#blackstairs is distracted and in love
margareturtle · 6 months
I can see The Last King of Faerie giving City of Ashes like:
Ash: hey, Shadowhunters, despite having no reason to trust you at all I wanted to warn you that there’s some shady stuff going on in Faerie
Clave: sebastian morgensterns evil son grrr
Alec: *is too busy trying to keep the clave running and trying to negotiate the cohort system to pay attention to Ash*
Clary+Jace: *too busy being kidnapped by janus*
Simon+Izzy: *off on their honeymoon or smth*
Ash: idfk who your little brother is
Ash: *gives up and goes back to faerie with Dru + Thais, who willingly go with him*
Ty: *at the scholomance sighs and adds more names to his list of ppl to find which now includes: the first heir, Jaime, Dru, and Ash*
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Is Rupert the ringmaster of Blackthorn Hall’s enchantment?
On this week’s episode of KRP, we dug deep into the theory that the enchantment on Blackthorn Hall itself is compelling Julian and Emma to find the objects, which includes questioning Rupert’s legitimacy as a friendly ghost.
Here’s why we believe Rupert might be the ringmaster of the curse:
In Tatiana’s diary entry from the night she met Rupert, she mentions that he “snubbed” Gabriel (which she LOVED). This sets precedent that there’s a chance Rupert was similar in spirit/temperament to Tatiana.
Rupert tested Blackstairs when they first arrived. He wrote go away, tipped paints, etc. Once Emma read the diary and they had Ty’s ghost sensor, he leads them to the ouija board and then the Devil Tavern — he was testing their commitment and capabilities.
He’s pointing them toward objects, not his ring. If he was concerned about crossing over, he’d be leading them to his ring. (The ring is a sob story of sorts to distract Blackstairs from thinking of his involvement and to trust him.)
If Rupert loved Tatiana or was in cahoots with Benedict, it would make sense for him to want to stick around and see their evil plan unfold. Then he can worry about his ring and cross over, knowing he fulfilled his duty.
Look, we want to love Rupert. We’re big Blackthorn fans around here. BUT we’re starting to have A LOT of suspicions.
What do yinz think? Is Rupert Team Good or Team Evil?
Bry 🖤
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Miscellaneous TSC Headcanons and Stuff
I keep starting lists and then getting distracted or busy so here is just a bunch of headcanons. 
They are both coffee people and know exactly how the other likes their coffee. They will bring each other a cup when they are up late finishing paperwork or solving a problem at the institute.
The Blackthorn family is so mythology oriented I think that Helen definitely knows the constellations. I can see them laying on the roof of the LA institute on a warm summer night and Helen teaching Aline about the different constellations and the stories behind them.
Their cottage is always so clean and organized and always smells like nature and flowers. It isn’t magic, their home is just always nice and comforting and warm.
They always have music playing and have aesthetic fairycore/cottagecore playlists. The music is nice when they are just hanging out in the kitchen cooking on a nice sunny day with the windows open, of dancing under the full moon on a clear night. 
Simon and Izzy go to cosplay and role play fairs a lot. they both love it and are always the best ones there because they actually know how to spar and the whole angelic runes thing. 
I don’t know if this is canon or not but I think they definitely play DND together and are extremely competitive about it. 
Thomastair (COI Spoilers):
Thomas always keeps apples in their apartment after they move in together.
I think they will adopt baby Carstairs and if they get to name them I think they will be named after some famous artist or actor because they both show interest in that stuff in Paris. 
Also, Alastair falling asleep holding a sleeping Baby Carstairs, Alastair singing to Baby Carstairs, and Alastair just absolutly loving Baby Carstairs. 
I’m going to post a whole list of Alastair and Baby Carstairs headcanons, I just need a couple days to write them lol. 
I also have 20 pages of this awful idea I had to do a sort of parody of The Critic as Artist by Oscar Wilde but it’s kind of Thomastair. It was like this magical rainbow hedgehog started talking while Alastair was home alone and they debated different ideas of the aesthetic movement and it is the worst thing I have ever written. That is the Thomastair fic I was teasing a while back but have no given up on  because I can’t even think about that fic anymore.
 I have an actual one that is outlined and combined with Malec that y’all will see in early June. 
