#bnha ultra age
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I guess the moral of this story is... idk roll whatever the character will be there... eventually
it's not the "season 6 recruit" it's literally the anniversary one
I think getting fun stuff under the cut is better, I'm still figuring it out and with only 30 tags there's only so much that I can tell without running out of them
and getting another Tomura is like a celebration, after a very struggling day of painnnnn
Presents are one of the best way of farming crystals so I didn't really touch them for characters I already levelled trust with
but it's a special occasion.
"the kindergarden"
I need to level Kurogiri up one day, but Tomura now takes full priority (ignore the event one I was burnout of the game when it came out and I didn't get the new UR Izuku back then if I remember correctly so he's weak)
I'm a bit pissed off that AFO is a bit more levelled up for now but that's because levels from 4 to 6 are pain and it's not the main/hard quest bonus time yet
but! at least I already have full LoV trio levelled up as much as I could so it'll be easier than before
decided to revive this team set up just for fun, I don't use them usually this one is basically "PLF war + season 6 stuff" because I don't have anyone else like any s5-s6 Izuku, for example. Also I don't have some cool memories which is sad because they look so cool
it's so funny to be a f2p in this game because it's literally pointless but I have so much fun
Also I think we never got the white hair Dabi memory??? the memory that has somewhat good stuff for him is him with black hair
anyway this was really weird
#bnha#ultra impact#shigaraki tomura#tenko shimura#not art#I honestly didn't expect anything at that point#my last 30-50 pulls on different banners were only SR stuff and memories mostly#I did get Edgeshot and 3-in-10 URs but all of them Heroes and that was before those 50 pulls#which I just casually collect while playing#there was a time I've abadoned this game because of grey screen bug#like... how am I supposed to enjoy the thing I like the most in this game if it's just a grey screen#so I've waited but sadly I could only re-download the game with fear of my account being lost because I don't remember#but eh it's been a year since then but banners were weird for some time that discouraged me too#I missed Lady Nagant event and banner and many others#I do catch up on characters but it's hard#I've accepted that Toga likes this specific UR so I don't want other Togas#buuuut it would be nice like this Tomura took AGES but he's here now#my best bet is to just follow whatever the luck senses tell me or whatever - random would decide#anyway in terms of physical health - it's bad rn#I'm still trying to find a good joke for why did Tomura appear today I like to come up with stories for that
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What do you think about Horikoshi ending the manga without a canon couple? Do you ship or used to ship MHA characters? Did you see romantic potential? Do you think Horikoshi might confirm a couple later?
No canon couple? Au contraire, my dear anon! The manga ended with the most important canonization of all!
(Everybody give a huge hand to The Only Hets Who Matter, Gentle and La Brava; they deserve it.)
As to the ships people actually care about or were expecting some word on (e.g. the stuff with the students), my reaction there is overwhelmingly “lol gj hori”. I’m glad he ended it with no canon student couple to speak of! While I do sympathize with the position of certain people on Twitter who contend that Ochaco’s arc about repression really needed her to actually confess to Deku, I hated what her crush on Deku did to her arc anyway, so I don’t have it in me to be too annoyed. Anyway, I don’t think it’s possible to do the Iron Might 2.0 part of the epilogue if Deku and Ochaco[1] have been dating the entire time, so I’m perfectly happy to run with the headcanon that she did confess at one point and it didn’t work out for whatever reason, so by the time the last chapter rolls around, they’ve just been friends for years.
1: Or Bakugou, for that matter, but with all due respect to the BakuDekus who haven’t been seeing Shonen Jump battle manga come and go for twenty years with nary a confirmed gay MC amongst them, that was never in the cards.
I remember posting once ages ago about a Japanese fan’s hope that Horikoshi, who the fan perceived as being at least somewhat progressive about women, could manage to end the series without a bunch of timeskip romances showing up at the last minute. While I have some deep reservations about Hori’s progressive cred at this point in time, and am not tremendously impressed with his writing of women, either, credit where credit is due: he did end the series without any timeskip romances.
As to there being any confirmation of couples in the material we have remaining, I imagine the last train station[2] for that is going to be the final volume release in December, as, on top of the usual volume extras, Horikoshi should be considerably more free to include expansions that his schedule and exhaustion kept him from in the weekly publication. I could even see a bonus chapter of some sort, maybe something post-epilogue so we can see the power suit in action or something silly and fourth wall-breaking to celebrate the series conclusion. There’s also going to be one last fanbook released in January, which I have been assuming will be a data book like Ultra Archive.
2: Or harbor, I suppose, since we’re talking about ships.
Now, do I think any of that stuff will confirm ships? Eh, that’s not really in my analytical wheelhouse. The farthest I’d venture to guess is that I would a) not be surprised to get some clarification on Deku and Ochaco, and b) definitely peg the volume release to have material like that over squirreling it away in the fanbook.
For myself, my shipping habits are somewhat erratic—it’s not really where my primary engagement in media lies, and certainly not for this series! But that’s not to say I don’t have ships, or that I’m not happy to talk about them, so if you’re curious about that, do feel free to hit the jump. I’ll order them by general sphere first, then by how passionate I am about them compared to ones I just think are kinda cute or funny for whatever reason.
DISCLAIMER: While I have not explicitly stated as much here before, I am a 40-year-old asexual proshipper, proshipper here meaning I'm in favor of curating your own fandom space and not harassing people about their fictional ships under any circumstances. When I say I ship something, that does not mean I’m idealizing the relationship, want it to be canon, think it would be cool in real life, or am mentally putting myself in the place of one the characters. It’s solely because there’s something in the dynamic I think is fun or interesting, and “interesting” can very much include the same kind of interest one might have in watching a building get demolished.
That is to say, there are a handful of Too Problematic For Tumblr ships in here—one age gap but otherwise wholesome, one age gap and tacitly abusive, and one that really hits the Tumblr Trifecta by being age gap, abusive and incestuous. I've put all three at the very bottom in their own section in descending order of Most BadWrong, but if you’re one of those people deep into The Discourse about how ships need to be Morally Correct otherwise the shippers are terrible people who should kys, this is not the post for you. The block button’s there if you need it—and be advised that it’s there if I need it, too, and I’m not afraid to use it. (I grew up in dark fantasy shoujo fandoms; I am not litigating my ships with anybody.)
~~~Stillness’s Dubious and Delightful BNHA Ship Opinions~~~
Spinarakiya, ShigaRD, Spinaraki: Alas for my short-lived OT3! I was really, really pumped for this in the stretch between MVA and the early stages of the first war, what with there being such interesting possible angles between all three parties, only for Re-Destro to get arrested and never seen in person again, Spinner to get snatched up by Gigantomachia and never look back, and Shigaraki to get lost to the possession plot for, at least as far as scenes with his allies were concerned, basically the rest of the series.
Not exactly great material for my shipping heart, though I’ll refrain from the rant comparing how long the PLF members were living in close contact with each other compared to the League of Villains and why that should have meant they developed stronger relationships than what we got.
But canon being what it is, I do still ship the hell out of these three in a canon divergence situation, or any number of potential AUs. I love the connective tissue there, with Re-Destro + Shigaraki having some startlingly strong background parallels and lasting injuries courtesy of each other, Shigaraki + Spinner having the gaming and the emptiness themes, and Spinner + Re-Destro having their Big Gay Feelings About Shigaraki as well as an appreciation for patterned fabrics some shared early frustrations about Shigaraki’s seeming lack of plans or direction.
It's a good dynamic, and I think they could all do a lot for each other, though certainly not in ways that are good for the continued survival of Hero Society. But fuck Hero Society anyway.
As to the component parts, I don’t ship Re-Destro and Spinner without Shigaraki being at least an invisible part of the dynamic (though I would read the fic where he wasn’t with considerable interest!), but I’m also very much on board with ShigRD and Spinaraki individually. My constant refrain about Shigaraki and RD is that they have a lot of common ground but very little common language, and I’m fascinated by how much of that they could recognize in each other and how much of it they could then recognize back in themselves, versus how much you’d get one of those cases of, “This guy is a freak and I’m so normal.”
