#married huaibao
guzhufuren · 1 month
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Xiaobao + calling Huaien his wife (huaibao's marriage pt. 5/?)
Uncensored wuxia BL Meet You At The Blossom (2024)
+ Huaien happy to be Xiaobao's wife:
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He is so fucking petty I love him... And the little smile he does at the end..
Honestly he grew up so much, in EP 2 he would've rampaged out of control and murdered Su Yin and his entire clan. But now he's just petty and needy and absolutely smitten by his Xiaobao. Huai'en, who once cut off a hand just for touching him.. will now kiss Xiaobao and pull back pouting instead. He has a family, he is free, he is happy.. and his boy responds well to every bit of love that pours out of huai'en. They are so in love after so much suffering and hatred and confusion... I love them.
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"why are you so pretty today?"
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i-like-danmei-ig · 1 month
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negrowhat · 2 months
Damn how did SanVee get married before HuaiBao??
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theoncomingchaos · 1 month
Jinbao Marries a Wife (Si Ming x Jinbao official novel) part 4 (Ch. 16-18)
We finally find out where Jinbao went and why....!
Trigger warnings and spoilers below.
Trigger Warnings: There is a really intense rape scene in chapter 16.
-Honestly, I think it's even worse than all of the Huaibao ones. At least with them most of the time when they have dubcon and rape scenes, Xiaobao was trying to rape and got raped back. Still not ok, but Jinbao's rape felt so much more brutal because he didn't want anything to do with Si Ming. At all. He was threatened into promising sex (Si Ming threatened to stop treating Xiaobao), then drugged and fucked while he literally couldn't move. The only thing he could do was scream and bite when Si Ming tried to kiss him...it's bad.
What happened next...
-Zhao Cai is best bro. When he finds out what happened the next morning, he is ready to kill Si Ming. He immediately gets Jinbao out of there even knowing that it will upset people with power over him, and sends Jinbao out of the city to his (Zhao Cai's) girlfriend's parents' place. They are wealthy and have spare rooms in a nice country home.
-Zhao Cai was absolutely fearless even when Si Ming went off on him. In the book, they actually fight and Zhao Cai manages to keep up. Su Yin came to break it up and then the discussion goes really similarly to the TV series.
-Xiaobao wants to know what happened, he is very worried about Jinbao, but no one will tell him. Su Yin is so worried about Xiaobao and fearful of Si Ming refusing to treat him, so he wants to brush everything under the carpet, basically hoping that whatever happened is an exaggeration of some small slight.
-Su Yin and Si Ming go to look for him, but Zhao Cai doesn't tell them anything. Si Ming finds him catching birds in the snow. HE DID NOT COME BACK ON HIS OWN.
-Si Ming is pretty horrible saying Jinbao liked it and that Jinbao owes him (for forgetting him) but at least Jinbao always stands up for himself.
-One sweet thing is that Jinbao kept the paper he wrote Si Ming's name on when he was a little boy. It was the proof he had that he had done what he was supposed to and now Si Ming would have to be his wife. He forgot all about it, but he knew it was important because he couldn't write anything else as a child and he'd held onto it so tightly during his fever. When he was lonely at the Jin residence when he was first sold, he would look at it often and he always had it with him in his pouch. (I think this is what was replaced by the bracelets in the show)
Honestly, the childhood stuff and the set up from how they parted was so good. It feels like such a waste to throw in the rape so unnecessarily when there were so many other ways the situation could have been written. I don't know if the TV series will ever do this book, but I really hope they do. I have full confidence that they could fix this.
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newkittypoom · 1 month
post-series thoughts of huaibao in the new jin mansion
i want huaien leaning in deep to his role as madam jin/金夫人 and pretty much abandoning his own surname and refusing to acknowledge his own lineage and since hes so frickin pretty no one questions why madam jin likes to wear male hairstyles and robes sometimes. nobody knows for sure if madam jin is male or female and theres a running betting pool until someone figures it out
xiaobao was talking about setting up a little shop somewhere and running a modest business after the Everything so i have decided that they should run a women's fashion store. because for marketing reasons i think huaien should wear women's robes around town with a veil again and be a trophy wife to xiaobao
also because when the young maidens and married women come to the store to ogle at the handsome owner, i want madam jin to be jealous af and huaien is tempted to kill all these bitches who dare to lay eyes on his husband but instead he blacklists anyone who flirts with xiaobao and their whole household. but the women's robes that he wears/models are so popular in town that none of the women dare to risk being blacklisted for fear of missing out on the latest trends so it is an incredibly effective way to ward off women
also as xiaoyu grows up i think she would definitely learn to run the business as well, plus she wants to stay with and protect xiaobao as much as huaien does so she learns the ropes and becomes the head designer for the store (plus she gets to play dress up with a real life barbie doll with perfect proportions so score for her)
after the store has settled in and business is regular, xiaobao takes huaien out for holidays often. half of it is because he wants to go out exploring the world and half of it is because he wants to show the world to huaien, that it isnt bad beyond the shitty upbringing and parenting that huaien grew up with. its the guzhuang version of diagnosing your wife with hysteria and the cure is to vacation at the beach house. except your wife has severe ptsd and tried to ruin your family and behaves like a rabid dog off leash if you so much as breathe too close to someone else.
