#boom iblis
theoutcastedartist · 2 years
"The Two Halves of Solaris"
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Finally finished redesigning Mephiles and Iblis for this AU!
Honestly, I absolutely LOVE how these came out over my old designs. I'm so glad I finally got to do this!
The Shadows & Lights comic is still ongoing, reason next page is taking so long is because I got distracted by "Thanks to Them" coming out lmao but it should be out relatively soon. In the meanwhile, I'll be drawing AU stuff in between.
There's one drawing I'm planning to do that revolves around Sonic and the snow so keep your eyes peeled for it as we near December 👁
General tags for AU on this blog are:
Specific Comic AU tags on this blog are:
Hope you enjoy these designs!
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flamingdoodles102 · 1 year
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WIP In Tablet Part 1
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mephiles-the-jester · 8 months
i just spent the whole day building a 4 story apartment complex in the sims 4 decorated for specific sonic characters,,but i dont own the for rent pack so i cant really do much with it,and i have no idea why i did all that
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shirubae · 2 months
WHY was Blaze in Sonic 06?
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In my analysis of Sonic 06 I promised not to touch lore or canon. But this single question has plagued me for years, and I can't run from it any longer: why was Blaze in the future with Silver in Sonic 06? It literally keeps me up at night. It is a core moment in her identity, yet it remains one of the biggest unaddressed mysteries in the series.
To answer this question, we must also answer: who is Blaze? She's a princess from another world. Easy, right?
Buckle up. Forget everything you know. This is a long one.
Blaze's Debut
Let's step back in time. The year is 2005.
Blaze debuted in Sonic Rush, which released on November 15, 2005. She was created by the game's writer and director, Akinori Nishiyama, as a contrasting character to Sonic. It introduced Blaze as a cat from another world who is the guardian of the Sol Emeralds.
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Fun fact: this game never even implies that Blaze is a princess. Not once. In the game, the manuals, and any promo material I can find, she is only called the guardian of the Sol Emeralds. Maybe it was a note in her file at Sonic Team HQ, but at this point, her royalty simply was not a thing. If someone can prove me otherwise, bob's your uncle.
This is the first example of Blaze's identity being in flux.
Blaze Returns
Blaze's next appearance was in Sonic 06, which released on November 14, 2006, exactly one year later. This game depicted Blaze as the curt companion of Silver, fighting Iblis in a destroyed future of Sonic's world. Huh? Yes. The game never mentions her alternate dimension nor the Sol Emeralds. Blaze is Silver's well-dressed friend now. You think that's confusing today? Try being a kid who just got to know her in Sonic Rush a year prior.
Because of how the game treats Blaze, some fans assumed that Sonic 06 was a reboot of the series, or that it was at least retconning Blaze's backstory into her being a denizen of the future alongside Silver. There are zero official sources to support this rumor, but it gained traction anyway, and people started citing it as gospel. It's wrong.
Blaze's official Sonic 06 backstory can be found in other sources, like the official websites and the Japanese manual. They are pretty consistent with Rush: she's from another dimension and guards the Sol Emeralds (despite their total absence in this game). None of them say she was born in the future.
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Notably, the website calls her a "queen". As far as I know, this of all places is the first public source to reveal Blaze's royalty!
However, there's also some odd details, like her wearing a cape, so it may come from an early draft of Sonic 06's plot and not be entirely accurate. Maybe they were planning on her royalty being more important than it ended up (I theorize that it's why she could absorb Iblis where Silver failed).
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Let's wrap up the princess thing. The first game to really make Blaze a princess was Sonic Rush Adventure, which released another year later on September 14, 2007. It's an important plot detail, which is likely why they decided to officially solidify it.
But that means for the entirety of Sonic 06, Blaze may not have been "out" as a princess. Did Sonic Team really plan for everyone to go read her bio online in order to know this? No, but the game didn't mention it either. So her identity was still being sorted out on the public stage.
It got worse when fans noticed that Blaze doesn't seem to recognize Sonic at all in Sonic 06. In their only scene together in Kingdom Valley, she doesn't say a word. If this is the same Blaze from Rush, why doesn't she know him? (Mind you, Sonic hardly even acknowledges her presence). This discrepancy only fuels the "future Blaze" rumor, and it's still never been properly explained. Despite being discussed again and again, we haven't had a clear answer. So, let's at least go over the answers that we have received.
Takashi Iizuka at Sonic Boom
Takashi Iizuka is the current (2024) head of Sonic Team. He's worked on many games in the series, though notably not Sonic 06 nor Rush. Still, during the Q&A panel at the live event Sonic Boom 2012, one of the many fan-submitted questions requested he clarify some lore regarding Silver and Blaze.
Here's a transcript, since the crowd in the video is pretty loud:
Speaker: "Iizuka-san, can you please clear up the story of Silver, Blaze, and Eggman Nega? Are they from an alternate dimension, or the future? Not to mention, in Sonic Rush, Sonic Rivals, and Sonic 2006, they all know each other, but in Sonic Colors, they've never met?"
Takashi Iizuka (via translator): "So, everyone probably already knows this... but Silver and Eggman Nega are from the future, and Blaze is from an alternate dimension. That's the official story. But in 2006, basically what happened was everyone kind of had like, amnesia. That's how that kind of played out."
The guy was put on the spot to answer a big question regarding two characters from games that he didn't even work on, plus the translation barrier! He handled it well, all things considered. This at least debunked the "future Blaze" rumor, but it didn't answer why she was in the future in the first place. Let's check another source...
Shiro Maekawa on Twitter
Shiro Maekawa is a former Sonic game writer who worked on the Shadow and Silver Episodes for Sonic 06 (but not Rush). This means he wrote for Blaze; naturally, some curious fans have reached out to him with questions. His responses may give us some insights into what was intended with her in 06.
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First of all, Maekawa confirmed that he (so at least one person on the team) intended to connect Rush to 06. He's said this in multiple tweets.
A fan once made a neat tumblr post delving into this connection; I don't totally agree with everything said, especially the "future Blaze" stuff, but it's definitely a valuable perspective (unfortunately the author deleted their blog to avoid the harassment... thanks guys).
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He also says that he intended for the place that Blaze gets sent to in Silver Episode to be her alternate dimension. That makes sense; just sending her home! But he admits that his ideas are not official, so it's up to Sonic Team to decide.
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Furthermore, Maekawa supports the theory that Iblis remains sealed within Blaze's soul to this day. Fans have taken it a step further by theorizing that the reason Blaze can become Burning Blaze is because of her connection to Iblis - this makes sense, given the fiery aura and the fact that Blaze briefly goes Burning as she absorbs it.
If that theory is true, and she goes Burning in Rush, then it would force 06 to be a prequel to Rush.
Since it's confirmed Blaze isn't from the future in 06, she must have gotten sent there somehow - maybe by the Sol Emeralds? They do teleport her on their own in Rush. That would mean Blaze hasn't met Sonic yet, so she has nothing to say to him. Then in the ending, she forgets everything and goes home, later meeting Sonic for real in Rush. Boom, easy! For a long time, this placement in the timeline seemed fair.
There was one tiny hole: an unused audio file of Blaze dialogue in 06.
Blaze says: "Sonic... the Iblis Trigger... a blue hedgehog... can it be true?", expressing familiarity with the blue blur. So... she did know who he was? Why would she ignore him? Nah, it's unused so it shouldn't count. But the fact that it's recorded at all means it got far enough into the script to be voiced...
On the other hand, this game also has the "Book of Darkness" flub and the "head to Wave Ocean" blooper, so maybe its audio files aren't to be trusted. Problem solved?
No. Not until a certain someone speaks...
Ian Flynn on Bumblekast
Ian Flynn went from writing the Archie Sonic comics, to the IDW comics, and now the games. He's been working on Sonic properties for a very long time, and is even consulted as part of the mythical "Sonic lore team" at Sega-Sammy. Those folks work on piecing together the canon, including the chaos of 06's timeline placement (imagine being paid to write stuff like this lmao).
This means he receives lore knowledge from on high, from the top dogs at Sonic Team. At the moment it's fairly secretive, but on Ian's Q&A podcast, the Bumblekast, he often lets fans in on tidbits.
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What Ian has shared so far supports a lot of theories discussed with Maekawa. He has entirely confirmed that Blaze went Burning Blaze as she absorbed Iblis and went home, and has dubiously confirmed that she still has Iblis in her soul (he doubts it will ever be brought up again).
