#bird cage accessories
cuddlyspetsupply · 5 months
Elevate Your Aviary: Must-Have Bird Cage Accessories for Happy, Healthy Birds
Birds are more than just pets; they're cherished companions that bring joy, color, and song into our lives. As responsible bird owners, providing a comfortable and enriching environment for our feathered friends is essential for their well-being. One way to enhance their living space is by selecting the right bird cage accessories. From perches to toys, these additions not only keep your birds entertained but also promote physical and mental stimulation. Let's explore some must-have accessories to elevate your aviary and ensure your birds live their best lives.
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Perches: Perches are essential for birds to rest, exercise, and maintain their foot health. Opt for a variety of perch sizes and textures to mimic their natural environment. Natural wood perches provide different diameters for foot exercise, while rope perches offer a comfortable grip and flexibility.
Toys: Just like humans, birds need mental stimulation to stay happy and healthy. Toys such as swings, bells, and puzzles engage their natural curiosity and prevent boredom. Rotate toys regularly to keep things exciting and introduce new challenges for your feathered friends.
Feeding Accessories: Eating should be an enjoyable experience for birds, and the right feeding accessories can make mealtime more engaging. Consider adding foraging toys or puzzle feeders that encourage your birds to work for their food, stimulating their natural foraging instincts.
Baths and Misters: Birds love to bathe, and providing them with a bath or misting station in their cage allows them to indulge in this natural behavior. Whether it's a shallow dish for bathing or a spray bottle for misting, regular baths help keep your birds' feathers clean and healthy.
Swings and Ladders: Swings and ladders offer birds opportunities for exercise and play. Swings provide a fun way for birds to sway and perch, while ladders promote climbing and exploration. These accessories encourage physical activity and help prevent boredom during cage time.
Sleeping Huts or Tents: Birds need a cozy and secure place to rest and sleep. Sleeping huts or tents provide a comfortable retreat where birds can feel safe and secure. Choose options made from bird-safe materials and ensure proper ventilation to prevent overheating.
Perch Covers and Pads: To prevent your birds' feet from becoming sore or developing pressure sores, consider adding perch covers or pads. These soft, cushioned accessories provide extra support and comfort, especially for older birds or those with foot-related issues.
Cage Cleaning Supplies: Keeping your bird's cage clean is essential for their health and well-being. Stock up on bird-safe cleaning supplies such as brushes, wipes, and cage liners to maintain a hygienic living environment for your feathered companions.
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Incorporating these bird cage accessories into your avian friend's habitat will not only enhance their quality of life but also strengthen the bond between you and your feathered companion. By providing a stimulating and comfortable environment, you can ensure that your birds thrive both physically and emotionally, bringing joy and companionship into your home for years to come.
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mesopetshop · 1 year
Buy Bird Cages Online at Best Price
Create a comfortable and stylish home for your feathered friends with our collection of bird cages. Browse a variety of sizes, designs, and materials, and conveniently purchase the perfect bird cage online. Give your birds a safe and delightful living space today.
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allperfectpets · 1 year
Best types of birds for pet -Time Pet Owners - Find Your Perfect Match   
Welcome to our extensive aide on the best kinds of birds for pets. Claiming a bird can be a compensating experience, as they are clever, social, and engaging creatures that can give pleasure to your life. Be that as it may, picking the right bird for your family can be an overwhelming errand, as there are many elements to think about like size, personality, and care prerequisites. In this article, we will investigate the top sorts of birds for pets and furnish you with all the data you really want to settle on an educated choice.
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tiktokparrot · 2 years
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bigfatbreak · 2 months
Something I've been wondering for a while in the ML fandom. But after Season 5 ended, I saw a lot of authors coming to the consensus that Emilie is a "bad parent".
Where did that come from? Did I miss a fandom meeting where that consensus was reached? Or is that a consequence of Gabriel being a bad parent, having her as a bad parent by proxy?
I am mostly curious about where this headcanon came from, for some many different authors following the same path.
the series tries really hard to make Emelie seem like an angelic woman, but the problem is, it constantly steps on its own toes doing so.
even before her death, Adrien didn't go to school, wasn't socialized around others, never had a "real birthday gift," was only socialized around Chloe and his "cousin" sometimes, and though he yearned for school, was still denied that. The show says "oh she's a good person," but doesn't SHOW her being a good person.
the show contradicts itself. Emelie has to be good, because she's a dead mother who sacrificed her life for her child, but the show reveals the quality of life for that child was basically zilch, like owning a dog. The general idea of her being a bad parent is because being self-sacrificing doesn't make someone inherently good, in fact in Emelie's case, it made her all the more selfish.
if she knew she was dying and still had the audacity to keep her son from making connections with other people, all she was doing was saddling him with an immense amount of grief he would have no real way of processing, making her death the only thing he could ever revolve around for the rest of his existence.
Not only that, Gabriel seemed to follow the mindset of "oh she's just gone, not dead," which would only make things worse - and if Emelie suspected Gabriel might act the part of the fool, why didn't she ensure there was a support system for the both of them? To be fair, she doesn't have Gabriel on strings, but she literally has complete control over Adrien and just... decided to make him her emotional support child? a crutch through her death? an accessory to show what a good person she was???
maybe we really are missing parts. maybe she actually was an exceptional woman - but that SAME woman could be cattled and convinced to keep Adrien alone for his developmental years??? if we're following the idea that she was actually super good and kind, then we have to accept that she's also immensely stupid for allowing her husband to convince her that Adrien should be a bird in a cage.
Either she's loving but overall selfish, keeping Adrien for herself in spite of the damage it would cause, OR loving and stupid, letting Gabriel convince her to keep Adrien in the dark in spite of the damage it could cause.
the show may WANT us to route emelie down the path of overall "good," but considering her husband was such a miserable excuse for a parent who's attitude really hasn't changed that much from the past, like draws to like and we can only draw our own conclusions.
honestly i think Zoe put it better here, but there's my two cents on the matter.
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blackswan446 · 6 months
Hello Evieee!, im new to your blog but i already read lifetime and thief and i really like it. Can I request part 2 of lifetime where oc tries to escape and get punished by jungkook and then oc tries to be obedient then wants to request something that makes jungkook hesistant to consider? ☺️ thank you 💗
lifetime || two.
