#billford if you REALLY squint
phantom-shell · 20 hours
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Okay, Ford. Okay.
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pearlcor · 1 day
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my (post-theraprism AU) human bill design!!
i still might change it (not sure on his tattoos yet but i want him to have more)
need to flesh out the AU more too but just know he lives with the pines and mabel is his bff
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Billford Fic Recs: Part 1
Everything on this list is rated either Gen or Teen, so it’s accessible for the sex-repulsed billford fans out there. Part 2 will be all the fics that don’t fit within those ratings! Everything on this list (aside from the still-updating one) is a completed fic that was written year/s before Book of Bill came out. Most of these are under 5k words, and while most of them are pre-betrayal and canon compliant, there’s a few that cover different eras in the timeline and AUs. These are some of my all-time favorite billford fics, plus some bill-centric fics at the end of the list.
A Change of Scenery, by Nelja https://archiveofourown.org/works/10914882 Pre-betrayal, Ford’s perspective, 4k words
This fic really nails the devotion-to-the-point-of-obsession that Ford had for Bill. It’s one of the very first fics I think of when someone asks for recommendations. Really really top tier stuff. I wish there were more fics that had this same tone and a central focus on Ford’s obsessive worship of Bill. I can’t do this fic justice, you just have to experience the writing for yourself.
The Writing of Destiny, by Nelja https://archiveofourown.org/works/6256570 Pre-betrayal, Ford’s perspective, 1k words
This fic says so much with so few words. It goes over Ford’s feelings for Bill, as well as some moments in Ford’s life that led up to becoming the kind of person who would fall for Bill.
Devote, by orphan_account https://archiveofourown.org/works/8783656 Pre-betrayal, Ford’s perspective, 600 words
Ford gets a tattoo. This one is also chock full of the obsessive devotion Ford had for Bill. It’s a delicious little peek into how potent his feelings for Bill were.
Loose from the Lever, by clockheartedcrocodile https://archiveofourown.org/works/32120011/chapters/79575955 Pre-betrayal, mostly Fiddleford’s outside perspective, 9k words
The imagery and voice in this one is fucking impeccable. Best I’ve ever read on ao3. It’s also an absolutely chilling read. Fiddleford can sort of piece together the fact that Ford is working with… someone. And meanwhile, Ford’s relationship with Bill in this one is gut-wrenching to see. Bill is cold and calculating in ways that are arguably disproven by the book of bill, but it’s still such a believable read on their relationship.
Now You See, by MaryPSue https://archiveofourown.org/works/8134141 Mostly pre-betrayal, AU where Bill comes through the portal in the 80’s, 4k words
Only billford if you squint. This one’s about Ford undergoing a slow body horror transformation while building the portal. Bill stops him from enlisting Fiddleford’s help, and his uneasiness and isolation is so palpable. This fic is good at building atmosphere.
The Ol’ Three Legged Waltz, by equilateralromance https://archiveofourown.org/works/35691013 Pre-betrayal, AU where Bill is upfront about a lot more things from the start, 3.5k
This one has such a unique writing style, it feels very romantic in the classic sense of the word, like it was written in an era gone by. Their relationship is very soft and tender in this one, a win for fluff fans everywhere. It’s about the first time Bill possesses Ford, and is a very sweet what-if for a world where Bill is better at letting Ford in, emotionally speaking.
Stars in my black and blue sky, by idrilhadhafang https://archiveofourown.org/works/41989533 Ford reminisces on how much he used to love Bill. 1k words
Solid characterization in this one. It’s short and to-the-point and feels true to canon.
Weirdpocalypse, by completetheory https://archiveofourown.org/works/20798036 Post-canon, Bill visits Ford’s dreams, 1k words
This one’s a really interesting take on why Weirdmageddon failed. Very bittersweet.
One Stage of Grief, by Fooeyburr https://archiveofourown.org/works/13969392 Post-betrayal, Ford in the multiverse grappling with how he feels about Bill, 8k words
This one is all about Ford obsessing over what he had with Bill while refusing to come to terms with the fact that he cared about Bill! Which is all set up/framed by some fun multiverse worldbuilding, too. - Bonus round: Bill-centric fics -
Wasting Away Again in the Goldilocks Zone, by ckret2 https://archiveofourown.org/works/57714430/chapters/147167545 Post-canon, Bill dragged kicking and screaming down a very long road towards redemption, updates weekly and will end up being hundreds of thousands of words at minimum.
This is the fic for Bill growing and changing as a person in post-canon. Every single doubt and hesitation you might have about whether Bill is even capable of change? It’s absolutely taken into account in this one. Seriously, its characterization of Bill is so scarily good that it accidentally predicted a mountain of things that got revealed in the Book of Bill. If you invest your time in one super long fic in your life, make it this one.
A Romance of Many Dimensions, by Haley3 https://archiveofourown.org/works/20796845/chapters/49427522 Covers the span of Bill’s entire life in detail. Finished work. 250k words
A breathtakingly ambitious fic that consistently knocks it out of the park. There are so many things I could say about this fic that I don’t even know where to start. I feel a lot of things about this fic. If you’ve ever wanted a fic that delves into Bill’s psyche and is tragic in its (pre-tbob) canon compliance, and has an opening set in flatland that approaches things from a really creative angle, and has my favorite interpretation of the axolotl, and rewires your whole brain, then this is the fic for you. Feels a bit reductive when it covers Bill’s time interacting with Native Americans on earth, but otherwise one of The Fics of All Time.
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gravity falls fic/au concept (billford, romantic if you squint hard enough, mostly platonic tho)
Theraprism, and for some reason Ford is brought into the process (maybe they got drunk married or as a "apologise to the people in your past" type of thing) and Bill is fucking furious with Ford because he destroyed the last of his home dimension. And the Axolotl decides that Ford's "breaking the ice" activity will be trying to make Bill trust him enough to give him the story of his home dimension, and Ford's like "He actually told me that a while ago, but he probably lied lmao" and describes what Bill told him, and the Axolotl says that it matches their notes in every aspect that they have notes of, and they know the notes to be true. Then the Axolotl gives Ford the task of finding out the monster's name, telling him that "they must be brought in, it's an important step in getting Bill to heal from it"
After this shenanigans ensue, as they spend time in the theraprism and maybe even outside of it after a while, bonding and stuff and trusting each other again
Then after a while Ford asks "Hey, so what was the monster that destroyed your home dimension?" and Bill kinda repeats the whole 'it'll eat you alive' thing, and Ford just says "I'm stronger now lol, besides I just wanna research something so powerful that it destroyed an entire dimension!" and Bill kinda shuts it down and they keep going back snd forth about it, until one faithfull day, after Ford says something to the effect of "We'll find it and things will get better! Maybe killing it will help you get over it!" Bill just snaps and basiically screams at Ford that he did it, it was his fault, and he is fully responsible for it
Then Ford stares at him and says "You said a monster destroyed your dimension"
And Bill says "That wasn't a lie then, was it?"
And hurt/comfort ensues they roprt to the Axolotl (who probably knew it the entire time lmao, just wanted Bill to have some other fucking creature to talk to other than the drawing of his parents)
This can also get merged with another AU I was spinning around in my brain, basically Bill cracks when his mental state goes really really bad, and his first crack, placed under his bricks that weren't there at the time, happened when he killed his dimension, and as he lost more and more he just kept fucking cracking, and he has panic attacks, mental breakdowns and all the juicy stuff, meanwhile the Axolotl is just straight up tired, cuz this mf acting all unbothered like the only reason he even was in his office wasn't the fact that he hgad a violent panic attack caused by not being able to remember which parent was which color and how they looked like less than 10 minutes ago
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ignoredbellyaches · 25 days
Pre-portal Billford fluff blurb, angst if you squint, not proofread we die like men
Ford had a tendency to calling Bill his muse. It was, in Bill's humble opinion, a well-earned title; One he deserved.
And, although he would never admit it... Ford really didn't need Bill to make art.
There's only so many interdimensional bars, space mom and pop shops, and authority centers you can raid and burden before you feel tired of it all. That's when Bill would resort to his palace, the Mindscape. That's where his real entertainment began, seeing the creations of others and how he could easily distort their most personal thoughts.
Yet, somehow, Sixer was different for Bill.
He didn't need to manipulate, or even make his presence known, to enjoy Ford's dreams. He simply watched in awe as this human, he had to remind himself, HUMAN made such beautiful imagery in his brain. Detailed and complex meteor showers, large libraries of scarily accurate knowledge, and Bill's favorite...
Vast, endless galaxies.
Floating through the space that Ford had made himself, even without being off Earth— It was a masterpiece. Every constellation down to a point, a serene silence keeping company, and the stars. Bill couldn't comprehend how magnificent they were. Dainty yet bold explosions of light bursting and disappearing like a disco, every color imaginable to human, every experience having true to tale math behind it.
Bill had never seen anything so brilliant.
Yet, the most curious of Ford's mind was the center. Just next to his conscious, Bill could see... Himself. The radiant, glowing center piece of it all, with Ford at his knees in front of him.
He was Ford's light. And Ford, his.
requests/asks are open : )
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caspercryptid · 10 days
For the Billford thing maybe something Monster Falls related?
