#bit i did try OTL
victorinoxghoul · 1 year
I drew one circle today 🔥🔥
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fudgecake-charlie · 10 months
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CHEERING AND WHOOPING I finished @applestruda's DTIYS! This took. so long.... first finished painting in over a month though so I'm very happy :D
Closeup (and a phonescreen version, this is already desktop sized!) under the cut
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psymachine · 6 months
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i think it'd go like this lmao
whole version
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dragonsongmakhali · 4 months
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FFXIVSwap gift for @mythandral :>
I decided to use one of the themes, and went with 'Vacation'! I have sent Myth on a trip to Sharlayan so that he can take in the sights and discuss engineering triumphs and tribulations with like-minded folks. And maybe get a nap or two in, too :>
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aahsoka · 3 months
the little stick thing that holds the spool on my sewing machine broke and i have been forced to handsew this hem
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inkats · 3 months
I wish I was useful <- designated rest week didn’t let himself rest very well and had a. Hedonistic day.
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lesbianraskolnikov · 5 months
I will read more books i promise though i cannot say if id talk as much as i do this.
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The lady who cuts my hair just called me and said "I'm at urgent care rn because I twisted my ankle, can we reschedule?" and I was like "WHY ARE YOU CALLING ME IF YOU'RE AT URGENT CARE, PLEASE TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF??? DONT WORRY ABOUT IT MA'AM"
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wmnwntmefshfrme · 1 day
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design notes:
Yaira: nothing changed
Estrella: dead mom ponytail gone </3 i only did it in the og drawing of her bc its funny
Robin: ROBINNNN. IM SO SORRY I FORGOT THE PUFF BUNS UUEHEHHHHH- anyway, when i was planning out the designs for the other named npcs, i was like "why the hell are there so many gingers" so i made her have blue hair :3 to match with her confidence stat :3 also gave her yellow/orange eyes instead of green bc there were also a lot of green eyed npcs
Sydney: SKUNK HAIR. I DUNNO HOW I FORGOT ABOUT THAT YUMMY DYE STYLE. SYDNEY IM SORRY. i completely forgot i wanted to still have her natural hair (also just made pink bc teehee i like whimsy) to show
Whitney: not much changed besides the hair style. completely forgot i wanted her to be super gyaru OTL. gave her cheek piercings bc they're cute :3
Kylar: i lowkey started to not like how i did her hair originally and then came across all the sketches i made for the LIs and was like FLUFFY KY :3 ofc had to keep the emo bangs :3
Avery: nothing changed LMAOAOA
Black Wolf: not much changed, just made her hair longer bc why not
Alex: not much changed, just made he hair more of a red red, darkened her skin, altered her bangs, and changed the color of her bandana. still wanted to keep her looking like a cutie patootie
Eden: I ACCIDENTALLY GAVE HER A GIANT FOREHEAD THE FIRST TIME AND I DIDN'T MEAN TO SOBBING. not much changed though, just made her hair darker and have a green tint to it. look im trying to make my designs have lots of whimsy
Quinn: you can tell with Quinn LMAO. i just felt like she needed to have a distinct look since she's a special npc n all :3 classic purple and green color scheme for a shady character
Bailey: i'm gonna be honest, i was originally gonna go with a mean asian mom look for Bailey but then i was like "....what if muscle mommy"
Remy: i wanted her to look like a little shit. that's all
Briar: tried to go for a bit of a Jessica Rabbit and Rarity type aura. i really like her design and she could put me in the underground brothel any day :3 /j
Leighton: just an old hag, nothing special
Harper: wanted to make her look a little inhuman??? i think i got it with how dead her skin looks idk. also wanted her to look like a little shit
Landry: here's where the asian mom look went. i like her and Mickey's dynamic and they both just look like regular people (better for crime)
Sirris: Sydney if she was older. idk what else i should've done lol
River: old lady :3 hot old lady :3c (pt 1)
Doren: i wanted her hair to look fluffy as hell
Winter: old lady :3 hot old lady :3c (pt 2)
Mason: SEAWEED HAIR. that's all
Charlie: wanted to embody :3c
Darryl: she's very cutie patootie to me so i made her a cute patootie
Sam: wanted her to look like candy kinda. idk :3
Niki: i only made her hair a little longer and no weird two layer thing for the short portion
Zephyr: wanted her to look smug and also kinda cute???? idk, i didn't really have a vision for her
Jordan: also didn't really have a vision for her, but it did want her to gave similar eyes to Quinn
Gwylan: her i did have a vision for :3c she's a cutie patootie, that's all :3
Wren: thought a side shave would make her look cooler
Mickey: hairstyle changed a little. other than that, not much changed
Morgan: still a wet rat
Ivory Wraith: nothing changed (they have special eyes tho)
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leisi-lilacdreams · 8 months
The Updates Never Stop!!
