#bookish ask memes
dandelion-network · 2 years
21 and 22!
21. what is a total book turn-off for you?: i havent read a book like this recently but i do dislike books where nothing ever goes wrong for the protagonist, that theyre able to overcome ever obstacle or challenge and that theyre the best at what they do. there's a book in mind that im thinking of and luckily ive learned how to avoid books like this.
also dislike where theres a huge lead up to something big thats supposed to happen but never does. hate being blue-balled.
22. what is an essential element of a good book?: i went to look at all my 5-star reads to see if there was a consistent variable among them that shows an essential element but the closest thing i can determine that to be is just stories that make me return to them. not so much reread them but theyre stories that i think about sporadically during the day. they have a quality about them that makes me contemplate their themes and subject matter.
this is even among books i gave 3.5-4.75 stars to honestly. And the only reason those werent 5 stars is because i reserve that rating for books that give me a huge emotional reaction upon finishing them.
so ultimately an essential element of a book for me is subjective and that it contains something that makes me turn over its events, characters, etc in my head days, weeks, months after reading it.
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forgotteneilionora · 2 months
Eilia & Alaraic + kid
Name: Cian Varmont
Gender: Male
General Appearance: Cian is a striking fellow, with his mother's ebony hair, cerulean eyes, and straight jaw, and his father's nose, mouth, cheeks, and brow. Unfortunately, Cian is very much the sort of chap who is well aware of his charms, and rather arrogant about them to top it all off. Quick to smirk but slow to smile, there is always the look of calculation in his face, often in truth somewhat detracting from his natural good looks.
Personality: Cian's name means 'enduring,' and he was named well. With a wry wit and a watchful nature, Cian's quick wits promise to take him far. Cian is a person who seems to have his finger on the pulse. Always observing and adaptable, but rarely influenced by the tide, itself, he simply wishes to know what is happening and make his own choices from there. Nonetheless, there's nothing quiet about Cian. Outgoing and provocative, Cian is a bit reactionary at times, but even his antics are never without cause: provoking a reaction helps one to determine what lies beneath the surface, and he is one who would know something about masks. Despite his calculating exterior -- the result of a swirl of dangerous Varmont politics in his early childhood -- Cian may at times be bombastic, but he's loyal to a fault, as well, though tough to tie down long enough to actually say so. He has something of a rogue's heart -- like his father always running from attachments, but like his Aunt Aria simultaneously chasing after them as well. Despite being a bit of a foreigner to his own heart, like both his parents, once one worms their way past his many walls, Cian proves soft and warm on the inside, protective to his core and, in truth, far less devil-may-care than the image he seeks to project in order to appear strong.
Special Talents: Raised in Roderick's dangerous court for the first part of his life, Cian learned the art of politicking very swiftly. His mother was a queen-turned-bastard, and his father a forgotten third prince-turned-Hand of the Conqueror after the fall of Bartholomew, slaughtered for his infamous treason with the missing former-Queen Marian. Cian knew well and good from early on that a wave of the imperial hand could give or take everything, and rather than see his family lose more than they had left to give, he decided to play to win, soaking up all there was to learn from both sides of his troubled family. Cian is most adept at influencing others, at understanding a crowd and how to best turn a tide with nothing more than the stroke of a pen or a few scant words.
Who they like better: Both
Who they take after more: Alaric, but only on the inside. You wouldn't know it to talk to the mask he wears, like, 24/7 and only takes off if you know him really well
Personal Head canon: Heartless as he may act, Cian has a soft spot for Caoimhe Frost, but he's determined to do nothing more than mercilessly tease her (something he delights in doing!), as he secretly deosn't consider himself a good person, and believes she deserves so much better than he can ever give her!
Face Claim: David Corenswet
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yvesdot · 2 years
🎇 Year-End Asks 🎇
Send an emoji and a number!
What emotion sums up this year for you?
What were your goals for this year?
What do you hope to do by the end of the year?
What did you most improve at this year?
What did you learn about yourself this year?
How have you grown this year?
What is one kind thing someone did for you this year?
What's a lifestyle or routine change you made this year?
How would you describe your fashion sense this year?
What’s a place you went to for the first time this year?
What's one new thing you learned this year?
What achievement are you proudest of this year?
What was your best purchase of the year?
Shout out a friend (IRL or online) you made this year!
What's one way the world (and/or your country specifically) improved this year?
What were you posting about a year before today?
What would you tell the you from the beginning of this year?
How did you spend, or will you spend, New Year's Eve?
(all can either be examples which sum up the year to you, or are your favorite—or pick one for each!)
