#bisexual swag
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alteredsilicone · 2 years ago
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he got a bun
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lizardho · 5 months ago
I came out to my dad as bisexual at 14 and I was PANICKED because I had a crush on a guy in my Boy Scout troop and thought I was Going To Hell Forever and he was so kind and understanding of my distress, but he had NO idea what bisexuality was. He just said “yeah but you like girls too? This is normal. Everyone is like this.” And I love my dad and trust him with my life to this day and the idea that the concept of bisexuality had not occurred to him had not occurred to me so I put it off.
By 16 though I had a crush on like THREE boys. Three entire boys in my Boy Scout troop. I felt like my sin was slowly advancing, until like an untreated cancer it had become metastatic. I remember bawling my L’il limp-wristed sissy eyes out in his big rumbly truck on the way home from a scout meeting and him telling me that it was OK, that he still loved me if I was gay, but that he knew I wasn’t gay because I still had crushes on women and that meant I was straight. I didn’t quite know how to explain that those felt *~*different*~* and that I felt like I was losing a fight to evil inside me but I again felt comforted by his reassurances and his genuine fatherly love.
At 18 I was like “hey I’m realizing all my friends are going on missions. I don’t wanna do that. Idk how to say that and I don’t have a ‘good enough’ reason to not wanna go.” So I just put it off. Again, my parents were extremely supportive of the information I gave them (I blamed it on perpetually forgetting to start the paperwork.) and one day my mom texted me that she had done the paperwork for me! And that all I needed was to get a physical! So I did that (it was awkward af tbh, my hernia check was done by a trainee doctor and she spent like 3 minutes fishing around my inguinal canals before her attending rescued me) and was sent to Mexico City where I learned that in addition to dipshit himbos with strong hands and scruffy guys with artistic hearts I was REALLY into chubby Latin men with strong personalities who bullied me a little when I lived in Mexico.
I remember my first companion got annoyed with me during an argument and said we were just gonna wrestle and whoever won the wrestling match won the argument (I stg I am dead serious this happened.) I was like…SWEATING when he tore off his tie and threw his white button-down shirt onto the ground (I won btw, don’t ask me how).
I remember one of my companions with this really intense, almost manic energy telling me that he was gonna make sure I was safe in a new area I didn’t know very well. He cooked breakfast for me and we’d go shopping together on P-Days and in the mornings before breakfast he’d jog around and do pull-ups with his shirt off and I’d do anything but look at him because my face would break out in a sweat so intense he’d think I was crying and come over to see if I was OK and somehow make it worse. He let me play D&D with myself in the evenings even though it was against mission rules because he knew how lonely and stressed I was.
I remember one of my companions was a big chubby man with a loud voice and a great sense of humor. He was kind and direct when addressing conflicts with me, and always bragged about how he knew the secrets of women’s minds and it felt like he really did since it almost always boiled down to “Treat Them Like People and Love Them a Lot. Don’t Stop Being A Person For Them. Also Eat Them Out Sloppy Style.” Our P-Day activities sometimes felt like dates, and it seemed like he was more attentive to my emotional state than I was since he was always the first to suggest we slow down our Divinely Mandated, God-Ordained, Super Sacred Work and Wonder to get a snack or check out a Pawn Shop (I love Pawn Shops).
I remember another companion who asked me to bully him every time he did something against his goal of losing weight. It was like he gave me Carte Blanche to take out my crush on him by being a nuisance and I LOVED that. I remember having a breakdown one day after we’d spent the afternoon frantically cleaning our disgusting-barely-habitable mission house to make it look less vile that it was (not our fault imo?) and I started bawling and he pulled me into a hug and he smelled good and he told me he knew it wasn’t just the house and that I was mad at him for being a Huge Dickhead for about a week (true) and that he would work on it. (He’s also a huge chaser but that’s a separate thing.)
I remember one of my companions waking up early (and our schedule is already built for sleep deprivation) to make me a “birthday cake” from knock-off Nutella and bread. He used matches for candles and woke me up, lit the ‘candles,’ pulled them out, then smashed it in my face and took a bunch of pictures while I was still madrugada and disoriented as fuck. He had the same sense of humor as one of my HS crushes and I could push his buttons pretty easily which was so fun.
