#binary in the background just says i always come back
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the evil of ignorance
dtiys for @glitch-1983 :)
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loganwritesprobably · 3 months
First Meeting With.. P3 (One Piece Edition)
Part one with Ace, Law and Sanji Part two with Zoro, Robin and Luffy Part four with Benn, Shanks and Smoker
Requests are open for x reader things! I will write basically ANY kind of reader - male, female, non-binary, gender neutral, trans, disabled, black, white, latino, asian, neurodivergent, etc
Here is another three lovely characters for you to meet: Crocodile, Mihawk and Buggy! All readers are gender neutral, so everyone is welcome to enjoy. No Y/N is used!
Buggy's section is a little short, but honestly I think it's just fine as it is, it made me laugh at least
CW: In Mihawk's section, the reader experiences a massive loss, and expresses some passive desire for death, take care with that
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The casino was a little overwhelming when you first walked in, between the bright and sometimes flashing lights, and the various noises coming from patrons and machines alike, but you seemed to thrive here. You'd always liked card games, so that was what you gravitated toward when you'd first arrived. This, however, was far from your first time here, and you'd found a way to play the system. You'd play a few games, and lose intentionally with small bets, then you'd slip away to play another game and lose just once with another small bet, before retreating to the bar for something to drink and maybe something to eat depending on the time of day. You'd chat with other frequent patrons, and some of the staff. Finally, to end your night, you'd pick out whichever game you were most inclined to that night and place a large bet, and win. Your secret? You could count cards.
You didn't come too often, it was a delicate balance that you were striking to not be caught in your actions, but when you did come you always won big. The house couldn't always win, after all. Your wins were spread far enough apart, with enough losses in between, that you hadn't been flagged yet. It was a win, for you at least.
Tonight, you'd already done all your losses, and you were sitting at the bar. The woman behind the bar, Alisa, was lovely and you had gotten to know her in a fairly casual way, at the sort of level that you usually knew a co-worker. You knew very little about her, but you got along enough to happily chat whenever you were both at the bar. As you were happily chatting, you watched Alisa's face change, eyes widening and smile falling. That couldn't be anything good, but you didn't look up, you didn't want them to realise you knew someone was approaching.
A very large man sat on the stool beside you, dressed in fine fabrics and more fur than anyone had any right to be wearing in the desert. He was handsome. "Sir Crocodile, what can I get for you?" Alisa asked, and that told you just who you were dealing with - the damn owner, and one of the seven warlords of the sea. You took a deep, steadying breath, and sipped your drink casually. Crocodile ordered himself a drink, and you didn't look at him. There was a long, silent minute, where even the sound of the slot machines faded into the background and there was only you and Crocodile. Alisa returned with his drink, and he took a first sip, before he turned to you. "You're good, I'll give you that." He said, and you glanced at him as if seeing him for the first time. "What can I say? I make sure I dress nice for the casino." You replied, hoping to ease some of the tension. "You know what I'm talking about, though I'll admit, you do clean up well." You'd take a compliment where you could get it. "So I'm busted?" "You had a good run, but you can either leave and never come back.. or I'm willing to offer you a deal."
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You were a powerhouse pirate in your own right. Your crew wasn't quite at your level, but every day they worked harder to match you in strength and ability - and they were getting there. Hell, you were sure they'd start to surpass you soon, and then maybe you'd have to start trying. You didn't mind. It felt good to see a group of people you'd been nurturing grow into something more. Your bounty was no Straw Hat level, but it was nothing to sneeze at in your humble opinion. A couple million berri - what you wouldn't give to have that much berri at your disposal.
You'd crossed paths with Mihawk only once, very early in your career, and you'd had the sense to stay out of his damn way. It was a good thing you did, he killed a man not ten minutes later, not that you stuck around long enough to find out why. You chased your crew from bars and away from market stalls, back onto your boat, and took off sailing again. He hadn't seen you, you were sure, and that was a good thing, but you'd seen him.
Never had you anticipated getting into a situation where you were crossing paths with him again - certainly not voluntarily.
Karai Bari was a damn hot island, not quite something you were used to, and well swimming several miles didn't help with how hot and out of breath you were. A dozen men approached you with swords and guns, and you could only hold up your arms in surrender. "I'm not.. here to fight!" You panted out, desperately searching the crowd for a sympathetic face. You found the least sympathetic amongst them in Dracule Mihawk. "My ship was shot down by marines sailing away from here, my crew.. I don't know where they are or if they survived. Please, I just want to live." You asked, hands beginning to tremble as reality set in. They were good people, and now you had no idea what had become of them. You'd demanded some of the younger members take to paddle boats to get to safety, but you didn't know if they'd made it. There'd been devil fruit users amongst them, and they were certainly dead by now. The knowledge of it weighed heavy on your shoulders - you were meant to protect them. You collapsed down to your knees in tears, sobs wracking your chest. You were meant to keep them safe. "I take it back," you whispered, voice thick with tears, "I can't do it without them. Do what you want to me."
It was the last hand you'd expected that came to rest on your shoulder and gently squeeze. "Get up." Came the voice of the world's greatest swordsman. "A Captain's grief should not be witnessed here. I'll take you somewhere private, where you can grieve properly, and I'll organise a rescue mission for any survivors."
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He was a little odd looking, and that was putting it nicely. He was some sort of clown, judging from his large red nose, and he was.. well, all head. He was a head, directly attached to feet, and you couldn't quite understand how his hands were also attached to him. It was unnatural, and more than a little unsettling. He was yelling at you, bouncing up and down, and all you could do is stare. "It's flashily rude to stare ya know!" The guy yelled, which finally forced you to blink yourself back into full awareness. "What the fuck?" You managed, finally crouching down to look at him properly. "I'm Buggy! Genius Jester! Star Clown!" He yelled, and you shoved a finger in your ear to rub it. "You're also fucking loud." You muttered, running a hand over your face. "Hey! I'm looking for.. well.. the rest of me." You told you, realising that maybe yelling at you wasn't the best way to get your help. "For what?" You asked dumbly, blinking at him owlishly. The rest of himself? Was he some sort of hippie, what did that even mean? "I'm a chop chop man! My body comes apart." He explained, splitting his hand from the rest of his body as your face contorted in disgust. "I'm going to be sick." "You get used to it. Now stop being useless, and help me out! My leg is around here somewhere, I can feel it."
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alicent-vi-britannia · 6 months
The narrative importance of the Ragnarök Connection
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Charles zi Britannia believes that humans are liars. His ideology is based on the fact that the suffering of the world comes from deceptions and, for this reason, the Ragnarök Connection consists of destroying the set of masks that people use in front of others to force the people to be themselves. This isn't a hive mind nor the literal destruction of the world. It's about, in Jungian terms, destroying the Persona archetype (the face we decide to show to others, not the one we truly are). This way people wouldn't have to lie, they could understand each other and conflicts would end. Sounds good, in theory. The problem is that the emperor's plan involves eliminating free will and individuality, which reflects Lelouch's parents' rejection of human nature. Charles' view of humanity is quite simplistic, binary and dismissive. That's why Charles appears painted red and blue on a background of the world in the opening.
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Lelouch and Suzaku reject this vision and this plan. Lelouch says that people still lie for good reasons (a purpose) and Suzaku agrees, claiming that they may lie to protect others like Euphemia and Shirley who kept Lelouch's secret. Lelouch understands that masks are necessary and are part of people's identity. He proves it in the last interaction he has with his father. Nunnally's smile is a mask, but that doesn't make it fake. It's her way of accepting her unfortunate fate and being grateful that she is still alive and is with her loved ones. Lelouch is aware of this and accepts her mask.
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The Ragnarök Connection involves the elimination of the effort that humans must make to learn and empathize with them. Consequently, no new experiences are forged and nothing evolves. And, if nothing changes, life loses total meaning and becomes empty. An empty life is a life without a future or hope or purpose. That's what Lelouch explains to CC and Rolo.
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Lelouch tells CC in the seventh episode of the first season: "Until I met you I was dead. An empty corpse existing behind a false guise of life, a life in which I did nothing real. Day to day, I merely went through the emotions of living as if I were a zombie. And I always had the feeling that I was gradually dying. If I’m condemned to go back to that, then I’d rather…"
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And then he tells Rolo in the fourth episode of R2: Rolo, what is the future? The future is hope. Without hope, your life is on hold, empty, waiting. And you have no hope beyond your mission, Rolo. If you capture C.C., what sort of future will it open for you? Things will just go on as they are, and nothing will change.
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Code Geass often uses Lelouch to emphasize the importance of having a purpose in life, even if all the characters demonstrate it in one way or another. It is one of the main themes. For Lelouch, Zero/the Rebellion was always that future. However, in this episode everything is questioned because Lelouch discovers that one of the reasons for his revenge is false because his mother is alive and, furthermore, his rebellion was part of his parents' plan (and CC to a lesser extent). Given this, he reaffirms his individuality and his will.
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God/C's world is the human will, which means that it is a collection of the wills of all the people who have ever existed, including Lelouch's. He activated his Geass, not to use it on God, but to influence it. At that moment his will was so powerful that he not only convinced God to stop his parents, he also increased the power of Geass and unlocked it in his other eyeIt's important to note that he made a wish, instead of using Geass, because that differentiates him from his father. While the Emperor intended to bend the C's world to his will, Lelouch doesn't want to do so. He saw himself reflected in his father. They both suffered in the past and wanted to change the world for the better. The thing is Charles was trying to impose peace and although he had good intentions, it was an evil and selfish act. Lelouch realized he was doing the same thing with Zero, technically.
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In this way, Lelouch understands that the end doesn't justify the means since his parents sacrificed everything for their ends and, as a result, lost themselves and their motivations. Humanity's sake or, what is the same, "reunion with those from whom we are separated" was the lie that Marianne and Charles used to convince themselves that they were right and were the scapegoat to justify all the sins they committed and allowed to be committed. Lelouch reveals their hypocrisy by pointing out the unconsciousness of their statements. Although Charles and Marianne took Lelouch and Nunnally away to protect them, they didn't seek justice for the crime committed, instead, they became VV's accomplices by using Charles' Geass on Nunnally and then they did not stop the war between Japan and Britannia because they wanted to get the Thought Elevator on Kaminejima Island for their plan. In the same way "Nunnally" was the scapegoat and the lie for Lelouch in his rebellion, however, Lelouch is honest with himself and recognizes that his true motivation was to protect the people he loved. This sincere display is what persuades Suzaku to work with him once again.
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One of the main unknowns of the series is "do the ends justify the means?" Suzaku says, "No, the means determine the ends and that's why I will follow the right path by trying to change the unjust regime from the inside while keeping my integrity intact." Lelouch says, "Yes and I can be this manipulative, control-freak leader over these 'pawns' if it means stopping Britannia/saving Nunally." The series answers that neither is completely correct and that both have their advantages and disadvantages. Lelouch and Suzaku end up realizing it here. Suzaku says, "If you want to achieve that end, you must act." And Lelouch says, "Yes, the means to that end requires me to reject something." That is, both must sacrifice something to achieve their goal.
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In short, the narrative objective of this scene is to show us that Lelouch and Suzaku understand what humanity wants and establish themselves as defenders of free will, as well as accepting the virtues and defects of the human condition. It's in the nature of men to lie and be confrontational, but they also dream of a tomorrow. Ultimately, the Ragnarök Connection is the final stage for Lelouch and Suzaku's evolution. Thanks to this plan, they perfect their ideals, manage to unite and are able to save the world. It's an important moment that solidifies all the themes of the series and sets the foundation for Lelouch and Suzaku's final plan: Zero Requiem.
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PS: If you think this analysis blew your mind, hope you see it from the perspective of Joseph Campbell's monomyth :P
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writerblue275 · 10 months
(Best)FWB!Ezreal Headcanons (18+)
Inspiration: This was one of the of ideas that got me to start this account lol. I’m also in the process of writing a fic based on this idea and it would be so much easier to just reference this post in the header rather than explain everything in the prose.
Champion: Ezreal (like Pilty!Ezreal/Explorer!Ezreal)
Genre: Headcanon
Category: TINIEST amount of angst but primarily FLUFF and SMUT - I mean what were you expecting. We're talking about best friends with benefits here. Typically the benefits are of an adult nature. 18+ ONLY. MINORS DO NOT INTERACT.
Length: This is a looooong one, friends. In my defense, I'm using this headcanon as world-building/background information for at least 1 future fic (It's quickly turning into multiple parts lmao).
Gender: Fem!Reader/reader who is fem presenting? Ahhhh even my non-binary ass doesn't know how to describe this...mention of dresses and stuff.
