#bones 01
b4kuch1n · 1 year
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one string is all that I need
#Hatsune Miku#VOCALOID#or rather#piapro characters#Hatsune Miku Single String Ver.#<- yep that's the fan module I made for fun last year#the thing is. only half a month to go until it's mid autumn. and every year I try to draw something for the occasion#I just. started early this year... for some reason......#well I mostly just wanna draw Her lmao. because the pokemon/miku voltage stuff is still being released and Im feelin the effect#and this year's magical miral design is so fuckign good.... thank u to miku artists. especially LAM and rella#as is always the case with this module the instrument/weapon (lol) she uses is a heavily stylized đàn bầu!#and I just realized while drawing this and looking at the ref sheets that I never detailed the pluck lmao#to be fair. usually its just like a piece of. anything#commonly bamboo or bone or plastic. shaped into a longish fingernail shape. its really the way u hold it that matters iirc#but yeah I spruced up the OG design for the instrument in this one lol. this is actually like my original vision I think#I really wanted to make that thing beast shaped. but I Just figured out how to properly stylize it when I designed the module#and! I did say this on stream but I am genuinely very proud of that design! that was genuinely big brain of me! so#future instrument variants will still probably base heavily on that general shape and principles lol. I'm playin in this space its MY muck#also I switched the number on her coat from 39 to 01 bc it's more on theme thats really it. nothin else to remark on there lol#and! once again based the dragon head on the lý dynasty dragon rather than later iterations. thats why the nose fin and no whiskers#and the metal nozzle is kinda supposed to call to mind a temple bell. not super sure i got that across well#but the rim design IS historical! I thiiiink early lê dynasty. just on ceramics instead of on bronze lmao#anyways thats it. I had fun colorin this one! kicked my ass a bit but I think I hashed it out mostly okay#have a good night lads! thank u mid autumn moon cakes for being bad to eat and sponsoring my late night drawin. and remember:#u only need one. but never say having more doesn't make it easier
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stromuprisahat · 2 months
I like to think that despite his sunshine behaviour, fedyor is just as much as, if not more of, a mean asshole as Ivan(is he really or is it just Alina's biased pov?). But while Ivan wears his grumpy nature obviously, fedyor is nice because he knows how mean he can be
Well, in books we never really get to know him. He's kind and patient in Shadow and Bone, confusing in Siege and Storm. The sunshine personality is a matter of the show, where we get a glimpse of the steel under the surface too:
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He has his ruthless moment in second book too, although it gets lost in all that validation of Alina's attitudes:
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As for Ivan- he's open, loyal and mistrustful, that's why Alina hates him. He's the first person to ask the question Alina's avoiding thinking about- how did she hide her abilities? Where Alina's more than willing to accept comfortable lies, he's requiring truth and solutions. He isn't willing to treat Alina in kid gloves before and certainly not after her escapes. That's why she sees him as a bully.
He wants her to face consequences of her own actions just like everyone else has to.
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morgane-art · 1 day
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mercisnm · 6 months
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Selunite Ketheric
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doctornota · 1 month
"SO THAT'S NOT, Y'KNOW," McCoy struggles to find a way to word what he wants to ask without immediately getting decked for it, gesturing with a jerk of his chin towards the other, eyes lingering on his attire. It's all very elegant, a swooping neckline and glimmering jewelry, high boots that make his Starfleet-regulated heels look like nothing in comparison. It's hard to keep from making a comment, crammed as they are into the same train and with curiosity ( worry? they look great, but he could never pull that outfit off ) burning in the back of his mind. "The standard look around here. I mean, if I were to waltz on into a clothing store, my options wouldn't..." he trails off, closes his mouth, restarts.
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"I'm more of a denim guy," is his new explanation. He's had more pressing matters to attend to since being dragged here, getting out of his uniform has not been a priority, and if they've all been dumped in this place how is he supposed to know if they've all just been wearing whatever they got from home day-in and day-out? He can't expect everywhere to subscribe to 23rd-century Federation fashion standards.
