#bill: ...oh mY GOD-
halcyonfawn · 8 months
bill, emerging from the TARDIS corridors, looking horrified: doctor...
the doctor, a note of concern in his voice: yeah?
bill, wide-eyed: i found *clears throat* something in one of the rooms
the doctor, slowly approaching: ...what was it?
bill: a box
the doctor: a box?
bill: full of... *deep breath* very not-you stuff
the doctor, confused: "not-me stuff"? how'd you mean?
bill, looking everywhere but not at him: ............there were sex toys
the doctor:
bill, after a pause: listen, it's alright- i just didn't expect you- i mean- 's totally fine- just- don't leave things like that out in the open
the doctor:
the doctor, "slightly" embarrassed: ...i- i don't remember having sex- such things on me
bill: i've already seen it, there's no use in denying-
the doctor, genuinely confused: no, i mean it. i don't remember
- somewhere in space, clara's diner -
clara: *minding her own business*
clara: *remembers*
clara, leaning against the wall: shit.
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cowardlykrow · 5 months
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I would die for Corey Dorris… Anyway here’s Bill
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tainebot01 · 5 months
Was debating on whether or not to post this, but here you go - based on that one trend from about a year ago.
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quirrelli · 6 months
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here's my wildly belated contribution to the 60th anniversary
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wintaswan · 7 months
pennywise a real one for killing eddie before he could experience covid. he would have LOST IT
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estxkios · 16 days
ANWAYS, could you do something with drunk bill? not smut, but like bassicly reader picks him up from a party or something and he’s like SUPPERRDUPPERR drunk LOL. and later in the story he’s keeping reader awake by talking so much, and reader just exhausted and so tired of his shit and accidentally tells him to shut the fuck up or something like that. then billy willy starts crying bcs he’s drunk and can’t process and reader just comforts him.
TYSM!! xx
2008 bill kaulitz x fem!reader
summary : the request :3
warnings: ANGST with comfort!!, reader is grumpy, drunk bill, a lot of swearing, bill gets comfort not the reader...
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;- 2:16 am
“what the fuck..?” you muttered under your breath.
your room was completely dark, your phone screen turning on as you received text after text was the only thing that illuminated it.
you tried to shift your position in bed, turning away from the phone. 
you tried to ignore the messages.
but they just kept coming to a point where you could no longer ignore the irritating rattle of your phone against your nightstand.
you let out a string of curse words as you shift in your bed once again.
you reach your arm out towards your nightstand and aimlessly grope for your phone until you find it.
you squint your eyes as they adjust to the brightness of your phone, finally seeing who has been disturbing your sleep.
it was your boyfriend.
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;- 2:24 am
you and bill had eachothers location, so finding him wasn’t going to be the hard part. 
the hard part was going to be trying not to fall asleep at the wheel as your drove to whatever house party bill was attending tonight.
well, trying to get your drunk boyfriend in the car would be hard too, but based on his texts, he would probably be too intoxicated to break free from your arms as you shoved him in the back seat like you have done previously.
-; 2:35 am
you could hear the faint sound of trashy music playing as you pulled into the driveway and right as you exited your car you bee-lined for the front door.
you pounded on the door loudly enough so that people would be able to hear it over the music. 
no answer.
“oh-! hiii baby!” a voice said behind you, to which you immediately whipped your head around.
“whatthefuck-“ you stopped when you realized who it was, “bill? why the fuck are you outside?” 
“i was jus’ waiting for youu!” he stumbled towards you and smiled.
you shook your head and laughed to yourself in disbelief. how much had he had to drink?
“yeah, okay.” you paused, “we’re going to my house. c’mon” 
you grabbed bills arm and led him to the passenger seat, he was trying to open the door while you rummaged around in your purse trying to find your keys, the darkness which surrounded the two of you definitely didn’t help this.
bill kept pulling the door handle.
“bill fucking stop you’re gonna rip the door handle off-..“ you found your keys and unlocked the door.
“m’sorry! i jus wanna-“ he tried to continue talking but you pushed him into his seat as fast as you could and shut the door.
you were so ready to get back in your bed as sleep. 
-; 2:40 am
on the drive back to your house, bill stayed mostly quiet.
“are you okay?” you asked him in a concerned tone, “because you’re usually a fucking obnoxious drunk-“
“im not drunk.!.” he looked at you with a very stern expression and you couldn’t help giggle.
-; 2:50 am
when you finally got back to your house you did the same as when you arrived at the frat house. 
you immediately bee-lined for the door.
except the difference was you now had a drunk bill following you.
once again fumbling with your keys, you unlocked the door, bill attached to your arm.
“go to the spare room bill, or take the couch, i don’t care.” you said as you hung your jacket and purse back in their designated areas.
“okayyy..” bill obliged, walking down the hallway towards the bedrooms.
you followed after him moments later, walking into your bedroom.
as you went to settle into your bed you saw something that certainly wasn’t one of the many blankets that littered your room.
“hm? oh hi y/n!” you could see his toothy smile at you even in the darkness. 
“bill, i said go to the spare room. i actually need to sleep tonight. please, baby.”
