#biotechnology essay help
andi1904 · 6 months
Pretty Little Daisys - Chapter One
♡ a/n: Hi guys! I'm so happy to finally be uploading the first chapter of this story :3
Every chapter will have a song associated with it and all the parts in bold will be the characters talking in English, otherwise, the full dialogue and thoughts are in Korean. So sorry for any mistakes, and I hope you like it a lot!! Good reading :)
♡ Chapter Song: Strawberry & Cigarettes - Troye Sivan
♡ Chapter Warnings: mentions of alcohol and alcohol use, mentions of cigarettes and cigarettes use, mentions of enteric feeding.
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There I was walking on campus, hands in my pockets and blasting Nirvana on my earphones. There’s not much to do when you have two hours of lunch between classes, other than walking around campus and just doing some people-watching. My friends decided to keep on working on the essay we needed to submit about our last class, but since I started it earlier, I was able to get this time all to myself.
The campus is no news to me since I have been here for about five years now. I’ve done an undergraduate program in Food and Animal Biotechnology, at CALS (College of Agriculture and Life Sciences of the Seoul National University) and decided to expand my studies this year, hoping to graduate as a FoodTech. In the beginning, I was pretty much reluctant about what major I wanted to go for, but since I loved chemistry, biology, and food (obviously), thought no other course would suit me. Luckily, I ended up loving this area, and I’m thinking of working on food development and research in the future. It’s a really important area, where I can develop food appropriate for people that are hospitalized and need to be fed by a nasogastric tube. Nurses need to administrate the food, but we are the ones who help to research new types of food that can be turned into a paste thin enough to fit on the tube, while also giving less bad experience to the patient. I developed a love for this type of research in my internship at one company that specialized only in this. I’m hoping I can further my studies since I’m starting a project and research on enteral feeding.
I decided to settle for a little coffee shop we have on campus, especially since it’s a pretty good day and it’s a bright sun at this time. I focus my attention on a group of people, three girls and one boy all in long white coats, while talking to someone who seems like a teacher. I thought health students had only classes on the Yeongeon Campus, not here at the Gwanak one, they’re literally on different sides of the Han River.
I kept my attention on them, and I could make out that they were international students from their looks: the guy was tall and had medium hair with some curls and freckles all over his face. His attire is simple because their coats hide almost every inch of clothing that they could be wearing, but he has long straight blue jeans. The girl next to him is almost the same height as him, with short blond hair and long trousers with some flowers printed on them. The other girl seems the older out of all of them, is black with long braided hair, put on a low ponytail, and has green trousers underneath her coat.
The last girl is the one that caught my attention the most: porcelain skin and a slim figure, she looked like every Korean’s guy dreams. She was the shortest out of the rest of the group, had black stockings with a black miniskirt and white Mary Jane’s. I could only see her hair partly since she was the one facing me, but it was black and seemed long. As for the face, the girl has the looks of a model, like an art painting portrayed by Vincent Van Gough himself. She looked Korean or Japanese at least, with sharp double-lid eyes, a beautiful jawline, a slim nose, and full strawberry-painted lips. Right under her left eye, she had two moles, only adding a unique touch to her appearance. She had the most serious face out of all of them and seemed focused.
I couldn’t tell if she acknowledged that every guy who passed by was turning heads to look at her and I could spare one or two glances in my direction, but I couldn’t tell if she was looking at me or just in my direction. They started walking away, just as I felt a pair of hands gripping my shoulders tight:
-       What are you looking at man? – Mingyu said right behind me.
-       Just thinking why the hell are health students here on this campus, weren’t they supposed to be on Yeongeon?
He turned his away around, picking up the chair from the table in front of us and sitting just across me:
-       Well, from what I’ve heard they’re nursing students from London. I guess they’re here for the next semester.
-       You’re pretty informed on this matter. – and there I rolled my eyes to him – Why aren’t they in the nursing school?
-       I guess it’s because they’re still meeting the campus here, I don’t know. – he said shrugging his shoulders – But I saw you couldn’t keep your eyes off the Korean girl.
So, you’re Korean then…
-       Well, she just cached my attention, I guess…
-       You can get to meet her, – and there my eyes lit for the very first time in a while – she’s probably going to a welcoming party that they’re hosting in NB2 Hongdae.
-       They do anything to go clubbing, but anyway, is it tonight?
-       Yup. I think you should come, Dong-Min is also coming.
-       Fine, I’ll go. Are you going to order a cab?
And he just nodded his head. Guess the universe wants us to meet up fairy.
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There I stood, in front of my body-sized mirror, looking at my outfit: all-black attire, Calvin Klein t-shirt with a short-sleeved shirt, wide pants with white details, and a pair of combat boots on my feet. My hair has gotten longer, so I decided to put it on a half-up half-down style.
I think I look nice for a night out…
Finally heard the bell of my dorm ringing and I yelled that I was coming, luckily, I live alone. When I opened the door, there they stood: Mingyu and Dong-Min.
-       Cinderella can’t be late tonight, you got duties to answer to. – Mingyu started, but I looked at him with a question mark on my face.
-       Common, you’ve got to show heaven to the girl. – now it was Dong-Min forming a smirk on his lips.
-       No need to thank me, - and then I felt Mingyu's arm on my shoulders – but I just found out she’s friends with Hoseok and Minji.
Hoseok and Minji, brother and sister.
Hoseok was an acquaintance of the three of us. He had finished an undergraduate and graduate program in Physical Education and just started working at a school where my little niece studies.
On the other hand, Minji is one of our colleagues who decided to take a master’s degree in Biosystems Engineering. We did our undergraduate program together and I guess she was the only type of girl that I could speak to who wasn’t trying to shove her tongue down my throat or other places. Minji was the kind of girl who would give a helping hand, no matter who you were or how you treated her. Even though we ended up in different graduate programs, we kept in touch as much as possible and would try to hang out as a group every time we could.
