#blorbo should have psychological issues
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shouchan11 · 1 month ago
Curly's teen mom abandoned him as a baby and he was adopted by a really nice rich family but he's still really insecure and Weird about it (mommy kink)
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lapdogchase · 2 months ago
house s8 e9 liveblogging.
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^babygirl the fit is ATROCIOUS
"you know that close to 1% of the population identifies as asexual?" "we really gotta get you laid" WHEREA M I
"you're letting him get inside your head. he could do a lot of damage in there" What do u mean bythis Chase
adams and chase should bond over their respective love lives or lack thereof Call that divorceduo . that probably is a duo name for someone's scrimblio blorbo penisunavaliable whatever actually nvm
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^chase has a GAY LITTLE CRUSH ON HIM he loves his fucking games and puzzles because hes HOMOSEXUAL.!!!!!!!!!!!!
"you think he[chase] knows anything about women who don't want to have sex?" 😭STOP SLUTSHAMING HIM!!!
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^INSANE thing to say DEFINITELY speaks to a deeper psychological issue. who is telling this man that if he relies on anyone he should kill himself
ohhhh my baby boy :(you are so unwell please seek psychiactric assistance :(
lighting their fucking cigars with a $100 bill they lit on fire. in the hospital. JUST FUCK LIKE NORMAL PEOPLE
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brakingpoint · 5 months ago
Thoughts on drivers getting fired mid season. Be as bitchy (or compassionate idc) as you want👀
i think, and i am saying this with the self awareness of somebody who got into f1 in 2020, a big issue with the response to mid-season hirings and firings atm is it's kind of... a foreign phenomenon to a lot of people who got into formula one during the drive to survive era. this isn't meant to be a scathing eye roll "ughhh DTS fans suck" thing btw, i am really a DTS fan myself if we're being technical about it, but i'm saying this more as a neutral attempt to explain what i think is going on here. but basically drive to survive started covering f1 during a uncharacteristically stagnant era for mid-season driver changes in the sport, with the gasly/albon red bull to toro rosso swap in 2019 the only thing even close to a mid-season firing for a good five years! whereas if you even go back one year to 2017 you had not just a mid season firing (jolyon palmer) but the whole toro rosso revolving door in the back half of the season, and if you go back beyond that most seasons (at least in the 2000s and early 2010s, which was as far as i could be bothered to go back on wikipedia tonight) have had at least one mid season driver change. so i think to a lot of people who are newer fans of the sport mid season changes are shock events that should only happen under the most extreme of circumstances as opposed to a fairly normal part of the sport that just happened to Not Occur As Much in a particularly highly publicised era of racing, which gave people false expectations imo
and not only that, but gasly/albon being covered by netflix meant for the first time you really got that in depth, deliberately dramatised look into the sacked (or demoted) driver's psyche which of course is going to make people far more aware of, and sympathetic towards, the psychological impact of a mid-season sacking. whereas i think when you don't have that in depth coverage it's far easier to be detached and look at it from a purely sporting perspective and say yeah, the results weren't coming, it's a competitive sport and sometimes cutthroat decisions have to be made. that is not to say that the psychological impact should be disregarded and it's wrong to think about & feel sympathy for that when a driver is fired (especially when the sacking is handled clumsily by the team with drivers being given mixed signals, rumours being allowed to circulate for weeks before any formal announcement is made, etc), but i think there's a tendency now to look at it as a personal targeted act of cruelty towards somebody's blorbo as opposed to, you know, a sporting and business decision made by a top tier professional team trying to eke out even the slightest advantage compared to their closest rivals
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canonizzyhours · 1 year ago
I also don't understand how anyone can enjoy Steddyhands because of how absolutely discordant the vibes between Stizzy, Gentlebeard, and EdIzzy independently are. This is not a group of ships that can be consolidated into a throuple without a major izzy personality overhaul and even then why would Ed and Stede care they're busy fucking and Ed has too much trauma about Izzy to take it up with him after all that?
