#bones and hori are cooking
kisasan · 4 months
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Thank you so much to @/umbrulla for pointing this out to me! I know about the umbrella meaning for a long time,since it’s used as a trope in a lot of anime/manga,but for some reason it didn’t crossed my mind when reading the lyrics and now my mind is blown,and im literally screaming crying throwing up
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theloganator101 · 2 years
Hey, do you think the lore and worldbuuldild of mha is weak? I think so, but many many fans try to give importance to the canon and bad writing on Hori's part.
"He knows what he is doing. Let him cook"
Which ok...we can't really stop him, but mha popularity drop as well the quality. Sure there are fans but...those fans are living on fanon than anything else.
Mha is to me a manga that looks deep, wants to be seen deep but is so shallow. A scene that encapuslated this perfectly is the one with Skeptical in the war arc 2: the wletric bangaloo.
We saw pages of Skeptical hacking and looking so crazy...it seems so important. We never learn what he was doing and in the end, it was pointless.
Hell I can give more exemples of that.
Yes. Most definitely.
While the bones and structure is there, Hori just refuses to go any deeper and really explore these themes he established.
Whether be a fear of not executing them properly or if doing so will put his favorite characters in a bad light (I.E Endeavor or Bakugou)
He can't even follow his world's rules he established! Remember Mirio's costume has his DNA infused so it can go through things with him? Well WHY ISN'T THE SAME COURTESY GIVEN MOMO OR HAGAKURE!?
If you created a set of rules or established something in your fictional world, FUCKING FOLLOW THEM!! Because if you do `shit like this, then it's obvious that you're just being a pervert at this point!
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thelreads · 11 months
Damn Hori's art was really cooking during this arc. The way Pre-Regeneration Shigaraki is drawn is so raw. Especially the bit where he grabbed at Aizawa's face. The use of motion and how his face looked so fucked up made it look like if he didn't have skin his jaw bone would be completely disconnected from his skull. Like Hori really just decided to sprinkle in some light body horror like it's salt and pepper. Wild.
Someone please just get Hori to work with junji Ito already, please, my man is suffering having to draw heroes, he wants to be a Guillermo del Toro
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ddelline · 2 months
honestly y’all light fades to rain is bones finest work for mha and it’s not even close
if I wasn’t crying (yea still AND I AM NOT ASHAMED) I’d be chewing on fucking cement, holy shit. animation sound (foley soundtrack VOICE ACTING) directing. they’ve cooked w certain eps but there’s never been an ep of mha in which I’ve felt they actually *improved* on the source material. difficult to do given hori’s transcendental goddamn art. but here? oh wow. the anime rly came to work. THIS is how you adapt source material in a way that makes it SING
ofc VA work was stunning too but yeah who is surprised; nobody does it like nobuhiko. bury that man in awards. I have half a thesis pinging around my brain as I try to grapple w the sheer range he puts into one single character alone. the soft voice he pulled for katsuki in the vestige realm(ish) (bakugō no kacchan like holy wow) is just
yea ok imma cap it here and power thru one more time bc I am actually going insane. when the 424 adaptation hits I fear I will perish
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kaibutsushidousha · 3 years
Tribe Nine progress report #00 (part 1)
Translations from the official Tribe Nine website, supplemented with things that were said on stream.
Character names are in Japanese order because that's how they're officially romanized.
Also, I'll be posting this in multiple parts because I reached the image limit on this post.
In the country of Neotokyo, year 20XX, youth with no hope for society's future form Tribes to find a place to call home.
With time, the disputes between Tribes continued to grow more and more violent. The situation was very intense in the eyes of the Neotokyo government, so they enforced the XB Law, which limited the quarrels between Tribes to only Extreme Baseball.
Pitch, bat, and trade blows. The youths were crazy over this radical pride-staking game.
XB (Extreme Baseball)
A duel method similar to baseball, designed to settle conflicts between Tribes. As determined by the XB Law, the loser must obey the winner's order(s).
