#bo-katan nurse au
nursebokatan · 7 months
I've been thinking a lot about what kind of nurse Bo-Katan would be *motions to my user and the fact I wear a Bo hoodie to the hospital every day*
Some of y'all might jump to her being a trauma nurse, a flight nurse, an ICU or NICU nurse... But listen...
She's definitely a MedSurg baddie. Bo is that hardcore veteran charge nurse that can start an I.V. in your most difficult patient, WILL take no BS from physicians, protects the baby nurses, nursing students, and CNAs like her life depends on it, all while dealing with seven patients on her own and somehow keeping a level head even on the most chaotic days (full moon shifts 😣) bc this woman has seen Some Shit(tm).
She's the unit mom even though she doesn't understand how or why she's gotten such a title. Something of a celebrity around the hospital whose Vocera rings all the time when someone on another unit needs help with I.V.s since she knows how to use the ultrasound vein finder.
Bo-Katan has been a nurse for fifteen years and she will always volunteer to take students and loves to gather all of the nursing students on the unit when they're there to show them different procedures and she will JUMP on your ass if you are bullying them or being dismissive. Unit nursing manager is scared of her <3
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kalevalakryze · 5 months
Last Line Challenge
Rules: in a new post, show the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or as many as you feel like).
Thanks to @machinerismsx & @bosooka & @btwxsixesandsevens for the tags !!!!
so I'm actually going to offer two lines/snippets, because I literally just finished a snippet for the Shin Tano AU discord and the piece that's in my folder from the Western AU that can be found here!
Shin Tano AU Act 4 (Mentions of NSFW!)
Being able to press their head into the soft warmth of Sabine’s chest, the blonde finally released a heavy sigh. “Thank you-“ “Dude-“ fingers tapped against her chin until their eyes met once again. “We’re married, you don’t have to thank me for sex- and also, you ate me out-“ “And I’m thanking you for the meal, you’ve done it before-“ Sabine paused, cheeks warming as her head turned. “Hey, sometimes I forget you know Mando’a, and that was years ago- I can’t be blamed for things I said when I was someone’s prisoner-“ a finger pressed accusatorily into their shoulder, though there was no real malice in her words. “A bitch was going through it, leave me alone.” “Didn’t you have a meeting with the Mand’alor?” Shin leaned back with a smirk on their lips, wiping the drying slick from their chin with a mischievous grin. “Dude, they were going into the armory to fuck, you saw them-“ “I was more focused on dinner, actually-“ Sabine winced as she remembered the sight of broad shoulders and soft fur brushing past her. “Yeah, something tells me the Mand’alor was too-“
Reforged Chapter Two
"Why should we listen to her?!" Someone spat from the thick throng of their group, a fiery glare sent towards the redhead as she shifted on her mount. The question seemed to unsettle their entire squad as several other poorly muted conversations cropped up, all loudly asking the same thing. Before Din could break it up, Paz was pulling himself onto a boulder against the mountainside, still carefully nursing his injured arm. "We'll listen to her because that is my son!" His steely gaze rounded into Bo-Katan. "And because it is the way our people have survived, ya'll know these kids are all we've got!" His hand raised to remove his hat, greasy hair falling in his face as he bowed his head to the outsider. "Now you two get up that mountain, and show those sons'abitches what happens when you fuck with a Mandalorian." With the fire under their asses relit once more, Bo-Katan was able to lose herself in the familiar ache of her muscles as she scaled the cliffside, Din only feet below, and the rest of the covert only growing smaller the higher the pair went, searching for safe handholds and letting rocks clatter the rest of the way down.
No pressure tags! @femmefighter & @stellanslashgeode & @loreensdarling
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obislittleone · 1 year
What Once Was Mine
Chapter 12
Summary: Locked away in a house her entire life, she always dreamed of exploring the nearby kingdom for just a day, believing it could make the rest of her days in solitude bearable. What she was unaware of, was the real reason she’d been hidden away for so long. Changes comes swift like a flying dagger when a thieving bounty hunter seeks solace in the old home.
Din Djarin Royalty!AU / Tangled!AU
Pairing: Din Djarin x Princess Kryze!Reader
A/n: okay so there’s one more part after this and then Ima start posting more indy stuff…
Warnings: Heavy fluff, angst if you squint, Bo being a little bit weird ig… Oh and smut (18+)
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He was strong enough to ride a horse, that was his argument.
“I had to walk you down those steps to get to the stable,” you countered, a chuckle within your tone as you tried to reason with your mandalorian hunter. He was being so stubborn about his healing process, and even now, while strolling through the gardens, he had an arm hooked around yours for safety.
“You didn’t have to, you wanted to,” he emphasized his point by stepping away for a moment, walking on his own and without a limp in his footsteps. You could acknowledge that there was quite a bit of progress since he had been injured, but you wondered if he was fully recovered or just pretending to appease you. “See? I’m fine.”
You shook your head and rejoined your arms, linking together at the elbow as you continued your stroll. You still had to have a chaperone present on your day walks, as until you were married, it would not be appropriate for other court members and such to see you alone together. She followed behind at a close distance, but she minded her own business enough that you both felt comfortable to express yourselves freely.
“If you are in fact fine, you wouldn’t mind dancing with me in the hall this evening?” You let your voice grow softer, leaning into him a small bit when you spoke. It was innocent enough, but unfortunately something as simple as this may be looked down upon by royal standards. You were new to the life of monarchy, and still didn’t know the rules of what was tolerated and what wasn’t.
“Walking and dancing are two separate things,” he chided, trying to still seem confident about his progress while also making it known that he hadn’t quite made it that far.
“Then I will postpone the planning further.”
He huffed a sigh, shaking his head and rolling his eyes at your antics. Oh how he loved you, but sometimes you were more stubborn than he was, and that in itself was an accomplishment.
“Lady Bo Katan said the planning would take a fortnight, I’m sure I’ll be fully recovered by then,” he argued yet again, and you would admit you were getting closer to folding. He turned to you, stopping in the walkway on the cobblestones and taking your hands in his own. The look in his eyes as he took in your every feature… those eyes made you a victim, willing to comply with any request he may ever present. It’s not like he was asking anything bad of you, quite the opposite, actually. “I just want to be married to you.”
With a hand placed at the side of his face, you leaned up and gave him a quick peck on the nose. There was still a chaperone behind you, after all. “Only if you’re completely sure you can dance with me by then.”
“I promise, I will dance with you until your feet give out.”
You chuckled timidly, a blush spreading across your cheeks from the smirk forming across his.
“Then I’ll tell Bo this afternoon.” With a nod, and a sweet smile, the deal was sealed. It was all done in perfect timing, too, for the royal child nurse, Peli, came rushing up to you both with your lovely green bundle in her arms.
You reached out to take the baby into your possession, his tiny hands reaching out for you in return.
“Good morning, bright eyes,” you said, bouncing him a few times before pulling him close to your chest for a hug. “How’d he sleep?”
“Better than me, I imagine,” she chuckled, but you knew it was all in good fun. She would have the rest of the day off until the evening, now, as Din usually took the time to bond with him while you slowly integrated yourself with meetings again. Peli was only there to make sure he was comfortable during the night. She did a wonderful job as far as you were concerned, and Grogu loved having her nearby. “Ate a hefty breakfast, too.”
“Hungry little boy,” you cooed, letting him play with your fingers the way he always used to in the old house. These moments were precious, as until you’d been married and taken residence in the King suite, you all would be forced to endure separate living situations. Hopefully, since you’d finally agreed to plan the wedding, things would be easier afterwards. “Thank you, Peli. Let me know if there’s anything I can do for you, I know you do so well with him.”
“All part of the job, your highness,” she bowed slightly, and you gave a slight one in return, as you hated the way others lowered themselves for you. It was only right that you return the favor, a show of your respect. “I was told to pass on the message that Lady Kryze awaits you on the second balcony for tea.”
“Of course, I’ll be right on my way.”
With that, the royal nursemaid returned to her chambers, probably to get some much needed rest and sustenance.
You turned to Din with the child, whom now reached out for him with a tiny squeal of excitement. This had been the first day he was able to spend with him since the incident, other than a few minutes here and there of just a visit while he was recovering.
“I probably won’t see you until this evening, but I’ll make sure my advisor sends for you as soon as I’m through with everything,” this time you ignored the fact that there was a chaperone, and leaned upwards to peck his lips once before retreating quickly. “I love you.”
“I love you, mesh’la.”
The tea was nearly cold by the time you’d found Bo Katan. She didn’t mind, as she learned not to wait for you in these situations. You both were complete opposites, as her being the logical and precise one, and you being the free spirited and poetic one. Even still, with these differences, she considered you her closest ally, a true sister. Though you never met Satine, you believed she was probably like Bo Katan, strong and unwavering. Bo missed her other sister, but having you back was like filling an emptiness that had been there for so long.
“I’m sorry I’m late,” you nearly tripped over your gown, your bare feet doing there best to recover your stance before you sat across from her. Being queen meant making your own rules. You didn’t need to wear the gaudy and dramatic outfits everyday, that was the first thing to go. Regular gowns like the ones you used to wear would do just fine for everyday life. “I was taking a stroll with Din through the courtyard.”
“I expected so,” her little slanted smile meant she hadn’t been too upset about your absence. “He seems to be well on his feet, now.”
You nodded in agreement to her statement. He was almost completely healed of his injuries, barely a scratch remained.
“He says he will feel at his best in a fortnight,” you knew she wouldn’t catch on immediately, though you didn’t want to sound too brash… perhaps you should just tell her of your plans. “I remember you said it would take that long to plan-“
“A wedding?” Her brows raised as she turned to you, not truly surprised, but a bit intrigued by the fact that it was the hunter’s suggestion. “I assumed your marriage would not take place for at least a month’s time.”
“We wished it could have been sooner, actually.”
“I see,” she responded, giving you a sideways look over her cup of tea when she took a long sip. You didn’t understand the meaning in those strange glances she would sometimes give you, but she usually explained her thoughts after giving them. “I dare to ask if consummation is the main priority?”
“Pardon?” You didn’t understand that word, and she recognized your confusion immediately, feeling the need to go further in her questioning.
“I know I could perhaps be wrong, but I figured you’d have already laid with him before.” Her glance shifted away from yours for only a moment, knowing that even though you were very different from the proper royalty she’d been raised to speak with, it may still have been a forbidden topic.
“I don’t understand your meaning,” you paused, furrowing your brows as you racked your brain for what she could possibly be saying. You were smart, you were quick on your feet, but sometimes your innocence was too much for your own good. “I laid with him at night when we slept, or I did until he had to return to his room. I don’t understand what that has to do with marriage?”
The dumbfounded look on her face would have been funny, had anyone else seen it but you. It was unassuming to you and honestly made you feel like the butt of a cruel joke. Was she really so surprised? You’d grown up in a hidden part of the forrest, living mainly on your own for eighteen years… it was bound that you weren’t going to know of all the things other children were taught of.
“You can’t be serious,” she all but muttered, trying to hold her reaction to a minimum while still being in disbelief. Never in all her years had she encountered someone so untouched by the world and yet so formed by it. You had brutally killed a man, taking his head from his shoulders and not even batting an eye… but you didn’t know what sex was? “You really don’t know?”
“Pardon me, sister… but I didn’t have the most well rounded education,” you tried to keep your anger inside, for you knew it was hard for others to come to terms with the way your mind worked, or rather, the lack of information it held sometimes. You tried your best to absorb everything at all times, but there were some things that hadn’t ever been introduced.
