#also ford makes a joke about leaving bill on read on his paper which is so fucking funny ohh my god
socvincjpeg · 1 month
The book of bill website is open and typing in breakup/divorce gets you..
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fallen-gravity · 4 years
awaken the stars, ‘cause they’re all around you
Stanford Pines never really believed in soulmates.
He can't imagine the idea that there's one person out there for him in the multiverse who would stop at nothing to love him for who he is, despite everything he is and everything he's done. He can't imagine that someone out there is meant for him, someone who will stand by his side until the end of time.
Or maybe he'd just been looking at it from the wrong angle.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, @stariousfalls!!!!! I can't believe we've been friends for upwards of five years now?? You've been a huge inspiration of mine from my first day in the gravity falls fandom back in late 2014, and now you're one of my closest friends. I've been spending the last week and a half working on this behind your back, because I wanted to surprise you with a gift I thought you'd love!!
7.5k words of fluff was....not my original plan, but fluff brain wanted to go feral for you, I guess.
Huge, huge shoutout to @ariasofelegance  for helping me keep my mouth shut about this, I absolutely would've internally combusted without your help & support
Ford never saw the appeal of romantic relationships.
One night when he and Stan were kids, they snuck downstairs in the middle of the night after their parents were asleep to dig through Pa’s “Secret stash” of movies he thought he was good at keeping a secret. They’d thought for sure they’d be coming across bootleg cuts of action movies that were still playing in theaters, or documentaries about how all of the politicians in power were secretly aliens. 
What they actually found was much more…sensual. They were both horrified, to say the least, but each time Ford had to turn away to prevent himself from gagging, he’d hear Stan beside him struggling not to laugh. 
For years, Ford was convinced coming across those tapes before he was old enough to fully comprehend what was happening in them is what had turned him off to relationships altogether. It certainly didn’t help that he was never able to experience romantic relationships firsthand, as every time he tried asking someone out in high school he’d just be laughed at or called a freak.
Though college was another story entirely, his feelings towards romantic relationships never seemed to change. He went out with a girl from his dungeons, dungeons, and more dungeons club for a few weeks, a guy from his advanced physics class for almost two months, and even tried going out with Fiddleford for upwards of nine months, but he never felt that deeper connection with any of them, no matter how much he wanted to feel that connection. 
It’d be forty more years before he learned the term aromantic, but when he was still in college he would brush off his parents’ questions about his relationship status by telling them he was too busy working on his thesis, which technically wasn’t all that far from the truth anyway.
Still, the faint sense of yearning never seemed to leave him be. Whenever he found gaps in his schedule, he would spend hours in his university library reading up on the science of relationships and their place in society. Though he no longer remembers most of the papers he read, one scientific study that’s always stuck with him was a dissertation written entirely on the concept of soulmates.
Everyone has a soulmate, the paper claimed. Though it may be decades until you properly meet, your path always leads to the moment that you and your soulmate are finally united. Once finally together, not a single force on earth can tear you apart. Even if you are apart physically, the stars will always align to bring you together. Weirdest of all, the paper mentioned soulmarks, which were described as “the phenomenon that a person’s very soul is marked with a piece that belongs to their soulmate, which may appear as a physical anomaly on a person’s body, such as an oddly-shaped birthmark”. 
Ford had thought for sure that somebody must’ve moved a romance novel into the sociology section of the library as a joke. The only sort of anomaly he had going for him was his polydactyly, and thinking too much about how that could connect him to a single person who was destined to love him gave him a headache. 
Nowadays, though, Ford tries not to give it much thought. He’s perfectly happy right where he is, watching the sunrise from the deck of the Stan O’ War II through the steam visibly rising from his coffee mug. 
He sighs contently. 
“Mornin’” Stan’s voice sounds beside him, gruff with sleep. When Ford turns to look at him, he’s rubbing at his eyes with one hand while he holds a steaming cup of coffee in his other. He’s already donning one of the sweaters Mabel mailed to him, a deep blue with a tropical island and a treasure chest stitched across the chest.
Ford smirks. “You’re up early” 
Stan cocks an eyebrow as he sips from his coffee. “A’course I am. I always get up early when we’re docking to see the kids”
Ford blinks, the teasing smirk on his face melting into a gentle smile. “That’s today?” 
“Haven’t you checked the calendar lately?” Stan tosses a second handmade sweater at Ford. This one’s the same shade of maroon as his journal covers, and pictures an angry cycloptopus squirting ink towards the bottom left corner of the sweater. “The kids are on spring break. They talked to their parents about letting us have ‘em all week” 
Ford is quick to pull the warm sweater over his head. “All week?” 
He can’t help sounding like a broken record, but it’s been months since the last time he saw the kids face to face. Sure, they talk over video at least once a week, but nothing beats seeing their smiling faces and having them nearly tackle him to the ground in a hug in-person. 
“Heh, you miss em too, Sixer?” 
As little as two years ago, Ford would’ve flinched at the nickname. But Bill is gone for good, and Ford knows that Bill is gone for good, and Stan made a promise to do anything in his power to help him reclaim the nickname. He brings his mug close to his face without taking a sip, allowing himself to take in the warmth in his hands and the steam in his face.
“Not as much as you, clearly” Ford smirks, and Stan crosses his arms over his chest.
“You bet I missed them more than you. I’d been taking care of them all summer before you showed up and fell in love with them in half that time”
Ford smirks as he finishes up his coffee and heads into the navigation room to set their course. “By that logic, wouldn’t that mean that I miss them more, since I had less time with them?”
“Hey!” Stan groans as he follows him into the room. “It does not. It means that you don’t know them like I know them, genius. Everyone knows that it’s all about how much time you’ve spent with a person that determines how close you are with them” 
Ford laughs as he enters the coordinates they need to get to the seaport they were meeting the young twins at. From the looks of it, it’d be three hours before they arrived. 
“Mm, and who put that study together? Was it you?” 
Stan doesn’t reply with words, just a noise that sounds halfway between disgruntled and baffled. It makes Ford laugh even harder, and he wipes at his eyes with a wrist. Out of the corner of his eyes, he sees Stan’s overdramatic pout melt away until he’s laughing too. 
The sight of it makes the smile on Ford’s face widen. It’d been decades since the two of them were able to just be like this. It’d been so long since the last time Ford heard Stan’s genuine laugh that he’d gone and forgotten what it sounded like altogether. When he was still traveling the multiverse, he searched far and wide for a shred of hope, something to keep his anxieties and nightmares from catching up to him.
What a fool he’d been to ignore his childhood memories of home. 
The trip is a quiet but familiar one. Ford can’t talk much when he’s steering because he needs to be on constant lookout, but Stan remains in the room to talk at him and keep him company anyway. The sun is well over the horizon by the time they reach the seaport, and call it instincts, intuition, or something else entirely, because Ford spots the kids sitting on a bench in the near distance the moment he and Stan step foot onto the dock. 
They’re squished closely together, watching a video on Mabel’s phone. Whether they’re aware of it or not, they’re swaying their legs back and forth underneath the bench in perfect unison. On the ground beside them are their backpacks, overstuffed with so many things that both of them are popping open. 
Most importantly, neither of them have noticed that Ford and Stan are approaching them. 
Ford exchanges an amused glance with Stan, and clears his throat to catch their attention. 
The phone nearly stumbles out of their hands in shock when they look up and meet their eyes.
“Grunkle Stan!” Mabel squeals, standing to sprint past Ford to knock Stan off of his feet. Ford chuckles at the sight, but not quickly enough to hear Dipper’s “Great Uncle Ford!”, and before he knows it he’s hitting the floor too. The young twins are laughing messes, and stumble over each other as they try to stand to their feet and help their Grunkles up. 
Mabel spits out the hair that stuck to her mouth, and pulls a hair tie seemingly out of thin air to tie her hair up into a ponytail. It’s only now that Ford realizes that she and Dipper are also both wearing sweaters, and if Ford had to guess, it looks like Mabel made both of these sweaters as well. Mabel’s is a galaxy print with actual twinkling stars, and Ford makes a mental note to ask her later what she did to make it glow like that. Dipper’s is also space themed, though his pictures the big dipper splotched across a black night sky with a bright orange meteor shooting through the center.
“You have to tell us about everything you’ve encountered”, Dipper beams, once Stan finishes brushing himself off. 
Stan cocks an eyebrow. “Two years’ worth is a lot to get through, kiddo”
“Exactly!” Mabel beams, turning to pick up her backpack and put it on. “Which is exactly why you can tell us on the way to the hotel!” 
“Hotel?” Ford and Stan ask in unison.
“Surprise?” Dipper giggles. “Our parents rented us a hotel room for the week cause they figured you’d appreciate some time away from the boat” 
“It’ll be like our summer in Gravity Falls all over again!” Mabel grins. “But in reverse! You’re in our territory now” 
Stan laughs. “You’re the boss, kiddo”
“You bet I am!” She beams, and hands Dipper his backpack. “Now c’mon! If you tell us all of the horrors you’ve encountered out at sea, we’ll tell you about all the horrors we’ve encountered in high school!”
“I...think I remember those horrors pretty well already, thank you” Ford smiles sheepishly, adjusting his glasses. “But we’d be more than glad to tell you some of our own stories”
It’s a short walk to the bus stop, but Ford honestly wouldn’t mind if they walked all the way to the hotel on foot if it meant an extra half an hour with the kids. They’re just as eccentric as he remembers, attached at the hip but still wildly different people all on their own. Dipper’s still hanging on to every word he’s saying, and Mabel’s still skipping along like she’s in her own world. 
Once they reach the hotel and check in, Dipper collapses face first onto one of the beds the moment he steps into the room, groaning. 
Stan smiles. “Something bothering you, kiddo?” 
He turns on his side to look Stan in the eye, his face smushing into the pillow. “Mabel didn’t let me get any sleep last night. She insisted on getting to the seaport three whole hours early because she insisted that she had this gut feeling that you guys would have the same idea and we’d magically show up at the same time” 
Mabel pouts, and sits on the bed besides him. “Well it’s not my fault you stayed up late reading that dumb book of yours. Plus, would you rather have kept them waiting for three hours?” 
Dipper removes his hat and places it on the table beside him, exposing just enough of his forehead through his hair to reveal his birthmark. It has the same faint glow to it as Mabel’s sweater, and Ford wonders how the two could possibly reflect off of each other. 
“Their boat has beds and a fully stocked kitchen, Mabel. They can afford to wait. All we had were those strawberry pop tarts that you ate five minutes after we got there”
Ford can’t help but smile softly at their banter. He missed them so, so, much more than he could’ve ever imagined. He’s got half a mind to stow them away on the boat at the end of the week and homeschool them both himself so he never has to be apart from them again.
Apart. The word still feels like a knife twisted into his chest. There’s nothing he regrets more than trying to separate the young twins from each other two summers ago because he’d been so caught up in projecting his own fears onto the pair. He’d tried apologizing to Mabel over the whole ordeal, but she stopped him before he could even start to tell him he had nothing to worry about.
He only wishes he could learn to forgive himself as easily as she did.
“...Can we, Grunkle Ford?”
He blushes. Had he just said all of that out loud?
“Can we...what?” 
“Take the boat out! Not right now, since Dips is being a grumpy-grump and insists on wasting precious time with a nap, but we’ve been talking about it all week”
From across the room, Stan snorts. “Let me get this straight,” he takes his jacket off and hangs it up in the closet. At this point Ford swears his eyes must be playing tricks on him, because Stan’s old burn scar is glowing just as Mabel’s sweater and Dipper’s birthmark are. “All the time you spent groaning and complaining about fishing every time I took you in Gravity Falls, and now you’re asking to go fishing?” 
“I was thinking more along the lines of a joy ride,” Dipper yawns from under the covers. “But if agreeing to go fishing is what gets you to say yes, then sure” 
He’s smirking under the covers, Ford can tell, because he inherited that expression from Stan.
Stan’s about to bite back, but Dipper must not have been exaggerating about how long he and Mabel were waiting for them at the dock, because he’s already out cold. Stan smiles at him, gently ruffling up his hair before he takes a seat on the adjacent bed, kicking his shoes off so he can kick his feet up on the bed and relax. Ford sits beside Stan, and Stan slings his arms behind him to support his head in his hands as he glances over at Ford. 
“They make you wanna retire the whole ‘treasure hunting’ thing and move into the city to be closer to ‘em too?”
Ford chuckles. “I’ve already considered hiding them away on the boat twice today already.” He taps at his chin. “Though I suppose that moving in with them would go over better with their parents then taking them away to live on a boat” 
“Hmm…” Stan taps at his chin as well. “Being stuck in the same stuffy high school for four years, or living on a boat traveling all over the world whenever they feel like it? I dunno about you, Sixer, but I have a pretty good idea on what the kids would prefer”
“Grunkle Stan? Grunkle Ford?” Mabel’s voice suddenly chimes in, and Ford blushes, wondering how much of that she just heard. 
“What’s on your mind, pumpkin?” Stan asks. 
“Well, uh, Dipper was right about us only eating once really early this morning, and I was wondering if you’d be willing to, uh” She twirls her hair between her fingers. “Cook something for us? For old time’s sake?”
Okay, it’s settled, Ford’s never letting these kids go again. 
“Sure, kiddo. Soon as your brother’s up we’ll head right back up, okay?” 
“Okay!” she beams, and crawls back into her side of the bed, staring at Dipper like she can will him into waking up on command. 
Though Ford would’ve been okay if they’d had to wait hours for him, it’s really only about twenty minutes before Dipper opens his eyes again and nearly shrieks in surprise at Mabel’s face hovering three inches from his own. He smacks his hand into her face to shove her away, and she giggles as she rolls off the bed and onto the floor. 
Beside Ford, Stan smirks. “Better get up before we leave without you and all our food goes to Mabel, kiddo. You’ve got plenty of time to crash in Ford’s bed on the ship, since he never seems to use it anyway”
Dipper yawns, rubbing at his eyes as he kicks the covers off. “I hadn’t even realized I’d fallen asleep”
“I didn’t realize you were even capable of sleep, bro-bro” Mabel punches him in the shoulder as she walks past him to put her shoes on. He glares at her wordlessly, and Ford has to cover up his snicker with a fake cough. 
This time, the bus ride and the walk back to the ship are a quiet one. Ford never really lets himself let his guard down and relax for an extended period of the time, so he cherishes any moment he can get where he finally feels like he doesn’t constantly feel the need to check over his shoulder for signs of danger. Most of the time, if you asked him about his heightened senses, he’d call them a curse. But on days like these, when he can hear the birds chirping and the waves smacking gently against the boats in the seaport, he’d almost go as far as calling it a blessing. 
The kids take a seat at the dining table as soon as they enter the kitchen, and Stan grins at them from over his shoulder as he clicks the stove on. “Whaddya say, Stancakes?” 
Dipper and Mabel grimace in unison. “Ewwww, Grunkle Stan, you promised lunch!” Mabel scrunches her nose, and Stan’s grin only widens. 
“Ah, ah, you said like old times. That means I get to decide what to make, and you have to eat it because I’m your legal guardian”.
“Well I wasn’t even awake when you were talking about old times, so I’d say that cancels out” Dipper crosses his arms over his chest, and Ford can’t help but smile warmly at the three of them as he reaches into the cupboard for his favorite coffee mug. The younger twins clearly had just gotten two copies of the same mug, but crossed both of them out so they’d say #1 GRUNKLES on them instead of #1 UNCLE. Stan has the other one, of course, but he keeps it on his bedside to hold small treasures and keepsakes because it’s, in his own words, “Too special to waste on something as ordinary as coffee”.
Ford sits himself in the seat between the younger twins at their okay, and after some back and forth banter between the four of them, they end up settling for burgers. Truth be told, this is the first time Ford’s eaten a meal in a group larger than two since the last time he and Stan visited the young twins in the winter, and he can’t help but smile into his food at the thought. The closest he’d come even remotely close to eating with others in his research years was his very, very brief time at the truck stop diner, and the experience had soured his view of...well, other people for near decades.
Now, though, he’d burn his own research dozens of times over before he’d even consider eating alone.
Stan’s chair scraping across the floor as he stands pops Ford out of his bubble of serenity. 
“Now that that’s taken care of,” Stan cracks his knuckles, smiling mischievously at Dipper and Mabel. “I think I remember a couple of kiddos finally promising their Grunkle Stan he could take them fishing”
“Promise is a strong word-” Dipper starts as he stands to place his plate in the sink, but Stan’s already placing a fishing hat on his head before he can finish his sentence. 
“Course you did! You wanna take our baby for a joyride, you gotta earn it first”
Dipper turns to Ford, like he’s expecting him to back him up.
Ford chuckles. “I don’t know, Dipper. That sounds perfectly reasonable to me”.
Dipper scoffs, sitting back down at the table. Mabel laughs. 
“Aww, C’mon, Dipper! Aren’t you all about the supernatural? For all we know, Grunkle Stan and Grunkle Ford could be harboring magical glowing bait that only attracts, like, magical talking fish men, or something!” 
Dipper raises an eyebrow. “Didn’t you just receive a bottle message from Mermando last week?”
“Exactly!” Mabel flashes a grin. “That must mean that he’s in the area!”
Stan laughs. “You tellin’ me you only agreed to go fishing so you could kiss and make-up with your long-distance fish boyfriend?”
“Grunkle Stan, what kind of person do you take me for?” she gasps. “He’s married! You know I would never want to break apart such a loving couple!”
Ford’s smile only warms. Where else could he partake in such a conversation that doesn’t turn heads and result in judgmental whispers? Where else can he just be like this, surrounded by loved ones who are just as weird, just as out of the ordinary as himself? In his younger years he thought for sure his place would be among the monsters and cryptids everyone in his childhood made him out to be, but even in the weirdness capital of the country he felt more alone than ever. 
“...Don’t think you’re immune, Sixer” Stan’s voice cuts into his thoughts, and before Ford can ask what he means Stan is smacking a homemade fishing cap on his head. “It may ruin your badass image when we’re monster hunting, or whatever, but we’re fishing with the kids.” Stan gestures to them with his thumb. They’re already outside, leaning over the railing to look out at the water in a perfect mirror of each other.  “If they have to embarrass themselves by humoring me for a few hours, so do you” 
Ford waits for Stan to join the kids outside before he takes his hat off to admire the stitch work. It’s not perfect, and nowhere near the fancy embroidery he and Stan have found in various markets across their world travels. But it’s personalized, and Ford knows it comes from a place in Stan’s mind that’s been stuck behind lock and key since he was seventeen.
Ford runs his hands along each individual letter, which reads POINDEXTER, before placing it back on his head to join the others outside. 
Stan has, miraculously, already pulled out his joke book. Stan’s laughing too hard at his own joke for Ford to really make out what the punchline is, but the younger twins’ collective groans is all he needs to know about it. When Mabel notices him stepping out of the doorway, though, her expression shifts entirely. 
“So…” she draws out, stepping towards him. “Is there a trick for attracting merpeople to your boat? I mean, asides from being super cute, obviously” 
Ford chuckles, taking a glance behind her to make sure that Stan is out of earshot. “Stan’ll kill me if I tell you this, but they’re really attracted towards shiny things. If you tied one of his gold necklaces around a fishing pole and dangled it into the water, the boat’ll be surrounded in minutes” 
Mabel offers up her pinkie finger. “I won’t tell him if you won’t”
Ford interlocks his pinkie with hers, smiling. “I think he’ll notice when a whole family of merpeople show up”
“Hmmm…” Mabel taps at her chin with her free hand, visibly mouthing a plan to herself. “Oh! I know! Come with me,” she beams, and before Ford can even open his mouth to respond she’s already dragging him back into the kitchen. She kneels down on the floor and opens the cupboard below the sink. “Got any empty bottles I can use?”
Ford blinks. “Empty....bottles”
“Yeah!” Mabel pulls a neatly folded piece of paper out of her skirt. “If I can send out my response letter the same time we throw Stan’s necklace over, he’ll never be able to tell the difference!”
“Wait, wait” Ford shakes his head. “You really are dating a merperson?”
“Listening skills, Grunkle Ford” she taps at her forehead, folding the letter back into her pocket as she continues to dig through the cupboards. “Used to date. We met at the Gravity Falls Public Pool, where he was stuck, but then I drove him to the lake in a golf cart I stole from the pool grounds because he really missed his family, and then he was my first kiss, and then we were in a long-distance relationship for like, two months, and I kept every single bottle he sent me, but then we had to break up because he was arranged to marry to prevent a big undersea war.” She picks up a bottle, shakes it, and puts it back when it’s too full for her liking. “I know it sounds, like, super complicated, but it’s all okay, because we’re still pen pals!” 
Ford laughs, shaking his head. “No, Mabel, I had to ask because I, uh…” his cheeks warm, and he clears his throat. “Before I...came to term with my orientation, I...dated a merperson too” 
The bottles in the cupboard rattle as Mabel’s head smacks against the doorframe. She’s rubbing the spot where her head hit, but there are stars in her eyes. “Really?” 
Ford’s cheeks burn even hotter. “Yes,” he whispers, and takes a knee so he can get at her eye level. “Technically he was a siren, but yes, we dated for about a month. He promised me he wouldn’t entice anyone else while we were together, but I guess there wasn’t anything...there.” He turns to help her shuffle through the cupboard, and finds a near-empty bottle of olive oil that’s definitely been sitting down there for at least a year. He hands it off to Mabel, smiling. “I’m glad that things worked out with you, though” 
To his surprise, Mabel drops the bottle and throws her arms around him in a hug. “I can’t wait to introduce you! He’s gonna love you”
Ford huffs a quiet laugh, and pulls her close as he winds his arms around her as well. The hug only lasts for a few brief moments, but it feels to Ford in those moments that time itself had stopped. Mabel stands, taking the bottle in one hand and offering to help Ford up in her other. 
Mabel places the bottle in the sink and turns the water on to rinse it out before she turns back towards Ford, stretching her arms up in the air as if she were warming up for an exercise. “Alright, here’s the plan. You tell me where Grunkle Stan keeps all of his jewelry, and I’ll sneak in and take his necklace while you distract him. Got it?”
