aintgonnatakethis · 27 days
Find the word tag!
Thanks for tagging me, @bookish-karina! My words are devious, truth, mark, and night.
Tagging: @annwayne @fortunatetragedy @the-golden-comet @drchenquill @gioiaalbanoart to find the words edge, sip, orbit, and court in your WIPs.
Truth - Untitled Sheppard-turns-Kolya-over-to-Todd (SGA)
Slowly, his gun inched downwards until it was pointing at the ground. Nothing about Kolya's expression changed. He could see the truth of the situation - that no reprieve had been provided. He could see Sheppard as one predator recognised another, a twisted kinship connecting them.
Mark - Your Own Worst Enemy (SGU)
So that's it then. It doesn't matter that Young risked everything to save him. It doesn't matter that Telford killed Kiva. None of it matters, because the mark she left on him is indelible, strong enough to be clearly visible on the projection in the middle of the core room, with the entire science team watching on. Witness my weakness, Telford thinks; this was my capitulation. This is why you're here. Your blood is on my hands.
Night - Skirting The Vague Outline Of A Boundary (SGA)
They'd had a few beers and an empty popcorn bucket was lying at their feet, a few trace kernels making their heroic escape attempts onto Sheppard's carpet. They were sitting on the floor, propped up against the foot of his bed as it was far too narrow for them to fit comfortably on together. Rodney's prescription mattress hurt the hell out of Sheppard's back so Rodney had graciously said that the floor was acceptable as long as he could bring extra pillows, which they were now sprawled out on top of. "I can't believe you don't like Bertha," he'd stated upon arriving. "...Bertha?" "My..." Rodney had gotten very red and busied himself arranging the pillows with far more attention than the task required. "My mattress." Sheppard had decided to bank that gem for later and had spent a pleasant two hours and change listening to Rodney more than the movie. He'd be able to watch it later with the team as a whole on movie night. Teyla had been surprisingly taken with Catwoman - Sheppard having expected a very different reaction - and been tolerant if amused at Rodney's attempts to get her interested in Doctor Who. Ronon was always very focused whenever he was shown a new film, especially if there was some sort of violence in it. He'd openly scoffed at the fighting technique in Fight Club and become a giddy twelve year old when presented with Jaws. Sheppard had placed an order with the Daedalus for the 2001 version of Planet of the Apes, even though Rodney insisted flat out that the originals were better.
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fortunatetragedy · 1 month
it's find the word time!
Thank you @bookish-karina for the tag <3
You guys know what's up: ctrl+f your wip for the word, post a snippet, pick new words and tag other people.
My words: gentle, pretend, stars, secret Your words: mouth, pace, pit, cell
I'm snipping all of my examples from Doom Metal Love Story Book 1. Skip "stars" if you don't want vague spoilers. Read "secret" if you want to see an example of someone crazy enough to only use pronouns in a homosexual love scene.
gentle: September 1872
With the same efficiency with which she had divested the bed of its clothes, so too did Gott strip Royston. In a matter of seconds she had him barefoot and down to his shirt and trousers, his shirt cuffs unbuttoned. She sought a pulse at his wrist, then again at the neck. Nodded when she found it, that time. Dropped his suspenders and unhooked his belt. "What can I do?" Sullivan asked. "Stay. He is more heavy than he looks." They hoisted him into bed, Gott directing Sullivan to keep him upright while she removed the last of his clothing, leaving him in his undervest and drawers. The man's head tipped forward, chin hitting his chest. A deluge of drool left his mouth. Gott was gentle as she took him by the temples and guided his head back onto Sullivan's shoulder. Her eyes traveled his body, found the sheath. Three knives he saw now, not one. "Lay him on his side," Gott said, then: "Help me disarm him."
pretend: Chapter 5, 1874 timeline
Royston took the satchel after a long moment of appraisal, and Sullivan snatched his hand away. If Mitchell walked in and saw Royston trying to grope him through the bars, the rumor mill would catch fire. "It's just past twenty-three hundred hours now. I will be in to get you at oh-three-thirty. I recognize you normally retire at dawn. Please try to sleep anyway." "When do you intend to sleep?" "After I check our equipment and confirm the route we're going to take. Don't worry about what I'm doing. You get some rest so you can at least pretend to be capable of listening to me when I ask you to do something tomorrow." The door banged open again, and Sullivan said silent thanks for Private Mitchell's renewed sense of urgency.