-       Cool, she might be nice like Minji. Is she going tonight?
And the two of them nodded. We then left for our cab, or the latter we were, the harder it would be to get inside NB2.
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As I was anticipating, NB2 was crowded to the top, mostly SNU students. Every university around here frequently hosts parties, and each one of them has its preferred club: ours is NB2. This was a club known for playing great hip-hop, but I think tonight it will be playing more international songs, just because it’s a welcoming party for the new students, and you were one of them.
The security guard gave us the bracelets after we paid our entrance and, luckily, when we got inside the environment was still quite calm, just a few people grinding on each other, but other than that nothing much was happening. We decided to go to the first floor, even though the space is smaller, the vibe is a lot better. And there I finally saw you, also full in black: an off-shoulder short dress, stockings with knee-high boots, and a bow on your half-up half-down. You also had pretty little moon earrings on your ears. I could see you close to the people that you were this morning, but then you started walking away, going to the balcony outside.
-       I know you saw her. Go outside, smoke a cigarette, and talk to her. – said Mingyu, pointing out to the exit sign leading there.
And before I knew it, my legs betrayed me and started walking by themselves while I found myself following you. Then the cold hair hit my face since it was the end of summer and September was already starting to get a little cooler at night. I decided to light a cigarette right in the corner and when I looked up, you were staring at me. I felt my heart in my throat, and it just started beating faster and faster with every step you took in my direction until you were standing in front of me, and I could finally smell your fruity perfume and see how smaller than me you were, even with heels:
-       Light my cigarette? – were the first words that came out of those strawberry lips – I forgot to buy a lighter here.
Your voice was sweet, and your eyes blinked a lot in this spare time, you were probably nervous. I’ve always been kind of keen on knowing new stuff and getting obsessed with it, that’s why I got to understand so much about body language.
I simply nodded and handed you my bluish lighter, with an opened skull with plants inside. You took a second to look at it and expressed a little smile while murmuring “cute”, then lit your cigarette and scurried your body towards mine, against the wall I was in. I decided to not end our conversation with that:
-       I’m Jeon – I initiated focusing my eyes on yours – Jeon Jeongguk.
-       Lee Areum. – you said, looking back at me.
-       You came from London, right?
-       Yeah, – you started adjusting your posture – We’ll stay for 6 months and then we’ll leave to end our program.
-       What program are you in?
-       Nursing with registration as a children’s nurse, final year, and you?
-       I’m in the first year of my graduate as a FoodTech. – you smile at this.
-       That seems cool.
I just loved how you started to speak to me with so much confidence that you skipped formal language and acted like we were the same age. Most girls do that when they’re interested in an older guy, though I don’t know if you did that on purpose or not, you’re not as easy to read as others.
-       Your Korean is pretty good.
-       I was born here. I just moved to the UK because of my degree.
Your eyes start trailing my outfit, stopping at my arm fully covered in tattoos.
-       I like them. Could even tell you were a tattoo artist.
And I found myself laughing at that. You can’t see all of them, but I can show you:
-       I’ve got more, my arm is fully closed ‘till my shoulder. - by this time, I had already finished my cigarette and you had finished yours – Mind if I buy you a shot?
To that, you never answered… Only smiled, picked my hand up, and started leading me inside, to the bar. I could see some guys eyeing us, and I knew they were jealous since you had already found your guy for the night. Mingyu and Dong-min were nowhere to be found, but I couldn’t care more, as I kept my eyes fully on the back of your head. When we got to the bar, you looked at me and asked me if “Fireball shot was ok” for me. I remember that I only drank that once since it was a rush of sugar and it only tasted like cinnamon, but I agreed.
You called out for the bartender and waited a little bit until you asked for two Fireball shots. I paid for them, and it went down as fast as it got on the table.
-       Can you take another one? I pay this time.
And to that, I wouldn’t disagree. Your voice was always so stern and so assertive in your choice, I liked your confidence. This time you asked for a Tequila Rose shot, strawberry and cream flavor, that fitted just who you were. You paid for them and took my hand again while leading us to the dancefloor. You didn’t need words to make me come after you, I just instantly followed.
Then you stopped and turned your wheels on the spot, meeting my eyes and smiling. The DJ started playing Jay Park’s “Mommae” and I finally felt your hands on my arms while we started dancing. You knew what you were doing when you let me only face your back and glued my hips to yours. My hands tried to guide you instantly, though you didn’t need it, and we stayed like that for a while.
It felt like forever, till you stopped for a while and turned again to me. Your eyes met mine again and you started traveling through my face again and again, only stopping on my lips and looking at my lip ring. My eyes instantly fall right on your lips, full and coated with a pretty pinkish lipstick. Before I knew it, your arms traveled their way to my shoulders, your body was being pulled close to mine and you were finally shutting our lips together. I paused for a second but gave in quickly.
You tasted like alcohol and cigarettes but in such a nice way. Strawberry was the strongest flavor, cinnamon was long gone ago forgotten. I bet I tasted the same as you, a taste that would always remind me of you: Strawberries and Cigarettes.
You finally pulled yourself away, staring me deep in the soul and telling me with a stern voice:
-       This is all you get for tonight. I don’t give myself this easily on the first night.
And there I blinked. Never met a girl… no, a Woman like you. You knew what you wanted, and you detailed all the rules here, instead of just letting yourself give in like girls in the past. Then I saw you turning your heels in the direction of the bathroom, but I kept frozen, now looking at your hair balancing at the rhythm of your hips, to the imaginary wind. After what seemed like an eternity of just standing there, I decided to glue myself to the wall near the women’s restroom and wait for you. Didn’t take long until I finally saw your beautiful face and found myself smiling again, such was the power you had.
