drusjer · 5 months
plots please 🤭
Send me “plots please” . . . and i’ll respond with 3 interesting plots / relationships / connections i can think of for our muses!
Fred and Annie move in together! Imagine all the shenanigans they would get up to. Imagine soft intimacies like a night spent together on the couch watching TV or tasting homemade soups from the same ladle. Annie learns how to cut Fred's hair the way he likes. Fred buys necessities for her without being asked. Cute domestic shit.
They travel the world together! Maybe a backpacking trip through South America? They stretch their budget every way they can, surviving mainly on the goodwill of the local people. They're sweaty and covered in mosquito bites most of the time, but they are happy.
Fred and Annie as childhood friends? Or something like friends. They were neighbours (or classmates) before Fred moved away with his family to a wealthier part of town. Annie was his first crush. They meet again years later. He assumes she doesn't remember him, but maybe she does. Years later, she's still the prettiest girl he has ever seen. 🥺 (I think this would work best for Fred's thg verse, but I wouldn't mind incorporating this into their modern stuff too!)
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drusjer · 5 months
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THE WHEEL OF TIME 1x01: “Leavetaking”
#rand al’thor: proud ‘former’ sap
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drusjer · 5 months
Gonna have to extend the hiatus because my mom decided to welcome me home by breaking both of her heels and injuring her spine
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drusjer · 6 months
reject rizz. stare them down with big doe eyes and off-putting allure as god intended
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drusjer · 6 months
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Valentin, Paris (mar.20)
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drusjer · 6 months
PROMPTS FROM THE MANDALORIAN SEASON 1 *  assorted lines from a few of the first episodes, adjust as necessary
i can bring you in warm, or i can bring you in cold.
it's not slow at all, actually.
this is all i have.
i'll take them all.
sadly, we'll never know.
oh, this feels a lot better.
"stay off the ice." that's the understatement of the millennium!
now we just need to get the door open.
that's all you can give me?
save the theatrics.
that was fast. did you catch them all?
they do not belong here.
can we talk about this later?
i have a suggestion.
so much for the element of surprise.
that is not what we agreed upon.
i'm simply being pragmatic.
you know, you're not so bad.
i don't have time for this.
well, then i don't know if i want your help.
i like those odds.
this is gonna take days to fix.
they don't like you for some reason.
they stole from me.
i'm surprised you waited.
explain it to me again. i still don't understand what happened.
i can't thank you enough.
this is what was causing all the fuss?
i will take you to them.
i gotta get one of those.
how do i know i can trust you?
why would an enemy help you in battle?
get out of here! we'll hold 'em off!
i'm not interested in your excuses.
that would be a great honor.
any idea what they're gonna do with it?
you know where to find me.
that's one impressive weapon.
i didn't want it to come to this.
step aside. i'm going to my ship.
you want some soup?
this has been a real treat.
until our paths cross.
now, don't touch anything.
do you mind if i ask you something?
i'm gonna miss you so much.
bad news. you can't live here anymore.
you think you can do better?
this is more than i signed up for.
so you think i'm some kind of mercenary?
how'd you end up here?
it's very nice here.
i don't belong here.
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drusjer · 6 months
muse things send a prompt for some character facts.
how do they see themselves?  
how do they want to be seen by others?
what is their life motto?
would they rather lead or follow? 
what motivates them?
are they most likely to fight with their fists or their tongue?
do they have any pet peeves?
what do they most regret?
what achievement are they most proud of? 
what would they like to improve on?
do they have any scars?
do they have a disability?
do they have any allergies or food intolerances?
do they have any long-term illnesses or injuries?
describe their personality in one word.
their predominant emotion?
someone wrongs them. do they respond with revenge or forgiveness?
do they make snap judgments or take time to consider? 
are they a glass half-full or a glass half-empty kind of person?
do they express themselves through words or deeds? 
how often do they lie?
do they listen to their head or their heart while making a decision?
how organized/disorganized are they?
do they have any routines?
talk about their mannerisms.
is there an item they take with them wherever they go?
good habits and bad habits.
their views on formal education vs self-education?
what are their thoughts on animals?
how much do they care what people think about them?
do they enjoy being the center of attention? why or why not?
how do they feel about learning?
which do they value more: creativity or practicality?
thoughts on material possessions?
would they rather win an argument or avoid conflict?
views on people in general?
what qualities do they admire in other people?
how do they feel about fun? 
what do they want written on their tombstone?
what would an ideal day, in their mind, be like?
thoughts on privacy? (are they private or are they “tmi”?)
thoughts on superstitions or the occult? (do they believe, not believe, etc.)
what are their religious views?
if they could go anywhere, where would they go?
if they could change anything, what would they choose?
if they could only bring two things with them, what what they be?
if they could go back in time and undo one of their own actions, which would it be?
if they could contact one person for help, who would it be?
if they could save one person, who would it be?
if they had good news, who would hear it first?
if they were leaving, who get the first goodbye? 
when was the last time they cried?
when was the last time they smiled?
when was the last time they laughed?
when was the last time they felt brave?
when was the last time they felt scared?
where did they grow up?
how would they describe their family?
what was their childhood like?
what did they want to be when they grew up? 
as a child, what were they most likely to be found doing?
the worst thing that has ever happened to them.
the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to them.
the best thing that has ever happened to them.
which memory stands out most clearly?
biggest and smallest short term goal?
biggest and smallest long term goal?
where do they see themselves 5 years from today?
do they believe in happy endings?
are they afraid of dying? why or why not?
do they have any phobias?
do they get nightmares?
what kind of person are they?
would they let someone take the blame for something they did?
what are they insecure about?
what is one way to earn their trust?
what is one way to lose their trust?
one thing they would hate anyone to know about them.
they have to pick one: to be loved, to be feared, or to be admired.
have they ever been bullied or teased?
what is their character archetype?
what are they confident about?
talk about their moral alignment.
describe them in three words.
describe their aesthetic.
what will make them laugh?
what makes them feel safe?
favorite color and the reason for it. 
favorite book genre?
favorite movie genre?
favorite type of muse?
if they could have a superpower, what would they choose?
do they have a role model?
what is their personal kryptonite?  
how do they entertain themselves?
