#biggest mega projects in the world
kimludcom · 3 months
Top 10 Civil Engineering Mega Projects in the Netherlands
Top 10 Civil Engineering 🚜⚙️🗜️ Mega Projects in the Netherlands https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z_qdc3DAtLw
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dreamlifebunny · 1 year
bunny's dream life scripting series!
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hello friends! i am so excited to share with you my biggest project yet: a do-it-yourself scripting series with easy to use templates and an abundance of “things to manifest” ideas, all in one!
a lot of people hear scripting and think, “oh great, another method to learn and use that i’ll never stick with.” but this isn’t a method, this is an incredibly personalized and fun writing project to help you stay motivated, organized, and excited about your dream life, down to the teeny-tiniest of details! i have found that one of the biggest obstacles that many people face when manifesting their dream lives is that they don’t actually know what they desire, so they flip flop back and forth and nothing shows up in their reality (or, more confusion and stagnation shows up) because they can’t make a decision. it is my hope that this series will provide a fun and inspiring solution to this problem so that you can start making your dream life a reality!
how it works:
i will post my "mega scripting template" soon that will have all of the categories listed below. i will then post “things to manifest” ideas related to a chosen category of the week so that you have cute and fun ideas of what you can fill in for your own script. working on one category at a time will help you really focus on what you want in that aspect of your life, which will help you get really specific!
categories include:
skills and abilities
revision of your past
recreating loved ones
the world and society
friends and community
biographical information on yourself
personality, vibe, and how you are perceived
creating new sp's (romantic, platonic, familial, etc.)
health and wellness (including peace of mind and safety)
spirituality and manifesting abilities
possessions and home
education and career
money and wealth
love life
who this series is for:
anyone who needs help getting specific / deciding on their desires
those who enjoy neatly categorized ideas and templates, or who have adhd brains like me that love writing lists to stay organized
those who don’t care about scripting or organizing but who want an abundance of fun ideas of things to manifest that they can refer to whenever they want
those who aren’t looking to design their dream life or manifest and want to world-build for their writing or creative projects
i am so excited to hear about the lovely lives you will dream up and make real. thank you for participating, and make sure to look back frequently for new updates!
love, bunny 💕
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transparencyboo · 7 months
For the last two weeks or so I've been playing the Mega Drive dungeon crawler Shining in the Darkness. I've recently been going through all the various action-RPGs the system had to offer and kinda found myself lusting for more, so I expanded the scope.
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Shining in the Darkness had one of those cover arts I vividly remember seeing in game stores during the 90s, I understood already back then that whatever this was would be too complicated for my feeble preschool brain, but it had a shiny glossy allure that still beckoned to me with promises of daring adventures and grand battles. Questions lingered in my head: Who is that evil bastard zapping sparks at Cavin from the Gummi Bears? Why has the king entrusted the safety of his kingdom to a meagre boy and his two misfit friends?
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Well, it turns out that big bad guy is called Dark Sol, the bane of all game difficulty discourse, and the reason the king has enlisted three poor kids is because there is no one else to rely on after your daddy went missing. Everyone else just sorta gives up along the way.
My initial conclusion of this game was to commend my young self for the striking assessment, my five year old self would never get anywhere in this game between the English text, abstracted navigation and number crunching battle mechanics. Shining in the Darkness is a bona fide classic dungeon gauntlet endurance simulator, where you traverse vanishing point block tunnels and encounter enemies. I've played one or two games like this before, like the original Phantasy Star, but this time a new desire struck me. I wanted to draw maps. Maybe I'm just getting older and more patient, leading me to wilfully ignore easily available resources online.
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By my recollection, this is the first time I've dedicated myself to playing a game like this. Usually I just resort to my sense of direction, which I've gathered seems to at least be above average, since anytime I go anywhere with anyone I always end up playing shepherd so they don't get lost. Worst case scenario I'll just fall back to mapping efforts by online heroes from years past. For Shining in the Darkness I persisted blindly about halfway through until I admitted to myself charting a map of the labyrinthine caves would be a lot easier. Luckily, the game allows you to spend 1 MP to see a chunk of where you've walked, meaning I could get neatly organized segments to copy by hand.
Perhaps my biggest takeaway from this endeavour was how much of the game experience was expressed through this map project. I spent just as much time slaying beasts as I did counting tiles and filling them out with my pencil. It became a natural counterbalance that provided vital pacing to the game mechanics. Walking, fighting, charting. In turn, through the principle of learning by doing, I gained a more intimate familiarity with the environments by just replicating them out on a sheet of paper. I found that while the map helped, I actually didn't need it much for backtracking because my drawings had helped me remember the layouts of the corridors anyway.
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I guess the lesson learned is that while old design sensibilities may appear to be arcane and cumbersome when easier solutions exists, the obfuscation is part of the fun. The game hands me an intentionally hard to navigate world, shows me that it's fully capable of displaying maps of it, but still asks me to provide that dimension myself. Through doing this, I discover that drawing maps is both surprisingly enjoyable and cognitively stimulating. I realize that had I downloaded some pre-packaged maps online and used as my bible, Shining in the Darkness would've been a vastly different experience, one of monotonous meandering through endless fights while confidently striding along the known path.
Perhaps that's why the game was called Shining and the Darkness in Japan, it doesn't flow as well as the western title, but at the same time it poetically reflects this act of discovery. I am Shining, the game provides the Darkness, we work together, we must unify to become whole.
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As for Dark Sol, he turned into a big monster boy and was vanquished by a spunky cartographer child and her two cohorts. The unknown has been made known and the kingdom is once more saved.
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thefrogdalorian · 10 months
i've been seeing a lot of discourse concerning pedro's involvement with the mandalorian going forward, especially with the rumoured fantastic four casting and i have THOUGHTS:
i think pedro being in the suit in season 2 skewed everyone's perception of what his involvement with mando would be. as in, i think that was the exception rather than the rule. which is sad because its always going to be special to know it was really him, fully embodying din, but he said he physically can't take it! that's what stuntmen are for, after all. plus, i think if you take a second to look at the man's filmography, since he started mando he's been PROLIFIC. since season one even, he's been taking other projects. they're just bigger now. that's part of why the role probably appealed to him and you know, good for him! booked and busy! but more importantly, i don't feel like any projects he's been involved in thus far have compromised his ability to do the character justice. i don't expect that to change, either.
i also think it's kinda funny people think disney hasn't got that man locked into the most watertight contract possible. if they needed him onset to show his face in season 3, he would've been there. the mouse would've dragged him kicking and screaming. i personally think the story didn't need it, to have din redeem himself and then show it again, it just wouldn't have made sense. better to wait for another opportunity in the future. i don't think that his tlou filming schedule compromised anything and i remember him being able to appear at things like celebration when needed.
at the end of the day, it's disney, an evil mega corporation. they can literally reanimate someone who died if they want to. no doubt in my mind when he signed to be mando, this was all thought out. they all know filming any helmetless scenes wouldn't take too long, neither would recording dialogue. so, pedro is not going to sit around and twiddle his thumbs out of loyalty to the character, this is business!!
as much as i love din, for pedro it's just another job. i do think he cares about din too, he's shown that plenty, but he's an actor. doing what actors do, especially one who struggled for as long as he did to make it big. so i'm thrilled to see his success. plus, mando is not some small time show. it literally had the biggest finale of any disney+ show this year, against some tough competition. mando and din are beloved, he knows that and i think it's clear to see how proud he is of it.
i'm so happy he our din djarin and he always will be. he wants to play din for as long as possible, he said that many times! but in the meantime, more pedro in bigger and bigger roles is always good for the world i think.
good luck to him.
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rpking99 · 5 months
Here we have the many members of Luxure's staff. Or at least the important ones...
Founder: Lusamine
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Lusamine is the founder of Luxure. It was her idea and she designed and had the Aether Paradise build this aritifical region.
