Osiris being the Headless God seems very strong.
The Enigmatic Netherworld Books of the Solar-Osirian Unity by J. C. Darnell (2004), pages 115-116
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deltarebelsandpaper · 1 year ago
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wodeworm · 4 months ago
Akephalos Trance
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