-       Think I’mma call it a night, – you started – I must wake up early and prepare our next week here.
-       How are you going to the dorms? By cab? – you just nodded – Well, I can make you some company, just so you’re not alone.
-       Fine for me, just going to warn my friends that I’m leaving, don’t want no one disappearing on our second day here.
And we both laugh at that. You bid goodbye to your colleagues and turn back to my direction. This time, I was the one picking up your hand and leading us outside, since I had called the cab while you were away.
Finally, I saw the Orange Hyundai pulling up on the curb, and the registration matched the one on my phone. I opened the door to you, and we both got into the back seat. Your fingers crawled to my hand that had its palm facing down, and I intertwined our hands. Between giggles and little whispers in the ear, we finally made it to the Yeongeon dorms. You seemed so closed off, but now I finally saw you in a different light.
We swap numbers and Instagram usernames finally bidding our goodbyes. You were ready to put on your door code, but I pulled your hand and made you face me:
-       It was nice meeting you.
 And you just smiled widely and decided to steal another taste of my lips. I stayed there looking at you one last time and finally headed over to the lobby of the dorms again, after hearing a door clicking behind me. I sat on the couch there and decided to head home, even if it was still 3 AM. When I finally arrived, time flew by, and I found myself scrolling through your profile countless times.
You were a beautiful woman, my kind of woman.
And I dozed off.
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The weekend rolled by quickly, as always. The only difference was that on Saturday evening, my teacher of Advanced Research Project asked me if I could give a little training to you and your colleagues regarding the project I was developing about enteric feeding into children that were under ten years old. It was the biggest project in my life and obviously, I accepted. Not only could I impress you with my knowledge, but you could give me a better understanding of that topic through a nurse’s eyes. Since then, I spent the whole time preparing a little class from the point of view of a FoodTech and preparing myself for the English part, since it was not my best quality.
And I finally stood in front of you again and your colleagues. I could see you guys back into the long white coats and could no longer see your outfits on fully. Finally, I knew all your names and saw you guys properly: the guy, Noah, in a more formal attire than the first time I saw him. The blonde, Olivia, kept her hair in two short pigtails and swapped to little yellow jeans. The taller girl, Sophia, was in a dress this time, almost to her feet.
And you… You were as beautiful as ever.
Dark blue cargo jeans and a crossed white shirt. Hair low on half-up half-down with a claw clip on the back. Soft dangling earrings and a little moon necklace… you must love the moon.
There it stood my teacher, talking to the teacher that’s guiding you guys. From what I can recall they will be planning an activity in a while, that’s the reason they asked me to give a little helping hand in here. I won’t think twice as long as I see your beautiful face again.
I just loved looking at those two moles under your eye, they were so unique. They made you, you… And there I felt my heart skipping one or two beats, every single time you looked my way. Your orbs looked bigger the more I stared at them, and I wondered if noticed that I couldn’t take my eyes off you, no matter how many people were in the room with us… I had just learned your name in English was Amanda, and it made all the sense since it meant lovable or worthy of love, and you were worthy of everyone’s love…
The teachers bid their goodbyes and I was finally alone with all of you. The nerves finally started kicking in when I felt my palms more sweaty than normal, and my heart was on my throat… I want to impress you…
-       So, my name is Jeongguk. I’m in the first year of a graduate as a FoodTech and I’m here to talk a little more about the project I’m developing, which includes a huge study on the process of making the enteric food that you guys administrate through nasogastric tubes. – to that they all nodded, so I think I’m doing a good job – Last year, on my internship to finish my undergraduate program, I stayed at a company that specialized only on this and decided to further my studies on the topic.  
I had to take a little breath, but so far so good. You keep your eyes focused on all I’m saying, that makes me happy.
-       I decided to study how to process better food for children in hospitals that are under ten years old since it’s already a traumatic experience to be fed by a tube. I can’t imagine if I was a kid that young and someone told me I couldn’t eat my favorite ice cream or my huge hamburger for a long time or forever. That’s why we are making studies on how to make the food have a little better flavor.
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The session ended quickly, and I got to learn a lot about some tricks you guys have to do in the cases of food administration. By the end, we went to a classroom and did a little activity where we could taste different types of pastes that we produced and then were administered onto the tubes. Some tasted normal, others were terrible, and everyone made the most disgusting faces ever. We were able to take some good laughs from that.
Whilst we were leaving, I had to talk to you a little more:
-       Hey – I said grabbing your hand – So, I was thinking that maybe we could get some coffee before you head out to your duties.
-       Well, we have now about forty-five minutes, so I guess I can give you a little bit of my time.
The little smirk that stayed on my lips looked so well with the shy smile you were giving me. You told your colleagues to meet you at the lobby in a while and we made our way to the cafe. This place just reminds me of the very first time I saw, it when I was sitting in this exact spot, we’re at now:
-       So, what do you drink? – I asked before the waitress came in to take our order.
-       I drink anything, but milkshakes. – you said while looking away – I’m craving, hm… probably a Caramel Macchiato, I love those.
When the waitress came in to take our order, I didn’t even give you time to order for yourself: a medium Caramel Macchiato and a large Caramel Frappuccino.
You weren’t hungry yet, since you had your breakfast at the cafeteria on Yeongeon Campus.
