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thereaderbee Β· 8 years ago
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Happy First Day of Spring, Bookworms!! --- Can you believe it's Spring already?? I can't, even though here in the south it's felt like Spring for weeks now. ☺ I'm actually really looking forward to warmer weather, though I'll regret saying that in a few weeks when it's so hot out you can't hardly breathe. πŸ˜† --- 🌺 Book & Flowers. #marchintoreads 🌸 Happy Spring (Pastel Books) #springintobooks17 🌷 #keepbookmarching --- Top 3 Fave Characters. #MarchBookstagram - Wow, so this is a tough one. I have SO many favorite characters. One would be Lia from the *Remnant Chronicles* series by Mary E. Pearson. She's so fierce, and I love her. πŸ€“ And Hermione and Luna from the Harry Potter series. I adore them!! ☺ --- β€’ Tell me, what's your favorite season?? β€’ And who are your top 3 favorite characters?? --- It's a new week! What are you reading today?? --- #bookphotochallenge #bookstagram #bookstagrammer #bookstagramfeature #yabooks #happyspring
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bbookishconfessions Β· 8 years ago
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Who has seen Beauty & the Beast so far? I haven't seen it yet. 😳 Not sure when I'll get the chance to see it as my sister, @ghostlyreads is going back to university tomorrow afternoon. πŸ˜• Day 18: #MarchIntoReads beauty and the beast β€’ #newadult #tilliecole #hadeshangmen #popfunko #bookandfunko #bookbeau #beautyandthebeast
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cassiesbookishcorner Β· 7 years ago
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March 31, 2018 My Wrap Up 😁 Very happy with the books I completed this month. However, I did DNF 2😒 πŸ“šπŸ€πŸ“š #bookqueensmar18 #geekyglowreadsinspace #bookishmar18 #allthebooksmarch #mindforbooksmarch #bookishrandomthings #bookishvariety #randombooksmarch #rfabmarch18 #yadiscordmarch #marchinbooks18 #beastlybooksmarch18 #litkhalmar18 #jessbookishmarch #marchbookstagram18 #dreambunnybookishmarch18 #duskangelmar18 #marchintoreads #fangirlinginmarch #iamsweetmarch #readlikeagirl #bookreadhappyhour #readgushtag18
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rabbitearsblog Β· 7 years ago
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It's green and white day and you know what that means! That means I get to showcase my green and white books to every book fan out there! (HOORAY!!!😁😁😁) πŸ€ πŸ’š πŸ’š πŸ’š πŸ“šQOTD: Do you have a lot of green books? πŸ€ πŸ’š πŸ’š BOOK CHALLENGES: πŸ€πŸ€πŸ€πŸ€πŸ€ #marchintoreads : Day 2: green and white books πŸ€ πŸ’š πŸ’š πŸ’š πŸ’š #booksofinstagram #bookworm #bookhaul #boughtbooks #bookshelf #bookstagram #bookphotosundays #bookphotography #instalove #instabooks #bookporn #bookpic #bibliophile #booknerdigans #bookfeaturepage #bookstagramfeature
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ritasawyerauthor Β· 7 years ago
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#marchintoreads wants to know which series you need to read ASAP! First @reidromance's #Winstonbrothers and #knittinginthecity series also @mandymroth's PSI-Ops series. #readresponsibly #ireadromance #authorsofinstagram (at Warren, Massachusetts)
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justme-kim Β· 8 years ago
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πŸ“Œ book to movie adaptation πŸ“… day 16 of #marchintoreads I got #themazerunner and #kiterunner for this #booktag .