TW: Adult themes. Friends with benefits, reference to adult activities and kinks. For example: semi-public petting or Dom/sub dynamics. Slight mention of what (probably) happened to his parents and the emotional fallout of that. Mention of alcohol (always drink responsibly y’all). Swearing (as per usual).
Important context: I know game Ez’s age is a bit debated, though generally agreed on somewhere in early to early-mid-20s. For adult Ez in this, let’s say he’s like 23-24? Also Indiana Jones exists in this universe because DAMNIT I WANT TO CALL HIM INDIANA JONES AS A NICKNAME.
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Your father is a history professor at the academy who knows/works with Ezreal’s uncle, Professor Lymere, and who often collaborated with Ez’s parents before they disappeared. Archeology and history go hand-in-hand, after all.
These collaborations led to you and Ezreal being together often as kids since you were around the same age, and a close friendship developed.
To the point of casual physical affection (hugs, hand holding, occasional cuddles) and silly nicknames for each other. He calls you princess, you call him…idiot mostly. (Jk…kinda.) You’ve called him Indiana Jones for forever since he was just as fascinated about archeology/artifacts as his parents.
You have called him an idiot many times though, especially when he’s been extremely rash and reckless.
At various points in your friendship, people have seen the two of you and assumed you had to be dating. It’s hysterical to both of you.
“Me dating Ezreal?! Nah, he’s just my best friend.”
“(Y/N)?? Absolutely not. We’re just best friends.”
You’re one of the few people who can humble Ezreal, a specialty of yours since early on in your friendship.
You: *In your father’s office studying while he teaches a lecture to one of his classes in a nearby lecture hall*
Ez: *Runs into the office, breathlessly laughing as he leans against the now closed door, holding a toupee*
You: *Eyebrows raise* Whatcha got there, Ez?
Ez: *grins* One of the campus warden’s toupees!
You: *Stares at him for a second and sighs* You’re a moron….*goes back to studying*
After his parents’ disappearance, you were understandably worried for Ezreal. You watched as your best friend struggled through the stages of grief, and even worse, stalled before he could get to the acceptance stage of what most likely happened.
You were always there to listen when he needed an ear. Even more importantly you tried to serve as a voice of reason once Ez started planning his own expedition to find the final resting place of Ne’Zuk.
You never said anything to completely dissuade him, because you wanted him to follow his heart and his dreams, but you couldn’t help but worry. With what likely happened to his parents, you were utterly terrified he wouldn’t come back, especially considering his stubbornness, his recklessness, and his age. Losing your best friend was a thought you just couldn’t stomach.
Only you knew about his plan to sneak onto a supply ship bound for Nashramae. You sent him off in the middle of the night with a giant hug and a “Be safe, Indiana Jones. You better come back alive…Write when you can…”
After a second he pulled back from the hug, gave you a signature Ez smirk, and said, “You know me well enough to know I’ll be fine, princess…”
Once he did set off, you had to convincingly act as though you didn’t know where he went. It was difficult, especially seeing how distraught his uncle was once he read Ez’s note, but your loyalty was to your friend.
It was torment waiting for any sort of news. Ez wasn’t exactly going to the most populated areas.
Thankfully, he did eventually return, excited to show off his new gauntlet, using it often to flash behind you and scare you.
“Ez, I swear if you keep scaring me, I cannot be held responsible for any damage to your stupid handsome face.”
*Smirk* “Handsome eh?”
“…Shut up…f-forget I said anything…the last thing you need is an inflated ego.”
But he didn’t forget.
Over the years as he gained notoriety and fame from his adventures, you were one of the few people who didn’t treat him any differently from how you had in the past.
As much as his ego craved the validation and fame, hoping they’d be enough to draw his parents back (god damn this man needs HELLA therapy), having someone who just treated him as Ezreal, not as the prodigal explorer, was really nice…
Once he was a little older, when he started getting invites to parties and banquets to talk about his adventures, you became his go-to date.
As he told you, “It’s just easier than dealing with the rabid fans. Also you’re good-looking, and I need someone with me that helps make me look good.”
That earned him a sarcastic eye roll and “Thanks, I guess?” from you.
With the fame and scale of his adventures, Ez collected a decent amount of wealth on top of what his family already had. As thanks for being his go-to plus-one, he’d always take care of the cost of your clothes and accessories for these events, sometimes even buying outfits for you himself; things that he thought would look good on you. He has shockingly good taste and understands your sense of style very well. (SUGAR DADDY FRIEND EZ, ANYONE?)
It was about a year and a half ago that things in your friendship changed. He’d been gone almost 3-months chasing a particularly legendary relic rumored to be surrounded by an incredible number of traps that were said to be impassable.
“Impassable” is Ez’s specialty, as you know.
Of course, his exuberant return made him a popular invite to all the parties. Everyone wanted to hear the tales of Piltover’s prodigal explorer.
You were just fucking relieved to have your best friend home, alive, and in one piece.
It was after one of these fancy parties when things popped off. There’d been an open bar during the dancing portion of the evening. Both of you were tipsy. Both of you were giggly. Ez gave you a piggy back ride home since you decided to kick off your incredibly uncomfortable heels the second you stepped outside. (What a gentleman.)
Once you arrived at your apartment, you invited him to stay the night as he always did since it was so late. Of course he agreed, grabbing the extra set of comfy clothes he stashed there for such situations and going to change while you prepared the couch for your usual post-event chats, setting up, pillows, blankets, snacks, and water.
As he came out of the hallway to the living room where you were, you could feel his gaze glued to you as you bent down to prep some things*
You: *blushing a little and not looking up at him* “Yes?”
Ez: *smirks* I thought that dress would look incredible on you, and I was right….you look even sexier than usual…
You looked up at him with wide eyes, your cheeks DEFINITELY pinker as your mind took a second to register what he said* “You thought about how I’d look in this? W-wait…you think I’m sexy?”
He just grinned and shrugged his shoulders. “Of course I did and of course I do. I’ve told you before that you’re good looking. Do you remember when you accidentally blurted out that I was handsome? Do you still think I am?”
You weren’t sure if it was the alcohol or your curiosity about the direction of this conversation that had you saying, “Yes I do. I’ve thought that for a long time. But, I don’t understand why that matters? You’re my best friend, Ezreal, and to be honest, dating you sounds like a nightmare. I already worry enough about you when you’re on your expeditions. Adding deeper feelings into that sounds like a one-way express ticket to driving myself insane.”
Ez chuckled, “Who said anything about dating or deeper feelings? Feelings are the last thing I need in my life (again THERAPY, MY GUY). But, the way I see it, I’m physically attracted to you, you’re physically attracted to me, neither of us want feelings involved beyond what our friendship is now….that sounds like an arrangement that is mutually beneficial…”
You straightened up and folded your arms together as you contemplate his words. “So like a…friends with benefits sort of thing?”
Ez grinned. “More like best friends with benefits, but yes. I have needs. I’m assuming based on the fact that you’re currently not seeing anyone either that you also have needs. We’ve helped each other out with problems many times….why not help each other with this one?”
Ok, but why was he making so much sense??
He was also right. You’d been going through a hell of a dry spell as of late. And hey, when it comes to people, you trust Ezreal more than anyone else. You’d also be lying to yourself if you said you didn’t find him extremely attractive. All of these reasons pinged around your mind until finally…
“Yes…ok…yes….tonight can serve as a test of sorts…but I’m not finalizing anything until tomorrow morning when both of us are stone cold sober. I have conditions, but they don’t apply at the moment. Got it?”
His response was an frantic nod and an eager “Got it,” as he stepped closer and reached for your waist to pull you to him.
Your response was to turn around and move your hair to the side. “Ah ah ah. First help me with my zipper…then show me what you can do, pretty boy…”
And BOY DID HE. Quite honestly he blew your mind (and your back out 😉). But we’ll get to that later on.
The important conversation happened the next morning after you two woke up tangled with each other.
Ez sat up and stretched, and you couldn’t help it as you sleepily reached over and gently ran your fingers along his abs.
He gave you a sleepy smirk and eyebrow raise before murmuring, “Already want another round, princess?”
This resulted in you pinching him before you also pulled yourself up, not even caring that he was baldly admiring you as you stretched. “I tentatively agree to this arrangement, Ez, but I want to talk about limits/conditions. Let’s talk as we get breakfast ready…”
Your conditions: 1. While this arrangement is in place, he’s not sleeping with anyone else and that includes on expeditions. You don’t want the chance for any sort of disease. 2. If either of you falls for another person, the arrangement needs to end (obviously you two would talk about it so the other knows what’s going on). 3. This can’t fuck up your friendship. Even if things physically end, your friendship needs to remain intact. You don’t want to lose your best friend. 4. No falling in love with each other.
Ez easily agreed to your terms and laid out his own: 1. He’ll see you when he gets home from expeditions and while he’s in Piltover. 2. If he’s not sleeping with anyone else, he hopes you won’t either. 3. He wants you to take care of yourself mentally (a bit ironic), physically, and emotionally, especially while he’s gone. (He won’t admit it, but when he’s on his explorations, he thinks/worries about you often and wonders if you’re doing alright.) 4. He wants to continue to buy you gifts and clothes, and he also wants to start including lingerie in said gifts if you tell him your sizes and style preferences.
The last one surprised you. “Lingerie? Why? That seems pretty intimate for fuck buddies. I certainly don’t expect such gifts from you.”
He was unfazed, instead just grinning and chuckling at the surprise on your face. “Believe it or not, it’s almost more for me than you. Undressing you will be like unwrapping my own present.”
Strangely enough you couldn’t find any fault with that logic.
You agreed to all his terms, and the two of you did a little hand shake to finalize things. A strangely small gesture to seal a massive change in your friendship.
(*Clears throat*) And now for the important part…
Definitely NSFW - AKA How is Ez as a FWB?
With an ego like his, you might think Ez is a selfish lover.
And you know what, maybe to start he is, but you shut that shit down IMMEDIATELY. Remember, you’re one of the only ones who can humble this man.
Once you make it clear that this arrangement will not be one-sided in pleasure if he wants it to continue, he makes sure to act RIGHT.
Like he really makes sure to blow your back out every single time (hell yeah go you).
A large part of his initial “selfishness” is hesitance. You two have known each other forever, but certainly not in this way. You telling him off? Honestly it reminds him that this is still you, his best friend, who he knows better than just about anyone. He is just learning about another side of you.
That is a confidence boost to him and banishes any insecurities he has.
(Unlike Heartsteel Ez who I see very primarily as a sub) Ez is a true switch maybe even leaning a little dom.
Whatever you need him to be, he can be.
Ezreal can be VERY PLAYFUL. Your normal friendship is filled with laughter and teasing, and your friendship in the bedroom is no different.
That doesn’t mean he can’t be serious though, he absolutely can be.
He’s the extremely teasing type, expertly working you up with just a couple touches in public or private and then making you wait.
For example, at those fancy dinners you go to with him? If anyone bothers to look under the tablecloth they'll see his hand on you, thumb tracing shapes into the fabric of your dress high up on your thigh, while he casually recounts the harrowing details of his adventures.
There you are, just sitting there trying to keep a straight face and not blush. He does it often enough you think you’d be used to it by now but NOPE.
You’re really glad no one expects you to tell any stories at those things because every time his hand creeps onto your thigh, your brain short circuits a little bit. Trying to tell a story or hold more than a passing conversation would be incredibly difficult.
And he KNOWS IT TOO. Once he’s not speaking, he always looks over at you and gives you a little smirk.
And if you do the same to him when he’s not telling stories? He will not stop leaning over and softly complaining in your ear.
You take great pleasure in whispering in his ear, “Can’t handle what you dish out? This is what you get, you teasing fuck.” (Or something similar lol.) Then you pass everything off as normal with a very quick, friendly, and casual kiss on the cheek which makes HIS brain short circuit a little bit.
Very touchy and LOUD in bed, especially when you’re on top. To the point you have had to cover his mouth with your hand and threaten to STOP riding him if he doesn’t get himself together and be quieter. He knows damn well how thin apartment walls in Piltover are.
Eventually you just gag him with something, because let’s be honest, it’s an empty threat. You definitely DON’T want to stop and he’s well aware of that.
When he’s on top though, Ez intentionally will do things that cause your sounds to get louder, making no attempts to quiet you. Instead he just smirks down at you and whispers in your ear, “Is that all you’ve got, princess? I know you can get louder than that…don’t hold back for me…”
Don’t be afraid to mark him. Feeling your nails dig into his shoulders/back or feeling you mark his collarbone with hickeys drives him absolutely wild.
Very very VERY good at dirty talk. His wit and sass translate extremely well to more intimate contexts. And when you dirty talk right back at him? He loves it when you’re just as playful as he is. His favorite is when you murmur something filthy in his ear and follow it up with a playful little nip somewhere.
