#blocking anonymous asks
vladdyissues · 5 months
Just fyi, because tumblr now requires a user to be logged in to send an anonymous message, you can block the individual sender of an inappropriate ask. It will only block their logged-in account doing the asking, not the whole IP address like it used to.
Oh, hey. You're right. That's excellent news! Thank you for sharing this bit of info. I might actually have to use it here soon, we'll just see.
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staffs-secret-blog · 1 year
To avoid interacting with bots (since their names are more believable now) I’m blocking everyone I see on this app
A good policy, godspeed
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Do you know why no one’s attempted to bond with Vermithor until now? At least in show verse. Daemon’s ego at least seems like he would have wanted him. And the way the show’s apparently bent the lore enough to where Rhaenyra can touch him unscathed..seems like Vermithor actually inexplicably liked her lol to the point where it seems had she attempted to bond with him in her youth she may have been successful.
In show-verse, we're told that Daemon wanted Meleys (his late mother's dragon), and after Meleys rejected him and accepted Rhaenys instead, he bonded with Caraxes (Rhaenys's late father's dragon). I'm not sure exactly when all this was going on in HOTD time, but in book-verse Rhaenys was 13 and Daemon was 6 when she claimed Meleys in 87 AC (three years after Alyssa had died), and Daemon didn't claim Caraxes until he was at least 11, after Aemon died in 92 AC. But either way it doesn't matter, Jaehaerys died in 103 AC, so Vermithor wasn't freed up until then.
Now, Book!Rhaenyra first rode Syrax in 104 AC, when she was 7. Show!Rhaenyra has the same birth year, and show!Jaehaerys's death year is also the same. So Vermithor was available at the time Rhaenyra first rode Syrax (assuming that show!Rhaenya also became a dragonrider at age 7). However, it is frequently assumed that Syrax was a cradle egg (though the book says nothing one way or the other, and neither has the show). In the book Syrax is called "young" when Rhaenyra first flew her; HOTD's 1st episode script, when Rhaenyra is 14, calls Syrax "adolescent". It's quite possible Rhaenyra had no interest in Vermithor because she had her birth-bonded dragon to ride once she was big enough.
Alternatively, it's possible that the Dragonkeepers warned 7-year-old Rhaenyra away from the notably grouchy and angry Vermithor and towards a younger dragon more suitable for her age, as they did when Alyssa initially wanted to claim Balerion. In general I'd suspect that would be the case for most young dragonriders, at least the ones who weren't already bonded to cradle-egg dragons. (As Rhaenyra's sons were; it's unclear whether Sunfyre and Tessarion were cradle eggs, or bonded while very young.) And we know it was suggested that Aemond pick out a dragon egg or hatchling, before he claimed Vhagar by himself.
So yeah, I figure the Dragonkeepers would very much prefer not to see a repeat of the deeply unfortunate Aerea incident, where it was Balerion in control, taking the 12-year-old girl to his definition of home, not hers. Let alone allowing a young prince or princess to get flamed to ash on their watch. When someone young does go for a massive old dragon (Laena or Aemond with Vhagar), it seems most likely it's done where the busybody protective Dragonkeepers can't interfere... which was not Rhaenyra's situation in King's Landing.
I hope that helps!
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powerfultenderness · 3 months
Imagine if reader wanted to come over to König's place, the door was open so she went in but realised he's not home (went grocery shopping, for example) and decided to sit there until he comes back so nobody suspicious enters his house.
And Konig comes back to his apartment and hears that somebody is in, but he can't quite tell who. Well the rest is up to you!
Oh boy I sure do hope you're still around, still into König and into this series! I do apologize for the super late response.
Summary: König finds out something interesting about his sweet neighbor. Rating: T+ Word Count: 1343 Notes: Remember neighbor's ex?
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“König!” You called excitedly as you knocked. 
No answer. 
Hm. Odd. You could have sworn he said he’d be home. You tried the doorknob and found it unlocked. That in itself wasn’t odd, he often told you to let yourself in when he knew you would be stopping by.
“König?” You tried again as you walked into his flat. 