One book.
One book quote.
One movie.
One movie quote.
One TV show.
One TV show quote.
One album.
One song.
One song lyric.
One (some other kind of art—game, sculpture, painting...)
One news story.
One of your posts.
What's something you just watched/read/played/listened to for the first time this year that you loved?
What's something you RE-watched/read/played/listened to this year that you loved?
What have you been telling everyone this year to watch/read/play/listen to?
What did you read/watch/play/listen to this year that surprised you?
What book/film/show/game/album/song changed your worldview?
What’s your favorite book/film/show/game/album/song of all time, and has that changed this year?
What are you looking forward to seeing in art in years to come?
What’s one recommendation you got this year that you really enjoyed?
Name an indie creator you just discovered whose work you love, in any medium. (If you get this multiple times, name new ones!)
Did you get into any new fandoms this year? Did you do any art/fic/fannish things for them?
What's something coming out next year that you're excited for?
Do you have any watching/reading/listening goals?
Did you do any challenges this year (Hourly Comic Day, NaNoWriMo, game jams, etc.) and, if so, how did they go?
Describe your experience making art this year in one word.
Do you see yourself trending in any direction with your art this year, and into the future?
What's something you'd like to see in your art moving forward?
How many projects are you in the middle of right now?
What project most surprised you this year?
What project did you work the hardest on this year?
What's your personal Project of the Year?
What are you reading right now?
What are you watching right now?
What are you playing right now?
What are you listening to right now?
Where are you answering this ask from?
How are you feeling right now?
What are you thinking about right now?
What are your goals for next year?
What are you looking forward to next year?
What changes do you hope to see in the world next year?
What are you hopeful for next year?
How are you preparing for next year?
What will you be taking with you from this year into the next?
What would you like to tell or ask your future self one year from now?
Share a positive message for everyone reading this to take into the new year ^__^
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jonmcbrine-author · 6 months
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thecw-unicorn · 1 year
2, 7, 16 and 19 for the book ask
Oh lord—okay
2. Top 5 books of all time?
Aw shit. Okay here goes (in no particular order):
1. Odyssey by Homer
2. Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë
3. The Hunger Games: Catching Fire by Susanne Collins
4. Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier
5. House of Hollow by Krystal Sutherland
7. Is there a series/book that got you into reading?
Well, as a kid I FUCKING DEVOURED the R.L Stine books. But when I was in high school I read the Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern, followed by Stalking Jack the Ripper series by Kerri Maniscalo
16. How many books have you read this year?
According to good old goodreads, I’ve read 91 so far. (Yes I am pathetic)
19. Most disliked popular books?
Lol okay I didn’t like Kingdom of the Feared by Kerri Maniscalo, Atlas Six by Olivia Blake, and A Court of Silver Flames by SJM. But we knew that one was coming.
Thanks for the ask, bestie Nike! Here’s a meme for putting up with me and my tomfoolery.
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mystical-blaise · 2 years
4, 9, and 16 🥰
Did you discover any new authors that you love this year? YES! So many, but to name a few: Katee Robert, Kylie Scott, Kerri Maniscalco, and Mariana Zapata. Did you get into any new genres? I told myself in 2020 that I wasn't going to get on the Ice Planet Barbarians train, but I did start this NYE. LOL. I mostly stuck with romance or fantasy, but I did read quite a few more RH books that I had before. So there's that I guess? What is the most over-hyped book you read this year? I already answered this, but it's worth repeating my disappointment: The War of Two Queens.
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ravensilversea · 2 years
10, 21, 26
10. Bookmarks, dog ears or leaving the novel open and face down to keep your spot?
Currently using bookmarks, but leaving the book facedown and open is still my MO for when I have to pause but plan on coming right back. I did use to dog ear my books tho. So guilty on all accounts? LOL
21. Ideal reading position?
For me, fully reclined in a recliner's pretty good. However, I generally end up reading cross-legged with my book in my lap, which is A+ for my neck
26. A book you studied in school and ended up loving?
I actually really liked Slaughterhouse Five by Kurt Vonnegut, which I read for AP Lit my senior year of high school. I liked how it was written out of order but also all at once at the same time. Plus, there's 1960s aliens, and that's always fun.
NGL, my biggest high school reading list flex is that we didn't actually get around to reading Gatsby and I have 0 plans on fixing that
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lunarblue21 · 7 months
1 & 24 for the bookish asks?
Thank you so much for asking!
