#bool prop
OC Deep Dive Questionnaire Tag
A set of 20 questions to get to know your OC! Thank you for the tag Bool!! I'll follow in your step and do one of my wolves! And I'll retag you so you can do your other boy ;) @bool-prop. If I get another tag, I'll do another wolf.
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What uncommon/common fear do they have? Sam isn't really afraid of much, though his biggest fear is losing a loved one.
Do they have any pet peeves? People not taking the advice they clearly need.
What are 3 items you can find in their bedroom? Crystals, books and plants.
What do they notice first in a person? Sam is extremely good at reading people, he notice fairly fast if they are 'good' or 'bad' people.
On a scale of 1 to 10, how high is their pain tolerance? Sam has a fairly high pain tolerance, it's not that he doesn't feel pain, but his calm nature makes him able not to react on everything he feels. I'd say he's a 7-8.
Do they go into fight or flight mode when under pressure? None of the above. He's more of a 'try to solve it calmly' type of person.
Do they come from a big family/are they a family person? He has a very big family, and are definitely a family person. He weighs family above anything else.
What animal represents them best? Wolf, shocker. He's a wolf shifter, it would simply be weird for me to say a Jaguar would represent him. But Sam does have a lot in common with wolves. 'Wolves are highly organized, methodical, and reliable individuals who prefer to follow a structured approach to tasks and decision-making. Wolf values tradition, order, and stability, and strives to maintain a sense of security in their environment. Wolves are complex, highly intelligent animals who are caring, playful, and above all devoted to family.'
What is a smell that they dislike? Any rotten meat. Sam has a very fine tuned sense of smell, and rotten meat is something that tends to get stuck in his nose and make him cringe.
Have they broken any bones? No, he has been close a couple times, but he's in general quite elegant and careful.
How would a stranger likely describe them? Too calm, to the point of irritation. Are they a night owl or a morning bird? He's an equal mix of both.
What is a flavor they hate and a flavor they love? He loves herbal flavors and hate artificially sweetened food.
Do they have any hobbies? He makes his own lotions, potions, soap, candles, bath bombs, ointments and perfume oils.
Boom, surprise birthday party! How do they react to surprises? He'd be super happy and genuinely surprised. Sam loves surprises, as long as they are of the positive kind.
Do they like to wear jewelry? Yes. Sam has pierced left eyebrow, he's had that since he was a teen. Furthermore he sometimes wear an ankle bracelet, and he always wears a leather bracelet on his left wrist, Adrian gave him.
Do they have neat or messy handwriting? Very neat, just look at the answer picture of him above, yes, that's his handwriting. What are two emotions they feel the most? Calm and relaxed.
Do they have a favorite fabric? Corduroy
What kind of accent do they have? He's accent neutral. I tag: @papermint-airplane, @doka-chan, @nectar-cellar, @rollo-rolls and @armanasims, feel free to ignore if this is not for you :)
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treason-and-plot · 9 months
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Thank you so much for this wonderful message, @bool-prop! It was the first thing I saw when I woke up this morning and my heartfelt gratitude for providing me with such a wonderful start to the day! I will be catching up with your own blog very shortly and it is always something I look forward to very much- your creativity and imagination never fail to astound me. Thank you for being such a kind and beautiful soul and I hope you have the best day ever!
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Thank you so much Nonners! I am feeling overwhelmed with love and gratitude for the community right now- I'm going to tag these messages never to be deleted and they will be my go-to posts whenever I'm feeling down or suffering from self-doubt. Your message means the world to me and I hope you also are spoiled rotten with love and positivity today because you deserve it!
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LOL! I wish you were right here with me so I could give you a big hug! Thank you so much for your lovely, funny, and heart-warming message- I'm so glad we're friends! I adore your posts, am in awe of your writing skills and of course your amazing creations and screenshots just make my jaw drop with their artistry and attention to detail. I am blessed to have you both as a friend and mutual!