Still no answer though. Bathroom maybe? He’s probably one of those bathroom shy people. So you gave him a few minutes while you set a lasagna on the kitchen counter.
You had helped out a couple that lived upstairs, pet sitting their cat while they went on vacation for a week. It was easy work really, all you had to do was feed the cat before you left for work and when you got home. Not only did you end up with some cash but with a pan of lasagna as an extra thanks. 
After a few minutes of nothing but silence you wandered around the flat, occasionally calling out his name. You then tried to text him, only to once again be met with silence in the flat.
“...Huh…” That means…
“He’s not here!” You gasped, a mischievous chuckle falling past your lips as you walked back to the living room. 
After the way he always chided you for not locking your door when you just wanted to duck out for a few minutes, you find his flat unlocked and completely empty! 
Speaking of your flat, you quickly rushed back and locked your door, just to rub it in his face when he got back. 
With it nearing dinner time, you decide to start the oven so you can reheat the lasagna. Then all that was to do was wait for him to come back. You figured if he left his door unlocked, then he shouldn’t be too long. 
König sighed as he glanced at his watch. One little favor for the landlord turned into two turned into three and now it was almost dinner time. 
His thoughts drifted to you, as they often did, and he grabbed his phone from his pocket. His stomach did a little flip and his heart rushed when he saw that you had sent him a text.
“Hey, where are you?”
He quickly typed out a reply, “almost home. Why?” 
Of course, whenever you sent a text like that, it usually meant that you were about to stop by, so he picked up his pace a little and rushed back to his flat.
As it only took a few minutes for him to get back home, he wasn’t surprised that in that time you hadn’t replied yet. He slipped his phone back in his pocket as he opened his door, only to pause before he even stepped through. Something wasn’t quite right. 
It took him a moment to assess what was wrong. The temperature was too warm, the smell of the gas oven having been turned on warned him of an intruder. 
Carefully, eyes focused but taking in everything around him, he made his way to the kitchen. Just when he rounded the counter you jumped up from your hiding spot, arms up and all, “boo-Ah!” 
Before your feet even fully planted back on the ground from your jump, König snatched one of your wrists and spun you around, pulling your back to his chest, with one arm reaching across your shoulders and neck.
Immediately, you tense your shoulders and drop your chin as your hands clawed at the arm around your neck. With how much taller than you he is combined with how strong he is, he pulled you up off your feet. 
Unexpectedly, you swung one foot behind you, catching his groin in a quick kick, it didn’t hurt much but it was enough for you to bring your weight back down on the ground, only for you to drop your left hip, sliding down. Gravity and momentum worked against him, and he suddenly found himself on his back and staring up at the ceiling. 
You popped up as soon as he hit the ground, a slow smile spreading across your face as he looked at you. 
How did you do that?
His eyes narrowed at you, a matching grin gracing his hidden face, as he pushed himself up and tried to reach for you again.
This time you were onto him and jumped out of his reach fast enough that his fingers barely brushed the fabric of your shirt before you were running away from him. 
You were practically running at full speed around his living room, giggles escaping you every time you felt his fingers brush against you. But with his long stride and long arms, and the fact that he was in far better shape than you were, he caught you just as you tried to cut in front of the couch. 
This time he caught you in a bear hug, pinning your arms down to your sides as he pulled you with him onto the couch, with you seated on his lap.
“Now,” he playfully growled in your ear, sending a shiver down your spine that you hopefully hid well behind your dying giggles. “I have many questions for you.”
He hummed and loosened his hold on you. “ What are you doing here? And how do you know how to do that, darling?” 
You wiggle your arms out from his hold and look over your shoulder with a grin, “you should learn to lock your door. You’re lucky that I was here to keep an eye on the place!” You teased with a laugh. 
König sighed, “yea, yea. Wilson asked me for a quick favor, said it was only going to take five minutes.” 
You chuckled. Once people got over how intimidating König looked, someone as strong and tall as he was was just a magnet for favors. 
“And how do you know how to flip someone like that?” He nudged you, moving onto what he was more interested in. 
“There are a lot of things you don’t know about me.” 
And he wants nothing more than to learn everything about you. “Oh yea, like what?”