But the prophet has spoken: Sonic 06 is officially set after Rush in the timeline. Say what you will about Ian's writing or understanding of the characters; like it or not, he's received this info from Sonic Team. So, our timeline theory is debunked.
Ian even acknowledges that there are plot holes with this timeline placement, like why Blaze and Sonic ignored each other in Kingdom Valley, and why she didn't think to find her old friends for help. But he has no say over that - he'll just have to find a way to write around it, I guess.
He also acknowledges that Blaze's presence in the future is still completely unexplained, and he hopes to eventually touch on it... But he also states that there is an official reason why Blaze was in Silver's future. I'll write his quote here for reference:
Ian Flynn: "Here's the thing: working on something else, I actually did get a straight answer, and it was frustratingly simple. And it's like, 'that works, okay.' No, I can't get into it, that's all private work stuff but maybe it'll come to light, eventually. But there is an answer, and it works, and I kinda feel dumb for not thinking of it."
So it's currently classified. Where does that leave us? "That greedy Ian is selfishly sitting upon a hoard of gold, hiding his secrets from us!" "There must be a secret scroll sitting in the depths of Sonic Team HQ, emblazoned with the truth!" "Ian is a filthy American, he has no idea what he's talking about!"
Well, we can guess to our heart's content. There are a few theories:
Maybe the will of the Sol Emeralds sent Blaze to help Silver. The strings of fate guided her so she could help guide him and eventually absorb Iblis. This one is the most sentimental, so I like it...
Maybe Blaze got caught time-traveling during a fight with Eggman Nega, and was flung into the future. This would explain why Ian found it "frustratingly simple" (he hates Eggman Nega lol).
Maybe at the end of Rush, Blaze couldn't get back home from the Exception zone; instead, she ended up lost in Silver's future due to space-time shenanigans. Nothing in her ending truly confirms that she ever made it back home. Pretty simple.
These still don't explain why she and Sonic didn't recognize each other, but we have to just let Ian deal with that one lol.
Our best course of action is to wait. In many of the clips I've linked, Ian regularly expresses interest in addressing Blaze's mysteries in an issue of IDW comics or a TailsTube episode. We also know that Evan Stanley, a fellow comic artist-turned-writer, is a big fan of Blaze and Silver (check out her "Ghosts of the Future" fan-comic). Our cries for the truth do not fall on deaf ears.
Ultimately, Sega-Sammy will choose whatever is most profitable. They are a business operating in capitalism. If revisiting Silver and Blaze's backstory is somehow a good business decision, they will allow it. If it's not... they won't.
The "Fearless: Year of Shadow" campaign has given me hope. Its success is hopefully proving to Sega-Sammy that fans do care about characters besides the main Team Sonic, and that mysteries and lore of the past can be addressed in games like Sonic X Shadow Generations. Whether it results in more leniency with using the extended cast in future games, such as Blaze and Silver, remains to be seen. Maybe the two need to be teased in a movie before they can get more attention lol. But I have hope; hope that one day, my patience will have paid off, and I can update this article with the official truth of the matter.
Patience and hope: that's what Blaze offered Silver in Sonic 06. She supported him through his recklessness, stabilized him, and reminded him of what he was fighting for. But she also loved his passion, his drive for peace, and value of the truth. She loved how "naive" he was in the face of his seemingly impossible mission.
We fans are all a little naive. So for now, let's just wait and see.
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how do ya think silver wouldve been if he were in the sonic boom tv show
everything is the iblis trigger and he must throw a car at it
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fereise · 2 years
Overhaul/Update version for one of my proudest works, a main cover art(?) for my little project call Robotnik AU.
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Characters list:
Upper row/section (above Movie Eggman's hands), from left to right: - Sonic.exe (the utmost terrifying OC/FC from the creepy pasta thingy) - Queen Boom Boo, Merc version (OC/FC made by Dan-Habiki/@Dan_Daymaker) - King Boom Boo - Lah - Su & Uh - Shadow the Hedgehog (Team Dark) - Rouge the Bat (Team Dark) - E-123 Omega (Team Dark) - Dr. Eggman Nega - Doctor Albert W. Wily (Megaman, Archie comics) - Honey the Cat - Breezie the Hedgehog - Bocoe & Decoe + Bokkun - Dark Oak/Lucas - Dark Queen/Merlina - Erazor Dijinn - Coconuts - Scratch & Grounders - General Helmut Von Stryker - Anton Veruca (Shogakukan magazines) - Junior Robotnik - Captain Whiskers & Johnny - Opal the Jellyfish (Pirates of the Setting Dawn) - Dive the Lemming (Pirates of the Setting Dawn) - Blade the Shark (Pirates of the Setting Dawn) - Captain Shellbreaker (Pirates of the Setting Dawn) - Mr. Bristles the Yeti Crab (Pirates of the Setting Dawn) - Mephiles the Dark - Silver Sonic - Dark Enerjak (Knuckle) - Nazo (appeared in Sonic X's last teaser) - Eggette/Omelette Robotnik (famed OC/FC originally designed by Alpha Gamboa (blackbookalpha)) - Infinite the Jackal - Solaris - Black Doom - Eclipse the Darkling - Black Death - Dark Gaia (Perfect form) - Metal Sonic - Iron Queen aka Regina Ferrum - Time Eater - Mammoth Mogul - Iron King aka Jun Kun - Imperator Ix - Wendy Naugus - Bearenger the Grizzly (Witchcarters) - Carrotia the Rabbit (Witchcarters) - Falke Wulf (Witchcarters) - Walter Naugus - Fleetway's Super Sonic - Shade the Echidna - Boomer Walrus aka Anti Rotor - Patch D'Coolette aka Anti Antoine - Princess Alicia Acorn aka Anti Sally
Middle section (below Eggman's hands), from left to right: - Speedy (both Pre and Post-Super Genesis Wave versions) - Sage - T.W. Barker - Dave the Intern - Sleet & Dingo - A.D.A.M. - E.V.E. - Lyric the Last Ancient - Zor - Zash (OC/FC made by @saccharinerose) - Zeena - Zazz - Zomom - Zavok - Master Zik - Agent Stone (Sonic movies 2020/2022) - Orbot & Cubot - Wes Weasely - Snively Robotnik - Dr. Robotnik (Sonic movies 2020/2022) - Thunderbolt the Chinchilla - Predator Hawk (Destructix) - Anti-Miles - Scourge the Hedgehog - Storm the Albatross - Wave the Swallow - Jet the Hawk - Rosy the Rascal - Sleuth "Doggy" Dawg (Destructix) - Sergeant Simian (Destructix) - Fiona Fox (Destructix) - Duck "Bill" Platypus - Bark the Polar Bear - Bean the Dynamite - Drago Wolf (Destructix) - Nicolette 'Nic' the Weasel - Razorclaw - The Foreman (Grandmaster) - Hugo Brass - Diesel - Flying Frog (Destructix) - Geoffrey St. John - Hershey the Cat - Nack the Weasel/Fang the Sniper (Team Hooligan) - Fleetway's Chaos (Darkon fish form)
Lower section, from left to right: - Dr. Finitevus - Grimer Wormtongue - Dr. Fukurokov - Dimitri the Echidna - Maw the Thylacine - Mecha Sally - Mecha Sonic - Mecha knuckle - Jackal Squad, named by Nibroc-Rock as Uno, Deux, Trois, Quatre, Cinq & Sei (Shadowy figures) - Kayseri Valaedshkova (OC/FC made by dirtthefox/@Its_Dima_V) - Strike (OC/FC made by @speedofsoundsketches) - Surge the Tenrec - Kit the Fennec - Sofia the Gorgon (OC/FC made by Sofia-MMD/@GorgonSofia) - Clutch the Opossum - Kaibette the Genet (OC/FC made by @kaibette) - Rough & Tumble the Skunk - Battle Lord Kukku XV - ***Mecha Robotnik - Akhlut the Orca (both Pre and Post-Super Genesis Wave versions) - Tundra the Walrus - Mordred Hood (drawn with @adokle's style) - The Foreman/Tassel boy (Post-Super Genesis Wave) - Mimic (the Mimic Octopus) - Byte the Goat (OC/FC made by @bunniibones) - Lightning Lynx - Iblis - Phage - Conquering Storm (Post-Super Genesis Wave) - Bride of the Conquering Storm (Pre-Super Genesis Wave) - Dr. Starline - Biolizard - Sigma (Megaman, Archie comics) - Axel the Water Buffalo - Abyss the Squid - Cyani the Cobra (OC/FC made by @bunniibones) - Cipher the Owl (OC/FC made by @bunniibones) - Bleak (OC/FC made by HT-Doodles/@HtDoodles) - Clove the Pronghorn (my top fav among all the characters here) - Cassia the Pronghorn - Lien-da - Chaos - Tikal the Echidna - Pachacamac - Gae-Na - Kragok - Thrash the Devil - Warden Zobotnik & Znively (Zone Cop) - Belinda & Charlie - Nephthys the Vulture - ??? (Behind Nephthys) - Trevor Burrow the Mole (Desert Raiders) - Sonar the Fennec (Desert Raiders) - Spike the Porcupine (Desert Raiders) - Razor the Shark - Queen Angelica - Rusty Rose - Robo Tails (Brain-washed, based on Sonic Lost World's designs) - Beauregard Rabbot - Jack Rabbit - Matilda the Armadillo - Zefir (my main OC/FC) - Gamer Deer (aka 'Aleko' the Northamer Guard or the 'Gamerdeerdude' by @adokle) - Zonic (Zone Cop) - Chesah the Tarsier aka No.29 (my OC/FC) - Sandy the Caterkiller (OC/FC made by @the-hydroxian-artblog)
For the Alt version: FeReinsm on Instagram: “Overhaul/update versions for one of my proudest works, a main cover art(?) for my lil’ project - Robotnik AU. For the 2nd and 4th pics…”
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eway · 1 year
Ok I'm in a Sonic mood right now. So I'm gonna tell ya'll my thoughts on each of the Sonic shows in the order they came out. However, I haven't seen two of them, and will tell you why. Now let's begin!