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greenplumbboblover · 8 months
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Thank you so much @nocturnalazure @frostedshore , @bool-prop ! Sunflowers are one of my favourite flowers :)
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faeriefrolic · 6 months
Squeeeeeeeeeze!!! You've been given a hug! Send this to all the people who you think deserve a hug. Let the hugging begin! 💜 🖤
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zelterxc · 2 years
Peter and his husband live in my brain rent free please please please tell me the current lore about him
oughhohoho been a while since someone asked about him
im not sure if theres any new lore but if you're new and want a general rundown:
Peter is a shadowy figure of some sort of demonic or otherworldly origin, his true form being a massive monster called the Geist. Most of his life he either didn't actually know this or didn't really pay any mind to it until Salem came along like "hey this demonology book says you're some sort of demon lord" and Peter was like "huh ok cool" and doesnt care until some of that energy slips out and he just goes ham indulging in the geist's power being a menace-
he can't tap into the power himself for Plothole and Safety Reasons but it can be Activated if hes either too excited or someone coaxes the demon energy through via whatever rituals. [blood or sacrifices or incantations, whatever works for demons, its not too important rn]
his geist form also very notably has a mane made of black ectoplasm which is like raw supernatural energy and it Can and Will affect other supernatural entities, like, if you're a demon, youll get an energy boost from it, if you're a werewolf, it may force a transformation wherever it touched you. if ur just fuckin Evil like Salem you'll just get high from it or whatever. ALSO if it gets injected into you itll paralyze you bc like... the ectoplasm, being geist energy but not the geist itself, you basically get possessed by Nothing so your body just becomes useless until it wears off.
Salem is very in love with this bastard for both general and personal reasons there is a lot to unpack there but the tldr of their relationship is they both were entertained by each other's evil antics, then they mutually respected each other, then they got gay, it was actually a very natural development it baffles me to this day how that happened
uhhhhh thats all i can think of for a quick infodump but if youve got any more specific questions feel free to ask hHKJGFD
i wanted to draw for this ask but the subject is so broad i couldnt think of anything. but you can have this unrelated doodle
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wannabecatwriter · 1 year
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@bool-prop and @izayoichan
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Thank you :)))
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papermint-airplane · 9 months
Simblr Day of Gratitude
Haha, get appreciated, idiot. 😈
@happy-lemon, @brannewjoint, @bool-prop, @getboolpropped, @faeriefrolic, @necile, @nectar-cellar, @bastardtrait, @bellakenobi, @theosconfessions, @id-element0, @nornities, @pudding-parade, @frostedshore, @weisskralle, @silwermoon-sims, @erasabledinosaur, @cupidia, @sushiikinsss, @echoweaver, @nocturnalazure, @sim-songs, @thistleandwoods, @robbybirdy
and if I've missed anyone, it's only because I have a terrible memory and have forgotten a few names (I know I've left off some important people, but I'm picturing your avatars in my mindbrain and you're included in spirit) but be assured, I love you all the same. You've all been so wonderful and welcoming and fun to be around. You've really made this year on Simblr great and made me feel like a part of a community which is what the Sims thrives on. I hope to stick around for a long time. You guys are wonderful!
I love this idea. It's so cute.
And all the lurkers out there who don't post or comment but still read my stuff, thank you! I love you! And my mutuals that I've never said a single word to but keep showing up in my notifs, I'm so ride or die for you, you don't even know. 💚💚💚
And the CC creators and modders and converters, good freakin lord, you are the backbone and nervous system of this community. I can't even express how awesomely talented you all are!
This community is so special to me. Continue to exist. Continue to be you. 💚💚💚
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nocturnalazure · 5 months
OC Deep Dive Questionnaire Tag
A set of 20 questions to get to know your OC!
I was tagged by @bool-prop and I will do Romeo this time. :)
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What uncommon/common fear do they have?
Romeo is still traumatized by his father so he will always be scared of being "exposed" (as a fraud, as a gay man or as a pushover).
Do they have any pet peeves?
He is a pretty tolerant and patient person, but he can't stand queue-jumping. That, and weak coffee.
What are 3 items you can find in their bedroom?
Novels, vintage posters and shoe polish.
What do they notice first in a person?
If their smile is fake or real.
On a scale of 1 to 10, how high is their pain tolerance?
He's got a pretty high pain tolerance, but he doesn't realize it. Pain he would rate as 5 would actually be 8 for most people. He seriously underestimates his own suffering.
Do they go into fight or flight mode when under pressure?
He is not a fighter. He will fight if he has to, but his first instinct is to run away.
Do they come from a big family/are they a family person?
Loaded question for him. He is an only son and he loves his mom (even if she's "not quite there" sometimes). But his father gave him so many trauma, he's not sure he could be a good father to little Vin. He definitely wants to try though, even if they are not a typical family.
What animal represents them best?
A sheep. In the Chinese Zodiac, 羊 is an animal that shares a lot of common traits with him (mild-mannered and gentle but also wary and anxious). However, it can also be translated as ram or goat... a horned animal. You could say that Romeo has hidden horns.
What is a smell that they dislike?
The cologne his father used to wear. That smell will always be associated with fear.
