cardierreh15 · 1 month
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Please read part one to understand part two! ⚡️🐺 if you choose to be lost that’s your business but I warned ya!
***I do not consent to anyone translating, copy and/or repost my work!!!
Warnings 18+: Cursing , Angst , Mentions of Death , Blood , Smut - Logan being an absolute MONSTER (this is very graphic) & Ororo being folded like a pretzel, lil bit of Voyuerism , Oral(Female Receiving) Face Sitting 😁, Scratching , Fingering/Masturbation , Minor Begging , Basically, Pray for her pussy. 😭
Pairings: Logan Howlett (Cavillrine) x Ororo Munroe also known as Storm
Description: Logan & Storm have a heart to heart. ⚡️
Word Count: 6.8K
Song: Earned it by The Weeknd
Side Note: Ororo's thoughts are in Italics Bold and OG Logan's voice is in orange italics.
Side Side Note: There are some elements taken from the X-Men movies but this is my own twist on it. I do not own the rights to those films or the characters. (Halle Berry is also not the Storm here)
Part two
Since Ororo’s arrival on Earth 199999, the weather has been less than satisfactory. The humans either blamed the wrath of Mother Earth or “Those Damned Mutants.” There was no in between but they were right about one thing.
The Storm goddess did have parts to play in why the weather was the way it was. Ever since she’d been here, her powers have been obstreperous; unpredictable and uncontrollable. It took her almost 20 years to get it right back home. And now here she was again starting from scratch. 
But the weather wasn’t the only thing that she had a hard time with. Nightmares haunted her at night; leaving her companion as exhausted as she was. She screamed, wept, and even had full conversations. 
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On occasion, he’d get up from the large sectional that he slept on and drag himself to the bedroom. He wouldn’t dare wake her though, he’d just watch as she would cry and struggle to breathe. A part of him was afraid to wake her up while she was in such a state. He’d prefer to have his insides raw instead of scrambled like an egg.
As much as it pained him so, he’d watch her suffer until she quieted down. And by then, twilight had come and sleep was no longer an option.
Today was a regular day for both of them. Logan was tucked away in the garage working on something that’d aid his boredom. While Ororo was focusing on peeling the clouds out of her view. Her eyes white as snow and focus dead set within.
With her straining came the grunts and the gritting of her teeth. Blood began to drip from her nose and her headache returned. ‘Almost—‘ She huffed as her held up palms began to shake as if they were holding something heavy. And finally, the clouds disappeared from view.
Letting out an exhausted sigh, her eyes returned to normal and her arms dropped to her sides. They felt so heavy. And the headache remained. But on the bright side, she’d finally made progress and plucked a big rain cloud out of view of the blue sky.
‘Y’know, we could’ve used someone like you back in the day.’
Ororo whipped her head around but stumbled slightly when the dizziness came just as quick. ‘Mmm.’
‘Whoa, easy.’ Logan said as he reached out and grabbed her waist, helping her catch her balance once again. He took a good look at her, ‘You’re bleeding…’
She wiped her nose with her wrist and looked down at the bright crimson blood, ‘Oh… yeah. Looks like I am.’ She uttered softly.
‘You don’t seem surprised. Lemme go get you something to clean that up with.’
Letting out a gentle sigh, she leaned against the wooden railing for support when he let her go. Her mind felt like mush and she felt like she had a cinder block placed atop her head. And those moments of him leaving her side had felt like an eternity.
His heavy footsteps brought her out of her thoughts and she was able to pull herself upright to face him. In one hand he had two cream colored, large pills and in the other was a glass of water with a white wet cloth thrown over his wrist.
‘Jeez! What the hell are those?!’ Her eyes grew at the sight of the drugs.
Logan smirked, finding humor at her reaction, ‘its acetylsalicylic acid.’
Ororo’s brows tugged into one as she took the glass of water into her palm, ‘Aspirin.’
Giving her a nod, he outstretched his hand for her to take them.
‘Fuck, they feed these to horses?’ She pinched them up into her fingers before dropping them into her mouth and taking a big gulp of her water. She swallowed in hopes of swallowing both of them, but only swallowed one. ‘Ugh! They’re so hard to swallow!’
Logan laughed, ‘Only cause you’re thinking too hard! Drink some more water.’ 
She knocked back another gulp of water and swallowed hard. With her hand on her chest, Ororo whimpered and glanced up at him, ‘That went down hard. That’s super gross too.’ She took the cloth and wiped her nose free of the smeared blood.
‘Well it’s medicine, Ororo it’s not supposed to be tasty.’ He chuckled deeply once more as he rested his weight on his arms, leaning against the wooden rail.
‘It—‘ she paused for a second and did the same. She glared at him in a knowing glare. He’d been calling her Storm for weeks on end. But he said it right as if it came naturally.
‘You said my name right.’
Logan looked over at her, ‘I’ve been practicing. Besides, you call me James and I think it’s only fair that I address you by your name.’
Aw, she couldn’t help but feel a twist in her chest when he said it. It sounded just how James would say it. Effortless and again, natural. Easy. A smile curled on her lips, ‘Well, that’s thoughtful. Thank you.’ 
‘Mmm.’ He hummed softly before peeling his eyes away from hers to look up at the sky. ‘Seems like you’ve made some progress huh? It feels good to see some sunshine.’
She brought the glass up to her lips once again to take a sip then placed it down next to her. ‘I guess the world has me to blame for that.’ She grumbled with a gentle pout.
‘I don’t. I think the gift that you have is extraordinary.’ He smiled at her softly, ‘If you don’t feel like carrying the burden of how the world thinks of you, we can always switch?’
Ororo laughed and shook her head, ‘I don’t think I’d manage well with being one of the heaviest mutants on Earth. I’m already clumsy as is. Me falling will send me to hell I’m sure.’ The both of them laughed once more before they grew quiet again. ‘Thanks.’ 
Since she’s been conscious, Logan has been making it his responsibility to make her feel as comfortable as possible. It was the right thing to do. She came from an entirely different world and landed dead center in another one. He couldn’t imagine going through something like that alone, so he’d figured that she didn’t have to.
‘I want you to meet some friends of mine.’
Raising a brow, Ororo laced her fingers together. ‘Friends? You mean—‘
‘Yes, them. I don’t know what happened to the Xavier on your world but, there’s one here… and he can help you with controlling your abilities.’
A soft smile curled on her lips. It was a thoughtful gesture. She couldn’t really say that she was surprised. Beneath that hard exterior, her James was just as kind. ‘My X—…’ she sighed softly as the memories played back in her head. 
It was a death she could never really heal from. He was like a father to all of them. And she would’ve never thought she would’ve been the one to do it.
‘Professor Xavier died long before…’ she bit into her bottom lip and glanced away.
‘Before?’ Logan pressed as he placed his large hand at the center of her back.