Throwing midpoint sort-of spoilers and the tag list under a cut.
stars: Chapter 16, 1874 timeline
Ah, it watches one time and thinks itself free to make demands! He is the same he we have always known. It, we do not know, Nameless One. Perhaps we meet never. I'm not making demands, I want to negotiate terms for his release! How many times has he watched the surgeon die? Or himself? How many more times are you going to make him do this? We don't even know what you want! The City considered this. Probed deeper. He saw stars. Saw the star he would become, if he proved a weak man. Inevitable light, consuming the Sun. What will it offer as sacrifice? Hah! It knows what is required. He deserves— Of course Cole deserved everything. But Cole didn't want a man who would turn himself inside out to appease a threat, who would spend the rest of their lives fighting because he did not know how to put away his knives.
secret: December 1872
This has never happened before. This will never happen again. Silent, the trooper wound his arms around the gambler and held him like a secret, like something the rest of the world could not know existed. Made a cloak of his own body to hide him as he seized his ear between his teeth, exhaled sweet and hot. Until he grabbed him by the gun-belt and walked him back into his room, where the rest of the world would not know they existed. Where the gambler could slide his palms up between their chests, and touch noses, and question without questioning. In the gambler's eyes, the trooper found what he sought. He most certainly did not see the nothing other men purported to see. Never had. He saw creation and destruction and he saw the same yearning as he felt in his own chest but he did not see nothing. Breath flowed from one to the next as the gambler's hands began to tremble, as he realized this was where he should have been all this time.
It's Friday, I'm tagging everyone I know.
@autism-purgatory @aalinaaaaaa @astramachina @ashfordlabs @ashirisu
@cssnder @cowboybrunch @deanwax @dyrewrites @elsie-writes
@finickyfelix @frostedlemonwriter @gioiaalbanoart @hagscribes @lychhiker-writes
@luchadorbard @maypearlss @mjjune @noturprobiem @noblebs
@scribble-dee-vee @sentfromwolves @sapphicwizards @the-golden-comet
@sunset-a-story @taranorma @touloserlautrec @wolgerrswraith @words-after-midnight
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"It is funny how you slip through the cracks without anyone noticing" please!!
It is actually a reblogged post for a prompt but I had it copied to a Word document for backup just in case something happens to this blog. (You gotta do what you have to do!)
Here, we have this conversation between Clarisse Berenguer (actually the titular prodigal heiress) and her landlady who knew her since both are Tayabas natives, Clarisse through her family and her landlady through marriage. Of course, the landlady knew her secret and kept it for her (before Clarisse let a few others into the secret).
Here is the post, but I would give you a bit of a snippet:
The voice of señora Perez cut through her reverie. “When I saw you once more, I almost did not recognize you,” the older woman admitted. “You look…brittle, almost untouchable, and that there is rage seething in you. Gone was the girl who made friends easily, laughed easily, chatted easily. I sometimes miss that little girl you once were.” “I don’t, she was a coward,” Clara answered, sharper than she intended.
So yes, make it what you will.
Happy writing!
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pearlobsession · 2 months
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me showing you my newest obsession
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stark-raving-romantic · 9 months
Poll one has been complete and the winner is The Lightning Thief! The winner of this poll will face off against the previous winner to declare the true winner and best opening line.
And again, if you feel I've forgotten a particularly good quote, feel free to suggest.
Please reblog to break containment 💙📚
The Voyage of the Dawn Treader: There was a boy called Eustace Clarence Stubbs and he almost deserved it.
Rebecca: Last night I dreamt I went to Manderly again.
The Dark Tower: The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed.
The Restaurant at the End of the Universe: In the beginning the Universe was created. This had made many people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move.
A Wrinkle in Time: It was a dark and stormy night.
The Book Thief: Here is a small fact: you are going to die.
The Outsiders: When I stepped out into the bright sunlight from the darkness of the movie house, I had only two things on my mind: Paul Newman and a ride home.
The Princess Bride: This is my favorite book in all the world, though I have never read it.
The Night Circus: The circus arrives without warning. No announcements precede it, no paper notices on downtown posts and billboards, no mentions or advertisements in local newspapers. It is simply there, when yesterday it was not.
Anna Karenina: Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.
The Fellowship of the Ring: When Mr. Bilbo Baggins of Bag End announced that he would shortly be celebrating his eleventyifirst birthday with a party of special magnificence, there was much talk and excitement in Hobbiton.