Loves tying you up and loves being tied up, as well as using blindfolds.
Not the most attentive with aftercare, but hey, your arrangement isn’t romantic so you don’t mind. He at least stays the night/for breakfast and cuddles you which is honestly more than you thought he’d do.
It might be a bit inconsistent concerning WHEN you see Ezreal since who knows when he’ll come back from his expeditions, but whenever he is in Piltover, the two of you certainly have a good time. Besides, it’s good to know your best friend is home safe…at least until he sets off on another adventure.
Thank you for reading!! Omg I had so much fun with this one. And I’m already enjoying writing the associated fic. It was literally just supposed to be a one-shot and now there’s absolutely going to be multiple parts, so keep an eye out for that!
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malenjoyer · 4 months
I love your art so much it’s amazing the style the colours the everything <3 one favourite of mine is that BTAS art w Nightwing & Robin riding the motorcycle with the caption ‘you take continuous damage from nightwings hair’ not only is it funny but that style is BEAUTIFUL. (I’m a big Jason fan, so the fact this art tops a lot of the art I’ve seen of Jason in terms of favourites is really saying something). I love the style a lot, feels like I’d see it in some famous video game.
Anywho! I had a couple questions about it if you don’t mind! :D
- what program & brush did you use for it? (It’s both smooth and pixelated at the same time it’s cool!)
- did you do more in that style? I haven’t personally come across any but definitely doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist!
Thank you for your time and for showing us all your wonderful art it’s always a joy :)
Thanks! I should probably draw more Jason but I’ve got that adhd brain where if it’s not placed in front of me, I won’t really remember. To be honest, most of my Tim works is because I have so many Tim fans in my life for some reason (I’m being held hostage) and I only have.. 1 Jason fan. The Damian, Cass, and Dick is all my brain rot though. Also the btas Tim is kind of jason-y.. or so I’ve heard lore wise and personality wise. I haven’t finished watching it cause of life stuff. I’ll get back to it.
So for that piece, I did it on clip, with one of those brushes with something called aliasing (check brush properties). Most basic brushes should have that look. It looks like sai’s binary brush, which I used to use back when I used sai. You can make the piece in sai too. The background will just be hard because the background is almost entirely motion blur effect so you wouldn’t be able to do that in sai (I think).
I don’t think I have more in that style but I did used to do pixel art…so that might be what’s giving it the video game effect. See the thing is with that piece, I didn’t expect that many people to like it. During that time, I was having some kind of art block so I drew on an incredibly small canvas (small canvas, not dpi) and as a result it had a really strange pixel effect. The canvas was only 3x3 inches 😯
Bonus: if you’re wondering wow! That motorcycle is so cool! It’s because I have it :d
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1000punks · 10 months
bonding. ⁰¹//nesting
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//bonding. masterlist
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pairing: spawn!Astarion x named!Tav (non-binary OC)
warnings: 18+. nsft. mdni. discussions of past s/a. light (for now) bondage. more explicit stuff to come in later chapters.
word count: 2,829
summary: two gays remodel a house domestic fluff and some character background building, set in post-game baldur's gate. two people who are weird and traumatized work on their relationship and reclaim their sexuality through a shared kink. i definitely blacked out and wrote this before finishing the game on this particular file for real because the final battle was frustrating the fuck out of me. named!Tav is my non-binary tiefling ranger, Festé. i was seeing far too few fics with tiefling!Tav and i thought it was crucial, nay, critical to include them in the headcanons. i hope you all enjoy! ♡
The past months had been an entirely welcome change for the both of them, and they had taken to domestic life with zest and fervor. It was surprising, considering that each of them were fish out of water in their own right. Festé's positive attitude had soothed the blow of descending back into the night for the elf. Astarion's intense desires to try new things had kept things more than adventurous for the ranger. They certainly made an odd couple, but anyone who knew them well could see each was exactly what the other needed.
Once the restoration of the Upper City had begun, the two made the decision to settle down somewhere nearby. They talked at length about where they would go, and what they would do, and took their time weighing their options. One night as they were walking through the Lower City, engrossed in conversation, Astarion stopped dead in front of an old townhouse. It looked abandoned and derelict in the dim lamplight of the street. Festé had watched Astarion study it, a smile spreading on their face as he dropped their hand and gave them a devious look.
"Look at this ugly old thing!" he had exclaimed, sidling up the half-broken porch and reaching into his pocket for his tools. "Why, it looks just like I did, I'm sure, the first time we met. All broken and run-down, and in need of some tender loving care." He had laughed airily, popping the rusty lock with ease, and held his hand out for Festé to take. He led them inside and positioned them in front of himself as they took in the front room together. The elf had placed his hands on their shoulders, the two slowly revolving on the spot.
"Do you… like it, Astarion?" Festé had asked, and he had drawn in a long breath. They could tell without seeing his face that he had closed his eyes. After a few moments of him being lost in his imagination, he answered.
"I do. This place has wonderful bones, and I have excellent vision. Would you indulge me, my love?"
Festé laughed heartily and turned to kiss his cheek, pulling out one of his old lines - much to the elf's chagrin - "How could I say no?"
Months passed, and the house slowly became their home. Festé took up carpentry, following Astarion's meticulous designs. Astarion spent the days indoors, choosing wood grains, fabrics, art, and other decorations to 'spruce up the place,' as he had put it. The tiefling spent days in the sun, hammering and sawing, building counters and bookcases, chairs, a table, even a bedframe. Any time Astarion called their name, they dutifully (and happily) strode inside to wrap him in a hug, letting him relish in the heat of the sun while it radiated off their skin. He would always hum and bury his face in their neck, sometimes picking them up and wrapping their body around his like a favourite coat.
Suddenly, it seemed, they had a beautiful home and a perfect life together, but Festé noticed the change in Astarion's behaviour immediately following the end of their project together. He moved about the house more fretfully than usual, and sometimes spoke in clipped tones, particularly in the mornings when it was no longer safe for him to enjoy their cozy porch. Then the flashbacks started once more, especially when the two were intimate with one another.
Astarion had developed a habit of ambushing Festé in various corners of the house, where the tiefling would happily reciprocate the attentions. He would kiss them forcefully, pressing them against the walls, on top of the bed, in the bathroom. He would always bite down their neck in the way he knew that they liked, working on opening their shirt when his movements would become mechanical. Too practiced. Festé would set their hands on his arms gently, holding still as Astarion would breathe heavily, pulling away from them with a faraway look and burying his face in his hands. Festé was patient and kind, every time, fixing their clothes and softly asking Astarion if he would like a hug before wrapping him gently in their arms, reassuring him when he would cling to them firmly and apologize.
One night, some months later, they were laying in bed together, each engrossed in their own books. Astarion had taken up learning Infernal, and was poring over an old history volume that Festé had found for him. They couldn't help but feel a sense of pride, and admittedly, a little embarrassment, that he had taken such an interest in his tiefling lover's background. He was more committed than they had thought, and had asked lots of questions as he made his way through the book. Festé preferred old Rashemaar stories, and chuckled out loud as they imagined Minsc recounting the war stories and legends in his booming voice. Astarion had one cool hand on the small of their back, and they fully enjoyed the discreet gesture of intimacy. He sighed suddenly and closed the book with a snap, and they looked up.
"What is it, love?" they tilted their head, studying his face with concern.
"My dear, I do enjoy sipping tea for hours into the night, but sometimes it is dreadfully dull." Festé knew exactly what he wasn't saying, but waited for him to continue, closing their book as well. Astarion had a way with being lighthearted in tone, while covering up what was eating at him. After this long, it wasn't very subtle. His eyes were downcast as he continued, "I… well, you know me, my love. You know that I want to try new things, and one of those things is sex. On a regular basis, and with someone I deeply care about." He looked at them, a little wide-eyed, "I don't know if it's the fact that I can't be in the sun anymore, or if I have regrets, or if I'm… simply broken, but I- I just…" Astarion took their hand suddenly. "I want to, but I don't know how to make myself feel okay, when I want to. I'm sorry, but I- "
Festé listened to him speak, squeezing his hand and interrupting in a soft voice when he began to apologize, shaking their head gently. "Star, you don't have to apologize for that. I'm not going to get bored of you if we only have sex once in a while, or not at all. There are so many ways to be intimate besides- "
"I know!" he snapped, but Festé was nonplussed, they understood he was just frustrated, and they squeezed his hand again reassuringly. "I know, my dear. But I want to." He all but growled the last words. "I want to find a way. I want to experiment with that." Festé nodded, and gestured for him to continue. "I think that part of it is the sense of control, for me. Too often I've battled with feeling out of control - whether it's my thirst, being whored out, or when I got kidnapped… all of that. And now, not being able to join you in the sun, I guess it just brought up a lot of those old feelings for me."
"That makes sense, love." Festé studied his face, it was clear that he had been mulling this over for a while. Astarion looked sheepish, as if he shared too much, and the tiefling smiled gently. "If you want to be in control, then I am more than willing to do whatever it is you ask of me. I trust you with my life."
Astarion smiled too, looking relieved. "Why don't we test that theory, you lovely little imp. Kiss me." Festé chuckled, crawling up the bed and planting a peck on his lips. "Good," he said, "Now warm me up," the elf pouted playfully. "I'm cold." Festé raised their eyebrows, reaching to move the books to the bedside table and straddling his hips before flopping down on him like a ragdoll. They laughed together, Astarion rubbing over their back. "Very good. I do have a serious question to ask you, though, and please answer honestly, my love." The tiefling nodded. "Have you ever… let anybody tie you up?"
Festé rested their cheek on their palm, considering it for a moment. "Well…" they hummed, "There was one time, in Amn, but that was when I was being interrogated." They looked up, their eyebrows knitting at his expression. "I… what? I was, and I remember it being very- " Astarion interrupted with a cackle, petting through their hair as he shook the bed with his laughter.
"During sex, my darling. Has anyone tied you up during sex?"
"Well, no. I've never trusted someone this much." They paused, taking in his surprise. "But, I can tell you that I definitely didn't… hate being tied up in Amn. I can definitely see how it would be pleasurable, with the right person." Astarion stroked their other cheek as they spoke, nodding thoughtfully.
"Do you trust me enough to try it with me, my love?" he whispered, his tone unsure.
"I do." they said simply, sitting up and gathering one of his hands to their chest. "I also trust you with a dagger, I know you would cut me out if something bad happened."
Astarion chuckled and shook his head, "You know, I'm always astounded by how easygoing you are, darling. I feel like I could tell you we need to hide a body and- "
"Do we?" They laughed together once more, Astarion grabbing the tiefling and crushing them into a hug.
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · · The first time was very nearly a disaster, and resulted in a stiff, sore tiefling, and a very panicked elf. Astarion carried Festé to their large bathtub at the end of the night, and once he had undressed them and put them in the steaming water, he went to the kitchen to get a bottle of wine for them to share. He stripped and sat down with them in the water, pulling his poor little imp into his lap and uncorking the bottle with his teeth.
He took a sip and pinched the bridge of his nose as he spoke softly. "I'm… terribly sorry, my dear. I did not realize that bending your arm that way would… would…" he bit his lip, looking distraught.
"Darling, it's hardly the first time my shoulder has been dislocated." Festé said, matter-of-factly. "And you popped it back in right away, I'll be fine."
"You can't just write a dislocated shoulder off like that, my love." Astarion gritted out, taking a deep swig of the wine and pressing the bottle into Festé's waiting hand, who swigged as well, chuckling. Astarion looked gutted, reaching out to hold their cheeks as tears welled up in his eyes. "My dearest, I am so sorry- "
"Shh, shh. I know you are, and while a dislocated shoulder has never bothered me before, I forgive you. It was an accident, Star. Please don't beat yourself up, okay?" He nodded at them begrudgingly, reaching for the bottle and setting it on the floor with a soft thud. He sniffled a bit, then slowly lifted his head, smelling the air.
"I nicked you somewhere, dear, probably when I was getting you out. Stay still…" he looked them over carefully and found the cut between their shoulderblades. "Gods below… I can't do anything right, can I?" he chuckled, helping Festé turn around in the tub. He made to pull them to rest against him, but they resisted.
"Wait, I'm bleeding anyway. Take a drink." The tiefling looked over their shoulder and then tried to twist and find the cut themself, wincing in pain before Astarion grabbed them, as gently as possible, shaking his head with a smile.
"Darling, you're hopeless." he whispered, gently pushing them to lean forward as he licked over their back, closing his lips over the cut and sucking softly.
"Yes, but you love me." They laughed, shivering a bit from his cool lips on their heated skin.