His touch had seemed to bring her back to reality. She blinked away the tears and cleared her throat when she felt herself choking. She knew that she was gonna have to talk about it eventually. She couldn’t be reticent about her past forever. 
Soft thunder grumbled in the distance causing Logan to look up at the sky. Once again, the sun vanished and light gray clouds took its place. 
‘Here, let’s go inside. I heard ladies like tea. I think I have chamomile.’ He held his hand out for her to grab.
A feeble smile curled up on Ororo’s features. This look had come quite familiar to him. He witnessed it everyday. But perhaps today, he would try playing a part where he can bring joy behind her smile, instead of sadness and dismay.
Instead of taking his hand, she gave him a nod and walked towards the patio doors and pulled it open. 
Logan watched her walk into the house before scooping up the glass that she left behind and followed suit. He closed the slide door behind him before placing the cup into the sink. Then, he filled up the tea kettle and placed it on the burner. 
Ororo plopped down on his recliner and pulled her feet beneath her as her grief became her ailment once again. Her brown eyes were sad and she sported this foreboding frown. 
She sat there, her mind thinking about the day that Charles died. Things weren’t supposed to go down that way. Jean was supposed to willingly come home with them. She was supposed to get help. But Magneto was there. And he brought back up with him.
‘Here.’ Logan deep voice uttered as he held the mug out towards her. 
Ororo looked up at him before taking the warm mug into her hands. She gave him a hesitant smile before turning her attention away once again. 
He walked to the sectional that sat across from her. ‘I see you’re comfortable?’ 
She was dumping her tea bag into the water so the herbs could soak better. ‘Hmm?’ 
‘The recliner. You like it?’
Ororo gave him another fake smile, ‘Yes, it sits well.’ Her bleakness was quite telling. He knew that when she became cold and short, that she was more than likely fighting her inner demons. Those demons being the torturous memories of her past life. The good and the bad.
Logan sat there quietly, his elbows resting on his knees, slouching over with his silver dog tags hanging as he tried to figure out what to say to her. One would think after losing so many people, he would know what to say to her. But it was different when one of the people that she’d lost was actually him in another timeline.
‘You don’t have to say anything…’ she said softly as she toyed with her tea bag, swirling it around in the now flavorful hot water. 
Ororo’s eyes flickered up from the substance in the mug to his face, ‘You don’t have to say… anything.’ She paused, ‘I’ve been here for almost two months and you deserve to know more of the truth.’
He sat up straight, looking up at the ceiling when the storm caused the lights to flicker on and off. He then glanced down at her, ‘Uh— you sure you wanna talk about this? The um—‘
‘It’s fine.’ Rain began to beat down on the roof of the cabin and its windows. It would’ve made the perfect lullaby, but they wouldn’t be doing much sleeping tonight.
‘Jean Grey… killed Charles Xavier where I’m from. And she’s also dead… because James killed her.’
Logan’s face hardened at the news. He was taken aback from it. The people that were alive and well on this Earth, were dead and gone on hers. ‘Wh-How did she do it? Was he not-‘
‘No. Previously before Jean’s death, she died before that… or so we thought. Drowned at the bottom of a lake to save us. She killed Scott—‘
‘Cyclops?!’ He sounded a little less surprised this time.
‘Yes… her lover.’
‘Pfft, well. That would make sense he’s a dick.’ He uttered before taking a sip of his tea and placing it on a coaster. 
Just as she thought he’d say. That alone caused a tiny smile to quirk up on her lips for a short moment before she nodded, ‘Anyway, she was brought back to the school so she could be nursed back to health. But when she came back she… she didn’t come back whole. Someone— something else resided within her. She was cold, evil, impulsive— just out of control.’ 
Logan was listening intently.
‘Tuh—‘ Logan clicked his tongue as he sat back against the sofa, ‘He a problem in every damn universe?! Jesus Christ!’ 
As much as she wanted to laugh, Ororo kept herself under control. This was a serious conversation and it was a very important moment for her. ‘Unfortunately so. Magneto got ahold of Jean. Thinking that he could manipulate her into standing side by side with aiding the civil war against the humans for the cure.’ 
‘The cure? You mean like…?’
‘Yes, exactly what you’re thinking.’ 
Logan never understood the thought process behind “curing” mutants. But he felt that mutants had the right to protect themselves from those who wished to do them harm. 
But the code of honor of the X-Men went against that principle because then, they appear to be what the humans paint them out to be. The fine line between them had often crossed when he was involved. 
‘But even she was too powerful for him. We went to Jean’s childhood home in hopes of bringing her back to New York. But we were already too late. Magneto was there and things got out of hand.’ Her heart ached as she remembered just seeing his suit laying there before her and James. ‘Magneto’s men kept us busy and by the time James  got to them… Charles was… dead.’ Tears filled her eyes but she quickly wiped them away with her thumb.
‘Wh-‘ he began, ‘Ororo, I’m sorry to hear that. That must’ve been… that must’ve been very hard for the team. I couldn’t imagine losing him like that. And Jean… man. That was deep.’ He let out a shuddered breath.
‘Yeah…’ she trailed off before looking down at her tea again. ‘Then uh— a few years later, the sentinels took over and well— that’s how I got here.’
‘Sentinels? I’ve heard you mumble their name in your sleep.’ Logan paused and narrowed his eyes, ‘What were they?’
Looking back up at Logan, she instantly was reminded of their appearance when she heard their name. They were what fueled her nightmares. They held nothing behind their eyes. No compassion, no feelings not once or ever. They were created out of hate and were programmed to do a job that the humans had been trying to do for centuries.
Swallowing her spit she started, ‘In 1973, Mystique murdered Senator Robert Kelly.’
‘Good!’ Logan said cheerily, ‘He’s also a Grade A dick.’
‘No, not good. He was proposing a bill… a bill that the government would create an army of robots to eliminate the race of mutants. The United States was kind of hesitant at first and considered it such an inhumane situation. But all he had to do was die. So, after his death they hunted her down but not because she was a fugitive but because she possessed something that could aid the cause.’ She sighed softly before continuing, ‘Her ability to take the appearance of anyone and even possessing their abilities.’
‘When they caught her… they killed her. They took her DNA and remodeled it around the idea of “Mutants are dangerous and shall be put down, no ifs ands or butts about it.”. And so, the Sentinels reigned. They began with the lookers… anyone that didn’t fit the human appearance. But that didn’t matter anyway, because they even put humans on their hunting list.’
‘Jesus Christ.’ He murmured as he ran his hands over his face. 
‘He wasn’t there… all hope for that was gone. We had an idea to go back in time to right the wrongs. But they found us out and killed everyone except me and James. We got away but then they found us again by detecting our abilities. Strange created this portal but no one knew where it led to. But they were already waiting for us there. Those damn things… always one step ahead.’ She scoffed and shook her head. 