Runners and the fielder with the ball can initiate battles with each other for the right to reach a base. The slugfests between players equipped with body-enhancing gear are XB's greatest trademark.
The games must be played late at night when there are no longer any onlookers.
The games will use the entire City as its field.
Batters are only out by tag out or by strike out.
There is no home run. In case of an extra-base hit, the runner(s) can run through the bases until they initiate a battle against the fielder with the ball.
A fielder with the ball is allowed to initiate a battle against a runner, staking the runner's right to reach a base.
Players can equip XB Gear to enhance their physical abilities.
Anything can be used as XB Gear, as long as it's approved by the Judge Robot acting as the umpire for the game.
The win condition is either scoring more points than the opposing team or knocking out the opponents in battle.
The winner can give any order to the loser.
[This section will have some character profiles for a few Tribes, but before that, I'll have to go over some elements that were only explained in a previous interview and in the stream. The game will contain 23 Tribes, each themed after one of the 23 wards of Tokyo. The names of the Tribes here all match the names of the wards they represent. Their base concepts will be all about local stereotypes, of course, but in the stream, Kodaka compared them to One Piece pirate crews in terms of how much individuality the characters will get within the team.]
Minato Tribe
A Tribe famed as the strongest in Neotokyo. They value the bonds between teammates and genuinely enjoy XB.
[The Minato ward is the ward where the Tokyo Tower (also called Minato Tower) is. Due to holding the symbol of the city, Kodaka chose it to be the ward of the anime's protagonist Tribe.]
Kamiya Shun (Leader)
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CV: Akira Ishida
Birthday: February 22nd
Height: 179 cm
Weight: 65 kg
Voice sample 1: Let's enjoy one more game.
Voice sample 2: I'll show you how to topple the Minato Tower.
"What could be more exciting than XB?"
The founder and leader of the Minato Tribe, as well as the main reason why they're considered the strongest. He is one of the very few Beam Bat users. He's as top tier as you'd expect as a pitcher and batter, not to mention he's unmatched at a fistfight.
He enjoys unchallenged popularity on the XB field, but he also has a more goofy side. His antics include giving his teammate incomprehensible nicknames and getting hungover on coffee, among others.
Shirokane Haru
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CV: Shun Horie
Birthday: January 20th
Height: 160 cm
Weight: 47 kg
Voice sample 1: My name is Haru. Shirokane Haru.
Voice sample 2: If I can really hit this swing...
"If I really have potential... I wanna give it a try!"
A timid bullied boy. He was getting into trouble with the town's delinquents as usual when Kamiya and Taiga saved him. He was bound by his own perceived uselessness, but Kamiya noticed his natural agility, wits, and keen eyes and he was invited to use these "weapons" of him for the Minato Tribe.
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CV: Chiharu Sawashiro
Birthday: October 10th
Height: 182 cm
Weight: 76 kg
Voice sample 1: I'll beat Kamiya Shun and become the best player!
Voice sample 2: The match only starts when you get to the batter's box.
You got nothing to worry about, you got me as the captain on this ride aboard the S.S. Big Ship Taiga, where S.S. stands for "safe and sound"!
A hot-blooded boy who came to Neotokyo from the other side of the ocean in pursuit of one dream: winning against the strongest man, Kamiya Shun! He joins the Minato Tribe along with Haru. He's a novice in XB and struggles to memorize the rules, but he keeps challenging his opponents with his dauntless courage and the brute strength he's so proud of.
Arisugawa Saori (Vice-Leader)
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CV: Mai Fuchigami
Birthday: November 22nd
Height: 162 cm
Weight: 43 kg
Voice sample 1: The Minato Tribe never says no to anyone wanting to join or leave. You can stay as long as you want.
Voice sample 2: Raise your arm higher and put more strength into your swing.
There's no ball I can't catch!
The Minato Tribe's vice-leader. Despite her frail looks, she's an outstanding catcher, capable of stopping even Kamiya's blazing fastballs. She takes charge, commanding Minato's ensemble of oddballs since Kamiya is too careless to be a real leader.