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hislittleraincloud · 4 months
Like rlly, I took a nap earlier around 8AM (been up for a little bit before then) and now I'm just even more mentally exhausted by this man's b.s.
Ladies, come forth. There's more than one of you. There usually is.
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sturgispodtudo · 1 year
Quem: @miabcnes​
Local: Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop
Quando: Dia dos Namorados, Flashback Sexto Ano
O que poderia dar errado em um encontro às cegas? Tudo. Sturgis podia listar diversos motivos, mas mesmo assim acabou cedendo quando seus amigos convenceram ele a se inscrever no ‘Vai dar Namoro?’, uma espécie de dinâmica que alguns alunos do sétimo ano tinham criado com objetivo de unir os solteiros de Hogwarts. Enquanto se dirigia ao Madam Puddifoot’s Ted Shop, onde tinha sido marcado seu encontro, Podmore conseguia escutar a voz de seus amigos em sua cabeça: “Vai ser legal, Stu”, “Milagres acontecem e quem sabe esse não é o seu momento de finalmente desencalhar”, etc. Era impossível negar que eles tinham um ponto, e desde que seu par não fosse uma aluna purista Podmore presumia que as coisas poderiam fluir bem, caso contrário o que seria um encontro romântico iria se transformar em uma tarde de ofensas e brigas.  O corvino não tinha muitas informações sobre o seu par ou qual tinha sido o critério utilizado para juntar os casais, a única informação que tinha recebido fora um pergaminho com algumas instruções a respeito do encontro como o local e hora. Assim que chegou ao estabelecimento, o bruxo explicou sua situação para a Madam Pudifoot e a adorável senhora o levou até uma mesa de dois lugares que ficava aos fundos, próximo a janela. Sturgis Podmore não sabia ao certo quem tinha sido o responsável por pensar naquela dinâmica, mas ele era obrigado a admitir que tudo estava muito bem organizado e estruturado e isso sem falar da decoração exuberante do Madam Puddifoot’s Tea Shop, por onde olhava encontrava diversos arranjos florais espalhados pelo local. O bruxo não soube dizer por quanto tempo esperou até seu par chegar, mas assim que viu Amelia Bones se aproximando da mesa onde estava ele automaticamente abriu um sorriso. Aquilo realmente estava acontecendo?! “Amelia”, cumprimentou a bruxa. “Se seu irmão descobrisse que estou em um encontro com você imagino que ele iria querer me matar, mas  vale a pena correr esse risco”, Sturgis tinha uma relação bastante amigável com o gêmeo da bruxa, Edgar Bones, e por conta dessa relação de amizade não sabia qual seria a reação do amigo diante da situação. “Enfim, a grande questão é que fico feliz que seja você. Imagina só se me colocassem em um encontro com Alecto Carrow. Não que eu tenha nada contra ela, apenas tenho um grande amor pela minha vida e o jeito psicopata dela me assusta um pouco. E  se precisar não hesite em me mandar calar a boca, quando eu fico nervoso eu costumo a falar sem parar e não paro mais… Como agora”. 
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drusjer · 9 months
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you have memorized your own eulogy before you wake. your ghost delivers it to an empty room.
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esotericdescent · 1 year
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@novinare, plotted starter for Wylan.
   Kaz Brekker did not like the unease that always seemed to descend upon him whenever he sought out information on this particular project. The fear and the dread always sank its talons into him whether he liked it or not; all he could recall was the icy cold waters of fifth harbor swallowing him whole only for him to be forcibly dragged out again, Jordie's voice berating him more harshly than he'd ever done in life. He remembered the distant feeling that something was wrong, that he needed to find a way out, he needed to get his crew out, they were depending on him, but ... his shame, his greatest weakness had gripped him too tightly, unwilling to relinquish its hold on him. He hadn't been strong enough to fight it.
   He swallowed down the memories of dread and helpless panic as he ascended the steps to Wylan's door, the familiar dull ache in his leg grounding him. It was an incredibly useful poison, diabolical even, but an antidote was the most important goal. Kaz would prefer to live the rest of his days without having to chew and swallow a live insect ever again, if he could help it. Not to mention, if anyone could manage to create an antidote borne of something so rare, he'd come to recognize that it would be Wylan.
