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iluminaughter · 11 months ago
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whiteboard doods!! (01/04)
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some epik doods I made in the BEF server on the server between March 30th and April 6th! I didn't publish them before because I didn't know whether to put them all in one post or separate them in parts ^^')7 SOooooOOoo, I decide to separate by theme! Today I put the most elaborate ones, tomorrow I will put the most sillies and in the next few days you will see the collabs and a sub-event that I did in the middle of the event! Stay tuned...~
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fleshbag-au · 1 year ago
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🔽 Extra: Now as a GIF! 🔽
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----------- "A (strange) gift!"
hey! it's been a while but Alex decided to spawn with a new book and wanted to do this to celebrate!! Also, I was doing more things here to post in the next few days! Stay tuned!! (I cant believe that I do a "Steven Bomb" for xmas gift) xd
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theseratio · 11 months ago
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Masterclass webinar: 'More than #Carbon. More than #bips. How #AI is increasing ESG Impact Investing 10 fold' with @olingataeed hosted by TBLI - world's leading authority on #ESG and #ImpactInvesting. Thursday, May 9 · 2 - 3pm GMT+1 https://www.eventbrite.nl/e/more-than-carbon-or-bips-how-ai-is-increasing-esg-impact-investing-10-fold-tickets-880633908727?aff=ebdsshcopyurl&utm-campaign=social&utm-content=attendeeshare&utm-medium=discovery&utm-source=&utm-term=creator-collections&utm-share-source=creator-collections #goodistrending
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binnte-dil · 2 years ago
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bipasha basu, Dhoom 2 (2006)
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bipspreschool · 6 months ago
"Students stepping into the spotlight, one verse at a time! 🌟❤️ #YoungPoets"
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dontcallittimetravel · 2 years ago
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In honor of Mother’s Day, this week’s story is about misbehaving teenagers (with also a special nod to Adrian Tchaikovsky)
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daylightglitch · 15 days ago
literally obsessed with whoever captioned yesterday's video
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toadlessgirl · 11 months ago
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iluminaughter · 10 months ago
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(From left to right: Helos by me, Wirt and Bips by @hot-gremlin-pissboy and Darcy by @only-a-fanfic-character (?) )
whiteboard doods!! (03/04)
With @crazy-tomato !
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With @only-a-fanfic-character !
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With Both! (and @hot-gremlin-pissboy and people that I doesn't know their user but draws very swagg)
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and now as a finishing touch….
(in 144p bc dumb boi doesn't know how to capture lmao)
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I really enjoyed doing these bizarre things with everyone! You guys are badasses!
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fleshbag-au · 1 year ago
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Meet Bips!
(omg the first ref sheet, i really dont know dont to do this xd!!!)
"Bips is a being formed from the remains of Bill and Dipper, a kind of "imperfect fusion" that ended up being an amalgamation of both personalities, creating a new one. Despite inheriting all the negative personalities of both, they usually maintains some positivity as an attempt to ward off as much as possible the existential crises that cause him constant anxiety."
🔽More Info below! 🔽
Personality: This was also a combination of the worst of both beings, making him someone insecure, clumsy, lonely and too distrustful of his surroundings. They constantly doubts his existence and whether at some point he can go crazy like Bill. However, they also has good things, such as his desire to help himself and others, perhaps they just needs a guide to discover their own identity.
Extra Info! (and a bit of lore)
They born after the events of "the incident" (The Interdimensional Collapse), as a result of the hoax that Bill was caught by Dipper by possessing his body, instead of merging body and soul as one, almost the opposite happens and they form a creature that has its own thoughts but with identity problems, both physical and emotional, as if it were a "amalgam" of both.
When it's damaged in a greater or lesser part, they can regenerate its parts by the "blorbos", however this takes time depending on the damage caused.
The "blorbos" are what Bips calls the parts that escape from their body, those things were actually the remains that had left of Dipper and Bill's body and soul after "the incident" and had been corrupted by the place, they had come together again to rebuild what they were before.
They has a Journal (which is actually an old sketchbook) where they writes down everything that observes and finds interesting, from monsters that they sees in home, interesting places to tricks he just discovered when playing thier video games.
