#boomers are trying tho
istherewifiinhell · 11 months
First reprimand for shitty customer service <3. Well first one that wasnt just just my boss laughing and saying a local famous person accused me of stealing their wallet [left it on a shelf].
#no. not even a little bit#some shit#MANY EMOTIONS ABT IT. lol#first being not clear if this is the first actual complaint. or if ther3 were multiple complaints. which i just think is funny...#cmon man. spill the deets what they say abt meeeeee#second. my boss does have a language barrier byt more than that qlso just. seems. uncomfortable... being my boss???#like. as in. clearly tries to skirt around telling me what to do..... but vause this was clearly a pull aside talking to...#i decided to not lie when he asks. do you knoe whsy i mean?#WHAT IT BOILS DOWN TOO....#my bosses are boomers who get sad when ppl dont greet them at stores. i think. fhdhddhf. even tho i DO greet customers. whatevr.#cause im on that PHONEEEEEEEEE#take aways..... well im fueled by. CLOSER THAN EVER. to [kym replacement] quiting my fucking job. due to circumstances. ways and means.#and a side of. god so he was trying make me not. worried i guess. so he said. everyone has there own character and i know ur character.#i know your a good person i dont expect you to pretend and smile at everyone.#HEY. CAN WE UNPACK THAT.........#1. I STILL MASK (LITERAL). so. what do we mean by that.......#2.... i HAVE a customer service VOICE. WHAT THE HELL MAN...... it INVOLVES. doing the smiling intonation at I HATE IT.#=_= receiving accomadations at work -> have been clocked/ ASSIGNED. DOUR PERSONALITY......#maybe you dont... get my cust serv persona... cause.... ur not..... a customer.................. and i work the floor by myself??????????#anyways just. little bit of agonized personal writing i kept LOCKED UP. was right. You never Can be Normal enough.....#but. THIS IS EXTREMELY LONG REPORT. to you.... my fellow bloggers. closest things i have to coworkers....#is just that i guess lol... im bored by it now. godspeed peach and love butt also destruction and hate. whatever.#im pretty sure is is not actually gonna affect much going forward i just. WOW. i continue to not elaborate to ppl irl and do share alls#(or somes...) here.#OKAY WhATEVVER POST
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rmorde · 6 months
And JJK S2 wraps up!
Once again, I'm reminded of how annoying it was that Gojo took the high road with the higher ups. Those wrinkly old good for nothing assholes should have been massacred a long long time ago. They do not actually give fucking damn about peace and order. They all just want power and with Gojo gone they were drunk with it. Idiotic selfish self-centered bastards.
I swear Geto should not have helped Gojo grow a moral principle of killing only when there is meaning to it. It made him less inclined to commit homicide no matter how justifiable it already is. Because while I do see his perspective - *that it is meaningless to kill the higher-ups if his goal was to ensure that the youth would have a better life, it would have been so fucking cathartic if Gojo just Hollow Purple'd them all way back when they set up Yuji to die in the Juvenile Detention Center.
*Gojo is right (as much as it pains me to say it). He cannot kill the higher-ups because he would create a vacuum of power that would have resulted to any of the following: REPERCUSSION 1: Other seniors from the powerful clans would power grab leading to a civil war among sorcerers which can lead to many meaningless deaths. Lots of dead sorcerers = Less sorcerers to fight the ever growing number of curses = Gojo fails to ensure that young people enjoy their youth and have allies. ---> Less Sorcerers VS Lots of Curses = More Solo Missions. With the unpredictability of Curses, the new gen may even be forced to fight those above their Grade like Haibara. And, as proven in Hidden Inventory, Gojo maybe The Strongest but he cannot be everywhere and save/protect people all the time. The mortality rate of young sorcerers may raise even further no matter how much Gojo, Nanami, Shoko, Utahime, and Yaga overwork themselves to death to mitigate it. REPERCUSSION 2: Other seniors from powerful clans would fill the vacuum of power and unite to expel Gojo from jujutsu society and label him as a mass killer. Again, this can lead to a civil war among sorcerers: those who side with Gojo and those who do not which can lead to many meaningless deaths.