You shift once again, so you are sitting more comfortably on his lap. “Like that I have a purple belt in jiu-jitsu.” 
König’s eyes went wide at your words. He never would have expected his sweet neighbor to have taken up martial arts! “Really? How long have you been training?” You beamed at how surprised he looked when you told him, though your smile fell sheepishly at his question. Then, much to his disappointment, you climbed off of his lap and instead sat next to him. 
“Welll, I don’t really practice anymore. But I started taking self defense lessons my last year at uni because, uhm, because my ex was kind of…overly worried.” You didn’t want to call the man paranoid, but he kind of was. “And when I told him I thought it was fun, he convinced me to take up jiu-jitsu.”  
It was fair to say that after meeting your ex just once, König didn’t very much like him. But he had to admit, “it is good that you know how to defend yourself.” 
You laughed, “not that I’ve ever had to use it for real! At least it impressed you!” 
König stared at you, butterflies erupting in his stomach, “you want to impress me?” 
Oh! Your laugh quickly died as your face heated up, “uh, I-” 
Three high pitched beeps from the kitchen drew both of your attention. “I brought dinner!” You covered and jumped up towards the kitchen. “Mrs. Brown in 301 gave me a lasagna as thanks for cat-sitting when she and her husband went on vacation last week.” 
As you told him all about the upstairs cat, König couldn’t help the almost overwhelming warm feeling that spread through his chest and stomach, to his face, burning his ears even. Perhaps his (not so) subtle crush on you was reciprocated, after all, you had wanted to impress him.
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End Notes: The jiu-jitsu was a surprise even to me! But it came up because I've been doing research on it for a different König/Reader fic and i just really liked the idea of Neighbor Reader surprising König😅
[Neighbor König Masterlist]
Neighbor König taglist (blurbs)
@warrior-of-justice  @cumikering @ihateuguys @rand0m--fangirl @keiva1000 @dtftheavengers @takeyour-pants-off @aeeliy @milenko115 @sodonuthideout @onegami @nadiauddincrafts @nadiauddincrafts @grizzersmamma @flooftoof @techs-ass @virginalsacrifice @s0rc3r3r @sleeplessskeleton @introvered-violinist @tizylish @romula96 @peach-habibitch @mitchlow @queenotaku27 @fenixnegras @emmbny @love-dove-noora @lesbianmitsuri @supergirl16 @wybwtjmiadz @ghonigsloverbabe @thatmusedhatter @grassclippers @skystreamchan @lordlydragon @luvecarson @thetestsubject666 @mafer383 @darkangel4121 @puppylikethedog  
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solisaureus · 2 months
what do you think future nico and will would look like? not necessarily as fully grown adults, around percy/annabeth age in toa where they have the freedom to not be in chb all the time! maybe will going to school, nico doing ???
would love to hear ur thoughts!!! ty my favorite nico and will writer 🙏
I picture nico staying on at camp half blood long term, at first as a swordplay instructor. then he gets the idea to start a grief counseling program for all the bereaved half bloods and works with chiron to make it happen. his cocoa puffs become like little therapy demons for the kids who come to talk to him.
i picture will training other apollo kids in field medicine to take over the infirmary once he goes off to school to become a doctor. he starts out as an ER doctor, and then later goes into hospice work.
i like the idea of nico as a grief counselor and will as a hospice care doctor, because they both combine the realms of death and healing, and embody everything that they’ve taught each other
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lyralit · 1 year
Do you have a list for phrases an oblivious person may misconstrue?
Like, anyone hearing them may think this person is flirty, passive aggressive, annoyed, etc, but the oblivious person takes it a different way?
passive aggressive / easily misconstrued phrases
please, go ahead / continue
could you say that again?
oh yeah, I love it.
really? wow.
thanks for that information
oh really? I couldn't tell.
go on, I was done talking.
please, I'd hate to interrupt you.
that's cute.
oh no, I didn't know.
thanks for making it obvious.
really? wow.
sure, it was super impressive.
oh, it was great...I love [abc]
no, I definitely don't mind that at all.
nope, couldn't tell.
wow, really? no one noticed!
it definitely depends on context though. remember that the characters carry the dialogue !