The Adventures Of Sonic The Hedgehog
This show is hilarious. And honestly, the way it depicts Sonic and Tails' brotherly bond is not only heartwarming, it's held up in the games. And modern, goofy Eggman reminds me a lot of Dr. Robotnik from this show. So honestly, it's characterization of characters holds up pretty well. It's funny, charming, and at times surprisingly heartwarming. 8/10
Sonic The Hedgehog Saturday Morning Cartoon
I'ma be honest, I haven't seen this show, and I never will. Thank Toxic fans. Sonally shippers getting mad at Sonamy shippers like me. People telling you that all the other shows are inferior and you NEED to watch SatAM or your not a real Sonic Fan, etc. The fanbase is keeping me away, and I know I will not be able to enjoy it because of this. Toxic Fandom/10
Sonic Underground
This show... so back in the day, my parents bought DVDs of the Super Mario Brothers Super Show, The Adventures Of Super Mario Bros 3, and Super Mario World. On each of these, there were previews for other DiC cartoons. On all three were ads for Sonic Underground. And me and bro wanted that, so we rented some DVDs. And I LOVED it. First of all, yeah I know people think Tails was replaced by Sonia and Manic, but being honest, Sonic's dynamic with those two, while still a sibling dynamic, is not the same as his dynamic with Tails. And Tails could have been written in with the sibs adopting him as a younger brother. Sonia and Manic are also fun characters and I really like them. And even haters of this show have to admit the theme song is good, or at least the singer is having fun. I also like that, unlike the other 90s shows which were nature vs. Technology type things, Underground had this and some magic and Super natural elements. Honestly, concepts like this show up in the games, with ancient being sealed away like Chaos, Iblis, Dark Gaia etc. And of course the Storybook Series itself has stuff like this I have been working on a Sonic Underground Season 2 which would loosely adapt modern Sonic Stories and bring in characters from those games. I know the show is far from perfect, but this is my thoughts, not an objective review, which is why it's a 9/10 score. This is NOT objective!
Sonic X
I watched the show in Japanese with subs and I gotta say...why do people hate Chris? He's a kid, a fanboy, and I find his interactions with the cast adorable. The music in the show is also amazing, though I hear it's different in the dub. Also there are Sonamy moments which YEEEEESSSS. I also love how the show managed to pretty faithfully adapt the plots of some of the games. The Meterex Saga was something of a departure, but I still enjoyed it. 9/10
Sonic Boom
I was born in the 2000s. So I was in middle school when this show came out. And I was a Sonic fan. I had played Colors and I think I had gotten Secret Rings pretty recently, though I may have only had Colors. When I watched the first episode, I loved it. And then hated the rest of the show. Because the first episode has a pretty different tone from the rest of the show. I got over this as I got older and started rewatching the show, catching jokes that flew over my head. And while some episodes are like "why are you friends again?" Some, and most in season 2, show these guys are pretty good friends. The Shadow episodes are highlights for me. 7/10
Sonic Prime
I haven't seen this show because I don't have Netflix. I want to see it tho. Netflix is expensive/10
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bat-connoisseur · 8 months
"28. Your most dangerous OC?" because i am curious how you'd quantify that and "35. Any sibling characters?" because i know damn well you do i seen em in my dms today and i want to give you an excuse to talk about them
28. Your most dangerous OC?
You're right, there's more than one way to quantify that. I'd say there's two real categories of 'danger' which is 'theoretical danger' and 'actual danger', that's to say 'what can they do' and 'will they do it?'.
The most theoretically dangerous OC of mine is 100% TON. They are a creator god and what they created they can destroy. Being one of a pair of twins they can't get EVERYTHING because their sibling would intervene if they overstepped too much, but they very much could just... Decide someone doesn't exist and boom. they don't. However they care deeply for their creation and have a lot of fun watching them and deciding what happens so they wouldn't actually do any meaningful damage.
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In terms of 'actual danger', that's a more interesting question. I have horseman of the apocalypse OCs, and a side effect of their existence is stuff like disease and war, and they can activley choose to make it worse, but as people none of them are really especially violent or dangerous unless provoked. So in plain terms of 'most likley to fucking murder you for no reason' it's gotta be Sugar. He's fucked up. His soul is NOT in one piece and it's resulted in him just becoming violent and revelling in causing pain.
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I love saying that and then attaching an image of a pink bunny rabbit*
35. Any sibling characters?
I appreciate the intent with this ren but Most of my characters are siblings sdlkjdslkj. It's because I'm a sibling probably so I'm very experienced in the area. I'll just list my siblings.
Sugar and Teddy Jasper and Crystal Blade (i named them at like. 11 okay.) Cee and Fennix (and Rosie but she's only Cee's sister) Ares and Galaxy (and their sister who isn't my OC) Lavender and Jonathan Santaño Ali, Bill, Arthur, and Charles Summers TON and TN (who doesnt belong to me either) Omari and Iblis (they're not related but they're super mega ultra besties forever so may as well be siblings) Hendrik and his sister (name pending...) Damien, Celine, and their two other brothers who's names escape me. AND MORE PROBABLY. all this list proves is a) i can't make Just One Guy and b) my recall of names is so bad
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sonelise · 1 year
ok wait u know smth that gets me? when sonic dies and elise cries and she lets iblis out, her cry makes a sonic boom 😭
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theflashdriver · 2 years
Someone New (A Silvaze Fanfic)
Blaze knew that staring wouldn't help, it could do neither her nor him any good, but she couldn't bring herself to look away. The pyrokinetic monarch had been leaning on the edge of her balcony for almost an hour, she knew fine well that there was important business to attend to, but even now she couldn't unroot herself. Until he up and left or someone else arrived to insist she moved, Blaze had no intention of leaving eyeshot of the white furred hedgehog; even if the sight of him could only cause her heart to ache and further the painful thoughts scattered through her mind.
Silver the hedgehog was stood on the patio of the royal gardens, pacing in a clear display of deep thought. He'd thrice now left the solid ground to brave the grass, having been distracted by the passing of butterflies and bees in the early morning, but always returned to walk on the stone. What thoughts were crossing his mind? Blaze could only guess that they were that of his home and where he'd go next. She knew for certain that he wasn't contemplating her.
He'd arrived with a cacophonous sonic boom above the sea just south of Southern Island's coast, but the hedgehog hadn't come by choice or on his own. Silver claimed he'd been in the grasp of a great metal machine, a central spherical capsule with two heavy metal arms, when it had suddenly teleported. All Blaze knew for certain is that she'd watched the hedgehog be pitched into the water like a stone just before her own confrontation with a mighty machine and one Eggman Nega within. With all seven Sol Emeralds being harnessed within her, the two Chaos Emeralds embedded in the palms of that device hadn't been enough to fend the feline off. She'd blown one arm clean of its shoulder mounting, just before the remainder of the mechanised form could teleport out of her world.
