#laura x bob
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the-great-anteater · 7 months ago
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escapetothelake · 8 months ago
Was Laura and Bob already submitted? If no, can you please do? 🤲
sorry this took a hot minute!!
angst under the cut
who made the first move: robert approached laura first when he saw her sketching on the bench. he found her mysterious nature intriguing, and invited her to a bookshop cafe where they could talk more, surrounded by soft music and nice art.
who kissed who first: i think their first kiss was mutual. robert was sitting next to her on a park bench, his arm nervously placed around her. she looked up from her book, they locked eyes, and they both leaned in.
who started the relationship: after they went out a few times, they just kinda.. became exclusive?? robert because he genuinely felt a connection with laura, and laura for the same reason, but also because robert's presence brought her peace of mind and didn't add hassle to her life. it's nice to not be alone with your own thoughts.
who remembers things: laura has a great memory. robert is well-meaning, but can be a little forgetful when it comes to smaller things. laura gives him a notepad and a pencil and tells him to write down things he needs to remember, and sooner or later, his workspace, the fridge, and the doors in the house are littered with them.
nicknames for each other: laura goes for "bob", "rob", "robbie", or "bert". sometimes she says his name with a french accent—it's an inside joke they have. robert calls her "honey", "babe", or "my girl".
who is more likely to pay for dinner: robert has pretty steady employment, so he usually pays.
who normally cooks: laura's a better cook than robert. he likes it when she teaches him, because she always says that he has the capabilities to become better if he puts his mind to it.
who remembers anniversaries: they both do.
what would they get each other for gifts: robert likes to get laura flowers, books, or art supplies. he also gets her music pieces, records, or tapes. laura's the kind of person who gives drawings or works of art for gifts. she has a bunch of old books as well, and she learned to make art pieces with them.
most trivial thing they fight over: not that this is trivial, but laura tends to isolate herself, or "wander off" for a while and not leave any notice or tell robert where she's going. robert gets concerned, and laura feels that he's being overbearing.
how often do they fight: they're both pretty chill, so they don't fight that often.
who uses all the hot water: laura loves a good bath. her and robert sometimes bathe together, too.
who calls up the super/landlord when the heat’s not working: laura has to, or bob will try to fix it himself.
who leaves their stuff around: laura kinda shoves her stuff into drawers, but keeps a pretty neat and minimalistic house. when robert's stressed, he'll leave his stuff laying around.
who remembers to buy the milk: when robert's going out for work, laura will usually say, "bob, we need milk." she just hopes he'll remember to actually pick it up.
who controls the netflix queue: they're the kind of couple to watch the same shows—usually one or two episodes a night. robert mostly adapted to laura's tastes, though. i could see them watching thrillers, mystery, drama, documentaries, and the like.
who steals the covers at night: laura. robert sleeps pretty still. sometimes she'll wake him up by accidentally kicking him in her sleep.
who cusses more: if laura's really irked, she swears like a sailor. she's pretty chill most of the time, but she has mild road rage tendencies. there have been a couple of times that robert had to stop her from getting into a fight.
who does most of the cleaning: they try to split domestic tasks, but since bob works more, laura usually takes over.
what’s their favorite non-sexual activity: doing artistic activities together. sometimes they'll draw each other, or read with their legs all tangled up together.
who’s the cuddler: robert. sometimes, he holds laura like she's gonna go somewhere. laura doesn't really mind his clingy tendencies, so she kinda just lets him hold her.
who’s the big spoon/little spoon: usually it's robert big, laura little.
who’s more dominant: mostly laura. robert will do anything she asks, in and out of the bedroom.
who is the dirty talker: bob mostly uses affirmation/praise phrases. laura is more of the "dirty talker".
what do they do when they’re away from each other: laura's pretty independent, so she doesn't mind being away from bob all that much. in fact, she actually enjoys having alone time every once in a while, especially because it helps her creatively. on the other hand, being away from laura makes bob a little uneasy. he likes to call her every so often, just to check in.
what would they do if the other one was hurt: bob kinda likes being taken care of and "babied" by laura because it makes him feel safe and wanted. in that sense, when she's caring for him while he's sick and/or injured, he enjoys the attention. if laura were sick or hurt, bob would be a little more distressed, but he likes to have the chance to cook for her and care for her in return. he sees it as an opportunity to show his affection.
a headcanon: occasionally, laura will leave little drawings around for bob. it's almost like a game at this point—he likes to see if he can find them all. sometimes she'll doodle on a sticky note and slide it in his notes, his books, in his coat, his shoe, his lunch, or some object in the house. she really enjoys the excitement he expresses when he find them. in return, he began to write loving little notes on the back of the drawings and re-hide them among her things. at first, it was pretty surprising to laura, but she keeps them all.
after her death, dale finds a box in her house full of little notes with drawings on one side, and affectionate phrases on the back. he puts two and two together and realizes that they were co-made with robert, and his realization is confirmed after a handwriting analysis. after robert is cleared of suspicion of murder, dale gives him back a number of laura's possessions, the box with the notes included. dale excuses himself from the room, but not before he hears the box open and robert begin to sob.