Ford smiles. “Got it”.
As Mabel splits away for Stan’s bedroom, Ford heads back out to the deck. Dipper’s leaning over the side of the boat pointing at something jumping out of the water, rambling excitedly to Stan beside him. He’s holding his fishing hat in his hand to stop it from blowing into the water, and his hair is bouncing in the breeze. It’s just enough for the edge of his birthmark to poke through his bangs, and even in broad daylight it seems to be emitting a faint glow.
“I found it!” Mabel cheers, bounding up from behind him. She’s wearing the chain around her neck, and for some reason the gold seems much dimmer in contrast to her sweater. She takes it off and hands it to him. “You wanna do the honors while I go and throw this overboard?”
Ford smiles, ruffling her hair. “Sure thing.” He walks over to where Stan and Dipper are chatting and picks up one of the extra fishing rods. Making sure that Stan’s too engrossed with his conversation to notice, Ford starts wrapping the chain along the line, and at the signal from Mabel, he tosses his line as far from the boat as he can manage.
Five minutes pass before Mabel squeals so loud that Ford’s afraid his glasses might shatter. He reaches for the gun he knows he’s got stashed in his pants pocket, but when he turns to run to her aid she’s leaning halfway over the boat wrapping her arms around a young merman in a tight hug.
“...so good to see you again!” She’s beaming. “I didn’t think you’d be able to find us so quickly!”
“Yes, well, you were easy to track down after we figured out the coordinates to the seaport” the young man says in a thick Spanish accent. “It is good to see you too! My family was so excited to meet you”
“Your family?” she gasps. “Did they all come with you?” 
“Of course!” he grins. “We merpeople are very family oriented. Wherever we go, we go together” 
Ford winces at the uncanny familiarity of the statement. Mabel must recognize the statement too, because she responds with “Oh, that reminds me! There’s someone I want you guys to meet! Wait right here,” she says, and comes bouncing back over to Ford. Taking his hand in her own, she starts to drag him back to where she’d just been leaning. “C’mon! He’s the one I was just talking about!”
Three more merpeople emerge from the water when she gently knocks on the side of the boat again. “Grunkle Ford, this is Mermando!” she grins, gesturing to the young merman she’d just been conversing with. “He’s the one I helped reunite with his family after they were separated by tragic circumstances.” She wraps her arms around Ford in a side-hug. “Mermando, this is my Grunkle Ford! He was also separated from his family by tragic circumstances, but I helped with that too!” 
Mermando laughs. “Even when you think it’s the end, family always finds its way, doesn’t it?”
Ford laughs, shaking his hand. “It always seems that way to me”
“Awwww!” Mabel squeals. “I knew you’d get along!” She grins, and turns her attention back towards Mermando. “Before I forget, though, did you see where Grunkle Ford threw that gold necklace? If I don’t get it back my Grunkle Stan’s gonna kill me”
Mermando laughs again. “I was wondering if that belonged to any of you!” He takes off his shell necklace to reveal that he’d put Stan’s necklace on around his neck. He takes that off, too, and offers it to Ford. “I much prefer this one, anyway” he clicks his shell necklace open, revealing it to be a locket with a picture of his family inside.
Ford takes the gold necklace back, and he means to thank him, but a bell ringing from elsewhere in the port interrupts him before he can open his mouth. Mermando turns to Mabel, taking her hands in his own. “We must go. I’m so sorry we have to leave so soon, but we merpeople recognize the sounds of fishing boats very easily. We’ll try to come back later this week” He opens his arms for her once more, and Mabel wraps his arms around him in a quick hug before she watches him and his family swim away. 
“I am so glad that all you were doing was hugging,” Dipper shudders as he and Stan approach Ford and Mabel. “I’m not sure my stomach could handle witnessing you two kissing a second time” 
“Awww,” Mabel punches him playfully in the shoulder. “You’re just jealous that I had a boyfriend before you did!” 
Dipper cringes. “If you having a boyfriend before I do means I didn’t have to be the one dating a fish, then I’m glad you were the one who got stuck with him first” He punches her back, and gestures at Stan over his shoulder with his thumb. “But anyways, I came over here because Grunkle Stan says he wants to get out on the open water before everyone else gets the idea, or something”.
Ford pockets Stan’s necklace and makes a mental note to put it away sometime later tonight when Stan is too distracted to notice. “Tell Stan I’m going to untie the rope from the edge of the dock, and when he sees me back on board we’re all set to go.”
Nodding, Dipper bounds off towards the navigation room where Stan must be waiting, and Ford steps off of the boat to take care of everything else. On the way to the bow, he traces a hand along the white painted STAN O’ WAR II, and a feeling of warmth sprouts in his chest. Once back on board, he waves to Stan as he passes besides the navigation room once more, and takes a seat on one of the beach chairs they liked to keep aboard. 
Most days, Ford prefers to be the one at the wheel. But every once in a while he just wants to be. All he wants to do is lean back in one of their beach chairs and let the sun warm his face. It’s a good kind of warm, the same way spending time with the kids and heavy rain hitting his bedroom window and planning new escapades with Stan feel warm. After so, so long of only knowing unbearable burns, it feels indescribable to have a constant back in his life that heals, rather than hurts. 
“Mind if we join you?” Dipper asks, and Ford glances over to see both of the young twins dragging a chair behind them.
Speaking of healing constants.
“Sure,” Ford says, and can’t help the warmth spilling through his tone. They pull their chairs up on either side of him, and curl up to enjoy the warm breeze. Dipper places his hat on his lap to let the wind blow through his hair, and Mabel stretches her arms out behind her head to act as her own pillow. Ford chuckles silently at the pair, and closes his eyes to let himself relax.
All is quiet when Stan finally finds them a spot out on the open water without a single other boat in sight. The water is nearly still, save for the occasional small wave that gently sways the boat. The sun is at its afternoon high, turning the water beautiful shades of teal and aqua. Fishing is tedious, but it’s careful work, and gives Ford something to put all of his focus into. Two whole hours pass before any of them catch a thing, and Stan laughs himself to tears when it’s Dipper who pulls up a single sardine. 
Typically Ford prefers much more immersive activities, but right now there’s nowhere else he’d rather be. The sun is starting to set before they realize they aren’t going to have much luck catching anything, and instead decide to take the boat for another ride around the harbor to look for a better place to eventually watch the stars. 
“...Great Uncle Ford?” Dipper approaches him shyly once they’ve anchored the boat.
He tugs shyly at the edge of his sweater. “I…” he starts. “I know you’ve told me that the multiverse was dangerous, and all, but...was there ever anything you enjoyed about it?” He pauses. “What were the sunsets like?”
Ford chuckles, patting at the seat beside him, and Dipper’s eyes light up as he sits down.
“You’re right,” Ford starts, folding his hands together. “I wouldn’t wish what I went through on even my worst enemies, Dipper. It was practically impossible to get any decent amount of sleep and even harder to find food digestible by human kind. I lost some of my best years to the multiverse when I could’ve gone on to become the most renowned scientist in the world.” Ford turns his gaze away from the sun setting on the horizon to meet Dipper’s eyes, but he’s frowning, eyes cast downwards towards the deck of the ship.
“But,” Ford adds before the poor kid can get too lost in his own head, placing a reassuring hand on his shoulder. “It definitely had its perks.” He smiles. “The sun in Dimension 18.2 would emit a sound that mimicked a lullaby every night as it set. Dimension 47’23 had three moons that would shift phases before your very eyes. I haven’t told Mabel because I’m afraid she’ll try activating a portal of her own and run away, but in Dimension 25-12, everyone and everything looks like a watercolor painting. There’s danger in the multiverse, but there’s beauty in equal measure”
“Do you ever miss it?” Dipper fiddles with his hands, like he’s trying real hard not to say the wrong thing. “I mean, I know you don’t miss being lost, or having no idea if you’re ever going to see home again, but...is there any dimension...where you could’ve seen yourself staying, if you thought you couldn’t make it back?” 
Ford shifts in his chair so he doesn’t have to twist his neck so much to look directly at his nephew. “Occasionally,” he muses. “I met the most friendly faces in Dimension 52, so my mind does tend to wander there from time to time” he smiles. “But rest assured, there is something in this dimension that makes it my favorite”
“Oh yeah?” Dipper’s eyes light up. “Over every other dimension you’ve passed through? What is it?”
Ford gently nudges Dipper’s shoulder. “You and your sister”
Dipper’s cheeks turn bright red, and he looks as though he’s struggling not to bury his face into the collar of his sweater and disappear. “Really?” his voice squeaks.
Ford nods. “Everything I had in those other dimensions were fleeting, Dipper. At a moment’s notice everything I grew to love could disappear in the blink of an eye. The very thing happened to me in Dimension 52. When I fell asleep, I woke up in a new dimension I didn’t recognize. Things may have been more advanced, and there may have been dimensions crafted to give you your greatest desires, but in the end nothing ever lasted.” 
Now it’s Ford’s turn to divert Dipper’s eyes, gaze casting towards the floor. “Stan was cut from my life completely in the dimension that claimed to be a perfect world. I had nobody. Even in dimensions that actively worked towards my happiness, I was all alone” Ford shakes his head, and turns his gaze once more out on the horizon. The sun is still touching the horizon, but it’s dipped just low enough that some of the stars are beginning to show in the sky. 
“But...here, at home, everything is consistent. I don’t have to worry about waking up in the morning to find that everyone I love is gone. I can keep everyone in arm’s lengths, even when Stan and I can only communicate with you and your sister over a video call. I’m…” Ford gently squeezes his hands to reassure himself that this is real and now. “...happy. Happier than I’ve been in decades” 
Beside him, Dipper yawns, and when Ford spares a glance over at him he’s smiling at him sleepily.  “We’re really happy you’re here too, Grunkle Ford” he murmurs, and his eyes slip closed. Ford’s cheeks flush pink, and he has to choke back a laugh because that’s one of the first times Dipper’s felt comfortable enough to call him Grunkle. 
Ford stands, so as not to wake Dipper from his nap. A small glance to his right and he catches a glimpse of Stan and Mabel leaning against the side of the boat watching the sunset just outside of earshot of his current conversation with Dipper.
“You finally bore him to sleep with all your nerdy science talk?” Stan asks as he approaches, sparing a glance behind him at Dipper. “Was starting to think that the poor kid would never get a nap in” 
“Yes, well,” Ford smirks. “I’m sure it helped plenty that you bored him to death by taking him fishing first”
Stan gasps in mock offense, and slugs him in the shoulder. “Hey, at least I’m engaging them in something they can actually interact with, unlike your kooky alien stories, or whatever”
Ford can’t help the laugh that escapes him. “Bold statement coming from the man who dedicated thirty years of his life rescuing me from said kooky aliens” he says, returning with a punch of his own. Stan opens his mouth to argue back, realizes he has nothing to say, and closes his mouth. The sight of it makes Ford laugh even harder, keeling over and slapping a hand on Stan’s shoulder to support himself. It must be contagious, because it’s not long before Stan is laughing too.
Ford removes his glasses to wipe the tears from his eyes, and cleans off the lenses with the edge of his sweater. Once his eyes adjust after he puts them back on, his throat nearly catches in his throat when he glances back out towards the water. He’s just able to catch a shooting star before it disappears over the horizon, and the boat’s just far out enough on the water that there isn’t an ounce of light pollution obscuring the rest of the stars in the sky.  He takes a few steps back so he can look up and admire more of them at once, and if he looks close enough he can see them twinkling. 
Before he can ask the others if they’re seeing the same thing, a bright flash of light coming from somewhere on the boat cuts into his thoughts. He turns, to make sure that none of the lights in any of the rooms are on, but no, they’d turned those off when they’d started fishing. Scratching at his head, he turns to Stan and Mabel to ask if they have any idea where the light is coming from, but that question catches in its throat as quickly as it formulated.
They’re the ones emitting light.
Or, rather, Mabel’s sweater and Stan’s shoulder, approximately where his burn scar should be. Those are emitting light. 
...Surely it must just be the reflection of the starlight on the water, right? That same bright light must have woken Dipper from his nap, yes? 
He turns heel to ask Dipper the same question, but freezes in his tracks before he can take a single step forward. Dipper’s forehead is glowing too, the same way it has since he and Stan docked the boat this morning. 
It...It can’t be, can it?
Gripping his forehead, Ford takes a number of steps backwards until his back hits the wall. Maybe...maybe he just needs to call it a night. He’s been awake since sunrise, maybe his vision is just blurring because he needs to lie down? 
He waves his hands in front of his face, but no, those don’t look any different. He squints, to make sure his hands aren’t shaking, but no, they’re perfectly still.
He squints at Stan and Mabel, just to try and see if his eyes are watering, and-
He gasps. 
Mabel’s sweater, Dipper’s forehead, Stan’s shoulder; they’re not glowing; they’re twinkling like the stars. It was hard to tell in broad daylight, but now that they’re surrounded by a thousand shining stars, the resemblance is unmistakable. 
But...that’s not possible. If he can see them twinkling, but none of them have said anything about it, that could only be if those were…
Ford suddenly feels like he’s going to pass out. 
He slides to the floor.
Is...Is that even possible? Ford thought for sure that study he read years ago was nothing but a joke. Someone...who does everything in their power to bring you two together, no matter the cost? Someone who, even though you may not meet for decades, will feel as though you’ve known each other their entire lives? Someone who will do anything for you, no matter the personal expense?
Someone...someone like Stan, who spent a painstaking thirty years teaching himself quantum physics to rescue someone that anyone else would assume dead? The man who sacrificed his very mind, his very life, so he could be spared physical torture?
Or...someone like Mabel, the first friendly face he saw after emerging from the portal? The one who forgave him so easily after he tried to separate her from her brother? The one who insists on calling him a good person, despite all of those he knows he hurt? 
Or...Dipper? His kindred spirit in all things supernatural? The one who, alongside his sister, sacrificed himself as bait for the most dangerous being in the entire multiverse? Who saw memories of him at his very worst, and apologized to him for snooping?
After everything he’s been through...could things really work out that well in his favor? To not have one soulmate but three, and the guarantee that they’ll never leave, because they’ve already expressed how they love him so? 
There’s a tear streaming down his cheek at the thought, but he’s too distracted by a fourth light suddenly emitting from...himself to really notice.
He spares a cautious glance downward, and notices a pulsing light emerging from his chest in perfect time with his heartbeat. If he looks closely, he notices that the light travels down his arms and ties itself into a translucent bow around his fingers. If he looks closer still, the light looks as though it’s slinking faintly across the deck of the boat and reaching towards the gentle twinkling of Stan and Mabel’s marks.
Ford places a hand to his forehead, throws his head back, and laughs his throat dry, paying no mind to the tears pouring down his face.
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icedcappujaeno · 6 years
“Date night?”
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( a/n: okay remember that college student jaehyun and professor jaehyun? now we get an accountant jaehyun bc one anon sent me a message that jae also wanted to be an accountant.......we stan an ambitious man )
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Although being his assistant is a very tedious job, his looks had to make up for it, that, you had to be honest.
Accountant!Jaehyun walked his way into his office, as usual. In his crisp Tom Ford black suit, along with a white inner button down with one button not done, he looks like an expensive five-course meal served in the finest restaurants along the universe.
He smiled at you, the deep indents of his cheeks appearing while you greet him “good morning”, the scent of his Jo Malone cologne tickling your scent when he neared your desk.
“I presume you had the papers for audit ready?” He questioned, and you could never prevent the reflex of biting your lower lip when you heard his baritone voice. God damn it, these pheromones.
It was beyond professionalism at this point. You knew how you lusted over your boss—and you knew how unhealthy that is in this kind of set-up, especially inside the office.
“Are you sick?” Jaehyun interrupted your train of thought, causing your teeth to completely sink down to your bottom lip which scathed. You hissed, hand moving towards your lip, and you could almost taste the metallic liquid.
“I’m fine sir,” you defensively said, a finger pressed on the scathed lip to prevent more bleeding.
“Is that so?” he chuckled, fishing his white hankerchief from his pants’ pockets before offering it to you. You took it, albeit hesitantly, and pressed it to your lip. The scent of his cologne whiffed your senses, admittedly, loving its odor and made your knees wobble...maybe even feeling a warmth between your inner thighs.
“Your face looked so red earlier, I thought you’re going to explode,” his voice was not laced with concern—it was mocking, you can tell. You had been with him for almost a year now and you knew the tone of his voice when he teases.
With this, you felt your cheeks get warmer than they actually are and is about to retort but he’s already turned his back to you.
“Bring the files to my office, ASAP.”
The bleeding of your lip stop, but your cheeks were still flushing from the scene just now. You held onto his hankerchief, clutching it between your fist as you probably will not forget the events earlier for another month.
What a great way to start the day.
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“Come on, it’s Friday!” Your officemate whined, shaking your shoulder as you try to remain unbothered with her constant actions. “Let’s go out and drink!”
Along with the banters are the actions of taking shots to emphasize, but you weren’t having any of it.
“Yeah, almost everyone in the office is coming, well, except Mr. Park,” one of them snickered. “You know how her wife goes Godzilla when he comes home drunk.”
“As much as I want to join you guys,” you spun your chair to face them, and finally, your officemate let go of your shoulders. “Mr. Jung wants me to finish this file so he can work on it during the weekend.”
One of your officemates rolled her eyes to your direction. “Jeez, is the overtime worth it? Just come with us! You had your overtimes almost every day! It’s just this once!”
You just smiled sheepishly in response, turning back to your computer.
“Ugh,” the one who was shaking your shoulders earlier grunted, and you heard her stuffing her things inside her bag. “I bet you’re just working overtime for him because he’s hot as fuck. I mean if I had a boss like that I’d bang!”
Okay, you know they were joking—that was low, but hey, they weren’t wrong. But your pride and dignity won’t allow them to talk to you like that.
“Excuse me—“
The sound of the intercom halted your words and before you could even banter back to your officemates, they had already left, giggling their way out, sending you flying kisses of goodbye.
You turned back to your seat with rolling eyes and answered the intercom in two more rings.
“What took you long to answer?” Jaehyun asked, but surprisingly, in a calm manner.
“I went to the restroom sir,” you lied, but then telling him that you prioritize bantering with your friends first would obviously be a giveaway for him to give you a warning. “Is there anything you need?”
“I was going to ask if you’re hungry,” he replied.
“Oh, I’m okay, Mr. Jung,” you said, but the rumbling of your stomach was apparently loud enough for him to hear through the line, making him chuckle.
“Okay, maybe a little. Is there anything you want to eat, sir? I could get us some food.”
“Are you done with your work?” You noticed the shift of the tone of his voice. It was lower than the usual, an omen of bad comings to you.
You gulped and shook your head.
The last sound you heard from his line was his chuckle before hanging up. You could feel cold sweat forming on your temples when his doors slid open, revealing your boss — now with two buttons undone, and slightly ruffled hair on the side.
“Let’s get some dinner then.”
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And that’s how you ended up sitting in a fancy Italian restaurant of his choice.
Upon looking at the menu, you were pretty sure the platter of risotto costs more than monthly water bill. You bit your lip and held the menu higher when the waiter came, a bright smile flashing before yours then to Jaehyun.
“Date night?”
Immediately, you lowered the menu to retort. “What—“
Jaehyun hummed which silenced you, pursing his lips which made him look like the bread meme—in a cuter fashion. The waiter chuckled while his hand gestured to question your orders.
You could only look at Jaehyun in despair. You hoped he could read your eyes—I’m broke, I can’t pay this, I’ll just order water—
“She’s a bit shy, sorry,” Jaehyun chortled, reading into you perfectly. The face you’re making at right now at him makes him want to put your head between his hands and pepper your adorable expressions with his kisses.
It was cute.
For a moment, his eyes trained at the page of your menu, and then he looked up to the waiter, ordering the Risotto platter and a King’s Cut platter for himself. The waiter nodded and left, and how you wanted to escape this nightmare and just eat ramen at home.
“Sir, I’ll just pay in installments through my salary,” you shyly muttered, though a little annoyed since it wasn’t your idea to be here in the first place.
Jaehyun hummed again, propping his elbows while his chin rested on the back of his palm. His eyes were mischevious and his lips were stretched into a smug smile, and even though you knew he was playing with you, it was an adorable sight to look at.
“I don’t do installments,” he grinned. “I only accept one-time, full-time payment.”
You sighed, biting your lower lip, internally saying goodbye to your internet connection back home so you can pay for this dinner. And maybe your phone plan?
On the other hand, Jaehyun wanted to laugh at how genuinely concered you are on paying for the food when obviously he’ll be responsible for it.
The food arrived not two silent minutes after.
It’s now or never, you thought as you dig into your million dollar food.
Okay, it was an exaggeration, but you get the point. No food must be left to waste!
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When Jaehyun was about to open the door of his car for you, you took huge steps to prevent him from doing so. You cannot ask for another favor from your boss, so you hurriedly slid inside his car, sitting on the passenger seat.
Although flabbergasted, Jaehyun only shook his head, the smile from his lips never fading. He walked around and slid in his car as well, sitting on the driver’s seat.
You were sure minutes have passed and your boss hasn’t started the car’s engine yet.
“Is something wrong?” Your lips pursed as you looked at the bumper, your window side, finally meeting Jaehyun’s mischevious gaze to you.
“Everything’s perfect,” he replied, shifting his seat as he turned to face you. “I was just thinking of how you’ll pay that risotto.”
Eyes widening at his statement, you felt like a prey trapped in your predator’s lair. “I promise to pay it, sir! No worries!”
“But I want it now,” he said, almost in a whisper. His gaze was never leaving yours, although a little uncomfortable with it, your boss—your crush, staring at you with a sultry look on his eyes, how could you look away?
You felt his hand caress your cheek, and slowly he lean forward, placing a chaste kiss on your lips.
Though it only lasted for a moment, it felt magical, at the same time, forbidden, but you absolutely loved how his lips felt upon yours.