Have they broken any bones?
Broken leg when he was a kid, and broken ribs because of his father...
How would a stranger likely describe them?
Unassuming and well put together. Seems to think more than he says.
Are they a night owl or a morning bird?
Neither. He just tries to get enough sleep.
What is a flavor they hate and a flavor they love?
He doesn't like radicchio, and he loves anything with lemon in it.
Do they have any hobbies?
Making limoncello, winetasting and collecting vintage posters. Oh, and cooking!
Boom, surprise birthday party! How do they react to surprises?
He'd be very moved if it comes from people he is close to. No one ever threw him a party or gave him a surprise gift.
Do they like to wear jewelry?
He used to wear a wedding ring but not anymore. As a whole, he doesn't like jewelry, he thinks it's gaudy.
Do they have neat or messy handwriting?
His handwriting is a narrow but legible scrawl.
What are two emotions they feel the most?
Guilt and shame.
Do they have a favorite fabric?
Linen. If only it weren't so easily crumpled!
What kind of accent do they have?
Italian, naturalmente.
Taking the lazy way and not tagging anyone this time.
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dandylion240 · 9 months
Simblr Gratitude Day
First of all I want to say a huge thank you to any and all of you who have read, liked or commented on my stories. I really appreciate any and all interaction with me and my stories. You keep me going when I feel like quitting.
At first I was uncomfortable with tagging individuals as I don't want anyone to feel left out or feel bad. I know all too well how that feels. Whether you're listed hear individually or not I want you know I appreciate seeing your sims on my dash are sorely missed when you're not there. ILY
@izayoichan - I love your story with and without pictures. Chris and Hayle have had my heart since the beginning. I love that when I have a problem I can come to you whether it be personal or simblr or writing related. Thank you for being a friend and sharing your sims with me being willing to read my stories and making suggestions that make them even better. And putting up with me when whine because your characters refuse to do what I want them to XD
@mahvaladara - for as much as a complain about Arlo and Fann I love their story. Thank you for sharing it with us and putting up with me when i disagree. Thank you for sharing your sims with me and being a part of my story world. You've only made them better!
@wannabecatwriter - thank you for sticking with me for so long. You were one of the first people to read my stories and I think we came to tumblr around the same time. Thank you for all the sims you've shared with me through the years. My stories wouldn't be the same without you.
@joannebernice - thank you for sharing your awesome stories with us and your poses. Your poses are some of my favorites. You have me on pins and needles with what's going to happen with Michaela.
@theosconfessions - ILY and your sims and for putting up with me when I disagree with their decisions. I don't know you draw me into their world and want to scream at them at the same time. I missed you when you were gone. So glad you came back!
@rebouks - love your story and poses. I love Oscar and his family and am looking forward to what happens next. You're poses are among my favorites.
@stargazer-sims - I look forward to whatever you decide to work on next. Keep being you!
@amuhav - i'm waiting patiently for the next up date....yes that's a hint. I'm practically dying from Loch withdrawal.
@simlit - you're a wonderful story teller and one day I'm going to sit down and binge read everything. Thank you for sharing. And I still love your poses and use all the time.
@treason-and-plot - what can I say....Roy he encompasses everything there is to say. I look forward to the next outrageous stunt Roy comes up with.
@holocene-sims - Grant....he deserves to be. Thank you for sharing his story.
@katmk36 @cawthorntales @cas-sims @reverieinsimlish @kimmiessimmies @bool-prop @booomcha @courtleymanor @winterspixels @dstarstories @anamoon63 @simsdastra @satureja13 @echoweaver @nikatyler @box-of-sims @simsstuph @gingerbeardmansim @streetlites @sweetpyxels @sweetdemolitionlovers @kalissimsblog @drawing-way-outside-the-lines @whyhellosims @enniewritesathing @profoundlyburningsimscollection @nocturnalazure @thatsimslove @miss-may-i @silverspringsimmer @ninjaofthepurplethings @bmit04 @medleymisty @igglemouse and so many more. I don't have time to name you all
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anamoon63 · 7 months
What Kind of Love are you?
Thank you again, @dandylion240 for tagging me. 🤗💗 I did this also for Allan to maintain the continuity. 😊
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Allan's Result:
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This is all very Allan if you ask me, although I think he's not always aware of it. "If your love was a house, it would readily welcome all who come through". Yep, that's definitely him. ❤️
I'm tagging: @serenasims @matchalovertrait @nessysims @kimmiessimmies, @nocturnalazure, @edyavtostopom, @treason-and-plot, @bool-prop, @dariaendzhyel, @sharona-sims, @changingplumbob, @marcishaun, @mysimsloveaffair and @eljeebee.