1: Currently Reading
This is gonna be kind of a funny answer, but it's the Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim: Special Edition guidebook since I've really gotten back into playing Skyrim Special Edition on Steam so I am "currently reading" that guidebook to help with quests on that current character I'm doing XD
24: First book(s) you remember being obsessed with
Hmm... books about dinosaurs (early on, early reader/picture books but then my reading developed more and I got into more scientific based material), historical fiction books (Girls of Many Lands from American Girl and Dear America and Magic TreeHouse) and of course, folklore/fairytales! As might be evident, I really love/loved prehistory and just history in general. :)
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spacebarbarianweird · 8 months
Asking specifically for chronically ill/chronically fatigued Tav?
I have Myalgic Encephalomyelitis or Chronic Fatigue and amongst many other symptoms like low energy and crashes, I'm really sensitive to sunlight and loud stimuli.
I think it'd be cute if when the tadpole was removed, all her symptoms came flooding back, and on a mutual decision, they decided to move to the Underdark with the freed spawns and it's so much better low sensory for Tav! 😍😍😍
Love your work, take your time!
Hi! This HCs has been in my drafts for ages (I started to write it a few times but never finised). Thanks for @warmteaslibrary for insights!
Astarion x Chronically ill!Tav
Your adventure has not been easy, but quite bearable.
Until the very end.
The wave of necrotic damage murders you on the spot and you remember nothing but blissful darkness.
You are revived - the Jergal's last blessing before he leaves the Prime for good.
You wake up cradled in Astarion's arms as he cries and whispers the words of love.
But you can feel nothing but pain.
Your body remembers being killed.
It remembers the skull being broken, the limbs being torn, and the skin being burnt.
The tadpole is gone but your mind has a new master.
Physically, you are healthy but you are constantly exhausted and depressed.
Your brain barely functions, and your memory worsens.
You constantly cry, even though you try your best not to.
You expect Astarion to leave - you are no longer the person you once were. You are a wreck, almost disabled.
You can't even walk on your own sometimes let alone helping him with his sun-sensitivity.
But Astarion doesn't go.
Together you settle down in the outskirts of Baldur's Gate, somewhere Astarion's condition won't get too much attention.
When it's so bad you can't move Astarion touches you gently and assures you he isn't going anywhere, and he will always be here with you.
Astarion never says it's all right and it's going to be better.
He knows your condition is hardly improving.
Astarion helps you to find things you can enjoy, and that won't require too much physical activity.
With the return of vampiric powers, he carries you in his arms when you can't walk anymore.
The thing that brings you pleasure is bathing.
Warm water takes your pain away. Astarion washes your skin, and massages your sore limbs.
You often spend time in the bathtub together - Astarion wraps his hands around you and reads you aloud.
Actually, you've never been a bookish person - you were a fighter, a traveler...
But no more.
Reading brings you a lot of comfort. It doesn't require any physical activity, and books take you places, making you forget the pain.
Especially when Astarion goes away - hunting or working with supernatural contracts (so many stupid people, so many dangerous deals, so much money a former magistrate can make).
What surprises you sometimes as sharp as his tongue is he never makes fun of your state and never complains.
He also brings home healers from time to time but their spells have a temporary effect.
During long sunny days when you are both locked inside, you sometimes wonder if it ever gets better. Will the pain ever go away?
Astarion shrugs.
"I once asked the same about my inability to walk in the sunlight. What did you tell me?"
"That I would stay with you regardless?"
"Yes. That's my answer. I am not going anywhere."
Tag list
@tugoslovenka @marcynomercy @wintersire @vixstarria @not-so-lost-after-all @ashiro20 @theearthsfinalconfession @herstxrgirl @starlight-ipomoea @micropoe10 @astarion-imagine-archive @veillsar @elora-the-slutty-songstress @fayeriess @lumienyx @tallymonster @caitlincat-95 @tragedybunny @valeprati @lynnlovesthestars @marina-and-the-memes @waking-electric @ayselluna @connorsui @asterordinary @darkarchangel96 @locallegume @brainfullofhotsauce @coffeeanddonutscafe 
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kaylinalexanderbooks · 4 months
More TSP Memes
Thanks @mysticstarlightduck here!
I have some TSP memes here to check them out!
I love making memes. Let's go.
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Hehehe these are so fun.
I'll tag @paeliae-occasionally @elsie-writes @bookish-karina @starlit-hopes-and-dreams @leahnardo-da-veggie
TSP intro
TSP tag list (ask to be +/-): @thepeculiarbird @illarian-rambling @televisionjester @finchwrites
@nebula--nix @literarynecromancy @honeybewrites @the-golden-comet
^ if y'all haven't done this I highly recommend jumping on the open tag
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ineedlelittlespace · 2 months
Reading Meme
What’s up readers?! How about a little show and tell? Answer these 13 questions, tag 13 lucky readers and if you’re feeling extra bookish add a shelfie! Let’s Go!