I came home from my mission and started back at BYU where I became actively and aggressively suicidal. I had a stalker the year I moved up there and my dad’s solution to that was to get me a gun. I know he wouldn’t have bought me a gun if he could have read my mind, but I had a loaded pistol under my bed during a trifecta faith/sexuality/gender crisis and that was not helpful. I remember that the day I decided to kill myself I figured I’d call the BYU CAPS and see if I could get into therapy because it felt like what I was “supposed to do” so I could check my suicide boxes. My therapist was the guy who’d helped me pick a major the year before and was this drop-dead gorgeous Hawaiian man who cried when I told him how I’d been feeling.
A few weeks into therapy I met another stunning man with soft eyes and a scruffy illegal-at-BYU beard he kept pushing his luck with. He was funny, kind, patient, married, and wouldn’t give me the time of day if he knew I was crushing on him. We were in my history of psych class, which was inarguably the worst psych class I have ever had, and we studied together for every assignment and test and I realized that my feelings for him and for all the men I’d already mentioned were in direct conflict with my faith and relationship with God. My already agonizing spiritual conflict became even more wretched and as a result of this plus some other tightly-packed experiences with Mormonisms bullshit, I left the church.
After leaving the church I decided to move back to AZ and transfer to ASU. My mom helped me get a dog since I think it had started to dawn on my family that my mental health was barely getting me through the day, and she knew that we both loved dogs. Madi made my last year at BYU livable while I got my shit together and transferred. In that last year, I went on a date with quite possibly the only semi-openly-out trans person on BYU campus. It was not a great date imo, I was not doing well, but the person I spoke with was fun and fascinating and talked to me about Gender Dysphoria and it really cemented my need to go. To leave and never come back to that fucking school.
I started at ASU a month after my last semester at BYU and within a very short time frame it felt like I was coming back together, like a puzzle magically putting itself together in an environment that wasn’t slowly draining that puzzle’s will to live.
On the 4th of July, the year I started at ASU, I saw a transition timeline photo of a gorgeous happy beautiful happy radiant happy woman and her former Mormon missionary self and I realized the light that was on in her eyes was the light that was off in mine. I looked into transitioning for 3 days, sleeping about 10 hours total during that time. I started talking to other trans people on Reddit (one of whom is now my beautiful fiancée @cintailed) and after about a month of making preparations to be disowned and kicked out, something I was not sure would happen but was ready to go through to Turn On The Lights, I came out to my family and it was amazing. I started HRT a month after that. I secretly dated some dorky guys for about a year while I applied to grad schools. I got into a great grad school for me and my needs. I got FFS. I did my trainings and classes. Me and my fiancée moved in together after some LDR shenanigans. We’ve lived together now for 4 years of basically marital bliss. We have a cat named Grandmother Esmeralda Weatherwax who bites the hell out of my feet about three times a day. My bi-cycle continues to be part of my life but now it’s not as scary. Baby gays in my life have started to look to me for advice. Idk how this all happened so fast. When the years, months, weeks, days, and hours seems to crawl by so slowly now they are rushing past me so fast it’s almost bewildering. Whereas before I felt like I was living on borrowed time, past my ‘expiration date,’ now it feels like I can Fucking Breathe. I’m training myself to slow down now and it feels worth it to Live In The Moment.
Idk why I wrote this. Idk why these thoughts only seem to come up on Sundays when I’m supposed to be writing my dissertation. Idk why I’m crying rn or why I feel so happy. I’m gonna post this shit then get on with my dissertation I guess. Read more Terry Pratchett and give yourselves the time you need. Get a pet. Talk to someone. Re-examine the events that brought you here. Be gayer. Love y’all 💕
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eggnogisdead · 2 years ago
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was sonic always bisexual
am i going insane
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syrnikklrw · 9 months ago
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happy pride yall :"D
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neroowuu · 3 months ago
i'm a bit late to the party, but i finally got around to playing pkmn scarlet!