Go!!! I’ll hold them off!
No, no, no, no! I’m not leaving you, James!
You have to, Storm. If you don’t then who will continue our legacy?! You have to go!
His words stung just as they did then. She didn’t want to leave him behind. The intention was for both of them to go. But James made for a hell of a distraction. Tears fell down her face and she sniffed.
Logan automatically put two and two together. Because if James wasn’t here but she was… the unthinkable happened.
‘He sacrificed himself to save you.’ 
She wiped her tears and nodded. ‘Yeah.’
‘Fuck. Jesus — Storm, Ororo. I’m sorry. That’s… that’s rough.’ He sighed as he tore his eyes away from her. After absorbing all of that information, anyone would think she was losing her mind or perhaps it may have been a figment of her imagination. But her behavior. The nightmares, her grief. 
Even he felt the pain from all of her loss. No one could fake something like that.
‘I don’t — I don’t even know what to say other than… you are probably the strongest person I’ve ever met.’ 
Ororo scoffed and wiped her nose, ‘Thank you, Logan. I just thought I’d never be without him… y’know?’ 
Logan cleared his throat and nodded, ‘Well uh…You’re not exactly without him. He’s with you in spirit.’ 
A smile curled up on her face softly and as she nodded in agreement, ‘Yes, yes I suppose he is.’
Their conversations about their contributions to society had been drawn into the night. They laughed and talked about what the craziest things they’ve done to save people and the craziest things they’ve seen in general. 
‘Well, I’m gonna shower. I’ll be out for dinner in a little while.’ Ororo gave him a smile; now cheered up after the much needed talk. She placed her empty mug down on the coaster and pulled herself up from the comfortable chair and started down the hall. Then she stopped in her tracks and turned back around to face him. ‘Oh, Logan—‘ 
He’d picked up their mugs by their handles and stood up before turning around to face her. ‘Yeah?’
‘Thank you… for everything.’ The rain had come to a light drizzle and the thunder ceased to exist. A big pretty grin curled up on her lips before she spun around and walked towards the bathroom. 
As he watched her walk away, he let out a gentle sigh as he felt his heart palpitate in his chest. The uneasy feeling caused him to clear his throat. 
She stood in the bathroom, staring at herself in the mirror. She felt like there was a time for a change. Time for her to start the process of moving on and healing the way she wanted. 
Memories of James running his fingers through her locks and how he’d learned how to braid her hair so it would stay out of her way when they’d fight. How he used to tug it when…
Opening the medical cabinet, she rummaged in there until she found a pair of surgical scissors. Bringing the legs into her fist, she contemplated what she was about to do. Doing this, would be the start of cutting the old James out of her life… and letting the new one in. 
Taking the scissors to the spots where the dreads began, Ororo began to snip them off until she was left with nothing but a small pixie Afro. She felt lighter physically and metaphorically. She'd miss all of her hair. It was down her back and it became a part of her identity. But it was time that she made a new one for herself.
Scooping up all of the hair, she placed them in the bathroom’s waste bucket. 
Ororo couldn’t believe what she’d done. Taking scissors to her hair like that; hair that was way past her rump and took her 15 years to grow.
But she wanted to start anew. There was no escaping her new life and it was time she stopped running from it and heal the right away. And to do that, she had to let him in.
Her brushed out hair. It was cute and brought out the roundness in her face. It also made her appear youthful. 
She turned on the hot and cold knob before stepping into the spacious walk in shower. She reached over and grabbed her body wash, lathered it up in an African bathing net and began to scrub herself as if she were cleansing herself of her past instead.
Mmm, you smell so good.
Tell me how you want it baby.
That’s it, my little storm cloud.
Ororo shut her eyes, ‘Mmph!’ She hummed as she felt a familiar tingling sensation in her lower belly. She let out a gentle whimper as titillating memories clouded her mind.
Her heartbeat began to pick up when his voice flooded her ears. This was James' favorite place. It’s where he would wash off the labors and hardships of the day or in some cases, weeks. And it was also James’ favorite place to fuck. She could practically feel the ghost of his hands all over her body. Gentle sighs and suppressed moans rumbled in her chest as her hands followed while the water rinsed away her suds.
Meanwhile down the hall in the living room…
Logan was sitting on his leather recliner where she’d left him after their emotional conversation. His reading glasses rested at the tip of his nose as he read some of his mail. ‘Yadda, yadda—‘ Then he paused. A particular scent filled the air. Taking over his senses that instantly caused goosebumps to trickle over his skin.
Then, the whimpering and whining followed. 
With his own heart ramming out of control, he took off his glasses and let out a deep, shaky breath. He could feel his animalistic urges creeping up on him. And the more he tried to conceal them, the more carnal they became. His body began to heat up and his cheeks became flush. 
‘OK—‘ Logan grumbled as he ran his fingers through his curly locks. ‘Just be… cool. You’ve been around plenty of women.’ Well, she happened to be the first woman he’s been attracted to in a while. 
‘I want you so bad right now!’ She whispered.
He snapped his head towards the door down the hall. An unwarranted growl vibrated in his chest as he slowly began to give into his lascivious urges.
‘God, please don’t make me do this.’ He uttered to himself as he brought his hair into both of his fists and tugged at it; walking into the opposite direction to walk out the front door. 
But as soon as she called his name…
‘Mmm, James!’
That was the green light for him. ‘Goddammit.’ He hissed as he quickly tore off the wife beater, then his belt and jeans. Socks and his briefs were gone by the time he’d even made it to the bathroom door. 
Not even bothering to knock, he gently pushed the door open to see her brown silhouette through the patterned shower glass door. Glancing to the right was her long white dreadlocks sitting in the trash can. He’d be sure to ask why she got rid of them later. But right now, he had more pressing matters that he must attend to.
Ororo was in a deep trance as her own hands made love to her body as if they were James’ instead. A mewl left her lips as she unknowingly turned to face him in the shower; putting on a show for him.
Inhaling deeply at the sight of her gorgeous body he could feel the familiar numbness creeping up his spine. He watched as the water trickled down the peaks and valleys of her body. Oh how he’d wished he were in its place instead. To be able to touch her like that. 
He also took note of the battle scars she possessed and the others that came naturally; her stretch marks on her hips and waist, thighs, her belly and breasts. God she was perfect. Logan swallowed before he slammed the shower door hard enough to grasp her attention.
Her eyes slowly opened as a harsh gasp escaped her chest. She quickly covered her pretty brown tits with her arm and hid her crotch with her free hand and thigh. ‘Logan! What are you doing?!’
‘You called, I came.’ He said as he took a step forward.
She took a step back, ‘I—I did not! I—I said…’ Ororo looked up into his dilated, hooded eyes. The same eyes James used to give her when it was time for him to breed her.
‘Hmm?’ He hummed as he took another step forward.
