A fanfiction of Kpop that exists in a supernatural world
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NoonaNoowz 2018 Review
This year we didn��t have to duke it out until the very end. It was pleasant with us really saying, any song could work on a few choices. What you’ve been waiting for (HAHAHA...I know Bloodlines is what you want, but this is what you get.). No particular order because we care about our friendship.
1. One Shot, Two Shot-Boa-It wasn’t on both our lists but we both like the song. This should have been the lead single when she was announcing her 2018 arrival.
2. Starry Night-Mamamoo-Another one that wasn’t on both our individual list but we both enjoy.
3. Baby Don’t Stop-NCT U-See above. I know this is a trend.
4. Shine-Pentagon-We agree they had a break out year and we had a few songs we both enjoyed, so picked this one. This song was the one that said, it finally came together! (And now it might fall apart, but honestly be happy E’Dawn. Screw you Cube!)*
5. EXO-CBX-We had different songs but we agree the entire album is perfection. So I just decided to put the group. (I had Sweet Dreams and she has Vroom Vroom). Does it matter? The entire album is a vibe.*
6. Lo Siento-Super Junior-Every kpop group needs to stop with the Latin sound. They shut it down with this song. They do it the best, everyone go home.*
7. Ddu-Du Ddu-Du-BlackPink-They did that. They are those girls. Next.*
8. 1,2,3-Seungri-It finally came together. The entire album is perfection! We figure just go with the title track to represent.*
9. Good Evening-Shinee-Well done boys...well done. It’s deserved.
10. Killing Me-iKon-I know everyone loves Love Scenario but we like the dirty version of that style. It’s dark. It’s sexy. You have to wag your finger every time.*
11. Kiss Me Like That-Shinhwa-BE GROWN! BE SEXY!*
12. Lullaby-Got7-This was not on both lists but we both enjoy the song. They had a break out year and they deserved it. This should have been their year in both Korea and Internationally. They can’t catch a break. It was a successful year but it should have been a BIG year. You know what I’m saying.
13. EXO-THE ENTIRE F!@#$ ALBUM! Don't Mess Up My Tempo was the ALBUM. It gets the Jay Park award of best album of the year. I will be saying it’s album of the year with Jay Park in 2019. I don’t care when it came out. Every song is good.
14. Fiance-Mino-That’s an artist. He’s artist. Willing to just give you something new and it just be amazing.*
15. Amber & Luna-Lower-Not on both our list but we just love them to death. It was so early on in the year, but when you go back to it..it’s just...they need to be a unit forever.
16. Dejavu Nu’est-W-Even being down a member, they just know how to make some hits. You can tell they are really working on their sound and making it something that has a nice blend of funk and EDM.
17. Jealousy-Monsta-X-They are definitely still trying to find their sound but when they hit all the right sounds, it comes together. The dancing in this video is on point, the vocals and rap blend nicely together. It’s a good pop track.
18. Dally-Hyolyn-She told you she was grown, she is sexy, she likes her dark skin and she didn’t come to play! You betta Stop!
As you can see we shared about half and a few that almost made the cut between our two list. It’s done though, we did and no one died. Until 2019. You Betta Stop!
#2018 kpop list#2018 kpop#boa#mamamoo#pentagon#exo#exo-cbx#super junior#shinee#blackpink#ikon#seungri#shinhwa#got7#monsta x#amber#luna#f(x)#nu'est w#winner mino#hyolyn#nct
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Bloodlines-Chapter 11
So the ‘Keep Reading’ is giving problems with everyone. I know people like to keep their dashes all pretty, but go hit
To catch up, check out the [MASTERLIST]
WARNING: This story will have violence, drug-references and maybe some sexual stuff in nature. To be safe this story is Rated-R. We are not into graphic depiction of things, at least we try not to be. We rather be safe, but not sorry. We are never sorry about our work.

“Well, as much as I love the snarky skinflic currently happening in this kitchen, it is time for me to head home,” Phoenix said, standing up from the table.
Zico wiped his mouth before he began his protest. “You aren’t going anywhere. You’re staying here where it’s safe.”
Phoenix had to laugh. “Okay, now you’re just being extra. I can take care of myself, and we all know it.” She turned to Misty. “Misty, I’ll come by tomorrow and we can start some training. It’s going to have to be here since…well, this the only place with a gym at the moment. If you need some workout gear, just let me know and I’ll bring it with me.”
Misty, slightly unwilling to be left alone now that she’d resumed her human form, put down her chopsticks. “Um, I’m good on clothes, but maybe Zico has a point, Phee. This place is built like a fortress.”
“It is,” Mino agreed. “And if you stay, You can always share my room with me.”
He nudged her with his elbow.
Taehyun took one look at Zico’s face and cursed quietly under his breath.
“Your bedroom isn’t meant for humans,” Zico said firmly. “It’s a dungeon. Phee needs windows, lights, the comforts of a king size bed and Egyptian cotton sheets, not a coffin. Also, you’re a fledgling. You’ve been a vampire for less than 48 hours, which means you get no say in the decisions that are made regarding this compound.”
Mino puffed up his chest. “A fledgling? I’m not an ordinary fledgling, I’m your fledgling! And part of the line of succession!”
“Then know your place,” Zico snapped. “Now. Phee…”
“You mean take orders from someone who doesn’t even have the manners not to throw up on a lady in public?”
The other fledglings and Misty gasped.
“Oh, you’re such a man because you can take a cheap shot,” Zico sneered. “Wow. So badass. That reminds me, how’s your friend doing? Weren’t there five of you? Someone is missing…”
“Stop it!” Phoenix said, stepping in between them. “I appreciate that you care enough to fight over me, but I think you two need to go to your respective corners and cool off. I’m not a prize!”
Zico realized that he was definitely riled up from their tête-à-tête and wonder was if this was how G-Dragon felt when he was egging him on. Was this payback for all the times he had been a smartass just to prove he was worthy? If so, this was definitely going to be a long life.
“I’m sorry, Phee. I didn’t mean to imply that, or that you can’t take care of yourself. I just don’t want you to wind up in a shitty situation because we didn’t play this smart. If you won’t stay, then at least take the car to the bus station. Make me feel better.”
“Actually, I’m going to walk,” Phoenix said. “Like I normally would. And then I’m going to do all the other the normal things that I would do to get me across town, and you want to know why? ‘Cause if people find out that I need the extra protection, then people will think I’m scared. People and creatures will take advantage of that and I can’t have that. I know that we took a hit in the last couple of days, but that doesn’t mean we start running around with our tails between our legs. So on that note, I say goodnight. Talk to you tomorrow.”
Phoenix left. Zico plopped down at the kitchen table and took a few minutes to sulk after her departure. Then, his eyes got wide. “I have an idea,” he said suddenly. “Mino, come with me. We’re going out.”
“Why?” Mino asked, petulant.
“Because regardless of this bullshit, I do need to start teaching you the ropes. Which reminds me, everyone else needs to start learning, too. So go put some clothes on and find your mentors!”
The fledglings got up, grumbling. Zico followed them out to make sure they didn’t make any detours while Mino stayed behind to mope a little more.
Mino looked over his shoulder. Yukwon stood in the doorway.
“Hey yourself,” Mino mumbled. “Your charge went that way.”
“I know. I’ll catch up with him in a minute. I just wanted to tell you…if you’re feeling out of sorts right now, it’s normal. You can’t help it. You’re dealing with what we call ‘the pull.’”
“The pull?”
“Yeah.” Yukwon shuffled over and sat down. “When you turn into a vampire, a connection forms between the sire and his charge. You might get a trait of theirs, or share similar feelings. Similar likes or dislikes.”
“Why?” Mino asked. “Why is that a thing? How does that even work?”
Yukwon shrugged. “Beats me, but it does. But if you’re aware of it, you can at least keep yourself from turning into Zico Junior.”
“Did this happen to you when you turned?”
“Erm…not exactly.”
“Why not?”
“Well…Min and I are…different.”
“Because you’re twins?”
“That’s probably part of it. We’re also older than Zico. By a lot.”
“Get out of here. I mean, I know that vampires don’t age after they turn, but you’re older and you follow him? I have to know that story.”
“He rescued us. It was…hm. A couple hundred years ago? Give or take? Min and I were buried alive because we fell in love with two women who could see the future. They were witches.”
“Wait…so you’re…”
“Ancient? Not quite. I got a few years on me, I got a couple of miles on me, but I’m afraid I lived most of them underground. Buried alive. That, though, is a story for another time.”
Mino groaned. “Come on. You can give me the Cliff Notes version, can’t you?”
“Okay…well…Briefly? The leader of our tribe at the time thought that loving witches meant we were practicing witchcraft. We weren’t, but he buried us alive anyway, and killed the witches. Before they died though, they cast a spell. We were given the gift of mind-reading to provide us comfort, and the gift of immortality, which kind of went haywire since we were buried the way fledgling vampires are before they return. After that, it was a lot of laying around, waiting for someone to find us. Eventually, someone did, but…well…we’ll just fast forward to Zico. He was the first one to do his research and figure out what we were, and when he brought us before the Superior, JoKwon said he could keep us. So here we are.”
“Wait a minute. Who’s JoKwon?”
“Technically, I guess he would be your great-great grandfather. But it doesn’t matter because GD killed him. Anyway, I gotta go.” He patted Mino on the shoulder. “Later, bro.”
“What? Hey! You can’t just drop a bomb like that and leave me!”
“Yeah, I can!”
Mino gave Yukwon the finger as he vanished around the corner.
Zico returned to the kitchen putting on his jacket. “Are you ready?” he asked.
“Yeah,” Mino said slowly. “I guess. Let’s go.”
Phee’s phone buzzed. Since she’d barely made it two blocks from the compound, she decided ignoring was the best option. Nothing good would come of her answering. Especially if it was Zico.
The phone did a single buzz to signify that she had a voicemail. And then it began to buzz again in earnest, and she knew she had to give in. Adjusting her knapsack on her shoulder before diving into her back pocket, she was surprised to see Misty’s number. Hopefully nothing was wrong, but given it was Misty, Phoenix didn’t want to take that chance.
“You have to come back! I know what they were looking for,” Misty blurted out.
“Now?” Phoenix asked. “I just left.”
“I know, but this is important! You know I wouldn’t ask if it wasn’t important!”
“I know but…”
“Do you have a light?” a teenager interrupted, tapping Phoenix on the shoulder.
Phee pulled her shoulder away. “No, and smoking is bad for you anyway. Misty, what were you saying? Some kid was….”
The next sound out of her mouth was a yelp. Smoking Boy had just sucker punched her in the jaw. Her phone clattered to the ground.
“Are you kidding me?” she growled. She glared at the interloper as she held her jaw. “You really don’t want to pick a fight with me tonight, kid. I said I didn’t have a light, it’s not that deep. Go home.”
A puddle of spit landed on the ground by her foot. Phoenix turned to find her interloper had a friend. Not only that, both the boys were morphing, baby fangs extending as they transformed into pale, fledgling vampires.
Phoenix sighed. “You guys are barely 12,” she said, grabbing a stake from her coat pocket. “Aren’t they supposed to wait until you’re at least 18 to fuck up your lives?” Phoenix jumped back to avoid a swinging claw. “Yeah, okay, nevermind. Let’s just fight.”
“Phoenix….Phoenix?” Misty’s voice sounded distance and static-y through the phone. “Phee, what’s going on…”
Phoenix kicked the phone to the side and braced for an attack.
Yukwon was on his way to pick up Taehyun when Misty caught up to him. He had two bottles of blood, one in each hand, and he was sipping from one through a straw when Misty approached.
“Um,” she said slowly.
“She’s already in trouble, isn’t she?” Yukwon said.
Misty nodded.
“All right,” he said. “I know what to do. Is her phone on this time? That’s gonna make this ten times easier if it is.”
“Doing your psychic mind voodoo requires a phone?” Misty asked.
Yukwon shrugged. “No, but we do live in the 21st century. Might as well take advantage of it.”
“You seem remarkably calm,” Misty noted.
Yukwon shrugged again. “I’ve decided I’m going to leave the getting-worked-up thing to Zico.”
He gestured for her to follow, changing directions and heading for the elevators. They took the car up two floors where it opened to reveal an empty hall, and a single, fire-proof door marked ‘Security.’
Misty’s mouth gapped open a little when Yukwon punched in his code and opened said door, revealing a room full of computers and monitors buzzing and blinging. “Is this legal?” she asked.
“Umm...most of it. We don’t try to break any laws, but we do try to monitor perceived threats. As the gatekeepers of the underworld, sometimes you need to know how to track stuff, and CCTV in the city does a pretty good job of telling us what we need to know.”
They both turned their heads when Min came in, looking dapper in an all black suit. “Deja vu,” he said. “I feel like we just did this yesterday.”
“Because we did,” Yukwon said. “So let’s get…”
“Uh-uh. No,” Min interrupted. “I’m going out tonight, and no one or thing is going to stop me.”
“You can go out after you help me run a trace on Phee’s phone. Unless you’re getting a clearer picture than I am. I can’t get a street sign, but there’s a dry cleaners and…a bookstore? This static is a doozy. I can’t wait to eat whomever is putting this out into the universe.”
“Well, when you put it that way…” Min put on a headset and sat down at the keyboard. “Tracing the phone now and pulling up the map.”
The screen lit up with all sorts of weird symbols Misty couldn’t identify. Yukwon and Min scrutinized them carefully, and Min tapped the keys until most of them consolidated into two blinking blue dots.
“Well, well. Mino and Zico are actually closer to her than we are. Think they did that on purpose?”
“Who cares if it saves us some time.” Yukwon got out his phone. “Hey…Zico, it’s us. Phoenix is in trouble and you need to go pick her up. I’m sending her location to you now. Huh? No, she dropped it…not me, Misty, yeah. She said it didn’t sound good…” Yukwon pulled the phone away from his ear as Zico started yelling. “Just noises, dude. That’s all we know. Don’t go burning down half the city until you have a reason!”
Yukwon hung up.
Min snickered. “I take it the news didn’t go over well?”
“Shut up and focus,” Yukwon grumbled. “Or I’ll make you talk to him when he inevitably calls back.”
Zico looked at his phone to see the information that was sent to him. “Mino, get in the car, we have to go,” he said, walking back to the truck.
“Go? Go where?” Mino asked. “We just got here!”
“This was just a training exercise and training is over. Phee’s in trouble.”
“But I didn’t even get anything to eat,” Mino mumbled.