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→ pairing: yan!jjk x reader
→ synopsis: we live for so many years, why not make them the happiest you can?
→ wc: 3584
→ cws: manipulation, guilttripping, murder, implied dub-con
→ notes: originally wasn't planning to do a part two on this cus i didn't have any ideas for what could be next, but this ask sparked inspiration so i'm really excited :)) thank you for asking!! <3 also the ending kind of suggests a part 3 and i have an idea for it but i dunno when it'll come out sooo
part one || m.list
the last three months seemingly dragged by like years. every second felt like a minute, and every minute felt like an hour. you were like a bird, skittish and anxious to escape the cage they had been locked in by a cruel captor.
to any outsider, your misery would come off as nothing but ingratitude and paint you as a finicky, spoiled brat. and honestly, you couldn't blame them for it. because anyone who peered through the tall glass windows of the luxurious mansion was bound to see just that--luxury. all they would see is the glass chandelier, the marble counters, and the endless indicators of money and class.
what they wouldn't see is the basement. the dark, damp, cold basement that you lived in--not physically, but mentally. you were trapped in this imaginary basement, and as much as you tried to claw at the concrete walls, and bang on the metal door, you couldn't escape it, not if you dedicated your entire life to it.
aside from the obvious, your life was perfect, at least by society's standards. you had everything you ever wanted and could get anything else you wanted at the drop of a hat. nice clothes, expensive jewelry, high-end makeup, flashy accessories. but you never really used them, since you didn't exactly leave the house, unless if it was time for you to play dress at one of jungkook's fancy work events, and cling onto his arm, following him around the whole night, your youth and beauty grabbing the attention of his rich business associates and peers, while you hoped that the pleading look in your eyes would alert the otherwise-blind millionaires to your distress.
since you didn't leave the house much, jungkook thought ahead and considered the inevitable boredom you would face. he stocked the house with as many hobby supplies as he could get his hands on. art, baking, reading, you name it, it's there. and anything that wasn't there would show up a mere hour after you requested it. not that you ever did, but jungkook practically bent over backwards to sweeten the pot for you, to put the rose colored glasses over your eyes and prove that being there with him was a good thing.
but none of this changed the fact that you were miserable. you missed the outside, you missed your life. you missed your achievements and the payoff of your hard work, which proved to do nothing for you inside of the prison you were trapped in. you missed the serenity of your street and the walk to your favorite coffee shop. you missed being human. physically you were a human, of course, but in your eyes, you felt as if you were nothing more than a shell, who didn't feel the pain of everyday problems and the joy of solving those problems. as much as you complained about them before, you would give anything to get out and feel those emotions again.
but after months of sulking, you finally had a plan. jungkook had placed security around the house--partly for his own protection and the safety of his house, and partly to keep you from getting out. you had never spoken to them, and they never spoke to you. but today, this would change. stuffing as many shiny jewels, expensive shoes, and silky dresses into the biggest and most expensive handbag you had in your closet, you put on a pair of basic shoes and the only black jacket you could find.
exiting the closet, you descended the grand stairs and looked around for the guard. not just any one in specific, but the one that stood by the front door. you needed to talk to this one only, it was crucial that you extended this offer to him and only him. why? you had overheard him talking in a hushed voice with a fellow guard, practically erupting with envy and awe at the house he found himself in. you knew he would fold immediately at what you had to offer and not say a word about it, which is why it was so important for you to talk to him.
you spotted him, in his usual spot by the door, staring straight forward with a blank look on his face. you took a deep breath, and approached him, and as you did, he shifted to stand more in front of the door. "do you need something?" he asked you. you looked around quickly, checking for any other witnesses before you began to speak.
"please, i need to get out of here. you need to let me leave." you pleaded quietly. the man shook his head. "no can do. i'm sorry." he said coldly, not even bothering to look at you. sighing, you held up the expensive handbag at rested at your side, and opened it to reveal the mess of jewels and fabric you that hid inside. "please," you repeated, "just let me out, and it's all yours. this, and whatever else you can grab from the closet before he comes home."
he peered into the bag, and he didn't need to say anything for you to know what he was thinking. but he didn't let up. shaking his head again, he returned his attention back to the house in front of him. you sighed in frustration. "please, i can't stay here anymore. you can tell him i jumped out of a window. you're not allowed to go up there anyways, right? you won't get blamed. besides, you can sell all this stuff, or give it to your wife, or-"
you were interrupted when the guard abruptly reached out and yanked the handbag from your trembling hands, holding it behind his tall figure. he didn't look down again, or say anything, but instead he stepped sideways, revealing the knob to the front door and the surprisingly simple latch that unlocked it. you laughed, out of relief and partial disbelief. the relief, though, was kind, and warm, and it washed over your mind like water and undid the tense knots in your body.
it was also very brief.
in that moment, the exact moment that you had regained your sweet freedom, one set of footsteps managed to make it crash down around you. "princess, is that you?" jungkook called, swiftly entering the foyer where you and the guard stood, caught red-handed in your scheme. you whipped around quickly, perhaps a bit too quickly, and your guilty eyes met his suspicious ones. "what's going on here?..." he trailed off, taking in the sight of you in tennis shoes and a jacket, and the guard holding a very familiar, very expensive handbag behind his back.
inhaling deeply, an eerie calm took over the man, his earlier confusion evaporating as he put the pieces together. you swallowed thickly, heartbeat deafening in your ears as he looked back and forth between the two of you. without a word, he grabbed you by the bicep and yanked you closer to him, the clean soles of your sneakers squeaking on the shiny floor. he then stuck his hand out towards the guard, fingers open as he shamefully returned the bag. "i deeply apologize, sir. i was wro-"
"stay here, mr. ahn. i'd like to have a word with you later." jungkook said coldly, turning on his heel to ascend the stairs behind him, dragging you with him. you glanced down from the top of the stairs at mr. ahn, who wore a look that could only be described as pure terror. he knew what was next for him, he knew that he had messed up beyond repair.
leading you down the maze of hallways and identical doors, jungkook finally stopped at a new one, and also the biggest one you had seen, which was obviously his own room. shoving you forwards towards the bed, which was on the other side of the grand room, he pushed you down to sit on the edge of the bed and went to shut and lock the door behind him. it wasn't until he had returned, and took a seat next to your shaky figure, that he spoke.