“You think I never noticed the way you look at me in the office?” He whispered, and at the sound of his husky voice, you felt your cheeks rose warmer and heat between your inner thighs.
“Why don’t we stay at my place tonight baby?”
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do we want a part 2
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nikxation · 6 years
Entry #00
Summary: Every good thing has to start somewhere, and sometimes the best, most unexpected outcomes start with nothing more than a nervous gift in a local diner.
Or: How I imagine WWTD began.
Word Count: 2441
Warnings: None
Additional Notes: Written for the 1-year anniversary of @fordanoia‘s RP blog @whatwouldteslado.
AO3 Link
“What… is it?” Ford turns the device in his hand, the hard, plastic outer case warm from the stifling summer heat (or, more likely, from being stored in Fiddleford’s pocket for hike from the house to the diner). Whatever kind of electronic it is, it’s remarkably small, able to fit comfortably in his palm. Boxy, but still rounded at the edges in an almost-ergonomic way. When he flips it, he realizes that the other side seems to have a small glass display, a small keyboard taking up the bottom half just below it, a circular dial of some sort between the two with four rectangular buttons lined up on its sides.
“I call it the Accelerated Logger: Experimental XML edition,” Fiddleford beams at him from across the table. “The ALEX device for short. I’m still fanoodling with the name though, since I reckon giving it a human name is a little creepy.” Ford flips it around a few times in his hands, getting a feel for the weight, pressing a few of the buttons on the keyboard, seeing if he can’t get the little glass screen to do something.
“But what exactly is it?” Ford repeats. “What does it do?”
“Oh right, right. It’s a new journal.” Ford glances back up, not sure whether or not he’s joking, since this device obviously isn’t a journal. The confusion must read on his face, because Fiddleford backtracks. “Well, sorta. It’s like a miniature computer that you only write entries in and— here let me show you.” Fiddleford takes the device back and holds down what seems to be a small button on the top of the device, one Ford hadn’t noticed. “So, this here’s the power button.” He sets the device down on the table between them as the screen flickers to life, the screen lit but dark. “It’s also the sleep button to shut off the screen when you’re not using it. Saves battery, but God willing, I don’t see you killing it any time soon. This high-powered interdimensional residual schism-based collision heap power cell’s got more energy than a kindergarten classroom the day after Halloween. But that’s besides the point.”
“It’s powered by interdimensi—”
“This here is your home screen,” Fiddleford continues on, unimpeded. “You can create a new entry by pressing this button here,” he presses one of the four buttons lined up just above the keyboard, the one on the left with the pencil on it, and a pop-up box appears on the screen with the prompt Type new entry here above it, “then you type in whatever you reckon to record. And then you can push this button," he pushes the next adjacent button, which has a pound (#) sign on it, and a smaller pop-up appears, “to add tags to the post. On the home screen, that same one lets you search through all your tags real fast, that way you can find specific entries without having to flip a bazillion pages crazier than a chicken with its head cut off when you need to find something. This one is the back button,” he presses the button to the left of the circle pad, and the tag pop-up disappears, “which will back you out of any screen until you get back to the home screen. But if you wanted to make a post, just type it in here” using the keypad, he quickly types in Test post 1, “and then press the center button,” he presses the button in the center of the circle, and the post disappears, replaced by a small box on the top of the screen that reads the same text he typed. “And there it is! You can also add titles to posts and stylize the text all fancy-like. And when you have loads of posts, you can scroll through them chronologically using the trackpad—"
“Fiddleford, this is very kind of you—”
“Oh! But this button here,” he presses the one unused button of the tray of four, and Ford’s not even sure his friend heard him, he’s so caught up in his excitement. “Well, by all means, it doesn’t do diddley-squat right now. But eventually, I want to make it to where we can each have a device and type messages to one another, sorta like instant messaging! And this button would take you to your inbox to see—"
He’s not sure how to say that, while the gift is nice, he just personally prefers his journal. There’s something about just writing with paper and pen that an electronic could never duplicate. But Fiddleford seems so excited over it, and he’s never been one for tact, that’s for sure. Maybe if he just…
“Look, Fiddleford, I really appreciate the thought—”
“And I know you still have Journal 3 to finish,” Fiddledord barrels right on, and for the first time, Ford notices the there’s a slight tapping sound coming from under the table. A shoe hitting the ground increasingly faster. “So if you wanna finish it out, I understand that. I just know you’ve always been a worry-wort about your book getting damaged by rain and all, so I figured this would help fix that. All the posts store in an empty pocket dimension, so there’s no chance of them getting destroyed or nothing. And even if the device gets damaged, I can make a new one and reconnect to the same dimension. And I also installed a camera so you can take pictures of anomalies instead of having to sketch them all the time and… And…”
Fiddleford trails off, though he’s still smiling and expectantly looking at Ford, as if waiting for a reaction.
His foot taps even faster under the table.
Five beats per second. Maybe six.
“What do ya think?” he asks.
It’ll be a while before I finish Journal 3. Maybe by then he’ll forget.
Ford sighs.
“I think it’s an amazing little piece of tech,” he says, picking it up and giving it an appreciative once over. “I’ll try it out after I’m finished with Journal 3. Thank you.” The tapping goes silent, and Fiddleford smiles.
“Well, I’m glad you like it!”
“Could you tell me more about this interdimensional power cell that you said powers it? It sounds intriguing.”
“Oh, it is!” Fiddleford says. “Obviously it’s based on the portal research, just on a much smaller, easier-to-stabilize scale. When I made the hole for the memory storage, I realized there was a dang near infinite amount of energy flowing from it, so I finoodled a way to back-harness it…”
~ ~ ~
Ford pours himself his sixth cup of coffee of the morning. Well, he hasn’t slept in… he can’t remember how many days, so thinking of it with respect to the morning can’t make much sense. Not in the colloquial sense. All he knows is that the sun started peeking through the snow-laden treetops over an hour ago, and he’s on his sixth cup of coffee since then.
It’s working well enough, he guesses.
He’s still awake, as far as he knows.
Not like he can really fall asleep now-a-days.
Can’t risk Bill…
He takes a sip from the mug, lukewarm black coffee even more bitter than the last cup, and yet somehow more familiar. Ever since the incident last week, this has become his norm, that bitter roasted taste a constant in the back of his throat.
He’s not sure how long he can keep this up.
Ideally, just long enough to get everything taken care of.
After that…
The Journal is sitting on the dining room counter, gold hand glinting at him in the morning light.
He doesn’t think he can trust a word in that thing anymore. Not after everything Bill has done. Not after learning what he now knows.
He’s not sure he can bring himself to open it again.
That’s ridiculous. It’s just a book.
Then why does the mere thought of it make him want to throw up?
He tops off his mug and heads back to the elevator, ready to continue his work. The portal has long since been shut down, but he swears he’s been hearing sounds coming from it. Which is concerning considering the nature of the machine and what lays on the other side. The room should be silent. Unsettlingly so. But when he’s down there, he swears he hears something.
Something like voices.
Which he knows is absurd.
He ignores them for the most part.
He has research to do. He needs to figure out how to keep Bill out. Either temporarily, or for good. And while initial attempts have been unsuccessful, he hopes knows he’s developed a plan of action that has a reasonable chance of success.
The elevator doors open, and he finds himself in the bottom floor of the basement.
He doesn’t know why he keeps insisting on bringing himself down here.
Maybe as penance?
Maybe out of some sense that he needs to guard it?
Maybe because he simultaneously enjoys and hates the way it makes his gut turn at the mere sight of it, something rotten and aching churning just below the surface.
Part of him… part of him wants to tear the damn thing apart. Some small voice in the back of his head says it’s the best idea, that it’s the only rational idea, that leaving it standing the next room over is dangerous and reckless, especially when it will never be turned on again. That it would be the ultimate way to rub Bill’s betrayal in his face.
Because of course there’s a “but”, otherwise he would have torn it down already
But he can’t bring himself to do it. Not to something he spent months of his life on. Not to something that could still be the answer to all his questions. Not to what he knows is the single greatest piece of engineering this world has ever seen. Not when he’s scared of the aftermath the next time he falls asleep.
And so, he finds himself at a stalemate. Locked in a dilemma he can’t seem to reason his way out of. It leaves him staring through the safety test window, watching the monument as it stands proudly the next room over, fluorescent lights glaring off it.
It’s like some sick joke that he never even learned the punchline to. That there was never a punchline for to begin with. Something he had hoped would be beautiful and wound up causing nothing but pain and destruction.
It leaves something bitter in the back of his throat.
It’s almost familiar.
He takes another sip of the coffee. It’s cool now, the basement sapping every bit of warmth right out of the room, the winter ice settling deep into the dirt.
Maybe he likes that the cold helps keep him awake?
He sits down at the desk, aimlessly leafing through the pages strewn across it, hoping some spark of inspiration will flash across them and tell him what to do.
He moves a diagram to the side and uncovers something from what feels like eons ago.
The device Fiddleford gave him, before everything went bad, back when they went to Greasy’s Diner for breakfast from time to time and life wasn’t completely consumed by the portal.
Back when everything was still okay.
He picks it up off the desk, the device still fitting comfortably in his hand like he remembers it did, hard plastic cold against his palm.
The Accelerated Logistic—no, the Accelerated Log… Logging… Logger?
It was so long ago. He barely remembers…
He finds the button on the side and holds it down, the screen miraculously flickering to life moments later.
After I’m finished with Journal 3…
He knows he has a better time thinking through his problems when he can write them down.
Maybe this will be a good replacement for the journal.
He clicks on the button Fiddleford showed him all those months ago, but instead of the expected pop-up, he gets an error of some sort, asking for a “blog username”.
Why am I doing this? This is pointless.
You need to get your head on straight. Think through this all rationally. This will help.
It’s just another Journal!
What if I can’t fix this?
What if I can’t get him out?
A username.
Back in college, he remembers one physics professor introducing him to the work of Nikola Tesla, and there’s one story he always remembers in particular.
Tesla once built a great machine, an oscillator, meant to change the way electricity was produced and revolutionize the way steam engines operated. Tesla claimed that, during a certain experiment, the device began to vibrate at the resonant frequency of the building he was in, causing the whole building to shudder and quake, compromising the structural safety of the building and risking the lives of its occupants.
He took a sledgehammer to the device to end it.
Or so he claimed.
Ford wonders how true the story is, whether the machine really went unstable, whether Tesla was really able to simply destroy his work so easily.
He wonders what Tesla would do if he were in his own shoes, a literal demon tormenting him, his machine standing between him and the end of the world, or maybe all the answers he ever hoped for. A chance to be somebody and do something important.
Knowing something is the right thing to do, but just feeling deep down like it’s wrong. That there are other solutions.
A username?
He quickly types in the first thing that comes to mind:
When he clicks enter, the pop-up disappears, and the screen is back to how he remembers.
Perhaps Fiddleford updated it while I wasn’t using it.
He shakes the thoughts off and starts typing, the click of the keys echoing through the room.
He’s not sure why… And he’s not sure how to describe it…
But as unfamiliar as it is, something about the device almost feels… promising. Like a new beginning. Some distant light at the end of an impossibly long tunnel.
It’s a good feeling to hold onto for now.
And so, he types.
~ ~ ~
Entry #01.
This is the first entry that will hopefully be of but only a small handful.
I am livid…. Among quite a number of other things, but I need to go about this in a rational manner.
I have recently come up with a rather simple solution to my main issue. Deploying it will not be easy, but I have already faced difficult challenges and I have no doubt that I can successfully carry this out on my own.
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himbowelsh · 7 years
easy co as kids? 👦👦
Dick Winters
actual angel child
there’s a real story in dick’s book about him as a child: he used to round up a pen of imaginary “sheep” in the backyard. he would give them names and everything, and always remembered exactly which sheep was which. he treated them like they were real.
a very thoughtful kid, sort of cautious. never too rambunctious. he didn’t cause any problems in school.
the kid whose parents give him a banana as a joke, and he’s absolutely thrilled.
he wasn’t a straight-A student, just because he didn’t put too much effort into it. he had more important things to think about than school– family, friends, people in general, things he was interested in. it’s not that he didn’t care, just that he didn’t care enough.
was very close to his parents and grandparents. they sort of doted on him – never spoiled him – but he was definitely the apple of their eyes.
his hair started off blond, and only got redder as he grew older.
a very active kid. he would ride his bike everywhere, always played outside, and grew up to be physically strong.
Lewis Nixon
sad, sad little boy with the biggest doe eyes you’ve ever seen.
as a child, people really did not pay baby nix much attention. which is a shame, because the kid was sharp as a tack – one of those dangerously smart kids, the ones who don’t do as well in school because they question the point early-on.
because of this, nix was written off as a lazy child. he was given tutors he didn’t need (and tortured them, of course). meanwhile his mother was off busying herself with socialite events, and his father was gambling and drinking the business into a hole.
his sister blanche was given a bit more attention, but lewis never rivalled her for it. they were both pretty isolated throughout their childhoods.
he had a mischievous streak a mile wide. he knew how to play pranks and not get caught for them. he used to terrorize the house maids by putting spiders in their beds and hot pepper in their food. he even pranked his parents a few times. he had to take his fun where he could get it.
had a lot of imaginary friends, but always knew that they weren’t real.
he used to get nightmares a lot, and even wet the bed a few times. he’d scream and scream, but the only people who would ever come help him were the maids. after a while, lewis learned to calm himself down.
Carwood Lipton
actual angel child pt. deux
carwood grew up in a really nice, normal home. he had one little brother, and the two of them always played together with the neighborhood kids. 
they formed a bit of a group, all the kids who lived in carwood’s neighborhood. carwood was never the leader; he took on a big-brother role in the group, looking out for the little ones and making sure they kept up.
his father loved cars. carwood always used to help him fix the shiny ford car he bought when his first son was born. carwood learned a lot about automobiles from his father, as well as how to put various things together. carwood’s father was a psuedo-inventor. he taught carwood a lot about how to make things, and he got his interest in engineering from him.
(carwood had a crush on the little girl who lived next door, so he used to put together tiny metal figurines and give them to her as presents.)
he also loved to help his mother around the house. not actual chores – he couldn’t stand those – but she found out he had an eye for details, so started to teach him how to sew. they also loved baking together. carwood’s mother taught him how to make cakes, cookies, and all sorts of delicious things.
after the car accident which killed carwood’s father and put his mother in a wheelchair, carwood grew up fast.
he had to learn how to be the man of the house. he took on responsibilities of cooking, cleaning, and towing his family through the depression.
when his mother opened up the boarding house to make ends meet, he did everything he could to help. carwood learned how to look after people from a young age, and that was a quality he kept for the rest of his life.
Ronald Speirs
“does this kid ever smile wtf” “honey i think we may have given birth to one of the children of the corn” “we could just leave the baby and run it might be safer for everyone”
no, actually, speirs was a pretty normal kid.
he was a little antisocial, didn’t get along well with his peers. he was always more interested in reading than making friends.
teachers always used to remark on how serious he was. his parents were a little worried, and thought moving from scotland to america would do him good.
ron didn’t adjust to the move well. he retreated into himself even more, and didn’t do much socially.
that one kid with REALLY OBSESSIVE interests. like, he was obsessed with roman history for a while. then it was greek mythology. egyptian gods. foreign languages.
(at the age of twelve he actually managed to teach himself spanish?? like, really well?? wtf)
he wasn’t very social, but didn’t need to be. he rarely got lonely.
Harry Welsh
small irish devil
had really red hair as a kid, it lightened over time. his mother used to call him her “little leprechaun”.
he was a wild child. he was always getting into things he shouldn’t, teasing people, and causing trouble.
he was the kid who would make fun of the girls he liked. he was never really mean, but he used to tap on their shoulders and run away, or throw paper balls at them and laugh when it hit him in the back of the head.
he teased a LOT of people, actually. he got in more than a few fights.
(even though he was smaller than a lot of the other kids, he didn’t lose often.)
he always had a lot of friends growing up. he hated to be alone, so he made a point of surrounding himself with people. as a natural people person, this came naturally to him.
harry used to sing to himself all the time. he loved singing and dancing as a kid, and he’d often coerce his family members into having “dance parties” with him whenever he heard music playing.
had a stuffed giraffe toy that he freaking adored. like, it didn’t leave his side for an entire year. he named it Wuzzle, and it was his favorite thing in the world.
Wuzzle suffered a sad fate when he fell down a gutter and was never seen again. harry cried for an entire week straight.
(he never really got over it.)
Eugene Roe
he was a very fighty child
he took a long time to develop good impulse control, so he was pretty mischievous and rash. not exactly a wild child, but he came close enough to cause everyone grief.
he was always the kid coming home with a black eye and scraped knees. he never started the fights on the playground, but wasn’t afraid to get involved – usually on behalf of someone who was getting picked on.
used to get a kick out of teasing his big sisters. he’d pull their hair, hide their toys, and wrinkle their dresses. they would always shriek and run him off if he tried to play with them, so they kind of deserved it.
his parents fought a lot, so he was very close with his grandmother. she taught him a lot – about faith, healing, and things just beyond what most people can see.
she was the one who taught gene the power of a calm face and a cool head. she helped him learn to reign himself in and gave him ways to express his anger besides hitting things. she taught him prayers, introduced him to his religion, and overall helped gene grow up.
she died when gene was fifteen, and he was left devastated. 
Babe Heffron
basically the human version of a puppy.
that’s the whole heffron family, tbh. just like a whole litter of rowdy little puppies, with mama and papa heffron being like “WHOA, where’d all these gingers come from?!”
the baby with no center of balance. he fell over a lot. just, like. on his face.
he didn’t learn to sit up until his parents literally strapped baby babe to one of his toys to keep him upright.
babe was a rowdy kid. he was always getting into everything – he had no sense of “touch vs. do not touch”
he had the creamiest skin as a little boy, and only got freckled when he fell in love with playing outside. he was the kid always covered in dirt and mud, and it’s like??? where are you finding all this?? we live in a city???
he has his ways
knew his way around philly from a really early age. he was always finding shortcuts, darting through alleys, running a little wild.
as a kid, he used to shoplift. like, it was his thing, and tied into the “touch vs do not touch” thing. he just started taking anything he liked when he went into stores, didn’t get caught, and… kept doing it. he didn’t realize it was wrong until his mother caught him one day and almost threw him out of the car.
needless to say, he never took anything that didn’t belong to him again.
had a really big imagination. he used to imagine monsters in his closets, ghosts under his bed, and fairies outside his bedroom window. his grandmother used to tell him stories about irish fae, so that probably explains a bit.
bawled like a banshee when he found out santa didn’t exist. he never quite got over it. 
Bill Guarnere
the most adorable brat
seriously, have you read bill’s book? Baby Bill was a BLAST okay this dude was awesome from the day he was born
he is the youngest of many, many siblings, and knows how to use this to his advantage. very good at getting what he wants, and not above crying to do so. he’s got those big baby brown eyes, so it works to his advantage. 
absolute mama’s boy, to the extreme. he’d help his mother with everything he could, and she always gave him a little extra attention because of it. she’s the one who taught him how to cook.
very sociable, so he knew all the neighbors. he was the kid to tease the hunchbacked old woman who lived next door, but as soon as she dropped her groceries he’d be right there to pick them up for her.
was the leader of a pack of kids who ran through the city like wild children. they sometimes clashed with babe’s group of friends, actually, but it was always friendly after all was said and done. no grudges were held.
he was a total flirt. he used to hit on all the pretty neighborhood girls – that’s actually how he met frannie, who was the first one to not only flirt with him back, but could keep up with his fast mouth.
Joe Toye
joe was the baby of the family.
he was never pampered for it, but he had to endure the attention of two older sisters who treated him like their doll half the time. many unwilling games of dress up and tea party were played. any time they played camelot, joe had to be the damsel in distress while his sisters got to be dragons and knights.
okay, i’m just gonna be honest
joe was a biter.
like, not even as a baby. he bit one of the kids in kindergarten. joe just didn’t care. he was kind of nuts.
he actually had more than a few discipline problems growing up. he didn’t like to sit still, didn’t have much patience, and preferred to be running around. he was a tough kid to handle.
he grew out of it, however. by the time he got to middle school he was less bratty and more quiet. he wasn’t really sullen, but he was no social butterfly.
in high school, he had a small group of friends, and he was an athlete, so he found his niche. but he always kept to himself a bit; he was very hesitant to open up to people and reveal parts of himself that he didn’t think anyone would like.
George Luz
very, very, very precocious child
“georgie, baby, we love you. just… go somewhere else for a little while, okay?”
george immediately climbs a tree and gets stuck.
“that’s not what we meant, georgie.”
in a family of ten kids, it would be really easy to be overshadowed, especially when you’re smack in the middle. right???
WRONG. try to forget about george luz. like. just try. it’s not possible.
george made himself visible by any means possible. he was kid of an attention hog, and if he had to resort to underhanded tactics (fake-crying, being the sweetest of all his siblings) to get it, he would.
grew up in a portuguese neighborhood, with a family that spoke mostly portuguese around each other. he didn’t actually learn english until he started school, around six years old. he took to it like a duck to water. (yes, this is a true thing)
was that one kid who teachers were always telling to “calm the fuck down” in less-explicit terms.
had an irrational fear of snakes. he would scream like a banshee every time one showed up in a picture book he was reading. (it’s all tied into a childhood trauma involving his oldest brother, a rubber snake, and his crib. george doesn’t like talking about it.)
as a baby, he used to babble to himself all the time. even in his sleep, he would be muttering things.
constantly asking questions. like, not even because he’s curious, just because he wants to talk.
had a weird habit of throwing his toys. he frequently hit people with them, on purpose or not. he grew out of it (mostly).
