#black rosetted tabby
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Since you also do pictures, would you be willing to try your hand at this guy? ^^
what a unique design!
I would say this Tigerstar is a black rosetted tabby with low white spotting! such a fun design :)
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Black silver rosetted tabby

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SnowstormUK Otto the Great [Pedigree]
🐱 SBT Bengal (10G) [Bengal Cat Terms]
📸 Silverstorm Bengals
🎨 Black Silver Rosetted Tabby
#photo#bengal#sbt bengal#10g sbt#BEN#black#silver#rosetted tabby#spotted tabby#ns 24#named#pedigree#coi close#troublepuffs#silverstorm bengals#snowstormuk otto the great
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hello! I saw this beautiful kitty while looking for cats up for adoption. I've never seen a coat like this! is there a name for it? or is it just some sort of tabby?
that’s a black charcoal rosetted tabby bengal!
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Black point
Genotype: aa B_ cscs D_ __ E_ ii kk __ oo/o- __ __ ww __ __
Synonym submission: seal point (brown face and leggies)
Submitter: @trucy-bloom
my cat is a seal point Balinese and he wakes me up every morning by licking and nuzzling my face ♥️
#go black point!
Black rosetted tabby point
Genotype: A_ B_ cscs D_ __ E_ ii kk mcmc oo/o- Sp_ titi ww Wb_ wb'wb'
Synonym submission: rosetted seal lynx point (ie. snow bengal), white and cream striped! - seal lynx point spotted snow bengal cat. [spotted and rosetted is only different in one modifier, i grouped them together to make room for another color]
Submitter: @vincentus, @the-adventures-of-dave
i just love them, i think theyre so cute and unique!
rosetted so pretty
#VIN?!?!?! VIN IN THE WILD!?!?!!!?? vote rosetted tabby 💪
#vote for Kep and his snazzy rainbow outfit!
this post 😊
#polls#cats#tournament poll#cat color tournament#round 4#black point#black rosetted tabby point#once again in this tournament the same colors except solid and tabby against each other#i'm an influencer now
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Black rosetted tabby
That one staring at its mama 🥹
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bengal breed
midnight charcoal black rosetted tabby
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🐱 Bengal
📸 Jeffrey Arances [Dhong Paws Cattery]
🎨 Black Rosetted Tabby
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Black rosetted tabby point
Genotype: A_ B_ cscs D_ __ E_ ii kk mcmc oo/o- Sp_ titi ww Wb_ wb'wb'
Synonym submission: rosetted seal lynx point (ie. snow bengal), white and cream striped! - seal lynx point spotted snow bengal cat. [spotted and rosetted is only different in one modifier, i grouped them together to make room for another color]
Submitter: @vincentus, @the-adventures-of-dave
i just love them, i think theyre so cute and unique!
rosetted so pretty
#VIN?!?!?! VIN IN THE WILD!?!?!!!?? vote rosetted tabby 💪
#vote for Kep and his snazzy rainbow outfit!
this 😊 and this post
Genotype: aa B_ C_ D_ __ E_ ii kk __ oo/o- __ __ ww __ __
Synonym submissions: All black, pure black cat, Solid black, Black. Just solid black. The kind where the eyes are the only distinguishable feature.
Submitter: @ergontropy, @chulacabra, @mr-beistie
Black cats are sweeties. They are unfairly touted as superstitious and are consequently the least adopted and most abandoned color of cat. Give them some love!!!
black cats usually get a bad rap as unlucky and get abused due to superstition but they're adorable.
I have black cat. See? Him face. And I not dead today! Good luck!
My favorite pass time is taking low quality pictures of black cats because they look like blobs :3
these two babies (pics)
black cats are a classic and they're very cute and i know several some of my favourite cats on the planet are pure black
black cats are so funny they are just voids with mouths
#BLACK CATS!!! this is the goth website. we are black cats
#polls#cats#tournament poll#cat color tournament#round 5#black rosetted tabby point#black#i'm an influencer now
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black (brown) rosetted tabby bengal
Source: akita_and_bengal
6K notes
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Lilac Golden Shaded Tortie
2. Cinnamon Golden Tipped Point
3. Blue Caramel Tortoiseshell Classic Tabby Karpati Bicolor
4. Amber Silver Mackerel Tabby
5. Blue Rosetted “Twilight” Charcoal Mink
6. Fawn Tortie Bicolor with Satin Fur
7. Black Silver Classic Tabby Tortie with White
8. Black Sunshine Silver (Bimetallic) Classic Tabby
9. Black Rosetted "Midnight" Charcoal Tabby
10. Chocolate Silver Tabby Bicolor
all cats sourced from @felinefractious, each image is linked w/ the post that also provides breed/other info!