No one values the members of Minato's team more than her, but she is extremely strict about rules and morals, never hesitating to unload a cartridge of her favorite airsoft gun on a transgressing teammate.
Mita Santarou
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CV: Mutsumi Tamura
Birthday: March 30th
Height: 150 cm
Weight: 44 kg
Voice sample 1: I know talent when I see it.
Voice sample 2: The first thing rookies do is carry my stuff. That's the law of Minato.
T-those dudes are no match for me...! Ok, you guys go take them on!
A member of the Minato Tribe. He claims to be the ace of the team but is actually just a reserve pitcher. He's a pervert and a sleazeball and often gets punished by Arisugawa for it, but he shows no signs of wanting to fix his flaws.
He tends to abuse his seniority over the new members, but he's as caring and friendly as he is unreasonably bossy.
Daimon Manami
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CV: Fukushi Ochiai
Birthday: July 20th
Height: 191 cm
Weight: 180 kg
Voice sample 1: I accept all forms of gratitude and cake.
Voice sample 2: You gotta swing hard but without straining yourself.
Don't forget to eat well before a game of XB.
A member of the Minato Tribe. He's always supporting the other members with his gentle personality and great cooking. Minato's base of operation is Lovely Ocean, a restaurant he runs.
Despite his usual calm, no one can stop him when he snaps.
[Translation note: Manami means "lovely ocean"]
Aoyama Kazuki
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CV: Shouya Chiba
Birthday: May 18th
Height: 174 cm
Weight: 57 kg
Voice sample 1: Huhu, even if I can't use my left arm anymore, my brain is still much better than yours, stupid people.
Voice sample 2: Timing is essential in our next strategy, I'll be giving the commands. It'd be easier for all of you since you won't have to think.
"You'll be my pawns."
A mysterious boy who suddenly appeared asking to join the Minato Tribe. He can't properly play XB because his left hand is injured. But for unknown reasons, he's very knowledgeable about XB tactics and how to handle a Beam Bat and makes full use of his ingenuity to bring victory to Minato.
He seems to have some kind of goal in approaching the Minato Tribe, but what could it be?
Chiyoda Tribe
A tribe under the patronage of the king of Neotokyo. They have been suppressing many other Tribes all over the country to ostentate their power.
[Chiyoda is the ward where the Palace is, so the Chiyoda Tribe are the guys with political power]
Ootori Oujirou (Leader)
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CV: Jun'ichi Suwabe
Birthday: September 26th
Height: 192 cm
Weight: 78 kg
Voice sample 1: Can you entertain me, even a little?
Voice sample 2: A game needs blood. In eras where giants clash, the people are waiting for battles that spray blood and shatter bone.
"Winning is everything. There is nothing else I need."
The leader of the Chiyoda Tribe, and heir to Ootori Tenshin, the king of Neotokyo. Tenshin trained him since he was a child to be the strongest XB player.
He challenges teams all over Neotokyo to prove he is the best.
Ootori Tenshin (King of Neotokyo)
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CV: Hiroshi Naka
Birthday: January 31st
Height: 177 cm
Weight: 51 kg
Voice sample 1: None is allowed to disobey the Ootori family! It's the masses to duty to kneel before me. Am I wrong?
Voice sample 2: Every single one of those so-called big shots sullying my Chiyoda must be exterminated! Go show them the power of the Ootori family!
"Through XB, you must show that that the power of the Ootori family is absolute!"
The king of Neotokyo. He's strongly obsessed with XB, to the point he trained his heir Oujirou since childhood to be the best player.
After that, he founded the Chiyoda Tribe with Oujirou as the leader.
He aims to trample all Tribes in the country in XB to ostentate the strength of the Ootori family.
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CV: Mikako Komatsu
Birthday: March 15th
Height: 170 cm
Weight: 46 kg
Voice sample 1: As you wish.
Voice sample 2: I honestly and absolutely believe you will get the result you desire.
"Only death awaits the enemies of the Ootori family."
Ootori Tenshin's secretary. To the public, she's nothing more than a modest secretary, but her secret is that she's a cold-blooded agent, capable of doing anything for the sake of the Ootori family.