“Fuck the food. I can get you something at the house!” he yelled before immediately calling Yukwon back.
This time, it was Min who answered.
“Can you get a visual?” Zico asked.
“Can’t via mind vodoo due to the mental static that GD put on her and the general chaos in the universe, but I’m pulling up the CCTV cameras now. Don’t hold your breath, though. This corner has notoriously shitty angles.”
“Do we at least know what attacked her?”
“No. Wait…yes. Yes, it’s two fledglings and…they’re infected.”
“Fuck.” Zico cut the call, and pushed down on the accelerator hard enough to shove it through the floor. His senses were on high alert as they charged into traffic, weaving through the meandering cars at breakneck speed.
“Do…do we actually need to go this fast?” Mino asked nervously.
“Yes,” Zico said.
“Aren’t we going to get pulled over?”
“Nope. Everyone knows this truck.”
“Meaning what? You have cops on the payroll or something? Like the mob?’
Zico glared at him for a moment. “Let’s just say people know that we exist but are happy to pretend we don’t as long as we’re discreet. I mean, look at the people driving. Do you see any of them freaking out? We hide in plain sight. Remember that.”
From the dashboard, the GPS announced their arrival. Which was fine, but all they could see was an empty sidewalk, and some overturned trash cans.
“Wait in the car,” Zico said as he pulled over.
“Excuse me? Fuck no. You need my help.”
“I need you alive more than I need your help.”
“I am alive.”
Zico pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. “Fine. But if I tell you to run, you run, do you understand? Or I will end you myself.”
They got out of the car. They both did a light trot towards the bookstore and dry cleaners, but there was no sign of Phoenix. Just more overturned trash cans.
Zico sniffed the air, and coughed as something sickly sweet overwhelmed his nostrils. “Uh...this way,” he said pointing down the block. “There’s a scent coming from…” He stopped as he looked down at the ground and saw blood. “Shit.”
Mino knelt down. “You think it’s hers?” he asked. And then he jumped as Zico smacked his hand away from the spatters.
“Never touch blood unless you know where it came from!” Zico scolded. “With the infected around, you can be exposed and change within seconds!”
“Sorry,” Mino mumbled. “I wasn’t gonna…”
“Less talking, more listening, Mino. Now come on. These are our breadcrumbs. Let’s find where they lead.”
As the two of them followed the trail down the block, the smell got stronger. They picked up speed, jogging until the turned into an alleyway and came face-to-face with the acrid scent.
“What is that?” Mino asked, covering his nose. “It’s so disgusting.”
“It’s the infected,” Zico said, “and…honey? I think that’s…honey.”
“What you’re smelling is a bacon and honey cupcake smashed in the face of the infected.” Phee’s voice spoke from the far side of a dumpster where a pool of liquid and a pool of blood littered the pavement. “It’s pretty gross, but I’m more upset I had to ruin a perfectly good cupcake to win against them.”
“You had to what?” Zico asked, but he was shoved out of the way by Mino before Phoenix could answer him.
“Phee! Holy shit! You need medical attention!” Mino cried, running over. He only got a couple steps closer though before the three of them heard his stomach growl. Loudly.
“Um,” Mino said, embarrassed.
Phee let out a sad laugh. “Zico, did you not feed your son tonight? How could you? Your baby’s hungry!”
“I’ll feed him when we get home,” Zico said. “Can you stand?”
“Um, she has a three foot splinter of wood embedded in her side and you want to know if she can stand?” Mino snapped.
“Gods, Mino, you are so prone to exaggeration.” Phee forced herself upright, getting her feet underneath her the best she could. “It’s not that big. And I can stand. I can even walk. I just need to find my phone and my bag and then we can get out of here. You might want to call your science buddies, though. It might be useful to know you can liquify infected fledglings with Angel-infused cupcakes.”
“Sure thing,” Zico said, grabbing her by the arm as she almost fell over. “I’ll call them as soon as we’ve got you in the truck.”
“Perfect,” Phoenix said. “Can you also feed Mino so he doesn’t try an eat me?”
“One thing at a time.”
Zico got her arm over his shoulder and started guiding her toward the truck. Mino stayed several steps behind realizing now that Phoenix was right. He was hungry. And he was also having inappropriate thoughts about consuming her entire being.
“So I guess I should ask,” Zico said as they walked. “The majority of the blood. Is it from one of them? Did they get you?”
“No,” Phoenix said. “I got shoved against the scaffolding and one of the beams came crashing down on me. Blood’s mostly mine.”
“Better, but not by much.” Zico shook his head. “I should never have let you go home alone.”
“Why? So you could have staked yourself instead of letting me take it? I’m a human, Zico. I’ll survive.”
“You won’t if we don’t get you medical attention quickly.” With his free hand, Zico got out his phone. “Hey, Taeil. It’s Zico. I’m with Phoenix and she’s hurt bad. We’ve also got some Unidentified Vampire Goo stinking up the sidewalk, so grab a med team and meet me out here. Bring more Holy Water. Yeah, Min has the coordinates. See you soon.”
Phoenix shot him some epic side-eye. “Zico…”
“You’re losing blood,” Zico said. “And if I take this stake out out, you’re going to lose more blood and possibly bleed out. Holy Water will help you heal faster.”
“I have to be balanced, Zico. You know this. Holy Water is against the rules!”
“The rules do not apply in life or death situations.”
Phoenix could only nod at this point because the blood loss was making her light headed. And she let him manhandle her into the back seat of the truck with only minor moaning and groaning. But when he raised his own wrist to his mouth, she got her second wind.
“Whoa! Whoa! Absolutely not! That’s not just against the rules, that is a huge violation of everything balancers stand for!”
“Maybe so, but I need to pull that stake out. And I need you not to die when I do.”
“No! Zico, I can’t!” she said, pushing his arm away the best she could.
“Do not argue with me. We’ll need to close the wound, and Holy Water is not going to do it.”
He put his wrist to her lips. Phoenix tried to refuse, but eventually Zico’s will won out, and she finally mustered up the strength to suck down some blood.
“All right,” Zico said. “Now. On three…”
He said on three but it didn’t matter. The scream that came from her mouth could have woken up any creature, living or dead, and she had to resist the urge to black out.
“Keep drinking.” One handed, Zico made quick work of her bloodied shirt, tossing it in a plastic bag and wrapping her in his coat. Outside, Phoenix dimly registered the sound of the Zico Corp vans pulling up.
“You’re late,” Zico said as Taeil came around to the open side of the truck.
“Got here as fast as we could. Some of us have to sleep, you know. If P.O .doesn’t get at least eight hours, he’s useless.”
“As it is, I’m going to be late coming in today,” P.O said, following behind. “Since I’m going to need to catch up on the four I’m missing right now.”
“Ah, yes. What is a crisis without out some Science Bro Witty Banter. You know I would love to continue, but we have to get back to the house. Did you bring the holy water?”
“There’s some in the van. The rest is in the kitchen. Two IV bags should do it, but you’re going to have to stay with her and make sure she doesn’t do anything funny like remove the needle from her arm.”
“So…she’s all right?” Mino peeked out from behind P.O.’s shoulder.
Zico had almost forgotten he was there. “She will be, but we have to get her back to the house and into bed.”
Mino looked at the slumped-over Phoenix. “What’s that on her mouth?”
“Nothing,” Zico said. “Get in the car.”
“Zico, what did you do?”
“Nothing. Get in the car!”
“You’re lying…”
“Boss?” Jaehyo’s voice came over Taeil’s hand-held radio, startling everyone. “Where do you want me to set up the IV drip?”
“My room is fine. There should be two bags there?”
“Yeah. Is that going to be enough?”
“That’s going to be enough for now. We’ll see you when we get home.” Zico turned the communication device off. And even though the car was now silent, he could feel Mino glaring at him.
“I was saving her life…” he began, but Mino cut him off.
“What you did wasn’t good for her, was it? But it was good for you?”
“She was dying, okay? And we can’t take her to the hospital because I have no idea if that will just be an invitation for someone to come and finish the job. As long as we can get her home, and keep her stable, everything will be fine.”
“I still don’t think…”
“I don’t care what you think!” Zico shook his head. “There is still a <i>lot</i> you don’t understand about all this, Mino. Way more than I have the time or energy to explain to you. Now, quell your bloodlust like a good fledgling, and get in the car!”
Mino pressed his lips together and obeyed.
Zico pulled out the keys and said no more.
Zico was glad when they made it to the house and he was able to carry her inside. “Everyone but Jaeyho, out,” he commanded. “And stay out until we call you in!”
After getting her in some clean clothes, Zico let Jaeyho hooked her up to the IV.
“She should wake up any minute,” Jaehyo said. “Two bags might not be enough, but we have more if we need it. Also, when she wakes up, she might feel confused. That’s a side effect of the rebalancing.”
“Is she going to attack me?” Zico asked.
“I don’t think so. We’re starting the drip now so she should be fine. But she’ll definitely need some rest…”
Whatever else he was about to say was forgotten when Phoenix’s eyes flew open.
Her pupils were solid black.
“Phee,” Zico said cautiously. “You okay?”
“What do you think?” Phoenix snapped, “You gave me a blood infusion and now you have me on an IV drip. Zico, I swear if I get a black mark on me because of your brilliant idea of saving my life, I’m going to kill you.”
Jaehyo smirked. “Sounds like she’s okay.”
“I’m glad you find this amusing,” Zico murmured.
On the bed, Phoenix yawned. “Damn, I’m tired. When did I get so old that a simple fight wears me out?”
“Actually, you’re tired because I added a little something extra to sedate you just in case you got aggressive,” Jaehyo said. Good to know it’s working. So…two bags of this concoction and we’ll see where you’re at. I’m going out, should I send the others in?”
“No,” Phoenix said. “I don’t want them to see me like this. It will just make them worried.” She yawned again. “I just...actually can everyone just go? I need to be alone.”
“I’m not leaving,” Zico said. “I don’t know if you’re going to pull the IV out, and someone needs to stick around in case you need something.”
“I’m fine Zico. Really. By the time you get to the door, I’ll probably be asleep. I mean, these sheets are pretty nice.”
“Well, you know me,” Zico said. “Nothing but the best.” He stood. “I’ll tell everyone that you’re asleep and that I’m staying to watch over you. I’m sure they’ll protest, but it’s my house so I don’t really care.”
“What about you?” Phee asked. “Are you going to sleep? Do you usually sleep? Wait…why do you have a bed? Wait…don’t answer that question. I take that question back. That’s a bad question…”
Zico had to laugh a little because she was starting to look like a toddler trying to fight sleep. “I do sleep when I’m bored or I’ve had a hard day at work. It’s nice to shut the body down since I don’t dream or think. And you’re sure you want me to answer the last question? Sometimes I prepare meeting proposals, conference calls, and it’s great for packing for my business trips and vacations. Sex too. Great for sex.”
“You’re an ass, but I guess that’s part of your charm.”
Zico sat down on the edge of the bed. “Just get some sleep,” he said, touching her forehead.
As much as he wanted the sedative to take effect, he knew her rest wouldn’t be peaceful.
Phoenix wasn’t sure what caused her to wake up but when she did, it was with a jolt. To her surprise, she found Tablo sleeping in a chair next to her bed. Remembering what happened last night she pulled her hands from the comforter to find them normal sans nail polish. Quickly moving her fingers over her teeth, she was relieved to find that her teeth were normal. The treatment worked, but when she glanced over at the table she noticed there were four empty bags. Meaning the one currently making its way into her arm was her fifth.
Tablo began to stir when he heard movement in the room. “You’re up,” he said with a yawn. “It was touch and go for a while, but looks like you made it.”
“Yeah,” Phoenix said. “ThoughI’m kind of confused. I mean, I’m happy you’re here, but you what happened to Zico?”
“Work. Apparently, he still has a company to run. He changed out the IV bags and found more Holy Water for you when things weren’t clearing up, but when he had to head out to a meeting, he came and got me to watch over you.”
“Did he tell you…? About…the blood.”
“Yeah, he did.”
Phoenix just stared the comforter because she wasn’t sure what to say. Ever since Tablo explained to her how the balance worked, she was vigilant—always checking to make sure her chi was even, her soul was at peace, her balance balanced. Lately, that had gotten harder, she still kept up with it. But now…
“I didn’t drink that much.”
“But you drank.”
Phoenix clenched her fists. “Look, I check my system every day. I go to church, or synagogue or temple, or all three. Twice on Sundays! Maybe I missed a yoga session or two since I’ve been in town, but I know what I’m supposed to do. I know how to behave!”
“Stop being defensive, I’m just worried. Which is an odd feeling. I’ve never had to worry about you, Phee. I never thought you as strayer, never giving up on what you’re supposed to do. But Phee, this is your fifth bag.”
“I’m fine,” she insisted. “It’s just taking longer because we’re on a seal. Or close to one.”
“Promise let me know if things are getting too difficult, though.”
Phee made a face. “I promise,” she said. “But let’s worry about one thing a time.”
#kpop fanfiction#kpop fanfic#kpop scenarios#khh scenario#bigbang#winner#block b#block b scenarios#winner mino#epik high#jay park#aomg scenarios#tablo#bloodlines#kpop vampire au#angles and demons au
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We are a live! I know you’re thinking what happened. Life. That’s what happened. Chapter 11 is in the editing process and it’s just taking a little bit longer. Be patient.
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Friendly reminder that Keep Reading still was not working when we posted Chapter 10. We will go pack to the Keep Reading option once Tumblr fix it, or maybe they don’t. Maybe they just want to phase it out.
Keep Reading is not working
I’m sorry that the keep reading is not working and your chapter is going to appear in all of it’s glorious length. For the formatting issues, we had to take the keep reading coding off for it to lay right.
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Hey. If you're going to post a super long chapter please use "Keeo Reading" it's kinda annoying. Thanks
We can’t use the keep reading because it corrupts the post. We say this on the page and our post.
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Bloodlines-Chapter 10
So the ‘Keep Reading’ is giving problems with everyone. I know people like to keep their dashes all pretty, but go hit
To catch up, check out the [MASTERLIST]
WARNING: This story will have violence, drug-references and maybe some sexual stuff in nature. To be safe this story is Rated-R. We are not into graphic depiction of things, at least we try not to be. We rather be safe, but not sorry. We are never sorry about our work.

