#bookish men
lqveharrington · 2 months
Favorite Surprise | A.W.
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summary: You and Lana surprise Aaron when you come home from a doctor’s appointment.
pairing: dad!Aaron Warner x mom!reader
includes: fluff, pregnancy hormones, kissing
a/n: i love my blonde husband 🤍
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When you were pregnant with Lana, you never felt the need to throw up in the mornings. You always felt light headed and tired, but you never felt the need to empty your stomach. You always thought throwing up was something that a mother had to go through when pregnant, but your case proved otherwise. When you and Aaron were worried about the situation, you went to the girls about it. They assured you that all was well with you and your child and that sometimes women don’t feel the need to throw up in the mornings. You and Aaron thought it was because you hated throwing up in general, so your mind automatically would never do it unless absolutely necessary.
However, you were thoroughly surprised when you threw up this morning the second you woke up. Aaron was shocked to say the least. He immediately came to your side and held back your hair while rubbing your back as you emptied the contents of your stomach in the toilet.
“Love, what did you eat last night?” He pushed your hair out of your face. His eyebrows were pushed together and his eyes were darting across your face. “Do you remember?”
You shake slowly, feeling a headache approaching. You grab on of his hands and squeeze it, feeling for the pulse. “I ate the same things you and Lana did.”
Aaron sighed and kisses your temple delicately, “Maybe it’s just a stomach bug, love.” He thumbed your hand softly as you flush the toilet. “You’re okay, it’s okay…” He helped you stand, grasping at your hands when you stumbled. “Do you want medicine?”
“Yes, please.” You lean against the sink, needing to rinse your mouth of the horrid taste.
As he left the bathroom — albeit checking you once more before leaving — you let your thoughts consume your mind.
It felt so horrible to throw up in the morning, and you were so glad your daughter didn’t have that effect on you when you still carried her. And your headache that throbbed your frontal lobe just made you more nauseous, but there wasn’t anything you could if it truly was a stomach bug. You would just have to let it pass.
Over the next few days, your nausea wasn’t relenting. You threw up more and more each day. Your mind was reeling at the constant battle of getting up every morning just to throw up. Fortunately, Aaron had been gracious enough to take care of business whilst you stayed home from work, trying to get better from whatever was causing your morning sickness.
You would out that the sickness would only last for the mornings and you would be fine the rest of the day. That meant, you were still able to make sure Lana got to school and back. But the mornings would completely tarnish your mood for the day.
For instance, today you were helping Lana with her breakfast when you ran to the bathroom to throw up. Of course — like the sweet angel she was — she brought you a cup of water to help soothe your throat. She didn’t understand what was happening, but she knew if she saw you in a distressed state that she had to help.
“Mommy, what’s wrong?” She sat on the tiled floor beside you, rubbing your hand in confusion and slight distress. “You’re throwing up a lot now.”
You give her a weak smile and run your fingers through your hair, flushing the toilet. “I’m not sure, baby. I think I have to go to your Aunt’s workplace to check it out.”
“Are you sick?” Lana touched your cheek, something she gained from you and Warner when checking her temperature.
The look in your eyes softened at her action, “Maybe.” You squeeze her hand in reassurance. “But right now, you need to get to school, little miss.”
Like always, you drove Lana to school and pressed a delicate kiss to her cheek before waving her off, smiling as her blonde curls bounced with each step. You sighed softly and drove home. You called the girls on the way home and scheduled an appointment after you picked Lana up from school. They told you that your sickness was definitely not something to worry about.
When she hung up, you called Aaron and informed him of your appointment, allowing him to know that you were going to finally understand what was happening.
“Aaron?” You ask softly as the ringing stops, making you look down at your phone.
You heard shuffling coming from his side before he responded. “Yes, love?” He shifted around some more before speaking again. “Is something wrong?”
You put the car in park and sit idly in the leather seat, massaging your stomach carefully. “I made an appointment with one of the girls. I’m heading to their place after I pick Lana up from school today.” You rub your forehead again, “I’m tired of not knowing what’s happening to me.”
It gets quiet between you two before you pick up Aaron’s voice again, noticing the hesitation underlying the question. “You don’t think you’re pregnant, right? I mean, the girls said morning sickness is usually paired with pregnancy.”
