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imaginativebasicintrovert · 3 years ago
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I recently watched Empire Records and it gave me such a good book idea 💜 (if you hadn’t seen my story) where I included a few of my own records and a few books which have mentioned either books or a coming of age style writing! 😍 ≠ ≠ ≠ ≠ ≠ ≠ Book Challenges: • Short but sweet by @lex_withthe_text #bipoctober • Dangerous and deadly reads by @inkand.imagination #bookwitchoct21 • Non-Western by @bookishconlife #bookishconlifeoct21 • Thrilling Reads by @littlemissstar55 #lmsoctober2021 • Light or cozy read by @crossroadreview #wishywashywishful • Character with a sweet tooth by @sistershelves #backtofall2021 • Cozy by @rambling_daydreamer #averyperrychallenge ≠ ≠ ≠ ≠ ≠ #bookstagram #bookstagrammer #empirerecordsfilm #empirerecordsmovie #bookrecs #bookstack #booksandrecords #booksandvinyls #bookishmusic #ninetiesmovie #shortsweetreads #spicyreads #youngadultfiction #yareads #comingofagenovels #paperbacklove #lightreading #cozycorner #booktech #characterlove https://www.instagram.com/p/CU7l3qOvsF8/?utm_medium=tumblr
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basement-bookcase · 8 years ago
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Happy Monday #bookstagrammers ! May your day be short and your coffee (or tea) be strong! ☕☕☕ QOD: Would you rather be a hero or a villain? AOD: I think I'd rather be a villain. Mainly cause I find their stories to be more interesting than that of heros. ☕☕☕ It's day 6 of #bookishmusicals : Wicked-Misunderstood character. I picked Adelina Amouteru from @marieluthewriter The Young Elites series, which if you haven't read I highly recommend it. ☕☕☕ In other, non bookish news, I still feel like death. I can't seem to shake this cold and by the end of the day yesterday I had no voice. It's come back but I suspect I'll lose it again before the day is out 🤒 I hope you guys have a great day! ☕☕☕ #bookstagram #bookphotography #bookphotochallenge #theyoungelites #marielu #booklover #booknerd #bibliophile #bookworm #bookaholic #ya #ireadya #book📖 #book📚 #books #libros #livres
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thewhimsybookworm · 6 years ago
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Happy #internationalmotherlanguageday 💐 Bangla is my mothertongue. It's the language of my people. The language I learnt first. The language of lullabies. Stories of fairies and queens and magic and mythology, all came to me in Bangla, told by my Thamma and Maa. Jokes and Gopalbhar stories from Baba, every night before bed time, also came in Bangla. Afternoons, meant lying next to Maa, as she read me poems and stories from Aabol Taabol. All of it in Bangla. There is a place in my heart that is dedicated to my mother tongue. There are certain things that can only be explained in Bangla. Nayka, for instance. Or aatel. Slipping into Bangla is comforting. Being in Bengal and hearing it being spoken all around me is soothing, especially since I have never lived in Bengal full time. I love my mother tongue but can't write or read it, so one of MAJOR reading goals in life is to read as much as Bengali literature in translation as I can possibly read. I dedicate April (for the last couple of years) to reading only Bengali books and Bengali authors for #allbengalbooksinapril 😘 it's one of my favourite months as a result. I may be biased but I love how sweet Bangla sounds. I love the sound of it, the cadence and the rhythm of the sound of it. I am so grateful, that I grew up in a house where we were made to speak in our mother tongue. Growing up in Bombay, English was the language we, my sister and I, were most comfortable and fluent in, but Baba insisted we speak Bangla at home. Thank God! I would be slightly upset if I ended up being the probashi Bengali who couldn't speak Bangla. Even though as a 6 year old I wasn't a big fan of the house rules 😊 What is your Mother Tongue? Are you fluent in it? Do tell! . . . #Bengalibooks #literaturelover #literaryfiction #classics #classicliterature #translatedbooks #regionallit #readindianregionallit #Bangla #longcaption #writersofig #writing #postitfortheaesthetic #bookishfeatures #bookstagram #unitedbookstagram #bibliophile #bookishmusings #womenwhoread #readersofig #igreads #bookblogger #bookblog #indianblogger https://www.instagram.com/p/BuJ6XnLHRFt/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=5aoihzg79ycy