Countless people who criticized or plotted to opposed the Ootori family's plans may or may not have been to their grave by her hand.
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rex101111 · 4 years
Up to the clouds she flies
god this hurts fuck, so here’s a melodramatic thousand words because Hori showed us nothing but her holding momo’s hand and this grief needs processing damn it!!!
any way Major canon character death and blood and stuff just. just take this away from me I gotta sob-
As Nemuri Kayama feels death creep over her, she isn’t afraid. Not for herself anyway.
She’s been in this situation on more than one occasion, villains have surprised her before, cornered her, beaten her within an inch of her life. She’s survived by the skin of her teeth more times than she would ever tell anyone short of Aizawa and Yamada. She has scars that very few people have ever seen, her students would never know the full scope of what her career put her through.
Well, maybe they will, now. That thought, more than anything, more than the pain of her broken bones, more than the crystal clear certainty that this is where it ends for her, terrified her. The thought that her students (her kids, her precious energetic little kids oh god oh god) will find her cold and dead on the forest floor and she could do nothing to comfort them.
She wouldn’t be able to tell Momo how proud she was, she felt the quaking footsteps of Gigantomachia cease a few minutes ago. The villains she fought felt it too, and the shrill laugh she let out as she figured out that her Momo, her brilliant little Momo, did exactly what Nemuri knew she could, had them all run with their tails between their legs.
(She’s going to be one of the best. She’s going to shine and she’s going to soar and Nemuri’s going to see none of it. God dammnit. God dammnit.)
She’s leaning against a tree, the cloudy sky, so blue and so calm, clearly visibly from the clearing she stood in. Blood from her sides, from her nose, from all over, seeps from her and stains the grass. Breathing becomes harder, and her vision grows blurry.
She’s tired. God help her she’s so tired.
(She needs to see them. Needs to wrap her arms around them and kiss their heads, needs to hear Kyouka sing one more time, needs to see Ochako settle her heart, needs to see Denki grow up, to see Tenya grow into his legacy, Katsuki’s hero name, Deku realizing his life matters, Mina dancing, Rikido cooking, she needs to see it all. She needs to see them. She will she WILL-)
A sharp pain in her side nearly makes her cry out, but she swallows it down, her last words to them will not be a pathetic scream of pain. It won’t.
She takes a few stumbling steps forward, one hand pressing against the long wound in her side. She supposes she should feel some measure of…peace at being able to do her part at making sure the mission was complete, but all her thoughts end up spiraling back to her kids.
Her kids, because that’s what they are. Not just her students, teaching them was a joy impossible to ignore, but she saw them grow, all of them. She saw them stumble and cry and be so, so close to giving up. She saw them overcome, and they looked at her with so much gratitude and excitement and…she wants just a few more minutes.
Just a bit more, please please, just a few minutes more. Just enough to see them, just to say that she’s proud, that she loves them so much.
Just a bit…just a bit…
Her legs fail her, she falls on her back, the impact of hitting the ground shakes her and sends waves of pain through her broken body, and she can’t even muster the strength to moan in pain.
She’s stuck on her back, looking straight up. Straight up at the cloudy, blue, peaceful sky.
Did she earn this? This slow, quiet place to die while tears prick at her eyes? So many other heroes ripped to pieces by some freakish monsters, so many civilians crushed in their homes, and she gets this? She gets a cloudy sky for the achievement of giving her kids a corpse to find?
It’s hilarious, in a twisted sort of way, and that realization mutes the regret and anger she feels towards herself a bit. She was taught to never feel sorry for herself, she taught her kids the same…she doesn’t have the energy anyway, no use wasting it.
She laughs, the sound wet and weak, and the tears flow freely yet slowly down her cheeks. This will hurt them, she knows, knows it in her broken bones. But her kids are tough, tougher than anyone she’s ever met. They’ll pull through, they’ll surpass this, she will regret that her last words to them would be a screaming order, but her kids are strong.
They’ll make her proud. Like always.