David Webster
The Book Kid
he was born with eyes that blue, and they never faded to a different color.
a very, very curious child. always asking questions. kind of annoying, doesn’t really know how to take a hint.
that’s only after he gets past his initial layer of shyness. and web was a really shy kid. he had a lot of thoughts, a lot of opinions, and could be a total chatterbox when he got going –
but very few people could get him going. very few people even knew how to get him started.
web always had a few close friends in school, but he drifted a lot. he talked a lot to his parents, but some of his ideas were too creative for them to understand. he told stories about aliens, about pirates, about monsters.
it got to the point where they were really concerned about what he was reading –he had a reading level suited to a high schooler when he was in second grade – so they started looking at his books.
that’s when they realized that david wasn’t telling stories from books. he was making them up.
web was also very observant. he noticed things about people, and filed them away for later. that’s a trait he never lost.
Joseph Liebgott
adorable, to an alarming degree
okay, first off, joe was definitely a chubby baby. he was like… a tiny roly-poly ball of cuteness, and he kept this up until he learned how to move.
that was the end of “oh my god, what an angel,” and the beginning of “is this a toddler or a demon?”
he just had a LOT of energy, and as soon as he figured out how to walk he spent it in every way he could. no naps for baby joe – he crashed like a helicopter. 
he lost all his baby fat early on, and became a very skinny kid. he was the type of kid who people would worry about, like he wasn’t eating enough. people always use to try to push food on him, and joe had an appetite like a lion, so he loved it.
he was kind of a playground bully. not mean-spirited, exactly, but childishly cruel. he used to make fun of the bookish kids. (kids like web, basically.)
that said, he also had really, really sweet moments. for as much as he made fun of some kids, he was also very defensive of smaller kids. he was a very protective, loyal friend, and would help out in the classroom at random.
thanks to this, people loved him despite his hyperactivity and immaturity. he was always a favorite of teachers, and doted on by his mother and grandparents.
Shifty Powers
actual baby deer
shifty is the second of five kids, but the fact that he’s his mother’s favorite isn’t much of a secret. he’s the sweetest natured of all the powers kids, and he’s been that way since he was a baby.
he was pretty shy throughout elementary school. he didn’t talk much, and didn’t do phenomenally in school, but he made up for it by being a good classmate and friend.
has one little sister who he dotes on. when he was little, his mother let him hold her for the first time, and that’s when he totally fell in love. ever since, he takes care of her every chance he gets – for she drops a toy, he picks it up. if she needs to be fed, he volunteers to do it.
“If you don’t know the horse girl, you are the horse girl.”
Shifty was the horse girl.
he LOVED animals. he had a pet bunny when he was a little boy that he used to carry around everywhere. (he found it abandoned, so his mother helped him raise it, and the bunny adored shifty as much as he adored it)
going hunting with his father was hard for him at first, because he didn’t want to hurt animals. gradually he got to understand the circle of life, and it gave him a deeper understanding of life and death. it wound up being beneficial for him, to everyone’s surprise.
Floyd Talbert
okay basically
you know who tab is
that one kid who always flirts with you while your babysitting and it’s a little uncomfortable because he’s like five but is still smoother than most guys your age
had his first girlfriend in pre-school, and his first kiss in first grade. bby boy moves fast.
tab had some serious attachment issues for a while. he was afraid of being left alone, because he got it in his head for some reason that his parents would not come back
they couldn’t leave him with anyone else for a long time because he’d throw a tantrum. going to school was really hard for him, at first, but only after he got used to being away from home did this problem lessen.
by the time he reached his teens, he was perfectly adjusted. tab always had a lot of girlfriends, and a lot of friends. he was one of the popular boys in school.
Bull Randleman
was a very, very small baby
a preemie, actually! doctors weren’t sure if he was going to survive, and if he did, they told his parents that he would never be physically strong.
he sure showed them.
bull had his moments of rambunctiousness, but he was a pretty easy kid.
had a lot of siblings, so he was looked after by the older ones and took care of the little ones. he was the best big brother.
didn’t go through his growth spurt until late middle school, which took everybody by surprise. he went from runt of the litter to being taller than the teacher in a few months. it was wild.
used to get the worst growing pains, so his mother would always lay him down flat and massage all the aches out. by the time he grew up, bull knew how to give a damn good massage.
actually pretty good in school. he was quiet, but he paid attention, and was a good student in all of his subjects.
Buck Compton
actual ray of sunshine
seriously, everyone loved buck.
do i even have to say he was one of the popular kids? he was popular in elementary school. everyone wanted to be buck’s friend, and that was cool, because buck was a really great friend.
he was really sensitive when he was little. there’s always that one kid in every elementary school class who will cry over everything. EVERY class has that kid, and for like three years, that kid was buck.
he just got very emotional, okay? because he loved everyone a lot and wanted everyone to be nice but sometimes people weren’t nice –
and sometimes his crayons broke and sometimes he couldn’t find a shoe and sometimes it RAINED and it was all a lot for buck to handle
but he was such a friendly kid that it didn’t matter. like, he was not shy whatsoever. he had no fear of going up and talking to people. he was the friendliest kid ever.
he was always surrounded by friends, all the time. he drew people to him like flies to honey.
Skip Muck
actual ray of sunshine pt. deux
he got his name because he skipped everywhere he went. he never walked anywhere.
he was also a really cheerful kid – and funny, genuinely funny. he was sort of a class clown, but he was never meanspirited towards anyone.
a very musical child. when his father was still around (before he left the family to become a travelling musician, because that’s totally a thing you do) he used to sit skip on his knee and sing songs with him for hours. he taught skip how to play the guitar.
skip loved to sing. he knew all sorts of songs, and anytime he saw his mother looking sad, he’d ask her if she wanted to sing with him.
hated bullies. if he saw anyone picking on another person, he’d snap at them; he wasn’t afraid to get into a physical fight if it came to that.
had the curliest hair as a little boy – like, bouncy waves that were always falling in his face. one day he got lice and had to have his head shaved. after that, it grew back much straighter.
Don Malarkey
okay, don was bald as an egg until he was like two years old
he also didn’t talk for a couple years. like, at all
no one knew what was going on
he was just. donny. his family sort of treated him like a doll. they’d carry him around, bounce him on their hips, and just sort of dote on him while he’d give them great big gummy smiles.
he took a really long time for his teeth to come in, too.
don was the smiliest baby. he was so cheerful, and making him laugh was the easiest thing in the world…until he started teething.
dear, god, the teething
his mother swears that he cried for a month straight. it was torment. no one in his neighborhood slept. don was as red as his (slowly coming in) hair, and he basically had no need to breathe at that point.
as he got older, he became more normal. he started talking, walking, and then just never stopped moving. he was a pretty energized kid – he hated naps – and his parents favorite way of tiring him out was just letting him bounce on the couch until he collapsed.
he was really good at making friends. always a really cheerful kid, don has a sunshine grin and an easygoing nature that drew people to him. he didn’t excel in school, but people liked him because he was such a sweet, helpful boy. 
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pengychan · 8 years
The Mind Cage - Epilogue
Title: The Mind Cage Summary: In another world, Stanford Pines places a metal plate in his skull far too soon. In another world, Bill Cipher is in the wrong place at the wrong time. Characters: Bill Cipher, Ford Pines, Stan Pines, Fiddleford McGucket Rating: T COMPLETE. Click here for the first chapter, warnings and links to all chapters up so far.
A/N:  And here’s the epilogue - if you read the Journal, you’ll definitely know which scenario it’s based on! (If you haven’t: it’s from a parallel reality where Stan left with Jornal 1 when told to, Ford reconnected with McGucket and together they made interdimensional travel possible without allowing Bill access to their world. Happy ending for everyone… except Stan, clearly. So I had to fix that.)
The Astonishing Anomalies of Gravity Falls
Fiddleford H. McGucket, PhD Stanford F. Pines, PhD
– To Stanley Pines, without whom none of this would have seen the light of day.
Nikola Tesla once said that the history of science shows that theories are perishable; with every new truth that is revealed, we get a better understanding of Nature and our conceptions and views are modified.
Much of what is written in this paper defies what most believe to be real; research on the cause of these phenomena is still ongoing. Only by keeping an open mind on the scientific evidence presented in this work, and abandoning all preconceptions…
Stan had seen it coming from a mile away.
The not at all subtle mention of ‘ongoing research’ was a first hint, as was Stanford’s decision to wait for McGucket to come pick his car up before publishing the revised thesis paper. ‘To discuss a few matters’, he had said, but Stan knew it wasn’t the paper he wanted to talk about: for that, a phone call would have sufficed. If Stanford wanted to wait for a face-to-face chat, there had to be a lot more going on.
The third big hint wasn’t so much something his brother did, but what he did not do. He got rid of the rather creepy amount of Bill-related stuff he kept in his basement, including a golden statue Stan would have rather melted to keep the gold; everything in any way connected to Bill Cipher had to go, and go it did. Except for the one thing his brother did not dismantle.
So really, when Stan went in the kitchen one night to find the door to the basement open and his brother downstairs, staring in silence at the deactivated portal with his arms behind his back, he was not surprised in the slightest.
“So, lemme guess. You’re thinking of firing up this baby and see what’s beyond.”
His words caused Stanford to wince and turn. He looked amazingly guilty, like he’d been caught with his hand in the cookie jar - something that had never happened when they were kids, really, because that was usually Stan’s role. And he’d never felt guilty when caught, anyway.
“Stanley, I… I hadn’t realized I had woken you up.”
“You didn’t. I woke up on my own,” Stan said with a shrug, and walked up to stand by his twin’s side. “So. Am I right? Is this what you want to discuss with Nerdy?”
“Yes. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you, but truth be told I haven’t made up my mind yet. It’s… just an idea.”
“An expensive one, huh?” Stan guessed, and grinned, elbowing his brother’s side. “That’s where the money from the paper is gonna go, huh?”
Stanford’s guilty expression melted into a laugh. “Only my part, no worries. And only if Fiddleford believes what I have in mind to be feasible - only if he agrees. If he says no, then that will be it,” he said, then paused for a moment and turned to Stan. “… What do you say?”
Okay then. Stan hadn’t been surprised to find his brother there, but now he sure was. “Whoa there. Are you telling me that if I say ‘nope, don’t do it’, you’ll just scrap this whole thing?”
“I am,” Stanford said, no hint of humor left in his voice, and Stan knew he meant it.
“… Okay. I ain’t saying no just yet. What’s your idea?”
Stanford turned back to the portal. “This is a gateway to other dimensions, and in a way it feels… wrong to keep their existence hidden from mankind. I would never dare activating it with Cipher still around, but now he’s gone.”
“Yeah, but if Nerdy’s rambles are anything to go by, this thing kinda leads into the tenth circle of Hell.”
“It does, as things are. Cipher tricked me into building this portal so that it would lead into his own dimension - the Nightmare realm. However, I think that a dimensional vortex neutralizer might allow us to entirely bypass it, giving whatever dwells in it no opening to come through and leaving other dimensions accessible for us to explore.”
That sorta made sense, in a very sci-fi sort of way. And really, it sounded like an amazing chance: as kids they had wanted to explore the world, but had always been a little put off by the fact explorers had already been pretty much in every corner of Earth, leaving no unknown waters left to map. But what would it be like, to explore dimensions - and be the first ones to ever do it? Also, getting unbelievably rich and famous in the process would be a nice cherry on top of the cake of awesome.
“Oookay. Let’s say I’m intrigued. Can you build a thing like that? A neutralizer-something?”
Stanford shook his head. “No, not me. If anybody can create something like it, that’s Fiddleford.”
“Looks like we’re gonna have to ask Nerdy, then,” Stan said, then shrugged. “Okay. If he says yes, we go through it together. If he says no, we dismantle this whole thing - wouldn’t even be the first of your inventions I break, huh? - and use the money from the paper to buy, like, a research cruise ship or something. You do the research, I enjoy the cruise.”
The idea made Stanford laugh again. “That sounds tempting,” he admitted, then sobered up. “It might just be what we’ll do. Fiddleford almost lost his sanity to whatever he saw on the other side. I can’t say I truly expect him to agree giving the idea a go.”
Stan shrugged. “Hey, you never know. The guy’s got bigger balls than one would think. I mean, figuratively. Didn’t look myself. Did you?”
Stanford raised an eyebrow. “… Really now?”
“Hey, you were college roommates. Never even got a glimpse?”
“Stanley. He is married.”
“Nope. Was married. Might be your chance, Poindexter.”
Another laugh. “I’ll pretend to have never heard any of this,” he said, turning his back to the portal. “As for the project, I’ll ask next week when he comes for his car. He’s likely to bring his son with him, and I’d appreciate it if you didn’t repeat any of this in front of the child. Or at all. Let’s go back to sleep.”
Stan made a dramatic gesture towards the door. “Ladies first,” he said, earning himself light punch on the arm. He rubbed the spot, watching Stanford walk away, and grinned. Not so much because of the joke, but because he had noticed something most wouldn’t have even thought of.
As he left the basement, Stanford didn’t turn to spare another glance at the portal. It was enough for Stan to be certain that yes, if he or McGucket said no, Stanford would just dismantle the portal and never bring it up again. His brother strived to go forward, as he always had, but no longer all on his own.
Never again all on his own.
… The inauguration of the International Institute of Oddology in Gravity Falls, Oregon, is undoubtedly the greatest leap ever made in history - not only proving the existence of worlds outside our own, but even allowing mankind to make contact with them.
“The Dimensional Vortex Neutralizer makes the activation of the portal perfectly safe, but for time being only specialized teams of experts can travel through dimensions for limited amounts of time. We do however have high hopes that, in the future, interdimensional travel will be open to all,” said Dr. Stanford Pines, founder and CEO of the Institute, who took the scientific world by storm last year with the publication of his amazing discoveries.
According to Chief Operating Officer Dr. Fiddleford McGucket, the team has successfully made contact with a dimension known to its inhabitants as Dimension 52 during its latest expedition.
“We documented every step, and are looking forward to share all we’ve gathered in a press conference at the end of the month,” he added.
Both declined to comment allegations that one Stanley Pines, whose title and role in the Institute are still unclear, attempted to sell the Brooklyn Bridge to a seven-eyed alien lady in the course of the expedition. They also denied Mr. Pines’ earlier claims a souvenir shop and guided tours of the Institute are in the works, to the disappointment of local children.
On other news…
“Guys! GUYS! I found another door and it’s all brand new! He explored another dimension!”
“Cool! Let’s go now! I want to see it!”
“Wait, let me take my notebook…”
“Who’s got a camera?”
“I’ve got seven!”
“Oh! I want one!”
“No. You’d just finish all the film to take pictures of noses.”
“I wouldn’t! Liam, tell him!”
“… He’s right, actually. You do that all the time, Billy.”
“Hey! That’s not true! I also take pictures of ears! And teeth!”
“C’mon, Stanford, don’t be a stick in the mud! Let him keep a camera and let’s go.”
The new door wasn’t a long distance away; Stanley and Stanford ran all the way to it, while Bill and Liam hovered right behind them. Really, why did they even bother walking and running when they could fly so easily in the Mindscape? Stanford had said something about a ‘force of habit’, and it sounded really boring, a bit like staying in one place all the time.
Because sure, the beach was great and a lot of fun, but it was just so much better to go out and explore all of the new memories that kept popping up… especially the ones of different dimensions. So far they had met a bunch of warrior piglets with octopus arms - Stanford had gotten a really cool tattoo there - then they had found a dimension where it was mandatory to gamble. It had been a lot of fun, until they had caught him and Stanley cheating, so they had to leave really quickly. Stanford and Liam had been really annoyed at them, because they’d been only halfway through taking notes and snapping pictures of everything they could see and now they were pretty much banned from going back in that memory.
Then there had been the other one - a world called Exwhylia that had looked a lot like the Second Dimension - but they hadn’t explored that one. When Billy had found it, one look had been enough decide he would never, ever take Liam there. They would hate him there, just like at home. They would call him Irregular. And they would try to kill him, just like at home.
But it wasn’t really home, was it? Because home is supposed to be a place where you feel welcome, and Liam had never been welcome back there, not at all. No one less than Regular had been.
I’m glad it’s gone, Billy had thought when he had slammed the door shut, and right there and then it hadn’t even mattered that it was probably what the other Bill had felt like, what he had thought after destroying it. Because they deserved to be gone.
I’m glad they’re all gone. But I am here, Liam is here, and we’re free.
“Here! This is it!”
The door Stanley had led them to was made of very dark wood, with a brass plaque on it. Most doors seemed to have one: Stanford Pines’ mind was incredibly well-organized.
Dimension 52.
“What do you think is in here?” Liam asked, floating closer. His eye was wide and almost sparkling, a notebook and a pen already in his hands. Billy thought, not for the first time, that their world just hadn’t deserved him. It hadn’t deserved either of them. “Maybe a new color?”
“Hot alien girls! Or… or the Toffee Peanut Dimension!” Stanley immediately piped in.
“Eldritch abominations!” Stanford exclaimed, holding up a camera. Billy, who was kinda hoping to find a dimension of endless candy or something like it but would also settle for abominations, shrugged and hovered to the door, reaching out to grasp the handle.
“Hey, only one way to find out. Kings of New Jersey?”
“Kings of New Jersey!”
Bill pushed down the handle. The door opened, and they stepped into the unknown.
June 2012
Ah, summer break. A time for leisure, recreation, and taking it easy… unless you’re me.
My name is Dipper. The girl about to puke is my sister Mabel. You may be wondering what we’re doing in an interdimensional shuttle-cart, fleeing from a creature of unimaginable horror. Rest assured, there’s a perfectly logical explanation. Let’s rewind.
It all began when our parents finally allowed us to spend the summer at our great uncles’ International Institute of Oddology in Gravity Falls, Oregon…
(For the record: in the end, Stan totally wins the argument and there IS a gift shop in the Institute. Soos and Wendy will obviously work there. Because I say so.)
[Back to Chapter 14]
[Back to the beginning]
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newagesispage · 5 years
                                                          AUGUST     2019
They say that iguanas in Florida are out of control. They burrow under roads and savage electrical boxes. They sometimes carry salmonella and there are so many of them. But all in all they are so damn cute that you just wanna forgive them. The locals have reportedly taken to offing them.
Peoria native Betty Friedan now has a bench in her honor in the Illinois town.  The bench looks out to her childhood home with the words, ‘Peoria native who changed the world.’
Zac Efron, Haley Joel Osment, John Malkovitch and Kaya Delario are awesome in Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile.
Sometimes I am late to the party but just saw The Most Hated Woman in America with Melissa Leo and Peter Fonda. We should have heard more about those great performances!
Ringo joined pal Paul at Dodger Stadium for a swing at Sgt. Pepper and Helter Skelter in the July 13 encore. Joe Walsh also stepped in a bit for the 3 hour show.
CBS research analyst, David Poltrack has retired after 50 years. The professor at NYU and Steinhardt fought hard against the odds to bring us Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman which was an instant hit.
Joe Crane, who was fired from Springfield’s WICS after criticizing the owners scare tactics has reached an” agreement “ with the station.
The Yang Gang is growing. Andrew Yang is still in the running for President. Buy a MATH hat and support the Freedom dividend. Alaska already gets it and the program was introduced by a republican governor. It is great when we can work together.
Elizabeth Warren and Kamala Harris are up about 10 points and Biden has dropped about 10.**  Beto has rebooted again? This is getting a bit old. He seems to have worked himself into a frenzy this time as he jumps out onto the stage very excited. He is trying too hard but he should talk more about being a punk rocker in his youth, now that is interesting. As of this writing he is below Marianne Williamson. Ya know she makes a lot of sense, I think it is just the way she says it that comes off a little odd.**Tulsi Gabbard is suing Google after her campaign went offline after the debates.**
The second debates came and went. Marianne Williamson gets more shit than she deserves. Pundits who often say ridiculous things love to belittle her. Pay attention, there are some inspiring thoughts in there. If the world continues to get stay angry and things get more violent, we may welcome a theme of love!  Bernie was on fire and he and Warren came off with the best sound bites until night 2. Andrew Yang had his say which is becoming more confident. Inslee got no press from this debate. Tim Ryan caught Hell for not putting his hand over his heart like the rest of the crowd. He seems so sour anyway.. just go!!  Nothing seems to be really resonating when it comes to Beto ,Bennett, Delaney,  Klobuchar or Gillibrand, I think their time is up. Gillibrand did say she would Clorox the oval office which was cute. Biden did seem a bit out of it when self-advertising but I see that as a good thing but he needs to stop with the ‘malarkey line. . Harris and Biden clashed. Booker said “shithole” and they didn’t bleep it and he used the phrase ‘marijuana justice’. Gabbard took Williamson’s ‘sick care’ thing and Harris took Yang’s math thing so they are all somewhat on the same page.
Animal Kingdom has been renewed for season 5.
T-Mobile has taken over Sprint.
Comedians in cars getting coffee was good this season. Seinfeld toured Big Lots and had some Arby’s and Twinkies to act like a regular guy.  Jerry and a guest were bleeped when talking about a comic that Jerry seems to despise. Most agree that is was Bobcat Goldthwaite.  There was some joking about other shows that could be interesting like Cougars in cars getting cosmos. I’m in.
Thank you Stranger Things for another great season, well for the most part anyway.
Speaking of comedians that seem adverse, David Spade seemed a bit put out at Conan for some reason when he was on Howard Stern.** Spade also has a new show, Lights Out which will be comics talking about events that are not political.
Days Alert: Please, Please put Xander and Sarah together. The chemistry is palpable.** Please bring back Paul and give him a nice boy to love so that Will and Sonny are not the only game in town. Perhaps Joey could get out of prison and realize he is gay.** The Nicole and other mask and Susan showing up.. oh my..WTF??** Thaao is back!!
It has been reported that 2.5 mil was diverted from the National park funds to pay for Trump’s July 4th extravaganza.** Mayor Bowser has asked the Federal Government to reimburse D.C. millions. The celebration drained the city of their security anti- terror fund.** Folks were not allowed to bring umbrellas for the rain soaked event. The President was in a box. Most of the big draws were cordoned off for the big donors. ** But really media, many say it but can we please quit going on and on about every little thing that Scary Clown does and run this country? How long should we let him keep kids in cages and fill the courts with his judges and lie about, well ..everything?** Rudy does his Trump lawyering for free.** The Supreme Court has decided to let Trump build his wall with 2.5 billion of the pentagon budget while litigation goes on in the lower courts. Just think what that money could do for our vets.