Ford is like a sphinx to contrast Stanley being a gargoyle but Ive seen versions of Ford being a deer centaur like Dipper and Stan being an aquatic creature to match Mabel being a mermaid. Pick your poison with this one
Okay so bill's humanoid design is inspired on @monobmp's, that's basically what I was thinking of. I'm sorry to all the object head lovers. it's not my field. As for Ford. Well. :- )
Also uh, I invented a whole new version of this AU because I wanted a reason for it to hit Ford, since like. If it happened pre-portal and then he came through he might be able to avoid it? anyway. So. There's a whole setup here. Have fun Requests still open for Billford ______________________________
"—Stan's crimes include pug smuggling, embezzling, highway robbery, regular robbery, advanced robbery—"
Stan is lifting the remote to turn the television off when Shandra Jimenez cuts off.
"—Though this list is far from complete, we have— breaking news. The fireworks and explosives on the mountain seem to have broken open some kind of — underground river, or spring? Water is pouring off the mountain and we may have flash flooding incoming."
Stan turns off the TV.
"You kids wanna go vandalize Mayor Tyler's mansion?" Dipper squints. "Should we…maybe avoid going out in flood conditions?"
"What?" Stan scoffs. "It's a little water. Come on. it's not a tsunami. What's some weird mountain water gonna do?"
"—aw, shoot," Gideon says, looking out the prison window after he's made his deal with Bill. "it's my yard time. Walk with me, cipher."
"Sure, kid, always willing to go anywhere with a friend!"
Ford walks right into it.
The seismic activity sets off every sensor in his lab— every measurement device for every kind of disturbance, all at once. He knows something is coming, and naturally, that means he needs to study it.
He's expecting Bill— he has his gun ready and loaded, he has his weapons, his coat.
At first, it seems as though his equipment was wrong. There's nothing in town but ankle-deep water. He wades in, looking down.
His reflection is…strange. It shifts, making him look as though he's made of gold for a second, and then he realizes it's— the sunlight reflecting from his skin. He's shining, sparkling strangely. He reaches up to touch his own face and is stopped dead by being able to look through his fingers.
"—Ah," he says, out loud. "That isn't good."
And then all hell breaks loose.
Bill is physical.
Bill is physical and he doesn't like it one bit. He tears out of the prison yard— climbing the fence while everyone is still panicked and screaming, running into the street. physical. physical. physical.
What was his protective shell is just clothes around him now: no more bricks, just yellow and gold. His hands are inky gray-black, but they feel like human skin, and his feet are hitting the ground, and as he can feel his breath ragged in and out of his chest.
not good. not good. not good.
He runs back into town, splashing into the water still pouring everywhere: he can't feel its power anymore, and that's what really scares him. His power over the mindscape is— weakening. He thinks maybe he could temporarily leave this body, but it's his, and as long as he can't go back to the nightmare realm that's a problem. He's not just projecting himself here anymore, he's here.
He feels like screaming, so he does. He can't grow his shape, he can only throw his voice, so that's what he does— he lets his voice tear out of him, and it's almost as satisfying, the air reverberating, his voice echoing off the buildings. It drowns out all of the other creatures around him, whatever their petty struggles are, he no longer has to hear anything besides his own voice, his own panicked scream, and then there are hands on his shoulders.
Someone is trying to talk to him.
He chokes the noise back down: his throat hurts, and it isn't as funny as it should be, feeling pain. Not right now, not knowing he can't just throw this body out if he breaks it.
"—Bill," the voice repeats, and it's almost soothing, "Bill, look at me." Despite himself, he does.
He— sees water.
For a second that's all he sees, but he… blinks, what a strange sensation, and focusing his eyes reveals facial features in the water, almost-solid, at least shaded, and the clothes— the trench coat he knows, the voice he knows.
"—Sixer?" Bill asks.
"In the flesh," Ford says, "—or maybe not."
"What's— going on?"
"I'm not sure. but the— water levels seem to be dropping. That's a good sign. Maybe the effect is tempora—"
Ford has to cut off, because Bill tries to grab him— it's hard, getting a hold of the water, but with his clothes roughly hanging on him, he can almost get his arms around Ford.
"you're not—" Bill says, "You're not physical. I'm physical and you're not—"
"—Bill," Ford says, "I'll— figure out how to control it, alright? Just calm down—"
"How am I supposed to calm down? I'm a meat sack and I don't even get any of the perks!"
"The—" Ford almost laughs.
"I'm angry with you," he reminds Bill.
"Can you be angry with me later?" Bill asks, hysterical. "yeah yeah, I tried to kill you, I know, but what am I supposed to do? I can't maintain a flesh shack—"
"I'll— help. I'll help, Bill. Just relax."
Bill shoves his face in Ford's chest— his clothes are soaked through, and he smells like river water, but he tentatively lifts his arms to pat Bill's back.
"—Don't think too much of this," Bill manages, voice shaking. "this is a moment of weakness." "Moment of weakness," Ford agrees, "Temporary alliance." "—take me home with you." Bill orders.
Ford snorts. "—You're not going into the lab. But. You can…come with me."
"I'll settle."
He hates that he means it.
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bordapanic · 6 years
Third Time’s The Charm
Words: 1,500~ || CW: ... Billford || Bill touching Ford. Based off of liskribble’s piece.
A hand came at his shoulder first, tipped with sharp claws and purposeful. Another appeared, pulling his trench coat out at one side and his heart leapt up into his throat at the obvious intent behind the hands now.
“Bill-“ he started softly.
A shushing sound in the air all around him made him fall immediately silent.
More hands appeared, popping into existence only as they touched him, pure black with gold leading up forearms that never seemingly made it to actual shoulders. Each one made his stomach knot up further.
One at his forearm, claws trailing upwards. Another at the other edge of the trench coat, running along it before pressing to the front of his shirt instead. Another at the small of his back, just holding him there in a way that kept him trapped between it and the one at his front.
His lips pressed together on the edge of the ‘B’ for Bill’s name, barely restraining the natural inclination to ask. Or even just to say Bill’s name, uncertain what he actually wanted to ask. What was going on? He could tell, Bill was touching him. What was this leading up to? (Too presumptuous, there was no reason for him to think this was going to ‘lead’ anywhere. It was simply what it was.)
He didn’t... understand, and the hands kept moving shifting or gliding along and keeping him nervous, uncertain. (Scared? But that wasn't quite right.)
“Come on, Sixer. You trust me, don’t you?” His muse spoke to him, the hand at his shirt sliding over to grab onto his side.
Ford answered, slightly relieved to finally hear him. “Yes, always.”
“Then you don’t have anything to be worried about!”
He hesitated, wanting to object. Of course he wasn’t worried, not with Bill. It didn’t make any sense to be worried with only Bill around. “You’re right, Bill.”
Fingers curled into his hair, unexpectedly pulling his head back and he gasped. Shining above him was a large glowing yellow eye, engulfing his entire sight, watching him. It squinted slightly, amused. “Of course I am!”
The fingers at his hair moved to his temple then his glasses were taken off, blurring his vision. He only had a moment, blinking and attempting to put everything back into focus again, when a hand slid over his eyes, blinding him.
All the hands slowed for just a moment, still there, but movements calmed temporarily like they were waiting on something. He took a shallow breath, waiting as well.
He felt a hand playing along the underside of his neck.
Ford tilted his head backwards for the hand, for Bill. The fingers hooked along his jawline, a perfect fit locking into place, keeping his neck craned back. A finger trailing down the exposed throat.
“Bill.” He was solely aware of the hand at his throat, everything else having turned into some blurred backdrop in his mind. The other hands came back to life then, fingers possessively curling around him or claws pressing into his skin.
A new hand gripped into the hair at the back of his head, the hand at his front was were now the claws scraping down his chest, and and his tie roughly gradually being pulled loose.
All his nervous energy was now something... desperate almost. A refrain of pleas asking for an unknown something. His voice mindlessly came out in a reverent whisper. “Bill.” It felt good.
“Better hold onto that next one. You know what they say about the third time!”
He wanted to say Bill’s name again. His muse. All he could think about now. But he kept his mouth shut, only thinking of Bill’s name in his mind, over and over again. An endless repetition that kept him from speaking it aloud again, and matching that desperate unknown energy that had taken hold of him earlier, finally identifying what the pleas thrumming his body was for. Bill. He wanted Bill.
A hot rush of shame flushed through him and he squirmed in Bill’s hold, trying to keep himself from leaning into every touch. (It was greedy). It was hard not to though, with every touch he wanted to push into it, embrace it fully, take everything Bill gave.
Bill’s hand was finally done loosening the tie and the fingers moved undoing the buttons at Ford’s shirt before slipping inside to bare skin. The hand felt hot and cold at the same time, like a temperature so extreme that it was hard to tell whether your skin was being burnt by the cold or the heat. Except this sensation wasn’t painful, and Ford began to feel it from all the other hands now too, especially the one at his throat.
Ford gasped, arching up into the hand, sputtering and barely keeping from saying Bill’s name again.
“Almost got you to say it again, and I’ve barely even touched you!” Bill said cheerfully.
Was this a game? He nearly asks what’s going on, but he doesn’t. He’s already sure he would receive a straightforward answer.