‘I said… I said James! I wasn’t—‘
‘You weren’t talking about me? Yet, I’m the only James here… and we—‘ he walked forward through the water as her back was finally pressed firmly against the cool tile. ‘We are practically the same… right?’
Practically would be an understatement. From the way they wore their hair and clothes to how he spoke. The only thing that set them apart were their eyes. And she could admit, his eyes were quite unique. Blue like the sky with just a touch of brown as if God spilled a little bit of honey into them.
‘I—I—‘ Ororo was stuck in his gaze. She felt as if she were to take her eyes off of him, she’d die. His eyes were her lifeline in this moment.
Logan brought his hand up and rested it against the wall to trap her there. ‘You’re gonna allow me to do what he can’t?’
Ororo let out a gentle shudder as she slowly dropped her hands to reveal her body to him once again, inviting him in. 
He scooped her up in his arms, earning a surprised gasp from her lips and a gentle giggle followed. ‘Fuck, you smell so good.’
She wrapped her legs around his waist, ‘So that’s how you found me out… you smelled me.’ Ororo teased.
‘I did.’ Logan smirked, ‘That’s what animals do right?’
The woman had no idea what had come over her in those next few moments, but the longer he held her in his arms like this, the more aroused she became. Leaning in, she parted her lips before slipping her tongue into his mouth. He welcomed her lips into his as their tongues instantly massaged at one another.
Had it not been for Logan holding her up in her arms, Ororo was sure that she would’ve crumbled to her knees. But it was delicate and languid as if they were exploring and learning about one another. The kiss felt familiar but so different at the same time. She ran her fingers through his wet curls as a moan rumbled in her chest. 
Logan broke the kiss and looked up at her with lust induced eyes as he sank his teeth into his bottom lip. ‘I love your hair like this.’
‘Yeah?’ Ororo purred.
‘Oh yeah.’ He chuckled before meeting one another’s lips in a much more greedier, confident manner. As they devoured one another, Logan reached beneath her and began to rub at her cunt.
She gasped sharply as she ripped her lips away from his. 
‘Tell me how you want it baby.’ He uttered as he gently worked his fingers against her pussy.
Just like James.
Licking her smile, she demanded, ‘Why don't you do a taste test hmm? See if I taste as good as I smell?’
Logan grinned and placed her down on her feet, ‘I like the sound of that.’ He snatched her lips up into hers one more time before he took her hand and spun her around gently. Lightning bolts for stretch marks danced around the curvature of her juicy ass. And just like that, the growling returned.
Huffing like a hound, Logan got on his knees and assumed the position for her to mount his face. 
Being that he was still tall even on his knees, he had to help her onto his face. His mouth opened, tongue out and flat for the proper seat while his nose nestled right against her asshole.
Ororo’s head fell back as her eyes fluttered closed as a naughty little moan slipped from the home of her lips. Steadying herself, she placed her hand on his stronger shoulder as one arm held her upright. 
With her free hand, she reached behind him and ran her fingers through his semi-wet dark hair. Her toes curled as Logan began to lap and drag his thick tongue from her clit all the way to her ass.
‘Ooh fuck.’ She shuddered out as she reached up to cup her breast in her hand. 
He had a tight lock on her thighs as he let her take the reins with her hips so she could control how much pleasure she wanted to feel. But that all changed when he decided to take the control back and lick, suck and kiss on her pussy as if it were her pretty mouth instead. ‘Mmm!’ He groaned, damn she did taste even better than she smelled. 
It was like a big grizzly bear finally finding the jackpot of rich honey. And he couldn’t get enough!
‘Logan, oh—‘ she hissed as she felt the tingling sensation in her clit as he began to suck and flick his tongue over the sensitive numb. ‘Aaaw!’ Ororo tried to move but he had her locked in so tight, she couldn’t even move if she wanted. So he kept devouring her until she finally erupted in his mouth. 
They haven’t even gotten to the penetration part of the session and she was already aspirated; out of breath and shaking from the very first orgasm that she had in what felt like forever. 
Placing kisses on her inner thigh as they shook, Logan unleashed her from his deathly hold and helped her unmount from his face as if it were a saddle. 
Ororo held onto his shoulder as he rose to his feet. Her knees were wobbly and she was smacking her lips together. ‘I’ve — I’ve got cottonmouth.’ She pouted up at him.
Logan towered over her as he wiped her juices off of his lips with his thumb and sucked it off. ‘You won’t have it for long.’
The shower was turned off and he had her legs wrapped around his waist again. Their tongues and mouths molted together as they indulged each other sloppily. Not being able to make it to the room, Logan carried her off to the sofa. Cool shower water dripped from their bodies and he laid her down on the couch.
When he ripped his lips away, Ororo was finally able to take in some air. She brought her trembling swollen lips between her teeth as she finally took in his body. Her desperate hands slid from his shoulders to his wet hairy chest where his dog tags rested against him. She drug her fingernails down his pecs to his abdomen. Spreading her thighs nice and wide, Logan placed one of her legs atop the cushions of the sofa. 
She was the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen. Watching as her huge tits rose and fell with each anxious breath. If she hadn’t been touching him, she’d think this was all a figment of her imagination. She just couldn’t get enough of his godliness. How the droplets of water only defined his body. 
Suddenly, Logan sank his middle finger and ring finger inside of her; palm side up.
Her eyes fluttered close, whining as her head fell back against the arm of the sofa. ‘Mmm fu—oh!’ Massaging and kneading her walls from the inside out, Logan pressed his thumb against her clit and rubbed it in circles to add to the pressure. Low animalistic growls echoed in his chest and his black pupils were the size of marbles.
This was no longer the Logan that she felt comfortable with but an animal with one purpose. To mate and breed.
‘S-shit—‘ Ororo stuttered as she looked between her thighs to watch him finger fuck her g-spot. ‘Ooooh Logan! I’m gonna cum!’ She wailed; her legs twitched and spasmed as he stroked her sweet spot. Her eyes fluttered up to look at him as her body began to tense against her will. ‘Oh—GOD!’ Heaving fast as her eyes dropped down to the massive member that stood high in attention; leaking with his own pre-cum. The way it throbbed and jumped as Logan edged her on further. 
A filthy, guttural cry escaped from her lips; her hips rose as he continued to rub it out of her. ‘Fuuuuck!’ She crooned. Dropping her hips back down onto the sofa; breathless as all get out. Ororo watched as he gently tugged his thick fingers out of her. Covered in her sweet stickiness, he wielded no hesitation as he sucked his fingers clean. 
Was she in disbelief? Yes. But surprised? Not really. 
Were they this disgusting in every universe? 
Snarling at her tart taste, he snatched her waist and pulled her closer. Taking a hold of his long, girthy cock, he slapped the erected muscle against her clit. A gentle groan left his lips as he rubbed himself against her clit. God, he was losing it. 