BooBoo Snuggles, Misty decided, was the only entity that she could tolerate in this godawful place she suddenly had to call home. It helped that he was alive because, save Tablo, living things were in short supply at Zico Corp headquarters...but it also helped that he didn't talk. And that he didn't want anything from her. She was just a warm body to curl up against when it was nap time, and Misty was okay with that. She was also okay with not changing out of cat form for any reason any time soon, no matter how many dirty looks Zico shot her. After all, it wasn't her fault he fell asleep waiting for the boys to come back with bacon-cheese residue on his fingers. Or that he smelled appealing. Or that he was ticklish in the crook of his elbow and smacked himself in the face when she came over to get a closer sniff. That was what he
got for being a grumpy jerk.
"Boss? Boss, we're back!" Misty, currently hiding under Tablo's bed, flicked an ear in the direction of Jaehyo's voice. There were three people with him, and he'd only left with Min and Yukwon, so they must have found Phee. And Phee had found...
"Holy jesus, what did you do to ‘Kwon?"
Zico was on the other side of the house, but she could hear him like they were in the same room. Misty lifted her head. It was unusual for Zico to sound so hysterical, and she was almost tempted to see what all the fuss was about. Almost. But appeasing her curiosity meant coming out from under the bed, and why do that when she could hear everything just fine where she was?
"Angels," Yukwon muttered. “And yoga gurus, and herbalists, and holistic spiritual shamans, but mostly fucking Angels.”
"I told you to find Phee, not murder your brother." The snap in Zico's voice must have been directed at Jaehyo. There was no way he'd speak to Min like that when Min was probably feeling most of Yukwon's suffering already.
"They did find me," Phee's voice said. "And I'm sorry. I didn't know he was so sensitive. He was fine while we were at the bake shop, but I guess the frosting on the princess cupcake caused a reaction..."
"He ate frosting? You let him eat Angel-made frosting?? Oh for fuck's sake, Phee!"
Someone was running. And fast. They jetted past her hiding spot and down the hall to the main bathroom.
"No, I'm fine, I just need an aspirin." Misty wasn't sure exactly who Min was talking to because whoever had asked him the question was drown out by the argument that was suddenly going on between Zico and Yukwon. But as he approached, she could smell something strange and sweet on him that made her wrinkle her nose.
"You can turn it off though, right? The link?" Jaehyo was opening something that sounded like a pill bottle.
"I'm going to have to," Min said. "Otherwise..."
There was another loud yell, and a then a splash, and Misty could not hold back her curiosity any longer. She crept out from under the bed and padded to the door, peeking carefully around the corner. Jaehyo and Phoenix had their backs to her, and Min was looking down, rubbing his temples.
None of them noticed as she slipped out and headed in the direction of the yelling.
She found quite a scene when she reached the bathroom.
"Kwon, come on. You know this is the fastest way to get the swelling down.” Zico was straddling the bathtub, hands clasped tight around Yukwon's wrists, empty bottles of Holy Water strewn everywhere. And Yukwon was down on his back, fully clothed and half submerged, his skin covered in angry, red welts.
"And you know it hurts, Zico. Let me up!!!" Yukwon wheezed.
"Just a few more minutes. Hold on for just a few more minutes."
"No. Shit. Zico, fucking stop. It hurts. Let me u...!"
Misty leapt onto the counter just in time to see Zico shove Yukwon underwater and sit on his chest. Yukwon thrashed, and Misty felt a trill of fear run through her until logic kicked in and she realized Zico couldn't really hurt him because he was already dead. And when he did let him up, the redness had paled significantly, and Yukwon's breathing was a lot less labored.
He wasn't any less irritated, though.
"Better?" Zico asked.
“No.” Yukwon shook his wet hair out of his eyes. “I still I feel like I've been stung by a thousand bees. And you're heavier than you look.”
"What possessed you to eat something that had passed through the hands of an Angel?" Zico asked, shifting so he was sitting on Yukwon’s thighs. "You know better. I know you do!”
"Zico, please don't lecture me right now. It was stupid, and I was stupid. Can we just leave it at that?"
"But I don't understand..."
"Zico, the bottom line is that the world has gone crazy." Min entered the bathroom, a bag of ice cupped to the back of his neck. "Crazy enough that we all ate at the bakery and didn't think twice. Kwonnie's reaction just happened to be the worst."
Zico sighed. "Y'know, I once thought it would be cool to live in a world without so many damn rules, but honestly, it’s not. It’s fucking annoying.”
“It is pretty shitty." Yukwon pushed himself to a more comfortable sitting position. "And I don't think it’s going to get any better until…"
He trailed off as he spotted Misty. Since it was too late to run, Misty simply flicked her tail and pretended not to notice the way his smile lit the room. But of course she did, and of course Yukwon’s notice of her caught everyone else’s attention.
"Well, apparently she doesn’t hate you," Zico said. “Yet anyway. She came to make sure I wasn't killing you."
"I'm flattered." Yukwon continued to smile despite Misty turning to look in the opposite direction. "And I'm okay, Kitty. No need to worry."
"She doesn't look worried,” Min noted. “She looks put out.”
"How can you tell?" Zico asked.
"The ears. The tail twitch. Have neither of you paid attention to the zillions of cats Kwonnie has brought into this house over the years?"
"Well yeah, but that's Misty. She's not a real cat."
Misty’s attention whipped back, her glare enough to make Min flinch and Yukwon hide a giggle behind the back of his hand. The bathroom filled with a tense silence, and Zico looked back and forth between all of them for several long minutes, before throwing up his hands.
“What?” he demanded. “She’s not a real cat! Why are you all acting like I just said something blasphemous?”
“I think we’re just amazed,” Min said. “That, despite being a vampire, you have no idea how the supernatural works.”
“What is there to know? Her true form is human!”
“But she’s not human right now,” Yukwon pointed out.
"Because she is stubbornly refusing to be! Although..." Zico’s eyes narrowed. “Although didn’t you manage to make her turn involuntarily that one time?”
Misty’s ear’s flattened. She fixed her gaze on Yukwon, half angry, half pleading, and was relieved to see that Yukwon wasn’t any more interested in replicating their unfortunate first meeting than she was.
"That was an accident," Yukwon said. "With a very unexpected result. It's better we let her come out of it on her own."
"But we could hurry it up..."
"No, Zico." Yukwon stood up from the bathtub, skin almost completely back to normal. "We're going to let her come out of it on her own."
Zico rolled his eyes. “Fine,” he said. “You play the hero and protect your precious kitty. But don’t expect her to fall for you just because you came galloping in on the proverbial white horse.”
“I can take no for an answer," Yukwon said. “I don’t need to be get my ass kicked in public to know when I’ve overstepped a woman’s boundaries."
"Oh wow," Zico said. "Low blow, Kwonnie. Seriously."
"Don't meddle with my affairs and I won't meddle with yours."
"Don't eat princess glitter cupcakes and I won't have to!”
"Oh really? How quickly you forget who carried you home last night!”
"How quickly you forget who is allowing you to live a normal life!"
“Okay, that's enough." Min stepped between them. "Yukwon, you get back in the tub and finish healing. Zico, you come with me. We found Phee for you, so you're going to go talk to her."
"And the cat?" Zico asked.
“Let her be. She can take care of herself."
Min pushed Zico toward the door. Zico surprisingly let him, allowing Min to bully him into the hall with little to no protest. That left Misty and Yukwon alone, the former still on the counter, the latter still soaking wet.
"I can’t ride,” Yukwon said at length. “I mean, I can but I wouldn’t go through all the trouble of tracking down a horse just to make an entrance. Walking is so much easier.”
Misty flicked her tail.
“Okay, lame humor,” Yukwon admitted. “Comedy was never my strong suit.”
Misty blinked.
“Right,” Yukwon said. “I need to stop talking. Um…see you around?”
Misty tilted her head.
“I would prefer to get back in there without all these clothes on,” he said. “And I’d like to shut the door.”
Misty held his gaze and curled her tail around her feet.
“Oh, c’mon. That’s not fair." There was a hint of humor now in his tone. “Cats hate closed doors. And I know you’re going to start begging to be let out as soon as I’m in my underwear.”
Misty made a quiet, grunting noise. And she fully expected him to stop there and wait for her to leave, but Yukwon went right ahead and stripped off both his hoodie and his undershirt.
Misty gave a tiny peep.
"What? I told you I wasn't getting back in there fully dressed." He sauntered over, reaching out to scratch her ears. "You can still go. But you better decide.”
Misty grunted again, but before she could jump down, Yukwon caught her by the scruff, pulling her into his chest.
“Ah, too late,” he cooed. “You should have gone when I told you to the first time. Now you’re coming in with me!”
Misty squirmed. As a rule, she wasn’t adverse to water, even in cat form, but everything about this was a bad idea. From the cuddling, to the nuzzling, to the affectionate little noises he was making, Misty knew this was going to end badly. But alas, it was too late.
With a tiny noise of distress, Misty resumed her human form.
"Ohgodohgodohgod no no no no noooooooo!" she moaned, and Yukwon looked extremely startled when he realized his arms were full of naked girl instead of soft, fluffy cat.
"Oh..." he began.
Misty vigorously shook her head. “Don’t talk, just get me a towel. And close your eyes. Or something. Please?"
"I can't see my way to the linen closet if I close my eyes…”
"Then look...somewhere else! Be fascinated by the ceiling!” Why did this keep happening around him? Was she cursed?
"All right, all right. Calm down." Yukwon averted his eyes as he carried her over to the linen closet. "I'll open the door, you grab, okay?"
He did as promised. And Misty could not pull the entire stack of towels down on top herself fast enough as he set her on her feet and turned his back.
When she was sufficiently covered, she peeked over her shoulder, cheeks deep red. Yukwon was back in the tub, still looking everywhere but in her direction until Misty cleared her throat.
“Oh,” he said. “Um…hi.”
They stared at each other awkwardly.
“So uh…if you want to get dressed, I grabbed some stuff for you when we took Phee over to your place.”
"You...wait, what?”
"I grabbed you some clothes. It was Phee’s idea, but she put me in charge of execution. I got your toothbrush and stuff, too.”
“I...oh," Misty said. “Um. Thanks."
"You're welcome. I hope it helps.” There was another awkward pause, and the he added, “Are you mad at me?”
“Why would I be mad at you?”
“Jaehyo said watching us feed last night upset you."
Misty bit her lip. “It was just creepy,” she said. “And that on top of everything else was just…too much. And that guy. Your superior. You know he's a..."
"Shifter. Yes. I know," Yukwon said. "And I know that's what you were trying to tell Phoenix during the ceremony, but that is a huge, huge secret that has to be kept. Not even Zico knows. The only reason I do is because he’s sleeping with Min."
Misty blinked. “Okay, I don't know what to ask first. How is it possible to have a vampire shifter, or why Min?"
"He's not a shifter in the way that you are. He can only take one form. And what's wrong with Min? We're twins you know!"
"No, I know. I'm just saying that it’s not a couple I would have ever paired up in a million years. I mean Min's so...and he's so..." Lacking words, Misty gestured with the hand that wasn't holding up her towel.
Yukwon snickered. "Even vampires can't help who they fall in love with. I know we're undead and all, but we can feel. Our bodies die, our emotions don’t.”
He looked at her pointedly and Misty felt her face heat up again. "I should...put some clothes on," she said, desperate to change the subject. “And you should finish soaking. Because the kind of reaction you just had is nothing to play around with!”
“You sound concerned.” Yukwon folded his arms on the lip of the tub. “Were you worried about me, Kitty?”
“I…no! Maybe. Regardless, I don’t like seeing people hurt. And it’s a little scary knowing something else out there can make things worse than they already are.”
“Angels and vampires have never been on the same side,” Yukwon said. “They aren’t around to make things worse so much as be our polar opposite.”
“And make you sick?”
“Well, no. Most vampires just get irritated by them in a sort of annoying-rash fashion. I’m just…special, I guess.”
“Of course. I would choose to care about the one vampire who goes into full-blown anaphylactic shock…”
Misty clapped her hand over her mouth. But it was too late. She’d already spoken aloud.
“You should go get dressed.” Yukwon’s voice had taken on an unmistakably affectionate tone, and he was looking at her with a very knowing smile. “But just so you know, I was thinking about checking out some episodes of a new drama later. If you’re interested, come watch with me. It might take your mind of things.”
“I’ll think about it,” Misty said, and she darted from the room before she could dig herself any deeper into the proverbial hole.
Back in the kitchen, Zico was making the most ridiculous sandwich Phoenix had ever seen.
"Please tell me you did not just put pickles and fried egg on top of that giant slab of salami."
"I'm stressed," Zico said. "I get strange food cravings when I'm stressed. Now what the hell were you doing talking to Angels?"
"I found a feather," Phoenix said. "In Tablo's house. So I went to find Amber."
"So Amber gave Yukwon the cupcake?"
Zico slapped some mayo on his sandwich. "And here I thought she was one of the decent ones."
"Of course she's decent, she's an Angel."
"No, I mean she was decent for an Angel. Like, not afraid to get her hands dirty. Willing to linger in the moral grey area. Not a stickler for rules.”
"Are you trying to say she deliberately tried to poison Yukwon?"
"I'm saying I would have though she, of all people, would have know better than to give a vampire a princess cupcake."
"He wanted it!"
"Of course he did! Angel food smells delicious. But so do a lot of things. That doesn't mean you should put them in your mouth."
"Please don't put that sandwich in your mouth, then, because it smells disgusting."
Phoenix and Zico both turned around as a sleepy, shirtless Mino shuffled into the kitchen. He looked pale, but he was also dead, so Phoenix wasn't too worried about that. However she didn't remember the line of his shoulders being so broad, or his chest being so defined. Or his arms being so...arm-y.
"Hey," Zico said. "No nudity in my kitchen."
"I'm not naked, I'm wearing sweatpants."
"I don't care, go put a shirt on."
"I don't feel like it." Mino opened the fridge. "What happened to Yukwon?"
"He had an allergic reaction to an Angel-made cupcake," Phoenix said.
"Angel?" Mino closed the fridge, jar of kimchi in hand. "Like, an angel-Angel?"
"Yeah," Zico said. "Lawful good, sickeningly sweet personalities, big white wings? Angel."
"Are they bad for us?" Mino asked.
"Vampires tend to have reactions to them," Phoenix said. "To varying degrees, but Yukwon is apparently highly allergic."
"Which he knows," Zico said. "But something scrambled his judgement. And for once, it wasn't Min messing with his head."
"Maybe it's another side effect of the chaos," Phoenix offered.
"It's possible..."