Frankenstein: You will rejoice to hear that no disaster has accompanied the commencement of an enterprise which you have regarded with such evil forebodings
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tomatoreads · 2 years
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📖: Lease on Love ✍: Falon Ballard Rating: 🌟🌟🌟🌟
I honestly enjoyed reading this book. I remember smiling at some scenes that are witty, sweet and heartwarming. It was a little slow but  I didn't mind because I'm a sucker for slow burn and that is one of the strengths of this book. Sadie's circle of friends also earned brownie points on how they support each other. Harley, Gemma and Nick are one of the best fictional friends that I’ve ever read. Their group chat was chaotic and I loved it. Sadie and Jack’s struggle with giving each other nickname is so cute. My only issue why I have not given this 5 stars is the conflict at the end. The way Sadie reacted to it was not the type of reaction I was hoping and the way it was tied up was a little rushed.
📖: By Any Other Name ✍: Lauren Kate Rating: 🌟🌟🌟.75
I was skeptical when I picked up this book because I didn't really enjoy the Fallen series (though I only read the first book and didn’t bother to read the succeeding books). This book started so slow and to be honest i think there are parts in the beginning of the book that are unnecessary, the story will still go through without them. I’m almost halfway through when I started to officially like and enjoy this book. I just wish Lanie and Noah’s story started a few chapters early so that they will have more page time together. 
📖: The Royals Next Door ✍: Karina Halle Rating: 🌟🌟🌟.5
I love how the main characters of this novel are the side characters that we see in a romance with a royal trope. I enjoyed the storytelling, though I'm not a huge fan of how the royals in this novel are heavily influenced by Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s story. I laughed at some of the hilarious banters and some of Piper’s dilemma. If i’m going to rank this i would put this on my “I didn’t love it but I also didn’t hate it” pile. 
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wyked-ao3 · 28 days
🎶✨when u get this, list 5 songs u like to listen to, publish. then, send this ask to 10 of your favourite followers (positivity is cool)🎶✨
Thank you for the tag @and-make-it-double
1.paint it black (not picky on singer since it's the lyrics I'm after)
2. Take me to church by Hozier
3. The siren's song by karliene (lady of the lake is another favorite)
4.there is a bad moon on the rise by CCR
5. Thunderstruck by AC/DC
No pressure tags
@lillybaaaka @theneverwriter @adhdprincess @evilwriter37
@the-golden-comet @stars-forever @inksrepublic @gioiaalbanoart @bookish-karina @thatslytherinbitch54
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the-golden-comet · 18 days
✨💋Friday Kiss Tag💋✨
It’s here. It is finally here. ✨
Rules: From your story/WIP, share a scene with a kiss. It can be any kind of kiss, from familial pecks on the cheek, forehead smooches, to full blown makeouts
Happy Friday, everyone! It’s time for the kiss tag. Yep, Ali and Noah’s kiss.🧞‍♂️💋💫
From my WIP YWIMC, 33 chapters later. THE KISS….
…below the cut. Because it gets heated. Tag list is also below the cut, but consider this an +open tag. Share the love ✨
Also TW for people with emetophobia
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Loooooong tagging list. Lemme see those smooches 💖✨
@autism-purgatory @ath3alin @drchenquill @willtheweaver @wyked-ao3 @sunglasses-in-the-bentley @gioiaalbanoart @madi-konrad @alinacapellabooks @talesofsorrowandofruin @zackprincebooks @lychhiker-writes @thatuselesshuman @tabswrites @theverumproject @theliteraryarchitect @finickyfelix @bookish-karina @far-cry-from-finality @yourpenpaldee @unstableunicornsofasgard @orions-quill @poorreputation @mr-orion @aintgonnatakethis @astramachina @scribble-dee-vee @katenewmanwrites @kaylinalexanderbooks @paeliae-occasionally @fantasy-things-and-such @cybercelestian @corvys-clover @corinneglass @glasshouses-and-stones @houseplantblank @billybatsonmylove @justabigoldnerd @pippinoftheshire @brigidfromthecelts @noxxytocin @marlowethelibrarian @fortunatetragedy @littlepup93 @the-bar-sinister @despair-nagito @froggy-pposto @dyrewrites @deanwax
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Intro Post/Masterpost
These amazing dividers were made by @cafekitsune. go check them out! My banner was made by an IRL friend of mine. if you see this(which i doubt you will but maybe), thank you!
