chemicalarospec · 9 months
I was scrolling through "bigender" (not much good there sorted by recent lately btw) and saw that I had voted yes on both of these polls 💀 one saying my two genders are separate and one saying they are intertwined... I think I didn't make the post saying we should coin a term for having the entire man-to-woman gender spectrum (with androgyne in the middle) but yeah: damn this is EVIDENCE I do feel that way.
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Are you...
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Bigendersize is a static gender in the bigender system in which one has two distinct, separate genders rather than any sort of mix, and one gender outweighs the other.
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caeliangel · 4 months
bigender and/or trigender microlabels list/flags/terms ?? please.
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Bigender system : a group of genders that describes a bigender individual’s experience. It covers some bigender microlabels.
UNDER THE BIGENDER SYSTEM! (Can all be found on the bigender system page)
Fluid :
Bigenderchange : a gender in the bigender system in which one has two genders that they are fluid between. It is also an umbrella term for all fluid bigender folks.
Bigenderswap : A gender in which one has two distinct genders that that they are fluid between. One who is bigenderswap does not experience any genders in between their genders nor are they both at once.
Bigenderscale : a gender in which one has two distinct genders that that they are fluid between. One can be either gender or a mix of the two genders, but never fully both.
Bigenderlean : A gender in which one has two distinct genders that that they are fluid between. One can be one gender or a mix of the two genders, but never the other or fully both.
Bigendermix : A fluid gender in which one has two genders, but rather than them being distinctly separate, they are mixed or intertwined and the ratios are fluid.
Bigenderblend : A fluid gender in which one has two genders, but rather than them being distinctly separate, they are mixed or intertwined and the ratios are fluid but one gender will always outweigh the other no matter the ratios
Bigenderadd : A gender in which one has two distinct genders that they are fluid between. One can be either gender or both, but never a mix. Both genders, even when the individual is both, are separate.
Bigendersum : A gender in which one has two distinct genders that they are fluid between. One can be one gender or both, but never the other or a mix.
Bigenderboth : A gender in which has two genders, but how they experience both genders is fluid. One can be both or a mix, but is never either gender separately.
Bigenderpair : A gender in which has two genders, but how they experience both genders is fluid and one gender always outweighs the other. One can be both or a mix, but is never either gender separately.
Bigendershift : A gender in which one has two distinct genders that they are fluid between. One can be either gender, both, or a mix of the two.
Bigenderside : A gender in which one has two distinct genders that they are fluid between. One can be one gender, both, or a mix of the two, but never the other one.
Static :
Bigenderstatic : A gender in which one has two genders that are both static; an umbrella term for all static bigender folks.
Bigendermeld : A static gender in which one has two genders, but rather than them being distinctly separate, they are mixed or intertwined.
Bigenderratio : A static gender in which one has two genders, but rather than them being distinctly separate, they are mixed or intertwined and one gender outweighs the other.
Bigendersplit : A static gender in which one has two distinct, separate genders rather than any sort of mix.
Bigendersize : A static gender in which one has two distinct, separate genders rather than any sort of mix and one gender outweighs the other.
Others :
Bigenderfluid : Bigenderfluid, also known as bifluid, is a subset of genderfluid and bigender in which one experiences exactly two genders, and is separately fluid between the two.
Bigenderflux : Bigenderflux is a term under the multiflux umbrella that describes those who experience two separate genders but both genders fluctuate in intensity.
Bigenderfluix : Bigenderfluix is a bigender, genderfluid and genderflux identity in which one identifies as exactly two genders that fluid, as well as fluctuating.
Bigenderdox : a bigender identity that is in itself a paradox; that is paradoxical, contradicting, and/or reverting, etc.
Bigenderthing : a thinggender related to being a thing and being bigender.
Abigender : a gender that is both agender and bigender, or is somewhere in between those two identities.
Abigenderfluix : Abigenderfluix is when someone has two distinct gender identities of which one or both may be fluid and/or fluctuate in some way, though generally or at times there is a vague perception of and loose connection to one or both gender identities.
Panbigender : being both bigender and pangender; being bigender as a result of being pangender (and/or vice-versa: being pangender as a result of being bigender); experiencing all bigender identities available to them; feeling fluid or midway (in)between both bi-gender and pan-gender; being simultaneously and/or separately bigender and pangender; or experiencing two pangender identities.
Alephic : a term for identifying as a bigender but also nothing at the same time, sort of in genderapathetic “my genders whatever” type of way. In the same category as apeironic! The flag was based on my apeironic flag redesign.
Sorry I couldn't find a lot!
Trigenderfluid : Trifluid is a gender identity in which one is fluid between three genders. For example, one's gender may be fluid between female, demigirl and non-binary.
Trigenderflux : Triflux (or Trigenderflux) is a term under the multiflux umbrella that describes those who experience three separate genders but all three fluctuate in intensity.
Trigenderfluix : Trigenderfluidflux also called trigenderfluix and trifluix is an identity under the multigender umbrella in which a person feels three distinct gender identities, which they fluidly slide between, while also fluctuating in intensity.
Tripolygender : one who is trigender, but has more than three genders. one may feel three genders the strongest, prefer the bigender label, or otherwise feel that they are trigender while technically having more than three genders.
Tripangender : being both trigender and pangender
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Gender that is being both boy and girl but neither at the same time but feels a little more girl. Confused with gender and gender expression. Feels like changing between boy and girl but actually isn't and actually just feels the same gender wise just changes expression.
I’m assuming that you’ve read the disclaimer in my pinned post, so I will not be restating it here. (/lh)
Here are some identities/labels I found that sound like they could fit:
Expression fluid (when one’s gender expression changes)
Gender non-conforming (someone that does not fit the stereotypes of their gender identity
Genderqueer (a gender identity that feels “queer” or differs from the gender norm in some way)
Bigendersize (someone that has two, non-fluid genders, and one of the genders outweighs the other)
Abigender (someone who is both agender and bigender or somewhere between the two identities)
Greybigender (someone who identifies as two genders that are both weak, fuzzy, blurry, or hard to identify)
Yukirangender (a mostly feminine gender that is also slightly masculine and/or androgynous)
Plerugirl (someone that has multiple genders but a feminine gender is felt more strongly or takes up more space)
Refutiogender (someone has multiple genders that contradict each other)
Abrigender (a gender whose feelings don’t change but the label does)
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