“That’s my smart guy.” Bill praised him. The hands finally tear away Ford’s trench coat, but Bill continues on. “And if I answered every single question you had we’d be here for eternity.” A hand rakes back up his arm along the thin shirt material and Ford can’t help but think it may have torn. “So you only get one question tonight!” Another hand undoes the rest of the buttons on his shirt before it’s diving inside as well, tracing up the side of his ribcage. “Got it?”
“Yes. What-“ He stops himself after the first word. A question about something... else was still a question.
“Hmm? What was that?” A hand rubbed circles over his chest, the hot and cold feeling messing with his mind as it continually passed over a nipple almost inconsequentially like it wasn’t intentional, making the area increasingly sensitive.
What happens if I say your name a third time? “N-Nothing.”
“If you say so.”
Hands pull at his shirt, sliding off his shoulders and removing it along with the tie, stripping him. Exposed.
He can’t see himself and he knows it’s only Bill with him, but it makes him nervous again. As though the shirt being present, even if unbuttoned, kept this... within familiar territory. Bill had laid a hand on him before while he’d been clothed, a hand lingering on his arm or wrapping his arm around Ford’s neck. This was just... multiple hands had been all, no difference from if it had only been one, right?
Bill’s hands pressed back to him though, touched more purposeful and driven than just a simple touch of an arm from his friend and muse like nights from before. (The latter was what made something so simple so significant and distracting, wasn’t it?)
Hands wrap around his wrists, fingertips digging into the skin, gently holding them in place as hands roamed over his torso. A hand scraping down his abdomen only to lightly trail across his stomach.
Then fingers ran along the edge of his pants, a thumb tucking along the inside as fingers went over the front of his pants and Ford realized he was hard. Fingertips brushed just centimeters above, and he desperately tried to ignore the sensation because even just the thought alone of his close Bill’s fingers were was... not helping the situation.
He jerked slightly in surprise at additional hands at his thighs now, claiming the skin as the hand at the front of his pants moved down rubbing him through the material. “Bi-!” He bit down on his bottom lip, with a short whining noise that he was immediately embarrassed over.
“You know if I wasn’t such a great guy I would have counted that one! If I were you though I’d ask your question while you still can!”
Ford strained against the hands, trying to keep still and failing. In response all the hands holding onto him tightened to keep him in place.
He was trying to reign his mind back in enough to even think about what Bill had just said, what it meant, when the hand at the front of his pants started undoing the button and zipper. His mouth opening on a shocked gasp when Bill’s hand wrapped around his length, slowly stroking him.
“Oh God-” Bill, Bill. Ford started panting, pushing back into every touch, every hand. All of it.
“Running out of time, Fordsy.” His muse told him.
Question. A- only one question. Ford barely reached back to all the threads of questions that were virtually out of his reach. “What...” What was going on or what was happening. What would happen. What, what, what. None of them answering what he really wanted to know. “Why ... ” Ford asked airily, “why is this happening?” 
The hand on his neck suddenly tightened, fingers growing to encompass his entire neck, and the hand covering his eyes slid off. Almost too bright to even look at above him was Bill. “Because you’re mine, and I want to.” His voice boomed on the word, reverberating through him. His .
The hands at Ford’s wrists pulled them tightly behind his back, and he shuddered looking up into Bill’s eye. Feeling claws possessively grip into him and the slow strokes going faster, each one building up that desperate feeling higher and higher into his chest. His whole body turned hot, unrecognizable except for where Bill was touching him. The only thing that mattered... The name flowed out past his lips. “Bill.”
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kindafooey · 7 years
One Stage of Grief
Here it is at last, after a full month of delay! I’m really sorry I hecked the schedule up so bad, but better late than never.
I’ll be honest - this one doesn’t necessarily bring anything new in my repertoire of works so far, and it pretty much falls between Chains (Re)bound and Monsters From The Other Side (with a pinch of Judgment Call thrown in, maybe?), and serves as my excuse to continue the somewhat Socratic discussion trend between Bill and Ford that my earlier fics have founded. Also character study! Because of course. :>
In short, this fic is my attempt to study the transition from Ford’s naivety to his hellbent quest for revenge that was sorta neglected in canon.
Billford, rated T (hell, maybe even G), no sexual content, kind of sad. Takes place about six months after the portal incident.
”Sign here, please.”
Ford squinted. The whiteness of the glossy paper he clumsily scribbled his name on made his eyes ache. He could hardly recognize his handwriting as his own.
“And state your business.”
"I seek closure”, said Ford with the best of sobriety he could pose. “I wish to put my past behind me and ground the determination I need to succeed in what I must do.”
The aged creature facing him leant its elbows on the table and gave him an incredulous look. “Don’t insult me with your fancy words, kid. How long has it been since you last had a decent amount of sleep?”
Ford averted his bloodshot eyes. “…I’ve lost count since long. A hundred days, perhaps. However –”
“Eyup, clearly.”
“– that isn’t the reason why I’m here.”
“All right. Listen here, Mister… Dinos? Dines?” the official peered at Ford’s shaky signature with a frown. “You’re a human. We don’t get many of your kind around here, but the few who made it this far didn’t exactly convince me of your species’ competence. Short-lived, hedonistic, driven by all kinds of physical needs… And don’t even get me started on your flair for sharp practices.” It watched the barely noticeable sway in Ford’s stance with a slant smile. “Which begs me to ask, how’d you find out about this place?”
“Would it forward my case…” Ford hesitated, but only for a second, “to say that I have a referee?”
“Depends. Let’s have a name.”
“I learned of this place in Dimension 52.”
The official raised its brow. “Jheselbraum’s boy, huh? Well, that’s surprising. You could’ve just said this is for your training. Although… Usually she lets us know in advance when one of her students is coming our way.”
Ford remained quiet. They’d received no word from the oracle, because there was no such word to begin with. To say he had a referee had been a blatant lie; in fact, Jheselbraum had strictly warned him not to head this way. She had deemed him not strong enough.
Tell a man he isn’t fit for a challenge, and he’ll try twice as hard to prove his worth… It was strange how the oracle, in all her wisdom, could be so oblivious to the driving forces of human curiosity and pride.
“I suppose we’ll have to wait for her confirmation.”
Ford threw his hands against the table in an act of desperate impatience. “Please, let me in”, he pleaded. “There is a protective metal plate inside my head. Let it be proof of my association with the oracle.”
The creature gave him a suspicious look. “A metal plate, you say?”
“It prevents external interference, as per Jheselbraum’s conduct of spiritual growth. However… It cannot protect me from what’s within.” His arms were shaking with weariness; even his own body weight as he leaned against the table was too much to bear. “Please”, he stammered to the mildly confused official. “I feel like I am trapped under the guise of absolute safety. I cannot even access my own mind. And even so, there’s someone I need to talk to.”
“You’d be talking to yourself”, the official pointed out. “All the Illuminator can do is manifest your own hopes and wishes. You know how this works, right? You go in, it contracts your brain or whatever organ you humans use for cognition, and that’s all it’s got to work with. It has no persona of its own.”
“No, there’s something else. My mind was not always this secure”, Ford muttered, uncertainty stretching his lips when he had no reason to smile. “I was under a vile influence in the past, and I cannot tell if it’s… still in my head. This is the only way to make sure.”
The creature watching him turned its head in a skeptical manner. “Sounds pretty shady to me, but I’ve never gotten a hang of Jheselbraum’s business in the first place, so what do I know… Fine. Think you can handle the payment?”
Ford blinked; even that small motion seemed to hurt his eyelids. “Payment…?”
“Payment up front”, the official said strictly. “Either big momma’s got you covered, or you cover this yourself. We haven’t received a payment from her, so pay up or –“
“It’ll come”, Ford said hastily. “The payment will be here soon, I assure you. In the meantime, would you be willing to accept a pledge? I will give you my traveling gear. I won’t be able to leave without it, so… It’s a guaranteed payment. In the worst case scenario – which I promise it will not come to – you can use me as workforce in the mills.”
“We don’t need any more slaves here, son”, the official grumbled. “Do you have any idea how many people come here every day trying to sell their souls to the Illuminator? We have enough dedicated workers to run our system forever. They’re good folks, for the most part, and they earn and deserve their happiness. This is no place for crooks. Are you a crook, Mr. Dines?”
“I am on the path of illumination under the oracle’s guidance”, Ford said curtly, almost astonished to hear the clearness of his own words. Lies were coming easier to him by the day.
The creature sighed in resignation. “All right, let him in. You’ve got three days, Dines.”
“I understand.” Ford was perfectly content with that; days in this dimension were long.
The official seemed less happy. “Three days”, he drilled. “Jheselbraum had better catch up with us by then, you hear?”
“She will.” She wouldn’t. She had no idea Ford had made his way here.
“Now go.”
“Thank you.” Ford removed his gear and placed them on the table, not sparing a thought for whether he’d ever see them again. Getting out was not important. All he needed was to get in… and get rest.
Before heading down the staircase that opened up before him, he gave a last glance at the official. “You will guarantee absolute privacy, will you not?” he asked.
The wrinkly creature swished its hand. “Look, we don’t care what you all wish for. We don’t do anything with that information… We’re not that kind of people, you know. Just go. Pretend you’re in your own head or something. It’s not that far off.”
It was quite far off from the reason Ford had come here for.
He descended the stairs without further questions, clenching his fists in preparation, or anticipation, of what was waiting for him.