“I apologize, I don’t mean to mock you… I’m only surprised,” she paused again, taking a sip of her tea and gathering her thoughts. “Has you hunter not made more physical advances to you before?”
You shook your head, unsure of the full context in what she was asking, but knowing he’d never do anything to you physically or otherwise, that you were not certain of.
“He’s a good man, whatever this act is that I’m unaware of, I know he would never force it upon me.”
You spoke with such diction, with such poise. Of all the books you’d read in your lifetime, with all the fancy and refined words that were used… never had they described something known as consummation. Perhaps your kidnapper was opposed to you knowing such things. It would have made sense.
“He’s one of few, I’m afraid,” she acknowledged, heaving a deep breath and then finally meeting your eyes again. “I will not speak of this, now… but you will need to know what you’re going into before it happens.”
“I understand.”
“As for now, I need to speak with a few people, first of all Mayfeld. He will begin preparations as soon as the order is given,” she stood from her seat, her navy gown falling in billows around her feet and making her look like a goddess. “You will meet with the dress maker, a design will likely take the most time of anything.”
You followed her to the entranceway of the hall, careful not to trip again on your skirt that was flowing around you.
“I know that it’s your decision to set in stone old and new traditions for Mandalore… but in the past, the wedding gowns have always been blue, so if you’re open to suggestions, that one would be at the top of the list.”
You’d always read that wedding gowns were white in your stories… once in your favorite fairy book, there was a golden gown, worn by the fairy queen herself. You never pictured yourself in a wedding gown before you met Din, but now it was all that filled your mind. Something beautiful and romantic, and… blue. Like the sky, and the ocean, and the stunning sapphire stones on the exterior of the castle. You were sure that a blue dress would look stunning, and it went rather well with your complexion.
“I would love to wear a blue dress.”
Bo Katan had spoken with Mayfeld, along with a few of the other castle staff, before making a beeline for the library. She knew Din liked to take the child there and read most afternoons, since you weren’t able to do it with him as much these days. He was such a good father figure to the little one, as you were a good mother. Bo was certain neither of you would have any issues in raising an heir. The problem would be conceiving one, as you were so unfortunately uneducated to the point that it could hurt you.
She entered the place with a smile, greeting all those who passed her by, acknowledging them with a nod for every bow she received. She couldn’t reach her destination soon enough, as she ventured though all the booths as well as the rows and rows of books.
The hunter and the child were both sat in the very back of the library, leanings against the ornate walls while turning though the pages of a Mandalorian history book. It had years of knowledge dating all the way back to the first King of Mandalore, Tarre Vizsla. She would admit she saw the effort he was putting in to learn everything about this place. She nearly admired the way he took the time to read something of the sort. All for you, no doubt.
She cleared her throat once, causing them to both look up in unison. Din placed the child down, along with the book, and stood to his feet. His bow of respect was cut short by the hand she held out to stop him.
“I need to speak with you, alone,” she gestured to the child. He was none the wiser anyways, but still she insisted, as the subject would be rather mature for little ears to hear.
“I’m not supposed to leave him by h-“
“He will be fine, I only request a few minutes of your time.” Her voice was firm but gentle, as it most times was. Din looked back to Grogu, who had already busied himself with the task of turning to another page of the book. As far as anyone could tell, the child couldn’t even read, but enjoyed books nonetheless. Probably a result of spending hours with you while you read.
He nodded in response to her, following after her footsteps and turning into an aisle a few rows down. It was further away from any other occupants, so hopefully no one else would be listening to the conversation.
“You seem tense,” he noticed, leaning against the book case and crossing his arms. He hadn’t gotten to know the Lady Bo Katan as well as he meant to, and he had hoped he could trust her, she was after all going to be his sister in law.
“This matter is unconventional, I would rather not speak of it.” Her voice didn’t waiver, however, she made a distinct point to avoid his eyes. He wasn’t sure if he should take it as a slight or if she was genuinely uncomfortable by the subject.
“Then don’t.”
She closed her eyes and heaved a sigh, opening them and finally giving him a single glare as she began speaking again.
“Unfortunately, it is a matter of importance concerning the one person we both care about,” she uttered, completely and totally set on telling him. She wished she could have just checked out a book about human anatomy and given it to you, that would be far less painless… these were but mitigating circumstances. “I suggest you let me finish and do not interrupt me.” Then came another pause, and he nodded in understanding. His face seemed more softened towards her, now. Only after hearing this pertained to his fiancé, of course. “She doesn’t understand the process of consummation. I’m not even sure she knows how her own body works. She’s well aware of her cycle, but other than that, she seems completely in the dark.”
She looked to him for a reaction, but he did not have one. She thought he might be surprised or even a little peeved about the situation, but he stood still with the same dulled expression.
“Did you hear what I sai-?”
“Yes,” he stopped her, rolling his eyes and chuckling lowly under his breath. “And I know.”
“You know?” She puzzled curiously, her brows lifted as her head shifted to view him from a side angle. This man was truly a contradiction to the others she’d met in her lifetime. As far as she was aware, men were only after a woman’s virtue, her most intimate offerings and her body as well. It did not make sense that the hunter know about this innocence and keep it intact… much less try and preserve it. You were young, you were naive, and though you were smart you were also a hopeless romantic… he could have easily tricked you into letting him have his way with you, but he didn’t. He instead pushed away the thoughts of his own mind and kept you as pure as he’d found you. “How long?”
“Since the beginning,” he shrugged, as if it wasn’t something to make a big deal over. He was more relaxed now that he knew he wasn’t in trouble, and that you weren’t in any danger. “When I found her, she’d never seen a man in her life… you could just look at her, and know.”
Once she gathered her bearings, and moved past the fact that he was more than aware, she stood straighter, coming up with a new topic that still related to the old and needed discussing.
“Even still… she must learn what is to happen if you ever plan on laying with her.”
Of course he did, and he’d thought about it several times before. That being said, if you weren’t ready to take that step of intimacy even on your wedding night, he would wait, and ease you into it for however long you needed. Since that first day in the woods, and then the second day in the kingdom, he knew the way with you was always going to involve baby steps. He’d never complain, nor would he try and speed the process along. Anything he had with you was worth it, even the first kiss, though clumsy and short, made him feel more than he’d ever felt for a woman he’d been with. It was because you were of pure intentions, and always were. He wanted you, badly, but whatever you chose to do with him would suffice.
“Look, I knew what I was getting myself into. I can explain it to her when-“
“No,” she cut him off immediately, as if he’d uttered a curse and she was scolding him for it. The look on her face showed her disgust, and she had to take a deep breath to help her not lash out. “That would be the most improper thing I’ve ever heard. If anyone is to tell her, it would most certainly not be you.”
He wasn’t embarrassed by the fact that she had called him out, because though he regrets a great portion of his past, he wasn’t ashamed to come from lesser circumstances, neither was he self conscious about the way he spoke so plainly. He was from a different world, but he would not be made to feel as though he didn’t belong in a place such as this, with people such as herself and you.
“Then I suppose you’ll be the one to tell her,” he sighed out, leaning forward as he stopped supporting himself on the shelf behind him. This conversation was coming to a close, and he figured the kid was probably eating the pages of that book by now, so he turned to leave, only looking back over his shoulder to give her a few last words. “Try not to make it sound like torture, alright?”
He knew that you may want to wait, or that you may not be quick to learn on what this act meant, but he sure as hell did not want you to be afraid of it, or of him. He’d never hurt you, never. The first day in your house, with your back against the wall and his arms on either side, trapping you in… he was still gentle when he touched you, unwilling to leave a mark on that lovely soft skin.
When he found the child, he was surprised to see him continuously turning the pages, landing on a space about the armor of the mandalorians. The beskar which weighed almost nothing, but was impenetrable to almost all weapons. The portrait in the book shown a tall King, one who wore the most beautiful set of silver pieces. It adorned him well, and the helmet, though confining, seemed like an honor to behold.
The child turned to him, having seen that he arrived, and pointed to the man on the page, gurgling some gibberish as Din sat back down with his small green companion.
“I gotta get me one, huh?”
Every turn you took down the halls for the next week was surrounded by preparations. All the beautiful decorations in the colors of blue and purple with hints of silver. A traditional Mandalorian wedding had not been held since your mother wed your father… that’s what everyone said, anyway.
You were sometimes sad when people mentioned your parents, only for the fact that you never knew them. You mourned over them in a different way than most did, differently than your sister did. She had told you a few stories, mostly just things her youthful mind remembered. The beautiful strawberry blonde hair of your mother, and the piercing eyes of your father. It wasn’t enough to feel a connection to them, but you tried your best to picture what they might have been like now.
Bo Katan also told you that they were brought into their marriage as an arrangement, only growing to love each other after the first year together. She explained about the expectation for rules to produce an heir, something you would have to do.
“Does this have anything to do with consummation?” You whispered until you walked through the doors of her chambers, as though you weren’t aware the contents, you figured she kept it as a hushed topic for a reason.
“It has everything to do with it, actually,” she paused, turning to her desk in which held a few books she was browsing in the past day or so. She preferred more logical books, filled with facts and reasoning, ones that could give knowledge of the useful sense. You wondered why she did not have a single story amongst them, for surely imagination kept people like her from going mad. “Speaking of which, I know you like to read. This will tell you everything you need to know.”
You received the small book with open hands, looking down to read the cover. You furrowed your brows a bit at the strange imaging they placed with the title, but kept your mind open, since you really had no idea about any of this. You would learn, though.
“Human Reproduction,” you read, raising your brows and giving a slight chuckle. She nodded, opening the cover and sifting through a few pages until she found the correct section. “Male anatomy…?”
You knew very little of this topic, but you weren’t stupid. You understood the difference between a man and a woman by all the small marble statues your kidnapper used to bring home to decorate the house in the woods. You had a very good idea of what men looked like before you ever saw one, the only problem was that Din had far exceeded your expectations… which is why you were afraid of him at first. The look you shot her made her believe that perhaps you weren’t so naive that this would all be shocking to you. It was almost a weight off her shoulders, really.
“Alright, then start here,” she flipped to another section, pointing to the page and letting you glance over it.
“Process of begetting, and the seed of life.” You would admit this was a new one. You always wondered how women came to be with child, and how you might possibly one day as well. The first page seemed filled with information, along with some helpful images to help explain. You looked back to her with a smile and a short nod before taking the book and walking towards the door.
“Oh, and one more thing?” She called to you, and you turned back around, awaiting her final words before you walked out into the castle halls once more. “I want you to know that I think greatly of your hunter, and I’m glad he found you.”
You smiled to her, unable to stop the wide spread of your grin as Din was mentioned. Someone of high status, a true royal raised and taught what was proper and what wasn’t. She thought well of him, someone whom others might see as that which is beneath them.
“Thank you, sister,” you spoke, addressing her by the title you’d taken to calling her lately. You practically skipped out of the room, turning down halls and running barefoot through the castle until you found the large window nook, with a comfortable seat and a fantastic view. Other than the beautiful couch in your quarters, this had become your favorite place to read.
The introduction was short, and this specific chapter simply dove right in to the act itself. The next page was rigidly long, and had several drawings to help your mind understand… though it was all very frightening to grasp at first. Your eyes widened and you had to drag them away from those pictures and back to the top of the page in order to read what you were supposed to.