When our orders came, we simply chit-chatted a little bit and appreciated the view, but while you were looking at the campus, I was looking at you… How beautiful you were. I had never seen someone like that, someone that made my heart skip so many beats, but still made it beat faster than it ever did…
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ai-for-recruitment · 2 months
Recruitment for Specialised Roles: Strategies for Finding Niche Talent
Finding and hiring specialised talent has become a major challenge for firms across all industries in today's competitive labour market. Since there is a constant need for specialised skills, employers must implement creative and successful hiring practices. This essay explores the challenges associated with hiring for specialist positions and provides doable tactics for luring and keeping great personnel.
Understanding the Challenge
A distinct set of abilities and experiences that are hard to come by in the general workforce are usually needed for specialised jobs. These positions could be in any business that requires highly technical expertise, including biotechnology, cybersecurity, data science, artificial intelligence, and others. Conventional recruitment techniques might not be enough due to the lack of suitable applicants.
Strategy 1: Leverage Professional Networks and Communities
Reaching out to professional communities and networks is one of the best methods to locate unique talent. Professionals with the necessary expertise may be found and connected to with ease on sites like Stack Overflow, GitHub, LinkedIn, and niche forums.
Engage Industry Influencers: Follow and communicate with influential people in your field. They may offer insightful advice and recommendations.
Engage in Online Discussion Boards: Participate in conversations on forums related to your sector. Build relationships with prospective applicants by imparting knowledge and being approachable.
Conduct Workshops and Webinars: Plan virtual gatherings that highlight your business's capabilities and draw industry experts.
Strategy 2: Utilise Recruitment Agencies and Headhunters
Headhunters and recruitment organisations that focus on particular markets can be great allies in your talent acquisition endeavours. These experts can find candidates who meet your exact needs rapidly thanks to their vast networks.
Select Specialized Organizations: Choose agencies with a track record of success in your sector. Their in-depth knowledge of the industry helps speed up the hiring procedure.
Set Clear Expectations: Make sure the agency is aware of your needs and expectations by being explicit about the education and experience needed for the position.
Strategy 3: Develop a Strong Employer Brand
Attracting specialised talent can be greatly improved by developing a strong employer brand. Candidates with specialised abilities frequently search for organisations that share their values and provide chances for advancement and creativity.
Promote Your Company Culture: On your website and social media pages, emphasise your company's values, mission, and culture. Use staff endorsements and behind-the-scenes photos to give potential customers an inside look at your business.
Encourage opportunities for career development: Stress the possibilities for job promotion, ongoing education, and professional development within your company.
Emphasise Innovation: To draw applicants who are enthusiastic about cutting-edge work, highlight the cutting-edge initiatives and technology your organisation is working on.
Strategy 4: Implement Employee Referral Programs
Programs for employee referrals can be an effective means of locating specialised expertise. Your present staff members frequently have strong connections in their professional networks and are able to recommend exceptionally competent applicants.
Provide Rewards: Offer enticing rewards to staff members who recommend qualified applicants. This could take the form of cash bonuses, additional vacation time, or other benefits.
Promote the Program: Consistently remind staff members of the advantages of the referral program. To keep it in the forefront of your mind, use internal communication channels. 
Strategy 5: Invest in Talent Pipelines
Creating a talent pipeline is a proactive strategy to hiring that entails getting to know possible employees well in advance of a position being available. By using this tactic, you can be confident that you have a pool of competent applicants on hand to fill in as needed.
Participate in Training Programs and Universities: Collaborate with educational institutions, coding camps, and further training initiatives to recognize and develop upcoming talent.
Establish Apprenticeships and Internships: Provide practical experience through internships and apprenticeships, which can lead to full-time roles.
Continue to Communicate: Personalised messages, networking events, and newsletters are good ways to stay in touch with possible applicants.
Specialized job recruitment necessitates a methodical and comprehensive strategy. Through the utilization of technology, specialist recruitment agencies, professional networks, and a robust employer brand, businesses can improve their capacity to draw in and hold on to specialized talent. An effective recruitment strategy also includes providing competitive wage packages, creating relationships through talent pipelines, and refining job descriptions. These tactics will guarantee that your company stays competitive and able to attract the specialized personnel required to spur innovation and expansion in the always changing labor market.
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wellnessweb · 3 months
Factors Influencing Digital PCR (dPCR) Market Size Growth
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The Digital PCR-dPCR Market size was valued at US$ 419.25 Million in 2022 and is projected to reach US$ 2196.40 Million by 2030, with a growing CAGR of 23% during the forecast period 2023-2030.The Digital PCR (dPCR) market is experiencing significant growth driven by advancements in precision medicine and molecular diagnostics. As a revolutionary technology, dPCR offers unparalleled sensitivity and accuracy in quantifying nucleic acids, making it indispensable in research, clinical diagnostics, and environmental testing. The market expansion is further fueled by the increasing demand for personalized healthcare solutions and the rising prevalence of infectious diseases and cancer worldwide.
The research of the global Digital PCR-dPCR Market  analyses significant information, such as market size, industry growth potential, and company structure, all of which contribute to market expansion. This study also provides a comprehensive analysis of a technological investment through time and a unique viewpoint on worldwide demand in many of the studied areas. The market study thoroughly considers new commodities, R&D projects, and future technologies. The analysis examines all the noteworthy developments and discoveries that are expected to have a big impact on the growth of the global market in the upcoming years.
The market research study will increase market participants' understanding of the possibilities and difficulties the company is facing. The global Digital PCR-dPCR Market  study offers the most recent information on technological developments and consumer growth potential depending on geographical conditions.
Get Sample Of This Report @ https://www.snsinsider.com/sample-request/1038
Segmentation View
By Technology
Droplet Digital PCR
Chip Based Digital PCR
Beaming Digital PCR
By  Product Type
Digital PCR Systems
Consumables And Reagents
Software And Services
By Application
Clinical Diagnostics
Forensic And Others
By End-Use
Pharmaceuticals And Biotechnology Industries
Clinical Diagnostic Laboratories
Universities And Other Organizations
Russia-Ukraine War Impact on Digital PCR-dPCR Market
The analysis also contains significant data on the actual impacts of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine on the world market. The essay goes into great detail about a variety of global regions and how the war has affected their economies.