The moment he mentions pregnancy, you think about your symptoms. Sure, you had similar symptoms when you were pregnant with Lana, but you didn’t think throwing up would ever be part of it because of your daughter. You spin your engagement and wedding rings, thinking about the possibility. You wouldn’t be mad at the idea. In fact, you would be elated yet heavily surprised.
“I… I don’t want to rule it out, I should say.” You murmur and move to get out of the car. You rub your stomach subconsciously at the thought. “I’ll let you know what happens.”
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You and Lana patiently sat on the examination table, waiting for one of the girl’s to enter. She was telling you all about her day in preschool as you ran your fingers through Lana’s blond hair. She was in the middle of telling you what happened during recess when Sara walked in. Well, her godmother.
“Aunt Sara!” Lana giggled and hugged her aunt’s legs in excitement. She tugged on Sara’s white coat, bringing her closer to you. “Will you help mommy feel better?”
Sara looked down at her goddaughter and rubbed her cheek, “Of course. I’ll do anything to help your mommy.”
You mouthed sorry to her at Lana’s unexpected behavior before smiling. “Sorry for the rushed appointment. I just need to know what’s going on with me right now.”
“No need to apologize.” She helped Lana up onto the table and squeezed your arm in comfort. “Sonya said that if our powers don’t work, it might be something different. We have to run a few tests to be sure.”
Although you trusted Sara with all your heart, you were nervous. What if they were dealing with something new and couldn’t heal you? What if the tests say something horrid? What if—
“Have you tried testing to see if you’re pregnant yet?” Sara tapped her pen on the clipboard, reading your symptoms. “Morning sickness is common with pregnancy.”
You shake your head as you look over at Lana who was reading a book far advanced for someone her age. “Aaron thought the same thing… I thought that it couldn’t be because I didn’t throw up when I was with Lana.”
Sara felt your forehead slightly for any odd temperatures, “It’s always a possibility.” She glanced at your daughter before looking back at you with a newfound interest. “Why don’t you take a test here? We’ll run it for you before we try any other testing incase you may be pregnant.”
You flush red, “Uhm…” You watch as she moves to grab a cup and hands it to you. Looking around, you point down to the cup. “Do I just…?”
“Yup.” She gave you a humorous smile. “This could’ve been avoided if you took a test at home, love.”
Lana whipped her head up at the nickname as you moved to head to the bathroom. “Aunt Sara! You can’t call mommy love! Only daddy is allowed to call her that.” She glared at her godmother, making you stifle a laugh as Sara looked at her with wide eyes.
Sara raised her hands slowly and played into Lana’s thoughts, “Sorry, I won’t do it again!”
Your smile softens as you think about your life with Lana and Aaron. You thought it was impossible to love one person so much. But then Lana came into your life and you found it impossible to share your infinite love with the both of them. Truly, your heart was so full when it came to those two. From the second you met Aaron and the second you met your child, you were too far gone to see how madly in love you were with them and how you hold do anything to protect them.
When you returned with the cup, it seemed as if Lana made up with Sara as she spoke about her school day animatedly. You handed Sara the cup carefully and sat next to Lana, letting her climb into your lap.
Sara capped the cup before grabbing her clipboard and smiling at the both of you. “I’ll be back shortly.” She gave you one reassuring smile before leaving.
You ran your fingers through Lana’s blonde hair for a minute before she spoke up, curious to why you handed her godmother a cup of something.
“What is she gonna do with the cup, mommy?” Lana looked up at you with her bright green eyes, playing with your rings.
“She’s going to test if mommy has a baby growing in her tummy.” You respond softly and kiss her cheek. You watch as her mind processes the information.
“Really?” Her eyes shined brightly before confusion took over. “Wait, how would a baby get into your tummy?”
“Well we don’t know if—“
Sara rushed in the room with a smile on her face, handing you a paper. You took the paper gently and read its contents, eyes widening as Lana gave you another curious stare.
“You’re pregnant!”
You nod softly, hand going to your stomach in joy. “Oh my god…” You look up at Sara before looking back at your daughter. “Oh my god, I’m pregnant.”
Lana squirmed in your lap, not liking that she didn’t understand what was happening. “So… There’s a baby in your tummy?”
You nod again and kiss her cheek over and over again. “That’s exactly what being pregnant means, sweet angel.”
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The second you parked the car and unlocked the manor’s doors, Lana came running into the halls, her voice echoing through the gigantic space. “Daddy, we’re home!” She giggled as she held a crème envelope in her arms, looking back to see you walking behind her. “Daddy?”