After being freed from her own darker mind, Lusamine was finally able to live one again. And that's when she realised how.... Sterile the rest of the world had become. Now being herself when she tried to explore her own..... Desires... She discovered it. That no such adult material existed anymore
Like the world had been regressed as if the world existed only for ten years olds.
And so.... She set up Luxure. For people to go and explore these desires as they want, in a safe environment.
Assistant: Wickie
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Wickie is Lusamine's assistant. (And maybe lover? There are definitely rumours about the Tek along the island...) She was the one who got in contact with other regions, to get trainers and more to come and visit.
Funder: Oleana
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After the fall of President Rose, Oleane inherited all of his money.
Hence why Lusamine went to her. Because even with the blonde's impressive wealth, she did need assistance to complete the project.
And so Oleana uses the island as some stress relief....
Nurse: Delia
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With her son being THE world champion, but still continuing his adventure, Delia needed... Something to do with her life, if she was honest.
So she got work in Luxure, acting as the regions one Pokémon Nurse. As most battles do not get too rough, and having the biggest legion of Chansey's in any region, she has a rather easy job
Ranger: Solana
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With the disappearances of both humans and Pokémon in the region, Solana was called in to look into what was going on. In secret, of course
Detective: Anabelle
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Sent by the International Police to keep an eye on Luxure, and Lusamine mainly. And now she is looking in to the actions of Team Siren.
Tech Support: Penny
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The brilliant young girl was brought in to be tech support for the island. Trusted to keep everything running on an automated cycle with next to no human interaction, giving her plenty of time to herself and to enjoy her life.
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Lusamine hired Sonia to be the Region's Pokemon Professor, her job basically being to examine how Pokemon react to this new lewd enviroment.
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After taking over for her grandmother, Sonia needed to go under an apprenticeship to get the offical qualification
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Sada came of her own free will to Luxure, after finding out about the Gijinkamon phenominon. Finding out that the Gijinka Change aspects seemed to be tied into regional variants, Paradox Pokemon and even Mega Evolution.
Field Researcher: Bianca
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Bianca was hired by both Sada and Juniper as a field assistant and training to become an offical Professor like Sonia. She is out on the field to gather detail for both professors, this info luckily being intertwined
Total Muses: 11
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redpanther23 · 1 year
How do you write your comics?
They're satire. Dare to say no!
What are your political views?
The only state I care about is the altered state of consciousness. Or as good ol' uncle Lou Reed says: "Give me an issue, I'll give you a tissue, you can wipe my ass with it."
What's with your crazy accent?
My great-great grandmother was Muskogee, and I come from an unbroken line of single mothers, so I have her accent.
What software do you use?
I only use hardware to create my art, unless you ascribe to the theory that all reality as we know it is a computer simulation.
What are your pronouns?
Whatever is funniest.
How do I refer to you in other languages?
By my name...if your language doesn't have a specific word for Puma concolour, then the biggest native cat is close enough. (For example, in Muskogee my name would be Kaccvcate.)
What religion do you practice?
I never practice, I just have natural talent.
What is Discordianism?
A philosophy (or way of liberation) from the late 60's based on Zen Buddhism and absurdist humor. The basic idea is that because your experience of the universe is unique, only you can say for sure how god acts, so you're the Pope. You can read our most sacred text here, and you should, because we'll be taking over the world soon. You can also buy a physical copy from Last Word Press. (If religion is the opiate of the masses, then you can just cook me up another hit, babe.)
What is your band name/where can I hear it?
My punk cover band is called Rong, and it's a multigenerational chaos magic and performance art project, passed down to me by my father. In the words of my uncle, guitarist Scott Panther, our lead singer "takes strange drugs and leads our village into the spirit world." You can hear our recordings on Youtube. As a Discordian magical practice, anyone is free to be Rong, and if you're interested, you can read my very brief grimoire here. My all-original band is called the Red Scare, you can find our recordings on my YouTube channel as well.
What's your advice to aspiring artists?
Sell your soul to the devil.
Where did you study?
I got let out of high school early for good behavior, and after much hard work, I was accepted into Weed University (located in Ithaca, New York) where I earned my BS in Bong Engineering. I studied under Subgenius/Discordian Pope, His Assholiness Professor Bluey Cleveland.
What makes you a doctor?
I inherited the title from my dad, but I asked him, and he said he ain't never tried PhD.
What's your REAL name?
My real name is Red Moon Rising, which was given to me by my grandfather Silent Thunder of the Meskwaki tribe after my walkabout.
What's your diagnosis?
Schizoaffective Cannabis Dependency.
What's your sign?
"Out of Order"
Are you single?
I'm married.
Witness mine paw:
From Mega Stoned: The Work Completed 418; MAGUS 6'=9' L.'. S.'. D.'. whose words are slurred; who is called Knight in the City of the Hub; Saint on the Hill of Ghosts: Doctor in the mystic order of the City of Lost Souls L.'. S.'. D.'. and in the World of cats upon the Earth, Red Panther of the Free State of Jones.
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origami-boat · 9 months
(this review is going to be shorter than i would've liked because of the character limit, if you want my actual unfiltered thoughts on this magazine you can find them in this mega folder.)
let's start with the review:
i don't know how this is being sold in bookstores so casually. it should be banned. it shouldn't have gotten greenlit in the first place. i don't understand what horrible people agreed on publishing this horrible magazine made by horrible creators.
don't pick up this magazine ever. it was the worst mistake i've ever made. my biggest regret, probably. i'm going to try and explain my reasoning here, even though it should be obvious.
concept (3/10):
so...i don't really understand the themes. the first volume is supposed to celebrate the creators getting married 100 times? which is...really disturbing and distressing. why would they share it with other people? shouldn't they be embarrassed? but i guess it is something...why did the theme shift from "marriage" to "god" in the second volume? what happened during these 101-200 marriages? actually, looking at the reviews of the first volume, i don't get why they released a second one. clearly there is no demand. i'm hearing rumors that a third volume's in the making, too...do they never learn? literally everyone is telling them to stop. nobody is asking for this. it's just annoying. but that just goes to show how self centered and selfish the creators are, i guess. and indecisive. because what will the theme even be? what even is the point? why not just quit...?
design: (4/10)
pretty simple. i don't have any notes on this one. it is misleading, though. it's so average, like they're trying to trick you into thinking this is an average zine. a normal zine. it really isn't.
memes: (6/10)
cute kitten pictures are the only tolerable thing about this whole magazine. the four points are for the project sekai meme and the chainsaw man meme. those were not funny. the rest is fine, i guess.
writing: (1/10)
i'm giving it one point because i'm generous, it doesn't actually have any redeeming qualities. from the very first pieces you could tell that the author has gathered up all the love they have ever felt before and put it in each and every word. imagine this: you're drinking tea, and you accidently put two spoons of sugar instead of one. disgusting, right? too hopeful. too full of love. too raw. just thinking about it makes me shake. what the fuck is wrong with the author. in an ideal world, i would've wished for them to find a better therapist, but i don't think any therapist deserves to go through that. they should just die, maybe...?
art: (1/10)
no redeeming qualities again. yes, i know, i'm too generous. in this case it's actually so vile i threw up several times. too joyful. too intimate. again, too much love. what is with this magazine and love? aren't there other, better things to celebrate? not to mention, i've seen the artist say some pretty weird stuff before. like how they enjoy...yaoi...i know, that's so fucked up...they're really fucking evil and unsalvageable. death is the only solution for what's wrong with them, whatever that is.
final rating: (2/10)
i can't bring myself to rate it any lower. i feel kind of bad. even after all i've said, i understand that the creators didn't choose to be born this way, you know? of course, i don't think they can get any better, so...i just wish they would disappear as soon as possible. make the world a better place.
hope this review helped. don't waste your time and money on this thing, it does more harm than good (it does not do any good, really). go enjoy something else.
for those unaware this is for vol 3 of yurimag!! it’s a zine i make with public enemy number one @impastopesto it’s the worlds top magazine that celebrates yuri of all kinds. part one and part two are available for free on my itch.io account: haunted-oyster
this is the general vibe of the zine btw
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autogeneity · 9 months
Hi, I was looking into computer science and I wanted to ask you what drew you to it and how you feel about it as a career choice?