As soon as the coast was clear she'd plunged into the depths, in search of the then unknown person thrown into the ocean. She'd delved through a red miasma to reach him, some strange white hedgehog cast deep into the dark. It'd taken no more than catching him by the wrist for all her memories to come flooding back. That whole second life, from before their first encounter until finally sealing Iblis away, had flashed through her brain in the blink of the eye. Surprise had caused her to drop him, but then panic had then forced the feline to snatch him up and rocket toward the surface.
Harnessing her control over heat, she'd pushed the water from his lungs and his breathing had soon resumed, but he hadn't returned to consciousness. Battered and bruised from head to toe, with the stench of ozone about him, was it any wonder that she'd shot straight to the palace without first retrieving the chaos emerald? She'd got him a bed, saw to it that medical professionals found his bedside, only to realise her mistake.
She'd spent hours at sea, paranoid that the doctor would return to reclaim the emerald before she could grasp it, but her fear had been for nought. Still using her burning form to endure the pressure and ignore any need for air, she'd found the arm no more broken than she'd left it. With a forceful ray of heat, she'd softened the metal to rend free a frosty coloured emerald from the giant palm.
The moment it was in hand, she'd raced back to his side only to find him awake. His right arm was broken in two places, that was the most significant damage, but his entire body was littered with scrapes, burns and bruises. What struck her first and foremost was how thin he was, the matted nature of his fur and the old wounds across his body. No single battle could do that kind of damage, something was deeply and undeniably wrong. She'd denied it, but in that moment a part of her knew that her sacrifice hadn't gifted him the life they'd longed for.
Though lost in daydream, mulling over the two months he'd then spent under her care but often out of reach, Blaze's eyes didn't leave the hedgehog. She watched as he began to roll his arms and stretch properly for what was likely the first time since he'd crashed here. Bandages still crossed his chest and arms, his breakages were healed but some mostly healed wounds still lingered. Well, this was about what she'd expected- Silver had been adamant that he return to his duties the moment he could stand. She'd insisted on keeping the emerald from him until she was convinced he was of good health. The cat could lie for a little longer, but he had been well enough for a week now...
Their eyes locked, standing and staring had finally proven to be the foolish effort Blaze had always known it was. Of course stretching had prompted his head to turn. He threw a wave in her direction, a smile upon his lips. The princess returned the former but not the latter before slipping back through the curtains and into her room as if she hadn't been watching him for ages. Her fists clenched at her side as she threw her gaze across the room, arriving at the white emerald left upon her desk.
She'd been up and dressed for hours, the cat had even thrown her long mantle over her long coat and tights. It was practically instinct, she'd felt in her gut that today would be the day. Rather than wait in the room they'd set him up with, Blaze had known that he'd come looking for her eventually and insist on leaving. It just so happened she'd sighted him first. She couldn't keep him here, no matter what she wanted.
To be honest, Blaze wasn't truly sure what she wanted. That hedgehog was Silver, Blaze had come to accept that truth, but she was not herself to him in the way she had been before. She was someone new, a relative stranger keeping him imprisoned within their castle. This new psychic held his mannerisms, there was still a righteous air about him, but he lacked the soul of her partner. Someone she now knew she'd given herself up to save was now just out of reach. She didn't like to think it, but with how little he'd talk of his dreams, this Silver was as much a stranger to her as she was to him.
She could so plainly recall the moment he hadn't recognised her, it played every night in her mind's eye. Not her face, nor her voice or even her name had trigged so much as a squint of recognition from him. He'd been thankful, albeit over insistent that he had to return to his duties, but entirely ignorant about just who had saved him. Not just in terms of her royal status, that much Blaze could understand, but who she was to him. He'd remembered none of it. He still remembered none of it.
Though she'd considered methods that might return his memories in the same way hers had been restored, the truth was that the Chaos Emerald now rejected her will and the Sol Emeralds offered no guidance. Perhaps that was for the best, given the pain remembering would bestow upon the hedgehog. In truth, Blaze didn't know what she wanted because she didn't truly understand what had become of him. How had he lost their shared memories? He hadn't undergone the process that she had.
The princess moved to her desk, picking up the mass of crystal that was essentially inert in her hand. No matter what she wanted, she knew the right thing to do. He had to get home, regardless of the state of that home, and work to make it better. He'd spoken before of traveling to help Sonic and the others, perhaps that had become the norm for him. If so, then keeping him here endangered all of her friends.
That thought led to another, did this Silver actually have any friends? In his world at the very least, was there someone to watch his back as she had? Blaze had to know that before he left, regardless of whether he wanted to answer. She had to know if he was walking some other destroyed city, fighting for his life alone.
Her eyes flicked to the door. If she walked the halls of the palace she'd likely be stoped before she could meet with him. Meetings were set for today, she'd be obligated to hand off the emerald and depart as quickly as possible. There was only one way to subvert that inevitability.
Stashing the emerald in her pocket, making sure it would remain out of sight, Blaze turned to balcony and clenched her fists. She'd lived a life where she lacked a fear of heights, with him by her side she'd jumped across rooftops and fought freely in the air without having to lean on her burning form. If she could take nothing from his return, the least she could do was pay their times together forward and accept what she'd regained.
The feline ran, jumping moments after she entered the light to vault the balustrade before embracing free-fall. She was on the fourth floor, the height wasn't quite enough to rattle her but the thought of leaping the barrier had always seemed foolish to her... but then, she had been a princess without knowledge of the world's true harshness back then. Just before the feline hit the ground, a burst of flame loosed from her palms to slow the descent. She landed gracefully, sure-footedly, just as she had following so many drops in her prior life.
Unlike such falls in her life before, the hedgehog to her side looked thoroughly surprised by her actions, "I thought you'd gone back in to take the stairs?"
"That would have taken longer," She quickly replied, "As this world's guardian, I unfortunately don't have much time to spare and many wish to take up my time. I'd surely have been whisked away before I could reach you."
"O-Oh, wow, you're that busy? You've spent a lot of time these past weeks just coming to see me," He pointed out so very bluntly, "Thank you."
Embarrassment flared at his accurate observation, her gaze hurtled to verdant greenery stretching before them, "We have a mutual enemy, it's in our best interest to work together and get along."
"I guess you're right, that makes sense," He agreed, she could hear the seriousness in his tone, "I didn't really know he had any other opponents."
His choice of wording was vague, it wasn't enough for her to be certain this Silver didn't fight alongside anyone else in his world but it leaned more toward that being the truth. Blaze scanned the horizon ahead of them; the morning was still early, but given the season it looked much later. On the bushes before them the bees were out and active, bumbling from flower to flower.
"So, um," He broke the silence, hand on the back of his quills, "You know what I'm going to ask for, right?"
"I do," The guardian confessed, "Are you certain you're well enough to travel? You can stay until you're fully healed, you're more than welcome."
"I'd like to, I really would, this world seems wonderful and I've seen so little of it," He professed, his tone genuine, "But I have tasks of my own to return to. I've got a lot of important work to do."
There was an opportunity here, one she couldn't turn down.
Blaze swallowed and fully back to him, "Is there no one working in your absence? Be it for fighting Eggman Nega or..." She felt she was about to be too blunt, but pushed through, "A partner? Allies of some sort?"
"I'm afraid not, unless you count Sonic and Amy and everyone else. I'm a bit like you seem to be here," He professed as their eyes met again, "I'm sort of needed here, there and everywhere."
That confirmed it. There was no one watching his back. If he had a relationship like she had with him, he would have quickly responded with a want to return to their side and help. Blaze had confirmed the hypothesis she'd already been certain of. He was alone out there.
"I see. Very well," Blaze swallowed, blunting her swelling emotions, "Where is it you intend to go?"
"I've thought about that a bit," He answered, "I think I should probably go back to my world first and make sure nothing has changed, Eggman Nega could have got up to just about anything while I was away."
Blaze nodded, as if deep in thought. She'd gathered another piece of evidence for that lonely column. Another opportunity to pry had presented itself, if she didn't act now then there'd never be another opportunity. She couldn't let him leave without her fully understanding what had become of him and their efforts.
"Your... world," Blaze began to push, feigning ignorance, "It's the future of Sonic's world, is it not?"
"Oh, yes," He immediately clammed up, his emotions still read as plainly as a page, "It's, um, about two hundred years into the future of his world."
"I imagine things must be quite different then," She led, despite his discomfort.
"They are," His gaze broke from hers this time.
