#bird bikes
ornithorynquerouge · 11 months
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Cute Nereyda Bird for Playboy
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kagooleo · 1 year
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the gangs all here!!!
#kagarts#rival silver#trainer kris#trainer ethan#trainer lyra#johto#pokemon gsc#pokemon hgss#I think it’s fascinating seeing so many interpretations of this bunch#on who is champion or what each of them do in postgame/timeskip scenarios#it’s really cool seeing so many variations of each like. hell yeah man#here’s a lot of factoids on designs sorry for the wall of text in advaaaaaance#lance picked silver’s main cape color and chose white so he would appear less intimidating and approachable when teaching kids about dragons#lugia matchy too for that dragon connection there#kris’ gear revolves around biking and the lil tassles were an attempt at suicune ribbons#she has aspects from all the lion dogs in her full fit (she gets a helmet and jet/boostpack)#channeling kamen rider and bomb rush cyberfunk/jet set radio to give her a more future vibe#ethan I personally wanted to channel the ken sugimori chill vibe of how he was drawn#very old school (college fit); with a bit of early age grunge#friend to all birds and does a bit of nature/wildlife photography (based on the hgss picture taking feature!)#also loves the pokeathlon#he gets a ho-oh pattern/colorset for his tracksuit#lyra in this interpretation is the champion and got to battle red#protag to protag communication happened and she wants to set a better example for trainers going forward#a great teacher who wants to encourage the next set of trainers to set out on their own journeys#she’ll be the champion until she has to pass that torch on#but she also cares for the ilex shrine as per family tradition (even taking that with her into her champion outfit! celebi dresssss :D)
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madeofhistory · 3 months
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Troubled Peloton, continued
@etapereine came up with the name Troubled Peloton, do also check out their posts here
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lutnistas · 3 months
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Maasplassen ( Roermond / Netherlands )
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horrorlesbians · 5 months
do you think rust painted the back of crash's leather jacket? do you think he drew the bird that would make up his tattoo? do you think it was a subconscious act to feel in control of his situation? do you think he built the persona as solid as he could so they would be unable to pull him out of it? do you think he willingly put himself in the pathway of those bullets to finally end it all? do you think he somewhat hoped that there was no expiration date to being undercover? do you think he secretly viewed becoming crash and circling down the drain as the perfect punishment for his failure at fatherhood?
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sillysaurus · 6 months
day 12: things that make me nostalgic, game version
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curious-trickster · 3 months
Is there any Tim Drake fanfiction which focuses on him as a biker?
As far as I know Tim had this really nice bike which he called Redbird and that he worked on quiet some time?
I just saw a video of a biker and my head went screaming 'TIM!' and I just-
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welldigger62 · 3 months
Red Wing Blackbird
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I see these guys all the time out here. Saw this one bike riding.
When you get close to what they think is their territory they will yell out a SCRITCH, sometimes two of them. I have practiced to where I can give that sound right back.
This one was in that tree but if I bike north, they will roost on the power lines. They either move along the line and keep calling out or they pace me and fly right over my head. Never had one poop on me yet. 😂
They also call out a high/low whistle which I can also do. Just a little country fun.
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allthecastlesonclouds · 4 months
👗 for the bad kids in the dance au???
👗 A headcanon about their clothes
kristen is the sports bra and sweatpants kid. this is canonical in the FH universe and also in this dance academy. she will wear this combo no matter the season and she will be SWEATING but she will be free. if she had to wear a leotard though she'd wear a zip-up one where the zipper's in the front– it holds her comfortably and she can fiddle with the fit if it rubs against her neck oddly. she's a bike shorts > skirt person all the way. she'll put her hair up into a messy bun if they're told they'll be doing turns or dramatic movements, but otherwise she keeps her hair in a ponytail. riz is a tight tank top and yoga pants person. the yoga pants Do have pockets and those pockets Do have items inside. No they do Not fall out. nobody knows how. he also keeps his watch on while dancing and this does lead to near constant bruising on his wrist due to odd bending during posing (haha i definitely don't have any experience with that one nope definitely not!!) adaine is a traditional girlie in the sense she does tights-leo-skirt, but she does bring in a multitude of cropped sweaters and cardigans that look and feel very comfortable! she does change out her tights per type of dance. she did wear the leotard+pants pairing to her first couple months of hiphop and then she and fig did a shopping spree and now she has tshirts and cropped shirts for this one! she refuses to pull her hair into anything more complex than a topknot or ponytail outside of the recitals/showcases tho. fabian's canon outfit is essentially how one of the guys in my dance classes dresses and i see no reason to change that :) gorgug is another leo girlie! good for him!! but he wears leggings over no matter the weather. he does not sweat though (unlike kristen)! he'll pull his hair into a bun for class, and if he has ballet+hiphop on the same day he doesn't see the point in letting it down since it'll just flop into his eyes otherwise! he's definitely got the Model Student for How You Should Dress In Class energy (even if aguefort Does Not Like Him) and fig wears whatever the hell she feels like! she's got plenty of leotards she can wear and she also has a bunch of slightly oversized tees, and she has loose shorts and bike shorts and perfectly pristine dance skirts. it's fully based on the energy of the day and she throws it on two minutes before. her hair, though, is always up in the most elaborate braided bun she can make, though. it's her pride and joy.
link to the dance au and to the ask game!