“Sexual Intercourse is the basis for all human reproduction,” you read off the first sentence, sighing in defeat when you realized what this meant. That scary drawing on the page of a man entering a woman was something you would have to recreate if you were to get pregnant and produce an heir. It frightened you, and you started breathing heavily while thinking about it until you slammed the book closed, taking some deep breaths and focusing on looking out the window. You could even see Din on his way back from the city, walking though the gates with Grogu in his arms. They had been doing so well together, and you knew that should you ever become pregnant and have a child, Din would make an amazing father… it was only the process of conception that was making you feel eerie.
Why couldn’t Grogu just be considered the heir? You claimed him as your son, and so did Din… so why was there going to be pressure on you to have a baby when there was a perfectly good one in your possession. True, he was of a different species, and true, he aged far slower than that of a human… but in the future he could eventually learn the ways of the kingdom.
You hated that this act of sexual intimacy scared you, because the book had called it something of a miracle, a process of which could bring actual life, and yet? You wanted no part of it.
Perhaps it only seemed scary because of the way it was shown to you, and maybe if Din could tell you more, you would feel better. He had surely done this many times, and could help you come to terms with all the aspects. You wondered why you did not just go to him in the first place. He knew you were innocent, he wouldn’t have judged you or made you feel foolish for not knowing of such things. He’d always been so patient to show you everything before.
You reopened the book to the page you were on, leaning back against the window and using the light to read more. You would do all the reading just to make sure you understood it correctly, then tonight you would ask Din. You only hoped you would be able to sneak into his room, as guards in the castle have been stationed closer to your room at night than usual.
Once you finished the section, you went on about your day, trying to keep everything but the welfare of the kingdom pushed to the very back of your mind.
It was all a haze of rushed meetings, people wanting or needing to be in other places throughout the remainder of the day. You met with the dress maker, too… but she was certain you had become distracted only minutes into sitting down with her. Your eyes kept traveling about the room when she spoke, and not because you were ignoring her, far from it actually. You wished you could listen and hear of all the plans she was making for the gown you both had discussed. The beautiful design had been sketched onto parchment for you to view, and looked exquisite, but she could tell your mind was elsewhere when you complimented her work, normally you were much more enthusiastic and excited.
“What troubles you, your highness?”
You looked up at her from the page to see her concerned gaze. You weren’t sure if this was a topic you should share with just anyone, as Bo Katan had been so hushed about it prior to giving you the book.
“I’m just nervous, I suppose,” you began, an anxious smile forming to try and deflect from your actual stress over the matter. “I’ve never been married before.”
She chuckled, nodding along as she realized what you must have meant.
“Being a young bride such as yourself, it’s perfectly normal to experience cold feet.”
“Cold feet?” You slanted a brow, tilting your head to convey that you didn’t understand.
“It’s just an expression, darling. It simply means that you are frightened about something before it happens… but have no worries,” she took your hand, giving it a small squeeze of encouragement before letting it go. “I can tell you are in love with your intended, it’s that special shine in your eyes.”
You breathed out a soft laugh, smiling with a red glow on your cheeks. Oh, did you love him, but that was not the problem in all of this. You could not wait for your duties to be completed, the anxiety was built in the pit of your stomach.
“I am in love with him,” you responded gently, handing her back her sketches to pin up on the board beside her. It also had a few fabric swatches, and tiny gems that you assumed would be attached to the dress in some way.
“Then all will be well.”
You certainly hoped so, it was circling your mind on a loop that never seemed to end, even later that evening after everything had been completed, and the royals parted off to their rooms. You were sat at your vanity, whilst your favorite handmaiden Elise tended to your hair, raking through it with a comb to rid it of all the tangles provided by the long day. She sensed your tense nature, and you could tell, as she gave you slightly concerned glances in the mirror from time to time. You were only happy that she did not ask about anything, for that would only make it worse. Every person who tried to make you feel better about this upcoming union had inadvertently stirred the pot of your emotions further.
Once she left you to your bed chambers, you waited as many minutes as you could, for though you knew it was risky to leave early, you couldn’t help yourself but leave. You wrapped yourself in a thin dressing gown, tucking the book under your arm before carefully heading out into the halls. You were never heard upon the marble floors, as you were the only royal who refused to wear shoes all hours of the day. It made for an easy journey, uninterrupted by curious guards or even others who heard racket outside of their rooms.
The moon was high in the sky, shining through the stain glass windows and creating brilliant colors to be painted upon the ground. The ambience of the castle late at night was something so pleasing, so soothing, and the cold marble beneath your feet helped to cool off whatever heat you’d retained from your overwhelming stress. You reached the door quickly, laying two soft knocks on the wood and backing up to wait.
Din had been with Grogu until nightfall, handing him off to Peli before heading back to his living space. It was well known by now that he had been the thief to steal the darksaber, and though it now rested in the hands of the rightful ruler by his doing, he still got quite a few stingy looks here and there by staff and other court members. There were a lot of people that had come to love you as Queen, but they were very weary of your choice for a partner. Some couldn’t even bare to think that he was actually going to receive a consort title.
He bore all the hateful glares within the castle willingly, because to him, things hadn’t changed much since when he was only a commoner. People passing him by on the streets, seeing the infamous masked figure roaming about their town, they would send the same looks his way as these pristine upperclass living castle dwellers.
He hoped that it might wear off eventually. It never bothered him, but he didn’t want to live his whole life as an outcast. He had every right to be here, just like all the othe just like you. You’d told him so time and time again, that he was as princely as it could possibly get. He was so handsome, with a rugged charm that could get him out of anything. His eyes were like entire galaxies, darkness in the irises, but with hints of light reflecting off them as stars. These were the descriptions of him from your eyes, and he’d like to believe they were true. He loved to know that even if he didn’t see himself this way, someone did, and loved him all the same.
He sat back onto his bed, his back hurting suddenly as these thoughts racked through his brain. He wanted to seem perfectly fine, like his healing was complete and this wedding could happen even sooner, but he could not lie. His bones still ached, and his muscles felt weaker than before. He reached up behind his head, yanking his shirt off before standing again and going to the mirror in the corner of his room. He never had a mirror like this. Never was he concerned with his looks or even how others perceived him. He had always worn a mask, anyway. Now that he had a looking glass in his room, he always felt more self-conscious about what stared back at him. In comparison to you, he felt he was but little. Especially now that he could see clearly all the scars on his body. Someone so tainted as himself didn’t deserve to be with someone so pure, so perfect. Your skin was untouched, clean of any altercations.
He was brought out of his thoughts by the most meek sounding knock at his door. It rung only twice, and he rushed over to answer it knowing who had come so late.
There you stood, looking so soft and angelic. Your dressing gown was almost sheer, and the nightgown made of silk left little to the imagination, but he caught the look of uncertainty in your eyes and was instantly more concerned about what you came for than how you came dressed.
“I’m sorry I wasn’t able to send for you earlier, I skipped dinner in the great hall to meet with the dressmaker,” you explained, hoping he would understand and that all was forgiven. He didn’t even see any wrongs in what you’d done, though.
“You don’t need to apologize to me, sweet girl,” he opened the door further, allowing you to step inside. He did notice the glazed state your eyes held when you glanced down at his chest. It was much easier to see his body in this lighting than it had been in the dungeon. “I’m just glad you’re here now.”
You smiled, waiting for him to shut the door and meet you on the bed, where you so conveniently took your place up by his pillows. He had yet to notice the book you came accompanied by, and now that you were here, you were worried to even bring it up.
He nodded in response, letting you know he was listening to every word, and sat beside you atop the duvet. His skin looked so warm and inviting in this light, it was almost straining you to keep from laying a finger upon his shoulder and dragging it down the expanse of his chest.
“I just,” you couldn’t find the right words, and also had a bit of trouble in meeting his eyes. It was only when he brought his thumb to your chin, lifting your face until you met his eyeline. “I have a few things to ask you, about this book.”
He furrowed his brows, finally realizing what you’d clutched tightly to your body this whole time. He held his hands out to take it, and you willingly handed it over, feeling good to be rid of it for once this day.
He read the cover and immediately let out a sigh. Bo Katan had taken the easy route, not even trying to sit you down and explain it in her own words. No wonder you looked so scared, the words in this book had probably already planted a bad image in your mind about what this act was, and how it was to be done. He was quite furious at the fact that Lady Kryze had one job to do, and she shoved it off on a book.
“How much did you read?” He turned back to you with a soft gaze, unsure how he should go about this. There weren’t exactly instructions for this conversation.
“Almost all of it,” you admitted, your voice was unsure, and the inflections told him you didn’t like what you read. It was clear on your face, you despised the book he held. “I came to you because I wondered if perhaps you could tell me more… like if it will be painful, or if I need to do anything to-“
“Slow down, mesh’la…” he trailed off, bringing his hands to your shoulders and trying to help you calm yourself. You hadn’t realized how much you breathing had changed in only a second.
“I’m afraid of it,” you let out, being able to take slow breaths now and focus on the way he held you steady, keeping you grounded.
This was what he had been scared of in the beginning. If only he had just ignored Bo Katan’s wishes and told you after she approached him, you probably would view everything differently.
“It’s okay,” he nodded, acknowledging your fear before scooting closer to you and doing his best to fix what has been done. “I know it looks scary, and you don’t need to feel pressured to do anything until you’re ready to do it, I promise.”
“But I have obligations, we have to produce an heir.”
This sentence worried him. Not only were you so scared of having sex that you didn’t even want to do it for the reason it was intended, but you already felt pressured by others to conform and go through with it. You already felt like you would be a disappointment if you didn’t.
“We don’t need to worry about that right now. Listen to me, alright? It’s up to you to set boundaries, and it’s up to me to make sure those boundaries are upheld, understand?” His hand had found its way to your cheek, and your nod gave him a bit of peace, knowing there was still more work to do. “And I know that it seems like torture, I’ve seen books like this, they take all the good parts out and only leave the stuff that scares people.”
“It just seems like a horribly painful thing to do,” you opened the book, unashamedly showing him the drawings you’d been flipping to all day. The page was well worn by now, and easy to find. He wasn’t surprised by your openness to look upon such things with him, because he knew you were unaware of the proper standards of them.
“Yes, well I can understand why you would think that,” he gave a face of disgust to the poorly done drawing, the basic positioning of the people in it and the awkward way they were entangled. The look on the woman’s face didn’t help, either.
“You’ve done this many times, haven’t you?” You weren’t concerned with the other women who may have been in this position with him, only because you knew that he was no longer in connection with them, only you.
“Not like that, no.”
You furrowed your brows, waiting for him to explain. He seemed to have a much different view, and you hoped you would have a chance to see it his way.
“I won’t lie to you, sweet girl… it might hurt the first time.” He avoided your eyes, because just thinking about causing you pain, even inadvertently, didn’t feel right to him. It twisted his stomach, to think that in order to pleasure you, he would first have to hurt you. “But it can feel really good, too.”
“It can feel good?” You almost looked shocked. You glanced back to the book and then to his face, almost cringing at the drawing that was forever burned in your mind. “I just… don’t know how it could. Even the precautions taken for my monthly cycles are painful.”
He nodded, trying to ease this idea into your mind as gently as possible. He cursed Bo Katan for ever giving you that book. She knew you liked to read, but this wasn’t information that should have been passed along through pages.