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Hello! The name's Enju. This is my introductory post. Welcome!
I'm a aspiring author and poet living in the US. I mainly write Fantasy and am dipping my toes into dystopia.
i have three projects, listed later.
Asks and tags are always welcome, but please please please don't be mad if i dont answer right away. I'm alittle slow on the upkeep + life outside of writing is pain. Ill get to asks eventually, I promise!
Although i treat this like my Main blog, my dumbass made them in the wrong order when I first got here. @i-hate-happy-endings is my main, and its quite empty lmao.
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#Sunset things: Related to my WIP, Sunset #Ailan's Legacy: Related to my WIP, White Candy #Frontline: Related to my WIP, Frontline #meet my OCs: A little series where i go into depth about my OCs #Enju's Worldbuilding: Stuff pertaining to worldbuilding(usually tagged with #Sunset things or #Ailans Legacy) #Greeted the Messenger: Replying to Asks
Master list for my WIP posts
Whenever i make a WIP post I'll make it pretty clear what kind of stuff is in it. CW mentions will always be at the top for mature themes and I'll try to put tone tags as well if i think there's any sorta stuff that might disturb people in there. And Lastly, Here be Dragons. I wont always remember or know what judgement to make, so Here be Dragons is my go-to warning label.
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Sunset: Sunset is a high-fantasy medieval romance series and the main topic of this blog.
White Candy(Ailan's Legacy): White Candy is a mystery novel with solar/steampunk elements.
Frontline(Placeholder name): Frontline is a dark fantasy dystopia with mature elements. Interact at your own risk.
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this'll get updated as I do short stories.
An Eternity With you: A short story on a immortal guy and his journey of love
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I'm afraid to tag my moots bc i interact with like two of them regularly. but they're all amazing people so here goes: @theliteraryarchitect @garden-of-runar @the-ellia-west @saturnsconstellation @wyked-ao3 @dandelionflowery @lana-maeve-occasionally-reads @themortalityofundyingstars @thisisntrocket @bookish-karina @elizaellwrites @the-golden-comet @illarian-rambling @a-pretty-damn-good-narrator @leave-a-message19 @aesthetic-writer18 @rivenantiqnerd @humongouskittentraveler @emilynotfound @the-alywickd @vyuntspakhkite-l-darling @melo-writes @agirlandherquill @heymacareyna @poethill @angst-is-love-angst-is-life These are all amazing people and you should go follow them.
Emotional support post
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Writing Share Tag!
Thanks to... @cowboybrunch, @kaylinalexanderbooks, @paeliae-occasionally, @fortunatetragedy, @frostedlemonwriter,
@aintgonnatakethis, @fractured-shield, @boomiburst, @writingamongther0ses, @just-emis-blog,
@willtheweaver, @bloodmoonloveletter, @illarian-rambling, @bookish-karina, @finickyfelix and all the other people I've completely missed! This has been sitting in my drafts too long :') Anyways enjoy this snippet of a story I'm never finishing! Below the cut cos it's kinda long
Jaimes, with a sly grin and a glint in his eye, leaned back in his chair, the dim light of the studio casting shadows on his face. "Why, hello there, Maria. Fancy seeing you here, hmm? Welcome to my radio station. I trust you will make yourself at home," he said, his voice smooth and inviting.
Maria, elegantly dressed and with poised grace, stepped into the room, her eyes scanning the eclectic surroundings. She gave a warm smile and replied, "Of course, dear friend. Thank you for the invitation. Ones such as us really ought to make contact more often. We are birds of a feather, after all…" Her tone was light, yet sharp, as though a blade was hidden beneath the silk of her shirt.
Jaimes chuckled softly, the sound resonating through the small, cozy studio. He gestured to a plush chair opposite his desk. "Please, sit down. It's been far too long since we've had a proper conversation. How have you been keeping yourself busy, Maria?"
She took the seat, crossing her legs and sinking into the cushions with a sigh. She looked around, taking in the vintage vinyl records lining the walls and the old-fashioned microphone on the desk. "Oh, you know me, Jaimes," she said with a playful twinkle in her eye. "Always dabbling in a bit of this and that. My latest project has been rather consuming, but I must say, it’s been a thrilling ride."
Jaimes leaned forward, resting his elbows on the desk, his curiosity piqued. "A new project, you say? You must tell me more. You know how I love a good story."
