#but each message is truly treasured and will be stored in that special box under my pillow
treason-and-plot Β· 9 months
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Thank you so much for this wonderful message, @bool-prop! It was the first thing I saw when I woke up this morning and my heartfelt gratitude for providing me with such a wonderful start to the day! I will be catching up with your own blog very shortly and it is always something I look forward to very much- your creativity and imagination never fail to astound me. Thank you for being such a kind and beautiful soul and I hope you have the best day ever!
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Thank you so much Nonners! I am feeling overwhelmed with love and gratitude for the community right now- I'm going to tag these messages never to be deleted and they will be my go-to posts whenever I'm feeling down or suffering from self-doubt. Your message means the world to me and I hope you also are spoiled rotten with love and positivity today because you deserve it!
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LOL! I wish you were right here with me so I could give you a big hug! Thank you so much for your lovely, funny, and heart-warming message- I'm so glad we're friends! I adore your posts, am in awe of your writing skills and of course your amazing creations and screenshots just make my jaw drop with their artistry and attention to detail. I am blessed to have you both as a friend and mutual!
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