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   ❝So ...❞ Kaz's low rasp cut through the small, dim space that Wylan had scrounged together as his own as he entered. ❝I see today is not the day I find you dying from a poison of your own making.❞ His cane — a different one than he'd started with, a crow skull with a sharp, menacing beak — clanked against the concrete floor as he limped down the stairs and ventured closer. The table he approached had all the things Kaz had grown used to seeing when he came here; beakers, bottles of various substances, sometimes an open flame. His calculating gaze swept over it all ... as he'd long-since learned not to touch anything.
   ❝Have you made progress? ❞ His eyes flicked upward, seeking to study Wylan's features. Part of it was instinct, watching closely to catch a lie, a secret, or to confirm honesty, but ... Wylan wasn't much of a liar, anyway, was he? Looks can be deceiving, came the internal reminder.
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bhaalswn-arch · 1 year
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" I probably shouldn’t have said that. "
starter call | @angshel
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plantknife · 1 year
i know i know i said no shipping but speaking of shipping one thing that SENDS me abt Nai is that his ass is CHEWING and SCREECHING in bed. not even in a sexy way hes acting like your 8 year old demon cat at the vet. he keeps pulling knives out of nowhere and you have to dodge them. there's an obstacle course to find the g spot (he restructured his plant organs and its in his ear now). you get near his c|it and he kicks so hard it breaks ur nose. he is fully enjoying himself and having a great time during all of this.
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stromuprisahat · 4 months
About the post about homosexuality in the world of Shadow and Bone. So apparently homophobia doesn't exist in a world full of racism and bigotry? The Grishas are the worst at it, but not the only ones hit. I mean, the suli, the Shu, etc. The series even added racism to Alina's Shu origin. With a universe so charged with discrimination, am I supposed to believe that homosexuality is fully tolerated there? The joke. It makes more sense if it's something that doesn't matter to grishas. Moreover, according to my memories, in the books, the grishas of the little palace are supposed to support themselves regardless of their origins, it seems to me. I mean, there are grishas from Fjerda and Shu Han who come to Ravka for refuge. Logic. One of the reasons why Zoya's racist comment on Alina in episode 3 of season 1 is completely stupid. She has literally been trained since childhood by Botkin!
(The post mentioned.)
Absolutely agree on implausibility of such state of matters in general. When there's hatred towards other nations and cultures, religious bigotry, sexism, whatever you'd call the complex issue of fear and homicidal animosity towards Grisha... but sexual preferences of less than every tenth person aren't good enough reason for ostracism?
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My doylist explanation is the show creators probably didn't want to draw attention away from their amazing half-Shu MC's hardships, back in the day, when they DID play the racist card. LB might have simply forgotten there are gay people, when she was writing the first book and remembered just in time to add some into the second one to collect cash kudos from LGBTs too.
Zoya's racism is hardly OOC. She's first and foremost better than everyone.
“... The Corporalki are the highest-ranking Grisha and should lead the Second Army.” “According to you, bloodletter.” As soon as I heard that silky voice, I knew who it belonged to, but my heart still lurched when I caught sight of her raven’s wing hair. Zoya stepped through the crowd of Etherealki, her lithe form swathed in blue summer silk that made her eyes glow like gems—disgustingly long-lashed gems.
Siege and Storm- Chapter 13
Zoya swept me into an embrace. “It’s such an honor to finally meet the Sun Summoner,” she said loudly. But as she hugged me she whispered, “You stink of Keramzin.”
Shadow and Bone- Chapter 11
“I could watch him all day,” said a voice behind me. I stiffened. Zoya was standing there. Even in the heat, she never seemed to sweat. “You don’t think he stinks of Keramzin?” I asked, remembering the vicious words she had once spoken to me. “I find the lower classes have a certain rough appeal. You will let me know when you’re through with him, won’t you?”
