#bl boys love
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talkingbl · 2 years ago
How A BL Can Go From Melodrama to *Cinema* 🤩
1. Better production quality across the board. But particularly when it comes to set dressing (all BL markets), audio quality (Thai BLs), sound design and sound track. Tired of hearing unintentional real-room acoustics because GMMTV was too cheap to buy enough wireless mics for every actor, or because MeMindY thought wireless mics were the only kind of mics allowed ever and now we can hear every brush against the mic, or hearing the water on the beach over the actor's actual voice. Tired of the bland, plain "dorm room" with absolutely no personality that's clearly shot in a hotel room. Tired of the same 15-20 clearly royalty-free backing tracks blaring over an actor's voice at inappropriate times that are the editor's way of calling the viewers idiots by handfisting a cue that a tonal shift is occurring. And I am utterly exhausted with cheesy sound effects that completely suck the tension out of every scene! Just fucking stop!!!! Example of good production quality: The Blue Hour (not a series but still...).
2. Multi-season series (with shorter seasons overall). And no, I don't mean sequels (a la Tharntype 2/Still 2gether) where the characters are fundamentally in a different story. I want to see genuine conflict explored with the care it deserves, characters actualized, and romantic moments that linger just enough to leave viewers wanting more. Most BL storylines are entirely too rushed (or, on the other hand, feel like 2 different stories crammed into one season of television). I'd rather split up seasons by character arc the same way it's done in Hollywood or anime and cut seasons down from 12-14 episodes to 8-10. I feel like most Thai BLs would benefit from taking the multiple shorter-seasons than the one longer-season approach. Good example of a multi-season series, with strong pacing due to tighter seasons: Young Royals.
3. Better acting. And no, I don't mean crying and screaming because that's what the uninitiated think good acting looks like. I'm talking microexpressions when Neo portrays Boston's silent hurt watching Top take genuine interest in Mew. I'm talking the subtle glance down to Juntaek's lips when Jisub shows Jaewon's inital interest in Jihyun on their meetcute. And I'm talking the quiver of Fourth's voice when Gun is confronted with the reality that maybe he's not cut out for the music industry. A great performance doesn't necessarily have to be understated or even realistic, but it does need to be consistent with the story conventions and characters we're dealing with. Under/overacting to the point of parody is okay in satire. But doing so in a story that otherwise leverages typical romance/tragedy story beats looks ridiculous. It would also be great if all the lead actors were talented too.... Example of a good acting performance: Fourth (most of the time) in My School President.
4. Increased story variety. From broad themes and co-genres all the way to specific character arcs and tropes, we need more variety in BL stories (ESPECIALLY in KBL). Give me more period pieces, sci-fi, horror stories, star-crossed lovers, soulmates, magical boys, heroes' journeys, survival stories, mysteries, etc.! Good example of an unconventional character arc: Not Me.
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5. Longer Episodes for KBLs. This is one area of production I think the KBL industry can learn a lot from the Thai BL industry. While the stories I've watched never really feel rushed, they do feel a bit empty/inadequate. The writers could explore more themes and character drama just by lengthening episode runtime 10-15 minutes per episode. Good example of a KBL with many longer episode runtimes: The Eighth Sense.
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6. Subtlety. This is kind of an amalgam of 1 and 3 but I want to say more. Stop telling me the plot/character arc and just do the plot or arc. Stop cueing tonal shifts with on-the-nose music/sound effects and trust that, as your viewer, I am intelligent enough to know that the actors have gotten serious after a bout of laughter, or have simmered down from a heated exchange. When you cue your viewer, you either think they're dumb or you don't trust that your actor, director, and/or writer are doing their jobs. Either way, the viewer is left unsatisfied. Good example of subtle storytelling: I Told Sunset About You.
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geekpopnews · 11 months ago
Primeiras Impressões: Tadaima Okaeri, anime de romance sobre família saudável
"Tadaima, Okaeri" finalmente estreou na Crunchyroll! Se você curte um slice of life e é fã de Boys Love, esteja pronto para um anime que inova no gênero. #TadaimaOkaeri #boyslove #sliceoflife #animeyaoi
A Temporada de Primavera está com tudo! Se você é fã de yaoi/BL, não pode deixar de assistir Tadaima, Okaeri, o mais novo anime do gênero. A adaptação, anunciada em setembro de 2023, finalmente estreou este mês na Crunchyroll, e os episódios estão saindo toda segunda-feira. Ainda mais, a música de abertura é “Futatsu no Kotoba” (Two Words) de MADKID. Sem mais delongas, confira as primeiras…
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redlenai · 2 years ago
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Sharing a new commission I've finished! Cel-Shaded commission for Bijou Paradise!!