He sat up, pulling them close. "Yes, I love you. And you love me."
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
It was over a month before Astarion approached them again. He hadn't been cold, but his touch had been ginger and chaste with them since the first incident. He had also forced Festé to wear their arm in a sling, which the tiefling had rolled their eyes at, but complied. They had even allowed Astarion to wait on them hand and foot for a few weeks, even if it was just to assuage his own guilt.
It was sundown, and Festé was checking themself over in the mirror, poking and prodding at their shoulder and rolling their arm over, listening. They shrugged, satisfied and began to brush out their hair to re-braid it. Astarion's cool palms landed gently on their shoulders, startling them. He chuckled, weaving his fingers into their hair and murmuring softly, "Let me, dear." The tiefling dropped their hands to their lap as he moved his through their hair, enjoying the gentle touch.
"Thank you, love." They looked up at him when he had finished, and he bent down to give them an upside-down kiss, planting a peck on their neck before straightening up.
"It would seem… that your shoulder is healed." Astarion tried and failed at nonchalance. Festé nodded, standing up and swaying with him from side to side. "Would you be so inclined as to let me try tying you up again?"
"Well, since you asked so politely, my love…" the tiefling laughed, resting their hands on his sides. "Where would you like me?"
Astarion steered them back to the bed Festé had vacated not fifteen minutes before, sitting them down with a soft thump. "We should at least keep you comfortable while I figure this out, I don't want you too sore or broken this time." He grinned, albeit a little sheepishly, and knelt up on the bed with Festé.
They tilted their head, watching him as he reached for the hank of rope next to the bed, holding out their wrists for him. He shook his head, holding up the rope and measuring with his eyes. "Let's leave your arms free, just in case, love."
They ended up staying in the bed together for hours, Festé chatting energetically and Astarion listening intently as he tried what felt like hundreds of different ties, smiling to himself all the while.
"If you're a Mephistopheles tiefling, then why aren't you blue?"
"My love, you can't just ask someone why they're not blue. That's offensive." Festé raised their eyebrows and twisting around to look at him.
"I- well, I…" Astarion's hands froze in place as he stammered. He had Festé in a complex tie. They were laying facedown on the bed, their back a map of crossing rope, and their wrists cinched together above the base of their tail.
"Relax, love." They laughed heartily, "I'm joking. I don't actually know, to answer your question. Both of my parents were blue, so maybe I'm a fluke."
Astarion sighed, "Don't scare me like that, you little imp. I thought I actually upset you." He smacked them gently on the ass. "That's interesting though, you're sure neither of them were unfaithful?"
Festé shrugged as well as they could in their position. "I don't think so, but I couldn't ask if I wanted to, they're both…"
"They are, yes." Astarion picked them up off the bed, and pulled them into a hug, planting a kiss on their cheek.
"I'm sorry, love." He held them close and tight.
"Thank you for saying so," they nuzzled him and yawned. "It was just old age though, nothing extreme."
Astarion started to untie Festé slowly, glancing towards the curtains with a sigh. "It's morning already," he whined theatrically into the back of the imp's neck, slumping against them while he wrapped the rope back up.
"You know what that means? That was, hmm… ten hours of bondage, with no dislocated joints or broken bones." Festé turned, giving their elf a wide grin. "You're an expert now, aren't you?"
"Oh, my dear. If you're wanting to discuss expertise…" he gently pressed them to their back on the bed, kissing up their neck slowly and firmly before nuzzling into their shoulder with a soft hum. "Mmm… darling, may I- " he lifted his head up, biting his lip and chewing it thoughtfully. "I'm feeling…" he shifted on top of them, pressing one thigh between their legs, wrapping his arms around them and trapping them with a roguish chuckle. "I want you," he finished simply.
"Then you have a very willing captive, my love." Festé murmured. "Do you want to get the rope back out?"
Astarion considered it for a moment, moving to kiss his little imp with a slow sigh through his nose before he sat up, smiling at them. "I do, darling."
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A/N: hey all, i was really nervous to post this! :'D i don't see a ton of fanfic with named!tav and Astarion, so i'm quite literally sitting here psyching myself up before i post this it makes it really nerve wracking to write some and hope that other people enjoy it anyone coming out of the woodwork with "they're not a weird couple" no they are, Festé is a dipshit (i know, i made them) and they're down bad for this elf. and the canon i could tell you from the days where they were my d&d character is too fruitful and batshit to detail here but the point is they love wet cat men so here we are, let's think of a horrible ship name together, like uhh... "range-roguer"
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fayrobertsuk · 2 years
Making Differences
Long post. tl;dr: you never know where your earnest words may end up, and what they might accomplish, so keep putting them out there. (Also: I wrote a guide to nonbinary identities a little over two years ago and I’m still very proud of it.)
Back in August 2020, I emailed my day job line manager: “Hey, so, I’ll be coming back to work [after the world’s worst-timed unpaid, year-long sabbatical] in three weeks... we should probably have a plan...?”
He agreed, and decided to do a long-overdue video call that week. In our defence, we’d had a lot of Other Things to think about in that period.
Approximately 15 seconds before the call connected, I remembered that my beard had been growing out for about 6-8 weeks by that point and was not something you could pass off as a trick of the light, if you were so minded. What would this nice, supportive, but ultimately cishet, Christian, family man have to say about my incontrovertibly gender non-conforming appearance? I’d never even told him about being non-binary, always swerving when conversation got close to the topic.
As the video image expanded, he leaned into the screen, put one hand to his own hairy chin (very different from the clean-shaven man of memory) and said “Huh. It’s not as good as mine!”
Me: “Well, uh, hah, to be fair, you’ve had longer to, uh, develop yours.”
Him: “How long have you been growing yours then?”
I’m not sure that there could have been a better response, if I’m honest.
We moved onto different topics after that but, like a two-ring circus, I was chatting about the departmental shifts, the changes in personnel, how everyone was coping with permanently working from home... and thinking: “Could I finally come out completely at work? Like: COMPLETELY? Would that... I hadn’t even... what...?!” and said, just before signing off, with utter lack of articulacy, that it would be good to talk about, uh, pronouns, and changing them in work, sometime.
“Oh. Okay.”
We worked the mechanism out between us, me slowly revealing my new appearance to close colleagues one at a time, most of whom were either a) relieved that I wasn’t telling them I’d suffered horrendous burn scars (thanks for that very specific leap of imagination!), b) cis men complaining mildly that my beard was better, or c) having to be dragged back a step from the notion that I was transitioning to a man and would be changing my name, etc., d) or some combination of the above. And then we decided to use November 2020’s National Coming Out Day as a good point to aim for. I was already set to write an article about coming out as nonbinary for the organisation’s LGBT+ Network (due to be shared generally with anyone in the business who cared to read it or any of the others for that day – apparently mine made some people cry).
In the meantime, I searched out the announcement that a former colleague’s line manager had made to the business when she came out as trans and forwarded it to mine – here’s a good template, and yes: the annoucement coming from you will help legitimise it. At which point, it became clear that my boss and colleagues were going to need some further guidance from me.
“I was thinking of writing a thing about how to use pronouns...”
“Oh!” He was nakedly relieved. “Yes, pronouns. That would be great. Thanks!”
No problem. I knew how to use my own, and how to communicate that clearly. No worries. One page about ze/zir/zirself, with a general background on neopronouns. Coming right up.
It occurred to me that I didn’t know whether any of my (ostensibly uniformly cishet) colleagues had any idea why why someone would use third person singular pronouns other than she/her or he/him, so I added in a bit about nonbinary identities. A couple of pages should be fine, right? The nonbinary identity section grew, and split into subsections: definitions, history, legacy, how much more common such a thing is in cultures other than “Western” ones.
Maybe it needed more context. After all, to understand nonbinary, you probably need to understand binary trans identities. A new section blossomed.
In order to understand transgender identities, you need to understand gender identity. Okay. Another section. Let’s throw in all the definitions re: sex, gender, cis, trans, nonbinary... with some links to other resources.
You know what this needs? Diagrams (id in alt-text). And a contents page. And a glossary.
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Honestly, I’m amazed it’s only thirteen pages long...
Anyway, thing is: it’s gone a LOT further than any of us ever imagined. It started with people on Facebook saying “Well, I don’t understand [non-binary people/ the need for gender-neutral language]!” in various groups/ on other friend’s posts, so I’d sweetly offer them the guide. (Turns out treating what can look like huffy denial as a good faith request for more information (with bonus diagrams) gets many more positive results than you’d imagine.) Then I idly posted the link in a couple of more friendly places. And THEN it started getting weird. “Can I share this with my colleagues?” Sure. “Can I bring this to my kids’ school?” Go for it. “I’d like to circulate this as a resource at the NHS Trust I work for.” Uh. Okay! “So, I saw [the guide] on Twitter. Can [organisation I greatly admire] use that as guidance for our organisation?” Buh, uh, yeah! Please! “My wife is a prison psychiatrist, may I share it with her?” Blimey. By all means.
And then the more personal stories started coming back: “You made me realise something about myself.” “I shared this with my family and they understood.” “We’re in love and your paper helped me reconcile that.”
This little guide has gone a lot further than I ever imagined it might.
Today a senior colleague told me, in passing:
fwiw I shared your pronoun guide with my (very old white cis hetero) choir and it has generated SO many good questions
so there are choir grandkiddos all over the world thanking you for their grandparents being more awesome
Which, considering I was braced for an awkward business change management conversation, was not where I was expecting to end up this afternoon, emotionally speaking.
If I was doing this from scratch now, I suspect there would be differences (a longer glossary; an excursion into intersex identities, maybe? definitely better diagrams...), but then, a lot of what I know now came from doing the research for the guide, so maybe not so much! But one thing is for sure: I’m never going to take the impact of words shared freely quite so lightly in future.
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sazzujazzu · 5 months
Hello, as the days count down and the Bad Batch finale draws closer, may I show to the fine folks of tumblr my first Star Wars OC in 20 years, created thanks to this show? 😃
Too bad, I'm showing them anyway 😊 somberly chilling while listening to their bestie talk.
Please excuse the poor background (I got lazy) and half-finished Tech (I got sad)
there's, uh, a big mess of words under the image because I wanted to put into words the importance this show has for me, and I am bad at doing so.
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I want to get some thoughts off my chest, because I have no one in my day-to-day life who cares about the animated Star Wars shows, and especially the Bad Batch. (well, other than my mom, but I don't want to bore her with my rambling too much. she already banned star wars from me once, i won't let that happen again lol)
I can't stop thinking how much I don't want Bad Batch to end.
This show has been so dear to me. I can't remember the last time I've loved something this much.
Before the second season started, I had an artistic block that had lasted way too long. Anything I drew or wrote, mostly turned out a horrible mess after staring at a blank page for hours and hours, if I ever managed to create anything at all. For someone who tends to draw whenever their hands aren't otherwise busy (aka all the damn time), such a block weighed down on my mental health.
Well, then season two happened, and full-on gave me back my love for Star Wars, a love that had somewhat gone out over the last few years. Then, Plan 99 happened, and broke me because again my favorite character "died" (I'm in team Tech lives until I draw my last breath or until proven correct. That chocolate-eyed cutie-pie is alive nothing will convince me otherwise). Pretty much after finishing the episode and staring at a wall for another 30 minutes, I said "nope" and began writing.
I wrote for hours. I believe it's been well over a decade since I last wrote fanfiction, but here I was, creating a Star Wars oc, something I'd last done as a ten-year-old. And now, roughly a year later, I think I've written over a hundred pages of (very self-indulgent) fanfiction with the Batch, and with my oc that I've come to love.
And drawing, oh boy, have I been drawing!
(... Sure, I've mostly been drawing Tech, over and over again, to a point I once actually considered lying and saying "yeah that's my boyfriend haha!" to a man at my job last summer, when asked who it was that I was drawing for maybe fifth day in a row 😂 likely would've been a more acceptable excuse for someone my age. But, I mean... I just really love drawing him, not only because he is my favorite character of maybe all time, but because he is just so fun to draw! And most of all, at least I draw again!)
And it is all thanks to this wonderful show about a bunch of defective and effective copy-paste boys and their sister.
It's probably something many say, but I've always felt like a bit of an outsider. I've felt like I have no place; when I was a kid, my interests were very different from the other kids of [gender assigned at birth], and trying to play with them while inserting my own interests into the games, often didn't go so well. I was... kind of an odd child (although now, older and questionably wiser, knowing that I might actually be autistic, many things make more sense now. me kind of discovering this about myself is also partially thanks to Bad Batch)
Also, growing up trans/non-binary, while not even knowing what that is or having a word for it, didn't really do much to help with the feeling of "I'm different and an outsider because of it". Perhaps it was one more reason I fell in love with Clone Force 99, because I could see some of myself in them. Being different from the "regs".