"i'm not mad, princess." he said calmly, leaning forward to rest his elbows on his knees. "i'm just confused. why would you try and escape? what were you thinking?" he asked himself, scoffing in annoyance. "are you really that unhappy?"
you turned your head to him, slowly, and stared at him in utter disbelief. "i mean, i knew you would need time to adjust. but running away from me? after everything i've done for you?" he continued, shaking his head. "why did you do it, angel? just tell me. why'd you try and leave me?"
"because this place is a prison. you kidnap me, and take me away from everything i've ever loved, and lock me in this cage, and try to distract me with all these fancy clothes that i can't even wear to anywhere, and give me these stupid ass baking pans, and art canvases, just to try and dumb me down, and make me forget what you did to me! so you tell me, jungkook. why do you think i tried to run away?" you exploded, giving him a nasty glare as he nodded slowly, in a way that made him look more amused than anything.
"is that what you think it is? a prison? after everything i've done for you. the money i've spent. the blood that has been shed, the dirty blood of that whore, that i watched pour from her head after i hit her. i do all of that just for you, and this is how you repay me?" he seethed. "honestly, [name], i'm hurt. i thought you would be happier here, but apparently, i was wrong." he said, the white-hot tone of his voice now gone and replaced by a remorseful murmur. your glimmer of hope shined through once again at the idea you thought he was suggesting.
"i know i shouldn't be mad at you. it's all my fault that you're so unhappy here. all alone, all day long. it must be awful. you must be so lonely." he said quietly, fiddling with his hands as he stared down at his shoes. "i'm so sorry, [name]." you didn't respond to his apology, and you let it bounce off your heart and onto the floor in front of you. "i'm going to do so much better. okay? i know what i can do!" he smiled, a wicked idea forming in his mind. "i can change my position at work, and instead of going there everyday, i can do my work here, and stay home with you!" he exclaimed, smiling proudly at his new plan. your heart sunk to the floor at his words. the last thing you needed was jungkook sticking around here with you all day long.
you shook your head. "no, jungkook. you don't-you don't need to do that." he waved his hands in denial. "nope," he vetoed, "it's decided. i'm telling everybody tonight. trust me, princess, this is for the best." he sighed contentedly, before his voice got low and serious. he stood up from his spot next to you, and stood right in front of you. "now, we may have solved the problem, but we still need to address what happened earlier. what you did isn't okay, angel. it was rude, and stupid, and it hurt me a lot. how do you think that makes me feel as a provider? as someone who loves you? honestly, [name], do you enjoy hurting people like that?" he asked.
though you had tried to resist it, the dagger of guilt had managed to stab you, right in the gut. jungkook sounded hurt, and the way he put things made you feel like a total piece of shit. you shook your head again. "but, you're not the only one who did something wrong. mr. ahn's actions told me all i need to know about his loyalty and how much he cares about his job. so the only right thing to do now is punish those who were wrong. that sounds fair, doesn't it?" he asked innocently. you nodded, stomach sinking at the direction this was going in. "use your words." he commanded, putting a firm hand on your shoulder. "yes, that sounds fair." you whispered weakly.
"now, there are...a few ways...i could punish you right now. but you're not the only one who messed up. and besides, i think those other ways would be better reserved for when we're home together. yeah?" he joked, the smirk potent in his sweet voice. "so here's what we'll do. mr. ahn was unloyal to me. he didn't do what i asked him to, and i don't go for that. but, i'm going to leave it up to you,"
"should i go and kill mr. ahn right now, or,"
you shook your head frantically. "jungkook, no. please, don't. it's my fault, okay? i'm sorry." you pleaded. he nodded. "yeah, princess, it is your fault. and now, you're paying the price. so, i could go and kill him right now, or,
i could burn down this entire house with everybody in it, including us."
your stomach lurched at the sick words that fell from his mouth so easily. tears brimmed your eyes, blurring the glow of the chandelier above you into a mess of golden light and black suit fabric as you looked up in disbelief. it felt like every organ in your body somehow stopped working and kicked into overdrive all at once. "please, jungkook. you don't have to kill anybody. please, i'm sorry. it's my fault. just do whatever you said earlier to me. please, don't hurt anybody else." you choked out, cheeks slick with tears.
he shook his head. "those are the only two options for you, princess. i like your enthusiasm, though. so what'll it be? kill one man who deserves it, or bring down ten other innocent people, including yourself?" he probed, pushing your jaw up to look at him. "now, [name], or i'll choose for you." he warned.
"the first one!" you spat. "now, which one was that? don't be shy, princess, i want to hear that sweet voice of yours." he teased, smirking at your distress. "kill mr. ahn." you said weakly, your blurry vision just able to make out the smug grin on jungkook's face. he shrugged nonchalantly, dropping your jaw from his hands and letting it fall as you laid your head in your hands, barely biting back uncontrollable, heaving sobs. "if you say so."
he left, strides long and shoulders back, and the seconds once again felt like hours as you were left alone in the unbearable silence. though you preferred deafening silence over what was next. the yelps of pain, the pleas, and the deafening sound of bones cracking and bloody knuckles meeting bruised flesh. even from a floor away, you could hear the atrocity from the bedroom. you clasped your hands over your ears, hoping the blockage and the sound of your own crying would mute the tortuous sounds.
after a disturbingly short amount of time, you heard the thrashing and struggling grind to a stop. taking your shaky hands away from your red ears, you pulled them close to your chest, crinkling back into a fetal position on the bed as your wails echoed off the walls of the bedroom. tears flooded from your eyes, onto the fabric of the comforter and into your hair, and only got worse as you heard the sound of dreaded footsteps drawing closer to the bedroom.
as you wallowed in the pits of hellish guilt, you made a promise, to both yourself and to everybody else that stood in the unpredictable path of jungkook's rage and violence.
this was never going to happen again.