i've always wanted to draw rika (and clodsire) 🥹
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rooolt · 3 months ago
with jiji finally in the anime it’s important to me to recognize that while he 100% has a crush on Momo, I firmly believe he also 100% has a crush on okarun. To me? Worlds most bisexual boy
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webdiggerxxx · 1 year ago
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supersonic-rocket-ship · 2 years ago
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respectthepetty · 2 years ago
Because I need y'all to KNOW that I, a bisexual, decided I needed to guarantee that someone acknowledged what I considered the overlooked bisexuals, I went lethal on the submission button:
Nozue [Old Fashion Cupcake]: Nozue doesn't even realize the amount of people who would lay down their lives for him. His boss constantly calls him out on his charming and flirtatious nature, but Nozue doesn't realize his power because it's his natural swag. He is like a One Direction song! Togawa has been trying to seduce Nozue with everything he has for a while, but so did the woman at the dinner, and his entire department. Nozue has bisexual swag because he is unaware he even possesses it. He went to lunch with ALL the women in his office, and they all easily agreed because they all wanted his attention. Nozue had sex with Togawa ONCE, and that boy proposed to him while he was making breakfast the next day. He is almost 40, and I'm sure he could snag EVERYONE in this bracket even on his worst day. I respect this man for eating sweets and getting bisexual treats.
Ye Qi Ran [My Tooth, Your Love]: One of the main characters was IN LOVE with Qi Ran all throughout school. He did everything for this man, but when he confessed, Qi Ran ran away. He got married and had a kid, only to return and vow to get his ex(?) back. His ex was over it, but that didn't stop Qi Ran from trying, which included him talking and becoming friendly with his ex's new guy. He found out he knew the new guy's sister, and they went from enemies to MARRIED. To recap Qi Ran's bisexual swag: he had a man in uni doing EVERYTHING for him short of breathing for him, he left him, got married, had a kid, came back, befriended the ex's new guy, THEN MARRIED HIS SISTER. That's another level of finesse! Who else can go from having a man cater to them to marrying that man's boyfriend's sister?! Nobody! That's bisexual's cajones. Qi Ran couldn't lose. Either way, he was getting his son a new daddy OR a new mommy. You can't hold a determined bisexual down. Swag.
Xiao Li Cheng [HIStory 4: Close to You]: I could pick any of the HIStory men because they all have that bisexual swag, but it's Li Cheng's commitment to his bisexuality that makes him the winner among his fellow HIStorians. Li Cheng had been in love with a former classmate, and when she started working with him, he convinced his best friend to be in a fake relationship. Why Mu Ren agreed is also why I nominated Li Cheng - the swag! Mu Ren put up the smallest fight because it's hard to tell Li Cheng no when he looks like a god, but while Li Cheng was trying to get the girl, Mu Ren was falling slowly in love. YET Li Cheng was the one to confess first by licking Mu Ren's mouth! Li Cheng was insane for that move, but he made sure to do his homework. He confided in his gay roommate. He asked his other gay friend who was in a long-term relationship. He told the girl he was originally after. This was a team effort, but Li Cheng put in the work to know how he felt before putting his whole being into confessing to Mu Ren, and that's why he has the best bisexual swag. Li Cheng could get anyone, but he wanted his best friend. The swag didn't come natural. He had to study. He had to ask questions. He had to figure it out, but a bisexual who makes the effort is the bisexual who gets the cookie.
Aoki [My Love Mix-Up]: Hear me out! Not every bisexual knows they have swag and not every swag looks the same. Aoki is a CHAOTIC bisexual but his energy snatched him a best friend (Hashimoto) AND a boyfriend (Ida). When the show starts, Aoki is firmly crushing on Hashimoto, but after the mix-up, he realizes he likes Ida. He panics but not because he is bi, but because he thinks he is basic! He doesn't understand how anyone could be attracted to him, YET Ida, who never even thought about a relationship, decides to date Aoki because of his sincerity, and Hashimoto punches her crush in defense of Aoki. Aoki's swag is that amazing that he turns everyone's life upside and makes them all better!
