jackshiccup · 1 year
HUGE fan of snotlout naming those random monstrous nightmares with hookfire, fangmaster and hook blazefang truly the makings of someone who’d be so great at naming his OCs
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fernstarsblog · 11 months
Reborn warrior final episode
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Deerhop is deputy of Thunderclan before dying
Personally:hard-working cat with heart of gold
Parents:unknown kittypet Molly,sandstar(father)
Sibings:doekit(decreased older half brother),meadowstorm(older half sister),honeypaw(decreased female littermate),blazefang(male littermate)
Now on to backstory
Deerkit is born to uknown mother and Thunderclan leader sandstar along with honeykit and blazekit
he* have a older half sibing named meadowstorm who been a warrior for 2 moons and whose mother named prideheart died giving birth to her
Two moons later,the medicine cat had passed away and their appreciate hollydusk have taken position of sole medicine cat
Deerkit like hollydusk and thinks she is cool
One moon later,a Molly named leafspring give birth to two tom-kits named sprucekit and acornkit
The father of leafspring's kits is a Thunderclan warrior seedmoon
Deerkit can't wait to play with kits once they open their eyes
Two moons later,meadowstorm become mates with trans tom(he/it) named brownshade
Deerkit thinks brownshade is cool
A moon later,deerkit and his* littermates become appreciates
Deerkit become deerpaw while honeykit and blazekit become honeypaw and blazepaw
Deerpaw's mentor is strange gray tom named smokeface
Despite his strangeness,deerpaw thinks he is cool
Deerpaw discovered that his* favorite prey is mouse
Two moon later,sprucekit and acornkit become appreciates
They are renamed sprucepaw and acornpaw
Also around this time,deerpaw realize that they are non-binary and now use they/them pronouns
A moon later,leafspring and her mate seedmoon were killed by a group of wolves called "whispers"
Deerpaw comfort sprucepaw and acornpaw about their parent's death
A moon later,honeypaw died protecting doekit who is adopted daughter of meadowstorm and brownshade from the wolves
Deerpaw is heartbroken but try to move on
2 moons later,deerpaw and blazepaw become warriors
Deerpaw become Deerhop and blazepaw become blazefang
2 moons later,acornpaw and sprucepaw become warriors
Acornpaw become Acornpool and sprucepaw become sprucemoon
Deerhop realize they have a crush on Acornpool
Two moons later,doekit become a appreciate
She is renamed to doepaw
Doepaw is apprenticed to a thunderclan warrior named shark(she/her)
They are proud of their niece
A moon later,sandstar lost his final life and his deputy smokejay become leader
He is renamed to smokestar
Deerhop is sad about their father's death but know that smokestar will be a good leader
Two moons later,deerhop confess their feelings to Acornpool
Acornpool feel the same and they become mates
A moon later,Deerhop is given a appreciate
The appreciate is a she-cat named orangepaw
She have a childish personality but Deerhop will help her mature
Two moons later,hollydusk get a appreciate
The medicine cat appreciate is a trans tom named frecklepaw who is a former kittypet
Frecklepaw is nervous but want to help others
A moon later,doepaw become a warrior
She is renamed to doesand
Deerhop is proud of their niece becoming a warrior
Three moons later,orangepaw become a warrior and is renamed orangeflare
Deerhop is happy that he trained her well
A moon later,the old deputy retire and Deerhop is chosen as the new deputy
Deerhop is surpised but accepted the offer
Two moons later,frecklepaw earned his full medicine cat name
She earned the name:freckleleaf
Deerhop thinks that freckleleaf deserve her full name
A moon later,his older sister and her mate retire to elders den
Deerhop hopes that meadowstorm have a good retirement
Unfortunately a moon later,Deerhop is killed by falling branches
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444names · 1 year
mortal kombat characters + french forenames
