#bodega strike
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Built A Fire Just To Keep Me Warm
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader enemies to lovers
Synopsis: you and Peter are in the same friend group but never got along. That doesn’t keep him from making sure you never get cold
“Guys, why is it so damn cold in here?” You groaned and rubbed your arms up and down. The thought of sitting in your lecture class for the next hour with your professor with the dullest voice imaginable somehow made you even colder.
“I told you to layer up.” MJ shrugged. “But you never want to listen during layer talk. You know this guy always cracks the AC.”
“I always listen during layer talk.” Ned mumbled and threw his scarf over his shoulder.
You looked at your professor in the front of the room and then up at the vent above you.
“Why though? It’s the middle of December. My arm hairs should not be standing up.” You said and held your arm up for MJ to see.
“Maybe you should wear a jacket.” Peter interjected, making you all look at him.
“What was that?” You asked him. Ned signaled for him to stop talking but Peter had a point to make.
“I was just saying. You know this professor always has the AC on. But you always come to class in thin shirts and then complain that you’re cold.” Peter said. You sat up in your chair so you could fully face Peter and narrowed your eyes at him.
“So,” he mimicked your tone, “You know its going to be cold in here. But you still never wear a jacket. Maybe you should put one on next time so you won’t have this problem.”
“And maybe you should mind your business. I wasn’t even talking to you.” You grumbled and slumped down in your chair. Peter watched you rubbing your arms to keep warm and rolled his eyes a little.
“You were talking to the group.” Peter pointed out. “I’m in the group. So it was my business.”
“No, I was talking to MJ.” You stated as your annoyance for him grew.
“You said “guys, why is it so damn cold in here?”. That implies you were asking all of us.” Peter corrected. Ned and MJ exchanged a look as you glared at Peter.
“Okay, but I didn’t say ‘Peter, I’m really cold. Please give me your professional opinion on how to prevent that’. I was just making an observation.”
“But that’s not really an observation though, is it?” Peter asked. “It’s a declarative statement. We were in Linguistics together. I’m surprised you don’t remember that.”
“Oh my God.” You groaned. “Why do you have to be such a know it all?”
“I don’t know. Why do you insist on wearing the flimsiest shirts to class and then complaining that you’re cold?” Peter retorted.
“There’s about to be an active threat in this classroom.” You mumbled under your breath.
“What do you mean?” Ned asked you.
“I mean I’m about to beat Peter up.” You told him.
“Knock it off you two.” MJ warned. “Can you guys go one day without going at each other?”
“Tell Peter that. He started it.” You reminded her.
“I don’t care. I don’t want any bickering at my party tonight.” She said. “It can’t be like Friendsgiving. Because that was giving enemies instead of friends.”
“If you don’t want any fighting then you’ll have to uninvite Peter.” You told her.
“I can’t. He’s the only one with an ID. We need him for the alcohol.” MJ replied.
“I’m right here.” Peter pointed out
“Unfortunately.” You mumbled.
“Speaking of alcohol, I can’t go with him to get it.” Ned cut in. “My Lola has a sixth sense for this kind of thing. If I even look at a bottle of alcohol, she’ll know about it and strike me dead.”
“Then you’re going to have to go with him. I’ll be busy setting up.” MJ told you.
“What?” You whined. “I don’t want to go with him. Why can’t he go alone?”
“Again, right here.” Peter stated and waved his hand.
“Because of the Buddy System.” MJ answered. “Remember when we sent Ned alone to the bodega to get Sun Chips? He almost got kidnapped.”
“The only reason the man didn’t take me was because he thought my choice of chips was disgusting.” Ned whispered.
“That’s valid.” You shrugged. “I wouldn’t kidnap you either.”
“Can you guys just go together this once? For me? For little mixed drink loving old me?” MJ pleaded and held your hand to her heart.
“Fine.” You sighed and rubbed your hands up and down your arms. Peter watched you doing this and then looked up at the vent above you.
“Don’t act so excited about it.” Peter mumbled to you.
“I’m not.” You scoffed and gave him a look.
“I was being sarcastic.”
“So was I.” You said as Peter got up out of his seat.
“Where are you going?” You asked him.
“To pee. Is that allowed?” He sassed you.
“Go piss girl.” Ned called after Peter as he walked down the steps of the lecture room, earning many stares from other classmates.
“Ned, no.” MJ whispered. “That’s not relevant anymore.”
“Oh shit. Um, mama a hawk tuah diva behind you?” Ned asked to try and fix his mistake.
“Just stop while you’re ahead.” MJ replied with a pat on his knee. She then turned to you with a devious smile.
“Peter totally likes you.” She whispered.
“What?” You laughed. “No he doesn’t. We’re barely even friends. I only tolerate him since he’s friends with Ned. And I mess with Ned heavy.”
Just then, Peter came back from the bathroom and stopped at the professors desk. You watched them curiously but you couldn’t hear what they were saying. When Peter walked away from the desk, your professor went over to the thermostat and turned the AC off. You felt the vent above you stop spewing cold air just as Peter came back to where you were all sitting. He didn’t look at you but his cheeks were pink as he sat down. MJ and Ned hadn’t noticed what happened so you leaned over to him to whisper.
“Why did you do that?” You asked him.
“You said you were cold.” He shrugged, still without looking at you.
“So? Why do you care if I’m cold?”
“I don’t. I was cold too. Not everything’s about you.” He said quickly. You decided to drop it but you found the interaction strange.
Later that day, you and Peter kept a distance between you as you walked towards the nearest corner store. You had your arms folded to keep your hands warm and Peter was fighting the urge to comment on your lack of preparation for the cold.
“Do you have the list?” You asked Peter as you neared the store.
“I do. But it just says “alcohol” so we’re going in blind.” He answered. You couldn’t help but laugh at MJ’s lack of instructions as you rubbed your arms up and down. Peter noticed this and was about to offer his jacket when you reached the store. Instead, he held the door for you and you smiled in surprise.
“Thanks. Let’s just get what we need and get out of here.” You said, feeling awkward now as you walked past him into the store. You were never really alone with him so you weren’t expecting him to be so civil. You split up and went down each isle to collect a few token party items. As you browsed, you kept feeling Peter’s eyes on you but you never looked up to check.
“They don’t have MJ’s favorite vodka here. She’s gonna kill us if we don’t come back with it.” Peter came up to you to tell you.
“Damn. We could try the store two blocks down. They usually have it.”
“All right. Let’s go.” Peter said and nodded towards the door. As you started to walk to the next store, the frigid New York air hit you and sent a chill through your entire body. You shuddered and blew hot air on your hands before holding your arms to keep warm.
“Are you cold?” Peter asked you.
“Of course I’m cold. It’s brick out here.”
“How come you never wear a jacket if you’re always cold?” He asked. He didn’t sound accusatory, just curious.
“Because I thought we were just running to the store by the dorms. I didn’t think I’d need one.” You replied. Peter fought every instinct in his body that told him to stay silent and unzipped his jacket.
“Take mine.” He offered and held it out to you.
“What?” You laughed in surprise. “No way.”
“Come on. Don’t be stubborn. You’re freezing. Just take it.”
“I’m not taking your jacket. I’m fine.” You insisted and continued to shiver.
“Just take the damn jacket.” He sighed and put it over your shoulders. You wanted to be stubborn, but you more so wanted to be warm. You gave him a look and slipped your arms into his jacket. You instantly felt better and smiled a little at your new protection from the cold. Peters jacket hung a little big on you but kept you perfectly warm.
“Thank you.” You said timidly. “But aren’t you cold?”
“Nah.” He waved his hand. “I run hot.”
You had reached the next store by that point and he opened the door for you once again. You flashed him a quick smile and went inside to get the drinks for MJ. You found it quickly and joined him at the cash register.
You hugged Peter’s jacket tightly around you as you walked back to the dorms together. He felt better now that he wasn’t watching you freeze to death and you felt better now that you were safe from the bitter wind. You dropped Peter off at the boys dorm before going back to yours and MJs room. As soon as you walked in, you were hit with a familiar scent that made you suspicious. You looked around the dorm until you found what you were looking for.
“Oh, hey. You’re back.” MJ smiled when she found you.
“What’s this?” You asked and pointed to the mistletoe taped to the ceiling of the kitchen.
“Nothing.” MJ said quickly. “It’s basil.”
“You have basil taped to the ceiling?” You asked skeptically.
“I’m Italian.” She shrugged.
“No you’re not. I’ve eaten pasta you’ve made. It was like chewing a pen cap. There’s no Italian in that blood.”
“You got me. It’s mistletoe.” She admitted. “Arranged beautifully due to my floral arrangement class, may I add. I hung it incase you wanted to kiss any boys tonight.”
“I knew it. You’re still trying to set me up with Peter. It’s never going to work so give up now. Now matter how much basil you hang up.” You said and snatched the mistletoe down.
“You fight it but my lesbian instincts tell me that you guys are meant to be.” MJ said and held her hands up in defense. “And you better hang that back up because that was my only bushel of mistletoe.”
“The same lesbian instincts that made us get on that bus to Long Island? I can never un-go to Long Island, MJ. You did that to us.”
“It was dark. All the buses looked the same.” She defended herself. “But trust. My instincts are right about this one.”
“They’re not.” You stated. “I don’t like Peter like that. I don’t even like him as a friend.”
“Okay. Sure. I believe you. Nice jacket, by the way.” She smirked before walking away. You looked down and remembered you were wearing Peter’s beat up winter jacket. You quickly followed her into the kitchen area to continue the conversation.
“That doesn’t mean anything. I was cold.”
“Yeah. I bet he was too. Especially after he gave you his jacket.” She said smugly.
“He said he runs hot.” You insisted.
“Yeah. Hot for you. Ayo.” She grinned and held up her hand for a high five.
“That’s not getting a high five.” You said flatly. “There better not be any more surprises. Don’t try to intervene tonight, okay? Peter and I would never work.”
“I thought you said you and Peter would never happen. Now you’re saying it just wouldn’t work? Sounds like someone’s having a change of heart.” MJ clicked her tongue as she finished setting up for the party.
You rolled your eyes at her and didn’t respond as you helped her put out snacks. While setting a bowl of chips out on the table, you caught a whiff of Peter’s cologne coming off the jacket. You instinctively smiled at the scent before you caught yourself. You had never thought about it before, but now that MJ put the idea in your head, you couldn’t help but wonder if there was a deeper reason that you and Peter never got along.
An hour later, the party was in full swing. You made your rounds and greeted people as you filled their cups up some more. You would never admit it, but you were a little disappointed to not see Peter in the crowd yet. MJ noticed you searching the room every so often and took a place by your side.
“Looking for Peter?” She asked with a smug expression.
“What? No. Like I care if that doink shows up. I’m looking for Ned. He’s supposed to bring the…. Sun Chips.” You lied to cover up what you were really doing.
“Right, right. Of course. And how do you feel about Sun Chips?” She asked sarcastically.
“I need some air.” You said quickly and walked away from her. To get away from the crowd, you went out to your room and crawled out the window to sit on the roof. You hugged Peter’s jacket tightly around yourself and stared up at the night sky. The sound of the party coming through your open window sounded a million miles away. You drew your knees to your chest and rested your chin on them as the cold wind sent a chill through your body.
“Hey.” You heard behind you, making you turn around. You saw Peter coming through your bedroom window and come join you on the roof. You got a new feeling in your chest as he sat beside you.
“Hey.” You smiled softly at him. He returned the smile before an awkward silence settled between the two of you. You didn’t know how to interact after he was nice to you on your trip to the store.
“Thanks for walking through my bedroom with your dirty converse on.” You said to break the silence.
“Like my shoes were the dirtiest thing in that room. I’m pretty sure I saw a rat eating your homework.” He mumbled. You stared at each other as you both tried to read the situation. You were bickering like usual, but there was a playful sense to it this time.
“That’s just our third roommate, dummy.” You replied, adding to the teasing nature of the conversation.
“Ah, I see.” Peter chuckled before looking down shyly. The awkward silence returned but you found yourself hoping he didn’t leave.
“How come you’re out here? You’re not having fun?” He asked after a beat.
“It got a little overwhelming in there. I needed some alone time.”
“Oh, I could go.” He offered and went to stand up.
“You could stay.” You said and stopped him from getting up by placing your hand over his. You watched Peter turn bright red so you quickly withdrew your hand. It was quiet again and you both looked anywhere but each other.
“How come you’re not in there with Ned and all them? Didn’t you just get here?” You asked to break the silence.
“Oh, yeah. Ned and I just got here. But I walked by your room and I saw the window open. I was going to close it until I saw you out here.” He answered a little too quickly.
“Why were you by my room? The party is in the kitchen area.” You wondered. Peter was flushed again and a smile tugged at your lips.
“Were you looking for me?” You asked in a quiet voice. Before Peter could deny the allegations, a gust of wind hit the two of you. You shivered and rubbed your hands together to stay warm.
“What’s wrong?” Peter asked you.
“You know what’s wrong.” You said with a slight roll of your eyes. Instead of pointing out that you were purposefully outside on the chilly roof, Peter took both your hands in his. You watched him curiously as he rubbed his hands up and down yours to generate heat. It occurred to you both at the exact same time that this was the first time you’d ever touched. You locked eyes with him and thought he’d let go, but he instead leaned down to blow some hot air on your hands to warm you up.
“Thanks.” You said softly. “That feels better.”
“You’re welcome.” He said in just as timid of a voice. The awkwardness returned and you turned away from each other to avoid it.
“I’m sorry about before. In class, I mean. It was none of my business. You can wear whatever you want.” Peter said after a minute.
“It’s fine.” You waved your hand. “Maybe you kinda sorta possibly had a point. I knew it would be cold. I should’ve worn a jacket. Besides, we always go at each other like that. Don’t be sorry.”
“You’re right. We do always fight.” He agreed. “Do you ever wonder why?”
“Oh, um. I don’t know.” You shrugged. “I assumed that’s just how we are.”
“Yeah, it is.” He nodded. “But how did it start? Did we just meet one day and decide we hated each other? I was trying to think about it the other day but I couldn’t remember.”
“Well, I remember MJ telling me she made a friend in her floral arrangement class. Which I told her not to take, by the way.”
“I told Ned the same thing.” Peter sighed. “I said it was a waste of time and credits. He didn’t listen. But he did make me a beautiful bouquet for my birthday.”
“MJ failed so she got me a gift card to Staples.” You replied, making Peter laugh.
“Why Staples?”
“I don’t know. I’m pretty sure she found it on the ground.”
“Did you ever use it?” He asked.
“I did. And guess what I got.”
“Yep.” You nodded, making him laugh again. You never realized it before, but Peter had the kind of laugh that made you want to say the most random things just to hear it again. His eyes crinkled when he laughed or smiled, another thing you hadn’t noticed before.
“I remember Ned introducing me to MJ, and then MJ introduced me to you. But I don’t remember how our dynamic started and why we fight all the time.”
“Hm.” You hummed. “It’s funny.”
“What is?” He wondered.
“The one time we’re alone together is the one time we’re not fighting.” You pointed out.