“I know, but there are ways that I can help you relax. I can even go down on you, if you want,” he said, but knew as soon as the words left his lips that you would have no idea what he was talking about. Your tilted head while looking at him with slanted eyes told him to try again, in different words. “It’s something else that I can do to make you feel good.”
You wondered if since this wasn’t technically part of the sexual reproduction process, that he might be able to show you.
“Can we try it now?”
His brows raised and he dropped his jaw momentarily before shaking off his initial shock and looking back to your innocent expression. He took your hand in his, holding it tightly and pressing a kiss to your knuckles.
“I’m not sure if we should, mesh’la.”
He wasn’t repulsed by the idea, and he knew that since everyone was in bed this was the perfect opportunity. He was however afraid of what volumes may be heard from the room.
“Please?” You practically begged, looking at him with the purest expression on your face. “If there’s something I can do for you, too, I’ll do it. I want to learn how…”
Several months ago this would have been like a dream to him, having a willing girl who wanted him to show her all that sex had to offer. Now, though… in this very room where you both sat so close together on his bed, he was nervous. He’d never been nervous to have intimate relations with someone before, and he realized it was because he cared so much. He didn’t want to do anything wrong and make you resent him. He loved you to the moon and back, and though he longed to please you, he was hesitant.
“We’ll be married in a few days, I promise I’ll show you then, alright?”
You flipped up the covers on his bed, sliding in on the side you most preferred, looking at him to do the same. Sleeping beside you was one thing he’d never object to, and he knew that since the death of Gideon, there was no need to hide the fact that you were together in the night. You were queen, and could do as you wished. He pulled your body close to his once he’d gotten settled, and kissed the crown of your head. The best thing that had ever happened to him was you, and of course, the kid. He can’t even imagine having a life without you in it, because it would probably only be more hunting and thievery, his old ways that he hoped to forget. You were his everything, you had saved him from an eventual death sentence, rather it be by Gideon or others, he knew if you hadn’t been there, he would have at some point been killed.
He let these thoughts circle his mind as you both drifted off into slumber, forgetting all about the horrid book that fell on the floor.
The afternoon of your wedding, you paced back and forth around the room, complaining about the rules that had been set in place ahead of time. You wore a chemise and corset, waiting for the rest of your dress to be brought to the room. Your hair and face were done earlier, and having to wait long periods of time in between made you even more nervous.
“I don’t understand why I’m not allowed to see him,” you ranted on towards Bo Katan, sitting in the corner of the room, already wearing her silver gown and trying to take a sip of her tea. “Only a few minutes would help.”
She rolled her eyes, trying to keep them on the small tray of good brought to the room a few minutes prior. You hadn’t stopped moving the entire day, a relentless ball of energy that bounced like rubber.
“It’s a tradition to keep the bride away from the groom until the wedding. You yourself thought it would be a good idea as of yesterday,” she reminded, noting the conversation of how everything would go. Yesterday was the last of the preparations, and this morning you awoke with nothing to do… that was part of the problem. You didn’t have any way to keep busy and now your feet were getting cold… literally. The marble beneath your bare feet felt like ice at the moment, hence your constant movement. “It’s only going to be another hour or two, so sit down and breath. You’re giving me a headache.”
She wanted to act like your behavior annoyed her, but even you caught the slight smirk on her face when she spoke to you. She was enjoying these moments, together as sisters, but more importantly, as friends.
“He’s probably doing the same thing I am, and Grogu won’t exactly help him calm down.”
She set her tea cup down on the small circular table, and stood up from the seat. She wanted to keep everyone’s composure, but you seemed to be falling apart right now, as it were.
“Do you love him?”
You furrowed your brow, unsure of what she was getting at, before nodding rapidly. “Yes, of course I do.”
“And do you want to marry him?” Her next question made you even more confused. What did this have to do with your nerves?
“More than anything.”
“Then keep your mind on that. Keep thinking about how excited you are to see him when you walk down that aisle.”
It was sound advice, and while thinking about it, you noticed you’d finally stopped pacing around the room, stood in one place. A knock sounding on the door brought you out of your thoughts, and you raced to open in, mindless of who might be standing there.
“Your highness, I was-“ Advisor Mayfeld stopped his words short upon seeing your current state of dress, eyes widening and wandering before he snapped out of it and lowered his gaze to the ground. It was widely known around the castle that you did not carry a sense of modesty when it came to things such as this. You thought of it as silly that a woman need cover up even more than you were now, unless she really wanted to. If you didn’t love galavanting through the castle halls in the flowing skirts and dresses, you would probably live life in your undergarments, or they were really all you needed. Mayfeld took in a deep breath, trying to clear his mind of what he’d seen. “The dressmaker is brining your garments, I told her I would make sure you’d been prepped… and as I’ve already seen, you are in fact prepped.”
You chuckled, taking the dressing robe from off the chair and wrapping it around your body for his sake. He was rather shy until you did so, and now that he saw the fabric swinging by your feet, he was able to finally look up.
“Thank you, Miggs… I have appreciated all your service today. Please let me know if there’s anything I can do for you,” you told him, a sweet smile appearing on your cheeks. He was so kind to do so many of the things he did for you, and you felt in his debt for it all.
“For me? I couldn’t ask for anything, your highness. Only that you are happy on this day.”
You leaned forward and kissed his cheek, pulling away for see a blush spread across his face. He looked as if he wasn’t sure what to do, now. You thought you would spare him from having to figure it out himself.
“How is Din? Has he been anxious like me?” Your tone was rather playful, but you were very serious. You hoped he was alright, that there was no chance of him backing out. Truly, you knew he would never do that… but the doubtful part of you remembered his past, free of commitments and with the ability to go wherever he wanted.
You watched as Mayfeld’s face turned comical, and he almost laughed if it weren’t for the fact that he had an answer on the tip of his tongue.
“Anxious is not a good enough word, I’m afraid,” he bit his lip between sentences to keep hold of the laughter. “I’ve never seen the poor man so high strung.”
You understood now that Din was not nervous about commitment, or being with you, but about the anticipation of it all. Just as you were having to reel yourself into reality one moment at a time, you thought that maybe Din would have to do the same. You only hoped that Grogu was being helpful and not a tiny terror for him to deal with additionally.
Since the door was already open, the team of dress handlers and the maker herself walked through and into the room. They all marveled at you for a few moments before shooing Mayfeld into the hall and closing the door. The dress was in so many pieces, it was hard to keep up with what they were showing you.
You tried to nod along as if you understood half of what they were saying, but most of it went in one ear and out the other. Bo tried to keep her giggles of amusement to herself, but even she couldn’t help it… it was too happy of a day to keep everything inside for once.
The order of the dress layers went as follows: A small crinoline with scalloped ruffles hanging off the ends, a giant elliptical caged hoop-skirt, three layers of floor length petticoats that featured over two hundred yards of gathered flounces, two white underskirts, a mystical pearlized skirt layer, a lilac silk layer, a teal silk layer, and a soft transparent blue layer, topped with the shiniest, smallest gemstones you could ever imagine. Lastly came the beautiful bodice, of which had a narrow waistline, and a beautiful soft bertha across the shoulders to broaden your frame. It had tiny butterflies hand sewn into each tuck of fabric, and looked absolutely exquisite.
They ushered you towards the mirror, making you to look at yourself in the full wedding day glory they had achieved. You were speechless. You grew up reading fairytales about princesses and fairies, magical beings with dresses unlike no other. They always seemed like radiant angels when you read about them, you pictured them that way, too. Now, you couldn’t even believe your eyes. You had become a real life fairytale, in every way. This would be your magical wedding day, and the prince on the other side was your dream come true. He was beautiful, and held so much gentility in his large and capable body. You’d never know the things he was capable of by watching him, for his acts of sweetness were like that of a young school boy. You loved him so, and hoped he would like this dress as much as you did.
“I’ve never felt more beautiful in all my life,” you nearly cried, a small bit of fogginess coming to your eyes. “I am certain I will wear this dress until the last possible second.”
“We are so glad you’re pleased, dearest,” the dress maker came to you and took your hand into her own. “Your hunter is sure to be astonished.”
You smiled at her statement, and otherly at the way she mentioned Din as the hunter. Everyone still called him that, even though after today he was a prince consort. He would wear the title of royalty, and be your right hand at the throne. He would help you through all the trials of being a monarch, and he would do good for the people of this kingdom, you were sure of it.
You took a trial spin around the room, catching the beauty of the dress in the mirror. It sparkled like diamonds and moved like a watercolor painting.
“Your highness, we must be leaving soon, your carriage has arrived.”
You turned to the woman with a smile, nodding and beginning to follow her along with everyone else down the halls. It took two people to load you into the carriage once you got to it. The only other person allowed in was your sister, and even that was frowned upon, but by no means were you going to arrive by your lonesome. You were already as nervous as one can possibly be, and being alone on the journey to the grand church would have been all too much.
Looking out the window, you could have sworn you saw the outline of another carriage identical to this one, which was parked in place outside the grand entrance. Din was already here, and would be waiting at the altar for your arrival. Given the amount of other transportation outside, you were positive that the number of guests was rather large…. But the anticipation of finally being here, so close to seeing your love. It was as exciting as it was calming, and you prepared to disembark from the carriage as the doors were opened. “Watch the step, your majesty,” Mayfeld came to your side and met you by the opening, giving you a hand as the dress came spilling out of the carriage. He hadn’t seen the dress until now, and with you wearing it, he was entranced for a moment. “You look lovely…”
“Thank you, I feel lovely,” you spoke through a wide grin, feeling as though it was going to be a regular occurrence throughout the night. He had a red tint to his cheeks while interacting with you, and you weren’t sure why, but he seemed happy to be in your presence at least.
“It’s just right this way,” he offered his arm, but Bo Katan jumped in front of you, and you realized you’d forgotten something.
“Our florist would be in shambles if you left these in the carriage.”
Of course, your bouquet of white roses, the tips of the petals dyed blue to match your dress. Everything had been orchestrated so well, and you were in awe of everyone’s wonderful talents.
“Good luck,” she murmured, going on ahead of you and entering first.
Walking up the steps to the door, you heard the music begin to play. It was melodious and welcoming, and the second you were to be seen, everyone rose from their seats. It was intimidating as first, and made your blood run cold… until you saw him. Standing at the end of the pathway, all decked out in princely garb. He was stunning, but in your eyes, he always was. You locked eyes and from that moment, everything melted away. The people were gone from the room, and the music was only a faint echo in your mind. There was nothing now that could separate the two of you, and as you reached the end of the aisle you understood why. Your connection was strong, stronger than the force you held, and stronger than the past that kept you apart for so long.
He had tears in his eyes, and tried to blink them away as he took your hands in his. You handed your flowers to Bo, who’d stood beside you to your left.
“You’re so beautiful, sweet girl…”
You tried your best to keep yourself composed, as tears would surely ruin the hard work that was put into your face today… but you should have known you couldn’t help it when it came to him.
“And you look so handsome, my love,” you responded with, though it turned into a whisper at the end. He gave your hand a squeeze and and raised it to his lips for a kiss.
You both turned to face the front, and the minister began his long spiel.
“Marriage! Marriage is what brings us together today…”
After the service, everyone returned to the castle to retire for the evening. As per Mandalorian tradition, it was custom for the reception of the wedding to happen the day after the ceremony. It would then last a duration of two entire days while the newlyweds accepted gifts from neighboring kingdoms. Though tired from the day, you excitedly dragged Din by the hand through the halls to your new living quarters.