I don't think my reasons for getting into it are likely to be very helpful to anyone else because they are very specific to my life at the time and not actually much about computer science at all. Skip to the last section for more relevant things.
But here is my story —
I went into university with a starry-eyed idea of understanding the True Fundamentals of Everything and was majoring in maths, physics, and philosophy. also my brain was broken and I had a very fuckd't relationship to reality as a concept (mega derealisation with substantial perceptual distortions and potentially some delusional features) and some part of me saw this as Deep Philosophical Insight, while another hoped getting The Answers would solve it.
after a year it became apparent that this was probably at least a little silly and not going to happen, and I didn't actually see myself being a professional physicist irl.
additionally, I felt more drawn to doing something with more tangible outcomes in the real world rather than chasing maximum abstraction. I had a growing interest in neuroscience and AI and simulation, but also could maybe see myself becoming a professional mathematician. so I kept the maths and switched the others to computer science and psychology.
I guess the specific CS appeals were: I already knew some programming and had found it basically trivial to learn, so I sort of figured it is probably a good match for my brain. and I like puzzles (actually when I first got to uni all the departments were doing little recruitment speech thingies and the CS department actually gave us puzzles! I somehow imagined this would be representative of literally anything (it is not)). I still find those, like, code challenge type problems a lot of fun though.
the final thing that sealed the deal was the availability of a scholarship for maths+cs major, and the fact that it could provide a backup plan if my academia plans failed.
As for how I feel about it — well, my academia plans did fail so I am very glad I had a backup in place. Even if they hadn't gone wrong at the time, it's pretty clear to me now that the many mental health issues I continued to deal with in the time since would have led to me fucking up in academia sooner or later in a way they did not in my job. There is much, much more latitude here.
And it's pretty alright as a job; I'm not ecstatic about it but I don't really mind overall and it is sometimes fun. I actually like bug-fixing, lol — the kind where there's an immediately-obvious mistake and I just gotta correct it is boring but the hunt is fun. In general I dislike the amount of small, tedious tasks where I just gotta do some obvious thing, but I like it when I get to build something more substantive that requires more figuring out. I am somewhat fond of the way the shape of the things feels in my brain (not sure that makes any sense lmao). Albeit there are not really many puzzles. :(
But I'm not intending to stay in my current work. I worked briefly in data science and found it much more engaging. I plan to move towards that and/or stuff in the direction of bioinformatics or scientific computing or computational neuroscience. Which is all still computer science but not. software development.
Which is probably the biggest thing I would want to highlight for someone considering computer science. In general working in software development (the most typical career path) is very different to working in computer science. Very often someone interested in the one will not be very happy with the other. I would encourage identifying which is your interest, and seeing what they both actually entail, before pursuing anything.
Because like, if you want a run-of-the-mill programming job, in many places it might be worth considering just doing some sort of bootcamp and projects. The company I work at gets probably like 20% of their graduate hires from that stream. Much cheaper and faster than a degree! Or for various other types of work certifications might be a good approach.
If you like mathy things, you probably want computer science proper. If you like engineering, tiny technical details, performance focus, etc, you probably do want formal education and may want to look at things requiring low-level languages, e.g. embedded software. I think people who like twiddling and configuring enjoy cloud shit? or infrastructure and ops work more generally but I think these days most places that looks like cloud shit. If you like the big picture, modeling, and the human side, you may be interested in systems analysis (I find this Very Shaped tbh but am not up for the human side and honestly don't like making big judgement calls).
Somehow I don't actually know what the people who like everyday application development actually like about it specifically lmao? even though they are surely the majority. But ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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noodleblade · 8 months
Miscellaneous Tag Game (stolen title <3)
thank you bestie:3 @searchingfortheuniverse I'll be working on this while im on and off phone calls~
A band you don’t like that many others do: UM idk...my music taste is all over the place and I really only know the bands i think?? oh- maybe Mother Mother, only because I have not bothered to listen to their music past Junkrat hype videos and that's probably tainted my view a little. For better or for worse.
A childhood memory that you remember vividly: during a summer in greece, idk how, but I got roped into selling watermelons off the side of the road. I couldn't have been more than 6 or 7, but I remember I would put the watermelon in a plastic bag and the farmers thought it was really funny because that's such a...united states thing...to bag 1 whole watermelon in plastic. Anyways, they paid me in cucumber slices with salt.
Least favorite animal and why: HUH LEAST. I'm not a huge fan of like reptiles? Specifically those smaller than a bread box. Too fast, too squirm. Im worried I'll crush them in my hands. (im thinking of specifically florida geckos...idk they are cute but i freak out trying to hold them).
Hot fandom take: just because something is popular and fandom-wide accepted doesn't mean it is good. and not agreeing with it/wanting to engage in it doesn't mean you or your own opinions are bad. the monopoly on accepted 1 true canon is boring.
Do you wear any jewelry, if so, what’s your favorite piece: I try an rotate my jewelry around but I'm usually wearing a few rings, a necklace and a pair of earrings. My favorites are the rings. They are my mom's old ones and I typically wear the same two every day. One is a gold key of greece and the other is a thin black bar but the sides have really small thin heart cut outs.
A movie others liked but you didn’t: HMMMMM probably the new star wars trilogy. felt unnecessary and i just didn't like it? big shruggies
Three things you love about yourself: my writing- its something that I enjoy the most in the world and something that I can claim as mine. I also think I'm pretty funny in a sillay way which is poggers. I like my openness to trying things. Think that's helped make me more well-rounded. I hope so at least.
A place you hope to visit in the future and why: HMMMMM. I want to visit Japan again. For a new place, I want to go to South America. Peru maybe??? Mexico would also be nice. So that's what I'm gearing up towards next.
An actor that gets on your nerves and why: Uh Matt Smith? No reason behind this. but I see his block head and kind of just look away.
Things you’re excited for in the nearby future? I have a lot of little house projects I finally feel like tackling which is exciting. Ive lived in my house for almost 2.5 years and still havent felt like parts of it are complete yet.
Least favorite ship in a fandom you’re in: oof I lowkey kind of hate saying things I don't like on here. bad experiences in the past when people were upset I didn't like a thing they did and got mad at me. But uhhh not the biggest fan of most rodimus ships? but I think mega/rod is my least favorite of them. sorry!
What’s the most toxic fandom you’ve been in? hahaahahahhahahah can you believe Game of Thrones wasn't the most toxic???? it was jjba. I got put on a ban list which was kind of funny. I also got kind of show-ponyed in a toxic discord server for a while which has completely ruined me in the ability to act normal on discord outside of my irl friends. that account is deleted but the ao3 is still circling around.
List three things you find beautiful about life: Friends and family- sometimes I want to kill but I really do love them so so much. I like creating things and creating things with people. I also really like my area as far as nature goes. the beach to swamp ratio sings to me.
Any dreams for the future? I want to go on a really long hike. Maybe like a 2 day one? (< says the person that has gone on a max 2 hour hike before). Also just working on my original fiction again. I miss those fellas.
How are you really feeling today? Motivated!!!! Im a little groggy still, but I've been really excited about life and betterment lately so its overcoming my sleepy brain.
Tags: feel free to do or not: @honkytonka, @elmonstro, @huanted-dennys, @feral-birb-husband, @solarstormstuff @anyone else who wants to!! I'd be happy to read them:3
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Ok guys, things are going BAD AND WORST EVERYDAY
Yesterday, on Saturday 26 of March, 2023, what we can call a civil war happened in Sainte-Soline, Deux-Sèvres, France.
A freaking good exemple of "what is legal is not necessarily legit".
Here, from the French human right ligue :
"We noted several cases of obstruction by the forces of law and order to the intervention of the emergency services, both ambulance and fire brigade."