“You’re right.” He smiled shyly. “Funny.”
The silence that followed wasn’t awkward this time. You felt like you were talking to a completely different person than who Peter usually was. This version of Peter didn’t get under your skin or make you roll your eyes. This version was sweet and warmed you up from the cold.
“You kept my jacket.” Peter pointed out, making you flush in embarrassment.
“Oh, you can have it back.” You said and went to take it off.
“No, no. It’s okay. I want you to keep it.” He insisted and pulled it back around you. For extra measure, he zipped it up to your chin before patted both your arms. You smiled at the action and tilted your head down so the jacket would cover your chin.
“It looks better on you anyway.” He added without looking at you. You picked your head up and looked at him but he was busy fussing with the her of his shirt.
“Thanks. It’s really warm.” You said in a soft voice.
“Good. You need it. You’re always cold. And never prepared.”
“We can’t all be hot.” You replied. “Run hot, I mean.”
“Did you just call me hot?” Peter asked with a devious smile.
“Shut up.” You groaned. “You know what I meant.”
“I wish I had your problems. My hands are always sweating because I’m always so hot.” Peter said as he looked at his hands.
“Gross.” You grimaced. “Keep that to yourself.”
Peter looked sad as he didn’t realize you were joking. You found yourself feeling bad that you hurt his feelings despite all the times you intentionally tried to hurt them.
“I was just kidding. Let me feel.” You quickly assured him and took his hand. You ran your fingertips along his palm to see what he was talking about while Peter stayed perfectly still. You let out a soft laugh which sent chills up Peter’s spine.
“What do you think?” He asked in a quiet voice.
“It’s like touching a Swedish fish that’s been in a toddlers hand for too long.” You replied, making him laugh as well.
“Thank you. That was a really lovely description.”
“Seriously, how do you walk around with these things? Do girls ever complain when you hold hands?” You wondered as you slipped your hand into his. He instinctively rubbed his thumb on the back of your hand as the comfortable silence returned. You stayed like that for a moment, holding each others hand on the cold rooftop. The only warmth Peter had was from your hand so he wasn’t letting go anytime soon.
“Aha! Holding hands!” MJ suddenly exclaimed from behind you. And was standing in your room and pouting at you through your open window. You turned around and quickly dropped Peter’s hand.
“What? No we’re not.” You scoffed and stood up. Peter felt an overwhelming wave of disappointment wash over him as you left the roof to follow MJ. It hurt him that you were so quick to drop his hand and deny what was happening, and even quicker to leave him.
“Lesbian instincts.” MJ said as she tapped the side of her head.
“Shut up. We weren’t holding hands.” You insisted as you led her back towards the party.
“I may be a little drunk right now but I know what I saw.” She stated. “And you can’t deny something I saw with my own two eyes.”
“What did she see?” Ned asked as he came to your side.
“Nothing.” You said quickly. “She didn’t see anything.”
“Nothing except her and Peter practically having full on intercourse out on the roof.” MJ replied, making Ned gasp.
“Oh my God.” You groaned. “We were not doing that. We were just holding hands.”
“So you admit it!” She clapped her hands at the confession and nearly fell over.
“Girl, how are you so drunk already?” You asked her. “The party only started an hour ago.”
“Not the point.” MJ held up a hand. “Why were you and Peter holding hands? I thought you hated each other?”
“Peter doesn’t hate her.” Ned laughed like it was ridiculous. You were about to question what made him sound so sure when you realized you had left Peter out on the roof. You left MJ and Ned behind and quickly ran back to your room. The window was shut but Peter was nowhere to be found. Guilt building up in your stomach now, you went back out to the party and searched the crowd for him. When you didn’t see him anywhere, you went back to the kitchen to find Ned.
“Did Peter come in here? I can’t find him.” You asked him.
“You just missed him.” Ned answered. “He said he wasn’t feeling well so we wasn’t going to head back to our dorm.”
“He left?” You asked sadly. You looked at your front door before looking at MJ for help. She tapped the side of your head again and you knew what you had to do.
You ran out to the hall but didn’t see Peter anywhere. The hum of the elevator gave you an idea where he might be. You got to the elevator just in time to see the doors closing. Without thinking, you wedged yourself in between them to get them to open back up. They bounced off either side of your body but opened up enough for you to get inside. Peter caught you as you stumbled in and helped you stand up straight.
“Oh my God. Are you okay?” He asked as you held your aching body.
“I think I just went down a cup size.” You wheezed out.
“Why didn’t you just tell me to hold the door?” Peter asked through a laugh.
“There was no time.” You waved your hand. “I had to talk to you. You’re leaving?”
“Oh, yeah. I’m not much for parties.” He lied.
“Neither am I.” You told him as you stared into his eyes. He stared back and you could see a sadness in them that you knew was probably your fault.
“Before you go, I just wanted to apologize for before. I shouldn’t have run out on you like that.”
“It’s okay.” He shrugged. “We did look pretty incriminating.”
“We did.” You agreed. “And MJ was thrilled to see it. She has this dumb idea that we only pretend to hate each other to cover up the fact that we like each other.”
“She thinks that? Wow. That’s quite a theory.” Peter said as a blush painted his face a warm pink.
“Right? I don’t know where she gets it.” You shook your head and slid down the wall of the elevator. Peter decided to see the situation out and sat down beside you. Neither of you had pressed any buttons so the elevator stayed in place.
“Ned has a similar theory, actually.” Peter told you. “He thinks I’m totally in love with you and I don’t know how to express it outside of teasing you or making sure you’re warm.”
The silence that followed Peter’s statement was almost more incriminating than the hand holding. In your head, you replayed every time he had done something to keep you warm. Just the week before, Peter had wordlessly dropped a blanket beside you during a movie night at his dorm. Another time, he insisted you drank the tea he brought to class because he decided he didn’t like it anymore but didn’t want it to go to waste.
“Also quite a theory.” You said to break the silence. “But wait, if you run hot, how come your dorm has been perfectly toasty everytime MJ and I came over this winter?”
“It’s not usually like that.” He admitted. “But I take out the space heater when you and MJ come over because I know you get cold easily.”
“Oh. Well thank you.”
“For the teasing?”
“For keeping me warm.” You corrected. Peter flushed again and looked down at his lap.
“It’s all right. Winter will be over in a month. You won’t need me to keep you warm anymore. Then we’ll go back to being enemies.” He said without looking at you. You could hear a sadness in his voice and moved a little closer to him.
“You’re not my enemy. I just never really liked you.” You admitted.
“Yeah. I had a feeling. But how come?” He asked with genuine curiosity.
“Well, because I got the feeling that you never really like me either.” You shrugged. “Once our friend groups merged, you and I were just kinda there. We never really gelled like Ned and I or you and MJ.”
“Yeah, we didn’t.” He agreed. “The only times we would talk to each other is when we were fighting or something. That’s the only reason I kept teasing you.”
“Because you wanted to talk to me?” You smiled teasingly. Peter didn’t smile back and just stared into your eyes.
“I didn’t know how to talk to you.” He said quietly. “I never wanted us to fight. But if we didn’t, then we would never talk. And I really, really wanted to talk to you.”
The way you had felt about Peter just that morning had completely changed for the better. You were now hanging on his every word and desperate to hear what he had to say next. You turned a little to face him better and tilted your head to the side.
“What did you want to say?” You asked him. Peter’s eyes darted around your face and eventually landed on your lips.
“That I think you’re really cool. And really pretty. And really smart. Even though you never wear a-“
“Don’t say it.” You cut him off by leaning in the rest of the way and kissing him. Peter turned his body so that he could slip a hand in your hair to kiss you back. He took the chill right out of your bones as he kissed you as if he’d been waiting his entire like to do so. You pulled him closer by the collar of his shirt and kissed him until you ran out of breath. He had a dreamy smile on his face when you pulled away. You smiled shyly and sat back down on the elevator floor. Peter started to sniff the air suddenly and looked around.
“Do you smell basil?” He asked. Your smile dropped and you looked up to find the source of the smell. Sure enough, taped to the ceiling of the elevator was a makeshift mistletoe MJ had crafted out of basil and ribbon.
“Freaking lesbian instincts.” You muttered and stood up to snatch the basil down.
Tag list 🏷️ 🧥
@thebookwormlife @imanativeofswlondondahling
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@justcallmehitgirl @jackiehollanderr
@emmamarshmellow @unbelievableholland
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Only You, Darling (Only You, Babe)

Summary: There were orders for your abduction. You were made to be the bait by a rival gang to get to the elusive head of Onychinus. Sylus doesn’t take it too well. Word Count: 4.8k Tags: mc x sylus, fem!reader x sylus (use of she/her pronouns), depictions of violence (it gets a little graphic), reader gets abducted and injured, strong language, protective!sylus, he’s a little unhinged here, self-indulgent! A/N: I can’t believe this game pulled me out of a three-year creative rut LMAO. I’ve been doing fanarts, now I’m writing again?? The power these pixelated men hold over me, man. Anyway, enjoy! This version of Sylus is probably a little OOC idk idk ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

It was close to midnight, and you're being followed.
On your six, a stocky man in an unassuming dark suit has been tailing you since you left the dingy bodega a little over a mile away from your apartment for about, three? five minutes– no, maybe even longer.
Shit, you mouth silently. Sloppy. You should’ve noticed him sooner, and the two other lackeys now closing in from up ahead. They’re armed too, if the hands hidden inside their jackets were any indication.
As if things aren't looking bad enough, you’ve decided tonight would be the perfect night to go weaponless, deciding against bringing your handgun with you since it was supposed to just be a quick run to the store for supplies. Namely, the late-night cravings sort of supply.
You clutch the wrinkled paper bag containing your coveted jalapeño Cheetos tightly.
This is what greed does to you, a mocking voice echoes in your head. Since when did your inner voice of reason sound masculine and oh-so-familiar?
Exhaling quietly, you try to calm the rising beat of your heart and appear to be clueless of your surroundings. Walk at a normal pace. Look unaware of the men with the intention to… What even was this? An ambush? Good, old, regular robbery? No, it doesn’t seem like they were in it for something that insignificant. They wouldn’t even bother to be this cautious if it were.
But then, what were they here for? The dangers you were more familiar with are of the monstrous kind in the literal sense of the word; entities that you face on a daily basis as a Deepspace hunter. Not the regular threats posed by mankind – which in this particular situation, suddenly feels more foreboding.
While racking your brain for ideas on how to slip away from their sight without escalating the situation, you fail to notice a fourth person hidden behind the dumpster inside the narrow alleyway on your left until you feel the cold, hard edge of a pistol gun hit your temple.
With a shout, your hand shoots up in an attempt to yank the gun away from the hand holding it but the sudden burst of pain from the impact has left you feeling dizzy and off-kilter. The moment you throw your fists up to block your face, heavy fists strike you directly in a flurry of hits, colliding with your forearm and your unguarded ribs.
You let out a pained grunt as you stagger backwards, trying your hardest to keep yourself from falling back on your ass and ward off the next incoming attack.
A sinister laugh alerts you of the others, now surrounding you in a circle. Shit!
You hastily shift your legs into a crouching position, bracing yourself as you attempt to sidestep the one in front of you before making a run for it. You spring into action, but before you can even take another step, an arm shoots out and coils tightly around your neck like a noose. A cloth that reeks of something distinct is slapped over your mouth and nose, rendering you unable to do anything but struggle.
“Now, now– the boss wants her in one piece, John,” The stocky man, who’s apparently larger and more jacked up-close, pipes up. John tightens the limb circling your throat, preventing you from breathing, before slightly loosening his grip.
“I’d advise you from struggling too much, sweetheart. But if you insist on making this harder for yourself,” the man talking suddenly grins, revealing rows of crooked, silver teeth. “He ain’t said nothin’ about a couple of bruises.”
You give him your dirtiest glare, trying to pull away from the death grip the burly man called John had on you, but you feel your muscles slowly becoming heavier and your vision starting to blur.
You make a muffled shout, a scurry that earns you a heavy hit on the stomach, one last futile move to free yourself, but the inevitable effect of the potent substance starts to overpower you.
“After all, we need to make sure that the big bad boss of Onychinus actually comes for his bitch, don’t we?”
Rendered completely useless, the men start to make quick work to restrain your arms and legs in a hogtie before carrying you down the street, to a shaded corner where a large, gray van is parked.
The barn doors open, and you’re tossed in carelessly to the back, landing painfully on the cold, hard floor. An involuntary whimper escapes your lips, feeling like one big bruise; splotches of red and blue start to form like a violent watercolor on your skin.
The engine revs. Before completely losing consciousness, you think you hear a faint caw.
The car drives off the beaten path, into the night, leaving not a trace of evidence of what transpired mere minutes ago aside from a discarded brown paper bag and a deflated bag of chips.
From a distance, flying towards the hazy skyline, a mechanical bird crows a bad omen.
In the dead of the night, the head of Onychinus sits as a spectator; a towering presence at the head of a table inside a private room, obscured in plain sight, in an unremarkable establishment far east of Linkon City.
Unassuming as it may be, the room’s occupants are men of great renown, both in influence and notoriety. The CEO of a chain business in Azure Square, a regional manager of a well-known bank in Linkon, the head of a weapons trade representing a faction in the N109 zone… All held significant power, all held ulterior motives.
A meeting of minds; the type held only in the secrecy of the night, gone in the break of dawn.
Sylus has half the mind to listen in on the droning exchange of fake pleasantries and plastic smiles as the men deal trades in nature that of weapons and favors. A number of hungry, beady eyes cast him furtive glances, fearful yet devout. Some cautious in the hope of earning his approval.
“–the package will be en route to the agreed-upon address by the end of the week,” a stout man in spectacles finishes off, clearing his throat. Beads of sweat start to form at the back of his neck as red eyes bore into his, assessing. Deliberating. “O-or if Richard’s able to give me the go-ahead in advance, I’ll make sure it arrives by Friday,” a gulp–then, “sir.”
All in reverence.
He hums, his switchblade dancing idly in his hand, deliberately stretching the tension that hangs heavy in the air. He delights in this power to unsettle, savoring the authority that his mere presence commands—a demand for absolute deference.
“Make it half that time, will you, Raymond?” Sylus responds amicably, not as a question. The man, Raymond, sputters.
“That won’t be pos–” Sylus tilts his head, eyes shifting into something more dangerous. “Please, I’ll try to cut the time shorter but there won’t be any assurances.”
The pale-haired man sighs in acquiescence. “I guess that will have to do.” Raymond lets out an exhale of relief, but catches his breath as Sylus continues, “Any later than Wednesday, and I’ll come to claim it personally.”
Raymond, more nerves than man, starts to blabber something in response–but stops when something black suddenly appears in a blaze of dark energy, near the shoulder of the intimidating man he’s trying to appeal to.
Sylus raises a hand, and a large crow lands on his pointer finger.
He caws, once. Twice. And shows a projection.
The inhospitably cold room suddenly went glacial.
All conversation halts to a stop as an overwhelmingly suffocating aura starts to emanate from the man–no, the being at the head of the table, making all that are in the vicinity freeze in fear.