Maria's smile widened, and she leaned in slightly, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "Well, since you’re so eager to know, I suppose I can share a bit. It involves a little mystery, a touch of adventure, and quite a lot of cunning. But, I’m afraid I can’t divulge all the details just yet."
He raised an eyebrow, clearly intrigued. "You always did know how to pique my interest. Just promise me you’ll come back and share the whole tale when you can. It sounds like something worthy of a prime-time slot on our show."
Maria laughed, a melodic sound that filled the room. "Consider it a promise, Jaimes. And who knows, perhaps you might even play a part in it. We do make an excellent team, after all."
Jaimes nodded, a satisfied smile on his lips. "Indeed we do, Maria. Indeed we do."
Tagging everyone on my taglist for this one ;)
@coffeeangelinabox, @dorky-pals, @calliecwrites, @kaylinalexanderbooks, @shukei-jiwa
@thewingedbaron, @pluppsauthor, @cowboybrunch, @wylloblr, @possiblyeldritch @ramwritblr, @urnumber1star, @fortunatetragedy, @bigwipscholar, @ratedn
@vampirelover890, @possiblylisle, @illarian-rambling, @the-ellia-west
@finicky-felix, @evilgabe29, @glitched-dawn, @rivenantiqnerd, @dragonhoardesfandoms
@drchenquill, @everythingismadeofchaos, @owldwagitoutofyou, @dimitrakies, @beloveddawn-blog
@riveriafalll, @the-golden-comet
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honeybewrites · 4 days
OC Origins Name Tag
Thank you @the-golden-comet for the tag!! This seems like a fun one!!
Rules: I want to know how you came up with your original character’s names and personalities. Are they based on people in your real life? Are they straight from your brain? Are they a mix of several people?
My names really... vary on how I come up with them. A lot of times, especially for side characters, it's just 'what letters can I throw together that sound cool and look pleasing?' or 'I like this word so let's turn it into a name!' I've actually got a whole note on my phone dedicated just to random names I come up with lol
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Asset 703
So um, technically, she does have a name haha. I just haven't shared it yet because I've got this whole name reveal scene planned out that I'm basically debating on whether I should share it or make you guys wait for the finished product. I created her name when I was in middle school and it's stayed the same since then. The inspiring word was 'Chalcanthite' which is a toxic vibrant blue mineral found in copper mines (I had a geology phase). The number 703 was just a random number I threw together that looked good to me.
Fres has had a couple name changes over the years, along with some sex and gender switches, but this seems to be the one I've finally landed on. Honestly, I don't even remember how I came up with it. It was probably just a throw letters together situation. They've always had short names though.
Ronan "Rage" Airvix
Rage has also never had a name change. His inspiration for the name 'Rage' was actually the clones from Star Wars. I liked how their names weren't really things you would name somebody and were more off their personality or defining traits and I wanted to kind of follow that idea. Rage just kind of clicked. I also liked how it was the opposite of his personality, until you pissed him off. The name 'Airvix' came because he used to be a different species. An Aveei, which come from Realm Aveilu. Lots of As I know. I wanted a last name that kind of played off of air, aviation, or astro. The name just transferred over when he changed species.
Master Gerd
Once again, I don’t really recall how his name came about. He semi-recently had a character makeover, or downgrade I guess, because he's a dick. He's been in and out of the WIP in various forms since middle school and I can't really recall.
Healer Asurr
I threw some letter together and called it a day. They've had a couple variations with the word 'sure' being the starting point. Threw in some letters, dropped some, fiddled with a couple different spellings, and eventually decided on Asurr.
I'm tagging EVERYONE for this game because it was super fun and I wanna know how y'all came up with names! SO! *takes deep breath*
@fractured-shield @leahnardo-da-veggie @themboty @ink-enchanted @minamaybe
@halfbakedspuds @diabolical-blue @charlesjosephwrites @kaylinalexanderbooks @bookish-karina
@illarian-rambling @anaisbebe @aalinaaaaaa @katenewmanwrites @nczaversnick
@wyked-ao3 @yourpenpaldee
If I missed anyone, I apologize and consider yourself tagged! Seriously, please hop on this game it's so fun!
Also, open tag if anyone else wants to hop on!!
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aintgonnatakethis · 19 days
Two Truths and a Lie Tag!
Thanks for tagging me, @bookish-karina
So I don't have OCs, which this game's usually geared towards. However I feel like I've filled in enough of Telford's backstory across all of my AO3 writing to be able to use him!