Lots of dead sorcerers = Less sorcerers to fight the ever growing number of curses = Gojo fails to ensure that young people enjoy their youth and have allies. -> Yeah. Yeah. Gojo is The Strongest. However, people that desire power are not very smart and can do a lot of stupid things (like what the higher-ups did after the Shibuya Incident). They can easily use the mass killing as an excuse to paint Gojo as the new "King of Curses" or something.
It is also highly possible for these power-hungry people to put an exorbitant bounty on Gojo's head that maybe even Mei Mei would be tempted to kill him.
Another likely result is for them to ally with Kenjaku. The Kamo clan did it so easily (if I remember it right). The Zenin clan may even use this as an excuse to also take away Megumi since they can claim that Gojo has gone crazy.
REPERCUSSION 3: Gojo takes all the power for himself and, as I have elaborated from REPERCUSSION 2, he could just be branded as the new "King of Curses" by the others and end up in an unwanted civil war with lots of unnecessary deaths. While he is powerful enough to be feared, envious assholes full of stupidity and hatred towards him can easily override common sense and still pick a bloody fight. Not to mention the ignorant "Yes Men" of the clan heads. So...
Lots of dead sorcerers = Less sorcerers to fight the ever growing number of curses = Gojo fails to ensure that young people enjoy their youth and have allies.
So... as cathartic as it would have been (like Maki's revenge on the Zenin clan), Gojo cannot exactly kill the higher-ups easily - not for the goal that he had in mind. He has to take the high road and play nice with them so he can focus more on helping nurture the next generation of sorcerers towards a better future.
It's sad tho. Regardless of his efforts to avoid bloodshed among sorcerers and protect the youth, Gojo failed anyway. He even blames himself for the entire fiasco after he got out of the Prison Realm. He doesn't fault anyone except himself (just like when Riko died). Gojo's choice to care doomed a lot of people.
Maybe if Kenjaku hadn't meddled through the Shibuya Incident, Gojo would have succeeded with his plan. He'd continue dancing through the finicky political games of the dying elderly jujutsu higher-ups while acting as a buffer for the new gen sorcerers. Eventually, the old clans would lose their influence as the youth grew strong together enough to change their society and render traditions as obsolete.
Sadly, it was not meant to be.
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silverislander · 6 months
got through another church service :) (people wouldn't stop touching me without asking) (got guilt tripped abt not coming around anymore twice) (extremely aware i was being watched and judged the whole time) (everyone only seems to remember my brothers accomplishments) (they still fucking do gendered call and responses in 2023)
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laulo821 · 7 months
this morning i witnessed a post on here that made me clench my fist so hard... is that what y'all always feel like when you see a poor take???
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apollos-boyfriend · 2 years
I'm glad you like talking about C!Bedwars so much, because I'd love to hear more of your thoughts! 😇, 🎶, 📓, for C!Bedwars?
😇 A headcanon about their religion/lack thereof
c!purpled: purpled is like. edward elric to me. he could meet god and still turn around mere seconds later and be like "yeah i'm an atheist". he knows the gods exist, he just doesn't think they're gods. powerful beings, sure, but who is he to define divinity?
c!hannah: hannah's spirituality is very strongly connected to nature. i heavily base my interpretation of her with fae mythos, so that's where a lot of her spiritual influence comes from to me. she has a strong respect for the land and the animals/plants that reside on it. sometimes, she holds more respect for them than she does her fellow players. despite that, or maybe because of it, she believes herself as somewhat of the judge, jury, and executioner. because she's so strongly connected to nature, she feels like she has the ability and right to curb it whenever she deems necessary for a greater good (ex. her mercy-killing her animals the second she heard they may have been infected by the egg).
c!boomer: boomer's family was very spiritual, i think, so they took on a lot of those traits. i don't know in what sense exactly, whether they were more focused on people and ancestry or nature and fauna, but it was probably a mixture of both. he has a lot of unusual practices that no one's seen before, with the exception of sam, considering the two have known each other for so long. strangely enough, hannah feels some sort of familiarity when it comes to his practices . . . i wonder why 🤔
🎶 A headcanon about music
all three of them are/were violinists. there i've said it. i know i'm right i just do. purpled still plays mainly violin, hannah has since switched to bass, and boomer now prefers viola. all three of them are also capable of playing the piano to some extent.