#cats#idk what to tag this#this is rowans idea#i was just complaining abt a weird one they reposted that had like#calico and tortie listed as Just Colors#and . brown#so#lol#this was born
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Could you make a guide on how to differentiate between tabbies? :o
of course! here's a guide by our beloved messybeast, but I'll be going into it further below the cut!
a small guide on how the tabby gene works, because i feel it's appropriate:
the a locus/agouti is what causes patterning in a lot of mammals including cats. basically, it determines how black and red pigment is made. on tabbies, it causes hairs with alternating stripes of black and red pigment by affecting the different signals that cause pigment. so, one gene determines whether the cat is solid or tabby, and another determines the pattern
ok! going to be going over common patterns first! first up, the mackerel tabby:
named because some absolute legend thought their vertical stripes looked like the stripes on a mackerel fish:
this is one of the most common tabby patterns! they're characterized by their vertical stripes all along their bodies. also come in the broken mackerel variety, which is pretty self explanatory:
the broken mackerel pattern isn't a breeder-recognized pattern but i recognize it so whatever. not to be confused with the spotted tabby (which i'll be covering in a hot sec)
next up is the classic (or blotched) tabby!
also common, and notable for the "bullseye" or "spiral" marking on their sides. these can be confused with the marbled tabby (which i'll also be covering later)
next is the spotted tabby! characterized by round-ish spots following a vertical pattern
the difference between the spotted and broken mackerel tabby is that the spots tend to be distinctly broken up and don't form lines, but it can be difficult to tell the difference sometimes!
next common pattern is the ticked tabby. these guys have no visible striping on their flanks, but stripes on their faces, legs, and tails. the fur on their flanks is "ticked," with the agouti fur that is between the stripes on other tabbies covering their entire flanks.
so! those are the tabby patterns that can be found most commonly and in random breeding. that doesn't mean these are specific to random-bred cats, obv, but are the ones you're most likely to encounter.
these next ones are a lot less common and tend to be breed-specific, especially to domestic/wild hybrids. before we continue, here's a good statement from the american association of feline practitioners on the ethical problems with hybrid cats. if you're not aware of these problems, i'd really recommend giving it a read! with that being said, i also won't be highlighting early-generation hybrids (hybrids with very recent wild ancestry). ok, continuing!
rosetted tabby! most famously found on the bengal!
marbled tabby, also known from the bengals:
it can look pretty similar to the classic tabby, but it's derived from the "twilight charcoal" pattern inherited from the asian leopard cat.
the candle-flame or braided tabby, found largely on toygers:
this is a twilight charcoal modification of the mackerel tabby. agouti hairs grow between the stripes to create a "hollow" appearance
i've decided to leave a few minor patterns out because they're pretty rare and largely found on uncommon hybrids and tumblr won't stop trying to eat the images i'm attaching so! bye
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black (brown) rosetted tabby bengal
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Leader: Twigstar - silver tabby she-cat with yellow eyes [Lives Left: 9] | 108 Moons Deputy: Cragpond - orange and dark-gray-and-stone trans tom with silver eyes | 73 Moons Medicine Cat: Gardeniaglow - dark-ginger-and-dark-brown tortie tabby she-cat with green eyes | 116 Moons Warriors: Figspots - golden rosetted she-cat with green-yellow eyes | 83 Moons Otterrunner - dark blue tabby tom with green eyes | 17 Moons - Apprentice: Flaxpaw Snowwhisker: black tabby tom with green eyes | 15 Moons Apprentices: Flaxpaw - white-and-silver-tabby she-cat with yellow eyes | 11 Moons - Mentor: Otterrunner
#FromTheRiver#twigstar#cragpond#gardeniaglow#figspots#otterrunner#snowwhisker#flaxpaw#clangen#wc clangen#clangen comic#palestine#free palestine#boycott apartheid
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RippleClan Allegiances: Year 9
At the request of my beloved readers, I have created a family tree for all fans to look through so they can remember who is related to who! You can access this family tree here.