"God, Mino. Get a bowl." Interrupting the conversation was Taehyun, also sleepy and also shirtless. He frowned hard at Mino as Mino helped himself to kimchi right out of the jar with a pair of chopsticks. ”Someone else might want to eat some of that, you know. That's so gross."
"Um, Nammie? We're dead. It's a little pointless to become a germaphobe now."
"It has nothing to do with germs and everything to do with bad manners." Taehyun snatched the jar out of Mino's hand. "Get a bowl, Song Minho."
"Are you sure he's Yukwon's fledgling and not yours?" Phoenix asked, looking at Zico.
"What are you trying to say?" Zico returned. "Anyway, to answer your first question, yes. It's possible it's another side effect of the chaos. Though honestly, I don't even know any more. I feel like everything is just wrong, and it gets more wrong the more we try to find an explanation."
"That's not the chaos, that's just everyday life with you." Still damp from the bath (but fully clothed), Yukwon joined the kitchen party. "I'm fine, by the way. Thanks for checking back in."
"You had the cat. She wasn't going to let you drown," Zico said.
"And you wonder why I like her so much," Yukwon sniped back.
Zico raised an eyebrow, but let the sass stand, something that surprised Mino and Phoenix. They exchanged a look.
"I'm glad you're okay, Yukwon," Mino said, jumping in in an attempt to smooth any ruffled feathers. "But I'm sorry I slept through everything. I didn't even hear you guys come in."
"You've been a vampire for less than 48 hours. Sleeping is what you should be doing," Yukwon said.
"Yeah, but..."
"Seriously, Mino. Don't worry about it."
Yukwon walked out of the room. The remaining four stared after him for a long time before Mino broke the silence.
"Jesus, man. What did you do?"
"I don't know," Zico said. "I saved his ass. Unless he’s still be pissed about last night…”
“On the subject of last night, you know you were one hell of a mess, right?” Phoenix asked. "You acted like a dick, and ruined my shoes."
"And her dress," Mino chimed in.
"And my dress," Phoenix agreed.
Zico broke off a piece of his sandwich and chewed thoughtfully. "You know, I don't actually remember much," he said. "I remember finding 'Kwon, and him carrying me home, but not…being messy.”
“You were,” Mino said. “Figuratively and literally. You threw up right before you passed out. Maybe you blacked out, too?”
"Maybe," Zico agreed, but he didn't look convinced.
In the ensuing silence, Taehyun helped himself to some Mino’s kimchi.
Misty made it back to her room without encountering anyone, which was the first stroke of good luck she'd managed to have since de-catting in Yukwon's arms. And she was startled to find two bags of her belongings sitting on the bed, alongside her favorite hoodie, a pair of track pants and...lacy, pink boyshorts. Misty felt her face heat up. Of course, it wasn't anything terrible. It was actually surprisingly thoughtful that he remembered underwear. She wondered if he'd remembered bras as well, but then she decided she didn't want to think about Yukwon going through her intimates drawer and, instead, changed quickly, foregoing anything more than a camisole since she wasn't leaving the house. And she was about to leave to go say hello to Phoenix when she spotted something on the pillow.
Walking over, she picked it up. It was the journal she kept by her bed where she jotted down things she needed to remember, especially after she'd shifted when things could fade quickly. Most of it was nothing more than random, broken half-thoughts, but there were some doodles, too, and a few angry rants. Hopefully Yukwon hadn't seen the one where she called him 'the stupidly attractive freak that roams around with Zico.' In her defense, it was from before she knew his name, but it was still a private thought. Especially the attractive part.
Setting the book back down, she zipped up her hoodie and left the room. She really should say hi to Phee. And maybe beg her to stay for a little while so she didn't have to feel so alone.
She was totally not prepared, though, for the number of half-naked men she found in the kitchen.
In addition to Taehyun and Mino, Seunghoon and Jinwoo had stumbled in, the former in pjs, the latter in only a pair of boxers and caring less about it. Misty cleared her throat to announce her presence, but the fledglings only looked at her and went back to eating, unphased by the addition of a female presence. Misty wondered if lack of modesty was a universal vampire trait since they seemed to be some of the most clothing-adverse people she'd ever encountered.
"Hey," Phoenix greeted her. "You're back."
"For the moment," Misty said. "Did they tell you what happened?"
"Yeah, the boys filled me in, and I went by to see the damage myself before coming over here. I'm really sorry, Misty. I wish I knew what they were looking for."
"It's going to take days to get everything sorted and figure that out," Zico said. "And we'll need Tablo's help for sure."
"If you give me a little bit, I might be able to help, too," Misty said. "But right this second, I don't want to go back there."
"Did you see anyone?" Phoenix asked. "Or smell anything?"
Misty shook her head. "Nobody, and nothing. Which was weird. Even the normal household smells were gone. It was just...it was like this weird empty, sensory void."
"That's really beautiful." Mino looked up. "Those words, I mean."
"Like lyrics," Taehyun said. "Can we use that?"
Misty shrugged. "Sure, if you want. Though I don't know when you two think you're going back to work."
"We'll figure out something." Jinwoo looked at her and batted his eyelashes. "I'm Jinwoo, by the way. I know I saw you last night, but I never got to ask you your name."
"Her name is Misty," Zico said. "And don't get any ideas, pretty boy. Kitty is spoken for."
“Don't call me...oh forget it." At this point, it wasn't even worth the argument. "Is there anything to eat that I don’t have to cook? I’m kinda hungry.”
“Yeah. There’s leftover ramen.” Mino stood up and went to get Misty a bowl. "You want spicy? Or leave it mild?"
"Mild. I still feel a little woozy from coming out of cat form.”
"Is shifting hard?" Jinwoo asked.
"It can be," Misty said. "It's better when I consciously decided to do it. Less residual weirdness than when things sort of go on instinct.”
Zico lifted a brow, but Misty ignored him in favor of the bowl Mino set down in front of her.
"Here you go,” he said. ”I put a little soy sauce on it, but no spices. And, for what it’s worth, I think it's really cool that you can change your form at will. How did you learn?"
"I've been able to do it my whole life. It's a family trait. All my sisters are shifters, too.”
"Wait, you have sisters?" Zico demanded. "There's more of you?"
"At least three," Misty said. “That I remember. There are probably some others that I don't know about, but three for certain. They’re all older.”
Zico took an angry bite of gross sandwich.
Phoenix didn't even try to hide her smile.
#Bloodlines#kpop fanfiction#kpop fanfic#kpop scenarios#khh scenario#block b#block b zico#block b ukwon#block b bbomb#block b jaehyo#epik high#tablo#jay park aomg#kpop vampire au#kpop angels and demons au
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Once again we are just so happy with all of the likes and followers that we have gotten so far! I hope everyone is enjoy our project, and don't you worry chapter 10 is being worked on. We haven’t gone any where. We see you!
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Keep Reading is not working
I’m sorry that the keep reading is not working and your chapter is going to appear in all of it’s glorious length. For the formatting issues, we had to take the keep reading coding off for it to lay right.
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Bloodlines-Chapter 9
I’m having issues with posting this correctly and using the Keep Reading option. I will not have it up for this chapter due to the formatting problems.\.
To catch up, check out the [MASTERLIST]
WARNING: This story will have violence, drug-references and maybe some sexual stuff in nature. To be safe this story is Rated-R. We are not into graphic depiction of things, at least we try not to be. We rather be safe, but not sorry. We are never sorry about our work.

Zico heard the knock on his bedroom door and burrowed further into bed. “Maybe if we don’t answer, they’ll go away,” he whispered to the grey tabby cat next to him. He was pleased when the cat snuggled him in agreement and curled into his neck. But the knock came again, and he decided pulling the covers over his head was the next best option. “Zico. I know you’re in there,” Min called through the door. “And I know you probably don’t have pants on, but we have a situation.” “Go away,” Zico whined. Min sighed. He knew that the boss had had a rough night (he was filled with every little detail of his declaration of feelings for Phoenix from his partner in crime), but he needed Zico a lot less petulant a lot more quickly. “Zico…for real, you need to get up.” “GO….AWAY!”
“Boss,” he said. “Sorry to wake you, but they came to the door, and…” He was cut off by a wave of Zico’s hand. “And you let them in. Because letting them into our secret fortress was the best thing to do,” he finished for him. “Yeah it is. Because this is your fault,” Tablo said, poking Zico in the chest. “We go to one of your swanky parties and come home to our place ransacked? This has vampire stench all over it.”
Zico looked down. “First of all,” he said, moving Tablo’s finger away, “We don’t smell. You’re thinking of zombies. Second, you have a small point, but if we were at the party and you were at the party, how exactly did my crew fuck up your house? And lastly…why not go to Phoenix's place?” “Can’t get a hold of her,” Tablo said. “And it’s not like we didn’t try.” Zico’s brow furrowed. He looked at Min. “Can you get a read on Phoenix? I want to make sure she’s safe. Then have Jaehyo call our security team and go with them to Tablo’s. Do a full sweep to see if we can find out who broke in.” “Will do,” Min said. Zico looked at Tablo and Misty. “You two come with me.” He escorted them from his room, leading them towards the elevator, and taking it to the top level of the compound. “Want a grilled cheese?” Zico asked as they walked into the state-of-the-art kitchen. “Is food really important at a time like this?” Tablo asked. “It is when bacon and two cheeses are involved. Don’t you just love the internet?” “I see your point,” Tablo said, sitting down and letting Misty curl into his lap. “What the hell, I’ll have one.” “Great. It’ll only take a second. But while we’re waiting, tell me what happened. And don’t leave out any details, even if you think it’s something small.” “Right. Yeah. So we got in the limo that G-Dragon provide us, and as we were heading to drop off Phoenix, she got an alert on her phone. Some vampires were out of hand downtown or something? I don’t know, she just said she would check it out on her own.” Zico nodded and motioned for him to carry on. “So we dropped her off, and I told her to let me know what she finds and to be safe and call if she need help—all the usual dad crap I say without thinking. And like my petulant teenage daughter, she shrugged me off. That was the last I saw of her because obviously, we continued onto our place. I should have known it was going to be bad when I noticed the door was cracked open, but it was worse than that. Everything was trashed. Furniture destroyed, books snatched or vandalized. We went to check security tapes, but they were gone, machines destroyed. Even the spells were broken.” “Hmmm,” Zico said. “I wonder if the spells being broken are because of the imbalances in the system. Do you have any idea where Phoenix went? Vampires acting up on the night of an induction makes me think they wanted Phee distracted, and that has me worried.” “Worried?” “Worried. Someone wanted Phoenix out of the picture, and someone wanted something from you. You don’t have something that belongs to us, do you?” “Not that I know of. Records and historical data on everything that moves in both realms, yeah, but we know the rules. Also, not everything is about vampires, you know.” Tablo was about to continue, but they were joined by a sleepy, fluffy Yukwon, who immediately ran over when he saw who Tablo had in his lap. “Kitty!” He reached out to pet her, but was met with a swat and hiss. “Ouch! Hey!” “Yeah, she’s not really in the mood,” Tablo said. “I think she needs some time and space, but unfortunately we have to be here.” “What do you mean have to?” Yukwon asked. “Their place got hit,” Zico said. “Real bad. Hungry?” “Nnngh. Not yet.” Yukwon sat down. “I actually just came in to report that we can’t get a read on Phoenix. Everything’s all…scrambled.” Zico poured some hot sauce on his cheeses and bacon before putting it on the grill. “That’s not good,” he said. “You, Min and Jaeyho go by her apartment on your way to Tablo’s. If she’s not there, one of you needs to wait for her until she gets home.” “Seriously?” “Yeah, seriously! What I want is to know Phoenix is safe,” Zico said. “And…grilled cheese, but more for Phoenix to be safe!”
“…right,” Yukwon said. “Got it.” Min and Yukwon headed out of the kitchen and towards the hallway that would get them to the garage.
“Is your head in the game,” Min said as they enter the elevator to head to the underground garage. “Yeah. I’m fine.” “You know that I can read your mind, and I would say other wise.” Yukwon rubbed his forehead as if he was going to get Min out of his head. “You know it’s just been a long night. Between Zico and Phee and Kitty being mad at me. I’m just tired. I need a break from shit just rain down on us. Don’t you need a break.” They both walked out of the elevator and headed over to kiosk to grab the keys to their ride. “Usually when everything points to hell on earth, I tend to just buckle up for the ride. It’s not like this the first time, shit is going south.” “True and we always survive, but for once I would like to be watching it burn in flames instead of being in the fire,” Yukwon said leaning against the car before getting in. Min just had to laugh as he got into the car and started the engine. “That’s never going to happen.” ***** Phoenix woke to a loud banging on her door. “Coming,” she said, wrapping a robe around her body as she stumbled to the front door. She had to admit, the last 24 hours had been much more vampiric than she would have liked, so she was not happy when she looked through the peep hole. “Oh for fucks sake, what do you want? I’m tired, and I just slipped into bed.” “What do you think we want? He’s worried,” Yukwon said. “Also, Tablo and Misty showed up at the compound about an hour ago. Their place got wrecked. We’re on our way over there now to collect evidence, but we were commanded to stop by here first.” “Why haven’t you checked your phone?” Min added. “Because it died on me while I was out,” Phoenix said, opening the door. “I figured if anything happened someone would…well, fuck. Nevermind.” “Hi, Phoenix!” Jaehyo said. “Hi, Jaehyo,” Phoenix sighed. As the boys came in, Phoenix ducked in to her room to find some clothes to change into. Figuring dealing with the vampires, and the subsequent trip to Tablo’s was going to take a hot minute or more, she threw some extra clothes in her knapsack along with a few supplies (like a phone charger), and zipped it up. When she re-emerged, the boys were still milling around looking bored. “Okay,” she said. “Take me to Tablo’s.” “What? No,” Yukwon said. “That isn’t the plan. The plan was just to make sure you were safe!” “Come on,” she said, patting Yukwon’s chest. “What’s the worst that could happen? You were supposed to make sure I was safe, you did. Now, let’s go.” “But if we take you with us…” “If you take me with you, you’ve got one more fighter if this turns into a bad situation.” Min groaned. “I’m not making the phone call on this one.” “That’s fine.” Phoenix snapped her fingers at Jaeyho. “You. Call Zico.” Jaeyho hesitated, but ultimately dialed his phone, shifting his weight uncomfortably from one foot to the other. “Boss?” he said when the line connected. “Hey. Hi. We found her…Yeah….Um…well…she wants to go to Tablo’s.” The sound that came from his phone was so loud, he had to pull it away from his ear. There was no need for the speaker option. Everyone could hear Zico clearly. “I SAID BRING HER BACK HERE. WHAT PART OF THAT IMPLIES I WANT YOU TO BRING HER TO TABLO’S?” Phoenix took the phone from Jaeyho. “I’m fine, thanks for asking.” “That was my next question,” Zico said. “Where the hell have you been?�� “Home.” “Ignoring us?” “No. My phone died. I forgot to charge it.” “Don’t ever do that again. I worried. I hate worrying. Now get over here.” “Um, noooo. I’m going to Tablo’s. With the boys.” “No…you’re coming here.” “No,” Phoenix said, trying to stay calm. “I’m going to Tablo’s. But I promise once we’re done, I’ll hurry right over.” “You know what? You’re a…” The line went dead. Which meant either Zico had been distracted, or he was done arguing and on his way. Either way, Phoenix wasn’t concerned. She had work to do. ******* Phee pulled open the back door of the car and slid in with her knapsack. “So seriously, how are they doing?” she asked. “Misty and Tablo, I mean.”