Silence brewed between the two of them again, leaving Blaze to fill in the gaps. She was certain Silver was alone in his time, not only that but their effort to save the world had been a failure. Either it was simply too far gone or some other calamity had taken the place of Iblis. The injuries he'd arrived here with, some old and abnormal, there was no way the mad doctor's armed robot had caused them. He was set to return to suffering and struggling on a destroyed planet. Alone.
"Although, for as different as things are," Her stare hadn't left him, but now he was looking to the sky, "I'm glad our times share views like this, a blue sky is always so beautiful," Their gazes met again and he was back to smiling, "It's nice to see it's just as beautiful in this world. The night I woke up and had this world explained to me, I wondered if the sky would be red or green."
Blaze instinctively turned away and murmured beneath her breath, "Naive," It was the exact same sort of sentiment he'd have expressed while they were working together.
"What?" He quickly and bluntly asked, "Did you say something?"
"No, just," The cat quickly came up for an excuse, keeping her eyes from him, "It's improper for a princess to cough openly."
She wasn't sure he bought that excuse, but if he was like the Silver she knew he'd accept her words as fact. Then again, that belief was based in how well he'd known her before. How much of him truly lingered within this husk stood beside her? Was he so far gone?
Her fists clenched, embarrassment and frustration was prompting her to push him away. Something in him still recalled the blue sky their home had lacked. If nothing else, their efforts seemed to have earned him that... even if he deserved so much better. It was because he deserved so much better that he had to go back; all of their friends deserved a peaceful life, but there was no point in him going back only to fall as he had those months prior. She couldn't leave here to go with him, not with all the responsibility she carried, but, at the very least, she could make sure he returned to the future in peak condition.
"Eggman Nega beat you once, if you go back and encounter him again the same might happen," Blaze posited, walking to put some distance between them, "I need you to prove to me that you're strong enough to face him, then I'll give you the emerald."
"Oh, why didn't you say so earlier, okay!" He stepped to follow but didn't move far, "How do I do that?"
Blaze turned to face him, fists clenched and brows furrowed, "You'll have to beat me."
"Wait, what?" He stammered as she whipped the mantle from her shoulders, letting it tumble to the patio, "We're going to fight?"
Blaze knew fine well that the Silver of her time didn't enjoy fighting, he fought out of necessity. He'd fought countless foes to survive and battled her in training, looking to bolster both of them in the hopes of one day defeating Iblis. With no one to watch over him, he'd surely had no one to train against. Did that mean this Silver was much weaker than the one she'd known? It was important she knew. She wouldn't send him to his death. It was better he remained here and grew than left for there, he'd be no use to that world or their friends if he fell.
"We don't have to do this, right?" Blaze let her hands ignite, trying to answer without a word, but he rattled on, "I mean, you looked after me, we're friends! You're my friend, right?"
Blaze couldn't stand to talk anymore, especially not after he'd asked that, "Show me that you can fight on your own!"
Unwilling to waste a second more; a thrust of her right hand launched a ball of flame in his direction, only to be parried away by a psychic impact. Now that she knew he could handle one, despite the panic spread across her face, the pyrokinetic was ready to get serious. Clawed hands threw arching bursts of fire one after the other, only to burst into embers against a shield of cyan light. He was weathering the blows well, but the princess was already plotting. She had a guarantied advantage in strategy. After all, she could recall fighting him before.
After launching six consecutive bolts of flame, Blaze rushed to round the hedgehog's right flank. With the sparks and smoke generated by those blasts, as well as those before them, the hedgehog was totally blind. Turtling up would do him no good, she slid low and kicked hard hard at his heel. The hedgehog was no longer standing as he had been, but he did not land to sprawl beside her.
"Just give me the emerald!" He shouted from above her, having caught himself to hover mid-fall before beginning to drift higher to put distance between them, "I don't want to-
Blaze pounced from her couched position, a flaming punch collided with his glowing frame but psychic shielding absorbed most of the impact. It seemed that this Silver still had the reflexes of the one she'd known, being prepared to reinforce himself in response to threats. Simultaneous to that realisation, Blaze noticed she wasn't falling; even despite the flaming propulsion of her leap being fully snuffed.
"I don't like to fight unless I have to. You've been so nice to me, this is pointless," The hedgehog growled as he used his telekinetic grasp to move her up to eye level, "Please, just give me the emerald."
Though the discomfort in his eyes cut Blaze to her core, the feline had to force this fight. More importantly, she couldn't let him hold back; at least not as much as he currently was. This was a trial. It was to prove to her that he would manage out there alone, that whatever he'd faced since her departure had made the hedgehog tough enough to survive.
Discordant emotion was allowed to flare outward, her temperature spiked and flames began to flit from her form. With little more than a thought she coaxed embers into an inferno that immediately tore away his psychic restraints from the inside. Not a moment after unleashing her will, the feline's heels met with the ground. Their eyes locked as the flames cleared, his discomfort had been replaced with surprise.
"If I have been so nice up until now, think of this as my last kindness to you; a chance to prove you are strong enough to fight alone," Blaze didn't know if she could stand what she was about to offer, but she knew it was right, "Or a promise of training that will make you so."
"If there's really no other choice," Though at first his words were weak, the time traveler shook his head and began to bark, "I won't stop, I need to go back. Everyone's counting on me, I need to be stronger!"
He was finally on the offensive, crashing down toward her with the kind of recklessness she had so often chastised. The feline was fleet enough to back-step, putting distance enough between them to evade his lunge yet not so much as to afford him time to avoid the bursts of fire sent spiralling from her palms. Both met their mark, the first catching his open palm before the second caught his left shoulder. Of course, the aura encasing him prevented the flames from igniting his body.
A second past as they locked eyes, tension solidified in the air as they anticipated and were anticipated. She wasn't willing to let him read her, no opponent in crisis city would afford him that courtesy. Her hands relit and he moved to match.
As if in synch, fire flew from her palms and he loosed a bulwark of psychic force to counter. Sparks flew as the two sides clashed, orange and cyan danced in a manner Blaze hadn't experienced in this lifetime. She refused to dwell upon that beauty, bringing her wrists together to produce a steady jet of heat that burst through what essence remained of his psychic wall and raced toward him.
As he swivelled right to avoid the flare; fire burst across her frame as she closed the distance. He caught her punch with his mind but she turned up the heat, burning through psychic energy and twisting her fist to make up for lost momentum. The blow was dealt cleanly to his shoulder, but, as the hedgehog spun again, his right hand unleashed a pushing wave at point blank range.
He managed to remain on his feet, and she landed on hers a good fifteen feet back, but the bandages wrapped around his chest were now blackened. Those signs of her aid wouldn't last any further into their battle, cyan light fully engulfed him and the frayed material was torn away. He was upon her in an instant, airborne with his hands clawed.
His thrown open palms were much too telegraphed, Blaze caught his hands in hers and grasped tight. With a thought, a push of will, the flames leapt from her to him and fizzled away at his hard shell. Though on contact she'd felt the pulsing spark of his psychic might, that energy faded as he was forced to channel attention to maintaining his shielding. For a moment they were locked there, his defence and her offence perfectly balancing one another, but Blaze quickly realised what she had to do.
She brought up her foot and kicked him, his weightless form was sent spiralling back, but the guardian would not let him retreat into the sky. Outpacing his launched form, Blaze grabbed him by the boot and pulled him closer. The princess slipped between his legs and her fist caught his chin. He tried to react, attempting to launch her back with another open palm, only for her to elbow that attempt away.
They were racing across the patio, him flying backwards while she raced forwards! The time traveller had regained control of himself midair, he did try to slip higher into the air, but every attempt to escape was met with another blow from the pyrokinetic. Be it flaming fist or tearing claws, each of her hits made their mark. Eventually he was reduced to attempting close quarters attacks of his own, but those haphazard punches and elbows either fell flat or were knocked away.
A part of Blaze cracked with every successful blow she dealt. She was still holding back, discord between her will and heart had forced that. She couldn't help overthinking how this all looked to him. It was as if she was trying to re-injure him so that he couldn't leave, the idea that he might think that sent a cold wave of dread down her spine.
Unwilling to let him simply slip out of this, but seeing the end wall ahead, Blaze swivelled into her stride and threw her first proper punch since the fight started. He was launched faster still as she came to a stop, sent careening through the air to crash into the stone wall of her own palace. Though she knew psychic cushioning would ease the collision, an icy wince claimed the cat as her companion tumbled to the ground.
"Y-Your majesty!" A call from the castle doors roused her from regret, a familiar voice, "What's going on?"
"Don't worry Gardon," Blaze answered without looking, "I'm just making sure Silver's in good enough condition to return home."