The devil posing as the leader of Onychinus abruptly stands up, and Raymond thinks, Oh I’m going to die here.
Without a word, the man disappears in a Stygian haze.
Five minutes later, only after they felt like death was no longer looming over their heads, did anyone dare to move a muscle.
Your head hurts, and your mouth tastes of rust.
Having been awake for longer than your captors were aware of – two (?) of which bickering near a barred slate of metal that you assume is the door after taking a quick peek from beneath the mess of hair concealing your face – you try to get your bearings together without arousing the suspicion of your present audience.
“–bet it’s gonna take a while ‘fore that guy arrives. You think she’s enough to get him to show his face?”
“Damned if I know. In any case, we got a pretty, li’l plaything on our hands,” a snort. “Make her worth the effort.”
Where were you? From what it looks like, you’ve been transported into a nondescript underground bunker of sorts, dank with a hint of mildew and rot in the air; a rumbling air vent on your left masking any noise that escaped your mouth when you woke up. The area is poorly lit, save for the flickering bulb hanging precariously above your head as your main source of light – good for casting shadows to hide your bruised face, bad for the pounding headache you’re pretty sure is a concussion. And with your back seemingly close to a wall, you arrive at the conclusion that there are no other entryways, no way to leave, but the guarded door in front of you.
In short, you have no idea where you are.
Fuck–this is bad, you swear to yourself internally, trying to control the rising panic swelling up your chest. You never thought your nightcap would lead to this mess. Nobody knows about your current predicament, and it’ll take more than a day before your absence raises any alarms, so right now, you’re on your own.
Think, think! What can you do?
What can you do? You have nothing on you, nothing you can use as a makeshift weapon to defend yourself with, and your hands are tightly bound behind your back by a thick, heavily twined rope with no give. The situation is slowly turning bleaker by the second, and it isn’t even your fault that you’re here in the first place! You were made a pawn, a mere bait in this messed-up dick-measuring contest between a crazy, sadistic, self-proclaimed head honcho and Onychinus’s own crazy, sadistic–
Wait a minute. Sylus.
You send a strong prayer to anyone above that’s listening, and an angry telepathic shout for good measure to the one who’s unaware of his involvement – but nonetheless the source of your ruined night – in this attempt at kidnapping a perfectly law-abiding citizen of Linkon.
Sylus, as much as I hate your unfortunate tendency to stalk me through means that, honestly? Eludes the hell out of me, I really, REALLY hope that you’ve been keeping tabs toni–
“Hey, boss! I think this one’s awake!”
Fuck. No use pretending anymore.
You hear heavy footsteps from outside the room before the corroded metal door swings open to reveal a large man, easily standing above six feet, sporting a neatly trimmed beard and an unsettling smile. His arms are covered in tattoos– overlapping, almost undecipherable. A gnarly scar runs from the side of his mouth to just above his brow bone; his right eye a cloudy gray, most likely a morbid souvenir from the sustained injury.
His functional eye zeroes in on your pitiful form, and his smile widens into a hostile grin.
“Well, well. It seems like our esteemed guest is finally ready to join in the fun,” His voice sounds like gravel, with a mocking intonation. “I hope my men weren't too rough with you on the way here.”
You let out a breath through your teeth, blinking a few times to try and rid the blurring in your vision. You have to bide your time– “Why am I here? What do you want from me?”
The man cocks his head to the side, smile still in place. “I assume you already know. But I’ll indulge you your little questions, why not?”
He crosses the space separating the two of you with just a few, languid steps before he’s in front of you. He leans forward, brushing the messy locks of hair – dried with blood – away from your face in a deceptively calm manner. “The devil needs to pay his dues, but it’s been rather difficult to get a hold of him, you see,” he sighs in exaggerated disappointment. ”I intend to collect, so I waited patiently for the right moment, for an opening. For an opportunity.
And here, the opportunity presents herself.”
You sneer, moving your head back to let your hair fall from his creepy hold. “I’ve no clue what you’re talking about, mister, but I’m pretty sure you’ve got the wrong idea.”
He barks out a laugh before gripping your chin tightly between his fingers. “You’ve got a smart mouth on you. Maybe we can find a better use for it.”
You feel it before you hear it.
“Perhaps not.”
Something vicious saturates the air, something intense and terrifying and wrong. The hairs on the back of your neck stand up, and some sort of primordial response deep within your brain is telling you to get away from it.
But then, the paralyzing fear melts away to something akin to hope when you realize the source of this new disturbance.
Relief washes over you when familiar ink-and-red tendrils materialize behind the man in front of you. The dark wisps dissipate like smoke as soon as it comes and in place, your savior – sporting an expression that could only be described as downright murderous – stands before you, all six feet of unadulterated rage.
Several things happened so fast, it was almost simultaneous.
A cacophony of shouts came loudest from the two men who had been on guard duty but screams also echoed from outside the room. You saw flashes of red, twin laughter, and blood spurting from the necks of the now headless guards, and then a symphony of bullets and a lot of things breaking rang across the room.
Deafening silence. As if something has put an abrupt stop to the noise.
Amidst all the chaos, the scarred man in front of you had no time to make a move before savage whips of crackling energy engulfed him, leaving only his head free from the smothering darkness.
His expression betrays something wild and manic as he tries twisting around to look at the figure behind him. “You—”
Sylus pays no mind to the breathing, dead fool—lower than dirt on his feet, with the nerve to harm what is most precious to him—as he keeps his gaze solely on you; his eyes darting up and down as if taking inventory of all the bruises and scrapes you sustained from the abduction.
You meet his eyes. “You came.”
An indecipherable look passes his face, gone as quickly as it came. “A little too late. I apologize.”
You weakly huff out a chuckle, wanting to shake your head but decide against it lest it aggravates your concussion. A prickling sensation, then the rope around your wrists falls off with a quiet thud.
“Luke. Kieran.”
“Everything’s all accounted for, boss,” Kieran announces, suddenly appearing beside your right, along with Luke who’s on your left. Both look no worse for wear.
The latter gives you a sympathetic look. “Oh, man. They got you good, little crow.”
“Caught me off-guard, s’all,” you insist half-heartedly.
A sigh. “Transport her directly back to base. Attend to her critical injuries once you arrive, and keep her awake. I’ll handle the rest once I get back,” Sylus instructs the twins in a tone that brooks no argument.
They nod in sync and start making a move to carry you out, but you protest.
“Wait, you’re staying behind?” For some reason, the thought of being separated from him, even for a short amount of time, makes you feel ill. Well, worse than your current state at least.
Sanguine eyes soften when he hears the tremble in your voice. The offending man in front of you, reduced into something less threatening than a cowering dog in comparison to your rescuer, is forcibly pushed aside to make room for Sylus as he steps closer.
He crouches low so that you’re looking down on him instead of up. One large hand covers both of yours, mindfully avoiding the fresh rope burns on your wrists, his thumb rubbing soothing circles on the unmarred part of your skin.
“This will be quick, sweetie. I’ll be back by your side before you know it,” he exhales, closing his eyes for a moment. “I swear to you.”
You swallow, but nodded reluctantly. “Come home soon.”
“I will.”
With that, you let yourself be carried out of the claustrophobic space you were confined to, into a larger room littered with unmoving bodies that you're frankly too tired to care about at the moment, up three (rickety) flights of stairs where you exit into what looks like the inside of an empty shipping container, before finally, finally getting out.
A gust of salty wind hits you and you ask, “Are we near the docks?”
“Yeah,” Kieran answers, carefully putting you down on the backseat of Sylus’ car. “Mephisto trailed after the van they stuffed you in before reporting back to the boss. We followed soon after.”
Luke frowns as he inserts the key in the ignition. “We weren’t aware that they had eyes on you for a while now. An oversight on our part, won’t happen again,” he assures you. “Gotta give them props for that, at least.”
Kieran, now getting in the passenger side of the vehicle, shoots him a look.
“Anyway, we’re glad we got to you before they did anything… worse,” Kieran continues, then winces in a show of mock sympathy. “Can’t say the same to that fucker back inside. Haven’t felt Sylus’ bloodlust this strong in a long while.”
You try to focus on their words, but you feel yourself nodding off as the remaining adrenaline slowly leaves your body. You know you should feel more worried about what the two were insinuating, but your mouth still tastes like you swallowed a bunch of coins and you just want a soft bed to sleep in for an entire day. Or three.
“Oi, no sleeping. Doctor’s orders,” A snapping finger in front of your face forces you awake.
You blink your tired eyes open in an attempt to stay lucid, the pulsing pain in your head becoming more prominent as soon as the threat of danger has passed.
“This is gonna be a long night,” you sigh, wishing that Sylus will keep his word and be quick about… whatever he’s planning to do with your abductor.
There hasn’t been much left of the man who proclaims to be the new head of an arms syndicate Sylus had dealt with in the past. He recalls the history of his relationship with the cartel being less than cordial, but nothing that would warrant his ire. Except for tonight.
He usually doesn’t leave a trace when doling out punishments; no, not anymore. Not in recent years. He prefers to be efficient about his killings, dissipating any evidence in thin air after reducing them into fine paste, rather than make a big show out of it. Quick and precise.
Except today… Someone had the arrogance, the absolute audacity to steal directly from the dragon’s nest.
The contents of which have always been kept in strict confidentiality. What is known, only chosen individuals bound to secrecy are privy to, and a lot of people would kill for.
But unbeknownst to anyone else but its owner, only one thing in this hoard of secrets truly matters to the dragon. One solitary treasure alone he would burn planets for—and someone has tried to steal it.
Harm. the treasure. To get to him.
It seems as if the new bloods needed a reminder of who, exactly, they’re stealing from.
One who dwells deep within the underbelly of the cities both monster and men inhabit, that even the most heinous of sinners seeking solace in the dark, are afraid of.
And what retribution tastes like to those who are foolish enough to bite more than what they can chew.
The poor soul unfortunate enough to be the first one to discover the carnage will witness that what was left of the man that had wronged the Onychinus kingpin is now stuck on the walls, the floor, and the ceiling of a basement where the treasure was held captive. They will find that the man’s innards are deliberately hung in a haphazard fashion, in all corners of the room like bloody, sinewy tinsel.
And the centerpiece of this bloodbath is none other than the man’s decapitated head, forcibly attached to the hanging light in the middle of the room. A bulb crudely drilled past his cranium, while blood dripped down the floor in slow, ominous rivulets.
They will understand in dawning horror that the one responsible for this... gross butchery, has left the head swinging. That the man’s mouth will forever remain agape in an eternal scream to immortalize the exact moment he realizes the gravity of his sin.
Yes, Sylus is more than glad to remind them.
You arrive a quarter past four AM.
Barely taking a step past the foyer, the twins immediately whisk you inside to perform an ‘emergency patch-up.’ Luke’s words, not yours.
“We’re your personal CNA while waiting for the head nurse to take over,” he explains cheerfully, wrapping another layer of gauze around your wrist. You hiss when Kieran dabs a cotton ball on the gash on your temple, peroxide fizzing as it comes in contact with the dried-up blood. Muttering out a “sorry!” Kieran does quick work in cleaning the injury and covering the affected area.
In no time at all, all visible wounds are bandaged and disinfected. The worst of your head wound had to be stitched up, but other than that, nothing seems to require immediate medical attention. There’s nothing left for you to do but to bear the aches that came along with the bruises – especially on your tender midriff – and to pop a tylenol for your throbbing headache.
You offer them a sincere, “Thanks. No, really.” before they leave you in Sylus’ room, after multiple reminders to “not sleep before the attending nurse arrives for the final diagnosis.”
(You think they might have enjoyed playing caretaker a little too much.)
With a lot more effort than you care to admit, you painstakingly remove your bloodstained clothes until you're down to your underwear, before draping yourself in a large, red, silk robe. A hot shower sounds heavenly to your sore muscles, but the soft mattress is calling to you more so you head straight to bed.
With nothing else to occupy yourself with, you prop your head on a mountain of pillows – to keep yourself relatively upright – and let out a sigh.
Tonight had been a shitshow. All you wanted was something to snack on while you binge through the last season of the show you were watching back at your apartment; you never thought a late-night run to the store just a few blocks away would result in… this. If not for Sylus’ intervention, you’re sure you'd be leaving with a lot more than a couple of scrapes. If not worse.
You're lost in your own thoughts when short, successive raps on the door catch your attention. It swings open before you have the chance to pipe out a, “come in!”
Speak of the devil.
Sylus enters the room, not a hair out of place. You notice that he’s changed into a casual, brown sweater and a pair of dark-washed jeans. His eyes meet yours, tightly-controlled expression relaxing as he crosses the room towards the side of your bed, wasting no time.
“How are you feeling?”
“Still pretty sore, but Luke and Kieran already handled the worst of my injuries,” you answer, making a move to sit up. Sylus tuts disapprovingly, gentle as he puts a hand on your chest to prevent you from moving any further. He sits gingerly on the edge of the mattress, careful not to jostle you. Once fully settled, he let out a deep sigh.
“You had me worried for a moment there, kitten.” He admits, a slightly rough edge to his voice as emotion seeps into it. He regards you intently, like he’s trying to convince himself that you’re here, safe.
Your hand reaches out towards his face. Without missing a beat, he leans in to nuzzle your palm, eyes closing shut. He reminds you of a big wolf, unbridled fire simmering beneath the surface, yet tame in the presence of his handler.
“I’m fine now, thanks to you,” you assure him with a lopsided smile. “Give my thanks to Mephisto, as well. Tell him he gets a pass on the stalking this time.”
Sylus opens his eyes, a hint of amusement and something else you can’t identify flickering through. “Oh, sweetie. You’ll be lucky if that bird gives you the privacy to bathe alone after tonight,” he jokes.
He’s joking. Right?
You eye him for a moment before deciding to let it go. You're too tired to argue.
Instead, you cautiously ask a question you aren’t sure you even want the answer to. “What happened after we left?”
Sylus expression doesn’t change except for the upward tick on the corner of his mouth; the same peculiar glint in his eyes coming across a little stronger. “They won’t be bothering you anymore. You don’t need to worry about anyone coming for you.”
“That’s not what I asked.”
He hums. “Do you really want to know?”
You stare at him, and he stares back at you placidly.
You purse your lips and look away. “Maybe not.”
Sylus breathes out a laugh. He gently grasps your chin between his forefinger and thumb, guiding your head to meet his gaze once more. A softer look on his face, inching closer to yours.
Your heartbeat slightly picks up. In your vulnerable state, you feel a welling desire to bare your feelings to the man in front of you. You want to tell him how relieved you felt when you saw him in that cursed basement, how he was able to quell your fears with just his presence alone the moment he appeared in a familiar haze of black and red. Like your own, personal, vindictive guardian.
Instead, you close the distance between the two of you, your lips meeting his.
Sylus groans quietly, a hand cupping your face as he leans closer to deepen the kiss. Your eyes flutter shut, savoring the feeling of contentment from being this close to him. You feel, more than you see, how his taut body loses the remaining tension from the events that transpired just mere hours ago, how he finally relaxes as he loses himself in you.