The Illuminator’s abode was a large tank filled with pitch black liquid, something lighter and thinner than water but just as pervasive. It looked as though it would absorb through his skin instantly as he stepped into it. Ford shivered and tried to ignore the foul sensation as he waded into the eerie matt blackness.
His premonition had been right; within seconds, he lost sense of where his flesh ended and the substance – or, perhaps, creature – sinking right into him began. The dissolving feeling was cut off where his body was still above the surface. He gulped, squeezed his eyes shut and walked on until there was nothing but darkness around him.
As soon as he was fully submerged, his body became unbearably heavy. Holding his breath, he waited, unmoving. Then… light.
“Hey there, smart guy! How nice of me to drop by, am I right? Haha, sure I am!”
He drew in a quick breath at the familiar voice and, for half a second, expected the liquid to fill his airways as well. Instead, he found himself breathing clean, brisk air into his lungs.
He’d made it.
“I need to sleep”, he muttered weakly, leaning into the weightlessness surrounding him. If he opened his eyes now, his mind would refuse to rest until he’d had all the answers he was looking for. “Please… watch over my dreams. Don’t let him in.”
He wasn’t talking to Bill. Not yet. But the voice that answered was none other than that of the demon.
“Leave it to me, Fordsy! You old pal Bill’s got you covered, watched and insured!”
And at that, Ford finally felt his shoulders relax. He fell forward in the weightless darkness that was steadily encapsulating him, and a hundred days’ weariness painted a feeble smile on his lips before knocking him unconscious.
    One dark night, in a drunken fit of rage and despair, Ford had thrown one of his once treasured glass prisms against the wall. It hadn’t responded when he’d tried to speak to it, unheeding the words of pitiful disbelief murmured to its mystical shimmer.
He had glued it back together in the morning after, but its light hadn’t quite been the same.
Right until the moment he’d been lost in the interdimensional portal, Ford had refused to rid himself of the memorabilia that reminded him of his former muse.
    A well-earned rest must’ve been the pinnacle of human bliss, he thought as he lay already half-awake in an ethereally light state that reminded him of the nights he’d spent in his mindscape. Perhaps the official had been right… It wasn’t that far off from being in his own head.
The Illuminator had not invaded his mind, of course. The metal plate would’ve prevented that. This wasn’t interference… This was absorption. Instead of trying to influence him by force, the creature had invited Ford’s mind to reveal its secrets by its own accord.
Ford had allowed it in earnest. Why wouldn’t he? The Illuminator was known for its benevolence, the complete absence of a willingness to exploit and benefit from others despite its unmatched abilities to grant any and all wishes of its contractor. And yet… Jheselbraum had told him cautionary tales of brave warriors succumbing to the Illuminator’s loving care, losing their will to fight for the rest of their days.
Ford would prove himself stronger than them.
His body could’ve remained in its languid, well-rested state for the rest of his stay, but something was gently prodding at his awareness, urging him to rise. A distant humming sound.
“Welcome to your comfort zone, Brainiac!”
At the sudden cheerful voice echoing around him, he opened his eyes without hurry and took in his surroundings. Not so far off, indeed… The seemingly endless space that greeted him was very similar to, if not a carbon copy of his mindscape from the time he’d shared it with a certain bringer of knowledge. Despite the drastic change it had gone through after the worst had happened, this past version of the visual manifestation of his mind arose a feeling of familiarity rather than bitter nostalgia.
It didn’t take his eyes long to seek out the figure of Bill Cipher amidst the vast indigo.
Bill was floating slightly above and a small distance apart from him, facing the other way. Ford gazed at him in silence for a long while without moving a muscle. It had been so long since the last time he’d been able to so much as come across a triangular shape without being overwhelmed by the strangling mixture of terror, hatred and self-loathing. Now… he felt nothing but peace.
This image of Bill wouldn’t – and couldn’t – harm him. Everything about the being he’d admired and trusted, to whom he’d devoted his entire life and self… That Bill was now here, as though resurrected from his suppressed memories.
Slowly, he got up from his resting position and approached his sole companion.
“Bill?” he called out cautiously. Bill didn’t turn around; he must’ve been busy with something. Ford floated closer.
“Heya there, Six!” He finally got his response, and its familiar tone all but lit up his eyes. “Seems to me your need for a snooze was reaching emergency levels right about when you walked in! Looking like a whole new fleshbag there, good for you!”
Ford blinked in confusion at the strange sight he was met with: Bill was holding a fishing rod, and its line sunk into the bottomless blue beneath them. Was Bill… fishing?
Where did this strange image come from? He’d never witnessed Bill do or even discuss anything even distantly related to fishing or other seaside activities. For some reason, Ford found himself with a half-forgotten memory of his twin brother sitting vacantly on the bow of their little boat with a fishing rod in his hands, dragging the sinker around in an attempt to scribble bad words across the sand. There was no hook, of course – their pet project never made it past the shore. It had all been just play-pretend.
Ford took a seat in the empty air beside Bill.
“Why are you here?” he asked quietly.
Bill gave him a rather inexpressive side glance. “Hm?”
“I learned your true motives. I know everything you…” he gestured vaguely at Bill and looked away. “…this image of you represents is a lie. Why won’t you fade from my head? Why do I still remember you the way you were before I discovered your true nature?”
The corner of Bill’s eye twitched in amusement. “Ha! You expect me to answer that after calling me fake to my eye?”
Ford allowed himself to smile back in response to the demon’s admittedly incisive remark. “I don’t expect you to know the answer. You are nothing but a fabrication of my own mind, after all.”
“You sure know how to stroke a guy’s ego, Fordsy!”
This time, Ford laughed out loud. He couldn’t help but feel this was an astoundingly good imitation of Bill’s usual style of banter… back when he’d still known him, or thought he did. Of course, it was only natural that the way he imagined Bill would match his true self as closely as possible.
And yet – why was his mind maintaining this separate version of Bill, one before and one after his betrayal? Why wouldn’t one overpower the other, and why did both seem equally true to him? Why was it that he only appeared to be able to communicate with the one who was built on lies and treachery, and not the one who revealed his true form and had haunted his dreams ever since?
He simply couldn’t understand.
“Could it be because of the metal plate?” he then wondered, mainly to himself. “Perhaps it enclosed an image of you in my head, and it can no longer be altered.”
From the corner of his eye, he could catch the sight of Bill rolling his. “That dumb internal foil hat didn’t decorate your skull until weeks after you found out about my little two-year pitch job. Plenty of time for you to burn the photos and change your locks, wasn’t there? But it seems to me you just walled yourself in, and now you’re chatting up your photo album. Some may call it madness, I call it adorable!”
Ford grimaced. Apparently this level of reproach was something he, deep down, thought he deserved. Or, perhaps… he wanted to hear it from Bill himself.
They floated in silence for a long while. Every now and then, the fishing rod Bill was holding seemed to twitch slightly, as though something was nibbling at whatever was on the other end of the line. Bill kept his eye on the rod, but showed no intention to reel it in. Something about this strange performance bothered Ford to no end.
“So!” the demon exclaimed all of a sudden just as Ford opened his mouth to say something. “We haven’t exactly been keeping in touch, save for your one-sided pining for me – aw, come on, buddy, it’s a shame-free zone here! – so let’s catch up like old friends do! Tell me, how’s exile been treating you so far?”
“It’s not an exile, Bill”, Ford retorted, wondering why he had to correct a being that was essentially a projection of his own thoughts. “I am on my quest on my own accord.”
“Oh, so you tripped and fell into the portal on purpose?”
“I did not trip – I was shoved through by my…” He fell quiet. “You know as well as I do that it was you who drove me into this. In any case, I was not banished from my dimension, and I am no longer simply on the run. I have a mission.”
“Say, IQ”, Bill hummed slowly, “when you were hustling and bustling with the portal, did you even once stop and think about the consequences of your actions?”
Ford frowned. He’d thought he would be the only one asking questions, and wasn’t at all prepared to be questioned himself in any other than rhetorical ways. “I… Of course I did. I spent countless nights and days dreaming of –“
“- what was in it for you, right? Fame, glory and recognition, all that jazz the government has conditioned you to live and die for.”
“That isn’t all there was to it”, Ford retorted. “I had other goals, higher ideals… I wanted to advance humanity’s understanding on all things weird and anomalous.”
“Well, who’s to say you wouldn’t have achieved that exact goal by letting me take over your dimension?”
Ford gave a start at Bill’s sharp tone of voice. Were they… arguing? Had the Illuminator misread his hopes and wishes? He couldn’t possibly hope for something like this. This was not the Bill he was prepared to fight.
“You lied”, he said curtly. “You took me for a fool. Had you ever really cared about my goals, you would have told me the truth about yours.”
Bill cocked his brow. “And you and your oh-so-high morals and common sense would’ve just rolled with it?”
“Perhaps not. With how things turned out between us in the end, I suppose we’ll never know.”
“Hm…” Bill hummed thoughtfully and gave him a meaningful look. “But you’re saying there was a chance.”
“No, I…” Ford huffed. “Look, Bill, all I am saying is you were dishonest. I couldn’t… You cannot expect me to understand your ambitions for what they were when you refuse to see eye to eye with me from the get-go.”
