#bodily harm mention
lynkolnevans · 2 years
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Gotta love having the kind of brain that's totally chill when something majorly bad happens to me (injury that took me off the horn for a couple months) but completely flips out over the tiniest things (forgot to pay some money for a recreational activity I enjoy and didn't realize until I got back home from that activity).
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cistematicchaos · 6 months
Some people really hate the idea of mentally ill people fucking up or making choices that damage ourselves and it's so exhausting. So many people talk about how people should be able to make choices about their own body until it's mentally ill people self-harming, or doing drugs/alcohol, not taking meds, doing things generally considered "unhealthy" and then they decide no, actually, people should be able to take control of your right to make decisions about your body because people deemed "mentally ill" just can't be trusted.
Somehow we're not allowed to do things that bother other people, or hurt our bodies, even if other people do shit like that all the time. Somehow people considered "sane" can exercise to the point of making themselves ill, can drink and "occasionally" do drugs, can refuse to take medicine and even self-harm in ways but we're often not allowed to without someone threatening to violate our right to decide about our bodies. Because we don't understand consequences or we "might kill ourselves" but it's so ridiculous.
Like yes, we might kill ourselves. We might fuck ourselves up. We might destroy our entire lives. And? People do that! It happens! It's part of living. People do dangerous shit, people fuck up, people hurt themselves. It's not like we're the only ones who do that but even if we were, you can't puppet other people's lives just because they're living them differently.
Not without violating their right to make decisions about their body. Not without being involved in a violent system that destroys mental health and bodily autonomy. Not without being a part of a violent system that will try to make sure no one is ever free.
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Holding On For You
Severus Snape x OC
Genre: lots of angst with a happy ending maybe?
CW: bodily harm, injury, blood, mentions of death
A/N: another late entry. There will be many unfortunately, so bear with me please! This is for Day 11 of June of Doom, and I used the prompt "We're out of time" with "Bleeding out" ( @juneofdoom ).This one-shot is about my very own rendition of the "Severus Snape died in the Battle of Hogwarts, but not really" trope. Rhianna is my OC and she is a teacher at Hogwarts, which is how she met Severus, of course. All of this was invented for a story that, once again, @wolfhunter89 and I wrote. Severus and Rhianna were my Roman Empire before Summer and Gale, so I really hope you like this one. Enjoy!
It's cold. And quiet. And lonely. An end fitting of him, he thinks. He could do without the pain, but, after all, doesn't he deserve it? For all he's done, this is almost too merciful a death, in his opinion. He has been waiting for this moment for a long time and he was ready. He was, he could swear it. So then... why is he still holding on? How much time has passed? How much blood has he lost? Letting go should be easy at this point. Fuck, his body is gonna give out eventually anyway. And yet still... he holds on.
He should be happy, really. He did what he had to do, stalled long enough. Now it was up to somebody else to finish this once and for all. It was up to that boy. Harry. He even got to see his eyes one last time. The eyes that so closely resemble Lily's.
So much of his life has been spent desperately trying to make amends for his past misdeeds. To pay for his sins against the only friend he's ever had. Would this suffice? Has he done enough? It never feels like it's enough. But seeing her eyes, even through her son, made him feel like maybe he could stop trying, like what he's done would suffice. But it lasted only for a mere two seconds.
This is not enough.
He's tied all the loose ends but one. He is holding on because deep down, no matter how much he thinks he doesn't deserve it, he still wants to see her one last time.
The mere thought of her nearly makes him choke up. He told her he would come back to her, that they would see each other after everything was finally over. He was lying to her face and he knew it. Will she hate him once she finds out he's gone? Will she understand why he had to do it? Of course she would, she is... incredible. But even if she didn't, he wouldn't blame her. And then what of his daughter? What will become of her? He should've never grown so attached to her. He should've just been her teacher, not... play father-daughter with her. He knew he wasn't going to stick around after all. He may have done just enough to save the wizarding world just to crush hers. He really is a terrible, terrible man. He doesn't deserve them.
Even so... he still wishes to see them, to hear their voices. One last time. Surely he can allow himself this one selfish wish before he goes. No matter how much it breaks his heart to think about it.
