#books of hours
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upennmanuscripts · 2 months ago
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Welcome to 2025! We're celebrating the new year with calendar pages from several books of hours for January. Look carefully and you'll see Aquarius, the water-bearer, the Zodiac sign that begins in January, and images of feasting, which is the labor of the month for January. The manuscripts are from the collections of Penn, the Free Library of Philadelphia and the Philadelphia Museum of Art, and were digitized through the Bibliotheca Philadelphiensis Project, aka BiblioPhilly (2016-2019). Follow the link to see more books of hours from BiblioPhilly.
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10siglosdehistoria · 5 months ago
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(English / Español / Italiano)
During the Medieval period, many illuminated codices and Books of Hours were produced: some of them are true gems to be admired and leafed through. Some have peculiarities that make them unique in the world: this is the case with the precious 'Codex Rotundus'.
The Codex Rotundus is rightly considered a fine example of medieval book culture, not only because of its size but especially because of its peculiar shape. Containing 266 pages written in Latin and French, the manuscript is rightly considered a unique example in that both the cover and the pages are cut in a circular shape, approximately 9 cm in diameter.
The 'Codex Rotundus' was written in 1480 in Latin and French. Unfortunately, we do not know the name of its author, only the place where it was made: Bruges. We can certainly say that the author of this Codex was an extraordinary artist, capable of painting very fine illustrations on very small sheets.
Currently, the 'Codex Rotundus' is kept in the Cathedral Library in Hildesheim, Germany.
Durante la Edad Media se produjeron numerosos códices y libros de horas iluminados: algunos de ellos son verdaderas joyas que hay que admirar y hojear. Algunos tienen peculiaridades que los hacen únicos en el mundo: es el caso del precioso "Codex Rotundus".
El Codex Rotundus se considera con razón un excelente ejemplo de la cultura del libro medieval, no sólo por su tamaño, sino sobre todo por su peculiar forma. El manuscrito, que contiene 266 páginas escritas en latín y francés, se considera con razón un ejemplo único en el sentido de que tanto la cubierta como las páginas están cortadas en forma circular, de unos 9 cm de diámetro.
El "Codex Rotundus" fue escrito en 1480 en latín y francés. Desgraciadamente, desconocemos el nombre de su autor, sólo el lugar donde se realizó: Brujas. Sin duda, podemos afirmar que el autor de este códice era un artista extraordinario, capaz de pintar ilustraciones muy finas en hojas muy pequeñas.
En la actualidad, el "Codex Rotundus" se conserva en la Biblioteca de la Catedral de Hildesheim (Alemania).
Nel periodo Medievale sono stati prodotti molti codici miniati e libri delle ore: alcuni di questi sono dei veri e propri gioielli da ammirare e sfogliare. Alcuni presentano delle peculiarità che li rendono unici al mondo: è il caso del prezioso “Codex Rotundus”.
Il Codex Rotundus è giustamente considerato un bell'esempio di cultura libraria medievale, non solo per le sue dimensioni ma soprattutto per la sua forma peculiare. Contenente 266 pagine scritte in latino e francese , il manoscritto è giustamente considerato un esempio unico in quanto sia la copertina che le pagine sono tagliate in una forma circolare , di circa 9 cm di diametro.
Il “Codex Rotundus” è stato redatto nel 1480 in latino e in francese. Purtroppo non si conosce il nome del suo autore ma solo il luogo dove è stato realizzato: Bruges. Possiamo certamente affermare che l’autore di questo Codex era un artista straordinario, in grado di dipingere illustrazioni di grande pregio su piccolissimi fogli.
Al momento il “Codex Rotundus”è conservato nella Biblioteca della Cattedrale di Hildesheim in Germania.
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muspeccoll · 1 year ago
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Manuscript Monday comes to you with a nearly complete fifteenth-century Book of Hours from the Convent of Santi Giovanni e Paolo in Venice. This manuscript has two sections, the second having been added to the first within a generation of the book's manufacture. The first section of the manuscript (fols. 1-270) contains a standard Italian Dominican Book of Hours with a kalendar, Hours of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Office of the Dead, Penitential psalms, and Short Hours of the Cross. Exceptionally, unusual, however, are the contents of section two, which opens with a rare Office of the Glorious Virgin, followed by two Marian litanies. Such litanies multiplied in the late fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, and these follow the standard pattern of calling on the Virgin by her attributes, as a mother, brides, spouse, intercessor, etc. Learn more about this manuscript at the link below:
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silverstar5000 · 29 days ago
Certified red sun moment. The Wheel has been prophesized to return to the Lower Skies.
the groundhog reportedly saw "a blood red sun. in the foreground a massive wheel framing the sun in the sky. the wheel has ceased to turn". nobody is sure what this means but its probably fine
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paintedcrows · 4 months ago
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Whenever Bill sees KingOfNJ's fics through Stan's eyes he just thinks they have the same taste in fanfiction (disgusting. unthinkable) continued
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dontdenymeshakespeare · 2 months ago
Christmas & Birthday Book Haul
As always I’ve combined these two lists because my birthday is two days after Christmas. They are in no particular order. The Last Empress by Anchee Min In the 19th century, China was rocked by local rebellions and foreign attacks and Tzu Hsi was the only constant. Through it all, she faces personal losses and the condition of her country, which seems like it’s near collapse. The Barbizon by…
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stemmmm · 1 month ago
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group therapy
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maibeloved · 6 months ago
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Guess who is back in their gravity falls phase! (After it being dormant for almost a decade!)
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magentasnail · 7 months ago
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I'm absolutely obsessed with the book of bill, best thing i've ever read and it no joke gave me actual nightmares !! 100/10
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cloudberrytroll · 23 days ago
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Doodling Falin in Adam Sandler outfits
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upennmanuscripts · 30 days ago
Welcome to February! Here are February pages from calendars from a variety of books of hours from Philadelphia (and one non-book of hours...). The labor of the month for February is "Warming by the fire" (usually) and the Zodiac is Pisces, which is represented by two fish (usually).
Books of Hours on BiblioPhilly:
LJS 463 (not a book of hours):
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must-be-mr-boggins · 1 year ago
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Taking a 5-second break from the Bagginshield angst to bring you this meme I created after an all-nighter, enjoy.
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egophiliac · 4 months ago
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one last batch of Scully Js for the road before Malleus eats my brain again
let's all pour one out for the King of Halloween, whose only crime was being born a Hot Topic goth before Hot Topic existed for him to shoplift his Jack Skellington merch from (and also the whole turning people into pumpkins thing I GUESS) (look, nobody's perfect)
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thebeautifulbook · 10 months ago
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CODEX ROTUNDUS (Flanders, c.1480)
Held by Dombibliothek Hildesheim, Germany.
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notbecauseofvictories · 4 months ago
sometimes, you wake up and your first thought is "I cannot be a person today." often---most of the time---you have to then get out of bed and proceed with being a person, regardless of your feelings on the matter.
but sometimes, occasionally, once in a while....it's nice to email your boss, get back in bed, and go the fuck back to sleep.
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poemsforthesehours · 4 months ago
Poem by Leslie J Anderson.
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