However I think part of the reason why you can't conceive of liking Edizzy is that you're thinking of "shipping" as "I think this couple is cute and I want them to end up together" or "these two characters should have sex because I think it would make them happy" and less of "I want to see these two guys in situations together some of them sexual"
Like EdIzzy is not a good ship from the perspective of end game or of Ed's happiness and fulfillment and I want him to kick that greasy little so&so to the curb but can you IMAGINE them having sex? They would make Freud fucking weep. These two can fit so many nasty unpleasant behaviors in them. There's daddy issues here only perceptible to shrimp. Evil ship to write evil fic about. I think Ed should have deep throated the barrel of that gun while maintaining eye contact in 2x02. I think cutting off toes is sex. I think asking a guy to shoot you is basically begging to be penetrated. I hope they never have sex and keep trying to kill each other in ways that look so much like sex they don't even have plausible deniability anymore. I hope Ed slips up and calls him dad.
(in my fics obviously I don't want him back Ed is healing in cannon❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹)
(also I agree with you on the abuse point but also this is a psychological torture chamber for blorbos bad stuff is going to happen #deaddovedonoteat)
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conways · 5 months ago
Talk more about Shams((/nf obvi duejsjekJ)!!! Why's he your favourite? Do you have any hcs of him? Just share whatever I like cotds so much and there's very little stuff for this guy in particular!! :D
You have made a grave mistake, random asker... I will now be Going Off About My Son Boy
glossary: EvJ stands for Every Journey, my partner and i's nextgen/postcanon au
Shamus is... oh my god. Okay first of all, i should preface that I've always loved 'bad' characters. My other #1 blorbo is Arlo from pkmnGO, if that tells you anything. I like Chloe MLB, I like Sharpay Evans, I like Brooke lps popular. Idk what it does to my brain psychologically I just think theyre oh so neat.
With Shamus (ik its a typo but i Love 'shams' btwz stealing that!) at first it was largely his design. I mean look at him! His eyes are so unique, the small irises, the white pupils, even the overall shape of them is one not really seen anywhere else? Not many other pokeani characters look like him. It's something I like about best wishes in general, I think I like Cilan for the same reason.
Another point to my initial love for him is the fact that he isn't even on the COTD list on bulbapedia. Because he technically does show up earlier, in one of tepig's flashbacks. As someone that ALSO loves pokemon COTDs and characters no one else remembers (another one of my favorite characters is EDMUND. the guy that showed up for two seconds and wasnt even on the end card?! YEAH.), you can imagine my surprise when he showed up out of left field!! Like okay weirdo where have you been hiding!
I also love tepig in general, its probably my favorite starter overall (not counting piplup. my love for piplup surpasses 'favorite' status) - I know it seems counterintuitive to love tepig and then also become obsessed with Shamus, but... Idk! Watching Shamus' episode means I get to see more tepig!
But honestly the majority of the reason he's attached to my brain like a parasite is my own personal headcanons. In the same way people headcanon Reggie and Paul to be Brandon's sons... I also hc Shamus to be! In EvJ specifically, hes Reggie and Paul's half brother from Brandon's "i miss my wife i need to have relations with a woman that looks vaguely like her" infidelity episode. I think Brandon was only with Saoirse (the oc we nade up to be Shamus' mom. the autism runs deep.) a couple times, buuut it was enough to make Shamus!
Shamus is Brandon's bastard kid that he doesn't talk to that much and when he does it's because Shamus is in trouble for something. He didn't get to bond with Brandon much at all and as he grows up a lot of his "I need the best pokemon ever, i cant have failures" comes from the exact same place that it does for Paul - Trying to prove themselves to Brandon. The main difference between them is that Shamus is also... Highly manipulative. Love him for it! He developed it pretty early on when trying to get out of trouble, turning on the waterworks so his mom wouldn't call his dad on him.
Listen, in my hc hes only 12 at the time we see him in Best Wishes(and Ash is 15). I dont believe hes ever going to get a grand redemption arc, but I do think he'll grow up to be just Some Guy that his dad can't bring himself to be proud of. I just can't realistically see him becoming that ultimate 'good person' archetype like Ash, or even having a turnaround the same way Paul does. He's just some guy.
Oh also he's gay. Obviously. And Obviously he has issues relating to the fact that hes gay. Also his wholeass soulmate is Sawyer xy but he never even meets him so it doesnt matter.