I will also be doing allegiance updates at the start of every year to better keep up with changes to RippleClan. Enjoy!
Oilstar - a ginger tabby molly with autumn leaves
100, charismatic, ghost speaker
Parents: Sunstrike, Rustshade
Mate: Carnationspeckle
Wildclaw - a scarred, gray tabby molly
88, fierce, trusted advisor, good fighter
Parents: Downstar, Froggy
Mate: Rattlepelt
Estherfern - a dark brown tabby molly
130, adventurous, great mediator, prophecy seeker
Apprentice: Gingerpaw
Troutpool - a long-furred cream and white tabby molly
57, insecure, ghost sight
Parents: Oilstar, Carnationspeckle
Honeybuzz - a gold and white rosette tom with a cicada wing necklace
44, daring, skilled toolsmith, good teacher
Parents: Clammask, Scrubmask
Mate: Stormjump
Weevilsight - a dark gray/dark ginger tortie molly with scars and petals in her fur
31, daring, deep StarClan bond
Parents: Lemmy, Mosspounce
Mate: Anchovystrike
Spikecrash - a masked dark brown tabby molly
71, wise, good speaker, lore keeper
Parents: Darkkick
Paleseed - a speckled silver molly with red feather decor
62, insecure, incredible runner, steady paws
Parents: Weedfoot, James
Slushtrail - a dark brown and white tabby molly with a juniper crown
32, wise, clever, talented weaver
Parents: Oilstar, Carnationspeckle
Sandhollow - a white tom
27, ambitious, lore keeper
Parents: Gwen, Waspdawn
Rattlepelt - a furless silver and white molly with a fox pelt woven with lavender
79, thoughtful, leather artist
Parents: Rebecca (biological), Oilstar, Carnationspeckle (adopted)
Mate: Wildclaw
Mitespark - a black rosette molly
38, charismatic, great mediator
Mate: Wolverineheart
Ravenweaver - a black molly with a lavender crown
31, nervous, den builder, very clever
Parents: Lemmy, Mosspounce
Mate: Brightreed
Frostdancer - a long-furred silver and white molly
12, confident, great storyteller
Parents: Elmsprout, Lavendertwist
Lavendertwist - a brown smoke and white tom with a black collar and scarred neck
62, playful, great singer, good storyteller
Parents: Weedfoot, James
Mate: Elmsprout
Splashtuft - a long-furred, masked, gold and white tabby tom with a purple ribbon collar
44, adventurous, fast runner, student of art
Parents: Clammask, Scrubmask
Tallowheart - a light brown and white ticked tabby tom
32, nervous, good swimmer
Parents: Oilstar, Carnationspeckle
Billowhaze - a dark brown and white tom
31, loyal, good kit-sitter
Parents: Harvest
Mate: Wolfgaze
Boughfur - a brown ticked molly with forget-me-not decor
28, righteous, great climber
Parents: Estherfern
Whiteflower - a long-furred white tom
13, faithful, great kitsitter
Parents: Wildclaw, Rattlepelt (adopted)
Apprentice: Pearpaw
Venturedapple - a long-furred, speckled, white and dark brown tom with a mangled tail
84, cold, eloquent speaker
Waspdawn - a rosetted golden and white tom with half a tail
62, strict, learner of lore, clue finder
Parents: Weedfoot, James
Puddlewhisper - a speckled silver and white molly
62, righteous, keen eye, ghost sense
Parents: Weedfoot, James
Vervaincough - a black tabby molly
31, insecure, understands nature, good mediator
Parents: Clammask, Halibutdusk
Wolfgaze - a gray tabby molly
31, thoughtful, connection to StarClan, great speaker
Parents: Lemmy, Mosspounce
Mate: Billowhaze
Carnationspeckle - a brown and white ticked molly
98, compassionate, fish-like swimmer
Mate: Oilstar
Elmsprout - a long-furred silver smoke and white molly
63, charismatic, trusted advisor
Parents: Eelstar
Mate: Lavendertwist
Drumtooth - a dark gray tabby tom
44, loyal, great hunter, clever
Parents: Clammask, Scrubmask
Asterblaze - a silver tabby tom
43, thoughtful, inventor and innovator