“So we’re good to knock the earlier ‘other goals, higher ideals’ baloney off the table?” Bill noted with a smirk. “Humanity, wisdom, science, la-di-da. We’re not here for that, are we? This is about you and me.”
Ford remained quiet for a moment, searching for a hidden meaning in the demon’s words. He had to admit Bill was right; his academic goals, his moral high ground, all of it had been irrelevant in the endgame. It all burned down to Bill and himself.
Him – both of them – being here was proof of it.
“Yes”, he said at last. “You and me.”
“Excellent!” Bill whooped and threw his fishing rod into the deep blue void without a warning. He circled Ford with his hands crossed behind his back, suddenly full of his usual energy. “I knew we’d reach an understanding on that minor detail. Now let’s get down to business, shall we? Surely you won’t say no to a nice cup of tea! We have a world to discuss, old friend.”
Ford accepted the teacup that was painted into existence as if with swift brush strokes in front of him with a hint of excitement in his smile. He now understood why they had been arguing just a moment ago, and the thought of it no longer unnerved him. In fact, he could hardly wait what answers and epiphanies they could still reach together in the well over two days he had left.
His mind felt lighter with every moment that passed in Bill’s presence.
    “How’s the tea, Six?”
“Splendid. It is exactly as I remember it.” The taste of ethereal tea on his tongue soothed him perhaps even more than the dearly needed rest had done earlier.
“Good, good! Speaking of which, you know what’s missing from this taker-backer setup?”
Ford raised an eyebrow with a smile. “Do you mean interdimensional chess?”
“You know me too well, old friend!” Bill snapped his fingers, conjuring two sets of chess pieces floating between them.
“I appreciate the sentiment, but… don’t you think it’s a little unnecessary?”
“Hm? How so?”
“Well…” Ford scratched his temple. “I’m under the impression you chose chess for our first meeting because it serves for familiarizing yourself with the way your opponent thinks. Hence, it was an ideal way for us to get to know each other, but would it not be futile now? We – this version of you and I – are no longer strangers to one another.”
“Maybe you didn’t know me”, Bill pointed out with a smirk, “but I knew all about you before we ever exchanged a word. I know everything, remember?”
“That might be true”, Ford admitted, “but your omniscience did not make you capable of predicting that particular game. Otherwise you could’ve defeated me without trouble, thus proving your superiority to me, which would’ve well served your purposes at the time. Instead, our game continued until dawn to the moment I awoke in the forest, never reaching its conclusion.”
“Fair enough”, said Bill. “But I think you just rendered your own point moot, pal! New game, new discoveries! Every move you made told me something new about you! Well, now’s a bit different, I give you that! Still and all – I’m the same old all-seeing eye I’ve always been, but I wouldn’t pass up the chance of learning if I were you!”
“Bill…” Ford cast his eyes down with a sigh. “I’m sure you understand that if we were to engage in a game now, I’d be the one playing both sides. You’re only a fragment of my imagination. I can talk to you like this with ease… However, a game of chess –“
“Oh, you don’t think I’m cut out for a game? Try me, smart guy.”
Ford glanced cautiously at the challenging look the demon was giving him. Of course, the Bill in his head would try to prove his independence from his will, if for no other reason than to mess with the man’s head.
Smoke and mirrors… Ford never disliked that side of Bill.
When he still didn’t know what to do, Bill let out a groan and reached to grasp a white pawn floating a few inches away from him. “Fine, jeez! Ball’s in my court, I get it. But you better catch it when I throw!”
“What? But –“
“I’m taking the initiative, see? Ha!” With an almost victorious force, Bill slammed the piece on the chessboard appeared between them as if by his command. “How’s that fit into your little ‘it’s all in my head’ theory?”
“No, that isn’t…” Ford blinked, confused. “I… I thought the black pieces were the ones to move first in interdimensional chess. If I recall correctly, you let me make the first move in black during our first encounter.”
“Did I now?” Bill let out a brash laughter. “Well, who said interdimensional chess ever had any rules to begin with?”
“How can you play a game with no rules?” Ford asked, astonished.
“Easy!” The triangle crossed his arms in a knowing manner. “Just give a guy the freedom of interpretation and work it up from there. You thought it was similar to normal chess, right? But when I handed you the black pieces and let you go first, you immediately accepted that deviation from the rules you were used to and went with the flow. You could’ve asked me, you know! But you decided to go with your gut instead. Always liked that about you, Fordsy! You never questioned anything. Didn’t even cross your mind that it could’ve as well been a mishap on my part!”
Ford blinked. “Are you saying that you made up the rules on the fly, and conducted the game on a completely arbitrary basis?”
“Well, not exactly! There’s one rule that applies to every game, interdimensional or otherwise. Like tango, it takes two!”
“Bill, I think you’ve misinterpreted the expression”, Ford pointed out with a small smile. “Tango has strictly defined choreographic rules. It is the exact opposite of what you’re trying to say.”
“Could be, could be!” Bill nodded. “But hear me out first and judge me second! What I mean is you can’t play chess with a bunch of nightmare abominations, or your plans to take over the physical realm! It takes a certain kind of focus, not just on what’s happening on the gameboard, but on a very specific someone making goo-goo eyes at you from the other side of the board! We’re talking partnership here, in case that flew over your busy little head!”
“That’s…” Ford fell quiet.
“So tell me, Stanford, what did we agree on again a little while ago?”
The man drew a deep breath. “This is between you and me”, he recited Bill’s earlier words.
Bill leaned into his chair with a smug flick of his wrist. “And it’s all crystal clear! Now, am I getting my game or not?”
“You speak of partnership”, Ford said, keeping his eyes on the teacup in his hands. “However…”
Bill frowned. “You’re really testing my patience here, pal.”
“Had we truly been partners… We would've been seated on the same side of the chessboard.”
"You sure about that?” Bill asked with a mocking frown. “Then what would've been on the other side? And what is the chessboard in that scenario, anyway? I already told ya, that's not how you play chess. Getting a little lost in the metaphor there, smart guy?”
Ford reached for one of the white pieces floating around him and stared at it deep in thought. Normally, you couldn’t make your first move with a rook… But as Bill had said, no rules commonly agreed upon seemed to apply to this game. He and Bill would define their own set of rules as the game proceeded.
Slowly, he placed the piece in square D-4, earning a pleased, intrigued look from Bill. “Perhaps we were destined to face one another”, he said quietly, “enemies or otherwise.”
Bill hummed in lazy disagreement. “Perhaps the ‘enemies’ part is your own choosing, Fordsy.”
“You betrayed me. None of this will ever change that.”
“Obviously”, Bill shrugged. “I guess that's it for your quest for closure, then!”
Something moved in Ford’s chest at Bill’s off-handed mockery. He wanted to retort; but now Bill was completely immersed in their game, eyeing the chessboard with a thoughtful frown, and his vague opposition withered in his throat. Everything they had discussed rang twice as meaningful in his ears. What on Earth was he doing? Why was he so desperate to control the course of their interactions? He would be none the wiser conducting this same argument in his own head, like he’d done countless times before reaching this place. He already knew it was futile.
Why would he need an external force to fabricate an imitation of Bill if he wasn’t ready to heed any insight that was different from his own? That would serve no purpose other than that of self-assurance, which he had no need for. It wasn’t why he was here.
In the end, he couldn’t bring himself to interrupt the game, and eventually gave in to the intrigue that was just as contagious as it had been during their first meeting. Bill seemed to catch on to a certain pattern Ford was prone to using in his moves rather quickly, whereas Ford never quite understood the logic between Bill’s seemingly haphazard strikes. Nevertheless, the triangle always seemed to have the upper hand. Ford didn’t mind.
There was no announcement of a winner to this game. There were no concluding moves, no grand finale. Each king piece – of which there were five – disappeared into parallel dimensions whenever they saw fit and returned shortly afterwards with a whole new army of pieces, scrambling the board’s layout completely and starting the game all over again. That’s how it was in interdimensional chess.
Ford could hardly remember the last time his intellect had been so thoroughly challenged, or when he’d last enjoyed himself this much.
It was a lie. He did remember.
    Ford had been the first human to have a metal plate of this particular kind installed in his head. The surgery had been toilsome in itself, and even after the operation, the risk of human biology rejecting the alien materials had been immense. Ford had been sent off with a wide variety of medicinal substances and a strict order to not miss his daily dose under any circumstances.
Three days after receiving these instructions, all of his traveling gear, the medication with it, had been stolen by a group of interdimensional bandits.
Ford had learned the severity of the risk involved in his operation in the harshest way imaginable.
In just a few hours, he’d found himself knocked on cold ground by an infection that, as far as he could tell, could have well been fatal. Hallucinations had run wild in his inflamed brain while he’d fought to keep on his legs for long enough to find help in the crime-ridden dimension he’d been stuck in, but to no avail.
Collapsed in some dark back alley, trapped and paralyzed in the grip of a feverish delirium, Ford’s burning eyes had seen Bill. But instead of derision, cruelty and scorn – anything he could've possibly expected from him – the swaying form of his enemy had offered him words of encouragement. Well, in his own cutting way, of course.
What's the matter, smart guy? That big brain of yours can't take the heat? Come on, pal, you gonna let a little fever get the best of you before our final face-off? Nah, I happen to know here's still plenty of fight left in you! Just keep those eyes open, see? That's my Sixer! You know what? I'll keep you company, for old times’ sake. We're all mad in near-death experience town, after all!