Competitive Scenario
This research gave readers a realistic image of the sector by outlining the full competitive landscape and the key providers' commodities supply, which was scattered across a wide range of geographical areas. For the forecast period, the paper provides the most recent market forecast analyses. To help enterprises comprehend the competitive climate of the top global suppliers of Digital PCR-dPCR Market , the study provides an in-depth analysis of industry competition as well as a synopsis of Porter's Five Forces model.
Report Conclusion
The Digital PCR-dPCR Market research study covers four levels of depth, including supply chain analysis, top-level firm market share analysis, business analysis (industry trends), and brief sector profiles, to name a few. The key ideas of the business environment, high-growth markets, high-growth countries, significant industry differences, business variables, and restrictions are also covered in this study.
About Us
SNS Insider is a market research and insights firm that has won several awards and earned a solid reputation for service and strategy. We are a strategic partner who can assist you in reframing issues and generating answers to the trickiest business difficulties. For greater consumer insight and client experiences, we leverage the power of experience and people.
When you employ our services, you will collaborate with qualified and experienced staff. We believe it is crucial to collaborate with our clients to ensure that each project is customized to meet their demands. Nobody knows your customers or community better than you do. Therefore, our team needs to ask the correct questions that appeal to your audience in order to collect the best information.
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productivityera · 11 months
Day 3 Goals - 15 days of productivity
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It is 3 am rn, let's do this!
Goals for tomorrow:
Pack glasses, a bedroom and my bedroom's stuff into boxes with the help of a friend who will arrive around lunchtime
Alarm for 9am
120 minutes Toxoplasma essay
120 minutes Biotechnology exam revision
Apply for Honours year
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helpinassignment · 11 months
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tutor-maryam · 1 year
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Originality is an essential aspect. It's not only an expectation as a scorer because it is given enormous importance when it comes to writing. Having a fresh idea could be an obstacle for you. If your work is solution-based, then you should determine the primary issues you'll have to address in your project. You can't provide a viable solution until the issue has been identified in a clear and precise manner. Furthermore, your concept or work, subject, and content should be unique. Any duplicate content or plagiarism will disqualify your submission. Australia is among the top destinations for study due to the fact that it offers top-quality education and amenities for students. With the increased pressure to study, the demand for help with writing coursework professionally has also increased. Students are finding it difficult to maintain a balance between their academic and personal lives. Insufficient time management is one of the main reasons students do not finish their coursework on time and are afflicted with low scores and even rejections. They are terrified of this feeling of failing, which is why they seek help in writing their coursework with us. They are aware of the expectations of examiners and requirements for a custom-written essay by universities and are therefore capable of providing what is required for assistance with coursework. Whatever course or stage you are in, we offer top-quality assistance with coursework writing. It doesn't matter if it's sociology, psychology, medicine and biotechnology, finance, economics or statistics; you can count on experts from our team to help you with your assignments. Can you answer questions about the reason we're one of the top tutoring services in Australia? If so, this is the solution. We are always listening to our clients and providing the solution as quickly as possible. If you require our assistance with your online coursework from a writer in Australia and around the world, don't hesitate to reach us at any time and from any time. We will provide a prompt reply from our client support staff anytime during the day or night. Students studying in Australia seek out the top online coursework assistance to fulfil their dream of achieving high-quality marks. If you're also aspiring to be a millionaire and have no other choice, take a look. Contact us today and witness a huge improvement in your academic performance. Before making a choice, we would like you to look deep into the security features our coursework writing service provides to our clients.
Author Bio:-
This article pen downs by Mr. John hangkock. He is associated with an Excellent assignment help professional content writer and an online tutor. He offers online services on the topic of coursework help.
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academicwriter8 · 1 year
Assignment /Essay Paper Homework Help for college and university students.
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vaishaliiiii · 1 year
4th September in Medical History
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I. Introduction
Max Delbrück, who was born in 1906, is recognized as a key figure in the history of science and has made a lasting contribution to molecular biology and medicine. His extraordinary rise from humble beginnings in Germany to being awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine is a testament to both his extraordinary intellect and his unwavering dedication to expanding our understanding of the molecular principles underlying health and disease. Delbrück helped to establish the science of molecular biology by conducting ground-breaking research on bacterial viruses and serving as the phage group’s leader. His contributions to the subject’s development have had a significant impact on contemporary medical procedures. In this essay, we examine his life, accomplishments, and lasting legacy in honor of a man whose efforts continue to advance healthcare all across the world.
II. Early Life and Education
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The basis for Max Delbrück’s incredible scientific career was built by his early years and education. Born in 1906 in Germany, he hailed from a family of intellectuals. A hunger for study throughout his formative years inspired him to pursue a degree in physics and mathematics at the University of Göttingen. When Delbrück came across quantum mechanics, his academic career took a fundamental turn and he developed an interest in the scientific method. During his studies, he had the opportunity to interact with well-known researchers like Max Born and James Franck, which had a significant impact on his career path and helped him make ground-breaking discoveries in molecular biology that will forever change the face of science.
III. Career and Research Contributions
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A. Max Delbrück’s contributions to molecular biology
1. The phage group and its impact
The Phage Group, led by Max Delbrück, Salvador Luria, and Alfred Hershey, emerged as a transformative force in the mid-20th century. The team’s ground-breaking studies on bacteriophages, viruses that attack bacteria, revolutionized molecular biology. Their research clarified the one gene, one enzyme theory and uncovered the genetic underpinnings of protein synthesis. This finding significantly changed how we think about genetics and set the stage for the DNA revolution. The Phage Group’s innovative research and collaborative approach not only changed molecular biology but also had far-reaching effects on genetics, the general field of life sciences, and healthcare, creating an enduring legacy.