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theeyelinermanifesto · 8 years ago
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“This is not for you.” ―Mark Z. Danielewski, House of Leaves 🏠🌀🍂 . . • @markzdanielewski . . • #HouseofLeaves is one of my forever favorites. I have never experienced such a ride before. #grimdragon @grimdark_dad @the_infinite_book_dragon . . • #circleofbookishfriends @sadie_reads_them_all . . • #bookishgalsmarch @bookishgals . . • #keepbookmarching @readsleepfangirl @myriadinklings @booksthetics . . • #quoththemarchbookchallenge @quoththebooklover . . • #springbookishflowers17 @spinatale @tiff_holme @tarasbookshelf @mo_the_bookish @charli_the_book_princess . . • #livelaughbooksmarch @acciobooksncoffee @_livelaughread . . • #bookishmusicals @storied.adventures @nomilia @basement_bookcase @b00kswithmaps @vixenreads . . #markzdanielewski #bookcircle #booksandflowers #bookspiral #bookish #booknerd #bookworm #booklover #readordie #bookdragon #becauseofreading #igreads #bibliophile #bookstagram #booklove #reading #nocturnalreads
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cassiesbookishcorner · 8 years ago
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March 18, 2017 Hello Bookworms! It's the weekend yay!! No idea what plans are yet for today but my brother is wanting to do something today so we might go out this evening or for lunch. Idk yet =) I am currently reading The Shadow Queen and it is so good!!! I am only on chapter 7 but dang what a beginning to a book! PLUS it has dragons!!! 🐉🐉🐉 Who doesn't love dragons?!? This is such a different twist on a beloved fairytale. I hope it doesn't disappoint! This is the last book out of the 10 I got from the library. I need to get it finished before we leave for vacation!! . What are you reading this weekend? 📚 #bookishmusicals - Cats: Talking Animals - the animals kind of talk in this book #hellobookishspring17 - book & beverage #grimdragon - magical dragon/evil dragons #bookishfoodiesmar - characters who sacrifice for others - Lorelai #pagelingsmarch - #currentlyreading 📚🐉🍎
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thechrysalisbrewproject · 3 years ago
Musical Renditions of Iconic Literary Pieces: Top 5 Songs Inspired By Books
Musical Renditions of Iconic Literary Pieces: Top 5 Songs Inspired By Books - by Kajori Sheryl Paul #TheChrysalisBREWProject #BookTwitter #books #bookishmusic
Every piece of art is a culmination of love, passion, and determination. So, what happens when art imitates art? Well, the result is nothing short of magical. Just like us, readers, our favorite musicians also like to curl up with a nice book now and then. The only difference is that when they are truly touched by a story, they might take it upon themselves to create a musical rendition of it.…
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bookishnerd-posts · 5 years ago
Bookish musings #1
I am really struggling to get into my current read - carry on by Rainbow Rowell - but I need to read it for my OWLs. I am hoping that it will pick up soon. I also have a strong urge to buy a book by V.E. Schwabb
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thetempusfugit · 7 years ago
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Stressing about everything right now when I should be focussing on going to sleep... • Have any of you read this book? It's completely Canadian so I can't wait to get to it. But it's historical fiction and normally my itch for that genre takes over in the fall months... • #donotsaywehavenothing #madeleinethien #bookishmusings #historicalfiction #canadianbooks #canadianauthor #bookstagram #bibliophile #booknerd #bookaholic #bookgram #bookstagram #bookphotography #bookworm #bookstagramfeature #book #bookish #aesthetic #vsco #booklovers #bookstagramfeature
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studyburd · 6 years ago