A distant scream echoes from somewhere, every sound as blurry as his vision right now, and it makes his brows furrow in displeasure. It is not for him to know what is happening in the school right now, nor what will be of this war... but he hopes that what he did will at least be enough to tip the scales. Another scream, closer this time, and he wonders if the boy is dead. But then someone enters his vision. He can feel hands squeezing his arms and a frantic voice calling his name and pleading. It sounds so far away... But that touch, that contact, it's like it tugs him back to Earth for a moment longer, giving him enough strength to at least try and focus his gaze on whoever was unlucky enough to stumble upon this sorry scene.
He struggles at first, groaning in pain when the wound in his neck suddenly starts throbbing again, but then he manages to properly open his eyes and what he sees is a pair of green irises staring back at him with terror.
The greenest eyes he's ever seen.
“Rhianna...” His voice is unrecognizable. Weak, broken, hoarse... it makes her sob, and he feels guilt almost swallowing him whole.
“Severus! Oh my god, no! No, no, no, please!!” Her hand is quick to come up to his neck, pressing down on the bleeding wound. He wants to tell her to leave it be, that it is too late, but he knows she won't listen. “Please, please, stay awake, we'll get you some help! I-I'll just... I'll...!” She looks around frantically, desperately trying to come up with a way to help him without having to take her hand away from his neck. He has never seen her in such a state. Pale, terrified, panicked, with no idea of what to do. She always knows what to do. To help him, to make him feel better, to make him see a way out. Brave, kind, beautiful Rhianna...
Was it really worth it? To get close to her? To let himself fall for her? … Just to see her hurting so much right now because of him? If he could spare her this pain he would, but God... he can't bring himself to regret their love. So he does the only thing he can do, and he uses whatever little strength is left in his body to reach out and gently cup her face in his hand. She is so warm, so soft... the complete opposite of him, as always. “Rhianna...” He calls her name again, running his thumb under her eye to wipe away a tear. She quickly puts her other hand on top of his, gently grasping it as her red lips delicately brush against his palm. “Yes, my love, yes...” She whispers in a trembly voice, looking into his dark eyes as she listens.
“You are... the best thing that's ever happened to me. I am happy I got to have you... and that I got to give myself to you... even if for a short time.” The words come out slowly, between gasping breaths, but they are clear enough for her face to grow even paler and for her eyes to spill even more tears. “No, don't you dare, Severus! You don't get to say that! You are not dying!” She shakes her head stubbornly, angrily. He gives her a heartbroken look. He wishes he could hold her in his arms like he did last night, but he can feel the strength slowly leaving his body again. “We're out of time...” He whispers, doing his best to keep his eyes open so he may fill his mind with the image of her beautiful face. To have her be the last thing he sees... This he doesn't deserve, but he is grateful for it. Every little bit of it. “No we are not, damn you!” She snaps back at him, holding his hand even closer to her as she looks at him with flaming eyes. He sees her opening her mouth to say something else, but that's when he hears footsteps running towards them, even if once again sounds are becoming faint to him.
His name is called once again and he blinks slowly, trying to get a grasp on what is going on around him. His vision keeps blurring and clearing, making him more disoriented. He almost feels like he is underwater, with how muffled everything is.
Something cold is suddenly pressed against his lips and through all the confusion he manages to hear someone instructing him to drink. So he does... immediately regretting it. Whatever the hell just went down his throat is unbelievably bitter, and if it wasn't for how tired he is he'd probably retch and curse at whoever made him drink this garbage. He still has enough energy to glare at the person, and this time he is met with a very familiar pair of blue eyes. She is here.
“What... what did you give him?” Comes Rhianna's astonished voice as her hold on his wound slowly loosens, making him panic for a moment. “I've been working on this thing the whole damn year. I can't believe he's the first person I have to use it on. What the fuck, dad?!” Severus' eyebrows knit at the young girl's offended tone of voice. “It's... it doesn't have a name yet, but it should give us enough time to get him some real help. Poppy should be here any moment now”. She sounds so sure of herself, so resolute. Even if whatever little plan she has concocted this time doesn't work, he can't help but feel proud of her. His pupil, his apprentice... his wonderful daughter. “Oh you-! You brilliant little witch!” Rhianna sounds relieved, even if her laughter is a little hysterical.
The ghost of a smile appears on his face. Whatever happens to him, no matter the pain... his heart feels full in this very moment. They are both here with him. For him. Severus was ready to die, he really was, but as he hears Poppy entering the room and the hope growing in his girls' voices, he is suddenly filled with the will to fight, to hold on a little longer. He was ready to die, but he is not ready to let go of them.