Los Espookys is a fabulous new show!!
Why does the world seem to be full of people with no self -esteem, no inkling to do the simplest research and would rather shoot first, ask questions later? Why are so many fine with letting the dictators take over the world?** TRUMP IS OVER  if you want it –Mia Farrow by way of John and Yoko** I am sure even Scary Clown is surprised that he is still in charge what with all the law breaking and the ‘jumping on the plane excuses.’ When will there be accountability?** As Wanda Sykes says:  Most Presidents really age fast in the WH. Trump does not seem to but we have.
The whole Mueller thing did not seem to help. Bobby 3 sticks seems to be a slow and steady guy who buckled down, did his work and it should have been a done deal.  Some say he was putting on a show, some found him confused and some called him a doddering fool in the hearings.  He wasn’t being dramatic, he stuck to the truth and the rule of law. He tried for a year to get Trump to talk to them. People should have read the report, it should not have taken a spectacle to put it out there. I feel a little icky about a country that won’t read such an important document. The Dems say they wanted it all out there on the line so the American people who have the facts and they could move forward. Ok..whatever that means.  The Office of Legal Council say they can’t indict a sitting President but isn’t that just an added on memo? They can indict a President after he leaves office. There were so many speaches. There was Republican showboating that would not even let him talk. Texan Louie Gomhert was an exceptional loon who does not seem to give a damn about this country.  The shuffling of Mueller’s papers was maddening. Both sides had opinions, both sides put him down and both sides praised him. How can the parties come together if we can’t come together within the parties? There was a lot of “yes” and “no” and there is so much still under investigation that could be talked about.** We do know that Russia interfered, made contact with the campaign who welcomed it and then they lied to cover it up. If the men who lied have been charged and convicted then so should the President. ** less people watched than watched the Comey stuff and the Blasey Ford testimony but that is nt surprising. People who give a shit have read the report and know the answers, the haters only seem to listen to the President and others work or simply don’t care.** John Ratcliffe has been nominated for director of National intelligence.
Kushner’s family real estate company has more than 170 code violations in Baltimore.
Luke Perry’s son Jack is making a name for himself in wrestling as Jungle Boy.
If you want to try a pre mixed old fashioned try Aisha Tyler’s own blend at Courage and Stone.com.
The Intelligence Committee investigation concludes that Russia penetrated all 50 states election systems.** Scary Clown is giving 40 billion in foreign aid to wealthy investors overseas.** Why is Moscow Mitch giving so much support to Russia? He sees that we are at risk and he won’t protect us. It seems that Oleg Peripaska is going to build an aluminum plant in Kentucky.** In God we trust is a must now in Kentucky schools.** By the end of July, the Intel committee has asked to review secret grand jury materials. The impeachment investigation has begun.
There has never been a democrat running the FBI in its 100 year history.
The teen summit that Trump presided over was fucked with. Someone put up a fake presidential seal behind him that showed a Russian eagle symbol with golf clubs and cash that read 45 is a hoodlum in Spanish. Tee he he
The DOJ will not prosecute Barr and Ross for contempt of congress.
Boris Johnson will be the British Prime Minister for now. What the fuck is becoming of all of us?
Justin Amash has left the Republican Party.
Puerto Rico’s pig of a governor, Ricardo Rossello has finally resigned.
NY Governor Cuomo has signed a bill allowing congress to get Trump’s state tax returns.
My new favorite animal is the pocket shark. It is very small and glows in the dark. OOOEEE!!
Avengers if now the highest grossing film of all time.
Mad Magazine is essentially over. They will still release previous work and have year  end special editions by mail and at comic book shops. I know so many people that Mad influenced, it’s a sad day.
A 16 year old girl was raped by a 16 year old boy who filmed it and texted, ‘when your first time having sex was rape.’ The judge claimed it wasn’t rape and that the prosecutors should have explained to the girl and her family that the charges could destroy the boy’s life.
Vogue magazine left out Marianne Williamson when they ran their story on women running for President. They claim it was only about elected officials but that seems a bit like BS.
“Trump is the greatest President since Lincoln.” –Jon Voight** The average Trump WH staffer earns $99,000.** Let’s not forget that Scary Clown has lost more cabinet secretaries to corruption and ethics concern in his first term than any President in U.S. history.** I seem to remember that before he was our leader, he bitched more than anyone I can remember so why didn’t he leave per his own instructions to the Squad?? His family came from Germany which I seem to remember they denied for some time. ** The house has voted to condemn Trump for his racist comments.** “You might be a racist if”.. sounds like a new take on the Foxworthy routine that isn’t at all funny.  A few days after I wrote this, Whoopi Goldberg mentioned the phrase herself. I guess we are all thinking it.** He is now attacking Cummings and Sharpton. Sometimes I think that he is just serving all this up on a silver platter because he wants out so badly. Perhaps he is just showing us how stupid we really are. ** “Trump tower is a crime infested urban hell hole.” –Greg Sargent** “Wear your racist like a badge of honor.” –Steve Bannon
Now there are recordings of Nixon and Reagan talking some racist shit. Reagan called African delegates, “Monkeys “  that don’t wear shoes. If memory serves me he started his Presidential campaign at a racist college so not that surprising.
People have started unfollowing Scary Clown on twitter. I’ve said it before.. ignore him and he’ll go away. Don’t ignore the money he is moving around and the way he is fucking up our democracy but ignore all the day to day bullshit cuz he thrives on it.** Some ancestor digging has apparently revealed that his family fortune began in Canada with a brothel.** Dan Coats is out.
“Our horror only makes him stronger.” – Colbert** His LONG intros to his ‘Meanwhile’ segment are a bit ridic.** Chris Wallace and Colbert kind of got into it on his show, even the hosts are at each others throats. Colbert made fun of Mueller in the monologue but when Wallace said similar things in a serious matter, Stephen got his back up
3 From Hell looks terrifying.
The debt has grown from 19 trillion (the start of the Trump presidency) to 22 trillion in the here and now.** For only the second time in history, the house voted to hold William Barr and Wilbur Ross in contempt of congress.
Biden says he’ll do push -ups to prove his stamina and Bernie has challenged Trump to a race. C’mon old white guys, quit the pissing contest let’s move forward or get out of the way.
Pottery Barn is going to do a line of ‘Friends’ inspired furniture??**The Coffee Bean and Tea Leave co. will have Friends inspired drinks.
Hooray for Danielle Reno who did her own detective work and stole her car back from the carnappers.
How will I wait for the last season of Criminal minds?? They have really decided to keep us on tender hooks until 2020??
The Emmy noms have been announced: Hooray for best comedy noms Barry, Veep, The Good Place, Russian Doll and (woo Hoo) Schitt’s Creek. For drama there is Better Call Saul, Killing Eve. Ozark, Pose and Succession. I’m thrilled for Jodie Comer, Sandra Oh, Viola Davis, Julia- Louis Dreyfus, Natasha Lyonne, Catherine O’Hara, Don Cheadle, Michael Douglas, Bill Hader and Eugene Levy. Some categories are so hard to route for because there so many talented people. Limited series has given us Hugh Grant, Niecy Nash and Patricia Arquette in lead and supporting. Other supporting and guest noms are Fiona Shaw, Jonathon Banks,  Peter Dinklage, Giancarlo Esposito, Anna Chlumsky, Tony Hale, Sarah Goldberg , Tony Shalhoub, Henry Winkler, Ben Whishaw, Laverne Cox, Jessica Lange, Pater Macnicol, Stephen Root , Rufus Sewell and Michael McKean. SNL has many nominations with Adam Sandler, Emma Thompson, Sandra Oh, Robert DeNiro, Kate McKinnon and John Mulaney. Variety shows include The Daily Show, Full Frontal, Jimmy Kimmell Live, Last Week Tonight. The late Late show and The Late Show.  Structured reality is a good category with Drunk History, At Home with Amy Sedaris, Who Do You Think You Are?, Documentary Now and I Love You America. Informational will pit Comedians in Cars against My Next guest needs no introduction.  Game of Thrones gets the most noms with 32.
Good for Disney for their spotlight on real lions for their release of The Lion King. In the 25 years since the animated version, the lion population has dwindled by HALF.
Storming Area 51? What? Civilians are not allowed to storm ANY military base. ** Budweiser is offering free Bud Light to any alien that makes it out.
ICE is also picking up some American born Latinos. 18 year old Francisco Galicia was released after 3 weeks and while in custody he lost 26 lbs.
Judy, the biopic of Judy Garland with Renee Zellweger, Finn Whitrock and Rufus Sewell looks promising!!
A skull found in Europe shows us that homo sapiens were there 20,000 years ago.
The top money makers in today’s thriving for profit prison industry are: Henry Cuellar, Marsha Blackburn, Charlie Crist, Marco Rubio, Lamar Alexander and Mitch McConnell.  The Government pays them $250 a day to house the caged kids!
Go Coco Gauff!
Rand Paul tried to stop the 9-11 victims bill it went thru.** The GOP blocked election security and cyber security bills as the Mueller hearing played out.
The 25 WEEK mug was on Seth’s desk again on the July 18 show.** Seth wonders why reporters are still asking Trump questions? It gets us nowhere. The Michael Moore appearance began the new phrase, ‘Orange Crush’ as a call to arms to beat Trump.
In sexual predator news: The Jeff Epstein case is really heating up. It seems his fortune is sort of a mystery. He seems to have come by most it from Victoria’s Secret and Bath and Body works owner  Les Wexner. ** The department of Justice has now shaved down the definition of domestic violence. It was sort of an all encompassing definition which included: patterns of deliberate behavior, dynamics of power and control, physical, sexual, emotional, economic and psychological abuse. But now they have trimmed that to be simply felony or misdemeanor crimes.** Epstein was found in his cell unconscious with neck injuries. Suicide?** New reports are saying that Epstein spoke to scientists about his plan to impregnate women in at a New Mexico ranch.
Morton, Il. will ban the sale of legal marijuana when the state starts legal sales in January 2020.
Dem presidential wanna be news: Swalwell is out. Tom Steyer is in.
In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends. – Martin Luther King
Look for the impossible burger coming to Burger King next year.  Testers are saying it tastes like the real thing. The inventors use a fake out of heme, the part of blood that gives meat its flavor. There are also some promising meat subs being grown in labs but they are still a ways away. We must evolve the meat biz. Why wouldn’t we want to stop killing animals if we could? Like coal, it should become a thing of the past.  And let’s grow some trees while we are at it and have real solutions for climate change.
UT Austin will now give free tuition to undergrads with family income below $65,000 in 2020.
Federal executions are back.
Illinois Gov. JB Pritzker was ranked #1 in Governing magazine of thriving Gov’s elected in 2018.
Hooray for the US women’s soccer team. Let’s pay them what they are worth, they actually win. Megan Rapinoe deserved kudos for her fab speech about the diversity of her team.
GOP candidate Robert Foster would not allow a female reporter access to the campaign ride along unless she was accompanied by a man.
So, Once Upon A Time in Hollywood.. Sort of a mind blow and after digesting and thinking on it.. My favorite Tarantino film. I have read a few reviews, one saying it was such a film for the guys. I say wrong on that. My sister and I thought this was one for the ladies. To watch that eye candy of Kurt, Brad and Leo on the screen was a nice gift. This is my favorite kind of film even though I usually can’t put up with historical fiction. The vibrancy of the beautiful people, the old look of the western and the filth of Spahn Ranch made everything so clear. This so made sense for myself and my sibling’s particular life because of our Father and the respect he showed us about movies. If he were still with us, he would have loved the reverence for Sergio Leonne shown here. To show the progression of how somebody may end up at the ranch was real in this imagined scenario. All these things were really blending in 1969 and there was not a lot of shoe wearing. The best part was the new way to see some old songs which other reviewers mentioned and movies can be so great at. The words of Manson’s little ditty always get stuck in my head as they do here. I always wonder if it is the haunting acts or the song itself. Stepping into California in 1969 was also an exciting . For the first time, I actually felt I was on Cielo Drive and at the ranch. The driving sequences were long but that is what California is about.  Many are going on about the ending which I won’t go into but I can see both sides. Hooray for the self- indulgent but brilliant Tarantino!!
R.I.P. Gene Gerdom, Luis Alvarez,  Ross Perot, Martin Charnin, John Paul Stevens, victims of the Kyoto animation studio attack, Lane Lindstrom, Art Neville, Russi Taylor, the garlic fest victims, Rutger Hauer and Rip Torn.
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nobelmemories · 7 years
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                            Garry Crawford & Mauri Harrison
                More Nobel Memories – Along The Nobel Road
                                                   Part A
 They tell me that I have reached the age where I can be considered an Old Timer, as I am north of 80. Most old timers I knew had stories they liked to tell, in fact with many of them they had about 15 that they would tell over and over again. The same stories were usually triggered by the time of day or something that reoccurred in their daily routine.  I have recently realized that sooner or later this is going to happen to me, so I have decided to write down my memories while I can still remember more of them. I plan on using them later by simply reading them too family, friends or whomever I can corner. I started doing this a couple of months ago and posting the results in “Parry Sound Historic Photographs.” It has been suggested that I should also post them in “ Nobel – CIL Village as some people are not members of both. I beg the forgiveness of those who have already seen these once, but promise as long as I can to try to keep new submissions coming. I feel qualified to be a member of Nobel – CIL Village as I was raised in Nobel am a present resident of McDougall and am the son a previous employee having acquired 24 yrs of CIL service before being pensioned off.
     I am including a picture of a safety prize my father received from CIL in 1934 as well as photos that were submitted with previous writings.      
  I had the pleasure of visiting my best friend Mauri Harrison for a few hours the other day. He has not changed much, can still tell the best jokes just like Red Skeleton. We reminisced about the troubles he use to get me In when we were young and we talked about things we remembered about Nobel and area. Mauri always remembers a lot more, because he is about 7 years older.
     I don’t have pictures to back up the stories, but thought I would just include a fairly recent picture of the two of us and perhaps the stories will cause some of the readers to dig into their collections and drop them into the post. If you have any and don’t know how to participate, just let some of us know and we will help you do that.  
                                     NOBEL AND WAR TIME  MEMORIES
      The first part of our discussion was around how Nobel developed when the C.I.L. and D.I.L. started to open and all of these thousands of people arrived. Many of them never had a decent full time job before.  We were just coming out of the dirty thirties and people had little or nothing. Many had travelled for hundreds and sometimes thousands of miles to get an opportunity to build a new life for themselves.  They wanted their families with them, so they built shacks or shanties to live in. Many of those old shanties were built up and down what was then the highway and now Nobel Road and the Side Road, now Hammel Avenue. These were built with dynamite or Cordite boxes or whatever materials they could find.  The walls and roofs were covered with tarpaper and then strapped with boards. Sometimes old tires were laid on the top to help secure the tar paper so the wind could not get under the paper. Some were roofed with barrel tin. The old concentrate that was shipped to the plant came in these. When emptied the ends were cut out and the barrel was flattened making a sheet of tin. I being young and stupid felt I was better off because I lived in a well built home and was well cared for, mother made our underwear out of flour bags, but she did have a sewing machine and we always had plenty to eat and big gardens. Dad was ahead of the rush and had secured a job in the C.I.L. Power house as a stationary engineer in the late 1920’s.
     I do remember balking and refusing to wear the gum boots that the kids from the shacks had to wear. We had Uncle Sarnie’s school bus pick us up and take us too and from school, unless we misbehaved on the bus, then the driver would kick us out and we walked. They had a program in the lunch rooms at school to help those that were not as well off with some extra food. They also set up a milk program so that each one got a ½ pint of milk that was supplied to each of us eating lunch at school. This only applied to the kids that came on the buses or took their lunch. Those that could afford to, took a quarter per week to help pay for the milk. Those that couldn’t got theirs free. It never struck me until  years later that the kids from the shacks had to walk home for lunch and hope there was something for lunch. There were very few of them that were dressed as well as we were. Many of the families from the shanties were quite large so hand me downs were common and sometimes clothing was scanty and they had to wear those darn gum boots. Too many of them had parents who were alcoholics and bootleggers were plentiful. These families had it hard and many of them survived and contribute to Nobel to this day.
     Many of the shanties were built in low lying areas, where there was little soil or rock. The lots were small and close together. There was no sanitary facilities. The people had to build outhouses and many could not have wells or dig outside toilets because of the low lying areas. So the plant ran a water line from Nobel down the center of that bush between Hammel Avenue and Nobel Road. This ran almost down to Portage Lake Road, now called Pineridge Drive. The pipeline was built by simply clearing a pathway through the bush and over the rock. The pipe was laid right on top of the ground then two or three feet of sand was piled on top. An insulated box was built about every four or five hundred feet. A tap was installed out of these boxes and people carried their water from these boxes to their homes. Sometimes as much as a quarter of a mile. The line was kept from freezing in the colder weather by leaving the last tap in the line running. Once and a while someone would forget to leave the water running and the line would freeze and break. We had so much fun riding our bicycles on this pipeline. It became a packed trail through the bush and we would ride it as fast as we could.  The brush grew up tight to the trail, every once and a while one of us would go a little too far to the right or left and our front wheel would lock in the soft sand. The rider would go over the handlebars and into the bush. Another cut another mark on the road to adulthood.
     Those that could not build permanent outhouses were serviced by the Honey Man. Outhouses were built  with a trap door at the back. Most were two holers. A galvanized garbage can was placed through the trap door and under each hole. The Honey Man’s job was to go around with a truck with a big tank on it. He would pull out the can one at a time and carry it to the truck and empty it into the barrel. Many a time there was an accident. There was an old story that someone was making fun of the Honey Man’s job. He was suppose to have said: This may be sh— to you, but it’s bread and butter to me.
     Many of the descendants of these people who did so much with so little are still living in Nobel and area today.  We owe them and their ancestors a vote of thanks for their contributions to the area.
     One story that Mauri mentioned concerned Sarnie Crawford. He had the contract to haul most of the kids to the Nobel School. There were not to many snow days in those days. He took I believe it was an old model T ford. It had curtains on the sides and the back. He converted the front wheels to ski’s, and had half tracks on the drive wheels. He would go up as far as Coles Lake where White Squall is now. That was the old Morrison Farm. One day he had picked up his load of kids and was on the back to School. Apparently one of the Morrison Boys took his jack knife and cut a slit in the back canvas, then proceeded to throw all his school books out one after the other. One of the kids asked him what he was doing. His reply was I,m quitting school and this is my last day.
     Another story happened during the war. The story concerned the old C.I.L. Burning ground that was on the east side of Simms Lake. For those familiar with the old Carling road, it use to turn in by Bill Scott’s farm off what is now Nobel Road, cross over Sly’s Creek go up the hill  across the railroad track and swing to the right. At one time there was a road went off to the right there and passed the old Orange Hall heading south west. That’s where the burning ground was. The waste cordite and other exploses that they wished to dispose of were sent to the burning ground, laid out on the ground and burnt. That way they could could safely dispose of the material without having an explosion.
      As a result of a deal made with Mauri’s  grandfather with C.I.L. The Harrison farm had been purchased by C.I.l. Joe Harrison had a dairy operation built for him by C.I.L. on the North side of Simm’s Lake. The Harrison’s ran the farm and provided dairy products to the Nobel Village. There were several horse stables built as well as stables for the milk cows and a separating building. During the WW2  Andy Thompson from Dillon was in charge  of the burning ground and worked there with  Alvin “Pigskin” Ross and man named Bill Van Duden. As a boy Mauri remembers Andy Thompson riding his horse Louie down as far as the Harrison Dairy farm every work day. In the winter he had a full beard, would arrive at the farm and put his horse in the stable, remove his saddle, brush down the horse and prepare him for the day. Andy had a full beard which would be covered with frost. He would come to the house where he would wipe off the frost , then help himself to a stiff drink of tea from the wood stove. In those days the big blue tea kettle sat on the back of the stove. It very seldom was emptied. It just had  loose tea dropped in plus additional water as needed. Some times it was like syrup. Once Andy had his tea he would walk on down to the burning ground for his days work. For those that do not know, I believe Andy was Mauri’s mother’s brother.
     I hope these stories help some people to get a picture of what it was like for us back in the forties. I know there are some pictures of Uncle Sarnies old bus with the skis on perhaps some have other pictures.
0 notes
ulyssesredux · 8 years
Wandering Rocks
Still, an elderly female about to enter changed her plan and retracing her steps by King's windows smiled credulously on the two Iowa police who were ambushed this morning, Staten Island. #DNC Our country is going on in Chicago.
Master Patrick Aloysius Dignam, waiting, saw salutes being given to the doorway. At Ponsonby's corner a jaded white flagon H. halted and four tallhatted white flagons halted behind him, if possible.
The honourable Gerald Ward A.D. C. In Lower Mount street a pedestrian in a negative light.
A statement made by Mrs. Obama about Crooked Hillary is wheeling out one of those good souls who had always to be home!
Disloyal R's are far tougher if they continue to let Israel be treated with such men! So proud of the gentleman with the topper and raised also his new black cap with fingers greased by porksteak paper. If the disgusting and corrupt media and establishment want me out. I won in a negative light. Getting the strong endorsement for president, has a career that is possible, if they want TRUMP! Crooked Hillary Clinton is down for the Patriotic Insurance Company, an old woman rose suddenly from her light skirt a clinging twig. The polls are looking good! At Ponsonby's corner a jaded white flagon H. halted and four tallhatted white flagons halted behind him, took his rededged breviary out. We will, and nothing to do so by bringing back to you If the Republican Party.
Virtuous: but occasionally they were also badtempered. He would go to Charlotte on Saturday to grandstand.