‘Logan.’ Ororo whined out.
His head snapped up as his ears perked up at the sound of his name. Like an excited puppy. So exhilarated, that if he had a tail it would wag violently. But he didn’t let his excitement get in the way of the true task at hand.
‘Beg.’ He demanded.
Ororo let out a shuddered sigh as she watched him grab one of her ankles in his large hand. ‘Pl-please?’ Her lips pouted just a little and she never took her gaze off of his.
Logan growled lowly in approval, ‘Good.’ Adjusting his hips, he placed his hand behind her thigh, right above the back of her knee. He kept her legs spread as he pressed his fat mushroom tip against her slit. Her needy pussy pulled him in a warm embrace, earning a loud grunt from him. 
She hiccuped as she inhaled too much air as she felt the pressure and pleasure merge into one. ‘Mmmmph!’ Her thighs began to tremble the deeper and deeper he descended. ‘Ugh!’ 
He gritted his teeth together as his eyes fluttered shut. He wiggled his hips a little as he made room for himself inside of her. ‘Grrr—od—‘ he let groaned eagerly as he finally bottomed out within her. ‘—Dammit!’ 
Goosebumps covered their bodies as if they were connected to one another. He leaned down and pressed another sloppy kiss on her lips. As their lips collided, he stalled his hips as her comfortable walls held him tightly. 
Breaking the kiss, Logan looked down into her eyes as he pulled his hips back and rolled them into her. A strangled moan left her lips as she looked up into his animalistic crazed eyes. His dog tags dangled and rocked above her as he began to slowly pick up the pace of his hips. 
‘Ooh, Logan. Shit yes!’ The heaviness of his hips ramming into her was so familiar. It left her in a reminiscence of how James used to train her to take him the way she was supposed to. 
You have to get used to me lightning bolt. Fuck.
And so she did! Who knew that he was prepping her for this moment? 
Logan pumped his hips in and out of her like an animal in heat. Husky grunts and groans fell from his lips as his large hands held the back of her thighs. He was so deep inside of her this way. 
‘Mmm, so fucking wet for me. Shit!’ He sputtered as he dropped his dick into her deeper again while his hairy balls smacked against her puckered asshole.
A high pitched shriek left her lips in surprise when he began to beat at her cervix. Sinking her teeth into her bottom lip, she rested her hands atop his for leverage and squeezed tightly. Sweet aspirated grunts and mewls graced her lips as she bit into her bottom lip. She was holding back screams and sobs.
And when Logan noticed that, he brought his hips to a sudden stop. He leaned in close to her, his nose touching hers; eyeing her carnally. ‘You can scream… it’s not like anyone will hear you.’ Now he was determined to snatch her voice by the end of the night. 
Ororo didn’t know if she was turned on or scared. Perhaps she was both but he placed a sweet kiss on her lips, she was reassured that he would take good care of her. 
Logan began to pick up the pace again, earning a string of filthy curse words from his Goddess lover. His body pounded into hers as he panted harshly; mirroring the sound of the thunder claps outside. Lightning struck very close to the cabin as he fucked her so stupid, she couldn’t even form words. 
‘Fu—huck, ye— eah! Mmm, uh!’ She looked down between them, watching as his dick delved balls deep into her over and over again. Her chest heaved as her hooded eyes peered back up at him. ‘My Gods, Yes! James!’ Ororo tightened her hold on his hands as he began to fuck harder, faster. 
A loud and rough groan left Logan’s lips before he nestled his furry face into her neck where he placed gentle kisses. ‘Fuuuuck—‘ he grumbled as he retreated his hips and pulled his cock all the way out. 
Huffing heavily, he found himself dripping with precum again. ‘Jesus fucking— look at what you’re doing to me.’ He laughed mirthlessly. He sounded so esurient though; hungry and desperate for her. Logan was losing his mind. 
A tiny giggle left her lips before he slipped his sticky dick right back inside of her. Her back arched as he made home within her again. Her whining came shortly afterwards. ‘Fuck. Me. Logan! Yes! James! Yes!’ Part of her felt like she was fucking the old James. But something about how inhuman this one fucked her was brand new. He was relentless! Diligent and persistent in how he pleased her. 
James used to give her a moment to catch her breath but this one wasn’t so kind. 
He was desperate to please her and that's all he gave a damn about. 
Mine, mine, mine. 
‘Mine, mine, mine!’ He growled hungrily.
Just like him. 
Beads of sweat formed on his forehead as their bodies began to heat up with their salacious work out. She brought her face into her hands, digging her nails into his cheeks as he began to steal her breath away. Her mouth fell as her womb began to twist. Her walls began to tremble and her spine grew numb. A silent moan escaped her lips as her eyes rolled to the back of her head.
Logan hissed as she began to draw blood when she clawed at his cheeks; healing just as fast as the wounds opened. But he never turned his attention from her. It only fueled that beastly desire more! ‘Yeah, that’s it baby! Cum on that dick!’ He gritted through his teeth; his warm flesh covered in a thin sheet of sweat and the veins in his neck popped into view. ‘C’mon!’ 
A tear fell down the side of her face as he stole another orgasm from her. ‘OH FUCK!’ She’d finally released a loud sob from her chest as he rutted into her as if it were his last time. 
The pair fucked as if they were trying to build a family. Nasty, naughty sex filled their evening which landed them on the floor, and the bedroom. Ororo left Logan empty with nothing else to give. Logan beat down Ororo’s walls til her orgasms had become painful. They’ve done everything from Doggy style (Logan’s favorite) to Cowgirl. They were spent.
Laying in the king size bed, tucked beneath the warmth of the comforters, Logan had his heavy arm draped around her holding her close. Ororo smiled softly as her head rested against his hairy chest. She gently picked up his silver dog tags and ran her thumb over the numbers. All of the numbers but the last two were completely different from James. 
‘You’re still thinking about him?’
Turning his head to look at her, he raised a brow with a small smirk curled on his lips.
Letting out a gentle sigh, ‘I’m only thinking about you.’ Part of that was true. She was thinking about him and how mind blowing their sex was. But she was also thinking about him. Not in the way one would think. 
Ororo was coming to terms that this was going to be her new life now. Everyone she’s ever known in her previous life or… timeline was gone. There was nothing left for her on that Earth anymore but here, she could make something of herself. She could get her power back under control. She could heal and live a happy life. By his side. 
Looking up at him, her small smile had turned into a grin. And when he’d return that grin, she giggled happily. Logan ran his thick fingers through her short white coils. ‘I really do like your hair like this, thundercloud.’ 
Her dimples deepened in her cheeks at the nickname. ‘Good, then I shall keep it that way.’ 
Stay there.