2. Pioneering work on bacterial viruses (bacteriophages)
The discovery of bacterial viruses, or bacteriophages, by Max Delbrück represented a turning point in the field of molecular biology. Collaborating with Salvador Luria and Alfred Hershey, Delbrück conducted groundbreaking experiments in the mid-20th century that unveiled the genetic nature of these viruses. Their findings supported the one gene, one enzyme theory and gave important new information about the genetic code by showing that bacteriophages’ features were caused by genetic mutations. This pioneering work reshaped our knowledge of life itself by illuminating the underlying concepts of molecular genetics as well as laying the framework for future developments in biotechnology and healthcare.
3. Collaborations with other eminent scientists
Max Delbrück’s scientific prowess led to successful partnerships with esteemed colleagues. His collaboration with Alfred Hershey and Salvador Luria in the Phage Group transformed molecular biology. As co-discoverers of the DNA double helix, James Watson and Francis Crick’s work served as the foundation for the development of genetic medicine and diagnostics, which helped to reshape the face of contemporary healthcare, and Delbrück’s interactions with these luminaries advanced scientific understanding.
B. Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
1. Description of the Nobel Prize-winning research
The genetic makeup of bacteriophages, viruses that infect bacteria, was the subject of Max Delbrück’s 1969 Physiology or Medicine Nobel Prize-winning research. Collaborating with Salvador Luria and Alfred Hershey, they unraveled how genes control the replication of these viruses. Their groundbreaking study provided the groundwork for contemporary molecular genetics by showing that DNA conveys genetic information and how mutations impact virus behavior. This discovery not only revolutionized our understanding of genetics but also opened the door for applications in the management of healthcare, such as genetic diagnostics, tailored therapy, and disease prevention methods.
2. Significance of the award
Max Delbrück’s 1969 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine had a significant impact on both science and medicine. The prize highlighted the fact that DNA contains genetic information and emphasized the significance of genetic mutations in regulating biological processes in order to commemorate the enormous shift in our understanding of genetics. This discovery dramatically altered molecular biology and paved the way for a number of revolutionary developments in healthcare, including the creation of novel therapeutic approaches and targeted medicines. Delbrück’s Nobel Prize elevated genetics and paved the path for cutting-edge methods of comprehending, treating, and avoiding hereditary illnesses, making a lasting impact on global healthcare.
IV. Impact on the Field
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A. Influence on subsequent generations of scientists
Max Delbrück’s groundbreaking work and collaborative nature had a significant impact on later generations of scientists. He made a significant contribution to molecular biology and healthcare by emphasizing rigorous experiments, interdisciplinary cooperation, and the significance of genetics. Young scientists are still motivated by Delbrück’s legacy to investigate the subtleties of genetic systems, which has resulted in ground-breaking discoveries in fields like genomics, biotechnology, and personalized medicine. His enduring influence has enabled researchers to tackle urgent healthcare issues and spur technological innovations that benefit patients and society at large.
B. Max Delbrück’s legacy in molecular biology
The impact of Max Delbrück on molecular biology is enormous. His groundbreaking work set the groundwork for our current understanding of genetics and the molecular foundation of life, particularly in the study of bacteriophages. The DNA revolution and the cracking of the genetic code were made possible thanks to Delbrück’s contributions, which included the one gene-one enzyme theory. Numerous researchers have been inspired by his emphasis on teamwork and meticulous scientific methods, which continues to influence the discipline. In addition to advancing our understanding of molecular biology, Max Delbrück’s lasting contributions also encourage ongoing developments with enormous potential for the fields of genetics, biotechnology, and medicine.
C. Continuing relevance of his work in modern medicine
The work of Max Delbrück continues to have a significant impact on contemporary medicine in a number of different ways. Modern genomic studies are supported by his fundamental work on genetics and bacteriophages, which has aided in the discovery of disease-causing genetic variants and the advancement of personalized medicine. Additionally, the molecular biology principles he developed have accelerated developments in biotechnology, such as the creation of therapeutic proteins and gene therapies. Modern scientific research can be modeled after Delbrück’s emphasis on rigorous testing and interdisciplinary cooperation, which has led to the creation of cutting-edge diagnostic and therapeutic approaches. In essence, Max Delbrück’s contributions have shaped medical research for decades and remain a cornerstone of contemporary healthcare.
V. Personal Life and Later Years
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Max Delbrück’s personal life and later years were characterized by a multifaceted blend of scientific dedication and personal pursuits. He had three children with his wife Mary Bruce, whom he married in 1941, despite his passionate dedication to research. Delbrück had hobbies outside of the lab as well, including photography, music, and hiking.
In his later years, he continued to make significant contributions to science education by supporting multidisciplinary methods and encouraging future generations’ scientific curiosity. His contributions to the founding of the European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO) further cemented his reputation in the world of science. After Max Delbrück’s death in 1981, molecular biology was forever changed, and his legacy lives on in both the scientific and personal spheres.
VI. Conclusion
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In conclusion, Max Delbrück’s life and contributions constitute a fascinating adventure that have influenced molecular biology and medicine for all time. His groundbreaking work on genetics and bacteriophages established the groundwork for our comprehension of the molecular basis of life. Delbrück’s legacy incorporates his collaborative nature, commitment to scientific inquiry, and dedication to the advancement of humanity in addition to his ground-breaking discoveries.
