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thepiratekitty · 2 hours ago
Waiting? What do you mean with that parent? WAITING???
New kitten is aggressively meowing and can't wait for food
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thepiratekitty · 3 days ago
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thepiratekitty · 3 days ago
Bilbo's been living in Erebor for a few years as the king's consort when he gets word from the shire that a little baby hobbit has been entrusted into his care and can you come pick up your baby cousin please so Bilbo and Thorin make the journey to Bag-end to collect little Frodo, but for various reasons (probably safety/general dwarf secrecy idk) they don't tell anyone other than Balin the reason for their journey
All this to say can you imagine the chaos that ensues when Bilbo and Thorin mysteriously disappear for months and then return with a hobbit baby with blue eyes and dark wavy hair
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thepiratekitty · 3 days ago
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eyes emoji
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thepiratekitty · 3 days ago
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Bandit is giving male wife and chili is a girl boss like always
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thepiratekitty · 3 days ago
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thepiratekitty · 5 days ago
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thepiratekitty · 5 days ago
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happy valentines day butch4butch beauyasha is now real
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thepiratekitty · 8 days ago
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thepiratekitty · 10 days ago
Summoning au where Danny and Dani jokingly tries to summon a random superhero, and it works.
That's not the problem, though. No, the problem was that nearly the whole Justice League were in the same room and clearly the spell wasn't specific enough cause now he had a bunch of heros packed like sardines into one of his parents sub basements and the reverse spell wasn't working.
He can't just let them out cause they would have to walk through another sub basement which happened to be where his parents stored thier torture devices and he didn't know how to explain that to a bunch of heros without making it sound like his parents were villians.
Oh, ancients, Danny just now realized his parents are villains.
Danny didn't think this through. To be fair, he wasn't expecting it to work at all.
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thepiratekitty · 10 days ago
I've started reading Anne Lister's (early 1800s lesbian) journals, some highlights:
where they start off, she's accompaning her ex-its-complicated (Mariana) who just got married on her honeymoon. Anne responds to this heartbreak by fucking Mariana's sister (also along on the honeymoon)
she is also an absolute dirtbag towards this sister (confusingly also named Anne aka Nantz), "she would gladly have gotten into bed or done anything of the loving kind I asked her", "I said she excited my feelings in a way that was very unjustifiable unless she meant to gratify them"
part of how she explains she's gay to Nantz is saying how pretty hr sister Eliza is. Notably this is not the sister that Anne has been dating.
then she immediately drops Nantz and makes a snide note that "superior charms might not be so easily come-at-able on such easy terms"
Later she meets back up with Mariana and then proceeds to spend so much time hanging out with yet another sister (Lou) that Mariana gets jealous, which Anne glosses over in a way that might read more heartfelt if she had not previously a) noted that one of Mariana's sisters was very pretty or b) slept with another one
On the one hand she is such a snob towards her neighbors, but on the other its clear she's acutely aware that they are all aware she is Different and are gossiping about her, so I find it hard to hold the classism against her
her idea of flirting with a local middleclass girl she meets is to send her a poem about having a temporary fling with a social inferior. Luckily she does not go through with this idea, but big Darcy energy
at one point she buys a pistol and shoots out of her window and the recoil knocks it out of her hand so dramatically that the pistol smashes the glass
so much of these journals are about finances, which I'm sure the historians adore, Anne keeps noting down how much everything cost
There's some interesting gendered bits going on in her: Anne mentions at one point sitting in just her underwear and men's suspenders, and mentions "the abuse I had received for [...] manners like those of a gentleman". She's also very focused on getting a full (masculine) education: classics, math and science, etc, and there are multiple places where she notes particularly when a(n unfamiliar) man treats her intellect as an equal.
there's one long bit that really gets me where she goes on for a while about the various expenses of traveling by coach and ends it with "Any gentleman might travel on these terms, if he chose to go into the traveling room & was sure of being well received so long as he did not give himself airs, but behaved like a gentleman. Indeed, he said, many gentlemen did travel in this way..."
gods I wish she lived in a time where she could be butch
Anne Lister kept parts of her journals encrypted, mostly the lines to do with her sexuality, and there's a strange poetry in the way this collection renders the encrypted text in italics, queerness once unreadable but still written plainly alongside the deniable straightness, "Had a hot supper & did not get back until 3. I slept with M---"
(full part 1) (part 2)
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thepiratekitty · 15 days ago
I just found the funniest font ever
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Like. What is this. Why is this. Who is the target audience of this?
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thepiratekitty · 17 days ago
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Dana just posted some art of young adult Eda
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thepiratekitty · 21 days ago
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thepiratekitty · 21 days ago
This black spot concerns me a bit.
hey followers. have you ever wanted to know how it feels to be inside a bag of cornflakes
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thepiratekitty · 22 days ago
You're only as strong as what you can hold on to (when picking things up).
So it may be helpful to train "unusual" grip positions at the end of your workout. Grip strength is at least somewhat skill specific, but the good news is that you probably already have some decent grip strength if you're regularly exercising. A little bit goes a long way if you want to train to grip things differently.
So if you like rock climbing, train rock climbing grips. If you're a mechanic, you may benefit from finger pinching strength (think of trying to unscrew something from a weird position).
Hope that can help. Have a wonderful day!
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thepiratekitty · 23 days ago
Oh my god this sounds adorable.
Never knew Penguins sound like this.
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