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nalyra-dreaming · 2 months
The way AMC neglected Armand, no pictures of him at SDCC, nothing on building wrap, nothing on door and elevator.
I can’t wait for S3 when all white characters aka Lestat, Nicki, Gabrielle will be the main pictures on the building wrap at SDCC while their POCs aka Louis & Armand pictures will be completely gone at SDCC next year.
We already know by next season, it will be filled with all white characters on the building, elevator, poster at SDCC :)
You‘re an idiot.
AMC is just being dumbasses in execution this time (see tweet). But yes, know no facts but jump to conclusions why don’t you 🙄🙄🙄🙄
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Also, you obviously haven’t read TVL if you think Armand and Louis do not play significant roles in it lmao.
Lesmand, incoming lol.
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bruhstation · 5 months
I am so so sorry to inform you but your art made it onto r/tumblr on reddit,,, my condolences
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qqueenofhades · 11 months
Maybe this is a controversial opinion, but its one that I've been reminded of in the few weeks since things have escalated so severely in Israel and Palestine-- I feel like the pressure for random, average individuals online to be vocally political is not only entitled and uncomfortable, but also just an example of misplaced priority.
Like, I have people on twitter right now that are flat out saying if you don't talk extensively about I/P you're truly, irredeemably evil. I've had mutuals say that silence means you're complacent in genocide, that you have blood on your hands (exact words). But it just doesn't make sense? Most of the people who I've seen being flat out harassed for being silent are teenagers who don't have money to donate, working class folks who don't have time to spare, and normal people who just don't have enough of a following online to even spread any word effectively. Of course, the ones doing the harassing are also poor/busy/not-popular, but they don't see the irony. (I've also seen them say that talking about war constantly is taking a toll on their mental health, saying they've cried, had nightmares, panic attacks, etc...but they also say that taking a mental health break from social media is "selfish" and genocidal, so.)
The whole interaction leaves me with so many questions. If stepping away from social media because politics are stressing you out (which they are known to do), are you obligated to use social media? Do you have to use twitter to be a good person? What does that say about people who can't afford a phone, or live in a country where it isn't quite possible? (Are homeless folks inherently genocidal, or is that an "obvious" exception that was never clarified because no one uses nuance anymore?) If you have to talk about world events, lest you side with the oppressor, at what point is something so catastrophic you *must* talk about it? Is there a number of lives lost that is low enough you can get away with being quiet, and a certain amount too high that you're obligated to talk about it? Is it your duty to have the news on 24/7 to make sure you don't miss anything and catch all the global disasters as they happen? How much do you have to talk about something for it to be considered "enough"? Is there a quota??
It just feels like a lot of people are acting as if people who aren't chronically online aren't 1. doing any activism, because the only important activism is social media networking (sarcasm), or 2. are inherently bad people for *not* spending 6 hours a day on their phones. Like, I had someone I thought was a friend say I was a bad person because I was trying to cut down my social media usage, because the timing was "too convenient"... as if that's a normal thing to say to someone, ever. Sorry if I went on a little bit of a rant, it wasn't my intention. I dunno, maybe it's just me; I've seen a lot of people saying this sort of stuff so maybe they are the majority. It just feels really weird to let people that are addicted to social media take charge of who online is "good" or "bad" based off their internet usage. As if we were all catholics or something. If I were to say that current takes on morality were very catholic-seeming, would you know what I mean?
As recently noted, I am myself on an embargo from answering asks related to this topic. I will make one exception because this is important. Please note that any wank in replies or reblogs will be instantly blocked (and I won't hesitate to disable reblogs if necessary). I will not be answering follow-up asks or getting drawn into Discourse. I do not want to do it and it will not be happening.