At first Bips did not know what he wanted to call theirselves, they only called theirselves “Pinetree”, but perhaps some circumstance made they change his mind.
Kryptos is one of the closest friends, if not, the closest friend of the entire group, despite missing his "boss", they quickly got used to having Bips in well, what seems to be his new life.
They really wants to be able to restore some life in their dimension, perhaps being their last chance to at least recover the relatives of that “human” that is part of their being (and who knows, they may be friends with the henchmaniacs).
Despite having their dorky personality, sometimes they can highlight his "bill side" a little, sometimes Axolotl accidentally encourages them to cause a lil' chaos but at least he knows when it's time to stop, between the two of them they try to regulate their chaotic sides.
They has a secret ability that I can't tell now! but as a clue I could tell you what can help them to escape!
When they has their anxiety attacks or tends to get very scared, his body begins to "melt", causing all the blobs to hide in various places.
In general is a calm bro, but one of the few things that can make really angry is that they say that “BABBA” is overrated, they is a die-hard fan of that band and will defend it at all costs, even if that means being epically humiliated xd
Loveees playing videogames in their free time, that distracts them from having his existential crises
A lil' detail! the use of "they/them" is not the exact meaning of the pronoums, as it is made by two beings and they don't know exactly who it is (or what it is), you prefer to refer both in the plural and singular way. A reference that inspires on that is Webber from Don't Starve
Some songs that maybe fit or remind them:
Here comes the Savior - The Living Tombstone (actually I think it would fit the AU in general xdd)
Dead weight - Jack Stauber
Invisible - Cuarteto de Nos
This will be edited over time to add or edit information over time!
Last edit: 29/12/23
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b1p-b00p-b0p · 6 months ago
Hi yea so yknow Stanley Pines? The one that's been legally dead for years now? And therefore probably can't be buried in a public gravesite nor have any of his family come to his funeral besides his brother and the twins? And probably can't get an official grave so they have to settle for a crudely made one hidden away in the forest behind the shack? The one that has to be buried all alone? That Stanley Pines? Yea so anyway I'm gonna go sob in the corner now.
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artoounces · 2 months ago
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chamunda · 1 year ago
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lexosaurus · 15 days ago
here's a reference for people writing school-aged disabled characters in the US and are confused whether their character would be receiving a 504 vs IEP vs BIP:
✨ 504 documents center around accommodations only (including medical). accommodations allow the student different access to the curriculum in some way while still upholding them to the same standards of learning. for example, a student might have accommodations for 50% extra time on tests/quizzes, reference or formula sheets for math tests, sentence starters for english class, assistive technology like text to speech/speech to text, tests given in a low-stimulus location, etc.
✨ IEP documents, while they almost always do grant accommodations, also must include modifications which change the actual content of the class in some way. common examples of curriculum modifications could be a reduction in the material for classwork and homework, separate and reduced tests, a difference in expectation for output (for example, on a project, a student may be graded based on a different rubric or based on effort vs correctness), placement in a skills development/learning center/resource class, etc. IEPs may also grant services to the student like speech and OT.
✨ IEPs also may include a BIP, or a behavioral intervention plan (BIPs can technically exist independently from an IEP though that's rare). a BIP is used to provide strategies for harmful and/or destructive behaviors. BIPs are granted after a long data-collection process, so in my experience they are very individualized. examples could include the use of a 5-point scale, lots of walks to cool off when the student is feeling dysregulated or when prompted to by the teacher, breaks with preferred activities after completing x amount of nonpreferred tasks, a goal chart to track progress, a safety plan, etc.
So, in short:
Character is being held to the same standard of material but just needs changes in how the material is presented or accessed? 504
Character is behind held to a reduced or otherwise altered standard of material or requires additional support with alternate learning environments, smaller class sizes, and more staff? IEP
Character's disability is manifesting behaviorally and is causing them to engage in dangerous, harmful, or destructive behaviors (like getting into fights with students or destroying school property)? BIP
(again, IEPs can include all 3).
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yoan-le-grall · 3 months ago
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