Aaron responds from his office down the hall, eyes darting across the many papers surrounding his desk. “I’m in here, angel!” His eyes snap up as he hears Lana burst through his office doors, practically bouncing off the walls with how much energy she had. “Did you have too much sugar?” He teased as she smiled up at him, leaning back in his chair. “Why are you so hyper?”
“Because mommy—“
You cover her mouth and shush her. You stifle another laugh at her muffled protests, rounding around the desk to press a loving kiss to Aaron’s lips. He smiled into the kiss and chased after your lips when you parted.
Snapping out of his daze, he raised a brow in your direction. “What was that for?”
“The kiss or this?” You gesture to your daughter licking your hand in silent protest for being shushed.
He shrugged as he took your other hand and guided you to sit on the desk in front of him. “Both.”
You blow him an air kiss and sit on the desk, releasing Lana from your hand and wiping it on your sweater. “I’ll let Lana tell you since she was about to spoil the surprise we had for you.”
The young girl immediately climbed into her father’s lap, holding a pretty envelope in front of his face. “This is from Aunt Sara!” Lana looked back at you and giggled, making you shush her again.
Aaron gives you a curious glance before opening the envelope. When he pulled a paper out, he was slightly confused before flipping it over. It was a sonogram. At first he thought it was an old one of Lana when she was still in you before he glanced at the date in the corner and the small dot in the middle of the picture.
Lana looks back at you again as she saw her father’s reaction change. You nod and Lana grins widely, “Surprise!”
You meet Aaron’s eyes as he looks up at you, tears in his own eyes as you say softly, “Surprise!”
Aaron smiles back at you and holds Lana steady in his arms. He moves to stand in between your legs and bends to meet you in a mind searing kiss, making you squeal in surprise. He separates and rests his forehead on yours, “You’re pregnant.”
“I’m pregnant.” You cup his cheek as he kisses you again and again. You hum and continue, “And I definitely think it’s a boy because of how many times I’ve thrown up.”
He chuckles and continues peppering your mouth in kisses, “Oh god, you’re pregnant.” He shuts his eyes softly before opening them again, giving you more kisses. “I couldn’t love you more
Lana pouts as she doesn’t receive attention from either parents. She taps her father’s cheek, snapping him out of his small spell. “Daddy.”
“Yes, baby?” He parts from your lips and adjusts his daughter in his arms, putting her in between the both of you.
She smiles again when she realizes she has both yours and Aaron’s attention. “Did you like the surprise we had for you?”
“My favorite surprise ever.” He kissed her cheeks as she laughs. “I’m so happy. I’m so happy for mommy. And I’m so happy for you, Lana. You’ll be a big sister.”
“I am happy. I am very happy.” She nods as she processes his words before touching your belly softly. “And I think the baby will be happy too.”
more works of aaron warner found here !!
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©lqveharrington - all rights reserved. do not copy, translate or share my work on other media platforms
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amrubrum · 4 months
“What, exactly, have you been scared of? Me? Or my intimidating manhood?”
“Of course not you.”
I shook my head, glancing up, not bothering to acknowledge his other, wicked comment.
- Kerri Maniscalco, "Capturing the Devil"
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jeoncanis · 6 months
"What do you do for a living?"
Oh I am a professional hopeless romantic and I read books and cry in my free time.
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aglionbyacademia · 1 month
my favorite animal is Neil when someone is holding a camera into his face
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starrynightsxo · 6 months
"And you think it was sunrise I was waiting for and not my queen."
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moonys-library · 1 year
most iconic scene to ever exist is feyre throwing her shoe and rhysand’s head
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rentedvsl · 2 months
one of my biggest writing icks is when the writer spends so much time trying to communicate the plot that they forget to develop meaningful relationships between their characters. theres no improbably tender moments, no redemption for the damned, no metaphors, no laughs shared between enemies. after consuming the media you leave with a ton of information but with no affection or ability to relate. some of the moments that we feel most deeply don't affect the plot & may appear pointless. but somewhere in that seemingly familiar scene theres a piece of you - or someone that you love - being unburied for a moment to be healed.