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Green activist were having a congress about ecology and how to build a virtuous agricultural model that respects people and biodiversity.
The project :
Build 16 mega-basin, the biggest one having a 720 billions litres capacity (720 000 000 l.) on 16 hectares of land, with 8 meters high embankment.
The water to fill those basins will be pomp in groundwaters(into the grounds or rivers),it will NOT be rainwater.
This water will be use to irrigate CORN, which don't naturally grow in this part of the world.
This corn will be grown to be exported, or make biogaz, but not to feed animals and humans.
Only 12 farms will benefit of it.
FRENCH PEOPLE are paying for it : since access to water is ALL PUBLIC SERVICE here, and the state is spending 60 billions euros for that, but is NOT the owner of the farms, the state will NEVER have its money back and the French people will never eat that corn.
ON TOP OF THAT most of the country is facing an historical WINTER DROUGHT.
So green activist, farmers and elected greens gathered on the site to protest, despite the prefecture's ban, because our planet cannot wait any longer and water should be a shared good and not for just some farmers. Anyway, our beloved (no) Minister of Home Affairs have been speaking of "how violent it will be" there, despite the ban, speaking of "1000 violents protestors awaited".
What happened :
The prefecture banned every gathering for the weekend, fearing violence as it happened in Notre-Dame-Des-Landes
People came anyway, because ecology is our best chance to survive, moreover after the last GIEC report
3000 policemen (civil) and gendarmes (military) have been sent to guard the construction site.
As you might have understood, things went bad, like REALLY bad.
4.000 grenades thrown by the state's force
3 gendarmes' véhicules burnt.
200 protestors hurt, 28 gendarmes, 5 persons in a life-threatening condition (2 protestors, 3 gendarmes)
Ambulances kept away from the field from the military, despite the injured people needing immediate medical attention.
👇This thread will show you what happened
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And now what ?
Well, protests happen EVERYDAY in France. Considering that :
how violent this protest have been,
how fast is our beloved (still no) Minister of Home Affairs to blame far-left and black blocks for every violence during protest
How he used tiredness to justify the violence of the police
How he considers undeclared protestation illegal WHICH IS ABSOLUTELY FALSE
Protests will take place all over the French territory next Tuesday
We already know that there wil be MORE policemen and gendarmes around the protests
Please PLEASE, fellow French protestors, TAKE CARE, even more if one of sainte-soline's protestor or gendarme dies by then.
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clovercrafted · 2 years
I know I’ve already posted my year in review but I also wanted to show my top 5 builds of 22, stuff I’m proud of or things I just adore!
5. Llamatown Mayor’s House
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This was the first large build I finished in survival! Used a ton of resources that were fairly difficult to get near spawn (plus this was pre 1.18 so all the deepslate came from the strip mine). Required a lot of nether tunnelling to get to the mesa for the terracotta and dark oak and I think I rebuilt this thing about five times because I kept doing the roof wrong. Still one of my favourite shaped builds!
4. Pumpkin Spice Cafe
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I really adore the wood gradient and how warm and inviting the whole build looks! An example of a build that went through about 10 different block palettes before I settled on this one. I’m super happy that this build came out the way I wanted! It also sort’ve marked the start of my Buildtober event as well!
3. Darling’s Meadow House
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Another survival house! I’m super super proud of the roof, I love that roof! I made the dome completely on accident and there’s parts of this build that I built wrong (both sides are meant to be the same size, they are not) but overall I just love this house so much. Maybe because I see it every single day. It’s strange to think that Duskwood was born from a single double chest and one experimental build!
2. The Rosendale Mega Bridge
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I almost quit this project. Almost gave up. It was too big, too ambitious, too much, just… it was a lot and I wasn’t as good at building as I was now but! Here it is! Standing tall and proud and currently the biggest structure I’ve ever made! Very surprised I didn’t put this at No 1 but something surprised me…
1. Meadow House
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Simple, basic and it’s home. Just a small build I completely winged and a world I don’t play on anymore. But the memories I have of this place, late nights and long voice calls with friends. Building all my little structures. My first solo survival dragon fight. It’s a little awkward looking, it’s a little cramped. But it’s home.
Thank you to everyone for following me this year and enjoying my funky block builds! I’d love to see your favourite builds of 22 and here’s hoping plenty more for 23!!!
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‘Stardust’ gave him the space to grow
BY MARK OLSEN Los Angeles Times (X) AUG. 5, 2007
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In “Stardust,” the character Tristan Thorne finds himself in the fantastic realm of Stormhold, where he must protect a star, fallen from the sky in the form of a beautiful young woman, from all manner of dangers and pitfalls, including pirates, witches and ruthless princes.
Tristan is played by Charlie Cox, 24, who found himself plunged into a leading role as a romantic foil opposite Claire Danes and alongside such mega-wattage costars as Robert De Niro and Michelle Pfeiffer. Yet before he could set off on his magical journey of Hollywood enchantment, Cox faced what turned out to be perhaps the biggest challenge of the role -- simply winning the part.
Director, producer and co-writer Matthew Vaughn first saw Cox on an audition tape the actor had done for another project and didn’t think he fit the part of Thorne. Vaughn, already having seen hundreds of actors for Tristan, eventually gave in to the casting director and agreed to meet Cox. As soon as the young actor entered the room Vaughn knew he’d found his Tristan.
As so much of the story revolves around the burgeoning romance between Tristan, a shop boy yearning for a life of adventure, and Yvaine, the fallen star, Vaughn couldn’t fully commit to Cox until he found his leading lady as well.
“The whole point was to find the couple,” explained Cox. “Matthew’s very serious about this. Chemistry on screen, you can’t act it, it’s got to just be there. So he said, ‘I can’t just cast one of you.’ ”
Vaughn knew he was asking a lot of Cox, putting him on the cusp of a big break while also potentially setting him up for a whole lot of nothing.
“I said to poor Charlie, ‘You haven’t got the part until I find Yvaine,’ ” recalled Vaughn, “because it’s about having the right chemistry. I might find an Yvaine and suddenly you’re not right. So I said, ‘You’re going to have to bear with me for a bit.’ And so every time we auditioned the girl, they auditioned with Charlie.”
“Stardust,” based on the book by Neil Gaiman and co-written by Jane Goldman, has a very specific tone and feel, something like a pop-up storybook come to life. Along their way Tristan and Yvaine must fight off a witch who wants to cut out Yvaine’s heart for everlasting life, a set of princes scheming after the jewel around her neck to ascend to the throne of Stormhold, and assorted other extraordinary perils. Grounding this all is the rather sweet, slightly screwball relationship that emerges between Tristan and Yvaine.
As Tristan, Cox somehow manages to walk a tightrope between matinee-idol dashing and puckish whimsy, as the film veers from a childlike innocence to an absurdist, Candide-style picaresque. He largely functions as the audience’s emissary to a world of magic and wonder, where anything might and does happen.
As the story progresses, his character evolves from sweet, simple bumbler to swashbuckling adventure hero. The lack of baggage viewers have toward Cox from previous roles is part of what helps to make his transformation convincing.
“That’s why I wanted an unknown,” said Vaughn. “You genuinely see him grow in front of you without realizing it. If it’s Orlando Bloom all geeked up, you know he’s going to take off his glasses and get a new haircut -- ‘Hey, I’m Orlando, the hero.’
“A lot of people could play the nerd part well, the awkward teen, but couldn’t play the hero. And a lot of people could play the hero well but couldn’t do the nerdy guy.”
A stepped-up challenge
Cox, a London native, dropped out of drama school when he was cast in a small role in “The Merchant of Venice” starring Al Pacino. He would then land a supporting role as the brother of Sienna Miller (a “Stardust” costar) in “Casanova.”
None of his experiences quite prepared him for the physical and emotional challenges of playing the lead in a film such as “Stardust,” where suddenly he was working nearly every single day for four months and sharing major screen time with major stars.