Silver wobbled to his feet, aura sparking around his form. The whirring of his psychokinesis had grown even louder, its thrumming now matched the tone he'd use in their past spars. He hadn't wanted to fight, he'd plainly been holding back too.
The hedgehog became a blur of light, all of a sudden he was a second sun in the sky. Psychic weight hit Blaze's shoulders hard enough to knock her down. She managed to fall backwards rather than onto her gut, almost instinctively inducing flames to burst across her frame only to find the energy didn't melt away! He'd figured out that thickening his psychic grasp, although it cost him more energy, meant her flames would take longer to burn through and he would have more time to react.
A force of pressure thrust into her gut, almost winding the feline and sending spittle from her lips! Blaze remembered this too, the way he'd pin his opponents down and use bursts of psychic might to deal unavoidable blows! One after another they came, striking disparate points across her frame as if to prevent her predicting and blocking. Given her position though, locked to the ground, it wasn't as if she could do either.
But Blaze new what she could do.
Instead of conjuring fire across her entire form, the feline directed the energy to her palms. At the corner of her eyes, breaking through the cyan tint, bright red light was shining. Silver had clearly noticed too, the cat felt pressure intensify on her palms, but it was too late. The heat tore away psychic energy and granted her wrists freedom to twist.
Two great pillars of fire coursed into the air, he dodged the one from her left but the right blasted his aura cloaked form further into the sky. With more distance between them, and him on the defence, the feline used her still burning claws to rake the energy from her form and tear herself free. He'd righted himself by the time Blaze was back on her feet, but her hands were still burning with that same intensity.
Red hot fireballs launched in rapid fire from her hands, racing toward Silver as he rushed down toward the ground. Two made their mark despite him spiralling to avoid, catching his shoulder and the left side of his head, but the blows did not slow him. Using both gravity and his psychic thrust, he crashed into her like a meteor.
Again Blaze landed on her back, but this time he was sat directly atop her. He was fully cloaked now, practically unrecognisable as the hedgehog beneath the psychokinetic coating. She could feel the buzzing at his fingertips, the pressure of his reinforced weight against her shoulders.
"So many lives will be lost unless I act, I need to get back to them!" He shouted over the thundering of his own psychic might.
He hadn't trapped her with psychokinesis, just his own form! Blaze's palms found the stone beneath them, she forced out a jet of propulsive flame and pushed him upward; using her own body as a ram. They grappled midair, Blaze kicked and punched as she burned, but Silver had always been superior in the air. The hedgehog caught a spinning kick from her with his right, a pulse of energy flared on contact and sent her whirling twice as fast in the other direction and toward the ground.
Landing on all fours, her head was spinning and her breathing haggard. While she knew how to counter his attacks, this body lacked the experience to match it. Her old frame was weathered and hardened, this new one wasn't used to these psychic blows. Blaze knew she'd been slow to rise even before he was upon her.
His head was beyond her shoulder, his open right palm made contact with her gut and dealt a crackling blow. The blunt force would have been enough to stun her, but Blaze heard what was coming before she felt it. A burst of raw psychic energy, intended to shock the senses into locking up!
It was strange that, in that moment of all moments, Blaze felt sweet bliss sweep through her frame in the wake of that tremendous impact. Tension left her, the thought of it rousing again was swept away as an impossibility, as all that had been pressing on her mind became as weightless as her own body. He could stand on his own.
Silver the hedgehog was still the strongest fighter she'd ever known.
The feline was launched backwards, her sense of balance swam as her feet slipped from the ground. A second force soon followed after, pain replaced numbness as her back crashed against stone but her relief did not fade. She could have again flexed and loosed a flare, torn the forced aura from her body and risen to fight again, but instead she allowed herself to lie still on the surely cracked patio. A moment later, the blue sky above was no longer tinted harsh cyan.
"A-Are you okay? I'm sorry, that was all on reflex," The sound of psychokinetic whirring vanished as his face entered her view, "I didn't mean to throw you down so hard, I just sort of lost control. I'll go get a doctor, hopefully..." His words fell upon deaf ears as a smile creased her lips.
He was also still the kindest soul she'd ever known.
Adrenaline would wear off soon, the feline began to rise only to feel his hands on her shoulder, "Y-You shouldn't move, you might have a concuss-
"Silver," The cat cut him off, "I've handled more than my share of hard knocks. I'm fine."
The hedgehog himself was worse for wear, black scorch marks ran across his shoulders and had claimed two of his quills. His cheek and chin would surely bruise. Though he wasn't clearly bleeding, some of his wounds must have reopened. While those damages did catch her attention, it was the concern in those bright yellow eyes that really had a grip on the feline.
Rolling her eyes, the cat opted to remain seated rather than fully rise, he matched her effort by dropping down, "You did well."
"Does that mean I can...?" Blaze's gaze snapped back to him, in the afterglow she'd almost forgotten that this wasn't their regular kind of spar.
The cat reached into her pocket, producing that white emerald, but thoughts kept her from immediately handing over, "I'm going to give it to you, but I want you to promise me one..." Another thought halted her, "Two things."
He was panting, the results of his efforts catching up with him, but he nodded.
"First, I want you to stay at least until the evening. Just to make sure your injuries aren't too bad and that you leave here prepared to face whatever comes next," That was her second thought rather than the first, "And I was you to promise that if you do ever find yourself struggling against the insurmountable, you will come back here so that I can help you in whatever way I can."
"Well, um, I think staying here at least until this evening probably makes sense. I'm almost completely drained," He raised his hand to indicate, showing that his symbols weren't glowing with half of their usual brightness, "You were just so incredible Blaze, no one has ever broken out of my grasp like that before!"
For as tired as he seemed to be, the light in his eyes was still dazzling. The cat couldn't help but look away turning her attention to the stone. She would have floundered more if it wasn't for an interruption.
"Your highness!" Gardon had rushed over, his arms piled high with bandages and first aid equipment, "Are you alright?"
"I'm fine Gardon, thank you, but it'd probably be wise to cancel today's meetings. I'm in need of some rest," Blaze turned to enquire of Silver, "And what about my second request?"
"If you're really offering to help me, then of course I'll accept! You've got to be the strongest person I've ever met," He gushed through panting, seriousness rapidly returned to this tone, "Hopefully, once I've left, I'll be able to send myself back here. I'm still sort of new to this whole traveling through time and space thing."
Blaze held out the emerald, letting him finally reclaim it.
"I'm sure you'll find your way back here eventually," If the emeralds had brought her to meet Sonic and his friends, they could surely do the same for Silver, "If not, I'm sure I'll find my way to you."
"I'd actually love to do this again sometime," He'd only just looked to the stone when his eyes bounced back up to her, "N-Not just the fighting, I mean, but, um... well, kind of the fighting?" Blaze cocked her brow, "Something about it, it made me think. I've never met anyone who can fight like you can. It felt so natural... maybe even right? Like it was normal for me," Her eyes widened, "That probably sounds really weird-
"No," She interrupted him, heart pounding in her chest, "I felt it too. It's like we've done this before somehow."
"Yes, yes exactly!" He agreed with her lie, "It was like I knew everything you were going to do before you did it... it was some strange kind of instinct," A hint, there was something of her Silver still within him, "I wonder what it was..."
"The emeralds work in mysterious ways," Gardon's voice came from the feline's flank, "Perhaps they sensed your want to return and offered you aid, granted you insight into what was to come."
It was an astute observation, an option Blaze herself hadn't considered. If the emeralds could make will manifest, perhaps Silver's proximity to the Chaos emerald had led it to aid him. It was an explanation she didn't like, one that felt so wrong to her... but she had no way to disprove it. She was back where she had started this morning, set not only to lose him but not knowing if he'd-
"Maybe," Silver's voice snapped Blaze from her thoughts, "But I'm not sure, it was as if I really knew what Blaze was going to do. Like I really had fought her before."
His eyes were upon her, had he picked up on her panicked realisation? Had he read her as easily as she'd been able to read him? Or was she thinking too hard about this?
"Perhaps, if you manage to visit again, we'll figure it out," Blaze rose to her feet, extending a hand to the hedgehog, "Come on, let's get cleaned up."
Regardless of the truth, or even what she was feeling, there was always right thing to do. Even if he wasn't quite the same, even if he never remembered, he was still the same Silver in spirit. Fighting to do good and make the world better than the crisis he'd been born into. Deserving of a better world that Blaze knew he rightly deserved.
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brucenorris007 · 2 years
Chaos Spear!