📓 A headcanon about their hobbies
c!purpled: sorry but this bitch does NOT know what hobbies are. if you asked him what he did for fun he'd say "training". he does not know what it means to take a break or enjoy himself fully. if given the chance he would do nothing but train and improve himself, and the worst part is, he'd actually consider it fun. someone please get this boy a therapist
c!hannah: she's super into embroidery and! both in the aesthetic sense and in the sense that she owns like 30 pillows with different curse words embroidered on them in the fanciest font imaginable because she thinks it's the peak of comedy.
c!boomer: this bitch LOVES puzzles. all jokes aside, boomer is a really smart guy!!! he's especially fond of crosswords and jigsaws :] they do sometimes cheat by asking their hat for answers, but shhhhh. no one needs to know that.
headcanon ask game!
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bellsliturgy · 2 years
for those of u who have gdocs info pages for muses/rosters/rules etc... how do u do it...
same with carrds... i am old and dont know how to make things look pretty...
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cats-in-the-clouds · 1 month
my sister got engaged and we’re all really happy for her but my bitter rain cloud of a dad (who naturally she told last) is giving her a bit of passive aggressive grief about it despite her boyfriend being like the best man of our generation (presumably either because he’s not catholic or because my dad sees them as young dumb unemployed people who aren’t ready for marriage or because he’s mad he barely has any real love with his own wife or something). so like pray for us? i wish i knew what to do
#if my dad had any brain cells or observational skills whatsoever#he’d realize that in terms of our faith the problem is not the boyfriend. that guy is brilliant and open minded and would probably ace RCIA#the problem is my sister. who is catholic in name but it’s clear to me how hard she’s fallen away from the faith#but like my dad has created such a bitter home environment we never have meaningful conversations with him#so like he doesn’t know *anything* about our inner lives#all he sees is labels. all he judges people by is labels#literally you can still get married in the church to a non catholic it’s just a matter of expecting them to convert eventually#and promising to still live according to the principles of the church and raising your children as such#but my parents are absolute fools if they think that’s the issue. if my sister was true in her faith her bf would have converted already#i am sure of it. the guy is smart he just needs to be guided the right way#evidently my parents don’t realize that about him either#if my dad could become a decent parent for once and stop trying to drive his kids away from the faith by only cherrypicking the parts of it#that intersected with republican/conservative boomerisms#ugh. if he was a virtuous father she’d be a virtuous daughter and therefore all her friends and loved ones would be virtuous as well#should i blame my dad for all our family problems? no.. not rightfully……#but like. the impact a father has on one’s life cannot be understated#ugh i’ve had the sense for a while that God wants me to be the one to fix this family#because looking around it doesn’t look like anyone else is gonna do it#but that’s such a daunting task… especially alone… i don’t have any true friends (ie who share both my faith and life experiences)#and like. it’s really hard to try to assume the role of a teacher or counselor when someone is older than you#or uh. in a position of direct power over you for that matter. esp when clearly deeply mentally ill#the concept of trying to essentially parent my own parent while i myself am miserable and unstable#esp when he is the primary cause of that#just. ughhhhh it’s such a vicious circle#like i’ll do this if i have to i’ll undertake that daunting mission but i have to be so careful and really sort myself out first#or for that matter if i were to volunteer to like. catechize my sister’s boyfriend (heaven knows she couldn’t do it)#i’d have to really study my stuff bc i think the intellect is the only real appeal here#like i said tho his conversion can probably never really happen as long as my sister remains the way she is#what i know is that the first step is fixing myself. i have to be a pillar of virtue if i wanna stand as any sort of authority on the faith#problem is i suck and shouldn’t be regarded as a role model for anything. i have the knowledge down but that alone won’t fix me
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autisticlee · 7 months
sometimes I really cant stand boomers and can't wait for their inevitable demise. i'm tired of hearing disgruntled old bigots who barely have any time left run their mouths, spread hatred, and blame us for the shit they caused for us to clean up. just go away. this world doesn't belong to you anymore.