The King’s suite was even more magnificent than you imagined it would be, with the elaborate decor that well reflected the culture of this kingdom while also being comfortable and sooting. It was a beautiful blue and gold combination, the contrast in color was strong but it suited the beauty of the room.
Your dress was chasing behind you as you ran to the center of the suite and tossed yourself onto your back, sprawling out across the feather soft bed. You barely took up a quarter of the mattress, even with your monumentally sized gown. Your fit of giggles and love-crazy sighs were heard echoing across the room, and as Din closed the door behind him, he couldn’t help but smile at his beautiful, happy girl.
“You look comfortable,” he chided, sitting down onto the bed beside you and leaning over to stroke his fingers through your hair. You beamed up at him, your husband, the man whom at first had just stumbled into the worst possible hiding place in the entire world. Now he calls you his wife, and there’s nothing else you’d rather be.
“I would be if I could get this dress off. It’s gorgeous, but I don’t think it’s the best attire for bed.”
You sat up and reached behind you to start taking off the layers, but your hands couldn’t even reach the hooks on the back of the bodice. Damn be the beautiful, puffy bertha, which stood in the way of your shoulder’s full movement.
“Can you help me?” You turned to him, his face was hiding a smirk, and you could tell he found your struggle amusing.
“I think you almost had it,” he chided, a chuckle evident in his tone. You stopped what you were doing and faced him, moving the layers of your dress aside to sit partially on his lap. His expression changed almost immediately when you took his hands in yours, placing them on the back of your bodice. You looked him straight in the eyes, wanting him to understand your meaning in ridding yourself of the dress.
“Take it off.”
He hesitated… he’s never done that before.
“Mesh’la, are you sure?” He was so unsure of himself, afraid to make a wrong move or to scare you somehow.
“I am, I promise,” you whispered, leaning close to him and capturing his lips with your own, just like you’d done a hundred times before.
It was passionate, but it was easy after that… he slowly and expertly stripped away each layer, going back and forth and allowing you to do the same for him every time to make sure everything was comfortable for you. You misunderstood why you’d been so nervous in the days before, as now this act of love felt like it would be the best part of your life together… and oh how simple it was coming to you, the feel of him was something foreign but somehow familiar. Like you’d done it before, although you never had. Once you were bare of everything but your corset and chemise, he took his time in gently unlacing the material at your back, loosing it enough to unclasp the busk at your front. He tossed the corset to the ground with everything else, and one by one slid the straps of your chemise over your shoulders. He’s seen you in multiple states of undress before, but nothing could have prepared him for what you body looked like in its purest form.
He laid you back against the bed, being careful to maneuver himself around you as he removed his final undergarment. You spared only one glance downwards, trying to keep your eyes with his. They calmed you, and made you feel at peace.
“Can we try what you mentioned before?” You asked curiously, your mind wandering back to the conversation of a few nights prior. It was something he’d not soon forgotten, and it would be his pleasure to give you what you wanted.
“Of course, my love,” he leaned down and stole a quick kiss, before trailing his lips down the expanse of your body, the touch ever so ghostly and light. “Tap my shoulder if you want me to stop.”
You wondered why there could possibly be a reason to stop. Everything he’d done so far has given you the best feelings in the world.
Lowering his head closer to your heat, he exhaled, the warm wind of his breath shooting a tingling sensation through you. You instinctually wove your fingers through his hair, encouraging him to keep on. He went on to slowly lick a stripe up your center, and instantly you were on cloud nine. You were helpless to stop any sound that escaped you from now on.
He held a gentle hand over your hips, to stop them from bucking unintentionally, then he went back again, more ferociously this time. He used his mouth and tongue to further your pleasure, using his other hand to introduce a finger to your entrance.
“Din,” your sigh of his name was like a melody in his mind, and he used it as motivation.
You were so sensitive, it was unreal.
“Tell me how it feels, mesh’la..”
“Feels..” you momentarily trailed off, trying to grab ahold of any words that you could still speak. “Feels amazing.”
When he felt you begin to clench around his finger, he continued faster with his pace, ready to see what it was like when you let it all go. He was addicted to hearing you, and feeling you in this state. So angelic, so perfect, and all for him.
You squeezed the fistful of his hair in your fingers, feeling it all become undone within your body, with a wave of relief and a sensation of bliss washing over you.
Immediately he was back over you, watching with intent and helping you to ride out that luxurious feeling. It was something you felt like chasing again, but this time you needed him to feel that same ecstasy, needed to see him in this blissed out state you felt surround you. You wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him back for a kiss that tasted ever so slightly like salt.
His hold on you was so gentle, so delicate. He knew for a fact that you were not made of glass, but his subconscious may have lead his hands to believe that you were. He handled you with such care and utter devotion. This was his way of showing your effect on him… the way you made him lose his aggression and rough exterior, call it weakness, or call it true strength.
He positioned you in a way that he thought would be the most secure, your head resting on his forearm which he’d slipped beneath. He kept the other hand against the bed to brace himself, finally resting his hips between your spread legs. He was careful not to make any sudden movements, as now when you got close to the act itself, you seemed to show how anxious you really were over it. He wasn’t by any means a small man, and that fact alone was scary to think about. Your arms, though still wrapped around his neck for warmth, had nearly begun trembling against him.
“Tell me to stop, Mesh’la…”
“No,” you whispered, shaking your head. “I need this… need to do this with you.”
He wasn’t sure if there was a pressure you felt, and he wanted to know if perhaps that was the case. You shouldn’t feel any obligation to him in this sense. This was something he craved for you to enjoy, and if you couldn’t, then he didn’t want any part in it.
“You don’t need to,” he paused, taking a breath and trying to calm himself down from the daze you’d put him into only moments ago. “Not if you don’t want you.”
Without missing a beat, you used one of your hands to make him look at you, to have him focus all of his attention on your eyes.
“I do want this, only with you.”
He saw that glint of sincerity in your eyes, it told him you were in this the whole way, and you were only nervous of how it would go. Truth be told, he was, too. He wanted nothing more than to make love to you all through the night and into the morning, but the speed of which it would have to take place could not be rushed.
He nodded, looking back down to where your bodies were almost joined, using his hand to guide himself towards your heat. You had ached for him by now, but once he stretched you open even the slightest bit, you squeezed your eyes closed, letting one hand befall the bed to clench the sheets in your fist. Of all the physical pain you bore in your life, you didn’t expect this to be as bad as it was.
Din stopped his movements and whispered soft words to you.
“Hey, open those eyes.” His voice was quiet, and soothing, “just look at me, alright? Keep those pretty eyes on me, sweet girl.”
You forced your gaze to his, focusing on the dark brown pools of bliss you’d fallen so deeply in love with. You were able to even your breathing, though it wasn’t until now that you realized it had been out of sorts. You reached the hand that had fallen, placing it at the side of his face. It was a grounding action, and helped to numb the slight pain that still pulsed. He turned his head to kiss your palm, his eyes closing as he savored the small and seemingly insignificant moment in all of this.
“Take a deep breath in,” he instructed quietly. He was so good to help you find the best way of experiencing such a thing. Though he regrets all of the meaningless conquests of his past, you were quite thankful for them, now. It was through his years of experience that you were now being well taken care of. “Breath out.”
As soon as you exhaled, he gently slid in further, nearly bottoming out within the pit of your stomach. He was restraining every muscle in his body from giving even the slightest thrust, because you just weren’t ready yet. He had to bury his face into your neck, softly biting the flesh to try and keep a sense of control. You whimpered at the feeling of his lips on your skin again, as well as the feeling of fullness you’d yet to experience until this moment.
“Keep breathing, love,” he staggered out into the spot behind your ear. He was well on his way by now, and the little sounds you made while he simply laid here with you like this, not even moving yet… it was driving him crazy. He’d had dozens of women in his chambers late at night, but never did he love them, and that was the difference. That was the reason he was so hellbent on making you feel everything good, and to hell with whatever he got out of it.
“Kiss me?” You asked him sweetly, eyes trying to meet his, though his face was still nestled into the confines of you shoulder and neck. He did not let your request go unanswered. Kissing you was one of the things he liked doing best. His lips were so swollen, but then again, yours must have been, too.
He couldn’t help the small movement of his hips retreating and sinking back in, it was too natural of a movement, and you felt so good around him. He was a victim of remaining still for too long.
You tensed up, slightly unsure of the unexpected movement, and he backed away several inches from you in fear that he may have caused some pain unintentionally.
“I’m sorry,” he apologized, looking aside and holding himself still once more for a time indefinite. This was supposed to be slow, and he felt that even just rushing one part of it could ruin everything. He wanted it to be perfect, because you were perfect… damn him if he should tarnish that.
“Do it again.” Your whispered command hit his ears like music. He focused back on your face, seeing the lust form in your eyes. He’d never seen that glaze before, but it looked good on you.
Who was he to deny you? He slowly withdrew once before he gave a slight thrust this time, testing the waters of what you could handle. If your heavy breathing was any indication, only being interrupted by little noises of pleasure, he’d say you were taking it very well. After a few more slow movements, he found a rhythm that seemed to have just fallen over his hips naturally. He had never known pleasure like this before, where all he had to do was look at you and it spread through him like wildfire.
He escalated his pace only slightly, taking note of every expression change on your face. When he noticed the blissed out look wash over you, he understood how good he was making you feel, and that drove him closer to a high he had been building up to for weeks, now. He captured your lips in a kiss that lasted only a second, and pressed his forehead to yours thereafter.
“You’re doing so good f’me, mesh’la,” he choked out, leaning on his one arm while moving the other down by your hip. He massaged the skin slowly, kneading it and letting it slightly redden beneath his fingers. He wanted to touch you everywhere, all at once… to feel your entire being and to worship it in its entirety.
He didn’t even realize how fast his speed picked up until he could hear the sound of his hips repeatedly hitting yours. It wasn’t rough, and it wasn’t hard, but it was fast, and getting faster. Your cries of needing release were left from your lips, though you couldn’t bring yourself to focus on the sounds you made, only the grunts and groans and whispers falling from the mouth of your lover.
“Taking me so good, sweet girl… so good.”
“Din…” You were like putty in his hands, and the knot in your stomach that was closer to unraveling was making you feel like you were at the edge of another release. You wanted it, needed it, badly.
“I know you’re close, my love.”
He was on the verge of his own high, but chased yours first. He gathered your knee into his hand that straggled down by your hip, hoisting it up and over his back in order to give you a new sensation, the angle he thrusted into now caused a shaky whimper to leave your parted lips. Your lower half started shaking, and your hips involuntarily bucked into him for more. You weren’t even sure you had control over it, but it helped to get you even further towards the release.
It was like fire burning in the pit of your core, aching and begging to be extinguished. He leaned back down towards your ear, and you could hear every little sound he made. Every little grunt or gasp or breath was right there, and it caused something in you to snap.
All at once you felt a relief in your body, washing over you in the most pleasure you felt you could ever know. It was euphoric, and purely bliss. You clung to Din, digging your fingertips into his back and shoulders while you breathed shakily on the way down from the elation. Not long after did he jerk his hips forward once more, spilling out a warmth within you that felt heavenly. He held you like you were his lifeline, the very air that he breathed.
He’d never been so satisfied before. This was everything he ever needed and more.
“You’re amazing, y’know?”