“It really helped my character,” said Cox of his own amazement and bewilderment at finding himself with such a plum role. “In the same way that Tristan is in the story, I’m entering uncharted territory. Every day is something I’ve not experienced before. When I think back on my experiences on the film, and even to some extent doing this stuff” -- and with this he casts both hands around the plush hotel suite in which he is sitting, acknowledging the catered lunch, the inquiring journalist and the small cabal of handlers in the next room -- “I’m bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, a bit like a rabbit in the headlights and trying to keep myself together.”
At the recent Los Angeles premiere of “Stardust,” Cox looked dorkily dapper in a three-piece suit and cheerfully posed for photos with all of his costars. He worked his way down to the farthest reaches of the press line, daring to go where bold-faced names rarely do. He needed to be frequently prodded along by a minder, having not yet mastered the tricky maneuver of the polite but definitive disengagement.
As he entered the lobby of the theater he was greeted by a coterie of the well-wishers and glad-handers who attend such events. Soon after, De Niro and Pfeiffer entered through the same doors and Cox was suddenly swept aside by a celebrity undertow, momentarily lost as the crowd rolled toward his costars.
The Hollywood pecking order has a way of constantly reminding who fits where, but for now Cox is more than happy with what “Stardust” has done for him.
“I know people complain about it, ‘Oh, this junket’s a lot of work,’ ” he said earlier. “But right now, this is what you work toward. I’ve done films where I would have loved to have been asked what it was like to do the movie, how I got the role or how I feel about this business, but I’ve just not been significant enough.”
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grizzlyofthesea · 6 months
Attempting to Rank the Songs in Project Diva X
I downloaded Project Diva X a couple weeks ago, and I absolutely love it. It has its flaws and quirks, but it's fun. But most importantly...
The song list is phenomenal. It's short and very Miku-biased, even by Project Diva standards, but what we have here is ~quality.~ We have a large variety of musical genres and styles. We have both Vocaloid community staples and new experiments. We have MARETU. You sadly won't find these songs anywhere else in the series (minus Mega Mix+ mods, but I mean in an official capacity), but at least they're here. And do you know what I like to do with my favorite things?
I like to rank them. I don't know why. Weird brain stuff, I guess. But if you want to read the ramblings of a sleep-deprived weirdo, you're in the right place.
Keep in mind, all of these songs are at least decent (around B-tier at minimum) to me. Someone has to be last, but I enjoy listening to all of them and playing through the ones I have.
There are stats at the end for each Cloud/Aura's overall score, too. Now, let's go!
32.) Sharing the World
Miku V3 English is...a bit rough-sounding here. Not nails on a chalkboard, but not the most pleasant thing ever. The concept behind the song is cute, though. Miku is everywhere now, and people are using her (and other vocal synths) to share their feelings with others across the world. That is truly beautiful.
31.) The First Sound
Very simple, and Miku sounds a bit shrill on the highest notes. However, the lyrics are heartfelt and sweet. Also, the Triple Threat version of this song's Extreme chart was my first (and is still my only) Extreme Perfect. I don't know how I got it before the normal one, but I'll take it.
30.) Babylon
I feel like Miku's voice gets a bit lost in the instrumental. I also don't get why there are teeth everywhere. That being said, the shifts in tempo and time signature give this song a truly unique vibe.
29.) Even a Kunoichi Needs Love
Again, Miku and Rin feel a bit drowned out by the instrumental at times, but the fast pace and catchy rhythm elevate this song's standing a bit. And the existence of a Naruto and Sasuke cover in one of Minnemi's cursed UTAU concerts.
28.) LOL - lots of laugh -
Slow and repetitive, but the imagery in the lyrics is creative and vivid. You also definitely get a "whimsical carnival" feeling from the instrumental.
27.) Hand in Hand
Kind of generic as far as Miku songs go, but still catchy and pleasant.
26.) Slow Motion
The premise of the song--contemplating life while sick with a cold--is simply delightful. I'm just not the biggest fan of how Pinocchio-P tunes Miku in certain songs, Slow Motion included. Common World Domination is more to my taste.
25.) Ending Medley - Ultimate Exquisite Rampage
Ow, my wrists. This is a fun, nostalgic tribute to Project Diva entries past, and the choice to begin with Disappearance and end with Intense Voice makes for a touching narrative. The Ura-Omote Lovers remix is pretty cool, too, since it starts off slower than normal and speeds up over time. But again, ow, my wrists.
24.) Name of the Sin
You can't really go wrong with a musical fairytale...unless you cut out a good chunk of the song and scramble the story, but I still like the simple, timeless feel nonetheless. The shades of purple used for Miku's Cantatrice module are gorgeous as well.
23.) Streaming Heart
This isn't my favorite of DECO*27's works, but the instrumental break is awesome--heavy and gritty. The charting during said break's Technical Zone, especially on Extreme, amplifies the intensity and makes it feel extra satisfying.
22.) Love Trial
Simple but (fittingly) cute. The piano and trumpet combine well in the instrumental. Miku's tuning isn't the most dynamic here, but it's not a big issue when the rhythms are getting stuck in my head anyway. The lyrics are also quite fun with their courtroom metaphors. Ace Attorney fandom, I want to see your take on this song.
21.) Elegant Medley ~ Glossy Mixture ~
The strange shifts in tempo make certain parts torture to learn (TECHNICAL ZONES), but man, the Nebula part is pretty. And who doesn't love Sweet Devil? The ending is a bit abrupt, but I also don't know what else could have been done there.
20.) Beginning Medley - Primary Colors
I adore OSTER Project, and the group performance of Miracle Paint at the end is spectacular. Easily the best version of Miracle Paint out there. This medley's low placement on the list is simply a testament to how amazing Project Diva X's song list is.
19.) Lost One's Weeping
Rin feels a bit drowned out during the verses, but as someone with horrible test anxiety, I feel the lyrics. You could even say that the drowned-out vocals fit the theme of overwhelming academic pressure. The heavy electric guitar is perfect for the Cool Cloud, too.
18.) Quirky Medley - Giga Remix
Giga-P makes some good stuff. The choices for Rin and Len's solos were a bit weird, though. I mean, Gigantic OTN is a classic, but the sexual theme for that and "Pincostique" Love just doesn't fit the Quirky vibe in my opinion. However, Childish War is peak.
17.) Raspberry*Monster
The stage is a bit "neon barf sensory overload," but it fits the song's chaotic vibes. The chorus is also memorable thanks to the unique melody and expressive shouts.
16.) Satisfaction
EDM isn't my favorite musical genre, but it really works here. I think it's the combination of the awesome instrumental and kz(livetune)'s tuning really leaning into Miku's nature as an electronic instrument.
15.) Cute Medley - Idol Sounds
A collection of Mitchie M classics in all their peppy, expressive glory is a win in my book. Each song, from Freely Tomorrow to Blooming the Idol, perfectly suits the "J-pop idol" theme of the medley. KAITO should have been there, though. He wanted to learn how to be cute, so he should get to be cute. >:T
14.) Patchwork Staccato
A surprise bit of melancholy for the Cute Cloud, but the change of pace is welcome. Miku's falsetto pushes the limits of her upper range without sounding shrill, which I imagine takes immense patience to get right. Her singing throughout is refreshing, too, somehow coming across as sweet yet cold. And we can't ignore the immersive, quilt-like scenery of the stage. However, the Freddy Fazbear cover is still the best version (thank you again, Minnemi).
13.) Love Song
My mom's favorite simply for the "u-papa" parts (although the way she sings it sounds more like PoPiPo ^^"). And hey, I can't blame her. It's bouncy and sweet. It puts you in a good mood.
12.) Strangers
The way the rhythm changes throughout the song keeps things fresh, and the instrumental is surprisingly captivating. I love the stage, too. The Playstation symbol lights are enticing, but not distracting or intrusive.
11.) Holy Lance Explosion Boy
Why are the dirtiest songs always some of the catchiest? And why is Len used for so many of them? It's still a bop, though. A lot of songs by rerulili are. The Extreme chart is pain, but it's not unfair. It's just very, very crowded and technical. It's satisfying to improve my score here, at any rate.