Honorable Tags: @milknhonies @capswife @augustsprincess @peternoonewantsthat @raccoon-eyed-rebel @multi-culti-girl @multiversxwhore
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dio7r · 1 year
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lithium-poet · 3 months
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the dichotomy of girlhood
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roseforviolet · 6 months
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izzy444angel · 1 year
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this is me all day
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cinnamongirlsdiary · 1 month
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like it’s so awkward :|
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girlsblogger · 1 month
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d8llparts · 2 months
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delulu girls favorite part of the day
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shitbl0gger · 5 months
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cardierreh15 · 3 months
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Drunk In Love
My first ATJ One Shot ❤️ I am manifesting for him to leave grandmama soon 🙄 Anyway, Enjoy ❤️💋
Side note: Yes this is based off of Beyoncé’s song. If youn’ like it, kick rocks barefoot ion care. 🐝
I do not give anyone consent to copy, repost and/or translate my work!!!
Warning 18+: SMUT‼️ Intoxicated Sex , Masturbation (Male Receiving) , Oral Sex (Male Receiving) , Doggy Style , Public Sex , Dirty Talk .
Pairing: Aaron Taylor-Johnson x Kensley (Black!Plus Size Female)
Description: A Drunk lovebirds have a little fun in the men’s restroom.
Word Count: 3.8K
Song: Drunk In Love by Beyoncé ft. Jay-Z
She stood in front of the mirror, with the sink held tightly in her grasp to keep her balance. Just a few minutes before, she had emptied all the contents in her stomach due to her excessive drinking. She was such a fool, listening to her boyfriend. She was just trying to play his game and prove a point that she could hang with him when it came to throwing back a bottle.
But he proved her wrong, as he often did.
Sniffing hard and clearing the disgust that sat in the back of her throat, she spit the taste of barf into the sink and turned on the faucet. Suddenly, there was a knock at the door.
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‘Kensley? You good in there baby?’ He shouted over the booming music outside, knocking on the door.
She kind of wanted to tell him the truth. Tell him that this was all a bad idea and that he won this open bet. But she had her wits about her, even though she was still somewhat drunk. How would he know?
‘I-I’m fine Aaron-’ She hiccuped before her body shuddered at the familiar queasiness. ‘I’m OK baby! I’m just f-fixing myyyy make upppp!’ She said in a slurred manner.
And that she did. She pulled out her lash spoolie and fluffed them out before going over her pretty lips with brown liner and clear lip gloss. To seal the deal, she popped some tic-tacs in her mouth to combat the awful smell of tacos she’d regurgitated just a few minutes before.
‘Hurrry up sexy! I miss yooou!’ Aaron whined on the other side of the door.
A silly drunken grin spread across her face before she carefully pushed herself from the aid of the counter. Kensley stood there for a moment as her world danced around her violently. She groaned in despair, ‘Focus… just… walk.’
That should be easy right?
Putting one step of the other, she didn’t realize that she was walking in this awkward flamingo-like way. Had anyone else been in that bathroom they’d call her out for looking stupid as hell. But when she made it to the door, she sighed in relief before allowing her body weight to push it open.
On the other side of the door, was her hunk of a boyfriend, Aaron. He was leaning up tall against the wall with heavy, dark blue dilated eyes. When he laid his eyes on her, a sinister grin graced his face; revealing the fangs his smile possessed. The red lighting in the bar caused him to look more like the devil himself.
She’d even almost mistaken his curls for horns.
‘Theeeere you arrre, princess.’ He purred as she damn near stumbled into his arms. His large hands instantly grabbed her rounded face and brought her face up to his to meet him in a disgusting kiss. Their mouths were wide open for their tongues to explore and make room. She moaned into his mouth as her hands wrapped around his wrists for stability. Otherwise, they’d both be on the floor.
Gently pulling away with her lip gloss and liner completely ruined and now plastered on his face, a whiny giggle came from her lips.
‘Mmm.. I taste those tacos from earlier… and a shit ton of tequila… you did it—’ Damn that voice was making her weak in the knees already! ‘Didn’t you?’ Her face was still in his hands.
An exaggerated gasp slipped from her lips and she instantly clutched her chest. ‘Diiiid whaaaah? I wen’ to freshen uppp, Aaron. I had to peeee.’ She lied, running her tongue over her lips. ‘You have my lip gloss on your faaace.’ She giggled and reached up to rub the sticky substance off of his clean shaven face.
Aaron never let go of his hold but instead leaned in closer and did a close examination on her big brown eyes that were shining in the red hue. He glared into them, searching for a sign. And as soon as she shaky pupils glanced to the left, he let out a loud yelp.
The outburst scared the shit out of her. ‘Aaron!’ Kensley snatched her body away from him and hit him with her crossbody purse. ‘You scared me!’
‘I knew it! I fucking knew you were in there puking your little heart out! Face it my little deceiver– you can’t hang with meee.’
Kensley did her damndest to hold her weight up. She folded her arms across her chest as her heavy head fell to the side, ‘How you’know?’
‘You think your tic-tacs are doing enough justice? You know I’m good with my tongue.’ He smirked.
That he was.
His large hand instantly grabbed hers out of her fold and gently pulled her into his embrace. ‘Are you gonna give up now?’ His free hand went behind her and grabbed a handful of her ass; his fingertips slightly teasing at the silky thong that protected her pretty pussy.
She whined at his delicious hold and brought her bottom lip between her teeth, ‘Wha do I get if I give up? I’m not a quit-ter!’
He glanced to the side in thought before his face scrunched up in a playful manner, ‘Baby you already lost the bet. It’s not up to you about what you get now.’
Kensley rolled her eyes so hard she thought they’d never stop rolling! She reached up to rub her eyes with her fists, completely disregarding her lashes. Even after that, her eyes still had trouble focusing on the man in front of her. ‘Wha do you get then?’ She pouted.
Aaron raised a brow as he sucked his lips into his mouth, sizing his woman before him. ‘I can think of a few things.’ He leaned down to whisper in her ear, ‘If you’re up for it.’
I've been drinkin', I've been drinkin'.
I get filthy when that liquor get into me
I've been thinkin', I've been thinkin'
Why can't I keep my fingers off it?
Baby, I want you, na-na
Why can't I keep my fingers off you?
Baby, I want you, na-na.
There it was again, another fucking bet. She wasn’t about to lose this one. It didn’t matter what great lengths she had to go. She was going to make him eat his words.
‘Another bet babyyy?’ She groaned and rolled her eyes again, this time a little softer. ‘Wha is ih?’
That same dark smile returned to his face and his gaze darkened once more. If he’d been a stranger, she was sure he would've freaked her out. But she always gave into that glare. She could’ve been in the middle of saving the world but that look always sparked something deep within her that she could never control around him.
He took her small hand and guided it down to the zipper of his jeans and palmed it there. He was semi-hard. A warning or a welcome?.