Thank you so much for the tag, @round-hatches-are-terrifying! ❤
The last book I read
One of my coworkers has been bugging me to read Fourth Wing, which I did under duress when she asked to do a book trade. It was about as bad as expected, so I feel justified in holding off so long.
A book I recommend
As most of you know, I'm all about Murderbot!
A book I couldn’t put down
Most recently, that would be A Sorceress Comes to Call. I listened to the audiobook of it, and I seriously don't think I took my headphones off for more than five minutes at a time while I was in that book.
A book I've read twice (or more)
All Creatures Great and Small. Especially during the winter---it's such a great cozy read.
A book on my TBR
The Goblin Emperor has been on my list for a while now. I've heard so many good things about it! I'm hoping to start it this weekend, actually.
A book I've put down
How to Become a Dark Lord and Die Trying. I really liked the concept, but the tone annoyed me so badly I couldn't handle it.
A book on my wish list
I've been slowly buying the special edition hardcovers of the Discworld series (or at least, I WAS before bookdepository shut down 😭), so all of the remaining ones of those are still on my list.
A favorite book from childhood
I don't remember the exact titles of the installments, but I really loved The Three Investigators series as a kid. In some ways, it was the same basic concept as most kid detective series', but in others, it was bizarrely original.
A book you would give to a friend
That is heavily dependent on the friend because most of my friends don't share the same tastes in media. As previously mentioned, All Creatures Great and Small is usually a safe bet, though!
A book of poetry or lyrics that you own
I personally don't enjoy most poetry, so I don't really buy it.
A nonfiction book that you own
I have this one book for writers that's a collection of research questions sent in to a doctor by other writers and his answers about common medical tropes, realistic recovery from various common fictional injuries, etc. It's such a cool resource!
What are you currently reading
I just finished my current book last night, and I haven't started anything else yet. I'm thinking that'll be Goblin Emperor, though!
What are you planning on reading next
Probably Goblin Emperor!
tagging @jadefyre @ilovedthestars @opalescent-potato @the-grey-hunt (if you want to!) and anyone else who'd like to join in!
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incognitajones · 2 months
Reading meme 📚
What’s up readers?! How about a little show and tell? Answer these 13 questions, tag 13 lucky readers and if you’re feeling extra bookish add a shelfie! Let’s Go!
Thanks for the tag, @lucymonster, this was a lot of fun!
1) The Last book I read: The Sleeping Car Porter by Suzette Mayr, finally, which has been on my radar since I saw her speak in 2022. /o\ I loved the narrator's voice & it lived up to the hype, though I might have some nitpicks about the ending.
2) A book I recommend: Like lucymonster, I have to ask "For who?" and "What are they looking for?" You can't make me suggest something completely at random!
That said, when this was my job, my go-to rec for anyone who enjoyed mysteries and/or thrillers was Tana French; for science fiction/action readers, Martha Wells' Murderbot series; and Kelly Link or Mariana Enríquez for litfic & fantasy folks. 
3) A book that I couldn’t put down: Hild (and its sequel Menewood)
4) A book I’ve read twice (or more): The last thing I re-read was The Worm Ouroboros. It's a strange book and almost indescribable; very much of its time but also written in deliberately, completely antique prose, sort of as if Tolkien had been inspired by Orlando Furioso.
5) A book on my TBR: SPQR: A History of Ancient Rome
6) A book I’ve put down: These days I put down more fantasy novels and contemporary romances than I finish; I'm picky about prose and characterization and a lot of them are too bland.
7) A book on my wish list: The Mask of Fear. I'm not a fan of most SW tie-in novels, but Alexander Freed is one of my exceptions, plus I always want more Saw Gerrera and Mon Mothma!
8) A favorite book from childhood: Continuing on the theme of pony books from lucy - I read hundreds of them, but my all-time favourite was Fly-by-Night.
9) A book you would give to a friend: The last book I gave as a gift (to someone who's a massive local politics/municipal government wonk) was How Infrastructure Works: Inside the Systems That Shape Our World.
10) A book of poetry or lyrics that you own: Sadly, I don't actually own it anymore as over the past few years, I've drastically downsized my physical library. But before that, I held on to this edition of Akhmatova's selected poems in translation for decades. 
11) A nonfiction book you own: One book that made the downsizing cut and stayed on my shelf is LeGuin's The Wave in the Mind. Her essays were just as foundational for me as her fiction.  