Mangkorn [Big Dragon]: Swag = Sexual. Whipped. Ally. Gorgeous. He is engaged to a woman who is in love with another woman. Ally? Check! He is love with a man who tried to get revenge on him for a girl he liked liking him by drugging him, but he was okay with it. Whipped? Well, Yai likes to be, but check! He had a woman trying to have sex with him in an alley before he pushed her out of the way to argue with Yai in the rain as foreplay, so they could have sex. Sexual? Check! Pretty sure his senior did like him. Clueless? Check! He loved Yai since freshman year and knew the only way to get close to him was to win a girl's affection and blackmail Yai with the sex tape because this was a long-term strategic plan. GAGGED! (Once again, Yai likes to be, but it works for them). Mangkorn is lucky he is so damn gorgeous with and without his shirt on because baby is too far gone to ever think straight. He is too bisexual to function. All the ladies want his drip, yet he just wants one deranged little guy. Make it make sense! No one can because that's the magic of bisexual swag. We aren't here to make sense. We are here to make love!
King [Bed Friend]: It was stated in the show (by Uea) that King's milkshake brought EVERYONE to the yard. King would flirt with everyone and even in the club, he was approached by a woman. However, King, even with all that bisexual energy, never swayed from his guy. 
Don't let me down, people. Stop overlooking the underdogs!
BL Characters With Bisexual Swag Bracket
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Round One
Mangkorn (Big Dragon) vs Payu (Love in the Air)
Sean (Not Me: The Series) vs Choi Yuna (Semantic Error)
Jang Jaeyoung (Semantic Error) vs Tine (2gether: The Series)
King (Bed Friend) vs Aoki (Kieta Hatsukoi)
Xiao Li Cheng (HIStory 4: Close to You) vs Win (My School President)
Black (Not Me: The Series) vs Tiffy (Lovely Writer)
Phupha (A Tale of a Thousand Stars) vs Porsche (Kinnporsche: The Series)
Ye Qi Ran (My Tooth Your Love) vs Pat (My School President)
Han Jiwoo (To My Star) vs Pa (Bad Buddy)
Neo (3 Will Be Free) vs Zhou Shu Yi (We Best Love)
Pu Le Chien (DNA Says Love You) vs Tol (Triage)
Teh (I Told Sunset About You) vs Pat (Bad Buddy)
Win (Between Us) vs White (Not Me: The Series)
Prapai (Love in the Air) vs Nozue (Old Fashion Cupcake)
Wei Wuxian (The Untamed) vs Pete (Kinnporsche: The Series)
Rain (Love in the Air) vs Cher (A Boss and a Babe)
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lizardho · 2 months ago
Did you wear a Newsie hat in HS or are you straight?
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p1nkskyyy · 2 months ago
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I hope shipping your OC with House is legal in 2025? (It's not serious tho, but I like them together and Vivienne is married lol)
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terristre · 1 year ago
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MR DETECTIVE (oc-tober #7: personality)
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binkyfishy · 25 days ago
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project moon oc
his name is dexter
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for every like you get to slap his stupid little hat off
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clowningcrows · 4 months ago
sometimes i feel little sad it took me nearly 23 years to fully realize that i’m a trans guy for so many reasons but also. i’m just so so happy to have realized it at all, yknow? like. idk. i just spent so much of my life hating myself and being uncomfortable with some aspect of basically every facet of myself and my identity and for the first time in my life… i actually don’t really feel like that anymore. i mean, yes, the self esteem issues haven’t gone away and yes im still very uncomfortable with myself and my body sometimes (shoutout dysphoria) but like. the sudden increase in comfortability in my body? the way i dont just want to strive to take up as little space as possible anymore? the way i get excited to put on clothes that affirm how i feel rather than hide my entire self? the nervous excitement i feel at the prospect of hopefully starting t soon? like holy fuck… i feel like im actually living my life a little instead of just surviving for the first time ever and it’s just… very very cool
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boilercity · 3 months ago
You think Satan is bisexual in this game, because I absolutely think he is
1000%. I think everyone in antonblast is bisexual tbh, but Satan literally has the "any woman in Boiler City would be proud to be Mrs Satan" and "he loves me, he loves me not..." lines, soooo......
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yourdailyqueer · 5 months ago
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Gender: Male
Sexuality: Queer / bisexual
DOB: 29 January 1988
Ethnicity: African American
Occupation: Stylist, fashion designer, entrepreneur, reality star
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