Aberook Alendette Alestan Amayana Ancifer Andrenks Andro Anikaël Anmatheel Annik Annya Anowene Anoît Arick Arione Arkand Arlogisa Arraphi Ashraak Astorged Audrah Auren Bacquent Batar Beant Bearloïc Beathi Beine Benelex Bennikaël Bette Betth Bilor Bisabilli Blazefang Bosenk Boyant Bring Béanire Caegadeng Cagad Caletrine Camek Camon Canne Caribby Carie Cassan Chacque Chame Charomire Charro Chartavin Chaël Cheles Cheuter Chille Cholok Chranpai Chrenée Chricte Chrill Chrion Chris Clake Clanues Clatands Clathel Clauline Clérie Colavine Colivet Collists Color Colorbrus Coloïc Coman Comorge Crette Cyric Cyristons Dabrichan Dacklen Dacque Daessim Daine Dakevai Dameath Davane Deackanne Deand Demilyn Dennede Dermang Derrada Derrie Dette Drémi Eatryu Edider Elleepte Emara Emien Emikath Emman Emmancer Emmohaël Emplaule Encetter Enorgeng Erojachi Erree Etice Evamil Excla Excléan Execian Fabrianad Fabriu Fahao Famas Faument Fessivic Filegin Fille Filyne Firahre Firenor Firtion Firèneuni Flavikkon Flayn Flogers Flogilex Flood Foryptant Frale Gadecrek Gadionn Gadow Gaétine Geatwoods Gerichrai Geste Ghtine Giletter Gille Gillexans Gilyn Gilyne Gitarle Gohst Golad Gonie Gonietine Gorbrum Gormegis Gorris Gotanna Grandrée Grant Greans Gribby Grile Gronne Guestreen Gélian Haege Halie Haline Hamel Hamurnon Hanno Havalle Heennew Hembus Hence Henkhani Hskands Hskang Hstsunge Hugodion Hujimana Hérèse Icklette Iessate Imbelle Irette Jadaviers Jaden Jadraymon Jamanne Jamath Jamel Janneshop Jatmale Jeadon Jeale Jeand Jeane Jearnbuck Jeatal Jeath Jeatonka Jenne Jenranne Jentilien Jertin Jimeide Johaynd Johne Josetz Jossia Jostert Josébal Jériustes Kabraine Kahaya Kahri Kanloge Kenfro Kerbran Kiren Kirolor Kobeng Kochine Komarce Komart Komeine Krean Krette Krorge Kryourogy Kuaire Kuliang Kulicie Kurey Kurie Laink Laire Lanonque Larisek Laude Laumon Laurant Leorber Lexan Liandmas Lianne Libose Lizan Lochri Locéa Looke Lorce Lorcept Loéminks Luchrine Lucieu Lydraymon Léande Mactor Madanny Madelle Madoc Madon Madonnya Magalegon Magesa Magnèse Maine Mainkons Mannic Mannique Mantahn Maraces Maran Marand Marka Marre Marrieth Marth Marthre Marus Mashanck Mashring Masiant Mastian Mastrin Mator Matuutung Maude Mayndell Meatilene Micell Michano Micien Milibby Mille Milor Mineu Mobric Modial Moling Monifené Morier Mormege Morpette Myric Mélisass Méliseing Mélène Nadier Namanient Natarine Nedeliven Nette Nichanne Nimadow Nimbactim Nimbaro Nitia Nivikath Nivin Noéming Ocess Omomon Ondro Onnonadow Ontorcero Orearoods Paine Paril Passine Paste Pastéph Pathille Paurale Peanstric Peasimen Petth Pirebiet Plakans Prianmi Ptice Qalaing Quanciets Rallene Raphao Rarons Reane Reidet Reilad Reylvien Rinet Rolen Ronces Rooker Rusti Ruuther Ryptarcer Rédraymor Rémything Samel Samuris Sarge Sarienme Saronk Sartine Sasing Schamavie Schne Schral Scolok Shart Shasga Shaëlle Shertan Shien Shies Shine Shrie Sinkhanck Sivain Skerogis Snons Sonier Speange Spert Stark Stivie Stéph Stéphaël Sudricer Suill Surna Suzager Sylace Sylas Sylaul Sylval Talémy Tanfor Teferafan Tegod Termeide Teste Thaet Thargueni Thimon Thotal Thuguy Tomilora Tomor Tonne Torafant Toratine Torgan Torgils Tound Trienrion Trons Tsundre Usine Vamel Vethéro Vickgre Vonis Véricel Warna Winges Winèse Wolfiliet Womeid Wookk Yvenang Zebri Zefeen Élibacu Élibby Éline Éloïc Étanste Étiame
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gougarpaw · 2 years
oh emoji designs? hope I'm not too late
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Name ideas: Thornheart, Redflower, Blazefang
A spiteful cat with a taste for flesh (?!)
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ritsulover · 3 years
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combo when
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treecut-place · 3 years
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Blazefang [he/xe/it] - longhair red mackerel tabby with low white and green eyes.
here's fireheart but malicious. rushed it but unless you stare at it for more than six seconds it's not noticable so fuck it
anyway hopefully i can finish up some requests now, so feel free to send any!! just remember that anon is turned off so if you don't want your name on this hellhole of a blog put '///' before sending an ask. pa
also: all hypokits are free to use by anyone who requested them. so for example, if you sent an, idk, darktiger hypokit, you can use it. i am giving away free ocs man
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doritopaw101 · 3 years
Tell about the RaggedYellow family situation
I took some stuff from Yellowfang’s secret.
Tw: abuse, child neglect, cheating
So background info:
For the Royal system, the heir will always be the firstborn unless other circumstances come into play such as the cat being a basturd or being proven to not have the skills of a leader. This varies between guilds.