I have said it before, but it bears saying again: thinking that the only way to Do Activism is to be constantly on social media and immersing yourself in terrible things nonstop and then posting the Most Correct Opinions (and then viciously attacking anyone who is even slightly Not As Correct as you) is absolutely bullshit. If you're engaging with this content so much that it's giving you a mental breakdown or otherwise plunging you into a spiral of anxiety that you take out on other people who are just as far removed from actually doing anything about it as you: why? Do you really think that you and you alone, one random person on the Internet, are the only way anyone else is going to find out about these things? Or do you think you have to perform the Most Correct Opinions nonstop, viciously harass anyone who isn't responding in exactly the same way, and this is the sum total of what your response should be? Especially in a situation as bloody and complicated as this, dealing with reams of religious, social, cultural, and political history where the average commentator on this conflict knows only what's been fed to them by propaganda on TikTok? How the fuck is that useful or constructive for anyone, aside from perpetuating the idea that you have to be angry all the time on social media about things you essentially know nothing about? I can't see that it does.
What's happening to the Gazans right now is no qualification or equivocation, a genocide. It should rightfully be opposed and called what it is. But unfortunately, I have spent too much time around Western Online Leftists to believe they actually care a whit about stopping genocide as a fundamental principle, and only want to be seen to loudly care about what their Ideology has told them to care about. If it means hand-waving aside genocide and atrocities when committed by their preferred polities, so be it. Why haven't these same people been wall-to-wall up in arms about what Russia has been doing in Ukraine, or for God's sake Syria for the past ten years, if they're really concerned about the rights of innocent Muslim civilians attacked by a far-right imperialist power? Why not the Uighurs in China? Why not [insert the blank] of all the terrible things happening in the world as a result of far-right fascist genocidal imperialism? Why only this conflict? Why now? Why does it involve so much excusing of terrorism as long as it's committed for the Right Ideology? Why are some of the most loudly pro-Palestinian accounts on here also the most rabidly pro-Russian? How does that make sense? To put it bluntly, those genocides are being committed by nation-states that Online Leftists like for being "anti-Western," and therefore their activities are actually fine and should even need to be defended.
My point is not to say that what's happening to the Palestinians is not bad. It is. It is awful and inexcusable. However, I seriously doubt the motives and morality of those who are being the loudest about screaming on social media and attacking everyone else for not instantly repeating their views. I seriously doubt that the Online Left actually opposes genocide and accelerationism as fundamental principles, because they proudly demonstrate every day that they don't. Until those vast factors can be dismantled and shown for what they are, and this can be placed into its larger context, I don't buy it and I don't believe this wall-to-wall social media outrage factory is actually aimed at helping the Gazans or anyone else suffering the most as a result of this. It is just to show that they can be counted on to Perform Outrage and harass anyone else who doesn't do the same, and that does nothing for anyone whatsoever.
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nqueso-emergency · 10 days
If I was Lou and I saw the way that you all talk about him I’d be so embarrassed, this is a nearly 40 year old man and you treat him like some overly sensitive child who needs to be wrapped in bubble wrap and saved from the mean people of the world. Like, he’s going to work and getting paid I highly doubt he cares too much about some ‘Twitter warriors’ ranting and raving about him. And to say that abc is hiding him to protect him is so weird, like why do they need to protect a grown man? Did they protect Taylor, Natalia and Marisol’s actresses? Have they protected Ryan when bucktommy and Buddie fans have said that they hated him? I’m pretty sure Lou can take care of himself and presenting him as this delicate damsel in distress is really fucking weird.
Personally I'd feel grateful my employer and coworkers gave a fuck about me.
They threatened him and his family. It's not about "mean" fans, it's about real life laws being broken and choosing to put mental health before anything else.
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i want a will wood wimper audio
Hey everybody just a lil reminder !!
Don’t say creepy shit about will in the inbox.
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lyralit · 1 year
did you happen to post about cute little things to include in a written letter? if not, do you have any ideas as to what a character would add to a note?
no, I did not, but...
little picked flowers + plants (baby's breath, lilacs) ++ look at my post for flower meanings (I can't find it, but check the archive)
a list of songs that reminded them of the letter's recipient
photographs from times spent together / alone
stickers and stamps
paper receipts (movie stubs, carnival tickets, etc.)
origami (cranes etc)
bits and bobs -> gum wrappers folded into hearts, buttons, feathers, useless pennies, etc.
samples of art (little squares of embroidery, sketches, paint swabs)
recipes (a recipe exchange, maybe?)