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🎶QOTD: What song reminds you of your favourite book?🎶 . . I have to stop coming up with questions that I can't answer very well myself.. I don't even know what my favourite book is 😂 Let's go with Six of Crows, whenever I listen to Villains of Circumstance by Queens of the stone age, I think of Kaz. . 🗡#schwabseptember day 9: sunai | music - I have only four words for this: SQUASH ONE, SQUASH TWO . . 🖋#bawritinglife 9/9: bookstagram recommendations. Here is a shoutout to some of my fave bookstagrammers on here . @br.enda @thebookranter @paperbackbones @paperfury @thehijabifangirl . Who are your faves? Share the love! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #theravencycle #theravenboys #ravenboys #dreamthieves #bluelilylilyblue #ravenking #theravenking #gansey #bluesargent #adamparrish #ronanlynch #noahczerny #trc #maggiestiefvater #mybookfeatures #fantasybooks #magicalrealism #bookstawhapp #lovereading #booknerd #headphones #music #bookishmusic #squashonesquashtwo #bookstagram https://www.instagram.com/p/BnhFY1rl2Fn/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1j26mai10ckli
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basement-bookcase · 8 years ago
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Happy Sunday #bookstagrammers ! ☕☕☕ Day 12 of #bookishmusicals ! Les Mis: Foreign Author. I picked Leo Tolstoy. I have yet to finish any of his books but I think I'm going to challenge myself to finish one this year. ☕☕☕ I hope you guys have a great day! ☕☕☕ #bookstagram #bookphotography #bookphotochallenge #leotolstoy #anakarenina #classic #book #books #bibliophile
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theeyelinermanifesto · 8 years ago
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“I was not prey any longer, I decided as I eased up to that door. And I was not a mouse. I was a wolf.” ― Sarah J. Maas, A Court of Mist and Fury 🌌🖤✨ . . • A Court of Mist and Fury was easily my favorite book of 2016. I'm in countdown mode for #ACourtofWingsandRuin and can't wait for May! . . • #bookishmusicals @vixenreads @b00kswithmaps @storied.adventures @nomilia @basement_bookcase . . • #marchintoreads @bribookishconfessions @readsbyrose @nightreads @enamoredreads . . • #cjsreadsphotochallenge @cluesandreviews @wherethereadergrows @jessicamap . . • #ampersandmarch17 @commasandampersands . . • #nerdybookchallenge @eatdrinkreadrepeat @dropandgivemenerdy . . • #literaryspring17 @avoiding_reality_ @lulumoonowlbooks . . @therealsjmaas #maasdestruction #bookstack #acomaf #rhysand #feyredarling #acourtofmistandfury #sarahjmaas #bookish #booknerd #bookworm #booklover #readordie #bookdragon #becauseofreading #igreads #bibliophile #bookstagram #booklove #reading #yalit #yaliterature #highlordofthenightcourt
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theeyelinermanifesto · 8 years ago
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'Me and my head high And my tears dry Get on without my guy You went back to what you knew So far removed from all that we went through And I tread a troubled track My odds are stacked I'll go back to black' 🖤✨. —Amy Winehouse . . • Day 15: #backtoblack Amy was such a sad loss. This is still one of my favorite albums. #circleofbookishfriends @sadie_reads_them_all . . • #bibliophilespring @oasisgirlmd @brumblewumps.books.and.plush . . • #squeakybookishlibrary @a_tad_bit_bookish @thesqueakycupboard @ladyofthelibrary . . • #storiesasoldastime @readersaregonnaread @insidethepagesblog #rowanwhitethorn . . • #keepbookmarching @readsleepfangirl @booksthetics . . • #BookCrown #alliwantformarchisabook @beautyandthebeastlybooks @meiiandbooks @honeydukesbooks @autumnmaryreads . . • Orphan- #aelinashryvergalathynius #bookishmusicals @storied.adventures @vixenreads @nomilia @basement_bookcase @b00kswithmaps . . • C- #celaenasardothien #ampersandmarch17 @commasandampersands . . @therealsjmaas #maasdestruction #sarahjmaas #yalit #yaliterature #ireadya #fantasybooks #blackbooks #booksandflowers #bookish #booknerd #bookworm #booklover #readordie #bookdragon #becauseofreading #igreads #bibliophile #bookstagram #booklove #reading