Min thought Yukwon was going to give her the update, but he was being stubbornly quiet. “I think there just overwhelmed at the moment," he said in his brother’s place. “I mean, they aren’t hurt or anything but…you know. Someone destroyed their place. I’m sure we will get more answers when we get there. Do you think it’s a good idea to head straight there?”
“Yes,” Phoenix said. “Firstly, I I know what the place is supposed to look like. And I know Zico. He’s going to send some guys to check out the situation, and they’ll mess everything up and trample over evidence. I lived there while I was training so if something is out of sorts, I’m going to find it easier if it looks the way it’s supposed to look. That’s my hope anyways.”
“I see your point,” Jaehyo said. “But what’s the second reason?”
“Misty and Tablo probably ran out so fast that they don’t have any of their personal items. You know, like clothes and toiletries. I’m sure you guys can provide everything but sometimes you just want your own toothbrush.”
“Oh, so you do care,” Yukwon, mumbled under his breath.
Min had to close his eyes when the words escaped his lips. He prayed that maybe Phee didn’t hear anything, but that wasn’t the case.
“What was that?”
“Oh, you heard me. How in the world do you not have your phone charged? You go out in the middle of the night hunting vampires and you don’t make sure people can reach you?”
Phee had to blink her eyes a couple of times because she was so taken back by his outburst. “Hold up—it not as if I was just sitting at home, doing my nails. I was out with you guys watching everyone dine on each other and drink cheap wine, so I’m sorry if a battery charger wouldn’t fit in my evening handbag.”
“You don’t have a backup battery at home? You don’t plan for emergencies? I mean it’s not as if what you do is the safest thing in the world. It’s not like you’re a schoolteacher. You hunt creatures. How do you expect people reach you? Or better yet, how do you ask for help? Or are you just that good? Just a lone ranger who doesn’t need anyone.”
“Guys…” Min drove faster, trying to get them to Tablo’s. He figured getting them out of the car would calm them down. “This isn’t the time…”
“No, Min. He’s got something to say, let him say it,” Phoenix said. “I would love to know where all this haterade is coming from. I mean it couldn’t possible that his shape-shifting crush doesn’t like the fact that he feeds on people and gets off on it, could it?”
Jaehyo bit his lower lip hard so he didn’t laugh to express how uncomfortable this situation was.
“No, I just think your head is not in the game at all,” Yukwon shot back. “I think that the only person you think about is yourself. I’m shocked you mentioned clothes or even asked if Misty and Tablo are okay. And I’m surprised you managed to detach yourself from Mino’s face long enough to even know the wine was cheap!”
“Okay, no.” Min slammed on the brakes, stopping the car. “Bridge too far, Kwonnie. This is not personal.”
“Right?” Phoenix chimed in. “It was an accident, plain and simple. You’re acting like we lost the war…”
Fed up, Min focused his energy, using his powers to jab a shock of pain into both Phee and Yukwon’s heads. “Both of you. Shut. Up.”
Doubled over in pain, Phee struggled to find her voice. “What the hell, Min? He started this!”
“Not the point," Min said looking in the rearview mirror to make sure she knew he meant business. “Also, ‘Kwon is right. Where’s your head at Phee? Running off in the middle of the night? Phone not charged like you’re not going to run into trouble?”
"It was an accident. It won't happen again. Seriously. Also, how would I know Tablo’s place was vulnerable to attack? He’s got every security measure on earth and then some. Honestly, I don’t know how this even happened.”
“Come on. You know it was only a matter of time,” Yukwon said through gritted teeth. “ We're with the goods guys on this one. That was bound to piss somebody off sooner or later.”
“Right,” Min agreed. “Zico will never admit that you guys have all been a big help, but you have. And we, in turn, have been as transparent as we can with you regarding what we know. So be transparent back. And for all our sakes, focus. Please.”
“I can’t focus when you’re giving me a migraine,” Phoenix grunted.
“Seriously, bro. Turn off the jackhammers so we can call a truce,” Yukwon agreed.
Min sighed but did as he was asked.
The ride was quiet the rest of the way to Tablo’s.
When they arrived, the place was unrecognizable. Phoenix couldn't help but shake her head as she crossed the threshold.
“Man,” she whispered, looking at the destruction. All the memories of being there started to rush through her mind, and it was hard for her to keep her emotions in check. This was the place where she learned about who she was. Where Tablo told her she’d be leaving all her friends and family behind to become a gatekeeper for the world. Her parents were so happy when they found out she was accepted into the program, even though she didn’t apply.
It was here that her entire life had changed.
Jaeyho put his hand on her shoulder, bringing her back to reality. “Phee? I’m sure we don’t have much time…” “Right. Um, I’m just going to take a few pictures. One of you go to Tablo’s and Misty’s room and grab a bag. Tablo’s room double doors on the second floor, and Misty’s room….” “I know where to go,” Yukwon said. “Of course you do.” She watched them make their way to the second floor and she got out her phone and started to take a bunch of pictures. Footsteps came up the hall. “Is someone there?” a voice called.
Phoenix paused. "It's me, Phee," she said. “Who’re you?”
"Just your friendly neighborhood scientists.” P.O. came in, grinning away, Taeil right behind him. “Wow, they really did a number on this place, huh?”
“Right? It's hard to believe, but they did. I never imagine in all my years that this place could be like this.” She looked behind them at the swarm of Zico Corp men swarming in through what remained of the front door. "Part of me thinks that Zico might actually get a kick out of this.”
Taelil took his glasses off to give them a quick clean with his pocket square. "I think you be surprised how much respect Zico has for you and the other Balancers. I know it's hard to imagine, but he does understand your role in all of this." He slipped his glasses backed on. "I honestly wouldn't work for him if I thought he was an asshole. I mean, he is but you know, he’s a respectable asshole.”
"You guys are getting overtime then?”
P.O grinned a goofy grin. "Oh I hope so. I got a new car I want to purchase, and overtime means I can get all the bells and whistles!”
Phoenix couldn’t help but laugh.
She finished photographing the main area, and then moved toward the research library. There men in the corridor, bagging stuff up and labeling it. The Lab Bros were going to be working more than just overtime in the next couple of weeks getting the wreckage scanned and tested.
She reached the research library to find it hadn’t fared any better than the other parts of the house. Walking along the floor-to-ceiling sea of shelves, she tried to see if she could figure out what books were left, but unsurprisingly, she couldn’t.
“I want you to take pictures of every shelf and every torn book cover. I want this room to be highly documented,” she told one of the nearby staff grunts. The man nodded, and took out his camera. Phoenix went over to the study desk, a sturdy old wooden piece that was now overturned and practically broken in half. It looked as though one of the visitors was privy to the fact that Tablo did, contrary to the shelves of dusty volumes surrounding them, believe in 21st century technology. All but one of the legs of the desk were intact and, fortunately for her, that was a good thing. She took out her pocket knife and jimmied opened a tiny panel hidden in the joint. A thumb drive tumbled out. “Tada,” she murmured. “Thank you, Tablo, for that never-ending scanning project that made me want to gouge out my own eyes.” She pocketed the drive along with a picture of Tablo and some of his students before leaving the room. The picture wasn’t evidence per se, but even Phoenix had her sentimental side. The next placed she checked was the armory room. Thinking that if whoever broke in knew, at least, that there was a digital archive, then they probably hacked into Tablo’s security system and stole their stash of weapons. She was definitely right that they got in the vault, but almost nothing inside was touched. Unsettling. Who took the time to get access to advanced weaponry and then didn’t take anything? Phoenix sighed. At least that meant more for team Zico? Finding a bag in the corner, she started to load it. She heard someone call her name as she was unlocking the crossbow, and she yelled back, “In here. I’m in the armory!” Min appeared, the rest of the boys behind him, a duffle bag in his hand. “We got some things. I told the guys to send more over when they finish documenting, but we got the basics.” “Good,” Phoenix said, hoisting the crossbow onto her shoulder. “I’m just gonna grab some more sharp pointy things, and then we’re out of here…” She stopped, noticing something odd in the corner next to Tablo’s collection of platinum spears. The boys followed her gaze, and Min’s brow furrowed. “Is that what I think it is?” he asked. “If you’re thinking it’s a feather, then yes.” Phoenix retrieved it from the floor. “Interesting.” “Interesting?” Jaehyo covered his nose as he sneezed. “How is some dusty, random feather interesting?” “Because it irritates you.” Phoenix brought the feather closer. “Because it makes you feel the need to sneeze, break out into hives...dare I say, cause a rash?” “What are you doing,” Yukwon hissed, backing away. “Whatever it is, stop it!” “I’m not doing anything. You’re having a reaction.” “To dust? Who doesn’t?” “No, Yukwon. Not to the dust. To the feather.” Phoenix turned it over in her hands. “And what kind of being leaves behind vampire-irritating feathers, boys?” All three of the boys' eyes turned red. “Angels,” Min growled. “Damn.” “Damn indeed.” Phoenix pocketed the feather. “Change of plans, we have to make a stop.” Min groaned. “We have to get you back to the compound. Do you want Zico to rage-kill us?” “Zico won’t kill you if I’m right. Also, it’ll take ten minutes. Fifteen tops. He won’t even know we took a detour.” “Have you met Zico?” Jaehyo quipped. “He is a walking GPS. If I didn’t know better, I swear he had chips installed in our butts.” “I did not need that mental image,” Yukwon muttered. “You sure it will be quick, Phee?” “Like a bunny,” Phoenix promised. “Like a cute, fluffy, hoppity bunny.” One hour later, her bodyguards were barely keeping up with her as they combed the city. Between the day spas, churches and yoga studios, their eyes were bloodshot, their noses red and Yukwon was starting to break out in hives. “This will be the last place,” Phee said as they approached a bakery. “If I don’t find what I’m looking for, we can go straight back to the compound, I promise.” Yukwon shook his head as he sneezed. “That’s what you said three stops ago,” he groused. “You know, at the organic grocery store where Jaehyo touched that smudge stick and almost lost a finger?” “I didn’t know sage would cause much of a reaction,” Pheonix said sheepishly. “Or any of this for that matter.” “What part of ‘we’re undead and therefore evil’ do you not understand?” Min asked. “There is dark and there is light, and we don’t like each other.” “But technically you need each other…” “That doesn’t mean we need to interact,” Yukwon said. “Or that we want to.” “Okay, okay. Then this is really the last stop. Seriously. After this, we go home.” Jaeyho eyes grew big. “For Heaven’s Cakes?” he questioned. “Oh please, no,” Min said. “You are not dragging us into somewhere that pink with that bad of a name.” “Last stop,” Phoenix promised once more. “And I’m buying.” They passed under the bright fuchsia awning. The door jingled pleasantly as it opened, and they were greeted by a huge glass case filled with elaborately-decorated cupcakes. “Hello,” called an athletic girl with short hair as she came from the back. “Welcome to where we bake For Heaven’s Cakes!” Phoenix took one look at her outfit and burst out laughing. “Oh my God. What are you…is that a tutu?” The girl’s face fell as she realized who her customers were. “Laugh it up Phoenix. So I can do the same the day you have to be in apron with ruffles.” “I’m taking a picture. This is hysterical. By the way, did you grow your hair out? Or is that all bow?” “Shut up. I look cute. Which is what I get paid to do.” The three vampires looked back and forth between the two women, wondering what was going on. “Oh, sorry. Boys, this is Amber,” Phoenix said. “Amber is an old friend. Amber, these are my bodyguards for the day. Don’t shake hands, Amber’s one of the good guys.” The boys mumbled terse greetings. Phoenix carried on. “You got a lunch break? I need to ask you some questions.” “Uhhhh, I’m already in trouble with the powers that be, so I’m not sure that’s the best idea. Also, I have a feeling talking to you will keep me here for at least another six months. By the way, we are having a special on cupcakes. It’s Happy Hour, so buy two and the third one is free.” “If I buy two dozen, will you talk to me?” “Thanks, but no.” “What if I get you VIP admission into JPX?” “For how long?” “A month…” “Two or no deal.” “Fine. We’ll do three.” Phoenix offered her hand in a handshake. Amber took it, then took off her apron. She went to the double doors that led to the back and screamed she was on her fifteen minute break. “Let’s go for a walk and we can discuss. We can leave the boys here, right?” “They should be alright. They’re cranky, so one should mess with them.” The girls left the shop, heading down the street. “I’ve been looking for you all afternoon, you know,” Phoenix said. “What did you do to wind up here? It must have been pretty serious.” “I don’t want to talk about it. Just know that I’m stuck in cupcake jail for the next six months, and I would do it all over again in a heartbeat. Some things are worth it. Anyway, what do you need from me?” Phoenix found a little nook they could stop in, and threw her weapons bag on the ground to open it. Amber stepped back. “Jeez, Phee, you’re just walking around with crossbows? I know this place is going to crap but seriously!” “Tablo’s place got destroyed,” Phoenix said. “And among the destruction and mayhem, I found this.” Phoenix took the feather out of her pocket. Amber’s eyes widened. “What the…we can’t go in there! That’s neutral ground!” “Exactly, but ever since those insane monster-things have started popping up, lines have gotten pretty blurred.” Amber pursed her lips. “So, what? You want me to find out who was at Tablo’s and report back to you?” “Yes ma’am, and don’t get caught. I don’t know what is going on here, but I’m not sure if anyone is really safe.” “I hope you’re including yourself in that. Seeing as you’re hanging out with vampires.” “Temporary alliance,” Phoenix said. After walking some more, they turned a corner and headed back down the block. The arrived again at the shop to find the boys drinking hot chocolate and chowing down on a very pink, very sparkly cupcake. “You started without me, that’s not fair,” Phoenix complained. “That’s gonna count against our dozen!” Amber smirked as she threw on her apron and got out two pink box to fill with cupcakes. “I’ll make it a baker’s dozen,” she said. “But only because you’ve gotta try the salted caramel one. I like it a whole lot better than the princess birthday cake flavor.” “Gimme two of those, then. And hurry it up, I got someone waiting for me at home.” “Oh? Someone gotta man?” “Hardly. But he’s been waiting to get his boys back. I do need to return them in one piece at least.” “Fair enough. What else?” Phoenix looked at the case and saw this beautiful golden cupcake with a bee on top. “What’s that one?” “Oh that’s our honey maple bacon cupcake.” “I’ll take two of those, too. The rest, surprise me.” And that was when Yukwon started to choke.