His middle name is Cian. Shamus Cian Renwick. His mom is very Irish if you can't tell. I'll find an image of her later
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anderswasrightt · 1 year ago
regarding promised neverland (ur replies were turned off, i hope it was just a general thing and not a sign u didnt want any responses to this, if it was the latter feel free to ignore), i watched s1 and never rly watched s2 so i cant say how it is, but i DID finish the entire manga which i never do so it was p enjoyable and despite its many issues, racism being like. a prime one, which ud know from s1, it raised some interesting moral/philosophical questions and had a pretty satisfying ending, so if u dont mind the uhhh human conspumption and psychological torture/trauma/etc and racist depictions (i cant remember if there was anything else after the character that was covered in s1, i dont think so? it was a long time ago and most chars are either demons or the mostly white kids) and any other content warnings that i havent listed here, id recommend it! mostly enjoyed the lack of romance and wack plot and a few blorbo-worthy chars
(part two of this ask) -- (i forgot to add bcs i just remembered it, i did have a discussion abt this w my friends who watched s2 way back in 2019 (but didnt read the manga like me) and who were like wow this sucked and it was essentially just me being like wtf they took out so much of the manga plot!! why did they change thing x and y!! so ig my answer is that the manga is decently different and i didnt have a negative reaction to it as a whole, so even if u dislike s2 id say give the manga a try and see if u like it more okay, this in addition to someone else's tags convinced me to read it! i actually love the psychological horror stuff and horror in general (you should see my junji ito collection), and the lack of romance in a series about children works just fine for me lol. thanks for the messages!
oh and my replies are just off to anyone who's not a mutual because i have a viral post going around and the replies were getting excessive so i turned them off lol. i welcome asks from anyone!
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notsosilentsister · 2 years ago
What is your female characters pet peeves? How do you think female characters should be written? And do you think people often minimise violence against women when it is subtle or passive?
One of my most reblogged posts on tumblr is quote by writer Foz Meadows, about the lack of redemption arcs for female anti-heroines. So that's definitely something I'd like to see more of, for instance. It doesn't mean that I think you should never write iredeemable female villains though. Firstly, because "should" is always a tricky word in the context of art, wouldn't want to sound dogmatic, etc. Secondly, because I don't generally mind cartoon villains; sometimes that's just verissimilitude.
Sure, I usually prefer multidimensional, dynamic characters with complicated motivations, drawn in a nuanced, psychologically plausible manner. But there's also a place in story-telling for cartoon villains and Mary Sues, broad archetypes and blank slates for audiences to project onto. Characters don't have to be relatable, redeemable, admireable, complicated, dynamic, nuanced, plausible, active, memorable, unique, not even interesting. The interesting thing about a piece of fiction doesn't have to be a character. Not every piece of writing has to be character driven. There is no way any individual character could be written that I would consider categorically wrong.
One does notice patterns though, some of which I'm not too fond of. The dearth of redemption arcs for female anti-heroines for instance. Or how the prototypical Blorbo on Tumblr is probably male.
A Blorbo is not necessarily a protagonist, or even a character with a lot of agency, lines, scenes. A Blorbo can play a quite minor role in the source material. The whole thing about the Blorbo is that the fans do most of the work themselves. They sift the canon for every crumb of info, no matter how meagre the yield, and create the most lavish meals by adding home-grown ingredients. It's an ever repeating miracle at the foot of the mountain, a perfect use-case for the age-old wisdom that a little can go a long way, with a bit of crowd participation, if you know the tricks.
But it doesn't just happen, there are some tricks, and they are, it seems to me, sometimes a bit neglected for female characters. A lazy writer might consider a female character as likelable by default, merely by virtue of not having her do anything overly objectionable. Or they might equip her with all sorts of interesting characteristics on paper, but fail to follow through on show-don't-tell. The biggest issue however, the biggest obstacle on the road to potential blorbo-hood, is being done with creating a character too quickly, letting her remain as the placeholder that was introduced in the first outline.
The important thing about a Blorbo is that you can imagine a life for them beyond the narrative of the source material. They must seem more than a mere plot device, an obstacle for the protagonist to overcome, a victim to avenge, a trophy to win, a provider of exposition, a token to meet a diversity quota.
Of course a lot of writers, in their first outline - if they use an outline - might start with plot devices instead of characters. Ideally these are just placeholders, to be replaced by the actual characters in revision after revision, as their image becomes clearer and clearer in the writer's mind and the organically evolve beyond their initial conception. Some writers say the characters take on a life of their own. I tend to find this too cute by half, implying there's not much agency on part of the writer. But I do think there's a valueable idea in there, the idea that you have to let the process take you beyond your first idea, because let's face, first ideas are often very dull. To allow a character to come alive in that way, there has to be willingness to let them grow beyond the place initally reserved for them by the placeholder, to create that space for growth in your mind, to revise and adjust original plans accordingly.