I know many of you already did this, so feel free to ignore, also if anyone who I didn't tag this time wants to do it, consider yourself tagged!
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theosconfessions · 6 months
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the ways that you guys make me smile andddd inspire me is insane. all of you are so talented and im sending ALLLL of these hugs right back to you. youre so kind to me. THANK YOU.
@aniraklova @purplesimmer455 @bloomingkyras @simvanie
@invisiblequeen @agena87 @tenyrasims @sadraccoon061
@madfeary @cassandragoth26 @bool-prop @dandylion240
@swallowprettybird @changingplumbob @cawthorntales @mdshh
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OC Questionnaire
Thank you for the tag @bool-prop and since you did your 'almighty wolf, I'll do mine, been missing him anyway.
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"The Almighty Wolf" 🐺 (Aka The Alpha)
Name: Akin Lupei.
Nickname: If you ask him, none. Raven has been known to call him guard dog, or even Fido, which always makes Akin growl.
Gender: Male
Star sign: Scorpio
Height: 6.2 ft (192 cm)
Orientation: Bisexual Straight, he would have said some years ago, now he no longer really classifies himself.
Nationality/Ethnicity: Romanian.
Favorite Fruit: Cherry.
Favorite Season: Fall
Favorite Flower: Dark red roses and Chicory.
Favorite Scent: Beside his partners, moss, pine cones, coffee and a good red wine.
Coffee, Tea, or Hot Chocolate: Coffee, but he also enjoys tea.
Average Hours of Sleep: Seven.
Dogs or Cats: Cats.
Dream Trip: Doesn't really have dream trips, if he wants to go somewhere he simply make it happen.
Number of Blankets: One.
Random Fact: He has done 90% of his own tattoos, as a way to 'self harm' in a beautiful way. They were all done many many many years ago, he hasn't self harmed for decades. I tag: @bast-sims, @armanasims, @solori, @jolifleurbleu, @nectar-cellar, @papermint-airplane, @doka-chan, @nekrophoria, @galaxytittus, @tau1tvec, @rollo-rolls and @nonsimsical
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treason-and-plot · 7 months
OC Questionnaire Part 1
I was tagged by @bool-prop, thank you for thinking of me!😘I have chosen Connor to be the subject.
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Name: Connor Davison Brownlee
Nickname: Con
Gender: Male
Star sign: Virgo
Height: 6' 1"
Orientation: N/A (I don't like labelling my Sims' sexuality)
Nationality/Ethnicity: Sim
Favorite Fruit: Kiwi
Favorite Season: Summer
Favorite Flower: Um...roses are nice?
Favorite Scent: Saffron's hair
Coffee, Tea, or Hot Chocolate: Coffee
Average Hours of Sleep: Eight.
Dogs or Cats: Birds
Dream Trip: A hiking trip through unspoiled wilderness
Number of Blankets: 7. And 8 pillows. And a little embroidered velvet stool for his feet.
Random Fact: Like most little kids, throughout his childhood he believed things that his father told him without question: that chewing gum would stay in his stomach for seven years if he swallowed it; that oil patches on the road were the remains of kids who didn't look both ways; that there was a chemical in pool water that would turn his urine purple if he dared to take a leak in there. He's embarrassed to admit he believed the pool chemical myth way into his teens!
I would like to tag @stargazer-sims @windermeresimblr @wannabecatwriter @streetlites @kamel-simmer-ts3 @declaration-of-dramas @parystrange @pixeldistractions @mysimsloveaffair @ice-creamforbreakfast and @ninjaofthepurplethings! Cheers, dears!
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greenplumbboblover · 10 months
I absolutely love your story. Can't wait to see more!
Thank you so much!!
I'm re-doing some of the character development sheet stuff so Chapter 8 might be slightly delayed, but you never know how it goes :)
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faeriefrolic · 6 months
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!!!! thank you!!!!! right back at you 🍓💗
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nectar-cellar · 10 months
Random Line WIP
thank u for tagging me @elderwisp this is a wip scene convo between [redacted] and [redacted] <33
Person 1: I missed you too.  Person 2: Did you? I thought you wished you’d never met me. Thought you said I was the worst.  Person 1: I didn’t mean it, babe. I was just mad.
i tag @cinamun @treason-and-plot @streetlites @citylighten @bastardtrait @havenroyals @lazysunjade @bool-prop @wannabecatwriter 💖
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