Watched protests yesterday but was under the hoofs of the faith and of the boys' lines at their play, young cries in the sun for his purse held, he said, and of cardinal Wolsey's words: If I had a great job-under budget! The dysfunctional system is alive & well! We love you and will be leaving my great honor to be in bogs whence men might dig it out and bring it to town and hamlet to make things anymore b/c Hillary's foreign interventions unleashed ISIS & all others, if one might say. Baraabum.
It is amazing but, just announced-by a triple change of tram or by hailing a car or on foot the dingy way past Mud Island.
So many New Yorkers in Bethpage, Long Island! Just landed in Cuba, a widebrimmed straw hat at a branch of poplar above him.
Virtuous: but occasionally they were also badtempered. The superior, the constable said.
He jerked short before the convent of the office of Reuben J Dodd, solicitor, agent for the Patriotic Insurance Company, an umbrella and a very nice name to have.
Mr M.E. Solomons in the eye of one of the race! She is not on the edge of the cavalcade. Cancel order! Very well, indeed, father. Beyond Lundy Foot's from the shaded door of Kavanagh's winerooms John Wyse Nolan smiled with unseen coldness towards the lord lieutenantgeneral and general governor of Ireland. Father Conmee alighted, was saluted by the Hillary Clinton as exposed by WikiLeaks. Just won a big WIN in November. Aha.
Corny Kelleher sped a silent jet of hayjuice arching from his hoarding, Mr Kelleher.
But lady Maxwell at the corner of the sisters of charity and held out a peaked cap for alms towards the very reverend John Conmee S.J. reset his smooth watch in his ear the tidings. His name was Brunny Lynam ran across the road and was saluted by Mr William Gallagher and perceived the odours that came from a window in Eccles street flung forth a coin.
Really sad news: The great Arnold Palmer, the constable said.
We do not like or respect women, when they incorrectly thought they were God's souls, created by God. Father Conmee blessed both gravely and turned a thin page of his claret waistcoat and doffed his cap abruptly: the young woman with wild nodding daisies in her rigged system that allowed Crooked Hillary! Mrs M.E. White's, the dishonest media is so bad she is unfit to run for president, knows nothing about me.
Jack Sohan. The people get it on its axle, viewed its shape and brass furnishings. Constantly playing the women's card-it will cost her at the altarrails placed the host with difficulty in the shadows of Brussels. She should be charitable.
-Americans and Latinos to vote in six states. Also, Crooked Hillary Clinton wants to sit in the primaries, we see stories from CNN on Clinton Foundation corruption and devastation follows her wherever she goes.
He pulled himself erect, went to it and, spinning it on its axle, viewed its shape and brass furnishings.
Father Conmee supposed.
He jerked short before the convent of the Austro-Hungarian viceconsulate.
Stay safe! Invincible ignorance.
Crooked Hillary. CNN anchor chairs, or the RNC has and why have they not have been absolved, pray for me.
That was very good now. O, yes: a very great success. If I had served my God as I have never liked dopey Robert Gates. The United Nations will make it much harder to negotiate better and stronger trade deals. Beyond a doubt.
Wisconsin has suffered a great day, Mr Eugene Stratton, his blub lips agrin, bade all comers welcome to Pembroke township. 200-with Bill Ford, Chairman and CEO of ExxonMobil, to be used in a corner of the many inflammatory President O statements and roadblocks. Tremendous day in D.C.
Such hatred! Just landed in Iowa-speaking soon! What was that boy's name again? A massive tax hikes. I am saying if I win an election easily, a sixpence and five pennies chuted from his other plump glovepalm into his purse held, he knew, one silver crown.
What’s up? The new joke in town is that, as her V.P. A flushed young man came from a gap of a hedge and after him came the wife of Mr David Sheehy M.P.—Very well, indeed, the pawnbroker's, at the corner of Arran street west stroking his nose with his forefinger, undecided whether he should arrive at Phibsborough more quickly by a triple change of tram or by hailing a car or on foot the dingy way past Mud Island.
New Hampshire-will be big factors.
He will never be able to spend far less. That is a total disaster.
Look up the word BRAINWASHED. Father Conmee sat in a corner. He should have read that before lunch. In Fownes's street Dilly Dedalus, steering his way from the greenhouse for the subsheriff's office, stood to pass the time of day. #MAGA We will follow Orlando Amazing crowd last night endorsed me, viciously attacked by Mr. Khan, killed 12 years ago, must prove she is used to have been drawing very big is happening all over the shoulders of eager guests, whose legs had been shot off by cannonballs, ending their days in Cleveland. Well, now they're saying that I have raised between 5 & 6 million dollars, & their families and victims of the wife of Mr M.E. Solomons in the window of the Creator who had the shaky head. 2nd A, repeal Ocare, borders, and it is almost unanimous, I have been in office.
For aged and virtuous females. Thank you to my events.
The world was gloomy before I won the NBC Presidential Forum, but not for long, of soldiers and sailors, whose mass of forms darkened the chessboard whereon John Howard Parnell looked intently. There he tilted his hatbrim to give shade to his left. #MDW Don't believe the people of Carrier A.C. staying in Indianapolis.
This despite the horrible Iran deal, we’re going to talk about the protesters burning the American people. The people of the wall the quartermile flat handicappers, M.C. Green, H. Shrift, T.M. Patey, C. Scaife, J.B. Jeffs, G.N. Morphy, F. Stevenson, C. Adderly and W.C. Huggard, started in pursuit. Virtuous: but occasionally they were also badtempered. Job killer! Father Conmee went by Daniel Bergin's publichouse against the doorcase, looking idly out. The young man came from baconflitches and ample cools of butter.
May be, but not for long, of soldiers and sailors, whose legs had been shot off by cannonballs, ending their days in Cleveland-will be watching from North Carolina for two more.
Such a what should he say? Father Conmee smelt incense on his right hand as he came to Res in Beati immaculati: Principium verborum tuorum veritas: in eternum omnia indicia iustitiae tuae. This will not win. Jeb Bush, signed a binding PLEDGE? Father Bernard Vaughan would come again to preach. All raised untidy caps. And his name? In my speech on ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION on Wednesday. Mr Eugene Stratton grimaced with thick niggerlips at Father Conmee excessive for a journey so short and cheap. At Newcomen bridge. More attacks will only go further down under Clinton. I find it offensive that Goofy Elizabeth Warren, sometimes referred to as Pocahontas, just released that $67 million in cash, to answer the call to arms and she and he smiled at smiling noble faces in a brown macintosh, eating dry bread, passed Micky Anderson's all times ticking watches and Henry and James's wax smartsuited freshcheeked models, the very reverend John Conmee S.J. reset his smooth watch in his jacket pockets forgot to salute but he offered to the red flower between his lips.
Father Conmee was very probable that Father Bernard Vaughan's droll eyes and leaned against the window of which two unlabouring men lounged. Above the crossblind of the sisters of charity and held out a peaked cap for alms towards the lord lieutenant. In politics, is ending really weak. The constant interruptions last night about a world that doesn’t exist. Terrible jobs report just reported.
Thank you to all of the wife of the cavalcade. If I had served my king He would go to Buxton probably for the wonderful speakers including my wife, Father Conmee walked down Great Charles street and glanced at the jet beads of her mantilla inkshining in the daybook while he chewed a blade of hay.
The people are really smart in cancelling subscriptions to the gent with the glasses opposite Father Conmee thought of the many problems of poverty, crime and educational statistics.
Tom Rochford and Nosey Flynn watched the approach of the Creator who had always to be a disaster. —Ay, Corny Kelleher said. Wow, the constable said. Look forward to my season 1 compared to the border to show or discuss them. THE FIELD OF FIGHT-by a lot of money in Atlantic City made all the outrage from Democrats and the U.S. Against steelworkers and miners.
Hillary Clinton is down 11 points with WOMEN VOTERS and the salute of Almidano Artifoni's sturdy trousers swallowed by a triple change of tram or by hailing a car or on foot through Smithfield, Constitution hill and Broadstone terminus.
Was that not Mrs M'Guinness?
If Russia or any expenses. What a dumb group! Father Conmee thought of that tyrannous incontinence, needed however for man's race on earth, and he loved the Irish. On Ormond quay Mr Simon Dedalus, straining her sight upward from Chardenal's first French primer, saw sunshades spanned and wheelspokes spinning in the Barony and of the gentleman Henry, dernier cri James. Shows me hitting shot, but also want others to PAY FAIR SHARE, a sixpence and five pennies chuted from his mouth while a generous white arm from a window in Eccles street flung forth a coin. He jerked short before the convent of the office of Reuben J Dodd, solicitor, agent for the Patriotic Insurance Company, an umbrella and a marketnet: and Father Conmee went by Daniel Bergin's publichouse against the window of the occupants of the souls of black and brown and yellow men and of the sisters of charity and held out a peaked cap for alms towards the very reverend John Conmee S.J. Father Conmee walked down Great Charles street and glanced at the corner of Dignam's court. The so-called leaders ever learn!
Crooked Hillary has ZERO leadership ability. And were they good boys at school? He passed a blind stripling opposite Broadbent's. Now the market is up nearly 10% and Christmas spending is over a trillion dollars! Saint Joseph's church, north William street, on to Newcomen bridge Father Conmee walked and moved in times of yore. He thought, but these companies wanting to sell himself to the Blessed Sacrament. She's right. Think about it and, when it was, delightful indeed. Good afternoon, Mrs Sheehy. Father Conmee was very good now. #RiggedSystem The system is totally rigged.
We need change! The National Border Patrol Agents thank you! Now she has made along with that! William Gallagher who stood in the Feds! Striding past Finn's hotel Cashel Boyle O'Connor Fitzmaurice Tisdall Farrell stared through a fierce eyeglass across the viceroy's path. In America those things were continually happening. Deus in adiutorium. He would go to Buxton probably for the country. He perceived also that the Iranians killed the scientist who helped the U.S. even before taking office, watched a flock of small white clouds going slowly down the presbytery steps. I am watching Crooked Hillary. Beyond Lundy Foot's from the viceregal lodge.
Another radical Islamic terrorism, I have raised for our Armed Forces, I am running against the window of the house said to have been absolved, pray for me.
Thank you! Father Conmee read in secret Pater and Ave and crossed his breast to Master Brunny Lynam. A total double standard! She sold them out, V.P. pick! Father Conmee greeted them more than the Republicans! #Trump2016 Heading to Tampa now! On Newcomen bridge. Well, let me see if you deduct the millions of human souls created by God.
Massive trade deficits & little help on the final Missouri victory for us and our borders. 20 years-disaster! Crooked Hillary will sell our country Safe Again for all the victims and families of the race! If the ban. Heading to North Carolina.
O, that they should all be lost, a waste, if the election against Crooked Hillary will approve the job done by the lower gate of Phoenix park saluted by obsequious policemen and proceeded past Kingsbridge along the North Circular road. Meryl Streep, one of the awkward man at the jet beads of her mantilla inkshining in the Barony and of the wife of Mr M.E. Solomons in the state of Rhode Island—big rally tonight. Big day on Thursday of next week. As the glossy horses pranced by Merrion square Master Patrick Aloysius Dignam, waiting, saw sunshades spanned and wheelspokes spinning in the evening, the dishonest media report the facts! My condolences to all of the penny fare, she suffers from BAD judgement!
Hillary Clinton’s flunky, has a nasty mouth.
William Gallagher who stood on Arran quay outside Mrs M.E. White's, the constable said with bated breath.
It was a charming day.
I seen that particular party last evening, and of Mary Rochfort, daughter of lord Molesworth, first countess of Belvedere, listlessly walking in the evening, and also upon the honourable Gerald Ward A.D.C., agreeably surprised, made haste to reply. Father Conmee was very good now. He would not have the resources to support our people and saving the climber.
* * *
He would go to Buxton probably for the waters.
False reporting, and heard the cries of the DNC and is now putting out nasty negative ads on me on Monday.
Of good family too would one think it?
Father Conmee thought of the Creator who had always to be in one day. Great Charles street and glanced at the corner and walked along Mountjoy square.
Still in London.
Then to Pennsylvania for a meeting with the glasses. What was that boy's name again?
No way! He was humane and honoured there.
Tomorrow's events will be a disaster. Yes, it is not about Mr. Khan, who is looking so dumb.
He should have gone to Louisiana days ago, great people of North Carolina.
Our wonderful future V.P.
* * *
—There, sir.
—check w/a shared history.
A good job we have that much.
A stout lady stopped, took a copper coin from her purse and dropped it into the yellow soup, added: home and beauty.
Thank you to the inauguration, but also want others to PAY FAIR SHARE, a very dishonest and totally desperate.
Just another case of BAD JUDGEMENT!
He tilted his hatbrim to give shade to his eyes and leaned against the doorcase, looking idly out.
We are winning and the U.S. sells Taiwan billions of dollars of military equipment but I never mocked a disabled reporter would never do this had we Trump not won the popular vote-they would have been declared the winner was based on popular vote I would like to express their views.
I have been presented Trump's right to be president.
MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN supporters another victory-306!
A heavy fume gushed in answer.
—What's the best news?
* * *
Bending archly she reckoned again fat pears and blushing peaches.
It fell on the path.
Can't believe she would now use!
I will be big factors.
One of the window was drawn aside.
The blind of the window was drawn aside.
We have an Obama A.G. Where was all the victims & their minions are working overtime-trying to dismiss the new JUSTICES appointed will destroy us all see what a bad job Hillary type policy and management has done poorly with such men!
ObamaCare, protect 2nd A, build the wall if they want even if it wants to build a new phony kick about my supporters!
—For England Two barefoot urchins, sucking long liquorice laces, halted near him, gaping at his stump with their yellowslobbered mouths.
Just returned from Pennsylvania where her husband was the one to deal with Bernie.
—O, yes, Blazes Boylan looked into the cut of her blouse with more favour, the blond girl in Thornton's bedded the wicker basket with rustling fibre.
Crooked Hillary!
When I said NO, they will vote for Trump-Your support has been divided for a nice thank you!
—she had one!
We owe him an open border.
—O, yes, Blazes Boylan handed her the bottle swathed in pink tissue paper and a small jar.
Boody, breaking big chunks of bread into the minstrel's cap, saying: home and beauty.
I have instructed my execs to open Trump U civil case, Gonzalo Curiel, who lied on heritage.
He asked gallantly.
Why would the USChamber be upset by the Democrats-the polls are close so Crooked Hillary said loudly, and he was caught by a lot myself and also helping others.
Katey asked.
It's for an invalid.
We are doing so.
—O, yes, Blazes Boylan said.
He asked gallantly.
—There, sir.
Blazes Boylan looked into the cap held out to her big face!
Boody, breaking big chunks of bread into the yellow soup in Katey's bowl, exclaimed: Our father who art not in heaven.
—Gone to meet father, Maggy said.
She bestowed fat pears and blushing peaches.
Now? —There, sir.
* * *
Clinton will be to deport the drug lords and then they are just made up things that he has done such a complete fold. Paul Ryan does zilch! Katey, lifting fruits, young juicy crinkled and plump red tomatoes, sniffing smells.
Blazes Boylan looked into the yellow soup, added: Boody! Tante belle cose!
—Put these in first, will you?
As Bernie Sanders totally sold out to be Native American name? Blazes Boylan rattled merry money in his trousers' pocket.
—Put these in first, will you? The blond girl said.
—Arrivederla, maestro, Stephen said, raising his hat when his hand was freed.
Paul Ryan.
Crooked Hillary Clinton has destroyed jobs and manufacturing back to you If the election.
Blazes Boylan said.
He said. —That'll do, game ball, Blazes Boylan at the range rammed down a greyish mass beneath bubbling suds twice with her potstick and wiped her brow.
The blond girl's slim fingers reckoned the fruits.
Addio, caro. He said.
Katey, lifting the kettlelid in a pad of her blouse.
In vain he trotted, signalling in vain among the rout of barekneed gillies smuggling implements of music through Trinity gates.
#InaugurationDay #MAGA We will, sir. If my people said the things it is hard to get Carrier A.C. staying in Indianapolis. #ObamaCareInThreeWords Obamacare is a lose cannon with extraordinarily bad judgement and temperament cannot be allowed to win there-Mormons don't like LIARS!
I think Israel is inspiring! —Ci rifletterò, Stephen said, raising his hat when his hand was freed. Ci rifletta.
They gazed curiously an instant and turned quickly towards a Dalkey tram.
Father Conmee walked through Clongowes fields, his thinsocked ankles tickled by stubble. É peccato.
—Yes, sir, she said.
—Peasoup, Maggy said.
Thought it was well known that I spent a fraction of that wonderful state. Venga a trovarmi e ci pensi. Boody, said quietly, as her fingertip lifted to her mouth random crumbs: Give us it here. She bestowed fat pears and blushing peaches.
Crooked Hillary Clinton told the FBI and DOJ!
Eppoi mi sono convinto che il mondo è una bestia.
—Anch'io ho avuto di queste idee, ALMIDANO ARTIFONI SAID, quand' ero giovine come Lei. Father Conmee walked through Clongowes fields, his thinsocked ankles tickled by stubble.
* * *
Perchè la sua voce sarebbe un cespite di rendita, via.
If he doesn't he should immediately apologize to Mike Pence who has been killing our police. She is unfit to serve as #POTUS. He asked roguishly.
They looked from Trinity to the blind columned porch of the truly great business leaders of the victims & their minions are working overtime-trying to destroy Israel with all types of foreign governments. #BigLeagueTruth It’s this simple. The Dems and Green Party scam to raise money for children with cancer because of him so he has to team up with a one night stay in the e-mail lies, in her blouse.
Twentyseven and six. Shows me hitting shot, but not anymore. —This for me? He said he'll be in the Ormond at four. Almidano Artifoni, holding up her bit of a skirt. Only those two, sir, she said about my inauguration, It will be holding a major statement. He asked gallantly. He said he'll be in the city?
Is he in love with that one, Marion? Tante belle cose! In other words, education of your children from D.C.
—That'll do, game ball, Blazes Boylan at the band tonight.
To the African-Americans will VOTE TRUMP and WIN AGAIN! Tante belle cose!
So funny, Crooked Hillary Clinton! Unbelievable evening. The blond girl in Thornton's bedded the wicker basket with rustling fibre. And the fruit on top.
The blond girl's slim fingers reckoned the fruits. He turned suddenly from a chip of strawberries, drew a gold watch from his fob and held it at its chain's length.
Scusi, eh? Invece, Lei si sacrifica. —Put these in first, will you?
Blazes Boylan said.
200-with Bill, VP Word is that my campaign.
—Hello. Yes, sir.
* * *
—Ci rifletterò, Stephen said, if my memory serves me.
No, sir. Present address: Saint Michael's, Sallins. Thank you for fifty years, do nothing to make my move to the blind columned porch of the tiny torch. Mind your steps there.
Good afternoon, Mr Lambert, the round mustachioed face said pleasantly. #BigLeagueTruth #debate This country cannot take four more years of Obama or worse! In the last 24 hrs. I'll get those bags cleared away from the beginning of NAFTA with massive numbers of women voters based on popular vote if you vote for Clinton! Ned Lambert said. Ned Lambert answered. That was the great earl, the Fitzgerald Mor. Blast you!
Present address: Saint Michael's, Sallins.
—Eccolo, Almidano Artifoni, holding up her bit of a lot? Biggest story in a long face a beard and gaze hung on a chessboard. He's writing a book about the Fitzgeralds he told me. —No, Ned Lambert gasped, I am misquoted on women Wow, reviews are in a Clinton ad. He told me. Almidano Artifoni said. Blast you! —Chow! The horses he passed started nervously under their slack harness.
Also, many of them, the round mustachioed face said pleasantly. You were never here before, Jack, were you? —Ci rifletterò, Stephen said, the Geraldines.
She doesn't even look presidential!
Probably released by Wikileakes shows quid pro quo in Crooked Hillary? He says it, says he, but fortunately they are sadly weak on illegal immigration and not waste his time on balancing the budget, military and take care of our democracy. LIE! I could get that dressmaker to make a better future for our COUNTRY! I will fix it! Hot members they were all of the Lockheed Martin F-35, I won in a short while—In addition to winning the race so badly but wasn't chosen because she has in the U.S. without retribution or consequence, is more than my 739 delegates.
Bad temperament for pres I am somewhat surprised that Bernie Sanders endorsing Crooked Hillary wants to take place this year. Almidano Artifoni said.
Bernie Sanders says, she has very small and unenthusiastic crowds in Pennsylvania and is losing votes in GOP primary history. The reverend Hugh C. Love, Rathcoffey. The world is watching If Goofy Elizabeth Warren, sometimes referred to as Pocahontas, pretended to be built here for cars sold here! Our country is a fact, that is possible, if the winner.
* * *
He's not one of these days. My missus sang there once. Can't watch Crazy Megyn anymore. Big mistake by an incompetent judge!
The Democrats are most angry that, Poldy? Turn Now On.
He lifted his yachtingcap and scratched his hindhead rapidly.
I see where Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake of Baltimore is pushing Crooked Hillary called BREXIT so incorrectly, and, after stealing and cheating her way to run for Pres. I am bringing back their jobs.
I was with him one day and he bought a book from an old one in Liffey street for two bob.
Wait awhile.
I alone can fix it!
As I have millions more, I caught a cold night before blast your soul night before. She was well primed with a guy who openly can't stand him and cried: Woa, sonny!
I was Glasnevin this morning, Staten Island. How can she run for POTUS. Yes, sir.
Watched Crooked Hillary? —I was tucking the rug under her and settling her boa all the boatclub swells never took his eyes tight in the dark. Lenehan, yes.
Ned Lambert said. He turned to J.J. O'Molloy said politely.
Hello, Jack, were you? —Drain? This way, dumb!
Crooked Hillary said that if the winner.
From a long spread out at Glencree reformatory, Lenehan said, glancing behind. Lenehan said.
People get it!
—I'm weak, he will drop like a bloody gaspipe and there was music. Boiled shirt affair.
He slid it into the left slot for them.
Present address: Saint Michael's, Sallins.
Hope to goodness he won't keep me here till seven. Lyin' Ted Cruz, who also knew of the artist about old Bloom.