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sarceansurvivor · 6 months
AFTG characters as text posts ->
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iluvbell · 24 days
𝑪𝒂𝒓𝒅𝒆𝒏 𝑮𝒓𝒆𝒆𝒏𝒃𝒓𝒂𝒊𝒓 𝑯𝒄𝒔
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Feel like he's sometimes annoying when he sleeps
He's not like other book bfs where he's just clingy and cuddly,
No no, this man will probably be snoring one second and then a cute, little, cuddly, menace, the next
He'll snore sometimes, but softly (not too loud bc I can't have one of my fav fictional characters giving me the ick)
He'll just be sprawled across the bed, gripping your hand in his sleep, snoring softly, and just saying a bunch of shit that doesn't make sense (incoherent queen 😩🥺)
Poetic bastard;
Mr. "By you I am forever undone", has some tricks up his sleevessss
He'll randomly try to rizz you up with his Shakespearean ass vocabulary when you guys are finally in a established relationship
I can't think of anything poetic he might say so I'll leave it at that for now
So cute and demure in the human world;
He wouldn't really know what anything is when he visits,
So you'd definitely need to teach him,
But strangely enough he knows random ass shit like Lana deal Rey and Taylor Swift
He'd be like "Yeah, ig these mortals have tolerable music",
Meanwhile he blasts Red (Taylor's Version) at any minor inconvenience
Like ok, Mr. "Well maybe this thing was a masterpiece till you tore it all up"
Like yeah ok, Mr. "Perfectly fine" after you guys have a small ass disagreement and he's already halfway through Norman Fucking Rockwell
I love him.
These were random ass headcanons and I was gonna do spicy ones but idc bc it's almost 3 am
Let me know if I should do spicy headcanons bc I already have some creative ideas that include his tail...
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pookiebearnancy · 23 days
Men with Daddy Issues (I have them too) >>>
Kai Azer, Grayson Hawthorne, Jamieson Hawthorne, Aaron Warner, Carden Greenbriar, Josh Chen, Rhys Larsen, Percy Jackson.
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thvmuse · 9 months
Are you ok ?? No, what if I don't get my "it's you, it's always been you" moment like in romance books
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lqveharrington · 3 months
Birthday | A.W.
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summary: it’s your birthday, so of course aaron and your daughter have to go all out.
pairing: dad!Aaron Warner x mom!reader
includes: MAJOR FLUFF, suggestiveness toward the end, that’s pretty much it
a/n: warner is actually the loml. like i always like the blonde men (with the exception of a couple of brunettes and dark haired men 😝)
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Every year, both you and Warner went all out for your birthdays. You knew of his past and he knew of yours; This meant that all future birthdays had to be ten times better than the last. However, there has been one factor that prevented some birthday festivities. For the last five years, both your birthdays have been spent with your daughter. She kept your days busy, but still enough to have dinner and cake during important days.
But given both your pasts, you and Warner chose to cherish your daughter’s birthday far better than your own childhood birthdays. For her birthdays, Warner would wake up every morning to make chocolate chip pancakes whilst you made beautiful paper crowns for her when she woke up. It became a tradition for your family to do so, but your daughter adored the day more than you and Aaron ever did.
It wasn’t until your current birthday that Warner and Lana decided to turn the tables and celebrate your birthday with such traditions.
“Baby, we have to be quiet.” Warner pressed a kiss to his daughter’s cheek, letting her add the chocolate chips to the batter. Snagging a piece himself, he let the candy melt in his mouth as his daughter munched on the chocolate. “You don’t want mommy to wake up before we can surprise her, do you?”
She gasped with a hand reaching out like it was the worst news she ever received. “Daddy no!”
He chuckled at Lana before helping her down the counter, giving her a small twirl and taking the bag away. He watched her take quiet steps toward the breakfast nook to finish up her birthday card and crown for you, freezing when she heard feet pattering against the floor.
“That’s just Honey, you can move, baby.” Warner glanced over his shoulder at his daughter while petting the golden retriever’s fur; Clicking his tongue when she tried to bite the chocolate. “You’ll get sick, Honey Bee.”
“Daddy, I need string.” Lana called out to her father, admiring her handiwork. She adorned the paper crown with stickers, jewels, and dried out flowers, creating a charming design that would soon be bestowed atop your head.
Warner adjusted the stove’s heat as he poured a fresh batch of pancakes onto the pan, guiding their dog to follow toward the other side of the kitchen, away from the chocolate and cooking batter. Pulling the designated junk drawer open, he found multiple colors of yarn that were used for this particular reason.