❀⊱ ═════════════════ ⋆★⋆ ═════════════════ ⊰❀
this time, you were confident. there was no way your plan could go wrong. this was your guaranteed ticket to freedom.
you spent months being obedient. conforming yourself to be the perfect one for him. ever since that horrific day, when an innocent man died because of your careless decision, you committed yourself to the mission of making sure something like that never, ever happened again, not if you could help it.
so you listened. you let him say whatever he wanted, do whatever he wanted. you were more than just his ragdoll, though, you played along. you smiled at him sweetly, and listened to his words, and told him you loved him with a kiss on the cheek every night before sleeping.
of course, it made you sick. knowing the hands that grabbed your waist and played with your hair and made you dinner and everything in between were the same ones that brutally ended the life of innocent people made your stomach twist in ways it never had before, and you hated it.
every night, you felt so marked, so unpure, so dirty. like the blood that he washed down the drain like nothing that day had stayed on his hands and left smudgy, sticky handprints all over you. but maybe, just maybe, your trying days and sleepless nights would finally pay off.
knocking softly on the wooden door, you didn't need to wait for jungkook to respond before you opened the door. looking up, he smiled happily as he saw you come towards him. "there you are, princess!" he greeted, closing his laptop as you smiled back at him. you greeted him quietly as you shut the door behind you. "come sit, darling." he beckoned, tapping his lap as he pushed his chair out, "i missed you today."
you obliged, a sharp tinge of disgust striking through your heart as you straddled his lap, resting your chin on his shoulder. he wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you closer to him and sighing deeply. "how was your day? do anything interesting? i wish i could've stayed with you today." he said wistfully, rubbing his hands up and down your back gently.
you shook your head. "not really. it was good, though." you replied. sitting back, you met his eyes, the hesitated look on your face acting as the dangling carrot in front of the hungry rabbit. "what is it, sweetheart? you look sad."
you shrugged. "oh, i don't know. it's kind of silly. don't worry about it." you chuckled, fiddling with your fingers as you spoke. eyebrows knitting together, jungkook shook his head. "no it's not, baby. tell me what's going on." he probed. for a second, just a split second, your mind began to wander into the waters of uncertainty.
"come on, you know i like to hear your sweet voice."
your heart lurched at the sentence, one that was forever stuck in your mind as a painful reminder of that awful day. suddenly, the uncertainty was gone, replaced by an urgent sense of eagerness and determination.
"i just miss my old life." you admitted. "i was just...so proud of everything that i made for myself. not that i don't like it here with you, but i miss my routine. i miss going to the store, and getting my coffee, and walking through my neighborhood. it took me a long time to finally gain happiness, and i wish i could've held onto that for a little longer." you said sadly, eyes welling up at the memories of the life you once cherished.
jungkook nodded slowly. he stayed silent, but you could see the wheels turning in his head as he considered your confession. "and, i was kind of wondering, if..." you sighed shakily, "if it'd be okay for me to go out? just for the day, sometimes. and i'd come back here every night. i would just want to go back to my apartment, and get my old clothes, and have another one of my favorite drinks, and visit the old park i used to walk at."
looking back into his eyes, you were met with his own eyes being focused on the floor. he had a thoughtful expression, and the oh-so sweet glimmer of hope that had been extinguished for so long finally regained its spark. he stayed like that for a while, as if he were picturing everything you just said and everything that could go wrong.
"i'll think about it."
your eyes widened, eyebrows raising and the corners of your mouth curling upwards. "really?!" you exulted, sitting up in his lap. he smiled and nodded again. "yeah, really. you've been a good girl, i think you deserve a reward." he grinned. "thank you, thank you!" you cheered, wrapping your arms around his neck in a tight hug and kissing his cheek.
"of course, darling. anything for you." he beamed. "why don't you go to the kitchen and have someone start on dinner? i just have one more call to make, and then i'm all yours. sound good?" he hummed. you nodded happily, hopping off his lap and bubbling out of the office.
it worked, it worked so well! the glow of freedom was so close, you could practically feel its warmth absorb into your skin as you skipped downstairs. everything seemed brighter now; the lights illuminated the room in a different way, the vases of flowers were more vibrant, and your soul felt like it was shining more than it had in months.
if only you knew the storm cloud that was headed your way.
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ranticore · 4 months
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someone asked me ages ago for more anatomical drawings of harpies so i deliver. the feathers are laid out in tracts and can hide a lot of detail under the contours, and the fact that the body is usually smaller than people think (and much lighter). The neck usually blends in pretty well with the body, unless the feathers are raised or the crop is full.
they do not have hands whatsoever, all manipulation of objects is done by the feet and mouth. even with their lack of hands they do not at all suffer a lack of dexterity. in the kosa region the eagle harpy flock is famous primarily for its weaving culture - weaving is so integral to their society, in fact, that they view the world itself as nothing more than a large and complex tapestry, woven by some unknown artist. this is evident in how they orient themselves in the air, referring to a tailwind as 'warp', while a crosswind is 'weft'.
these aren't like actual muscle groups or anything it's more of a drawing guide to show which areas have mass & define the form
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the thing that gets me a lot about drawing birds & birdlike guys is how high up the leg can articulate, in real birds it's like pretty much in their armpit. harpies have a more humanlike torso which means more space between the rib cage and the hips, and more articulation of the spine in this area as well (though i realise now that i didn't actually draw that in any of those poses). it also means they have a more defined belly area below the pectorals/ribcage.
a king is pictured here but there's no real difference under the feathers between a king and a regular harpy, aside from kings being generally more robust and more heavily built (by harpy standards).
harpies are the descendants of humans who were cursed to be birds thousands of years ago. those humans, who aided the apocalypse, were primarily messengers and chanters, assistants of the wizards who ended the world. their relatively unmonstrous cursed form reflects their general lack of importance to the crime - petty criminals, accessories, not perpetrators. their behaviour is strongly informed by the birds they were blended with to the point where there is very little about them that's even remotely human and their cultures and societies are almost wholly birdlike.