It's so, so, so important to me that Re-Destro is the first ally Shigaraki won entirely on his own merits. He's got no borrowed reputation from Stain, no monsters on loan from Sensei, and no help from people on Sensei’s payroll, yet still, as a result of his efforts (both in his own fights and in making the League his own, even if it didn’t start that way) he wins himself an army and a follower who never saw a light that wasn’t his.
I weep for the Shigaraki/Re-Destro relationship we could have had if Horikoshi didn’t decide that Shigaraki in the endgame was to be nothing but a pawn, and therefore couldn’t be allowed to keep any of his markers of independence and growth.
As to Spinaraki, man, what is there even to say? The relationship so clear and obvious that it had even the mhatwt bros out there saying, “Spinaraki but at what cost?” in the last chapter! I will admit that I liked them better when their romance had that apocalyptic tinge than when it suddenly started getting painted as primarily about them being Gamer Bros, but at least that melancholic “beauty at the end of the world” shading came back when Shigaraki talked about destroying Mount Fuji for Spinner (be still my heart!).
They will meet and be close in every world and I will hear nothing else.
RiKoku: I don’t think I truly understood the appeal of ex-lover ships until these two. They snuck up on me in a big way, pretty much entirely a result of my realization when I was halfway through the (first and only, sadly) MLA Week event that Trumpet was pretty free-roaming and independent from Re-Destro all the way through Deika only to be glued to his side from there on out. Together with the Spinner parallels (the subordinates who fought each other and then came together to the crater to see their worlds remade) and my jokes about wanting to see the MLA heads during their stressed-out, over-achiever college years, all the pieces fell into place for a Rikiya and Koku who had dated for a few years and then broken up when Rikiya realized that his authority as Re-Destro—and Koku’s strong subordination to that authority—meant that he could not responsibly stay in the relationship. (This also presents several good explanations for why a man in Rikiya’s situation isn’t married with at least one child already.)
Anyway, to me, they never really fell out of love with each other; Re-Destro just couldn’t justify overlooking the power dynamic problems once he realized how extreme they were. (This does make for a fun alternate angle on RD’s personal life post-Deika, wherein Trumpet watches RD pass the mantle of leadership to Shigaraki Tomura and then more or less immediately pounces on him because now he doesn’t have the power dynamic excuse anymore. Look up the great Whatever Is Spared by @leftofrevolution on AO3 for more on this.)
Overhonest: I just like Nemoto much more than I like Chrono, and thus my Overhaul ship of choice follows suit. I like the idea that their feelings are wildly unbalanced but not totally one-sided—Overhaul has more baggage than a freshly loaded airport carousel, but he does like the Shie Hassaikai, as proven by them being mentioned in the Likes section of his character page. Nemoto in particular is someone whose presence we know Overhaul finds reassuring and we know it because he told Nemoto so directly when Nemoto asked, which means it can’t be anything other than the plain truth. He relies on Nemoto enough to make demands of him, he expects (and gets!) effectiveness, and he even bothers to take the time to justify out loud why it would be okay for him to merge himself with Nemoto physically (because Nemoto would say yes if asked, right? of course he would) rather than just doing it with no thought to Nemoto’s feelings about it because why should he care about that.
And Nemoto, for his part, is of course an obsessive weirdo who’s totally smitten with the first person he’s ever found who legitimately wants him around, so smitten that he’ll happily overlook the fact that Overhaul primarily wants him around because he’s useful.
Moving away from what’s on-the-page canon, I enjoy (and write) the take that Overhaul is sex-repulsed, not because he’s fully asexual, but as an extension of his mysophobia. This makes his sex life extremely fraught, but not non-existent. When I dabble with writing them (and they’re by far the ship I’ve written the most explicit material for in this fandom), I write him as basically a sex-repulsed demi (not that he would know or use that terminology!) who is attracted to Nemoto but has been largely left aggravated and sexually frustrated by their periodic experiments in non-traditional ways of getting him off. (Nemoto, for his part, is more than willing to keep trying! No kink is too weird for this guy if it means finding something Overhaul would actually like.)
(To get real here for a second, if Spinarakiya is meaningful to me as a person who’s comfortably poly, Overhonest is meaningful to me as an asexual person who's only ever had allosexual partners.)
AFOUji: Truly the Evil Husbands of all time. I wish the shift from Final Boss Shigaraki to Final Boss AFO hadn’t left Ujiko with a few truly inexplicable characterization beats,[3] because I truly do love these two as just the worst pair of mutually enabling monsters making the world worse and more dangerous for everyone while being 100% supportive of each other’s passions the entire time. Here’s to 70 years of Dark Lord/Mad Scientist domestic bliss.
3: For the record, I consider these to be his, “I've only been living for the boy's sake,” line in Chapter 269 and his clear reticence and dissastisfaction with Shigaraki getting the surgery in Chapter 240.
DabiSkep: Skeptic is the only man Dabi has ever thanked for his contributions. Dabi goes out of his way to kidnap him. I’m 90% convinced that they’d been working on the video together prior to the Villa raid. The combination of Skeptic’s deep and abiding neuroticism with Dabi’s swings between lazy malice and manic pushiness is extremely funny. What can I say; it’s just about the only Dabi ship that really clicks for me. I enjoy leftof’s take that Skeptic had a goth phase he never completely exited and so Dabi appeals to his inner Hot Topic teen, which he is 100% aware of and 150% embarrassed by.
School Environs:
Mirio/Tamaki: Tamaki literally regains consciousness at the exact moment Mirio loses his quirk. Other than cases where there’s some actual explanation for that—a magical connection, psychic powers, etc.—I have never seen that kind of beat happen outside of a shoujo manga. The bit where one romantic lead just mysteriously has a Bad Feeling in the same instant that something Bad happens to their love interest is so shoujo-coded. Jesus Christ, Tamaki is so moe. And Mirio so clearly thinks the world of him, too, as evinced by what an over-the-top sobriquet he dubbed Tamaki with. They’re great, end of story.
Monoma/Shinsou: I’ll admit I liked this somewhat better when I thought there was any chance at all Shinsou might end up in Class B—I kind of loathe that he wound up in Class A for the self-evidently terrible reason that it’s The Main Character Class, when it seems so obviously a conflict of interest for Aizawa to be teaching him. But eh, it’s okay; it just means Monoma will have to nobly learn to look past it after a lot of time spent being completely obnoxious about it.
My annoyance with Shinsou’s class placement aside, Monoma is one of my favorite students, and I like that he immediately latches onto Shinsou as a kindred spirit. And, like, if that were 100% one-directional, I would probably shrug it off, but Shinsou, despite trying to play at being aloof, does actually get invested enough that he gets pretty bothered by the idea of Monoma needing help, even in something as inconsequential as a class exercise. It’s just a much, much more interesting dynamic than Shinsou has with Deku or especially Kaminari.
Also, as someone with a bit of a Thing for mind fuckery, the way Copy and Brainwash can play off each other is Good.
MomoJirou: The fanart is cute and I like Momo better than Kaminari. And the culture clash thing is fun.
Shouto/Inasa: The fanart is cute and I like Inasa better than Deku or Bakugou.
Professional Sphere:
Hawksdeavor:The age gap adds flavor. The fact that Endeavor is still married but deeply unhappily so makes it even spicier. The difference in what they represent (or could potentially represent) to each other is the best part, with Hawks, for Endeavor, being someone who represents a totally clean page, while Endeavor, for Hawks, represents a lifelong adoration. Finding each other’s reality in all of that would be an interesting relationship arc and could be extremely fulfilling and strengthening for both of them.