Keeping his eyes focused on the unreal gleam of gold instead of letting them slip shut for what could’ve been forever, Ford had wrapped his faltering consciousness in the warmth of comfort, however false, the echo of Bill’s voice had given him.
His phantom companion had stayed with him until the worst had passed, and the dawn of a new day had given him the strength he needed to seek help for his condition.
The price had been high, but eventually he’d found a way to survive.
The memory of Bill hadn’t left him since.
    “This is pointless.”
Ford was pacing around in the air, frustration building up in his heavy huffs of breath.
“Pointless, you say?” Bill commented from above his head. “Well, go figure! And why is that?”
“I did not come here to play chess and engage in a pleasant discussion! I was led astray. You were right – I am here for closure, and nothing more. I don’t need to resolve my conflicts with you…” He ran a hand through his hair and squeezed his eyes shut. ”I only need to make you disappear.”
“You sure we’re not looking at a cause and effect situation here?”
“No!” the man lashed out, earning a skeptically raised brow for an answer. “I already told you this is pointless – or better yet, counterproductive! The more I interact with you, the more I…” Ford hissed quietly as if in pain. “The more real you appear to me. Yet I know you are not, and this is pointless.”
“Okay, smart guy, hold it right there.” Ford startled at the feeling of a hand pressed against his forehead, stopping him from pacing any further. “Wanna talk pointless? You know what else is pointless? Everything! You think your silly mortal struggle would stop the eventual collapsing of time and space? You think any of this matters in the long run? Face the music! Nothing says inevitable eradication of all existence like a fight that’s way out of your league!”
“I don’t care for your nihilistic approach –“ Ford started in a rather angered tone, but another sharp poke at his forehead cut him off.
“Nihilistic? Hah! Back where I come from, it’s called keeping it real! Do you have any idea how much mockery my plan to collaborate with a measly human received from the elder nightmares? And anyway, do you even know how little credit your seven-eyed gal pal gives your kind, huh? Oh, she’ll keep an eye or a dozen on you all right, but does she ever bother to chat you up unless some good-looking geometry of a much more sociable kind happens to grind her gears enough to force her meddling hand? Fat chance!”
Ford remained silent. As much as he didn’t want to admit it, that was the impression he’d gotten as well. Most beings of wisdom did not seem to care about the quirks of lesser beings, let alone those of belligerent, short-lived humans.
Fate, balance, a greater good. Those were the commitments of the wise ones. And Ford was fighting to protect those same values in himself… wasn’t he?
“Why do you loathe your own kind so much?” Ford muttered, gazing into the deep blue. He didn’t have the heart to face Bill just yet. “Are you not one of the all-knowing?”
“Oho, you’re asking the big questions here!” Bill smirked, leaning leisurely on his cane. “Come on, Ford. You know the answer yourself. Isn’t that why you wanted to change the world? Do you really think there was ever any balance for you to protect in the first place?”
“Bill, no one is saying the world is perfect as is –“
“– and still every time anyone has the nerve to open the window and let a nice fresh breeze of change into the room, suddenly it’s the end of the world and a moralist free-for-all!”
“That isn’t why we must stop you”, Ford retorted sharply. “We simply need to negate any collateral damage your dangerous plans could result in.”
“Change equals damage”, said Bill matter-of-factly. “You just want to ensure you won’t be on the suffering end, don’t you?”
An image of an old swing set flashed across the canvas of Ford’s mind. “That isn’t…”
“Oh, it’s true all right, trust me! Seems like we both have plenty of ulterior motives to get by. And yet here we are, chatting away like there’s no tomorrow. Talk about counterproductive!”
Ford cursed under his breath. In his curious willingness to give Bill some leeway, he’d lost any and all control over their debate. Every time he felt like he was verging on a new realization, Bill would sidetrack his course of thought completely.
“Bill…” he tried after a moment of mutually unhappy silence. “What were you planning to do had you managed to take over the physical realm?”
Bill gave him a melodramatic shrug. “Haha, well, who knows! Guess it was always a ‘break free of your limitations and see where it goes from there’ kind of a deal, like what you’re doing in this fish tank – or your whole life for that matter! Ad astra per aspera, my friend! Earthbound normality was never enough for you, either! Did you ever think what would happen when you’d eventually reach those stars? Never even crossed your mind, but that sure didn’t slow you down!”
“I was never a visionary”, Ford muttered, his voice quiet. “It did not matter what would await at the end of the road. I just wanted to make the journey. Isn’t that quite natural?”
Bill looked pleased. “So you’re finally getting the big idea! See, that’s mortality for you, Sixfingers! To hell with the endgame! You guys just want to make the most of it while it lasts. Can you really blame me for having an eye for that? Do you know what it’s like to be expected to advocate nothing but balance and a ‘greater good’, whatever that even is – because nobody knows, I kid you not – for the rest of your immortality, without sparing a single thought for what you wanna do with your own damn life?”
Ford frowned in hesitation. “Then… Are you saying my intellectual ambitions that have determined the course of my entire life were never real? That all my aspirations for understanding the unknown have been for nothing?”
Bill laughed. “Nah, your ambitions are fine and dandy! All I’m saying is everything that really rocked your world came your way right out of the blue, unplanned and unforeseen! Now tell me, Fordsy, what are you here for again?”
“To erase you from my mind.”
“How’s that looking so far?”
Ford shook his head slowly. “I’m drifting further and further away from that goal with every word you speak.”
“Yep, this certainly hasn’t been your finest hour in the vindication department”, Bill confirmed in a nonchalant tone. “You keep saying I’m not real, and yet you constantly ask for and eagerly listen to my every opinion. I’m getting a funny feeling this was always more of a hearing than a trial.” The space around them was slowly starting to morph into something resembling a courtroom. “So, what say you? Will good old Bill Cipher be incriminated or pardoned by our honorable jurors Stanford Pines and his little mind-absorbing excuse of an imaginary friend?”
For a fleeting moment, a bitter smile twisted Ford’s expression. “Do not think for a second that I could ever forgive you, Bill.”
Bill tapped his front thoughtfully with his index finger. “Hm… In fact, let me rephrase the metaphor a bit. What if you’re the defendant, Fordsy?”
“What do you mean?” Ford asked with a frown.
“Oh, I don’t know. Seems to me like you’ve been trying very hard to deny something here.”
Finally, Ford turned to face Bill. “And… what might that be?” he asked in a tone of voice that was tame compared to the emotions that were taking over his mind.
Bill fixed his bowtie in a self-important manner. “Well, your honor –“
“I’m both the judge and the defendant? You’re making a mess of your own metaphor.”
“– I think the matter of dispute here, quite simply, is that you refuse to admit you were wrong about me.”
“What? That’s completely irrelevant”, Ford countered, growing angry. “The nature of your deeds cannot be shrugged off by questioning my judgment.”
“A-nd objection!” Bill hollered almost victoriously. “It’s every bit as relevant as anything could ever be! This is all in your head, Stanford Pines, you said it yourself! We’re in your mind! These are your hopes and dreams we’re talking about! I’m your hopes and dreams!”
“That’s just it!” Ford shouted back at the demon. “You’re not him! You’re nothing but an illusion, an afterimage of the foolish admiration I felt for him!”
“Then why would I know about my own betrayal?” Bill stormed on. “Isn’t this ‘false image’ supposed to be blissfully ignorant of my treachery? Where’s the contradiction you were supposed to erase me with? Was there ever one? Because you aren’t gonna find your way around it in this courtroom, that’s for sure!”
“I –“
“And hey, why did you ask me what my plans for your dimension were? You just told me I’m not even the one trying to invade it, so how should I know? Going by that logic, you’d think I came along just to give you a hand with your little weirdness theory, and yet you already know that was a scam from start to finish! Why do you keep vexing me for a different answer, and then refuse to accept any other than the one you already have while finding even that one no good? Because it seems to me the one playing games here is you!”
“Bill –“
“You don’t even want my opinion, do you? You just want me to say whatever you want me to say!”
“That isn’t true!”
“Oh, it’s true! But wait, there’s more!” Bill pointed a finger at him. “Riddle me this, Brainiac: you don’t want to want what you want!”
“That –“ Ford stammered cluelessly. “That makes no sense –“
Bill laughed. “Truth never does, buddy! It’s all one internal conflict after another with you people! I’d say you’re in one hell of a crossroads situation here! Either you continue this charade of yours where you project your own uncertainties onto me and instantly throw yourself for a loop because you know it’s not me you’re talking to, or you own up to your incompetence to the whole crowd of you, yourself and I! Well? How do you plead, Stanford Pines?”
“Not guilty.”
Ford’s stance was firm, but his fists were shaking. “I did not come here to be humbled by you”, he said as he looked up to Bill, who squinted incredulously in return. “And I will not compromise my dignity under the guise of a surrender by default of law. There are no rules to our game, so this mockery of justice can make no definite ruling, either.”
“Interesting”, the demon smirked and spread his arms. “Good members of the jury, we thank you for your time! This case is closed without verdict!” He snapped his fingers, and the luminescent illusion of a courtroom collapsed around them.