12) What are you currently reading: Just started The Blighted Stars - Megan O'Keefe is one of the few romance writers whose work I consistently enjoy so I have high hopes for her SF.
13) What are you planning on reading next? One of two books that I have to read soon or return to the library: either the light contemporary romcom (Under Your Spell) or the thick history book (Shadows at Noon: The South Asian Twentieth Century) depending on my mood this weekend.
Tagging my reading peeps @englishable @mosylu @glorious-spoon @anghraine @rain-sleet-snow @intellectualcarrot plus anyone who wants to!
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maingh0st · 4 months
hey bestie 🌿
phoebe, mid 20s, she/her
I've been on tumblr for the better part of a decade but caved this year & made a book-specific blog. I mostly post about the folk of the air, but you may occasionally see some other bookish takes
I'm mainghost on AO3 & recently wrapped up my name is whatever you decide, a slow-burn Taryn/Ghost fic (my header is a scene from mniwyd! illustrated by the ever-lovely @eerna ✨)
I love blabbing and I try to respond to most asks & messages. drop in if you want to chat! I truly do not care if we have different opinions on books; just keep it respectful & we're cool 🖤
I try to keep my tags organized. most are straightforward, but for your browsing pleasure: bookish blabs (thoughts & analyses on current or past reads) / tarynposting (for taryn duarte discourse & memes) / writing (an umbrella for thoughts on the writing process, references, resources, etc) / fandom discourse (mostly lighthearted!) / for live thoughts about a book/series I’m reading, I tag it reading [book or series title] ie: reading the modern faerie tales
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mystical-blaise · 2 years
1 & 16 ❤️
How many books did you read this year? 75 What is the most over-hyped book you read this year? The War of Two Queens
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ravensilversea · 2 years
3 and 28
3. Are there any genres you will not read?
I'll pretty much give anything a try for whatever reason, such as I'm doing a reading challenge and want the bragging rights for completing it (which is how I read War and Peace last year). I'm more picky with literary fiction, romances, and mysteries because I'm not interested in their most common tropes. I like the ones that are written in an interesting style or have put an interesting twist on a trope or just have a really interesting and fresh-to-me premise.
28. Thoughts on adults reading YA?
Considering I'm currently wearing clown shoes and re-collecting my favorite childhood children's books in my 20s... I see no problem with adults reading YA, or even only YA. I think there are benefits to reading a wide range of genres, but ultimately, one of the primary purposes of novels are to be entertaining. If YA is entertaining to you, then read it!
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thislittlekumquat · 1 year
Hello! Welcome. Have a look around. I encourage horniness on main, don't be shy!
I am a librarian by day, and am currently dipping into freelance work doing a variety of things - editing, beta reading, research, writing, general bookishness. My DMs/ask box are open, or you can email me at [email protected]. Check out my ko-fi, my most important blog post of all time about how to buy books anywhere other than amazon, or my affiliate page on bookshop.
If I reblog ask memes, I promise I always want your ask!
More about my blog under the cut
Common tags for things I post and reblog a lot about, for you to either dive into or block:
Kuroshitsuji Grell sutcliff Nsfw Nsfw text Ecology Plants Books Writing Gpoy My writing My fic Libraries witchcraft history of medicine history
Spouse tag (I'm married to @/rain-shoshana who is an artist and author, so you'll probably see me reblogging a ton of their stuff. if you like Poirot or Sherlock Holmes fanfic, mushrooms, or historical costume illustration, their stuff is for you!)
Gremlin register (@/lululeighsworld and I are frequent collaborators and always screaming in each others' mentions so the variety of posts here is wide)
Monoc (a current original fiction project, full working title is Monoculture. It's a historical fantasy, set in the 1880s in Germany and England, about queer witches, the dangers of colonial imperialism, and working in true harmony with the land)
Potf (other original fiction project, less developed, short for working title People of the Forest, about three truly terrible queer assholes who are coworkers and also toxic codependent lovers. Some as-yet undetermined theme of community and decentralized power. Very horny. It's a mess)
Catholicism (this one is very personal to me, and mileage will vary for you, but rest assured I believe that Catholicism has always had room for a lot more queerness and variety of devotion and/or interpersonal love than modern american practice and communities would have you believe. I also fully believe in the literal practice of communalism that the early church embodied, and I think for a true vision of catholic social justice to be achieved, capitalism must be abolished. you'll find a lot of hagiography and death in this tag as well)
Generally speaking, if you think of yourself as an anti, we're probably not going to get along.
You can find me on ao3 as thislittlekumquat as well!
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