Please be sure to read towards the bottom for important shop drop date info
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correct stickers for this design came in! you can see the difference between the two left is correct and right is incorrect
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might as well show this one too my camera couldn't capture the effect well until i darkened it
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backer cards for the pins!
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also a VERY small stock of prints (like 10 each) (colors look better in person)
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bonus holo version! (also low stock)
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also made into stickers! i think i need to remake the donnie one OTL i didn't double check the size and it's 2x the size of the others i'm bothered by the difference enough, especially when sold as a set, to warrant the remake so this donnie sticker is gonna be a freebie added to orders
lastly, the keychains have now been put into production!!
phew! so much going on
....i may have a problem with making and ordering merch lol but not so much taking product photos or setting the shop up i'd hire someone to take care of those things if i could but alas
Important Shop Update!!!
i've decided to push the store opening towards the end of February i'm really sorry! i did some product photos with only my phone and even after learning the settings and messing with filters most of the images that came out weren't up to my standards pretty much what you see above is the best i can do and (imo) not great for official product photos
i have a photography friend and they let me try out their cameras and without even trying those images came out so much better even on their cheapest camera
i've been wanting to buy a camera for both product photos and for traveling, i finally bit the bullet, bought one, but it won't get here till mid February and then i'll need to retake photos
next merch update will probably be the keychains when i get them
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undeadcannibal · 1 year
Hey thought of some cute and funny Headcannons for Ghost, Gaz and Price teaching their s/o on how to make a “proper cup of tea.”
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Summary: Ghost, Gaz, and Price show their S/O how to make a ‘proper’ cup of tea.
Genre: Headcanons, request(s) Characters featured: Ghost, Gaz, Price
Warnings: None!
A/N: Thank you for the request, Anon! I hope I didn’t botch this one. OTL Hopefully y’all enjoy ‘em!  ( Gif credit: xxx )
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Depression was a bitch. Even the simplest things like making food for yourself turned into arduous tasks. Much like today. You were trying to get something - anything, really - into your system just so you didn't feel even worse later on.
Grabbing a mug, you filled it with tap water and set it aside on the counter so you could rummage around through your selection of teas. While you were browsing, you could hear Ghost entering the kitchen thanks his heavy booted footfall, prompting you to glance at him over your shoulder.
"Hey, hon."
Ghost nodded silently as he strode over so he could place a kiss to the top of your head.
"Doin' alright, love?"
Pursing your lips, you hesitated responding before eventually shaking your head. "Not really, no. Having one of those days, I'm sorry..."
He shook his head. "Nothin' to be sorry for."
Looking over towards the counter, he gestured to it silently with a jut of his head. "Making a cuppa?"
"Yeah," You nodded. "I was looking through the teas just now."
"What'd you settle on?"
"Mm," You shrugged your shoulders. "Maybe some Earl Grey?"
You watched Ghost squint his eyes down at you, causing you to laugh softly. "What? Don't tell me..."
Ghost's chest puffed up as he took a deep inhale and exhaled slowly as he nodded his head eventually. "No offense, love, but I know when you're not feeling well you tend to throw things into the microwave more."
"I'm 'fraid I can't let you do that. Let me take care of it. I'll make one for myself, too."
Playfully rolling your eyes at him, you nodded your head in agreement anyway.
"Fine, fine." Snorting softly, you'd also comment. "Brits and their tea." Shaking your head for good measure.