The spoiler is (or at least should have been, if I’d been writing the series) their divided feelings on Dabi. Honestly, I really wanted to see them clash over the matter of Touya and how to deal with him, with Endeavor wanting to save him but not knowing how and Hawks just wanting him gone but not knowing how to get away with it. A certain pair of facts is glaring to me: first, that Hawks was a chief architect of the second war’s battle plans, whereas we never saw Endeavor involved with them at all, and second, that, when the big day came, Endeavor was slated to fight All For One with Hawks at his side despite at least some guilty protests from Enji that he really ought to be facing Dabi.
It smacks strongly of Hawks making some profoundly selfish decisions under the guise of clear-headed strategy and I really wanted it to blow up in his face when Dabi found his way to their battlefield anyway. Pushing Endeavor into a place where he had to choose between them and ultimately chose his son (say, by protecting him from an attack coming from Hawks) would have been validating for Touya, done a lot to lever Endeavor’s arc out of the reactiveness and passivity that drag it down so badly in the canon, and also handed Hawks a real consequence for how dismissively he treats the lives of Villains and how much he’s tried to avoid reckoning with both Endeavor’s abuse and Enji’s own attempts to do said reckoning!
In summary, Hawks and Endeavor could be very good for each other, and the incredible amount of baggage they’d have work through first would be key to either making that good ending feel earned or lead to them dramatically and deliciously imploding. Either one works for me, and either one, even without the romantic angle, would have been more interesting than the pablum we got.
NightMight: Speaking of could-have-been-good relationships that dramatically imploded! I love Sir Nighteye as the most visible cost of All Might’s lifestyle, the one he lost because he couldn’t step away from the path his ideals had set out, and how that ideal inevitably took him full circle so that he found himself standing, for Deku, in the same place Nighteye once stood for him. And of course by then it was too late and Deku wouldn’t listen to him anymore than he himself listened to Nighteye back then.
But Nighteye didn’t give up on caring about him, even if he had no avenue left to express it but throwing himself into finding a successor All Might would accept, which led to Nighteye's own (wonderful) relationship with Mirio.
Just great, difficult, adult stuff about irreconcilable differences that never stopped them from caring about each other even as those differences forced them to their parting of ways.
Mount Lady/Kamui Woods: They’re cute and I like the idea that they both have trouble, for opposite reasons, with cameramen. I like that he calls her just Lady when he thinks she’s in trouble. And not to put too fine a point on it, but I like that they’re kinda the most explicit Pro Hero couple and yet she’s the more prominent and important character with the more visible arc, which is a nice contrast to most of the other hetero relationships in this benighted manga.
Togachaco: The yuri ship that could. My god, the canon divergence I want to give these two. You know why I want Deku and Ochaco to not be together in the end? Because I want Ochaco to realize that she did everything in her power to save her Villain while Deku—after all that talk on the cliff!—just killed his, and triggered Toga just before he left to do it, meaning Ochaco had a harder time with Toga than she might have otherwise.
But, I’m not here to talk about No. 2 Green; let’s talk instead about the canon divergence where Toga survives (shove that absurd death-via-blood-transfusion right into the incinerator) and then Ochaco has to come face to face with a system that does not want to let her be anywhere near as kind as she wants to be. The canon divergence where Ochaco realizes that her forgiveness is immaterial to justice, where she watches the system she fought to defend gear up to try Toga as an adult because Japan needs a scapegoat for the destruction of the war and all of the people who are actually most responsible are already dead or dying. Where Ochaco realizes that she has to do something drastic if she doesn’t want to live the rest of her life haunted by the knowledge that her compassion got a 17-year-old victim of emotional and psychiatric abuse executed by the state. The one where she decides to take a fucking stand, and it forces the rest of her class to confront that need as well.
“The cutest girl in the whole world,” my god.
Kotarou and Nao: I’m not as big on it by the time we’re seeing them in the Tenko flashback, though I certainly wasn’t pulling for some mean-spirited, allegedly feel-good “Nao slaps Kotarou and the whole family walks out of him” thing like you see in fanfic sometimes. No, what I really like with Kotarou and Nao is thinking about them when they’re both still young, in the stretch of years where they really think they'll be happy together. That her being with him can make all his problems go away, that him being able to bury his past and be better than all the people who hurt him (and there were so many people who hurt him) will be enough, that love is the answer to everything. Sure, the cracks are there, but they’re thin, and they can be hidden beneath all the days when things are good, when the two of them hold each other and feel safe and loved and sure.
The cracks are still there, and love isn’t enough when love becomes a band-aid and a blind eye. But the love is still there too, and it’s so fierce and so desperate, and it still won’t save them.
Sorry, everyone; they make me emotional. They are beautiful in the way of sparks dancing above flames, or early flowers blooming right before a vicious cold snap. Ah, me.
StainMight: GOD, All Might really needed to grapple more with Stain’s side of his legacy. Like, StainMight is really a victim of the way the story looked like it was setting up to criticize All Might’s methodology as well-intended but not sustainable long-term, but then, like every other aspect of the series that was about systemic critique, that criticism just evaporated and Stain became an All Might cheerleader with nothing to say about the system All Might supported for thirty years. Maddening! But for real, All Might should have been badly hurt in that car attack and then rescued by Stain, both to give Deku some stress about how All Might could be in danger after they parted on bad terms, and also to really make All Might have to sit with this opinionated zealot all-too-prepared to talk about how no one else is really living up to his example.
And there should be UST the whole time.
Yoichi and Kudou: I am almost entirely negative towards the OFA Collective these days, especially Kudou’s role in the endgame, but I still have some fondness for what he and Yoichi could have been. My god, the first One For All transfer really should have been because they kissed. More beautiful, more tragic, more profound, and preserves the Yoichi that had some actual fucking agency in the life he lived instead of just constantly being AFO’s or Kudou’s trophy princess there to talk about how respectively terrible and awesome they are.
TogaTsuyu: I just think it would be interesting if Tsuyu were actually allowed to be more present in the Toga plotline, rather than only arriving as a spoiler to avert major shifts every time. Toga says she likes Tsuyu, too, after all, and Tsuyu is so different from both Ochaco and Deku, so much more thoughtful and considered. I dunno, I just wonder how things might have gone if, for example, it had been Tsuyu that Toga managed to draw away in the Jakku fight. Given that side story with her snakey friend Habuko, evidence suggests that Tsuyu is a good deal more observant and intuitive than Ochaco, and I wonder if she might have been able to suss out what Toga was actually asking there better than Ochaco did, and how that might have changed things.
Gentle Criminal and La Brava: I was willing to follow the canon’s initial vagary about these two, but I also like them quite a bit together, so if canon wants to put them in wedding rings at the end of the series, that’s fine by me! Yes, I’m aware that there’s a pretty significant age gap there, which would have been at its most apparent when she first sought him out, but I don’t for one single instant believe that he’d be anything less than a total gentleman to her. Indeed, it’d be entirely plausible to mount an argument based on his behavior that they were not at all romantically involved circa the Culture Festival arc,[4] and only become so after Gentle’s imprisonment and subsequent release. But in general, what I’m more concerned with is the dynamic—I regard a power differential in a relationship as a reason for both parties to be cautious and mindful of that differential, but not as an immediate game-ender.
4: Most obvious is that when she says, “I love you,” he only says things like, “Thank you,” in return.
In that sense, Gentle and La Brava are great—they click together perfectly and obviously make each other tremendously happy after a lifetime of rejection. La Brava, in Gentle’s theatrical attention-seeking, finds someone who accepts her overflowing way of showing love; Gentle, in living up to La Brava’s feelings, finds a reason for his skewed heroism beyond satisfying his pride. To whatever extent their life together was heading anywhere bad (and there’s no evidence of this at all save that Heroes were always likely to catch up to them eventually, making La Brava’svery extreme response to Gentle’s defeat likewise inevitable), Deku’s intervention got them off of that path and back onto one that let them be accepted by the world, which they seem to have capitalized on marvelously.