Breathing becomes nearly impossible, her inhales short and unstable. A pang of panic goes through her, and she uses what little strength she has left to try and calm herself. If her kids are going to find her too late, then at least she’ll be a bit…presentable. Not like she can do much else for them, anymore.
Hopefully she’s done enough. Hopefully she’s taught them enough. Hopefully Shouta and Hizashi can pick up her slack.
Hopefully Shouta will remember to pick up her cat. She knows he’s always loved Sushi. He’ll take care of him.
Thinking, God, since when was thinking so exhausting?
Her breathing slows, and her blurry vision catches something in the sky, the outline of a cloud seeming familiar…
“Kumo…?” A small smile lights her bloodied face, “…yeah, yeah okay.” She closes her eyes, and thinks back to high school, to days spent on the roof. She thinks back to one day in particular.
A day with a calm, blue, cloudy, beautiful, and infinite sky.
She asked Shirakumo to fly her as high up as he could, she told him she wanted to touch those pure white clouds. Shirakumo, in an uncharacteristic display of restraint, said he wanted to practice his quirk a little more, so he was good enough to grant her wish. So he could take all four of them to touch the sky.
He never had the chance, never had enough time to train to make that childish dream of hers, of theirs, come true.
The first time she visited his grave, she told him to forget it, that she could find her way to the sky herself.
She opens her eyes, slowly, every inch she drags her eye lids near torturous, and she sees Shirakumo’s smile in the silver lining.
She sees him reaching down to her, his head down in a mockery of gentlemanly courtesy, to invite her aboard his cloud. He never forgot that promise.
Nemuri Kayama, feeling as light as air, her body whole and young as she was that long gone high school day, meets him half way.
Together, they reach the sky.
(She hears footsteps somewhere to her left, muffled, and uses that last vestige of strength to whisper, “I love you”, to the empty forest air. She doesn’t get the chance to hear Momo’s gasp, Mina’s scream, doesn’t hear Eijirou and Rikido chock on the air in their throats.
But they heard her, just barely.
Just barely.)
Mina grasps Midnight’s hand as she shivered and shook, and sobs as she feels what little warmth in her teacher’s hand vanish.
A cloud shadows the clearing for a long moment as she and her friends wail, for longer than it should though they do not notice, and then floats on.
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projecttattoo · 3 years
Types of Tattoo and History of Each Country.
Tattoos have been practiced around the world since the Neolithic Age. Tattooed mummies have been found in at least 49 locations, including Greenland, Siberia, Mongolia, western China, Egypt, Sudan and the Philippines.
Tattoos were used in the form of amulets, status symbols, religious beliefs, declarations of love, ornaments, and sometimes punishment.
When and Where Were Tattoos First Performed? Tattoos date back many thousands of years. In fact, we have firm evidence that tattooing is an ancient art from, after discoveries of tattoos on mummified skin were found. The oldest evidence of human tattoos is believed to be from between 3370BC and 3100BC. The mummy Otzi the Iceman was discovered in the Alps in September 1991, and the mummy was naturally preserved.Otzi the Iceman had 61 tattoos on his body.
Also Close examination of the markings on the mummy indicate that soot or fireplace ash were used to create the tattoos. Locations where tattooing practices have been recorded on human remains, include: Alaska, Mongolia, Greenland, Egypt, China, Sudan, Russia, and the Philippines. All of these discoveries link to different periods of time throughout ancient history. Some of these date back to 2100 BC.
Ancient and Traditional Practices
Ancient China tattoo: Some cemeteries across western China in the province of Xinjiang have revealed a number of mummies with tattooed skin. Some mummies date as far back as 2100 BC, while others are considerably younger, dating to around 550 BC. Within ancient Chinese practices, tattooing was considered to be barbaric and was highly stigmatized
Ancient Chinese literature refers to folk heroes and bandits as having tattoos. It is also thought to have been fairly common for convicted criminals to be branded with a tattoo on their face. This tattoo was used to warn other members of society that this person could not be trusted.