“That was fun! So what’s your next move?” he asked as he turned back to Ford. “Where to go from here? Closure is off the table, moral absolution is a no-go, and looks like justice doesn’t do it for you, either! What’s your next challenge in this little match of wits?”
Ford took a step back. “I… I need some time to think.”
“Oh, I see what’s going on here”, Bill sneered, wagging his finger knowingly at the man’s disconcerted face. “You can’t risk walking away from me with unfinished business, can you? Because if you did, this little trip to your brain would amount to nothing. Well, be sure to take your time, pal! I’ll be in my –“
“Don’t…“ Ford took a hasty step forward, stumbling a little in the lack of solid ground beneath his boots. “…turn away from me.”
Bill stopped still; the look in his eye was quizzical, yet sharp.
“Keep watching me”, Ford said weakly. “We must always oppose one another. I need you as my witness. Please, stay.”
“Seems to me you’ve run out of arguments”, Bill pointed out.
“I will find a way”, Ford muttered hoarsely. “And I need you to be here… I need a reminder.”
Bill floated closer. His fingertips reached to graze Ford’s curls in an almost warning gesture.
"Tick-tock, Fordsy”, he said. “Your time is running out.”
    The Bill that appeared in Ford’s nightmares every time he slipped into reluctant sleep refused to show himself; he would always be nothing more than a looming presence, a faceless cluster of terrors and ghosts from his subconscious. No matter how many times Ford called out for him, he would never face him in person. But there he was nevertheless, driving the man to the point where he had no choice but to awaken to a new day of struggle without the rest he so dearly needed.
Bill wasn’t only depriving him of sleep. He was depriving him of himself, and Ford couldn’t bear it.
    "Perhaps you're right. I have no arguments left.” It must’ve been hours from their last exchange until the moment he spoke out again, breaking the silence around them. “My reasonings and justifications are meaningless. And yet, all that matters is I want you out of my head. That is an indisputable fact."
"Of course! Ashes to ashes, facts to facts… malarkey to malarkey."
For once, Ford paid no mind to Bill’s words. "You are an embodiment of my hopes and wishes. Do you refuse to leave my mind?"
"Not going anywhere, kid", said Bill softly, cheerily.
"Then..." Ford drew breath. "I must kill you."
He shivered from the cold feeling his words left in his mouth. He’d reached a dead end.
Bill raised his eyebrow in a barely distinguishable gesture. It was less mockery than a simple notion of the grim statement it followed. “Is that why you came here, Stanford? To kill me?”
Ford didn’t answer; he didn’t know. He came here to seek answers, but...
"I will ask you once more”, he said wearily. “Why are you here?"
Bill moved an inch closer to him. "Why are you here?" he repeated after him; but it didn’t sound like parroting jeer.
Perhaps it was foolish to expect a straight answer from Bill. Playing along would probably be just as futile. He tried either way. "I am here… to ask you that very question..."
"Which I just now proceeded to answer, smart guy!”
Ford didn’t understand. "No, I'm asking you -"
"You're asking yourself! You think I can't see right through that stupid metal plate? I already told you, I know everything!”
“No, you don’t.” The man shook his head. “You're not him. You’re not Bill Cipher.”
"Oh, really? Then who is?"
Ford avoided Bill’s piercing gaze, and instead stared at the outlines of his own reflection on the demon’s gleaming surface.
"Do you mean the guy who single-mindedly and exclusively betrayed you? With everything else counted out?"
"...No, that's..."
"He's Bill Cipher, right?"
"Well, yes, but –"
Their eyes met again.
"Why are you here?" Bill asked, this time with a softer tone of voice.
Ford could no longer turn away from him.
"I wanted to see you again."
His legs seemed to give in under the weight of his words. He collapsed on his knees, eagerly leaning his forehead against Bill’s front as the demon closed in on him.
And at that, it all made perfect sense.
    It is said there are five stages of grief: denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance.
All of them were a lie. There was ever only one stage, and it would never fade or change its form.
Grief was a reminder. Grief was a glaring image of yourself you couldn't shield your eyes from. Grief was hearing the same words over and over again, each time from a different mouth. Grief was walking in circles without ever reaching completion. Grief was acceptance, but only in the past.
There was only one way to grieve. Either you did... or you didn't. Either you fought it with everything you had...
...or you let it in, and let go.
    “Well, well, well.” When Bill spoke out after what could’ve been hours, his voice was still as soft as before. “And here I thought you didn’t have the guts to face me unless it was through the barrel of a big gun.”
“I am not afraid of you”, Ford stammered, his voice not louder than a whisper. “I fear your power over me. It keeps me awake, and it keeps me running… but you? You… I can’t bring myself to be afraid of you…”
He could feel Bill humming against his forehead. “Not the worst distinction you’ve made in your life, I gotta say. So what am I to you, exactly?”
“You…” Ford let out a choked laughter. “You are everything I ever wanted. The memory of you is what keeps me alive. It clears my head. I try to put my trust in my own intellect, but you... You always seem to get in my way.”
“And what are you to me?”
“I don’t know”, Ford muttered. “How could I ever know? You are high above me, far beyond my reach, and yet… it did not matter to me. I never cared about your dangerous plans nor proving my own worth. All I ever wanted was to work with you as equals. No… It did not even have to be equal, so long as you were my partner.”
Black arms found their way around his shoulders. It was a gentle gesture Ford could never have expected, or even be bold enough to wish for. Strangely enough, it didn’t startle him; instead, it gave a form to the words on the tip of his tongue, urging a confession that was no longer painful.
“I only wanted to be with you.”
    What was darkness... but the absence of light?
    "You know what this means, don’t you? This illusion of me won't break unless you break the real me out there. Think you can do that, Fordsy? Kill me for good?"
    Eventually, the heavy hands and iron grips came to drag him away by force. The arms that had been embracing him throughout his last day didn’t try to keep him in.
The Illuminator was benevolent, after all.
His eyelids were just as heavy as when he’d first arrived, but this time, it wasn’t from fatigue. He couldn’t face the official looking down on him in sheer disgust.
“Scum”, it spat out. “Lying scum and a disgrace. That’s what you are, Dines, if that’s even your real name.”
Ford didn’t answer. His body had no strength left to fight the two enormous guards that threw him against cold stone and left him to collapse from the hit, all but unresponsive.
“Does she know?” he managed to mutter.
“Oh, she will. Just what do you take the oracle for? Now leave, before I contact her myself.”
“Take your gear and scram”, the creature hissed. “We’ve got no use for it, and I’m not taking the responsibility of punishing you. You’ll get what’s coming for you, Dines. Mark my words.” It turned on its heels and marched off, gesturing the guards to follow in tow. “Last human I’ll ever let past the gates, I swear…”
Ford was left alone, the distant clanking noise from the mills beneath as his only company. He thought of going back, fighting his way back in by force. He thought of staying where he lay.
His feeble hand reached to grab his interdimensional transporter with an amount of tenacity he didn’t think he could muster.
You will not define me.
Grief and hatred clenched his teeth, strained every muscle in his face; but as he slowly stood up on his feet, his stance was firm.
My weakness will not define me.
His mind was clear.
The thought of you may be my guiding light. It helps me see, but it does not determine my path.
He squeezed the gadget in his hand and typed in his coordinates, prepared to step into his next destination.
Even if you tell me to surrender, I choose to fight.
The sun rising behind his back painted his shadow long, reaching forth from where he stood.
I will fight…
He gazed at the illuminated world before him.
…with you as my witness.
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f-imaginings · 8 years
How dare you crawl into my heart with that beautiful BillFord fic of yours. How dar e
is this for real???? :D :D :D ahhhhhhhh! 
it continues, the fic. I’m writing the next chapter now. here’s an excerpt of the next chapter for being so lovely. 
Changing the subject, Willow turned to fix Bill in her sights,assessing her ‘date’ for the evening. “So you - tall, dark, silent and sulky.What’s your deal? Are you one of Stanford’s nerd friends?”
Bill seemed almost affronted at first that she was addressinghim so casually, but after squinting at her for a few seconds more, he realisedthat antagonising someone who could ‘snap him like a twig’ wasn’t the bestidea, so he instead decided to ooze charm, in his own, charming Bill Cipher way™.
“You’re telling me he has more than one?” Bill put his handon his chest, feigning shock. “Gee, Sixer, who would have guessed!”
Yes clearly Bill was the epitome of charm.
Ford shot an irritated look at Bill, but was interrupted byWillow watching Bill wryly.
“That’s a surprise. I thought for sure the reason Stanford’shere describing you as anti-social is because you’re one of those holed up in thebasement science types.”
“I was practically born in that basement.” Bill saidsolemnly, enjoying the way Ford’s eye twitched at that.
“Figures.” Willow grunted. “See, that’s what I don’t get. Whyhole up in the basement when you’ve got all this beautiful fresh air andoutdoors here in Gravity Falls? Swim in the lake, go for a hike! You shut in’s make no sense to me.”
“Yeah, but you should see the size of his basement.” Bill countered, breaking out a rakish grinthat stopped Ford’s ire short, if only due to how startlingly pretty the grinwas. Ford found himself oddly struck by that observation. He was supposed to bespending this date disavowing his attraction to Bill, but it just kept slappinghim in the face.