They’re the only Villains I can think of whose turn to Team Hero in the endgame works for me without any significant quibbles. Good for them! I hope they are so, so happy together, because they deserve it.
AFO and Kotarou: MEANWHILE, IN MY OTHER KOTAROU SHIP. I love AFO knowing Everything about what he’s doing here while Kotarou knows absolutely Nothing about what AFO is doing here. I love an AFO who is self-amused in being friendly and reassuring and distractingly attractive to Kotarou, an AFO who knows that his toying with Kotarou would make Shimura Nana sick with terror and rage, and even if she isn’t alive to be so anymore, the fantasy of it is satisfying enough, especially since Kotarou is himself a very handsome young man, one whose hurt and resentment AFO finds beguiling to sometimes prod at, as if unable to leave a bruise alone except the bruise isn’t on his own skin.
I have an AU I’m never likely to write where Kotarou winds up successfully knocking out Tenko on the night of the accident before going on the run with him, only for them to get picked up by AFO a few weeks later, and let me tell you guys, that’s where all my guilty pleasure AFO/Kotarou really lives.
That said, I liked this one much better before we got the opening for it in canon, and not just because AFO’s disguise persona was doofy-looking instead of devastatingly handsome. It was always one of those ships that tickled my inner hedonistic wickedness fancier but that I never wanted to be canon because my affection for the ship's vibe was not more important to me than the integrity of Shigaraki’s arc, and Shigaraki’s arc was far better served by his early childhood being as free from AFO as possible. Alas, the reveal is very AFOtarou but at what cost.
Dabideavor: Sorry not sorry everyone, but all the people screaming about how this is SICK FILTH seem to have missed the point that it is indeed, absolutely and completely, sick filth and that’s part of the appeal. Personally, I like it for two main reasons.
Firstly, I want Endeavor to have as hard a time as possible, and times don't get harder than this. I enjoy it when he's frozen and helpless in the face of the son whose life he destroyed because I have a long history of enjoying stoic male characters being made vulnerable through suffering.
Secondly, and more importantly, I like it because I like the version of Dabi you see in it, particularly compared to the Fanon Dabi who made so much League of Villains fan content un-fucking-readable for years.
I'm going to try to keep the hot fandom tea to a minimum here, limited to the upcoming footnote, but I hated Fanon Dabi.[5] He was an incoherent mash of a character designed to be a vehicle for the unabashed revenge fantasy of bloody murder against Bad Dads while also presenting no danger whatsoever of splash damage, a Woobie Big Brother who was completely harmless except to the father whose organs he was planning to paint the walls with. Every excuse that could be made, would be made, for Dabi's more questionable or even outright nasty moments, even if it meant minimizing or outright erasing the harm we saw Dabi do, right there on the page in literal manga monochrome.
5: There's a particular type of flanderization that goes into Fanon Dabi, the same kind of flanderization I saw attached to Steven Universe's Lapis Lazuli, and which informed the absolute umbrage certain people took with Rebecca Sugar for describing Spinel, the SU movie's villain, as toxic. There is a portion of fandom that loves abuse victims who get angry and lash out, but which will go absolutely ballistic at the slightest suggestion that abuse victims are themselves also capable of harm, that lashing out has the potential to hurt innocent people. In a perfectly executed DARVO, it becomes "victim blaming" to confront an abuse victim about the very real abuse they're inflicting on others. I only specified fictional characters here, but it's a dynamic you see in real life, too. Some people hunger for nothing so much as an acceptable target and abuse victims are not exempt from that statement.
The Dabi I thought was fun was the high-energy maniac who doesn't give a shit about anyone else getting caught in the crossfire of his revenge. Both that version of Dabi and the Endeavor who's paralyzed with guilt and despair are facilitated by Dabi’s father-obsession having a taboo sexual dimension to it that Dabi is all too ready to shove in the face of absolutely everyone who would think worse of Endeavor for it. That means Endeavor himself, of course, but also all the good little civilians who Endeavor keeps telling to watch him. Watch this, says Dabi, as he makes lewd hand gestures on force-streamed national television.
It's not about Dabi healing as an abuse victim, and it’s not about Dabi having a fulfilling arc—covering that stuff was canon's job! It's about the fact that I, for reasons both personal and related to fandom spite, am personally entertained by Dabi being pedal-to-the-metal deranged about doing whatever it takes to seize Daddy’s attention and never let him look away again, which also means acting to ensure that no one is capable of or willing to save Endeavor from that fate. Like, if you want someone who would spend ten years plotting the most agonizing possible way to torment his abuser, then it’s sophistry to suddenly declare some agonizing torments off-limits. Dabideavor is just committing to the bit.
#bnha#stillness answers#stillness ships#tw: incest#just discussion no depiction#it's the last one on the post
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so i follow you and @actuallysaiyan (thank you wondrous Haitch for keeping me so so so well fed) and i also admit to being one of the anons who nagged you for ages and ages to watch bnha so i follow your watching updates with joyyy
loved your fluffy all might drabble yesterday, a delight, 10/10 as usual *chef kiss* and then noticed bacon came off their break early and posted one this afternoon too!
yum yum yum for the new all might chefs
hats off to you for joining the all might fans and I saw you quite like a bit of aizawa too and are planning fics for him so I for one am thrilled for more good eating from you
please still feed me higuruma and nanami though because you are my all time fave
Ohhh, thank you very much! I've been loving the BNHA watching, if only I had more free time, I'm getting through it slowly!
Definitely seen enough to know who I like though 😌💕 So glad to find another Toshinori fan, he's a complex feller and I love him. I've got plenty of story ideas and once again, not enough time.
I saw that bacon is watching BNHA too! Obviously the All Might juice has been popped into the water supply that we're both drinking from 🍹 it is fruity and delicious with curiously deep undertones...
If anything could bring me off a break, it may be All Might! Double yum yum yum to you too.
Might I also recommend @flametrashira for good All Might/Small Might eats. She's written a piece for his birthday recently that lives absolutely rent-free in my head.
Aizawa is always coming, and Nanami and Higuruma are ALWAYS in my heart.
Thanks for the cheeky Inbox 📥😌💕
☝️☝️ me, to you, when I write.
-- Haitch xxx
#pseudowho#jjk#kento nanami#pseudowho answers you#nanami kento#higuruma hiromi#Haitch#All might#all might x reader#yagi toshinori#toshinori yagi#mha toshinori#BNHA#MHA
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what context did bnha mean by "fantasy becomes reality?" how is it used in the story
Hmm? This question is kinda broad, so I'm not really sure how to go about answering it, but.............
I do talk a bit about how MVA plays with the idea of fantasy vs reality + how the league all noticeably use "masks/villain identities" and "fantasy" as a coping mechanism in this post, and I talk a whole lot about how MHA itself plays w/ these concepts in this post.
Other than that-- There are like, three or four BIG lines in the first chapter that firmly establish what the core ideas of the series are, and the "fantasy became reality" line is one of them:
“Fantasy Became Reality!” <- The "establishing line" of the series. Izuku uses this line to establish what sort of world they live in (a world that has become "just like a comic book"), and he later repeats this line when All Might becomes the first person to validate his "fantasy" about becoming a hero while offering to make that fantasy into a reality. It sets the tone for the type of series MHA is. AFO later repeats this line during Izuku's OFAFO dream, where he witnesses AFO forcing a quirk/"role" on Yoichi-- The entire scene depicts AFO acting as a dark echo to both Izuku and chapter one of the series, taking the idea of "fantasy becoming reality" it to its darkest possible conclusion and showing us how people ACTUALLY reacted to this concept. This is the chapter that cements why AFO is the main villain of mha, with AFO using MHA's establishing line to instead ask the readers: If reality is now fantasy, and a fantasy is something that's written.... then who gets to be the author of that story? :) (he then proceeded to write the worst, most self indulgent Captain Hero x Demon Lord self-insert fanfic the world has ever seen. boo this man.)