Max Delbrück’s work continues to have an impact on modern medicine, where the importance of Healthcare Management and Information Systems like QMe Hospital Management and Information System is becoming more and more obvious. These systems facilitate effective data administration, research, and healthcare delivery, bridging the gap between scientific advancements and their useful application in patient care.
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wedoassignment · 1 year
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Creating Opportunities: A Job Seeker's Guide to Singapore's Job Market
Singapore, which is renowned for its strong economy and flourishing business environment, has several options for job seekers. The city-state draws people from all over the world who are looking for professional achievement and career growth because of its various industries and strong focus on talent development. The employment market in Singapore, tools for job seekers, and methods for surviving the competitive environment will all be covered in this essay.
The Job Market in Singapore :-
The job market in Singapore is very active and serves a variety of companies and sectors. The city-state provides a wide range of career opportunities, from banking and technology to healthcare and engineering. The government's emphasis on growing important industries like biotechnology and digital innovation has increased job availability and opened up new paths for career progression.
Resources for Job Seekers in Singapore
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Web-based Job Boards
Singaporean job searchers have access to a wide range of online resources for career possibilities and job advertisements. JobsDB, Indeed, and LinkedIn are just a few websites that provide extensive databases of job openings in many industries. Job searchers can post resumes, personalise their searches, and connect with employers via these platforms.
Governmental Organisations and Support :-
Through programmes like Adapt and Grow and Workforce Singapore (WSG), the Singaporean government actively assists job seekers. To increase employability, WSG provides training programmes, job matching services, and career coaching. For help with job placement and skill development, job seekers can also turn to employment organisations like the National Trades Union Congress' (NTUC) Employment and Employability Institute.
Navigating the Competitive Landscape
Associations for professionals and networking :-
Job seekers in Singapore must establish a solid professional network. Expanding one's network and learning about career chances can be facilitated by participating in industry events, joining professional organisations, and using online resources like LinkedIn. Through networking, one can gain access to the untapped labour market, where positions can be filled through personal relationships and recommendations.
Continuous Skills Development and Learning :-
Continual upskilling and keeping relevant are crucial in Singapore's cutthroat work environment. Job searchers should determine the skills gaps in their target industry and make an investment in ongoing education. Enhancing employability and opening doors to new prospects can be accomplished through registering for pertinent courses, earning certifications, and staying current with market trends and technical developments.
Singapore offers a lot of opportunities in a variety of areas for career seekers. Individuals can negotiate the competitive landscape and realise their career potential by utilising internet job portals, government assistance, and networking opportunities. Maintaining competitiveness and adjusting to shifting market needs require ongoing learning and skill development. Job seekers can take advantage of the chances offered by Singapore's continued success as a hub for international commerce and start a meaningful career in this vibrant city.
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wellnessweb · 3 months
Global Hepatitis B Vaccine Market Size Analysis
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The Hepatitis B Vaccine Market size was valued at USD 8.26 billion in 2023 and is estimated to reach USD 11.84 billion in 2031 with an emerging CAGR of 4.6% Over the forecast period of 2024-2031.The Hepatitis B vaccine market is experiencing robust growth driven by heightened awareness of liver diseases and the urgent need for preventative healthcare. Advances in biotechnology have led to the development of more effective and safer vaccines, bolstering market expansion. Increased government initiatives and vaccination programs, particularly in developing countries, are significant factors propelling market demand. Additionally, the rise in global travel and migration has heightened the need for widespread immunization. Pharmaceutical companies are also investing heavily in research and development to innovate vaccine formulations and delivery methods, further enhancing market potential. The market is poised for continued growth as global health organizations emphasize the importance of vaccination in combating Hepatitis B.
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The research of the global Hepatitis B Vaccine Market  analyses significant information, such as market size, industry growth potential, and company structure, all of which contribute to market expansion. This study also provides a comprehensive analysis of a technological investment through time and a unique viewpoint on worldwide demand in many of the studied areas. The market study thoroughly considers new commodities, R&D projects, and future technologies. The analysis examines all the noteworthy developments and discoveries that are expected to have a big impact on the growth of the global market in the upcoming years.
The market research study will increase market participants' understanding of the possibilities and difficulties the company is facing. The global Hepatitis B Vaccine Market  study offers the most recent information on technological developments and consumer growth potential depending on geographical conditions. The study similarly looks at every industry in a variety of countries and offers a cross-sectional analysis of projections for worldwide demand. It also covers a range of market constraints, opportunities, and factors that will surely have an impact on future business expansion.
Segmentation View
By Type
Single Antigen Vaccine
Combination Vaccine
By End users
Russia-Ukraine War Impact on Hepatitis B Vaccine Market
The analysis also contains significant data on the actual impacts of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine on the world market. The essay goes into great detail about a variety of global regions and how the war has affected their economies.
Competitive Scenario
This research gave readers a realistic image of the sector by outlining the full competitive landscape and the key providers' commodities supply, which was scattered across a wide range of geographical areas. For the forecast period, the paper provides the most recent market forecast analyses. To help enterprises comprehend the competitive climate of the top global suppliers of Hepatitis B Vaccine Market , the study provides an in-depth analysis of industry competition as well as a synopsis of Porter's Five Forces model.
Report Conclusion
The Hepatitis B Vaccine Market research study covers four levels of depth, including supply chain analysis, top-level firm market share analysis, business analysis (industry trends), and brief sector profiles, to name a few. The key ideas of the business environment, high-growth markets, high-growth countries, significant industry differences, business variables, and restrictions are also covered in this study.
About Us
SNS Insider is a market research and insights firm that has won several awards and earned a solid reputation for service and strategy. We are a strategic partner who can assist you in reframing issues and generating answers to the trickiest business difficulties. For greater consumer insight and client experiences, we leverage the power of experience and people.