“What color yarn do you want to use, Lana?” He held two different colored yarn balls up, knowing both were your favorites and you wouldn’t care which was chosen.
She looked between the two and back at her crown before tapping her nose in revelation. “The pink one.”
He tilted his head in a dopey manner at his daughter’s action, knowing you would do such a thing when you figured something out. Warner balled the remaining yarn together and tossed it in the air. “Catch, sweet girl.”
Lana caught the yarn and giggled when the fuzz hit her cheek, her blonde hair partially covering the view. “Thank you!”
Warner let a soft smile take over as he went back to the stove, letting Honey run out the kitchen and back to the rest of the house. He loved the family you and he created. He loved that he was able to make up for all his misguided actions for his own family. And he especially loved moments — such as these — that remind him that he’s exactly where he needs to be:
In the loving home of his doting family.
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“Aaron?” You mumble sleepily, arm patting around his side of the bed. Typically, you were up bright and early to make breakfast and check in on Honey, but it seemed as if you were up late with the disappearance of your husband. It was unusual for Warner to be out of bed before you were up. More so when you knew you were given many kisses on the morning of your birthday. So when you found that he was gone, it only left you frowning with the question of ‘why?’
Sitting up, you glanced at the clock before looking back at your bed. It was only six in the morning and Aaron was already up and gone. You were sure he would leave a note, but you found none in the area. Pursing your lips, you tug on your silk robe and shuffle out your bedroom. Across the hall, your daughter’s bedroom door was wide open. Your mind started to wander. What the hell did those two have planned today?
However, all thoughts stopped when your golden retriever ran up the stairs and started pawing at your legs. You creased your brows at the action, taking her paws in your hands. “What’s gotten you all riled up, Honey?” She barked up at you, making you frown again. “Let’s go outside then, okay? I don’t know if Lana and daddy are still sleeping somewhere.”
She nudged your knee with her nose as she followed you down the steps. The morning had gotten more unusual at each passing second. And with your family missing from their rooms, you didn’t know what to expect for the rest of the day. Honey kept shooting looks back at you and the hallway toward the kitchens, continuously pushing the back of your legs toward said kitchen.
“Honey Bee, what’s wrong?” You stop all movements and kneel in front of her. Sadly, you had stopped right before the kitchen. She whines, licking your hand as if she was asking you to keep moving. You rubbed her head in confusion and worry, “We’re almost outside, it’s okay.”
Barking again, she runs out of your arms and into the kitchen with loud stomps across the tiles. You sigh as you stand and dust the invisible dust off. This was not going the way you expected your birthday to start. Taking a step into the kitchen, you call for your dog before another voice interrupted.
“Honey Bee, please stop barking.” Warner tried to calm his dog down while flipping pancakes. “Lana, can you play with Honey for a second? I’m almost done.”
Your eyes widen at the sight. He was making the traditional birthday breakfast for you. A faint smile graced your face as you tilted your head and shifted your gaze toward your daughter. She seemed to be working on the crown and the card before Warner asked to play with Honey.
“Honey, come here!” Lana pulls a treat out of the bin and waves it in her direction, gaining the attention of her dog. Honey sits patiently in front of her, tongue out in anticipation. “You can’t bark because mommy is gonna wake up, okay? Daddy is almost done and he’ll be upset if you bark again.”
Honey puts a paw on her leg, making Lana giggle. “Here you go.”
A small laugh left your lips as you leaned against the doorway. There wasn’t a young girl around that was like your own child. And knowing her, she’ll be just as amazing at anything like your husband. She was the epitome of your existence and you would change that for the entire world.
Your eyes snap back to where your husband stood as he flips the last pancake on the plate in front of himself. Even the plate was decorated with your favorite flowers in a small vase. Warner shut the stove off and made his way to soak the pan, calling out to his daughter.
“Lana, can you grab the juice from the fridge so we can bring mommy her breakfast?”
She nodded and happily walked over to the fridge before her eyes widened in surprise at your presence. Her mouth open in shut in response before asking for her father. Daddy?”
“Yes, baby?”
“Mommy’s already down here.” She whispered in slight disappointment as the surprise was ruined.
You let an amused smile take over your face at your daughter’s sudden shyness. Slowly, you walk over to her and take her into your arms. “Good morning, sweet girl.”
“Good morning.” She mumbled into the crook of your neck. “You’re supposed to be sleeping still.”