Jordelia and Blackstairs:
This fic is called Rainy Days, it will be posted on May 17th and I’m serious about that deadline this time. It is basically Emma and Julian find some poems that James wrote Cordelia and it switches between Jordelia and Blackstairs oneshots and also has 4 poems. I really like this one and I hope you all will too. I’m finishing up some editing, if any of the moots want to read through it/ beta it/ give an opinion, that would be fantastic, just message me.  
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I have reached 200+ followers!!!!
AHHHH I'm so happy guys!! I started this blog as a distraction from everyday life and now I can't go one day without watching my beautiful mutuals reblog and comment and like my posts!!!
So since I hv reached here I owe u guys for putting up with my blog and sooo I'm gonna ask u to play a little ask game...which will go like this..
1) Send me ❤️ and ask a question!! Literally any question but pls no asking for selfies and my address!
2) send me 🌹 and I'll ship u with someone from the MCU or the Sherlock fandom!!
3) send me 🎉 and I'll tell which colour u remind me of!!
I seriously COULD NOT have reached here without my awesome mutuals!!....@violenceoflovesstuff @writingismydivision @speedrunningtherapy @serpant-of-heaven @shameless-pirate @damnineedsleep @queerbaitingshouldbeillegal @merlynn-consultingdisaster @superwholockian93 @hayloohooman @helloliriels @winchesterwitch07 @tscfangirl-blackstairs @glitterymakermoneyfarm @thegayisonforever @shiningloki @dustyfrenchfry @finamour @badassgemini
I love u guys!!! And I hope u have a great day!!! U guys are like a family to me!!❤️❤️❤️❤️
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farrowkeene · 5 years
the beginning of lord of shadows is soooo underrated. picture this: youve been waiting to find out what happened after mark said ‘why lie?’ since you read lady midnight. you had to wait to read kit’s entire beginning sequence to find out. finally emma’s pov arrives and what’s going on? nothing to answer your questions, however, on the plus side, the whole squad is hanging out and patrolling tg like bros. then finally: some insight. mark wins emma a goldfish, she reveals a slight tad about how theyve been fake dating. but then, wait no, magnus the goldfish dies and, wait there’s more, a giant sea demon is attacking. emma and julian do an amazing job of killing it with the assistance of the ferris wheel and their awesome parabatai connection. oh and also, on the way up the ferris wheel emma almost ended it all and just started making out with julian but, and thanks to the giant squid for this one, emma got distracted by fighting the demon which ultimately saved blackstairs despite the pain! and then we go back to the institute and the actual whole whole squad is there, plus our tmi buddies and they all chit fucking chat! in conclusion, thank you beginning of los for being wonderful. if no one else, i love and appreciate you, above all else. 
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Congrats on 50 followers! 🎉🎉🎉 Can I please have ☕️ (Blackstairs), 🦄 (what are three things that you're good at?), ✍️ and 📚? Thanks 💛
Hey!!!!!! Thanks so much!!!!Ok for ☕️. What’s my opinion on Blackstairs? I personally think that they’re awesome, and Julian and Emma are amazing together. They’re not my OTP, but I totally ship them. They both look after each other, and obviously they are both in love, so yeah. I also personally just think Emma is the best, and I think Julian is incredible, so in my head they definitely deserve each other. (Ok looking back on this, it got really long. So I’m going to put the rest of it under a cut).
For 🦄. What are three things I’m good at?Ok I would probably say:1) I’m good at getting along with everyone, even people I don’t like. (Which is a useful skill to have at school age, because you have to deal with idiots all day, pretty much every day for most of the year. And if you punch them in the face… well that’s usually frowned upon).2) This kind of ties in with my first point but I’m using it anyway. I’ve made really good friends, who are a lot like me and are always there if I need them. Like… my friends are the best people in this entire world, and I would die for them. (Literally). They always go along with my stupid jokes, and will sit with me, fangirling over the new book that’s just been released, and they always understand when I come to school and I can’t say anything, but just make excessive hand waves, and squeal, and they instantly know what’s going on. So…. I’m going to cut this off now, before it becomes a rant about how amazing my friends are.3) I’m usually pretty good with judging other people’s emotions. As in, I usually know when someone wants to be left alone, or when they want to talk about something, when they just want someone to sit with them, or when they want a distraction of sorts. It’s not something that I guess I should be super happy about needing, but it is usually really useful, and it means there are often random kids from my year just coming over to me, and wanting some sort of comfort. So that’s nice, but it also can get exhausting sometimes. But I’m happy that people can trust me.