Very carefully, he eases you further down, cradling your head with one hand until it rests on a pillow. His lips drift to the corner of your mouth, trailing soft kisses up to the apples of your cheeks, your forehead, then to your nose.
He pulls back slightly, chuckling when you make a sound of discontent. When you open your eyes, you see him looking at you—half-lidded and tender.
In a low voice, he instructs, “Rest. You need it.”
The feeling of exhaustion pulls you in, but before you surrender to it, you remind Sylus, “I’m not that fragile, you know. You don’t have to worry too much.” You poke his cheek and he catches the offending digit to bite it affectionately. “I’ll be up and running in no time.”
He doesn't speak for a minute, considering your words. His mouth sets into a thin line before letting out a sigh.
“And if you get hurt again? What then?" He whispers so quietly, seeming as if he's talking to himself.
"I'll get hurt again, that's for sure," You tell him, matter-of-factly. "But really, that’s just an occupational hazard. I’m sure you realize."
“Love — what a terrible, little thing,” he muses, half-forlornly, half in jest. "I’d rip this cold heart out and throw it in flames if I could.”
While speaking, his hand finds its way into the tangles of your hair, gently running his fingers through the strands in a lulling manner. His lips landing on the crown of your head softly. Reverently.
You hum sleepily.
“Of course you would, Sy.”
“You’ll be glad to know that the artifact you had your eye on back at the auction will be arriving this Wednesday.”
“Huh? But I thought it was already sold to someone else?”
Sylus shrugs. “I made a counteroffer.”
“You didn’t have to. I told you it was fine.”
“I know. But I also recall a certain someone telling me how much they wished they had placed a bid on it on our way back,” he pinches your cheek fondly. “Don’t worry about it, kitten. It’s yours.”
“Oh. Well– thank you,” you yawn in response, leaning your head to rest against his palm.
His thumb strokes your cheek. “Anything for you.”

#love and deepspace#lads#lnds#love and deepspace sylus#lads sylus#sylus love and deepspace#sylus x reader#sylus x mc#sylus x you#lads x reader#sylus#love and deepspace fic
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Normal City spirit Danny except villain attacks are pretty much like horrific migraines or something for the poor dude. So basically he becomes Gotham's warning system. Like it takes a while for people to realize they've got their own mothman now except theirs is a white haired boy who looks like he's going through hell.
(At this rate, I should publish this lmaooo. A series of short events where Gotham Spirit City Danny watches over random Gothamites. It gets long 💀. Also, cw: kidnapping and physical violence towards a minor at the end)
Joel the gas station employee eyed the homeless looking teen that was across the store. Said teen was staring at a pack of yogurt covered pretzels, looking dazed as he just stared mindlessly.
Joel wanted to ask if he was actually alive, but decided not to, since this was Gotham and everyone was crazy.
He continued to count the coins in the tip jar, but out of the blue, he heard a voice.
“You should go to the back room.”
Joel looked up. “Sorry?”
The teen stared at him with bright blue eyes like glowing stars. In fact, he kind of looked like he belonged to the Waynes. But that wasn’t possible, because Joel didn’t recognize him at all.
Unless he was new? But surely not… Bruce Wayne usually gave some warning before. And this kid looked homeless.
“You should go to the back room,” the boy said again.
They stared at each other. Then Joel nodded stiffly and went. He wasn’t about to question the sudden order. Not in Gotham. But before he could leave entirely, the teen called out again, “I like your pin.”
Joel turned again slowly. “What?”
“I like your pin,” the boy said, pointing to the pin in Joel’s apron that said, ‘he/him motherfucker’ over a trans flag.
Joel blinked and then smiled. “Thanks!”
The boy gave a small smile back and waved a hand for him to shoo. Joel raised an eyebrow in exasperation but nodded and moved.
Just as he ducked behind the counter to move to the back room, there was a commotion and a sudden eruption of noise and gunshots nearby. It was clearly some sort of robbery, since there was a pretty successful bodega nearby that was run by an asshole. Several bullets hit the glass of the gas station window, striking exactly where Joel was standing just moments ago.
Joel’s jaw dropped.
When he looked back at the shelves, the kid was gone and so was the bag of pretzels. The perfect amount of pay was left on the counter. Extra tips included.
Lina stared at the boy who was sitting on the swing. However, he wasn’t swinging, just staring at the night sky.
When she looked up to see what he was looking at, she saw a surprisingly clear sky with sparkling stars. She watched in wonder for a moment before she looked away.
Lina wasn’t supposed to be outside right now, but her friend had told her that there was a cat that wandered around the playground at night. Lina had wanted to see it, so she snuck out. Now she kind of regretted it, being so cold while it was night. But since she was already out, she was determined to wait for the cat to come out.
“Mister,” Lina said, because her mom always told her to be polite, “Are you going to swing?”
The boy turned to her and then asked, “Want me to push you?”
Lina perked up and nodded. They switched places and the boy pushed her on the swing gently. He didn’t push her as high as he could’ve, but she didn’t mind. She was still waiting for the cat. Lina told the teen as such, and he smiled at her gently, freckles across his face glowing ever so slightly like stars whenever her flying shadow passed over his face.
“That’s nice, Lina. I’m sure it’ll come soon.”
And sure enough—
“Kitty!” Lina called, and she jumped off the swing in her excitement. But before she could crash onto the ground, she was plucked from the air and gently deposited onto a flat surface. Lina turned to thank the boy, her heart pounding, but when she whirled around, he was gone.
She blinked. Where was he?
Something soft brushed against her legs and she looked down, where an orange tabby was rubbing against her ankles, mewing softly for attention.
She pet the cat for a little while. A feeling washed over her, like a gentle call from her mom to come home, and Lina said goodbye to the cat and turned back to the empty playground.
“Thank you, mister!” She called. She knew it was him who had brought the cat here. A feeling like fondness washed over her again and Lina skipped all the way back home. Her mom was still asleep and the TV was still playing, but things were good. Lina crawled into her mom’s arms and slept the entire night away, dreaming of cats and stars.
Elizabeth sighed as she tried to straighten her poor back. Ever since last year, her bones seemed to be feeling weaker and weaker by the day. She suddenly missed her husband, when he would’ve held her hand and they would’ve walked to wherever their hearts lead them together.
She clutched her cane and started moving again.
“Excuse me,” a voice called. “Do you need some help?”
She turned and stared at a young man. He looked scruffy and somewhat dubious, but Elizabeth had an excellent judge of character. In his eyes was a sort of kindness that she hadn’t seen in a long time.
She nodded. “Please. I’m trying to get to my doctor’s appointment.”
He tilted his head but reached out to steady her gently. Together, they walked slowly as he supported her. “Why not call for a taxi, ma’am?”
“It’s not dependable,” she said. “And I cannot get off or on easily. It’s easier to walk.”
That was a lie, but what could she do? She was too tired and too weak to call for a taxi and exit on and off of it by herself.
The young man nodded. “I see. Where’s your doctor appointment, ma’am?”
She pointed to the direction and together they walked. At first, it was pleasantly silent, but she eventually asked, “Tell me about yourself, son.”
The young man laughed lightly. “There’s not much to know. I’m just someone who’s trying to get by and help others.”
“That’s a good cause, sonny. This world could always use more kindness,” she patted his hand with her crooked fingers and he gave her a small and brilliant smile.
“I’m glad. I hope to make a difference every day.” She was focused on their feet as she tried to keep steady as to not inconvenience her helper. “Oh look,” he suddenly said, “we’re here.”
She looked up and true to his word, they were in front of the clinic she used for checkups. She blinked.
She was old, but surely she wasn’t old enough to hallucinate, was she? How on earth had they gotten here so fast?
She wasn’t able to question it as the young man led her inside. Elizabeth confirmed the appointment and she had expected him to leave once he had completed his task, but he stayed with her throughout. He sat down with her in the waiting room and they chatted about anything and everything under the sun.
Elizabeth had no children and no siblings. Her husband had died and her friends were also getting old. She was lonely, but this young man was accompanying her throughout the appointment and she felt endlessly grateful that Gotham City had not snuffed out another bright light just yet.
When she was called in, the young man still followed her inside and talked to her physician for her.
She was suddenly reminded of her father, who had died when she was 42. Her father had done everything he could to provide for her and her mother until he died from murder. She was starkly reminded of his protection and how she had mourned it when it was lost.
Elizabeth felt for the first time in a long time, like she was a young girl being protected by her father again.
When the appointment was over and Elizabeth was prescribed new medications, she was led outside by the young man again.
“Thank you so much, dear,” she said, a little teary eyed, “I appreciate the company and the help.”
The young man guided her to her apartment and said, “I’m just doing whatever I can as one person in this world. It’s the only thing I can do, y’know?”
They parted on good terms and it was only later as she sat in her home, that she realized that she had never asked for his name.
There was nothing to remember that kind young man by other than her waning memory and his act of kindness.
In her pocket, however, was a mysterious card for a free taxi service funded by Wayne Enterprises.
Tom and his friends were playing a game of heroes, with Red Hood as the hero and the other Bats as the villains. Tom was lucky enough to win the game of rock-paper-scissors and was Red Hood, valiant and brave with a pair of guns in order to protect Crime Alley.
“Alright, Batman!” Tom crowed. “This’s the end of the line for you!”
Maria, the only girl of the group, glared at him theatrically and flapped the ends of the jacket tied around her neck. “Red Hood, I’ll defeat you! For Justice!”
She waved her hand and their friends, who filled in the place of the other Bats, rushed at Tom with a war cry. Tom grinned and ran away from them with a loud laugh.
They passed through several alleys in their game of play, passing by no one but a boy with black hair and a girl with red hair. Tom didn’t really pay attention, just trying not to be tagged. But it didn’t matter, because no matter what, Red Hood was always able to get away and save the day!
Tom cheered as he pretended to shoot the Bats with his toy guns that he got for Christmas last year, and his friends all groaned and pretended to die dramatically. George, who was playing Red Robin, engaged in a fake battle with him as the others laughed and watched.
Tom was completely enthralled in their pretend play, when he suddenly froze with the sound of a car door being opened far too close and the sound of footsteps.
Oh no. Tom immediately grabbed at George and they were bolting down the streets they came from. They ran like their lives depended on it, because it quite literally did. But it was too late. Davis, one of the slower runners, was captured.
Tom turned and gasped at the sight of Davis struggling and kicking within the hold of a trafficker. “No! Get away from him!”
“Get the kids!” The man shouted as Davis screamed, and they all screamed as more men rushed into the alleys to grab them.
Tom screamed for Red Hood, Batman, anybody and popped off his fake guns. It did nothing but make loud sounds from the tiny amounts of gunpowder in it that Tom was saving. Still, he needed to do something. The sounds didn’t scare the men as they grabbed at him next.
Tom scratched and bit and struggled, but it was useless as he was hauled into the back of the van. Even as he knocked against the van’s door, making even louder noises to draw attention, it was hopeless as he was tossed inside. Jim, the smallest member of their group, was crying and Maria was knocked out, slumped next to a shuddering George. Alan and Davis were also captured and they were trembling.
There were also two other people, one with black hair and one with red hair. They seemed angry, and the teenage boy seemed especially cold while the young woman looked furious.
Tom glared at the traffickers. “You won’t get away with this! Red Hood is going to kill you!”
After all, Red Hood hated anyone who hurt kids. With him in Crime Alley, kids were now secure and safe under his protective wings.
Tom was immediately backhanded. He fell back, pain bursting from his cheek and he whimpered, tears in his eyes. Alan grabbed at him worriedly and pulled him away from the traffickers’ hands.
“Shut up, brat! Just wait and see! The Red Hood ain’t shit in these parts!” Then the door of the van closed. Tom and George lunged forward to bang on the door to no avail.
“Red Hood! Red Hood!! Help!”
As the van began to move, Tom choked back his tears. No, he couldn’t cry.
He was Red Hood for today. He was supposed to be brave.
Maria woke up then and started crying. The sound set off the other kids and Tom barely resisted crying too. Suddenly, the woman with red hair in the corner of the van opened up her arms. “Shh, shhh, come here.”
Realizing that there were adults in the situation, Jim and Maria went into her arms. She rubbed their heads and soothed them softly. Alan and George looked at her and the boy next to her with hope.
“Hey! Can’t you get us out?” George asked urgently.
The woman shook her head, but gave a small smile. “We’ll be okay. You just have to have hope.”
Tom bristled, scared for his life and irritated by the presence of other adults. His tears hadn’t fallen yet, but it was a very close thing. “So you don’t have anything? Figures.”
The boy spoke up, “Red Hood will come get you. You’ll be just fine.”
Tom looked down at the dirty floor of the van. How could he believe that now? He wanted to believe it, but what would he do if it was only false hope? If he and his friends got hurt, it would’ve been his fault because he was the one who led them too far away from home.
The boy gave a small smile, similar to the woman next to him. In fact, they were both weirdly comforting and familiar, like old family friends. He opened up his own arms and said, “Come here.”
Tom inched closer and leaned against him, as George and Alan also came closer. Davis squished himself between the two and all of them were being comforted by the two older people. Tom sniffed, and the teen started talking in a comforting tone, rubbing at his back.
“You’ll be okay. Close your eyes. When you wake up, Red Hood will be here to save you… that’s it. It’s alright, we’re here to protect you. Gotham City is on your side, little ones….”
When Tom snapped awake, he was shocked to find himself being held and carried by Red Hood. “Red Hood?!”
Tom startled, but the Red Hood just readjusted his grip and said, “Careful, kid. Your friends are over there.”
Tom leaned over Red Hood’s broad shoulders and looked for his friends. True to his words, they were next to Batman and the other Bats and Birds. Maria was being held by Batgirl and excitedly gesturing, while his other friends were chattering away to Batman, who was smiling.
Red Hood began to approach them.
“You did good,” Red Hood suddenly said. Tom looked up at him and the Red Hood tilted his helmet downwards at him. “You made a ruckus and got my attention. Good job.”
Tom looked guiltily down at his hands. “No… I was the one who led my friends too far… I got us captured.”
“It’s not your fault,” Red Hood said. “You’re not to blame because some sick ass— er, some sick jerks decided to take kids. You did good and that’s final.” He ruffled Tom’s hair.
Tom giggled and then nodded, chest warm. He couldn’t believe he was meeting his idol and was saved by him too! Then he asked, looking around for the woman with red hair and the other teen, “Where’re the other two?”
“Other two?” Red Hood asked curiously. “We only saw you six kids alone in the van.”
Tom paused for a moment and then shook his head. “Never mind. Musta been my imagination.”
Gotham City was a mysterious place. Who was Tom to question it?
However, he still silently thanked the two strangers. He was sure that they had been the ones to help them.
Some distance away, two spirits stood on the roof of a nearby building and watched the commotion.
“It’s a good thing we were able to find Jason in time, huh, Jazz?”
“Mhm. I’m glad those kids are going to be okay. Thank goodness the Bats responded in time.”
“Of course. With my protection and your help, we’ll help them save this city. So…. Meet up next week?”
“Yep! See you then, Danny!”