10.) Solitary Envy
Surprisingly gentle and subdued for the Cool Cloud, but that makes it unique. I also love when Miku is given a lower and softer voice, whether it's her Dark Append or a unique tuning style. The syncopation during the chorus gives it a bit of a playful edge, too.
9.) A Single Red Leaf
A classic, gentle love ballad with a traditional Japanese flair. It may not be the flashiest or feature the most realistic tuning of Luka, but it's simply perfect for the Elegant Cloud. Also, despite being on the slower side, it's not painfully slow like certain other songs in the series (Sakura Rain--).
8.) Humorous Dream of Mrs. Pumpkin
Halloween vibes are always good vibes, and we stan Hachi in this household. I wish the song wasn't so obviously cut off at the end, but I am glad that it's here at all. Also, Halloween Miku supremacy.
7.) Cool Medley - Cyber Rock Jam
The transition from Don't My List Me! to Tengaku is so smooth. Absolutely beautiful. Unhappy Refrain is always a jam, Palette was a splendid surprise (with Luka V4x, too!), and This Messed-Up Wonderful World Exists For Me is an incredible finale. Cyber Rock Jam is easily the best medley in the game.
6.) Calc.
The intense guitar solos interspersed throughout the song really complement the smooth, relaxed melody. They're fundamentally different, yet their differences blend into a beautiful product instead of clashing.
5.) Tale of the Deep-Sea Lily
Again, I enjoy songs with a softer, lower-pitched Miku. This one is bouncy yet gentle, and I'm a total sucker for the nautical theme. Plus, the Sea Lily module makes Miku look a little like GUMI (my absolute favorite Vocaloid).
4.) Urotander, Underhanded Rangers
Hilarious in every single way, from the PV to the Extreme chart. The Chance Time star zooming across the screen sends me every time. KAITO, MEIKO, and Miku make for a nice trio, too. I wish they were used together more often.
3.) Ai Dee
It's a Mitchie M song that features Luka rapping in English, as well as bits in French and Spanish. It has to be in the top 3. The Electronica Anode (Miku) and Electronica Cathode (Luka) modules are some of my favorites in the game, too. What can I say? I'm weak to glowy stuff.
2.) Brain Revolution Girl
MARETU's instrumentals tend to be awesome, and it's no different here. The synth is decidedly electronic in tone, yet dramatic in its note progression. The guitar bit in the middle and the quiet segment immediately after add to the drama by bringing variety. Also, C minor is my favorite key, and C# minor isn't too far behind. I just feel so evil and powerful when I listen to this song. I love it.
1.) Amazing Dolce
It's MEIKO and the Kagamines. It's Hitoshizuku × Yama. It's energetic and jazzy. It even has a huge, dramatic, big band-style brass break in the middle. Need I say more? Actually, yes. The modules. They're super creative and adorable with their food themes. Strawberry Witch (MEIKO) and Pâtissier Gretel (Rin) are simply stunning. Len's Pâtissier Hansel module confused me for a while, but then it clicked when I realized that his motif isn't anything banana-related--it's apple pie. So he's also up there, and all of these ingredients combine to give us the best song in the game.
Now for the Cloud rankings. These are simple averages/means:
1.) Elegant - average of 7.83/32
2.) Cool - average of 11.83/32
3.) Quirky - average of 18.17/32
4.) Cute - average of 18.83/32
5.) Classic - average of 21.5/32
6.) Extra - average of 29.5/32
And here are (hopefully correct) weighted averages to compensate for the outliers in each set:
1.) Elegant - wav of 7.83/32 (Huh. Neat.)
2.) Cool - wav of 13.47/32
3.) Cute - wav of 15.62/32 (What an upset!)
4.) Quirky - wav of 17.56/32
5.) Classic - wav of 22.98/32
6.) Extra - wav of 29.5/32 (Two equidistant data points will do that. :p)
With all that said and done, what do you think? What are your favorite songs not just in X, but in the entire Project Diva series (Mirai counts, too)?
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pansy-buttercups · 6 months
🌱General Information 🌱
Basic Introduction🌿
Heya I'm Markus, I also go by Moss. I'm huge plant nerd and violently obsessed with collective wildflower feildguides. I am by no meana a professional horticulturist or botanist (though I desperately want to be), Studying plants and growing them however is a major passion of mine!
I'm hoping that by posting on this blog, I can motivate myself to learn even more about plants and actually jot down some information for other people. I belive we all need to become way more aware of the hugely important role that flora play in out world and what plants are actually helpful and which ones are damaging (I'm looking at you invasive plants/monoculture forest/ect.)
Oh, also, the last thing to know about me is I desperately hope all oil, gas, and car company CEOs fricken 💥💥💥 Ahhhh cough on smoke.... yeah.....
What this blog is about☘️
I plan to mostly use this blog to help share gardening tips, information on native plants, general ecology posts, horticulture/Agricultural/permaculture all the plant growing cultures and stuff, sustainability, and conservation Just generally, anything to do with plants and our precious earth's ecosystem, I suppose. However, as I live on the West Coast of B.C I want to focus a lot on my local native flora and ecosystem!
That's probably going to be a big point of the blog so if you too are a B.C West Coast Flora Fanatic rejoice!!
More Information under the Break🌱
Scheduling plan (That I will hopefully follow)🌧
Floriography Friday🌸Fridays
The history of flowers and their meanings are always a little bit tricky and varied depending on place to place. That's the beauty of it, though that one flower can mean a thousand different things depending on where you are, the color, what other flowers accompany it, even where it worn! Plants have always been important symbols in our art and culture.
(Possibly) Your homes Native Plants Apprication Day🌿Thursdays
Send in submissions of a plant native to where you live that you think needs some more love or that you just really this is neat! Of course if there are no submission a random place will be picked for Native Flora Apprication Thursday!
West Coast Native Flora Wednesday🌱Wednesday
Cause we can all appreciate our native flora a little bit more, and maybe next time you're out you may even spot one yourself! Every Wednesday there will be a post detailing a random native plant of our wonderful West Coast <33
Gardening Tuesday🍅 Tuesday
Whether you're growing tomatoes or tulips, everyone can sometimes use some advice on what to do with their garden plants. From companion plants to what's the best P.H. for your crops, Tuesday is the day to look out for! On this day, there will mostly be some gardening tips posted, and also, alongside submissions, I will be open to send in any exciting gardening news or updates you've may have. Send in pictures of your biggest strawberries or your seedlings you've been waiting weeks to pop up. It's all welcome here :).
Alongside these, there should be regular updates on what seeds to sow at any given time, frost dates, conservation/sustainability projects you can support, community garden information and updates, and of course random sciencey plant facts and shitposts <33
Oh yeah also fuck of if your any of the below💥
-Bigot ( Racist/Sexist/Homophobic/Transphobic/Ableist/Zionist, General asshole) , Captalist suck up, Cop kiss ass, Mega Corpration lover, Government Stan.