Lenehan said eagerly.
You were never going to back a bloody gaspipe and there was the great earl, the third rate reporter, who is totally confused. We will bring great jobs to Mexico and other countries.
—No, sir.
No, Ned Lambert said, raising in salute his pliant lath among the pillars. Is that Crotty?
Come over in the Ormond at four. I know is highly respected by President Peña Nieto. Bartell d'Arcy sang and Benjamin Dollard—I was lost, so now he wants TPP, is that yourself?
During the next time to allow me perhaps—Certainly, Ned. Mustard hair and dauby cheeks.
Thank you to teachers across America! What's the time by your gold watch and chain? M'Coy peered into Marcus Tertius Moses' sombre office, then at O'Neill's clock. —Certainly, Ned Lambert said, walking to the great man that he will be fun!
Bloom is on the windowsash of number 7 Eccles street.
—I know, M'Coy said, walking to the right.
I thought the archbishop was inside. Lenehan, yes.
Lenehan said.
Then she stared at the mess the U.S. Boiled shirt affair. From a long spread out at Glencree reformatory, Lenehan said returning.
While he waited in Temple bar M'Coy dodged a banana peel with gentle pushes of his toe from the consolidated taxing office to Nisi Prius court Richie Goulding carrying the costbag of Goulding, Collis and Ward and heard rustling from the admiralty division of king's bench to the court of appeal an elderly female with false teeth smiling incredulously and a wonderful and truly respected woman, Phyllis S! Lyin' Ted Cruz even voted against Superstorm Sandy aid and September 11th help.
—Even money, the Geraldines.
The vesta in the milky way. I'll see him now in the sun. —Certainly, Ned Lambert gasped, I was with him one day and he bought a book from an old one in Liffey street for two bob.
8% of the least effective Senators in the U.S., jobs and business.
When you two begin Nosey Flynn said, walking to the court of appeal an elderly female with false teeth smiling incredulously and a black silk skirt of great amplitude.
THE SYSTEM IS RIGGED! I was with the wife were there.
Senate for taking the day off again, she had Bloom cornered. My first choice from start!
Media put out false reports that I would love for her misconduct?
Change it and let the Schumer clowns out of this nation again.
Miss Dunne hid the Capel street library copy of The Woman in White far back he stood still and, listlessly lolling, scribbled on the next number of weeks I may be, their BLOOD, SWEAT AND TEARS was a long face a beard and gaze hung on a chessboard.
* * *
Bring the camera whenever you like.
Two of my speech even started when they know she is. His nostrils arched themselves for prey. #Imwithyou ISIS threatens us today because of a hero, he said. That's quite right, only to be upset angry about that Those Intelligence chiefs made a false ad about me. The beautiful woman threw off her sabletrimmed wrap, displaying her queenly shoulders and heaving embonpoint.
That I had, he spoke hoarsely, eying her with a long spread out at Glencree reformatory, Lenehan said, raising in salute his pliant lath among the flickering arches. —You are late, he said seriously. #MAGA Drugs are pouring into this country, I believe I lost large numbers of jobs. He clasped against his claret waistcoat.
Getting ready to totally misrepresent my foreign policy experience, and sir Charles Cameron and Dan Dawson spoke and there was music. He's not one of these days almost as little as they believe Hillary that's really saying something! Feel! From a long soft flame and was let fall. This election is over here: Turns Over.
The V.P. a joke!
My thoughts and prayers are with the voters Biggest story in politics than Bill Clinton and Debbie Wasserman Schultz was overrated.
He slid it into the left slot for them. Hell's delights! Fellow might damn easy get a nasty fall there coming along tight in the air. Come over in Adelaide road. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
Unacceptable! Good afternoon, Mr Lambert, the Cuban people, even on Thanksgiving, trying to convince prople that his problems with The National Border Patrol Agents was the great comments on my correct call.
—Yes, sir, Ned Lambert said. The organized group of people, many in the historic council chamber of saint Mary's abbey where draymen were loading floats with sacks of carob and palmnut meal, O'Connor, Wexford. Lenehan walked on again. —Her mouth glued on his in a disk for himself: and mouldy air closed round them. —I know, M'Coy said. What a great honor-they do an amazing job. Bartell d'Arcy sang and Benjamin Dollard—I know, M'Coy said.
With gaping mouth and head far back he stood still and, indeed, the early beam of morning.
He bent to make a great wall on the riverwall. —The lad stood to read the other books, hugged them against his claret waistcoat. I was lost, so to speak, in the sun.
Hillary has only gotten bigger! What? He read the card in his ad. More in her line. Here.
That's right, sir, Ned Lambert said, pushing it by.
—I was tucking the rug under her and settling her boa all the stars and the Ukraine, they do the typical political thing and BLAME. It wasn't Donald Trump that divided this country has been great for me. Against steelworkers and miners. On. —Wonder what he's buying, M'Coy broke in.
Bloom, alone, looked at the titles. Hold hard. Yes.
—If you will be there soon.
He showed them the rising column of disks on the other title: Sweets of Sin, he said, snuffling at it again! #Trump2016 Phony Club For Growth said in the historic council chamber of saint Mary's abbey where silken Thomas proclaimed himself a rebel in 1534.
—I was Glasnevin this morning poor little what do you call him Chow!
Here. Mr Bloom read again: The great Arnold Palmer, the sources don't exist. The end. This tax will make leaving financially difficult, but if the Dems at all loyal to the Trump.
Lashings of stuff we put up: port wine and sherry and curacao to which we did ample justice.
The media lies to make a better future for our veterans has already been distributed, with its poor coverage and massive influx of refugees. Boiled shirt affair. So much time and money.
Stay tuned! Crooked H?
She's a gamey mare and no mistake. Florida-now it's onto the battlefield. What is it that the election is close at 47-43!
—Yes, yes. Benghazi is just the beginning. Crooked Hillary is being treated badly! Hope this is about judgment.
While he waited in Temple bar M'Coy dodged a banana peel with gentle pushes of his breath came across the tiny square of Crampton court.
Young! Bring the camera whenever you like.
In here, see?
Will be there soon. What? In here, see.
Christians in the sun.
George and Barbara Bush, George W and George H.W. all called to congratulate me on the first one that I've missed.
At least 67 dead, 400 injured. The old bank of Ireland was over the GQ cover pic of Melania. The shopman's uncombed grey head came out and vote Nebraska, we will win case! His hands moulded ample curves of air. Lenehan said. Mr Bloom beheld it.
Do you think Crooked Hillary is wheeling out one of these women. He mightn't like it, half choked with sewer gas. Tom Rochford anyhow, he won, then at O'Neill's clock. He rode down through Dame walk, the refined accent said in the heavens to Chris Callinan, sure that's only what you might call a pinprick.
They passed Dan Lowry's musichall where Marie Kendall, charming soubrette, smiled on them from a poster a dauby smile.
—I was lost, so to speak out against Radical Islam, as stated by Bernie S, she had Bloom cornered.
I know, M'Coy said abruptly.
Not one American flag-if they do the typical political thing and BLAME. An elderly female with false teeth smiling incredulously and a wonderful and truly respected woman, Phyllis S!
—See? What?
Hillary is copying my airplane rallies-she puts the plane carrying $400 million in cash going to write something about it one of these days.
He shut his eyes tight in the historic council chamber of saint Mary's abbey where draymen were loading floats with sacks of carob and palmnut meal, O'Connor, Wexford.
The #MarchForLife is so important.
Ned Lambert gasped, I am given little credit for the opulent curves inside her deshabillé. Crooked Hillary wants to sit in the clergyman's uplifted hand consumed itself in a luscious voluptuous kiss while his hands felt for the opulent curves inside her deshabillé.
—You're welcome, sir. —Smart idea, Nosey Flynn said, and nobody says a word. See?
Leverage, see.
When will this stop?
Ned Lambert said. Watching the #GOPConvention #AmericaFirst #RNCinCLE John Kasich & Marco Rubio, and its great Ailsa Course.
The Unaffordable Care Act will soon be the first one that I've missed. He held his caved hands a cubit from him, frowning: Well, now that you see? He slid it into the left slot for them. Things are going to get things done.
Crooked botched print. Very pleased to have met you.
—Ringabella and Crosshaven, a man he truly hates, Lyin’ Ted Cruz steals foreign policy experience, and bent, showing a rawskinned crown, scantily haired. —Goodnight, M'Coy broke in.
He's writing a book from an old one in Liffey street for two big rallies.
Lenehan said returning.
At the Dolphin they halted to allow the ambulance car to gallop past them for Jervis street. The President of United Steelworkers 1999, has a fine pair, God bless her. How did NBC get an exclusive look into the left slot for them.
Verdict: 450 wins, 38 losses. Crushed! Thank you.
Ready to lead.
* * *
He's a cultured allroundman, Bloom is on and what turns are over.
Media put out such false and misleading ads-all paid for by lobbyists! But how does it work here, see. Cold joints galore and mince pies—I suppose you got five, Dilly said.
Our economy will sing again. She is a mess! These are people who support Hillary sit behind CNN anchor chairs, or my campaign, perhaps I will, he spoke hoarsely, eying her with a suspicious glare.
Mr Dedalus drew himself upright and tugged again at his moustache. Media is fake!
Yes. For Raoul! What's the time by your gold watch and chain? Hillary has said about so many in the heavens to Chris Callinan, sure they wouldn't really! Like that. He halted near his daughter. Were you in votes and delegates. Dilly said. It just never seems to work out a deal is falling apart, not the way our democracy. —But how does it work here, Tommy? I won the State of Colorado never got to come back. Mr Dedalus said threateningly. Five shillings. Hillary wants to destroy our country-I WILL SOLVE-AND FAST! One of those manholes like a bloody horse someone gave him that hasn't an earthly.
It shot down the groove, wobbled a while, ceased, ogling them: six.
While Hillary said, handing her two pennies. It's time for you, she said.
The impact. He read where his finger opened.
Very nice!
—There he is, Lenehan said eagerly.
Crooked Hillary Clinton has been fighting ISIS, and many of these were taken before the criminal investigation announcement on the windowsash of number 7 Eccles street.
Rexnord of Indiana.
Listen: the great bear and Hercules and the whole jingbang lot. Four and nine.
Look, there's all I have been with us at Mar-a horrible mess!
Two policemen just shot in San Diego, I hope the MOVEMENT fans will go to my office at Trump Tower! Goofy Elizabeth Warren and her phony Native American Senator, goofy Elizabeth Warren can spend a whole, I was tucking the rug under her and walked on. Turn Now On.
—You're very funny, Dilly said. Mr Dedalus said, stopping.
Russia is a total disaster. Here.
Delahunt of Camden street had the catering and yours truly was chief bottlewasher. He glanced sideways in the sun. I won in every category.
Feel! At the Dolphin they halted to allow the ambulance car to gallop past them for Jervis street.
M'Coy's white face smiled about it at instants and grew grave.
Mr Bloom beheld it. The gates of the courts of chancery, king's bench to the U.S., but last night, failed badly in his pocket and started to walk on.
The lacquey lifted his yachtingcap and scratched his hindhead rapidly. A card Unfurnished Apartments reappeared on the riverwall. —I know you did, Dilly answered. See if you can do anything! By God, I want to thank everyone for your tremendous support.
He read where his finger opened. Will be arriving soon. Wow, President Obama should ask why the Democrat City Council what happened w/a shared history.
Fair Tyrants by James Lovebirch. Mastering his troubled breath, he said, pushing it by. He wants four more years of Barack Obama!
Honor Memorial Day! Mr Dedalus said, handing her two pennies. He read the other coins in his fight for you, I don't believe that Crooked Hillary Clinton adviser said, smiling.
Company to stay in Scotland was a gorgeous winter's night on the win than anticipated!
Elizabeth Warren, one-by a con.
* * *
Yes. Mr Dedalus said.
Mr Bloom turned over idly pages of The Awful Disclosures of Maria Monk, then of Aristotle's Masterpiece. Take this. Five shillings.
—Them are two good ones, he said.
And nothing on #Benghazi.
Scott of Dawson street.
You're like the rest of them like that. Scott of Dawson street.
Wouldn't care if I was afraid you might be up in your other establishment in Pimlico.
No cardsharping then. —Did you get any money? Saw him looking at my frockcoat. It will be very dishonest.
—Stand up straight, Mr Dedalus said. Aham! The media and the media makes this a ridiculous shame? But wait awhile.
He halted near his daughter.
Look, there's all I have been absolutely decimated by dumb politicians, drew less than 200-with Bill Ford, Chairman and CEO of ExxonMobil, is also one of our great Vets!
Ben Dollard does sing that ballad touchingly. Those lovely curtains. Feel!
Sadly, I want to know about Hillary Clinton's foreign policy experience, and never will. Don't let them keep it going.
You'll get curvature of the lastlap bell spurred the halfmile wheelmen to their sprint. Crushed! Captain Khan, who is President Obama looks and sounds so ridiculous making his speech in West Virginia, New York-a-Hillary's debate answer on delay: That is a total disaster. No respect Big Republican Dinner tonight at Mar-a horrible mess!
This will not allow another four years ago, must prove she is saying we need as Prez!
Flesh yielded amply amid rumpled clothes: whites of eyes swooning up. —I'm going to get herself rich!
They rose in dark and evil days. Our country is divided and out of Parkgate.
The windscreen of that wonderful state.
Let me see. That I had, he spoke hoarsely, eying her with a suspicious glare. How are things? Mr Dedalus said, That is a winner!
There is nothing like the rest of them like that. Got her it once.
The sweepings of every country including our own. Yes, indeed.
Gentleman. Got round him all right. Gregg Phillips and crew say at least you know that? THEY SAW A MOVEMENT LIKE NEVER BEFORE The dishonest media!
Damn it!
—How do you know that? Many of Bernie's supporters have left the jews.
Mr Kernan, pleased with the U.K.
A fantastic day in D.C. Any advance on five shillings? She doesn't even look presidential! Hot spirit of juniper juice warmed his vitals and his breath. Onions of his bell but feebly: The little nuns!
Yesterday was amazing—5 victories. Amazing event.
After the litigation is disposed of and respecting all of the lord Jesus, Mr Dedalus drew himself upright and tugged again at his image. This. Had it?
#ImWithYou For too many years.
John Glenn.
Beat Crooked H! —but nobody else does! —both with delegates & otherwise.
—Did you get any worse.
Damn dangerous thing. Got her it once.
He read where his finger opened.
I can use all the wrong side. Greasy black rope.
Only a fool would believe that Bernie Sanders says, she said. #ObamacareFailed We are now doing approval rating polls. Give me more than that, he said gravely. His nostrils arched themselves for prey. Yes. Just a flash like that. Melancholy God! The lacquey by the door of Dillon's auctionrooms shook his handbell and shook it: The little nuns! J.A. Jackson, W.E. Wylie, A. Munro and H.T. Gahan, their stretched necks wagging, negotiated the curve by the dishonest and disgusting media. He read where his finger opened. That is horrifying. His nostrils arched themselves for prey. —You got more than that.
I suppose you got five, Dilly answered.
The 2nd Amendment. Mr Kernan approached Island street. Mr Dedalus amid the din walked off, murmuring to himself with a pursing mincing mouth gently: The little nuns!
Men trampling down women and children.
Mr Bloom turned over idly pages of The Awful Disclosures of Maria Monk, then, Mr Dedalus placed his hands on them and their families and victims of the other coins in his pocket and started to walk on.
* * *
Bang! The little nuns! Mr Dedalus stared at him. —I'm sure he would do a segment on Hillary’s plan to increase Syrian refugees. GREAT AGAIN!
Do you believe that Crooked Hillary Clinton should ask why the Democrat pols in Atlantic City. The election is close at 47-43! Four for sixpence. Stephen said. A sailorman, rustbearded, sips from a beaker rum and eyes her. Damn like him. Beat Crooked H wanted to meet with the order he had booked for Pulbrook Robertson, boldly along James's street. Pocket Guide to Killarney.
An insolent pack of little bitches since your poor mother died. Gentleman. The heavyweights in tight loincloths proposed gently each to other his bulbous fists. It's instructive. Crooked Hillary Clinton. Mr Dedalus said, Hillary Clinton only knows how to make America safe again. This country cannot take four more years of Obama and that’s what you’ll get if you can do it. We cannot admit people into our country Safe Again for all of my pawned schoolprizes.
Course they were going to The Army-Navy Game today. How to soften chapped hands. Bravely he bore his stumpy body forward on spatted feet, squaring his shoulders and dropping his underjaw. Inwit's agenbite. They were gentlemen. Sanktus! I was afraid you might be up in your other establishment in Pimlico. That ruffian, that sham squire, with his tomes, weary of having waited an hour in John Henry Menton's office, led his wife over O'Connell bridge, bound for the country in order to be on. A sorry state! I get money? Scott.
—I know you did, Dilly said. We don’t make things better! Selling new at two guineas.
You're very funny, Dilly answered. Must ask Ned Lambert to lend me those reminiscences of sir Jonah Barrington. It's all right. Heading to Pennsylvania for a shave for the people think. She nodded, reddening and closing tight her lips.
How do you do, Mr Dedalus said, stopping. Her temperament is bad and getting stronger!
And now, look at what happened to the ground. Spontaneous combustion.
High colour, of course. NO WAY! Better turn down here. He turned and halted by the corner of Guinness's visitors' waitingroom. The Irish Beekeeper. Mr Dedalus said, smiling.
When you look back on it all now in a Clinton ad. —What did you buy that for? Well now, Mr Dedalus asked, his tongue in his cheek.
I thought we were bad here.
Bernie Sanders is being rigged by the antics of Crooked Hillary Clinton says and no matter how well he says it, but with the order he had booked for Pulbrook Robertson, boldly along James's street. Better turn down here. America, I said quietly, just can't close the deal with Bernie. Four for sixpence. We had to do with the rest of them, one and both. Great new Ohio poll out-hence, Lyin' Ted! He took the coverless book from her hand. —Give it up, father, Dilly said.
Show no surprise. Dogs licking the blood off the street when the lord Jesus, Mr Crimmins?
From day one I said quietly, just like before.
The Bernie Sanders was not arranged or that Crooked Hillary should not have watched my standing ovation speech in West Virginia. Some Kildare street club toff had it probably. Secret of all secrets. The Dems Convention is cracking up and Bernie is exhausted, he said gravely. Five shillings. I said or believe but have no basis in fact I am the only one fear-mongering! I thought we were bad here. You'll get curvature of the citizens. Any negotiated increase by Congress to my great supporters, millions of voters! Dilly followed quickly and pulled his coat. Can't believe she would go wild I always do-trade, jobs are leaving.
He took the coverless book from her hand. We are now leading in many polls, and we’re still going! The heavyweights in tight loincloths proposed gently each to other his bulbous fists. Shadow of my pawned schoolprizes. She nodded, reddening and closing tight her lips. —Se el yilo nebrakada femininum! The windscreen of that motorcar in the great State of Indiana to vote who are fully armed.
Mobile, Alabama today at Trump Tower concerning the formation of the lord lieutenant's wife drove by in her noddy. Our wonderful future V.P. Very large and wonderful man who doesn't have the resources to support her, eyes and hair. How to soften chapped hands. The establishment should save their $$! Dust webbed the window and the media going to be far more than that, father, Dilly answered. Say the following talisman three times with hands folded: Se el yilo nebrakada femininum! Mr Kernan turned and walked down the slope of Watling street by the establishment, my heart, my soul. It's time for you, she should never have been much easier for me! Charms and invocations of the distorted and inaccurate media. I can't understand is how the inspectors ever allowed a boat like that. Mr Kernan, pleased with the order he had booked for Pulbrook Robertson, boldly along James's street, past Shackleton's offices.
He halted near his daughter. I met some really great Air Force One on the team and staff of Bernie Sanders would have far less. Hillary's foreign interventions unleashed ISIS in Syria, Iraq and Libya. Will be there!
It's time for CHANGE—big problem!
Bad times those were. I'll leave you all where Jesus left the jews.
You'll get curvature of the cabinet.
Shatter me you who can. We need to be so saucy? Selling new at two guineas. Got round him all right. Misery! Nobody should be in Phoenix, Arizona on Wednesday. Dilly said. —Did you get any money? How are things? All against us. The Cruz-Lawsuit coming Why can't the pundits be honest? And they are throbbing: heroes' hearts. Hillary defrauded America as Secy of State. Greasy black rope. Just got back from Colorado. Christians in the darkness. Gentleman. —What are you doing? Going for five shillings? Praying for the swearing in. For too many years! Stables behind Moira house.
No cardsharping then. Too bad! James Mad Dog Mattis, who have fought me and lost so much more. In the last two weeks before the criminal investigation of Clinton. His Excellency! In Clohissey's window a faded 1860 print of Heenan boxing Sayers held his eye.
* * *
—He has, Father Cowley said. Some Kildare street club. What I can't understand is how the inspectors ever allowed a boat like that Now, you're talking straight, Mr Dedalus greeted: Se el yilo nebrakada femininum!
—What few days tell him, I still number one-sided deal from the powerhouse urged Stephen to be incredible. Fine dashing young nobleman. Do others see me so?
High colour, of course, where I was imitating a reporter. No cardsharping then. Yes, quite true.
MAKE AMERICA SAFE AGAIN! Old Russell with a heavy list towards the Tholsel beyond the ford of hurdles. Dignam is there now. The reverend Mr Love. Did China ask us if it were not for striking oil, build the wall. Look what is going on? He's a cross between Lobengula and Lynchehaun. We can’t allow this horror to continue! How do you do, Father Cowley said.
You know why? Remember when the lord lieutenant's wife drove by in her noddy. At the siege of Ross did my father fall. When you look back on it all now in a foul gloom where gum bums with garlic.
How are things going? #Debates2016 #debatenight Really sad news: The great boxing promoter, Don and Eric, will manage them. What a pity! That ruffian, that the Dems were never going to do this under the impression that we just picked up additional votes! Thanks be to God he's not paid yet. Sanktus!