#dc x dp#dp x dc#dpxdc#danny phantom x dc#dcxdp#dp x dc crossover#ask#danny fenton#jazz fenton#anon ask#gotham city spirit danny au#jason todd#ty for the ask :3#this got so long#crime alley spirit jazz au#brief mention of cassandra cain and tim drake
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can u give us a summary of kiss with a fist 4 without spoiling?
lol... here's a spoiler
kiss with a fist [iv]
"you smashed a plate over my head, then I set fire to our bed"
pairing: tara carpenter x reader
summary: just as things begin to complicate even more between you and tara, her life becomes even more complicated
warnings: blood, angst, curse words, kissing, borderline sexual content
word count: 4.2k
A/N: i contemplated doing this in so many ways and i ended up thinking it was just funnier if i answered with the literal story. so... it was at least funny to me. it's shorter than normal, just because i didn't want to split up an action scene that'll take place next time, so expect a much longer part next time.
You didn’t like police stations very much, and you weren’t exactly doing a good job of keeping it hidden. Your knee bounced against the dusty linoleum in a quiet tapping noise, and although you yourself couldn’t hear it with the endless amount of phones ringing and shouting down the hall, Tara clearly could.
Her head rested on your shoulder, where you had slumped, and she placed a hand right upon your knee, stopping it from bouncing anymore. Her dark eyes looked up at you. “You’re making me even more nervous.”
“Sorry,” you rushed, quick to pull your knee away from her hand.
Tara frowned, looking back down to the tiling. “Of course this had to happen.”
You furrowed your eyebrows. “What do you mean?” She shrugged, and you had to nudge her gently. “Tara?”
“Nothing,” she murmured. "Just Sam's license and her getting attacked at the bodega... I wasn't there, (Y/n)."
"You couldn't have known," you said, frowning at her. "Everyone thought all the 'Stab' shit was over."
"Yeah," Tara scoffed. "Mindy always says lightning doesn't strike twice, but I'm starting to wonder if that's really true."
"Or maybe it's just a crazed copycat. There's no way of knowing it's actually after you yet."
"That's not what Sam'll say." She had an uncharacteristic look of defeat in her eyes that you hadn't seen before. Tara was a spitfire, even to Sam. But she looked beside herself, wallowing against the soft fabric of your jumper. "Sam'll say that Ghostface is back. That we need to leave."
"Maybe she's right," you shrug.
"Maybe," Tara said. "But I don't want to go. I don't want to leave. I want to live, but... if it's not him, I can't just keep living my life on the run from whoever's chasing me. That means Amber won."
"Yeah... Amber. Amber Freeman. She was my, uh, girlfriend."
"Oh," you frown. Tara's dark eyes looked up at you, nervously watching your reaction.
"Yeah... and she was Ghostface."
"Oh," you repeated. Tara never spoke about her much, and neither had the rest of the core four, really. It had never really dawned on you to ask, just because it seemed important to Tara, and for the longest time, what was important to her wasn't important to you. "Are you still nursing that wound?" you asked.
She smiled, but it did not reach the corners of her eyes. "Sometimes. It feels weird since she almost killed me, but there are times I really miss her. Grief demands to be felt, and all."
"Even if it's a murderous psychopath?" you asked with a smile.
"Yeah," she snorted, turning her head on your shoulder. "Even if it's a murderous psychopath." Then, she grew serious. "We should probably talk about last night, right?"
You froze, swallowing what felt like a lump in your throat. "Uh, now?"
"Well, it's just, I kind of felt something... I don't know. I know we said this was fake and all, and I don't know if you have your eye on anyone else right now," Tara began to ramble, "so if you do, don't feel pressured to agree to anything. I know I kind of made a messy situation out of this, and I don't even know where to go--"
But she was interrupted by the door down the hall opening. It was loud enough that your attention was pulled towards it, and through it came a woman with a stack of files in her arm. She smiled warmly at Tara, walking right over, and Tara seemed to recognise her, sitting up in her chair.
The warmth on your chest where her head had been was gone in an instant, and you would have been lying if you said you hadn't selfishly begun to miss it.
"Tara, right?" the woman asked with a smile, and Tara nodded, eyebrows furrowed in confusion and an underlying suspicion. But the woman just gave her a gentle smile.
"Kirby," she said, extending her arm out for a handshake. "Kirby Reed. I used to go to high school with Sam, and now I'm with the FBI."
Your eyes widened. If the FBI were now involved with the case, it was definitely not a good sign. You felt Tara's hand go to yours, squeezing it. If you were to ask her about it, she'd likely say it was to calm the nervousness you hadn't been able to hide on your face, but you knew that it was to steady herself, if anything.
"FBI?" Tara asked. "So it's really him?"
Kirby frowned. "I'm hoping it's some copycat, but from what I've seen so far, I'm not too sure. Is Sam still back there being questioned?"
Tara nodded, grimacing. "Apparently, both of us are people of interest. Our roommate's dad is on the case."
"Well," Kirby said, "I'll see if I can help him." She turned to you. "And who's this?" she asked.
"Uh--" you started, but Tara shook her head, interrupting.
"--(Y/n) isn't involved," she glared, defending you with a ferocity in her voice.
Kirby gave you a look over. "Are you sure? I don't mean to disrespect either of you, but are you sure you can trust them, Tara? It's never who you expect."
Tara nods. "I know they're not Ghostface. (Y/n) wouldn't lie."
(Y/n) wouldn't lie. The sentence made you sick to your stomach. You could see Calvin in your mind, laughing at how you got yourself into this situation. Alisha would've found it funny, too. You swallowed, standing up from the chair. You smiled weakly at Tara. "It's okay, Tar. I'll go home... just let me know if you need to leave... for the... uh, arrangement, or whatever."
She nodded, mouth drawn into a line. "Yeah... see you later... Duck," she said, trying equally as hard to smile. You turned around, walking out.
You had pretty much collapsed into bed, the moment you got home. It had been an exhausting few hours, what with finishing your model and then rushing with Tara to the police station. Your final class of the semester was later in the day, so you would take any sort of sleep you could get.
And the sleep you took, waking up a few hours later with mussed-up hair and a final to get over and done with. You grabbed the model and your backpack, heading for the train station, and finally checking your phone for the first time in a little while.
Little Shit (do not pick up): mindy wants everyone at the park later, after your final
Little Shit (do not pick up): good luck with that, btw
Little Shit (do not pick up): also we should still probably talk about last night i didn't get to finish earlier
You gave a thumbs-up to the first message, and quickly typed back a thanks, before tucking it into your pocket. The critique was boring, but you couldn't help but feel yourself swell with pride when your professor complimented the small amount of green space you had put within the actual walls of the building. It had been Tara's idea, and you reminded yourself to thank her later. Now all you had to do was go to Mindy's weird meeting, and you could begin your break.
The group was sitting on a group of benches near the green, with Mindy hovering over them, her arms crossed. When she saw you coming, she raised her eyebrow at you in suspicion. You rolled your eyes, coming to sit down next to where Tara had saved you a seat.
She sent you a small smile when you did, weaving your fingers together. You knew that to the group she was just doing it because you and Tara were allegedly a couple, but just to you it felt like so much more than that.
And it made you feel a little bit sick, again.
"How'd your final go?" she asked, and it made your heart stop for a moment, the way her warm brown eyes looked in the soft sunlight. You shrugged, but could not stop the smile spreading itself on your face.
"The professor liked your idea."
"Really?!" she asked, sounding super excited, and you nodded. "Well now who's silly, for telling me it was a bad idea?"
"Well because it is a silly idea, genuinely who would think of that."
"I would. It isn't silly, it's cool."
"I'm afraid cool doesn't always work, Tara."
"It did this time," she said smugly, sticking her tongue out at you. You rolled your eyes, knowing but not hating that she'd be gloating about it for weeks.
"Lovebirds, cut the chit-chat," Mindy shot, glaring in your direction, and Tara huffed in annoyance but begrudgingly turned towards her. "Now, as terrifying as it all is, I’m actually glad I get a chance to redeem myself for not calling the killers last time."
"Mindy," Sam chided, arms crossed over her chest.
"Right, sorry," she said. "The way I see it, someone’s out to make a sequel to the requel."
"What’s a requel?" Anika asked, leaning forward as if trying to understand her girlfriend's antics. You didn't know either.
"You’re beautiful, sweetie, but let’s hold questions to the end," Mindy teased.
From next to you, Tara looked more worried. "Stab 1 took place in Woodsboro, but Stab 2 took place in college…"
Sam tensed. "So you think the killer’s copying the second movie?"
"Like a homage!" Chad suggested, looking proud of himself. The rest of the group shot him a look. "What? You all I know took French, it should not be a surprise that I know that word."
"Just a little bit," Tara teased. He sent her a small smile, one that you knew came from his massive crush on her. It only made you feel a bit worse about the both of you.
"That’s one possibility," Mindy said, nodding at the suggestion. "Heroes now in college? Check. Suspicious new characters brought in to round out the suspect list and/or body count?" she looked at you, Ethan, Quinn, and Anika. "Check, check, check, and check."
"I really don't like this," Ethan said.
"But it can’t only be about Stab 2," Mindy continued. Tara's eyebrows furrowed.
"Why not?" she asked.
Mindy had a glint in her eye. "It would make sense if this were just a sequel. But we’re not in a sequel, because nobody just makes sequels anymore."
"So what is it?" you asked, deciding to bite on her theory.
"We’re in a franchise. And there are certain rules to a continuing franchise," she replied.
Sam sighed. "I had a feeling."
But Mindy wasn't deterred. "Now, rule one: everything is bigger than last time. Bigger budget, bigger cast, bigger body count; longer chases, shoot-outs, beheadings- you gotta top what came before to keep people coming back."
"Beheadings?" Chad asked, taking notes.
Next to him, Ethan looked rather lost. Quinn and Anika looked just as confused. You were glad you weren't the only one lacking a real understanding of how the core four operated. They had earned a right to be a little nuts after surviving Woodsboro, that you knew. But the whole thing seemed a bit conspiratorial.
"Rule Two, whatever happened before, expect the opposite. Franchises only survive by subverting expectations; if the killers last time were whiny snowflake film nerds with Letterboxd accounts instead of personalities, you can bet the opposite will be true here." It was hard to absorb these things laid out as facts, and you struggled to follow Mindy's train of thought, sending Anika a wary glance. She just shrugged.
Tara noticed your confusion, sending a small squeeze to your hand and mouthing the word 'later.' You nodded, turning your attention back to Mindy, attempting to do your best to listen.
"And Rule Three, no one is safe. Legacy characters are cannon fodder at this point, usually brought back only to be killed off in some cheap bid for nostalgia. Sidney’s smart to sit this one out, but it’s not looking too good for Gale and Kirby. And that’s not even the worst part."
"There's a worst part?" You asked. Mindy nodded, smirking.
"The worst part is franchises are just continuing episodic instalments designed to boost an IP, which means the main characters are completely expendable now too. Laurie Strode, Nancy Thompson, Ellen Ripley, Jigsaw, Tony Stark, James Bond, even Luke Skywalker all died so their franchises could live on. That means it’s not just the friend group, any of us could go at any time, especially Sam and Tara."
You sent Tara a wary look at the suggestion, leaning harder against her. She tried to send you a small smile to comfort you, but it did little to stop the thought coming to your mind. You were cursed, that much was true from the sheer amount of grief that seemed to permeate around your family. It was a bad idea, to get so close to Tara, and that you knew. But it didn't stop the fact that you had a near electric desire to do so whenever she was nearby.
"Wait, any of us? Am I in the friend group?" Ethan asked, beginning to panic. "Am I one of the targets? Am I gonna die a virgin?"
"Um," Mindy started, blinking. "Weird overshare, but at least that brings us to our current suspects." Her gaze steeled over.
"Ethan. The shy dorky guy who no one suspects, because he’s so shy and dorky." Next to him, Chad shot him a more assessing glance.
"Why am I on the list? Because I’m randomly Chad’s roommate?!" Ethan asked, raising his voice.
"Roommate lotteries can be juked, you could have fixed it to get next to us," Mindy shot back, crossing her arms in increased suspicion. She turned to Quinn. "Quinn. The slutty roommate. A horror movie classic."
"Sex positive," Quinn corrected, "but thank you."
"And how did you come to live with Sam and Tara?" Mindy asked, narrowing her eyes.
"I answered their ad online--" Quinn started, and Mindy scoffed, raising her hand up.
"Say no more, you’ve already implicated yourself enough. 'Ad online,' good lord."
"Mindy, it was an anonymous ad, and you know we vetted her, plus her Dad’s a cop," Tara interjected.
"Tara, Tara, Tara," Mindy said, shaking her head. "Cop Dad? That's a great cover. Don't you get that's how these movies would work? Speaking of, while we're on Tara," she continued, turning to you.
"Hi," you said.
"Hi (Y/n)," she replied, smiling. It dropped to a frown. Tara's grip on your hand tightened. "(Y/n). The enemies-to-lovers, quippy 'annoyance' one of our main characters has incredible sexual tension with."
"Ew," Sam shuddered.
"Ew indeed," Mindy agreed. "Never trust the love interest." She looked over to Anika, who was smiling at her girlfriend. "Ever." Anika's face fell.
"Okay. So we’ve got our rules, and we’ve got our suspects," Sam huffed.
"Wait- what about the rest of you?" Ethan interrupted.
"I mean, I think it’s safe to rule out the four of us who went through this last year in Woodsboro," Mindy shrugged.
"Agreed," Chad nods.
"Um, not agreed. Maybe the trauma of what you went through caused one or more of you to snap," Quinn suggested, playing with the nail polish on her fingers.
"Or the fame you got from the killings made you thirsty for more! Ethan jumped in again. "And, let’s be honest, some of those theories online about Sam are--"
Tara sends him a death glare. "Don'y you fucking dare finish that sentence."
"He’s right, though. Face facts. If we’re all suspects? You’re all suspects," Anika shrugs.
You sent a wary look around at everyone and then another look back down to Tara, wondering which one would hurt her, and just how you'd be able to stop it.
That night was the first night in a while nothing was expected of you, but you couldn't find it in yourself to actually relax. Mindy's monologue about how royally bloody fucked everything was now that Ghostface was officially back had set you a bit on edge, and part of you couldn't help but blame yourself.
You had thought the curse would get left behind in Nebraska, when you left, but it seemed maybe you had taken it with you, packed with your belongings. Maybe it was now affecting the person you had wished to protect from any harm. It still felt miraculous, just how Tara had wormed her way from your shit list to deep within your heart. Maybe that was the curse. Someone who could make you so annoyed could also make you feel like your heart was skipping beats.
You coped with the extreme worrying through a cooked meal and TV binge, flopping down on the couch and turning your ringer on, in case you were needed. You knew that Sam and Tara were likely preparing for the worst, and you also knew that you had been included on the list of suspects.
Maybe none of them rightfully believed you had it in you, but you also knew that even being a possibility meant that the core four had to keep you at arm's length for a while.
Or, at least, that's what you figured they'd do.