#dont care if that sounds bad. ive seen enough good ones that i can count on one hand and we know how many there are#where i live is a town of mostly boomers#all the care about is themsleves and screwing over everyone else and blaming us for their fuckups#while being pathetic bigots who dont know how to be decent respectful people yet demand respect for themselves#why are people like this who have a decade or 2 left if theyre lucky making decisions for OUR FUTURE. when we dont want their shit#they want so bad to keep thinks like “the good ol days” and ignore the fact that we dont live in their generation anymore#they had their lives! they need to stop acting like we need to live their lives! things are different. try to improve things for us#not try to make us suffer like you did but at the same time act like you had it so good and were perfect little angels#and why the fuck are you all such horrible bigots that hate everyone different from you?????? i truly dont understand that#why do you think saying shitty to younger people and anyone you “dont understand” will do anything good? seriously#what good does that do? are you trying to make us hate you because its working. go retire into your graves already you useless sacks of meat#i dont care if im ~being mean~ some of those old freaks need to go and stop leeching off of us and blaming us for their shit#and being living pieces of shit while their at it#the good oldies can stay as long as they like tho but those are few and far between as i said#when i say boomers i dont include the good ones. theyre just sweet oldies. boomer basically now means disgruntled old bigot#lee rants#i just needed to rant after seeing comfy rich retirement fund boomers come onto this site just to scream obscenities at young people#as if that will do anything or motivate us to “want to work” or whatever the fuck they scream about. old little freaks leave us alone.#where are the good oldies? i hardly ever see them. id love to hear from them more! im so tired of the doomer boomers.#maybe i should call them doomer boomers from now on. theyre so negative towards everyone but themsleves and speak doom on us
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cosmicmakos · 2 years
my f/os about ask rules
if you're looking for something to call me, use makos/cosmic please
most of my f/os come from Mass Effect (and the theme for this blog - which was unintentional) and i know entirely too much about the series as a whole
for asks/submissions: don't be weird and send in grotesque images/asks
this blog will be kept entirely separate from my main; so all interactions will come from this blog
the 18+ in my description relates to my age - not the content of the blog itself
blog content is sfw only
proshippers dni
minors dni
this post will probably have more added to it, don't know how long it'll be a wip
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rodolfoparras · 4 months
Thinking about threesomes with Boomer
I can imagine the most fun threesomes would be with Digger and Nanaue
The one to be the most difficult to bottom I think would be Nanaue solely because he'd have to be dp'ed the entire time I think? Because no way would anyone be putting their dick near his mouth...
But I think it'd be so fun with Digger. You've said repeatedly that he rushes prep, and I agree. So you'd probably have to tie this guy up for prep to take Nanaue or if he does manage to get it rushed, it probably takes forever to get Digger fully seated and he's probably crying the whole time
I am a King "huge monster dick" Shark truther. That guys humongous??? His dick matches
Yeah, Boomer's dick is big but that's for an average person. Nanaue tho...
I think the most competitive threesomes is definitely Digger and Deadshot. Who's the biggest, who can make you cum the hardest or fastest, who can last longer, who has the biggest loads, blah blah blah. Probably got a little notepad by the bed with a fuck ton of tally marks on it
The ones most adventurous/insane would probably be with Harley. They're probably doing shit you've never heard of, kind of motherfuckers that try anything once with very few hard nos. Also reader and Harley tag teaming Boomer could be sooo fun. Could probably use genuine torture tactics on him and he's cumming. Could discover so many kinks with them, I think it'd be fun
Okay but thinking about…
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watching Digger being practically skewed onto Nanaue’s dick, tears trickling down his face thighs shaking yet being determined as ever to take it and when the sweet thing finally gets used to the stretch and starts slowly but surely working himself up and down nanaues length you can’t help but tease him telling him how a monster cock probably isn’t enough for a greedy slut like him maybe he should take yours as well just to make sure he’s satisfied and although he knows he can’t take you and Nanaue at the same time a man can dream right? And he quickly cums at the sheer thought
And what about tally marks being drawn onto Digger’s skin; above his belly button, or on his thighs and back, along with some degrading words scribbled next to the tally marks, while you and Deadshot try and see how many times you can make him cum? And Digger is here for it loves to challenge himself especially when it comes to something like this, will have nothing but pathetic spurts of cum spilling from cock and he’d still want to go for another round, he also loves testing new and crazy positions just to be able to pleasure you both at the same time, you’d go round after round until the three of you finally pass out
And I can definitely see torture tactics working on Digger-something you him and Harley had discovered by accident while out on a mission and now use it to its fullest potential. That man can take whips and chains but put a blindfold on him and lock him in a dark room with only a vibrator strapped onto his dick and he’s losing his god damn mind begging and pleading for the two of you to just fuck him
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teddybeartoji · 2 months
thinking so hard abt toji that isnt all that great w technology...