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jinxekkotimebomb · 8 days ago
Lesbian Laura Palmer is real to me. Way she feels control in how the men around her love her as a way to combat the abuse she faces from her own father, but her love for women being so pure she feels she doesn't deserve it.
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purplemys · 2 years ago
Enter Your Mind, Robert
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pinkeoni · 2 years ago
Will Byers & Laura Palmer Part 2 - Henry & BOB
Part 1
One big parallel between Will and Laura is the similarities between their tormentors: Henry and BOB. There are many connections between both characters, which is why I’ve separated it into its own post.
TW for discussions of child sexual abuse below
Originating from an alternate world called the Black Lodge, BOB is a vengeful spirit that feeds off of the pain and sorrow of others. BOB operates very similarly to how Henry used the Mind Flayer in seasons two and three, by possessing people and using them to commit horrific acts.
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BOB, like Henry, is a bit like a hive mind. The people who have fallen victim to BOB live within The Red Room, similar to Henry's Mind Lair.
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BOB sexually abuses Laura, haunts her nightmares and wishes to possess her or else he will kill her. In Fire Walk With Me, Laura says that BOB has been coming to her since she was twelve years old, which is the same age that Will was when he was taken by Henry. (Although, a line in The Secret Diary of Laura Palmer suggests that BOB may have been around her for awhile)
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This post by @bylrndgm shows a visual similarity between BOB's stalking of Laura and Henry's stalking of Will (via Mind Flayer)
The human being that BOB had possessed in order torment her was Laura's own father, Leland.
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Laura's mother, Sarah, was unaware of this nightly abuse, although part of this was because Sarah would be drugged at night by Leland. The show portrays Leland as more or less another victim of BOB, helpless in his situation, however FWWM frames Leland as having a lot more agency in his actions than was previously shown.
These posts here show similarities between Sarah and Joyce
This post I made shows the parallels between the scene where the kids trick and entrap a possessed Billy in ST3 and the scene where the police trick and entrap a possessed Leland in TP
The name similarity between Lonnie and Leland is pretty clear. As for Lonnie's sexual abuse of Will, it's much more discreet than how Leland/BOB's was shown. Instead of going into detail here I'm going to leave a couple of posts I already made here and here. Even aside from Lonnie's hinted abuse, sexual assault imagery between Henry and Will is still present and much more overt.
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It's interesting the Bob we get in Stranger Things is not only correlated with Will's father but also with his possession. Bob takes up the role of Will's father figure in his life, and him trying to give fatherly advice to Will inadvertently led to his possession. Not only that, but Will's possession scene is intercut with shots of Bob. (Of course, Bob here is not evil unlike BOB)
So what does this all mean in terms of Will's arc in the show?
I already made a post before discussing my belief in Lonnie's larger part in Will's narrative. Now, I don't think that Lonnie's abuse of Will came from being possessed by Henry, he was definitely acting of his own volition. I do think, however, that there may be a similar reveal as to who the monster in Will's life really is.
In TP, the audience knows that BOB is Laura's killer for awhile. What the audience didn't know until much later, though, was that Leland was the one who was possessed by him and carried out the act of killing his own daughter.
The audience knows that Henry is the monster in Will's life. What they may not know about is the extent of Lonnie's abuse. Furthermore, Will himself may not even be aware of this. Laura knew that BOB had been abusing her, but she didn't know that it was her father until the events of FWWM.
This is related to the idea of Will's missing memories. These memories are likely tied to his father's abuse, as I said in the birthdaygate post I linked earlier. Will is going to have to confront these memories in some way. He probably believes that the only monster in his life is Henry and, like Laura, is going to learn the truth about his father.
Now, Henry is still the "big bad" of the show and his abuse of Will is still apparent, I once had someone think that I was trying to claim that Lonnie was the main antagonist of the show so I wanted to be clear on that. I do, however, still believe that Lonnie is definitely a major antagonist in Will's life and integral to the story.
There are always differences of course, these are two different stories with two different goals. BOB is a mysterious inhuman spirit who is purely evil, while Henry has human origins and his story is building to be much more complex than that. Will, fortunately, is also more likely to have a happier end than Laura. Instead of losing to the evil, he will overcome it.
tagging: @bylrndgm @heroesbyler
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doolallymagpie · 2 years ago
laura palmer’s killer is named bob.
bob iger forced david lynch et al. to reveal the identity of the murderer mid-season two rather than when they’d planned to (which tanked the show’s ratings).
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wheelercore · 2 years ago
Trying to do my st4 inspo homework by watching twin peaks and lemme just say I do not regret this decision however the audacity of many many men who think they own pieces of Laura in this show genuinely leaves me frustrated.
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chelseacult · 24 days ago
Wait Your Turn
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Laura Freigang x Reader
Summary: you and Laura take a trip to the beach, her camera ready to capture whatever catches her eye (spoiler: it's you).
Word Count: 2.6k words
Laura’s suggestion to spend an evening together at the beach was met with instant hesitation on your part. After the grueling training session you’d experienced this morning, all you really wanted to do was lay in bed and call it an early night, preferably in your girlfriend’s arms. With a soft peck to your lips and a whispered promise, she convinced you that it’d be a calm night, nothing to focus on but her and the sound of the waves. 