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theeyelinermanifesto · 8 years ago
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“I'd cut up my heart for you to wear if you wanted it.” ― Margaret Mitchell, Gone with the Wind 🖤📖✨ . . • It's probably about time for a reread! . . • Day 14: Books set where you live... #grimdragon @the_infinite_book_dragon @grimdark_dad . . • #circleofbookishfriends @sadie_reads_them_all . . • #bibliophilespring @oasisgirlmd @brumblewumps.books.and.plush . . • #squeakybookishlibrary @a_tad_bit_bookish @ladyofthelibrary @thesqueakycupboard . . • Scarlett - Powerful female lead #storiesasoldastime @readersaregonnaread @insidethepagesblog . . • #bookishgalsmarch @bookishgals . . • #bookishmusicals @storied.adventures @nomilia @vixenreads @b00kswithmaps . . #gonewiththewind #atlantaga #scarlettohara #rhettbutler #margaretmitchell @scribnerbooks @simonandschuster #bookish #booknerd #bookworm #booklover #readordie #bookdragon #becauseofreading #igreads #bibliophile #bookstagram #booklove #bookdragon #reading
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theeyelinermanifesto · 8 years ago
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“I love sleep. My life has the tendency to fall apart when I'm awake, you know?” ― Ernest Hemingway 😴😴. . • Happy National Napping Day! Very appropriate. I'm asleep at the wheel. #nationalnappingday . . • Day 13: #PastelBooks #keepbookmarching @readsleepfangirl @myriadinklings @booksthetics . . • #circleofbookishfriends @sadie_reads_them_all . . • #grimdragon @the_infinite_book_dragon @grimdark_dad . . • #bibliophilespring @oasisgirlmd @brumblewumps.books.and.plush . . • #squeakybookishlibrary @a_tad_bit_bookish @ladyofthelibrary @thesqueakycupboard . . • #storiesasoldastime @readersaregonnaread @insidethepagesblog . . • #bookishgalsmarch @bookishgals . . • #springbookishflowers17 @spinatale @tiff_holme @tarasbookshelf @mo_the_bookish @charli_the_book_princess . . • #bookishmusicals @nomilia @storied.adventures @vixenreads @b00kswithmaps @basement_bookcase . . • #bookloversmarch17 . . #bookish #booknerd #bookworm #booklover #readordie #bookdragon #becauseofreading #igreads #bibliophile #bookstagram #booklove #bookdragon #reading
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basement-bookcase · 8 years ago
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#bookishmusicals day 10: Sweeney Todd: Book with Murder. ▪️I picked Stalking Jack the Ripper as this book has several murders within its pages. I didn't enjoy this book very much. It was pretty disappointing to be honest. Have you guys read it? What did you think? 🖤🖤🖤 So I've been stressing about Grad Schools lately and today it got worse. One of the programs I applied to has been discontinued. So now I'm very worried I won't get into the other program I applied for. I've been crying off and on for the last few hours and I'm just really depressed right now. Sorry for the not so uplifting post. 🖤🖤🖤 #bookstagram #bookphotography #bookphotochallenge #yalit #ireadya #coverlove #bookish #book #bookworm #bookaholic
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theeyelinermanifesto · 8 years ago
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“Some people have remarkably sturdy illusions.” ―Stephen King, The Bazaar of Bad Dreams . . • Bless their hearts. ✌🏼🖤🖤🖤 . . • Your bedside table: #grimdragon @the_infinite_book_dragon @grimdark_dad . . • #circleofbookishfriends @sadie_reads_them_all . . • #squeakybookishlibrary @a_tad_bit_bookish @ladyofthelibrary @thesqueakycupboard . . • #storiesasoldastime @readersaregonnaread @insidethepagesblog . . • #bookishgalsmarch @bookishgals . . • #quoththemarchbookchallenge @quoththebooklover . . • #bookishmusicals @nomilia @storied.adventures @vixenreads @b00kswithmaps . . #booksandcandles #evilgenius #booksandcoffee #constantreader #horrornerd #ghostland #thehauntedlibrary #thestephenkingcompanion #aseasonwiththewitch #bookish #bookstagram #bookworm #booklover #bookblog #booknerd #reading #becauseofreading #booknerdigans #booklove #bibliophile #bookdragon
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