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st4rrth0ughts · 4 months
i tend to think softer yans in the way that they are pathetic wet clingy cats for you but will murder if someone is mean to u lmao, anyway been going through sunday x reader tag and seeing alotta yan!sunday, but hear me out, yan!sunday x yan!reader
alot of the hc for sunday, yan sunday especially, mention him making a dreamscape just for reader, so they dont leave him, but with yan!r, sunday gets possesive and controlling, not wanting to be left behind, *coughcough abandoned cough* again :( reader cant help but coo at how adorable hes being cause of course why would we ever leave our darling dove behind?? after all we own his being as much as he owns ours...
well if he so worried then the least we can do is make sure everyone knows we both belong to the other and the other alone, like always wearing one of his feathers as an accessory, getting him a collar and telling him to never take it off, fucking him so stupid he cant think so he no longer worries, you know the usual stuff ☺️
god after 2.2 this fits him
he's obsessed with the idea pf control, not because he wants to manipulate you, ofc ot, but he just sees you as a pretty bird, too weak to fly out of its cage without crashing and plummeting to its death.
He loves you, he truly does, but you must understand! he just doesn't want you to be hurt, to have to sees the horros of the outside world, your simply too precious to let go.
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lowkeyrobin · 6 months
Can i have mcyt + cellbit with a reader who has lots of pets like reptiles, birds and mice and stuff?
ooooo okay!! I don't know too much about little rodent pets (/lh) so I had to do some research, bare w me if anything is weird or wrong lmaooo
MCYT ; animal sanctuary
includes ; tommyinnit, ranboo, badlinu, nihachu, quackity, & cellbit
warnings ; language, talk of harm towards animals
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"Holy shit, what is this? an animal sanctuary? this is your house???"
he loves all ur animals dw
he's afraid of the little parakeets though
he mistakes them for pigeons at first 💀💀
he's jittery around the mice and rats but he comes to love them
if you have a lizard/salamander that likes to be heald/climb all over ppl, you know damn well he's allowing it to crawl all over him
so many selfies and pictures of the little critters all over his insta, tik tok and even twitter
he makes a whole segment in his show to talk about your animals 😭😭
"the first time I ever went to y/n's house, I actually almost pissed myself" cue pictures of your little critters on the screen behind him "these fuckers are so terrifying. you see that bird right there? he mocks me everytime I speak! hashtag ban rodents 2024"
absolutely loves the reptiles and fuzzy critters
always taking pictures of them
you two do this fun thing by inspiring outfits around your different animals
like one day it'll be a certain salamander and another it'll be one of your birds
loves handfeeding the critters
loves posting their goodnight pics with one of your critters in hand/climbing on them
you guys go to animal shelters if you wanna find a new pet or buddy for a critter of course
yall always get the ones with the saddest backstories and shit
ranboo gets an axolotl
they're obsessed with her, and is so good at raising the fishy lizard 🫶
you bring a salamander over to meet the fish and they have a connection istg
ranboo takes a pic and posts it to Twitter; "two best friends in two different worlds"
is probably slightly afraid of the birds at first, they're scared of being bit
uses funny pictures of your animals as reaction memes
absolutely loves all your little critters
loves all the colors of them as well, especially the reptiles and birds
if you have a snake, he's terrified to get near it but will always take pictures of it climbing all over you
"You feed him spiders?? 😨😨😨"
he's the bird master
birds all over him all the time, he's a walking bird nest
always taking pics of/with your animals
if you have hamsters, good lord he's paying more attention to them than you 😭😭
"hiiiii, how are you today?"
"why do you actually care about my mice more than me"
also loves taking to the birds that talk back
has genuine conversations with them too
you do a cooking stream and he HIDES A RAT IN HIS HAIR FOR TEN MINUTES
"what the fuck"
absolutely adores all your little creatures
always has to show them off online
and always telling stories on stream
"y/n has this one salamander and she likes to nibble fingers, and one time-"
always taking cute pics with the pets that like to be heald/like to climb on people
she's literally an animal godess I swear
she's a critter whisperer sorry not sorry
always taking videos of funny moments / when you're giving all them time outside the cage
there's always birds on her shoulder, sleeping beauty ass 😭🙏
literally becomes a photographer for ur pets, she takes the best pictures ever
she makes them little hats and accessories 😭😭😭
always buying them toys as well
in the middle of the night you'll be awoken with the RMRMRMRMRMRM of the hamster wheel she got the hamsters
literally has to make a note on his phone to keep track of all the names
he is not touching no damn reptile
always posting pics online
you guys start fostering critters as well
turns on loud meme music and has a concert with the mice
he knows how to call the birds like he's fucking sleeping beauty
"how tf did you just do that???"
"okay then 🤨"
you foster a duck together that had her wings clipped
you name her together (it's named daisyhq I can't even make this up. you did the hq btw)
mice and rats all over him and his desk 24/7
and he'll gladly show them off on stream
"can we get a parrot?"
"my brother in christ we already have two birds?"
also lovessss your critters
he genuinley has conversations with the birds
so many pictures of your animals on his social media LMAO
he names the new ones (you left it all up to him) the most random things
always asking you about toys before he buys them because he feels bad because what if they're lonely and sad but he doesn't wanna potentially hurt them either
always fucking around with the birds when they're hyper
also plays tag with the mice/rats
also loves showing them off on stream and ranting about them for a solid ten minutes
he finds a rat on the qsmp and names it after one of your rats
walks back in the house one day with a rat like "I found a friend! :D"
"Holy shit bro"
selfies with critters in his hair >>>>
alright this is all I got this took me way too long...
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iidsch · 8 months
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The more I look at Kaji's outfit the more I think it holds a lot of symbolism. She's the elegant and beautiful bird that protects the little ones - the other prostitutes - under her wing, but she's also at the top of the picture, because ultimately she's the one who holds the power in the brothel.
And we've seen birds represent other women in the show: the little mother sparrow Mizu kills might be an analogy for Kinuyo, while Akemi is often framed as being inside a cage, and the bird she frees is killed by the husband who is rumored to have murdered her previous wife. So I wouldn't be surprised if the choice of a majestic bird reigning over some smaller birds to represent Kaji was deliberate.