Right as the episode you were watching began to roll credits, you heard a hard knock on the door, freezing. Mindy had said something in a text, telling you to be cautious of opening doors when no one was scheduled to come over. You shot a wary look to your magnetic strip of knives, hanging over the hotplate. If you were just fast enough, maybe you could grab a knife or two, if Ghostface busted the door in. There was usually a phone call, wasn't there? Then why--
"(Y/n)?" Tara called, giving a hard knock. You felt your cheeks flush. Oh. You dashed to the door, not wanting to leave her on the step for too long.
When you opened it, you could see that Tara's own cheeks were flushed, and her chest was rising and falling rapidly.
"Did you run here???" you asked, raising your eyebrows.
"Uh...maybe," Tara said, suddenly finding the hallway outside of your flat much more interesting.
"I thought Sam would have you under lock and key," you teased.
"I snuck out..." Tara said, cheeks flushing again, but this time not from the run.
"Oh, so I'm harbouring a criminal?" you joked. Tara rolled her eyes, groaning.
"Can I just come in?"
"Do you trust me to do that?" you asked, curious. "I understand if you say no, believe me I get it. If I had been attacked or anything, especially by my girlfriend, I wouldn't trust anyone for a long time..."
Tara watched you ramble speak, eyes wide and dark and beautiful in the dim hall light. "I trust you... and I, uh, want some small amount of normalcy, like it was at the lab. Before everything got so weird, you know?"
You nodded, stepping aside for her to enter and then freezing. "Wait, Tara, what happened to your hand?"
You hadn't noticed until now, but her knuckles on the other hand had been bruising a dusty purple colour, still red at the edges. You let the door shut behind you, turning to her hand and holding it up in the lamplight of your hall. "What happened?" you asked, eyebrows furrowing in worry.
Tara's cheeks flushed again. "I punched a bitch," she said flatly. Your eyes widened even more, and Tara was quick to shake her head. "Just Gale Weathers. She wrote, uh, a whole book on Woodsboro. Called Sam a bunch of bad stuff. She actually was outside the station with the news and stuff when Sam was questioned earlier today... so I punched her."
You snorted. "Judging by your hand you definitely got her."
"Oh absolutely," Tara scoffed, as if she was offended by a possibility that she hadn't.
"You should probably ice it," you said with a wince, looking at the bruised skin. She scoffed again.
"What're you, a doctor?"
You shrugged, leading her into your kitchen. "I was going to be."
"Oh," Tara hummed.
"Yeah... took one introductory class and realised I hated it. It sucks too, because I gave my parents this whole speech about how I wanted to be a doctor because of our family, and I dropped the profession about a month or two later afterwards."
"Is that why you and your dad don't talk much?" she asked. "Is he a doctor?"
"No," you said, shaking your head. It was an amusing suggestion. "About as far as you could get from it, actually. But no, it isn't why we don't really talk." You didn't say any more on the subject, even though you could tell that Tara was curious. "We should really get you iced up, your hand is swollen, I can't believe you didn't show me this earlier."
She rolled her eyes. "You're acting like my parent again."
"I'm just worried about you, Tara," you said, shooting her a meaningful look. She was staring up at you with those damn eyes again like you held her heart in your hands. "I mean, come on, let's just put a bag of ice on it or something, or--"
But before you could finish what you were suggesting, Tara interrupted you, throwing her arms around your neck and standing up on her toes. "Is this okay?" she whispered, voice low. It flooded your ears and squeezed the air from your lungs, just how close her lips were from yours.
You can't help the small nod, or the way you're probably dumbly staring at her mouth right now, but her eyes are warm and inviting, and your hands find their way to her waist, palming at the exposed skin of her cropped shirt with your thumbs. "I've, uh, kind of wanted to do this for weeks," Tara admits with a small grin. The words spin around and around in your mind like you're on some carousel of thought.
If you could have formed words, you would have told her the truth: you had wanted to kiss her since she walked in the room and you saw her for the first time. But you can't. So instead, you crash your lips onto hers.
Tara doesn't hesitate even a little bit, wrapping her arms around your neck and falling off her toes as she kisses you back with fervour. You follow her down, working your lips against hers as her hands give up on your neck and instead move to spread themselves out on the warm apples of your cheeks.
You're taken over by some other, hungry entity entirely, and you lift Tara up onto the kitchen counter, into the exact same place she was sitting when she asked you for help with this stupid scheme. It doesn't matter now, you're too lost in her lips. You feel her tongue push past and into your mouth, and her hands travel up your back to spread out against the back of your shirt and pull you against her.
You can't help the groan that escapes your mouth, and you feel Tara's teasing smile against your lips as she breathes in your smell. Your hands are still on her waist, sliding up so that your thumbs gently brush against the bottom of her bra. She shudders at the sensation, opening her mouth wider, and you can taste the lingering cherry of her chapstick on her lips.
Neither of you is especially sure how long you stay there, but when you finally have to pull away, you're scrambling for air. You lazily let your forehead rest against hers, catching your breath and struggling to stay on your feet. Tara lets her hands wander from your back into your hair, exploring the planes of your body for the first time, and you can't stop the small comment that worms its way from your mouth after.
"Exploring the merchandise?" you ask with a teasing, breathless laugh. Tara shakes her head, finally opening her eyes and looking up at you with that same damn beautiful look.
"You should come stay with me and the others. It's safer that way," she says, becoming worried again. Her hands rest on your cheeks and she kisses you again, softer, but just as meaningful.
You painfully have to shake your head. "I can't, you know that."
"I won't be mad if you leave town," she says. "I won't hold it against you."
You smile. "I'm not leaving. I'm not going anywhere, Tara."
She nods, processing it, before crashing her lips back onto yours and tugging at the bottom of your shirt, but you catch her hands before she can tug it over your head. "No, Tara- Tara wait."
"I want you," she says.
"I know, but we should wait," you say, hands on the side of her thighs. "Wait until it's over. Right now, Ghostface is more important."
"He gets everything, (Y/n). I just want this. I want you. I know we did this whole thing about fake dating, and I know it wasn't real, but I realise that I want it to be. I just want you."
There's a burning in your stomach, burning for her, and you pull her in for another kiss. Only to be stopped by the sound of your door creaking open.
You freeze and so does Tara at the noise. "(Y/n)?" she asks, trembling. "Did you lock your front door?"
DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN catch you all next time for a big ole action sequence and a whole bunch of drama
#letorip#answered#jenna ortega x reader#jenna ortega#tara carpenter x reader#tara carpenter x you#tara carpenter x y/n#tara carpenter
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90s method man fic ? i see you write about him currently but i want one from like 95 😩😩 pleaseee
Love To Give.

Black!OC!plus size X Method Man
Summary: You were supposed go out with your friends to movies when in reality you bump into a familiar rapper, leading to something more.
Warnings: smut, praise, fluff, oral(fem receiving) fingering, tiny sexual innuendo, strangers to friends to lovers, consensual for both parties, counter sex, kinda messy sex.
Taglist: @mermaidchansons @megamindsecretlair @mymindisneverhere
@lady-olive-oil @23jammy @zillasvilla
@chaoticcoffeequeen @saturnville
@enchantedillumination @kaylalb @mogul93
@theereina @uzumaki-rebellion @blyffe @fakxmbj @kumkaniudaku @ranikyani
@ororosdaughter @nahimjustfeelingit-writes @nayaesworld @ovohanna24
@novahreign @writingsbytee @avoidthings @kimuzostar @slippinninque @keyera-jackson @theblacklewinsky
@euphorichappiness10 @life-in-the-slut-house
@miguelspvssy @liatreads @kaylaahisthebestest-
@secretlifeoofmarpessa @planetblaque @hxneyclouds @henneseyhoe @catxo @brattyfics @cocooned-butterfly @charismablu
She strolled down the grey sidewalk towards the towering dust-colored building, her jet-black heel sandals clicked with each step. Above her head, the blue sky was adorned with cirrus clouds, while her brown pupils were fixed on her friend, who she had finally convinced to hang out with her today after her mom's hesitant approval.
As she walked, her ears were greeted with the rhythmic sounds of Big L, A Tribe Called Quest, Biggie Smalls, Jay-Z, MC Lyte, Queen Latifah, Nas, and Wu-Tang Clan. The music was emanating from a boom box held by a young brown-skinned male sitting on a dark green bench. He bopped his head to the beats, lost in the music.
Lisa wandered the streets of New York, she scanned the bustling crowds for her friend. The warm sun beat down on her shoulders, making her thankful for the light fabric of her sundress. Suddenly, a familiar voice rang out, "Lisa!!!" Imani's beaming face greeted her, arms spread wide in greeting. She looked stunning in her form-fitting pink sundress, which accentuated her curves. "Are you all set to go?" Imani asked with a raised eyebrow, ready for their plans to unfold.
"Yes, I have everything I need, Lisa waved her off, with a nod and the two friends continued their stroll, exchanging smiles. They were almost at the street that led to the bodega when Lisa accidentally bumped into someone. Imani halted and spoke up, "Lisa, I need to grab something for the movie." She paused as she realized that her friend had bumped into someone.
Startled by the sudden interruption, Lisa's gaze was immediately drawn to the towering figure before her. His baggy dark blue denim jeans, grey tee shirt, well-trimmed beard, and deep brown eyes made for a striking combination. Before she could even apologize, the person spoke up with a raspy, masculine tone and a New York accent. "My bad shorty, I didn't look where I was goin'."
Imani's hands flew to her mouth as she exclaimed, "No way, you're Method Man!" Lisa blushed, feeling nervous as she introduced herself. "Um, hi, I'm Lisa."
Clifford asked if they were busy, adding, "My bad, I don't want to interrupt your plans with your friend." Both women shook their heads, indicating they had no plans.
"I was planning on hanging with my friend but I think I might cancel them." Lisa replied flirtily, her pearly whites sunk underneath her bottom fully glossed lips.
"For Method Man, girl? But We—" Lisa suddenly hushed her with her palm. Rolling her eyes, Lisa groaned and chimed in, "We have no plans, right?" She giggled, but Imani wasn't amused. Swatting her friend's arm, Lisa smacked her lips in response. "You owe me," she grumbled.
Trying to make it up to her friend, Lisa whispered, "Don't worry, Mani. We can hang out next weekend. I got you." She reassured Imani that they would spend time together soon.
As Lisa and Clifford collided, a spark ignited, and their connection grew stronger every day. They spent countless hours chatting face-to-face and on the phone, even causing her mother's phone bill to skyrocket. After meeting her mother, they started dating and discovering each other's passions.
Lisa's cozy apartment had a medium-sized living room, furnished with a sleek black suede couch where Clifford flipped through channels with his jet-black remote. The room was painted a calming light green, creating a serene atmosphere.
Lisa finished cooking as she placed the food in Tupperware containers for Clifford and her to eat, the tip of his tongue ran across his shut lips from the tangy scent of the food and the curves on her body. Clifford stepped off the couch and strolled into the kitchen, a grin plastered on his face.
Clifford's lips curled into a smirk as he let out a seductive plea, "Baby I'm hungry, come over here quick." she spun around and gestured to the food containers.
Lisa responded with a playful roll of her eyes. "Boy, I already cooked the food," she replied, before Clifford pulled her into him, planting kisses on her lips, cheeks, and the pudge on her stomach twice. His hands cupped her face tenderly to make her gaze into his eyes.
"I ain't talkin' about the food yo."
Lisa's bare back pressed firmly against the luxurious black suede couch cushions, her legs extended upwards and resting on Clifford's muscular shoulders. His arms were locked underneath her thighs as he buried his face in between her thick legs, his tongue flicking over her throbbing clit. As he continued to pleasure her, his slender fingers slid in and out of her wet core, causing Lisa to cry out in ecstasy.
"Shit! Clifford!" she screamed, her legs clamping around his face as he moaned in appreciation of her sensitive pussy. Removing his fingers, Clifford replaced them with his tongue, teasing her with his lips and working his way up and down her sensitive folds. Lisa reached down and tangled her fingers in Clifford's hair, pulling him deeper into her as he continued to pleasure her in all the right ways.
Her fingertips dug deep into the back of his neck, leaving scratches in her trail as his raspy, low groans filled her wet folds. His fingers were soon replaced with his lips, and Cliff murmured in delight, "You taste so fuckin' good, baby." His head swayed messily from side to side as he lapped up her love juices that trickled down his jawline, hungrily savoring her like it was his last meal. He loved every sound she made, every expression of pleasure, and her moans only grew louder as he pleasured her.
With his slender fingers slipping back into the wetness between her thighs, Clifford used his left hand to knead her erect nipple. Her eyes fluttered back as he curled his fingers at just the right spot, making her walls clench and her hips grind against his digits. "You're so wet for me," he whispered, relishing in the pleasure he was giving her. Lisa couldn't contain herself, chanting "Oh shittt!" as the pleasure overflowed through her body, sending chills down her spine.
Her legs were sore and twitching in her lover's grasp, unprepared for the knot that suddenly curled up in her stomach. Her juices splattered onto his face, but Clifford quickly cleaned up the mess with a paper towel. Smirking at her dazed look, he knew he had just given her an unforgettable experience.
She playfully pecked his lips twice and added a sly grin. "How about I make you breakfast tomorrow?" He hummed, her hands gently resting on his shoulders. "Oh, I like the sound of that," she chuckled, his arms snaking around her waist, his lips brushing against her ear.
She blushed, feeling his palm roughly smack her plump ass causing a squeal to escape her lips. "Not now, my legs are sore," she whined, pouting at him. He pulled back and cupped her face, pecking her forehead. "I'll draw you a hot bubble bath, shorty," he added, seeing her blush shyly. As he sauntered into the bathroom, she couldn't help but feel grateful for such a loving partner.
#black!reader#black fanfiction#black writer#black!fem!reader#notapradagurl7#method man x black!reader#method man smut#method man fic#method man#black!oc#smut#tumbler#x reader#wu tang clan#black reader
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*= smut
Bodybag | Riley!Reader
Chad comforts you after Dewey's death
Cockblock roommate *
Ethan stops you and Chad from continuing your activities
Don't go upstairs with him
Chad stops you from going upstairs with Frankie...and then confesses to you
Goodnight kiss * | Riley!Reader
Chad walks you home and finally takes your relationship to the next level
Helping hand *
After Chad gets released from the hospital, his personal nurse gives him a helping hand
I can't go through this again
Another ghostface strikes and Chad has PTSD from the legacy murders
Is that my shirt?