paper clip jewelry (legend, anyone?)
friendship bracelets
newspaper clippings
writing -> quotes, poems, etc.
ribbon scraps tied in bows
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nalyra-dreaming · 3 months
Ya'll book readers have truly ruined this show fandom. I could give 2 fucks if these books have been out for over 200 years. The way Ya'll CONSTANTLY SPOIL PLOTS is fucking ridiculous and insidious. Show only viewers have had Claudia's death spoiled, the Devils Minion relationship, Loumands eventual break-up. Oh and let's not forget how Lestat fans just keep fucking going over and over about he controlled throughout the trial. Sure would've been nice to find that out in season 3!!! Ya'll talk a big game about loving this franchise but do everything in your power to ruin it for others. Let's not even get started on the Australian fans spoiling shit 2 days before the actual episodes drop. And the excuse for not having any class is always these books are 30 years old.
It’s 50 years honey.
And you’re just unable to use muting correctly.
Oh and also? Those spoilers? Were of someone streaming the episodes they got for review on a discord. Take it up with them and your inability to curate your dash.
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youhalfwit · 9 months
You do realize that sonadow is a pro ship shadow is older than sonic tf is wrong with you
So funny that people are still going with this bullshit rhetoric. Shadow was frozen for 50 years, he didn’t age mentally or physically during that time, him and sonic are roughly the same age in SA2. He is also ageless. I don’t think that Ian Flynn would have made a podcast episode about if sonadow was canon if it was a problematic ship.
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allastoredeer · 4 months
Is it just me or people really more and more draw Lucifer as a complete uwu shy baby and Alastor as his big alpha man? Because the more days pass the more of it I see and I'm tired.
Dude I hear ya (¬_¬) It's literally my biggest pet peeve with the radioapple ship. I'm sorry but I cannot fathom Lucifer as a UwU shy baby. And Alastor a big alpha man? Please. If any of them were a big alpha man, it'd be Lucifer, let's be real.
You know, the thing is, I don't really mind Lucifer having shy little UwU moments or Alastor being all big, tough, and domineering - they've both had moments like that in the show. It's when their entire characters get boiled down to these specific tropes/characteristics that I want to start ripping my hair out.
At this point, I just scroll past content like that really fast, or I just block the creator - not out of resentment of malice toward them, I'm just a big believer in fans curating their own fandom experience. If I don't enjoy certain content, however innocent and harmless it is, I'm going to keep it from showing up in my feed. I'm here to have a good time, I'm not gonna spend it consuming stuff I don't enjoy ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ It's how I got most of my Twitter feed full of bottom!Alastor now. I rarely come across top!Alastor anymore and it's been great. I'm having a fantastic time.
But yeah, totally agree with you, Anon. Not much we can do about it, but I feel your frustration. The best we can do is make the content we want to see (~˘▾˘)~
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imactuallyreallycool · 11 months
Of course the one time I actually join a fandom and post art, one of the actors of my favourite ship literally promotes genocide, and finds genocide "sexy" apparently
IM TAKING A BREAK FROM POSTING BYLER ART (sorry to those asks I still haven answered, maybe one day I'll get to you but for now I'm having a break)
If you just need need a break from stranger things/ byler I completely understand!!! So if you block me or unfollow me that's understable
Now if you are unfollowing/blocking me because I'm being anti-zionist, then fuck you I guess.
You don't have to do a lot of research to realise murdering a thousands of innocent people (a lot of which are children) is not a good thing.
hopefully noah can become a better person but the likelihood of that happening is fucking extremely low, so low in fact i cant even see it happening so fuck you noah schnapp.
Hopefully you guys understand what I was trying to say here and everything I’m trying to say here is a complete mess. I will be having a break from posting byler art (you might get some mike wheeler stuff but thats it... for now, I had so much planned for future art, maybe I will get to do it one day but for now FREEING PALESTINE IS WAY MORE IMPORTANT THEN ME DOING ART FOR MY COMFORT SHIP ) and I'll still do fan art but for other fandoms for the moment.
Here's a post to help you understand what's happening in palestine (for a start, this shouldn't be the be all and end all for your research)
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