Ok, next up is 📚. Book recommendation. I would probably go for The Medoran Chronicles by Lynette Noni. It is a really good series, and all of the characters are amazing!!! (I am a tiny bit obsessed with them. Ok I literally have mini posters of them on my wall). Another thing that is pretty awesome about it, is the fact that Lynette Noni is an Australian author, so all of the spelling is the Australian, (well, technically English I guess) which was pretty awesome. But yeah, the characters are instantly loveable, and they are all unique and have their own strengths and weaknesses. Also, it has a badass, incredible female lead, and all of the relationships in the book are healthy, and are not just some instant romance, (which I personally don’t love. I usually like the characters to have at least spoken to each other before they are suddenly in love). And the plot is great, and really well thought out. So… yeah, that would be a great thing to read. (I apologise if you have already).
Alright, last thing was ✍️ for a handwritten note about everything I love about your blog. (I apologise in advance if my handwriting is really messy). I’m going to message it to you (because this is long enough as it is and I’m not sure how much longer it’s going to take and I don’t want you to think I’m ignoring your message. So… thank you so much for doing this!!!!!
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paintedface · 7 years
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erin’s AU writing challenge
Okay so, I’m on Spring Break (+ I hit 1.3k!!) and I’ve been wanting to do this for a long time, so I’m hosting an AU writing challenge! Don’t be afraid to participate! The list of rules and prompts are under the cut
- don’t have to be following me but this is meant to be a celebration for my followers so that sort of defeats the purpose??
- reblog this post to signal boost!
- send an ask with your chosen prompt and your character prompt (any marvel (even the guardians/defenders, but probably more the avengers because they’re more well known) or seb stan character, must be character x reader or ship x reader) (you can also choose a back up prompt in case)
- once a prompt has been claimed, it’s gone (first come first served) and if I don’t reply right away, then don’t panic because I’ll probably be sleeping or going out somewhere 
- you have to include the prompt in your fic, but how you incorporate it is up to you!
- please use the ‘keep reading’ feature!!
- it has to be an AU for marvel characters, so it can’t be set in the MCU (though it can have MCU characters). it doesn’t have to be an AU for seb stan characters. it can be a drabble, one-shot or multi-part, you choose
- no smut/explicit content, but implied/referenced smut is okay
- minimum of 500 words and maximum is unlimited!
- if there aren’t any prompts left and you want to join, then just pm me!
- use the tag #erinswritingchallenge and tag me in your fic (or all parts of your fic) so I can like and reblog them!
- deadline will be november 5th, but if you need an extension, contact me at least 24 hours before the deadline. 
- after this is all over, I’ll have a challenge masterlist so everyone can read everyone’s fics!
- thanks for reading the rules, now onto the prompts!
Some of these are courtesy of some anons, @buckysinthesinbin (my wife), @kjs-s , @redstarstan and @fancybasementpersona , thank you lovelies!
1. “Can you kiss me, please, my ex is across the bar.” - @this-kitty-has-claws - Bucky x Reader
2. “You’ve done your damage, why have you come back?” - @blossombarnes - Bucky x Reader
3. “I don’t know you, so why the fuck are you hungover on my couch?” - @buckys-fossil - Bucky x Reader
4. “If you try to hit on me one more fucking time, I will punch you.” - @e-g-b-o-k - Steve x Reader
5. “You fall asleep on my shoulder whenever we’re on the train and I think you do it on purpose.” - @rotisserierogers - Bucky x Reader?
6. “We were childhood friends, and you don’t recognize me and that really fucking hurts.” - @sniktlogan - Bucky x Reader
7. “Why are you so dramatic and keep coming in through the window?” - @chrevastan - Bucky x Reader
8. “You’re sad. Don’t lie to me. I see the pouty thing you do.” - @whyisbuckyso - Bucky x Reader
9. "You’re not a burden to me, I swear.“ “Then why do you keep making me feel like one?” - @sgtbxckybxrnes - Bucky x Reader
10. “Don’t be scared. I just need you to come with me for a minute.” - @bucky-is-my-precious - Bucky x Reader
11. “We’ve been put together in a [subject] group project, and you hate me but I’ve had the biggest crush on you for the longest time.”