Shadow dispatched another of Iblis’ kin, pulling up to a skidding stop alongside Omega. The others had already collected an emerald apiece, but then, he’d also been mindful to gather power rings; and he’d intentionally set out for the emerald farthest from the Princess and the Doctor.
He didn’t want to have to linger near Sonic’s body any longer than absolutely necessary.
“Thank you.” 
The Princess afforded him and even Omega a wan smile; maintaining whatever magic was containing Solaris’ distortions to Soleanna must’ve been a burden on her. Shadow nodded, setting the red emerald in formation with the other six. 
He stepped back, between the Doctor and Omega. All eyes turned expectantly toward the Princess, hands hovering just shy of Sonic’s chest. 
She seemed... uncertain.
“Let me help.”
Silver rushed to kneel beside Sonic opposite her; he briefly scratched his fur just over his heart before laying his hands over hers. 
He closed his eyes; psychokinetic energy flowed from his hands to the Princess’, who shivered. 
“Don’t think, Princess; just feel.”
She took a breath.
The Chaos Emeralds stirred.
Silver’s eyes snapped open, glowing a bright cyan.
An answering flare of fire sparked in the Princess’ eyes, and the emeralds started to react.
“Sonic.” Elise whispered; a prayer and a summons.
A breeze whisked between Shadow’s quills. 
The air moved, coalescing into a current of wind around the lot of them.
Stronger. Faster. Whipping high over their flotsam in Solaris’ void, almost taking form before slamming back down between Silver and Elise with a thunderous boom.
Brilliant golden energy erupted outward with Sonic at its focal point, casting a warmth throughout the void.
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theoutcastedartist · 2 years
Shadows & Lights AU - Redesign WIPs!
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Haven't forgotten about this silly au of mine, I'm still working on the next page after all. The brainrot of other fandoms (cough COUGH THE OWL HOUSE HHHHH) took over for a while and just life in general.
Currently working on redesigns for Mephiles (of which I have decided deserves to look like and angry racoon lmao) and Iblis while I wait for a work meeting to start on Zoom bro I just wanna go to sleep PLEASE-
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nightfurylover31 · 2 years
What if Silver had an evil counterpart?
Something I thought about for awhile was what it could be. Sonic and Shadow have theirs, but nothing really for Silver. A cool post I found awhile ago explained how Iblis was a perfect representation of Silver's character, always having to travel back in time to save the future. But Iblis is dead now, and I wanted something smaller. An adversary to fight one on one. So I started wracking my brain on this. I ended up kind of blowing my mind with the results!
The first thing I thought of was keeping the theme of reincarnation, reflecting how Silver keeps traveling back in time. Naturally, I first thought of a phoenix. But then I realized Blaze has fire abilities as well. I wanted to change things up, since Silver has already dealt with a lot of fire beings. After some research, I found out serpents were commonly associated with death and rebirth in many mythologies and religions. I had thought of Silver vs Lyric if he was in Sonic Boom awhile back. It seemed to work, Silver's from the future and Lyric's from the past. Silver loves nature and Lyric wants to eradicate it with machines.
But this still didn't feel right. I took a step back and looked at those that inspired this idea. Metal Sonic and Eclipse the Darkling. Both not only had similar powers to Sonic and Shadow, but they looked like them.
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Metal Sonic was built to be the opposite of Sonic, but matched for all his abilities. Cold, dark, aggressive, and almost emotionless. Eclipse the Darkling is from the Sonic Universe comics. He was created by the remaining Black Arms to counter and destroy Shadow. They're both basically embodiments of what Sonic and Shadow fear or hate. If Sonic lost his freedom, and the part of Shadow he hates about himself.
Then it hit me! Both Metal and Eclipse could also represent the biggest worldwide paranoid fears! Robot apocalypse and alien invasion. So what else is up there? ZOMBIES! It surprised me how well that actually worked! Zombies are beings who've lost their lives, shells of their former selves. Devoid of hope and mind. Basically, being from the past. With Silver from the future, that kind of makes sense. I mean, Silver was the key in stopping the Zombot Apocalypse in the IDW comics. So that's also a neat connection. And still kind of keeps the original theme I had with reincarnation, coming back to life.
I do want to give some credit to Okida on DevianArt. He has been writing a continuation of the Fleetway Sonic comics. I was re-reading it, and in the early chapters was a character named Forsaken, who had a skeleton face. Even though Silver hasn't appeared in it, Forsaken mentioned a white hedgehog whom he not only wanted revenge on, but he also had psychokinetic powers. Forsaken wasn't a zombie, but he did look undead. (You guys should read it! It's really good!)
Now for my idea on how this could happen. Maybe Eggman Nega could try to revive another hedgehog, who also had the same abilities as Silver, or maybe transferred Silver's DNA and powers into. Unlike most zombies, who want brains and flesh, or spread the virus, he just focuses on taking down Silver. And going back to how Metal and Eclipse could be based on what Sonic and Shadow could be, this guy could be Silver's own ancestor. It would also increase the grudge they bare against him. Trying to protect the present and future, instead of trying to use his powers for control.
In conclusion, if there was an evil version of Silver, it would be a zombie.
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maguro13-2 · 2 months
Shattered Hero Rekindled ~ Origins of the Ink Demon : Episode Maka Pt.5 ~
*200 Years in Mobius*
[The Ruined of the Future by Mariko Nanba]
~ Crisis City ~
"Crisis City, a harsh bleak place that we lived in eternal darkness."
"This world was once a bustling town full of people and thriving place that we always do, it's a really cool city that's been in it's peaceful."
"However, Mankind has been burned down to ashes when the ravenous flames have came and destroyed our world, burning the entire planet, forests became dry land, cities now in ruins, burned, and uninhabitable. These flames that burned my world has fueled me with hatred and despair. Even the heroes did not survived, until that is..."
"My name is Silver, Silver the Hedehog. I'm a hedgehog searching my way to change the past to save our world from being burned by the inferno caused by a monstrous entity that once sealed within the heart and soul of a human being."
"The entity that came out of fear and contempt, this is the being that is the Flames of Disaster, goes by the name Iblis"
"SILVER THE HEDGEHOG : Hero of the Future World"
"Not only on that I have been fighting this monster, I am looking for the man that is wanted for his crimes, Eggman Nega. The bastard that turned Angel Island into the only place known as Onyx Island."
*flashes to a memory*
*flashes back to Silver*
Silver : So once I get Eggman Nega to justice, I can finally end this nightmare and put a stop to his wicked ways, then our world can be saved.
Blaze : Silver! Silver!
Silver : Huh? Blaze!
"BLAZE THE CAT : Princess of the Sol Dimension"
Blaze : It's him again! He's coming out of the tornado in Phase 1!
Silver : What? So I have to get him in Phase 1!
*Instant Transmission*
Blaze : *dashes off*
[Confrontation with Iblis by Hideaki Kobayashi]
Silver : You fiery fiend! I'll make you perish that you ever burned down our world!
Master Hand/Announcer : SILVER & BLAZE...VS...IBLIS!
[Iblis Theme (Phase 1 & 2) by Hideaki Kobayashi]
*Starting the Battle*
Silver : Time to cut you some slack! By throwing remains at you!
*Throws remains to break his armor shell*
Blaze : Not bad, Silver!
Silver : Ha! Bare shoulders! No reaction!
*Iblis picks up a building*
Silver : ...Eh? *looks up* Oh crud. I wish I had a shield!
*Sonic SFX : Shield*
*DBZ SFX : Loud Exploson*
Silver : Ha! You missed me!
*Iblis throws fire balls*
Silver : *screams like homer*
*The fire balls lands near him*
Silver : Ha! Comeback's a real BEACH! Here, have some volleyball! Catch!
*Silver throws the fire balls at Iblis+breaking his shell*
Silver : Ha! I destroyed the last of his remains! So is it over yet.
Blaze : No, not until we wait for his reaction to come.
Iblis : ...?
*looks at the mirror+realizes that he's bald*
Iblis : *eyes pop out+screams like a girl*
Blaze : Now it's over.
Silver : Whatcha gonna do, Iblis? Are you going to bring out another building, throw one of your fire balls at me? You only have two attacks! Man this is literally the most easy boss fight there is and it ain't hard.
Blaze : Except for that. I think he's got three attacks
Silver : Oh yeah? What does third attack do? Tickle me to death?
Blaze : No, something like that.
Silver : Oh come on, Blaze! Get a grip. You know that this guy does not have some kind of third attack. It's not like that he's gonna breath fire at--
*Iblis Breathes fire at him*
Silver : Well, at least I still have my personality in this round. But I win this round, only for me!