Walking hand in hand along the cool sand with your shoes dangling from your free hands, the tide shifts unpredictably, causing crisp waves to occasionally rush up to your bare ankles. The earlier hope you felt of tonight being relaxing comes to a halt when Laura suggests walking along the pier that runs vertically to the expanse of blue water beneath it. 
“Want to walk down the pier?” Laura asks, turning to you with a soft smile—the same one that instantly had you falling for her the first time you saw it.
You turn to look toward the pier she’s referring to. The combined chaos of the bright lights, wandering surfers, teenage lovers, and parents chasing after their children is overwhelming, even from afar. A groan leaves your lips before you even realize it. 
“Ugh. Not really,” you respond as you turn back in her direction.
“Please?” she drawls out, dropping the shoes in her hand and paying absolutely no mind to the splash of water that surges up as a result, drenching both her shoes and the bottom of your jeans.
“Babe-” you start with the intention of lecturing her about the shoes that are now bobbing in the water, but she cuts you off.
“I want to get some pictures. Five minutes, and we can leave,” she presses, turning towards you. She steps closer and wraps her now free arm around your neck, pulling you into her as her other hand slips from yours and finds solstice on your waist.
“That’s why you brought me here? To get pictures for your photo book?” you gasp, feigning offense as your lips turn down into a faux pout.
Laura tilts her head playfully, mimicking your pout before leaning forward to rest her forehead on yours. She gently rubs her nose along yours, and you groan internally, knowing full well you’re about to give in to her. The way she’s smiling at you expectantly, paired with the softness of her actions, makes the thought of saying no to her weigh heavier on your limbs than the exhaustion you’re feeling. It’s almost subconscious when you lean in to press your lips to hers.
She reciprocates immediately, the two of you keeping the kiss slow at first. The slow movement of her hand up to tangle in your hair sends a shiver down your spine, and you press yourself closer to her on instinct. The warmth of her body against yours helps distract from the increasing chill of the evening air.
Too engrossed with the feeling of her mouth on yours, you don’t notice the water moving in again until you feel a rush of water around your ankles. You flinch slightly, causing Laura to stifle a laugh against your lips before she pulls back slightly.
“The pier? Please,” she asks again, the same smile on her face as when she first asked.
“Fine,” you say, your words intertwined with an exaggerated sigh. You’re sure that the matching smile on your face gives you away, undermining your facade of mock resignation. 
She leans in to kiss your cheek. “Ich liebe dich,” she whispers as she pulls away. “Just five minutes,” she adds.
“We both know ‘five minutes’ to you is more like 30 minutes.” 
 “So you’re already prepared for it. Perfect!” Laura doesn’t argue, opting for a swift, satisfied nod before shifting her attention over to her shoes, which are now floating in the water several feet away. She directs her gaze back to you, her eyes full of playful disappointment. 
“Amazing. They’re drenched. Why’d you let me do that?” 
“I tried to stop you! You were too busy manhandling me,” you scoff lightheartedly. 
“You don’t mind,” Laura murmurs before shifting closer to you. She slides her hands down your sides, fingers lightly trailing across the damp fabric of your shirt before giving a squeeze to your waist. She keeps her eyes on you the entire time, which only increases the butterflies that have already erupted in your stomach. 
To your surprise, she doesn’t mention the blush that you can feel making its way across your face, but the growing smirk on her face tells you that she’s well aware of its presence. 
“It’s okay. We’re at the beach, I don’t need shoes. No one will care.” She throws you a lifeline as she pulls away, giving you a second to catch your breath. She starts her stride in the direction of the pier, and you grab her shoes from the water before following after her.
The walk down the pier may have been nicer if your girlfriend wasn’t constantly pulling away from you. Every two minutes, and despite your resulting exasperated exhales, she’d yank her hand from yours to lift her camera and take a new photo. She filled her camera with pictures of the sky, seagulls perched on the railing, exhausted surfers still clad in their wetsuits, and a rogue dog devouring a fallen hotdog. It was enough to fill an entire photo book, really.
After watching her linger for one shot too many, you finally grab her hand with a dramatic sigh, grasping it tight enough to ensure she doesn’t slip away again. You weave your way through the crowds of bodies, successfully dragging Laura to a quieter spot.
“No more photos, please. Your camera’s getting more of your attention than I am.” You try to keep your tone lighthearted but internally hope she picks up on the silent plea beneath your words. The way her fingers loosen on the camera, paired with the subtle softening of her features as she lifts her eyes to meet yours, tells you that she does.
“Sorry, Schatz. No more pictures,” she says genuinely as she lets the camera fall from her grasp, the strap around her neck catching it as it rests against her torso. The moment her hands are free, she reaches for yours and tugs you closer.
“I don’t know if I believe you,” you tease with a smirk, allowing her to pull you closer.
“You should!” she assures before sliding one of her hands up your arm, pausing on your bicep as her thumb traces gentle circles against your skin. She moves closer, closing the distance until there’s barely enough space to breathe. She tilts her head, nuzzling her cheek against yours as she whispers, “You have all of my attention now, I promise.” 