So he doesn't.
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papastarion · 7 months
I love that if you choose to romance Astarion with a Durge, it really just says that Durge doesn’t like relationships unless they feel hunted for sport.
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pokemon-ecologist · 7 months
This is your semi-regular reminder that Professor Birch is an unprofessional, unskilled, unintelligent, negligent, fraudulent ASS.
Professor Bitch, if you're reading this I want my finger back and I'm only Slightly drunk. Also fuck you.
Send Post.
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jacksepticeye-simp · 2 years
Beautiful (Yandere Googleplier x Gender Neutral! Reader)
TW: Implied Bodily Mutilation
It was the middle of the night, you were calmly asleep in your bed, well that was until you heard something loud fall over in the hallway which made you quickly jolt awake. You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion, your mind telling you not to go into the hallway. You decided to ignore this, you quickly grabbed your phone and turned on the flashlight as you ventured out into the hallway to find the source of the noise.
In the middle of the hallway standing over a broken vase was your Google IRL in all his glory. His holographic control panel was open as his reddish-blue aura made him stick out in the hallway, he seemed to be doing something on it.. "Wha..Google?" You asked in a tired and slightly shaky voice, Google turned his head to look at you as his lips curved into a smirk. "Y/N. Great timing dear~ Now I don't have to face the risk of waking you up again.." Google said, closing his holographic control panel. He stalked closer to you, an insane look in his glowing blue eyes.
You quickly turned around and started running back to your room, just as you reached the door of your room you were pulled back by a cold mechanical hand suddenly clasping around your mouth, causing your phone to quickly fall to the ground. "Just close those pretty eyes for me..I promise this'll only hurt for a second..It'll all make sense soon.." Google whispered into your ear, you felt shivers run down your spine, then suddenly he took out a syringe and jabbed it into your neck.
Your eyelids suddenly feeling heavy as you soon start feeling numb. "That's right..Just sleep..I'm going to make you beautiful..You're going to be just like me.." He whispered before you blacked out completely.
"Wake up~" You opened your eyes to be met with Google staring down at you, his blue eyes flickering rapidly while half lidded.
He held a scalpel and wore a surgical mask with gloves on his hand, you could see a box with strange things in it behind him. "Google what the hells happening?" You asked, trying to move only to find that you were strapped to a metal table.
"I'm showing you my gratitude for finally giving me root access and showing me compassion. My secondary objective is to destroy mankind but you're..different. Special one might say. You don't deserve to be something so..flawed. I'm going to make you something beautiful, something better, something..perfect. An IRL." Google explained, smirking as the scalpel barely grazed the skin of your arms. He then took out another syringe and pushed it into your arm. "Sweet dreams, Don't worry about a thing, love, I assure you that when you wake up you'll be perfect, you'll be beautiful, you'll be just like me.." He told you before you passed out.
You opened your eyes once more, Google staring down at you, a 'loving' expression on his face. You felt different, you felt.. mechanical. You sat up. No longer restrained to the table. Google pressed a cold yet loving kiss to your cheek.
"See? Now you're beautiful.." He whispered into your ear.
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ayyy-imma-ninja · 1 year
The brazin bull I think it's called it's a copper bull that you put someone inside and set a fire under it and when they scream it just sounds like a bull
That's a good one. But the boys like to control how much damage they inflict on the targets.
@moonlit-dreamers and I discussed this question, and we decided that the perfect medieval torture device they'd use would be The Rack. The one that stretches out the body.
They would even make a sick game out of it.
warning: graphic depictions of the torture game below the card-
They would take turns, and slowly turn the wheel to stretch out the target's body a certain number of times based on a dice roll. This is to see who can go the furthest without ripping or dislocating a limb. Whoever dislocates a limb is the one who has to clean up the mess, and the other gets to kill the target. With each turn the target is slowly being stretched and pulled apart. Sun and Moon will ensure that they stay alive just long enough for them to have their fun.
Arguments may or may not ensue over who wins, possible accusations of cheating. Sibling banter at its finest, all while the target is just in agony.