Iblis : !?
*Silver throws one last fire ball at Iblis+defeating him*
*Iblis roars in pain*
Master Hand/Announcer : VICTORY!
(Act Clear (06 Ver.) by Jun Senoue & Hideaki Kobayashi]
Master Hand/Announcer : The winner is...
Silver : Looks like I'm on a roll!
Master Hand/Announcer : SILVER!
[Results Theme by Tomoya Ohtani]
Master Hand/Announcer : Final Results.
Master Hand/Announcer : SUCCESS!
*Crowd cheering*
Silver : Oh well, at least I got what I rewarded.
*scene later changes*
Silver : Well, that stopped him.
Blaze : It's all worth a battle that's worthy enough. But I believe you defeated his first form, that was his first form. You had to defeat him in first form before he went off to the next stage.
Silver : Uh, what?
*sees the sign*
Anchovy : Wa wa waaaaa.
Silver : Darn! He got us good!
Blaze : That was comically good. What was the point of that?
Silver : Who knows, something about something doesn't add up! If beating one of it's two forms, how come we defeated the first form in the broken down city?
Mephiles : Pssst! Hey, buddy. I got something for ya. If you really want to change the past and fix this presented timeline, why don't you ask me a favor like a chicken from an egg, and a flower from a seed. Everything can be re-arranged with the plots and retcons with each of everyone's story.
Silver : How can we even trust this guy, Blaze?
Blaze : He might be very risky that he is no stranger when it comes to pedophiles or molesters like Chikans or Lolicon
Mephiles : What? I'm no pedophile in some kind of manner! I'm here to give you a single trust on fixing your past! Why don't you come to the room and see for yourself?
*scene flips*
Silver : So why are you telling me this? I got a Inter-dimensional criminal that traveled to the past and our world needed to be fixed from this devastation! But how are we going to fix this, and who's responsible FOR THIS WHOLE MESS!?!
Mephiles : Uhh, I think I have the solution. I know one person to blame. You seen this woman, right?
*Elise's face is shown on the computer*
Silver : Uhh, yeah? I've known her somewhere. Where does she live exactly?
Mephiles : Somewhere around in Sonic's world, oh wait...She's dead.
Silver : Well, that explains why Crisis City existed in the first place.
Mephiles : I believe it was some kind of aircraft that resembles this one.
*The Old Egg Carrier is shown*
Mephiles : The mad scientist once called it his floating masterpiece, it crashed landed on the sea after it's wings was shattered and never to fly again.
Silver : So who can we stop this "guy" that destroyed our...world?
Mephiles : Something like...Iblis Trigger?
Silver : The what?
*Communications beeping+DING!*
Silver : The Iblis Trigger? Blaze do you know any of this Iblis Trigger thing.
Blaze : Uhhh...
*memories of meeting Sonic in the Rush Game*
Blaze : Well, basically I did remember someone from a year ago. It was that time when we were chasing down on Eggman Nega that invaded our world to conquer it or destroy it.
Silver : That explains everything!
Blaze : Silver, Make sure we better find Eggman Nega or else the fate of his world will all be gone and it will no longer be in orbit.
Silver : [To Blaze] Gotcha. Okay...wait, so how do we...how do we meet this trigger again?
Mephiles : In the past of course! Where else did you expect?!
Silver : Okay! We're going to the past, no big whoop, but I'm still regarding that we still don't know that if we can trust you.
Mephiles : Fine, then have it your way. I'm gonna make sure that the Iblis Trigger is alive.
*DBZ SFX : Teleport+Energy Wave*
Mephiles : Hope I can get a discount on buffalo wings I paid.
06 Sonic : Uhh, was somebody just here right now?
*Meanwhile in the present*
Sonic : Hey, umm, Mysterious Racer. I've heard that you've decided to enter the race with us. So, uhh, where's your team?
Mysterious Racer (Nozomi) : Oh, uhh, I haven't thought about that. Well, I'm the only being that would ever join the race with you guys.
Sonic : So...Basically what do you need anything for this race.
Mysterious Racer : The Blue Star. I've waited a long time, to believe to tell you that I'm no strange into being that one of kind person. I can't wait to use that thing for surfing!
Sonic : So, surfing, you say? That's great, surfing might be my thing, but being on Extreme Gear, is my kind of surfing
Mysterious Racer/Nozomi : (in mind) He even knows about my favorite kind of sport. I gotta trust him no matter what.
*clears throat*
Mysterious Racer : Extreme Gear with surfing sounds like a great combination, Mr. Sonic. But I think it is a great opportunity to see whether I'm good at extreme sports! They're so extreme!
Amy : Hey, Sonic! I've decided to sign up.
Sonic : Amy? How did you signed up for the race?
Amy : They told me that I have my own board, and I am deciding that it is a great opportunity to go surfing on extreme gear.
Sonic : Surfing on Extreme Gear, but the Mysterious Racer, decides to enter the race with us.
Amy : Mysterious Racer? This is your newest member?
Sonic : You don't know wanna know.
Amy : Oh, well, this one's a great friend to you, ain't it?
Mysterious Racer : Umm, right! I am a great friend to him. We are getting along with each other.
Tails : On behalf of it, I believe this mark that I discovered on the board was the symbol of the team, Babylon.
Mysterious Racer : Babylon, that's a biblical place from religion, it doesn't exist.
Tails : No, Babylon like it exist in our world.
[Legend of Babylon by Fumie Kumatani]
Mysterious Racer : Oh, why didn't you say so? So the Babylon that every human knew exist in your world as well. Those three racers, the Babylon Rogues, I realized that those rogues are pirates, masters of thievery. They incurred the Gods their selves that made their wrath because of their crimes, however, their home, Babylon Garden, the name of that island which they cast into the depths of Mobius for more than a year. But when time flies, the Babylonians they're selves never to be seen, but the only remaining part is their treasure. That's how Robotnik started the entire Extreme Gear thing in the first place.
Sonic : Smarth thinker. You truly are a genius. But how did you know about that stuff?
Mysterious Racer/Nozomi : Easy. Because the Babylon Rogues are now a team of three racers, and I'm the one who can only help you.
Sonic : Who are you?
~ Level 04 : Two Hedgehogs Between Time ~
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secr3trings · 4 months
Lets seeeee..
Smash from Silver to Boom , Elias , Mighty.
Smash from Jones to Scourge , Silver , Sonic , Elias , Boom.
Smash from Iblis to Gold , Blaze , Sonic.
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.. well , he is definitely having mutual feelings about that one.
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If he’s not too busy .. Silver is invited to come visit some time for a one on one.
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He just smirks. That’s it. That’s the response.
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Oh? Yeah? Seriously?
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Well that’s something she doesn’t hear everyday. Not that she minds.
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LOOOOOONNNNGGG sip. He’ll have to get back to you on that.
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He’ll definitely think about it.
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... She has a lot of thoughts about this.
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Well that’s .. interesting.
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He’d rather be found dead than to have Iblis tap this ass —
@gxttagofast mentioned.
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eributts · 6 months
Electric Bluegaloo
I’m up for any adventure I run to find the thrills I race past all distraction Focus runs through my quills
You think you can stop me again I am the eggheads bane A brand new limit down the drain Speed is my middle name
See their face as they turn aghast Armies ahead have been amassed Gotta hit ‘em with a sonic blast Gotta run, gotta sprint, gotta go fast Blow past you every day Running circles around this fray A blue blur I become to stay A sonic boom blasting away
I am a hero, through and through With my friends by my side You cannot stop as we attack Our powers all collide
Blue devil or archenemy I am the fastest thing alive More metal than you might expect A brand new speed to strive
See their face as they turn aghast Armies ahead have been amassed Gotta hit ‘em with a sonic blast Gotta run, gotta sprint, gotta go fast Blow past you every day Running circles around this fray A blue blur I become to stay A sonic boom blasting away
Blue blur, blue devil, blue wind Blue savior, speed demon,  Knight of the wind, Iblis trigger Do I need to say it again
See their face as they turn aghast Armies ahead have been amassed Gotta hit ‘em with a sonic blast Gotta run, gotta sprint, gotta go fast Blow past you every day Running circles around this fray A blue blur I become to stay A sonic boom blasting away
You will not stop me in my tracks I told you I gotta go fast You will be seeing my back I lapped you and now I am past Move so fast, the buildings sway See my path, I won’t stray A million rings allay A sonic boom blasting away
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