Some writers won't do that, they'll stick to their initial outline come what may, they have no curiosity for their characters beyond their plot function and they're never going to be my favorites. But not everything has to cater to my preferences, and compelling characters are not the only way to sell a story. That's not really my issue.
My beef is with writers who can apparently make that space for evolution for their male characters, and seem to stick with their first outline when it comes to the female ones. Of course I don't have any conclusive evidence for that, it's just a feeling you get with some characters who seem to remain mere placeholders to the end, there's just never the slightest whiff about them that seems to point beyond a first idea. I think this is a subtle violence already, this lack of curiosity, lack of imagination, lack of willigness to change plans to do a character justice, comittment to keeping a character in their original place. Especially because it's an attitude all too easily transferred to real-life-relationships with women and might trigger a lot of frustration and agression when women fail to serve the function they were assigned at the start.
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patricideawards · 2 years ago
1: don't let this blog being named patricideawards fool you, you are encouraged to submit characters with daddy issues unrelated to physical abuse, and who haven't attacked or killed their dads. (though recommending legitimately patricidal characters is always a plus)! go crazy. all kinds of psychological damage are accepted here as long as your character is a Daddy Issues Character
2: you are not only allowed but encouraged to send me asks explaining why people should vote for your blorbo.
3: don't submit real people!
4: please don't submit the same character multiple times.
5: have fun and don't forget to slay ^_^
p.s: this isn't a requirement or anything but I would really like it if I got some submissions for female characters with soul-crushing daddy issues. women need to break through the glass ceiling of the patricide business 💯♀️
this format is inspired by what @i-need-to-fuck-that-old-man is doing so go show him some love 😊
submissions close tuesday, february 28th, at midnight cst!
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luanna801 · 3 years ago
If we're going for a controversial character for bingo, Jack Seward seems to fit the bill! Or if someone already asked for him, Satoshi Hiwatari/Hikari maybe?
... Okay, but let's start off with Satoshi 'cause that'll probably be less controversial. (Also, any excuse to talk about my boy!)
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"everyone but me is wrong about them" - There are very few characters where I'm LITERALLY out here like "I AM THE AUTHORITY ON THIS CHARACTER ACTUALLY, ALL OF YOU ARE WRONG." Satoshi is one of those characters.
"wasted potential" - I mean, he honestly probably was LESS wasted than some other characters in canon (Riku got SO badly effed over by canon, godammit), but that doesn't mean there wasn't still a TON of wasted potential here. I think one of the most disappointing aspects of the ending is that after spending pretty much the entire series suffering and being abused... there's never any meaningful confrontation or catharsis between him and either of his abusers? There's so much more that needed to be explored and addressed there.
"they're like a blorbo to me" - As with Dick Grayson, he's a strong contender for my #1 blorbo.
"deeper than they seem" - I should really just add this one automatically.
"I like them enough to project my own issues onto them" - this is interesting because on the face of it, I don't consider myself particularly similar to Satoshi. I guess it's more that... I connect with his character in a very personal way? And also I think that when you really love a character, there's always a certain danger of projection.
"they got done DIRTY by the fans" - So, fun story. Did I ever tell you guys that I was once so fed up with the DNAngel fandom that I made up a "Victim-Blaming and Abuse Apologism Bingo Card" with all the worst takes I'd seen? No?
... Yeah, I think that says it all.
"didn't get enough screentime" - I mean, he got a fair amount, but there's still SO MUCH MORE I WANTED TO SEE DEVELOPED AND DEALT WITH W/ HIS CHARACTER, GOSHDANGIT.
Jack Seward:
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"everyone but me is wrong about them" - I have this very particular reaction to the Jack Seward Discourse where it's like, I hate seeing people say they hate him and he's evil, but I also hate seeing the people who make excuses for him about things that IMO they really shouldn't? Like NO, you are NOT allowed to say you hate him and he should be kicked out of the polycule. But NO, you also should NOT be acting like it's totally fine and non-comment-worthy that he thinks letting Renfield eat kittens is a tempting scientific prospect. Goddamn!! Get it right!!
(Necessary disclaimer that in actuality everyone can and should feel however they like about his character and there are multiple valid takes, etc. etc. But also, mine is the correct one.)