12. “I’m sorry I wasn’t enough to make you love me.” - @buckysinthesinbin - Bucky x Reader
13. “You don’t understand me! Nobody does!“ “That’s because you’re so short, you lil shit.” - @dammitparker - Bucky x Reader
14. “My friend likes you but she doesn’t realise that we like each other.” - @thewinterswimmer
15. “Can you put on some goddamn clothes? You’re distracting me.” - @flowergirlbarneswriting - Steve x Reader
16. “I regret everything I did to you, you deserved none of it.” - @tasting-writers-block - Bucky x Reader
17. “You look like my girlfriend… wait, you are my girlfriend.” - @fangirlextraordinaire - Sam x Reader
18. “Can you kiss me, please, my ex is right over there.” - @stevnsbucks - Chris Beck x Reader
19. “Your notes are really cute, but I swear that somebody will see them and then I’ll be super embarrassed.” - @lame-lozer - Peter Parker x Reader 
20.  “You don’t care about me anymore, do you? Did you ever?” - @a-splash-of-stucky - Bucky x Reader
21. "I broke up with you a few months ago but I bumped into you at a mutual friend’s party." 
22. "You were an asshole back in high school but now you’re my boss.” - @thejamesoldier - Bucky x Reader
23.  “Do not try and twist this around to be my fault when it’s clearly yours.” - @girl-next-door-writes - Tony x Reader
24. “I’ve had a rough day and honestly all I want right now is just somebody to cuddle with.” - @sanjariti - Bucky x Reader
25. “I realised that I called you about 20 times and texted you twice as much when I was drunk last night.” - @carriefish-er - Bucky x Reader
26. “You moved away without telling me but now you’ve come back and I want to both slap you for not telling me and kiss you because you’re back.” - @aelin-blackstairs - Bucky x Reader
27. “Why do you keep having to take the shortcut through my backyard when you go to late night parties?!” - @untimelyideasforstories - Bucky x Reader
28. “I got into a car crash and you’re still my emergency contact even though you’re my ex.” - @just-some-drabbles - Bucky x Reader
29. "Screw you.” “I know you want to, but I don’t want your STDs." 
30. "Please don’t leave me alone again, I can’t do this without you.” - @bbybucky-fics - Steve x Reader
31. “You’re always sitting alone and you’re cute, so I came to sit next to you.” - @brighterlights - Bucky x Reader
32. “Stop buying me expensive stuff! Okay, fine, I like it a little… a lot, but honestly!”
33. "I’ve loved you my whole life and you’re about to marry somebody that’s not me. I can’t watch you do that.“ - @justanotherbuckydevotee - Steve x Reader
34. “I accidentally hugged you, thinking you were my friend, but you’re not so… this is awkward.” 
35. “If you steal the blankets, I’m going to put my cold feet on you.” - @fantastic-fantasy-fanfics - Jefferson x Reader
36. “I’m such an idiot. I made the mistake of falling in love with my best friend.”
37. Fairytale (e.g. mermaids, fairies etc.) 38. Roommate 39. College 40. High School 41. Fake Dating/Married 42. Soulmate 43. Royalty 44. Bartender/Waitress 45. Road Trip 46. Coffee Shop - @kjs-s - Steve x Reader 47. Neighbour - @kalliria - Steve x Reader 48. Movie Star/Celebrity 49. Model/Photographer 50. Biker Gang/Punk Gang - @lovelynemesis - Bucky x Reader
some writers who I think would be interested in this! (pls don’t let this flop)
@asirenscalling   @barnescrazy  @brighterlights  @buckybarnesismypreciousplum  @buckys-fossil  @buckysinthesinbin  @buckyywiththegoodhair  @cumonbucky  @denialanderror @fantastic-fantasy-fanfics  @imhereforbvcky  @james-bionic-barnes  @riskybarnes @rotisserierogers  @minervaem  @nataliarxmanxva  @sanjariti  @sebastianstanaddictsanonymous  @sgtbxckybxrnes  @soldatbarnes  @teamspider-man  @thecrownedrose  @thejamesoldier  @this-kitty-has-claws  @untimelyideasforstories  @whothehellisbella  @whyisbuckyso @writemarvelousthings
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farrowkeene · 5 years
thule!blackstairs headcanons?