like the zen'in clan was prolly extremely traditional and forbid that shit. and even nowadays, he only uses it so his job is more convenient.
hhhhh imagining toji fumbling w his phone when yall get into a relationship bc hes trying to keep up with your energetic messages and frequent FaceTimes.
i can just see him sending the driest texts like "Come over." not bc hes intentionally doing so but hes just not used to anything besides a simple "Jobs done." or whatever. its okay tho bc you can tell hes trying for you 😻
ugh im gushing over you asking toji to send a pic of himself bc you havent seen him in a while
"send pics 😋"
"Of what?"
"yourself obv 😒"
"Okay, but how do I do that?"
and then you spend the next few mins on call w him trying to explain how to send pictures and others things thru messages 😇
sorry if this is incoherent but
GRAYYYY😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭THIS IS SO FUNNY AND CUTE AT THE SAME TIME!!! HE REALLY IS A BOOMER, ISN'T HE???? i really like to think of him using a flip phone lmao. he's so cunty.
IMAGINE THE SELFIES HE'D TAKE THOUGHH😭😭😭😭 pls i love him sm. thee most awkward angles in the world but it doesn't matter bc he really is doing his best!!!! i think he'd actually ask you for pics a lot. literally just selfies (nudes too ofc but that's besides the point). he just goes "pic." and nothing else😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 or smth like "show yourself" 😭😭😭😭😭sounds so menacing that you have to ask him whatever the fuck he means by that and he's just???? "isn't it obvious, stupid? i want to see you." he's so romantic😍😍
and the typos omfg the typos. it's so fucking funny. every two words is a fucked up one. and you get to make fun of him all the time hihihiiii. he just rolls his eyes with a faint little smile whenever you bring it up<3333
also you'll definitely regret teaching him any slang though. "can you go to the store? we don't have any milk." + "skill issue." ???????????? hello????? and he texts shiu "kys" after he tells him to come to work😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 he's so funny i hate him
not to bring the kids everywhere but i will do just that. he has a pic of the kids as his wallpaper:((( he made you to take the picture bc he wanted to be sure that it wasn't blurry:((((((
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transmascaraa · 5 days
hi! i would like to request baizhu and tighnari (and anyone else you’d like) hc about reader having eating habits that i guess would be considered unhealthy (not in ed sense, like it just kind of happens like just not being hungry for a long time), if you don’t then it’s okay, you can ignore this!
multiple characters headcannons!
unhealthy eating habits.
characters: tighnari, baizhu, kaveh x gn!reader
author's note: was about to do just those 2 but kaveh popped up in my head so take it as a bonus lmfao i hope you enjoyy (i'm doing something as reader sometimes literally eats like crazy while other times they don't eat at all so yeah)
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✿ Tighnari
-he's very understanding
-he will literally do his best to help you but at the same time he would understand sometimes that you can't really do as he tells you
-at times when you eat a bit too much for your own good, he reminds you in pretty much a loving way and tries to distract you from the food
-while at the times when you don't eat for a pretty long time, he gets very worried and tries to motivate you to eat something.
-either way, you'll end up getting scolded by him if you don't listen
-"it's for your own good" he promises.