"they're deeper than they seem" - I think there's honestly ENDLESS material to explore with Jack, from the way he interacts with his patients (to both the good and bad), what he represents in terms of the development of psychology, his depression and fears about his own mental health, his low-key mad scientist tendencies (and yet the fact that he has a strong enough conscience to hold himself back from going down that path)... there's SO much there.
"I like them enough to project my own issues onto them" - I honestly relate to Jack a lot, as someone who's struggled with depression for years, and decided to go into psychology partly as a result of that struggle. That doesn't mean I'm down for his dubious psychological ethics, but there's a lot about his core struggle that resonates with me,
"they got done DIRTY by the fans" - I should note that there are also a lot of fans writing really balanced, nuanced, thoughtful posts about him. But hooooo boy, some edges of the discourse can get... interesting.
"Didn't get enough screen time" - in terms of the actual story of Dracula and the need to balance all the different characters, he probably got the correct amount of screentime. But like, I would've been happy for more! He's kind of the polar opposite of what I said about the Joker, in that I probably would happily read a spinoff about whatever shenanigans he gets up to running the asylum and joining a 12-Step Program for Staying on The Mad Scientist Wagon or whatever, even if the rest of the Dracula cast only briefly showed up in it.
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warcraftish · 2 years ago
He straight up explains what's up in the cinematic in the Maw: he doesn't trust himself/his own judgement anymore. He feels responsible, and it's obviously his way of dealing with his issues responsibly. Orderly abdication/transition of power, which is clearly what he set up before fucking off, is not absconding from responsibility. If it's anything, it's the first sign Anduin actually could become a decent ruler in a modern sense, like as an actual participant in a modern democracy - something that is not true of anyone else on Azeroth except Gelbin (pre-BFA) or Erazmin (post-BFA, because they fucked Gelbin's personality up something awful).
The Gathering was also a very terrible judgement call on his part, and even if we take the "it was fated to happen anyway because Jailer", Anduin himself can't know that conclusively, so stepping away to process the possibility that your own fuckup/stubborn belief in your own righteousness may have contributed to provoking a genocide (note: not the genocide itself), is... not a bad thing? That's the thing, Sylvanas is like "bb, you're the one that believes in free will". So given that's the case, Anduin has to consider that:
He had Free Will in ignoring all the perfectly reasonable advice from all the people who told him "Sylvanas will find this to be a provocation and it is a bad idea, she is a dictator".[1]
Sylvanas had Free Will in choosing to burn Teldrassil, meaning she could have made another choice, and his particular push for The Gathering actually did ultimately provoke her. Note: not the same as him being responsible for her actions, but being responsible for the state of play that made her feel like genocide was her best option.[2]
Shadowlands took place over two years. Shaw and Turalyon never show up there; Genn only at the very end. So that's two years where Anduin was absent from the throne/his responsibilities, and *shit held together*. Things were okay. He has proof positive of his own irrelevance. Now, I think he's too brainwashed by his legacy to actually fully consider those implications and move towards real democracy/Blizzard isn't going to go there/"what does it mean to be a king/man?" is too central to how Anduin was designed as a character, but the potential is in fact there, and on top of that I think it's perfectly in character that he would at least consider that, both in calculating whether he can go on walkabout to get his head together/have a break, and more broadly in terms of "what should the structure of government for the Alliance and Stormwind actualy be?"
[2] Outside of blorbo stuff, there's some serious Game Theory implications here, like this kind of strategy and psychology is literally what nuclear deterrence is based on, and really all modern military deterrence. And for what it's worth, given the situation in Ukraine and the preceding history of the West/NATO letting Putin get away with escalating violations of international norms, it's a relevant question. I mean certainly almost everyone on Tumblr is a reflexive dove (just like Anduin!), but as a matter of fact, that shit has a body count, just as it did in both World Wars.
Christie Golden is horrible and inappropriate for bringing real world war crimes and historical stuff like Nuremberg into the game, in my opinion. However, since that happened, and the entire text of Warcraft itself basically invites this sort of analysis (for all it can't really hold up to it because there's an absurd paucity of versimilitude in the world itself), it's worth considering from that perspective.
These are all things that are indisputable, it's all in the game. Given who Anduin is and has been up to this point, these are all things he'd have to think through and acknowledge to be the case, and I don't think given all that combined with the massive amounts of stress he was already under previously, that his choosing to step down for a while is all that unrealistic or even particularly counts as absconding.