You swear you’re about to say something—maybe tease her again about her photography obsession, or maybe just revel in the moment, but then you catch the sunset out of the corner of your eye.
“Look! The sunset,” you say, pulling away from her embrace to point out to the horizon where streaks of red, orange, and yellow paint the sky above the water. She doesn’t shift her gaze though, keeping it on you instead. 
“Pretty,” she says with a smirk. Your attempt at shielding the blush that takes over your face is useless, if the evergrowing smirk on her face tells you anything.
You step behind her, gently placing your hands on either side of her head before turning it toward the sunset, leaving her no choice but to finally look in its direction. Your hands trail down from her head before settling around her waist. Pulling her closer, you lean forward to rest your head on her shoulder. She lets out a gentle hum as she threads her fingers through yours, leaning back to settle into your embrace.
After spending a few minutes basking in the warmth of your girlfriend’s body against yours, Laura turns her head back toward yours, her cheek brushing against yours for the second time tonight. 
“Now the sunset’s getting all of your attention.” Despite not seeing her face clearly, you can picture the faux pout she’s making, one that’s likely similar to the expression you sent her way earlier in the night.
“It’s only fair,” you mutter in response. Despite your words, you press a quick peck to her lips before pulling back. She makes a sound of protest as you pull back before turning her head further, pressing a kiss to your cheek in return, her lips lingering for a beat or two. You can’t help the quiet laugh that leaves your mouth. 
You eventually turn your head back toward the sunset, resting it on her shoulder again and tightening your arms around her. “You should take a photo,” you whisper.
“Good idea,” she says, pulling away from you and lifting the camera that’s been hanging around her neck. She turns to face you, stepping back to put a bit of space between you. 
“Smile!” she grins as she raises the camera to her eye. She gives you no time to prepare before the flash goes off, momentarily blinding you. 
“Lau! Warn me next time!” you groan, attempting to blink away the spots in your vision. She lowers the camera and glances down at the screen, looking at it for a moment before a quiet giggle escapes her lips. 
“This is going in my next photo book.” Her laughter is playful, but you see something soften in her eyes the longer her gaze lingers on the screen, and her laughter fades into a smile.
“Ew, no, delete it. That’s disgusting,” you groan again, reaching for the camera to delete it yourself.
Laura gasps dramatically, yanking the camera out of your reach. A look of pure disbelief flashes across her face, like she genuinely cannot comprehend how that thought could even cross your mind. “Excuse me? Have you ever seen a photo of yourself?”
“Plenty. This one is terrible,” you respond, unamused. Laura scoffs. 
“Well, I love it. And I love you. So I’m keeping it,” she smiles. You roll your eyes, feeling slightly betrayed at the way your heart skips a beat at her words. You repeat the declaration back to her, and the smile that involuntarily graces your features is a small manifestation of the warmth she’s just sent spreading through you. 
“Love me enough to let me take a photo of you?” you ask with a knowing grin, well aware of Laura’s constant reluctance to let anyone other than herself so much as touch her camera.
Her hesitance is palpable as she clutches her camera a bit tighter. She glances down at it, almost as if she’s searching for an answer in the object staring back at her. When she looks back up and catches the way you’re smiling at her, you’re pleasantly surprised at how quickly her resolve falters.
“Fine. Just one photo. But if you mess with any of my settings, I’ll hold it against you forever,” she exhales dramatically as she extends the camera to you. You handle it with extra care as you take it from her hands, if only to ease the lingering hesitation you’re sure is running rampant through her mind.
“Forever is a long time,” you remark as you glance down at the camera, attempting to familiarize yourself with it.
“Good thing we’re spending it together then.” Her words cause you to glance back up. She shrugs when your eyes meet hers, a small smile pulling at her lips as if she just said the most obvious thing in the world.
“Good thing,” you agree, trying to match the nonchalance present in her voice, but the unspoken meaning behind both of your words is anything but.
As you start messing with the camera settings, you see her wince slightly in your peripheral vision. You think you see her hands twitching, as if she’s consciously holding them back from grabbing the camera back.
“If anyone else was mistreating my camera like that, I’d probably be freaking out right now,” Laura says, watching you through narrowed eyes.
“Mistreating? Babe, I’ve pressed like three buttons,” you scoff, unable to stifle the laughter that carries through your voice.
“Three buttons too many. Come on, give it back. I want to take more photos of you.”
“Wait your turn!” you exclaim, instinctively holding the camera closer to your chest, turning away from Laura’s now eager hands. 
“It’s my camera!” she says through a laugh.
“What’s yours is mine and all that. Smile!” you mirror her earlier words, quickly putting distance between your bodies and raising the camera to snap a photo of her. Similar to your reaction earlier, she winces at the resulting flash, blinking rapidly before rubbing her eyes with the heel of her palm. 
“Not so fun being on the receiving end, huh?” you ask as you walk back over in her direction. You let the camera fall to hang around your neck, reaching for her hands and gently pulling them away from her face. 
“Sorry, baby,” you say softly, pressing a kiss to the back of each hand.