I also think it's worth noting that all these birds, especially the one in Kaji's kimono, are truly gorgeous but weak. None of them seem to be birds of prey, and most are very small and frail - they can easily be hunted down by someone stronger, like a bigger bird or a hunter, just like the women in the show are only valued for their beauty and don't enjoy barely any freedoms because men have control over them.
Akemi frees a bird and it gets killed instantly, just like her attempts at freedom are shut down every time; the majestic bird reigns over the smaller ones but it's still trapped in a cage, just like Kaji enjoys some power at the brothel but can't escape her position in society as a woman.
And speaking of Madame Kaji and birds, her brothel seems to be full of them:
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Notice in this last one Kaji's hair accessories on the right - they have birds in them
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Most of the prostitute's outfits also have birds on them but none is as big and majestic as the one in Kaji's outfit (I also think there are birds drawn in the boxes holding the mirrors but I can't tell)
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Even the outfit Akemi picks at the brothel has birds in them (+ the bird in her hair!)
I'm probably missing some more examples of this but I think it's pretty clear birds symbolize women and their different conditions in the show, and that's pretty cool 🐦✨
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fortheloveofarchons · 5 months
My opinions on Sunday from Honkai: Star Rail
C.W. Contains spoilers after the 2.2 Honkai: Star Rail Trailblazer Quest + theories and lore
I kinda agree with his philosophies and thinking... to some extent...
Okay hear me out!!!
We all know by now that Sunday's whole motive is to protect everyone and ensure that they won't have to suffer anymore (like when he states that he wants everyone to have seven rest days). I can empathise with his character so much, as someone who (as ridiculous and cowardly as it sounds) is afraid to face the harsh realities of life. I mean, even if he's set as a villain, he is as gentle and empathetic as his sister Robin, just that they both express it differently.
Seeing the cutscenes of him and Robin from their past to the present was just so immersive, because Sunday brings up some very demoralizing and harsh situations that he faced back then, and we, the audience, can understand and relate to struggling to cope with his disappointment, frustration, grief, and anger - all while often having little to no power to change things.
From the way Sunday is acting, he seems more like a traumatised parental figure (as we've seen the reason why Robin has to wear excessive neck accessories due to her being shot) who cannot let go and provide his care and safe environment for his loved ones.
Moreover, his ideologies felt surreal as I myself would take that path since I can relate to his trauma and ideals (and also as someone who has a sibling too)
His viewpoint is understandable, but...
Taking away the basic right of an individual's free will for safety is always a controversial issue.
As Himeko once called out Sunday, she states that he's just going to trap everyone in a bird cage through eternal slumber, which robs them their freedom and agency.
Plus, from what Robin said, if Sunday's plan worked, he's going to hurt himself too. Because Sunday will be in charge of everything and everyone, he won't even have time to rest, causing his body and mind to be exhausted to the bone (maybe possible cause his mind and body to corrode cause he needs to rest at one point)
Moreover, Firefly made a good point disapproving Sunday's point that he should not assume just because someone is weak doesn't mean that they should automatically escape to fantasy. It is up to you to be strong so you can fly into the sky, and that not everyone who is weak should be weak.
I remember someone commenting on Youtube stating that Sunday protects Robin so much, that Sunday doesn't even know how to protect himself for facing the outside world. It's kind of ironic considering that Sunday is supposed to be the protective, influential type of characters in Penacony, yet he barely knows how to fly. Robin, however, took the opportunity to spread her philosophies of Harmony and influence others in reality.
In conclusion, Sunday has the right idea, it's just that he has a terrible execution. But I know that there are some people who don't mind, I've been on Instagram to see a lot of people agreeing with his views... yes I'm talking about all those sunday stans cause I've seen a lot from them
(I ain't complaining plz we need more Sunday content!!!)
I mean-- in reality I wouldn't agree; but in this story, I would agree with him. (if we don't consider my simping and bias because that has the most influence)
Honestly, I'm hoping he gets a redemption arc because I really love him (I personally wouldn't mind if Sunday gets the Wanderer treatment from Genshin Impact if it means that Sunday will be playable), and hoping that he is really alive (as stated by the leakers that Sunday has a bunch of specific codes and emotion codes that's exclusive to playable characters).
That said, may we Sunday havers have more Sunday content and playable Sunday in the future!!! I'm gonna write a fic for Sunday so stay tuned!!
Let me know what you guys think of Sunday! Do you think he'll get redeemed? Playable? Alive?
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kinoshita-asuka · 2 years
happy holidays, from THE FATUI HARBINGERS
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winter time is here, and is tradition, time to exchange gifts with people they hold dear. what would the feared (warranted) fatui harbingers give their loved one?
harbingers x reader (minus pierro, la signora, and scaramouche) pulcinella is platonic 1.25k words; yandere undertones for some (they are harbingers) i do not condone yandere behavior
author's note: oh please let me remember to publish it on time.
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pierro, no. 1
pierro is off at the moment, but he will send you one soon (aka i don't know how to write for him)
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il dottore, no.2
the doctor would give you an invention of his. if you wanted to, he'll even gift a segment of him to you, they would appreciate it. but the gift he would most want to give you is an immortal body, so you could stay with him. he is an expert at biological matters, like his segments and collei… he would modify your body to never die, he would even make more bodies for you. if you die, you could just have another body. that would be his definition of staying with him forever and his solution to your mortality. on the other hand, the segments would gift you different things based on various periods of dottore's life. one might give you a mechanical bird while another might gift you a mindless servant, a former fatui member you've seen around.
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columbina no. 3
columbina's gifts would be quite sincere and innocent. she'll give you a pretty white dove in a golden gilded cage and say, "look at this! it's so pretty, right my dove?" you should love her gifts, they're so pretty and she picked them out, all for you. she'll give you the same accessories as her own, such as her trademark lace blindfold and the feathers behind her head. or she gifts you things that she thinks resemble you, like the dove, or maybe a cute cat with a nice collar on it. she'll cuddle you and sing songs as you sleep, her eyes tracing the collar on your neck, matching your beloved cat's, with bell and all.
