kevrayval · 3 years
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Hallowed Carcass. (2020).
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dwdesignworks · 4 years
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The bird that rides a bird. Inked sketch. Needs some color still. Swipe for process! - - - #birdrider #ipadpro #procreate #applepencil2 #digitalsketch #digitalinking #oc #originalcharacters #conceptart #sketch_daily #drawdaily #procreatepainting https://www.instagram.com/p/B9o_-IYjae-/?igshid=16171r6w34dgq
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deathares · 7 years
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Bird Rider - Pixeltober // Octobit -2017 // Day 11 today skip the list, I made a Fan Art of my video game in dev, "ha koi te manu" the return of the birds. I hope you like it!
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mr-simsen · 5 years
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Monolith - Woche 39 #spiritsandmortals . #journey #friends #strangebird #outdoor #frog #illustration #illo #high #adventuretime #bird #monolith #birdwatching #birdrider #adventure https://www.instagram.com/p/B3fUn19C14U/?igshid=vb4tdidsynlp
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#fairy #ibelieveinfairies #goblins #bugs #insects #soulofnature #fantasyland #fantasyart #sparrow #grasshopper #birds #birdrider #adventure #strider #steampunk #sketchbook #illustration #picsee #pixies #peri #fae #elves #drawing #sketch #characterdesign #illustration https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs-TWGCBvPR/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=16tseqzngob6m
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corbyortmann · 2 years
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A very special commission for a young lad’s birthday. Swipe to see the custom frame job! #botw #botwcommissions #legendofzelda #breathofthewild #linkcommission #puffinride #puffins #puffinillustration #puffinart #birdride #caricatureart #ibelieveicanfly #watchmedraw #howtotoon #illustrationtutorial #characterart #storyartist #patreoncreator #personalizedart #commissionprocess #puffinfishing #framedartprints #ivebeenframed #framingart #nintendoswitch #nintendoart #nintendoart #thisjobisforthebirds #clipstudiopaint https://www.instagram.com/p/Ce3qv78uf0A/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ericbalfourhotspot · 6 years
Eric Balfour and Tori Case of Electric & Rose riding their Birds on their way to Uhual .... “Bird-riders”
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matheusgraef · 5 years
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Birdrider sketch
Might turn this one into a painting. Personal sketch for my fantasy project ‘Omios Ures’.
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tenebris-lumen · 6 years
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Scorpio Sun, Libra Moon, Capricorn rising
*Doubtful about their decisions
*Quite charming
*Hopeless romantic
*A dreamer
*Deep thinker
*Seeks justice
Requested by birdriders
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lgbtgirlsmeet · 6 years
I don't know!? Let's be friends!!!
Hi, I'm 18 years old, without defined sexuality yet, I'm from Brazil I like to watch movies, series and carttons. I love art and read books and some fanfictions, my home in Hogwarts is the Slytherin, but please do not feel intimidated by it. I love to draw, my favorite color is black, I just got into witchcraft so my tumblr can be a complete mess about it and some edits I make in photos. I'm open to listening to any kind of music, and I do not know, I guess that's all. 
Ah! and you can call me Mo. 
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piccolino · 6 years
This is more of an apology than anything else: I’m sorry to everyone that I’ve silently mocked for riding those @BirdRide scooters... they are awesome. It’s like an Uber but more fun.
Armie Hammer on Twitter: "This is more of an apology than anything else: I’m sorry to everyone that I’ve silently mocked for riding those @BirdRide scooters... they are awesome. It’s like an Uber but more fun."
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cresset-moon · 6 years
for spacious skies - cresset_moon - Political RPF [Archive Of Our Own] >
Chapters: 38/38 Fandoms: Political RPF, Blues RPF, Anitami Politics RPF Category: B/B Rating: Mature Relationships: Aitim Neli/Kan Neli Characters: Aitim Neli, Kan Neli, Makel Alasi, Afen Kisantami, Isel Alamet, Telkam Tis, Soata Sem Fen Neli  Additional Tags: Birdverse, Longfic, Torture, Political Machinations, Scheming, Revenge Plots, Fantasy AU, Birdrider AU, Background Original Characters Chapter Summary:
The door closes with a heavy thud. 
“Aitim,” Kan says, without turning around to look at his face. 