"You looked like you needed saving." <- The heart of the series.
“You CAN become a hero.” <- The point of the series.
And I'll throw the opening line in as a bonus: 4. “People are not born equal—that's the hard lesson I learned at age four. But that was my first and last set back.” (<- i'm including this one bc so many people cite the first part of this line as evidence that the series is about how “life isn’t fair + some people are just dealt a bad hand and there's nothing you can do about it + you can’t save everyone, actually”..... while completely omitting the second part, which establishes that the first part of the line is just that: a setback that can be overcome, not an ironclad rule that chains people in one place. Like sorry, but MHA is all about PLUS ULTRA + GO BEYOND + BELIEVE IN THE U THAT BELIEVES IN URSELF + ETC. It is NOT a fatalistic, nihilistic, pessimistic series. )
Back on topic!
There is smthing wrong with him ❤ (part 538 of ???)
MHA's relationship with fiction as a concept or w/e is baked into the story on practically every level-- it's both a love letter to and a deconstruction of the art of telling stories, of comic books, and of the conventional expectations people have of "fiction" and "hero/villain" stories. MHA understands the value of fantasy in saving/inspiring others while also exploring what drives people to use fantasy as an escape from reality. Understanding how MHA plays with these ideas is fairly integral to understanding what's going on with Tomura/AFO.
Like, there's really no way to summarize it briefly, but here are some of the other ways MHA utilizes these concepts:
The idea of "Heroes" and "Villains" being exaggerated alter egos or "roles" that might not be a 1:1 reflection of who that person truly is. Tomura, Endeavor, All Might, and AFO are all big examples of this.
The concept of defying fate (i.e. the narrative/author) and breaking free from the villain/hero/mentor archetypes also plays heavily into Tomura, Izuku, and Toshinori's respective arcs. "The mentor dies once he completes his role so his protege can take up his mantle" isn't anything unique, ya'll-- it's a classic and wildly popular trope. Toshi's arc is about breaking free from the constraints of "the mentor role" and expectations of that particular narrative, and shaping his own fate while wrenching his story away from a particularly malicious author (i.e. AFO). side note: AFO getting curb-stomped by a "character" he helped create and having them basically call his writing shit right to his face will never not be funny btw-- let's go three for three, Tomura.......!!!!!!!!!
Izuku is trying to break free from the narrative of "the hero killing the villain at the end of the story" and outright rejects AFO's idea of a "happy ending" (that is, an ending where Tomura disappears and AFO gets to keep wearing his skin as a cool villain costume).
Meanwhile, Tomura is trying to force the whole story to perma end 😬. Which is like, fair enough, bc he's the character who has been hurt by "fantasy" more than anyone else and he's completely over it at this point-- but destroying that fantasy means losing himself in the fantasy of being "Shigaraki Tomura", which implies that he is going to destroy himself in the process of tearing the story apart. Not a good thing. Treat him gently, Izuku.
Also, here are some choice panels/excerpts that I feel emphasize MHA's relationship with fantasy and the above bulletpoints:
the absolute state of the mha fandom lmfaoooooo
iirc the anime also has a neat scene where they include a sort of "television suddenly being turned off" effect to emphasize when AFO completely takes over Tomura's body during the PLW-- you can see part of it in this video, around the 8:36 mark. I gotta give Bones credit where it's due-- it's a really fuckin' cool way of emphasizing what exactly AFO is doing to Tomura + how AFO is treating Tomura as more of a fictional construct than an actual person:
Tomura: sensei you don't get to be a voice in my head you lost to all might like a punk bitch and I'M gonna be the one to surpass YOU 😤
tbf if i had the power to permanently mute the mouthy little teenager who keeps bringing up my Ex and our embarrassing break up, I would also abuse tf outta it. That and the boyish appreciation for eldritch body horror is where I draw the line at relating to AFO, tho.
----- Anyway!
MHA's premise basically asks: “wow, what if fantasy suddenly became reality? what if we started treating reality like it's a comic book? what if.... we started treating actual people like they were comic book characters? what if we implemented a system of justice that's ripped straight from the pages of a comic book WHILE treating actual people like they're comic characters?? :D wouldn't that be wild ha ha”-- and after that question has been popped in the most deceptively flippant way possible, Hori spends the rest of the story holding his readers in place with a white-knuckled grip while fixing them with an unblinking stare as the entire concept just gets more and more (VERY INTENTIONALLY) uncomfortable lmfao.
At any rate, sorry if this doesn't answer much-- but like I said, the topic is a broad one bc the way MHA plays with the concept of fiction/fantasy is baked so deeply into every aspect of its narrative that like....... it's impossible for someone like me to summarize it succinctly. It's just one of the foundational aspects of the story!👍
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|| ɢᴏ ʙᴇʏᴏɴᴅ—ᴘʟᴜꜱ ᴜʟᴛʀᴀ! ||
⁀➷ Requested reader content is male and nonbinary centered ONLY! I will only accept reqests that ask for a male or nonbinary MC/reader. This includes queer men that cis, falls under the transgender umbrella (transman or transmasc), or under the nonbinary umbrella.
⁀➷ Requested general content for characters are allowed! This does not necessarily have to be romantic, it can just be a general headcanon of a character.
⁀➷ I can only write 3-5 characters maximum in a request (dorm and vice dorm leaders are NOT exempted).
⁀➷ Please specify the format of your request (headcanon, drabble, scenario) otherwise I will write is as a bullet headcanon by default!
⁀➷ Please specify if you are requesting for a male or nonbinary MC/reader! Otherwise, the request will feature a male!reader by default.
⁀➷ Please specify the relationship of character/s present in the request as either platonic or romantic (for reader x canon or canon x canon). Otherwise, I will write it platonic by default.
⁀➷ I will always entertain 15 requests when inbox is open! Casual asks are not exempted by this limit as I will answer them regardless.
⁀➷ Pending requests are included in my masterlist!
⁀➷ Bullet Headcanons
⁀➷ Drabbles (estimated 500-1000 words)
⁀➷ One-shots (estimated 1000-2000 words; takes longer to write!)
⁀➷ Reader centered posts
⁀➷ Canon character centered posts
⁀➷ Ship centered posts
❜ ─ DO’S ─
: ̗̀➛ Platonic and romantic requests (whether it’s reader-centric or character-centric)
: ̗̀➛ General headcanons about a character or relationships between character/s (for canon characters)
: ̗̀➛ Ship-related requests (includes polyamorous relationships!)
note: this mostly applies to canon x canon rather than reader x canon
: ̗̀➛ NSFW (discussion-wise and bullet headcanons only)
note: I will write NSFW for the third years, faculty staff, and adults present in the game (except Vargas).
❜ ─ DON’TS ─
: ̗̀➛ Female reader/mc requests!
: ̗̀➛ Romantic interaction between Grim or Cheka (even if the request asks for aged-up, I am not comfortable in writing it!)
: ̗̀➛ The following in regards to requesting ships:
Leona/First Years or Second Years (e.g. Ruggie/Leona or Jack/Leona)
Incest in general (e.g. Tweelcest and Shroudcest)
Teacher/Student relationship
Pedophilia ships in general
⁀➷ I have my personal headcanons when it comes to the canon characters, but these will not always apply to the requests I will write.
⁀➷ All the characters are written explicitly to be queer!
#muttermutter - mod posts, idle chat, announcements
#campos-scribbles - drabbles
#campos-notes - headcanons
#full-cowling - scenarios/one-shots
#detroit-smash - NSFW related discussions/asks
#plus-ultra - stories from AO3
#rules - you’re here!