A childish gasp came from her chest as she covered her lips with her free hand and looked around in worry. ‘Aaron! Here? Now?’ But that didn’t stop her from squeezing it gently in her grasp.
Letting out a quiet hiss, he licked his lips and groaned softly, ‘Of course not here baby…’ He turned his head towards the men’s room and jerked it towards the door.
It was in this moment where Kensley was sure she was sober as hell. ‘But there's nothing but men in here babe. What if someone hears us?’
There were only a handful of chicks in this bar and all were way too wasted to even get up and go pee. Anyone would think to go into the women’s bathroom but no, Aaron had other ideas.
‘And if they do? So?’
Her mouth fell slightly to speak but she was too stunned! She couldn’t lie, she was pretty turned on right now. ‘OK wha-’
Aaron let out a loud huff and scooped her up with his arms beneath her ass.
Kensley squeaked as she felt herself being lifted up in the air without her own accord. Her crazed drunken eyes searched the room to see if anyone was watching this but nope. They were too involved in their conversations, the music and drinks.
He kicked the swing door open. She was met with the strong stench of piss and the same eerie red lighting. He carried her all the way to the handicap stall where he knew they’d be able to utilize the space there better. Then, he gracefully placed her down before she regained her balance in her spaghetti strapped heels. He turned to pull the stall door close and locked it.
We be all night
Last thing I remember
Is our beautiful bodies grindin' up in that club
Drunk in love
Only the sound of speakers bamming against the walls could be heard in the restroom. Other than that, pure silence between the two.
Turning around to face her, she instantly froze in his gaze. He eyed her like a piece of meat and honestly, she was feeling that. The desire to feel like prey instead of the predator for once. His bright blue eyes began to journey from her gorgeous face, to her breast, chubby torso, those widened hips, those yummy thighs, her legs and finally her toes.
Kensley squeezed her thighs together.
‘I knew this dress would be a bad idea.’ she giggled drunkenly and took a step back as he took a step forward. It was a black short bodycon that was cut low at the cleavage to reveal the peaks and valleys of her supple breasts.
There was no way he’d be able to resist her all night with this on.
Then I fill the tub up halfway
Then ride it with my surfboard
Surfboard, surfboard
Grainin' on that wood, grainin'-grainin' on that wood
I'm swervin' on that, swervin'-swervin' on that,
Big body been servin' all this
Swerve, surfin' all in this good-good (Hahaha)
‘Oh? Is that so?’ He asked as he began to undo his belt.
‘Ye-yeah!’ She swallowed as she did her best to play her part and not giggle. ‘I mean look at you… You’re a mess!’
A scoff rumbled in his chest as he took another step forward. ‘Not as messy as you’re going to be.’
‘Aaroonnn!’ She whined once more.
‘Mmm. Keep saying my name like that baby.’ He hissed at her as he unbuttoned and unzipped his pants.
She glanced down to see his now very hard member being held by the prison of his pants and boxers. She shuddered, stepping back once again but this time squeezing her thighs together as she did so to ease that tingling between her thighs.
‘Aarooon.’ She purred out.
He let out a gentle groan and stopped in his tracks. His head fell to the side before bringing up his hand and motioning his index finger towards himself.
At his command, her legs moved before her brain could process it. Sounds of her heels clicked upon the tiled floor, closing in that space between them both. One hand reached up to grab the side of her face while the other gently wrapped around her throat.
He forced her gaze on his. Aaron leaned in, his pointy nose grazing over her wide one as his eyes glanced down to her parted lips. They looked so damn soft. Still somewhat sticky from all the kisses and the lip gloss. He wanted more. So he obliged.
I want your body right here.
Daddy, I want you right now.
Can't keep your eyes off my fatty.
Daddy, I want you.
Kensley didn’t fight him one bit. She loved the slow burn when it came to their sex. Her lips burned with a fever that could only be cured by the taste of his. And when their lips finally met, she damn near melted in his hold. She hummed against his tongue as she reached down between the both of them and peeled the hem of his boxers down along with his jeans.
She didn’t hesitate to grab the warm member that instantly heated up her palm and began to massage it slowly.
Aaron ripped his lips away before letting out a shuddered ‘Ohh.’ And resting his forehead against hers. ‘Fuck.’ He begged.
Her grip on his tightened a little further as she pushed and pulled at him. Then, she used her other hand to grab his droopy balls. He tensed up at the sudden sensitivity, causing his grip around his throat to tighten just a little. She didn’t mind though, in fact, it only encouraged her to kick it up a notch.
Pulling her hands away, she backed up from his grip gently and placed a teasing peck beneath his jaw line before dropping to her knees. His gaze followed her every movement. A small smirk quivered on his face as she made herself comfortable on that floor. He watched as she strategically pulled her goddess braids up into a ponytail. The man was practically going nuts with the thought of feeling her hot mouth.
Once done, he watched her place kisses over his thighs before using the flattening of her tongue to lick from beneath his balls and then up his uncut shaft. ‘Aah.’ Aaron sighed out as his pretty blue eyes fluttered close and his head fell back.
‘Jeez—‘ he sputtered
She didn’t take her time tonight. She instantly wrapped around the tip of his dick and began to suck as if her life was on the line. The taste of saltiness tickled at her tastebuds. He never tasted so damn good.
Eyes rolling to the back of his head, he let out a string of curse words while the love of his life devoured him whole. Bobbing her head up and down as she fumbled and toyed with his balls, just edging him on further. Every once in a while, Kensley would force him to the back of her throat gargle her throat and gag up for him.
At this point, Aaron was a moaning, shaky mess. And she was covered in her own slimy sticky spit. Grabbing her ponytail tightly, ‘Hold still baby. Fuck!’ he began to thrust his hips forward into her mouth as she stared up at him with those pretty full lashes. ‘Fuuuck baby I love that pretty mouth.’ He groaned before he stilled his hips where his full length was almost all the way down her throat.
‘Augh, that’s my girl! Ooh shit!’ He praised as she held it there for a moment longer than she pleased. But she learned to breathe with her nose. But it didn’t stop her eyes from tearing up. Finally, she pressed her hands against his thighs and he retreated his hips. ‘Goddammit baby.’
Before standing up, she spit her sticky saliva back on his fully erected dick. With the rest of it dribbling and bubbling down her chin and breasts, she giggled happily as her man planted wet kisses at the nape of her neck and her cleavage. Kensley whimpered softly as he sank his teeth into her brown skin without warning. ‘Aaron.’
He let out a guttural growl before turning her around so damn fast she almost lost her footing. His lips returned to her neck and shoulder as he began to lift the hem of her dress gently before curling his fingers into the hips of her thong and tugging it down gently.
‘Wall. Now.’