Siege and Storm- Chapter 17
She's in no position to mock Alina's origin in book, she's in no position to use otkazat'sya slur against another Grisha... I don't think making her Suli would prevent her from insulting Alina's bright new mixed heritage.
It's such an honor to formally meet you. You stink of the orphanage, half-breed.
Shadow and Bone- 01×03: The Making at the Heart of the World
She might be Botkin's star pupil, but that doesn't mean Alina's not half-Shu trash.
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lylarchive · 1 year
PROCESSING : // INTEL FROM @leatherforhell { ❝ be right back. i'm gonna go break some stuff. ❞ }
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𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐃𝐀𝐓𝐀 [ . . . ] 𝟖𝟑% { ( 𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠.𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐥=𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐲 ) ; }
△ offer to join 〇 discourage violence
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deviance felt like christmas morning. ( not that lyla really knew what that felt like just yet, but the expression has been used enough to place the idea of a feeling behind it. ) there was something to annoyance, to having a little fun, that tickled the android absolutely pink.
❝ whoawhoawhoa ---------- without me ? ❞ her fingers curl into fists in her palms, as if lyla was ready to break something right now. she smiles. ❝ what're we breaking ? while watching beyonce's visual album lemonade, i think i've always wanted to break the windows of a car. doesn't that sound --------- so ---------- ❞ so what ? lyla glitches, just once, and makes a mental note to check for repairs. ❝ fun ? ❞
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doeinthemeadowess · 1 year
Quem: @miabcnes​
Local: Ministério da Magia, Nível 7
Quando: Feira de profissões
Era inegável a animação de Dorcas Meadowes para a feira de profissões, mas a bruxa suspeitava que seus motivos eram bem diferente da motivação dos outros alunos. Aquela era a oportunidade perfeita para rever um de seus irmãos, o Benedict, que trabalhava no Serviços de Administração do Wizengamot. Por mais que escrevesse cartas para todos os seus irmãos e que estivesse atualizada a respeito das notícias que envolviam os membros da família Meadowes, ainda assim Doe sentia saudade de seus irmãos mais velhos e das oportunidades de passar um tempo com eles. Eles a irritavam? Sim, mas isso não mudava em nada o amor e carinho que sentia por cada um deles e quando ficava longe deles por um bom tempo, durante o período que passava estudando em Hogwarts, a bruxa até que sentia saudades da energia caótica e levemente irritante de seus irmãos. 
Como seu irmão estava no meio do expediente do trabalho e ela supostamente estava no Ministério para participar da Feira de Profissões, o tempo com Benedict foi limitado, mas o suficiente para Doe dar um abraço apertado, colocar a fofoca em dia e matar um pouco da saudade que sentia de seu irmão mais velho. Após o breve encontro, Dorcas apressou-se em procurar por uma de suas melhores amigas, Amelia Bones, entre os departamentos do Ministério e após bons minutos e com a ajuda de outros colegas a bruxa conseguiu encontrar a amiga. “Finalmente te encontrei”, disse ao avistar a lufana. “Você não sabe o que eu acabei de descobrir. Dei uma escapulida da feira para encontrar com meu irmão, o Ben, e ele deixou escapar que Hamish MacFarlan está trabalhando aqui no Ministério”, qualquer pessoa que conhecesse Dorcas Meadowes minimamente conhecia sobre sua paixão em relação ao Quadribol, então não era de se espantar o seu tom animado ao falar sobre o antigo capitão do Montrose Magpies. “Enfim, agora você e eu vamos pegar o autógrafo dele”, afirmou com determinação.
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weaselgames · 2 years
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oh i nearly got in a real bad shape. im going night hunting for endermen and i locked eyes with one after i put some water down, but there was a hoard of zombies. (LITERALLY . COULDNT COUNT THEM ALL) coming from the village near by and my water placement was sorta scuffed bc it was on a hill, they got me really really low but i couldnt leave the water cuz the enderman would get me ToT still gonna try to get one more, and maybe 2 after that? i always try to get more than necessary for the portal T_T wish me luck
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