You looked to see his smile, and by chain reaction, you began to smile as well. He was so pretty like this, his tan skin all covered with a thin sheen of sweat. His hair was messy and curls hung down in his face. He was a vision of loveliness, and he was all for you. Your husband, the wonderful treasure of your life.
”I love you, Din Djarin,” you spoke with just a breath, removing a curl from his eyes.
“And I love you… the most beautiful girl in all the world.”
@i-ameri-cant@littlemisspascal@fanfics-toread@icanbeyourjedi@castleallherown@mysticalgalaxysalad @princess-prettyy @67impalagirl13@agingerindenial@childrenofthewatch@insomniac-nerd-posts-things@marjoherbo@juletheghoul-main@tiredbuthappy@themand0lorian@janebby@goldielocks2004@yuiopiklmn ​ @oh-no-who-am-i ​ @appleejuice ​ @luxmundee @belovedadam @seninjakitey ​@harriedandharassed @notsosecretspy
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phoenixyfriend · 2 years
Star Wars AU Masterlist: Modern, Historic, Crossovers, and Otherwise Not Canonverse
(Excluding those found in the Ships list or meme fills)
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Fun fact, tumblr allows 250 links on the old editor and 100 in the new. So. Network of masterlists.
Organized as:
Modern (Ahsoka, Obi-Wan, TCW Trio, Lineage Members, Other)
History, fantasy, and non-standard modern AUs
Crossovers (Animated, Live Action SciFantasy, Live Action Realism, Books)
Crossover: Girl Genius
Crossover: Marvel
Crossover: Naruto
Modern AUs
Anidala: See Ships list
Mostly Ahsoka
* Modern AU Ahsoka forcibly adopts herself into the CodyWan household after falling into a mall fountain
Modern AU: Baby ‘Soka Bedazzles Boots
Ahsoka with henna
Ahsoka works at a raptor recovery center (Morai and Maul are both raptors there)
Ahsoka and Bo-Katan are college roommates
Wrestling AU
Mostly Obi-Wan
Obi-Wan gets an inheritance from his estranged, recently-dead grandfather
Obi-Wan and the “you gotta get married to inherit” plot
* Obi-Wan is a Parasitologist (2) - Additional: Anakin’s a Snake Guy
* Cody’s in Urban Development
Keep the CodyWan age difference, ye cowards, plus Obi-Wan as Cody’s Sugar Daddy
CodyWan with the age difference, and Obi-Wan is a parasitologist!
Codywan “My Soulmate is a Celebrity”
Optimal Codywan Dynamic
Not Just a RomCom: CodyWan AU that starts off romcom, but turns into an AU based on The Fire Within
Modern ObiMaul
* Stepsiblings! (Bant and Obi-Wan)
The Name Game
TCW Trio
Catburglar AU
Paranormal Home Inspector
Anakin introduces his little sister
Obi-Wan accidentally gets custody of a baby exchange student
Disaster Lineage Met Gala 2021 AU (Obi-Wan in Jean Robes by @masteryaddleisagilf)
Beekeeper AU
Still haven’t made this poll whoops
Anakin is trying so hard to dunk Mace at the high school fair’s dunk tank
Anakin has a crush on Cody. Cody starts dating Shmi and possibly Qui-Gon.
Other Lineage Members
Dooku and Ventress
Weird-ass marriage of convenience
Quintress “fall in love with the emergency worker who saved you”
Yoda breaks out of nursing homes
Modern Xanatos
Qui-Gon marries Mace Windu, who is now Anakin and Obi-Wan’s stepdad (and Depa is now their stepsister)
Qui-Gon is an office lunch thief
Modern TBB Omega
Modern AU clones need to still have a Kind Of Weird childhood
Han Solo does stand-up comedy about his wife’s scary dads
Jewish Leia and lapsed Catholic Han
Three ST AUs: 1. Queer Eye helping Single Dad Luke, 2. Ben Solo/Poe Dameron HS AU, 3. The same, but College
Barriss has a crush on Anakin, set to the Victorious song “Best Friend’s Brother”
Artoo and Threepio are parrots
Maul’s prostheses: Gazelle from Kingsman, Elbow Crutches
Would modern AU clones refer to their dad as Sir?
Volleyball coach Siri Tachi
Regency AU - This AU is in the Wider AUs masterlist
Another Clone Wars Regency AU
Barmaid Ahsoka in a Generic Fantasy AU - This AU is in the Wider AUs masterlist
Not Quite a Man of God (demon-summoning AU) - Instructions Unclear
All the Jedi are Cats - Rex and Kitty!Soka
White dad in a horror movie
Suddenly Modern AU
Qui-Gon the Faustian Castle (and Obi-Wan, his caretaker)
Gothic Americana Disaster Lineage
Modern Ahsoka still gets to have Morai or Daughter in her life
Modern AU Daughter is a goddess who had her power stolen and is biding her time to rebuild her abilities on Earth. Ahsoka is her part-time gofer.
Maulsoka arranged marriage history AU
Earth’s Fossil Record - Legends canon - Chocolate
Obi-Wan is a horse girl and Anakin is a literal dragon
What if Obi-Wan Kenobi = Thomas Paine???
Regency AU: Palpatine tries to arrange a marriage for Rey
* Voltron/Star Wars: Obi-Wan/Coran
Miraculous fusion fic - mostly just a “which Kwami” thing
Vader vs. Kira: Fight!
Ouran AU
Give Ventress a Death Note, which was originally mine but is mostly @epicmusic42
Rexidala but make them Happy Feet
Bleach: Anakin is a Vizard and his hollow mask is the Vader helmet
Live-action science fiction/fantasy
TCW/The Nevers
Good Omens AU, but like... not good
The Good Space - AU where Anakin watches in-universe The Good Place
TGP fusion fic  - all you need to know is that Hondo is Jason, R2 is Bad Janet, and Fox  is Matt (the accountant who handles weird new sex things)
Doctor Who AU: disaster lineage is all one series of regenerations
Sense8 AU (Anakin, Riyo, a Naboo handmaiden, Ferus, Barriss || Dooku, Sifo-Dyas, Jocasta || Obi-Wan, Satine, Hondo)- Grogu??
The Santa Clause AU
Anidala but they’re Lazslo and Nadja from WWDitS
Disney’s Atlantis
Live-action ‘realistic’
Miss Congeniality AU (Quintress)
Bridgerton Crossover - Aliens on the Ton  - Technically this is about the other Regency AU but meh
Midsomer Murders AU 1 - Anakin Kills Palpatine, and SW characters investigate
Midsomer Murders AU 2 - Anakin Kills Palpatine, and the canon Midsomer characters (in this case Barnaby and Troy) investigate
Midsomer Murders (disembodied dialogue about Ahsoka)
Project Runway AU
Qui-Gon is a nightmare of a guest judge
TCW Leverage AU - This AU is in the Wider AUs masterlist
Say Yes to the Dress
Anakin & Obi-Wan in HP & the Prisoner of Azkaban
Post-O66 main cast dropped into HP & the Order of the Phoenix - This AU is in the Wider AUs Masterlist
Children of the Lamp AU
Obi-Wan + Newsies
Twilight & the Disaster Lineage
Dracula AU: ft. Lucy!Obi-Wan, Reverse!JonMina!Anidala, and Doctor!Quinlan
Jedi with Daemons
Anevka Meets Darth Vader (GG/SW crossover)
Obi-Wan/Vanamonde von Mekkhan
Jedi!Tarvek AU
Stewjon is GG Earth (chrono), AKA the one where Obi-Wan is genetically predisposed to being a mad scientist - This AU is in the Wider AUs masterlist
Feemor is a Heterodyne
Jedi end up on the Helicarrier, awkwardness abounds because of Samuel L Jackson and Natalie Portman existing in both
Matt and Clint (Not quite a crossover, but clone OCs based on Daredevil and Hawkeye)
Peter Parker’s LEGO Palpatine
Ant-Man and the Star Wars Universe
Kix should be Falcon
Ninjas help out the clone wars
Obito bothers Darth Vader
Mandalore and Ninja Planet philosophy comparison (featuring at least one instance of me not understanding a SW thing)
Karin vs Anakin’s half-Force genome - Meet the twins
Bounty Hunter TenTen
TenTen reincarnates as Fox (CC-1010) mostly for the pun
Anakin and Harem no Jutsu
Planet Shinju
Ahsoka gets owl summons
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ursawren987 · 5 months
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Ursa Wren is the mother of Tristan and Sabine Wren, and wife of Alrich Wren of Clan Wren of House Visla Having survived the Empire's massacre on Mandalore, that lead to near total genocide of Mandalorians, Ursa has been searching for the only family she has left. Sabine. Her escape however, left her with a heavy burn scar on the side of her face, as well as missing an eye, so now she wears an eyepatch. (My storyline for Ursa is an AU where she survives the "Night of a Thousand Tears" massacre of Mandalore.) Ursa had also suffered a severe burn injury on her back, she may have died had other survivors of the Empire's massacre of Mandalore, including Bo-Katan Kryze had not found her and nursed her back to health, plus with the aid of the rebel alliance sending relief effort to Mandalore, having their best medics treat her. But, she suffered a scar where the injury is, and suffers chronic pain in her back.
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cartoonnonsensegirl · 4 years
Justice, Excellence, Defense, Intelligence (J.E.D.I.) Finale a.k.a. the SW Prequel Happy Ending AU
Since I see some people are interested, I’ll share what I’ve got. I’m working on the fanfic, but it’s stuck in the prologue.
First of all, I’ll have you know that this is a real world AU with several key differences. Most of the alien characters are human (except the Wookiees, who are Bigfeet in this version), everyone has more realistic-sounding names, and Palpatine is female in this version. Here’s a guide to the main cast:
Alexis Tano = Ahsoka Tano
Anatole Spacewalker = Anakin Skywalker
Obadiah Kenoly = Obi-Wan Kenobi
Patrice Amaretti = Padmé Amidala
Mace Windham = Mace Windu
Yo Fu Wei = Yoda
Sidonia “Sidney” Palpatine = Palpatine
Major Grievances = General Grievous
Tyrannical Tyrant = Count Dooku
Bail Organic = Bail Organa
Moira Morgan = Mon Mothma
“Jetpack Bo” = Bo-Katan Kryze
Mauling Mauler = Darth Maul
Captain Regis = Rex
There’s a ton of other characters but I won’t list them here; some will probably be in the description. It’s also a pretty lengthy idea; I don’t really know how to condense it anymore than what I’ve written here without just writing the whole fanfic already.
The plot of this AU begins in Spring 2057, with Alexis in Hungary with Jetpack Bo, planning their mission to capture the Mauling Mauler and free Satinka (Satine) from prison (she’s alive in this AU). The first half of this story is pretty much the same as ROTS with the added context of the Siege of Mandalore, and goes up to the Sunset Scene™/Ahsoka and Rex on the bridge of the star destroyer before Order 66 happens. There are some added elements, however, in the first half:
Alexis, Anatole, Obadiah, and Patrice all happen to have dreams that seem to symbolize either the good or bad ending of the narrative. The strangest of these is Patrice, since she’s the only one of the main four who isn’t Force-sensitive (or so we think; spoilers under the cut), and she shares dreams with Anatole.
Minor characters such as Bail Organic and Moira Morgan have actually seen the SW Prequels and TCW, and are aware that the events are unfolding like the movies. Unfortunately, they have no idea how to stop it. However, one character does succeed in changing the narrative, and it’s Sheila Ti (Shaak Ti).