And the final chapter is up! It’s been a great few years, thank you all! 
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csdataabase · 3 years
Customer Service Bird
If you are looking for customer service bird, simply check out our links below : 1. Contact us – Bird · Enjoy the ride https://www.bird.co/contact-us/ Visit our Help Center. · @bird · @birdride … 2. How can I contact Bird? – Bird https://help.bird.co/hc/en-us/articles/360044628332-How-can-I-contact-Bird- The best way to contact Bird is via our in-app Help Center which you can access via the…
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View On WordPress
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mikephillipsart · 4 years
‪202/365 #bird #bigbird #concept #storybook #story #fantasy #fantasyart #birdrider #mount #mikephillipsart #rider #angrybird #illustration #conceptsketch #birdofprey‬
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itsbenedict · 7 years
mirdini replied to your post: i just finished Horizon: Zero Dawn, which holy...
How would you rate it in comparison to BotW? (Which also came out this year WHAT IS 2017 MARIO IN OCTOBER)
it’s definitely got a better story (although i guess both have “evil red-and-black smoky magic entity that produces similarly-colored goop that hacks robots (juvpu jrer qrfvtarq ol na napvrag crbcyr va beqre gb erfvfg gur ovt onq) to turn them evil” as the big bad). horizon’s a lot more serious and grounded, has way more detailed and interesting worldbuilding, and is rated T for Teen instead of E for Everyone.
that said, BotW has a greater diversity of gameplay, i think. HZD has exactly three types of challenges, and one of them isn’t really a challenge. there’s finding ways to take down giant robots, there’s finding ways to take down encampments of generic human bandits (the way is “shoot them all in the head”), and there’s mountain-climbing- except you can’t really fall off or fail on climbing segments unless you try and get fancy with actual jumping, so they’re really just “hit X repeatedly” segments.
zelda by contrast is a lot more open-world- there’s tons of secrets and weird challenges and interesting ways to interact with the environment. you don’t really interact with the environment in zero dawn- you interact with the things in the environment. HZD’s core combat i feel is a lot more diverse and well-designed, but unlike in zelda, you don’t really have ways to approach situations besides direct combat with all your cool guns archery contraptions. it’s a very well-balanced and engineered experience, but once you’ve learned how everything works, it becomes... not boring, but not interestingly fun- fun in a finely-tuned reflex challenge sort of way. 
like, uh... you have a lot of options in HZD’s combat, but you’re introduced to all those options, with literal tutorial quests- compared to Zelda where you might come up with a new approach or way to avoid confrontation every single time you come across a pack of enemies. i think it’s because of the aforementioned environment thing- every encounter is just you, some baddies, and maybe some stealth grass if you’re lucky. fall damage is unforgiving, there’s rarely any high ground to climb to (and when there is, you probably can’t climb it), and you have no paraglider, which means positioning yourself is pretty irrelevant unless you’re trying to stealth-kill the weaker enemies that can actually be stealth-killed. whenever you run into enemies, you have the exact same toolbox you always have. (there’s a couple spots in the game where there’s bundles of logs you can drop on fleeing enemies, but they’re really rare and not very useful- i only ever used them in the quest that requires you to use them.)
...oh my god, this game would have been so cool with a paraglider, or- fuck, glinthawks were so common and so annoying, why didn’t it let me override those and ride them, that would have been amazing. birdriding DLC when
but yeah, right up to the end in BotW, i was experimenting and discovering cool new tricks. in HZD, roughly halfway through the game i felt like i was as strong as i was ever going to get, had more loot than god, and was just going through the motions. (although by that point the plot had kicked into high gear, and i was happy to just ride it out and see what was in store.) 
it all still felt good, but... 
okay, the TL;DR: where BotW’s design was organic and was happy to treat the world as a playground, HZD is a much more engineered experience. they did a shit-ton of design work crafting a huge array of weapons and writing complex and engaging enemy AI, so it feels huge and open at first, but at the end of the day i never once felt that i had done something the developer hadn’t thought of.
still: very highly recommended. my predilection for narrative puts it a little bit above botw in my favorites.
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tomswiss · 5 years
Ha ha ha ha ha. @BirdRide will be dead within the year, and deservedly so. https://t.co/NlIrfscmE4
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