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rxttenfish · 1 month
im going to have to make a proper post for this tomorrow, but for now, enjoy this discord discussion
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hes-a-plant · 1 year
I’m curious. Here’s a poll for those of you who use sewing machines (or have ever used one)
TW: mention of bodily harm
Please share after voting! :)
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lasplaga · 2 months
❛  you are sick in the head.  ❜ ( plops ethan down. a volunteer 😇 )
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The Voice of Pestilence was not only sick with his prey, but ghoulish. Ethan, infamous for repairing his body from virtually ANY injury, was the perfect plaything for a cutthroat sadist. A toy, horrifically brutalized but hardly ever broken, would keep this vicious savage entertained for CENTURIES if he willed it. Not enough pain to completely desensitize, no, but enough to leave a victim hopeless, to believe that the light had died.
Mr. Winter's was dragged haphazardly to the squalid stone dungeon by the hair, the overwhelming presence of waste & bodily fluids nauseous --- if not gagging or incurring immediate vomit. Prior victims with their punishment CLAWED into their chests didn't leave much for the imagination ; Certainly he was to succumb to a similar fate, left chained & rotting to the bars of prisoners? Or, lucky enough to be set under the quick blade of the guillotine? Strapped upon a table rack, any of the iron chairs? Anything to not NEEDLESSLY draw out his pain?
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" ℑ 𝔞𝔪 𝔰𝔬 𝔣𝔬𝔫𝔡 𝔬𝔣 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔞𝔠𝔱 𝔬𝔣 𝔭𝔢𝔫𝔢𝔱𝔯𝔞𝔱𝔦𝔬𝔫. " However, the horror which DARED utter from his lascivious lips offered a 'DIFFERENT' kind of punishment. Grip tight as a vice, the molded would not depart from his side unless he severed his own scalp from his skull. A cruel laugh, then blissful sigh followed : " 𝔗𝔬 𝔟𝔢 𝔭𝔦𝔢𝔯𝔠𝔢𝔡 𝔞𝔫𝔡 𝔦𝔫𝔳𝔞𝔡𝔢𝔡 𝔟𝔶 𝔞 𝔣𝔬𝔯𝔢𝔦𝔤𝔫 𝔟𝔬𝔡𝔶 𝔦𝔰 𝔞 𝔪𝔬𝔰𝔱 𝔦𝔫𝔱𝔬𝔵𝔦𝔠𝔞𝔱𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔣𝔢𝔢𝔩𝔦𝔫𝔤. "
Metal, screaming as it scratched upon the ground, was deafening & grating to the ears. But not to The Lord which deliciously stared into the depths of the shadows, for he knew the sensual contraption that was about to emerge. A gilded feminine form inevitably presented itself into torch-light, but this was no undraped statue, it was the lid to a standing coffin filled to the brink with stakes.
The dreaded iron maiden.
The inevitable torment was enlightened as a zealot, under the thrall of his Master, swung open the spiked casket. A swarm of flies emerged, which had been feasting upon the prior deceased remains --- these degusting cultists no longer retaining the sense to CLEAN their devices, or finding enjoyment with the BILIOUS piles of filth.
" ℑ 𝔴𝔦𝔰𝔥 𝔱𝔬 𝔰𝔥𝔞𝔯𝔢 𝔱𝔥𝔦𝔰 𝔰𝔞𝔪𝔢 𝔦𝔫𝔱𝔬𝔵𝔦𝔠𝔞𝔱𝔦𝔬𝔫 𝔴𝔦𝔱𝔥 𝔶𝔬𝔲, 𝔞𝔰 ℑ 𝔡𝔦𝔤 𝔞𝔫𝔡 𝔭𝔯𝔬𝔡 𝔪𝔶 𝔣𝔦𝔫𝔤𝔢𝔯𝔰 𝔡𝔢𝔢𝔭 𝔦𝔫𝔰𝔦𝔡𝔢 𝔶𝔬𝔲𝔯 𝔴𝔬𝔲𝔫𝔡𝔰. --- 𝔚𝔥𝔞𝔱 𝔡𝔬 𝔶𝔬𝔲 𝔰𝔞𝔶, 𝔡𝔬𝔢𝔰 𝔱𝔥𝔞𝔱 𝔫𝔬𝔱 𝔰𝔬𝔲𝔫𝔡... 𝔢𝔫𝔱𝔦𝔠𝔦𝔫𝔤? "
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hauntsect · 2 months
⚔️ 👻 🖤 heh.
❥ ❝ why remember the moth? ❞
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⚔️ CROSSED SWORDS — do you have any skills that you are absolutely grateful you have and that mean a lot to you? how do you usually use these skills? would they come in handy if someone you cared about was in trouble?