#Bloodlines#kpop fanfiction#kpop fanfic#kpop scenarios#khh scenario#block b#block b zico#block b bbomb#block b ukwon#epik high#tablo#jay park#jay park aomg#kpop au#kpop vampire au#kpop angels and demons au#one more time#keep reading is not working at the moment#sorry Tumblr search
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So Tumblr is being a huge pain in my ass and quotations aren’t showing up on my page. If anyone has any idea how to fix this. I would greatly appreciate this.
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Update Time
The editing department told Alias she needed to add more to Chapter 9, so that’s the hold up. I finally did that, so it should be out in a couple of days...we hope. Blame Alias. It’s my fault.
Here’s a Jay Pec’s show for your dash. By the way did anyone get the club’s name....name reference....JPX...get it...never mind.
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So life happened and we needed to take a brief moment to deal with it. Nothing major but a little delay for Chapter 9. It will be coming to you live, I mean soon, coming to you soon. See what I did there?
If you just stumble upon this page, you can catch up here: [MASTERLIST]
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So I realized the ask button was not on, but now it is. If you want to send us anything, now you can.
#Bloodlines#kpop fanfiction#kpop scenarios#kpop au#khh scenario#ask us anything#block b#winner#big bang#jay park#epik high
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Bloodlines-Chapter 8
The weekend is here and it brings us to chapter 8! I know we took some time off, but we had to make sure our story was in order. Thanks for sticking with us.
To catch up, check out the [MASTERLIST]
WARNING: This story will have violence, drug-references and maybe some sexual stuff in nature. To be safe this story is Rated-R. We aren’t into graphic depiction of things, at least we try not to be. We rather be safe, but not sorry. We are never sorry about our work.

Jaehyo was being incredibly nice to her. Incredibly nice and slightly overbearing, which made Misty suspect, but at the same time wasn’t anywhere near as upsetting as the horrible gorefest that the vampires had tried to pass off as a "turning ceremony." Nothing should require that much biting and bleeding. Especially not the "turning" of innocents, and Misty found herself, once again, incredibly grateful that she could never become a vampire. Because vampirism was gross.
“Hey, Misty? Would you like something to drink?"
Jaehyo's hand brushed her arm. Misty blinked at him for a moment and then shook her head, pulled back into the reality of having Jaehyo as her unexpected shadow.
"No. Thank you, I'm fine." she said. "Not really thirsty."
"Some fresh air then? You still look really pale.” Jaehyo steered her toward the balcony. “You weren't expecting all that, were you?"
“You mean with the turning? Not…exactly.” Misty stole a glance back towards the Ritual Room. "Is it always like that?"
"Is it always like what?"
“Is it always that…stimulating.” Misty chewed her lower lip. "Not to be weird, but you guys looked like you were kind of getting off on it."
"Whoa, hey." Jaehyo held up his hands. "This is our lifesource we're talking about here. Nobody’s getting off on survival.”
“Are you sure about that?”
"Mostly." Jaehyo lowered his palms. “Though…you’re talking more about Min and Yukwon, aren't you?"
Misty nodded. "They got real creepy real fast."
"Yeah, they do that. It's the mind-reading thing. Turning and feeding are hyper stimulating for them because of their gift. For me, it's pleasurable, but pleasurable in the way you like good company and a good meal. And mind you, not all meals are created equal. Sometimes you gotta just grab the greasy burger because filet mignon is going to take too long. But you do enjoy filet mignon when you can get it."
"I feel like I should be disgusted by that analogy, but it actually makes sense," Misty said.
"Sometimes I make more sense than Zico gives me credit for," Jaehyo confessed.
They reached the doors to the balcony. Jaehyo opened them with a flourish, gesturing for Misty to precede him outside. Misty wanted to roll her eyes, but what came out instead was a giggle.
Jaeyho grinned. "You know, you look really pretty tonight,” he said. He shut the doors behind them, and joined her by the railing. "I'm sure you've already heard that, but it's worth repeating."
"Actually, you're the first to mention it," Misty said. "Unless you count Zico. Which I don’t because Phoenix kind of forced him into saying something."
"I wouldn't count Zico anyway. He has no eye for aesthetics."
"He has eyes for Phoenix."
"Mmm, yes. But his admiration for her runs much deeper than a pretty dress and some makeup.”
Misty was about to ask him what he meant by that when a commotion caught her attention. It was as if they'd manage to summon the devil himself because, at that very moment, a very drunk, very messy Zico came staggering around the corner, pushing planters off the rail like a pissy cat.
He stopped when he saw them, wobbling unsteadily. And then he started to point and laugh.
"Phee!" he called out. "Phee, come quick! Jaehyo's getting Kitty!"
Misty's cheeks went bright red. "Why is he so loud?" she asked. "And why is he saying that? Is he aware..."
"Oh, he's aware," Jaehyo assured her. "Very aware. Be glad he used 'kitty' and not the alternative."
Misty cringed, and Zico continued to stumble toward them, announcing to anyone within earshot that he'd caught Jaehyo and Misty in the lecherous act of conversation. A few passers-by on the ground looked up, but all were saved from too much tirading by Phoenix arriving and slapping her hand quickly over Zico's mouth.
"Would you knock it off?" she hissed. "You're being a dick. Grow up!"
Zico shoved her hand away. "A dick? Grow up? Well, if I'm gonna being a grown-up dick, maybe I should do something grown up, huh? Like, maybe I should go take a piece of Jaehyo's p..."
The next sequence of events seemed to happen in slow motion. Zico tripped over his own feet. Phoenix grabbed him from behind to keep him from falling. The balcony doors banged open, and Min, Yukwon, and Mino joined Jaehyo and Misty just in time to watch Zico projectile vomit all over himself, the balcony, and Phoenix's shoes.
No one moved. Except Zico, who at least had the presence of mind to wipe his mouth with the back of his hand.
"Oops," he said, and Misty closed her eyes, her own nausea welling up inside her.
"This has got to be the worst party I have ever been to," she said. "I have never seen this many bodily fluids come out of so many people in such a short period of time, and I used to babysit!"
"Kitty, c'mere. I'll take you inside." Yukwon touched her shoulder. "We'll go get some water and sit some place quiet…”
Misty shoved him away. "I'll take myself inside, thank you." She shot him a dark look before pushing herself to the front of the crowd of boys. "Phee, I have a change of clothes in Tablo's car. Do you want them?"
"Please," Phoenix murmured. "Hurry?"
"Yeah. I'll be right back."
Misty left the balcony.
Zico watched her for a few seconds, and then went limp in Phoenix's arms.
*** Misty was right about this being the worst party Phoenix had ever been to. Not only was Zico pretty much passed out dead weight as she and Mino dragged him up the stairs, he smelled like blood, sour champagne and crab cakes, and it was getting kind of overwhelming. So much so that she had to leave Mino to strip him out of his soiled clothes and put him on one of GD's spare beds while she slipped into the adjoining bathroom to maybe save herself and her poor shoes from the smell of death. However, when she took her shoes off, she realized she had bloody vomit all over the hem of her dress and, as it was silk, there'd be no saving it.
"God dammit," she cursed. She threw her shoes in the sink harder than necessary. "I am going to stake that little punk the moment he wakes up!"
"It's going to be a while." Phoenix looked up as Mino came into the bathroom. "I don't know what he had, but he's out cold."
"Of course he is. Asshole." Phoenix turned on the water and grabbed a washcloth. "And here I am, yet again, cleaning up his fucking mess!"
"Here we both are, you mean." Mino took the washcloth from her hand. "Some things never change, huh?"
He ran the cloth under the water and knelt down. Taking the hem of her dress in his hands, he dabbed gently at the stain, barely flinching at the horrible smell.
Phoenix watched in silence.
"How does it feel?" she asked at length. "To be vampire, I mean."
Mino shrugged, working his way slowly around the circumference of the fabric. "Not much different yet. I mean, my hearing seems sharper, but everything else feels the same."
"And the other boys?"
"Dunno that I can say." Mino looked up. "Taehyun seems to be alright. Hoon, too. And Jinwoo is having some sort of sexual awakening…”
"I'm afraid to ask what you mean by that.”
"He's down there getting back in touch with his love of women," Mino said. “By flirting with everything with boobs.”
Phoenix's brow furrowed. "Was he gay?"
"No, no. I think it's more that he's been so caught up in the innocent image our company makes him present that he forgot he had hormones. He remembers now. Or at least, he was remembering when I last saw him."
"Great. Another Jay," Phoenix sighed. "Just what we needed."
Mino laughed softly. "Look on the bright side. Maybe they'll keep each other out of trouble."
He went back to working on her dress. When he was done, he stood back up, tossing the washcloth in the waste basket.
"Not worth saving," he said. "Plus, I'm sure GD has thousands more."
Phoenix nodded and, without thinking, she reached out, tracing the bite mark on the side of his neck. "Shit Mino, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry it happened like this."
"Why are you sorry? I'm the one that made the stupid decision. This is what I get for being selfish."
"Don't say that. Zico wasn't honest with you. How were you supposed to make an informed decision when you didn't have all the facts?"
"Phee." He grabbed her wrist, gently moving her hand away from his skin. "I appreciate you trying, but it's done. I'm this now. I can't take it back."
"I know but..."
"If you know, then you have to accept it."
He twined his fingers through hers. Raising her hand to his lips, he kissed the back of it, and Phoenix felt her breath catch. Even now, there was still something about him. Something that drew her in and made her insides feel wobbly. Maybe it was the way his strong build contrasted with the gentle sweetness of his nature. Maybe it was because they'd been friends their whole lives and she knew him better than she knew herself. Or maybe it was because she'd been in love with him for as long as she could remember. Whatever it was, she had no intention of stopping him when his mouth moved from the back of her hand to her arm, to hovering over her lips. She did manage to whisper, "Damn you," but Mino just smiled and kissed her anyway.
She had no idea how long they stood there. All she knew is they were still kissing when she heard footsteps outside and Misty softly calling her name. Pulling back, she motioned for Mino to stay where he was while she went to get her spare clothes. He nodded and leaned back against the counter, not looking the least bit concerned that there was a conscious someone just outside the door who didn't need to know what was going on between them.
"Thanks, Misty," Phoenix said, as she came out into the bedroom. "I really appreciate this. How are you doing?"
"Horrible." Misty brushed a loose lock of hair out of her eyes with a sigh. "I hope you don't mind, but I think I'm going to leave when Tablo does. He's talking to that science guy with the glasses downstairs, but I know he told Jaehyo he wouldn't be here much longer."
"No. By all means go," Phoenix said. "Get some rest. Stay in your pajamas all day tomorrow and watch bad TV. You need the downtime."
"I need something," Misty agreed. "You sure you'll be all right here by yourself?"
"I'll be fine," Phoenix assured her. "Everyone here is too high on their own self-importance to think about causing trouble."
"Mino, too?" Misty cocked her head in the direction of the bathroom, and Phoenix stared.
"How did you..." she began, but stopped when Misty pressed a finger to her own lips.
"I knew he was here as soon as I walked in," Misty admitted. "He reeks of fresh earth, and if there is one lesson I remember from my first few days with Tablo, it's to run if I ever catch the distinct smell of fresh earth. Because that means someone's hungry and they aren't going to care who they go after."
"I won't eat her, I promise." Mino poked his head around the doorframe and waved.
Misty giggled and waved back. "I don't know if I entirely believe that, but know you'll have someone looking for you if something goes wrong," she said. "In the meantime, say please and thank you and be safe."
Phoenix felt herself blush. "It's not like that," she said quietly.
Misty shook her head. "Phee, dirt isn't the only thing I can smell on him.”
Clearly Mino's hearing had improved because Phoenix watched the tips of his ears turn red. She looked at Misty. "Don't..."
"...tell anyone, I know. Of course not. That's just bad form. But I mean it about staying safe."
"You stay safe, too. Don't invite Jaehyo in for cocoa. Or anyone else for that matter."
"Oh, you don't have to worry about me inviting anyone in for anything," Misty promised. "Later."
The shifter tiptoed back out the way she'd come in. Phoenix looked at Mino.
Mino awkwardly cleared his throat. "Well that was embarrassing, huh?"
"It could have been worse," Phoenix said. "It could have been GD. Or Jay."
"True," Mino said. "But those two are definitely partying too hard to notice our absence."
"We hope, you mean."
"Nah. I'm pretty sure." He motioned towards the bathroom. "You should get changed."
"You should get out of that dress. I'll wait out here. Unless you need help..."
"What? Oh. No. This dress zips up the side, so I should be fine."
"Mkay." Mino leaned against the wall with a warm smile. "Go on then."
Phoenix felt her cheeks heating up again. "Right," she said. "Be right back."
"Mkay." He blew her a kiss.
“Dork," Phoenix mumbled as she shuffled away.
Mino laughed.
Too caught up in their own feelings, neither of them even noticed that Zico had woken up and heard every word of their exchange.
*** As it turned out, Misty, Phoenix and Zico weren't the only ones having a bad night. Yukwon was none too happy either when he somehow found himself tasked with babysitting the fledglings. Min and Jaehyo had managed to make themselves scarce, and Zico was nowhere to be found, so it was on him to make sure they didn't lose anyone.
The fledglings, however, could not have made that any more difficult if they tried.
"There's two of you again," Yukwon said, gritting his teeth. "Five seconds ago, I had three, and now I'm back down to two."
"Don't look at me," Taehyun said. "I'm not Team Mom."
"No, the guy in charge ate Team Mom," Seunghoon said. "So now the wild children are running amok."
