#bnha art exhibition
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hkartincolor · 10 days ago
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MHA Art Exhibition visual
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class1akids · 22 days ago
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origintriodaily · 10 days ago
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Heroaca exhibitions special cards
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kit00ily · 11 days ago
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Kohei Horikoshi's "My Hero Academia" original art exhibition
[Hero VS Enemy]
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gradelstuff · 11 days ago
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rahh high quality tomura
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pinotorto · 10 days ago
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Hori's love for vibrant red hues
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heroes-in-the-dark · 8 days ago
Hi there! A random tale of inspiration...
I was big into anime years ago and took a break during covid due to combination of working in healthcare and deployments as a nurse. As I got older, like 20s and 30s, I started doing all the things my girl friends did. We went out often and it was very "sex in the city", a kind of mindless hopping around to bars and wearing uncomfortable heels. I always felt a void, doing these things, as I had previously spent so much time doing art and reading manga before. I still had a big creative itch.
A few weeks ago, after almost 5 years stagnant from anime and art, on a whim of holiday boredom, I picked up MHA and by season two I was totally taken with Tokoyami. I thought he was wonderfully displayed in the sports festival, and the dark coolness he had was a magnificent balance for the turbulent force that he housed in Dark Shadow. The duality of his character, with Dark Shadows power, yet the gentleman’s manner he always exhibited, along with his character design drew me in. I started my search for fandom, and came upon your blog which has been a nightly reader for me for sometime.
You have keen way of taking the reader through his prospective of adventures, and it is nice, as I have been trying to find a forum to offload some fan girl energy for him. I see all the work you have put into this series over such a lengthy time, and want to thank you as I know an undertaking of this body of work is not without discipline and you have a vibrant fan streak for him and his role in the MHA universe which shines through.
With your permission, I would like to share some fan art for your series for genuine admiration of the story. My only regret is it seems I am a tad late to a dimming fandom for him. The internet appreciates you for keeping this one alive.
Bests always, another fan.
Hello there! Apologies for the late response, I'm not as active here as I used to be, but I'll still come around to post chapter updates and art! Speaking of which, I LOVE fanart of the series, and im always incredibly happy whenever I get some. It's a big motivator for me, seeing how passionate readers are for my little story haha.
I watched and read a LOT of anime and manga in middle and high school. I've been keeping up with bnha since almost the beginning, but it wouldn't be until partway through college that I posted my very first chapter of Heroes in the Dark. I started writing the sort of stuff I wanted to see in the series, and I'm always going to be happy that I did. Tokoyami and Dark Shadow really are such standout characters that don't get nearly enough screentime, and so I'm glad that so many fans like you can flock together and have a space where we can talk about him and think of his adventures and struggles.
HitD was my first fanfiction, but I've always loved to write. By all means, it's so rewarding as a writer to hear such high praise and feedback from a reader. I'll admit, I've stepped back a bit from the bnha fandom, but I still love knowing that people are still interacting and having fun with it.
Again, I'm a bit scarce these days, so it usually takes a while for me to get back to people, and if you've ever left a comment on the series and I didn't respond back, please don't be offended. I get easily overwhelmed by online stuff, and I'm not a super social person, but I still really appreciate the fact that fans like you can get so much enjoyment from my writing.
So from the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU!! ����
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aashi-heartfilia · 2 years ago
BnHA ch 394: Ochako Uraraka vs Himiko Toga, 2021 exhibition references!!
Ever since his interview in 2021, it was teased that there would be an epic scene between Ochako and Toga that even Horikoshi was itching to draw. Now that this chapter is out, we finally know which moment he was exactly referring to.
Horikoshi is a man of symbolism!
Almost every piece of art that he has created has a meaning behind it.
When asked about the IzuOcha painting, this is what he said:
The one with Izuku and Ochako took the longest time. It's mostly aesthetic so I can't say there will be a scene exactly like that in the future. However, I drew it while keeping in mind how their relationship would develop if I explored it deeper, so it's not entirely unrelated either. I would like you to pay attention to them falling.
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Horikoshi loves to tease readers. He teased a long time ago about their relationship and now he gave the exact same scene to TogaChako. It's such an amazing visual representation and contains so much symbolism behind it.