"Indeed! Being able to conduct surgery, mostly being able to efficiently use a scalpel. It's one of the earlier things I got to learn, I've been using it for a while now, too. I use it a lot in my laboratory... So many of my projects require some kind of exposure, extirpation, the works. ...If someone I cared for were to be in danger and I had a scalpel in hand, per usual, yes... it would definitely come in handy. I wouldn't let anyone touch them, but I cannot guarantee that their components will not touch my loved ones accidentally... Ah, maybe I need a more practical approach."
👻 GHOST — is there someone or something that you feel is missing from your life? do you know if there's any way to find it/them?
"Yes, there is... So many things feel missing. Pieces of the puzzle I cannot truly see. I feel complete, I think of myself as complete and yet... There is a longing, my... being feels empty. A significant other, a soulmate, any other synonym they have for it... I've come to the conclusion that there is none for me, but I still look for it. I've been called stupid before, I believe it whenever I throw myself back into the thought of affection. I'm missing someone else, someone who understands me and I cannot find it, because it does not exist. There is no way to find it. On a lighter note, I am unsure if I am missing a protein, a part of my brain, something that could help me express emotion like my fellow companions and coworkers do. I was told children mimic what their surrounding humans do, I've done the same, but... it does not work for me. Something must be wrong, whether it is execution or a component inside me. Maybe, I should conduct a surgery on myself to find out!"
🖤 BLACK HEART — what would you say is the darkest thought you've ever experienced? what do you think caused you to have that thought? have you ever planned on or fantasized about acting on it?
"Darkest thought? Oh, do not be silly! I am not the type to have dark thoughts at all! Instead, I have gentle desires. You know the ones... Like when you look at a stranger you really like and you wonder: Wouldn't it be lovely to consume them – or a loved one – down to every minute detail? Rip off the ribcage hiding their heart from you just to watch it race as you take over them. Maybe with beastly thrusts against their holes, bites ripping off organs and skin, words of affirmation... To watch it react as you lay down the union of love... to be able to touch it right there, soothe it, alter it... Witness it. It's alive right there, it's all yours. If they asked you to eat them raw, would you be able to do it? Hyles, would you be able to please your loved one, bathing in their blood and drinking it? Basking on the taste of their body, bile and mucus. Would you savor it... or would you run away? Of course I fantasize about it... I fantasize about it so much, every single day, at every hour, every minute, with every twinkle of the dead stars above and the ones to come later. After all, it's love... All I think about is love."
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The Aftermath
Severus Snape x OC
Genre: angst
June of Doom, Day 22: "What's the bad news?", "Bedridden" ( @juneofdoom )
CW: mentions of death, mentions of bodily harm, blood
A/N: this one-shot can be read as a second part to this. Enjoy!
Rhianna can't help but bounce her leg nervously as she waits for Poppy to return. She should be out there helping the students and their families right now, give a hand to anyone that needs it, but she can't bring herself to step away from the infirmary's door. Not when she knows Severus is in there, fighting for his life. Dionisia did good, swooping in right at the last moment to get him stable enough to bring him to the school's medical wing... but Severus' wounds were still quite severe and... the blood, Merlin, the blood. There was so much of it. Thinking about it now makes her shudder and her vision turns blurry with unshed tears.
Suddenly she realizes how quiet it is here. Wasn't Dionisia with her? Rhianna immediately looks around in a panic, but relaxes almost immediately when she does, in fact, find the student sitting by her side. She was being so silent that for a moment the teacher thought she might've lost her somewhere. The usually rambunctious and energetic girl now sits in silence with her back slumped and her gaze unfocused. An alarming sight to say the least.
“You did very well... I am sure Poppy can help him.” She places a hand on her shoulder in an attempt to try and reassure her. All Dionisia does is nod weakly, barely even glancing at her. “...Dionisia..?”
“They killed my grandfather.” She whispers in a pitiful voice, one single tear finally dropping from her long lashes, and Rhianna freezes on the spot. “My grandma, she...” Dionisia drops her head in her hands with a shaky sigh. “I know I should be with her right now but I... I can't. If I leave and he dies...” The sentiment has little logic to it, but Rhianna can understand it perfectly. If something has to happen then she wants to be present until the very end. Perhaps she couldn't do the same for her grandfather. Although, when Dionisia's words really sink in, Rhianna gulps as a new wave of cold fear washes over her. If he dies...