No pressure tagging: @frostysfrenzy @adriankyte-writes @bagheerita @lancedoncrimsonwings
@aggsh-shs @sadoldmenadmirer @frostythedork (I think this is everyone who'd have read enough of my SGU stuff to be able to answer? If I've missed you I'm sorry and consider yourself tagged!)
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willtheweaver · 13 days
OC outfit tag
Thanks for the tag @the-golden-comet @theink-stainedfolk this does look like an interesting one
Well, nothing in my wardrobe would be anything my OCs would wear… BUT, there is a solution to that! I don’t have that much practice with doing outfits, so this is a nice excuse to do some artwork.
Here is what Fen wears:
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Tagging @kaylinalexanderbooks @mk-writes-stuff @melpomene-grey @ahordeofwasps @theeccentricraven
@finickyfelix @bookish-karina @xenascribbles @words-after-midnight @whatwewrotepodcast
@autism-purgatory @mysticstarlightduck and open tag
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defeatistwriter · 21 days
I took this author test -> Here
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Tagging mutuals if you want to do this/haven't already!
@dyrewrites @bookish-karina @authoradampowell @cssnder @sshawthorne @atlex0616 @floweryprosegarden @laplumedemaureen @rickie-the-storyteller @ivaspinoza
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corktheauthor · 1 month
WIP Tag List Game (¬‿¬ )
I was tagged by @absolutewritingfreak, go check them out if you have a minute!
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Okay, so I don't actually have a WIP folder, but I have a fanfiction folder with some WIPs and some books I'm working on/have stuck in my head and am doing absolutely no work on yet. Here goes!
A Reluctant Adventure to a Land of Dragons
Three Immortals vs A Ghost Rebellion
Doctor Who - Emotional Void
Goes Wrong - Superpower AU
Merlin - Pointy Hat
Not Going Out - Catch Me When I Fall
Superstore - Greater of Two Evils
Please, please, please send me asks about any of these, you'll make my day!!!!
Okay, people to tag: @goodluckclove (who already knows all about ARATALOD), @aloeverawrites, @6vaguebook, @izzylovesyou2022, @ace-writer-lani, @inmortalwritingsoul, @bookish-karina, and @rkmoon. Feel free to participate if you want, feel free to ignore this completely if you don't, and always be happy and stay safe.
Love y'all!!!
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WIP “Wednesday”
Thanks to @fractured-shield here, @honeybewrites here, @mundanemoongirl here, @bookish-karina here, @diabolical-blue here, and @mysticstarlightduck here!
Rules: post something about your WIP!
Was gonna wait for Wednesday but I am impatient.
Decided it would be fun if I compared the Going Into the Portal scene from each Draft of TSP so far!
All of these are in Lexi's POV (or Alexia, before she got her nickname)
Draft One (2013):
The beautiful blanket of May flowers stretched out all the way… to my house. <3 I sighed. Nothing was better than… “AAAHHH!!!” I whirled around. Aurora had disappeared! I moved the grass where she had been standing. A rock. A metal rock? I stood up, confused. I put my bag down, next to Aurora’s (which she probably dropped) and felt the rock with my hand. “AAAHHH!!!” I screamed. EVERYTHING WENT BLACK
Draft Two (2014):
I stared in the place that I was pretty sure Aurora was standing. I stared at the backpack. I was pretty sure that it was hers. I looked at the name plate. Yup. Her handwriting. Aurora Austin Where was my friend?!?!?! I looked all around. Nothing. The only place I hadn’t looked was the ground. Why would she be in the ground? I have no idea. But it’s worth a try. I moved the grass. The only thing I saw was a rock. As I looked closer, the rock seemed to be metal. I crawled a little closer. It still looked metal. I reached out to touch it when…. “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” I was falling through nothingness. All I saw was a bunch of rainbows swirling around me. I kept falling and screaming. Then everything went black.