#masterlist - complete list of works and pending requests
#12/21 - BNHA x TWST au; Floyd Leech and Bakugo Katsuki switched bodies due to events still unexplained (DISCONTINUED)
#scribbled-letters - 300+ Followers Milestone event
#muttermutter#╞ ; rules#twisted wonderland#twisted wonderland writing blog#male!reader#nb!reader#twst#twisted wonderland headcanons#twisted wonderland x reader#twisted wonderland imagines#twisted wonderland x male!reader#twisted wonderland x male reader#twisted wonderland x nonbinary!reader#twisted wonderland x nonbinary reader#twst x male!reader#twst x male reader#twst x nonbinary reader#twst x nonbinary!reader#blog rules#writing blog rules#twisted wonderland drabbles#twisted wonderland one-shots
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I regret to inform you all that I am back into the bnha fandom
Currently searching for a My Hero Academia roleplay partner!
Hello MHA fandom! After literally four years of being out of his gosh forsaken fandom, I’m back! Right now I’m searching for a rp partner to roleplay oc x cc doubles! All of my roleplay guidelines are pinned on my blog.
Specific Guidelines:
- NSFW is fine but let’s age up the characters.
- I will not roleplay Mineta (sry can’t get into his character)
If anyone is interested please message me! Tumblr has been giving me a hard time with messaging people first lately ):
#roleplay#roleplay finder#oc x cc#oc x cc rp#bnha roleplay#bnha x reader#bnha oc x cc#bnha oc x canon#mha roleplay#mha oc x cc#rp doubles
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#i actually have this personal summoning tactic that when i get indecisive i count up my age and choose where it lands#i did this with a 'whos the next sr I'll get' and it was atsuhiro indeed <3#mr compress#sako atsuhiro#atsuhiro sako#mr. compress#ultra impact#bnha
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Info on the final fanbook:
100 characters (I assume profiles)
Some world building explanations
Interviews with editors
Q&A (I assume some fan questions)
A new short one-shot
Release date: 2/5/2025
No info on Global top 10 illustration!
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Ultra Analysis: Mustard

E in Power
E in Speed
C in Intelligence
B in Technique
A in Long Range Attack
Summary: A member of the strike force that attacked the forest training camp, he is a young boy who wears a gas mask and gakuran (Japanese school uniform). During the attack, he attacked at long range by spreading poison gas to pick off the students and provide cover for his allies. Since his apprehension, he has confirmed no information about the League of Villains...
#mustard#bnha mustard#bnha#mha#ultra analysis#fan translation#he has no real name given in the book#maybe bc japan protects the identities of minor-aged offenders#also no relationships on this one#most of the minor villains don't have them#boku no hero academia#my hero academia
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Part 2 - short and sweet yo
Part 1 here
#mha#bnha#mha au#my hero academia#my hero academia au#aizawa shouta#midoriya izuku#all might#eraserhead#deku#toshinori yagi#young aizawa#overhaul#comic#aged up izuku#pro hero deku#young yagi#small might#plus ultra#ua teachers#bnha aizawa#aizawa sensei#mha aizawa#midoriya#deku midoriya#dadzuku#switch au
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We might not be good at making plushies but we still tried to go “Plush Ultra”! I made All Might for @deathby-procrastination and she made me Eraserhead.
#eraserhead#all might#MHA#bnha#aizawa#Plush ultra#toshinori yagi#ya this is ages late#should have posted this a while ago
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Ok we know yandere class 1A but what about class 1A with yandere reader?
been on my mind way before i saw this ask but jkfdkh yeah. class 1A with a platonic yandere reader
and i’ve been imagining reader as this stoic, apathetic person due to being a victim of child neglect and abuse; never really knew the importance of love and companionship; a strong disbeliever of “no man is an island” because if so, then how is she existing to prove that wrong?
warning: child neglect and abuse
Think of Violet Evergarden but with complete disregard to people’s feelings, at all. You were exactly the definition Machiavellianism - you strived only for the best and did what was possible for your standards (albeit impossible for others’) in order to get what you want, regardless of whom you betray or disrespect, leave or take advantage of; regardless of the morals or human dignity. You were cunning, malicious, and indifferent.
You’re like Bakugo and Shoto’s secret lovechild without the sense of heroism and morality lol. Also without the anger issues.
You knew you most of the things you did to achieve what you desired were bad, and you did feel guilt - the only problem was you didn’t know how to process that guilt, sympathy, or whatever else emotion that had connection with other human beings; you didn’t know what to do with them so you’d just focus on what you thought was more beneficial. The adult figures in your life failed to have taught you any emotional aspect; additionally, you’d gotten your cleverness from the necessity of surviving in a household not quite suitable for children.
You had to be smart not to get caught by your parents as you tiptoed to the kitchen for a glass of water, cunning with answers when they’d ask you where you had been or what you’d been doing. You had to think fast when they were approaching you with an empty liquor bottle to beat the shit out of you with. You had to be thrifty with your money, shrewd with suspicious jobs for minors, secretive with the things happening in your house. You had to endeavor every insufferable beating, every derogatory statement, every smell of alcohol or cigar that bothered you from doing homework. Sleep in a cramped space when your mother would shove you in the closet. Learn to speak with a bruised cheek every day of middle school after your father had spanked you on the face the night before.
And what did all that result to? A stoic, indifferent overachiever devoid of human emotions.
You know those ultra archive/analysis stats you’d see in BNHA Wiki? You were either a brow-raising four or a jaw-dropping five, but when it came to cooperativeness you could barely even hit a one. That was because you always preferred working alone than with companions. Whenever you were forced to, you’d always end up using them like tools at your own disposal. You didn’t do that for the sake of degrading them; it was only instated in you that if you wanted the best possible outcome, then you would have to also get the best in your teammates.
And for Aizawa, that was the problem. With that mindset, you’d be disregarding hero collaboration and possibly the lives of civilians you should be putting ahead of your desire for flawlessness. He would have compared you with Bakugo had you not acted so emotionless and cold with everything hero-related. At least Bakugo acknowledged the significance of saving people’s lives. He won by saving people. You won simply by the desire to achieve the best.
You, ever-the-wiser, knew of Aizawa’s perspective about you, but it mattered very little to you. You only brushed it off with the assumption that perhaps he was simply too affected with the fact that you were too gifted for someone your age.
It wasn’t a gift, though. It was an outcome of childhood trauma. Neither of you paid attention to this.
And with the personality resulted from childhood trauma came the tendencies you had in place of healthy coping mechanisms. Sure, you did acknowledge that your parents weren’t the best, but you thought all that mattered was that you were no longer in their household, already staying with your adoptive guardian who treated you significantly better compared to your original ones. The consideration of therapy never really passed your mind; you thought you were doing fine.
It was fine when you scraped your skin to hide your nervousness; fine when you starved yourself out of habit because that was what your father had made you do when you weren’t good enough; stay up all night because your body had been mechanized to keep cautious of your parents or sleep inside your closet because that was where your mother pushed you into whenever you were deemed a bad child.
Your classmates noticed your odd tendencies, but never really confronted you about it. Some, however, were just too much of an extrovert to leave you alone.
Like Bakugo’s squad except for himself. Initially they approached you to inquire of your prodigy skills simply because Bakugo was way up on his high horse to do it himself, but upon getting to know you personally, they concluded that you weren’t so bad after all. You just lacked the sense of social cues... and morality.
You were funny, they guessed, in a way. You always seemed to fuel Bakugo’s anger without meaning to; you were like a second Todoroki. And though that may be true, Bakugo didn’t seem to mind tolerating you. Perhaps that was because you always kept to yourself, never minding other people’s business and never letting other people mind your own. His friends, after all, were the ones who dragged you in with them in the first place.
And then came Deku’s squad. So talkative and wholesome, it irked you. You were only ever introduced to the group because Ochako pointed out that you and Shoto acted, sounded, and looked (expression-wise) so much alike; suddenly you found yourself sitting with them whenever lunch came around. They were also the first to notice Aizawa’s apparent disfavor for you. He would always put you at a disadvantage during training just prove that cooperation was an important aspect in heroism, and oftentimes the Dekusquad was there to aid you in whatever your homeroom teacher put you through, which only further proved his point.