At the end of Spirited Away, both of the main protagonists part ways. If you have seen spirited away, you already know what I mean.
Plus, we have Toga as a monster symbolism from the exhibition art.
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The theme of the 9th Anniversary spread is exactly the same as TOGA's uniform...
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~I'm just really happy to see that Horikoshi had such a long term planning in regards to how their relationships would grow in the future and loved to see it unfold in this chapter!! Amazing, really!!
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meruod · 1 year ago
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HI! Introductory post!
I'm going to use this platform more as another space to exhibit my art and interact with certain niches!
I will divide my content between ORIGINAL (OCS, personal, etc.) and FANARTS (fandoms | FNAF, BNHA, QSMP, DSMP, DC, MARVEL, MDZS, SVSSS, TGCF, 2HA, AFTG, BSD, DGRP, HSTWT, ORV, PJO, TOH, SU, TCF (among others) | Some I only consume content and I haven't made fanart yet, but I DO plan to start exploring this year).
I'll probably post some old art here to maintain some standard between social networks, but I also want to explore more fandoms here.
I'm more frequent on INSTAGRAM, but I'm going to leave my LINKTREE in this post because I still don't know how to add my external links any other way lol.
LINKTREE | https://linktr.ee/meruod
And that's it!
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hkartincolor · 4 months ago
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2025 Heroaca art exhibition key visual
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class1akids · 4 months ago
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New key visual for the 2025 art exhibition
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jump-city · 9 days ago
sorry 4 spam i havent touched bnha content in so long i felt pandemic me wake up in my nervous system when i saw that exhibit art
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angy-grrr · 2 months ago
Expecting a lot of td//bk after this bc they're definitely going to try and isolate the two most popular since Izuku's rep got stained/He's supposed to be with Och from now on.
If they can't take the bkdk fujo money they'll take the td//bks. I'm fully preparing for the countless excuses Hori will shove on that fanbook and art exhibit.
"gay is in, gay is hot, I want some gay. Gay its gonna be" -BNHA marketing team, probably.
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communist-cat-girl · 5 months ago
On, Irredeemable Villains
I think FFXIV and She-Ra:PoP have interesting takes on the that I kind've enjoy and think sbould be embraced: Spoilers for both incoming.
So Shadow Weaver is the villain of all time for me. She represents a really violently abusive mother who, 'til the end, could not give a single fuck about anyone else's feelings about the hell she put literal children through. I shouldn't like her but what a MILF honestly, she dies with a, "You're welcome," fucking incredible what a piece of shit. If you think she's redeemed for using her last moments to be petty and abusive one last time you're out of your gourd.
Gaius Baelsar is curious too because he and Quintus van Cinna DON'T apologize for the deeds they did; they're prepared to die for what they believe in but it's clear to both that Garlemald is dead. Baelsar just has a new fixation on killing Ascians and, eventually, caring for his only remaining daughter -- a daughter he, like all of his other kids, ¡KIDNAPPED TO BECOME CHILD SOLDIERS!
Again, irredeemable monster on many, MANY ways but that's what I LOVE about these two. They didn't fall into some bullshit redemption arc, the writers knew they were too stubborn and too evil for that to happen.
It's why I think Emet-Selch is such a weak character, to be so disasterously, monsterously, despicably genocidal, egotistical, and twisted and then get the wet sopping mew mew treatment is like . . . sometimes I think I'm the only one who sees what he's supposed to be. Same with Venat but I'm not gonna go into that here, she's a "hero" for all the good that word will do for the countless lives she has doomed to oblivion.
I don't know even about Toga BNHA to make a real Mention for her but from what I can tell people want her to be their little mew mew but like . . . look, the art is cute, wholesome au, but a villain is a villain is a villain -- you need to accept her as such. Her perspective isn't MEANT to be the one you agree with, "The future you strive for is not the past we fell in love with," and so on. If you agree with her perspective, as someone who thinks BNHA's society is absurdly toxic and worthy of dismantling, I get it but there's a personal level of villainy she exhibits that should not be adored. She doesn't do this for social change, she does to sate her bloodlust bro. That's Bad.
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dynyamight · 4 years ago
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eri: b-boom !! 💗💥✨
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jinbubai · 3 years ago
The league making and decorating paper mache masks to give Mr. Compress for his birthday ☺️
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