“I know, I’m sorry, baby. I’m sorry.” You press a kiss to her cheek and tuck a blonde lock behind her ear. You meet her bright eyes, rubbing soft circles onto her cheek to help soothe her. “But everything smells delicious. Did you help daddy make the pancakes?”
She nodded, “I added the chocolate…”
“That’s my favorite part.” You spoke softly, running your fingers through her bed hair. You nod your head toward the breakfast nook, “Did you make a crown for me?”
“Mhm! I made it all different kinds of colors.” She got excited again, pulling you up and tugging you toward the table. She shuffled up on the bench, sorting throw the papers to find the crown. “But I made sure the string was pink because it’s your favorite.” Lana took the crown and attempted to balance it atop your head. “See!”
“I do see.” You kiss her forehead, taking the crown from her. You thumb the paper crown as you watched her throughly explain her process, nodding when she looked over at you. Your heart practically melted at the sight, but soon started beating faster when a pair of strong arms wrapped around your waist.
“I thought you would still be sleeping, my love.” Warner pressed a kiss to your cheek before resting his head in the crook of your neck, planting soft kisses down toward your shoulder.
You feel him squeeze your waist gently as you turn your head ever so slightly to meet his gaze and lips eagerly. “One, I always wake up early.” You grin against his lips before continuing. “Two, I can’t sleep when you’re not there.”
“Did we surprise you though?” He left one last kiss to your lips before taking the crown and tying it around your head.
“I certainly wasn’t expecting it.” You take your daughter into your arms again, balancing her on your hip.
“Mommy, you look like a queen!” Lana held your face in her hands, giggling as you peppered kisses onto her face. “So daddy would be the king!”
You give her a bright smile and nudge your nose onto her cheek, “And that would make you a princess, baby.”
Warner brought over the pancakes and juice, cutting pieces for Lana. He kissed her cheek, “Do you want to make a crown for yourself?”
She looked over at you, waiting if she could make one even if it wasn’t her birthday. You nodded your head, setting her down on the cushions to sit properly for breakfast. Lana took her fork and took a piece, humming at the deliciousness hitting her tongue.
Warner pulled you to his chest again, lowering his voice so only you could hear him. “I owe you your favorite birthday present, love.”
You flush pink at the thought, smacking him in the chest. You tilt your head up to meet his eyes, finding them filled with amusement and lust filled thoughts.
“What about Lana?” You murmur, resting your hands delicately on his chest.
“What about her?” He put a finger underneath your chin and placed a light kiss to your lips.
You smile before pulling away, whisper-shouting toward the blonde. “Aaron, I’m serious!”
Warner chuckled before turning to Lana, squatting to watch her reaction. “Baby, is it fine if mommy and i leave you here for a bit? We’ll be back, we just have something to discuss.” He asked the young girl who was kicking her legs joyfully at the pancakes.
“Mhm.” She answered, mouth full of pancakes.
Aaron quickly spun around toward you, making you raise a brow. “What?”
“The little princess won’t bother us.” He pressed open mouth kisses onto your shoulder, slowly backing you out of the kitchen and tapped your thigh.
You wrap your arms around his neck, humming. “You’re positive— Aaron!”
He picks you up and takes the stairs two at a time. You throw your head back and laugh.
“Nothing.” You press your lips onto his, threading your fingers through his hair. “I just love you.”
Warner smiles, “I love you too.”
And for the first time in years, you had three major birthday gifts. One given nine months afterward.
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©lqveharrington - all rights reserved. do not copy, translate or share my work on other media platforms
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tacobellwh0re · 28 days
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jeoncanis · 4 months
what part of "hiii" don't you understand? I want to share a carton of strawberries with you as I admire the way the sunset reflects in your eyes
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aglionbyacademia · 24 days
As much as I am against book to film/show adaptations, I would kill to see Kevin saying “did you know i’ve never been skiing? i’d like to try it one day, though.” on a TV screen. Or the scene where he switches hands. I would do ANYTHING to see that, not only in front of my inner eye.
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starrynightsxo · 5 months
"Cardan looks taken aback. Or possibly I spoke so fast he's not even sure what I said. 'You need not say it out of pity,' he says finally, with great deliberateness. 'Or because I was under a curse. I have asked you to lie to me in the past, in this very room, but I would beg you not to lie now.'"
- Cardan Greenbriar, The Queen of Nothing
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