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drusjer · 6 months
⤏ send me “plots please”
… and I’ll respond with  3  (or more)  interesting  plots / relationships / connections  I can think of for our muses!   There is  no pressure  for us to write any of them,   but it’s a great starting point for you to get a sense of how I think our muses might interact and what sorts of plots I’m most interested in happening between them  -  so don’t be shy!
for multimuse blogs make sure to specify who you’re looking to plot with
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drusjer · 6 months
this kid that sits next to me in math class said to me today, “you’re my favorite person at this table because u don’t talk to anyone and u just sit there” and I said “ I don’t know how to respond to that” and he replied with “that’s because u don’t talk”
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drusjer · 6 months
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confusion contorted his face. ❛❛ why in hell would i ask anyone else? it's not their story to tell. ❜❜ the older boy's mouth took on an unkind look at the mention of their peers. earlier in the day, fred had walked in on simon and another student in the middle of what sounded like a heated argument. what he heard had worried him enough to approach simon. it was unlike fred to meddle, but he knew a bully when he saw one. he knew . . . that runts like simon were their favourite kind of prey. ❛❛ you don't have to tell me if you don't want to. i know it's none of my business. i only ask because--- i only ask because you sounded very upset. and yeah, i've heard the rumours, but i know better than to think it's the whole story. i also don't think it's anyone's place to judge you. ❜❜ fred supposed he wanted to support simon in his own subtle way. he was no hero. but he had been in simon's place once. he knew what it felt like to be so visible yet not truly seen.
@drusjer said : i won't judge you. i just need to know what happened. | TELL ME WHAT'S GOING ON PROMPTS
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I won't judge you. Lately Simon felt like everyone was judging him, even if the opinion was based on nothing but rumours. And while a small, hopeful part of him wants to believe that Fredrik is different, the doubt is stronger.
He snorts, gaze now meeting that of the older boy. "I think everyone in the school could tell you. Why are you asking me?"
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drusjer · 6 months
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drusjer · 6 months
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Harris Dickinson as Frankie in Beach Rats (2017) dir. Eliza Hittman
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drusjer · 6 months
lever hillerska alltid kvar. a young royal.s verse. tw for drunk driving, car crash, and emotional abuse.
Fredrik-Adriaan "Fedde" Hafström. Second year. Son of Markus Hafström, a Swedish noble and childhood friend of Queen Kristina, and Princess Sarah of the Netherlands, a Dutch socialite-turned-royalty.
Fred's parents divorced when he was ten. His mother returned to the Netherlands and, within a year, was engaged to the heir apparent to the Dutch throne. Fred has three royal half-siblings, two of whom he has never met due to his rocky relationship with his mother. Intelligent and studious, Fred is Hillerska's top student.
The first year's hazing was a violent affair for Fred. Refusing to be humiliated and abused, Fred threw a punch at Viktor, the third-year student in charge. The punch triggered a short but nasty brawl. It was 2 vs 1. Fred vs Viktor and his friend. Riley Langebro, an older student, managed to break up the fight, but not before Fred had already caused permanent damage to Viktor's left eye. Though everyone had sworn to secrecy, a twisted account of the incident was spread throughout the school, painting Fred as the hateful instigator and Viktor as the innocent victim.
Riley "claimed" Fred by adding him to his circle. Infatuated, Fred let Riley pull him into his world of alcohol and drug-fueled parties. Even though they slept together many times, Riley was adamant that he wasn't sure if he was queer and guilt-tripped Fred into keeping their relationship a secret. One night, while at a party celebrating the start of their second year, Riley baited Viktor into a car race. Fred jumped into the passenger seat of Riley's car in an attempt to stop Riley from driving drunk but failed to stop him. Also drunk, Viktor veered into a ditch. Riley pleaded to switch seats with Fred before they called for help, worried he would get into trouble for driving under the influence. Viktor died a week later from his injuries.
Viktor's death weighed heavy on Fred. He began to miss school and isolated himself from the few friends he did have. His mental health only became worse when Riley revealed that he had intentionally caused Viktor's crash. Fred's father eventually withdrew him from the school, citing health reasons as the cause.
Fred is back at the school and repeating his second year when Wille starts at Hillerska. He's the main subject of gossip at Hillerska due to his disappearance from the school and fall out with Riley --- until the Wille and Simon video leak.
Random facts:
aspiring marine biologist.
he is on the rowing team. august and vincent ignore him most of the time. they tolerate him because he's one of the best rowers on the team.
he is often seen sitting alone, but sometimes he will hang around zafiya and bree, two quiet first years whom he has become very protective of.
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drusjer · 6 months
pov you meet zaf and fred
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drusjer · 6 months
“i just like my alone time” i say as if loneliness hasn’t been all i’ve known since childhood
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drusjer · 6 months
hi... i don't remember what i had going on here at all, i'm not gonna lie. i just know i love fred.
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drusjer · 7 months
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Valentin Humbroich by James Anastasi for Man About Town (Winter 2018)
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