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Ancient Egypt tattoo
There have been discoveries of tattooed mummies from ancient Egypt, which suggest that the practice here dates back to at least 2000BC. Some theories indicate that the tattoos found on the mummies were for decorative purposes. Research by Daniel Fouquet suggests that, in ancient Egypt, tattoos may have even been performed as a medical treatment.
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Samoa Tattoo
Tattooing has formed a part of Samoan cultural traditions for thousands of years. The history of tattooing in Samoa is a great example of how tattoos can form an integral part of social culture. It is even believed that the modern-day English word ‘tattoo’ may have originated from the Samoan word for tattoo ‘tatau’.
The tradition of giving and receiving tattoos by hand in Samoa has been practiced for more than two thousand years. The techniques and tools used for this traditional practice have hardly changed during this time either. The skill is taught and passed down from father to son.
The tool used to give the tattoos is handmade, from turtle shell and boor’s teeth.The process of receiving traditional tattoos takes many weeks to complete. Tattooing ceremonies are generally held to mark a younger chief’s ascension to a leadership role within society.
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American tattoo culture.
Tattoos in the United States can be divided into two epochs: tattoos in pre-colonial Native American culture, and those in contemporary American culture.
Perhaps the most popularized instance of Native American tattoos entering the minds of the British can be found in the trip of four Mohawk men to London in the early 1700s. These men were tattooed across their chests, faces and arms, and the fervor they created in London can hardly be overstated. People were enraptured by the tattoos and the men themselves. It served as a microcosm of Western views of natives — people at once admired the men as noble while scorning them as savages.
In any event, tattoos were common among tribes in America. They were created using sharpened instruments like needles and bones to prick the skin, then by rubbing dark soot into the open wound. Tattoos were a means of celebrating achievements in life and in warfare.
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In the modern United States, tattoos were once seen as fit for misfits, sailors and motorcyclists. However, perhaps aided by the television show Miami Ink, tattoos have become widespread and popular among young people. This show served to show the glamour and artistry involved in tattooing. It shifted the public perception of tattoo parlors as cool places to work and to be. This trend continues to evolve today.
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Europe tattoo culture.
It wasn’t until the 1700s that tattoos began to break out of the cage of stigma and enjoy some measure of favorability once again. Sailors began to return from journeys to the South and Central Pacific islands with exotic tattoos that they had done by the native people that they encountered during their travels. Tattoos were an important part of Tahitian culture and the natives had been covered with beautifully done tattoos that caused the sailors to marvel and want tattoos of their own. Soon, these sailors were returning home and showing off their new body art, causing quite the stir amongst European society.
In the 1700s, tattoos became popular among British naval officers after Captain Cook brought back tattooed natives from Polynesia. It was also common for French sailors to return from trips to the South Pacific with tribal tattoos--a trend that continued until 1861, 
Extinction Of Tattoo Culture From Europe
The tattoo culture was present in Europe like everywhere else before it practiced out after the church edict forbade them on the pretext of some quotes in Bible. As Christianity advanced in Europe the tattoo culture died gradually. It was a popular trend to mark a Christian body only if it meant to represent as a culprit of some shameful deed. This was how somewhere till 17th century, the tattoo art almost extinct from Europe.
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Also During an 1862 trip to Jerusalem, the Prince of Wales got a tattoo of a cross. Later his sons, Prince Albert and Prince George, received dragon tattoos in Japan from Hori Chyo, a tattoo genius 
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Following a markedly patchy and varying history, the tattoos of today’s Europe have once more become commonplace in all classes. From the working class to Royalty, you can still see tattoos throughout modern Europe.