Reaching around, Ghost delivered a light pinch to your backside, pleased with himself once he saw you jump and yelp in response. Smacking your smaller fists against his hard chest. "Watch your mouth, brat."
Afterwards, he walked away so he could grab the kettle he brought over just because he preferred it over other methods.
"Here," After he filled the kettle with water, he placed it on the stove top to heat up. "I'll teach you how to make proper tea."
Feeling a little better with Simon's company and attention, you couldn't help but nod and smile at him. "Yes Chef~"
"What tea did you wanna brew again?" Kyle asked as he picked out cups for each of you; his was a royal blue with a union jack on it, yours was molded after a black cat with the tail curled up for the handle.
"Oolong, please."
He nodded and took the loose leaf tea bag out, choosing his own shortly after while you took care of putting water into the kettle, setting it aside for it to boil. While you waited for the water to heat up, you walked over to him, pressing yourself into his back as your arms wrapped him up in a loose hug.
"Doin' alright, dove?"
"Mhm." You nodded against him only to jump shortly afterward when you heard the kettle going off, causing him to laugh at you.
Reluctantly pulling away, you'd reach over to take off the kettle from the heat. Readying it to pour straight into your mug before Kyle called out to you.
Your eyes widened as you halted in mid-air, whipping your head to look at Gaz like he was a mad man. "What? What's wrong?" You asked in a concerned tone, shaking your head at him.
"You're brewing Oolog tea, right?" He waited for you to nod in confirmation before carrying on. "You've gotta let the water cool for a bit before adding it in. Over-boiled water will make the taste turn a bit off. Also," As he rummaged around in the drawer for something, he'd pull out a thermometer shortly after, smirking at you cheekily. "You've gotta let it brew for two to three minutes."
Staring at him with a deadpan expression, you couldn't help but sigh.
"You've got to be kidding me..."
Kyle shook his head. " 'Fraid not, love. Trust me, you'll thank me later."
"It's just tea!" You exclaimed with a chuckle. "I doubt the difference in taste is that noticeable."
"We'll see about that." He'd reply as he took the liberty of checking the temperature of the water.
You ended up just letting him do whatever he wanted so he didn't fuss over how you made tea.
After the two of you were done, you didn't really taste much of a difference than how you'd normally make it, but for his sake, you acted as if it was the best damn cup of tea you'd ever had. Taking pleasure in seeing him light up with pride at his success.
"How do you take your tea, sweetheart?"
You were currently making breakfast for the two of you while he tended to the tea. In the time you'd spent together, you'd learned that when he wasn't busy with work, he tended to prefer having tea over coffee when he could.
"Um," Scrambling the eggs in the pan, you hesitated in answering. "I guess sweet is fine?"
"Just... sweet?" John asked, turning to look at you with an amused expression on his face.
Meeting him with a glance of your own, you squinted your eyes at him as if daring him to say something. "Yeah? Don't tell me you prefer unsweetened tea." You teased.
John shook his head, crossing his arms over his chest. Leaning back against the counter. "No, no. Not sure how they do things in the States, but we've a few ways to make a cuppa here."
"For example," He continued, gesturing vaguely towards the empty cups waiting on the counter top. "The kind I prefer has a bit of milk to it, few bits o' sugar as well."
"Oooh," You laughed softly, stirring the eggs in the pain as you joked with him. "My apologies, Gordon Ramsay, apparently I forgot to brush up on my tea knowledge."
Huffing, he'd glance off to the side with a disbelieving shake of his head. "The nerve of this one..." He mumbled to himself with a smile.
"I'm just saying," He'd begin, pushing himself off the counter so he could step over to stand in front of you. Towering over you with the height difference between the two of you. "Your poor taste buds deserve better, dear."
"Pfft, get out of here!" You laughed, waving at his face with your free hand. Before your hand fell to your side, he captured your wrist in a gentle hold, pulling it towards his face so he could kiss the back of your hand. The rough scrape of his facial hair coaxing a shiver to course up your spine.
"Never~" He spoke against your hand before he began to kiss his way up your arm. Stopping once he was close enough to you he could whisper just loud enough for you to hear. "Let me make you a right cuppa?"