When you employ our services, you will collaborate with qualified and experienced staff. We believe it is crucial to collaborate with our clients to ensure that each project is customized to meet their demands. Nobody knows your customers or community better than you do. Therefore, our team needs to ask the correct questions that appeal to your audience in order to collect the best information.
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orisoverseas · 2 years
Study in MBBS Abroad
Find the most suitable study abroad programme for you.
What is study abroad?
College study abroad gives you the opportunity to live and study in a different country while earning college credit. Whether you study abroad for a semester, summer, or year, your IES Abroad courses and experiential learning opportunities—including internships, community-based learning placements, field trips, and more—are designed to immerse you in the local culture. Because the world is your classroom while studying abroad.
Our study abroad programmes allow you to select courses based on your field of study and location. Other details, such as housing, field trips, and on-site assistance, are all included in the programme. Learn more about the features of our study abroad programmes.
How will Oris Education help you in studying abroad?
Oris Education is a study abroad services provider. We help you with the admission and visa process and post landing services till you graduate. We will help determine which university best meets your academic requirements. Our more than ten years of experience can assist you in achieving your aim of relocating or studying in another nation.
Benefit Of Studying Abroad
Studying abroad allows you to travel to new places and cultures, meet people from all over the world, and gain a global perspective all while earning credits toward your degree. It will enable you to gain valuable skills such as intercultural communication, foreign languages, adaptability, and problem-solving.
Personal Skills growth
Every new experience can be a challenge and an adventure when you're studying abroad! By taking a risk and leaving your home, you will be better prepared to face future challenges. Stepping outside of your comfort zone will help you develop problem-solving skills and discover your ability to deal with the unexpected. Studying abroad is a transformative experience that promotes both personal and intellectual growth.
What are Admission Documents for Study Abroad?
Apart from the tests mentioned above, another important aspect of a candidate being eligible for admission to universities/colleges abroad is the successful submission of admission documents. These documents are as follows:
Letter of recommendation (LOR) – When applying to different universities, students must also provide a letter of recommendation (LOR). The LOR should come from a member of your previous education institute's faculty. If you are a working professional, your boss may also provide a letter of recommendation.
Statement of Purpose (SOP) – This apart from the LOR, students must also submit a Statement of Purpose that highlights their accomplishments and learnings. Some universities require Admission Essays in lieu of a Statement of Purpose. Essays are generally required for pursuing a specific course like Medicine, MBA, A.I., Project Management, Law, Liberal Arts, Data Science and Biotechnology etc.
What are the basic requirements for studying abroad?
The requirements for studying abroad differ depending on your home university or the programme to which you are applying. Intensive language programmes may have a language requirement at times. However, the following are the general requirements for studying abroad:
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Financial resources
A current passport
Qualified prerequisite tests such as IELTS, TOEFL and GRE etc.
For more information, contact your Oris Education study abroad programme advisor.
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dreamassignmenthelp · 4 years
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assignmenthelperpro · 5 years
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upside-down-uni · 4 years
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11월 05일  // my desk at the end of the day (yes that’s two books that have nothing to do with uni on my desk); my brainstorming blackboard with thoughts
Finally Finishing Up the Studyblr Community Challenge!
studyblr community challenge - day 23 // Tag someone whose blog you always check
@sprachgefuehle sometimes I wonder what you think when I go through your blog(s) and reblog literally everything you posted that day lmao
studyblr community challenge - day 24 // Tag someone who posts the best text posts
I haven’t payed a lot attention to text posts to be honest, after staring at a screen for hours to read, switching to a smaller sceen to read again is not exactly the thing I want to do...
studyblr challenge - day 25 // Tag someone who gives good advice
uuuuh, I have like three people I know on here so I’ll just tag @athenastudying again! because she really gives amazing, balanced and well thought out advice!
studyblr challenge - day 26 // Tag someone who you would like to get to know
I would love to get to know @daydreamst! They’re also learning Korean and makre pretty bujo spreads! They’re also better at conversational Korean than me, since I’ve only really learned office Korean for some reason...So I just like to stalk their blog for their Korean posts and am very excited I’m able to translate something!
studyblr challenge - day 27 // Tag someone who makes you laugh
@stuhde makes me smile, I like seeing her icon on my dash!
studyblr community challenge - day 28 // Tag someone who you think everyone should follow
go and follow @ndemic right now. they’re fun and super active and post a lot of cool stuff and study biotechnology which is Very Interesting! and honestly they’re a mood!
studyblr community challenge - day 29 // What are three things that you are proud of?
the perfect mark I got for my first uni essay! The deadline got pushed back a LOT so I only had to hand it in at the end of my second semester but I was still quite anxious about it....To think it went so well...
 my English skills. I forget quite often but to think that I’m actually bilingual??? Insane. And I’m well on my way to becoming trilingual which is !!!! YES!!!!
 I’m moved out, living in a shared flat with friends, doing my own thing and building my own life.
studyblr community challenge - day 30 // What are three things about yourself that you love?
my hair. I’ve been looking into the mirror lately and loving what I see. It feels amazing.
my style. Figuring out I’m agender has helped a lot with avoiding dysphoria and actually finding clothes that make me look like I want to!
my love for books. I grew up without a TV, still don’t own one and though I spent wayyy more time on my phone than I should, reading books is one of the best things I can imagine doing! Getting new books, walking through bookstores...it makes me feel content.
stundyblr community challenge - day 31 // What are three things that inspire you?
music. I love finding emotions in songs and catching them to work them into a story or a piece of art
stories. Seeing how other writers work with words will forever be such a joy to me
nature. Nature just makes me happy and I’m appreciating it wayyyy less than I should
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