Chad notices that the shirt you're wearing is his
Late night in the kitchen *
During a trip to the twins' family cabin, you and Chad have a late night adventure in the kitchen
Save a horse, ride a cowboy *
You make a move on Chad and end up in an empty bedroom with his cowboy hat on, riding another kind of horse
Setting up the tree
You and Chad decorate the Christmas tree together
Stab stab stab
Chad gets stabbed by Ghostface when looking for you
Stood up
You get stood up and Chad offers you his shoulder to cry on
The no-sex rule *
You and Chad don't listen to Mindy's 'surviving a horror movie' rules
Wrong person
You send you nudes to your ex by mistake
You drew stars around my scars
You sleep over at Chad's dorm and see something you hadn't seen before
Blood on the subway
Mindy gets stabbed on the subway...there's a lot of blood
Give me attention *
Mindy works on a school assignement, but you're bored and decide to tease her
Movie night
After watching the horror that is Halloween Ends, Mindy needs kisses to erase the movie from her memory
Skilled fingers *
Mindy is a goddess in bed
Caught *
Tara asks you to use a vibrator on her...and Sam walks in
I was so scared
After Tara gets attacked at her house, you visit her at the hospital
Is this good? *
Tara tries to top for the first time
I thought you were dead
You survive the attack inside the shrine
Sleepover *
It's the first sleepover since Tara got attacked in her house. You and her breaks the friendship
We might die tomorrow
After Sam and Tage get attacked at the bodega, everyone stayed over at the appartement
Catching feelings *
You grown feelings during a game of teasing your roommate Ethan
Friends touch each other, right? *
You teach virgin!Ethan how to touch a woman
I can't forgive you | Riley!Reader
Ethan betrays you, but you can't forgive him
It's you *
You figure out Ethan is Ghostface
Let's play a little game *
You get a phone call from a masked ID when you’re home alone…
Night visits
As Quinn's friend, you are not allowed to see her little brother, so you and Ethan have a secret relationship
No protection needed *
You and Ethan do it without a condom for the first time
Play with me *
Ethan asks you to play with him
Panty stealer
Pervy!Ethan steals your panties
Pretty boy * | camgirl!reader
Ethan purchases a private session with his favorite camgirl
Pretty boy part 2 *
Ethan purchases another private session...and get the girl's number
Pretty boy part 3 *
Camgirl!Reader and Ethan finally meets
Roomie *
Ethan jerks off to his roommate and gets caught
Ethan has a huge crush on you but is too shy to make a move...so you make one
Study time
Studying econ turns into teasing your boyfriend
That's hot
You find out that Ethan does boxing
Video games *
You give Ethan a blowjob while he games with Chad
Video girl *
You convince Ethan to make a video with you
Knife play
You seduce Billy with the knife he used to kill Maureen Prescott
Ménage à trois * | Billy x Stu x Reader
A typical movie night at Stu’s turns into a ménage à trois
Mouthful * | Billy x Stu x Riley!Reader
Why settling for one when you can get two?
PG-16 at the Theater
Billy gets handsy at the movie theater
Stranger danger *
Billy decide to surprise you on your way back from Tatum's
Talk dirty to me *
Phone sex with Billy
#chad meeks martin#tara carpenter#mindy meeks martin#chad meeks x reader#chad meeks martin imagine#chad meeks martin x reader#scream 6 imagines#scream 6#tara carpenter x reader#mindy meeks martin x reader
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||when the cat distribution system strikes||
gotham knights!jason todd x gn!reader
{Not edited/proof read please excuse any errors♡}
Ever since the two of you started dating, your favorite view and time of day consisted of the quite moments you and Jason shared when the city was asleep and everything for once was at peace. Now, you weren't a fan of being woken up in the middle of the night, but you found it hard to remain upset when you could look over at the other side of the bed and see your boyfriend finally have the moments of peace that he deserves for all that he does for the people of Gotham. Recently though, that view of yours got an upgrade. Tonight you had been torn out of your sleep by a slightly unpleasant dream and as you turned over to adjust yourself for sleep again you were met with the sweetest sight. There of course was your boyfriend peacefully dosing away, but with the newest adition of a small little void of a kitten just as peacefully sleeping on his chest. That tiny little thing was an unexpected new member of the little family the two of you had made and you wouldn't change a thing,even if the kitten still remained unnamed after being home for about a month now. You'll probably have to change that soon.
You remember when that furry little angel entered your lives like it was yesterday. You had gone out to the Bodega around the corner from your apartment to grab a few of their home-made pastelillos* for dinner because Jason was home for the night nursing a sprained ankle and craving one of his favorite meals. You remember being in a rush that evening due to the forecast of rain that was supposed to roll in at any moment, and due to that you were meant to be in and out and home within just a handful of minutes. Instead, on your way back home you were stopped dead in your tracks by the most pathetic little meow you have ever heard. Your goal of getting home as soon as possible was abandoned as you made your way to the tattered cardboard box sitting just at the entrance of the alleyway you almost walked past. Strays and pets that simply found themselves outside were no strangers to the neighborhood, not so much abandoned animals, which seemed to be the case as you get Closer to the tattered and damp box. Once you got close enough to get a peek inside you were able to see there in the shadow of the box the smallest kitten you have ever seen in your life. You had wondered to yourself if the poor thing was runt that had been left out here due to the fact you saw no evidence of any littermates or a mom. By then it had started to lightly rain, and you wasted no time in removing the hoodie you wore then gently picking and wrapping up the damp little creature as it cried out at the sudden change of environment.
Anytime you take a little more time than usual on an errand than planned, Jason can't help himself from becoming worried. It also doesn't help his worry when you don't answer you phone when he sends a few texts trying to see what was possibly making you late when it should've only taken you around twenty minutes. After hearing your voicemail message for the fourth time he was almost ready to (hesitantly) call one of his siblings to go look for where you could've gone, not only could you be in some kind of danger but the rain was starting to worry him. He was halfway off the couch when your soaking form finally came through the door. You barely gave him time to sigh in relief, let alone welcome you home and ask what happened as you hurriedly dropped the bag of food into his lap before quickly making your way into the bathroom. That worried him. In the last few years of you dating, you never came home and did not speak to him immediately, let alone rush past him like that. He thought he was worried before, but now he is concerned and almost scared of what's happening that he doesn't know about. Jason carefully got up from the couch and made his way to the kitchen to put your dinner into the microwave to keep warm before he made his way into the restroom to see what you could possibly be up to. The last thing he expected to see was you cradling a small soaking wet ball of black fur while stressfully searching the internet on your phone. While he had already began connecting the dots on what was happening, it wasn't until he had hobbled his way to your side and the furball meowing at him that he was fully aware of what was going on.
“Babe? Everything okay?”
“Oh! Jason! I was on my way back home but then I found this poor thing and I couldn't bring myself to leave it there I had to take it home. I'm so sorry.”
“Baby, no need to apologize. I'm Just glad you're home safe. Now, let me take over you need to go dry off and get warm.”
That night you and Jason had done what you could with your limited supply to bathe and care for the kitten before agreeing that you two would make the trip to the vet clinic in the morning to make sure it had a clean bill of health. You two had also immediately decided that you'd adopt the kitten due to how attached you had become and that Jason has no ability to say no to you when it comes to Stuff like this.
Life with a kitten was certainly new, it felt almost like the next big step in the commitment of your relationship. Thankfully the kitten was perfectly healthy, and your theory of it being a runt that was undesired was spot on. You had also found out that the kitten was a little girl and she fell in love with the two of you. She would constantly follow you around the apartment and was never more than a few feet from your side, if there was a moment where she wasn't with you it was because she discovered that Jason was her favorite playmate and her favorite pillow. You couldn't blame her, with his higher than normal body heat and big soft muscles he was your favorite pillow too. It had slightly worried you at first that a kitten was too big of a change and commitment for the two of you to make so suddenly, but that sweet little furball made you quickly realize that you and Jason were in the perfect spot in your relationship to handle just that.
Now as you lay in bed looking at the two loves of your life, you reflect on that rainy evening and feel so greatful for the universe putting this sweet little thing in your path. You also realize that it's almost been a month and your kitten needs a name.
"Jason. Hey.” He's awake immediatley.
"Yeah? What's wrong baby? What's happening?”
"We need to name her.” Jason relaxes now that he knows there's no danger, just his sweet girl and her late night thoughts.
"Yeah? What do you Suggest?” There's a pause as you think about your answer.
“Hmmm. What about…Midna?”A soft laugh escapes him as he recognizes the name. He wouldn't expect any less than for you to chose the name of your favorite character from one of you favorite video games.
“Hmmm nerd. Now go to sleep.”
"Okay goodnight, love you.”
“Goodnight, love you too beautiful.”
"I was talking to Midna.”
At that he softly moves and deposits the sleeping kitten onto the pillows above your heads before moving himself to softly smother you in his arms for the rest of night. Sleep comes back easily when your little family is all together in this little pocket of peace.
This blurb takes place in the same little universe as my last blurb :)
Read it here!
pastelillos*- basically Puerto Rican empanadas (I have a personal hc that Jason is mixed and half Puerto Rican♡)
Also if you recognize the name I picked for their kitten I love you♡
#jason todd#red hood#dc#jason todd x gn!reader#jason todd x gender neutral reader#jason todd blurb#jason todd x reader#gotham knights#gotham knights jason todd
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#bodega kat#lebron james#los angeles lakers#lakeshow#laker nation#new york knicks#knickstape#bucks#giannis antetokounmpo#milwaukee bucks#jared goff#detroit#detroit lions#bronny james#kobe protro 5#kobe bryant#kobe bean bryant#mamba forever#mamba mentality#darius garland#cleveland cavaliers#cavs
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It’s after midnight when Daniel slides the door open to the phone booth three blocks from his shitty apartment in New York City. The air outside is heavy with static electricity, the clouds dark and ominous and the city lights blurry in the humidity. It’s a good gig, this one. A solid paycheck and he’s made the deadline, sort of. The paper is small but the publisher is an affluent man with a summer home on Fire Island and he’s hired Daniel to write coverage of the strange malady that’s been striking down the gay men in the seaside party town. He said to call when Daniel had his coverage written, so here he is, calling. He might not have meant in the middle of the night, but it seemed important, and Daniel feels it in a detached sort of way. He drops his change into the slot and dials. The phone rings as thunder rumbles overhead, the lights of a nearby bodega flickering in the stifling summer heat. The publisher answers on the fourth ring, just as the sky opens up and sends a wave of sound down over the booth that Daniel can feel all the way through to his bones. A forked tongue of lightning arcs white fire across the sky. There’s a pop followed by a shower of sparks in the very corner of his eye and the lights in the bodega flicker out, the entire block going dark in a flash that burns and leaves spots dancing behind his eyelids. The phone goes dead in his hand, the darkness surrounding him utterly complete behind the sound of the storm, a freight train throbbing in his ears.
He feels the man before the door folds open behind him, tries to be surprised and fails, the back of his thin t shirt soaked instantly by the storm, driving it’s way sideways into the booth.
“You left.”
It comes out accusatory and he wishes that he hadn’t said anything at all.
“I told you I had business to attend to. I told you to wait for me”
“You said you would be gone a few days” Daniel continues, his traitorous mouth running away from him. “After three weeks I gave up waiting.”
They had been in Mexico this time, some seaside town, the land of the deer. Once he couldn’t stand looking out over rush of surf, the beach and the blue, blue ocean anymore he had flown back to New York. He had found a tiny hovel to crash in, a friend of a friend had a spare room until he could find something more permanent, and he had gone to work finding enough money to forget himself with. The fact that Armand had found him, here in this city, here in this space, was no real surprise, and no real hardship for the vampire. It was more the fact that he had bothered to find him at all, Daniel had thought he was gone for good this time, and with good reason, he reminded himself. He turned fully to face him.
“Close the fucking door. It’s loud and shit and I’m getting soaked”
Armand stepped further into the phone booth, sliding the door shut behind him. They were pressed nearly nose to nose like this, Armand’s hair curled and wet around his face, his eyes shining in the darkness.
“My business took longer to wrap than I anticipated. I always planned to come back to you”
Damned mind-reader, curling his way through his thoughts like whisps of smoke, seeking and touching and finding. He feels Armand’s breath along his collarbone and when had he stepped closer? The ghost of a thought flickers through his mind and he quickly shoves it back. Forgiveness. Reprieval.
“You are angry with me” says Armand.
“Yeah, no shit”
The vampire’s lips move over the shell of his ear, his breath cool.
Daniel shivers and he isn’t sure if it’s from the rain or from arousal. Goosebumps run their way along his body. It’s still achingly hot and his shirt clings to him from the sweat of the day and from the violence of the downpour, the windows of the booth fogging up with his breath. Armand feels like a cool balm pressed all along the front of him, his eyes gazing down in silent pleading and adoration and Daniel wishes that he wasn’t so weak, that he wouldn’t go to his knees for this man with barely an uttered sigh. The kiss, when it comes, isn’t a surprise either.
“See?” Says the voice in his mind, “I told you I would come back to you. I will always come back to you.”
#amc iwtv#iwtv#interview with the vampire#devil's minion#daniel molloy#armand#tw aids#my writing#iwtv ficlet#If this tanks it’s Introvertia’s fault#tw mentions of aids
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Updated Bittersweet Symphony Ch. 2 Art!

Check out @threegoblinart 's actual chapter 2 artwork (which I have now dropped in the chapter as the first one was an earlier version)
If she’d like to chat at all about her process and design choices I welcome it, because I am totally in love with this.
And now some writing notes!
I'm kind of excited to be writing (now two stories) that explore some Willow POV. As with Hunter (and later other TOH characters) I had to feel out where Willow would be emotionally in the setting of Bittersweet Symphony.
She's an NYU undergrad, but also a NYC native. There's gong to be a TON more about her family and her upbringing as the chapters unfold -- some things will be similar to source material, others will diverge. A few things I wanted to make sure was her connection to nature and plants -- so having her in charge of the floral arrangements in her fathers' NYC Bodegas felt like the natural fit.
For those of you who are unfamiliar with a corner Bodega, here is some information on them.
Basically, they are small corner grocery stores where you can purchase nearly anything. And yes, many of them have AMAZING flowers.
Willow is also looking to study Environmental Science, which also felt like a natural fit ... but the punk band is sort of her Flyer Derby here. She's still a fan of working out -- and body image will come into play a lot more in this story, because the 90's most definitely was not the era of diverse body types.
I played with the idea of her being a guitarist, but bassist seemed to fit her best.
I also love the idea of Gus as the drummer -- but more on that later -- Viney strikes me as a guitarist and I thought it might be fun to have Skara bring something very different to the table (electric violin in punk? It's PUNK, why not?)
And of course, Willow (and the Emerald's) faithful meeting with Hunter mirrors ASIAS, but this time instead of Puddles the griffin, she's Viney's big shaggy dog that attacks him.
#toh fanfic#the owl house#hunter noceda#toh hunter#a03 fanfic#willow park#huntlow#willow x hunter#bittersweet symphony#toh band au#toh au#human au#90s au#Spotify
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Ok ok ok, this is so specific and niche BUT in post game professor Gale timeline. what kind of lunches do you think Tav would bring Gale on his lunch breaks...
I have this idea that my Tav shows up sometimes when Gale forgets his lunch and brings him a little packed lunch.
oh what a fun question! hehe I imagine a few options and all of them include a little note or something from you (sometimes sweet sometimes raunchy… lol)
1. I see Gale as a big sandwich guy, a sandwich connoisseur if you will - both homemade and purchased, if done right. He takes a strange amount of pride in his ability to make them so it’s a fun opportunity for you to practice your own skills. When he was isolated, sandwiches were one of the things he would make himself, both because they’re ease and versatility. Different breads, cheeses, meats, veggies, hummus, you name it. If waterdeep has bodegas, Gale has a favorite where he insists they make the *best* sandwiches. Tara spends a lot of her days hanging out there. He strikes me as a rye guy.