How could you ever say no to that?
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gojo-mochi · 1 year
You should do Ace and Law for the I'm hungry fic 🔥🔥🔥
Content Warning: Suggestive, Fem!Reader, I made Ace a bit subby OTL It my first time writing him.
Pairings: Ace x Reader and Law x Reader
Word Count: 1108
A/N: Sorry it took so long! Omgoshh Hope you like it Meg!! Thank you for the request!
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You strut into his office like you own the place. Hips swaying in what you thought was a seductive way. Unfortunately for you, your boyfriend did not spare you a single glance other than the raised eyebrow he gave you when you first walked in. His gaze focused on the stack of papers and books sitting neatly in order on his desk. You made your own in front of his desk, having a one sided staring contest with Law, as Law was having his staring contest with the paper in his hand. He wasn’t even reading the damn paper! His eyes were solely focused on one spot on the paper, like he was burning a hole in it, when in reality he was just trying really hard not to make eye contact with you.
He did love you, he did!
He just knew your antics by now and did not want to deal with them. "Law….dear…" You drawl out slowly. Law’s eyebrow twitched slightly. "Yes, my love?" he sighs out after a few moments of silence. You smile widely, finally getting the attention you deserve. You lean over on his desk, making sure that your low-cut tee is pulled down enough so that your boyfriend can see everything. You slammed one hand down on the messy stacks of paper, while the other grabbed on to his collar, pulling him close.
"You know it's really late at night, and you've been working in the office all day.." Law's face twitches at that; he knows he has been too focused on his work lately and neglecting you. Before he could say anything or apologize, you leaned back from the desk and walked around the side. Once you reach Law, you spin his chair around to face you, settling your hand on his shoulder, then slowly trailing downward as you say.
"I was getting awfully hungry while you were gone... You know that my own fingers can’t satisfy me anymore." Your fingers danced along his torso, the waistband of his pants, before finally settling down on both of his thighs, squeezing them lightly. Causing Law to choke a bit on his spit. You squeezed on his thighs a bit harder, leaning forward to see Law’s blushing face, but before you could get any closer for a kiss, you saw Law’s lips first move before you heard "Room."
And now you were the one being pinned back against the chair with Law’s thigh in between yours, pressing against your core, while your wrists were being pinned down to the arm rests. You let out a squeak, trying to pull yourself out of Law’s iron grip on you, but he just chuckles and leans in closer, the scent of his cologne entering your nose as he breathes out. "I’m just giving my girl what she asked for, so lean back and take it."
(A/N: No brain power rn but if this get requested more I make might the actual smut part next)
You don’t know why you were even surprised; Ace was pulling you by the arm straight to bother Thatch. A bit earlier, you woke him up from a nap in his room by straddling his lap and groping his toned thighs. You whispered to Ace’s groggy form that you were "Hungry.." and that was all Ace seemed to understand as his stomach immediately rumbled and he shot up, almost knocking you off the bed, but he managed to grab you by the waist before you could.
"Sorry Y/N! Haha, my stomach works faster than my brain, it seems!" He smiles brightly at you, making your heart flutter even though you were slightly annoyed that your plan was ruined once again by Ace’s never ending hunger. So now you're here, bothering Thatch to make more food. Well, Ace was the only one yelling, you were just there silently giving apologies to Thatch for bothering him so late again. Once Thatch had enough of Ace and kicked him out with you trailing behind, you had to console your boyfriend, softly rubbing his shoulders as his head hung down.
"It’s alright, baby, we can steal some of Marco’s snack stash, okay?" You cooed, gently smoothing your thumb over Ace’s shoulder blades. "But! That won’t be enough for the both of us! And Marco is getting better at hiding his stash too." Ace grumbled, crossing his arms on top of his knees and burying his head down. You get down to his level and press soft kisses to the top of his head and then to his weak spot on the back of his neck as you wrap your arms loosely around his form. You can feel Ace shiver a bit from your lips being pressed against his warm skin.