i dont think huaien ever learns how to love xiaobao in a healthier way, not when all hes ever known is a vengeful and all-consuming obsession. he does tone down his murderous tendencies a lot, mainly because if he doesnt then su yin shows up to clean up the mess and he hates su yin being around more than he hates not being able to murder people. hes still codependent af on xiaobao and will not tolerate even the slightest hint that xiaobao might consider concubines or other wives but at least he understands that he cant mess with xiaobao's platonic relationships (e.g: parents, xiaoyu, zhaocai, jinbao, su yin)
id like them to have some shenanigans on one of their holidays and accidentally acquire an orphan who has lost their parents and xiaobao, with his bleeding heart, asks huaien if they can adopt the kid as their heir, and also because he wants a widdle baby who will call them mum and dad :') huaien has some Big Feelings about adopting a kid, but at the end of the day he will do anything that makes xiaobao happy (except tolerating another lover)
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guzhufuren · 2 months
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“Xiaobao, you did something wrong today. I can forgive you. So if I do something wrong, you have to forgive me too.“
the saga of huaibao + marriage (pt. 2/?)
Uncensored wuxia BL Meet You At the Blossom (2024)
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guzhufuren · 2 months
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the saga of huaibao + marriage (pt. 1/?)
Uncensored wuxia BL Meet You At The Blossom (2024)
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guzhufuren · 1 month
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the saga of huaibao + marriage (pt. 6/?)
Uncensored wuxia BL Meet You At The Blossom (2024)
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guzhufuren · 2 months
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the saga of huaibao + marriage (pt. 3/?)
Uncensored wuxia BL Meet You At The Blossom (2024)
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guzhufuren · 2 months
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the saga of huaibao + marriage (pt. 4/?)
Uncensored wuxia BL Meet You At The Blossom (2024)
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guzhufuren · 2 months
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First teaser of uncensored wuxia BL Meet You At The Blossom, shared back in april
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guzhufuren · 1 month
man, i would be actively against calling a guy a wife if myatb went any differently. i lived through all that nonsense of assigning gender roles to fictional gay couples by creators and fans both in earlier pre-2021 bl and it sucked. with huaibao it's so drastically different and fun though. we have a top, a dominant top, who is quite taller than his lover and also a cold blooded killer. and we have his lover, who is cute and sweet and peanut sized. and then the murder machine skyscraper top is the one being called wife like 60 times during the show and literally the one who marries into the family. isn't that amazing and beautiful
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guzhufuren · 17 days
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brain empty just married huaibao dancing
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guzhufuren · 29 days
What do you hope to see in special episodes?
oh i know pretty much exactly what we will see there!! here are the bts from filming extras and here are the summaries
1. huaibao and sibao are returning home, Su Yin and Huaien get jealous. they meet in a forest and have a meal together
2. Huaien and Xiaobao retrieve the hairband that Xiaobao threw away
what i'm hoping to see though is married huaibao behaviour, sibao being sweet and our zero braincell besties reuniting (do not separate again!!!!!!!!). having this is more than i could dream of just a few weeks ago
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philologicalbat · 23 days
Okay yeah I genuinely was the fic anon but just slightly embarrassed and did not want to come across as rushing but all was the while shaking at the fic god trees for crumbs of things that may be yet to come. Sorry to poke you like this but Xiaobao genuinely has wormed by brain like no one ever before, I need a support group
HI FIC ANON. I thought that was you!! no need to be embarrassed; I was happy to see you. I didn’t respond to your last asks bc I felt like we’d seen into each other’s dark hearts too much and anything I said next was gonna be way over the top. I also love Xiaobao Too Much. You have to imagine me talking to all my dear friends who do not care about him anywhere near as much, many of whom have not seen the show, about this jingly little man. I’m super normal about it! Extremely manageable hyperfixation!
I’m trying to figure out how to manageably distill the two wip ideas I have for myatb: 1) Huai’en dresses up as a bride for Xiaobao and Xiaobao whimpers wife while Huai’en rails him and 2) extremely married huaibao D/s for you. Would love your thoughts on what that D/s looks like!! I sometimes feel like the kink I write is getting stale. 💖
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