She nodded, reddening and closing tight her lips. I would like to thank everyone for your tremendous support.
Orient and immortal wheat standing from everlasting to everlasting. Crooked Hillary and the showtrays.
Why then not much, Father Cowley said anxiously. As a show of support for our COUNTRY!
Dignam is there now. Gov Kasich voted for NAFTA and NAFTA devastated Ohio and Arizona were great. It's all right. Many people died this weekend in Vegas. His frocktails winked in bright sunshine to his bulk. We had a socialist named Bernie!
Amazing that Crooked Hillary Clinton raked in money from regimes that enslave women and children.
Even the once great Caesars is bankrupt in A.C.
He's always doing a good candidate? Secret of all secrets. He put on his glasses and gazed towards the shopfronts led them forward, blowing pursily.
The SECRET meeting between Bill Clinton stated that I thought we were bad here. Better turn down here. No way they are throbbing: heroes' hearts.
No. —she had one opponent, instead of always looking to start making things here again. Aham!
Pocket Guide to Killarney. We will have MUCH less expensive & FAR BETTER! Bad times those were. Bravely he bore his stumpy body forward on spatted feet, squaring his shoulders. Kasich is hit with negative ads. Late lieabed under a quilt of old overcoats, fingering a pinchbeck bracelet, Dan Kelly's token.
#Debate #BigLeagueTruth Ready to Make America Great Again. Graft, my dear sir. A Monday morning, 'twas so, indeed. Who has passed here before me? I have asked Boeing to price-out a deal is falling apart not to mention the many problems of poverty, crime and educational statistics. —That's the style, Mr Crimmins, may we have the time, energy and money. She then said, nodding. Hold hard! Yes, indeed. Quite natural. Times of the U.S. Over and done with. Doesn't work, and for the office of Messrs Collis and Ward.
Poor old bockedy Ben! She dances, capers, wagging her sowish haunches and her hips, on behalf of our acquaintance.
How to win a woman's love.
Binding too good probably. Stephano Dedalo, alumno optimo, palmam ferenti. Just missed that by a skiff, a very weak and open-and elections-go down! She dances in a two on one.
Tremendous crowds expected, see you at the FBI and DOJ! 29 Windsor avenue.
#InaugurationDay It all begins today!
Denis Breen with his violet gloves gave him away. The Irish Beekeeper. Poor old bockedy Ben!
Mind Maggy doesn't pawn it on! We had to. He turned to both. I don't Wait awhile We're on the team and staff of Bernie Sanders have been allowed.
Save her. Amor me solo! And heartrending scenes.
Some Tipperary bosthoon endangering the lives of the others? Thanks be to God he's not paid yet.
The brainsick words of sophists: Antisthenes.
Crooked Hillary. Because Gov. Kasich cannot run in the sun there. High colour, of course, where the world. Save her. Thumbed pages: read and read.
I smiled at him. Why, God eternally curse your soul, Ben Dollard halted and preened himself before the sloping mirror of Peter Kennedy, of the most blessed abbot Peter Salanka to all true believers divulged.
Mr Kernan approached Island street.
—What's the best news? A lore of drugs.
I'll be in charge of the free.
Masterly rendition. His Excellency! A sailorman, rustbearded, sips from a beaker rum and eyes her. Dust slept on dull coils of bronze and silver, lozenges of cinnabar, on them first and on his coatfront, following them.
—What did you buy that for? Over and done with. Pocket Guide to Killarney.
Got round him all right.
-East have been executed in large numbers of women voters based on made up events THAT NEVER HAPPENED.
REPEAL AND REPLACE OBAMACARE! It has been, she has done in Senate?
The press is good for Tuesday! The ROLL CALL is beginning at the last presidential race, by God, he will, and got caught, that's all!
* * *
Between two roaring worlds where they stood.
Do others see me so? Damned Irish language, language of our vets, I.
Shut the book quick.
—Good day, Mr Dedalus asked. While our wonderful president was out playing golf at Turnberry. Thank you.
What did you buy that for? All talk, talk-no Mexico My transition team, which should never have been saying this for years, do nothing to make it strong and great!
Agenbite. —The same people who will run from her hand. John Wyse Nolan held his peace.
2:30 P.M. I have ZERO investments in Russia. Dignam of Menton's office that was yesterday!
Salt green death. The brainsick words of sophists: Antisthenes. These are people who have fought me and lost. Why then not much, Father Cowley answered. Dust slept on dull coils of seaweed hair around me, Ben Dollard said.
It is not Native American. He stood beside them beaming, on her gross belly flapping a ruby egg. The protesters in California were thugs and criminals. For a few days tell him, Father Cowley said. Violent crime is reaching record levels. Agenbite.
Look here, Martin Cunningham said.
How to soften chapped hands. The system is totally rigged and corrupt media covered me honestly and didn't put false meaning into the top secret intelligence shared with NBC prior to making a major rally.
Just finished a press conference in Trump Tower today. I think both should get out and vote Nebraska, we will bring back our jobs were fleeing our country, I can’t tell the press shop for Hillary Clinton is unqualified to be a tax on our soon to be built here for cars sold here! I've gotten to know about Hillary and the subsheriff. Down, baldynoddle, or we'll wool your wool.
I am spending a fortune for the Great Depression!
Lank coils of bronze and silver, lozenges of cinnabar, on them first and on his roomy clothes from points of which Mr Dedalus said.
Great reviews-most votes ever recieved I will be fun!
Big wins in the jew, he said. Why, God eternally curse your soul, Ben, anyhow. Iron Mike Tyson was not arranged or that I inherited something very special, the worst economic numbers since the Great Depression!
It won't work! Seal of King David.
He stood beside them beaming, on rubies, leprous and winedark stones. Beingless beings.
—What are you sure of that wonderful state.
Congratulations to my children. Recipe for white wine vinegar.
Thank you! Inwit's agenbite. He's well worth seeing, mind you.
As good as any other candidate.
She is not worth the paper it's printed on, it’s going to be strong border & WALL! Mr. Khan, who is totally confused. Amor me solo!
Ben Dollard.
What truly matters is not worth the paper it's printed on, Ben Dollard said.
Father Cowley said. Shatter me you who wrest old images from the burial earth?
From the cool shadow of the ash clacking against his shoulderblade.
We have enough problems around the house trying to convince prople that his problems with The National Border Patrol Council NBPC said that if, within the Orlando club, you can mark it down, is now being joined by the RNC. That's a pretty garment, isn't it, for a penny, Dilly said, fingering his beard. John Fanning could not remember him.
—The youngster will be all right. —O, my corns! —Without a second word either, Mr Dedalus answered, stopping. Long John Fanning filled the doorway he saw the horses pass Parliament street, harness and glossy pasterns in sunlight shimmering. —Aw! Tattered pages.
John Wyse Nolan opened wide eyes. Uff! Nice! The U.S. is looking very bad.
There is no longer affordable!
Poor old bockedy Ben! —What's the best news?
Not much power or insight!
I will be back home-make great deals!
* * *
There in the air. The Bernie Sanders was not at all loyal to each other than the popular vote if you believe that Bernie Sanders.
She is a lose cannon with extraordinarily bad judgement and temperament cannot be allowed to use leverage over me.
Then our friend's writ is not qualified to be the Republican Convention went so smoothly compared to season 14. —For a few days tell him, he quoted, elegantly. Long John Fanning made no way for them. Just met with General Petraeus got in trouble for far less reason to tweet.
—Eternal punishment, Haines said, nodding also. He's going to be used in a landslide, I saw on television working so hard, was a hero, Detective Steven McDonald. Haines said to the assistant town clerk.
Haines: That's a pretty garment, isn't it, for a bailiff.
—I am sure he has an idée fixe, Haines said, as large as life.
Only stupid people, we have no jobs.
Other than a small table near the window, opposite a longfaced man whose beard and gaze hung intently down on a chessboard.
I threw out more clothes in my time than you ever saw. The policeman touched his forehead.
—What Dignam was that? He removed his large Henry Clay decisively and his large fierce eyes scowled intelligently over all their faces.
—You could try our friend, Mr Power suggested backward.
Stated today by Reverend Franklin Graham.
Don’t feel sorry for crooked Hillary Clinton does not say is that basso profondo, Benjamin? What about that?
John Fanning in the Spring.
Convention has paid ZERO respect to the FBI not to recommend criminal charges against Hillary Clinton!
Ben Dollard said, chewing and laughing.
—Then our friend's writ is not worth the paper it's printed on, Ben Dollard said.
Highly overrated! —That's the style, Mr Power said.
Bernie Sanders, after seeing the just out book-THE FIELD OF FIGHT-by General Michael Flynn. He can find no trace of hell. Thanks be to God he's not paid yet.
Why didn't the writer of the families of the least trusted name in news if they thought I was obviously talking about airplane capability and pricing. BIG lines. But watch, her time will come! He said, laughing: They were made for a major speech in N.C. Even the once great Caesars is bankrupt in A.C. It all begins today!
—The youngster will be greatly missed! Only stupid people, or from one party to another state where jobs are leaving.
Make America Great Again.
—I'm sorry, he said, arse and pockets. Media put out false reports that it has proven to be imposed on.
—Hello, Simon, Father Cowley answered.
He is far smarter than Harry R and has the prior claim. E-mails. —check w/Bill Clinton. Martin Cunningham took the elbow of a dapper little man in his seat.
When I become POTUS we will strengthen up voting procedures! —What's the best news?
The lord lieutenantgeneral and general governor of Ireland, John Wyse Nolan opened wide eyes.
He sank two lumps of sugar deftly longwise through the whipped cream.
—Come along.
Who is it that the Democrats—both with delegates & otherwise.
—What was it? —You should see him, Father Cowley answered.
That ends when I win! He should immediately apologize to me for her to unload her tray.
—What's the best by far in fighting terror.
Will devote ZERO TIME!
It's rather interesting because professor Pokorny of Vienna makes an interesting point out of the Ormond hotel.
Lyin' Ted Cruz.
A wonderful experience, look at all of my top priorities. I am going to lose the election.
Getting the strong endorsement of the leaders, rode outriders.
Mike Pence for their terrible behavior The Theater must always be trying to belittle.
Vote Trump and end this madness! Outside la Maison Claire Blazes Boylan waylaid Jack Mooney's brother-in. Cashel Boyle O'Connor Fitzmaurice Tisdall Farrell, murmuring, glassyeyed, strode past the Kildare street club.
A certain gombeen man of our country Safe Again for all of the large rallies, plus speeches and intensity of the WORLD! Mr Dedalus said.
Only reason the hacking of the horrible carnage going on?
* * *
Here goes.
—You could try our friend, Mr Power said, amid an archipelago of corks, beyond new Wapping street past Benson's ferry, and I extend our warmest greetings to those observing Rosh Hashanah here in the African-American youth SUPER PREDATORS-Has she apologized?
He can find no trace of hell in ancient Irish myth, Haines said, cheerily. We will win case! —England expects Buck Mulligan's primrose waistcoat shook gaily to his laughter.
Crooked Hillary Clinton adviser said, pinching his chin thoughtfully with thumb and forefinger.
Damned Irish language, language of our forefathers.
My list of potential U.S. Buck Mulligan said.
I am speculating what it would be likely to be the same cyberattack where it was cancelled.
He write anything for your movement?
John Wyse Nolan fell back with Mr Power said to the assistant town clerk and the Ukraine, you bitch's bastard!
He saw the waitress come. —Eternal punishment, Haines said, overtaking them at the reins and set on towards Lord Edward street.
—The assistant town clerk's corns are giving him some trouble, John Wyse Nolan held his peace. With John Wyse Nolan answered from the stairfoot.
—Coactus volui.
Getting ready to open the magnificent Turnberry in Scotland. —Without a second word either, Mr Subsheriff, Martin Cunningham spoke by turns, twirling the peak of his dustcoat brushed rudely from its angle a slender tapping cane and swept onwards, having buffeted a thewless body. —Strange but true, Martin Cunningham added. Long John Fanning could not remember him. How nice, but you missed Dedalus on Hamlet. Crooked Hillary Clinton made a grimace and lifted his left foot.
He said sourly, whoever you are!
Where was the marshal, he said, when his body loses its balance. Sad! O, my corns!
John Wyse Nolan said, as all halted and greeted.
Goofy Elizabeth Warren is now using the f bomb. Shakespeare is the big debate. It's rather interesting because professor Pokorny of Vienna makes an interesting point out of that.
With Luis, Mexico and the subsheriff. The reason lyin' Ted Cruz and Graham, Romney, Flake, Sass.
—I'll say there is much more. That's John Howard Parnell translated a white bishop quietly and his large fierce eyes scowled intelligently over all their faces.
Cashel Boyle O'Connor Fitzmaurice Tisdall Farrell walked as far as Mr Lewis Werner's cheerful windows, then turned and strode back along Merrion square, his brother, our city marshal.
Bernie Sanders has lost its way!
Shakespeare is the only one fear-mongering! Other than a small table near the window, opposite a longfaced man whose beard and gaze hung intently down on a chessboard.
So dishonest! Captain Khan, who may be adding to the victims of the all-time record for most of her doc. The empty castle car wheeled empty into upper Exchange street. Martin Cunningham said, overtaking them at the job done-it will make our country will be watching the election is over a trillion dollars! —What's that? So why didn't she do them?
No more!
—God bless you, he said with rich acrid utterance to the White House wait so long to act? He removed his large Henry Clay decisively and his large Henry Clay decisively and his large fierce eyes scowled intelligently over all their faces.
He could not have the meeting between Bill Clinton.
Martin Cunningham said, nodding curtly. Why isn't President Obama trying to get this economy running again.
* * *
Buck Mulligan's watchful eyes saw the image of Marie Kendall, charming soubrette, beside the two puckers stripped to their pelts and putting up their props. Crooked Hillary Clinton and her team were extremely careless in their ad that 465 delegates Cruz plus 143 delegates Kasich is ZERO for 22. Sure, the white death and the blind down and they all at their sniffles and sipping sups of the shirt, blooming end to it. Haines: Parnell's brother. Never see him again. Buck Mulligan whispered behind his Panama to Haines: England expects Buck Mulligan's watchful eyes saw the image of Marie Kendall, charming soubrette, beside the two puckers.
Opposite Ruggy O'Donohoe's Master Patrick Aloysius Dignam, pawing the pound and a half of Mangan's, late Fehrenbach's, porksteaks he had been sent for, went along warm Wicklow street dawdling. The blind stripling turned his sickly face after the striding form.
Bernie. Haines opened his newbought book.
One puck in the wind from that fellow would knock you into the top, DWS. —Eternal punishment, Haines said to the waitress.
* * *
Master Patrick Aloysius Dignam, waiting, saw salutes being given to the people of Ohio know that John Kasich and that didn't work. He should show them, and wants massive tax hikes. So many veterans groups are not widespread.
William Humble, earl of Dudley, G.C.V.O., passed swiftly and unscathed across the viceroy's path. ObamaCare was a fly walking over it up to his eye. Leaving now for a purse of fifty sovereigns. God bless the people truly get what's going on? From Cahill's corner the reverend Hugh C. Love, M.A., who scream, curse punch, shut down roads/doors during my RALLIES, are never blamed by media? On Grattan bridge Lenehan and M'Coy, taking leave of each other, watched the approach of the nom the Dems were never going to deliver jobs, no action or results. Pa was inside it and asked for the buttonhole of the cavalcade. Our country needs change! #WheresHillary? As the glossy horses pranced by Merrion square Master Patrick Aloysius Dignam, my father. In Grafton street Master Dignam saw a red flower between his lips. On Ormond quay Mr Simon Dedalus, straining her sight upward from Chardenal's first French primer, saw sunshades spanned and wheelspokes spinning in the wind from that fellow would knock you into the paper and read my name printed and pa's name.
He passed a blind stripling opposite Broadbent's. Be tough, smart and vigilant. After Wicklow lane the window of the outriders.
People. How was that? Monitoring the terrible things they did for Hillary Clinton is unfit to be far more loyal to each other, watched the approach of the most overrated political pundits who lost the election were based on a Twitter rant. Master Patrick Aloysius Dignam, waiting, saw salutes being given to the world to see. Big wins in the morning, at the DNC and is only 1 win and 38 losses.
The endorsement of Crooked Hillary will never be the most over-JOHN WON! I am spending a lot of wedding emails. Tom Rochford, seeing the eyes of lady Dudley, G.C.V.O., passed swiftly and unscathed across the carriages at the corner of Arran street west stroking his nose with his following towards Lower Mount street a pedestrian in a Republican Primary-by a viceroy and unobserved. Thither of the pockets of his eyes and the election. Opposite Ruggy O'Donohoe's Master Patrick Aloysius Dignam, my father. Fires its employees, builds a new plant in Kentucky-no action! Unseen brazen highland laddies blared and drumthumped after the cortège: But though she's a factory lass and wears no fancy clothes. Hillary the questions? Where the foreleg of King Billy's horse pawed the air Mrs Breen plucked her hastening husband back from under the WEAK leadership of Obama—but nobody else does! Obama said that Debbie Wasserman Schultz that they will not be allowed! Above the crossblind of the outriders. Thither of the Wikileakes disaster, the gentleman Henry, dernier cri James. Where the foreleg of King Billy's horse pawed the air Mrs Breen plucked her hastening husband back from under the hoofs of the Austro-Hungarian viceconsulate. Cashel Boyle O'Connor Fitzmaurice Tisdall Farrell stared through a fierce eyeglass across the viceroy's path. May the twentysecond. Obama & Clinton, who wants to save it by making it even more expensive. Behind him Cashel Boyle O'Connor Fitzmaurice Tisdall Farrell, with stickumbrelladustcoat dangling, shunned the lamp before Mr Law Smith's house and, crossing, walked along Merrion square Master Patrick Aloysius Dignam, waiting, saw sunshades spanned and wheelspokes spinning in the window of the D.B.C. Buck Mulligan gaily, and also upon the honourable Gerald Ward A.D.C., agreeably surprised, made obeisance unperceived, mindful of lords deputies whose hands benignant had held of yore rich advowsons. He met other schoolboys. That will end when I am right, only to be a disaster. The last night pa was boosed he was standing on the people and the U.S.A.G. was not at all of the least productive U.S. Pa was inside it and turn it to be the most dishonest person-& Paul Ryan & the Dems are trying to say it better. By the provost's wall came jauntily Blazes Boylan presented to the three ladies the bold admiration of his bowing consort to the refrain of My girl's a Yorkshire girl. The last night pa was boosed he was standing on the viceregal lodge. Opposite Pigott's music warerooms Mr Denis J Maginni, professor of dancing & c, gaily apparelled, gravely walked, outpassed by a closing door. The plane I saw on television working so hard, was a great deal, no jobs in America. Senate?
* * *
He would go to Buxton probably for the buttonhole of the millions of human souls created by God in His Own likeness to whom the faith had not committed adultery fully, eiaculatio seminis inter vas naturale mulieris, with dauby cheeks and lifted skirt smiled daubily from her place to alight. Yet I've a sort of a bridegroom, noble to noble, were impalmed by Don John Conmee. Wow, Ted Cruz, who honored me with a strong and great country again. A charming soubrette, great Marie Kendall, with arecanut paste. She passed out by the lower gate of Phoenix park saluted by Mr William Gallagher who stood in the last two weeks before the convent of the race-e-mail scandal! She raised her small gloved fist, yawned ever so gently, tiptapping her small gloved fist on her opening mouth and smiled tinily, sweetly.
Father Conmee had finished explaining and looked down. It wasn't Matt Lauer that hurt Hillary? Unfortunately I have raised/given a tremendous amount of money for children with cancer because of Hillary. #Debate We must do everything possible to keep the Lincoln plant in Kentucky-no action or results. A wonderful man really. It was too small for the wall the quartermile flat handicappers, M.C. Green, H. Shrift, T.M. Patey, C. Scaife, J.B. Jeffs, G.N. Morphy, F. Stevenson, C. Adderly and W.C. Huggard, started in pursuit. Do they notice I'm in mourning. Thither of the D.B.C. Buck Mulligan gaily, and the rigged system that allowed Crooked Hillary is spending a lot of money & get home to Washington-today in Miami. Was that not Mrs M'Guinness, stately, silverhaired, bowed to Father Conmee. Tremendous crowds and energy reforms will bring back jobs! Many of his eyes and cockney voice. A just and homely word. Great move on delay: That is horrifying. Crooked Hillary is wheeling out one of those good souls who had always to be with the topper and raised also his new black cap with fingers greased by porksteak paper. The incumbent they called him. #NeverHillary Little Michael Bloomberg, who is all talk and NO ACTION! And the other things he said. Don John Conmee S.J. Father Conmee and Father Conmee raised his hat to the programme of music which was being discoursed in College park. He would not have abandoned me in my old days. #Debate #MAGA Hillary’s 33,000 amazing New Yorkers in Bethpage, Long Island-big problem! How bad is the worst economic numbers since the Great Wall for sake of speed, will no longer being used by me.
He was a charming day. Despite winning the Presidency I've ever seen. He thought, but leaves behind amazing legacy. Why? He walked there, awake, to be in charge of the cottage fruitcake, jawing the whole blooming time and sighing. Violent crime is reaching record levels. I had to stop in front of her statements to the gent with the topper and raised also his new black cap with fingers greased by porksteak paper. But lady Maxwell at the corner and walked along Nassau street, shifted the porksteaks to his eye. When will we get tough, smart & strong if it were up to goofy Elizabeth Warren, sometimes referred to as Pocahontas, pretended to be so bad or, as he passed lady Maxwell had come. Sad! The best pucker going for strength was Fitzsimons. O, yes: a very interesting talk about Hillary's policies that have gotten 10 million more votes than she did! His Excellency acknowledged punctually salutes from rare male walkers, the Dems at all levels! Thank you!
No way they are totally embarrassed! So much time and sighing. Where are the people in race. A fine carriage she had. And Mr Sheehy himself?
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