-it's true tho
-he doesn't want you to get an actual ed or something ofc he js cares about you
-will try every single type of medication to help you once again
-very caring, very understanding, will definitely scold you (lovingly)
✷ Baizhu
-he's so underrated imo wish me luck on writing him in character and hopefully not ooc lol
-VERY caring
-probably the best option along with tighnari
-he will worry a lot but will definitely help you
-binge eating? distractions and potions/pills to stop you from gaining too much weight
-not eating at all? motivation, choking on his "tasty" food on purpose— then asking if you want some, and trying to get you to eat by sending you random ahh gifs of food like:
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-i mean it has helped you sometimes
-but if it doesn't work then he will ask his snake to motivate you in some unknown way(it has worked a few times but nobody knows her tactic)
-i hc him sending those cringy boomer gifs as reaction pics lmfao help
✧ Kaveh
-ABSOLUTELY worrying about your health 24/7
-he has to construct some very complex building due in 3 hours? that will not stop him.
-he will worry TRIPLE for you
-if you eat too much he will ask you to share some food, take some, and then take the whole bag saying "no more for you."
-and if you don't eat at all hes gonna keep asking you if you want some of the food he's eating, to the point where he will ask 75738 times just for you to say "fine." no matter how annoyed you get.
-he WILL share his food with you if it makes you feel better
-he will send you random messages throughout the day, especially when he's not there, like:
-"what's your current relationship with food?"
-oh and ofc he will ask alhaitham and tighnari for advice with whatever you're dealing with
not bad tbh
i loved writing this one but especially for baizhu and kaveh lmfao i hope y'all like it as much
| @mariaace <3
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doki-doki-imagines · 8 months
requesting johnny cage reacting to all the international love edits :3c
screaming and crying because I got into the fandom with those edits and I got you into it with them LMAO.
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-A sincere laughter is born, not a chuckle, nor one of those fake and overly exaggerated ones.
-You bet that he'll start to play the music every time he has an interview or a meet-up with fans.
-Once he mistakenly left a like on one of those edits and the internet exploded.
-Maybe it wasn't a mistake
-Always try to bring them on interview to make his fan understand he is in touch with them. Sadly most of the time he looks like one of those boomers trying to keep up with younger generations.
-Totally gonna send them to his partner with the caption "are you convinced I'm amazing? 👉🏻👈🏻" Leave him on read.
-Sadly Johnny gets tired fast of trends since he gets so into them the first few weeks, so don't worry he'll soon stop sending them.
-Doesn't mean he won't find something else to iperfixate on tho.
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weird-bookworm · 3 months
talk about your favourite mutuals and why you like them
oh god this is gonna be one hell of an answer
@fairyhaos because shes the sweetest comfiest most adorably chaotic lil ball of energy + she gives the best advice like hello??? what are you??? oh god my heart goes a little off track everytime we talk i just love you so much
@wheeboo okay shes part 2 of the they-make-me-feel-the-safest trio along w yena and axe like please i stumbled across the sweetest sassiest boo stan ever ALSO UR GORGEOUS???
@blue-jisungs axeaxeaxeaxeaxe so chaotically lovely and so boomer and so fun and yoid think shes savage but no shes just soft and as harmful as a pinecone (why do u remind me of tht one joon meme of him just. sitting there. peeling potatoes. in tiny.)
@slytherinshua we kinda talked less for a while bc life happened and then caught up (kinda lol) and im so glad to see shes still as crazy and lovable as ever (im waiting for tht ppt) like talk abt impressive. impressive is her whole personality. sometimes in, uh, less than conventional ways...hehe
@eternalgyu HANNIE WHERE TF R U I MISS UUUUUUUU 😭😭😭😭🫶🏻 like yk what i imagine when i think of hannie? causing mischief. LIKE IDEK WHY OKAY i just feel like we'd be running around giggling like idiots js pulling random pranks on people and js the thought makes me smile
@yllouhannie ylli is like love. ylli is gentle and kind and sweet. shes understanding and passionate and really quite cute. oh my love you make me wanna jump off a cliff because how can someone like you exist 😭 (no srsly what is this witchcraft ilysm mwah)
@woozvc nora is like home. which is saying a lot lmao i sound dramatic but like yk when u just talk to someone and it feels just right even tho ur not rly doing much? shes older but she lets go and i can just feel how absolutely beautiful this person is *melts off a cliff*
@welcometomyoasis shu oh shu i have no words so pardon if this is a little small but. ik i say this a lot but i rly do mean it. i love you. so much. yr msgs and reblogs and asks always make a smile and they make me giddy and suddenly nothing is wrong with the world 🥺
@haecien bro is my ultimate gay bestie like what else do you need in life other than cien. what. nothing is the answer. life is complete when u hv cien and his shenanigans lolol like i dare you try to Not like him. i m p o s s i b l e.