I love this show, and these fictional people have become my family, and I am not ready to say goodbye to them.
Alright, weird pile of thoughts over. In case someone read all this, uh... thanks 😊
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fischotterkunst · 9 days
It was 2007, and Tia had lived for nearly 15 years in an increasingly fundamental Christian marriage. By the time she worked up the courage to escape, they were living in an unheated, isolated urban homestead in Tennessee – and her controlling spouse was forcing her to obey orders while calling him “my lord.”
The story began far more benignly, with Tia and her parents joining a megachurch in Florida when she was an adolescent. There she was introduced to families following the Gothard movement, a fundamentalist ideology and way of living that was the brainchild of American minister Bill Gothard. The increasing number of Gothard families within her First Baptist congregation promoted homeschooling and could be spotted because the “women dressed like prairie wives, always pregnant and holding a baby,” she writes in her book.
Tia gave birth to five children – including baby Clara, who was born with a heart defect and survived just weeks – as Allan moved the family to more and more conservative congregations. Many fellow congregants were adherents of the quiverfull theology, which encourages large families and forbids any type of birth control or family planning.
“I see the trap,” she tells The Independent. “I see the lifestyle that is so all-encompassing that you can’t get out of it. I see the systematized denial of agency and options so that you might wake up one day and want to be out of it, but you’ve closed door after door after door so that there’s no one there to help you. There’s not a bank account to turn to. There’s no agency to just start asking questions or to change your life, if you decide you want something different." It’s a movement that’s deliberate and strategic, dating back decades and beyond, and she says it’s chilling to hear echoes of proclamations made from pulpits during her childhood in the words of influential politicians today – “especially when JD Vance opens his mouth,” she says. [...] The talking points are all there, Tia says. “They are often divorced from the theology that fed them, and I think that’s for a mass audience – but that’s also a good opportunity for someone who comes from that background to say, I know why they are teaching that, and I know what they intend to accomplish with it.” While she watched the mass popularity grow of reality shows featuring families like the Duggars, where she recognized tell-tale Gothard fingerprints, Tia was caught off-guard by the latest pop culture fad across TikTok and Instagram. “Maybe [the trad wife social media movement] speaks to … the very clear binaries of the gender roles, easy answers, the simple formulas,” she tells The Independent. “Sometimes it can just be comforting to watch, because we like process videos and we like pretty aesthetics, and we can tend to think it’s benign and that it’s not part of something greater." “Patriarchy needs women to perpetuate it, so it grooms our participation, and then it holds us there with the guilt of our complicity, and then we become perpetrators. So it’s like the cycle that just keeps going."
please reblog this version of this article with context and without the derailing so as to give this incredible woman and her extremely important message the platform she deserves
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emloafs · 2 months
ep by ep thoughts (ck s6ep4)
THIS ONE IS MY FAVORITE EPISODE (iykyk). i haven't recovered from it. spoilers below!!!!!!!
You’re telling me the episode opens with hawks ugly ass American flag hair? Shut the hell up. and no one comments on it????
“Each and every one of you has a shot” as its a shot of Anthonyy (Anthony does not have a shot xo)
“Its really only that 6th spot that’s up for grabs” “yeah and its yours for the taking” ELI BELIEVES IN HIM SM STOP
Sorry to say I eat my words the fab 4 will not all be making it, and neither will hawk, you can just tell from how overconfident they are
It is the way that my entire body is reacting to having average, every day content of binary bfs at school and its ruined by Eli’s FUGLY HAIR and HORRIBLE OUTFITS 
I do appreciate that demetri is still demetri and he’s like there’s an 18% chance of me making it and I know that so it is what it is academics over karate has always been my thing
“MIT cannot turn down the binary bros” OH NO MITS GONNA TURN DOWN THE BINARY BROS
I think Eli is having second thoughts about MIT or he thinks he won’t get in 
I love them being normal in high school!!!!!!!!! Cancel the karate half of the show I don’t need it
Idk how ep4 is gonna go down but it’s my favorite already 
The camera work is fire
Okay kiaz cartwheel… go off? Ig?
“Mucles” “I HAVE A NEW NICKNAME!!!” This is Mitch’s season fr
Actually rooting so hard for demetri <3 call me biased
Kisses for baby Anthony throw him a bone
Anthony is SO TALL NOW?
“The power couples and hawk” honestly that’s the best way to describe them let’s coin that
Devon better be picked fr actually she needs a win and she’s better than most of them
Not me imagining Yasmine walking into the dojo and she just finds dem and Eli making out
Omg are they breaking up
“I’ve come as far as I can go, and I can live with that” that’s right dem and you’ve done great
“Youre breaking up with me?” “No!” Damn. So close.
Why does his girlfriend have to be the motivation ugh
“Just like MIT, you’re not going to Barcelona without me” LOVING MY HAWKMETRI CRUMBS THEYRE IN LOVE
Eli doesn’t want to let dem down :((( 
Oh shit he’s gonna tell him and demetri is gonna be betrayed and kick his ass low key
I personally love capture the flag <3
Omg eli’s literally not gonna make it his head is in the clouds about college and demetri brother get it togetherrrrr 
If Anthony makes it to the tournament and not Eli im suing 
I am scared of barnes
Ok power couples saw that coming
Daniel is a bloody nose Anthony will be fine
Angsty Anthony idek what do with you
Oh god Johnny and barnes fight in a warehouse with power tools WHY just WHY
Oh I don’t like when demetri and Eli fight I hate this game 
Eli won’t hurt dem again and if they come to a head, and frankly demetri is going to destroy him
Hawk buddy you’re fucked. Demetri is going to kill you. Honestly. I’ll start picking the flowers for your funeral.
Eli’s outfit sucks in this btw I need to speak to wardrobe
No way… Kenny has the runs… this his sabotage.  That sucks literally that’s gross and embarrassing. You’re all dead to him.
HOLDING HAWKS ARM???? “How do you like it?!” IM GONNA THROW UP 
Eli loves him so much it hurts and dem is so mad at him 
IM CONFLICTED im really proud of my baby but dear god am I worried about Eli
Thank you writers for not making dm a background character <3
KARATE DADS CRUMBS: Anthony comforting hawk after he lost <33333 he’s like I hate when my dads fight fr
Devon obv put the laxatives in his water right… OH YUP it is now confirmed 
I like really actually cannot believe the hawkmetri fight…………… like……….. holy fuck did that just happen? The arm thing?????? Holy fuck
Why does it feel like they just broke up
Someone hold me.
(I enjoy the pain, though. Episode 4 IS my favorite.)
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sensei-venus · 2 years
Thoughts on poly binary boyfriends and their chubby girlfriend who is too insecure to wear lingerie bc she thinks she's "too fat for that"?
“Put It On Yah”
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(Unesited) (Mentions of Body Image Issues, Squint to find Monster Cock! Demetri, Moon being a good friend in the background.) (Moster Cock!Demetri 🤤✊ @gemini-sensei )
“But it's so cute! You have to get it! Hawk and Demetri will love it on you.”
Moon pouted and whined as she held up the lacy lingerie set. She twisted it around as she held it up, looking at it from different angles. She picked at the fabric for a moment. Reader didn't even want to look at her as she messed with the lacy underwear.
Moon had talker her into going out and shopping with her at the mall together for the day and she just couldn't say no to the girl. Hawk and Demetri where at the dojo with the rest of the students from Miyagi-Fang. A day class wasn’t that odd but it did leave her with some free time away from them. It was a little lonely so when Moon texted asking to go out, she said yes.
She was slowly starting to regret the decision to go out with the giggle girl.
The little lingerie shop in the corner of the mall wasn't on her to do list so when Moon pulled her onto the little boutique she was a little shocked. She wasn’t expecting it at all. When Moon started pulling out random sets of underwear from different bins she knew her fun time was over. The idea of lingerie always made her stomach bubble in embarrassment and dread. It had never crossed her mind to try on anything like that let alone actually wear it.
When she brought up the idea of wearing it for Hawk and Demetri, her stomach turned even more in insecurity.
“I don’t know about this Moon, do you even think they will actually like it? Iv never even heard them mention liking this kind of stuff.”
“Oh come on all guys like to see their girl in something revealing~ a little spicy- every once in a while. Then again you could just tease them in it if you really wanted too.” Moon shrugged as she handed the little number to Reader.
Readers eyes looked over the sketch fabric in her hands as Moon walked around the shop. She bit her lip as she really looked at it. Maybe it wasn't a bad idea to get it. She could just come back and return it if it didn't work out, no harm done. Maybe it would be fun to tease the boys with a skimpy little number.
“I'll get it but I'm blaming you if I make myself look stupid for my boyfriends.”
Moon squealed from the other side of the store making Readers eyes roll.
Reader decided to plan out the whole night the guys got home. The training ran over so they didn't get back until later that evening.
Now everyone was home.
The boys had showed and where relaxing on there bed. Demetri was on his phone doing something while Hawk was flipping though a book that Demetri let him borrow. The two of them where pretty quite beside the occasion comment to one another.
Reader poked her head out of the bathroom and into the bedroom to get a better look at the two. She chewed at her bottom lip as her eyes scanned over their relaxed figures.
“ I uh-uh wanted to show you guys something-”
She couldn't fully form her sentence when they both turned to look at her. Her body froze before she could even walk out from behind the bathroom door. Her face felt like it was on fire and her head felt fuzzy in that very moment.
“Forget it! I uh, just give me a few minutes and ill be out.”
Both guys looked at each other before looking back at the now closed bathroom door. Hawk was the first one up. He slowly walked to the door and lightly knocked.
“You ok in there? Kinda sounded like you really wanted to show us something.”
“I don't think it's a good idea now. I thought it over and I don't think you guys will like it. I'm just going to change and get ready for bed.”
Demetri’s ears perked up at the mention of getting dressed.
“Changed? Did you get something new? I know you and Moon went to the mall recently. Did you want to show us a new outfit or something? We would love to see what you got.”
Reader was silent from the other side of the door. She couldn't help but stand in front of the bathroom mirror and look at herself.
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(I thought this was cute-)
She really couldn't decide if she wanted to show them the new lingerie. She could just take or off and put a shirt and shorts on and call it a day. Take the lingerie and hide it in their closet somewhere. Maybe she could just return it at the mall-
“Shit that's hot-”
“Babe you look so fucking sexy in that-”
Reader nearly jumped out of her skin as she tried to cover herself with her hands and arms. Her eyes wide as she turned to the door to find it now open and both of her boyfriends standing in the door way. Both of them stared her down. Their feet rooted to the spot where they stood. Hawl licked his lips as his eyes drank her in. Demetri was chewing on his bottom lip as his eyes widened and scanned over her almost naked form.
“I didn't think you would like it...”
“Why did you think that? Your so sexy in that princess. And all for us? Why would you say that.”
Reader fiddled with her fingers. She looked down at herself.
“Because I'm to big for this kind of stuff... I'm too fat to wear things kind of stuff and still look as sexy as those girls on the magazine covers. I'm not a cover girl or anything...”
Hawk rushed over to her and pulled her into a hug, Demetri following. The two boys hugged her tightly.
Hawk kissed at her cheek saying “Don't go there, you are just as amazing and hot as those girls on the magazines. And the thing is, we think your hot in it so it doesn't matter. Those girls mean nothing to us.”
Demetri nodded saying “I uh don't think I would be as uh happy as I am if you where anything else but sexy.” Demetri lightly humped into her upper thigh. The large bulge, his rapidly growing erection that strained his shorts,rutted into her naked thigh. Her eyes widened and her face grew warm out of pure embarrassment. Hawk ginned at Demetri's equally as embarrassed facial expression.
“I-oh my-”
“Oh my indeed, I think we should get you back to the bedroom before Demetri blows a load in the bathroom.”