Draft Three (2015-16 I don't remember):
I stared at the spot where Aurora was standing. The rock was still there, and a few feet away was her backpack, but Aurora herself was nowhere to be found. I set down my backpack and violin and crept forward. I looked at the rock. It looked metal. I got out my metal detector just to check. Yup! Definitely metal. Then I thought of a crazy thought. What if the rock was a portal? I knew it was impossible, but it was the only explanation to why Aurora disappeared. If it was a portal, what was on the other end? Air? No air? Well, whatever was behind it, I knew I had to go. Aurora was in danger. Possibly. Actually, I don’t know. It might be Band Land over there with all the boys you can crush on. I slowly crawled away from the portal and shuddered at that thought. Band Land would be anyone who wasn’t in band’s nightmare. Band is just noise to me, so Band Land must be torture. I shook the thought away. That was a stupid thought. Maybe this was a dream. Well, usually in dreams you don’t think they are dreams, but I actually did have a dream inside a dream, and I knew I was dreaming then, but in the dream, the edges around my vision were a little foggy, and I could see perfectly fine here. Well, except for the fact I wear glasses. Without them, I can’t see worth crap. I crawled back to the rock. Last year, we learned metals rusted after rain. And it was super rainy this year. So, why was it shiny? This was frying my pour brain. Despite whatever was behind there, there was still a chance Aurora could be in trouble. Without thinking, I reached out my hand and touched the rock.
Draft Four (2017* probably edited a bit though):
I waited for Ash to answer, but she was silent. “Ash?” I asked, making sure she was okay. I turned around, about to say something based on her reaction, but she wasn’t there. “Ash?” I said, standing up. I looked around in all directions, but there was no sign of Ash. “Ash!?” I said louder. Still no response. “ASHLEY!” No answer. I fell on the soft, green grass and tried to hold back the tears, as I often did if I were stressed and felt lost, not a clue what to do. I had no idea what was happening, and frankly, wasn't even sure it was happening. I fell on my back to contemplate what happened when I hit something hard with my head. I cried out in pain, and shot up, rubbing the back of my neck. I turned to see what I hit, and jumped when I saw millions of colors shoot up from the ground and wrap around me. I looked around and watched the endless field disappear around me. I must’ve hit my head hard. I looked down at the ground and watched as the colors started to erase the grass around me. “Oh, sh—” The ground disappeared completely and I fell through a tunnel of millions of colors. I never knew there were so many in the world. I would’ve been in awe if it weren’t for the fact that I was falling to my death. I ended up spinning around somehow, which caused me to fall headfirst down the tunnel. At the end, I saw a bright white light. Was it Heaven? Was I dead? The light became bigger and brighter and whiter as I fell closer, and closer, and closer. Soon I landed in the light, and I felt it enclose around me, sucking me up in its brightness. I felt content, safe, and warm in the light. But then I felt a cold wind at my feet. I felt cold air-like ropes tie themselves around my ankles. I was suddenly yanked down. Then everything went black.
Draft Five (2021):
“What the—” “Ash?” I asked at her sudden exclamation. “You okay?” I turned to make sure she was but jumped when she wasn’t there. Just her backpack. “Ash?” I said, standing abruptly. I looked around in all directions. “Ash?!” I said louder. No response. I wrung my hands through my hair, my eyes burning, as they did when stressed. I had no idea what was happening, and frankly, if whatever was happening even was happening. I had to be dreaming. This didn’t make any sense otherwise. I tried to sit on the grass to contemplate everything when I hit something hard. I cried out in pain and shot up, rubbing the now-sore spot—feeling awkward even though no one was around. I turned to see what I hit and jumped when I saw millions of colors shoot up from the ground. I looked around and watched the endless field disappear from view. I must’ve hit my head on the concrete. Yes, that made sense. A sudden panic of long-term injury caused me to reach up to touch my head. I didn’t feel any sign of injury, but that didn’t mean anything. Maybe I was hallucinating the lack of injury. My breath quickened as the colors around me grew bigger and more vibrant. I looked down at the ground and watched as the colors erased the grass. “Oh, shit!” The ground disappeared and I fell through a tunnel of millions of colors I never knew existed. Is this what it’s like to have more photoreceptors? Is this how shrimp see? I would’ve been in awe if I wasn't falling to my death. The air whipped around me—my braids disconnected where I’d tied them in the back, causing my looser hair to partially obstruct my vision. A bright light forced my eyes shut, the inside of my eyelids red. I felt warm and safe around it, but it was too bright for my taste. Without warning, I hit the ground on my feet, stumbled, and fell on grass again.
Tagging @avrablake @elsie-writes @winterandwords @eccaiia @ceph-the-ghost-writer
TSP intro
TSP tag list (ask to be +/-): @thepeculiarbird @illarian-rambling @televisionjester @finchwrites
@nebula--nix @literarynecromancy
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