“Not that size really matters, if we’re talking arbitrary abstractionsof spacial dimensions.” Bill noticed Ford staring and winked at him. Fordalmost double took, the wink and the pseudo-innuendo throwing him. Bill wasn’t flirting with him, he probablydidn’t even know what he was saying. Ford mentally berated himself. He certainly wasn’t saying that to appeal toyou.
“Called it. You totally are a big nerd.” Willow smirked atBill, drawing his attention back to her, giving Stanford a few moments to catchup with his heartbeat.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ does Bill make a friend? Does Stanford enjoy his date with Lazy Susan? What happens to Wendy’s mom? Why does Manly Dan punch trees? All will be answered!~ Thank you so much for reading and enjoying my fic. 
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kindafooey · 7 years
Here's a little birthday ficlet to my amazing friend @wolfmoonjournal! Have the most fantastic of birthdays, you ♡ Let's also make this a belated b-day present to @mooseings, who had their day of birth earlier this week! Both of these awesome peeps work with animals, and that's totally a theme here. :D You guys rock!
I apologize for the slight time inconsistency - the theory of social anthropology that appears in the ficlet wasn't actually coined until the late 90's, so Ford shouldn't really be aware of it. But it's one of my favorite interspecies development theories ever brought up in my philosophy lectures back in the day, so I had to use it nevertheless! I hope it does enough to justify its anachronistic presence. (Also please let me know if I majorly hecked anything up here, as it's really not my field of expertise. ;A;)
Pre-betrayal Billford, G-rated.
Ford let out a deep, harmonious sigh as he let his hands down on his crossed knees. The meditation techniques and the serenity of the Dreamscape were merely another drop in the ocean of all things his brilliant muse had taught him, and something he’d be eternally grateful to him for. He had never been a particularly good sleeper – his mind was constantly at work and allowed him very little rest, but now, he could simply empty and arrange his Dreamscape as he saw fit, slip into a meditative state and wake up to the morning sun in a state of complete, blissful relaxation.
Tonight, however, his mind was set on what it did best: research.
He opened his eyes and, with a light motion of his hand, brought his archived memories to surround him in the form of countless neatly arranged notes and hardcovers. Bill had suggested he should turn them into something more abstract, less constrained and easier to scan for the exact information needed, but Ford preferred to keep his knowledge in classic packages he could physically leaf through, even if it was a little more time-consuming.
He got up from his cross-legged position and reached to pick the nearest book. Social development of mammals. Hm, that wouldn’t do, seeing how it most definitely did not fit in the mammal class. Was it even a vertebrate? It certainly sported quite a few insect-like physical attributes, so should he begin his search from there instead? Ford frowned. This was not going to be an easy task.
Suddenly he felt a familiar presence flicker into existence right next to him, and it made his heart leap with joy.
“Top o’ the night to ya, smart guy!” Bill greeted with a cheerful tip of his hat.
“Bill! It is wonderful to see you”, Ford said, turning to face his muse with a delighted smile. “It has been quite a while since we last met.”
“Sure it has! Busy times, my friend. Busy times.” Bill looked around. “Well, I see you’re already hard at work on our transdimensional breakthrough! Good on you, Six – hold on.“ Bill squinted. “’Human vs. animal behavior.’ What’s all this?”
“Oh”, Ford laughed. “I apologize. I do plan to return to my portal calculations as soon as I have figured out this little side project of mine.”
Bill squinted again. “Side project?”
“I assume you know of the shapeshifter that recently hatched from its egg and is currently kept under scrutiny in the underground bunker. I am searching through my memories to gain some insight as to what would be the best way to go around its socialization process.”
“Hm, so you’ve got yourself another freak of nature to study! Hah, I can see the charm in that, Fordsy!” Bill winked. “By socialization, you mean domestication, right? That’s how you get yourself a nice obedient pet, y’know!”
“I feel the word ‘domestication’ doesn’t quite encompass what I wish to achieve with the creature”, Ford explained. “Shifty – that is what we call it – appears to be highly intelligent, far more so than domestic animals. I am yet to find out how much its social nature can be likened to that of other socially developed fauna, or perhaps even humans.”
“But you’re planning to keep it locked up and conditioned to your praise and care, right? Sounds like a pet to me! Or better yet, a lab rat!”
“Well… it’s a little more complicated than that. You see…” Ford fell quiet. Was he about to lecture his all-knowing muse? What an absurd idea. Then again… perhaps his muse was fluent first and foremost with the ‘what’, and did not bother himself with the intricacies of ‘how’.
He cleared his throat, mentally preparing a profuse storm of apologies in case he’d catch even the slightest sign of offense in his muse’s expression. “Perhaps this scientific anecdote will shed some light on what I mean. Recent developments in the theory of social anthropology suggest…” He looked around. “I could probably find the article I learned this from floating somewhere in here, if you wish to read it yourself.”
Bill swished his hand impatiently. “I’m a busy guy, so get to the point! We can fact check later.”
“All right. Studies have shown evidence that we did not, in fact, domesticate dogs. Instead, it would appear that they domesticated us.”
Bill let out a bark of laughter. “Hah! That’s a good one, Fordsy! Are you saying the tail wags the dog? Could the rumors about fluffy pooches controlling society from the shadows be true? Well, I’m not denying any possibilities here, that’s for sure! Everything your lot thinks it knows about the government is a bunch of lies, anyway! Hahaha, this is priceless!”
Ford smiled. His muse’s ability to find entertainment in every topic was truly astounding. “Allow me to explain. When humanity and the ancestors of the species we now know as dogs first came into contact, humans were yet to develop a truly social, cooperative nature that our current lifestyle, even our very essence as a species, is built upon. The early dogs, perhaps still wolves, approached us and eventually became our aid in gathering food. They followed us and guarded us from other predators, and received our protection and care in turn. It was a deeply symbiotic relationship that greatly benefitted both sides. However, they also taught us something completely new.”
Bill looked a little skeptical. “And what might that be?”
“Loyalty.” Something about saying this powerful word out loud made Ford blush slightly. “Friendship, one might even say. In the process of humans and dogs learning to share their territory and lifestyle, humans were taught new ways to communicate, express their affection and reach out for one another. Some even say that this interspecies cultural exchange could have played a crucial part in the very foundation of civilization as we know it.”
“Could be, could be!” Bill nodded along, still looking more amused than convinced. “But to be real with you for a second, Stanford, I don’t think your kind took the rule of this planet by the power of tummy rubs!”
“You are right about that”, Ford laughed. There was a hint of sadness in his voice as he continued. “However, I do not believe humanity is truly the cruel, greedy conqueror mastering all in its path that history often makes it out to be. With those who gaze back at us with no ill intent, I think we much more prefer… partnership.” His blush deepened, and he had to avert his eyes from the softly glowing entity before him.
“M-hm. Okay, whatever toots your philanthropist horn, Sixer!” Bill said, swirling his cane around carefreely. “So what’s this all got to do with your slimy little pet?”
“I would like to learn how to better understand it and fulfill whatever needs it may manifest. Shifty has already developed a primordial level of linguistic skills, and it uses that and a variety of other communicative means to interact with me. I do not wish to underestimate its social capability or misunderstand its intentions, that is all.”
Bill smirked. “Sounds like you’ve got it all figured out, so all I’m gonna say is good luck with that! I’m sure something that constantly changes its face has nothing but good will and friendly thoughts up its sleeve! A true gentleman, just like your old pal Bill!”
Ford smiled warmly at his muse’s gracious words of encouragement. “That does remind me…” he scratched the back of his neck awkwardly, his face still redder than usual. “Bill, I cannot possibly even imagine how much urgent business you must have on your plate. It is shamefully selfish of me to even ask this, but… if there is any way to arrange it… I would, uh, very much like to see you more often.”
“Hm?” Bill threw a curious look at him. “But you see me all the time, Fordsy, and vice versa! Isn’t that why you prepared all those artefacts portraying yours truly in your house?”
“I… I guess that is true. What I meant is… I want to talk to you like this, face to face. It is a great honor to be in your presence, and it gives me as much delight and joy as it inspires me. I love to hear your brilliant insight on everything between the moon, the sun and beyond. I learn so much from you, and, well…” Perhaps you might learn something from me as well. That much he didn’t dare say out loud.
“Hmmm…” Bill tapped the space below his eye in a thoughtful manner. “Well, get a move on with that portal project of ours, and I just might find the time to visit you every night!”
“W-what?” Ford’s eyes widened. “Every… every night?”
“Sure! You’re gonna need a hand to guide you to the right direction, anyway! We’re just getting started here, Fordsy! We have long nights of work ahead of us! Could take years, even!” He gave him another wink. “That sound often enough for ya?”
“Yes, it’s… more than I could ever hope for.” If Ford’s face hadn’t been burning by then, it now matched the crimson covers of the books around him. “I have no words to express my gratitude. I will do everything in my power to make it worth your while.”
“Peachy! I know you’ve got it in you, Brainiac. As long as you keep your eyes on the first prize and let side projects be side projects, I’m ready to stick with you for the long haul.”
Ford nodded, his chest filled with pride and enthusiasm. And perhaps something else.
He held out his hand. “I’m looking forward to our future endeavors.”
And when he felt the warmth of the black fingers and the coldness of pale blue fire, he was oddly convinced their joined hands brought to life something more than just a symbiosis.
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