yes yes!! okay i got lots of requests for these so i have a lot of options and for you i present: the au in which emma and julian were never endarkened
okay so they left ny just in time before the endarkened army arrived and were able to escape with all of the blackthorns
things went pretty much the same except this time instead of livvy taking charge it was jules and emma
they made their way to la but still had nowhere to go so they stayed in abandoned buildings and such
they still faced threats like demons just like livvy did in canon but with julian and emma they were a bit more equipped to fight them off
everyone survived in time to be saved by cameron and taken to rebel hq!!
dont yell at me for being unrealistic i love them all too much to kill them i want them to be happy
before getting rescued, though, julian and emma def def def used to like,,sneak into dark alleys and the like to make out and the poor blackthorn children are just like ‘is this really the time you guys smh we’re like five feet away from you’
they are firm believers of seizing the moment so they dont really care
when they get to the old hotel the blackthorns basically get their own hallway since there are so many of them
julian and emma take separate rooms first, at opposite ends so that the kids are in between them should anything happen but once they get older they just kind of converge to one room unofficially 
cameron and livvy start dating and julian is kind of pressed about it but he supposes he doesnt mind 
cameron tells julian he doesnt care if he approves of the relationship, it’s the apocalypse
julian is crushed and livvy reassures him that she cares what he thinks of the relationship
he’s a little more comforted
emma and cameron are bros
but i need to stay away from the subject of cameron bc i will never stop if i dont asdfgh 
anyway thule isnt really the most romantic place but julian and emma find small ways to make it better
like the wooden board that covers the window in their room, for example
julian loves repainting it to show different scenes, the stars, the paris skyline, a romantic dinner scene, small things that emma loves and will make her smile, like chocolate or cats and cute things like that
a lot of the time he’ll just paint it without emma knowing and she’ll come back to a surprise 
they also cant really take too many romantic strolls outside, but they try and make do by just aimlessly walking down the hallways for hours, sometimes on the roof if they feel like they can risk it 
they really really dont like patrolling without each other but make do for the sake of the resistance 
dru goes out on the same patrol she did in canon and never comes back
julian is heartbroken, he should have been with her, trained her better, not let her go on patrols at all
emma somehow manages to convince him that he couldnt have done anything about it and just as he begins healing and getting comfortable with his family patrolling again ty comes back with a broken leg
sweet ty keeps telling him it’s not that bad, it’s not julian’s fault, there’s no reason to worry
it takes julian a long time to recover but emma helps him a lot
i didnt mean for this to take such a depressing turn but here we are lets move on with an abrupt and awkward transition
they def have their own motorcycle that is primarily driven by emma 
it’s highkey the coolest thing ever and they love their motorcycle probably more than is healthy
one time julian let his hair grow to his shoulders and emma was at first grudgingly accepting but when they rode the motorcycle and his hair was blowing into her face she immediately insisted he cut it when they got home 
livvy was sad she couldnt style it anymore but everyone ultimately agreed julian’s usual hair was much better
there was one time that julian started acting kind of sketchy, disappearing a lot, going on more patrols, saying he had meetings with maia but emma would see maia eating in the dining hall with julian nowhere to be found, she would check the patrol schedule just to find that julian wasnt on it
she asked him about it a few times but he brushed it off, telling her it was nothing and then distracting her with a kiss
finally one day he’d left early in the morning with no explanation and emma had no more patience left for this
she passed raphael in the hallway, and he grudgingly informed her that julian had returned, there’s no need to infect everyone else with her bad mood
says you, she retorted as she ran down the hallway in the direction of her and julian’s room
when she slammed open the door(can you slam a door open?? idk but if youre emma carstairs you can), fully ready to tell julian off and finally get answers, she was stunned speechless because there was julian, standing in the middle of the room, holding a basket full of chocolate
she might have cried
as she began eating he told her how he’d been searching high and low for any scraps of chocolate, even sneaking into some of sebastian’s known hang outs to acquire some
emma lightly slapped him on the arm for taking such a big risk but it didnt have much weight behind it since she was clearly enjoying the surprise 
julian warned her to hide it, that no one knew he had gotten the chocolate, only that he’d been planning a surprise, and he suspected if anyone discovered chocolate was in their headquarters there would be a war for it
emma felt guilty and almost wanted to share but not really
she did give a little to each of the blackthorns, claiming that was all they had but the kids were over the moon at the pieces they got
‘im a terrible person’ said emma after all the blackthorns save julian had left the room
‘yeah’ julian agreed, and kissed her
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