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kathrynpurdie Β· 8 years ago
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Reposting this gorgeousness from @seeing_double_in_neverland. Sonya would be so honored to know she was the center of this awesome book rainbow on International Women's Day! πŸ‘ŠπŸ» ... #Reposting @seeing_double_in_neverland with @instarepost_app -- Today's #bookstagramchallenge is Rainbow - #frenchiefantasymarch Fav female characters and I picked some of my favorites in fantasy #marchintoreads #internationalwomensday - I am recognizing some of my favorite authors @evelyn_skye @morganrhodesya @byannabanks @marieluthewriter @lbardugo @alwynhamilton #raecarson @mrs.erinsummerill and @kathrynpurdie - #bookishfoodiesmar #dreambunnybookishmarch #livelaughbooksmarch #booknerdigans #bookstagram #bookblogger #bookporn #bookworm #booknerd #booklover #instabook #bookish #books #bookstoread #bibliophile #avidreader #booksforlife #fiercereads #epicreads #favorites #instapic #bookphotography #igreads #bookblog #bookstagrammer ... @adamsliterary @epicreads @katherinetegenbooks
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thereaderbee Β· 8 years ago
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Every month I do a photo prompt for Hardcover Books, and every month I share a stack of hardcovers that I've yet to finish, or even start in some cases! This stack of unread hardcovers seems to get taller and taller every time I post it. Sigh. ☺ One of these days, I'll actually read all these books. --- πŸ“š Hardcover Books. #marchintoreads --- πŸ“š Series You Wont Finish. #marchbookstagram --- You know, I can't think of a series that I have absolutely no plans to finish. I just want to read ALL THE BOOKS!! Now I just need a genie that will grant me unlimited reading time. πŸ˜† --- What book series have you yet to finish but really want to?? --- #bookphotochallenge #bookstagram #bookstagrammer #bookstagramfeature #bookishfeatures #yabooks #hardcover #currentlyreading
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bbookishconfessions Β· 8 years ago
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It's been a couple years now since I read the Slammed trilogy by @colleenhoover and it's one of those that has impacted my reading life. I remember so many details from this book and it's one that completely engulfed me into the story. MANY, MANY, MANY tears were shed and so many emotions were felt. I adore this trilogy so so much!! Day 21: #MarchIntoReads chapter 15; #dreambunnybookishmarch bibliophile characters β€’ #newadult #colleenhoover #slammedtrilogy #slammed #popfunko #bookandfunko
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cassiesbookishcorner Β· 8 years ago
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March 8, 2017 Does anyone else get migraines that last all day? Or feel dizzy? I don't know if I am having vertigo problems or what but these last couple days I have had dizzy spells and I am not too thrilled about it. It also seems to happen when I'm on the computer too long. Which is why I'm rarely on it anymore... Anyways!!! Happy Int. Women's Day! πŸ“š #fantasticmarch - book & candle #bookishmusicals - Elvira: Strong Heroine #fanaticalbirdmarch #rfabmarch17 #marchintoreads - fave female character #bookspringmarch - #girlpower #ampersandmarch17 - women #springtalesandroses #dreambunnybookishmarch #dreampanda #bookishfoodiesmar #illidanslibrary #marchnovelgram - Int Women's Day #tdfmar17 - badass ladies #watermelanerdsmarch - strong female characters πŸ“š I have a huge book haul coming tomorrow!!! I am so excited to show all of you!! I will be doing an in boxing in my story!! πŸ“š #bibliophile #bookstagram #bookworm #bookish #booklover #internationalwomensday #intwomensday #fantasy #read #books #ilovetoread #bookaddict #bookaholic #chevron #bookspiral
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rabbitearsblog Β· 7 years ago
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Happy #socksunday everyone! Here I'm wearing a different set of socks for this photo and it's right next to a set of some of my favorite books! Now if this isn't a money shot, I don't know what is! πŸ’– πŸ’š πŸ’š πŸ’š πŸ’š πŸ“šQOTD: Did you celebrate St. Patrick's Day? πŸ’– πŸ’š πŸ’š BOOK CHALLENGES : πŸ€πŸ€πŸ€πŸ€πŸ€ #marchintoreads : Day 25: #socksunday #bookishgalsmarch18 : Day 21: comfort read πŸ’– πŸ’š πŸ’š πŸ’š πŸ’š #booksofinstagram #bookworm #bookhaul #boughtbooks #bookshelf #bookstagram #bookphotosundays #bookphotography #instalove #instabooks #bookporn #bookpic #bibliophile #bookfeaturepage #bookstagramfeature #bookstack #booknerdigans