"Do you know where they are running amok?" Without Min, Yukwon couldn't use his mind-reading skills as well, so the party sounded like nothing more than a jumbled mass of brains with no individual signatures. "If you guys blow it on your first night, the Superior is going to filet me, never mind what Zico will do."
“'Woo took some girl into one of those side rooms," Taehyun said. "As for Mino, I have no idea."
"Yeah, I haven't seen him in a while," Seunghoon said. "I assume he's still here, though."
"He better be," Yukwon muttered. "Or I will happily break his neck again and give him the migraine from hell."
"Is that what that is?" Seunghoon rubbed his temple. "I thought maybe it was dehydration or something."
"You're a vampire," Yukwon said. "You can't get dehydrated. You drink blood."
"Yes, but I haven't had any since we woke up..."
"That was two hours ago. You can go for way longer than that without feeding, trust me. The headache is from the vertebrae in your spine fusing back together."
"Ew," Taehyun said. "That's really gross."
"No worse than a lot of the things you're going to learn about yourselves." Yukwon brushed his hair back from his forehead. "You said Jinwoo's down here somewhere?"
"Yeah," Seunghoon said. "And I doubt he's going to wander too far from the action with all these women around."
"Good," Yukwon said. "Keep an eye out for him, and don't let him go anywhere outside the building. I'm going to find Mino."
"No need," Taehyun said. "He's right there."
Yukwon turned. Mino was, indeed, descending the grand staircase with Phoenix behind him. Phoenix was wearing regular clothes, which meant Misty must have come back, but she wasn't with them. Neither was Zico.
"What did you do with the boss?" he asked as they came up.
"He's upstairs," Mino replied. "Sleeping."
"How much did he have to drink?" Yukwon asked.
"No idea," Phoenix said. "But he was pretty messed up when I found him earlier."
"Well, he can't hold his liquor so that could mean anything. But usually he doesn't get drunk enough to pass out."
"Guess he went in hard then," Mino said. "I've never seen him like this either."
Yukwon sighed. "How about Kitty?"
"Misty went home with Tablo," Phoenix said.
"Without saying good bye?"
"She was pretty done, so yeah."
Yukwon snarled, an inhuman sound that actually made them all take a step back. "Well that's just perfect," he growled. "Misty's gone, Jaehyo's gone, Zico's drunk, Min's...occupied. What's next? Fire? Flood? Famine?"
"Um..." Mino said, and his tone made Yukwon almost afraid to turn around to see what he was staring at.
When he did, he kind of wished he'd listened to his instincts. "Oh God," he groaned.
Zico had decided to rejoin the party. In his underwear, still too drunk to properly navigate his way anywhere, he clung to the bannister of the grand staircase, blinking owlishly at the crowd below.
"I'll be right back," Yukwon said, and before anyone else could speak, he was by Zico's side, catching him before he fell face-first over the railing.
"Kwonnie," Zico slurred. "Hi. I, um...I can't find my clothes."
"I...yes. I can see that," Yukwon said. "Why don't we come away from the stairs, though, before we talk about that."
"I think Phee has them," Zico said. "I'm going to go ask her."
"No, no, you...I know where they are. Phee doesn't have them."
"Are you sure?"
"Positive," Yukwon lied. Although...it wasn't a complete lie. He could suddenly hear Min's thoughts clear as day, placing Zico's missing clothing in the guest bedroom two doors down from where they were.
Min must have 'finished.'
"Yeah, positive," Yukwon said. "They're in the guest bedroom where you took them off."
"I took them off?" Zico looked at his bare chest, confused. "I thought..."
"C'mon. Let's go get you dressed and then go home. The party's going to be over soon, and we don't want the babies staying out past dawn, right?"
He put his hand on Zico's back, steering him away from the stairs. At the same time, he sent a very sharp, very direct mental message to Min to get the fledglings together and take them back to the compound. Min responded with a very self-satisfied smirk and an image Yukwon didn't need to see.
Yukwon mentally flipped him off.
"Kwonnie, I think Phee's in love with Mino," Zico said as they came into the bedroom. "And I think Mino's in love with Phee."
"Yeah?" Yukwon looked over the side of the bed. Zico's clothes were indeed there, but they were a putrid mess and there was no way he could put them back on. "What makes you say that?"
"They were making out in the bathroom. And they only stopped because Misty came."
"Oh?" That was interesting. Yukwon shrugged out of his suit jacket and put it on Zico. "Did Misty see them?"
"I don't think so, but she knew. And I knew. Because now that Mino and I have shared blood, we can share thoughts. I could hear everything."
"And he didn't know you were awake?"
"He was too preoccupied to notice," Zico moped as Yukwon buttoned up the jacket. Since Zico was taller, it didn't cover him completely, but it was at least better than Zico in just briefs. "What do I do, Kwonnie?"
"About what?" Yukwon asked.
"About Phee," Zico said. "I like her too, you know."
Yukwon paused. He did know, but he hadn't thought much of it. Zico had fleeting crushes all the time. With the exception of Kyung, who'd been Zico's constant companion for the better part of three years, Zico tended to crush hard and move on as it took a lot to hold his attention. Most people weren't up to the challenge.
Yukwon sat back on his heels. "Well, you know I'm all for loving whomever you want, but...is this really a good idea?"
"You fell for Misty."
"Zico, that's not even..."
"I want a kitty, too, Kwonnie!" Zico tipped backwards, arms and legs sprawling out over the mattress. "No one ever likes me best, and I want someone to like me best. I want Phee to like me best!"
Yukwon pinched the bridge of his nose. Min had rounded up the fledglings. GD had re-emerged to entertain his guests. Jaehyo was talking to Jay, but otherwise not causing trouble, so at least for the moment Zico was Yukwon's only problem. Still...
"I'm sure Phee likes you more than she lets on," Yukwon said. "And who knows what's going to change now that Mino's a vampire. Don't give up yet. Especially not before you sleep off whatever you're on right now."
"It's just soju," Zico mumbled. "God, Kwonnie, you know I'm not into that shit."
"You're drunker than I've ever seen you, so cut me a little slack for wondering." Yukwon stood. "Ready to go home?"
"Carry me," Zico whined, holding out his arms.
He looked so forlorn, Yukwon didn't have the heart to turn him down.
Dawn broke once the fledglings were safely ensconced in their beds in the compound's deepest, most light-deficient room. Zico was also asleep, which was unusual given that he didn't usually rest for more than a few hours at a time. Yukwon had also retreated, mad at the world and himself for the shit-show fiasco that Midnight in Paris had turned into. So it was Min who heard the knocking. And it was Min who made the startling discovery when he checked the security cameras that Tablo was standing outside the main gate holding a small, white cat.
"Tablo-hyung?" Min asked, switching the camera to a two-way feed.
Tablo looked more tired and worn than Min had ever seen him. "They found us," Tablo said. "Wrecked the house and took everything that wasn't nailed down. Can we come in?"
"Yeah," Min said, opening the lock. "C'mon. I'll go get Zico."
#Bloodlines#kpop fanfiction#kpop fanfic#kpop scenarios#Block B#Zico#Winner#Mino#Jay Park#AOMG#Epik High#Tablo#khh scenario#kpop au#vampire au#angels and demons au#BigBang#GDragon#So many tags#winner mino#block b zico#winner jinwoo#winner taehyun#winner seunghoon#block b min#block b jaehyo#block b ukwon#block b taeil#block b p.o#block b scenarios
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Also Chapter 8 is about to go down! Catch up on the tomfoolery!
We have a masterlist!

Just check out the link here: https://noonanoowz.tumblr.com/masterlist
Or just go to the homepage. We’re still working on the kinks. Thanks all of the love.
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40 Followers! That’s what I’m talking about. Thanks to everyone sending us hearts and following us. It does really mean something that someone is enjoying the space we’ve created for yourselves.
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Bloodlines-Chapter 7
To catch up check out the [MASTERLIST]
WARNING: This story will have violence, drug-references and maybe some sexual stuff in nature. To be safe this story is Rated-R. We aren’t into graphic depiction of things, at least we try not to be. We rather be safe, but not sorry. We are never sorry about our work.

“You have got to be kidding me.” All the color drained out of Mino's face as he watched Jinwoo’s body twist and writhe in front of the altar. “They didn’t sign up for this! I didn’t sign up for this! Knock it off!”
“But you did,” Zico said. “You agreed to trade your life for another. That is the vow you took and this is how you fulfill your vow. The only choice you have is to do this, or your friends will die. Do you want that?”
Mino looked at Jinwoo. He was barely hanging on. The color in his skin was fading, and his breath was faint.
“Mino?” Zico prompted.
“Mino,” Jinwoo whispered. “Mino, please…”
Mino’s head dropped in shame. “I didn’t mean for this to happen. I’m sorry. We’ll …we’ll go through with it. Hang on. It’s almost over, Jinwoo.”
Behind them, GD grinned. With a wave of his hand, he motioned to Min to continue, which Min did, latching onto Jinwoo’s throat and draining him until he had all but left the world. Then, Min bit into his wrist and placed it against Jinwoo’s lips.
“Drink,” he commanded. Too weak to resist, Jinwoo drank, taking his nourishment until Min was satisfied with his actions. Then, he reached over and broke Jinwoo’s neck.
The non-vampires gasped.
“Always dramatic,” Yukwon mumbled.
Min smiled, and lifted Jinwoo’s body, placing it in an elaborately-designed coffin and closing the lid.
Yukwon shook his head and pushed Taehyun forward. Usually, he liked to get turnings over with, but for some reason, tonight, he felt a deep twinge of hunger. Maybe it was because Taehyun smelled delicious. Or maybe because it had been a while since he’d eaten live game.
“You accept your fate?” he asked, caressing Taehyun’s cheek.
“Is that even worth asking?” Taehyun shot back.
“Not really,” Yukwon said. “Since there’s nothing that can be done. You sent someone to the slaughter because you didn’t want to die. You could have said no. You could have died along with him, but you didn’t.”
“No. I didn’t.”
“You aren’t sorry?”
“Nothing to be sorry for. Now let’s get this over with.”
Yukwon shrugged, extended his fangs, and descended onto Taehyun's neck. Taehyun, to his credit, barely flinched, holding exceptionally still as Yukwon drained him. At one point during the process, Yukwon even stole a glance at the audience, locking eyes with Misty who couldn’t seem to look away. It was a bold move on his part because he knew her feelings on vampires, but this is who he was. He wasn’t going to apologize or be ashamed of it.
Just like Min, he finished the process by snapping Taehyun’s neck and putting him in a coffin.
After Yukwon, Jaehyo finished the initiation with the transformation of Seunghoon. Then, it was Mino’s turn.
G-Dragon walked up to the altar with a knife.
“Wait a second.” Phoenix approached the altar. “There’s no need to torture him. It’s bad enough that you forced him into this decision, does it have to be like this? Haven’t you had your fun?”
“I love your concern, but this isn’t for fun,” GD said. “This is Mino’s reward for giving up his life as a service to us. I can’t say it won’t be painful, but to be cut by me is a great honor.” He beckoned with his hand for Phoenix to move away. “Now, please. Let us work.”
Phoenix took a deep breath but couldn’t back down until Mino said, “It’s okay, Phee. I made this mess, I need to clean it up. Just let them finish so we can get this over with. I think we’ve dragged this on long enough.”
Phoenix felt Misty touch her arm. “Listen to him, Phee,” she said quietly. “C’mon. Come back over here.”
“I don’t think I can watch,” Phoenix murmured. She closed her eyes. “This is my fault.”
Tablo put a comforting hand on her shoulder. “It’s not your fault. But I’ll watch for you. It’s okay.”
G-Dragon waited for them to sit back down before he continued, slicing the knife across the palm of his hand with a flourish. Zico and did the same, and together, they offered their palms to Mino.
“Taste,” GD commanded.
Mino scrunched up his nose, took a deep breath , and licked the palms of each of the men. He didn’t have time to wonder what was next because Zico's teeth descended upon his neck and all he could feel was pain.
“Don’t fight it, you’ll just make it worse,” Zico said, and he must have spoken directly to Mino’s mind because his mouth was definitely occupied. “Just do everything we tell you to do, and it will be over soon.”
Mino bit his lip and tried to hold still, letting Zico and GD manhandle him until everything just…stopped.
Phoenix watched as Zico carefully lay Mino into the coffin. He made sure Mino's shirt and tie were neat and perfect before taking the shovel from Jaehyo, and carefully pouring dirt over his friend.
Even though Phoenix knew that Mino was going to live, she couldn’t help but feel extremely resentful toward the vampire population of the room.
“So what now?” Tablo asked as he watch Min and Yukwon put the lids on the coffins and seal them.
“Now? Now it’s time to party,” G-Dragon said with a grin.
“Party! How in the hell do we party after that?” Phoenix demanded.
“Seriously. I think I’m going to throw up,” Misty murmured. “The last thing I want to do is go to a party.”
GD rolled his eyes. “Mortals,” he muttered. “Zico, would you please explain?”
“What you witnessed was just human death,” Zico said. “The first phase. And yes it’s brutal, but it’s not as bad as it looks. The hard part starts now. We have to see if and when they wake up again.”
“Problematic Flower Boy say what?” Phoenix asked, raising an eyebrow. “What is this ‘if’ bullshit?”
Next to Zico, G-Dragon giggled. “Flower Boy? Oh dear. I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone refer to Zico as that before. So brazen, I love it. Anyway, to answer your question, just like a human birth, there’s a vampire birth. You must go into the coffin, allow your new body to regain its strength, and then break from the womb. We’ll know by midnight if the transformation has taken, and if they’re strong enough to come back. Or at least, I hope it’s midnight. The cake is coming at midnight, and I don’t want to have to vamp. Oh…oh that’s hysterical. Did you hear what I said? Vamp!”
“Dad jokes aside, what kind of twisted rule is this?” Misty asked. “Not only do they have to die, but they have to break free from their coffins?”
“If they can,” GD said airly. “If not, they will die again. And that, I’m afraid, is rather agonizing since it’s basically slowly starving to death.”
“Okay wow. Now I’ve heard everything,” Misty said. “And I can’t any more. I’m going home. This is disgusting.”
“No, don’t do that.” Yukwon thought Misty was being a little dramatic and figured a drink would help her calm down. “Come with me. It’ll be fun.”
He reached for her hand, but he was taken back as she snatched it away. “I don’t want to.”
“Please? You came here for answers right? They’re there, I assure you. Also, I’ll make it worth your while.”