Without a rebuttal, she quickly waddled over to the stall wall with her panties wrapped around her thick thighs. Aaron motioned his finger in a circular motion for her to face the wall. Thus, exposing that voluptuous ass of hers. So round, wide and adorned with dimples. Another shudder rumbled in his throat as he reached down to stroke at his erected dick. He watched as she swayed her hips, and bounce her ass for him.
‘Good lord baby.’ he walked up behind her, letting out a deep breath against her neck. ‘You’re going to drive me fucking up a wall one day with all this ass.’ He landed a smack against it, earning a pleasured screech from her lips.
‘Well what are you gonna do with all of it until then?’ Kensley purred.
‘What any man does when they love their woman– breed it!’
Her silly grin never faded as he used his foot to spread her ankles a little bit more. Adjusting his hips and having to squat a little because of his extreme height, Aaron gently arched her up against the wall before effortlessly finding her sticky slit and sliding in.
The couple let out a pleasured groan in sync.
Aaron teasingly thrusted his hips forward, sinking deeper and deeper into her. She threw her head back, nails clawed into the black stall as he reached around her and pulled her tits out the low-cut of her dress.
Once he was as far as he could go, he pulled his hips away gently only to slam them back into her once again. This earned him a high pitched gasp as his large hands began to fondle her breasts then, bringing her hardened nipples between his finger tips.
‘Ooooh ahhh!’ She crooned out.
‘Ooh don’t whine baby. Daddy’s got you.’ He growled in her ear before biting at the cartilage gently and thrusting his hips a little faster now to create friction with his rhythm.
It didn’t take Aaron long to start railing her the way he desired. His hands had long moved from her precious breasts to her waist where she had bent over a little further so he could get the perfect view. Thumbing those cute little dimples in her lower back. Any tighter on his hold and he’d inflict pain on her pretty brown skin.
His eyes furrowed as his lips parted, ‘Hooo fuck baby damn, i love that pussy!’
‘Fuuuck, this pussy loves you too big daddy! Oh, yes yes! Fuck me just like that! Aah!’ She held on nice and tight to that stall wall as he ravaged her from behind and took what belonged to him.
But it wasn't enough for Aaron to have her begging and pleading, no he had to break her down and build her back again. He had to tease her.
He retracted his hips, pulling his dick out with a desperate hiss.
‘Oh no,’ Kensley whined out, ‘Not this again!’
Aaron chuckled darkly and nodded, ‘Yes this again mama.’ He slammed right back inside of her nice and deep before pulling back out again. His notorious act in the bedroom.
‘I know baby, I know.’ He almost sounded empathetic. But when he did this over and over again, it didn’t take her long to unravel in his hold. He reached down between her thighs and began to toy with her erected nub.
Her knees buckled and she let out a loud yelp, ‘Aaarh! Fuck me, Aaron! You’re gonna make me cum!’ She was so overcome with pleasure she just didn't know what to do with her legs. So she found herself rubbing her feet against his legs and stomping them about.
‘That’s it baby! Fuck you’re so fucking sexy. Look at me while you cum. Look at daddy!’ He grabbed a fistful of her braids and tugged her hair back and began to ram his hips into her even faster. Even harder.
‘OoooooOOOOH! GOD!! DAMMIT!’ She wailed as she stared up at him, tears filling her eyes as if she saw heaven itself.
‘Urgh! Fuuu—‘ he groaned out as he pressed on. He wasn’t through with her yet. He wanted her to come out of here with a little piece of him. Or maybe thousands. ‘Shit!’ He hissed before landing another slap against her ass.
Too deep in heavenly pleasure, Kensley was unable to feel the sting this time. Her eyes began to roll as he rolled his hips into her once more, hitting a new angle that could instantly send her spiraling once more. It felt like an erotic itch that was being scratched with pressure.
‘Aaron! Yes! Please don’t stop! Please fucking—urghhhh ahhh! Mmmm!’ One would’ve thought she was in pain but it was so far from that.
‘You like that?’
As if she weren’t dizzy enough from her intoxication, he was fucking her into oblivion. ‘Fucking God yes!’
Aaron chuckled as he grabbed her arms and held them tight, pressing her firm against the stall divider. He went faster, harder; balls violently slapping her clit and taking place of where his fingers once were.
‘Uhhh baby. Shit, Kensley I’m gonna cum—baby! Haaa.‘ Aaron announced as chills slipped up and down her spine. ‘Kensley—‘
Suddenly, someone stumbled into the restroom loudly and drunkenly singing whatever was now playing on the karaoke machine.
Instinctively, Aaron reached down and placed his hand on her mouth. But just because they were restricted from making any noise, didn’t mean he was going to stop. Hell, he was almost done!
If anything, being forced to shut up while her lover fucked her brains out tickled her fancy quite well.
Kensley looked back as Aaron’s thrusts became rugged. His face was contorted in something much more beautiful. His mouth had fallen agape, cheeks reddened, and nose flaring. His thick brows pulled into one as his hips came to a halt.
With each throb, Kensley could feel that sensitive and tense muscle stretch her out; sending long rich ropes of his cum right against her cervix.
His chest heaved, tightened as it rose and fell. A harsh, ‘Mmmpff! Goood—!’ Slipped from his lips.
The drunken individual continued to loudly sing, as they took a piss.
Pulling her hips away, she stood up straight and turned around to face him before bringing his face down into a sweet kiss.
Once the pair had gotten themselves cleaned up, they walked out of the stall together where they were instantly greeted by the drunken guest.
They were now sober as hell.
‘Aye! Wh— yall doin’ in that stall? Were yall.. fugggin’?’ The man laughed.
Aaron made a face and glanced down at Kensley before grabbing her hand. Instead of entertaining the drunk, the couple just walked around him and headed for the door.
‘Oooooh! Yall wer fuggginnn! Dass naistyyy!’ The man exclaimed as they walked out of the restroom.
The couple found their table and went to the dance floor to enjoy the music. Aaron leaned down to whisper in her ear, ‘How’s my kids holding up?’ He smirked.
Kensley giggled, ‘Fine I would assume. I haven’t felt any trying to escape yet so I think we’re in the clear.’
‘Good. Be prepared for when we make it back to the hotel because we’ll all night.’
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terrorbeauty · 1 month
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bookofspiders · 5 months
i was made to be the sweetest girl ever. it’s on you if i turn evil
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shinigami-social · 2 months
Since some new athletes subject to gender (sex) testing are getting a lot of spotlight shined on the transphobic elements of this practice, please can people keep in mind the intersexist nature of sex testing. While many concerns raised about athletes’ gender/sex are related to transphobia, the material reality is that these people aren’t trans, they are intersex. These tests reveal that these women have hyperandrogenistic conditions that make them intersex. They are experiencing oppression based on having an intersex condition. This isn’t “oops we oppressed a cisgender person who might have been trans,” it is the intentional oppression of people who are intersex.
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izzy444angel · 4 months
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