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ubookquitous Β· 8 years ago
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From my favorites shelf and a TBR. #marchintoreading #thebacksofwomen It surprised me how many on just 2 shelves, so I can't imagine how many in all the ones on the kindle and ones I've read and no longer have! Interesting... Personally I've always found the back sexy, but I never guessed so many others did...lol
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pagingserenity Β· 8 years ago
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QOTD: What’s the hardest part of #bookstagram for you? AOTD: There are so many aspects about bookstagram that I have a hard time with. πŸ˜… Finding time to take pictures and actually posting them has been a huge struggle this year for me. So is staying active and But honestly, I struggle with feeling less than based on numbers the most. Most of the time, I’m able to ignore the fact that a post didn’t do as well as I thought it would (in terms of likes & comments). But other times, it really hits me. I guess it’s just difficult and frustrating to put so much effort into something and then feel like you get very little out of it. Which is totally the wrong way to be thinking, but sometimes, I just can’t help it. 😞😒 . ………………. . #fanaticalbirdmarch Fav author > I don’t really have one, but #MeaganSpooner and #AmieKaufman sure are close. #squeakybookishlibrary Heaven’s sake, is that a spot? > I feel like when they’re playing the game, both Sofia and Lilac would care about how their faces look. #livelaughbooksmarch Sci-fi books > I love the Starbound trilogy so much! #rfabmarch17 Purple, white, & silver #marchbookstagram Top 3 fave characters > My three favorite characters in #TheirFracturedLight have to be Tarver, Lee, and Lilac. #marchintoreads Book & flowers http://ift.tt/2nXjoyb
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theeyelinermanifesto Β· 8 years ago
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β€œI was not prey any longer, I decided as I eased up to that door. And I was not a mouse. I was a wolf.” ― Sarah J. Maas, A Court of Mist and Fury πŸŒŒπŸ–€βœ¨ . . β€’ A Court of Mist and Fury was easily my favorite book of 2016. I'm in countdown mode for #ACourtofWingsandRuin and can't wait for May! . . β€’ #bookishmusicals @vixenreads @b00kswithmaps @storied.adventures @nomilia @basement_bookcase . . β€’ #marchintoreads @bribookishconfessions @readsbyrose @nightreads @enamoredreads . . β€’ #cjsreadsphotochallenge @cluesandreviews @wherethereadergrows @jessicamap . . β€’ #ampersandmarch17 @commasandampersands . . β€’ #nerdybookchallenge @eatdrinkreadrepeat @dropandgivemenerdy . . β€’ #literaryspring17 @avoiding_reality_ @lulumoonowlbooks . . @therealsjmaas #maasdestruction #bookstack #acomaf #rhysand #feyredarling #acourtofmistandfury #sarahjmaas #bookish #booknerd #bookworm #booklover #readordie #bookdragon #becauseofreading #igreads #bibliophile #bookstagram #booklove #reading #yalit #yaliterature #highlordofthenightcourt
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justme-kim Β· 8 years ago
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Can't wait to finish my current read #prideandprejudice to start #kingscage #victoriaaveyard πŸ“…day 7 ➑ #newrelease πŸ“Œ #marchintoreads πŸ“Œ #booknerdigans #bookstagrammers #bookstagramph #bookstagram #bibliophile #booktag #bookworm #reading #bookstagrambaguio
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beautifulserendipity101 Β· 8 years ago
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β€œSometimes, as we're stumbling along in the dark, we hit something good.” ― Susan Ee, Angelfall . Day 23 Book Challenge β˜€οΈ . πŸ“– Unfinished Series - This trilogy by Susan Ee is so underrated πŸ’” I love this angel themed story sm. It's so good that I can finish one book per day. Heck I can finish both books in one day, because it's THAT good πŸ˜‚ But i haven't started on the third book yet because I'm afraid of finishing it and saying goodbye to Rafe 😭 . #bookloversmarch17 #marchintoreads #squeakybookishlibrary #livelovebooksmarch . . #vsco #vscobooks #vscoreads #vscogoodshot #vscophile #vscogrid #vscogood #vsco_hub #vscocam #vscoart #love #bookstagram #bibliophile #bookish #booktag #bookloversph #book #books #bookporn #bookstagramfeature #bookworm #bookchallenge #epicreads #yabooks #yalit #love
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