You’re about to step back and continue taking photos of her, but Laura moves quicker than you do. Her hands slip down, soft fingers brushing over your collarbone as they make their way toward the camera resting on your chest. In one smooth motion, the fabric glides over your neck as she lifts the strap over your head. She smirks at your stunned expression, now holding the camera in her hands. 
You almost miss her secretly deleting the photo you’ve just taken of her.
“Hey! Not fair!” you glare, folding your arms over to your chest to emphasize your annoyance.
“It’s my camera,” she reiterates, clearly amused at your reaction. You narrow your eyes at her, but she just smirks, clearly unbothered. You hold each other’s gaze, neither willing to lose the unintentional staring contest this has turned into.
“I have a proposition,” Laura finally speaks, breaking the silence. “Give me another kiss, and I’ll let you take a couple more,” she bargains, but you don’t miss the mischief present in her eyes.
“Liar,” you argue with a subtle shake of your head, but she’s already stepping closer to you. The camera, which she’s moved to hang from her shoulder, is momentarily forgotten as she wraps her arms around your waist, pulling you flush against her body.
“Only one way to know for sure,” she shrugs, her grin not faltering. 
She doesn’t wait for your reply before leaning in. She crashes her lips into yours with more intensity than you were anticipating, stealing your breath as you gasp against her lips. Any lingering annoyance you were feeling dissipates, replaced by the warmth swirling in your stomach as your arms move to wrap around her neck. Her fingers slide up your jaw, cupping your cheek as she manually tilts your head, deepening the kiss.
Too distracted by everything that is her, you miss the way her hand leaves your waist. It’s only when a subtle flash flickers behind your closed eyes, paired with the quiet click of the camera, that you’re made aware of what she’s done.
But with her lips still on yours, you can’t find it in yourself to be bothered this time.
a/n: never really planned on writing for laura but I had a random dream about her that was similar to this and I got inspired to write a continuation of it, so here we are 🤓
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the-great-anteater · 1 year ago
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Laketober - Couple
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woso-dreamzzz · 4 months ago
Munchkin's Halloween
Beth Mead x Vivianne Miedema x Child!Reader
Summary: The ninth of my Halloween-centric fics
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"Oh, wow," Viv coos," Look at-"
"No!" You snap quickly," Mama, no!"
"Eyes closed!" You order," Not finished!"
Viv laughs, playing along and covering her eyes with your hands.
It had been a surprise for her to come down for the rest of the week but the surprise had worn off at some point during dinner last night when you told Viv she smelt weird and needed to get in the shower after the hours she spent driving down in the car.
You and Beth spent a lot of time at training with Arsenal, up and out of the house for club Halloween before Viv had even woken up this morning.
That's part of the reason why Viv is playing along right now.
Your Halloween costume has remained a mystery to her with the move up to Manchester. Your life is based in London, at least most of the time.
There's already childcare sorted out down here and while you like coming to City training to hang out with the girls, at Arsenal you've got Laura and Lotte and everyone else who you've known since coming home.
London is home and Viv gets that.
It just means she hears more than she sees when it comes to you during the season.
Including what your Halloween costume is.
She's already got a bit of an idea, from Beth not being able to keep a secret and the glimpse she just got before you insisted she close her eyes.
"Myle!" Viv hears you call. "Myle, here! In! In, Myle!"
She smothers her laughter as the yapping of Myle while you scold her.
"Can I open my eyes now, Munchkin?"
"Hmmm," You hum," Eyes closed, Mama. Mummy! Mummy! Muuuummy!"
Viv keeps her hands over her eyes as the soft footsteps of Beth pad over from the kitchen.
"Myle not get in the basket."
Beth laughs a little and there's a bit of a rustle before you finally speak again.
"Kay, Mama! Eyes open!"
Viv's heart swells as she looks at you, all dressed up like Dorothy with Myle in a basket like Toto the dog.
"Look at you," Viv coos," Give me a little twirl!"
"That's what Auntie Lolo say!" You say, delighted as you twirl around," And Auntie Laura say I look good!"
"Well they were right." Viv kneels down in front of you, pulling at your dress and petting Myle's head. "You look so good."
"Mummy-Mummy say that I'm from Wiz' o' Oz."
"Wizard of Oz, that's right," Viv says," You're Munchkin like the munchkins and Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz."
"Everyone was very impressed with her costume," Beth says, coming back into the living room with some snacks and a little bucket with an even smaller pumpkin face on it.
"Ky-Ky gave lots o' sweeties!" You say, rummaging in your little bucket before dumping it all out onto Viv's lap," Yay! Sweeties! Yay!"
Beth very gently takes one of your wildly grabbing hands before you can snatch one of the Haribo packets.
"Only a few, Munchkin. Remember? We share."
"Share!" You repeat," I share!"
With your free hand, you grab a still wrapped piece of taffy and try to shove it into Viv's mouth.
"We share!" You say to Beth, head bobbing up and down just as Myle escapes from the basket, bounding over to sit in your lap. "Myle! We share!"
Viv grabs your second free hand quickly. "How about we don't feed Myle human sweets? We can give her puppy treats."
"Okay! Puppy treats! Puppy treats, Myle!"