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mbrainspaz · 8 months
My mom needs to be stopped. I know my gran just tells her everything about my life. I blocked her number about a year ago after she texted me a transphobic rant. She seemed fine with me going no contact so it was crickets until I saw her at my uncle's house over New Years. She ran up to hug me using my name (that she swore she'd never use) and acting like everything was totally fine and normal. After apparently just being totally fine with zero contact for A YEAR? What the hell? I treated this fresh nonsense with the suspicion it deserved but by the second day it was like we were back to normal(ish), sharing funny videos and stories and watching Percy Jackson together. As we were getting ready to leave I hugged her and hesitantly asked, "Is there anything... you wanted to say to me?" She got evasive, shook her head with a fake smile and said, "No." So I said goodbye and drove home with my grandma thinking, WHAT THE F***?! all the way. Ever since then she keeps chiming in from the background on calls with my grandma. Last week she asked if I liked the newest Percy Jackson episode and I... honestly I had no idea how to reply. "Well that was the scene that inspired me to become an urban fantasy writer so yeah, I liked it." Why do you care? She keeps doing it. I'll be telling my gran about something and my mom will just chime in sounding chipper as ever, as if by talking like nothing is wrong she can make the wrongness evaporate. Clearly she still thinks I'm going to hell for being queer. She hasn't had a change of heart and I doubt she ever will. She doesn't know I'm ace because she never asked. She doesn't know what being non-binary means to me because she refused to listen. When I tried to come out she put on blinders and tried to pretend it never happened. She avoided talking to me for 7 months before I blocked her. She still likes all the posts on my art page. No idea what she thinks that's going to accomplish. Like, 'thanks for the crippling insecurities about my creativity I've had to overcome and for never really caring about or supporting any of my dreams—and in fact actively sabotaging some of them—but at least you can click buttons on facebook now.' 'How nice that you're enjoying this so much.' Yeesh. On some level I get it because one of the central toxic properties of my family, courtesy of my dad, was always our ability to pretend like everything was fine and we were all happy. Anything bad that happened—no it didn't. My brother and I have talked about this as adults and we agree it's pretty effed up, but we also don't know how to heal from it. Not while our parents continue to insist on acting like nothing is wrong.
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no-psi-nan · 1 year
In my post-canon fic series, Akechi becomes friends with Kusuke in adulthood, often visiting his lab to hang out and play games and chat. (This happens well past what I've posted so far though lol)
Akechi is openly non-binary, and makes a bet with Kusuke over a game, like they usually do, for custom hormone replacement treatment as a prize. Akechi wins and Kusuke studies pharmaceuticals and stuff to make him a course of hormones that will give him more feminine features while still keeping a lot of his masculine features.
Anyways I ended up writing this character introspective moment between Akechi and Kusuke that I thought was neat:
Akechi's quarterly physical is a boring regular affair on the couch at Kusuke's lab. It's just a simple checkup to see how well Kusuke's custom blend of sex hormones was working to give Akechi the perfectly ambiguously gendered figure of his dreams.
But for Akechi, undressing - even just to the waist - is always a grand production.
Off comes his suit jacket, and he takes the time to hang it up neatly to avoid wrinkles.
Then he unhooks his suspenders from the back, pulling the straps forward to tie in a neat little bow to keep them out of the way without having to remove them entirely.
The way he unbuttons his dress shirt is always so prim and practiced too, each twist of his wrists at once mechanical and dramatic.
Akechi's bright gaze meets Kusuke's then.
"It used to be that I only considered mirrors to be utilitarian things," he says, "useful for ensuring that my clothes were tidy and my hair neat, or occasionally for a closer perspective on some blemish or bruise. But lately, whenever I catch sight of myself in the mirror, I smile, and it's this unintentional, unbidden outburst of joy – a wild thing that I would never have considered possible at such a mundane occurrence. Had I felt 'wrong' in my old body? Certainly not– I was reasonably satisfied with it at the time. But these latest developments have, in a sense, elevated my everyday experience, increased the background baseline of my mood. And for that, I am truly thankful, Kusuke. We both know that our gambling antes are farcical, more of an excuse to share in an experience than a true wager. And yet you've granted me such an enormous boon, at no little cost of your own. I have some idea of how much time you spent studying human biology and pharmaceuticals in order to prepare this treatment regimen for me. Time you could have perhaps better spent developing your own inventions and theorems. Yet you have been nothing but professional and attentive with me throughout these years. I would like to thank you wholeheartedly for everything."
And of course, Kusuke would have complicated feelings about his closest and practically only friend, so...
Kusuke looks away from Akechi to the other side of his couch, uselessly hiding his expression from someone who knows his emotions better than himself.
"No problem," he says. "It's fun."
"You want more," Akechi states simply, no judgment in his tone.
Kusuke frowns.
It's true.
As much as he enjoys Akechi's company, and the time they spend fiddling with Kusuke's machines and playing crazy little games for mostly meaningless antes, there's something missing.
Kusuke doesn't know what it is, but he feels it in his chest when Akechi bounces into his lab like he's in his own home. He feels it when Akechi whips up a bizarre new treat as if his lab was a kitchen and offers Kusuke a bite right out of his fingers. He feels it when Akechi stays the night, snoring away on the couch while Kusuke silently writes journal papers and grant proposals.
Akechi's gaze is kind enough to hurt.
Anyways from here I wrote a fic where they settle into a friends-with-benefits kind of relationship but because Kusuke is still a big weirdo no matter how much he's calmed down, the resulting fic is extremely unhinged.
(The full fic is rated E and easy to find, but mind the tags, it's truly the wildest thing I've posted so far lol)
But I figured some people might enjoy reading the premise so here it is <3 This lore was actually explained previously in an Aikechi mini-comic but I think most people missed the punchlines so hopefully this is a clearer version of Nopsi's Trans Enby Akechi Lore!
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silverwings22 · 5 months
Song of the Sea: Chapter 32: Fight Dirty
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Chapter Warnings: child endangerment, exploitation of minors, threats, death of a (villain) character Series Warning: explicit smut, alien anatomy (it's a monsterfucker fic, guys), major character injury, grief, canon typical violence, autistic meltdowns, and my terrible attempts at Mando'a
Previous chapter:
Next chapter:
"I'm hot, tired, and starving." Wrecker groaned. Shiani was up under a busted speeder bike, Hunter handing her tools and Tech trying to locate any sign of a town they could feasibly get to. Omega was working at something on her datapad in the background, watching the collaboration from her peripheral. 
"I told you to conserve your rations." Hunter shook his head, putting a spanner in the tentacle and reached out from under the chassis. 
"But I got hungry."
“Just a little longer, Wrecker.” Shiani said hopefully, hand coming out to get her welding torch beside her. “Hang on.”
“You said that hours ago, but the skiff is still a hunk of junk.” Wrecker sighed. 
“With a little more work from Shiani, it will be a slightly operational hunk of junk.” Tech looked up. “The power cells should have enough output to get us to the other side of the hemisphere. There was a town there that I clocked on our approach.” 
Shiani poked her head out, her welding goggles pushed up her head. “Too bad we don’t have Gonky. We could get a better charge on those power cells.”
Omega’s head popped up. “We forgot Gonky!”
“With the ship’s transponder being offline, it is likely we will not recover him either.” Tech glanced at Omega nervously, not wanting to upset her again with his delivery of bad news. 
“No, I mean I forgot he was on the ship. We can’t track the ship, but we could track him!”
Tech blinked, index finger coming up with his thought. “His binary reference code. That is ingenious, Omega. Try tracking him on the scanner.” 
Omega nodded, getting up and getting to work. Shiani made a happy noise and ducked back under the chassis, the rest of the teaming hearing a banging noise before the lights came on. “We have a skiff now!”
Omega came running over. “And I found Gonky on the scanner!” She squealed, bouncing up and down with delight. Shiani climbed out from under the speeder and took her hands, jumping with her. 
“You’re so smart, Baby Mega. So proud of you!” 
“Everyone load up, then.” Hunter chuckled. “It’s gonna be a bumpy ride.”
They managed to squish on with Tech driving, Shiani behind him with Omega squished between her and Wrecker, and Hunter facing backwards on the back. Shiani made her extra limbs into a series of seatbelts just in case, and snuggled against Tech’s back. 
If they ever got a chance, she wanted to try riding a speeder like this with no armor on. It sounded nice, riding with her arms around him and no danger on the horizon. 
One day, they’d find peace. She was sure of it. Until then, she was right behind him like she’d always wanted. 
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"This place looks worse than the spaceport." Wrecker sighed as the mining town came into view. It was basked in an ominous red light even Shiani didn’t find pretty. And an unsettling kind of fog seemed to hover in the energy around it, that felt like despair.
Hunter eyed it, arms crossed. "Anything on the scanners, Tech?"
"Nothing in the immediate vicinity, but I cannot say the same for the subterranean levels. Additionally, there is a ray shield in use. We will have to deactivate it to get the Marauder out, if it is in there."
Shiani looked back at Omega. “Got a lock on Gonky’s signal?” 
Omega nodded, eyes bright. "Yes. He should be with the ship."
Shiani wrinkled her nose. “Unless the thief’s trying to scrap him. We might need to split up.”
Hunter nodded. “Good idea. Tech, Shiani, and I will head straight for Gonky. Wrecker, you and Omega set up in case the thief gives us trouble.”
The split up, Shiani behind Tech and Hunter as they walked right towards the thief’s den. Her expression dropped when she realized her target was far too small to be an adult. It was a kid barely older than Omega, with dark hair, running a diagnostic on the stolen gonk bot. He had a tattoo across his throat that looked like an equal sign, and wasn’t showing her dear little friend Gonky the kind of compassion he deserved. "No good. Looks like I'm going to have to scrap you for parts."
Gonky started beeping in complaints, just as sassy as his rightful owners.
"What? You're busted. What am I going to do with a defective power droid?"
"That's our defective power droid." Hunter snatched the kid up by the shoulder like he was going to slit his throat. It was an act, Shiani knew for a fact that he’d never hurt a child. "Where's our ship?"
If he hadn’t been scared of Hunter’s face, Shiani’s bared fangs behind the sergeant had the boy turn six shades paler. "Oh, uh… the thing is…" He shoved Hunter’s hand off him and dove onto a speeder, trying to get around the corner. 
Right into Wrecker’s grasp, who snatched him off the speeder and dropped him on his ass. Omega held him at bowpoint, eyes narrowed. As Shiani, Tech, and Hunter stepped around the corner, the siren felt like she was watching her own firstborn on her first hunt. Omega was getting so strong and brave, she deserved the galaxy for how much of a survivor she’d grown into. 
The ship thief looked like he was going to cry. "Oh come on! What do you care, it's just a busted old battery!"
"Not to us." Omega snapped 
Hunter grabbed the kid one more time. "One more time. Where's our ship?".
"What ship?"
"The one you stole yesterday!" Shiani said sharply, showing her teeth once again. “My brother said one more time. Tell the truth, or I’ll start questioning you.” 
"It's with Mokko!" The boy kicked his feet, panicking. 
Shiani and Tech exchanged glances. “What’s a Mokko?” The siren frowned, softening immediately. 
He looked at her like she might be stupid.  "The boss? He owns this town. Don’t you know anything?"
“I know you stole my house, and now you’re gonna show us where it’s at so we can steal it back.” She snorted. Hunter nodded agreeably, deciding that the kid’s fear of her was a useful tool today. He didn’t need to know she was about as harmless as a tooka most of the time. 
"I can't double cross Mokko! You have no idea what he's done for me!"
“Too bad. No choice.” Shiani insisted. 
“She’s venomous.” Omega volunteered, still holding her bow on the other child like she’d shoot him for one false move.
“Vemonous?!” He blanched.
Wrecker scruffed him.  "Yeah, and it hurts like hell if you get bit. Now lead the way."
The boy quickly figured out he didn’t have much of a choice, and started shuffling along while he took stock of the people he’d managed to piss off. Three soldiers, a kid with a bow and lethal eyes, and the…. Whatever the lady with the tentacles was who scared the daylights out of him.  "Those blasters are a bad idea in an ipsium mine. Just saying."
"So this is an active mining town?" Omega was more curious than mad now that they were moving, and put her bow away so she could walk alongside him and talk. Her adults kept watchful eyes out, so she wasn’t worried. 
"Yeah. It used to belong to the Techno Union."
Shiani glanced at Tech. “Aren’t those the people who held Echo as a prisoner?”
He nodded. “They are.” 
The boy glanced back? “I guess you don’t like them?”
Shiani shook her head. “Tortured our brother.”
“Oh… we’ll, they’re gone now. Mokko took over when they went under."
"So you're an ipsium miner and a thief." Omega’s tone was pure venom, and Shiani had to look away to avoid laughing out loud.
"It's a skill."
"Stealing isn't a skill."
"It is when you're good at it." He gave her a cheeky grin, but got slapped in the back of the head with a purple tentacle. 
“Not as good as you think.” Shiani huffed. “We found you. See how many guns we have?”
He glanced at the clones and nodded, swallowing hard. “Yeah…”
“What’s your name?” Omega asked after a minute of feeling just a little sorry for him. He was dirty, clothing patched, and looked too thin. This Mokko guy he was so grateful to didn’t seem to be taking too good care of him.
"Benni. Benni Baro."
"Benni." She furrowed her blonde brows. “You could get into a lot of trouble stealing like that. I have a family to look after me. You don’t.
“This is your family?” He glanced back at the four adults.