You tried pushing them away. You found both cliques excruciatingly irritating at first, and you used that as enough justification to come to the conclusion that they served no significant purpose to neither your life nor your goal in becoming a hero. It wasn’t some sort of pessimism, more like a logical reasoning to yourself.
You tried ignoring them but either Denki or Mina would poke you constantly until you gave them your attention. You said rude comments but they’d call you out for it and just reason out that you said it because of your obvious lack of social skills. You outright stated that you didn’t want them around you but they’d just give you space and eventually come back. Slowly, you were eased into the class, and to your horror you found yourself enjoying it. You were either conversing with Deku’s squad or playing games with Bakugo’s. If neither with the two of them, then you’d be trying new recipes with Sato or vibing with Jirou’s music; taking care of Koda’s bunny with Hagakure or studying in peace with Momo. You even engaged in a one-sided conversation with Mineta about women (he was that side, if you don’t already know).
You never really learned to dip yourself in the fine, simpler things of life. You experienced the satisfaction of success, and thought that that was the only ever thing which made you feel good. You trotted alone to get what you want because you didn’t trust anyone else to pave your own way to achievement. You were so detached from human connection that your subconscious deprived of relief went against your nature, and made you begin to crave the sort of peculiar comfort your classmates gave you.
It felt... good, no matter how foreign the affection was to you. They showed you what it felt like to be included, and for that you were grateful. From then stemmed in your mind this sort of unhealthy obsession.
You didn’t think you were ready to let them go any time soon. Each and every one of them.
That applied in every sense except one. You, of course, wouldn’t let them die for as long as you were alive, and sometimes you felt uneasy whenever they’d go outside of dormitories to spend time out of school grounds. But you knew that graduation was inevitable and you’d eventually have to go separate ways, so in the mean time, you did what you could.
Your yandere type is protective and worshipping, sometimes obsessive (you’d stare at your classmates longer than they found comfortable, but they simply brushed it off as another one of your odd tendencies), seldom possessive (rarely do you ever get jealous of some other outsiders talking to them, but there were times when you couldn’t help it). What you were absolutely not? Delusional. You weren’t stupid to think that you were in a relationship with all twenty of them. You didn’t even feel any romantic inclination, just... the overwhelming need (and desire) to prevent them from harm’s way. Once you had thought of locking all of them up just to make sure they were safe and sound at all times, but you were rational enough to consider that as only a fantasy that would be too impossible and burdensome to be made reality. You did construct a plan tho.
You also had the very tiny tendency to infantilize. It could be written off as worry for your classmates, but as you’d apply burn ointment on Bakugo’s hands, make sure Izuku wasn’t overexerting himself or assist Ochako whenever she was experiencing the adverse effects of her quirk, you couldn’t help but wonder how they’d be doing without you. Even though you were raised with abusive parents that resulted in your lack of empathy, you were an empath - to your classmates, at least. You’d know in an instant if someone was having a bad day, or easily determine who among them is sick. And then you’d tend to their needs so they’d be well and happy again.
Your obsession may have rooted from the fact that you didn’t have the best childhood, but whether it was unhealthy or not didn’t really matter to you. They gave you the sense of family and it was only right that you’d return the favor.
#bnha x reader#todoroki shoto x you#todoroki shoto x reader#todoroki x reader#bakugou x reader#katsuki bakugo x reader#bakugou x you#boku no hero academia x reader#midoriya izuku x reader#deku x reader#yandere reader#class 1a x reader#yandere bnha#kirishima x reader#kirishima eijiro x reader#uraraka x reader#momo x reader#tsuyu x reader#ochako uraraka x reader#momo yaoyorozu x reader#class 1a x yandere reader#bnha x yandere reader#yandere#yanderechuu#yandere boku no hero academia#x reader#yandere mha#yandere my hero academia
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Okay. I’ve started making bnha ocs too. Just to fill out a few roles in my AU. I’m putting them in a separate post than my other OCs for my main Crossover Universe as these are bnha specific.
And yes they are absolutely fucking jokes but they serve a purpose!
Note: For purposes of Timeline, I have decided that Canon(1-A's first year) happens in the year 2X66! So the age listed will be how old they are in Spring of 2X66, with an added birth year.

Retasu Hanako (レタス 花子)
Age: 17 (Born 2X49)
Quirk: Rapunzel - she can make anyone’s hair grow, even to comical lengths. Unfortunately also grows her own hair when she does so. Hair glows gold when Quirk is active
Occupation: UA Student, Support Course, Costume Designer
Notes: Retasu is in class 3-F at UA. She intends to go into costume design, and has designed for a handful of students already. Due to her Quirk, she ends up designing for Hero Students whose Quirks are unique and need their costumes to be able to function with them. Students include Mirio ‘Lemillion’ Togata, Toru ‘Ultra Violet’ Hagakure, and Himiko ‘Vampire Bat’ Toga.
Yosuke Hanako (陽介 花子)
Age: 19 (Born 2X47)
Quirk: Mercy - pretty basic healing Quirk. While he's not currently powerful enough to heal major injuries or be much help in an emergency, he's capable of patching people up fairly well. However, he's noticed that his Quirk can help ease long-term conditions, speeding up healing over multiple sessions.
Occupation: med student
Notes: Yosuke seems very energetic, but also constantly tired and running on caffine and spite. Though he is getting general education in the medical field, due to his Quirk he plans to focus on longer-term care. Restoring mobility and feeling to injuries and fixing scar tissue are within his wheelhouse(though he can't do so instantly, only speed up and enhance the natural process). Despite high inteligence in other areas, Yosuke will be a ln absolute moron for someone he loves, being very ride or die and will get in over his head to help out a friend.

Brennan ‘Sky High’ Griffin
Age: 17 (Born 2X49)
Quirk: Sky High - Basic flight Quirk. Some protection from the environment of high altitudes(thinner oxygen, colder temp, etc).
Occupation: Streamer
Notes: The main server host for the Minecraft series ‘Herocraft’. American-based. Charismatic little shit who loves building and will prank the hell out of the server.

Vega ‘Nyoom’ Griffin
Age: 22 (Born 2X44)
Quirk: Quirkless
Occupation: (Currently unknown? I think I want her to be involved with horses somehow. No idea why.)
Notes: Brennan’s older sister. Mom friend to the server. Will fistfight anyone who is creepy toward the server members. (Is later tempted to buy a ticket to Japan and fistfight ‘Wallmaster’)

Lauren ‘Lunacy’ Talbot
Age: 14 (Born 2X52
Quirk: Lycanthropy - allows the user to turn into a wolf. Can do partial transformations. Comes with an allergy to silver. While actual transformation is not dependent on the lunar cycle, the user does get a boost in physical abilities at night which strengthens closer to the Full Moon.
Occupation: Student
Notes: The youngest, and newest, member of Herocraft. London-based. Her two favorite things are Minecraft and Heroes, including looking into foreign ones. While her Quirk does allow her to look human, she tends to prefer having wolfish features.
Hikari Aomura (光 青村)
Age: 19 at age of death (Born 2X19, Died 2X38)
Quirk: [Redacted for spoilers]
Occupation: Former Pro Hero Kirakira (キラキラ)
Notes: Hikari was a Pro Hero roughly 28 years prior to Canon. As a rookie, she found a lead on a case and got very in over her head. Ultimately she was killed by AfO, who took her Quirk in the process.

Raiden Dentasu (電圧 雷電)
Age: 24(Born 2X42)
Quirk: (Currently unnamed Electricity Quirk)
Occupation: Pro Hero Voltage
Notes: Yes this is the Pro Hero that appeared for all of 10 seconds in the beginning of Heroes’ Rising. But I have plans for her because fuck just look at her how can I not?
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Bnha X Digimon CrossOver
As was decided by the Poll I am going to talk about my Digimon Au.
This is Izuku partner Leonomon and his Digivice.