You hurry up quickly, nearly tripping over your Dorothy dress on your way to the kitchen.
"I'll go and help her," Beth says with a sigh," Before she tries to climb the counters again. Can you pull up the movies? I've got a few of them lined up."
"We're letting her watch Halloween movies?" Viv says doubtfully, face twisted in disbelief.
"Kid's movies," Beth corrects," Nothing too scary. I checked. Do you know we've never shown her the Wizard of Oz? I thought we could start there."
"Good idea," Viv says," But I feel like the witch could scare her a bit."
Beth grins, flexing her arms jokingly. "You see these guns? I can protect her."
Viv rolls her eyes. "Go and use those guns to help our kid before she tries to break into the chocolate cupboard again. Then we'll see which one of us she wants to protect her from the scary witch."
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aplgy-girl · 6 months ago
THE QUARRY — bloodline ᝰ.ᐟ
~ fem!oc x jacob custos — fem!oc x max brinly 𝜗𝜚
CHAPTER ONE — prologue
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TAGS ༉‧₊˚.
17+ !! suggestive, gorey, NOT PROOFREAD, cancellation of characters and/or dialogues, no caps friendly, lore is semi changed to fit into my characters plots! <3
no schedule — chapters might be short ྀི
THE MOONLIGHT SHONE through the cracks of the van max borrowed from his mother, four young adults sat on the cushioned seats of it. all met from college classes, turned to study group, made into close friends. laura sat in the back with a veterinarian technician textbook in her sleep, whilst the purple haired woman, valerie, on her right side with her eyes closed, head bobbing softly to the soft music coming from her vintage ipod thrumming in her hand.
“okay, but seriously, max.. you shouldn’t be so stubborn and listen to me about directions.” a dark haired brunette cooed towards max, her hand holding onto max’s free hand, rubbing delicate circles on top his soft knuckles. max was noticeably anxious, driving into circles for what feels like eternity.
“sammie, hun, i tried. you told me two signs ago that we should go left… we are at the same sign.” he sighs, glancing towards his lover with adoration and agitation. they all decided to volunteer at a children’s summer camp over the season, to allow themselves “peace and tranquility” through the upcoming hardships they will have to encounter at university. it was also a farewell vacation for max and sammie, since they were moving universities to study abroad, or so what sammie said. max didn’t seem too keen on the plan, moving away from his childhood bestfriend, laura. sammie reasoned they will return to visit soon, since she would also be leaving her bestfriend, valerie.
valerie understood though, shes always supported samantha through everything. if you were a stranger to them, you would think they’re dating, but its quite the opposite. sammie and val always were like two peas in a pod, her mother being the sister to val’s, causing them to be close from the get-go.
they met max and laura in middle school, after sammie talked max’s ear off in aquatic science that she adored sharks, she introduced max to val, who then introduced laura to the bestfriends.
���i—ouch!-” val yelped when laura kicked her in a sleepy haze, causing val to lightly kick the girl in retort. the blonde stirred awake, eyebrows furrowed as she glares at val, in which she shrugs, kicking the blondes feet down from the seat to make more room for herself.
“whatever, whats going on guys? do you need a map, max?” she yawned out, stretching as much as she could in the confined car. she looked around the area to find the map, causing max’s attention to deviate to the movement.
sammie turned back to address max about what an offline book just experienced, before realizing he wasn’t paying attention. “max! road!” she groaned, lightly tapping his head as to signal it to turn.
he mutters a sorry, quickly turning to the road but sees a…. he doesn’t know exactly what he sees, but it’s big and most importantly, in their path. sammie’s eyes widen in realization as time feels to freeze, her hands flying to swerve the car to keep them from running over whatever that was.
the sudden movements pick up the attention of the two other women. the car thrashed wildly as you can hear sammie panicking while max tries to maintain the cars balance.
“ohmygodohmygodohmygod-” sammie rambled, one hand holding onto max’s shirt tightly, his once free hand now on the wheel to offer extra support, and the other hand holding the grab handles at the top of the car.
after what feels like forever for them, but in reality was 20 seconds, the tires screech to a pit stop. the only sound made was the panicked breathing of the group, eyes wide as saucers staring at each other.
“can somebody tell me what the fuck just happened?”
