#blossoming souls
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guzhufuren · 28 days ago
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Support and uplift chinese queer creators and their fight. There is hope for an even better tomorrow.
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mizukamiyaseiryu · 5 months ago
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hearts from murim dudes (ft. two silla men) pt.1 (?)
(will i ever finish part 2? who knows...)
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prymaraa · 2 months ago
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hello rusty lake fandom
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bananaguyboi · 2 months ago
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I love how the fandom collectively agrees that Cho sam is either a wholesome bean that must be protected at all cost, or a normal dude with no(?) personality whatsoever outside of being normal. ( Maybe he's more of a troublemaker idk, but atleast he's less worse than chung myung heh-)
And whether you think he's confident or not, You just know he'll be scared shitless of what ever the fuck is going on in Mount Hua Sect.
Anyhow, no matter what cho sam's interpretation in your mind, I need more fics, and art of him- PLEASSE🙏🙏🙏
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kataqasis · 9 months ago
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the thief
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lovethephotoo · 2 years ago
Nature is Healing to the Soul
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pocketseizure · 8 months ago
Games like Echoes of Wisdom
Do you wish Zelda got to fight with a sword? Check out: Ocean’s Heart
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Are you nostalgic for A Link to the Past? Check out: Blossom Tales
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Are you hungry for rock-tossing action? Check out: Lila’s Sky Ark
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Are you looking for a cute and easy game to share with kids? Check out: Arietta of Spirits
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Do you want a challenging game with accessibility options? Check out: Tunic
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Do you want your female character to wield both a sword and magic, and will you be satisfied with nothing less than multilayered combat in an exploration-rich dark fantasy world that hides a story about the suffering implicit in the rise and fall of empires? Check out, unironically: Dark Souls
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shiningxrose · 6 months ago
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↬ Yamila Cavanaugh
↬ born on 25th December
↬ living in Edinburgh
↬ mother of Maléah
↬ photographer / florist – owner of a flowershop
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» I am who I am. Not who you think I am. Not who you want me to be. I am me. «
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Meine Oma und ich standen uns ziemlich nahe. Umso älter ich wurde, umso mehr habe ich über Blumen gelernt und konnte in ihrem Garten mithelfen. Ich war verliebt in all die unzähligen Rosen die es dort gab. Egal wo man hinsah: ein Meer aus den wunderschönsten Blumen. Immer wenn ich bei ihr war und meine Mutter mich dann Abends abgeholt hat, war ich von oben bis unten mit Schmutz bedeckt. Ich habe ihr mit Stolz meine kleinen schmutzigen Hände hingehalten, um zeigen zu können, dass ich geholfen habe. Irgendwann hat meine Oma mir eine kleine Ecke in ihrem Garten anvertraut. Ich sollte mich ganz alleine kümmern - mein ganzer Stolz. Wie toll war das als kleines Kind, wenn wir eine besondere Aufgabe bekommen haben? Als ich dann meinen ersten Strauß voller Rosen mit nach Hause nehmen konnte, nach all der harten Arbeit alleine; das war das größte für mich. Nachdem meine Oma verstorben war, hatte ich nur ein einziges Ziel: Die Liebe zu den Blumen niemals vergehen zu lassen. Und so entstand Jahre später „Yamila's Shining Rose“.
Fotografieren ist nicht nur mein Job. Es ist das, was ich neben meiner Tochter und den Blumen, am liebsten mache. Jedes kleinste Detail eines Momentes festhalten zu können, ist für mich einfach das schönste. Sei es auf einer Feier, sei es draußen in der Natur. Egal ob bei meinem Job oder in meiner Freizeit. Egal wann ich das Haus verlasse, ich trage sogut wie immer eine Kamera bei mir. Seitdem ich Klein bin, war es immer mein Traum irgendwann hinter der Kamera stehen zu können und Menschen mit Fotos glücklich machen zu können. Vor allem aber auch, um mich glücklich zu machen.
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BLEACH Brave Souls New Character🌸🌸🌸
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guzhufuren · 7 months ago
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“Xiaobao, you did something wrong today. I can forgive you. So if I do something wrong, you have to forgive me too.“
the saga of huaibao + marriage (pt. 2/?)
Uncensored wuxia BL Meet You At the Blossom (2024)
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illustratinghan · 11 months ago
Lemon Blossom ~ Discretion 🍋
- a recreation of Ragnor Fell’s flower card -
characters by @cassandraclare 🤍
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the-great-anteater · 7 months ago
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fake-married-my-dead-fiance · 2 months ago
Hee joo's devotion and willingness to do anything for sa eon is giving me life she's one in a million and yes sa eon is as devoted as a human can be but that's almost every male lead ever but a female lead like her is practically extinct especially one that matches her otps romantic gestures and sacrifices to an exact degree (her getting down and proposing while remaking the contract? Iconic) do you have any suggestions for other dramas with women like her? The only one I can think of from this year is Dou zhao from blossom who floored me with how she used every tool at her disposal to cherish her husband in a way you only see MLs do.
I'm also totally in love with Hong Hee-joo from When the Phone Rings and Dou Zhao from Blossom! There are some other similar female leads. Spoilers ahead:
Han Ri-ta in Moon in the Day murders her husband's father, expecting to die for it, so she can free him. (And it's even more wild because her husband killed her entire family; best enemies to lovers ever.) In the present, her reincarnation decides to off herself to end a curse/save the people around her. She's also a competent firefighter.
Naksu/Cho Yeong/Mu-deok from Alchemy of Souls. She pursues goals to a suicidal level to help Jang Uk/herself gain her powers. She also gives up her power for love. I will never get over her insane plan to poison Jang Uk and get herself tortured in Ep 3, very unhinged.
Oh Han-byul from Sh**ting Stars. She is more like Dou Zhao from Blossom, very competent at her job and very protective of the male lead (despite finding him very annoying at first). She also does the male lead thing of helping him in secret: phones for help when she sees him being mobbed by fans, gets him his favourite foods but doesn't say it's from her, etc.
Despite starting off as a silly fangirl, Orchid from Love Between Fairy and Devil matures a lot and becomes an equal to her over-powered fiance. She proposes to him too! She drugs him in an attempt to save him, endures a torture cave so they can marry, and sacrifices herself to stop a war.
I'm on Ep 28/68, but A'wu from The Rebel Princess is pretty great. She starts as a idealistic teenager but grows up very fast. She has a great ride or die vibe with her husband, which includes her threatening suicide rather than being used as a captive to sway her husband's decisions.
This is getting long, so I'll add W: Two Worlds, Flower of Evil, Happiness, and Doom at Your Service as fitting this theme. The female lead in Happiness breaking out of a military base to save her infected husband and then telling him she loves him even at his worst? *chef's kiss*
(I think I'm just listing all my favourite dramas.... I have a type)
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hamletscradle · 19 days ago
The only woman who collected all the necessary sacrifices together for the resurrection of a corrupted soul...
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thesoulspulse · 5 months ago
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It took a few days to finish this (mostly due to real life interruptions constantly) but wow, I had so much fun coloring it! I seriously love stained glass designs so much!
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borealing · 7 months ago
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su yin has an incrdible amount of meowmeow energy for such a dog-coded man
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