You trail your kisses back up his nape, slowly making each kiss wetter than the last, all the way up to the lobe of his ear, which you take between your teeth. Ace whined out loudly in a different tone than before, and the sound echoed a bit in the hallway you were both still in. "Bab-Babe! What are you doing?" His whole body was turning a bit red, and you could see a tent pitching in his favorite shorts that he always wears, even to sleep. You let go of his ear and purr into his ear, "Sorry~ I just can’t seem to help myself... just getting so hungry~" Your hands roamed around his body and onto his thigh, just beside the area he wanted you to touch the most.
Ace parts his thigh out, whimpering and panting, giving you a confused look as he tilts his head back to meet your eyes. "Wai-wait, Thatch already kicked us out.. Hahhh.. And I know Marco's not going to share an-any-ahh-mmffhh…" Ace bites his hands to muffle the needy sounds coming out. You decide to give him some release or just perhaps tease him some more by palming on his length. Ace bit down hard on his hand, almost causing it bleed as he cried out some more moans. Oh, baby, I wasn’t hungry for that kind of snack, I wanted something more filling." You made sure to press down hard at the last word.
Then, without any warning, you unwrapped yourself from Ace and started walking away. Ace was left stunned on the ground for a few moments until you motioned for him to come with a wave of your hand, and he instantly stood up and ran after you like a puppy, almost smacking straight into your back. The two of you head back to Ace’s room for a night of fun…
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fire-lizard-ro · 9 months
Helloo hehehe im the one that asked for a columbina s/o~ it was really good :D
Can u maybe make some head cannon about them being in a relationship? Hehhe it you dont mind :) thats all ty <33
Hehehe ofc!!! I'd like to make the disclaimer again that I don't really know the character Columbina all that well, but I will try my best!!! So sorry for any mischaracterization. Thank you for sending in your ask~
Reader gender: gender neutral
Like we talked about before, you and Sunday would be partners in crime. The manipulative duo.
I think that the two of you would probably enjoy dates like going to the opera. When the singer is good it wasn't uncommon to find the two of you with eyes closed, you leaning against him, enjoying the sweet melodies of the songs. When it wasn't so great, the two of you would be whispering your criticism in each other's ears with giggles.
Sunday would like hearing you sing more, though. Even if it is just a sweet little humming under your breath as you two are settled down together to read together or perhaps do other things within each other's presence. He is, however, more than aware of the abilities you have. They impress him every time and to know that you could always control him but don't makes his heart swell with affection. A chaste, but no less full of passion than any other kiss, would be pressed to your lips. "Thank you, dove." (I've started to use "dove" as his nickname for the reader recently- It just makes sense to me.) Whether he's thanking you for the song or for not trying to put him under your control with you voice, you'll never know. He just gives you that smile of his.
It was always a treat to hear his voice as well. He's not nearly as inclined to it as you or even his sister. You and her get along quite well, I'd think. Especially since she doesn't really know about the manipulative tendencies you and your lover have. Some things are better not knowing, hm? In any case- If you asked, he would sing something for you. The songs are always gentle and slow. If it was upon your request that he is singing, he's likely to sing a love song of some sort- It's funny. Almost like a pretty bird courting his love with a song despite them already being his.
And like I'd forgotten to write last time:
When the two of you kiss, your wings often bump into each other so cute oml-
The first time it happens, it startled a chuckle out of the normally composed man. He'd lean in again to kiss you once more, this time pursposefully caressing your wings with his while he holds you close.
When he'd managed to figure out that you and he were one in the same, he slowly brought you in on his schemes and work. After asking you outright about it once he was certain of it, he'd have you help him with his... persuations. You would subtly be humming to yourself whilst he spoke with people, influencing them to sway to his side. His ideas and thoughts suddenly sound perfect to them. On a larger scale- When he'd host dinner parties as a leader of Penacony with the elite, you would act as the entertainment for the night. You would sing for them as they mingled, slowly beginning to take control of them. But once the main act was upon you, you singing your final song of the night, it was then that you would use your power the most that night (not fully, but more than before). And just like that. They were again ensnared and ready for his use. He'd plant ideas and thoughts in their minds while under your control.