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il capitano no. 4
the captain's gifts are clumsy, but sincere. he would pick whatever best he can think of for you (from his side). what would you get from him? a weapon, of course. for a non-combatant. he'll spend hours contemplating, observing you, to see which weapon would be better for you, can you use a bow or do you have the strength to swing a sword around. hey, maybe not the best gift for the holidays, but it's sincere from his side. his mindset is very combat-oriented. of course, he is one of the most effective combatants for the tsaritsa. he thinks that you should be prepared to battle, no matter when or where. better to be ready. he tries to teach you how to fight, to protect yourself. who knows who would come after you..
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pulcinella, no. 5
pulcinella, the mayor of the nation. he would have the most heartfelt gifts, after childe. he has experience with gifts, as he always gives them to tartaglia's family and takes care of them, even if childe is too oblivious to realize the very obvious hostage situation. pulcinella would treat you like his granddaughter, he would gift you a scarf to keep you warm and money to keep you afloat. his financial support has helped you a lot. all he asks of you is to keep in close contact with him, which is an easy request for you. his old age and experience in the fatui have caused him to want someone close to him and someone he can spoil. just don't worry about a few fatui soldiers cruising across your small town, looking for a few "threats" that have tried to harm you..
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scaramouche, no. 6
this seat has been left vacant for centuries. how could somebody give a gift to you if they didn't exist?
"hmm? there used to be one? i can't seem to remember."
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sandrone, no. 7
this girl only works on her puppets and machines most of the time, so don't expect much gifting-wise. she wouldn't give you food or clothes, she would give you a mechanical invention of hers, but not her unfinished works. no, her most polished puppet, made with the best materials and tuned to perfection, will be given to you. like dottore, don't expect heartfelt gifts. these two run purely on logic and what is most practical to gift to you, which for sandrone, is her specialty field. as a plus for sandrone, this was a good time to test the puppet she made to see if it needed any improvements or if it works well. Her gift is programmed to watch you and report your movements at all times. it is a test run of a new surveillance robot she's been working on…
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la signora, no. 8
"the fair lady? she should be deceased, so she can't give out presents unlesss.. you have a way to manifest her back into the world."
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pantalone, no. 9
known as the richest man in snezhnaya, so of course, he would only have the most decadent gifts picked out for you. he might be the living incarnation of "i'll buy everything from here to here" and point from the start of the shelf to the very edge. there'll be the biggest diamond you've ever seen, inlaid on an indent in the center of a gorgeous silver necklace. he'll have the entire collection of famous designers from liyue, mondstadt, or any other nation. or you'll find yourself with a little coat, made of what seems to be the fur of a white fox, only for pantalone to inform you it's a mythical beast, and it is like the one stolen that was to be gifted to the tsaritsa. money is best spent on the most valuable individuals, whether to cherish them, chain them down, or both. he's spent so much on you, so stay with him.
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arlecchino, no. 10
this woman is quite the piece of work. described as "there isn't a sane bone in her body", she is surprisingly… sweet to you? you don't know what you did, but you somehow fell in love. she wouldn't know much about gift-giving, but she does have some experience picking out gifts for the children of the "house of the hearth". the knave would give out sentimental but practical gifts, something like a comb or a hairpin, something of very high value, emotionally and materially. she would pick something you could use in everyday life or wear on yourself that she could see. like pantalone, she likes seeing you in things she's bought, but with a different motive for it. it signals that you are hers. you'll be the only one that allows her to show her darker side, so in exchange, you should stay hers, right? you'll be the only one to not disappear when you see her dark side.
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tartaglia, no. 11
tartaglia would get you warm and heartfelt gifts. whether it be a batch of cookies made by his family or a warm scarf personally knitted by his mother or even himself (he would learn to knit for you). if childe did not get you some kind of gift like the above, he would use his saved-up mora to buy you something luxurious or comfortable, like nice coats and delicacies imported from other nations. he can do at least that much. while not as wealthy as pantalone, he is still immensely wealthy. he is very empathetic and would know what to gift you, it's a skill you acquire when you have to get gifts for a whole family. that extends to you, you are his second home, and he'll be damned if he doesn't spoil you. he shall cherish you, just like how he cherished his family after his near-death experience in the abyss. another little gift, he'll protect you with everything he's got, just like the icy grave of a certain aggressor buried in the thick snow who thought that he could fell the battle-hungry childe with his beloved.
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worked on for 2 days
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rottenpumpkin13 · 1 year
Mass text from Director Lazard:
Attention! According to my sources, the Department of SOLDIER is getting a surprise inspection by the President in less than 2 hours. Please wear your uniforms (shirt included!) and be on your best behaviour. If you have to, you can use the storage room 4903, but please no human or animal corpses this time. Use the incinerator in R&D. Please remember to pick up all your belongings after the inspection, let's not traumatise our cleaning staff again.
The Fire Olympics scheduled for Saturday is an unofficial event and we are NOT going to mention it to the President.
Kind regards,
Inspection Day
• Lazard sends the email, then casually goes back to work, reviewing some documents, the norm. The SOLDIERs are a handful, sure, but trusts his men. They're good people and that's why he's letting them have the fire olympics. After all, they deserve it. They've been on his best behavior lately and—why does he smell smoke and hear screaming?
• He gets up and rushes out into the main hallway.
• First thing he sees is Sephiroth running from a determined Angeal and four other SOLDIERs. Angeal has a uniform shirt in his hands and the others are all holding tranquilizer guns.
• Angeal is laughing manically while chasing him, screaming "HAHA WE GOT YOU NOW BITCH" and Sephiroth is heard replying with "I REFUSE. NEVER. OVER MY DEAD BODY."
• Genesis is crying. He's playing tug of war with his red coat while two 3rds try to wrestle it away from him.
SOLDIER: Commander, I understand why you're upset, but it's not part of the issued uniform!
Genesis: But I'm the Crimson Commander! The Red Mage of ShinRa! How else am I supposed to show that I'm special!?
• Meanwhile Kunsel stumbles out of Genesis's office looking dazed and petrified.
Kunsel: The amount of illegal shit in this man's office OH MY god. Zack! Hey Zack, help us drag some of this kerosene, gasoline, fireworks, Molotov cocktails, Dynamite, Sephiroth cardboard cutout filled with bullet holes, and what I hope isn't drugs down into the storage room...Zack? Zack, where are you going?