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a-cat-in-toffee · 8 days
william needs to like almost die once racing…please…4 me
absolutely 100% his ass should NOT be racing he has a -3 TO VEHICLES!!! GET HIM OFF THE TRACK!!!! HE S A HAZARD 2 HIMSELF AND TO OTHERS GIGGLING
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wai-fr · 5 months
Sneak Preview
While Tim contemplated this, he traveled upstairs and towards their, surprisingly spacious, garage and hoisted himself onto his bike. He grabbed both handles, took a deep breath and turned the key, his beloved Red Bird roaring to life. The rumbling of her engine soothed Tim's nerves in an instant as he opened the garage and teared out of there onto the open Gotham roads. 
The drive felt like forever and yet nowhere near enough time. When he hit the streets nothing else existed, just him, Red Bird and the sweet open road.
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fainfrumos · 1 year
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Grounded, Viena [08.09.23]
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thistransient · 8 months
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Hazy day~ The forecast said real feel 32C, but there was a breeze to counteract it (apparently we go back to winter weather on Friday). The sun and wind and water made me nostalgic for something I couldn't quite place. I also saw a man on a bike (wearing a tea towel as a cape to catch the droppings), with an African Grey parrot on a long pink leash perched upon his head.
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Nice long walk this morning in the cooler weather. It's started to feel a bit like fall. Not temperature wise, but in terms of the animals and plants.
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jamiemaybeme · 3 months
every single reference to christianity i can find in bears' in trees songs because. yeah. fight me
uhhh idk why i'm doing this at 1am but enjoy ig
just five more minutes:
4am: "for god's sake it's only 4am"
fly out to alaska:
"well moses saw God in a burning bush, so i'm praying please"
bits n' pieces:
fyaaa (bandcamp exclusive): "praying to saint jude all of our lives"
i see blue:
nights like these: "stop asking st anthony"
EDITED: two of my very lovely friends, berry and jamie 1, pointed out that "mother help me, madonna and child" is a reference to mary and Jesus. thank you guys!!
i want to feel chaotic:
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rust: "a broken piece/of God's great plan"
"stop me eating the sand/stop me feeling so goddamm bad"
keep me safe:
laugh/cry: "demons of the soul"
and everybody else smiled back:
heaven sent is a coffee cup: ..."heaven" (repeated throughout the song)
mossy cobblestone (kind of): "stained glass" - stained glass windows are often found in churches
"my body is a temple" - common idiom with religious connotations
"and God knows i'll live forever/or die in the attempt"
confidant: "but because you were my home/built on stone instead of sand" - reference to the wise man and foolish man, a parable Jesus told in the new testament (in the bible)
little cellist: "“even Jesus Christ himself needed help to bear his cross”"
sun machine: "i cradle God on my walk to u n i"
"she preaches gospel truth down the hall"
if i just ask politely: " you tell me you're going to church in the morning"
"they said the clouds opened up/and the heavens came down" (technically it's an idiom but leave me alone idc /lh)
every moonbeam every fever dream:
kind love: "set 'em in stained glass windows/build cathedrals to our flaws/the spire's crowned by galaxies"
doing this again: "oh [my] God we're doing this again"
"my mother 'cites a rosary downstairs"
"but Lord these blesséd words fail me"
how to stay shining:
bart's bike: "find heaven sent in brooklyn street" - a reference to heaven sent is a coffee cup
how to build an ocean: instructions:
i can't see anything i don't like about you: "when i'm good, good god, i'm great"
"i am everyone and everything all of the time/oh god i'll be..."
all you get is confetti: "you are magdelene, mary" - mary magdelene is a woman from the bible, who was possessed by demons until Jesus told them to leave her alone. she then became a follower of Christ and was with him until his death. in all four gospels she is cited as one of the women, or the only woman, to be the first people to see Jesus' empty tomb. she also is the first person said to see Jesus resurrected. he speaks to her and she does not recognise him until she says his name.
henry says: "but/and i'll make snow angels out of all their bad dreams"
hot chocolate: "and if it snows right now that would be heaven/i mean honestly, that would be heaven"
nothing cures melancholy like looking at maps: "praying the police won't call on us"
we don't speak anymore: "we can part any sea/that surrounds us" - in the old testament, moses leads the israelites out of egypt by parting the red sea. it is a miracle that God performs through him. moses is also mentioned in fly out to alaska (above).
unreleased songs:
tea: "whether it's the devil's water or the holy water/your essence bleeds out and you diffuse"
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thievin-stealing · 4 months
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summer 24’ ☀️
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