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Japanese tattoo culture
Japanese tattooing, or irezumi, is said to have originated in the Jomon Period (10,000 BCE-300 CE). Modern styles of tattooing seen today grew from the Edo Period (1603-1868), when tattooing in Japan became illegal. Tattooing in Japan has for the most part always been controversial, with ties to criminal activity and filial piety . Many establishments, such as public pools and hot springs, or onsens, outwardly ban those with visible tattoos, no matter how small they may be. With the growing number of Western visitors flocking to Japan, current laws and societal stigmas surrounding tattoos are becoming not only confusing, but harmful for this Japanese art form, as more and more government officials work to ban tattoos for natives but be respectful to inked visitors
Men of Wa, what was then called Japan, decorated their faces and bodies with designs such as fish and shells. The tattoos were used as protection symbols or ornamental designs that varied among tribes and induvial according to rank. Other historical texts point to the importance of tattoos to samurai in the sixteenth century as forms of identification. Certain areas marked soldiers in order to better identify them after death on the battlefield, as scavenger often looted bodies of their belongings
The Ainu, an indigenous tribe from the Hokkaido region, have a longstanding history with tattooing. Ainu tattoos were first recorded by Girolamo de Angelis in 1612 and are most found around the moth, cheeks, forehead and eyebrows. These tattoos were used for cosmetic and tribal purposes, as well as symbols of religion and sexual maturity. Girls first received tattoos between the ages of 10 and 13, some much younger, and continued tattooing until they reached a marriageable age. The Japanese government first tried to outlaw Ainu tattooing in 1799 with little luck, but passed stronger ordnances in 1871 with the arrival of Westerners. Even though tattooing was prohibited, many continued to tattoo in secret.
Modern day Japanese tattooing rose in the Edo period (1600-1867) in cities such as Edo (modern day Tokyo) and Osaka. The development of woodblock printing, ukiyo-e, in the eighteenth century helped further develop the art of tattooing, as more and more people were exposed to tattooed heroes featured in published illustrations and novels. With the rise in popularity of tattooing, the government outlawed the art on the ground that it was “deleterious to public morals
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_Traditional Ainu Tattoo
South Korean tattoo culture
The history of tattoos in South Korea goes back to before the 4th century. Tattoos were used by fishermen from the country’s coastal regions to ward off evil spirits and bring them good luck in their endeavours. During the Joseon Dynasty, the significance of tattoos became much more negative; in the 19th century, they became commonly associated with crime. Individuals found to have committed wrongdoing (including theft and adultery), were marked with the name of their misdeed. During this period, slaves were also marked with their master’s name. Tattoos are often considered to go against Confucian values, which hold that as your body was passed down to you by your parents, it is a mark of disrespect to alter it in any way — for the same reason, many people did not cut their hair. In the 20th century, tattoos became associated with criminal gangs, who used tattoos to signal their family and allegiances.
Like nearby Japan and China, tattoos are still associated with gangsters. Many schools forbid students from getting tattoos, and young men with large tattoos cannot be accepted into the country’s mandatory military service (and so are often accused of draft-dodging, a criminal offence). Some saunas and jimjilbangs will ask tattooed patrons to leave.
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Tattoo culture in South Asia
There is a long tradition of ancestor worship and spirit magic in many areas of Southeast Asia. Specific tattoos are intended to offer protection from bad or evil spirits. Some tattoos are also intended to offer protection from illness.
Buddhists believe that life is suffering, punctuated by brief episodes of joy. The state of Nirvana is achieved when we have victory over our suffering and move beyond it.
In the Buddhist sacred tradition, tattoos are used to represent the teaching of Buddha and to remind us that our goal is to achieve a state of Nirvana.
There’s no doubting that modern tattooing would be nowhere without such ancient tattooing traditions. In this sense, exploring the world of ancient tattoos can be a culturally distinct experience that transports us to both another time and place.
For example, The Batok traditional tapping tattoo in the Philippines is practiced by a traditional Kalinga tattoo artist called a Mambabatok. This form of traditional tattooing is performed by a woman called Whang-Od who was born in 1917.
Sadly, Kalinga tattooing in this tradition is a dying art form, and it is believed that Whang-Od is the last of her kind.
Unlike modern tattoos, these tapping tattoos are applied with a mix of charcoal and water as the ink, which is fixed beneath the skin using a sharp stick and a wooden block as the hammer.
It may be more painful than modern methods, but there is nowhere else where you can get such a tattoo.
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