Omega nodded. “My brothers and my sister.” 
He looked sheepish, and maybe a tiny bit jealous. "Your ship is in the bay over there…"
Shiani looked back at Tech and smiled. “Scanner?”
He pulled up a holo schematic and examined it for a few moments, Shiani leaning over his shoulder to see what he did. "It would seem that the entrances are guarded in shifts. We would attract significant attention trying to infiltrate that way. And the ray shield I detected earlier is positioned over the mine."
Everyone crouched over the schematic together, Shinani wrapping a tentacle around Benni’s ankle to keep him from running off. “Not going anywhere until we have our ship. Understand me?” 
He nodded anxiously.
After a few minutes, Hunter pointed at the smokestack of the factory. “What’s the timing window between emissions here? We could use that as a point of entry.”
Tech nodded. "The window will not be very wide, but it should be enough for us to rappel down and utilize the unguarded lower access hatch."
Benni threw his  hands up. "You guys are crazy. You'll get roasted, I'm out of here."
Shiani pulled him closer, an inch from her face, and smiled. “I said you can go when we have our ship. Don’t worry, I won’t let anything happen to you until then. Unless you double cross us, and I’ll break my rule about eating sentient species.”
Benni looked at Omega. “She’s bluffing, right?”
“I… actually, I’m not sure.” The girl shrugged. 
Tech glanced at his wife and she gave him a wink. She was, of course, bluffing. But Benni didn’t need to know that.
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“I would prefer if one of us did this.” Tech frowned, looking at Shiani as she double checked her rappelling line. She had volunteered to go first, despite Hunter usually taking point. “You are less familiar with the equipment.” 
“And I’m for flexible than anyone. Plus I have six arms, faster reflexes, and venom.” She smiled as the smokestack blew behind her. “Let me do this for you. How long is my window again?”
"Sixty seconds." Tech winced as the emission cleared.
Shiani wasted no time, dropping down the smokestack the way Hunter had told her in a 90 degree run down the brick and durasteel. The rest of the group and Benni peeked over the edge. “... So she’s your sister?” He whispered to Omega.
“Yeah.” Omega nodded. 
“Then why is she purple?” He frowned. 
Tech rolled his eyes. “They are not biologically related. Shiani is my wife, and I am Omega’s brother. Technically, they are sisters-in-law.” His foot was tapping, which Hunter picked up on immediately. 
“She’s going to be fine, Tech. She’s well suited to this.” He patted his brother’s shoulder.
"Thirty seconds." Tech said tensely.
Shiani was more than halfway down when she stopped, and they spotted a droid sentry walking through the bottom of the stack. "I thought you said it was unguarded." Wrecker squirmed.
"It was!" Tech hissed back. “Do you think I would have sent her down there intentionally if I thought it was dangerous?”
Hunter hit his comm. “Twenty seconds, Shiani.”
She hit the release on her belt and dropped directly onto the droid, ripping into it with her claws. They were still on the inner platform, and Tech felt like he was going to throw up as the seconds ticked by. 
"Ten seconds." Omega whispered. 
“There she goes!” Wrecker grinned as Shiani picked up the droid and slammed it into the wall before bailing into the control room as shelter. Just in time, too, as the smokestack went off again and everyone had to duck below the lip at the top to avoid having their faces burnt off. 
"You people are crazy." Benni muttered when Wrecker picked him up. 
Omega just gave him a grin as Hunter patted her shoulder. At Shiani’s all clear, they rappelled down. 
Tech went straight to Shiani, cupping her face in his hands carefully. “Are you alright?”
She nodded, grinning at him. “I’m fine. You trained me for this.” 
He sighed, hating that she was right, and pressed his helmeted head against hers for a second before they looked at Benni. He looked a little confused. “So you two really are married…”
Shiani nodded, chuckling. “Family looks different for everyone. Still family.”
Omega nodded, hand in Hunters with Wrecker behind him. Benni was suddenly very aware of how alone he was in the galaxy, while these five had each other’s unwavering support. Even the scary squid lady who’d been threatening to eat him. 
He kept his word, however, and led them through the red-tinged mine under the ray shield. Shiani frowned as they looked at the workers pushing carts. “All the miners are babies, Tech.” She whispered. “Not just Benni.” 
"The conditions here seem very harsh." He agreed. “Particularly with children.” 
"It has to be. The ipsium is degraded, so we have to work harder just to get by. Mokko had to lower wages just to keep the mine running." Benni explained. 
Shiani looked suspicious. “Babies are easy to lie to, if no one teaches them how to stick up for themselves.”
"You just don't understand. He looks out for us." He pointed to a bay door, shoulders stiff and refusing to look at the siren. "Your ship's in that garage bay. I know a shortcut."
"No tricks." Hunter growled. 
"Hey, I'm not trying to get caught either." Benni held his hands up defensively. 
Hunter sighed, knowing he didn’t have much of a choice. They followed Benni through a door and down through the mining facility hallways until they came out inside a garage. The Havoc Marauder was parked with the ramp open, the ship gutted.
"The hyperdrive has been removed." Tech groaned. 
“I can fix it.” Shiani sighed. “Gonna take a minute though.”
Hunter stopped Benni as he tried to casually back away. “You’re not going anywhere until we can leave.” 
"What about the ray shield?" Omega pointed at the ominous red light that permeated everything.. 
"It can only be deactivated from the central tower." Benni pointed up. "I can go."
Hunter frowned. "Not alone. You stole our ship, there's no way we can trust you."
"You guys stick out too much. If someone has to go with me, send her. She'll blend in." He gestured  to Omega, who looked at Hunter and gave him one of his own signature ‘I got this’ nods. 
Tech handed Omega his handheld when the sergeant nodded back. "Transfer the data onto this and I will be able to access it remotely."
Shiani crouched in front of the girl and took her hands. “First hunt, Baby Mega. You’ll do fine.”
“I won’t let you down." Omega promised.
“Never could.” Shiani squeezed her hands three times before standing up and pulled out her tool bag. “Now go. Tech, let’s fix this hyperdrive.” 
Omega turned to Benni. “Let’s do this.”
"Not dressed like that." He took his jacket off with an incredulous expression. “You don’t look like a miner at all.”
“I’m not. You should have been more careful of who you stole from.” She smirked, undaunted. This was her first hunt, and she wasn’t about to let him get her down.
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"Hunter, I'm in the control room." Shiani was under the hyperdrive, up to her elbows in connection apparatus while Tech worked the guidance systems and Wrecker got their weapons back online. Hunter was keeping lookout, and everyone had turned their comms up to listen for their littlest member’s update. 
Hunter was anxious to get the hell out of here. Everything about this place made the hair on the back of his neck stand on end, and Shiani’s comments about child miners was relaying in his head. They were easy to lie to… which meant they were loyal to this Mokko guy whether he deserved it or not. They wouldn’t have a problem fighting the Batch, even if he had a problem fighting kids. "Good. Copy that data and get back to the hangar safely.".
"Motivator reconnected." Shiani popped out from the hyperdrive. "Tech, the primaries to guidance?."
"I am nearly done, and then I will need to calibrate the navi-computer." Tech sat up from where he was working. “By the time Omega gets back, we should be operational.” 
"Weapons system back online." Wrecker waved a wrench at Hunter. 
Hunter nodded. "These are all just kids…" He really hoped he didn’t have to use the weapons. Not on children
Tech sighed, heading for the navi-computer. "It appears as if Mokko is using his means as leverage against them… it is a tactic we have seen with the Empire."
“Babies are easy to lie to.” Shiani repeated, sliding over to help Tech with the primaries. 
“The aren’t the only ones.” Tech murmured, and her hand found his quietly. He was thinking about Crosshair again, she knew it. At least Echo knew he was getting into, but Tech wasn’t so sure the sniper did.
“Someone’s coming.” She blinked, ears pinning back. Hunter was starting to think he should be using those fins as a signal, because she heard the voices just a second before he did. 
Two barely half grown boys were coming into the garage bay, and there was nowhere and no time to hide.. "I thought Bryce and Hugh said they disconnected that hyperdrive- who are you?!" 
"Uh… Mokko sent us." Wrecker mumbled. Shiani nodded, deciding to test her theory about how easy kids were to lie to. Hopefully they’d buy it. 
Hunter held his hands up. "Easy. We're just here for our ship."
The two kids spun on their heels and ran. Hunter groaned and took off after them, hoping he could stun them before they got anywhere near the ipsium. 
Shiani groaned and pulled Tech to his feet. “Go fix the navi-computer. I’ll finish the primaries.”
Tech nodded, and less than a minute later, he was going out over the comm. “All systems back online.”
"Good. I've lost our spies, and they're calling backup." Hunter grumbled.
“How did you lose them? You’re a tracker.” Shiani sighed, getting up when Tech and Wrecker moved towards the suspension bridge. A male of a species Shiani wasn’t familiar with was coming with them, flanked by a couple child laborers and droids. “We got trouble, Hunter.” She pulled out her blaster.
"Copy that." 
"You come to steal from me? Me?!" The man hissed, and he must have been Mokko based on arrogance alone. Tech, Wrecker, and Shiani all leveled their blasters at him. 
"We merely came to recover our starship." Tech said mildly. 
"That ship belongs to me now." Mokko smirked. "And do you really think it wise to use blasters in an ipsium mine?"
"We don't miss." Wrecker huffed sharply. . 
"I believe you." Mokko laughed. "But will you really risk it? Look."
On the other bridge, Hunter had been lining up a shot as well. When Mokko gestured, he looked up and sucked in a sharp breath. "Omega!"
The girl was being dragged to an overhead ledge by a droid, fighting every step of the way. Shiani’s eyes narrowed, snarling at Mokko viciously. “You let Baby Mega go. Now.”
"Lower your weapons or she goes over the edge." Mokko snarled. "Ten years in the mines sounds like an appropriate punishment for this treachery. If you survive that long."
Shiani didn’t trust her blaster skills in the mine, but she was pretty sure she could make it across the space between her and Mokko and have time to tear his throat out before he gave the order to hurt Omega. Tech watched her put the blaster back on her hip and flex her fingers, black claws shiny in the red light. He subtly took a step to the side, getting ready to give her space for her pounce.
Before she could strike, Benni came running to the other side of the bridge waving te handheld Tech had given Omega. "You lied to us, Mokko! The ipsium isn't degraded! You've been pocketing all the profits!"
"Don't listen to him." Mokko hissed. 
An older boy with purple tattoos looked at the screen, eyes wide as he spotted the profit reports. "All that talk about lean seasons… you let us go hungry while you kept everything for yourself!"
"I did what I had to survive! None of you would have made it without me!" Mokko protested. 
Shiani hissed, taking another step forward. “Lots of people think I’m a monster, you know. But it’s a real monster who hurts babies for credits.”
"Throw the girl over!" Mokko shouted.
Omega’s eyes locked on Hunter and she grabbed the droid’s arm when it tried to throw her, planting her feet and leaning back hard to drag it over the edge with her. Hunter was ready and shot a dart line before jumping over the edge to get to her. She threw her arms out, catching Hunter's hand in a spectacular arc that ended with them landing against a wall with her arms around his neck. "Good work, kid."
Omega grinned.
Wrecker and Tech kept their word about not missing, firing as Shiani took her running leap after Mokko. They took out the droids, while the siren snatched the cane from Mokko and hit him as hard as she could with it. He overbalanced, falling over the rail and catching himself with one hand. 
Benni seemed to have a greater capacity for kindness than Shiani would have, and reached down to save him. "Grab my hand."
Instead of gratitude, Mokko tried to drag Benni over the edge with him. The other young miners came running to grab him, and Shiani flipped herself over the railing and grabbed both sides of his mechanical claw hand. The metal screamed as she put every ounce of her strength into it and wrenched it off Benni’s wrist, then let go. Mokko dropped with a scream into the fiery chasm below, and Shiani slowly climbed back over the railing. She looked at the Benni, cocking her head to the side. “You okay, Baby Benni?”
He nodded, shaken but unhurt. “Yes ma’am….”
She reached over and patted his head lightly. “Good.” 
Tech walked over, putting his blasters back in their holsters and wrapping his arms around her waist from behind. She dropped her head back on his shoulder. “That railing was there for a reason.” He mumbled. 
She smiled, snuggling back and turning her head to look at where Hunter and Omega were making their way up to a safe ledge. The girl waved over at the siren. “Hey Shiani!?”
“Yes, Baby Mega?”
“Does this count as a successful hunt?”
Shiani laughed. “I think so!” 
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“Gonky! Favorite droid in the whole galaxy!” Shiani giggled, watching Wrecker hug the hapless droid. “”You helped us get our home back!”