And as everyone would leave for the night, h'd wrap an arm around your waist and kiss your temple. "You did amazing tonight, my love. Let's celebrate, hm?" He'd say this in a low voice before leading you back into the house for a glass of wine or whatever else tickled your fancy.
Sorry there isn't more... OTL
It's a bit hard to write for me, haha. Hope you liked it! Feel free to send in another request if you'd like~
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skyberia · 1 year
hi this is kind of an insane thing to ask and i am aware of this. but i could have sworn you recently posted some velvet room akechi art but i went back to look for it now and cannot seem to find it and now have convinced myself i saw it in a dream. can you confirm or deny whether this exists or whether akechi is just That deeply ingrained in my psyche 🫶🏼 peace and love . fwiw i remember the art being very good so if it was you then good job and if not ... i guess know that my subconscious holds you in high regard?
hi yes!! i did post that really late yesterday then got weirdly self conscious about the #Quality of them so i deleted the post a little bit after OTL..... bit of an issue i've been having lately i'm afraid. but because this was a nice message and i'm trying to work on that here they are again
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i also just found these doodles of him that i don't remember doing but you can have them as well. peace and love
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yandere-sins · 3 months
Anon here with a irlyanbf (no kidding) long ago we were having issues in our relation and he thought I was cheating on him when in reality I was just reading yan stories and smiling like an idiot on my phone, one day he took my phone and found out I was using tumblr a lot and saw my account full of fics, later he was ashamed and told me what he did so we started sharing more of our likes and fantasies, AND went to therapy of course, we’ll be 5 years together now and hoping forever more 💜🖤
This gave me some whiplash I can't deny it, but it's not my place to judge. Don't know if I could stick around after hearing about what my partner did if I were in your shoes, but you at least got the "for better or for worse" in your future vows down! Glad you guys worked through your issues and I wish you all the best!! Only shows love is the solulu to every delulu :') (Also, communication is key!)
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Oh, you are so right! I haven't actually thought this far but it would be so freakin' humiliating to sit in court and be completely dismissed because the yan's lawyer just goes "your honor, it's what the victim wanted!" It also turns it into a he-said-she-said situation because the yan can just lie and say it was consensual since you have that kink... gosh that is so awful.
I now have that fear, too, thank you :') I am not super afraid about people learning what I read because I feel like people just scoff and mock you a bit for reading romance and the like. But my writing... sometimes I fear it makes me look like a psycho when really it's just trauma processing I swear OTL
Either way, my heart weeps for the people who had to go through this, it really is scary and I wish there was a more reliable way to find out the truth... but the inspiration parasite is going apeshit with how terrible it would be for a darling to be dismissed and the yan just continuing smugly, knowing they've won and no one will believe the darling if they keep trying to make a fuss.
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Honestly, I only scraped at it with the previous ask but I did mention the yan checking the darling's computer and their history. It was a bit vague but I think every find that the yan can claim as new knowledge helps them do the unspeakable things they do :') Doesn't really matter whether reading or writing or reblogging things, posting stuff, or creating art, etc. Writing is just another way to live out the fantasies and that's where the yan can latch on! >:3
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sinlizards · 5 months
Hi!! I super duper adore your art and am continually inspired by you. I didn’t want to sound overbearing by emailing you about this, but I’ve been wondering if you’re still working on commissions/bonus sketches. It’s totally fine if that isn’t the case, but I wanted to check with you to see if I just needed to check my spam folder or something. OTL. Take care, thank you! Your recent Buried Stars stuff is so yummy.
Hey sorry for the delayed reply but yes I'm still working on comms! For full transparency 's sake I did wanna give a rundown of whats been going on in regards to commission stuff: as the situation stands right now I've been offering refunds to those who have reached out via email since my jobs have been taking up all my time and energy and its already been an extremely long wait as is. If you still would like to wait/change your commission I am also okay with that it just may take a bit as I can only really work on art in-between work
I took on a bit more than I could chew back then since I was in a bit of an emergency to try to get funds to move before our lease ended. Now with 2 jobs it's harder to work on art but I still wanna try to finish up what i have or at least pay people back! I am deeply sorry about the wait and I hope I can wrap this all up soon :]
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