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infin1ty-garden · 1 year ago
⋆。°✩ I will NOT write smut, inappropriate relationships (e.i. teacher/student, father/daughter...), pregnancy fics, dark fics, underage character, political content, please do not request things containing major spoilers, character x OC
⋆。°✩ I WILL write character(s) (from the fandom list) x reader as well as alternate universe fic. Sometimes I will write character x character
⋆。°✩ use the prompts list if you wanna
❝ [ prompts & scenarios ] ❞
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╰┈➤ ❝ [ fandoms I write for ] ❞
nikolai lantsov, zoya nazyalensky, genya safin, alina starkov, tamar yul-bataar & tolya kir-bataar
billy loomis, stu macher, mickey altieri, roman bridger, jill roberts & ethan landry
✧. ┊ TOP GUN
jake 'hangman' seresin, robert 'bob' floyd & natasha 'phoenix' trace
✧. ┊ DBH
connor, nines (rk900), rk800-60, north, simon, ralph & chloe
ryan erzahler, dylan lenivy, kaitlyn ka, max brinly & laura kearney
✧. ┊ ALIEN
david, walter, andy, tyler harrison & rain carradine
rover, chixia, yangyang, sanhua, jiyan & jinhsi
✧. ┊ HOTD
cregan stark, gwayne hightower, haelena targaryen, jacaerys velaryon & rhaenyra targaryen
✧. ┊ DUNE
paul atreides, feyd-rautha harkonnen & chani kynes
yord fandar, qimir & mae aniseya
eric (the huntsman), snow white, william, ravenna & freya
lucius verus, marcus acacius & emperor geta
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╰┈➤ ❝ [ submission guidelines ] ❞
ೃ⁀➷ please include reader pronouns
ೃ⁀➷ if you want to request a prompt, please use the prompt list (you don't have to)
ೃ⁀➷ be patient & kind
ೃ⁀➷ if i can tell that you haven't read any of these guidelines and have disregarded all the rules. your request will be deleted
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Thanks for reading or requesting!
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ometochtli2rabbit · 7 days ago
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wak[6] LAMAT[venus/star]/ Q'ANIEL[yellow/golden/bright] - junlajun [11] K'AYAB
galactic tone: flow/organic balance
sun sign: STAR| rabbit/yellow or blue/south
ask for abundance in all relations - MAYA
chicuacen[6] - TOCHTLI {rabbit]
Mictlantecuhtli | Mayahuel
chiquitli [barn owl]
lord of the night: Tepeyollotl
trecena [6]: Itzpapalotl
x: macuilli [5] - hueiteculhuitl - NAHUA
"Slavery! Slavery!", Kara Walker, 1997
Day Tochtli (Rabbit, known as Lamat in Maya) is governed by Mayahuel, Goddess of the Maguey and of Fertility, as its provider of tonalli (Shadow Soul) life energy. Tochtli is a day of self-sacrifice and service to something greater than oneself. It signifies the religious attitude which holds everything sacred and results in experiences of self-transcendence. It is a mystical day, associated by the passages of the moon. It is a good day for communing with nature and spirit, a bad day for acting against others. - www.azteccalendar.com
As I was born on a Tochtli day, i understand the importance the MOON plays in all of our lives. It was how time was measured and has calendar dedicated to it throughout the world. I even record its phases in my own notes. Pay attention and it will show you things you can't imagine. Here are some songs that feature the MOON:
Roberta Flack: The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face
Grant Lee Buffalo: Mighty Joe Moon
King Harvest: Dancing in the Moonlight
Phoebe Bridgers: Moon Song
Television: Marquee Moon
Camila Cabello: Only Told the Moon
The Police: Walking on the Moon
Ariana Grande: Moonlight
Grace VanderWaal: Moonlight
Nick Drake: Pink Moon
Taylor Swift: Slut!
Merle Haggard: Crazy Moon
Van Morrison: Moondance
Shakespear's Sister: Electric Moon
Ben E. King: Stand by Me
Wilco: Black Moon
Laura Branigan Moonlight on Water
Gordon Lightfoot: Sea of Tranquility
Neil Young: Harvest Moon
Concrete Blonde: Mexican Moon
Electric Light Orchestra: Ticket to the Moon
Pearl Jam: Yellow Moon
Cat Stevens: Moonshadow
AC/DC: What's Next to the Moon
R.E.M: Man on the Moon
Bob Seger: Shame on the Moon
Ozzy Osbourne: Bark at the Moon
Debbie Harry: Dancing Down the Moon
Elvis Presley: Blue Moon
Elvis Costello: You Hung the Moon
Sam Cooke: Blue Moon
The Rolling Stones: Moonlight Mile
Karen O: The Moon Song
Ray Charles: Moon Over Miami
Linda Ronstadt/ Joan Baez: The Moon is a Harsh Mistress
Duran Duran: New Moon on Monday
Fleetwood Mac: Sisters of the Moon
Creedence Clearwater Revival: Bad Moon Rising & Blue Moon Nights
Ella Fitzgerald: How High the Moon & No Moon at All
Traveling Wilburys: New Blue Moon
Bob Dylan: Full Moon and Empty Arms
George Harrison: Here Comes the Moon
Michael Jackson: Scared of the Moon
The Doors: Moonlight Drive
Echo and the Bunnymen: The Killing Moon
Chuck Berry: Havana Moon
Lana Del Rey: Meet Me in the Pale Moonlight