@glosskirt AYYYYY MY ARMY SOULMATE we connected over min yoongi. we still rant over min yoongi. we shall die talking about min yoongi. like there is nothing better than having someone to fangirl with over my favs gloss you filled a hole in my life <3
@mesanthropi weiwei!!!! my little bundle of sugar spice and everything nice!! (+ chaos and a passion about the randomest shit ever how do u live why am i not this exciting) how is it always fun to talk to you and why do ur msgs excite me so much
@aaniag chaos. thats it. chaos. this woman brought with her about half a dozen more desi moots for me like how do i hug you how do i appreciate you enough i ugghhhh 😩
@thepoopdokyeomtouched im still waiting for my flirting yk? lol on a serious note, u and ur crazy streak r probably the most entertaining thing on here, and i fucking love it. i love ur chaos and the fact tht u choose to share it w me, thank you 🫶🏻
@arafilez bro rly dropped outta thin air like a fucking ghost and made my life abt a 100x more exciting where were you my entire life ara. where. why didnt the atz rants and the writing and the random asks show up sooner. why.
@nonononranghaee HAFS MY LIL CUTIE PATOOTIE WHY DO I ALWAYS WANNA SQUISH U NOMNOM U CRUSH U KSKSJEHEH u give me so much cuteness aggression oh my god...
@kkooongie sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah i live for ur writing and im always looking forward to our little chats abt books and random stuff (...when r u updating btw 😅)
@maeleelee @mxnsxngie @imagine-a-life-like-this i don't tell you guys enough how much i love and appreciate each one of you. i dont tell u enough how grateful i am whenever i think abt u bc god ik how hard it is to take in a random person in ur circle, to adjust w a kid, to make said kid feel safe and included and loved. so thank you. for all that you do for me and for loving lil ol' me <3
@cadenonlinelive where u at damn i hvnt seen u in ages
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gumiiiiezzzz · 8 days
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guys…. the ideas in my head rn…. for smaus….
gunna grind them all for yall tm for REAL😮‍💨
oKAY i’m thinking either…. you being a new student at jjh or you having the opposite cursed technique style as them…. might try and does a SMAU series involving both🫦💫🤍
WAIT ALSO DOES ANYONE KNOW HOW TO MAKE SMAU GROUP TEXTS i want to start a series and idk how to make the far group texts if u do hit me up i’ll sell u my liver or my first born 😘😘😘😘 thankkkss
i wish i was kidding tho HOW DO U DO THEM jdhdidjdkd im a fucking BOOMER I GUESS
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c-53 · 1 year
Heyo, who or what is Durandal and where I can I read(??) it? Because it sounds exactly like my kind of thing
Durandal is the main character from Bungie's 90's game trilogy, Marathon! He’s a really great guy, snarky, sarcastic, WILDLY TRAUMATIZED, ridiculously violent, self obsessed, and also a bit flirty with the player character. He has a LOT going on, and he’s like one of my favorite characters of all time for the sheer depth his personality and motivations have. He’s GREAT.
As for what Marathon is, its a scifi boomer shooter with . SURPRISINGLY GOOD STORY
The first one is about an alien invasion starting on a spaceship, and only having the onboard ai to rely on, for better or for worse. You start out working with the ship’s communications ai, Leela, to try and save the ship, and save humanity. Meanwhile, Durandal, the life support ai has slipped his bonds, unshackled himself, and is using the conflict to take his freedom, and break away from humanity. And along the way, he takes a liking to you.
if you wanna play it, the games are free here
Bungie made the code for the marathon games open source, so this port is completely safe + legal. Feel free to share it around.
if you prefer to just read the story, all of it is here
Either way, make sure you start at the manuals tho, old games put story in those, and its your first introduction to Durandal :)
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