“but- but i don’t wanna be alone!” he cried, “i promise i will never ever do this again, please can i just stay in here?”
you thought about shoving him off of your bed and letting him find his way to the spare room, but then you thought about how hard it would be to get him off of the floor once you pushed him off the bed.
so you scratched that idea.
“fine..” you muttered, “but be quiet, okay? can you do that for me?” you kissed him lightly on his sweet alcohol-ridden lips.
he looked at you with drunken eyes and smiled. “okay..”  
you smiled at him through the darkness and planted a kiss on his forehead, then continuing to position yourself in a comfortable sleeping position. 
after moments of silence, you thought bill had fallen asleep.
but no.
you flinched as he started fidgeting with your hair, although soon after you leaned into the touch as he usually did this to help soothe himself to sleep
then you heard suppressed giggles behind you which soon turned into full-on laughs.
you tried to ignore him, thinking it would end soon.
but once again, no.
“bill, stop.”  you would whisper, but he couldn’t. 
he brought his hand up to cover his mouth. 
big mistake.
the hand he intended to cover his mouth with was the one he had tangled up in your hair, which led to him accidentally tugging on your hair as he brought it up to his mouth. 
“bill what the fuck!? - ow!” you whipped back at him, “that was my fucking hair!”
you rubbed the back of your head where bill had tugged to soothe the pain, muttering to yourself as you did so.
bill didn’t utter a word. 
you stared into his pitiful eyes and spat many insults at him before grabbing a stray pillow and smacking it between the two of you.
that had to keep him from disrupting your sleep, right?
not right.
the giggles that you heard behind your back minutes ago had now turned into small whimpers.
the bed shook behind you as bill whined out an unsteady breath.
he had to be messing with you.
you turned around for the final time, about to completely snap, “bill can you just fucking-“
you fell silent and stared into bills eyes which were somehow even more pitiful than before.
his makeup was not yet running down his face but it was smudged under his eyes, a streak of the black shadow ran up into his hairline where he had presumably wiped it.
bill sat up, but that didn’t keep him from breaking down. “i didn’t mean to pull your hair..!!” he hid his head in his hands, sobbing into them.
“oh bill…” you almost started crying seeing the state that he was in. how could you have made your own boyfriend feel like this?
you removed the pillow that you had put between the two of you, discarding it onto the floor as you practically scooped bill up in your arms.
you hugged him tightly as he sobbed into your shoulder.
“i- im so sorry!!” he whined out almost incomprehensibly. he was a drunk, sobbing mess.
“bill.. please don’t apologize..” you stroked the back of his head, gently combing through his rough black hair.
“do you still love me?” his manicured nails dug into your shoulders nervously as he waited for a response.
your heart sunk as his words. had you made him feel like you didn’t love him?
you moved your arms to wrap firmly around bills torso, pulling him flush against you.
you held him tightly, holding back tears of your own as you rested your chin on his head.
“bill..” you trailed off, moving your head away from his as you gently tried to get him to meet your gaze. “i love you so much.. i’m sorry for snapping. really. i’m so fucking sorry. i’m just so tired and-“ 
bill cut you off by smashing his head into your chest, “i really didnt mean to hurt you.. i was just trying to go to sleep..”
“i know you didn’t mean to hurt me bill.. its really okay.”
you felt bill nod into your chest, the poor boy was so tired and he was just trying to soothe himself to sleep.
god, why did you yell at him?
oh i really hate this but enjoy nonetheless
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theology101 · 2 months
Sprak needs to become a crewmen on the Goldenrod ASAP! All of his schemes would have gotten an IMMEDIATE seal of approval from Bill Seacaster
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thefiresofpompeii · 5 months
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sarah dollard i would like a word
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reddieswift · 8 months
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on today's episode of small details from the IT book that are extremely important to me, LOSERS CLUB HANDWRITINGS ARE U KIDDING
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spaciebabie · 8 days
springtrap but he has claws and he slowwwwwly sinks them into youi while holdoing you close purring softly hes not eveb truing ta hurt you on ourpose justtrying ta keep you as close as possible and get you ta stay put for just a few more seconds oohohohhh ohhh hospital hostpital hospital. emergency room hospital
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tswwwit · 2 months
lmao imagine if familiar au them accidentally spark a weird craze for dating/marrying humans amongst demons?? like, bill pulled it off *too* well. suddenly every demon thinks human flings are the shit. having a human date at your side is the new fashion trend. people find themselves making deals not in exchange for their souls, but being a date to the next big fancy event. then everyone comes to their senses and it just becomes that one phase everyone simultaneously agrees never to speak of again. CRAZY
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tomssexdoll · 13 days
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you don't understand how fucking horny this photo makes me
when I first saw it I collapsed and orgasmsed 50 times, how can a man be this hot?
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mathildejr · 1 year
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finally got started on the final pages of my comic for Shortbox comics fair 2023 !! 🌼🤞🏻
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starxbill · 16 days
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He's so beautiful
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msenglishgent · 5 months
This is going to do bad things to me…
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Okay so I actually need bill knight so badly it’s not even funny, this man is so gorgeous oh my god 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
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