In this au, Featherstorm is Raggedmoon and Scorchwind’s older sister (thank @the-erins-forgot for this one). Though, she’s their half sister. Their father is Cedarmoon with their other father being Hal. Russetfur is still Ragged and Scorch’s half sister too.
Ragged, named Ratpaw then Ratpelt still kills Hal. They were mocked due to Hal’s reputation for causing trouble in the guild and for Cedarmoon to have had kits with him was quite the scandal and especially since Rat took after him.
(Note: Cedarmoon only slept with Hal due to grief after losing his late mate, Treestorm)
Cedarmoon made Ratpelt his heir which caused an uproar in the guild due to Featherstorm being healthy and able and Rat’s muddied bloodline. Featherstorm did start a coup and the guild was splint but over time, Featherstorm let it go die to many of her guild mate dying. Doesn’t mean she isn’t still sore about it but she made up for it by being the Monarch.
Ratpelt’s relationship with Murkstorm can be summed up in one word: toxic. Didn’t help when Rat was on their case when they became a warlock.
They had their kits, Marsh, Blaze, and Adder. Raggedpelt quickly favored Adder and seemed to forget about her daughters. They just got used to it and said it was normal for Raggedpelt to not even remember their names. Murkstorm and Newtspeck made up for it though.
So when you do what Cedarmoon did, it sets a president.
Raggedmoon made Brokentail her heir, when he was the runt of his litter. Again, it caused an uproar and since Murkstorm and Featherstorm backed Marshpaw, it was even more hostile.
Raggedmoon ignored it all and didn’t seem to care. She made Foxheart her second and even had kits with her so soon after Murkstorm gave birth. She made one of those kits, Strikeheart, her second after the death of Cloudpelt on Brokentail’s words and completely ignoring her warlocks.
However, Raggedmoon did sometimes think of her daughters with Murkstorm. So she pushed for Marshpaw to be a warlock to make up for everything. Marshpaw nor Murkstorm were impressed but Murkstorm could mange training both Marshpaw and Palepaw so they went with it.
Raggedmoon also pushed for Blazepaw to start training as a teacher when she graduated and once again, Blazepaw wasn’t impressed but went with it.
Yeah the family situation is awful.
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pizzasdumbcats · 5 years
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Name: CinderSong
Position: Pineclan queen
Gender: Female
Father: StreamWhisker
Mother: NightMist
Brother: AshStep
Half sisters: IceWhisker, SnowPad
Mate: Blazefang
Daughters: FrostKit, SmallKit
Nephew: BeetleKit
Niece: Cloudkit
Uncle: Mottlestar (hollow camp)
Age: 37 moons
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clockworkcleo-art · 5 years
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Blazefang Ref
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murkshade · 6 years
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clans-of-the-sea · 6 years
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BLAZEFANG - StormClan Fighter
Player: @cleos-warrior-rp-hell
Name: Blazefang
Gender: Female; Can Bear kits
Age: 64 moons
Clan: Storm Clouds
Sexuality: Bisexual
Description:   A light cream mackerel tuxedo tabby
She is very grumpy. Salty that her life has come to this. She just hates everything in general and is very sarcastic and mean. She however loves her Son and will go out of her way to protect and defend him.
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I made Deadfoot the son of Crowfur and a kittypet. Meaning he named Crowfeather after his dad.
Ashfoot is the adopted daughter of Tallstar.
Made Leopardfur and Reedtail siblings. Also made a BarkfacexMudfur kitten, Lightspeckle.
I have Wishkit and Hopekit live as Blazefang and Marshshadow. Marsh is the mother of Whitethroat.
Finchflight, Frogtail, Nightwing, and Darkflower are Nightpelt’s kits.
Deadfoot naming Crowfeather after his dad is sweet .o. makes sense why there were two Crows so close together too
Ashfoot being adopted by Tallstar is kinda cute omg
I unironically love Leopard and Reed being siblings and this has nothing to do with their friendship in the rewrite I promise
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suffix suggestions for a loner turned clan-cat named blaze? she's a tortie-and-white she-cat with amber eyes ^^
Hope these help!
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doritopaw101 · 3 years
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Stinky Basturd man
Less evil dark brown tabby clones.
He and Blazefang look similar but his colors are more dull in contrast to her brighter colors.
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pizzasdumbcats · 5 years
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Name: FrostKit
Position: Pineclan kit
Mother: CinderSong
Father: Blazefang
Sister: Smallkit
Aunt: DawnCloud, IceWhisker, SnowPad
Grandfather: StreamWhisker
Uncle: AshStep
Gender: Female
Age: 2 moons
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murkshade · 6 years
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hypo kits for @clans-of-the-sea
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