Leonomon is a Child(Rookie) Stage, Beast type, and Vaccine Attribute Digimon, he also is a natural carrier of the X-Antibody. Leonomon has been created only recently thanks to the power of the Digimental of Miracles analyzing Izuku's Digimon/Guardian notebooks and using data of the previous users of the digimental to create Him. Leonomon resembles a Lion Digimon beacasue of Izuku's Admiration for All Might ans his Partner Leomon.Leonomon Special Move is called "Typhon Punch".
In this world Majority of the population has a Digivice and 80% of the population was a Digimon Partner.
Guardians are the protectors of this world that use their partner Digimon to fight Criminals and malicious Digimon.
Guardians normally are equipped with weapons to fight with their Digimon Partners. They infuse their weapons with Digital Aura to power up their attacks or give them a random effect.
Digital Aura is very similar to Digisoul or D.N.A. from "Digimon Savers". This is a power originating from a Human Soul, emotions, and also the Bond between humans and Digimon. It manifests differently and has different effects depending on the Human and Digimon Partner.
Digital Aura can be used to Charge the Digivice to induce Digivolution. But with the major change that to reach an Ultimate(Mega), Super Ultimate(Ultra), Armor, or Hybrid Digimon the process recalls the power of Biomerge between Digimon and Human partner.
Izuku is an unfortunate kid that was infected with Program X at a young age, making it impossible of having a Digimon Partner. but that never stopped Izuku from dreaming of some Day Having a Digimon partner. He Scherachd Every book and article on the net to find a way to have a Digimon partner, He trained his body in hopes of becoming a Guardian, and he resisted the relentless bullying of his peers and his former Best Freind. Unknowing to him his body was starting to produce antibodies to the Program. One day when he was returning home Izuku was attacked by a Raremon and saved by His idol All Might and its partner Leomon. But the phrase Never "meet your heroes" would be applied to this situation when Izuku asked them if there was a way for him to ever be a guardian without a partner, they quickly respond to him that being a Guardian without a Digimon Partner was a Death Wish and he should probably give up. Izuku desolated and continued on his route home when he sees his ex-Bestfreind Kastuki and his partner being swallowed by Raremon. Izuku without thinking leaped to help Kasutki and Guilmon. A literal miracle Happens when the Digimental of Miracles appears in Izuku'd Digivice and Uses Izuku and its Data Biomerge into Magnamon X for a Biffre moment to Defeat Raremon. Izuku, Kastuki, and Guilmon don't really remember this because of the shock and the only people that know are All Might and Leomon. After the incident, the Digimental of Miracles disappears from Iuzku's Digivice Leaving a Digitama, where Leonomon will hatch.
#bnha#bnha au#mha#au#my hero acedamia#poll results#digimon#digivice#digimonOC#oc#izuku midoriya#All Might#Leomon#Xover#bakugo katsuki#fanart
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All the fics I’ve read and really enjoyed in the past week-ish. Reminder: This list features any and all ratings and themes.
see the light of day by achievingelysium
no1allmightfan I got my U.A. acceptance letter yesterday and I haven’t stopped crying… Taking the first steps toward my dream. Plus ultra! #no1 talks 22 notes | Reply Reblog Like
Or, Izuku, social media, and the journey to becoming a hero.
Lugubrious Alarmism by Briarwitched
Magic is always a pain. Superman might temporarily be a toddler, but the League's knows they've gotten off easy this time: everyone's in the proper dimension, there's no annoying entity trying to teach them a lesson, and the de-aging spell should wear off without any weird consequences in less than a fortnight. Babysitting duty gets ten times more adorable with the purchase of a Justice League plushie set. Now Clark can continue his heroic adventures with his friends: fighting crime, spreading justice, and... beheading Batman?
It's gotta be a fluke. Right? Right.
Accidents can happen twice in a row-- no, three, four?-- times. Though probably not by the twenty second. It's definitely intentional by the thirtieth time. Probably.
What the hell, Clark? We thought you were friends.
straight on 'til morning by mindshelter
Kon whistles at his first glimpse into Tim’s living room, grinning with teeth when Tim reflexively rolls his eyes. “Sweet digs, dude,” he singsongs. “Love what you’ve done to the place.”
“I said,” Tim hisses, even as he slides the balcony door open to let Kon inside, “what are you doing here—”
Kon shrugs, peeling his jacket off. If I left it up to you, buddy, he doesn’t say, I’d see you once in a blue moon. “Couldn’t sleep. Gotta say, the empty Gatorade bottles really give this place personality.”
“Like you’re one to talk. I’ve seen your room,” Tim snipes back. “And I actually need the electrolytes. What’s your excuse?”
or; on a whim, kon pays tim's gotham apartment a late night visit. and then he visits again. and again, and again.
The Clone Wars
we hold on together by notquiteaghost
The Republic hasn't had a standing army in over two thousand years. Even before the Reformation, there was no war on a grand enough scale to justify the expense. It feels like a bad joke, when the Chancellor decrees it, when the Senate allows it. The Jedi aren't a military. The Jedi have never been a military.
They give Obi-Wan a battalion. They give him a battlecruiser, a Marshall Commander, they knight his Padawan. He looks over all the clerical minutiae a military runs on and wishes they'd given him a secretary.
cody, obi-wan, and ghost company at the beginning of the war, learning to work together, trust each other, maybe even like each other.
Rescues, Attempted by glimmerglanger
A moment later, the figures leaned over the edge and, without preamble, tossed Obi-Wan in.
Cody jerked, unthinking, to put his body between Obi-Wan’s and the unforgiving stone. It was not that far a fall, but, unconscious, Obi-Wan could not protect his head or neck. Cody caught him as he plummeted, weight catching at his arms and shoulders, but not enough to inconvenience him.
OR, the one where Obi-Wan falls into the wrong hands, and Cody does his best to get him out alive.
J'adoube by hellowkatey
There are only two scenarios that make sense in this moment:
1. The Force has caused a divergence in the flow of time for reasons still unknown. or 2. Obi-Wan has a more active imagination than he thought, and the last twenty-eight years of his life have been one very long, very elaborate dream.
[or, the Force gets fed up with Obi-Wan not taking care of himself and takes matters into its own hands.]
Count My Little Scars I've Got Dozens Inside by nuclearturtle
Ripped from the streets of Melida/Daan by the Force, Obi-Wan finds himself in the middle of a firefight between strange droids and troopers. With no idea of where he is or what is going on but in desperate need for help, so he turns to the only familiar presence nearby, his Grandmaster Dooku.
Unfortunate that luck has never really been on his side.
To Fall, and To Be Alright by Pandora151
Obi-Wan falls, almost at random.
Anakin watches it happen from across the briefing room. He watches Obi-Wan trail off mid-sentence, eyebrows furrowing into a deep frown. He watches Obi-Wan look at Cody and Waxer, at Ahsoka, and then at Anakin. He watches Obi-Wan place a trembling hand on the table in front of him.
And then the moment breaks, and Obi-Wan falls.
Belief by CallToMuster (Note: I enjoyed a bunch of whump fics form this author, but this list would've gotten too long if I'd included them all. So definitely check them out)
“It’s me,” the man tells him for the fourth time. “It’s Anakin. I promise.”
Obi-Wan says nothing. He has heard this before, from others. They too claimed to be Anakin Skywalker and shared his face. This is the eighth such person, in fact. But they were just a product of Ventress’s twisted imagination. Whether this person is the same remains to be seen.
He must be cautious either way.
{Written for Whumptober 2020. Day 11: "Defiance | Struggling". Sequel to my Day 5 Whumptober fic Mine.}
#this round-up is a bit early#but i think there was a whump!obi-wan fic event#so i did a lottttt of star wars reading#bless all the h/c writers out there for keeping me fed#also i can feel myself falling down a deep timkon hole please send help#my posts#fic recs#weekly fic round up#sw recs#bnha recs#dc recs
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