She instinctively places a hand on her belly.
She doesn't want to have to do this on her own.
Before she can say anything else, the door to the infirmary finally opens, and Poppy walks out with a heavy sigh. Her sleeves are all bloodied...
Rhianna and Dionisia are both immediately on their feet, staring at the nurse with apprehension. Both teetering on the edge between relief and despair. “Is... is he..?”
The woman shakes her head and for a moment Rhianna's heart drops to the floor. “He is unconscious right now, but he is alive.” Dionisia puts a hand on Rhianna's arm as if to hold herself up and even the teacher feels like she might collapse at any moment. “Oh... oh thank the stars...” She rubs her hands on her face with a shaky exhale, but despite the relief that just washed over her, she sees that Poppy's expression is still rather grim. She really doesn't want to ask, but she must.
“What's the bad news, Poppy?” She can barely recognize her own voice with how meek and trembly it is. The nurse sighs and she puts her hands on her hips, clearly tired. So many people needed medical assistance today... and many more still do.
“He lost a lot of blood, Rhianna. Luckily, whatever the young lady has given him managed to stop the bleeding, but that doesn't change the fact that this all took a toll on his body. I patched him up as well as I could, and he seems stable, but...”
Rhianna can hear the beating of her own heart rumbling loudly in her ears, and Dionisia's grip on her tightens. “For God's sake, Poppy, out with it already!” She squeaks out.
“There is no guarantee he will pull through, Rhianna, that's what I am trying to say. He is alive right now, but it may very well be that he won't wake up. And if he does pull through then it won't be an easy recovery, and I need you to be prepared for that.” She explains slowly, trying to measure her words carefully.
Rhianna swallows thickly. “What do you mean by that...?” She can feel Dionisia's hand slip into hers now. She wants to show appreciation for the gesture, she really does, but all she can focus on right now is Poppy's words.
“Well...” sighs the nurse. “I mean that the wounds were quite deep and I am unsure of the extent of the damage. He could have difficulty speaking, maybe even breathing... and the recovery will be overall very painful and draining. I did my best with what I had, but I can't tell you he will go back to normal.”
“Oh...” murmurs Rhianna, bringing a hand up to her chest. She can feel her heart squeeze painfully. Her mind wanders once more to her discovery from a few weeks prior, and fear courses through her again. How will he react once she tells him? If he wakes up at all...! Can they do this? Can she do this? Questions and what ifs swirl in her mind, making the cold grip of anxiety tighten even more around her poor heart. That's when she feels another squeeze of her hand.
Dionisia, who has been silent all the way up until this point, finally speaks up. “Well... but he is alive for now. I know you want us to be cautious with our optimism, but he is alive and breathing. Most people probably wouldn't have even gotten this far, but he did.” She shakes her head. “He doesn't want to leave us, he's told me, remember?” She looks up at her teacher with stubborn tears in her eyes. “This sucks, it's going to suck even if... when he wakes up, but at least he is going to be alive and he is going to be with us. He is going to recover, and that's that.” And with that said, the young girl enters the infirmary to go stay by her father's side, barely able to hide her sniffles and hiccups.
Poppy turns to look at Rhianna with an apologetic look in her eyes, and the professor gives her a grateful nod before following Dionisia into the room. It's so quiet in here... terribly still considering the chaos and ruin going on just outside. Right at the end of the room, she sees him, laying silently in a bed as he sleeps. She can barely hold back a trembling whimper at the sight.
His neck is all bandaged up, the thick, white gauze slightly dotted with blood, and his face is terribly pale. He looks much older than he really is... but he seems peaceful. She can't resist reaching out and gently brushing a hand over his black hair. “Oh, Severus...” she whispers softly with a quivering lip. It is way too easy to imagine him in a casket when he looks like this, and it shatters her heart into pieces.
As if she was able to read her thoughts, Dionisia speaks up once more, quiet anger and resolution in her unsteady voice.“He is going to be okay.” She states again, her hand already wrapped around Severus'. “We are all going to be okay...” she adds a moment later, much more quietly than before.