Ramones: Howling at the Moon
David Bowie: Moonage Daydream
The Beatles: Mr. Moonlight
Jimi Hendrix: Moon, Turn the Tides...gently, gently away
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sicko4smut · 1 year ago
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.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. @smutmaniac -main blog
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pinkeoni · 2 years ago
Th-this… this is… this is just like…. T-Twi-…. Twin Peak—
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darkpeacemusic · 6 months ago
Creepypasta Headcanons: Theme Songs
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Jeff the Killer - Numb by Linkin Park
Homicidal Liu - Never Too Late by Three Days Grace
Sully - I Can't Decide by Scissor Sisters
Randy - Psycho by Hardy
Keith - Stressed Out by Twenty One Pilots
Troy - Welcome to my Life by Simple Plan
Ben Drowned - Discord by The Living Tombstone
Jane the Killer - GRRRLS by AViVA
Mary Vaughn - Wrap Me In Plastic by Chromance
Masky - Hide 'n Seek by J-honny
Hoodie - Boulevard of Broken Dreams by Green Day
Toby - Freaks by Surf Curse
Kate the Chaser - Mad Hatter by Melanie Martinez
Charlie Matheson Jr. - Thanks for The Memories by Panic at the Disco
CR - Nowhere to Run by Stegosaurus Rex
Lulling Lauren - Secret by The Pierces
Cat Hunter - Kill the Lights by Set It Off
Third Base - Little Swing by AronChupa
Rouge the Prowler - Animal I Have Become by Three Days Grace
Wilson the Basher - Another Way Out by Hollywood Undead
Skully - Sleeping Powder by Gorillaz
Chris the Revenant - Where the Lonely Ones Roam by Digital Daggers
Slenderman - Come Little Children by Eurtan
Splendorman - Buttercup by Jack Stauber
Trenderman - Fashionably Late by Falling In Reverse
Tenderman - Death Bed by POWFU
Offenderman - Teeth by 5SOS
Zalgo - When You're Evil by Voltaire
Laughing Jack - Left Behind by DAGames
Eyeless Jack - Cannibal by Kesha
Doctor Smiley - Happy Pills by Weathers
Nurse Ann - Dark Horse by Christina Grimmie
Doctor Pain - Dr Sunshine is Dead by Will Wood and the Tapeworms
X-Virus - Drugs by Falling in Reverse
Dr. Locklear - God Syndrome by Madame Macabre
Lifeless Lucy - Cradles by Sub Urban
Lily Kennett - Dollhouse by Melanie Martinez
Sally Williams - Hide and Seek by Lizz Robinett
Sam Williams - Little Game by Benny
Lazari - Monster by Mia and Dia
Slendrina - Killing Butterflies by Lou Bliss
Nightmare Ally - Whisper by Evanescence
Vailly Evans - Control by Halsey
Lulu - Alice by Avril Lavigne
Nina the Killer - Pretty Little Psycho by Procelain Black
Kagekao - Aishite by Kikiuo
Clockwork - Lotta True Crime by Penelope Scott
Smile Dog - Lion by Hollywood Undead
Grinny Cat - Get Out Alive by Three Days Grace
The Seedeater - I Will Find You by Moikkz
Mr Widemouth - Cartman by SPBeams
Will Grossman - At The Huts of the Underworld by Korpiklaani
Laughing Jill - Carousel by Melanie Martinez
Jason the Toymaker - Hypnotic by Zella Day
Candy Pop - Balloon Animals by Madame Macabre
Candy Cane - Circus by Britney Spears
April Fools - Cirque by Sub Urban
Nathan the Nobody - A Match In Water by Pierce the Veil
The Puppeteer - Cigarette (duet) by Princess Chelsea
Emra - Bloody Mary by Lady Gaga
Zachary the Proxy - Hayloft II by Mother Mother
Sonic.exe - Monster by Skillet
Tails Doll - Can You Feel The Sunshine from Sonic R
Dark Link - Someone Must Get Hurt by She Wants Revenge
Herobrine - Andromeda by Dance With The Dead
Lost Silver - Game Over by Falling In Reverse
Glitchy Red - Haunted by Laura Les
Strangled Red - I Bet On Losing Dogs by Mitski
Oliver Henderson - Dumb Dumb by Mazie
Stripes - Limbo by Freddie Dredd
Rosie - Hollaback Girl by Gwen Stefani
Scarecrow Girl - Rät by Penelope Scott
The Skroll - Sarcasm by Get Scared
The Rake - Night of the Hunter by 30 Seconds to Mars
BOB - Six Foot Deep by Creature Feature
Bloody Painter - Heathens by Twenty One Pilots
Judge Angels - Look What You Made Me Do by Taylor Swift
Suicide Sadie - Goodbye to A World by Porter Robinson
Roadwalker - The Zombie Song by Stephanie Mabey
Zero - Everything Black by Unlike Pluto
Hobo Heart - My Demons by Starset
Dollmaker - Creepy Doll by Jonathan Coulton
Killing Kate - Not Nice by Megan the Stallion
Ted the Caver - Blood // Water by grandson
Frankie the Undead - Coming Back Down by Hollywood Undead
Evan - I Don't Care by Fall Out Boy
HABIT - Boogie Woogie Wu by Insane Clown Posse
Jeff Koval - Somebody's Watching Me by Rockwell
Alex Kralie - Pumped Up Kicks by Foster the People
Jessica Locke - No Surprises by Radiohead
Amy - If You Seek Amy by Britney Spears
Sarah - Sarah Smiles by Panic at the Disco
Seth - All I Wanted by Paramore
Screaming Dawn (oc) - I Hate Everything About You by Three Days Grace
Queen Blackheart (oc) - Bring Me To Life by Evanescence
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