“Misty, we don’t have to stay long,” Phoenix said. “But if party we must, party we shall. Because I still have to find out some answers, and I need you to have my back. Both of you,” she added, indicating Tablo.
Misty nodded grudgingly, and Phoenix was glad when Tablo took her arm, putting himself between her and the vampires. They walked towards the party, all of them except for Zico who was still staring at lifeless Mino in his coffin.
“I would ask if you’re okay, but I think I know the answer,” she said softly.
“Well aren’t you smart,” Zico said, wiping his hands on a towel. “A+. Give you a Mensa membership.”
“Okay, knock it off. If you didn’t want this to happen to him, why did you set him up? And don’t lie to me, I think you kind of double crossed him into this.”
Zico grabbed his jacket. “I didn’t set him up. Okay, maybe I did, but not for… this was not my intent. I like the idea of having one of my best friends around forever, yeah but that was it. Making him into this…”
“This? This what? What are you not telling me? I feel like there is a big secret in the room and everyone is assuming I’m just going to figure it out, but no one wants to tell me how.”
“Wow, way to make it all about you. What Phoenix wants. What Phoenix needs.” Zico shook his head. “Figure it out yourself, Nancy Drew. Or don’t figure it out at all, I don’t care.”
Phoenix watched him walk away. She looked around to see if anyone had stayed behind, but they hadn’t. She was alone.
She ran her hands over the wrinkles of her dress. It was time to get to it. Walk through those ridiculous-looking double doors and join the party. She would be lying if she wasn’t a little nervous being in an entire room of vampires, but at least they weren’t there to kill her. Or she them.
Tonight, they were all just guests at the world’s creepiest baby shower.
“Woo woo!” Jay couldn’t help but notice Phoenix as she strutted her way across the grand ballroom. “Dayum she cleans up good. What is she doing here, Z?”
Zico downed his drink and ordered two more. “The Superior invited her. Aren’t we lucky?”
“Damn straight. Glad I actually gave a shit about tonight.” Jay straightened his tie. “How do I look?”
“Are you serious? I thought Phee was, and I quote, ‘the sister you never wanted?’ I do recall you saying that when we were younger."
Jay ordered two champagnes from the bartender. “That was when we were kids. Now we’re older. And she has an ass. Do you see how things can change in a blink of an eye? Midnight in Paris just got a whole lot less fucking stupid.”
“That wasn’t a compliment.”
Jay snorted. “Look, You can sit here and be mopey all night but I’m going to go find some trouble. I wonder what kind of kink she’s into. A girl like that has to be, right?”
Zico flipped him off. As he watched him walk away he muttered, “dick” and downed one drink in a single gulp. He watched Jay sleaze up to Phee. He watched her laugh, blush and flirt back with him, and then he had to turn his attention away and pretend he cared about what was going on elsewhere in the room. As he did, he realized Jay was right about one thing. Midnight in Paris was pretty awful. Christmas lights, pink roses with ivy, gaudy artwork, and the centerpiece of the disaster, a marble fountain almost as tall as the room covered in naked, fat cherubs.
Zico shook his head, moving his attention to Misty who was, apparently, avoiding Yukwon by talking to Jaeyho.
Thwarted, Yukwon skulked over in his direction.
“Well, this is fun,” Zico said, grabbing a crab cake as the tray passed him by. He leaned against the bar and nodded in Yukwon’s direction.
“What is?” Yukwon asked.
“Misty? Jaehyo?”
Yukwon bit his lower lip in irritation. “She needs some space. The ceremony seems to have been a little intense for her. She needs some time to process.”
“Process? Process what? Jaehyo flirting with her? That’s an interesting thing to process if you ask me.”
“No one asked you,” Yukwon snapped. “I’ll just…I’ll talk to her later or walk her home or something. I’m not worried about it. She won’t stay mad.”
“Right. You keep telling yourself that.” He Zico patted his friend's shoulder and decided to find where he could score a bottle of rum. As he was making his way to the bar, he saw Phoenix laughing at one of Jay’s jokes. “He’s not even that funny,” he mumbled.
“Who’s not funny?” Taeil asked.
“Nobody,” Zico muttered.
Taeil pushed his frames up his nose, and followed Zico’s gaze. “Oh, your friend is here tonight. I wasn’t sure if she would be invited or not.”
“Why, you interested too? Get in line.”
“No. No line,” Taeil said, holding up his hands. “You and Jay are free to fight over her. Good luck to you both. She’s very unique.”
Zico ordered a bottle of rum and a pint of blood from the bar. “Oh no. No, no. I don’t fight over girls with Jay. We don’t really have the same taste in women.”
“But you’re both interested in Phoenix.”
“What? No! She’s like my sister! That’s just…” Zico said making a face of disgust. “That’s just weird.”
“So why do you care if Jay is talking to her then?”
“Because Jay is a skeeze, and I don’t want to see her get hurt. She’s a good girl, she’s always has been. She should date a nice guy.”
Taeil continued to watch the interaction between Phoenix and Jay. “I don’t know if he’s going to win this one. She’s not looking interested.”
“How do you know?” Zico asked.
“Body language.”
Zico laughed. “I thought scientists didn’t believe in woo-woo bullshit.”
“Actually, human body language is very scientific. Look at her. Her arms are crossed, she’s not touching him, her feet are not even pointing in his direction. Jay is going to get shot down. You have nothing to worry about.”
“I said, I’m not interested!” Zico yelled. This caused several people nearby to stare at them.
Taeil shook his head and smiled. “Fair enough. I’ll leave you to sulk, then. See ya.”
“Wait!” Zico grabbed him by the arm. “Before you go…”
“No, Zico. Whatever it is, you don’t pay me enough.”
“Oh come on, I pay you plenty. And I just want you to go interrupt them. That’s all you have to do.”
Taeil wrinkled up his nose. “If I do this, you owe me a favor,” he said. “And a bonus.”
“Fine,” Zico said, pushing him towards their direction. “Favor and bonus. Now go be science-y. Jay hates that shit.”
Taeil rolled his eyes, but put on his best smile as he approached Phoenix and Jay on the other side of the room. “I hate to interrupt,” he said, “but I wanted to say hello. It’s good to see you again, Phoenix. Wasn’t expecting to run into you here. Jay, evening.”
Phoenix was glad when the doctor intervened into her conversation with Jay. It was fun to catch up, but she felt he was being overly-aggressive with his approach. Nothing had change with Jay when it came to seducing women, but there was now a thin line between wanting to be with them or wanting to eat them, and she was feeling more like dinner than a date.
“Good doctor, it’s good to see you, too,” she said, drawing a blank on Taeil’s name. “Are you alone? The last time I met you, you had a partner with you.”
“P.O is around here mingling. I know people think we are always together, but we can be apart.”
“I see,” Phoenix said. “Hey, uh, Jay, do you mind giving us a minute? I have a couple of questions for the doctor about some personal matters. I’m sure we can catch up later.”
“Sure Phee,” Jay said, glaring at Taeil, “Maybe we can enjoy an afterparty together?”
“Sure,” she said. “Let’s do that.” She smiled as Jay nodded and walked away. Then she turned her attention to Taeil. “So. I take it that you’re not exactly an ordinary doctor.”
“You’re very observant. And you can call me Taeil. Just Taeil, because Doctor Lee just sounds way too formal. Also, if your asking about my official job description, I’m in charge of R&D at Zico Corp. Enterprises. I’m Vice President of Development, Science, and Engineering.”
“I’m impressed. I guess when you live as long as you do, going to school becomes second nature, right?”
Taeil chuckled. “No, not quite. I’m human. Very human.”
“What do you mean you’re human? I mean, I know what you mean, but why hang out with vampires? How did this happen? I need details.”
Taeil chuckled, “It’s simple really. You know the makeup stain craze that’s going around with the eyebrows and the lipsticks? You put it on, let it dry, and peel it off?”
“Uh, I might know what you’re talking about. Might have tried it once, just to see what the craze was about.”
“P.O and I discovered the formula for that. And when it became a huge success, we got this call…”
“Zico wanting you to find the cure for virus?”
“Pretty much. Along with a promotion, a pay raise, and all the funding we need.”
Phoenix nodded. “And Zico, in return, gets the perfect cover. He has his own resources, and a tax write-off at the same time.”
“Basically,” Taeil said, finishing his drink. “Though there are drawbacks.”
“Such as….?”
“Zico’s my boss, isn’t that enough? In all seriousness, he’s a great guy, but I’m sure you know he can be a pain in my ass. I’m on call 24/7. However, what we are dealing with is so interesting because it’s the mix of the natural and supernatural. It’s as if magic decided to understand chemistry and make its own rules. Speaking of, I would love to get you in the lab to run some tests.”
“Me? Why? I’m pretty much human.”
“Are you sure about that? I’m not sold on the theory that Balancers are ‘pretty much human.’ You and Misty especially. I promise, it won’t be invasive or harmful. Just some tests. It could help us get a better understanding of what we’re up against.”
“I don’t know. I’m not to fond of people poking me…” She was about to continue, but was interrupted by blaring horns and the appearance of the Superior. A hush fell over the room.
Phoenix looked over at Taeil. “Is he always this dramatic?” she asked.
“Actually, for GD, that was pretty low key,” Taeil murmured back.
“Good evening, everyone!” GD greeted his guests with a beaming, slightly off-kilter smile. “I hope everyone is having a good time and enjoying Midnight in Paris.” He clapped, which caused everyone to clap. Phoenix thought everyone was crazy, but slowly clapped. “Thank you. Now, as everyone knows, this is a special occasion. Tonight, we are inducting four new members into our supernatural family. Team Zico, will you please bring out our guests?”
Phoenix noticed the vampires from earlier rolling the coffins out onto the main floor. Everyone turned their eyes to Zico. Zico snorted, poured what looked like blood into a glass of something that looked like dark rum, and stumbled up to to the front of the room. Min and Yukwon stepped out from behind their respective coffins, on hand to steady him, but Zico shook them off.
“I’m fine,” he slurred. “Don’t touch me.” He walked up the stairs. He took his place in front of a chalice that was in front of Mino’s coffin, and waited until he was given a knife. Then, once Yukwon, Min and Jaehyo were in place, he cut his palm, pouring his blood into the chalice as the others did the same. The crowd cheered, however, everyone went silent when the Superior joined Zico in front of Mino’s coffin, slicing his own hand and adding his blood to the mix.
The crowd began to whisper and talk among themselves.
“What’s the significance of Zico and GD sharing a cup?” Phoenix asked.
“I’m not sure,” Taeil said. “To be honest, I can only speculate. I’m not positive, but I think there’s some type of hierarchy that has been established. To be turned by someone who’s a leader is very significant. This might put whoever is in that coffin into the chain of command, but again, I’m not sure how it all works.”
Phoenix nodded and then heard a clock strike midnight. How original, she thought, and as the last chime faded, she and the crowd waited for something to happen. Zico seemed a little nervous, as if he’d suddenly forgotten what the point of all this was, jumping straight up in the air when Mino’s fist came through. After a few seconds, the other boys followed, until all four had broke free. They all looked dazed, especially Jinwoo, who fell forward as he gasped for air, dirt fluttering from his body.
“Easy, kid. It’s okay.” Min put his hand on Jinwoo’s shoulder. “Relax, you’re safe.”
Jinwoo coughed, and wiped a smear of dirt from his cheek.
“And we have four winners!” GD cheered. “Congratulations, boys, and welcome to the family. Now, drink up before you eat my guests.”
There was a trickle of uneasy laughter as the chalices were brought to the new boys.
“Drink?” Taehyun mumbled. He was trying to stand on his own but was finding it difficult.
The Superior grabbed him before he collapsed onto the stairs. “That’s right, little one. It’s time to drink. That pain you’re feeling is hunger. So we brought you a little cocktail.”
At this point, GD waved his hands, encouraging the audience in a chorus of “drink! Drink! Drink! Drink!”
Phoenix never felt so uncomfortable in her life. “Okay, I’m outta here. This is turning into some sick, twisted horror-porn show.”
“I couldn’t agree more.” Misty appeared by her side. “I know we didn’t really have anything to do with this, but I feel like we lost something today. Besides the lives of innocents. Also, they are really drinking that and just…no.”
Music began to play. Around them, guests began to dance.
On the stage, Zico swayed dangerously.
“Okay, how about you go get Tablo and the car and I’ll meet you outside. I just want to check on everyone before we go, especially Mino. I’ll be right back.”
“Okay,” Misty said.
She walked off as Phoenix headed toward the stage. Unfortunately for her, Zico chose that moment to disappear, half-jumping, half-falling off the back of the platform and vanishing into the crowd. She wasn’t sure where he was going, but she did her best to keep him in her sights. At one point, she lost him and ran into some other party goers.
“Did you guys see a tall, blonde, vampire walking this way. Probably growled at you and said fuck off?”
“Outside,” said a a guy in far-too-tight leather pants. “That way.” He pointed towards a set of double doors.
“Thanks,” Phoenix said.
She worked her way outside, managing to arrive just in time to watch Zico push a cement planter off the ledge and onto the ground below.
“Zico! Jesus! You could have hurt someone,” she exclaimed.
“Meh. They’re vampires, they’ll live.”
“Maybe, but can we not test that theory?” Phoenix rubbed her face in frustration. “I’ve seen enough blood for one night. Let’s tone it down a little.”
“Tone it down…” Zico snickered and braced himself against a nearby pillar. “She says tone it down when he’s going to be the death of me one day.”
“What? Death? Who?” Phoenix asked. “Zico, what are you talking about?”
“Mino. Mino will be the literal death of me. Not now, but eventually.”
“Where is this coming from?”
“My blood. His blood. Our blood.” Zico stroked the stone with his hand. “I dug my own grave tonight. I chose how it will all end.”
“Wow, Zico. This is fucked up, even for you. How much have you had to drink?”
“Not enough. Never enough.” Zico pushed himself upright. “I’m hungry.”
“Zico, you are not allowed to feed on the party guests!”
“No, I’m hungry,” Zico insisted. “Where’s the crab cake guy?”
“Zico, what…”
But she got nothing else out before Zico took off down the balcony, suddenly laughing like he’d just heard the funniest joke in the world.
#Bloodlines#kpop fanfiction#kpop scenarios#kpop au#khh scenario#khiphop scenarios#block b#block b zico#jay park#jay park aomg#epik high#tablo#big bang#big bang gdragon#vampire au#angels and demons au#yg entertainment#aomg#four seasons
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