It’s at the Sunset Scene where the story changes completely. Actually, a bit before that; Sidonia reveals that she is the “Insidious One” to Anatole, and also reveals that she’s known about his marriage to Patrice. Anatole gets furious and wants to kill Sidonia, but doesn’t as she tells him “Isn’t killing against the J.E.D.I. way?”, to which he replies, “How would you know anything about the J.E.D.I. way if you’re a S.I.T.H. Lady?”, and decides to turn her over to Mace.
Sheila Ti is watching the ROTS Sunset Scene on her laptop, when she senses a disaster about to happen. She goes up to the seemingly vacant Council Room and finds Anatole on his iPhone. She asks him if he misses Alexis and Obadiah, and he replies that he has forgotten about them until she mentioned them. Sheila discusses with Anatole that it’s not good to be sad or afraid, and cites them as the reason that Darth Vader fell in Star Wars (Anatole has never seen the prequels, only the originals). Anatole also mentions that he cut off his toxic friendship with Sidonia. After their conversation, Sheila advises Anatole to leave the Council room and go either supervise some younglings or see some friends and get dinner with them; she’ll cover for him for when Mace returns. Anatole heeds Sheila’s advice and leaves to buy takeout for Patrice, spending the rest of the night with his beloved wife. Meanwhile, Mace and his J.E.D.I. backup assassinate Sidonia, but it appears all too easy. Alexis captures the Mauling Mauler, and she and Regis are on a one-way flight back to NYC after bidding farewell to Jetpack Bo.
Now here’s where it gets interesting. Sidonia has been assassinated, but her spirit goes on to make one final attempt to turn Anatole to the Dark Side--by possessing Patrice and threatening to kill her if he doesn’t turn. Anatole sees right through Sidonia’s scheme--she was going to kill Patrice all along for being a roadblock to world domination. Anatole brings Patrice before Mace and Yo Fu to help expel the Insidious One. At the same time, all the J.E.D.I. have returned with their troops since the war is over. Sheila comes to tell Alexis of the terrible tragedy involving Patrice, and rushes to Patrice’s aid at the Academy. Surprisingly, Alexis is strong enough to expel the Insidious One due to her strong light power, but senses an energy in Patrice’s belly assisting her.
Defeated, Sidonia’s spirit influences her Personal Guard Troops to take her body from it’s autopsy room and fly it to Mount Agung, where she zaps the life force of the remaining Separatist leaders to revive herself. And it’s here that she also commands her troops to Execute Order 150: the Final Contingency Order that states that in the event of the Supreme Chancellor’s death, a Giant Mecha shall be deployed over NYC to enforce order.
Meanwhile in New York, everyone lives life as normal. Alexis gets adopted by Anatole and Patrice and is told that she is to become a big sister. Also, Satinka gets married to Obadiah, while Anatole and Patrice renew their vows. Everything is fine in New York, until the Giant Mecha arrives, piloted by the Insidious One and zombified versions of the Separatist leaders. The J.E.D.I. apparently have to deploy their experimental Mecha to combat with the S.I.T.H. Mecha. Patrice apparently remains at the infirmary at the J.E.D.I. Academy (this part is really important!). For the most part, the J.E.D.I. appear to win the battle until the Insidious Mecha finds a weak spot in the J.E.D.I. Mecha. Alexis and several other female J.E.D.I. activate their magical girl transformations to continue fighting, but are barely able to weaken the Insidious Mecha. And that’s when the deus ex machina of the story finally activates.
Back at the Academy, Patrice starts sensing Anatole in danger, and electrical appliances start exploding around her. A J.E.D.I. nurse tells her that she has Gestational ESP; a condition in which a non-Esper mother that is pregnant with an Esper child develops temporary powers of her own, losing them when her child(ren) is born. Most mothers with this condition have low-level powers, but Patrice’s power level is unusually high due to 1) having two buns in the oven, and 2) the paternal DNA being that of the Chosen One. Patrice uses her newfound powers of expectant motherhood to undergo a magical fashion change and creates a flowy, water-themed dress and adorns her hair with flowers. She chooses to manifest her powers as lotus flowers, specifically Nelumbo nucifera lotuses (her favorite flower).
The J.E.D.I. are overlooking the Upper New York Bay, when what appears to be a shooting star falls into the bay, causing a garden of giant lotuses to bloom and a glowing floral design to appear in the water, shooting a beam of light into the sky to finally reveal the super-powered Patrice, who has also gained glowing wings that appear to be resemble lotus petals. She attacks the Insidious Mecha with two glowing lotuses; one blue and one pink (her children are providing her the power), destroying it in the process. However, the Insidious One transforms into a terrifying final form with fire, lightning, and wind storms surrounding her. The J.E.D.I. realize that although Anatole is the Chosen One, he has only half the power required to defeat the Insidious One; the other half of the power is in Patrice. The two, the “Hero with No Fear” and the “Lotus of Florence”, must combine their powers to ultimately defeat the S.I.T.H. Lady forever.
The story ends with many J.E.D.I. and Republic Senators summoned to a hospital, where Alexis is throwing a party to celebrate becoming a big sister.  Anatole is with Patrice in the delivery room. A while later, Alexis, Obadiah, and Regis are called by Anatole to the room Patrice is resting in, where Alexis is introduced to her baby brother and sister. They all take a commemorative photo.
BONUS: Moira Morgan becomes Supreme Chancellor.
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obislittleone · 3 years
What Once Was Mine
Chapter One
Summary: Locked away in a house her entire life, she always dreamed of exploring the nearby kingdom for just a day, believing it could make the rest of her days in solitude bearable. What she was unware of, was the real reason she'd been hidden away for so long. Changes comes swift like a flying dagger when a thieving bounty hunter seeks solace in the old home.
Din Djarin Royalty!AU / Tangled!AU
Pairing: Din Djarin x Princess Kryze!Reader
A/n: Hello Lovelings!! Enjoy this half baked idea that popped into my head while reading a bunch of dark academia imagines... also let me know if you want to be tagged on future chapters!
Warnings: none
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Mandalore, the great kingdom of warriors. Over the years it has harvested many secrets, many conspiracies, and several tragedies. What else would one expect from such a place, in which most citizens dedicate themselves to the eternal struggle of warfare. Perhaps the most tragic happening to ever occur to the over-worshipped and idolized land would be the disappearance of the baby princess Kryze.
So many stories were thought up by members of the royal family, as well as some palace residents, to try and somehow cover up their horrible mistake. Families don't just misplace children, most of all future heirs to the throne. What really happened was the most infuriating tale to tell, and though the king and queen didn't know it's truth, many others within their courts did, and they kept it a secret.
The baby had been discovered by one of the nurses to hold magical properties, that of which no one in Mandalore had ever been capable of. These powers were also not of the wise Elves that resided in the high mountainside. Whispers were passed around for several weeks until finally a decision was made. The baby could not be trusted to grow in this kingdom, royalty or not. That's how witches were created, witches that harmed many nations and brought down armies all on their own accord, with only a wave of their hands.
Nothing planned was ever mentioned to the royal family, nor was anything said about the child's abilities. In the middle of the night, the baby was taken. There were rumors about a witch on the far off stretches of the kingdom that went into hiding when her powers were found out. The stories were not true, the woman held no magical properties whatsoever, but when she was offered the child, she didn't hesitate in accepting.
The members of the castle staff felt what they were doing was the right thing for the entire kingdom. They were even obliged to do the honor of ridding themselves of that child, in fears that one day she could even kill them. Fear is the downfall of any soldier, any Mandalorian should know that.
For twelve years the great warriors set out to find the child, and after reaching the outsides of every kingdom and not finding any hope of the lost princess still being alive, the king and queen grew weary in their search, and eventually gave up, their hearts shattering. They died in early ages, and left the throne to their eldest daughter Satine. There was another daughter that was born from the king and queen, only a year after they had lost the baby they so dearly missed. They hoped and prayed that it might bring them some ease in the years of sorrow that followed, but it didn't, and now that they were gone, Bo Katan Kryze sat at the right hand of the throne to her sister.
Mandalore had many enemies, some within their own territory, and some even within the palace walls. Satine was a just ruler, and beloved by all, or at least most. The few that despised her ideals, and didn't want to give up their old and treacherous ways of life attacked the queen, and in the arms of her future consort, she died a heroic death.
Bo Katan did not want the throne of Mandalore, and when it came time to crown her the queen of the strong nation, she accepted a challenge for the reigning dark saber, the item that possessed real power and that who wielded it was the true ruler. The challenger of said saber, was Moff Gideon, King of the distant neighboring kingdom.
Bo Katan didn't even fight like she knew she could, for she was absolutely opposed to ruling the kingdom that killed her sister. After everything she did for them, they brought her down to death.
Moff Gideon would be the new king of Mandalore for years to come.
More time flew by like the silver crested birds that resided in the kingdom's trees. The baby princess had grown into a beautiful girl, happy and vibrant despite her isolation, and constant verbal abuse. The woman who took her in had raised her to believe that she was her birth mother, and that they had fled to this old mansion away from any kingdom to keep outsiders safe. She told the young girl that she had picked up her whole life and went into hiding just because of the powers her dear daughter possessed.
As a small girl, her powers grew, and she didn't know how to harness them, so when the mother told her it was best to stay inside, she believed it all. She believed that she was dangerous, and had the ability to kill people. It was an awful lie to spew to someone so innocent and trusting, but it was the only way to keep her from harming anyone outside. The truth was, her powers were fantastic, and the older she got, the more she could do. She even learned to heal injuries, and used that magic to save small animals that would try and come into the house. Mother had set traps all around the mansion, just incase anyone was stupid enough try try and enter. The traps harmed creatures big and small, but the princess never let them die. She was too kind for that. Too gentle.
When mother brought home a small creature, resembling that of a baby goblin, it was like years of solitude had finally been made easier. The baby was also blessed with magical powers, and due to a strong bond that connected them, a companionship formed. Almost that of a mother and son. He couldn't speak, it seemed he was far too young, but he was able to communicate through brain waves, and she could somehow feel his thoughts. His name was Grogu, and he was an outcast just like she was., cursed to stay away from all humanity.
It came to a point where she was unable to feel love towards her abilities, and just wished them away. She thought that if she could just give them up, she would no longer have to deal with her daily struggle of loneliness, and she could live the life she had read so many stories about. She wanted to be like the characters of her books so badly, to feel the freedoms they felt. She procured a special necklace, made by her own hands, in attempts to somehow trap her powers within it. She took so long to be able to do so, but when it was finally successful, she felt it was time to ask her mother a very important question. It was her eighteenth birthday tomorrow, and she wanted more than anything to go outside.
"This is a very big day, Grogu," you paced back and forth by the window, waiting for your mother to enter the old home. "I'm finally going to do it, I'm going to ask her."
He babbled at the words, bringing a smile to your lips as you watched the way he played with his little clothing wrap in anticipation.
"And don't worry, if she says yes I'm sure you can come, too."
At the sound of crunching leaves below the open window, you spun around wildly, your dress flourishing with every small movement. Your bare feet raised and lowered your body with a slight bounce. The anxiousness was too much to bear.
The door closed, and you swept up Grogu in your arms, racing down the stairs and skipping every other step. It wasn't dangerous, you had done it every day without fail.