Gonky made his usual noise at her from Wrecker’s arms before the giant of a clone took him inside. Shiani just laughed and put her arm around Omega, watching the rest of their stolen belongings being located and brought back inside. Benni was overseeing it sheepishly, to make up for causing most of the mess in the first place.
"Is this everything?" Hunter asked the boy sternly.
"Yeah. Don't you trust me?" Benni grinned. 
If anything, Hunter just looked angrier at the question, but didn’t say a word. 
"Okay, fair. Yes, this is everything. I swear." Benni held his hands up for the millionth time. He wasn’t sure who he was more scared of, Hunter or Shiani. 
Hunter sighed and went to help Wrecker load everything back up. Omega took Shiani by the hand and led her over to talk to Benni once more before they left. "What will you do now that Mokko's gone?" She asked curiously. They’d had an understanding while they were in the mine together, Omega’s kindness and reassurance of how family was supposed to be the turning point of him regretting double-crossing her. 
"I guess we'll keep mining ipsium. Without Mokko, we'll all get to split the profits." Benni shrugged, eying Shiani again.
"You don't want to leave?" Omega sounded genuinely curious. 
"Nah. Like I said, this is my home. It's what I know… and I really am sorry. You’re not gonna eat me, are you miss?” He frowned, concerned.
Shiani shook her head with a laugh. “I was bluffing, Baby Benni. I don’t eat people, especially not kids. And you’re too skinny to be tasty anyway.” She ruffled his hair. “You got a whole life ahead of you now, with Mokko gone. I hope you make a good one out of it.”
"Thanks. If you guys ever need a thief, call me?" He relaxed, even giving her a smile. 
"Benni! Chow time!" One of the other kids called.
"Be right there!" He yelled back before looking at the ship with the three brothers finishing up the loading. "Where will you guys go next?"
"Never matters where we go, as long as we’re together.” Shiani shrugged. “Right, Baby Mega?”
Omega nodded resolutely. She didn’t want anyone else to leave like Echo had, but he’d promised to come back eventually. It would have to be enough for now.
Benni nodded and darted off. Shiani scooped Omega up onto her hip and spun her around. “Your first hunt! Went so good, I’m so proud of you. Come on, I’ll give you your present.”
“Present?” Omega peeped, eyes wide. “I get a present?”
“Siren tradition is to give a hunt gift for the first successful one. We don’t really hunt for food the same way, but it was your first solo part of a mission so it’s the same thing. Here, sit down.” Shiani sat Omega down at one of the deck chairs and went back to her bunk, digging through her cubby cheerfully. “Oh, hope they didn’t move it… aha!” She came back from the bunkroom with a piece of folded cloth, and the brothers paused their loading and stood around to watch their girls. “Give me your hand, Baby Mega.”
Omega blinked and held out her hand, Shiani carefully unwrapping the cloth and pulling out a hand made bracelet that looked like a miniature chain she’d used to wear. “Did you make this, Shiani?”
The siren nodded, fastening it around Omega’s left wrist carefully. “It’s smooth so it won’t catch on anything while you’re training. I don’t have chains to give you, but you deserve them. Baby Chainbreaker, setting all those other babies free by being kind. I knew you’d earn them one day.” 
Shiani stood up as Omega inspected the bracelet, eyes quiet and contemplative for a long moment. Tech slipped up behind her as Hunter and Wrecker went back to make sure everything was in the ship. Shiani sounded so proud of her, but only one thought was echoing around the girl’s head. "I thought we just had to avoid the Empire… but they’re not the only threat."
Tech sighed. "No."
"We keep finding people like Mokko. No matter where we go." Omega rubbed her thumb over her bracelet. “No matter how many chains get broken, there’s always more.”
"That is… unfortunately true. But there are also people like us." Tech turned, putting a hand on Omega's arm. 
Shiani nodded. “And the chains you break mean everything to the ones you set free. I know it seems like it doesn’t matter, but it does. We fight.”
Omega looked up at them and nodded firmly, a sort of understanding in her eyes. She was starting to make sense of why Echo had wanted to go to Rex. She didn’t want to leave her family, but she could put that fighting spirit towards the injustice they kept running into. “Yeah. We fight.” 
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marvelmaniac715 · 2 years
This is part four of my au where Chucky decides to transfer into a human body. In this part, Glen and Glenda come out as non-binary. I myself am cisgender, and I don’t mean to offend anyone, if I get anything wrong please let me know so I can edit it, but I promise to try my best to write this as accurately as possible.
Glen and Glenda were finally home on break from boarding school! Chucky had been against sending them away from the very start, but one day Glen had found a box of old Enid Blyton books and became fixated on the concept of boarding schools. Glenda seemed excited too and Tiff eventually wore him down. The twins would only be home for a couple of weeks, and he’d written up an entire plan of stuff to do in that time.
That excitement was slightly ruined by the grim looking faces his children wore when he went to meet them at the airport. He used to kill people, and this was a ‘serious confession’ face. Were his children about to admit that they’d killed a man? If so, he was down for it, it had been ages since he’d buried a body.
It was a mostly silent drive to the house, any conversation was stilted and awkward. Whatever was going on (and Chucky knew his children very well, so there was definitely something going on) they weren’t telling. They requested that they all sit down together as a family for what they called an ‘important discussion’. The suspense was killing him, why wouldn’t they just come out with it and admit who they’d killed already?
When they were all sat down, awkward silence ensued. Twenty minutes passed as the clock ticked ominously in the background. Each second seemed to last forever, and Chucky was anxious to find out what was going on.
Eventually, he just got up to his feet and asked what he felt was the obvious question.
“Alright, who did ya kill?”
The twins looked at each other, taken aback but not exactly surprised. Their father had always been the type of guy to respond to any problem with “give me a name, a location and an hour” instead of advising forgiveness. But the idea that they’d killed somebody was just… absurd. It was such a strange concept that it made the both of them laugh out loud. When their laughter had subsided, Glen spoke.
“We didn’t kill anyone Dad, but we’ve realised something important whilst we were away, and we want you guys to know about it, because we both love you so much, and we feel confident and ready enough to share.”
Their mother was the next one to speak, she hadn’t known what to make of all of this, but this was clearly something important.
“What is it, sweet faces? Glenda, are you pregnant? Or- Glen, did you get someone pregnant? Oh my god, am I a grandmother already?”
Glen and Glenda glanced at each other before rolling their eyes fondly. It was just like their Mom to overreact like this, it was one of those little characteristics that made her, well, her. Glen stared imploringly at Glenda, silently begging them to take over, because they’d run out of words to say. Thankfully, Glenda obliged with a slightly nervous smile.
“Mom, Dad, Glen and I, well, we’re both non-binary.”
You could have heard a pin drop. The twins were nervous, and both Chucky and Tiffany were processing what they’d just learnt. Finally, Chucky broke the silence with a confused question.
“So what’s that mean?”
Tiffany whacked him in the back of the head and glared at him angrily.
“Oh Chucky, how can you be so dense? Non-binary means that our children don’t have a binary gender, Glenda isn’t female and Glen isn’t male. Is that right sweet faces? I’m still trying to get caught up, you know how I get stuck in the past.”
Glen nodded, pleasantly surprised that their Mom had understood so quickly.
“Yeah, that’s right.”
Tiffany ran forward to embrace her children, crying a little with joy.
“Oh my babies, I’m so proud of you both for feeling so comfortable to share something so important with us! Now, just to check, is there anything that your father and I can do to support you? I assume that both of your pronouns are they/them, but are there different names you’d like us to call you by, or do you want to go shopping for different clothes?”
Glenda grinned at their mother and shook their head.
“No, we’re happy with our names, we think we both suit them pretty well, but it would be nice to be referred to by the right pronouns, thank you.”
Chucky was still silent at the other end of the room, just staring at them in thought. Glen walked up to their father and, gathering all of their courage, they asked the question they’d been afraid to ask all week.
“Dad… how are you taking all this? Do you… not love us anymore?”
Glen and Glenda had never thought their father was homophobic or anything like that, but he seemed quite… set in his ways, it was like he hadn’t progressed past the 80s, mentally at least. But they both loved their Dad, so they desperately hoped he’d accept them both now that he knew that he didn’t have a son and a daughter, but two non-binary children.
He didn’t speak for a moment, but he beckoned Glenda over. Once Glenda was standing next to Glen, Chucky pulled both of his children into a tight hug, tighter than any hug either of them had ever received before.
“Glen, son-sorry, sorry, kid, I swear that’s the last time that’ll happen I’ll do better I promise-I love you both no matter what. You’re my kids, and I’m your Dad. I said I’d love you no matter why you did and it would be pretty fuckin’ hypocritical of me to disown you or something stupid like that just because of your gender identities. Hell, if you actually did kill somebody, I was gonna show you some good spots to hide the body, I know twelve good ones in this state alone.”
The twins laughed, happy to see that things were back to normal so quickly. They weren’t sure what to expect considering their parents were so… explosive, but it was great to see that their parents had their backs no matter what. But of course, their Dad had to ruin the moment.
“So just to clarify, you didn’t kill anybody?”
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sadesluvr · 1 year
Random question, but how would the cast of TNP react if Y/N came out as a trans man?
Hey Anon, thanks for the ask! :) I’m not trans/non-binary/genderfluid etc so I had to make this kind of general!
Cassidy: You all know by now that she has complete ‘a little confused, but she’s got the spirit™️’ energy😭 At first she might mourn the loss of her ‘gal pal’, but you’re still her best friend, and she’ll do anything for you! She’ll definitely use her allowance to get you binders, recommend the best places to get haircuts etc, and anything fashion-wise that can help you in your journey! There’s no doubt she’ll threaten and blacklist anyone who is rude to you. Always reminds you how hot you are.
Michael: Completely supportive! He’s bi/pan for a reason, so it’s definitely not something that will affect your relationship. He felt a similar feeling in his sexuality, so the two of you would bond over the feelings of ‘otherness’. If you feel any discomfort/dysphoria about your genitals, he simply won’t bring up sex until you feel comfortable. He and Cassidy are total gems <3
Gabriel: Similar to Cassidy. Very chilled about the whole thing! Is 100% willing to lend you basketball uniforms - they’re loose and hide the figure - to combat any dysphoria. The photo that comes to mind rn is this:
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He’s totally just like “This is my bro, and we ball,” (You’re an honorary team member now). His mom is a totally hippie so she’s all about mindfulness and stuff, and would send you to her if you’re dealing with any mental issues :) Both he and Cassidy have the Herculean task of explaining everything to —
Fritz: 💀
There’s two trains of thought here: Dating or not. If you come out whilst you’re dating, I can’t lie and say he’d be very understanding about it. He has: “Noo don’t transition ur too sexy haha” energy:
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His family is very traditional and religious, and he’s as hetero as they come, so you’d have to call it off :/ (You get Michael though, so it’s not really an L) However, one good thing about Fritz is that he’s very loyal, and he’ll keep you on his radar as a friend. You’ll get a “Wassup dude,” when he sees you and will tell his teammates to back off if they pick on you.Pre dating (when he has the crush): He’d feel weird about it and probably just stay out of your way.
Clara: The SWEETEST. She also had a very sheltered background (she was literally born in the 40’s) but she’s very open and progressive. Again, she’s just happy that Michael has a friend :) and will always check up on you to make sure you’re okay. She wouldn’t treat you any differently tbh, and she’d pass down any old clothes that you might need. She knows a thing or two about struggling with body image (this ask came just in time, I’m writing a prequel short series soon that’ll touch on this) and can definitely empathise with you on that part :’3
The Emily’s: Also very sweet and understanding. Charlie is literally like “I’ve always wanted a brother”, and though you’re just a family friend, she’ll totally see you in that way! Henry is pretty much the safe haven for ‘misunderstood’ kids (See: Michael) and would treat you the same; checking up on you and also educating himself!!
Elizabeth/Evan: Evan loves and thinks ur cool you regardless :)
Now, Elizabeth is going to be confused, and maybe a little offensive at first (but not bigoted) - “But you’re a GIRL”/“Boys DROOL” etc - but honestly, she’ll understand as time goes on and literally won’t care. As long as she can paint your nails, and you can still play with her, she’s cool with it. She also feels special because she’s one of the only girls now, and she abuses this power to the fullest. Will absolutely cut someone for speaking wrong about you. (She’ll break them ankles and shins 💅)
William: Would just compare you to Michael tbh. He’d be more accepting than Fritz, but I don’t think he’d totally get ‘it’. Though, if you worked at the pizzeria, I can see him making a nice new name badge for you as a subtle way to help you feel better in your journey. He’d always say “Do correct me if I’m wrong,” about issues related to your transition, because he wants to be respectful.
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