2. He also enjoys exploration and our favorite rizzard is willing to try almost anything once. on occasion, reader will take him out for lunch to try both old and new spaces or will bring takeout right to his office and eat with him if they have time. Bonus points if there’s desert included. If there are tacos and horchata in Waterdeep, spanakopita, samosas, bim-bap, bao, gyro the list goes on. You know him best and his tastes are mood dependent. Often he cannot make the decision where you’ll eat, and you’re happy to do it. Enjoys spicy food and struggles with it simultaneously, it’s an endearing quality.
3. In the fall and winter, soups. Any type of soup. Good soup.
4. This is niche and specific because of the clip of him munching on them, some type of mushroom dish - stuffed mushrooms, portobello burger, our man is a big fungus guy and will absolutely make a pun about being a “fun-gi(guy)”
5. A specialty dish that comes from either his mother and his family or yours, this type of surprised packed lunch always makes Gale beam a little extra, and makes him want to show you off to colleagues and your exquisite thoughtfulness (even if you’re a bad cook, like me haha)
:) this was fun thank you for asking hehe
#gale of waterdeep#gale dekarios#bg3#bg3 gale#baldur's gate 3#baldurs gate 3#gale#bg3 brainrot#Gale lunch#Gale dinner#gale thoughts
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One Prompt Challenge Masterlist
This is the masterlist for the One Prompt Challenge - as a warm up to the big promptathon, this challenge was for everyone taking part to fill the same prompt. Although we actually ended up with two as joint winners in a discord vote: ‘rooftop’ and ‘time travel’. Thanks to everyone who played and commented!
beginnings & endings by @archers-and-spies (G; choose not to warn and no warnings apply) Summary: When the dust settles, Clint meets Steve on the bench by the lake, two hours before sundown.He has a promise to keep.
Distracted by @firlalaith (Teen; no warnings apply) Summary: Clint on his first SHIELD mission.
from brooklyn with love by @icantopenwaterbottlecaps (Teen; no warnings apply) Summary: Immediately, Clint knows something is wrong. You don’t get to hang around the Avengers, fighting crime and supervillains on the daily without developing a serious Shit-is-about-to-go-down-o-meter, and this… Well, maybe shit isn’t going down, not exactly, but something is definitely wrong. The buildings are all off, there aren’t enough flashy, LED shop signs or social media trap cafes. The regular bodegas are around, but the signs all look mysteriously newer. The people around him are decked out in suits and minidresses that he hasn’t seen in vogue since–– Since… Aww futz! Or: Clint and Natasha meet on a rooftop in New York City, only, it's 1969 and they're both stuck in time.
infinity in the palm of your hand by @inkvoices (Teen; no warnings apply) Summary: For the Ancient One, it’s only moments after she entrusts the Time Stone to Bruce Banner that it’s returned to her.
It Should've Been Me by @iriel3000 (PG for language; no warnings apply) Summary: During house arrest, Clint is visited by a familiar face.
Some Day by ultra_fic (Teen; no warnings apply) Summary: Clint has a chance to go back and fix things for Natasha.
Teatime at Tiffany's by @alphaflyer (Teen; no warnings apply) Summary: "This is one of the most powerful objects in the universe and I am not letting you use it to buy your girlfriend a box of chocolates or some lingerie, Barton." Clint forgets Nat's birthday and goes to Dr. Strange for help.
What You Give Is What You Get by @cassiesinsanity (Explicit for sex/smut; no warnings apply) Summary: Strike Team Delta enjoys some private time up on the roof during target practice.
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certain books nailing how uncomfortable it is to be in public, but also let go of anxieties to just be a person out of your house is amazing. all ottessa moshfeg's works (aside from lapvona), the tatami galaxy novel, the hour of the star, colorless tzukuru, after dark, and anything by mieko kawakami are perfect examples of that. humanity is so beautifully demonstrated in their works. even if we were villains and the raven cycle grapple so well with drama in a way that comes across as tense and realistic.
anytime i am reading something and a certain compulsion to write, or a wave of recognition washes through me, it has to do with that emotion. in my year of rest and relaxation every time the narrator went to the bodega got me. in all the lovers of the night, when the main character lost her purse at the activity center and was walking around there drunk during the day, the main character in tatami galaxy despising ozu and going out despite the indifference he feels, is all so compelling.
i don't know how to explain this feeling. there is a vitality that it gives and it simply feels alive. nothing particularly striking occurs, but the fact that there is character voices going while they are doing something normal, and being unashamed while doing so, is painfully alive. political issues going on while they are going to get coffee or ramen or heading to class. they are uncomfortable living but it's all they can do, they can't help but live even though they are unhappy with how it's going.
That emotion and position is something i find myself in quite often. reading it in literature, in books from authors of different genders writing in different genres, with characters of ages different from my own and genders different from my own, displays how universal of a feeling this is. perhaps it is close to kant's sublime, but i don't really want to talk about kant.
#books#reading#ottessa moshfegh#haruki murakami#the tatami galaxy#my year of rest and relaxation#colorless tsukuru tazaki and his years of pilgrimage#mieko kawakami#all the lovers in the night#clarice lispector#the hour of the star#the raven cycle#if we were villains
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An idea for a paranormal romance between a vamp and a human I had but probably won't ever get to bc my time management is crap rn:
So the human is a transman who is going to a 24 hour gym in later hours. He's working on becoming healthier in a body that makes him happy. It's still an on going journey so he doesn't want to be around areas that have reflective surfaces and he finds a corner. It's late but the gym isn't lonely or vacant and he finds a corner that has all the equipment he needs that also doesn't have any mirrors in the area. He shares this area with some others but because he goes late at night and his schedule isn't as set bc he's still new to working out and that's a new part of his life he's learning to incorporate and it takes a bit for the habit to stick.
There's only one other person who becomes familiar enough that's basically almost always there when he's there. He's a good looking dude. Kinda pale but otherwise a stereotypical mental image of a gym bro. They don't really talk, they each have their own work outs but there's a comfort in familiarity. They nod and smile to each other in greeting.
The other guy is obviously a vampire. He's old in human years but not old in like...immortal circles so he's in his early 100's. The gym is one of his first business ventures. (He went in halfsies with his business partner who is a werewolf because he needed someone during the day. The werewolf's pack is staff and they get to use the gym to help with the excess energy they get leading up to the full moon)
It takes the vampire a couple of months, about three or four, for him randomly smell blood and realize the human cohabitating the same space in a work out room didn't get injured and is bleeding but it's just menstruation! He's heading home at around 5 am, a good hour or so before sunrise, and he's passing a bodega/shop opening rather early. So he eavesdrops wondering if it may potentially be a robbery in place? But no, it's a friend of the store owner calling in a favor because his daughter started her period and they didn't have any sanitary items, and this store was the closest. The vampire finds it endearing and it takes him a couple more hours to remember that the male locker rooms/bathrooms don't have sanitary product dispensers! So he quickly starts to look into it and in the next couple of days it gets added.
The human notices the next time they go to the gym and it makes him happy. But he hasn't told anyone, but maybe it was just a moderation of the gym, ya know? He does stop by the desk to make a comment, saying he's very pleased with seeing the addition. The guy at the desk, the werewolf smiles and points to the Vampire who was locked into his work out and not paying attention, and tells the human that it was the owners idea.
The human begins to pay more attention to the vampire, and it doesn't take him too long to realize that he's a vampire.
The human has a whole week crash out about what he figures out but ultimately...the gym's become a safe place for him. Every one's kind and helpful, open minded and respectful...he just feels like himself.
He did go a bit stalker mode but he didn't learn anything beyond the very basic vamp stuff. What he learned more was about the vampire's interest. They shared a fandom.
The human strikes up the courage and asks the vampire to a midnight showing of a new release. The vampire accepts. It's paranormal romance but it's very slice of life so the stakes aren't as life and death. It starts off with them becoming friends and continuing their gym journey, the werewolf may be the one to play match maker.
The werewolf is nonbinary and uses they/them and get punny with it once the human knows about the supernatural.
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This line in the WHRP news page has been haunting me to no end and I can't not bring it up anymore.

Guys.... I think Barnaby cares for Julie..........
(tons of theorizing under the cut)
We don't know much about Julie's inner psyche compared to some of the other characters, but we do know that she's outwardly always happy, always cheerful, always eager for a game or a smile. Being so fun-loving and not being able to crack a joke sounds like something that could cause Julie distress. She looks up to Barnaby and wants to be as funny as he is, but she's so engulfed in trying to surround herself in happy things, in the role she plays alongside Frank, that she can't admit that there's a problem, that there's something wrong in her life.
More about Barnaby's perspective is found in the Homewarming record- he's surprisingly perceptive, and there's an introspective, analytical part of his personality where he's able to take in people's emotions and level them against a logical standard. He may be brusque, blunt, teasing, but that's his way of caring. He knows, logically, that Julie can't make others laugh to save her life. He knows, logically, that Frank may not be the best match for her. And he knows, logically, that he wants to help Julie learn how to tell jokes- to help her.
Plus, jokes are literal currency- at least in Howdy's bodega. My theory is that Julie uses Eddie's post office for anything she may need instead by getting it sent in; in the "listen" audios, she recieves quite a few packages, and we never see her inside Howdy's store or interacting with him directly (as far as I remember). In a world that literally favors the funny, being unfunny is an actual disadvantage.
Whether it's puppy love or a friendly appreciation, Barnaby clearly likes Julie. And though he pisses her off, Julie enjoys his company too.
That brings us to Julie's winter hibernation, and the sentence used here in this news post. Julie's very connected to flowers, so the image of a flower needing strong roots to bloom in the spring is most likely related to her somehow. The Bug-a-Bye record can be interpreted as Frank mourning Julie's absence during winter, so we'd expect him to be the one to tuck her in, as it were, for her big sleep, so why is Barnaby mentioned?
Well, when Eddie dissociates during the Homewarming party, it's when he's forgone his role as the mailman and let others do his deliveries for him. He relaxes, and in that moment he doesn't have any ties to the Neighborhood- unrooting, so to speak, becoming aware that there's more to the soil than his roots could previously comprehend.
Sleep is similar to disocciation, but the subconscious mind is far more aware of the world during dissociation, whereas during sleep dreams can be difficult to discern from reality if you aren't lucid. Hibernation is a deep version of sleep, body and mind slowing down as much as it can to preserve function.
The health and life cycle of flowers in the Neighborhood are connected to Julie. If she entered hibernation and something happened to the flowers while she was asleep, she'd either have no way of knowing, or be too weak to do anything about it. Yet, if the roots are strong, a plant will live. It's much the same with a puppet.
Barnaby doesn't know too much about flowers, but he knows about dirt. About soil. About perception. And because he's a dog by nature, he damn well knows how to dig. In my head, I can't imagine he would feel comfortable if any of his neighbors were in danger, much less one who can't speak for herself.
The fact that Barnaby taught Wally the "Beautiful Dreamer" song, a song sung to a possibly dead lover- and knowing that Julie is about to enter / has entered a deep sleep at the end of the latest update- strikes me as eerie. I may be off the mark here, since Wally is pictured with dreamy imagery in the "Remderem" commercial as well, but I can't ignore it.
So uh, yeah, Julaby brOTP for life. Yeah.
#welcome home#welcome home horror project#welcome home theory#welcome home speculation#clown don't look#barnaby b beagle#julie joyful#mint's posts 💛
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season 2 predictions:
I feel like I saw way more behind the scenes stuff that I never saw in the actual show, leading me to believe that either A. they already knew they would get a season 2 and filmed it at the same time or B. what was originally filmed was split up, hence why it feels so choppy. BUT probably neither of these things are true I'm just projecting 😩 cuz I still can't wrap my head around this season
I predict season 2 will bring us back to the original plot of Armando and Betty dating on the down-low and sneaking around behind everyone's back and that's how they reignite their relationship, and it's gonna end in another wedding for them.
there's sooooo much to talk about from the last two episodes but I'm too tired to really dive in, I can only think in bullet points lmao:
did I miss something? why did all of a sudden Hugo end the union/strike? that made no sense 😩
how did Mila and them even know about the papero and how to get there.....again did I miss something lol (edit: I forgot they're the original Ecomoda bodegas, but still they were acting like they knew exactly who he was, how lol)
the timeline was so fucked up. so you're telling me they ended the strike, Mila finds out that night about her mom and dads past, the next day Betty goes on the trip to cartagena and they're doing the fashion show at the same time? how did it get done so fast?! no one bothered to ask their president if they could do it, had the funds for it, bothered to ask her to come? HUH????? 💀 showing random shots of sewing and fabric doesn't do shit to show the passage of time 😭😭
the ADR by the beach sucked so bad it looked AI generated lmao. I'd rather have shitty ocean wave audio like in the original lol
Armando's lawyer continues to make no fucking sense as to why she even wants to be with him, it's a useless storyline with no context other than "of course she'd want to be with Armando Mendoza" and just serves as a "see, he's changed he's not hitting on other women" plot device
Betty's lawyer at least got to be cute and have actual interactions with her that help us make sense as to why she'd wanna make out with him 🤪 do yo thang girl
mila and nacho practically living together - huh?????? this novela is HORRIBLE at timelines, sense of time moving, days passing, literally without them saying that we would assume that was their second time sleeping together. bad bad bad.
mila going through the same betrayal as her mom - sorry I rolled my eyes at that one 😭 trying to wrap everything up in a bow having Mila discover the truth by somehow magically guessing his password, finding everything, spilling the beans during the meeting, all in one episode trying to have us connect to her heartbreak, girl we never fucking liked him lmao!!!!!!!! he was always ick as fuck u have horrible judgement 😭
glad her and Betty have essentially mended things but lmfao still have no idea why she was sent off for 5 years like that's not an insignificant time frame, 15 to 20ish is a HUGE stage of life and to have missed that??? like what?? but they depicted Mila so terribly I was still waiting for the other shoe to drop every time there was a "sweet" moment between them because they didn't give me any reason to think she was being genuine, I think that's a huge failing on their part cuz they never showed the love between them only Mila hating her, right to shopping and hanging out, there was a huge disconnect for me.
Mario you were fired, armando "rejected" your firing but what are you even doing here bro
Jeff and his relationship and their drama with Mila is so blah why is it even in this. Mila you suck for kissing him knowing he has a gf wtf? Also her hairstyle at the fashion show was giving Troll doll what did they do to you girl!!!
not letting Betty have a moment with her dad to actually talk about the diary is such a cop out, it could have been a beautiful moment in him confessing that he still failed her after trying so hard to protect her and she married the man that caused her the most pain and she couldve been like yeah it's pretty fucked up it's why I'm getting a divorce, after all that I feel like he still didn't accept us as his family~ or SOMETHING. crumbs, it's all I'm asking.
Ignacio being a sibling instead of a nephew is sooooooooo duuuuuuuumb lmfao literally serves no other purpose than to make people go GASP!!!! no purpose.
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