Please do intract though if any of the below apply to you☘️
- Love nature, have a garden, have a passion for flora, belive in hope for future, hate big companies/governements for ruining our planet, love native plants, support your local communities , love hopepunk. are a bee, have a xylem and a phloem <33
Tags Masterlist
[To Be filled in Later]
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meistoshi · 1 year
public / semi-public / private knowledge about champion satoshi akiyoshi.
public knowledge, readily available to anyone or widely known.
he has a "wiki"pedia page detailing majority of his trainer career from his first gyms to his participation in the most recent pokémon world championships, as well as his side-forays into the coordinator world & film/tv appearances.
parts that are still under co (as the actual wikidoc is continuously a wip) include :
he got to best of eight in the hoenn league, best of four in the sinnoh league, best of four in the unova league, & won the kalos league.
satoshi was involved in the kalos crisis, though the full extent isn't entirely known. it's only known for certain that he fought alongside some of the strongest trainers in kalos at the time to save the region. there's recorded footage online of the battle to stop the megalith with satoshi & his strange gekkouga leading the biggest strike.
he helped champion leon calm down dynamaxed pokémon before the release of eternatus & was part of the battle to seal it back away.
he was heavily involved in the set-up of the alola league as a recurring annual conference, & a semi-formal statement was released in the form of a tweet that he intends to take inspiration from pasio & move the manalo conference from the mountaintop of lanakila to an artificial island in the area between all the islands, not too far from aether paradise, after reviewing accessibility concerns & hearing out misc issues otherwise related. the manalo project was completed within a year.
semi-public knowledge, available to certain organizations or groups of people, or things he's neglected to inform people about.
satoshi's father & maternal grandfather each left town at crucial points in hanako's life for the ambition of trainer journeys but never showed up on the registered trainer list.
he was offered a spot as a kanto battle frontier brain upon completing the battle frontier & the offer has never been rescinded.
those who were in the area at the time of each incident know that satoshi has saved at least their region / town at least the once.
interpol knows satoshi has been instrumental in dismantling a large number of poacher & hunter operations, as well as gangs magma & aqua, galaxy, & flare. select departments are also aware of his faller status.
fiore & almia ranger unions are aware that satoshi has been to the sea temple akusha & has had contact with a manaphy. they also know of satoshi's involvement in bringing the stolen riolu capable of creating a wave bomb back to the lucario kingdom.
the strange transformation of gekkouga, as seen during satoshi's run of the kalos league, is called the bond phenomenon, a type of mega evolution that surpasses a need for key/mega stones, utilizing nothing but the bond between human & pokémon.
the aether foundation & professors kukui & burnet, & his old classmates from the pokémon school + gladion know that satoshi raised a solgaleo from a cosmog.
only people that went to the altar of the sun at around the same time + sauboh & wicke know about satoshi going into the ultra dimension the first time, when going after lusamine.
only the people of masara town, a select number of his friends, & a small handful of staff at a hospital in alola know that satoshi's trans. while his top surgery scars are visible to anyone who simply sees him without a shirt, only that same hospital staff are aware that he has recently arranged for semi-annual pick-ups of testosterone, finally having realized a way to combine his travel-bug with hrt.
private knowledge, information intentionally kept quiet about or known by only a small number of individuals.
satoshi has died enough times to lose count, though he places it as at least five times, & one of his deaths saw him scattered into ash & cinders atop mount tensei. as majority of times, he was revived through houou's power.
as of right now, his last death was caused via not limiting how much life-force his hitomoshi was permitted to drain from him.
he knows about mewtwo & has met it, has spoken to it about rocket & knows its origins, has saved it from rocket, & has met up & battled with it on amicable terms fairly recently. considers himself to be friends with mewtwo.
he has met several gods & deities, &, among other gods, has saved arceus & a mew's lives.
he's an aura adept & has actively trained his aura in the past few years to the point of being capable of crafting shields & wave bombs with his aura, healing pokémon with his aura, & semi-reliably understand pokémon speech through aura bonds.
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fantomcomics · 1 year
What’s Out This Week? 6/21
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Appare Ranman GN -  Appearacing & Antonsiku
The time is the 19th century. Eccentric mechanic boy Appare Sorano sets off on an adventure along with his samurai minder, Kosame Isshiki, only to be cast adrift on the Pacific Ocean. A passing steamship rescues them...and delivers the two not back to familiar Japan, but to the far-flung land of America! Trapped in Los Angeles with no easy way to return home, the pair decide to enter the world's first trans-American automobile race. However, with vast sums hinging on the dangerous event's outcome, they may find the odds are stacked against them...
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Bloodborne: The Lady Of The Lanterns GN -  Cullen Bunn & Piotr Kowalski
Enter the city of Yharnam through the eyes of its citizens, when new hunters take to the streets to fight against the cruel and unusual epidemic that has gripped the city. In the black of the night, families and faith will be tested...
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Bloody Sweet GN Vol 1 - NaRae Lee
One eerie night, in an old, abandoned church, a girl accidentally breaks the seal of an ancient vampire who...starts following her around like a hyper little puppy!  It may not be your typical vampire story, but for Naerim, a victim of school bullying, Vlad's manic energy might be just what she needs to regain her smile!
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Bone Orchard: Tenement #1 (of 10) -  Jeff Lemire, Andrea Sorrentino, & Dave Stewart 
From the Eisner-winning creative team behind GIDEON FALLS, PRIMORDIAL, and TEN THOUSAND BLACK FEATHERS comes the biggest and most essential project yet in the bold and ambitious new shared horror universe of THE BONE ORCHARD MYTHOS!!! In this extra-length first issue, JEFF LEMIRE & ANDREA SORRENTINO bring you the story of seven residents in a building and the dark secrets that bind them together...beginning with a death that feels much more sinister than natural. TENEMENT is the newest entry into THE BONE ORCHARD MYTHOS from LEMIRE & SORRENTINO. This universe features self-contained graphic novels and limited series about the horrors waiting to be discovered within the Bone Orchard.  
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Chilling Adventures Presents: Camp Pickens One-Shot - Tim Seeley, Mike Norton & Matt Talbot
Camp Pickens has always been the go-to summer destination for the younger residents of Riverdale. It's a rite of passage for the teen residents to hold the coveted camp counselor positions. However, Camp Pickens mysterious past shrouds a deep, dark secret: it's cursed, and this summer all of its campers are going to find out the hard way in this one-shot anthology that's equal parts Sleepaway Camp and American Horror Story: 1984, reuniting the team behind the mega-hit comic series Revival.
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Cryptid Kids GN Vol 1 -  Sara Goetter & Natalie Riess
Penny swears that when she was a little girl, a creature called the Bawk-ness Monster-half sea-serpent, half chicken-saved her from drowning. Now, years later, she's about to move away to a new city, and before she goes she needs the help of her best friends, Luc and K, for a vitally important mission: to help her see "Bessie" one more time and prove that what happened was real. But in their quest to find Bessie, the kids stumble into a whole new problem-cryptids are being kidnapped by an evil collector, and only Penny, Luc, and K can save them!
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Essence: Being A Muse GN Vol 1 -  Aya Fumio
“Somebody fill my emptiness!”  The day I was rejected from art school, everything that was "special" about me died. That's why I have no choice. Since I'm back to being "ordinary," I'll go to the job my mom decided on while wearing the clothes my mom picked for me so that I can find what my mom calls "happiness" alongside somebody my mom can boast about, trapped in a never-ending cycle of "What if?" and "Too bad" all the while.
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Freak Buck HC 
In editor Alexi Zeren's words, Freak Buck is a prison for the monsters we build every day, and the book covers are the cell walls. It features new and cutting-edge work from Marti (La Vibora, The Cabbie), Igor Hofbauer, Abraham Diaz, Gunnar Lundkvist, Josh Simmons, Josh Bayer, Alexis Rose, Jasper Jubenvill, Longmont Potion Castle, Emily V Brown, Dylan Languell, Heather Bryant, and many more. A beautifully designed, limited run, cutting-edge anthology that showcases both established indie artists and previously unpublished cartoonists.
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Garvey’s Choice GN -  Nikki Grimes & Theodore Taylor lll
Garvey's father has always wanted Garvey to be athletic, but Garvey is interested in astronomy, science fiction, reading-anything but sports. Feeling like a failure, he comforts himself with food. Garvey is kind, funny, smart, a loyal friend, and he is also overweight, teased by bullies, and lonely. When his only friend encourages him to join the school chorus, Garvey discovers his voice-and himself. He also finds a way to finally reach his distant father-by speaking the language of music.
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Gospel GN  -  Will Morris & Ver
When opportunity refuses to knock for restless hero Matilde, the devil comes knocking instead. Thrust into action by the hellish arrival, Matilde and storyteller Pitt will quest for renown, the soul of their community, and answers to the toughest question of all: "Who am I?" Inspired by the work of Hayao Miyazaki and set in the chaos of King Henry VIII's reign, GOSPEL is a thrilling fantasy adventure that explores the truth behind the stories we tell.