Currentsmoke - a white and dark ginger smoke tom with a large cheek scar
31, loving, good climber, inventor and innovator
Parents: Harvest
Yellowburst - a white and gold rosette molly
27, adventurous, great mediator
Parents: Gwen, Waspdawn
Stormjump - a masked ginger and white tabby molly
27, charismatic, incredible cook
Parents: Gwen, Waspdawn
Mate: Honeybuzz
Scaleripple - a long-furred golden tom with vitiligo and jay feather decor
49, lonesome, unusually strong fighter
Parents: Weedfoot, James
Mate: Tempestshade (dead)
Thundergale - a brown molly
28, adventurous, great hunter, good speaker
Parents: Estherfern
Shrewflame - a dark ginger and white ticked tom
20, loyal, fast as the wind
Parents: Wildclaw, Rattlepelt (adopted)
Apprentice: Icepaw
Rapidleaf - a golden brown tabby molly
114, lonesome, prophecy interpreter
Halibutdusk - a gray tabby cat
88, gloomy, masterful storyteller, clever
Parents: Downstar, Froggy
Mate: Clammask (dead)
Leathermask - a long-furred, masked, golden brown and white tabby tom
44, confident, good fighter, eloquent speaker
Parents: Clammask, Scrubmask
Anchovystrike - a light brown and white tabby tom
31, playful, unshakable StarClan link
Parents: Harvest
Mate: Weevilsight
Yarrowclaw - a dark brown and white molly with a dead right eye
31, cold, fire master
Parents: Harvest
Brightreed - a ginger tabby tom with a bite scar on his shoulders
28, righteous, student of art
Parents: Estherfern
Mates: Ravenweaver
Wolverineheart - a brown tabby molly
28, troublesome, student of science
Parents: Estherfern
Mate: Mitespark
Apprentice: Dovepaw
Gingerpaw - a ginger and white tom with a maple seed necklace
12, charismatic, curious about humans, moss-ball hunter
Parents: Elmsprout, Lavendertwist
Icepaw - a speckled gray tom
6, fierce, oddly observant, never sits still
Parents: Nimblestep, Achilles (biological), Puddlewhisper (adopted)
Pearpaw - a rosette pale ginger molly
6, righteous, moss-ball hunter, lover of stories
Parents: Nimblestep, Achilles (biological), Puddlewhisper (adopted)
Dovepaw - a pale gray and white tabby tom
6, oblivious, active imagination
Darkkick - a long-furred dark gray bengal trans molly
144, lonesome, talented swimmer, understands nature
Rabbitjoy - a golden-brown smoke molly
132, charismatic, master weaver
Midnightkit - a black smoke tom
5, polite, always wandering
Parents: Wildclaw, Rattlepelt (adopted)
Valleykit - a gray tom
5, quiet, avid play-fighter
Parents: Wildclaw, Rattlepelt (adopted)
Cats Outside The Clan:
Pearl - a black and white molly
82, careful, explorer, clever
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One Piece Warrior Cats AU: ASL Bros
Ace cat naming progression: Emberkit -> Emberpaw -> Emberwish
(black rosetted tabby tortie)
Sabo cat naming progression: (kittypet name) -> Wildpaw -> Wildfire
(apricot point, scottish fold)
Luffy cat naming progression: Sunkit -> Sunpaw -> Sunstorm -> Sunstar (eventually)
#yes I know that tortie patterns are super rate in male cats#in my headcanon for this Ace is FTM and Luffy is XXY male#I haven't been commenting on gender for the others so far but i hc law as FTM too#funfact wildfire was the name given to me by the official warriors name generator when I was in like 6th grade#Luffys name was originally Wildcloud but I was really leaning into the sun theme so I decided to change it and then i gave the prefix 2 sab#if i make more ill just do a full body png and not worry about adding extra details#east blue crew is probably next if i continue#monkey d. luffy#portgas d ace#revolutionary sabo#sabo#asl brothers#one piece#warrior cats#warriors au#my art#homegrown worms
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