There is also an alt version at their Patreon 👀💦 + Extra cute art!
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stupidbeemeen · 2 months ago
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He is the real mastermind
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diversamenteintelligente · 8 months ago
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Amane a causa di un trauma passato, non crede più nell’amore e nelle relazioni ma a volte la vita ha piani differenti per noi.
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yaoi-gs · 6 months ago
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New episode came out🫣
Sauce: Shutline Cutout Animation (Vimeo)
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gunsatthaphan · 1 month ago
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loveisactivated · 17 days ago
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cirphu · 3 months ago
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Cue the utterly flabbergasted blink when you find out they might actually match your freak
THE HEART KILLERS (2024), Ep. 3 // LITA (2022), Ep. 2
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pointlesscandies · 1 month ago
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Faifa protecting Gun
aka Faifa stealing my whole heart this week
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doublel27 · 2 months ago
I’m still thinking about Daou Pittya’s live last night where he roasted fans and his current mission to get people to stop using the terms koojin and fanservice.
And thinking about how Pond and Phuwin admitted they hang out a lot but they don’t post any of it because they don’t want their actual relationship outside of work to be called fanservice.
And thinking about the interview BillyBabe gave recently where they reiterated that they don’t engage in fanservice and they can’t make anyone believe anything about their relationship anyway.
And about old videos of Earth during early ATOTS era asking MCs not to use the term koojin about him and Mix.
And about YinWar, BossNouel and MaxTul always having been very honest that they are friends who work together. Never obscuring that fact.
And about Tay Tawan loudly saying that OffGunTayNew all kiss each other all the time since Gun showed up and the realties of their friendship are none of your business.
And about Krist loudly saying he’s allowed to have friends.
Because none of these pairs intend to stop acting with their current partner (aside from MaxTul because Tul has left the industry entirely.) They’re not protesting being paired with another person for multiple projects. They are protesting the commodification, the telling a person who they are with know actual knowledge, and frankly homophobic/toxic masculinity drenched idea that for a man to show care to another man they either have to have a deep romantic relationship or they’re faking it all for the money, even the stuff with no branding attached.
And half the stuff that gets filed away as evidence that two men in a pair or are dating or that everything is definitely fanservice and is entirely manufactured are things that are completely normal in female friendships:
Looking at a person when they speak
Knowing someone’s likes and dislikes
Thoughtful gifts
Saying you love them/care
Acts of service
Physical affection
Sometimes being jealous of a friend’s relationship with other friends
Hanging out outside of work
And yeah, some of them may be just coworkers that they grit their teeth and work with and fake it til they make it. But some pairs out there have a genuine relationship, however they label it. And however it’s labeled is none of your business.
As a fan, you have no right to tell them how to act, whether it’s to call out fanservice and demand they stop or to tell them they can’t have other friends. Both are toxic extremes and treating a person like an object you can control.
There’s a longer essay on this, that I plan to finish soon, but this is where my brain keeps cycling through.
Bottom line, listen to these men when they speak. Trust their agency. I hope they keep clapping back at everyone.
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fanfictionroxs · 8 days ago
CirPhu Multiverse
1st Universe (Mentor Cir)
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2nd Universe (Disciple Cir) (Our universe)
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3rd Universe (Ponytail and Glasses)
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4th Universe (If you are rich and a jerk then you will get stabbed to learn your lesson and find love)
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5th Universe (Little Bro is dead so nothing matters anymore)
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6th Universe (Gays in sports)
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7th Universe (Umbrella that might electrocute this ship before they confess)
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geekpopnews · 1 year ago
Tadaima, Okaeri | Novo anime yaoi ganha trailer
Saiu o novo trailer de Tadaima, Okaeri. o novo anime yaoi. Se você curte um slice of life e é fã de Boys Love, esse anime é pra você! #tadaimaokaeri #boyslove #sliceoflife #animeyaoi
No último domingo (21), saiu o primeiro trailer do anime yaoi Tadaima, Okaeri (ou “I’m Home, Welcome Back”, em inglês). Baseado na obra de Ichi Ichikawa, o anime yaoi ganhou ainda mais detalhes. Confira o trailer logo abaixo: O anime é uma adaptação do mangá baseado na obra de Ichi Ichikawa, e apresenta uma história yaoi. Ou seja, uma história focado no relacionamento homoafetivo entre dois…
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babybison · 3 months ago
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destiny (complimentary) (derogatory)
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pharawee · 2 months ago
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Do you believe in parallel worlds?
—THE BOY NEXT WORLD · คนละกาลเวลา · Episode 01
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yaoi-gs · 2 months ago
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Part 1
Source: Shutline Animation Episode 10 (Vimeo on Demand)
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