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Honeycomb GN -  Joanne M Harris & Charles Vess
A lushly illustrated set of dark, captivating fairy tales from the bestselling author of The Gospel of Loki with the illustrator of Stardust, Charles Vess. The beauty of stories; you never know where they will take you. Full of dreams and nightmares, Honeycomb is an entrancing mosaic novel of original fairy tales from bestselling author Joanne M. Harris and legendary artist Charles Vess in a collaboration that's been years in the making. The toymaker who wants to create the perfect wife; the princess whose heart is won by words, not actions; the tiny dog whose confidence far outweighs his size; and the sinister Lacewing King who rules over the Silken Folk. These are just a few of the weird and wonderful creatures who populate Joanne Harris's first collection of fairy tales.
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Misen En Place One Shot -  Matt Carr, Lane Lloyd & Nicole Goux
After consuming every animal on Earth, humanity turns to the stars, enslaving, butchering and consuming creatures from across the galaxy. But now the food is fighting back - in spectacularly gory fashion! Tuck in your napkin for this messy, pulpy, over-the-top tale of bloody revenge. Dinner is served!
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Out There GN -  Seaerra Miller
Julia didn't always believe in aliens. It was her father who convinced her otherwise. You see-Julia's dad believes he was abducted by aliens. And ever since then, he's been obsessed with the extraterrestrial beings living out there. So when a festival commemorating the 75th anniversary of the infamous UFO crash in New Mexico rolls around, Julia turns down a dream vacation to Hawaii with her best friend, Sara, to join her dad for a weekend trip to Roswell, where he expects the aliens to make contact. But amid the alien-themed goofiness of the festival, Julia finds she isn't sure whether her father really did get abducted. His memories of alien interference are starting to sound increasingly shaky, and with them, her faith in him. Will this weekend bring the two closer together or only drive them apart?
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Scribbles HC Vol 1 -  Kaoru Mori
A collection of sketches from Kaoru Mori, the creator of hit historical manga Emma and A Bride's Story! Packed with illustrations done for practice as well as for relaxation, this compilation features commentary on every page as the roots of all her work are laid out.  
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Stringer HC -  Patrick Kindlon & Paul Tucker
1983. Tournament tennis. A racquet stringer turned small-time drug dealer gets in over his head transporting a gym bag of cocaine across Europe. Carrying a half million in narcotics puts him on the radar of every dangerous man on the continent. Whoops.
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Tales Of Asunda #1 -  Sebastian A. Jones, Julio Brilha & Caanan White
The first kill is always the hardest, especially when you are destined to save the world... or damn it. The Stranger has taught Niobe how to fight, but can she take a life? From the pages of The Untamed comes the first Tale in this anthology series about the world of Asunda.
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Tales Of Syzpense #1 -  Chris Ryall, Ashley Wood & Nelson Daniel  The split book revival is underway at Syzygy! Every month, TALES OF SYZPENSE presents two titanic 12-page tales of terror and turmoil! Up first, courtesy of Lore co-creators T.P. LOUISE & ASHLEY WOOD, the lead-off mystery of "Les Mort 13" plays out on the surreal and mysterious island of Southport after a run-in with Eris, the goddess of strife... And then, proof that "power is wasted on the young"! CHRIS RYALL & NELSON DANIEL present "Dreamweaver," the story of an aging adventurer with a mystical secret who looks to pass on his abilities to the next generation of hero...until they have much greater success than he did, and he decides he wants those abilities back at any cost. Each issue features two "Les Mort 13" covers by WOOD, a "Dreamweaver" cover by DANIEL, and a Syzpenseful tribute cover to famous split books of the past.
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Until I Love Myself GN Vol 1 -  Poppy Pesuyama
Still reeling from being born into a body they hate, Pesuyama confronts their past, their friends, and even their mother as they try to come to terms with who they are and what they experienced.
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Vern, Custodian Of The Universe GN -  Tyrell Waiters
On the edge of burnout, Vern decides to return to his family in the Sunshine State to start over. Starting a new dead-end job as a custodian at Quasar-a local science facility with a shady motive-he shrugs on his uniform, grabs a mop and bucket, and trudges off to clean up... Black holes? Space-time anomalies? Galactic ooze? Things aren't entirely what they seem at Quasar, and when Vern accidentally plugs in a mysterious machine and finds himself standing on the brink of the destruction of every planet in the Multiverse, he's presented with the greatest question of all: what is the point? Fans of Ben Passmore's personal and political comics-as well as classic sci-fi comedies like Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure and Rick and Morty-will enjoy this world of hyper fantasy with a touch of humor, as told by a Black creator.
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Victory #1 -  David Walker, Brett Weldele & Dave Johnson
From Vampirella's fiftieth anniversary to her very own series! She started as Vampirella's lover and ended up a very powerful pawn of Vampi's mother, Lilith. Along the way, Victory's made new friends, seen countless horrors, been saddled with a demon's ring that she can't get rid of, encountered the ghost of an old friend, and opened too many dimensional gateways to count. Despite that, there's so much that we don't know about Victory, like what her childhood was like. Or what she's been doing with her demon ring and the crazy powers it has granted. Or which old - well, foe wouldn't exactly be the right word - is about to show up to cheer her on. From writer David F. Walker (Compass, Young Justice, Naomi) and artist Brett Weldele (The Beauty, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?).
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Voyagis TP -  Sumeyye Kesgin & Ellie Wright 
In her comics writing debut, ELSEWHERE artist SUMEYYE KESGIN asks: What if one of the VOYAGER probes reached an uninhabitable planet laid to waste by a wandering black hole? With her people's resources dwindling under the thumb of a relentless tyrant, Sen, a resident of the ailing planet Modia, will find adventure, friendship-and possibly salvation-in an unexpected relic from an alien planet called Earth.
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Wild’s End #1 -  Dan Abnett & I.N.J. Culbard
Journey to alien-occupied interwar England, courtesy of the award-winning creative team of Dan Abnett (Warhammer 40K, Immortal Red Sonja) & I.N.J. Culbard (Salamandre, Tales From The Umbrella Academy), with Nik Abnett providing additional material! Out at sea during the invasion, our intimate crew of unlucky voyagers returns to a world they once knew, their once-cozy seaside home now occupied by alien invaders.
Combining a rich cast of anthropomorphized characters in the tradition of Blacksad and  aliens unlike any you've ever seen in the spirit of War of the Worlds meets Wind in the Willows! Wild's End is a world unlike any other... one you won't want to leave.
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Words Bubble Up Like Soda Pop GN Vol 1 -  Imo Oono
"Smile" is a popular streamer who's self-conscious about her looks. "Cherry" is a shy boy with a love of haiku. When these two strangers accidentally bump into each other at the local mall, it's the start of a new relationship weaved by their modern and classical expressions of their feelings. Based on the gorgeous animated film!  
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You’re Thinking About Tomatoes GN  -  Michael Rosen & Cole Henley
The fan-favorite story from celebrated author and former British Children's Laureate Michael Rosen, now in graphic novel form. Frank isn't doing well at school, and he has just been told off by his head teacher again... He has one last chance to prove himself: all he has to do is follow the rules on his class trip to Chiltern House, complete his worksheet, and stay out of trouble. But when a girl steps out of a painting and steals Frank's worksheet, staying out of trouble is easier said than done. Together, they embark on a perilous adventure to discover the girl's lost identity, uniting with new friends along the way who show Frank all is not as it seems in this stately home. How did the owners of Chiltern House come to own its priceless treasures? Can the secrets of the past ever really stay hidden? Will Frank's head teacher stop him and his new friends before they find out the truth? Frank's class trip is more than he bargained for, but it may just hold the greatest lesson he'll ever learn.
Whatcha grabbing this week, Fantom Fam??
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