"Mother! I'm so happy you're back," You exclaimed with a broad, bright, and beautiful smile. She held her arms open in a show of beckoning you for a hug. She was always so theatrical with her displays of emotional affection, pushing them over the top to ensure you believed and felt every part of it. Truth be told you didn't know what real love was, aside from the strengthened relationship with Grogu that became deeper every day.
"My dear, it's been a long day. I'm sorry I took so long, but I seemed to have rolled my ankle going up the hill. Would you mind?" She asked in a sing song tone. It was nothing to you, because this happened every so often and there was never a doubt in your mind that she really needed your power. The innocence that still plagued the inner workings of your brain prevented you from seeing the woman liked to take advantage of the gifts you held.
"Of course, Mother," you helped her around the corner into the sitting room by the entry hall, and letting her relax back into one of the elaborate chairs. It was strange how she limped inside the house, but when you watched from afar, gazing out the open window she hadn't huddled her steps at all.
"I brought you more apples from the village, I know your little friend adores them," she said gesturing to Grogu who sat in the spot you placed him. He made some gurgling sounds of excitement before looking down to fiddle with his little green hands.
"Thank you, I'm sure they're wonderful."
You knelt before her, ever bit as submissive as a humble servant, pushing away her dress skirt to find her ankle. It wasn't swollen, nor did it seem to need any attention, but you strived to make her happy, especially on a day like today. The better her mood, the likelier for you to achieve your biggest dream tomorrow.
You tightened your hands around the small area and focused all your energy into healing that fraction of her body. You felt a bit of your own life force leave you when it passed through to her, and you squeezed your eyes shut to avoid the minimal sensation of dizziness for a few seconds. She let out a sigh of relief, then jumped up from her chair, gliding across the room to admire her appearance in the gold crested mirror that hung steadily on the wall since before you could remember.
"I feel so much better, dear," she held onto your arms, bringing you beside her before ruffing your intricately braided hair. She knew that you were not fond of the action, but you didn't show it this time, and she was nearly upset as to not have you riled up over it like usual.
She stepped passed you and went to perform the same action with Grogu, who was not needing to be on his best behavior. He acted up immediately, flailing his arms about to try and rid himself of her. She laughed maniacally, going back to her seat before riffling through the basket you'd woven her last summer.
"Mother, I was wondering if perhaps you remembered what tomorrow was?" This was the plan: present each point to her carefully, leading up to the grand question.... but it had to be done slowly, as to warm her up to the idea first.
"Darling, how could I forget your birthday?"
Right, so she remembered this year.
"I didn't mean that you would, I was just wondering if you'd thought of any gifts yet? If not, I have an idea that may suffice," you said, the smile on your face spreading as you heart picked up it's pace behind your chest.
"To be frank with you, I hadn't gotten anything prepared. I was going to try and find something for you when I left for the afternoon."
Perfect. You glanced back at Grogu, who was clearly listening in on the conversation as of now, for his features were focused straight ahead to where you both sat. He let his eyes drift between you and her a few times before you finally got the hint. That little creature was so much smarter than any of animal you'd come across in your life.
"I wish to go outside," you blurted out, the anxiety was too much as it bubbled up through your skin. You were surprised at yourself for your straight forward confession, and figured you might need to clarify. "Only for a day, to see the kingdom."
Her laughter was unexpected, and quite deflating. She saw your request as a joke, and it made you feel silly having even asked. You'd built up so much courage to say the words, and now they seemed foolish.
"You are quite the jester, dear," she stood, lifting her basket to leave and restock the kitchen with the apples she brought, but you couldn't give up so easily. If she was to say no, it would be after you presented all you had practiced. You reached out you hand to hold her in place and she turned back to face you with a smirk.
"I do not mean to be funny, mother. I really do wish to have a day in the kingdom. I have planned everything out if you would mind to hear?" You brought the small green stone out from under the corset hem of your dress, holding it in your hand to show her if she was willing to see.
"Dearest one, you know it is not safe for you to leave. You could hurt someone, or heavens forbid, they could hurt you," She came closer, her tone was seen as truthful and compassionate by you, but it was nothing but manipulative and demeaning. "It is selfish to think you can handle so much in just one day. What if you killed someone?"
"I have a way to control it now. This necklace-"
"The necklace that can hold all your power, yes darling, I've heard it before, but you cannot ever truly know if it will work," she looked down upon you with sympathy... no, not sympathy, pity.
"I know it will work, I've tested it over and again and it can finally help me control it," you practically begged and pleaded with your eyes for her to stay and listen, and not forget this interaction ever happened by choosing to leave the room and ignore it.
"You have never been outside of this house, what makes you possibly think you have any idea of what you are talking about? You may have tested it here every single day of your entire life, and still never know if it will work out there," her voice boomed louder this time, and it frustrated you to no end, knowing that this would all end in tears and distress. You hated fighting with her, because you knew no matter how hard you stood your ground, the walls eventually crumbled down and you would be the loosing party.
"I just want to know what it's like, for one day..." You pleaded with everything you had in you, but it seemed like that was the last straw for her.
"Enough with all of this nonsense! You are not leaving this house, ever!" Her screams startled the baby, and as tears came brimming the corners of your eyes, you ran to his rescue, scooping him up and cradling him to your chest. He nuzzled his head there, feeling safer now that he had the familiar warmth of your arms around him.
The tears that threatened to spill came pooling over like waterfalls, and when your mother saw them, she was completely and totally calm within a moment.
"Dear, you must know that I do this for your own good, and for the good of all the people in that village. Imagine the guilt you would feel if you let harm befall any of those citizens. And Imagine how much pain I would be in if they took you away. You would surely be burned alive if they found out what you can do," she came up behind you and wrapped her arms around both you and Grogu, trying to bring a false sense of comfort to the air.
"I'm sorry, mother," You let out, letting your head fall on her shoulder. You didn't have any other shoulder to cry on, so what was the harm?
"It's alright dear, I love you very much."
"I love you more," you said, and it was true. You loved her more than she could ever love you.
"I love you most."
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The turrets of the castle were the first to be compromised. The job was easy; get in, capture the bounty, and get out. It would supposedly be even lees of a hassle due to the fact that this bounty was not a person, but an item, rather. The buyer, being from a far off land, across the sea. It was priceless to this kingdom's heritage, and if it was lost, then truly it would be the last string to pull before the great Mandalore fell apart.
The three bounty hunters for the job were the best in this realm and the next, with rewards hanging over all their heads. Few even knew their names, one of them didn't so much as have a face to put to a wanted poster. It was a mask and a hood that hung all over the kingdom's walls, trees, and even town buildings. His accomplices were better known, but still a bit hard to find. The only people who ever saw them in a daily setting were the hunters of the guild on the outside of Mandalore's ridge.
Today they faced no danger, or so they thought. Snatching the dark saber had been the simplest part of the plan, now to escape the guards, and the horse riders who would be catching up with them shortly.
"Xi'an, company on your left," the hooded figure spoke as they quickly made their getaway. The woman wasted no time in pulling a knife from her holster and slashing through the guard that was foolish enough to approach her.
"Your eyes never cease to amaze me, Djarin," the shorter man cried out as he wasted away another poor soldier. These men that the hunters took no time in killing were innocent lives, who's blood was shed by treachery. The only one who didn't kill a soul was the masked and hooded figure, Djarin.
"Maybe you're just getting old," He replied, leading them all to a gulch in the offset of the forest they entered. "Alright, I think we lost them, but be ready for anything. I heard them send for horses when we left the gates."
"It'll be just fine, Din. Relax," Xi'an said seductively, her hips swaying in front of the masked man as she went deeper into the woods. Her lilac colored hair made her stand out in a crowd, and though her teammates begged her to change it time and again, she refused, saying that she could handle some extra attention. She had harbored massive sexual tension towards the hooded bounty hunter, but it was clear he did not share her enthusiasm. He used to, but now it was too much. He liked to focus on his jobs more, and less on her, she couldn't become a distraction.
"We may need to head towards the guild. They can hide us there until we need to meet at the rendezvous point," the shorter man said. Ranzar Malk, an old soul, with the heart of a lion, ready to kill if given the chance. His friends called him Ran, but he had few friends, just accomplices.
"That's a bad idea. They know we have the most valuable weapon in the world, they won't leave any building in this kingdom unchecked," his deep voice made weary his partners, if you can really call them that.
"Are you proposing we skip town?" Xi'an came sauntering back towards the group, and as she did, they all turned at the wound of horses beginning to run out of the gates.
They all instictively began to run as fast as their legs could carry them. Din Djarim was a fast runner, and was quick with his wits and intellect. He was able to maneuver through the woods as if he'd been through them many times. A few times, sure, but you wouldn't have known it. Every step he made was that of a man who knew where he was going. The others had a harder time keeping up with him, and since he had no real attachment to them, he didn't mind if they fell back from him and to the hands of the Mandalorian guards. All he had to do was finish the job, and he'd get payed, no questions asked.
"Djarin!" Ran cried, and when Din turned to look over his shoulder, he saw that they had been cornered. They didn't know how to move quite as well as he did through the rugged areas, and now they payed for it.
"I will get you for this, you bastard," Xi'an's words were the last to ring in his ear. He knew they wouldn't stop until they got the sword of Mandalore. The rightful claim to the kingdom itself. If he could just get to the waterside, perhaps he could steal a small ship to get away with. The rendezvous was on the outskirts of town anyways, so it wouldn't make much of a difference if he had to sail around to get there.
He must have run for miles by now, and his lungs were burning. He no longer heard the galloping horse hooves behind his six, but the far all yelling in the distance was a reminder that he wasn't quite safe.
He ran further until he reached a dead end, where the only option was to drop down the steep mountainside. He wasn't one to stray from a challenge. His skilled steps helped him onto the cliffside, slowly makinf his way down to the base of it. He was sure by now he'd lost the guards, because after several minutes of climbing downwards, they never reached the cliffside.
The ground was covered in a thick layer of fog and mystery. He'd never been to this corner of the kingdom before, and doubted anyone else had either for that matter. He couldn't barely see where he was going, but as he kept stumbling about, the nidt became thinner and less prominent. He waved around his eyes a few times to make sure what he was seeing was real. An old house stood in the corner of the spacious grounds, hidden by even more trees and foliage.
The house on the outside looked dark and haunted, and he doubted anyone lived there for years. It meant it was the perfect hiding spot to lay low until things calmed down a bit in the kingdom. Then maybe he could sneak out and about to meet his client.
He trudged up the steps to the front door, opening it slowly with a creak in it's wake.
The interior of the house did not look old amd forgotten at all. Almost as if it had not sustained any damage that the exterior held. Everything seemed to be in working order, which he thanked heavens for, because his stay in this old home just became more enjoyable.
He stepped into a small sitting room, taking the saber out of the satchel it was confined to, before pulling the trigger like switch on the hilt. There came forth a blade unlike anything he'd ever seen, the dark metal with the interwoven lines of silver between each crevice. It was a miracle to behold in person.
"Alone at last," he mumbled under his breath before he caught the movement of something from the corner of his eyes. He turned around to see an open book on a chair, the pages weren't dusty and had no signs of age. In fact, he thought he couod recall the title of the book being released just two weeks ago by the famous author that resided within Mandalore.
He glanced up from the book, seeing a blown out candle, the smoke still emanating from the burnt wick. Some was here, and they knew he was, too.
Out of no where, an invisible force threw him backwards into the wall, making his vision go dark as he sunk down the boards and landed on his arse. The last thing he saw befoee everything went dark was the outline of a beautiful girl rushing towards him.
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