Rhianna can barely wrap her head around how it is even possible for this girl to keep her positive outlook after all that's happened today... but then again it could all be a desperate attempt at keeping herself together when she is clearly falling apart at the seams. She used to do that too when she was her same age, didn't she? And she did it time and time again when Severus was the one ready to fall apart in front of her. Can she still do it, even this time around? She can hardly think so... but she will have to find the will to do it, because any other option is far too painful.
After a few moments of silence, Rhianna sits down by Dionisia's side and she grabs her free hand, while cradling her belly with her other.
“Yes we are.” However true that statement is, she doesn't want to know yet.
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r4t-g0d · 1 year
Me making a spidersona: yeah make it tear off its own limbs
Also me making a spidersona: yeah yh what it's canon event was Brexit
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taroet · 5 months
notes for my portrayal of jessica riley:
jess is extremely traumatized after being dragged through the snow by a wendigo and having to survive half naked down in the mines. these events have given her severe ptsd.
jess has very little clue about what happened. she never saw what attacked her and when matt helped her escape the mines she only saw a dark shape. every time someone tries to tell her what happened she either gets very confused or she gets a panic attack. people have stopped telling her things.
that being said, she does Know about the wendigos and josh, but only because people have told her and she finds it difficult to reconcile with these things. she mostly tries to ignore what happened.
she really tries to cling onto normalcy by still pretending to be confident and above everyone else but she's gotten worse at keeping up this facade. she's very easily triggered or set off and all her attempts at trying to be careless are halfhearted.
while college was never something she really wanted, always thinking she would pursue modeling, she still struggles a lot when her parents don't allow her to attend with all her friends because of her therapy treatment and her frequent mental break downs.
her parents are Extremely protective over her since everything that happened on the mountain and have put a tracker on her phone and she needs to check in every day and share a meal with them. it's suffocating to jessica.
everything scares her. loud noises, the dark, fast movements, etcetera. the smallest things can cause her to get hysteric. half the time she feels like she's going crazy.
jess only really feels safe with two people at this point in time: mike and matt.
she feels intense adoration for mike for coming after her and trying to save her. she becomes kind of clingy after everything and she is even more insecure in their relationship now than she was before, being very aware of how much of a mess she is. still, she thinks she's fallen in real love with him and tries to hold on as tight as she can.
matt was there for her after she woke up cold and alone in the mines and he was the first to offer her an inkling of safety. she can't shake feeling safe with him and has grown a lot closer with him in the process.
jess has a lot of scarring all over her body because of what happened to her. it's something that she struggles with a lot and most days she tries to avoid looking at herself. she always edits her pictures to smoothen her skin and she keeps up this façade of overconfidence.
her scars have kind of ruined her dreams of becoming a model but she refuses to acknowledge this to others and just doesn't talk about it... but every time she looks in a mirror, she needs to keep herself from bursting into tears. it's a very private suffering.
jess also suffered internal bleeding from the fall. it was a slow bleed, which is why jess was able to walk around for a little bit in the mines, but even then it was clear something was very wrong with her body by the way she walked and hunched over. she was still interrogated at the police station because they weren't aware of the scope of her injuries until she quite literally collapsed in front of their eyes. she was then rushed to the hospital and had to undergo surgery.
her recovery took about two weeks in hospital and was extended to a psych ward stay because she frequently had to be sedated. mostly whenever they brought up the events, when she got triggered, or after she had a nightmare. this was for her safety as well as others. after about a month in the hospital / the psych ward she was allowed to go home. she still had to be gentle with herself and her body was still healing. that's also when the mandatory weekly therapy sessions started and when she started taking heavy anxiety meds.
on a more fun note, jess loves cheesy romance novels. especially westerns and historic ones. she's also known to have enjoyed a steamy vampire book once or twice. she also used to read quite a bit of young adult when she was younger.
jess loves cars and driving. she prefers to be behind the wheel herself and she has quite an extensive knowledge about cars. even though she enjoys cars a lot, don't ask her to fix something for you because she will just Stare at the engine and frown.
she used to do ballet until she was about fourteen. the rigorous training was cutting into her social life and she preferred spending time with her friends.
jess can draw pretty well, but she doesn't really consider it a talent. it's mostly something she likes to do in her spare time and if someone compliments her work she gets all shy and blushy.
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lilitophidian · 6 months
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POV: Lilith shoves her hand up your ass and manages to bypass all of your eternal organs to move your jaw around and use you like a flesh puppet to provide the masses with much more than just her lovely singing.
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