• Zack ignores him. He's holding a box of leashes and cages and looks as white as a sheet.
Zack, mumbling to himself: I knew this was going to happen one day. Okay, Zack, you got this. You got this, don't panic.
• And then Cloud stumbles out of Angeal's office holding a.... suspicious..plant.
• Angeal, who was passing by holding a struggling Sephiroth with duct tape over his mouth, stops cold in his tracks.
Angeal: I had WHAT in my office?
Genesis, hopeful: Oh! It grew!? <3
• At that moment Zack walks buy with about 8 dogs on leashes and a cage under his arm that contains a feral hamster.
• But no one pays attention because Sephiroth has freed himself, tears away his shirt, and is running away screaming through his duct taped mouth.
• Angeal and the other SOLDIERs run after him, nearly crashing into a dispirited Roche coming in
Roche: Bad news, guys. How are we gonna cover the hole in the lounge wall from the time I drove through it on my bike?
• Zack walks buy with 3 pigs on leashes and an exotic bird on his shoulder.
• Angeal walks back in dragging Sephiroth. Sephiroth has his hands and feet bound. They put him in another shirt and are now left with the arduous task of tying his hair up.
Sephiroth: #$*@&!
Angeal: Woah! You kiss your mother with that mouth?
Angeal: Ah shit, man, sorry.
• Zack rides by on a horse.
• Genesis walks in wearing the standard SOLDIER uniform without his added accessories.
Genesis: No, no, noooo! I look so boring! How am I supposed to—ACK!
• Kunsel crashes through the ceiling and falls on top of Genesis. Genesis is now partially unconscious on the floor covered in white dust, and there is now a gaping hole in the ceiling.
• Kunsel: Guys, quick, someone help me burn these illegal documents I stole from the turks and was hiding in the vents!
• A few SOLDIERS run out of the elevator hacking and coughing with watering eyes.
Luxiere: Commander Rhapsodos's illegal items broke the incinerator.
• Zack runs by chasing 7 chickens.
• Cloud runs in.
Cloud: You're not gonna believe this! Remember the stolen materia the Turks were investigating a few months back? I found the stash here. The culprit is a SOLDIER!
Genesis: Well they're not going to confiscate MY loot!
Cloud: IT WAS YOU!?
• Zack passes by with what could potentially be all of the Chocobos in Midgar.
• Angeal finally gets Sephiroth into the complete, official SOLDIER uniform sans accessories. Sephiroth looks severely miffed and wants to run away, but Angeal is holding a tranquilizer gun.
• Zack walks by with an Alligator. It's notable to mention that the alligator has a name tag that reads Lacoste.
• And then Roche walks back in.
Roche: Im gonna pass out. Did you guys read the handbook? Article 38 says all SOLDIER operatives cannot have hair that exceeds 30 centimeters.
• Angeal looks at Sephiroth.
• Sephiroth looks at Angeal.
• Angeal pulls out a razor.
Sephiroth: OH NO YOU DON'T
• Both he and Roche run away screaming.
Genesis: Oh, I almost forgot about the stripper pole we installed in the gym. Better go take that down.
• Zack rushes by riding an ostrich.
Lazard: I'm going to get fired.
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valkariel · 6 months
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Caged Bird
A gilded cage is a cage nonetheless.
Head: Theogonic Circlet of Casting - soot black Body: Edenchoir Tunic of Casting - rhotano blue Hands: True Linen Gloves of Casting - rhotano blue Legs: Edenchoir/Edencall Breeches of Casting - default Feet: Virtu Goetia Thighboots - snow white
Earring: Manalis Earrings of Casting Neck: The Emperor's New Necklace Wrists: The Emperor's New Bracelet Right Ring: The Emperor's New Ring Left Ring: The Emperor's New Ring
Main Hand: Bluefeather Rod Off Hand: --
Fashion Accessory: -- Minion: -- Mount: -- Location: #AmarisStudios - Aether/Gilgamesh Lavender Beds W3 P54
Shader: Faeberry Bloom
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raguerel · 11 months
Philza when explaining tallulah’s bed being gone with now no accessories. There are bird cage besides tallulah bed BUT he doesn’t even mentioned how he is suffering to wilbur like at all because he know that wil already have so much in mind therefore phil don’t share it with him
He is suffering so much from the egg disappearance however he don’t have anyone to fall back to. The most he does was sharing his dream with fit and that really about it, tubbo is kinda unstable and phil would be a pillar for tubbo more than tubbo can be for him really
Since, the eggs disappearance he been there for forever helping him with the happy pills, being VERY cooperative with every investigations he can possibly be, reassuring missa / tubbo about eggs disappearances, taking so many clues / photos gathering everything he get his hands on and hand it to cellbit, or the lastest him accompanied wilbur even if wil disregard his feeling toward eggs that he have been taking care for almost 5+ months.
To the point where anything he can get a hand on at all even if it mean getting traps in a cage for WEEK. He is willing to do anything to get his child back. And q!Phil bird cage arc is literally
‘That must be so confusing for a little girl
And I know you're going to need me here with you
But I'm losing myself, and I'm afraid you're gonna lose me too’
It not the first time phil broke, He broke multiple times without anyone to lean on to, and it him only himself to get every piece of him together and get back up. This time it just not a sadness but rage when wilbur accusing him for not caring at all he broke because he care he always does and to get treated like he wasn’t doing anything make him hurts the rage that comes out turn into sorrow in an instant.
And in the same days after he trying to find any leads on them at all he goes back to wil and APOLOGIZE for snaping. Afterall, They do share the same goals. But all I’m saying is that Philza lonely arc is always been there and I don’t think much islander realize about it. ( IM JUST SO EXCITED FOR WHAT COMING FOR HIS CHARACTER AAAAAAAAAA )
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Okay I was expecting him to get trapped/kidnapped sooner or later but this trapping of him seems a little... Unnecessary?
There have been people that have done much worse but they trap him for a lava cast?
Or, was it the; 'a cage for a cage' thing that made them feel they need to trap him in a bird house of all things.
With the accessories of his kids
They led him on- it was so unnecessarily cruel and fuck I want to know why they did it
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