In fact the most interesting questions to me are those that isn't outright in game, only possibly obliquely hinted at: is the reason Anduin is so horrified at his experience with the Jailer because he enjoyed it too much? Essentially, that he found relief in Domination, even knowing that as a king/priest/man it's forbidden (I mean he literally comes to Sylvanas like a dude in a D/s relationship experiencing subdrop looking for aftercare from his domme)? Or, on the other hand, is his existential horror of what it was like to be Dominated giving him some empathy for what his subjects must feel on some level, essentially insight into the injustice of monarchy/feudalism?
Anduin is very thoughtful and introspective as a character, that's text many many times over, even though yes, he is also very much more action oriented than his standom gives him credit for. But he's never actually questioned the righteousness of his own rulership, or even its impact on him. The scene where he basically defies all his mentors and elders and advisors to call for the The Gathering was in a certain way profoundly fucked up. He was 17, I think, given the current chronology. It was like an Emperor's New Clothes situation where no one ever actually calls out the Emperor. It's interesting, because Anduin both failed the world and his duty, but the system itself basically failed him. It's nothing something a seventeen year old should have to be responsible for, but given that he did take on that responsibility and seemingly isn't and may never admit how fucked up that was, yeah, it's in character for him to wrestle with it honestly -- the same as he's wrestled with all the other situations you mention!
What's in character for Anduin is basically: spend a long time considering the morality of things, then act, with the lead time between considering and acting getting longer as he gets older, which is like, yeah duh a 20 year old is going to have more caution than a 10 year old. The entirety of BFA and everything it calls into question doesn't have a specific, obvious path to righteous action, and The Gathering represents Anduin having been burned by thinking something was the obvious path to righteous action and being horribly, horribly wrong. So that means more contemplating, and in the meantime, he knows things will be okay because they have been for two years. Technically, Turalyon has a better track record as leader than Anduin does, and Anduin has to know that, because he's not stupid and he does absolutely think about these things.
[1] The two people who pushed for it were... an undead priest who follows the Light, and a woman who later became undead who follows the Light. The fact of the matter is that the Light essentially couped the Alliance into acting for it's intentions, not the intentions of the majority of the rulership of the Alliance. Worth pointing out, Void vs Light expansion here we fucking go.
[2] Outside of blorbo stuff, there's some serious Game Theory implications here, like this kind of strategy and psychology is literally what nuclear deterrence is based on, and really all modern military deterrence. And for what it's worth, given the situation in Ukraine and the preceding history of the West/NATO letting Putin get away with escalating violations of international norms, it's a relevant question. I mean certainly almost everyone on Tumblr is a reflexive dove (just like Anduin!), but as a matter of fact, that shit has a body count, just as it did in both World Wars.
Christie Golden is horrible and inappropriate for bringing real world war crimes and historical stuff like Nuremberg into the game, in my opinion. However, since that happened, and the entire text of Warcraft itself basically invites this sort of analysis (for all it can't really hold up to it because there's an absurd paucity of versimilitude in the world itself), it's worth considering from that perspective. Anduin is essentially in the position of being Neville Chamberlain, actually fully living through all of WW2 and its aftermath, and being forced to come to grips with the fact that he was wrong, he fucked up, and he worsened the impact of both the war itself and the holocaust. That's some remarkably heavy shit! And worse, he's surrounded by people who, despite their general goodness otherwise and dearness to him, are basically telling him "nah Nev, it's fine, Hitler was always going to do it eventually" and aren't listening to the "hey maybe I should have listened to fucking Churchill" part.
And it's Anduin: yeah, he's going to take that seriously. He does have some soul-searching to do, and the thing is, he also knows everyone who surrounded him already has answers for him that do not satisfy him.
One thing I never see mentioned about the Maw scene is like: the reason he goes to Sylvanas is because his friends have already failed him. They are not willing to engage with his actual concerns. That's fine, Jaina and Genn aren't necessarily cut out to be therapists, but everyone invalidates his emotions whether they're right about the moral quandary at the heart of everything or not, but Sylvanas doesn't. She engages him directly about his concerns. She doesn't provide answers for him, but that's not actually the job of a therapist.
the whole idea that anduin would abscond from responsibility is so funny. has he absconded before? yeah, but that's always because he felt he had a duty to a group of people and needed to help them. would he fuck off for three goddamn years because he's got a bloodlust or whatever? i highly doubt it.
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